Information Related to "Letters From Our Readers - May/Jun 2001"
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"One Nation-Under God?"
I enjoy your magazine and devour each issue from cover to cover. I have found much enjoyment and education in reading your various publications. I just finished reading "One Nation-Under God" in the March-April issue. Relative to what was written in the First Amendment of the Constitution concerning religion and government, I learned when I was in school that our forefathers wanted to prevent our paying taxes to support a denomination not of our own choosing. But they certainly never intended to ban our Father from the classroom. I hope I will no longer be here (I'm almost 75) when the Almighty calls our country to account for having evicted Him from our schools.
- J.W.H., West Jacksonville, Florida
The article "One Nation-Under God" was outstanding. Keep up the good work.
- G.N.G, Internet
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Would Jesus keep Easter?
I was extremely delighted to read "Would Jesus Keep Easter?" I have done my own personal research about this holiday and came to the same conclusion stated in your article. On a different note, I am interested in knowing more about your doctrines. Could you direct me to a local assembly or send me some literature for a thorough explanation?
- E.M., Cincinnati, Ohio
One of our personal correspondents has answered your question and mailed the appropriate literature.
I read the article "Would Jesus Keep Easter?" in the March-April issue. I completely agree with it. I think you should write an article similar to it on the observance of Sunday as the Sabbath. You could point out that, like Easter worship, Sunday comes from a pagan holiday (worshiping the sun). There is no biblical basis for worshiping on the first day of the week.
- M.D., Coshocton, Ohio
Interested readers may wish to request our free booklet Sunset to Sunset: God's Sabbath Rest.
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Does God exist?
You don't have to be an expert to realize that God is a fictional figure created by people to have something to fall back on in case of difficult times. If you look objectively at what's going on in the world, you wake up and conclude that no sane being would create this mess. If God exists, why is He just looking and not doing a thing about the pain? Give me a proof that He exists and I will believe otherwise. We are here by pure probability, a random event.
- R.T., Brooklyn, New York
God has already done something about all the pain in the world. He sent His Son to die for our sins (John 3:14-17) as an important first step in His master plan of bringing mankind into His everlasting Kingdom. Other important steps are yet to follow. You can get the whole story by requesting our free booklets God's Holy Day Plan: The Promise of Hope for All Mankind and What Is Your Destiny?
The existence of so much suffering has led many to conclude that God doesn't exist or is impotent to put an end to misery. Neither assumption, however, is true. As for the evidence that God exists, you need to read our free booklets Life's Ultimate Question: Does God Exist? and Creation or Evolution: Does It Matter What You Believe? The question of human suffering-and the surprising answer-is addressed in our new booklet Why Does God Allow Suffering? All of our booklets are available free of charge.
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The Good News' Web site
I wanted to thank you for the great information on your Web site. For a long time I have struggled with my faith. I couldn't seem to reconcile my real personal faith in the living Christ with all the beliefs I thought I had to go along with, like the contradiction of a loving God who would torture people eternally in hell.I almost came to the conclusion that to preserve my belief in a loving God I would have to discard my Christian beliefs. I almost went over to New Age beliefs. Reading your materials for me has been like the clouds opening up. There are many churches that don't believe in hell, but most of them don't seem to preserve a true respect for Jesus and His work. You have made me to see that you don't have to throw out the baby with the bathwater.
-J.S.A., Internet
Other readers may also be interested in our free booklet Heaven and Hell: What Does the Bible Really Teach?
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The United States and Britain in Bible prophecy
I want to thank you for your booklets The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy and The Book of Revelation Unveiled. I was impressed. I know many Bible-prophecy scholars have tried to find America in end-time events, and there are various opinions as to who and what is America in biblical prophecy. It's a most detailed and well-researched piece of material, complete from Genesis to Revelation.
- C.R., Rosharon, Texas
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Readers grow in biblical understanding
For some nine months now you have been gracious enough to send me a copy of your free magazine. I agree with nearly all of your points of view. I won't call them "doctrinal positions," as I sense that you are opposed to church doctrine as it has evolved and is usually thought of in greater Christendom.
Incidentally, I do have more than a bit of "human knowledge," faulty and misguided as human understandings often are, on matters of God and His church. I have seminary M.Div. training and have done extensive studies in the historical development and growth of Christian doctrines and practices. This knowledge leads me to agree with nearly all of your points of view as expressed in your various publications.
- P.H., Waterloo, Ohio
You have the best there is on the Bible I have ever seen. I understand things so much better than before. I don't know who gave you my address, but, whoever it was, I am so grateful. I can't wait to receive more from you. The whole world should read your booklets.
- B.I., Bedford, Indiana
I really enjoy the literature you have sent to me. I cannot find anything that I do not agree with. However, I know many Christians who do not agree with me. Nevertheless, I will not turn from the truth, and I believe that your doctrine is truth. It complements the Bible beautifully.
- M.F.W.D., Salem, Oregon
One important principle is to practice what the first-century Bereans did: "... They received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so" (Acts 17:11). Also, our readers may wish to request the free booklet How to Understand the Bible.
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Bible Study Course
Your Bible Study Course is superb! Fantastic! I wholeheartedly love the way it has been presented. Coupled with this are the well-written backup booklets. And all these for free. English is not my official language, nevertheless I haven't any problem in perusing the contents. Not only do I look up every reference, but copy them all out.
It takes a little more time, but by following this method it is helpful in remembering what I've learned and useful upon reviewing. I think I am ready for lesson two.
- R.N., San Nicolas, Aruba, Netherlands Antilles
You certainly are! Thank you for setting an excellent example of how to get the most out of the Bible Study Course.
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Waiting-room copies
This morning I was making a regular visit to see my doctor. While there, I picked up an interesting magazine, The Good News. This was my first encounter with your publication. I also ran across two booklets that you are making available: The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy and The Gospel of the Kingdom. Based on how interesting your magazine is, I also look forward to reading the above-mentioned material.
- W.K.F., Washington, Pennsylvania
Thank you for The Good News. My sister was in the hospital this summer, and while visiting her I found an issue in the magazine rack. I had several hours to wait so I started reading it. I found it agreed with my thinking about biblical matters. Enclosed is a small amount to help with the work. It's not to pay for anything, since I believe, like you, God's Word should be free.
- W.H., Indianapolis, Indiana
Thank your for your donation so that others may share The Good News.
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Reader from Nigeria
I received your booklet Is the Bible True? Guess what! I was in a youth church last week and the issue of the age of the earth was brought up. They asked me questions (as their pastor). If I had not read your literature, I would have been a failure. Please, I need the edition (of The Good News) that discusses abortion because our government is on the verge of legalizing abortion.
- D.O., Lagos, Nigeria
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Reader from the Philippines
I would like to thank you for the magazines that you're sending us. I am a 17-year-old college freshman. I was delivered into this world with no knowledge about God. At the age of 11 I became curious about the Bible and started reading it but couldn't understand what it really meant. Then as the years went by I got bored and lost interest in reading the Bible. One day I received a Christian magazine from you. Every time I read it, I feel like I am again becoming interested in the gospel.
- I.M.D., Philippines
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10-year-old reader
I am 10 years old. I like to read your magazines, but it's kind of hard for me to understand them. Can you recommend a book that I might understand better?
- K.H., Internet
Thank you for your message and your kind comment. We understand your interest in finding information written for younger age-groups. The United Church of God recently started an Internet magazine called Youth United ( It's particularly designed with young people in mind and should be of help. You might also talk to your parents about reading certain articles with you.
Published letters may be edited for clarity and space. Address your letters to The Good News, Box 541027, Cincinnati, Ohio 45254, U.S.A., or E-mail (please be sure to include your full name, city, state or province, and country).
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Published letters may be edited for clarity and space. Address your letters to The Good News, Box 541027, Cincinnati, Ohio 45254, U.S.A., or E-mail (please be sure to include your full name, city, state or province, and country).
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United Church of God, an International Association
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Table of Contents that includes "Letters From Our Readers - May/Jun 2001"
Keywords: God, existence of letters from GN readers
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