Information Related to "Letters From Our Readers - Nov/Dec 2000"
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"Where Have All the Leaders Gone?"
I received the September-October issue. Your articles on what makes a true leader are outstanding. If only we could get a president who is like Jesus in every way. The world needs leaders who fear God and run our countries as Jesus would. How we hunger for this to happen! However, I don't believe Jesus would ever lower Himself to run for president anywhere in the world. There's too much corruption and dishonesty in our campaign system. We need to pray, fear God and hope our leader who gets in will do the same. We've lost our fear of God.
R.F., Sheridan, Missouri
Thank you for your intelligent and provocative magazine. It is invariably a breath of fresh air. Thanks also for the sobering meditation "Could Jesus Be Elected to the White House?" The very question makes us pause to reflect on the spiritual and moral penury of our age. There seems little doubt that in a rematch with Barabbas, Jesus would lose all 50 states.
K.G.L., Arlington, Virginia
The Good News and other literature
I would like to thank you for your magazines and booklets. I am 17 and a junior in high school. I've grown up in a very crazy life and now live with my dad, who does not believe God exists. But, because of your generosity in sending these wonderful magazines, he's coming close to God's promise of salvation. I find him secretly reading my magazines and booklets. Although he denies it all, I know God is slowly getting through to him.
C.C., Jelm, Wyoming
I subscribed to your magazine via
the Web and recently received the July-August issue. Truly I have never read a Christian magazine as excellent as yours. It is both intellectually stimulating and spiritually inspiring, and, most important, its content isn't presented in the condescending nature typical of most Christian magazines I have read.J.D., Internet
The Feast of Tabernacles
I have a question concerning your
September-October issue. In an article titled "The Feast of Peace," the author opened with these words: "Many people have attended church services all their lives and never heard of the Feast of Tabernacles. The festival is seldom mentioned in churches, although it is mentioned prominently in the Bible. Jesus Christ observed this festival, as did His apostles long after His death and resurrection." After reading the article I did not see any scriptural evidence for this last statement and was wondering if perhaps I missed it. Could you please clarify and give me scriptural references, if any. I have learned to always accept "Thus saith the Lord" on all matters.R.R., Internet
Jesus kept the Feast of Tabernacles (see John 7:2,8,10,14) and God's other feast days (Luke 2:41-42; John 2:13,23; Matthew 26:17-19). The apostles also did, as shown in the book of Acts (2:1-2; 18:20-21; 20:16) and other New Testament writings (1Corinthians 5:7-8; 16:8). Our booklet God's Holy Day Plan: The Promise of Hope for All Mankind explains the details, especially in the first chapter, "Are God's Holy Days Relevant Today?" The booklet also contains a chart showing these and other pertinent scriptures. Please request your free copy.
British readers struggle with world of religion
Your booklets are so important to me. My first introduction to The Good News was on Percy Island, 17 hours' sailing away from Queensland, Australia. I picked up a copy
on this virtually uninhabited island (only two people live there), and my eyes were wide open. I suddenly identified with Christ, God and the universe in your booklet.R.C., Gloucestershire, England
Your magazine is so inspiring. There's only one truth, and I know you have it. I've had my fingers burned several times from following the teachings of many unscrupulous "false profits." I am amazed that you can offer your teachings free.
E.R., Dorset, England
I would love to believe in God, but I find it hard to live with the contradictions and hypocrisy connected with religion. I also fail to see the relevance of the Bible to modern society. Please continue to send your literature.
R.W., West Midlands, England
The Good News uses the Bible as its primary source for understanding what is happening in modern society. "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." (Please see our article "Why a Magazine of Understanding?" ) The Scriptures teach there is a true religion, one that is based on the model revealed in the Bible.
Please apply for our free booklet The Church Jesus Built. Also, true ministers of God are available to visit those who would like help (see our contact page).
Heaven and Hell
Thank you for your offer for a complimentary copy of the booklet Heaven and Hell: What Does the Bible Really Teach? I read the article about hell in the September-October issue of The Good News and was impressed with the approach of the author.
I have been a serious Bible student for
more than 60 years and wrestled with the question of eternal punishing many times.
I am a retired Baptist pastor and must
admit that I never once preached on this theme. I look forward to receiving a copy of the booklet.H.B.W., Cleveland, Ohio
Reader from Fiji
Thank you so much for the material which you send at this time when our country is in crisis. There are no other materials to give us more understanding of the Bible. It encourages me to try to read as much as possible, so as to put my mind, hope and trust always onto the Lord.
Reader from Fiji Islands
Published letters may be edited for clarity and space. Address your letters to The Good News, Box 541027, Cincinnati, Ohio 45254, U.S.A., or E-mail (please be sure to include your full name, city, state or province, and country).
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United Church of God, an International Association
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Table of Contents that includes "Letters From Our Readers - Nov/Dec 2000"
Keywords: letters from GN readers Good News magazine