Information Related to "Questions and Answers - Jan/Mar 2002"
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Question: Is it wrong to read the Harry Potter books? From what I've heard at camps and in my congregation, the ministers seem to think it's wrong, but none of them have read the books themselves. Please give me an answer from someone who has read them, if possible.
Answer: Your question about whether it is wrong to read the Harry Potter books is one that many young Christians are now facing. In these books the imaginary character Harry Potter attends Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry where he learns about possession and casting spells on people. Although this series of books is purely imaginary and the witchcraft in them is not technically the same as real-life witchcraft, filling our minds with things that closely resemble insults to God is not a good idea.
In working with ancient Israel, God consistently condemned witches, witchcraft and all things associated with the occult. In Exodus 22:18, God said, "You shall not permit a sorceress [witch, KJV] to live." In Deuteronomy 18:9-12, He adds, "'When you come into the land which the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not learn to follow the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For all who do these things are an abomination to the Lord.'"
God hates these things because they represent people turning to Satan for their needs instead of to Him. It is a violation of the First Commandment in which God says, "You shall have no other gods before Me" (Deuteronomy 5:7).
In deciding whether to read these books, ask yourself, "Why would a Christian want to learn all about something he or she should never do and something that God hates?" There simply is no good explanation for reading books based upon witchcraft (technically correct or not) if one wants to honor and respect God.
While the answer to this question was prepared by ministers who have studied the Harry Potter books and read portions from them, actually reading bad books or sinning a particular sin is not mandatory before counsel against such practices can be given. When someone learns sufficient information to determine that a particular act is displeasing to God, he or she need not continue doing that thing in order to make sure it really is sin.
If you would like more information about the Harry Potter series, read the article, "The Bible and Harry Potter: Occult Fantasy in Perspective," in the January/February 2002 issue of the Good News magazine (
Question: Will people be working during the Millennium?
Answer: The Bible tells us that those who respond to God during this age will be rulers in the coming Kingdom of God (Revelation 1:6, 2:26). Of course there will be many additional jobs for those living during the 1,000 years after Christ returns. Some of the jobs will be in the field of agriculture (Amos 9:13). Others will be involved in reclaiming wealth from the sea (Isaiah 60:5), turning war implements into productive tools (Isaiah 2:4) and rebuilding (Isaiah 58:12).
Additionally, Isaiah 65:17-22 (a time period beyond the Millennium), indicates that people will be building houses and planting vineyards. Verse 22 says that God's elect (those who respond to Him) will "long enjoy the work of their hands." Being productive, through work, is obviously something we hope to continue doing long into the future.
Question: What should you do if you are in love with someone and you feel like God approves, but they are in love with somebody else and have no clue you are in love with them?
Answer: This question about what to do when you "love" someone who has a serious relationship with someone else is a complex one.
First of all, it is important whenever we consider relationships with others of the opposite sex to be sure our age and maturity is such that getting involved with someone would be wise. Many teenagers unnecessarily feel the need to "pair off" long before they complete their education and are prepared for married life. In the book of Song of Solomon, God advises us to not stir up love before its time (Song of Solomon 2:7). God clearly wants us to reserve an intimate relationship with another person for marriage. God desires that all young people enjoy and appreciate a mate—but all in due time and when we are best prepared.
When people are ready for marriage and a man and woman are already involved and somewhat committed to each other, the most prudent thing to do is to accept it. As for believing that God wants us to have a relationship with someone instead of another person, this is usually just wishful thinking. God does not normally communicate with people about such matters. Rather, our own human emotions and feelings get involved and we convince ourselves that God wants us to have a particular person.
One thing we can know is that God would not have us break up another couple's relationship. That is in the hands of those two people. God gives us all free moral agency and desires that we make wise decisions about future mates—but wants us to consider His Word in doing so. Galatians 6:7 tells us that we will reap what we sow and in 1 Thessalonians 4:1-7, God tells us to conduct ourselves in an honorable and holy way in courtship.
Question: How did people spend the Sabbath in the Old Testament? From my understanding, they didn't have services like they did in the New Testament. So did they just sleep the day away?
Answer: Concerning Sabbath observance in the Old Testament, Leviticus 23:3 says there was to be a holy convocation (assembly) on the Sabbath. While we don't know exactly what took place during these assemblies, Nehemiah 8:1-8 describes a service on a Holy Day—also a holy convocation. This assembly included reading from the Scriptures and having trained men explain the meaning of the Scriptures—the same things we do at our Sabbath services today.
Question: Revelation 20:15 says, "And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire." But if everyone is given the chance to repent, who are the people that are going to die in the lake of fire? Is someone really going to be so crazy as to not repent?
Answer: It seems strange to many of us that anyone would refuse to repent knowing that it would mean destruction in the lake of fire, yet this is what the Scriptures indicate. God, of course, doesn't do things without a reason, including having a lake of fire. For those of us who respond to God and His instructions, repentance is our obvious choice when we learn we have sinned. Not everyone, however, thinks like this. God gives everyone free moral agency—the opportunity to choose whether to respond to Him or not—and because of this freedom to choose, some will choose to disobey. The story of Satan himself helps us understand this concept.
In the beginning Satan was created a perfect spirit being with free moral agency. He could choose to obey or disobey God. Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 indicate that he became filled with pride and tried to overthrow God. He led a third of the angels in rebellion against God (Revelation 12:4). The Bible reveals no apology or repentance by Satan or the rebelling angels for this act. They would not and apparently, eventually, could not admit that they were at fault. How did they reach this condition?
Romans 1 explains that people who repeatedly reject God, as Satan and his demons did, eventually come to have warped minds incapable of sound judgment. Verse 21 explains that when people aren't thankful and don't honor God, their thinking process becomes unsound. Verse 28 adds that because "they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting." If people don't respect God, He doesn't force them to obey. In the process, however, these people's minds become warped.
The obvious lesson for us is that we must be careful to respond to our consciences when we realize we have done something wrong. We must be thankful and honor God so we don't become like Satan and his demons. If we are responsive to God, He will reward us with the opportunity to live forever in His coming Kingdom.
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Table of Contents that includes "Questions and Answers - Jan/Mar 2002"
Keywords: Harry Potter millennium, work in Sabbath observance lake of fire
Harry Potter: