Information Related to "Letters From Our Readers - Mar/Apr 2003"
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In reference to -The End of the World: What Does the Bible Say?," there were a number of informative facts and quotes in this article. It was definitely thought-provoking and something we need reminding of! And the use of multiple translations can be helpful in clarifying less clear scriptures.
J.Y., Norcross, Georgia
I am on a Christian mother's group on-line, and we were discussing the recent events in Iraq. The topic of end times has got us wondering about where the United States is in all of this. We have searched the Scriptures, yet no one seems to be able to identify the United States. Are we missing something? Are we wiped out or are we called by another name? Just wondering what your thoughts were on this question.
By the way, I love your articles and you have helped me to understand some questions about things that I couldn't find answers to elsewhere. Thank you for your ministry.
Reader on Internet
You certainly raise good and timely questions. In fact, the United States and other major English-speaking nations are mentioned in many Bible prophecies. To discover the shocking truth of who they really are and what is prophesied to happen to them, request or download our free booklet The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy.
In reading your November/December issue, I found not a single flaw with any physical, emotional or spiritual guidance you have given. Previously I had no willpower, energy or drive for success-hence, no faith. All of that changed with a commitment within myself to change. Exercise, diet and quitting smoking and tobacco use have given me a new self-image. All of this has resulted in less stress, anxiety, anger and depression. Instead it has resulted in more faith, emotional stability, peace of mind and physical health.
D.E.B., St. Clairsville, Ohio
I do enjoy and look forward to each monthly issue. But it was the one about smoking that I'm going to hold tight to. After 30 years of smoking, I am going to make my first attempt to quit-both for health and spiritual reasons. I will apply what I learned in your quit-smoking article.
J.R., Robinson, Illinois
Thank you for your publications. My biggest problem with Christianity is that there are few who teach prophecy and even fewer who want to hear it. Your organization has not made this error. As a matter of fact, your organization makes prophecy one of its main topics. Prophecy teaches the fear of God, and as I have seen, prophecy causes far more reaction to God and His Word than does only teaching the love of God. It is kind of like churches who only pass out the New Testament. How much of the New Testament can you understand if you do not comprehend the Old Testament?
J.D.H., Hesperia, California
Indeed, all these areas are important. Some want to focus exclusively on their concept of -love." Others may want to focus exclusively on prophecy. We must learn to strike the right balance.
I get great pleasure from your magazine.
I live in Russia and I'd like to receive this nice magazine, The Good News, but I'm not sure I can do it here. What should I do to receive it?
A.D.R., St. Petersburg, Russia
We've added your name to our subscription list and will be mailing it to you.
I have received an old copy of The Good News and felt so encouraged by it. Living here in Thailand for 30 years now, we have little possibilities to receive Christian magazines in the English language. I am married to a Thai-Chinese man with four children and I am working by God's calling among poor children here in Thailand. I originally came from Switzerland. If you feel it is still possible to send The Good News all the way to Thailand, I would be grateful and will certainly share the magazine here with others.
S.J., Bangkok, Thailand
You have been added to The Good News subscription list.
I am writing to thank you for all the literature I have received from you and to find out more about a group of believers close to me that I can join. I have been studying now for several years to find a church or group who believed the entire Bible. I met with many different people and attended several churches in hope of discovering those who embraced the beliefs that I had come to recognize from reading and studying my Bible.
When I began to receive your literature, my burden was lightened and my heart gladdened as I discovered that your group did indeed believe the entire Bible. My relief in finding your organization has been immense. I have several things in my life that need to be changed, one being that my current job requires me to work on Saturday, and I would treasure the help and guidance of others of like belief in bringing about the changes that I need to make. I feel I have a real need to be in fellowship.
C.T., Meridian, Mississippi
We deeply appreciate your interest in attending church services. Our reader services staff and personal correspondents gladly communicate with all who request assistance. We have sent the telephone number of our nearest pastor. Also the feature article, "Should You Attend Church?," beginning on page 22 of this issue, should be of help. It mentions several related booklets that you may want to request and read. In addition, our free booklet Sunset to Sunset: God's Sabbath Rest (available on request) may give you the encouragement you need to step out on faith.
Thank you! I appreciate and love the Word of the Living God. It is more necessary, essential and important-an urgent matter to our daily life. I was so touched by God's presence and powerful love as I studied your course. I was especially helped by reading about how to rely on God in an uncertain world. I looked up and read and studied every scripture in lessons one and two.
L.P., Winnsboro, Texas
Published letters may be edited for clarity and space. Address your letters to The Good News, Box 541027, Cincinnati, Ohio 45254, U.S.A., or E-mail (please be sure to include your full name, city, state or province, and country).
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Table of Contents that includes "Letters From Our Readers - Mar/Apr 2003"
Keywords: prophecy end of the world health church services Bible Study Course
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