Information Related to "Letters From Our Readers - Jan 2010"
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I was very impressed with the Good News article "Creation or Evolution: Which Is More Believable?" The article presented one of the most cogent arguments in favor of an all-wise Creator God, without resorting to illogical guesswork and ridicule. It used quotes from individuals and current media sources plus direct quotes from the Scriptures, so as to present the way the true God is rather than attempting to describe mankind's ideas. The theories of Charles Darwin and Richard Dawkins were left unprovable. This entire issue has given us, yet again, a very balanced view of current affairs, world events and Christian living without pulling any punches.
-D.J., Sussex, England
I just finished reading The Good News. All your articles were very informative and motivational. Creation versus evolution is one of my favorite subjects. It is a thrill to see the evidence of creation mounting up and also to see public awareness turning against belief in evolution in America.
-D.H., Bellingham, Washington
I would like two additional copies of the November-December issue of The Good News about creation or evolution. These are the most concise and well-defined arguments against Darwin. I want to pass this magazine on to both my children, for their children.
-D.C., Mesa, Arizona
I enjoyed going through the November-December magazine in which you discussed creation, evolution and Darwin's theory. They were beautiful articles and should convince doubting Thomases that God created the world. Thank you for these enlightening articles. The one about Darwin was well researched.
-A.C.O., Silver Spring, Maryland
I think you damage the religion that you try to protect. If the reader gets the impression that he or she must believe your booklet [Creation or Evolution: Does It Really Matter What You Believe?] in order to believe in religion, it would call belief in God into question. It is not necessary to deny science. The pope has said, "Truth cannot contradict truth."
-D.C., Bristol, England
Many embrace the concept of theistic evolution, believing God guided the process of evolution to produce all life on earth. Yet this is a denial of Scripture. Genesis 1 says that each living creature was designed to reproduce "according to its kind"-contradicting the evolutionary principle of kinds producing new kinds. Human evolution from apes is expressly ruled out. For at what point did apes produce a child with a human spirit? Did Adam have ape parents?
Many dismiss this by claiming Adam and Eve to be merely allegorical. Yet the New Testament confirms their historicity-including the fact that Eve was formed from Adam (see Matthew 19:4; Luke 3:38; Acts 17:24,26; Romans 5:12,14; 1 Corinthians 11:8-9; 15:22,45; 1 Timothy 2:13-14; Jude 1:14).
And even if one rejects Scripture, theistic evolution-just as atheistic evolution- is a denial of clear scientific evidence. The fossil record simply does not show any graduated progression from simple to complex life. Thus, there is no denial of science in rejecting what evolutionists maintain-only a rejection of false science.
I have received your Good News magazine for a long time. I really appreciate it and think it's wonderful. But in your latest issue [in the "Creation or Evolution?" article], you state that both men and women were made in God's image. Genesis 1:26-27 states: "Then God said, 'Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness.' . . . So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." So God created man only in His own image, not woman.
-J.K., Boone, North Carolina
The conclusion reached here is based on a misunderstanding of the wording of Genesis 1:27. The verse does not mean that only the male bears God's image. In stating that "man" is created in God's image, the term is then explained to include both male and female. Actually, the Hebrew word for "man" here is adam (meaning "red earth," from which man was formed), so the terminology could seem exclusive to the first man Adam. However, Genesis 5:2 spells things out more clearly. It says that God "created them male and female, and blessed them, and called their name Adam in the day when they were created" (Green's Literal Translation, emphasis added). That is, both Adam and Eve were referred to as adam-meaning man. The New King James Version renders the word here as "mankind."
Indeed, the word adam is used for human beings in a general sense throughout the Hebrew Old Testament. Both masculine and feminine qualities in human beings are patterned after divine attributes. For instance, while God is certainly a Father, he also has the nurturing and caring qualities of a mother (compare Isaiah 66:13; Matthew 23:37). Men and women together give a more complete picture of the image of God in humankind. Both were created in the image of God for a great purpose. To learn more, request or download our free booklet What Is Your Destiny?
I cannot thank you enough for the free subscription to The Good News. Your magazine is so informative and accurate. I would like to give you special thanks for daring me to produce fruit by eradicating sin in the recent article "A Crucial Factor in Producing Fruit: Eradicate the Weeds of Sin."
-A.A.A., Los Angeles, California
I want to thank you for the wonderful work you are doing in sending out life-giving Good News magazines and by serving as a watchman to a world that is spiritually drowsy. I am from a Muslim background and I am the only person in my family who goes to church, so I need help as to how to progress steadily. I find it difficult to pray as my mind wanders. So I would appreciate all your resources on prayer.
-H.A., Nigeria
We recommend our free booklet You Can Have Living Faith and several Good News reprints on the subject of prayer. You can find them at and
I read your Good News magazine (July-August 2009) at the doctor's office. Needless to say, I was greatly impressed by your insightful take on "The New World Disorder." I want to take this opportunity to thank you, and I will certainly enjoy perusing your library of booklets and other publications. I am also very interested in your World News and Prophecy newsletter. Thanks again to all your members who are responsible for supporting all these publications.
-N.P.S., Trinidad and Tobago
I have returned the card to renew my subscription to The Good News. This magazine is so informative and relevant to these times that it has become a part of my life. There are not enough words to express how grateful I am for your ministry and for giving me the opportunity to receive such inspiring literature. We are living in such a dynamic and changing world that we need men and women who are focused on the Word of God and led by the Holy Spirit to interpret the times we are living through.
-D.C., Jamaica
Your subscriber services department sent me your article on the rapture. I have searched the Bible myself because I knew that the rapture was not true, even though everyone around me was enamored with the idea. My husband and I had studied Jesus' return and we definitely knew that we would not be raptured. I am so glad to have your article in my hands because it is exactly how I believe.
-N.B.G., Hartley, Texas
Any readers who would like to understand the subject are welcome to request our free reprint about the rapture, a false view of the true biblical account of the second coming of Christ.
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Table of Contents that includes "Letters From Our Readers - Jan 2010"
Keywords: letters from GN readers evolution vs. creation
Letters from GN readers: