Information Related to "Letters from Our Readers - Sep/Oct 2006"
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"Our Amazing Spaceship Earth"
Thank you for The Good News magazine with the beautiful picture of a galaxy and the earth with the valuable writing about the meaning of life and the message of God. And thank you again for sending me the interesting booklets and
-F.H., Hungary
I am enjoying your publications, but sometimes I have to respond to some of the statements made by your writers. In your article "Our Amazing Spaceship Earth" (which is very good and informative), you quoted Genesis 1:26 in which God says, "Let us make man in Our image, according to our likeness." This verse clearly states that man, Adam and Eve, were created in the image of God. Later Genesis 5:3 tells us that Adam "became the father of a son in his own likeness, according to his image, and named him Seth." After the sin of Adam, man was not created in the image of God, but in the image of fallen man. Too many people think that they were created in the image of God, when in fact they are in the image of their earthly father Adam.
-B.W., Internet
Consider three other scriptural passages. First Genesis 9:6: "Whoever sheds man's blood, by man his blood shall be shed; for in the image of God He made man." James 3:9 tells us that "with it [the tongue] we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude ["likeness," New International Version] of God." Finally Paul explains that "we are the offspring of God" (Acts 17:29). These passages show that although our human behavior has fallen far short of the righteousness of our Creator, we are still made in His image. Our free booklet contains a chapter explaining much more about this subject.
Evolution vs. creation
I was extremely fortunate to come across your Web site. I am a devout Christian and found your articles on the question of evolution vs. creation thoroughly interesting and thought-provoking. I particularly like the way you relate scientific thoughts and concepts to biblical statements that shed light on the overwhelming evidence of God's existence.
These writings further strengthen my belief in God and the purpose of life. That purpose can only be revealed in its entirety and purest form by the teachings of Christianity via the Holy Bible.
-B.T., Fiji
I sincerely thank you for the publications you have sent me. I have read and several times over and I can't help but marvel at how so-called experts, learned men, scholars and scientists stubbornly choose to close their eyes to all the evidence science itself provides that points to an Intelligent Designer, a Creator--while clinging to a theory they cannot even prove in a laboratory.
I have come to believe that the theory of evolution, together with its exponents, is just a manifestation of mankind's natural hostility toward God.
-K.E.A., Ghana
Changed lives around the world
About two years ago I sent up a prayer for guidance in finding God's truth from the Bible because I had lost faith in the doctrine taught in most churches today. I've tried to live my life following the example that the Lord Jesus set for us, but I could never find where He changed the Sabbath to Sunday. So I stopped going to church and decided to put my faith in God the way Abraham, Isaac and Jacob did before there ever was a Bible.
After I sent up that prayer I started receiving The Good News magazine. I am sending a tithe of the check I just received to help in the spreading of His true Word.
-K.H.M., Banning, California
I was born a Roman Catholic and received a full and thorough Catholic education. I am 44, and in the last year I uncovered some good Web sites relating to the truth of the Bible and God's plan. How astonished I was when I made the connections that I simply had never understood before. It was almost audible when the pennies dropped. Of course your own site has provided me with so much to digest. For the first time I have started observing God's Holy Days, including the Sabbath.
-B.M., United Kingdom
Let me thank you for the great knowledge you impart through your articles and booklets. I appreciate the way you explain things from the Bible. Even the fact that our Lord was in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights was understood only after reading your booklet.
It is now more than one year since I started to read your articles and booklets. One day through searching the Internet I came across your site. Thank God it was my starting point. Now I worship God really knowing Him.
-P.V.P., India
Thank you so much for your Good News magazine and the booklets you have sent me. Let me tell you how God and your Bible Study Course has helped my church. We began a Bible study class last year. Later someone in the group asked me if I would teach it.
Meanwhile I had begun your (12 lessons) and often I would share the thoughts of what I learned from it. I have also used recordings of your sermons, which also have become part of our Bible study class (with usually between 15 and 30 participants).
-R.C., Hampton, Georgia
I want to thank you for all the biblical material you have sent me. The Word of God has enriched me from your booklets. At present I am staying in Dubai where we have a lot of religious tolerance, but at times packages are checked and the man on duty could be overzealous and destroy Christian material. For safety's sake, please send the booklets in three separate mailings.
-L.R.B., United Arab Emirates
Thank you for the magazine and the booklets. I'm currently incarcerated, and through the years one of my doubts about religion was "which one is the right one?" One day an officer stopped by my cell door, kept staring at the address information and finally slid one of your magazines under the door. The officer had left by the time I found out it wasn't intended for me.
When I finished reading it, I knew that God had answered my doubts. Now I am looking forward to being a part of your church, getting baptized as soon as I am released and observing all the festivals of God.
-F.G., Woodville, Texas
I wanted to write and thank you for the wonderful literature that you have graciously been sending to me. I have received many of your booklets and I subscribe to The Good News. My mind has been opened to the wonderful truth of God's Kingdom and His purpose for our lives in a way I never expected.
My wife and I have recently been spending our Saturdays reading the booklets and studying together with our 10-year-old son. We are learning how to keep the Sabbath as God commanded us and we are also trying to learn the other laws He has in place for us in order to fulfill His will. I have been led to start saving tithes from my income, but have not been sure of where to send them. From what I understand, God's tithe is a form of worship and should go to further His work. I would like to know the proper address to send it.
-M.P., Bessemer, Alabama
All contributions are gratefully appreciated. Readers who would like to voluntarily contribute to spreading the gospel may do so through checks made out to the United Church of God. Our U.S. mailing address is P.O. Box 541027, Cincinnati, Ohio 45254-1027. Addresses of our offices in other countries are listed on the Contact Webpage.
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