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Dive Deeper: January-February 2025

Dec 2, 2015 Beyond Today Editor

Here you'll find links to all the additional resources listed in the pages of the magazine in the "Dive Deeper" boxes near the end of each article in the January-February 2025 issue as well as other referenced material throughout the text

A World in Transition . . . to What?

It will shock many to learn that the preeminent role of America over the last century, along with the dominance of Britain before that, was foretold in the Bible. For the compelling truth about this, request or download our informative study guide The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy. And to help see where we are on the prophetic timetable, also obtain our study guide Are We Living in the Time of the End? Both are available free.

God's Urgent Warning Message to You

Many prophecies in the Bible are directed to the end-time descendants of ancient Israel. This includes not just the Jewish people but, surprising as it may be, the nations of northwest European heritage, foremost among these being the English-speaking peoples. To see what Scripture foretells about their future, be sure so request or download our free study guide The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy.

Why Guilt Can Be Good

God wants you to leave wrong ways behind and develop a trusting, loving relationship with Him for all eternity. And He has laid out the pathway in His Word. To help you on this way, be sure to request or download our free study guide Transforming Your Life: The Process of Conversion.

Martin Luther King, Jr. on Christianity's Adoption of Paganism

There are many more connections between ancient pagan religion and modern Christianity than Dr. King exposed. It's especially evident in popular Christian holidays. To learn more, request or download our study guide Holidays or Holy Days: Does It Matter Which Days We Observe? And to learn more about the true Christian religion, also obtain our study guide The Church Jesus Built. Both are available free.

Current Events and Trends

We discuss what lies ahead for Russia and the nations of East and South Asia in our free study guide Russia and Bible Prophecy.

 As God says, "My word . . . shall not return to me void" (Isaiah 55:11). It will have an impact. Let it guide you and change your life. To help, request or download our free study guide How to Understand the Bible.

For a better understanding of the background history of the region and where events here are ultimately headed, there is a reliable source to turn to-the Word of God in Holy Scripture. For much needed perspective, request or download our free study guide The Middle East in Bible Prophecy.

Transgender confusion strikes at the heart of God's creation of mankind as male and female and His purposes in that. To learn more, download or request our free study guide Marriage and Family: The Missing Dimension.

God's First Great Commandment & God's Second Great Commandment

The two great commandments are broad and encompassing-as are the many other biblical laws that "hang" on them. Principal among these are the Ten Commandments, which explain in greater detail how to love God with all our being and how to love our neighbor as ourself. To help learn more about applying these laws in your life, request or download our free study guide The Ten Commandments.

"Loose Lips Sink Hearts"

As followers of Jesus Christ, we must understand that He was far more than just a great wise man and prophet. To help better see this, be sure to download or request our free study guide Jesus Christ: The Real Story.

The Unadvertised Side Effects of Pornography

dive deeper It's best to avoid exposure to pornography. But if you or someone you know has become ensnared and is struggling with this serious problem, request or download our free study aid Overcoming Pornography Addiction for help in breaking free of its enslaving chains. 

Q&A: You say Christians shouldn't celebrate Christmas and Easter because of their pagan origins. But what about minor occasions like those coming up in late winter-Groundhog Day, Valentine's Day and Mardi Gras. Aren't these just harmless fun? 

To learn more about what's wrong with observing such occasions-and what God wants us to celebrate instead-be sure to download or request our free study guide Holidays or Holy Days: Does It Matter Which Days We Observe?

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