Information Related to "Letters from Our Readers - Sep/Oct 2007"
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"The Debate Over Life's Ultimate Question: Does God Exist?"
Thank you so much for all your publications. They are full of truth and I feel so strengthened in my faith in God. I was pleased to receive your recent issue of The Good News. The article on "Does God Exist?" is so timely, covering the atheist debates that the Church needs to be informed about.
-K.R., Melksham, England
I had never seen your magazine before, but I recently read the article "The Debate Over Life's Ultimate Question: Does God Exist?" It was a thoughtful, if one-sided, article. For Christianity to survive in an increasingly "militant, atheistic" world, it must embrace science and the evidence science presents for the origin of the universe. Christians should not be afraid of science, but rather recognize that change and the evolution of ideas is a fundamental part of being human.
If God indeed placed us on this planet, He also gave us the intelligence to discover and study our universe. While I believe that religion has a place in the world, so does science, and the two don't have to be at odds. Science cannot explain why we are here, but religion can. Religion does not need to explain how we are here. Science can do that.
-V.B., Boise, Idaho
The Bible has no disagreement with true science. God is its author. The term science essentially means knowledge. The prophet Daniel had understanding of science (Daniel 1:4, King James Version). Grasping the sense of the passage, the New King James translators used the word "knowledge" instead. Later the apostle Paul spoke of "oppositions of science falsely so called" (1 Timothy 6:20, KJV). Again the NKJV used the phrase "what is falsely called knowledge." Unproven evolutionary theories are neither true science nor true knowledge.
Please send me the booklet Creation or Evolution? I am not totally convinced about creationism. Maybe I was indoctrinated too much when I was a child. I don't know. I need to look into it more closely.
-H.W., Manchester, England
Yesterday I received a copy of your booklet I am not sure how I originally got on your mailing list, but your Good News magazine is great. I actually just got fired from my teaching position in the biology department of a local junior college for teaching the truth about evolution. I shared much of the same information contained in your magazine with my students. I am amazed by the number of Christians who believe that some form of evolutionary process was responsible for life on earth. If Christians have this belief, then they don't know God for who He really is-the Creator.
-S.H., Pleasant Hill, California
"Charles Darwin: Evolution of a Man and His Ideas"
I always love to read your articles on the truth behind the theory of evolution. "Charles Darwin: Evolution of a Man and His Ideas" was particularly interesting. Rather than attack Darwin, it helped us to understand where Darwin was coming from. Here was a very clever man who just could not accept that hellfire is the punishment for all who are not saved in this lifetime.
Quite rightly, Darwin could see such an avenging god as being more terrifying than the devil, who can "merely" torture people to death during their physical lifetime, not for eternity. The article also helped me to be able to discuss this issue with evolutionists differently: no longer combative, but with genuine respect for the person. What better way to be a witness for God's wonderful truth on the matter!
-Z.K., New South Wales, Australia
Readers who may not be aware of the true biblical teaching about hellfire should request or download our free booklet
"The Terrible Twos or the Terrific Twos?"
Your article on 2-year-olds came at a perfect time. My daughter is a vivacious, curious, willful, spirited little girl to say the least! There are days when I feel overwhelmed (as a stay-home mama), but after the reassurance and guidance from your article, I felt so empowered and so blessed to be able to spend my days with her. She really is our terrific 2-year-old, and our family loves her to pieces.
-M.W., Alpine, California
Thank you for such a wonderful and inspiring magazine. I am a single mother to a 2-month-old baby boy who is a blessing to me. After reading the magazine you sent me recently, it opened up new hope both physically and spiritually because I had lost all hope after I had my baby. It was hard for me to think that my child would grow up without a fatherly figure, but thank God we can do that.
-S.C., North Potomac, Maryland
Teachers appreciate The Good News
I recently subscribed to The Good News. As a teacher of English and Arabic in the Armenian Orthodox School of Theology, I feel that I have a duty and responsibility that I can neither shirk nor overlook. I believe that it's imperative for our seminary students to read the articles published in The Good News. Such articles, written by God-fearing individuals, will undoubtedly mold their character constructively and help keep them on the right track.
-H.M. Jerusalem, Israel
Thank you for sending me The Good News. The biblical insights you publish are indeed very timely. As a teacher by profession, I recognize that your articles can be very good subjects for discussion. May you also find time to include me in your prayers because I am facing very tough spiritual and financial battles these days.
-A.C.A., Philippines
You will be in our prayers.
America in jeopardy
If I read The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy correctly, this booklet tells us that the descendants of the original house of Israel are presently spread out over Northwest Europe, North America, Australasia and southern Africa-with Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand being the tribe of Ephraim and the United States being the tribe of Manasseh. Ephraim's glory days as a world power began diminishing at the end of World War II. Manasseh is currently the strongest, largest remaining part of the house of Israel.
With our national toll of bloodshed with abortion and other crimes over the past half-century, the United States is totally oblivious about the end-time prophecy of Ezekiel, chapters 5 through 8. Few here have the slightest clue that events such as 9/11, Katrina, Rita, tornadoes, financial debacles and all kinds of other calamities are an indication that Almighty God has removed His divine protection from our country.
If we don't repent and return to the worship and obedience of our Creator, we may be the principal recipient of a much more severe "duplication" of the house of Israel's original punishment and dispersal in the eighth century B.C. (2 Kings 17). It's time past for the United Church of God to more elaborately educate our peoples as to their origin and proper identity in history.
-R.R, East Freetown, Massachusetts
Spreading this vital knowledge is one of the principal goals of the United Church of God. Readers may request or download the free booklet to learn more.
Clean and Unclean Meats
I read a pamphlet [published by The Good News] titled This pamphlet was in a doctor's office in Waynesville, North Carolina. We have believed this for many years and have tried to spread the word. However, I have never seen such a well-written and easy-to-understand explanation.
-D.S., Canton, North Carolina
All contributions are gratefully appreciated. Readers who would like to voluntarily contribute to spreading the gospel may do so through checks made out to the United Church of God. Our U.S. mailing address is P.O. Box 541027, Cincinnati, Ohio 45254-1027. Addresses of our offices in other countries are listed on the Contact Webpage.
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