Information Related to "World News and Trends - Jan/Feb 2006"
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Avian flu: Potentially a major global threat
The 1918-19 influenza pandemic killed an estimated 50 to 100 million people around the world. Another potential threat from a particular bird flu has emerged this winter. The United Nation's coordinator for avian flu and human influenza, Dr. David Nabarro, warns that if the flu strain mutates into one that can spread directly from person to person, "the range of deaths could be anything from 5 to 150 million" (The Times online).
The Foreign Affairs quarterly journal relates: "Today, with a world population of 6.5 billion people, more than three times that of 1918, even a 'mild' pandemic could kill many millions of people." Further, "Dr. Julie Gerbreeding, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, called the possibility of avian flu spreading from Southeast Asia (its likely place of origin), a very ominous situation for the globe" (International Herald Tribune).
In Britain the nation's new chief medical officer, Sir Liam Donaldson, recently called together 30 public health leaders to discuss this potential problem. He said, "The disease could kill between 50,000 and 750,000 people and should not be treated as a joke" (BBC News online).
Finally, Dr. Michael Osterholm, director for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota , warned that "an influenza pandemic of even moderate impact will result in the biggest single human disaster ever—far greater than AIDS, 9/11, all wars in the 20th century and the recent tsunami combined. It has the potential to redirect world history as the Black Death redirected European history in the 14th century" (
Other observers believe that the scientific community is seriously overreacting and that the fatalities would in fact be much smaller than officials now believe even if such a flu strain emerges.
Nonetheless, since very early last year millions of birds in Southeast Asia have died. This particular flu mutates and jumps from species to species of birds. It has also been found in certain mammals and an increasing number of people. Although it apparently has not yet fully mutated into a form that is easily transmissible to or between human beings, that possibility is very real and very worrisome.
Various countermeasures such as the slaughtering of millions of birds in affected countries plus measures like bans on the imports of all captive birds in Western nations have been taken around the world. Also, when dealing with any rapidly mutating virus, some of the drugs created to fight such an outbreak may not be all that effective. One Vietnamese doctor who has already treated 41 victims of avian influenza said that drugs being stocked to counter the epidemic are useless against the virus (The Sunday Times).
Infectious disease remains very high on the list of large-scale threats to human life. Some 25 million human beings have already died from AIDS, and another estimated 39 million are infected with HIV. Malaria and tuberculosis are also major causes of death.
Disease pandemics will form a major part of fulfilled biblical prophecy at the time of the end. Jesus Christ Himself foretold that pestilences (disease epidemics) would occur along with major wars, famines and earthquakes in various places (Matthew 24:7; Luke 21:11). The Old Testament also warns us about such epidemics being among the consequences of our lawless way of life (see Leviticus 26:25; Deuteronomy 28:21).
Among the four horsemen of the book of Revelation is the pale horse, symbolic of devastating disease
epidemics to ravage the earth in the end time. The Bible makes it clear that we have not yet seen the full
impact of these deadly modern plagues—far from it! (Sources: The Times [ London ], BBC News online,,
International Herald Tribune.)
Polish Catholics press their values on the EU
Most of the countries of the European Union are notorious for their secular way of life. Not even the late Pope John Paul II could persuade the EU to mention God in the European constitution. But since the inclusion of Poland and other Eastern European states into the EU, conditions may be changing somewhat.
Said Briton Michael Cashman, liberal European parliamentarian, "New groups have come in from Poland , the Czech Republic [and] Latvia and Catholicism is certainly becoming a very angry voice against what it sees as a very liberal EU." He complained: "We are fighting battles [on gay and women's rights] that we thought we had won years ago" (International Herald Tribune).
We should not underestimate Poland . Before World War II it had the largest GDP in Eastern Europe. Hitler's invasion of the Polish Republic caused Britain and France to declare war on Germany . Poland , with a population of 40 million people, is the largest and most influential of the 10 states that were inducted into the EU in 2004.
For one thing, Poland's "fast-growth, low-wage and low-tax system is perceived as a threat to the stodgier, high-employment economies of Germany and France." The new Polish government formed by the right-wing Law and Justice Party came from behind to thwart an expected victory by the liberals.
Maciej Giertych, one of 10 European Parliament members from the Law and Justice Party, stated: "We accept the teachings of the Catholic Church on all moral issues. If you want to know our opinions, read the opinions of the Catholic Church." In terms of mainstream religion, where might developments like these lead? To understand more, request or download our free booklet . (Source: International Herald Tribune.)
What's really behind the French riots?
The international press in general wholly blamed the French riots in October and November almost exclusively on poverty, unemployment, racism and discrimination. But was this a realistic and accurate assessment?
Daily Mail feature writer Melanie Phillips takes issue with this evaluation and calls it a state of denial. She writes: "Denying the Islamic element of these riots is to deny the obvious: The vast majority of the rioters are Muslim. They have sent parts of France up in flames . . . [and declare] that they intend to turn France into 'Beirut' and issue pledges of support for Osama Bin Laden" (The Jewish Chronicle).
This astute journalist advises, "Britain should be watching these events across the Channel with undiluted alarm." One reason is that troubles like these could spread to other parts of Europe, including the United Kingdom . Some EU countries with growing Muslim populations could be on the verge of a demographic and social meltdown. (Source: The Jewish Chronicle [ London ].)
Some good news about America
In the words of USA Today contributor Alcetis Oberg: "In the wave of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, the country did not wait for a government to act. Our response to others in need was not just about donating money and goods, but also about the giving of ourselves."
In Houston, Texas, within days after Katrina struck and evacuees were headed there, church and civic people set up hundreds of public shelters, health and child care centers, housing and transport assistance, security protection and temporary schooling. More than 50,000 volunteers helped wherever there was a need.
Others from various parts of the nation used their vacation time to travel to the stricken Gulf states , employing their talents and resources to help out. Some provided free meals, laundry, wireless Internet services and even entertainment. On the downside, "carpetbaggers" also traveled to the disaster area for free food and shelter and even stole truckloads of donated supplies.
Throughout the country, millions more donated to charities set up to help hurricane victims. Overall, ordinary Americans acquitted themselves well during this national crisis. This is something for which we should all give thanks to God. (Source: USA Today.)
What if America leaves Iraq ?
American troops will one day leave Iraq . When and how this will happen are difficult questions to answer. The variables governing American withdrawal from Iraqi soil are complex, for both Iraqis and American forces.
If America withdraws abruptly, terrorists would claim immediate victory (as Hamas terrorists have done in the wake of Israel 's withdrawal from Gaza ), showing that terrorist tactics work and no doubt encouraging their spread.
This would undoubtedly also encourage other governments to view America as a frightened superpower—prompting friends to lose respect and question American commitments and motivating enemies to further test U.S. muscle. If America has no prepared strategy for its departure, the Middle East could easily become even more of a seething cauldron than it already is.
Much good has been accomplished: The removal of Saddam Hussein and of the potential for weapons of mass destruction, as well as giving the Iraqis a chance to create a nontotalitarian government, is commendable, although the loss of any human life is terrible.
Does prophecy deal with the Middle East question? The Bible reveals that "at the time of the end" a great Muslim confederation will arise in the Middle East, led by an individual referred to as "the king of the South" (Daniel 11:40). When that happens, Armageddon will follow shortly, moving God to send the Messiah to save humankind from itself. If you'd like to learn more, request or download our free booklet The Middle East in Bible Prophecy.
Israel to strike Iran in coming months?
According to a recent feature article in The Sunday Times, "Israel's armed forces have been ordered by Ariel Sharon, the prime minister, to be ready by the end of March for possible strikes on secret uranium enrichment sites in Iran, military sources have revealed" (Dec. 11).
Two days earlier Eric Silver reported for The Jewish Chronicle that "Prime Minister Ariel Sharon this week warned that Israel could not tolerate Iran having nuclear arms." Israel still hopes that the United Nations, the United States , the European Union or Russia will be able to persuade Tehran to rethink its determination to become a nuclear power.
But based on habitual Iranian stubbornness in resisting diplomatic pressure, the Israeli government has serious doubts that diplomacy without a real willingness to act militarily will do any good. Israeli chief of staff Dan Halutz said, "I believe that the political means that are used by the Europeans and the US to convince the Iranians to stop the project [persisting with the full uranium fuel cycle which could result in nuclear weapons] will not succeed."
The crisis could really surface in March when the International Atomic Energy Agency is scheduled to report on activities in Iran . If the diplomatic arm has not worked by that time, Israel believes that by the end of that month the crisis will have reached the point of no return.
Pressure to act against Iran also comes from former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, likely leader of the Likud Party in the next election. He has publicly stated that he supports Israel taking the type of military action used by the late Menachem Begin in knocking out Iraq's nuclear reactor in 1981 just before it became operational. Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid-Reza Assefi promised a "devastating" response by Iran to any Israeli attack.
Also, news has recently surfaced that "Iran's foreign minister met leading figures from three Islamic militant groups to co-ordinate a united front against Israel days before a recent escalation of [military] attacks against Israeli targets shattered fragile ceasefires with Lebanon and the Palestinians" (The Sunday Times, Dec. 11).
If you would like to understand where Mideast tensions will finally lead us, request or download our free booklet The Middle East in Bible Prophecy. (Sources: The Sunday Times, The Jewish Chronicle [ London ].)
27 pornography channels in Britain
According to Daily Mail media editor Matt Born, "Britain has become the television porn capital of Europe—with five times more adult-only channels than anywhere else . . . UK viewers [by encryption] can now tune into 27 dedicated porn channels compared to just five in Germany— our nearest rival."
Of course, these channels can only be shown between the hours of 10 p.m. and 5:30 a.m. on encrypted channels that require a subscription and personal identification number for viewing. There are now 84 pornographic channels in Europe in comparison to three only a decade ago.
British commentator Bel Mooney lamented: "I'm tired of repellent, exploitative images being defended by privileged people who should know better—and who would sooner swallow razor blades than see their own daughters sell themselves for the gratification of strangers . . . Now ask yourselves: 'What effect does it have on young boys to see women routinely treated like animals? What are the consequences of young women being brainwashed into thinking of themselves as mere sex objects?'" (Daily Mail).
We should not forget that more than half of Britain's young people have viewed Internet pornography. It is sad to know that not only in Britain , but on a worldwide basis, human lovemaking is being reduced to a crude, joyless and demeaning display—pandering to the depths of the downside of human nature. What are we doing to the next generation? (Source: Daily Mail [ London ].) GN
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Keywords: flu avian flu Poland France Iraq Iran Israel and Iran pornography in Britain