Information Related to "Letters From Our Readers - Nov/Dec 2002"
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I have been a slowly progressing Christian for 20 years or so and have been disillusioned with established churches for various reasons. I find your publication most refreshing and a great help. It is well balanced and has helped me with my perspective in this depressing and stressful world. I have a close friend who was involved in the world of cocaine in a big way. I saw something in him that I really liked, so I gently dropped bits of Bible prophecy into our conversations. To my surprise he quickly showed a real interest, so I asked him if hed like me to get him on your mailing list.
Since he started receiving The Good News about six months ago, he has quickly accepted the Bible as the Word of the one true God. His grasp of creation, love, Christs purpose and so much more has been a joy to behold. This is quite amazing since he cannot remember ever reading a book in his life. Now he comes to me and tells me about things hes learned from your publications. We are both sinners struggling to cope with the world, so please pray for us.
L.D.M., Royston, England
I really appreciate The Good News. I found your magazine in front of a shop in San Francisco. The titles caught my eye, and I took one. After reading, I fully appreciate it because this magazine teaches a lot of things we forget or think we know. Im 34 and want to meet a girl for marriage who believes in God. But girls I meet like going into bars for dancing, smokingin short, they do not believe in God. So I cant go with them because Ive changed my life and want to live by Gods rules. A long time ago I stopped having sex because of my belief in God and fear of bad diseases. Thank you so much for making your magazine and Web site available.
I.Z., San Francisco, California
I want to thank you for The Good News because we are at present living in a world where most people have forgotten what it really means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. In this uncertain world your magazine has come as a message of hope and understanding to many seekers who do not know where to find soul-saving truths anymore. Please continue to send this wonderful magazine to mewith a message that has enough soul-saving guidance and truth in it to lead a whole lost world back to God again.
J.M., Bellville, South Africa
I have recently received some of your literature and am very happy to find that many of the beliefs I have correspond to your Churchs. I am searching for ways to understand and serve God and have been doing so for much of my life. But I find I cannot accept many of the mainstream religious teachings. My family brought me up a Catholic, but it has been many years since I have been associated with that church. I long to find association with followers of the Bible and Christs teachings. Do you have any suggestions as to the steps I can take to become more involved with the correct way to serve God? I am a 50-year-old woman who is still searching for a way to answer my hearts calling.
J.A., Cliffwood Beach, New Jersey
We deeply appreciate your attitude and approach to truth. To begin with, you might want to request three of our booklets, Transforming Your Life, What Is Your Destiny? and The Church Jesus Built. These free publications give basic spiritual guidance in preparation for whatever further steps God may show you.
Thank you for the article "Gods Test Commandment" in The Good News (July- August 2002). Excellent! Excellent! God has been speaking to me (and others) about this.
A.S., Prince George, B.C., Canada
I have been a member of a Sunday-worshiping
ministry. However, I came across the booklet Sunset to Sunset: Gods
Sabbath Rest. Honestly speaking, I was impressed to discover the truth of
the Scriptures through your wonderful booklet. And I thank the Almighty God
for revealing Himself to me through this booklet too.
To be frank, I have stopped going to church because of Sunday worship.
G.I., Gambia
Thank you so very much for your Web site, for offering the wonderful materials for free with no obligation or ulterior motive other than to educate people (which is unheard of these days). I am absolutely fascinated with learning as much as I can about God, Jesus, Christianity and the ultimate questions: Why are we here, and how can we accept, understand and know God? As hard as I may try, I will never understand what or who God is. But it certainly helps to know that Im not by any means the only one struggling with such issues, nor am I alone in wanting very much to be a part of Gods family, one of His children.
L.C.T., Internet
We suggest that you request our free booklet Who Is God?
I shall be thankful if you send me new issues of The Good News and booklets. I havent received any for months.
Reader from Iraq
In these stressful times in the very shadow of a potential war, we should remember that our readers in Iraq may experience great difficulty in receiving The Good News and other literature published by the United Church of God.
(back to top)I have been a regular subscriber to The Good News since March 2000. Additionally, I have subscribed to your 12-lesson Bible Study Course and received such publications as Who Is God?, The Ten Commandments, The Church Jesus Built and Gods Holy Day Plan and a host of other free publications. I am most impressed with your ministry of proclaiming the true gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations by providing biblical literature at no charge to those who request it. It is my experience and belief that this philosophy is atypical of the ministry of so many other ministers, evangelists, teachers, conference hosts, etc.
Realizing that your association relies greatly upon the voluntary contributions of the general public, I am enclosing a small personal contribution in recognition of and appreciation for your efforts.
G.H., Portsmouth, Ohio
(back to top)We appreciate your interest and commitment in helping us provide these free publications to others. In the United States, tax-deductible donations may be sent to the address below.
Published letters may be edited for clarity and space. Address your letters to The Good News, Box 541027, Cincinnati, Ohio 45254, U.S.A., or E-mail (please be sure to include your full name, city, state or province, and country).
2002-2022 United Church of God, an International Association
Related Information:
Table of Contents that includes "Letters From Our Readers - Nov/Dec 2002"
Keywords: truth Sabbath Iraq Sunday observance