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Question: Where are the people that died before Jesus? Heaven or hell?
Answer: Understanding how God is working with people to grant them eternal life in His coming Kingdom is a most important and precious truth. Jesus, the Son of God, came to the earth as a human to die for our sins and to preach this message. Believing in Jesus and the message He brought makes it possible for us to become God's children and receive everlasting life (John 1:12; 3:16). When we repent of our sins and are baptized, we receive God's Spirit—the promise that we will receive eternal life in the future (Romans 8:9-11). The Holy Spirit is thus the identifying key as to who belongs to Christ and who will receive eternal life.
Prior to Jesus coming to this earth, the Bible reveals that only a very few had God's Spirit. These included some of the prophets and individuals, such as David, with whom God specifically worked (1 Peter 1:10-11; Psalm 51:11).
Now we must determine when people enter the Kingdom of God. Many people today assume that people who have died with the Spirit of God are now in heaven. But the Bible reveals that this is a mistaken assumption.
In A.D. 31 on the day of Pentecost, the apostle Peter said of David, "that he is both dead and buried, and his tomb is with us to this day" (Acts 2:29). Years later, Paul wrote that the dead in Christ (those who had died with God's Spirit) would be resurrected (brought back to life) when Christ returns a second time to this earth (1 Thessalonians 4:17). The Kingdom of God will thus be established when Jesus returns to this earth at some time in the future (Revelation 11:15).
The Bible reveals that no human beings have yet ascended into heaven (John 3:13). All humans who have died (even those who have had God's Spirit dwelling within them) are waiting in their graves for the return of Jesus Christ to establish the Kingdom of God on earth. If you would like to learn more about this subject, we recommend reading our free booklets: Heaven & Hell—What Does the Bible Really Teach? and What Happens After Death?.
Question: How can I show my devotion to Jesus? Is wearing clothing with "Christian messages" the right thing to do?
Answer: The Bible has much to say about being sincere in our worship of God. Deuteronomy 4:29, for example, instructs us to seek God with all our heart. In ancient times people would tear their clothing to show humility, sorrow or respect to God. In Joel 2:13, God told them to rend their hearts instead of their garments. This teaches us that God is most concerned about how we think. Our attitude is the critcal factor. The point is that people can dress a certain way to give an appearance of righteousness, but still not really be devoted to God. Though some clothing does have catchy, biblical messages, which are far better than the messages on many shirts, wearing them doesn't prove your inner attitude.
So how can we make sure of our sincerity toward God? One way is through prayer. In Psalm 51:10, David asked God to create in him a "clean heart." David realized that he had sinned and came to God for forgiveness. We can do the same. We can also tell God of our sincerity and ask Him to help us concentrate on the important spiritual matters each day. Bible study is another way we can make sure we keep God's perspective in mind. Those who study and pray on a regular basis are ones who preserve and build a sustained relationship with God.
Question: Does "love at first sight" really happen?
Answer: Many people today believe that love is something that simply happens and that one has no control over this emotion. Those who accept this perspective believe "love at first sight" is proof of their understanding.
The Bible, however, gives a different description of love. In passages such as 1 Corinthians 13, we find that love is a choice and a commitment. Godly love grows and endures through adversity. Godly love focuses on what is good for the other person as opposed to just one's self. Godly love develops over time.
In light of the Bible's teaching, we have to conclude that "love at first sight" is more often attraction (and sometimes lust) with a focus on oneself as opposed to godly love.
Today, if a guy and girl meet and are attracted to each other, that meeting is simply the starting point for developing a relationship that may lead to an enduring, biblical type of love. For more information about dating and marriage, read the first chapter of our free booklet, Making Life Work.
Question: What does the Bible teach about reincarnation?
Answer: The Bible does not teach or imply this common belief. God made man to have a relationship with Him and for that reason has made man in His image physically. Man's character is being formed through exposure to the carnal lusts of the flesh and the pulls of the world, influenced by Satan the devil. It is appointed to man to die once and then take part in the judgment (Hebrews 9:27), not to live again and again as different animals or people as reincarnation teaches.
The judgment mentioned in Hebrews 9, for most, is a time to live without the influences of Satan and be taught the truth of God (as revealed in the Holy Bible). God is fair and everyone will have an opportunity to first know the truth and then have a chance to accept it.
God does not want to torture, punish or hurt man, but rather save him. This plan is revealed in the Holy Days.
Ideas of a reincarnation have been promoted by those who study eastern ideologies that are steeped in paganism, animism and gnosticism. The Bible reveals a much different destiny for man—one in which man can become spirit as part of God's family. For further information on this subject, read our free booklet What Happens After Death?
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Keywords: life after death clothing, Christian love at first sight reincarnation
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