Information Related to "Letters From Our Readers - Jan/Feb 2005"
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"Crime: How Will It Be Stopped?"
No matter how you look at it, the crime rates in this country are horrible. But what do we expect when we take God out of the schools? If we teach kids that they evolved from animals, how else do we expect them to behave? But if we teach them that they are special beings created in God's image by a loving Creator and also teach them to love each other as God loves us, then the crime rate would not be so high.
T.K., Del Rey, California
"Christmas: The Curious Origins of a Popular Holiday"
Your article on the origins of Christmas was so truthful. I pray for all to see the truth of this pagan holiday and come to know that the Feast of Booths [Tabernacles] is more accurately the time of our Messiah's birth.
S.S., Internet
I would like to cancel my subscription to your magazine. There have been other articles that have made me feel this way, but the clincher was your piece on Christmas. I will absolutely not stop celebrating Christmas because of a single secular book's notations. To me, what better time than Christmas to show how the Lord came here to earth to save us.
K.J.H., Lakewood, Ohio
On pages 18-20 of the November/December issue, the legitimacy of Christmas is attacked. Most Christians do not believe that Jesus was born on December 25th. Many, in fact, realize that this was a pagan holiday in the ancient world—one that was usurped intentionally by the church for the celebration of Christ's birth. But to conclude that Christians should shun the holiday as a pagan festival is beyond both Scripture and plain reason. To use Old Testament prohibitions against idolatry as an argument against Christmas is a poor application of Scripture.
Mr. & Mrs. C.B., Internet
When God has given us seven annual Holy Days in the Bible to observe, revealing His plan for mankind, why do we need to "usurp" a pagan holiday and relabel it as Christian? The Old Testament is as much a part of the Bible as the New Testament (2 Timothy 3:16-17), and these biblical Holy Days and festivals are found throughout God's Word. Why should we continue to insist on observing a day that is simply not in the Bible?
To discover the truth about the Holy Days that God commands in His Word, please request or download our free booklet God's Holy Day Plan: The Promise of Hope for All Mankind. Also ask for our free booklet Holidays or Holy Days: Does It Matter Which Days We Keep?, which quotes from many reputable sources showing the pagan origins of Christmas and its customs.
Atheist finds God
I was an atheist most of my life and have just now found the Lord. I have to tell you that The Good News is extremely informative to me as a new believer and the free booklets you offer are outstanding. I've been on a continual researching and studying feast ever since I came to the Lord about two years ago.
K.B., St. Paul, Oregon
"A fire back in my heart"
I wanted you to know that after my husband of 25 years died, I backslid and went the wrong way—pushing everything good in my life away from me. But since I have been receiving your Good News magazine and your World News & Prophecy newsletter, the wonderful articles have put a fire back in my heart for the Lord Jesus Christ.
Right now I am reading your booklet The Church Jesus Built. I'm on page 50, "A falling away from truth begins." It is a very powerful booklet. I would recommend this to everyone to read. I am also taking your Bible Study Course. I'm 56 years old and I've read and studied the Bible most of my life. But after your Bible Study Course, I discovered there was a lot I still did not know. You are never too old to learn.
C.P., Bokoshe, Oklahoma
Letters from Africa and Asia
As a believer living in an area where one cannot easily get literature dealing with Christianity, your free publications are of paramount importance to me and to fellow Christian brothers and sisters. We have been using these materials as references during group discussions and church services. Since accessibility to the Internet is now unthinkable, we depend on your printed material.
T.H., Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Thank you for sending me The Good News and the free booklets. I am 26 and an Eritrean citizen. Before I learned about you I wanted to know and serve God, but couldn't find information about the way. After I got your magazine and the booklet Who Is God?, my questions received answers. Here in our country there is no United Church of God congregation, so please send me whatever you think will benefit me. I need your help in order to grow.
H.T., Eritrea
I am continuously reading The Good News and find that it increases my knowledge of world affairs and related events. As I always keep a close eye on the happenings around the world, this is especially helpful to me. When I mention the word "God" to my friends, my comrades in arms doing research work, they become so infuriated that they begin to call me mad, unfit for doing scientific research and a lot more. Even though some of them accept the existence of a supernatural being, they believe they can explain everything with the help of science.
D.K., India
Why not request and politely show them our free booklets Life's Ultimate Question: Does God Exist? and Creation or Evolution: Does It Really Matter What You Believe? Arguing with friends who don't readily grasp the truth of God is usually counterproductive.
I have wanted to write to you for months to thank you for the wonderful publications The Good News, World News & Prophecy and your booklets. It is so comforting and edifying to have things like these come into my home for more than one year now. I've learned so much with every issue and gained more understanding of God's truth and His plan of salvation for mankind. Thank you so much for the love and support in sending us God's ministers to visit us here, even though we are only very few. They are really God's shepherds who help us to grow spiritually.
P.B., Malaysia
"Can't wait for each Sabbath"
I accidentally came across one of your magazines about two months ago about "The Horsemen of the Apocalypse." I sat down and started reading it. I became very intrigued. Then all of sudden, it said to wait for the next issue. I was determined to find a telephone number or address to receive the other magazines. I can't wait for each issue. I have never understood the book of Revelation until now. I have been home the last two years reading my Bible to find the truth. Your booklets have helped me a lot.
Since then I started going to your church. My first day there was July 10. I have met a congregation of very nice people. I love to be around them and can't wait for each Sabbath to worship God with them. I'm hoping to join the church soon. I am sending my tithes to you and plan to do so from now on.
L.D., Roanoke, Virginia
A few more of our free booklets may be of help. We specifically recommend Transforming Your Life: The Process of Conversion to help you to better understand what it means to become a true Christian. We wish you the very best as you grow in grace and knowledge (2 Peter 3:18).
Bible Study Course
I believe you hit the nail on the head in your commentary in Bible lesson number two. For example, we as a nation have a plethora of information to turn to, but we are only left with cold facts. No matter what political slant may be espoused, there remains an almost total lack of wisdom or understanding of what current affairs really mean. This lack of understanding—which basically comes from a total lack of knowledge given by our Creator God—will doubtless hasten our road to self-destruction.
J.E., Bowling Green, Kentucky
"What's Behind Today's Worldwide Wave of Terrorism?"
You are to be commended for seeing terrorism for what it really is. Your article "What's Behind Today's Worldwide Wave of Terrorism" hit the nail on the head for exposing the Koran for its ambiguity. You cannot have it both ways. Killing innocent women and children, terrorizing the public, beheadings and many more diabolical crimes while [simultaneously] accepting brotherly love, peace, and devotion to God and tolerance for other religions just does not measure up.
G.M., Commerce, Michigan
Published letters may be edited for clarity and space. Address your letters to the Good News, Box 541027, Cincinnati, Ohio 45254, U.S.A., or email (please be sure to include your full name, city, state or province, and country).
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