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Carry Jesus' Burden By Robert Berendt There is no more strong, confident and powerful person that has ever lived than Jesus Christ. Yet even Jesus Christ needed help in His final hours. And He tells us He needs help many times today -- even if we don't recognize Him.
o one has ever had the impact that Jesus did when He was on earth as the Son of Man, and there is no person who lived 2,000 years ago about whom so much has been written and spoken. While He was strong, He was able to express a deep sense of caring about those who suffer. He wept openly over the city of Jerusalem and about the sorrows of the people. Weeping did not detract one iota from His strength. People from all over Judea followed Him and were captivated by the words He spoke and the wonders He performed, in spite of the fact that most did not understand Him and most had no idea who He really was. The weight of the cross
Jesus had been badly beaten by this time; His physical strength had failed Him. This piece of timber was one burden He could no longer carry. His body was too weak. Soldiers saw a strong man standing by (Simon of Cyrene) standing by and compelled him to carry the burden. Doing it for Him Jesus addressed those who would be His followers in Matthew 25:35-40. He related a parable in which He complimented those who did something to or for Him. When He was hungry, thirsty, a stranger, naked, sick or in prison, He was helped, visited and encouraged. The people He was speaking to could not comprehend what He was saying because they were unaware that these things had happened. They did not think they had done any of these things. In verse 40 Jesus explained: "Inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me." Have we ever followed through with this thought? Can we see the greater impact of His words?
When a converted person sees someone in need, I would hope he or she would not have to be forced to help. I would hope each of us who is strong would be the first to reach out and help carry that heavy load.
Pure religion There are many opportunities given to Jesus' followers to carry His burden. James states that "pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world" (James 1:27). Jesus was especially tender toward the weak and needy. Each time we who are strong see someone staggering under the load life sometimes piles on people, and we reach out to be of help, we are reaching out to take the timber from the shoulders of Jesus Christ. One day He will tell us that, just as He explained to His followers.
Jesus lifted the burdens from us all by giving Himself. This example is a lesson we ought not to neglect. Some, however, choose to remain weak -- although they could act and change their situation. Where it is possible, each person should carry his own load and become strong so that he can help others (Galatians 6:2). Paul encourages God's people to do good to all men. He admonishes us not to become weary in well doing and, as we have occasion, Paul tells us to do good with special concern for "those who are of the household of faith" (Galatians 6:9-10). It is when we lift the burden of a brother that we are also lifting the burden from Jesus. God wants His children to reap huge benefits and blessings from Him for the manner in which they conduct their lives. In Romans 8:17, Paul wrote that we are children and heirs -- "heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together." Jesus carried our burdens so that we may become strong enough to carry the burdens of others. There is no greater gift than to be given eternal life and glory with Jesus Christ. Carry Jesus' burden with a willing and glad heart -- there is a great blessing that is yours for the taking. Recommended reading To gain a deeper appreciation for the life and example of Jesus Christ, download or request our free publication . It examines the key scriptures and helps bring the story to life. Copyright 2007 by United Church of God, an International Association All rights reserved. |
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Origin of article "Carry Jesus' Burden"
Keywords: pure religion love of neighbor
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