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Letters From Our Readers

"Ten Things You Should Know About God"

I enjoyed this article as in 10 brief sections it describes the essential attributes of the true God of the Bible. As you stated in the introduction, this is a God even professing Christians do not seem to know, much less those who have been brought up in a post-Christian society such as Britain. Your comment about how so many view God's law as a "yoke of bondage" is just one example of how distorted people's views of God have become, when one considers that God is also a God of love and mercy. How sad so few people really know the true God and His Son, Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

-B.F., Lancashire, England

A new ad has recently appeared on some London buses saying: "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life." This sign presupposes that believing in God means we won't be able to enjoy life. Your points about what God is like show us that believing in and serving God bring joy to our lives rather than preventing it.

-J.S., England

The Good News

I thank you for providing me with The Good News and all the booklets over the many years. These have been the real backbone in providing answers and sanity in this totally disturbed world. I read a few pages every day. The messages are written very articulately and are well thought out. The more I read, the clearer everything becomes. Your great works play an indispensable part in my life.

-J.K.B., Kenya

I've been subscribing to your magazine and have noticed that the quality is excellent, the subjects are very current and the articles give us solutions about how to live better in this world. That's a good reason to subscribe to it again. Congratulations for the issue that reports about families. A good suggestion was to turn off the TV and look for something positive to do instead of wasting time.

-D.W., Brazil

The Good News contains a lot of inspirational things which are playing a vital role in calling our society back into godly values. The way you write and address questions can make an atheist turn to God.

Your style is unique because you don't just write about God; rather you take advantage of the broken world to show the futility of man without God. I can sense your dedication, fear and honouring of God through the pages. I repeat, The Good News is very inspirational, which led me to sign up for the Bible Study Course. It is strong but digestible, possessing dignity which can only be attributed to the emphasis on God's character. I am a potential partner in donation.

-O.N.O., London, England

Church Web site

I stumbled on your Web site during one of my searches about God and relationships. I am excited that there is an organization out there offering, free of charge, God's word and teachings to make many things in the Scriptures clearer and simpler. God richly bless all your hard work.

Sincerely speaking, I am keen to know how this ministry is funded. Can individuals or ministries partner with you, give money and resources to encourage the work that you do? God bless you all once again.

-Dr. J.E., Kent, England

The Good News is funded by the voluntary contributions of members of the United Church of God, an International Association, and the many coworkers and donors who believe in sharing the message of the true gospel with others around the world. Their generosity makes it possible for us to share The Good News and other publications in English, Spanish, German, French, Italian and other languages. Donations are appreciated and are tax-deductible in the United States and Canada.

I wish to thank you for such a wonderful Web site! It is packed with relevant information and enlightenment. I visit it at least three times per day to get some of my biblical questions answered. It is nice to see a group of Christians still standing by the Word of God and upholding its value.

-J.C., Internet

Bible Study Course

I am happy to be able to finish all 12 lessons of the Bible Study Course. It has taught me to love reading the Bible for the purpose it has been written--the greatest gift that links us to God the Father and Jesus Christ our Saviour. I thank all those who made it possible free of charge to help me know more and read the Bible more. A Christian should read the Bible for as long as he or she is able to. I will still want to continue reading The Good News. The advice at the end of the course, to study through again the 12 lessons, is the best.

-C.F., London, England

Returning to the fold

I just want to thank you and all who support your work for helping me come to repentance through your online sermons and literature. I grew up in God's Church but lusted for the riches of the world as a teen. Now, 25 years later, I find myself in serious regret for not believing as I should have. The journey out of a world and life of sin that I have led is going to be so difficult for me now that I fear that it is almost impossible if not for God's Holy Spirit and your Church members providing so much inspired and encouraging messages for sinners like me.

-T.P., Internet

The Church Jesus Built

I just want to thank you for the inspiration that your Web site shows concerning the teachings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I have ordered the booklet The Church Jesus Built and am looking forward to its inspired reading. I am a person who has always wondered why churches never went along with Christ's teachings. There is only one true Church and that is the Church that teaches the true doctrine of our Lord and Savior. I am looking forward to reading the booklet.

-H.L., Internet

I have learnt so much from your literature, but now have a dilemma. I've stopped going to a "Sunday" church because I have come to believe in Saturday as the Sabbath and all the other truths that you teach. I have a very deep desire to live God's way. I don't really know anybody that has come to the same knowledge. I feel alienated spiritually from my friends. I live in Cape Town, South Africa. How can I get in touch with other members of the United Church of God?

-F.V.Z., Cape Town, South Africa

We have forwarded your letter to our office in South Africa, where we have several congregations meeting regularly. By now someone should have been in touch with you.

Booklets about finances helpful

I take this opportunity to praise the Lord Jesus for the good job you are doing in spreading The Good News to those who cannot be reached by you physically. I did receive your two booklets and Managing Your Finances. They have been of great value to me and many that I have shared them with. They uplifted me spiritually and now I can plan with my wife about money matters without fighting or hiding. I have come to understand the importance of tithing in the right way.

-S.M.M., Nairobi, Kenya

A Jewish point of view

I really appreciate your sending me The Good News. As a Jew I am really pleased with your concern for Israel and sharing with your audience such vital pieces of information about Israel. With all due respect, I must add that I differ with some of your Christian views regarding the coming of the Messiah. You very accurately point out in The Good News the Jewish life of Jesus, quoting from Matthew the Shema commandment. Jesus was a Jew who obeyed all the commandments of the Hebrew Bible. And if (or when) He were to come back, where do you think He would pray: in a church or a synagogue?

Why is it that Christians today follow Paul's teaching about the "supercession" theology that caused so much misery for the Jews over 2,000 years--arguing that the Old Testament is obsolete instead of emulating the life of Jesus? I have always been befuddled by this issue and I would very much appreciate it if you could enlighten me. Such a pity that misunderstandings over 2,000 years led to persecution and slaughter of millions of my people. People like you and your magazine try to correct these misunderstandings, and I am truly humbled by your love for Israel .

-I.C., Chicago, Illinois

You may find that our free booklet The Church Jesus Built presents a much more insightful viewpoint of the true teachings of both the Old and the New Testament. And as the apostle Peter tells us, the apostle Paul's teachings have been seriously distorted (2 Peter 3:15-16). Many completely misunderstand his theology and ignore his support for the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament. For an accurate understanding of Paul's teachings, request or download our free book The New Covenant: Does It Abolish God's Law?

Wants to donate in spite of disagreements

I don't agree with some of the viewpoints of your magazine, but there are enough good articles I can use that I want to at least pay for my subscription. I have received it free for a long time, and I do not want to continue to take it without giving some back.

-Mrs. J.O., Lubbock, Texas

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