"L" - Subject Index
Labeling people
- Labels -- Part 1 (l) - Labels can tell us a lot, and we often stand by a label. But what happens when we label people?
- Labels -- Part 2 (l) - Labels are difficult to remove, but they cause far more trouble than just sticking around.
- Label Products, Not People (l) - Labels can be helpful for products, but not for people. Categorizing is too often accompanied by criticizing and condemning.
Labor, Bible and
- The Bible and Work (l) - Being idle or lazy is not in step with God's expectations of our behavior.
- The Early Kings of Judah--Miraculous Deliverance (l) - In the last two editions of The Good News, we covered the history of the kings of Israel after the northern 10 tribes broke ties with the kingdom of Judah, comprised of two tribes in the south. We now turn to see what archaeology has revealed about the kings of Judah during this time.
- God, Science and the Bible - Naboth (l) - Discoveries from the world of science that support the biblical record.
Lack of faith
- Has Christ Failed? (l) - The Bible tells us God wants all people to be saved. So what are we to make of the fact that only a third of the world is even nominally Christian?
Lafontaine, Oskar
- Oskar Lafontaine (l) - Radical reforms: a personality to watch
Lake of fire
- A Trip to Hell and Back (l) - Do you know the truth about "hell" as described in the Bible? Come along on a journey with someone who's been there and returned!
- Are Some Tortured Forever in a Lake of Fire? (l) - Satan, a spirit being, will indeed suffer torment long after the wicked are burned to ashes. The evil angels-demons-will share with Satan his torment (Matthew 25:41). The beast and false prophet will have ceased to exist.
- The wicked will be completely burned up (l) - It's essential to understand the truth about the lake of fire.
- (l) - Questions and answers on issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice
Lamb of God
- Christ the True Passover Lamb (l) - The Bible often refers to Jesus Christ as "the Lamb of God" and "our Passover." What does this mean? What are we to learn from it, and how should it affect our lives?
- The Passover (l) - The New Testament Passover
- The Passover (l) - The New Testament Passover
- The Passover (BSC12) (l) - The apostles Paul and Peter understood that the slain Old Testament Passover lamb foreshadowed the death of Jesus Christ as our sacrifice for sin
- The Passover (BSC12) (l) - The apostles Paul and Peter understood that the slain Old Testament Passover lamb foreshadowed the death of Jesus Christ as our sacrifice for sin
- Why We Need a Redeemer (l) - Sin has built a wall that separates mankind from God. That barrier must be torn down before we can have a relationship with Him. But how can we remove this barrier?
Land for peace
- Is Israel the Obstacle to Middle East Peace? (l) - Many believe peace would be achievable in the Middle East if not for the nagging problem of Israel. They blame the ongoing regional conflict on the Jewish state's recalcitrance in negotiations and even its very existence. But would there really be peace if Israel were out of the way? How is peace to truly come?
Land mines
- Bomb Squad: Removing War's Deadly Aftermath (l) - Long after wars end, land mines continue to kill and maim innocent victims. How will this world be cleared of this deadly scourge?
- Balkan Floods Wash Up Landmines and Memories (l) - Just before the 100th anniversary of World War I, which covered the Balkan Peninsula in violence, the region was covered in floodwaters.
- Russia's Geographic Outlook (l) - Russia often doesn't make sense to the West.
- The Marvels of the Human Body (l) - Almost all picture books about the human body readily attribute its marvels to the chance mutations of evolution. Very few seem to say with King David, "I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made"
- Lingua Franca: A Lesson in Language (l) - Learning another language is hard but worth the effort, helping to build bridges across cultural divides.
- Reengineering Babel (l) - Language is tricky business. Global corporations and the European Union have turned to translation technology to bring breakthroughs in the language barriers laid down at Babel.
Lasch, Christopher
- The Culture of Narcissism (l) - Consumerism has gotten a lock on the American psyche through the drowning in mom entary pleasures and trivial pursuits.
Last days
- Questions and Answers: Blood Moon (l) - While there are many signs that we are in the last days leading up to Jesus Christ's return, this does not appear to be one of them.
Last great day
- The Biblical Map to Jesus Christs Return (l) - Maps show the way from where you are to your final destination. The Bible provides the only spiritual map to our ultimate destiny. Doesn't it make good sense to plan your life's journey by learning how to read the genuine biblical map?
- Ezekiel's Vision of the Valley of Dry Bones: What Does It Mean? (l) - The prophet Ezekiel saw a vision of vast numbers of people resurrected to live again as physical human beings. What is the meaning of this mystifying vision, and what does it teach us about God's plan?
- The Eighth Day: Eternal Life Offered to All (l) - What does God have in mind for those who have never believed in Christ or understood any of God's truth? How does the Creator provide for them in His plan?
- The Last Great Day (l) - The eighth day is the Last Great Day of the fall festival season, and it represents the final, or seventh, step in God's plan of salvation.
- Shadows of the World to Come (l) - Each article of this publication seeks to point the way to God's view of today's world and the spiritual solutions to its problems.
Last judgment
- Jesus Christ and the Great White Throne Judgment (l) - What will happen to those who've died without understanding God's truth? Will they yet receive the opportunity to be saved? Or will they be tormented in hellfire forever after being condemned in the last judgment?
Last time
- Biblical Terms for the Coming End of Man's Age (l) - Biblical terms for the coming end of man's age.
Last words
- Seven Important Thoughts - Seven Last Words (l) - What were Jesus Christ's last words?
Lasting peace
- The Horsemen of Revelation: The Fifth Horseman Rides (l) - Most Bible students focus only on the first four horsemen of Revelation 6. The phrase "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" is synonymous with frightening prophecies. But there is another horseman--a fifth, whose ride signifies a much different future and brings promise of a far better age to come.
- The Coming Age of Grace (l) - What will it take to rid the world of violence, prejudice, and hatred? What will the inhabitants of the world have to agree on the create a climate of peace and cooperation?
Lateran council
- The Uneasy Relationship Between Church and State (l) - The uneasy relationship between church and state dominated the Middle Ages and has continued into modern times.
Latin America
- World News Review Jan 2005 (l) - World News Review - January 2005
- Anti-American Sentiment Increases in South America (l) - This month's Summit of the Americas highlighted the change in attitude toward the United States.
- Venezuela - Six More Years of Chavez (l) - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez won reelection Dec. 3 to another six-year term. Should the world take him seriously? Should the United States be concerned about his rhetoric? Yes!
- World News & Trends January 2010 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. January 2010
- Increasing EU Presence in Latin America (l) - The people of Latin America are voting for leaders whom they hope can lift the region's millions from the grips of poverty. The gap between rich and poor has become the main issue throughout the region and therefore a primary theme of regional leaders, whether conservative or liberal.
- Alarming Increase of Anti-Americanism in Latin America (l) - The war in faraway Iraq has fueled rising resentment against the United States much closer to home.
- Free Trade Area of the Americas - What Will Happen to Latin America? (l) - The United States can no longer take its superiority in the economy of the western hemisphere for granted. The EU's economic reach grows ever longer and its influence ever stronger.
- World News Review December 1998 (l) - World News Review - Dec. 1998
Latter days
- Biblical Terms for the Coming End of Man's Age (l) - Biblical terms for the coming end of man's age.
Latter prophets
- The Books of the Bible (l) - The list and organization of the books of the Bible.
- The Latter, or Major, Prophets (l) - Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel are known as the major prophets and wrote the books that bear their names. Each man told of his own fascinating contribution to the Bible.
- Laughter (l) - There are different types of laughter -- some to be enjoyed, and some to be avoided.
- Proverbs: The Heart May Sorrow (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
- Laughing Off Stress (l) - Amanda Stiver A good laugh can help lower levels of cortisol, researchers find.
- Are We Thriving or Just Coping? (l) - Each daily activity we undertake shapes and molds us in preparation for our part in the awesome future of all mankind.
- Did Jesus Do Away With the Law? (l) - Did Jesus do away with the commandments of God? Many turn to the Sermon on the Mount to point to "conclusive proof" that Jesus retired the Ten Commandments en masse by fulfilling our need to keep them by His death.
- The Law of God's Kingdom (l) - The Bible proclaims that the Kingdom of God is coming to this earth. Every kingdom has a king and laws. In God's Kingdom, Jesus Christ will be King, and God's laws will be the law of the land -- and what a wonderful difference that will make!
- Why Did The Messiah Have to Die? (l) - Jesus Christ gave His life for the sins of all humanity. But why did He have to die so that we could live? Wasn't there some other way?
- Current Confusion Over Christian Freedom (l) - Paul's reasoning regarding grace, law, justification and freedom has been so twisted out of context that today his meaning is rarely correctly understood.
- Did the Ten Commandments Exist Before Moses? (l) - A close look at the Scriptures reveals that breaking the Ten Commandments was a sin before the covenant at Mt. Sinai.
- Faith Puts the Law on "Firmer Footing" (l) - A comment by Paul that many lift out of context and misinterpret is Romans 3:28: "Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith apart from the deeds of the law."
Law a burden
- God's Law: Is It a Burden or a Blessing? (l) - Common teaching about the law God gave to ancient Israel is that it was a burden -- one that Jesus Christ had to remove. That God freed the Israelites from Egyptian slavery merely to enslave them again to a system of law so strict and unreasonable that they claim it is actually oppressive. Is something seriously wrong with this reasoning?
Law and grace
- What Was the Purpose of Christ's Death? (l) - Millions of Christians believe that Jesus Christ died for them. But do they really know why? Why was Jesus Christ's death really necessary?
- Grace and Law: Why Are They Inseparable? (New Covenant) (l) - The word grace is regularly used by some religious people as if it replaces all need to obey God's law. That conclusion is not only inaccurate, it is also diabolical!
- Grace, Faith and Law (Ten Commandments) (l) - Obedience and works related to God's work within us.
- Grace, Faith and Law (l) - Paul taught that salvation is a gift from God by grace through faith.
- Grace and Law: What Does the Bible Say? (l) - Many people have the impression that grace and law are fundamentally opposed. But is this what the Bible teaches? Let's examine what it really says.
- "For the Law Was Given Through Moses, but Grace and Truth Came Through Jesus Christ" (l) - John never stated or implied that no form of grace came through Moses. John understood that everything good has come by God's grace -- including the law revealed through Moses.
- Grace: A Biblical Overview (l) - To understand the meaning of grace, we need to understand the Hebrew and Greek words used for grace in the Bible and what they reveal to us.
- Grace and Law: Why Are They Inseparable? (l) - The word grace is regularly used by some religious people as if it replaces all need to obey God's law. That conclusion is not only inaccurate, it is also diabolical!
- "You Are Not Under Law, but Under Grace" (l) - Many people point to Romans 6:14, which says, "You are not under law, but under grace," to argue that Christians, being under grace, no longer need to obey God's law.
Law and the early church, law and Acts
- Acts Shows What the Early Church Believed and Practiced (l) - A common view today is that Jesus came to abolish the Old Testament laws. But what does the book of Acts reveal about what the early Church thought and did?
Law as blessing
- God's Law: Is It a Burden or a Blessing? (l) - Common teaching about the law God gave to ancient Israel is that it was a burden -- one that Jesus Christ had to remove. That God freed the Israelites from Egyptian slavery merely to enslave them again to a system of law so strict and unreasonable that they claim it is actually oppressive. Is something seriously wrong with this reasoning?
Law as guide
- Living Between the Lines (l) - Can you imagine the chaos of driving without lane markers, traffic signals or rules? More frightening, imagine trying to live life like that!
Law before Moses
- Did Abraham Keep the Same Commandments God Gave to Moses? (l) - Most religious teachers say that God's commands given through Moses applied only to ancient Israel and are not for us today. But in drawing that conclusion, most of them overlook what God said about Abraham: "Abraham obeyed me and kept my requirements, my commands, my decrees and my laws".
- Did the Ten Commandments Exist Before Moses? (l) - A close look at the Scriptures reveals that breaking the Ten Commandments was a sin before the covenant at Mt. Sinai.
Law categories
- Circumcision vs. a 'New Creation' in Christ (l) - The Jewish practice of requiring gentiles to be circumcised to be accepted into their fellowship threatened the unity of the early Church.
- Key Elements of the Sinai Covenant (l) - The Sinai Covenant's total package of law, the entire five books written by Moses, was designed to cover in principle every major aspect of national life in ancient Israel.
Law done away
- Choose the Best Answer (l) - Much of traditional Christianity believes that the law of God no longer applies to Christians. There are several different arguments against keeping the commandments, but are these biblical? Which approach gives the best answer from the Bible?
Law enforcement
- The War on Law and Order (l) - A widespread movement to discredit, defund and physically assault law enforcement officers has shocked many nations. What's going on? What's behind the war on law and order?
Law in heart
- Posting the Ten Commandments Is Not Enough (l) - It is certainly a start, but the Ten Commandments must also be written on the hearts of parents and taught to our children.
Law intent
- What About Divorce? (l) - The prophet Malachi prophesied against modern societies that would exist shortly before the return of Jesus Christ. Speaking through him, God expressed his view of the modern miscarriage of marriage.
Law of attraction
- Do You Know the Real Secret? (l) - Could you be affected by a popular but deceptive New Age teaching? What's at the heart of The Secret and The Law of Attraction? Does the Bible offer any insight and guidance?
Law of God
- The Law - God's Design for Our Lives (l) - God's law, given to mankind thousands of years ago, has life-changing relevance today.
- Loving God's Law (l) - What prompted David to make his enthusiastic statement, "Oh, how I love your law"?
- The Rise of a Counterfeit Christianity (l) - The apostles repeatedly warned Jesus' followers to beware of false teachers who would introduce counterfeit-Christian beliefs.
- Just What is Legalism? (l) - It is not legalistic to obey God's laws correctly. To be legalistic is to misuse God's laws in a way never intended.
- The Ten Commandments in the New Testament (l) - Did Jesus abolish the Ten Commandments? On the contrary, the New Testament teaches obedience to them.
- Christ's New Commandment (l) - Did Jesus replace the clear definitions of the Ten Commandments with a new religious principle, that love alone can guide our lives?
- Grace, Faith and Law (Ten Commandments) (l) - Obedience and works related to God's work within us.
- What Is Sin? (l) - We are sinners. But how does the Bible define sin? What is it?
- The Letter and the Spirit of Law (l) - Jesus of Nazareth expanded the laws of God, showing their spiritual intent.
- (l) - Many say that the Ten Commandments were simply the "old covenant." They also say that when the old covenant passed away, so did the need for obeying the Ten Commandments, unless they were specifically repeated in the new covenant. Others say that God has had a standard of righteous conduct that began at the time of the creation of Adam and has not changed since. What is the truth?
- Is God's Law Bondage? (l) - Some theologians associate God's law with slavery. But the Bible presents it as the missing key to true freedom.
- (l) - Many believe that Jesus Christ came to do away with the law. But what did He say?
- Who Is the Center of Our Worship? (l) - Traditional Christianity claims to focus its worship on Jesus Christ. But didn't Jesus ChristHimself direct our attention, including even our prayers, to God the Father?
- Are You Putting Off Your Salvation? (l) - Even though they've come to understand the truth of God, many put off baptism for years. But is that really acceptable to God? Should you delay your baptism?
- Develop Your Spiritual Senses (l) - Many want to avoid sin but don't know where to begin. By understanding the process of how sin occurs, you can better avoid it in your life.
- Which Commandments Did Jesus Break? (l) - Jesus was accused of breaking God's law - did He?
- Is the World Ready for a Prophet of God? (l) - How old would people expect a prophet to be? How would they expect him to dress? What national background would they expect him to come from? What religion would they expect him to represent? Would they expect him to speak commandingly or with a more mellow tone?
- Why Tithe in the 20th Century? (l) - What is the biblical perspective on this practice?
- How Do We Know That We Love God? (l) - The Bible states over and over again exactly how we are to demonstrate our love to God. The simple answer may surprise you!
- Right Values: Light in an Age of Confusion (l) - As the 20th century draws to a close, many wonder what happened to the values that brought us through a tumultuous century - and worry about what lies ahead.
- Do You Know Why Christ Died? (l) - Christians generally agree that Jesus Christ died for their sins. But how many really understand the significance of that sacrifice?
- World's Greatest Nation? (l) - Is America the world's greatest nation? President Bush and many other national leaders think so and have been vigorously proclaiming such in recent weeks. The nation is riding a wave of patriotism unlike any seen in this generation. In the midst of all the flag waving, this is a good question to ask.
- 'This Is the Love of God...' (l) - How do we show that we love God? Many believe that Jesus Christ came to being a new way to worship God. But what does the Bible say?
- Why Is the New Covenant Better? (l) - How does the new covenant differ from the God's previous covenant with ancient Israel?
Law of liberty
- What Does It Mean to Have Freedom in Christ? (l) - Jesus Christ spoke often of the freedom humankind would find through him. But exactly what is the freedom that He promised His followers?
Law of love
- The Law of God's Kingdom (l) - The Bible proclaims that the Kingdom of God is coming to this earth. Every kingdom has a king and laws. In God's Kingdom, Jesus Christ will be King, and God's laws will be the law of the land -- and what a wonderful difference that will make!
- Does Life Have Greater Meaning and Purpose? (l) - Most people don't have the understanding that God is involved with mankind and that He has a plan for us. To be at peace, human beings must realize what God has in mind for them.
- A Royal Law of Love (l) - God's law of love must inspire us to appreciate His wisdom and look to His commandments for our standard of behavior.
- Christ's New Commandment (l) - Did Jesus replace the clear definitions of the Ten Commandments with a new religious principle, that love alone can guide our lives?
Law of sin
- Peace and Unity in Christ (l) - All man-made barriers must be "broken down" before mankind can enjoy the peace and unity for which Christ died.
Law on heart
- Changing Hearts and Minds (l) - The author of Hebrews makes clear the changes needed to transform humans from the selfish and self-destructive beings of today to the giving, peacemaking and joyful citizens of God's Kingdom.
Law, aim of the
- What Did Paul Mean by 'Christ Is the End of the Law'? (l) - Jesus Christ is a perfect replica of what God's law teaches. Pointing us to His character and work is the aim" of the law. Rendering Christ as "the end of the law" distorts Paul's intended meaning.
Law, characteristics
- God's Law Reflects His Mind and Character (l) - God's law is a reflection of God's mind, nature and character.
Law, end of the
- What Did Paul Mean by 'Christ Is the End of the Law'? (l) - Jesus Christ is a perfect replica of what God's law teaches. Pointing us to His character and work is the aim" of the law. Rendering Christ as "the end of the law" distorts Paul's intended meaning.
Law, focus of
- Jesus and Paul Emphasize the Law's Correct Focus (l) - By the time of Jesus and Paul, some Jewish religious leaders had distorted the focus of God's law.
Law, Jesus fulfilled the
- Other Important Ways Jesus Fulfilled the Law (l) - Jesus fulfilled everything prescribed in the offerings for sin in the law of sacrifices.
- Other Important Ways Jesus Fulfilled the Law (l) - Jesus also fulfilled the law in the sense that He met the law's requirement by paying the penalty each of us incurred for disobedience, which is death.
- Jesus and His Apostles Affirm the Need to Obey God's Commandments (l) - Jesus said, "if you want to enter life, obey the commandments".
- Are You Fighting Against God? (l) - God says He has friends -- and enemies. In what category are you?
- God and Satan: Truth and Life vs. Lies and Murder (l) - The Scriptures draw sharp contrasts between God and Satan that help us better understand the profound differences between their character, motivations, goals and actions.
- What the Bible Really Says About Antichrist (l) - With the historical background in mind, and the prophecies made by Daniel and Jesus pointing to a future time that will signal the Great Tribulation, need we be concerned about the Antichrist only in terms of the coming Beast and False Prophet?
- A Taste of Chaos to Come (l) - A time of judgment and justice is coming on us. And to be clear, we are not saying we are now experiencing the fulfillment of these prophecies. But we are saying this could well be a foretaste, a wakeup call, of far worse things to come.
- God's 'Laws, Statutes and Judgments' (l) - God's laws are categorized as laws, statutes and judgments.
Laws for good
- Do We Have to Keep God's Commandments? (l) - We all know the laws of our city or state and how they apply, but what about God's laws? Are they relevant for today?
Laws in heart
- The power to live a godly life (l) - Correctly understanding the scriptural truth that the Holy Spirit is God's power that can transform our lives helps us better understand His purpose and will for us.
Laws of God
- Choose the Best Answer (l) - Much of traditional Christianity believes that the law of God no longer applies to Christians. There are several different arguments against keeping the commandments, but are these biblical? Which approach gives the best answer from the Bible?
Laws of physics
- God and Cowboys (l) - Growing up on a ranch, I could rope horses and cattle with my lariat, but I could never master rope twirling. Now I know why -- the mysteries of higher mathematics eluded me. However, the mystery of God's existence did not!
Laws of science
- Do Science and the Bible Conflict? (l) - Many believe that science and the Bible conflict and that they're mutually exclusive. The big question is, must we accept the view that the Bible and science can't both be true?
Laws, broken
- Broken Laws, Broken Dreams (l) - On a cold, wintry day in November of 1993, my daughter and I experienced one of the saddest days of our life together -- a day that will be etched in our minds forever.
Laying on of hands
- Your Down Payment on Divinity (l) - Two billion Christians desire to live forever, but do they really know how it will come about? God's divine secret includes a down payment on divinity, now no longer a secret.
- Does Matthew 28:19 Prove the Trinity? (l) - Matthew 28:19 is a biblical passage sometimes misunderstood with regard to the Trinity doctrine. Jesus is quoted as telling His disciples, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in ['into,' Greek eis] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."
- How to receive God's Spirit (l) - The story of the new Christians baptized by Philip in Samaria illustrates the importance of the ceremony of laying on of hands in the giving of the Holy Spirit.
- Is the laying on of hands necessary for us to receive the Holy Spirit? (l) - The Bible gives us a clear answer. Paul came upon some believers in Ephesus who had been baptized by no less than John the Baptist. Yet they had not received the Holy Spirit for two reasons. One is that they did not have the laying on of hands. The other was that they apparently did not fully understand the Christian way of life, the covenant into which one enters through baptism.
- Water Baptism and Laying On of Hands (l) - After one repents, one's next step toward eternal life is water baptism.
- Why We Need the Holy Spirit (l) - Within ourselves we possess neither the power nor the faith to keep our commitment as we should. We desperately need divine power to assist us in fulfilling God's wonderful calling. That strength comes as a gift from God.
- The Touch of Man and the Hand of God (l) - Humans have an innate need for contact -- for physical touch. But is there greater spiritual significance to touching?
- What the Bible Says About Baptism (l) - Baptism is one of the most important beliefs of Christianity, but why? What is this ceremony all about? Is baptism merely an archaic symbol, or does it hold a deep meaning for the modern Christian? Does it matter which method of baptism is used: sprinkling, pouring, immersion or some other technique? When should one be baptized?
- When God Doesn't Make Sense (l) - Why does God allow children to get cancer? Why does He allow innocent people to be murdered in drive-by shootings? Why are good people sometimes killed in car accidents? Why doesn't God always answer prayers? Why can it seem that God is ignoring us when we're trapped in the pit of despair? What do we do when God just doesn't seem to make sense?
- Jesus Christ and Biblical Writers Compare Death to Sleep (l) - The plain teaching of the Bible is that the dead are unconscious, waiting in the grave. They are, as Jesus and Paul put it, sleeping. They will not awake until the resurrection.
- Lazarus and the Rich Man: Proof of Heaven and Hell? (l) - "... In Christ's story God was the beggar's only source of help, for the rich man was certainly not going to do a single thing for him! ... It is important to see this parable of Jesus as a continuation of His conflict with the Pharisees over riches. Christ had said, 'You cannot serve God and Money' (16:13).
- Introduction - Rich Man and Lazarus (l) - Read this amazing story: One day a rich man and a poor man both die. Instantly, they both awaken--but to find themselves in very different circumstances.
- The rich man in mental torment (l) - What did the rich man do next? "Then he cried and said, 'Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame'" (Luke 16:24And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.).
- Was the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus a Real Story? (l) - One of the most important questions to consider about the parable of the rich man and Lazarus is whether or not the story is based on actual events. Some argue that, since Jesus specifically mentions Lazarus' name and talks about his and the rich man's fate, it must be a true account with a literal meaning.
Lazarus and the rich man
- Lazarus and the Rich Man: Proof of Heaven and Hell? (l) - "... In Christ's story God was the beggar's only source of help, for the rich man was certainly not going to do a single thing for him! ... It is important to see this parable of Jesus as a continuation of His conflict with the Pharisees over riches. Christ had said, 'You cannot serve God and Money' (16:13).
- Lazarus and the Rich Man: Proof of Heaven and Hell? (l) - This parable teaches us that choosing to reject God's instruction will bring disastrous consequences - everlasting destruction in a lake of fire.
Lazarus' resurrection
- Lessons From Two Resurrections (l) - John's gospel details two instances in which individuals were resurrected from the dead. The first astonished its witnesses, but the second transformed Jesus' disciples' lives giving them power and conviction to face trial, persecution and even martyrdom for an astounding truth.
Laziness, Bible and
- The Bible and Work (l) - Being idle or lazy is not in step with God's expectations of our behavior.
- In the News Apr/June 2008 (l) - Items of interest in the news. April-June 2008
- Food Insecurity in a Hungry World (l) - Starvation, malnutrition and consequent diseases are an all-too-familiar fixture in today's world. This article reports on the current situation and looks through the window of prophecy at the future. The present is bleak, but the future is fabulous!
Lead from behind
- An Age of Growing Chaos (l) - Bruised by two long wars, America began a retreat. Not surprisingly, others rushed into the vacuum.
- The Resurgence of the "Great leader" (l) - The mid-20th century was defined by the presence and leadership of what many would call "great men" or "great leaders," with "great" implying power and success and not necessarily virtue.
Leaders, guidelines for
- Where Have All the Leaders Gone? (l) - In an ocean of six billion people,humanity is awash with a surpluse of sinners and a shortage of saints. What the world needs now are leaders who rise above the tide to improve human conditions.
- Are You a Leader? (l) - "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader."--John Quincy Adams
- Golda Meir and Deborah the Judge (l) - The biographies of Deborah and Golda Meir provide lessons in leadership for all of us.
- The Heart of a King (l) - People are easily impressed by the way someone looks, but real leadership comes from what's inside a person--from the heart. Consider the shepherd who became king David.
- Exceptional Leadership Practices (l) - Not all leaders display the charisma and personal power often associated with leadership. Some leadership practices may produce few followers now, but will pay off in the long term.
- Molding Your Personality for Leadership (l) - Have you ever considered what personality type is best for leaders? More importantly, what can you do about yours to become a more effective leader?
- Join the Few, the Called, the Chosen (l) - The great moral code of the universe reveals that God is preparing His team for leadership of the world. Here's how to be part of the team.
- Leadership Under Siege Around the World (l) - Top Western leaders are under severe attack by the world's media. It is but another baleful sign of the times. This article assesses the prophetic meaning for our future.
- Nehemiah: A Leader for All Time (l) - There is more than one kind of leadership. Some leaders are dictatorial, such as Nimrod, while others lead by example, such as Nehemiah.
- Please Take the Lead (l) - I was certain my husband didn't know how to dance at all. But there he was demonstrating new steps with the instructor!
- Seeking Security in a Dangerous Age (l) - Global economic and financial turbulence stalk the world--along with a growing food and energy crisis. Apocalyptic doomsaying is seen in newspapers everywhere. Can you survive whatever perils may come your way? What or who will be your anchor?
- World-Transforming Leadership (l) - Have you ever considered how much of Jesus Christ's message revolves around leadership?
- What's the Key to Real Leadership? (l) - Everywhere we look we see a great need for real leadership. But what is real leadership? What is its foundation? Can someone be a good leader without displaying real leadership?
- How Can a Leader Assure Peace, Prosperity and Protection? (l) - What should a good and wise ruler do to guide his people to the right path? Let's learn from the message God sent through one of His prophets.
- Finding a Mentor (l) - Having some encouragement and guidance can make a big difference in your life.
- Do You Want to Join the Club? (l) - There are groups or clubs set up for just about everything in life. All have leaders, and many people seek those positions. But which position should we strive for?
- Poised for Victory! (l) - The list of the qualities of a man at the helm of a Roman army pointed to an even more incredible example of leadership possessed by Jesus Christ, the Captain of our salvation.
- The Grim Dilemma of Government Leadership (l) - The present financial crisis has handed members of the world press a field day. Most current affairs journalists are having a go at both America and Europe"decrying the lack of political leadership. Why are we in this monetary mess, and what does God require of our leaders?
- Authority for the People (l) - So, you want to be in charge? What does that mean? What does God say about leading and ruling over people?
- The Crisis of Global Leadership - Where Will It Lead? (l) - World events continue to muddle on without any clear sense that leaders hold the key to effective solutions. Threat of large-scale war in the Middle East looms large. Europe's economic crisis could lead to collapse of the present eurozone. Will these events set the stage for another type of leader to emerge?
- What Makes a True Leader? (l) - What characteristics distinguish a true leader from someone merely occupying a leading position? What makes a person a true leader?
- Being a King (l) - Being a leader means more than just ruling.
- Proverbs: The Light Of The King's Face (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
- Wanted: Leaders to Lead Well! (l) - People often equate a leader with good leadership. While history is filled with poor leadership, there are positive examples to learn from -- among them Abraham Lincoln and the greatest leader of all time.
- God's Instructions for Rulers (l) - What kind of standards does God expect in leaders?
- What Is Real Leadership? (l) - As a nation and a world cry out in desperation for right leadership, why is real leadership so hard to find? What makes a real leader, and will the world ever see the right kind of leadership?
- The Kind of Leaders the World Needs (l) - Every election season is filled with wrangling over which candidates would and wouldn't be the best leaders. But just what are the essential qualities of a "good" leader? The Bible tells us that a leader should be focused on service and spells out specific aspects of servant leadership. And that instruction applies not merely to appointing leaders but to the development of our own character.
- Great Leaders Knew Their Source (l) - Where does great leadership come from, and where has it gone?
- United States Morality - What Lies Ahead? (l) - Does morality matter? What are the long-term consequences to a people and a nation when its moral foundation crumbles?
- World Watches U.S. Post-Election Predicament (l) - The United States will continue to dominate the world in the immediate future because of God's will. When God withdraws His sustaining hand - and He surely will - the jealousy and anger of the nations hinted at in the above commentaries will be unleashed with a passion.
- What Lies Ahead for U.S. Leasership? (l) - End-time events can take place without warning. We are told to watch and to love the truth. If we do, we'll have the context to understand events of the coming years.
- What Can We Learn From a Rooster? (l) - Godly attributes are taught in nature, the example of the rooster being only one of many.
- Leadership... Is It for You? (l) - You, the next generation, can accept the challenge to prepare yourselves for your ultimate role in leadership.
- Leadership: A Biblical Perspective (l) - Editorial: a Biblical perspective of leadership.
- Could Jesus Christ Be Elected President? (l) - As the United States enters the final weeks of a hotly contested presidential election campaign, this is a good time to ask a crucial question: Could Jesus Christ be elected president?
- Nehemiah: Portrait of a Leader (l) - In the book bearing his name, Nehemiah records his memoirs. He tells how, against tremendous odds, he accomplished an unimaginably difficult undertaking.
- What Is True Leadership? (l) - Which ingredients make an effective leader? And what makes some leaders take tragic courses for themselves and their fellowmen?
- What Is Godly Rulership? (l) - What's wrong with human rulership? How can we follow Christ's example?
- Moral Leadership: Does It Really Matter? (l) - America has been led into an acceleration of its moral decline.
- A Lesson in Leadership From a Much-Loved Lady (l) - Important qualities of good leaders are exemplified by Britain's queen mother.
- Will A New Leader Solve Our Problems? (l) - Why after the political leaders perennial promises to fix all our problems, are the obstacles still with us? Why when so many hope and labor for positive change, does it remain tantalizingly out of reach?
- A Contrast in Leadership (l) - The one who is a true leader is not the one who gets the most, amassing power and wealth for himself, his family and his cronies, but the one who gives the most of himself to serve his people and to better their lives.
- Lesson in Wisdom (l) - How often do we, when we are in a position of power, lack wisdom in using authority?
- Too Young to Lead? (l) - Being a leader can seem tough and demanding. How old do you have to be before you can lead?
- Where Have All the Leaders Gone? (l) - In an ocean of six billion people,humanity is awash with a surpluse of sinners and a shortage of saints. What the world needs now are leaders who rise above the tide to improve human conditions.
- Does Unfaithfulness Disqualify Leaders? (l) - Should a leader's conduct in private life be considered part of his or her job qualifications? Is there any connection between one's personal life and public duties?
- What is Hope? (l) - So what is hope? Hope is the earnest expectation of seeing things change for the better.
- Moses: Leader of a Nation (l) - With a humble attitude, Moses was able to be a true servant of his people.
- A Good Soldier (l) - If Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, and Benjamin Franklin conceived the framework of a new nation, George Washington navigated it through is greatest crisis. Few know how well he shouldered the heavy task that fell on him in 1775.
- In Search of Heroic Leadership (l) - God places great and grave responsibility on the shoulders of the leadership. We must all share the responsibility for the condition of the world, our nation, our church, our families.
Leadership, contrasting good and bad
- A Contrast in Leadership (l) - The one who is a true leader is not the one who gets the most, amassing power and wealth for himself, his family and his cronies, but the one who gives the most of himself to serve his people and to better their lives.
Leadership, example of
- A Lesson in Leadership From a Much-Loved Lady (l) - Important qualities of good leaders are exemplified by Britain's queen mother.
- Nehemiah: Portrait of a Leader (l) - In the book bearing his name, Nehemiah records his memoirs. He tells how, against tremendous odds, he accomplished an unimaginably difficult undertaking.
- A Good Soldier (l) - If Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, and Benjamin Franklin conceived the framework of a new nation, George Washington navigated it through is greatest crisis. Few know how well he shouldered the heavy task that fell on him in 1775.
Leadership, godly
- Too Young to Lead? (l) - Being a leader can seem tough and demanding. How old do you have to be before you can lead?
Leadership, preparation for
- Leadership... Is It for You? (l) - You, the next generation, can accept the challenge to prepare yourselves for your ultimate role in leadership.
Leadership, true
- A Contrast in Leadership (l) - The one who is a true leader is not the one who gets the most, amassing power and wealth for himself, his family and his cronies, but the one who gives the most of himself to serve his people and to better their lives.
- Sleep Improves Learning (l) - Are you well rested? Vital neural connections are made during sleep.
- We All Have a Lot to Learn (l) - He must still have been curious about the church because while we were gone for the Feast he crawled through a bedroom window of our home to get some church literature to read.
- Learning to Accept What Is (l) - Life threw me a curve, and I had to consider going back to college. Would my over-50 brain still work?
Learning from grandparent
- Grandparents (1999) (l) - We turned out okay, but what about our children? What foundations are set up for them and what about the recent tragedies. How can we be better parents?
Learning from mistakes
- Oops! I Made a Mistake! (l) - We all make misteaks (oops, mistakes). How do we respond to our own mistakes? And how do we respond to the mistakes of others? Responding in a godly way is a vital part of Christian character
Learning lessons
- The Value of Consequences (l) - To spare their children hurt feelings and disappointment, some parents try to rescue them from bad choices and decisions. While such parents may think they are being kind to their children, such actions often hurt their children by delaying their maturity and understanding of responsibility.
- Leaven: Seeing Ourselves in the Story (l) - God can show us the leavening -- the sin -- in our lives. But we must be open and receptive to His correction.
- The Three-Letter Word No One Wants to Talk About (l) - It seems most people today don't really know what "sin" means. Two biblical festivals can help us understand why God considers sin so bad.
- The Feast of Unleavened Bread: The Lesson of Leaving Sin (l) - Our observance of the Days of Unleavened Bread helps us realize our need for Jesus Christ's help in overcoming our weaknesses. Yet this feast is certainly a time for rejoicing because Christ freely gives us the help we need.
- How Much Do You Know About the Biblical Feast of Unleavened Bread? (l) - Millions of people celebrate Easter in commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus never observed Easter, but He did celebrate the biblical Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread. What relevance do these days have for Christians today?
- The Feast of Unleavened Bread (l) - Millions of people celebrate Easter in commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus never observed Easter, but there are a series of special days He celebrated while on earth. These days included the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. What relevance do these days have for Christians today?
- People in the Streets (l) - The quest for freedom; Common people, rising against tyranny and unjust government. It is a picture of people yearning for freedom to live and to love in peace and dignity, without another human depriving them that privilege
- Syria in the Crosshairs (l) - World opinion is that Syria appears to have gone one step too far in its deadly game of sponsoring terrorism. The assassination of Rafiq Hariri will have far-reaching consequences for Syria, as well as for the entire Middle East.
- World News Review August 2006 (l) - World news review - Sept 2006.
- New Middle Eastern Conflicts: A Wake-up Call for Mankind (l) - Michael Elliott of Time magazine asked some of the right questions: "What is it about the Middle East that makes the conflicts so intractable, such that one summer's guns ineluctably conjure up so many early spasms of violence? Why the hate and where's the healing?" (July 24, 2006).
- Who Will Bring Freedom to the Middle East? (l) - A "new Middle East" will arise - but not in the way world leaders might imagine.
- The Middle East in Conflict: How Will It End? (l) - In the wake of the latest war, Time magazine asked the right questions: "What is it about the Middle East that makes the conflicts so intractable? Why the hate and where's the healing?" (July 24).
- Coming: A Massive European Intervention in the Middle East (l) - Bible prophecy shows that the time will come when the "king of the North," the leader of an emerging European-centered superpower, will intervene in the Middle East.
- Media Blitz Against Israel (l) - Israel is mostly pictured in this whole scenario as the bad guy. It looks very much like the Israelis fell into a trap set by the Iranians, sponsors of Hezbollah.
Left behind
- An Overview of End-Time Prophecy (l) - There are as many end-time scenarios based to some degree on Bible prophecy as there are prophetic teachers. Is there a singular overview of end-time prophecy that can help protect you from end-time catastrophes?
- Countering the Rapture Error (l) - The idea of a rapture of believers up into heaven before the prophesied tribulation of the last days is widely taught and believed in Christianity today.
- What's "Left Behind" in the Rapture Theory? (l) - Millions have read novels structured around the idea of the rapture of Christians. Why this religious fad? Why do people believe there will be a rapture?
- What's 'Left Behind' in the Rapture Theory? (l) - Is there any biblical validity to the rapture teaching?
Leftist bias
- The Battle Over What You Think (l) - For decades a battle has raged -- a battle not for territory, but for hearts and minds. Whether you realize it or not, you and your loved ones are a target of this battle, and the stakes couldn't be higher!
- The Disturbing Roots of the Black Lives Matter Movement (l) - What exactly is "Black Lives Matter"? Who is behind it? Is it really a spontaneous movement or is something else at work?
- Vantage Point - How Will Jesus Impact You? (l) - Jesus of Nazareth has a legacy. His brief, 33-year stint as a man has affected the world in profound ways.
- What Legacy Do We Leave? (l) - Do we leave a legacy of hope and godliness?
Legacy Institute
- Serving in Thailand (l) - Teaching in exotic Thailand for a year brought unexpected challenges and personal changes. The experience gave us broader perspectives and deeper insights into other cultures, ourselves and God's way.
- The Founder of the Situation Ethics Movement (l) - An Anglican theologian developed situation ethics in the 1960s after critiquing legalism and antinomianism.
- Confusion Over Legalism: What It Is and Isn't (l) - The religious authorities who accused Jesus Christ of breaking the Sabbath have been described as having a legalistic approach. But what does the term "legalism" mean?
- Just What is Legalism? (l) - It is not legalistic to obey God's laws correctly. To be legalistic is to misuse God's laws in a way never intended.
- Are All Spiritual 'Shadows' Obsolete? (l) - The apostle Paul wrote of the Sabbath and Holy Days as being "a shadow of things to come." Did he mean to tell us that these observances are now obsolete and meaningless?
- Global Power Shifts - Not All Change Is Good (l) - Nations are drifting more and more towards becoming one world, but the result will not be the utopia that many expect!
- 'This Is the Love of God...' (l) - How do we show that we love God? Many believe that Jesus Christ came to being a new way to worship God. But what does the Bible say?
Legality and opinion
- Current Events & Trends September/October 2017 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the September/October 2017 issue of Beyond Today.
- Why This Death Didn't Count (l) - Examples like this and many more, that can be found through searches of alternative media sources on the Internet - demonstrate that most major media outlets often aren't reporting the full spectrum of the news, but only the news they want you to hear.
- How Do You Measure Success? (l) - "Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding."
Lending crisis
- Are We Living in a '9/10' Economy? (l) - Global financial markets were rocked recently following rising defaults affecting mortgage-backed securities. What does this mean for the world's money supply and confidence in Western financial institutions? Are we on the verge of a major upheaval in the world economy?
- The Resurrection Connection (l) - How did worship of an ancient god and goddess come to be associated with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ? Although the details are lost in time, a closer look at the ancient mythology surrounding their worship will help us understand how pagan practices have survived in popular Easter customs.
- The Good Friday-Easter Sunday Question (l) - How do three days and three nights fit between Good Friday and Easter Sunday? Or do they?
Leonard, Mark
- A Page on the World...Why Europe Will Run the 21st Century (l) - Mark Leonard makes the case for a Europe that few Americans will regard as reality.
- Follow Me - Lepers All Were We (l) - When Jesus healed a group of lepers, outcast and despairing, only one returned in thankfulness. This story has much to say about our own lives.
- How Good Can Come From Suffering (l) - As Christ explained, His followers can expect to suffer. But God sometimes allows us to suffer because pain teaches us to refrain from sin even under the most difficult circumstances.
- Lessons From a Penny (l) - A penny may not be worth much, but the messages on it remind us of some valuable life lessons. Is there a message for you?
Lesson of ants
- Ants (l) - Ants are a nuisance we all deal with at times. Yet there's a lot we as Christians can learn from the little ant.
Lesson of creation
- Mini-Bible Study: Crucial Lessons From Knowing God as Our Creator (l) - The entire universe stands as witness to the awesome mind behind its existence. It was clearly created by a Creator, and that Creator labels any who would deny this as a fool (Romans 1:20; Psalm 14:1; Psalm 53:1).
- Blessings from a Pain in the Neck (l) - We all endure difficult situations that have the potential to deepen our faith.
- Tapping, Tapping, Tapping (l) - If we know where our future paths shall take us, should anything get in the way?
Lessons for U.S.
- 20 Years After 9/11 (l) - The devastating attacks on the United States on 9/11 should have led its people to learn critical lessons. But did they?
Lessons from birds
- Life Lessons From The Birds (l) - We can see many lessons for life in the things we see around us, but what lesson can we learn from the birds?
Lessons from David
- Lessons Learned From King David's Family (l) - How can we understand God's testimony of King David as "a man after My own heart, who will do all My will" (Acts 13:22), when we see his failed family example?
Lessons from glass
- Spiritual Lessons From Glass (l) - Glassmaking is an amazing and ancient art. Would you believe some properties of glass offer an interesting analogy for the Christian life?
Lessons from Israel
- The Experience of Israel and Judah: A Lesson for Today (l) - What can America learn from the histories of Israel and Judah? It can learn that it's God who gives blessings to nations and it's God who takes them away.
Lessons from Moses
- Moses and Passover Reflections (l) - What incidents in the life of Moses have relevant lessons for us today?
Lessons of marriage
- Why Does Marriage Matter? (l) - Marriage is much more than a social arrangement, a physical and emotional pairing, or a financial partnership. It's also a learning and growing experience meant to help instill in our lives character lessons and spiritual truths that would be difficult to learn any other way.
Lessons of sequoias
- Lessons From the Mighty Sequoia (l) - Some fascinating details about these wonders of nature provide striking spiritual lessons.
Let God
- Just Do It! (l) - It's easy to make excuses, but God can work great changes in our lives if we let Him!
- The Lost Art of R.S.V.P. (l) - As a way to help make your friendships last, put into practice this important aspect of etiquette.
- Letters From Our Readers - Mar/Apr 2018 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the March/April 2018 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Jul/Aug 2018 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the July/August 2018 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Sep/Oct 2018 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the September/October 2018 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Jan/Feb 2019 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the January/February 2019 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Mar/Apr 2019 (l) - Beyond Today Editor Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the March/April 2019 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - May/Jun 2019 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the May/June 2019 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Jul/Aug 2019 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the July/August 2019 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Sep/Oct 2019 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the September/October 2019 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Nov/Dec 2019 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the November/December 2019 issue.
- Letters From BT Readers - Jan/Feb 2020 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the January/February 2020 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Mar/Apr 2020 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the March/April 2020 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - May/Jun 2020 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the May/June 2020 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Jul/Aug 2020 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the July/August 2020 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Nov/Dec 2020 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the November/December 2020 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Sep/Oct 2020 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the September/October 2020 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Jan/Feb 2021 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the January/February 2021 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Mar/Apr 2021 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the March/April 2021 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - September/October 2021 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the September/October 2021 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - November/December 2021 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the November/December 2021 issue.
Letters from BT readers
- Letters From Our Readers - Jan 2016 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the January/February 2016 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Mar 2016 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the March/April 2016 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - May 2016 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the May/June 2016 issue
- Letters From Our Readers - Jul 2016 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the July/August 2016 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Sep 2016 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the September/October 2016 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Nov 2016 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the November/December 2016 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Mar 2017 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the March/April 2017 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - May/Jun 2017 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the May/June 2017 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Jul/Aug 2017 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the July/August 2017 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Sep/Oct 2017 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the September/October 2017 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Nov/Dec 2017 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the November/December 2017 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Jan/Feb 2018 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the January/February 2018 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - May/Jun 2018 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the May/June 2018 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Jul/Aug 2018 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the July/August 2018 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Sep/Oct 2018 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the September/October 2018 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - May/June 2021 (l) - Letters from readers of Beyond Today
- Letters From Our Readers - July/August 2021 (l) - Letters from readers of Beyond Today.
- Letters From Our Readers - January/February 2022 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the January/February 2022 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - March/April 2022 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the March/April 2022 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - May/June 2022 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the May/June 2022 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - July/August 2022 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the July/August 2022 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - September/October 2022 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the September/October 2022 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - November/December 2022 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the November/December 2022 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - January/February 2023 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the January/February 2023 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - March/April 2023 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the March/April 2023 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - May/June 2023 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the May/June 2023 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - July/August 2023 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the July/August 2023 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - September/October 2023 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the September/October 2023 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - November/December 2023 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the November/December 2023 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the January/February 2024 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers March/April 2024 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the March/April 2024 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers: May/June 202 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the May/June 2024 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers: May/June 2024 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the May/June 2024 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - July/August 2024 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the July/August 2024 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - September/October 2024 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the September/October 2024 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers: November/December 2024 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the November/December 2024 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers: January/February 2025 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the January/February 2025 issue.
Letters from GN readers
- (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts; Jan/Feb 2005
- (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News magazine, May/June 2005.
- (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts. July 2005
- (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News magazine; Sept 2005
- (l) - Letters from the readers of the Good News magazine. Nov/Dec 2005.
- (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts. Jan/Feb 2006
- (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts. Mar/Apr 2006
- (l) - Letters from Good News readers; May/June 2006
- (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts. Jul/Aug 2006
- (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts. Good News Sept 2006
- (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News magazine. November 2006
- (l) - Letters from the readers of the Good News. January 2007
- (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News. March 2007
- (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts. May 2007
- (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts. Jul/Aug 2007
- (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts. Sept/Oct 2007
- (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts. November 2007
- (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts. Jan 2008
- (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts. Mar/Apr 2008
- (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News magazine. May 2008
- (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News. July 2008
- (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts. Sept/Oct 2008
- (l) - Letters from Good News Readers - Nov/Dec 2008
- (l) - Letters from Good News readers. Jan. 2009
- (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News
- (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News. May 2009
- (l) - Letters from ood News readers, July 2009
- (l) - Letters to readers of the Good News. Sept 2009
- (l) - Letters from Good News readers. Nov 2009.
- (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts.
- (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts. March 2010
- (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts. May 2010
- (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News. July 2010
- (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News magazine.
- (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts. January 2011
- (l) - Letters From Our Readers: March/April 2011
- Letters From Our Readers - Sep 2011 (l) - Readers of The Good News share thier thoughts.
- Letters from Our Readers - January/February 2012 (l) - Readers of the Good News share their thoughts. January 2012
- Letters From Our Readers - Mar/Apr 2012 (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts in the March-April 2012 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - May/Jun 2012 (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts in the May/June 2012 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Jul/Aug 2012 (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts in the July/August 2012 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Sep/Oct 2012 (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts in the September/October 2012 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Nov/Dec 2012 (l) - Letters from Good News Readers. November 2012.
- Letters from Our Readers - January/February 2013 (l) - Readers of the Good News share their thoughts in the January/February 2013 issue.
- Letters from Our Readers - March/April 2013 (l) - Readers of the Good News share their thoughts in the March/April 2013 issue.
- Letters from Our Readers - July/August 2013 (l) - Readers of the Good News share their thoughts in the July/August 2013 issue.
- Letter From Our Readers - September/October 2013 (l) - Readers of the Good News share their thoughts in the September/October 2013 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Nov/Dec 2013 (l) - Readers of the Good News share their thoughts in the November/December 2013 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Jan/Feb 2014 (l) - Readers of the Good News share their thoughts in the January/February 2014 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Mar/Apr 2014 (l) - Readers of the Good News share their thoughts in the March/April 2014 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - May/Jun 2014 (l) - Readers of the Good News share their thoughts in the May/June 2014 issue
- Letters From Our Readers - Jul/Aug 2014 (l) - Readers of the Good News share their thoughts in the July/August 2014 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Sep/Oct 2014 (l) - Readers of the Good News share their thoughts in the September/October 2014 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Nov/Dec 2014 (l) - Readers of the Good News share their thoughts in the November/December 2014 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Mar/Apr 2015 (l) - Readers of the Good News share their thoughts in the March/April 2015 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Jul 2015 (l) - Readers of the Good News share their thoughts in the July/August 2015 issue.
- (l) - Letters from the readers of the Good News magazine. January/February 2004.
- (l) - Letters from the readers of the Good News magazine. July/August 2004.
- (l) - Letters from the readers of the Good News, Sept/Oct 2004.
- (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News magazine, May/June 2002.
- Letters From Our Readers - Sep/Oct 2000 (l) - Letters from the readers of the Good News magazine. September/October 2000.
- (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News magazine, Jul/Aug 2001.
- (l) - Some letters and comments from readers of the Good News.
- (l) - Letters to the editor. Good News magazine, Jan/Feb 2004.
- (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News magazine. May/June 2000.
- (l) - Letters from Good News readers, May/June 2001
- (l) - Letters from Good News readers, Nov/Dec 2000.
Letters from VCM readers
- VCM Letters to the Editor: November 2004 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - November 2004
- VCM Letters to the Editor: December 2004 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - December 2004
- VCM Letters to the Editor: January 2005 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - Jan. 2005
- VCM Letters to the Editor: February 2005 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - February 2005
- VCM Letters to the Editor: April/May 2005 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - May 2005
- VCM Letters to the Editor: June 2005 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - June 2005
- VCM Letters to the Editor: July 2005 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - July 2005
- VCM Letters to the Editor: August 2005 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - August 2005
- VCM Letters to the Editor: November 2005 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - November 2005
- VCM Letters to the Editor: December 2005 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - December 2005
- VCM Letters to the Editor: January 2006 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - January 2006
- VCM Letters to the Editor: February 2006 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - February 2006
- VCM Letters to the Editor: March 2006 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - March/April 2006
- VCM Letters to the Editor: July 2006 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - July 2006
- VCM Letters to the Editor: August 2006 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - August 2006
- VCM Letters to the Editor: October/November 2006 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - November 2006
- VCM Letters to the Editor: January 2007 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - January 2007
- VCM Letters to the Editor: February 2007 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - February 2007
- VCM Letters to the Editor: May 2007 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - May 2007
- VCM Letters to the Editor: June 2007 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - June 2007
- VCM Letters to the Editor: July 2007 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - July 2007
- VCM Letters to the Editor: August 2007 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - August 2007
- VCM Letters to the Editor: September/October 2007 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - September/October 2007
- VCM Letters to the Editor: November 2007 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - November 2007
- VCM Letters to the Editor: December 2007 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - December 2007
- VCM Letters to the Editor: January 2008 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - January 2008
- VCM Letters to the Editor: February 2008 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - February 2008
- VCM Letters to the Editor: March 2008 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - March/April 2008
- VCM Letters to the Editor: April/May 2008 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - May 2008
- VCM Letters to the Editor: June 2008 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - June 2008
- VCM Letters to the Editor: December 2008 (l) - VCM: letters to the editor. Dec. 2008
- VCM Letters to the Editor: January 2009 (l) - letters from VCM readers
- VCM Letters to the Editor: February 2009 (l) - Letters from readers of VCM. Feb 2009.
- VCM Letters to the Editor: March 2009 (l) - Letters to the Editor of VCM March 2009
- VCM Letters to the Editor: June 2009 (l) - VCM Letters to the Editor: June 2009
- VCM Letters to the Editor: July 2009 (l) - letters to Virtual Christian magazine July 2009
- VCM Letters to the Editor: September 2009 (l) - Letters from readers of Virtual Christian.
- VCM Letters to the Editor: October/November 2009 (l) - letters from readers
- VCM Letters to the Editor: February 2010 (l) - Letters from readers of VCM Feb 2010
- VCM Letters to the Editor: August 2010 (l) - Letters from VCM readers.
- VCM Letters to the Editor: December 2010 (l) - letters to the editor, Virtual Christian magazine, Dec. 2010
- VCM Letters to the Editor: January 2011 (l) - Letters from readers of VCM - January 2011.
- VCM Letters to the Editor: June 1999 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - July 1999
- VCM Letters to the Editor: September/October 2004 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - Sep 2004
- VCM Letters to the Editor: November 1999 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - December 1999
- VCM Letters to the Editor: March 2004 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - March/April 2004
- VCM Letters to the Editor: July 2004 (l) - letters from VCM readers - July 2004
- VCM Letters to the Editor: October/November 2003 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - November 2003
- VCM Letters to the Editor: May 1999 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - June 1999
- VCM Letters to the Editor: August 2001 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - August 2001
- VCM Letters to the Editor: May 2003 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - May 2003
- VCM Letters to the Editor: July 2003 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - Jul 2003
- VCM Letters to the Editor: December 2003 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - December 2003
- VCM Letters to the Editor: January 2003 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - Jan 2003
- VCM Letters to the Editor: September/October 2001 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - September/October 2001
- VCM Letters to the Editor: August 2004 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - Aug 2004
- VCM Letters to the Editor: August 1999 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - September/October 1999
- VCM Letters to the Editor: July 2000 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - July 2000
- VCM Letters to the Editor: July 1999 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - August 1999
- VCM Letters to the Editor: March/April 2003 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - March/April 2003
- VCM Letters to the Editor: December 1999 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - December 1999
- VCM Letters to the Editor: March 1999 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - March/April 1999
- VCM Letters to the Editor: March 2000 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - March/April 2000
- VCM Letters to the Editor: June 2004 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - June 2004
- VCM Letters to the Editor: August 2003 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - August 2003
- VCM Letters to the Editor: February 2003 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - February 2003
- VCM Letters to the Editor: November 2000 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - November 2000
- VCM Letters to the Editor: April 1999 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - May 1999
- VCM Letters to the Editor: February 1999 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - February 1999
- VCM Letters to the Editor: September/October 1999 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - November 1999
Letters from VT readers
- (l) - Letters from readers of Vertical Thought. July 2006.
- (l) - Letters from readers of Vertical Thought magazine. October 2006.
- (l) - Letters from readers of Vertical Thought. January 2007
- (l) - Letters from readers of Vertical Thought, April 2007
- "Then it Hit Me" (l) - It couldn't happen to my family, could it?
- Restoring Moral Levees (l) - Without careful maintenance levees can fail. It's the same for character and self-restraint. The type of character that can withstand depravation and upheaval must be built and maintained one brick at a time over years of careful living.
Levite duties
- The Temple and Tabernacle Responsibilities of the Sons of Korah (l) - Just how notable and complete were the services of the sons of Korah to the Tabernacle and Temple system?
Leviticus 23
- Giving An Answer (l) - Giving an answer about how and why I observe the Holydays of God.
Lewis and Clark
- Men of Valor: Lewis and Clark & Joshua and Caleb (l) - How do you boldly move forward in faith when faced with challenge and adversity? Consider these American and Israelite men of valor when you need extra courage!
- 'We Proceeded On' (l) - The phrase, "we proceeded on," sums up the attitude that allowed Lewis and Clark to endure hardship and hold together. The Kingdom of God looms before us. To reach that time of refreshing, in a walk worthy of Jesus Christ we, too, must "proceed on."
Lewis, C.S.
- Give and Forget (l) - We've heard we should "forgive and forget." But we also need to learn to give and forget.
- We Read to Know We Are Not Alone (l) - When C.S. Lewis experienced the pain of losing a "special someone," he came to understand the weight of shared emotional experience.
- "When the Binary Burns" (l) - A sobering article at LifeSiteNews by Claire Chretien titled "Bathrooms Are Just the Beginning: A Scary Look Into the Trans Movement's End Goals" (May 6, 2016) presents an eye-opening analysis of what's going on.
- Current Events & Trends March/April 2021 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the March/April 2021 issue of Beyond Today.
- Current Events & Trends - January/February 2022 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the January/February 2022 issue of Beyond Today.
- Current Events & Trends - September/October 2022 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the September/October 2022 issue of Beyond Today.
- Current Events & Trends - May/June 2024 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the May/June 2024 issue of Beyond Today.
LGBTQ and children
- A Coming "Famine of the Word" (l) - Isaiah 55:6-7 tells us: "Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him . . ." Seek mercy. Seek forgiveness. Seek God while you can.
LGBTQ education
- Current Events & Trends May/June 2022 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the May/June 2022 issue of Beyond Today.
Lia fail
- Appendix 7: The Stone of Destiny (l) - What was so special about this chunk of rock, which now sits in Edinburgh Castle?
Liabilities, financial
- Determining Your Net Worth (l) - Here is a list of possible assets and liabilities to help you determine your net worth.
Liberal bias
- Is Our Mass Media Leading Us Astray (l) - Mass media wields tremendous power and influence over today's society and culture. And often that influence is not good. In fact, it's much like the false prophets of ancient biblical days.
Liberal media bias
- The Battle Over What You Think (l) - For decades a battle has raged -- a battle not for territory, but for hearts and minds. Whether you realize it or not, you and your loved ones are a target of this battle, and the stakes couldn't be higher!
Liberal positions
- An Unrecognizable America? (l) - These are dangerous times. The ground is shifting underneath our feet. Prophecies of a very different world -- one in which the United States no longer exists as a viable nation -- are lining up.
- Radical Liberalism (l) - Lawyers argue in U.S. courts that pornography falls under the constitutional right of free speech. There is a strong movement to replace Judeo-Christian influences in schools with extreme multiculturalism. Radical feminists denounce concepts of the traditional family. Homosexuals want to totally redefine marriage. What is happening to America?
Liberalism, radical
- Radical Liberalism (l) - Lawyers argue in U.S. courts that pornography falls under the constitutional right of free speech. There is a strong movement to replace Judeo-Christian influences in schools with extreme multiculturalism. Radical feminists denounce concepts of the traditional family. Homosexuals want to totally redefine marriage. What is happening to America?
- Choosing a Future Over Fear (l) - They didn't have a choice where they started, but they made a choice as to how to grow from whence they were planted. They chose to be bitter, not better. And that, my friends, is a choice before us all.
- Liberte! Egalite! Fraternite! (l) - More than 200 years ago these three French words reverberated through the streets of Paris during the French Revolution. If only every society could truly practice the biblical version of liberty, equality and brotherhood! Yet the time is coming when they will.
- Is Liberty a God-Given Right? (l) - Is every individual born with great personal freedom as a gift from our Creator God? It's a topic that most people have not tried to analyze, and it is a little confusing. (This is the first article in a series on the God-given rights of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.")
- Liberty Through God's Law (l) - Biblical freedom is both defined and guaranteed by law. Without law, there can be no effective or lasting liberty
- From Punishment to Destiny (l) - God has not forgotten - nor will He ever forget - His promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The pages of history and prophecies yet to be fulfilled show God remaining true to every detail of His word.
- Lessons From a Penny (l) - A penny may not be worth much, but the messages on it remind us of some valuable life lessons. Is there a message for you?
- Behind the Headlines - A World Without the United States (l) - The prophecies of the Bible concerning the rise of a new end time super power will come to pass.
- Profiles of Faith: James: Half Brother of Jesus (l) - James understood that only by obeying God's laws can mankind experience true freedom- freedom from want, sorrow and suffering, from the degrading and painful consequences of sin. He encourages each of us to be a "doer of the law" (James 4:11).
Liberty and law
- A Royal Law of Love (l) - God's law of love must inspire us to appreciate His wisdom and look to His commandments for our standard of behavior.
- Gaddafi's Violent Past Catching Up in Libya (l) - On Sept. 1, 1969, Libya's King Idris was overthrown in a violent coup that brought a young revolutionary Colonel Muammar Gaddafi to power. For more than 40 years his revolutionary fervor has spread mayhem and discord.
- Navigating the Middle East Minefield (l) - As things now stand, the United States has virtually ceased to be the global policeman it once was.
License to sin
- God's Grace and Forgiveness (l) - Forgiveness carries with it obligations. It is not license to sin.
- How "Fair Dinkum" Are You? (l) - Why do you do the things you do? Why do you say the things you say? Are you hiding behind a facade of fears and false values? How real are you?
- Discerning the Truth From Lies (l) - In our culture that has been influenced by the Bible for centuries, it is a religious belief that people should tell the truth. Why?
- Many Words (l) - Language is a useful tool for communicating, but used in the wrong way it can become useless or damaging.
- Proverbs: Fitting Words (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
- Proverbs: An Honest Witness (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
- Does the Truth Really Matter? (l) - We live in a world in which, as Isaiah 59:14 says, "Truth is fallen in the street." Is truth that important anymore? Is it important to you?
- Is Fake News New? (l) - Fake news can spread like a virus, misleading and deceiving. Could it be affecting your life?
- The Sin of Lying (l) - Lying -- almost everybody does it and for a variety of reasons. But how does God view it, and what can we do about it?
- The Battle Over What You Think (l) - For decades a battle has raged -- a battle not for territory, but for hearts and minds. Whether you realize it or not, you and your loved ones are a target of this battle, and the stakes couldn't be higher!
- Kingdom of Lies - The Demonic Assault on Reality (l) - Efforts to destroy the family to remake society have sunk to now redefining sexuality on a fundamental level. These attempts arise from utopian dreams of reshaping the world into an imagined paradise free from biblical morality. Dark forces are driving the false hope and means of trying to realize it, posing an existential threat to humanity. But Truth will ultimately prevail.
Lies, Satan and
- Following the Footsteps of a Different God (l) - The Bible makes it clear that civilizations and societies are influenced by Satan. John writes that "the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one" (1 John 5:19).
Lies, source of
- Why Man Rejects the Knowledge of God (l) - There is a spiritual ultimate source of all misinformation and disinformation -- whether about scriptural or secular knowledge.
Life after death
- A Message of Hope Following the Death of a Loved One (l) - Losing any loved one is difficult. But what hope can we look to when a child is lost to sudden tragedy?
- A Holy Day Provides Comfort (l) - I'd enjoyed a wonderful Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day with my family and friends. Little did I know how important the meaning of this final Holy Day was going to be when I returned home.
- Bible Mini-Study: Will the Dead Live Again? (l) - Is there life after death? If so, how is that possible, and what will it be like? Will it last forever?
- The state of the dead (l) - Let's go back over the second part of Luke 16:22And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;, which states, "The rich man also died and was buried." Let's pause once again to ask a fundamental question. What does the Bible reveal about the state of the dead? "For the living know that they will die; but the dead know nothing...For there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going" (Ecclesiastes 9:5For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten., Ecclesiastes 9:10Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.).
- What About Reported Life-After-Death Experiences? (l) - In the Bible death is described as a state of total unconsciousness devoid of awareness, knowledge or perception (Psalm 6:5; Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10). If we accept the Bible's description of death, we realize that those who returned to consciousness or were revived and later related their experiences were not really dead but in some unconscious state
- Words of Encouragement (l) - Even death, this most extreme experience, does not separate us or our loved ones from God's plan or His love
- Is Heaven the Reward of the Saved? (l) - Is there any biblical basis for the common idea that they will be playing harps somewhere in heaven for eternity?
- 'Dust to Dust' (l) - The truth about life and death is out there, but not in our stars or ourselves. Our revealed future is far greater than the stuff of dreams.
- (l) - Questions and answers on issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
- Where Do We Go From Here? (l) - Editorial: Life after death?
- (l) - Questions and answers represent issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
Life and water
- The Importance of Life-Sustaining Water (l) - Earth's forms of life are dependent on an environment in which liquid water is stable.
Life begins
- When Does Life Begin? (l) - God is actually creating a family -- reproducing Himself -- through mankind. This is why we were created and why we are born!
Life choices
- A Life Without Regrets? (l) - Most of us have some regrets. Some of these affect only us; some affect family, friends and others. Here is how you can minimize them in your own life.
Life in old age
- Aging Gracefully in an Uncertain World (l) - Growing old should be positive experience. How can we make those positive and productive?
Life in space
- Planet Hunters: The Search for Life in Outer Space (l) - Using incredible technological advancements, astronomers are expanding their search for life in the universe. Could they be looking for right answers in the wrong places?
Life in the universe
- What Is Mankind's Ultimate Inheritance? (l) - Most assume that our ultimate reward is going to live in heaven when we die. But the Bible paints a very different, and more inspiring, picture!
Life insurance
- Determining Your Net Worth (l) - Here is a list of possible assets and liabilities to help you determine your net worth.
Life is precious
- Editorial: Life is Fragile (l) - It was one of those moments when I felt overwhelmed by the vastness of the universe. Why are we here? What is the purpose of life?
Life is short
- The Number of Our Days (l) - What if we knew the number of our days? How would that influence the way we lived our lives?
- Life Is Too Short! (l) - Untimely deaths of family and friends brought home the truth that time is far too precious to waste.
Life lessons
- I Hated You, Coach Ioveno (l) - He was tough and cruel, and I hated him. But now he was dying.
Life on Mars
- Is There Life Beyond Earth? (l) - Human beings are fascinated by the possibility of life on other planets, perhaps in other galaxies and within other solar systems. Ironically, we don't have to look out into space to see whether life exists beyond the earth. We have only to look into the pages of the Bible, a source too often ignored or even avoided.
Life on other planets
- Is There Life Beyond Earth? (l) - Human beings are fascinated by the possibility of life on other planets, perhaps in other galaxies and within other solar systems. Ironically, we don't have to look out into space to see whether life exists beyond the earth. We have only to look into the pages of the Bible, a source too often ignored or even avoided.
Life science
- How Did Life Begin? (l) - Science has long sought answers to several important questions: What is life? Where did it come from? How did it begin? But you won't find the answers while peering into a microscope, telescope or test tube.
Life stages
- Successfully Navigating the Seasons of Life (Part One of Three) (l) - Why did an eternal God create so many intricately woven temporal patterns to our universe? What are we, His creation, to learn from the cycles of life?
Life turned around
- A Time to Weep (l) - One man's heartbreaking story shows just how much each of us need God.
Life unfair
- It's Not Fair! (l) - Does life seem unfair to you? Would you like to know one sure way to overcome problems and trials?
Life's lessons
- Successfully Navigating the Seasons of Life (Part One of Three) (l) - Why did an eternal God create so many intricately woven temporal patterns to our universe? What are we, His creation, to learn from the cycles of life?
Life's meaning
- Lessons from the Parables: "Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant" (l) - Jesus Christ gave two parables, of the minas and the talents, that hold crucial lessons about what He expects us to do with what He's given us. Will we learn those lessons?
Life's problems
- Staying on the Cutting Edge (l) - Wouldn't it be great if we had something that didn't need to be upgraded or thrown out every couple of years? Something dependable that would help us stay up to date with life and its changes and challenges?
Life's purpose
- To Soar Like Eagles (l) - The majestic eagle can teach us much about rising above the storms of life and learning to soar.
- The Religion of Evolution (l) - Evolution does not merely dismiss a Creator. It rejects any spiritual meaning for our existence.
- Destined for a Moment (l) - Is our life preplanned in advance, as so many believe?
- Vantage Point: How Far Ahead Do You Think? (l) - It's vital that we plan ahead before the real "ahead" gets here - and it's coming fast.
Life's value
- Pondering the Value of Life (l) - Being a pastor in Terre Haute during the media circus of the McVeigh execution forced me once again to examine the meaning of life.
Life, long
- Prepare for a Long, Healthy Life (l) - Most teens assume they will always be healthy, but research shows that modern teens are starting to have serious health problems. What can you do to increase your odds for a lifetime of good health?
Life, new way of
- The Foundation (l) - The key to living a way of life different from the ways of the world is to allow God's Spirit to work in us so we think like Jesus Christ.
Life, origin of
- The Giver of Life (l) - When you understand that God is the Lifegiver who created man for His own special purpose, with the potential of immortality, life takes on meaning far greater than the empty purposelessness inherent in a faith in evolution.
- Darwinism in the Classroom (l) - When you believe God created the heavens and earth, what strategies can you use when confronted with Charles Darwin's theory of evolution?
- Evolution or Creation: Does It Really Matter? (l) - Is Evolution true?
- How Did Life Begin? (l) - Science has long sought answers to several important questions: What is life? Where did it come from? How did it begin? But you won't find the answers while peering into a microscope, telescope or test tube.
Life, planning for
- (l) - This issue of Youth United focuses on information that can help young people, both guys and girls, have better lives in many ways.
- Stepping Into the Lifeboat (l) - Sometimes we must make difficult decisions in life. Our choices will and do impact our lives.
Lifeboat for humanity
- Lessons From the Titanic (l) - A lifeboat for humanity.
- Set Your Anchors! (l) - Several precarious boating experiences brought home the spiritual lessons of having a strong and secure anchor! Here are six ways to stay firmly attached to God's anchor.
Lifelong learning
- Education: Why Bother? (l) - Is it really worth it? Yes, indeed! Here's why.
- Assistance Programs Offering a Hand Up, Not Just a Handout (l) - In addition to sharing biblical teaching and the hope of the coming Kingdom of God, the publishers of The Good News support practical programs to improve the lives of many.
- Avoiding Aid Mistakes and Ensuring Healthy Results (l) - The founder of Life Nets (lifenets.org), an international aid agency, shares lessons learned in making charitable aid truly helpful.
- Letters From Ukraine (l) - Diary of LifeNets' Chernobyl Trip 2003.
- "Buddy, Can You Spare a Dime Bag?" (l) - First, consider this cautionary tale to avoid helping a drug addict feed his habit. Then, in the second article, consider some lessons about effective giving learned by an international aid agency.
- You Can Make a Difference! (l) - Make a difference in the lives of people and actively fulfill an important Christian obligation to help. Do not look away from the needy.
- Do Real Christians Persist in Sinful Lifestyles? (l) - Many think that it doesn't really matter what one does — that God accepts all people without them needing to change. What's wrong with this perspective?
- Dealing With Debt (l) - Young people today have to deal with the debt crisis that the whole world is facing. How do you do that?
- A World in Need of Rescue! (l) - A number of existential threats are leading mankind to the precipice of destruction. Thankfully, all these will be stopped in their tracks by a returning Jesus Christ.
- Light the Candle! (l) - In a world of darkness, we need to come to the light to become lights ourselves.
- Why Love Darkness? (l) - Darkness pervades the world today, but God offers us a ray of hope with the world tomorrow.
- Holding It Up to the Light (l) - If we want to get a good view of ourselves, the only way to do it is through the illumination that God provides.
- A Candle in the Window (l) - As a candle shines through darkness can our lives do the same? Here's how.
Light bringer
- The Word "Lucifer" in Isaiah 14:12 (l) - The parallels between the astronomical picture and what happened in the spirit realm are striking and reinforce the points Isaiah makes here in describing this tragic angelic rebellion.
Light of the world
- The City That Will Not Fade (l) - There is one city that will not fade away -- the city on a hill, the city that will shine forth in light, the city that will be inhabited by those who take Jesus at His word to be the "light of the world."
Lights of the world
- Living As Lights in the World (l) - Christians have a responsibility to display the fruit of God's Spirit and His love toward others through their behavior and example.
Like children
- Through Their Eyes (l) - How can we escape Satan's negative mentality and become as little (as yet untainted) children?
Limited monarchy
- The Throne of the Lord (l) - The king at the time of the Exodus and for the next nearly 400 years was the Rock of Israel, the Eternal God Himself -- in fact, the preincarnate Word, Jesus Christ...
Limits of technology
- The Limitations of Technology (l) - A world of science and technology without a core reliance on God creates a bleak existence. As people become dependent on scientific and technical achievements to the exclusion of the true spiritual values, we are in danger of creating a world without God.
- Men and Women of Steel and Velvet (l) - When should we show tenderness and bigheartedness -- the "velvet" qualities? And when should we be like steel -- firm and resolute?
Lincoln and church
- Lincoln's Qualities of Leadership (l) - A major new movie examines the life and accomplishments of President Abraham Lincoln. What was it that made him an effective and inspirational leader?
Lincoln's advice
- The Essential Abraham Lincoln (l) - The Essential Abraham Lincoln contains a rich storehouse of Lincoln's most important letters, speeches and presidential messages.
Lincoln's inaugural address
- Forgiving the Unforgivable (l) - Abraham Lincoln's second inaugural address challenges the nation to "forgive the unforgivable and offer dignity to those in the throes of defeat."
Lincoln's wisdom
- The Essential Abraham Lincoln (l) - The Essential Abraham Lincoln contains a rich storehouse of Lincoln's most important letters, speeches and presidential messages.
Lincoln, Abraham
- Thank God for the Common Man (l) - When we remember who we are and where we came from and never forget who God is and where He wants to take us - the future is ours in Him.
- Enduring Words (l) - Lincoln's Gettysburg Address is one of the great speeches of American history. Lincoln's words restored a sense of mission for a profound human effort. God's enduring Word offers the path for restoring lasting freedom for every human.
- What's the Key to Real Leadership? (l) - Everywhere we look we see a great need for real leadership. But what is real leadership? What is its foundation? Can someone be a good leader without displaying real leadership?
- Lincoln: President and Prophet? (l) - President Lincoln wasn't afraid to tell it as he saw it. He felt a deep responsibility to his country. Like Lincoln, we have a responsibility to tell it like it is, and we do.
- The Essential Abraham Lincoln (l) - The Essential Abraham Lincoln contains a rich storehouse of Lincoln's most important letters, speeches and presidential messages.
- What Made Them Great? (l) - One of America's most famous landmarks is Mount Rushmore, a testament to four of the nation's most renowned presidents. What made them great leaders? We live in a world suffering greatly from a crisis in leadership, so in this issue we examine what makes a true leader.
- Is America Identified in Bible Prophecy? (l) - The Bible identifies a number of nations that are relatively minor players on the world scene. Does it make sense that the most powerful nation in the world would go unnoticed and unmentioned in Bible prophecy? Can we know America's identity in Bible prophecy?
- Lincoln's Qualities of Leadership (l) - A major new movie examines the life and accomplishments of President Abraham Lincoln. What was it that made him an effective and inspirational leader?
- Wanted: Leaders to Lead Well! (l) - People often equate a leader with good leadership. While history is filled with poor leadership, there are positive examples to learn from -- among them Abraham Lincoln and the greatest leader of all time.
- Forgiving the Unforgivable (l) - Abraham Lincoln's second inaugural address challenges the nation to "forgive the unforgivable and offer dignity to those in the throes of defeat."
- Book Review: The Great Republic: A History of America (l) - Few really grasp the importance of Winston Churchill's incredible relationship with the United States. A recent compilation of his most essential writings about America fills this void.
- A Heart Beyond the Hurt (l) - They made the choice that each of us has to make - we either exercise our hurts or we exercise our hearts. Our choice will dramatically affect our present and future lives.
- Who Me? I Have Nothing to Offer (l) - Like me, you may have felt you were passed by when talents were handed out. But with God's help you can make a difference in this world
Lindbergh, Charles
- What Would Charles Lindbergh Think? (l) - It's crucial that you arm yourself with the facts about the key questions of life, including whether God really exists, whether the Bible is His inspired Word, and what His plan and purpose is for you.
- Wedding Dress (l) - Our choice of spiritual clothing determines if we will be invited to the most important wedding of all time.
Linguistics and Israel
- Linguistic Links: What's in a Name? (l) - This linguistic journey ties together a few of the many labels applied to the exiled 10 tribes as the "House of Omri" and the "Sons of Isaac."
- Dive Deeper: January-February 2025 (l) - Here you'll find links to all the additional resources listed in the pages of the magazine in the "Dive Deeper" boxes near the end of each article in the January-February 2025 issue as well as other referenced material throughout the text
Links to information
- Dive Deeper - March-April 2024 (l) - Here you'll find links to all the additional resources listed in the pages of the magazine in the "Dive Deeper" boxes near the end of each article in the March-April 2024 issue.
- Dive Deeper - July-August 2024 (l) - Here you'll find links to all the additional resources listed in the pages of the magazine in the "Dive Deeper" boxes near the end of each article in the July-August 2024 issue as well as other referenced material throughout the text.
- Dive Deeper: November-December 2024 (l) - Here you'll find links to all the additional resources listed in the pages of the magazine in the "Dive Deeper" boxes near the end of each article in the November-December 2024 issue as well as other referenced material throughout the text.
- Appendix 9: The Lion and the Unicorn (l) - Britain's heraldic imagery takes on great significance in light of the true biblical identity of the British people and their royal family.
Lion's den
- Daniel: God Is My Judge (l) - Why would a beloved prophet of God want God to judge him? Doesn't the Bible show that God's judgment is reserved for evil people? Read God's view on this seeming paradox.
Lisbon treaty
- EU Pressures Poland and the Czech Republic (l) - The Continent's leaders are refusing to accept that the Lisbon treaty is dead, and are determined to persuade the Czechs and the Poles to complete the process.
- The EU Versus the Irish Republic: What Does It Mean? (l) - Most Irish citizens simply do not want a European superstate. This is the basic message of Ireland's startling "no" vote on the Lisbon Treaty. But the much more powerful European elites clearly want it very badly! Bible prophecy strongly indicates that forces for federal unification ultimately will prevail in Europe -- bringing about a new superpower.
- Wake Up to Events in Europe! (l) - As the world currently focuses on Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and Israel—not to mention a biting recession—it's easy to overlook important European events. Yet the European Union (EU) stands once again perched on the brink of approving the Lisbon Treaty (really the renamed EU Constitution), which is designed to drastically increase the structure, power and influence of this transnational governmental body. What will happen to Europe in the long run?
- A New Superpower? Europe Takes a Big Step Forward! (l) - Newspaper headlines on both sides of the Atlantic heralded the Irish ratification of the Lisbon Treaty. "Ireland's Yes vote creates a more powerful Europe," said the Scotland on Sunday. The New York Times headline even contained prophetic overtones: "Gaining a Powerful Presidency, European Union Seeks a Job Description and a Leader." What is the long-term biblical significance?
- Take a Listening Heart to the Feast (l) - When you see or hear the word "feast," what comes to mind? To members of our Church, the word relates to a wonderful yearly festival, the biblical observance of the Feast of Tabernacles.
- Comfort Zone (l) - What to say and what not to say when your child is upset.
- When a Friend Is Hurting: How You Can Help (l) - Facing difficult times is hard for anyone, but how about when it's a friend who is suffering? What do you do then?
- Proverbs: The Heart May Sorrow (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
- Human Brain Tries to Predict Conversation (l) - A new study on how the brain synchronizes as we talk to others.
- Listening--A Lost Art? (l) - Improving our listening skills can improve our relationships as well.
- Ten Things You Can Say to Make Someone's Day (l) - By offering some words of encouragement, we can help others face their present and future with courage!
Listening to God
- Follow Me - Hearing the Only Voice That Matters (l) - Above the constant barrage of voices that would shape who we are, hear and heed the one that is ultimately vital to your life now and forever.
Little children
- Like Little Children (l) - Becoming like little children is something that seems easy at first glance, but what does it really mean?
Little horn
- Europe and the Church, Part 5: The Identity of the Little Horn (l) - Who is the little horn of Daniel 7:8, the horn with "eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking pompous words"? Since this article is the fifth in a series that began in the May 2008 issue, readers should be aware that some of the content builds on information explained in previous installments.
Little league
- Lessons Learned From Little League (l) - As parents, we have a responsibility to teach our children. But keep in mind we can learn a lot from them too.
Little ones
- Do Not Despise 'Little Ones' (l) - Jesus Christ tells us to carefully consider our attitudes toward those who aren't as well off. A lot is riding on it -- for them as well as for us.
Live within means
- Prepare Like Joseph Did (l) - I conclude that the best that you and I can do is to make sure we are discerning and wise in how we handle our money, jobs and lives. Though much is out of our control on a national and global scale, we can control how we handle our own finances.
Living by faith
- Seeking Security in a Dangerous Age (l) - Global economic and financial turbulence stalk the world--along with a growing food and energy crisis. Apocalyptic doomsaying is seen in newspapers everywhere. Can you survive whatever perils may come your way? What or who will be your anchor?
Living faith
- Faith and Faithfulness: Fundamental to Relationships and Responsibilities (l) - Do you trust God completely? So much so that you live accordingly--to the point that He is able to trust you? When Jesus Christ returns, wouldn't it be wonderful to hear Him say approvingly, "Well done, good and faithful servant"?
- When It Seems God Doesn't Hear or Answer (l) - God does not always answer our prayers to our immediate satisfaction and instantly deliver us from our trials. But He will always do what is best for us.
- Living Faith and God's Grace (l) - We must have faith that Christ really lived and died for us and that He will change us now and ultimately at the resurrection.
Living fossils
- Scientific Discoveries Support Biblical Perspective (l) - Scientific insights that support a biblical perspective.
Living right
- Proverbs: Right Living (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
Living together
- Cohabiting Doesn't Guarantee a Happy Marriage (l) - Marriage as a divine institution is again validated by a recent study.
- Living Together: What Aren't You Being Told? (l) - Millions of people choose to live together outside of marriage, thinking that will bring them happiness and a stable relationship. The truth, however, is far different.
- Divorce Revolution Spawns the Cohabitation Generation (l) - Hoping to avoid the difficulties they saw in their parents'marriages, many young adults are skipping marriage in favor of living together outside of marriage. But does this solve problems or create new ones?
- Divorce Revolution Spawns Cohabitation Generation (l) - Results of a Rutgers University study are sobering and disconcerting-the majority of today's young adults are inclined toward living together outside of marriage.
- World News Review Jan. 1999 (l) - World news - Jan. 1999
- Living Together: What Aren't They Telling You? (l) - Does living together outside of marriage really bring happiness and stability? What is the real truth about the results of living together?
Living water
- Follow Me (11/2017) (l) - The biblical story begins, transitions and ends with life in a garden. In this third part in a series, we consider the last setting.
- When There Is No Road (l) - Livingston: "If you have only men that will come when there is a good road, I do not want them. I want men who will come if there is no road at all."
Local government debt
- The Brink of Bankruptcy: Unfunded Liabilities Threaten the U.S. Economy (l) - We're used to hearing regular reports of U.S. government debt growing to staggering levels. But recent events are spotlighting another huge problem -- the unfunded liabilities of state and local governments that spell future financial chaos.
- "In the Beginning Was the Word" (l) - The apostle John opens his account of the life of Jesus Christ with this declaration: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made . . . And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth" (John 1:1-3,14).
- Women of Faith (l) - Of all the faithful listed in Hebrews 11, only two are women: Sara and Rahab the harlot. But are there other faithful women in the scriptures and, if so, what can we learn from their examples?
- Appendix 5: Brutus and the Covenant Land (l) - What is the connection between Brutus and the Covenant land?
London bombings
- Appeasement's Role in the Terror War (l) - Following the July 7 terror bombings in London, many evoked memories of the blitz in World War II. Regrettably, that's not the only analogy with the Second World War that is appropriate.
- Terrorism in the 21st Century (l) - A World News and Prophecy interview with Christopher Dobson, an expert on terrorism.
- Appeasement in the Face of Danger: Deadly Parallels (l) - Following the July 7 terror bombings in London, many evoked memories of the blitz in World War II. Regrettably, that's not the only analogy with the Second World War that is appropriate.
Lone wolf
- Warnings to the West (l) - Rising "lone wolf" Islamist attacks against the West should compel us to learn the importance of seeking true security.
- The Loneliness Trap (l) - Loneliness truly is a common human experience. The earliest pages of the Bible reveal a lonely man and a loving God who said, "It is not good that man should be alone."
- Confronting Loneliness (l) - When loneliness hits you -- here's how to deal with it constructively.
- The Loneliness Antidote (l) - Feelings of loneliness can overwhelm and discourage us. What can we do to combat these debilitating feelings?
- Alone in a Crowd (l) - Are we truly alone in our struggles?
- 7 Constructive Ways to Fight Loneliness (l) - Coping with loneliness is an age-old struggle. Now, despite numerous means of instant electronic communications, the problem is growing, with people seeming even more cut off from each other. For those who feel alone, here are steps that will help.
- Reflections on Loneliness (l) - You can be lonely even in a crowd, but God offers hope for the lonely -- now and for eternity.
- The Worst Disease of Our Time (l) - "Of all the diseases I have known, loneliness is the worst."--Mother Teresa
- Facing Senseless Tragedy (l) - The December 2012 massacre in Connecticut gives further evidence of the deep darkness this world languishes under. How do we process this? And what are some lessons we should take from it?
Long hair
- Jesus Christ: Victim of Stolen Identity! (l) - Most people understand that Jesus died for our sins, and the details of His illegal crucifixion are well known. But few know that after Jesus' death His identity was stolen! Many well-intentioned believers have fallen for the deception. Could you also be duped?
Long Island
- Calm From God Through New York's Greatest Storm (l) - Living through Hurricane Sandy, the recent "superstorm" that struck America's Northeast coast, didn't heighten my understanding of the weather, but I did learn some new things about God.
- Keys to a Long, Healthy Life (l) - Let's consider seven important health principles. Practicing these will help you live a longer and healthier life. These principles are backed by extensive research in the health-care field and by the Bible
- The Longsuffering of God (l) - God patiently provides for us and serve us. And God doesn't "lose His temper."
- Longsuffering: A Fusion of Patience and Power (l) - The popular impatiens flowers are so named from seeming to be highly impatient! When their seed pods mature, they explode when touched, sending seeds several yards away. See how this picture illustrates the need for longsuffering, an important fruit of God's Spirit!
Look to Christ
- Best Effort (l) - Is there any benefit to doing our best or is only the first place finisher rewarded?
Look up the scriptures
- A Reminder (bsc8) (l) - A reminder to look up the scriptures when studying this Bible course.
Looking ahead to 2008
- Peering Into the Future (2008) (l) - The way ahead may seem dark and unknown. All the more need for our paths to be lit by the knowledge of God. Use your time now to understand the world from God's viewpoint.
- "There Is One God, the Father...and One Lord, Jesus Christ" (l) - A number of scriptural passages identify Jesus Christ as God along with God the Father. Yet some contend that the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 8 denied the divinity of Christ in applying the distinction God exclusively to the Father. Let's consider what Paul was actually saying here - and what he wasn't.
Lord of hosts
- The Vast Multitudes of Heaven's Armies (l) - How many angels are there? What does it mean when Scripture refers to God as "the Lord of hosts"? Does the Bible tell us how many angels exist?
Lord's day
- Was Sunday the New Testament Day of Worship? (l) - The New Testament was written over a time of more than 60 years after Jesus' death and resurrection, and nowhere does it show the day of rest being moved to Sunday.
- What Is 'the Lord's Day'? (l) - Shows us the error of understanding "the Lord's Day" as Sunday, the first day of the week.
- From Sabbath to Sunday (l) - How and why was the seventh day Sabbath changed to Sunday observance? Is this practice supported by the Bible itself, or by some other authority?
Lord's prayer
- How's Your Prayer Life? (l) - We all make time for what we value the most. Have you gotten into the habit of praying to God on a regular basis? Need some instruction and encouragement? Here it is!
- A Lesson in Prayer (l) - You've probably heard about the power of prayer and how prayer can bring about wonderful changes in your life. But have you ever prayed and nothing happened? Have you recited the same words over and over, hoping God would somehow help you make a decision or supply an answer to an unsolvable problem? It's not that God doesn't care. The problem could be that you don't know what Jesus taught about prayer.
- Is the Kingdom Here Now? (l) - Although God's people today experience a foretaste of God's coming Kingdom in their lives (see " How Are We 'Translated Into the Kingdom'?"), many scriptures make it clear that the Kingdom of God has not arrived, but will be established on earth in the future.
- The Lord's Prayer as a Guideline (l) - In Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, right after instructing people not to use vain repetition in prayer (Matthew 6:7But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.), He gave a model prayer now referred to as the Lord's Prayer--or "Our Father" for its first words (Matthew 6:9-13 [9] After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. [10] Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. [11] Give us this day our daily bread. [12] And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. [13] And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. ).
- A Woman's View of the Lord's Prayer (l) - Do you have trouble with prayer? How should we pray? For what should we pray? What lessons should we learn from prayer? Let's consider Christ's lesson on the subject.
- The Perfect Prayer (l) - Most of us have read or heard "The Lord's Prayer" recited, but have we ever tried to understand the great meaning contained within it?
- 'Teach Us to Pray' (l) - Effective prayer also requires training. Even Christ's disciples, knowing they needed to pray, asked Him to teach them how.
Lord's supper
- Questions and Answers - Mar/Apr 2008 (l) - Answers to readers' questions. Mar/Apr 2008
- (l) - Qustions about the Passover and the relationship of the three races to each other.
Los Angeles
- Couldn't Get It Out of My Head (l) - Ezekiel 9:4 speaks of God separating to Himself a people "who sigh and cry over all the abominations that are done within it." Christ picks up this thought during His earthly ministry when He comments in Matthew 5:4, "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted."
- You Were Born to Win! (l) - When loneliness and depression beat you down, remember, there is Someone to help you up. Don't accept the label "loser," because you were born to win!
Losing weight
- Make Your Resolution a Solution (l) - In the United States it is common for many people to make resolutions as the new year begins, and each year the number one resolution is to lose weight.
- I Am the Biggest Loser, and You Can Be Too! (l) - I hope my story and the food tips included at the end will inspire and help you reach or maintain a healthy weight.
Loss of childhood
- "Father, Please Heal My Broken Heart" (l) - The emotional pain inflicted on us by others can be far worse than the physical wounds we experience. What is the right ointment for wounded hearts?
Loss, coping with
- Coping With Depression (l) - What are the causes of depression? How can we overcome it?
- Getting Lost... With a GPS? (l) - A recent poll in Britain indicates that 52 percent of drivers ages 18 to 24 used Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite navigation, while only 28 percent of those over 65 used a GPS.
- Lessons From the Parables: The Parable of the Lost Coin - Seeking Lost People (l) - Jesus told a brief story about a woman's determined search for what she had lost. While picturing God's desire to reclaim lost human beings, it also shows that we should share that desire - putting high value on relationships.
Lost sheep
- Rejoicing With God Over Finding the Lost (l) - Through a series of three parables, Jesus laid out our assignment to seek and react to the restoration of others just as God does.
Lost ten tribes
- Where Are the "Lost 10 Tribes" Today? (l) - Where did the northern 10 tribes of Israel go after their Assyrian captivity? They became known to historians as the "lost 10 tribes." What happened to them, and how do they fit in with the present peoples of the state of Israel?
Lost tribe
- World News Review - Nov 1998 (l) - World news - Nov 1998
Loud music
- In the News Apr/Jun 2006 (l) - In the news - April 2006
Louisiana Purchase
- History and Prophecy Coincide in Louisiana Purchase (l) - One of history's greatest bargains was a step forward in one of the Bible's most significant physical promises.
- Lourdes, Fatima and Medjugorje Show Modern Attraction of Signs (l) - In today's skeptical world, and on the most secular continent, there is still evidence of man's innate attraction to signs and miracles. Consider three European sites that attract millions of visitors.
- Christ's Passion Toward You and Me! (l) - While on earth, Christ provided many examples for us to follow. His compassion for humankind surpassed anything we can possibly accomplish, but we are to strive to demonstrate compassion as He did. Only then can the message of Christ's life be truly conveyed.
- Just What Is True Love (l) - Are physical attraction and true love the same thing? Many people assume they are. You need to understand what true love is and how you can apply it to your marriage.
- Infatuation or Love? (l) - What is love, and what is infatuation? Do you think you know? Before you assume you're in love, you should be sure you know what it is!
- An Issue Unified by God's Love (l) - Themes of VCM, Feb. 2007
- If You Love Me ... (l) - How do you show your love for others?
- God's Feelings About Emotions (l) - Why did God give us such a vast array of emotions? Can our emotions help us develop strong connections with Him and our fellow man?
- Amazing Grace: A Lifelong Love Story (l) - These touching moments display a God-given love that nothing can extinguish.
- Love: The Ground From Which Spiritual Fruit Springs (l) - When God's Spirit is at work in a person, amazing things happen. The person's whole life blossoms and bears beautiful fruit. And the most wonderful fruit of all is the giving and receiving of true love.
- The Truth About Love (l) - A Good News interview with Dr. Pat Love.
- The Difference Between Infatuation and Love (l) - In the heady world of male-female relationships, how can one know the difference between love and infatuation?
- True Values of Young Manhood (l) - How does a boy become a real man — the kind of man so badly needed in today's society?
- Love Don't Come Easy (l) - It is often easy to say the words "I love you," but actual love is not that easy. It takes more than saying the words; it takes action.
- Me, Us, Them: My Journey to Wife and Motherhood (l) - Marriage and family brings broadened perspective.
- More Than a Feeling (l) - Do you know what it means to demonstrate real love?
- Proverbs: To Eat With Those You Love (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
- Love Is Something That We Do (l) - Several years ago country singer and songwriter Clint Black recorded an insightful song that he titled "Something That We Do." The lyrics apparently stem from his own experience of staying married to his wife for more than 30 years now.
- How Can You Experience the Power That Drives Transformation? (l) - God reveals the way to the missing ingredient that can powerfully transform your life. Are you ready to tap into it?
- When "Goodbye" Comes Too Suddenly (l) - Take the opportunity now to tell the ones you care about that you love them.
- The Church of God Today (l) - The church of God today keeps God's commandments and holds fast to all that Jesus taught.
- Our Need for Love (l) - Life without love is ultimately life without meaning. Love is a primary element of a human life.
- The Different Kinds of Love Mentioned in the Bible (l) - The New Testament uses several words translated "love." Understanding their meanings helps us better comprehend God's expectations of us.
- God's Church Is Like a Loving Mother (l) - By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for on another.
- Practicing Love, Honor and Respect (l) - The Scriptures summarize the way we should interact with other people: practice love, honor and respect
- Grace: How God Interacts With Us (l) - God's attitude and approach of loving care and concern-even correction for us is summed up in the term grace.
- Love is the Basis of God's Relationship (l) - God's Word reveals that He listens to us and answers our requests according to His will and our best interests. He wants us to respond to His love.
- The Greatest Love Story (l) - God is creating a family -- His own divine family. And as the great loving God that He is, He wants to see you and me and every human being be a part of that family and share in that great future He plans for us.
- How Do We Know That We Love God? (l) - The Bible states over and over again exactly how we are to demonstrate our love to God. The simple answer may surprise you!
- Perfect Love (l) - Do we place unnecessary walls between ourselves and our brothers and sisters in Christ? A mature love can breach those walls.
- John: The Apostle of Love (l) - John wrote so extensively about love that Bible scholars call him the apostle of love. Why did he write so much about the subject? And what can we learn from the writings of John?
- The Greatest of These Is Love (l) - Today there is a very commercial aspect to Valentine's Day. But what are its origins?
- What Is True Love? (7/2002) (l) - Love is the most popular theme of songwriters and poets, yet many do not know what love really is.
- Love and Marriage (l) - Interview with Gary Smalley on love and marriage
- John: An Apostle of Godly Love (l) - John's Gospel and his three epistles focus on love. In his gospel he refers to himself as that disciple whom Jesus loved.
- God's Purpose for Sex and Marriage (l) - When and how did sex and marriage originate and for what purpose?
Love and children
- Our Need for Love (l) - Life without love is ultimately life without meaning. Love is a primary element of a human life.
Love and sex
- Sex Is Intended for Pleasure (l) - A loving sexual relatioship is one of the benefits of marriage. God views the married sexual relationship as beautiful.
Love at first sight
- Infatuation or Love? (l) - What is love, and what is infatuation? Do you think you know? Before you assume you're in love, you should be sure you know what it is!
- The Difference Between Infatuation and Love (l) - In the heady world of male-female relationships, how can one know the difference between love and infatuation?
- (l) - Questions and answers on issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
Love chapter
- The Bible's "Love Chapter" (l) - 1 Corinthians 13 is aptly known as the love chapter since it gives us a beautiful description of what godly love is like!
Love cocktail
- What to Do After You Say "I Do" (l) - Marriage can and should be the most fulfilling time of this life. Research shows that married couples live longer than singles. Since nearly half of marriages fail in some countries, it's important to know what to do after you say "I do."
Love conquers hatred
- Spank the Book -- Heal the Heart (l) - Childhood can be a time of hurt or healing. Sometimes the smallest of actions can make a world of difference.
Love God
- Proverbs: Keep Away From Sin (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
Love language
- Personality Differences and Temperament (l) - Because each child is a unique human being in terms of the way he or she thinks and acts, parents often wonder whether these differences should affect their parenting.
Love molecule
- Infatuation and the Human Body (l) - Infatuation is an obsessive focus on one particular person. How does it work from a scientific point of view?
Love network
- A Network of Love (l) - God designed us with the need to form relationships with others. Through this network of companionship, we learn the importance of giving and receiving love.
Love of brethren
- Perfect Love (l) - Do we place unnecessary walls between ourselves and our brothers and sisters in Christ? A mature love can breach those walls.
Love of children
- Parental Pain (l) - What does God show us about the love of a parent?
Love of enemy
- Surviving the Bullies: A Story of Answered Prayer (l) - God can sometimes answer the simplest of prayers in the most surprising of ways.
- My Enemy Next Door (l) - How is it possible to love someone you consider your enemy?
Love of God
- Are We Pleasing to God? (l) - Does our Father have expectations of Christian behavior? If so, what are they?
- The Woman With The Alabaster Flask (l) - In today's society we see abundant examples of both famous and not so famous individuals doing things for a good cause. But is this 'good' enough in God's eyes?
- How Can I Find It Easier to Pray? (l) - Do you have difficulty finding motivation to pray? Do you find it hard to communicate with God? Consider this simple solution to enriching your prayer life!
- "If You Love Me..." (l) - Millions of professing Christians say, "It's so good to know and love the Lord." While this is a nice sentiment, how do these sincere people express their love to God? Is it done in the way specified in Scripture, or is something vitally important missing?
Love of neighbor
- Poverty Is Personal (l) - Poverty has been a constant presence throughout human history, but each of us has the opportunity to personally combat poverty every day while we look forward to a time when poverty will be a distant memory.
- Carry Jesus' Burden (l) - There is no more strong, confident and powerful person that has ever lived than Jesus Christ. Yet even Jesus Christ needed help in His final hours. And He tells us He needs help many times today--even if we don't recognize Him.
- The Good Samaritan (l) - "Love, love, love / Love is all you need." So goes a line from a popular song. But what kind of love do we need, and how should we show it?
- Am I My Brother's Keeper? (l) - We all want to do good -- we want to think we would be the one to step up when needed. But often we find ourselves bowing out, when we should be stepping up.
- Love: The Ground From Which Spiritual Fruit Springs (l) - When God's Spirit is at work in a person, amazing things happen. The person's whole life blossoms and bears beautiful fruit. And the most wonderful fruit of all is the giving and receiving of true love.
- The Loneliness Antidote (l) - Feelings of loneliness can overwhelm and discourage us. What can we do to combat these debilitating feelings?
- Battling Empathy Deficit Disorder (l) - Empathy for others is waning. Why? And what should our focus be?
- Do Good Not Evil (l) - It's not always possible to like everyone we know, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't love people.
- The Woman With The Alabaster Flask (l) - In today's society we see abundant examples of both famous and not so famous individuals doing things for a good cause. But is this 'good' enough in God's eyes?
- Lessons From Matthew 25:34 (l) - Do we really understand what God expects when He says we are to serve one another?
- It's Really Not About Me (l) - Sometimes, when we look at ourselves, we may not like what we see.
- Who Is My Neighbor? (l) - Growing reality of globalization is pushing us together with people we have never dealt with before.
Love of self
- WIIFM - What's In It For Me? (l) - It sounds like it could be a local radio station, but WIIFM is actually the acronym for a question many people are asking today.
Love what you do
- Do You Lack Enthusiasm? (l) - The secret of staying young of heart is found in this article. Learn it well.
Love your enemies
- Being a Good Neighbor to Others (l) - A sincere interest in caring for and serving others is essential to the godly way of life.
- Loving Your Enemies (l) - I began my personal journey in learning to love my enemies 13 years ago. Many other people's stories have taught me along the way.
Love your neighbor
- Individual Rights Vs. Societal Rights (l) - Weighing individual vs. societal rights.
Love, God's
- Love Don't Come Easy (l) - It is often easy to say the words "I love you," but actual love is not that easy. It takes more than saying the words; it takes action.
Love, Pat
- What's Going on Under the Skin: What Touch Can Trigger (l) - Is it real love, or are you just feeling powerful brain chemicals stoked by the touch of that special someone?
Love, real
- Girls & Romance Novels (l) - Why is this genre of literature so appealing to women? Is it harmless fun?
- Natural Attraction or Lust? (l) - What's the difference between lust and natural attraction? How do we control our minds when we see a beautiful girl or a handsome guy?
- What's Going on Under the Skin: What Touch Can Trigger (l) - Is it real love, or are you just feeling powerful brain chemicals stoked by the touch of that special someone?
Love, selfless
- Rekindle the Romance (l) - 'I love you' is only the beginning and not the end of an ever-enriching love.
Love, true
- Divorce-Proof Your Marriage (l) - Because so many marriages - particularly in modern Western countries - end in failure, couples trying to live godly lives and make their relationships last will look for ways to protect and preserve their marriages.
- Rekindle the Romance (l) - 'I love you' is only the beginning and not the end of an ever-enriching love.
Love, unconditional
- God's Church Is Like a Loving Mother (l) - By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for on another.
Loving children
- Personality Differences and Temperament (l) - Because each child is a unique human being in terms of the way he or she thinks and acts, parents often wonder whether these differences should affect their parenting.
Loving God
- God's First Great Commandment (l) - As Jesus explained, there are two great commandments fundamental to all others-considered here in two articles. The first great commandment is to love God with our whole being. Distinct from false religions of the past, God wants a close and deep relationship with you.
Lower than angels
- "Made Lower - but Only for a While" (l) - Note David's statement in Psalm 8:5 that man has been made "a little lower than the angels" or "heavenly beings," as the English Standard Version translates it.
- The Meek, the Lowly and the Wise (l) - There are many kinds of people in the world, and only a few are selected to be among God's chosen. What characteristics may show us who they are?
- A Friendship Manual (l) - What do the Proverbs say about friendships?
- Man's Best Friend (l) - What qualities is God looking for in a friend?
- Becoming "All Weather" Christians (l) - Bad times drive some away from God, and good times draw others away. God wants us to stay with Him, through thick and thin.
- The Hesed Factor (l) - How does the Old Testament principle of hesed 'covenant loyalty' apply to Christians today? The love story of Ruth shows the way.
- The Luangwa Elephants: A Lesson for All (l) - Depredations of the elephant herds of northern Zambia by poaching led to a breakdown of the social structure of these magnificent creatures. Their experience holds sad and sobering lessons for people as well.
- Who Is Responsible for the Deception? (l) - Satan was the brains behind the operation to get rid of Jesus and distort His message.
- Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Taken (l) - Why walk a mile in someone else's moccasins when you can walk in your own?
- The Word "Lucifer" in Isaiah 14:12 (l) - The parallels between the astronomical picture and what happened in the spirit realm are striking and reinforce the points Isaiah makes here in describing this tragic angelic rebellion.
- Gifts We Fail to Use (l) - When we get the wonderful gifts for which we pray, do we really appreciate them... or abuse them?
- The Origin of Evil and Suffering (l) - Editorial: Where did evil come from?
- How Does Christ's Suffering Help in Our Suffering? (l) - Why does suffering happen? Why does God allow it? How does the horrible suffering Jesus Christ went through relate to us? And will there be lasting relief?
- Do You Feel Lucky Today? (l) - Good luck, bad luck, no luck and even luck that can follow you -- is this really what controls your future?
- Why Suffering? - Time and Chance (l) - Many good and bad things occur to people regardless of whether they are good or evil. The Bible refers to the working of "time and chance".
- Profiles of Faith - Luke: Paul's Beloved Friend and Companion (l) - Luke was faithful to Paul as a trusted and loyal friend, standing by him in good times and bad. We, too, can aspirer to this kind of faithfulness and loyalty.
Lung cancer
- An Overview of Conditions Around the World - May/Jun 2001 (l) - A brief synopsis of world events. May/June 2001
Lung transplant
- Spiritual Lessons From My Double Lung Transplant (l) - My life was saved by a double lung transplant. This life-changing event led me to a much deeper understanding of Christ's sacrifice and God's plan for me and all mankind.
- Valentine's Day: What's Wrong With Showing Love? (l) - Valentine's Day has long been hugely popular as a romantic tradition despite its ancient and unseemly origins. So what's wrong with celebrating this holiday?
- Valentine's Day: What's Wrong With Showing Love? (l) - Valentine's Day has long been hugely popular as a romantic tradition despite its ancient and unseemly origins. So what's wrong with celebrating this holiday?
- Porn Causes Brain Damage (l) - In today's culture, porn is not going away. You can avoid the damage this sin causes.
- Until You Succeed! (l) - How many times does God expect us to pick ourselves up when we fall?
- Men's and Women's Vulnerabilities (l) - When it comes to temptations to have sex, men and women, in general, face different challenges.
- What's Wrong With Our Human Nature? (l) - We have a natural tendency to resent having our fleshly desires limited by rules, even God's rules. Paul explains: "For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit.
- (l) - Volumes have been written describing the root causes of war.
Lust for power
- The Continuous March of Folly (l) - Human lust for power seems to be a prime cause of misgovernment within leaders -- the will of one person to exert rule over others, no matter what form that may take.
Luther, Martin
- Europe and the Church, Part 9: Charles V's Empire Upon Which the Sun Never Set (l) - The Holy Roman Emperor Charles V was the most famous Habsburg in history, presiding over an empire that stretched from the Philippines to Peru and was the greatest in Europe. During his reign he was confronted with major challenges, including the Protestant Reformation. His reign constituted the fourth of the seven prophesied resurrections of the Roman Empire, which will see its final resurrection just before the return of Jesus Christ as King of Kings.
- Your Bible is 400 Years Old (l) - The King James Version, or Authorized Version, of the Bible was completed in 1611. Even if you have a more modern English version, it owes a great deal to this groundbreaking translation.
- Is the Protestant Reformation Being Undone? (l) - When the Catholic monk Martin Luther challenged the Catholic Church with his Ninety-five Theses, few could've foreseen the upheaval and division that would result. Now, 500 years later, could we see a reunification of world Christianity? Does Bible prophecy give any indication?
- Martin Luther: The Unfinished Reformation (l) - Five centuries have passed since Martin Luther started the Protestant Reformation and changed the world. What's the story behind the man and the movement he started?
- Changes in Christian Scholars' Perspective on God's Law (l) - Christian scholars are changing their views of the status of God's laws in New Testament. One cannot help but hope that many others will be encouraged by their example to change their prejudices against obeying the Ten Commandments.
- The Book of James: An 'Epistle of Straw'? (l) - Paul wrote, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith," and we are "created in Christ Jesus to do good works" (Ephesians 2:8, New International Version). James summarized this concept simply and concisely, telling us that "faith without works is dead" (James 2:20).
- Luther and Tyndale on Death (l) - Many believe the soul is immortal and remains conscious apart from the body after death. But early reformers Martin Luther and William Tyndale recognized what the Bible teaches about this -- that those who've died have no awareness while awaiting a future resurrection.
Lydia, woman of
- Women of Faith (l) - Of all the faithful listed in Hebrews 11, only two are women: Sara and Rahab the harlot. But are there other faithful women in the scriptures and, if so, what can we learn from their examples?
- Liar, Liar (l) - How important is being truthful and just how much lying will we accept into our lives?
- Liar, Liar, Politics on Fire (l) - The world is ablaze with political lying that is destroying civilization -- under the influence of the greatest liar ever. But a new leader to come promises a reformed society based on truth. You can prepare now to be part of it.
- Proverbs: False Lips (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
- Children More Likely to Lie If Adults Lie Also (l) - A recent study shows how a dishonest example set by an adult can impact children who observe it.
- The Sin of Lying (l) - Lying -- almost everybody does it and for a variety of reasons. But how does God view it, and what can we do about it?
- The Ninth Commandment: Truth as a Way of Life (l) - How important is truth? To fully appreciate the Ninth Commandment, with its prohibition of lying, we must realize how important truth is to God.
- What Will They Get This Christmas? (l) - Promoting materialism, debt for what families can't afford, lies and pagan revelry -- it's all part of the magic of Christmastime.
Lying wonders
- Signs and Lying Wonders: Will You Be Deceived? (l) - Bible history and prophecy show that not all miracles are from God. At the end time, there will be counterfeit miracles to deceive the nations and, if possible, even God's people.
- A Personal Experience of Prayer (l) - It was a rare and magnificent sight, and I prayed to be able to see it again.
- Do Lyrics Matter? (l) - What goes into your head can affect your thoughts and actions.
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