"L" - Topic Index
Latin America
- World News & Trends January 2010 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. January 2010
- World News Review December 1998 (l) - World News Review - Dec. 1998
- Increasing EU Presence in Latin America (l) - The people of Latin America are voting for leaders whom they hope can lift the region's millions from the grips of poverty. The gap between rich and poor has become the main issue throughout the region and therefore a primary theme of regional leaders, whether conservative or liberal.
- World News Review Jan 2005 (l) - World News Review - January 2005
- Alarming Increase of Anti-Americanism in Latin America (l) - The war in faraway Iraq has fueled rising resentment against the United States much closer to home.
- Free Trade Area of the Americas - What Will Happen to Latin America? (l) - The United States can no longer take its superiority in the economy of the western hemisphere for granted. The EU's economic reach grows ever longer and its influence ever stronger.
- Anti-American Sentiment Increases in South America (l) - This month's Summit of the Americas highlighted the change in attitude toward the United States.
- Venezuela - Six More Years of Chavez (l) - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez won reelection Dec. 3 to another six-year term. Should the world take him seriously? Should the United States be concerned about his rhetoric? Yes!
Laying on of hands
- Does Matthew 28:19 Prove the Trinity? (l) - Matthew 28:19 is a biblical passage sometimes misunderstood with regard to the Trinity doctrine. Jesus is quoted as telling His disciples, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in ['into,' Greek eis] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."
- How to receive God's Spirit (l) - The story of the new Christians baptized by Philip in Samaria illustrates the importance of the ceremony of laying on of hands in the giving of the Holy Spirit.
- Is the laying on of hands necessary for us to receive the Holy Spirit? (l) - The Bible gives us a clear answer. Paul came upon some believers in Ephesus who had been baptized by no less than John the Baptist. Yet they had not received the Holy Spirit for two reasons. One is that they did not have the laying on of hands. The other was that they apparently did not fully understand the Christian way of life, the covenant into which one enters through baptism.
- Water Baptism and Laying On of Hands (l) - After one repents, one's next step toward eternal life is water baptism.
- Why We Need the Holy Spirit (l) - Within ourselves we possess neither the power nor the faith to keep our commitment as we should. We desperately need divine power to assist us in fulfilling God's wonderful calling. That strength comes as a gift from God.
- What the Bible Says About Baptism (l) - Baptism is one of the most important beliefs of Christianity, but why? What is this ceremony all about? Is baptism merely an archaic symbol, or does it hold a deep meaning for the modern Christian? Does it matter which method of baptism is used: sprinkling, pouring, immersion or some other technique? When should one be baptized?
- Jesus Christ and Biblical Writers Compare Death to Sleep (l) - The plain teaching of the Bible is that the dead are unconscious, waiting in the grave. They are, as Jesus and Paul put it, sleeping. They will not awake until the resurrection.
- Lazarus and the Rich Man: Proof of Heaven and Hell? (l) - "... In Christ's story God was the beggar's only source of help, for the rich man was certainly not going to do a single thing for him! ... It is important to see this parable of Jesus as a continuation of His conflict with the Pharisees over riches. Christ had said, 'You cannot serve God and Money' (16:13).
- Lazarus and the Rich Man: Proof of Heaven and Hell? (l) - This parable teaches us that choosing to reject God's instruction will bring disastrous consequences - everlasting destruction in a lake of fire.
- Lessons From Two Resurrections (l) - John's gospel details two instances in which individuals were resurrected from the dead. The first astonished its witnesses, but the second transformed Jesus' disciples' lives giving them power and conviction to face trial, persecution and even martyrdom for an astounding truth.
- Nehemiah: A Leader for All Time (l) - There is more than one kind of leadership. Some leaders are dictatorial, such as Nimrod, while others lead by example, such as Nehemiah.
- Please Take the Lead (l) - I was certain my husband didn't know how to dance at all. But there he was demonstrating new steps with the instructor!
- Seeking Security in a Dangerous Age (l) - Global economic and financial turbulence stalk the world--along with a growing food and energy crisis. Apocalyptic doomsaying is seen in newspapers everywhere. Can you survive whatever perils may come your way? What or who will be your anchor?
- World-Transforming Leadership (l) - Have you ever considered how much of Jesus Christ's message revolves around leadership?
- What's the Key to Real Leadership? (l) - Everywhere we look we see a great need for real leadership. But what is real leadership? What is its foundation? Can someone be a good leader without displaying real leadership?
- Finding a Mentor (l) - Having some encouragement and guidance can make a big difference in your life.
- Do You Want to Join the Club? (l) - There are groups or clubs set up for just about everything in life. All have leaders, and many people seek those positions. But which position should we strive for?
- Authority for the People (l) - So, you want to be in charge? What does that mean? What does God say about leading and ruling over people?
- What Makes a True Leader? (l) - What characteristics distinguish a true leader from someone merely occupying a leading position? What makes a person a true leader?
- Being a King (l) - Being a leader means more than just ruling.
- U.S. Presidential Leadership Called into Question (l) - Of potentially greater concern than the Middle East minefield are the serious straits besetting U.S. President Barack Obama and his administration.
- Proverbs: The Light Of The King's Face (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
- Wanted: Leaders to Lead Well! (l) - People often equate a leader with good leadership. While history is filled with poor leadership, there are positive examples to learn from -- among them Abraham Lincoln and the greatest leader of all time.
- The Resurgence of the "Great leader" (l) - The mid-20th century was defined by the presence and leadership of what many would call "great men" or "great leaders," with "great" implying power and success and not necessarily virtue.
- God's Instructions for Rulers (l) - What kind of standards does God expect in leaders?
- What Is Real Leadership? (l) - As a nation and a world cry out in desperation for right leadership, why is real leadership so hard to find? What makes a real leader, and will the world ever see the right kind of leadership?
- The Kind of Leaders the World Needs (l) - Every election season is filled with wrangling over which candidates would and wouldn't be the best leaders. But just what are the essential qualities of a "good" leader? The Bible tells us that a leader should be focused on service and spells out specific aspects of servant leadership. And that instruction applies not merely to appointing leaders but to the development of our own character.
- Could Jesus Christ Be Elected President? (l) - As the United States enters the final weeks of a hotly contested presidential election campaign, this is a good time to ask a crucial question: Could Jesus Christ be elected president?
- Are You a Leader? (l) - "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader."--John Quincy Adams
- Golda Meir and Deborah the Judge (l) - The biographies of Deborah and Golda Meir provide lessons in leadership for all of us.
- A Lesson in Leadership From a Much-Loved Lady (l) - Important qualities of good leaders are exemplified by Britain's queen mother.
- World Watches U.S. Post-Election Predicament (l) - The United States will continue to dominate the world in the immediate future because of God's will. When God withdraws His sustaining hand - and He surely will - the jealousy and anger of the nations hinted at in the above commentaries will be unleashed with a passion.
- Morality in Government: A Worldwide Crisis (l) - What's at the heart and core of governmental problems? More important, what can we do about them?
- Leadership... Is It for You? (l) - You, the next generation, can accept the challenge to prepare yourselves for your ultimate role in leadership.
- A Good Soldier (l) - If Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, and Benjamin Franklin conceived the framework of a new nation, George Washington navigated it through is greatest crisis. Few know how well he shouldered the heavy task that fell on him in 1775.
- Moral Leadership: Does It Really Matter? (l) - America has been led into an acceleration of its moral decline.
- What Can We Learn From a Rooster? (l) - Godly attributes are taught in nature, the example of the rooster being only one of many.
- What Is Godly Rulership? (l) - What's wrong with human rulership? How can we follow Christ's example?
- Leadership: A Biblical Perspective (l) - Editorial: a Biblical perspective of leadership.
- The Heart of a King (l) - People are easily impressed by the way someone looks, but real leadership comes from what's inside a person--from the heart. Consider the shepherd who became king David.
- A Contrast in Leadership (l) - The one who is a true leader is not the one who gets the most, amassing power and wealth for himself, his family and his cronies, but the one who gives the most of himself to serve his people and to better their lives.
- Moses: Leader of a Nation (l) - With a humble attitude, Moses was able to be a true servant of his people.
- Join the Few, the Called, the Chosen (l) - The great moral code of the universe reveals that God is preparing His team for leadership of the world. Here's how to be part of the team.
- Does Unfaithfulness Disqualify Leaders? (l) - Should a leader's conduct in private life be considered part of his or her job qualifications? Is there any connection between one's personal life and public duties?
- Noah: A True Noncomformist (l) - Many people identify with bucking the crowd and being one's own person, but how can we know when that's what we should do? here's an example of someone who was a nonconformist for the right reason.
- Too Young to Lead? (l) - Being a leader can seem tough and demanding. How old do you have to be before you can lead?
- Leadership Under Siege Around the World (l) - Top Western leaders are under severe attack by the world's media. It is but another baleful sign of the times. This article assesses the prophetic meaning for our future.
- In Search of Heroic Leadership (l) - God places great and grave responsibility on the shoulders of the leadership. We must all share the responsibility for the condition of the world, our nation, our church, our families.
- Great Leaders Knew Their Source (l) - Where does great leadership come from, and where has it gone?
- What Is True Leadership? (l) - Which ingredients make an effective leader? And what makes some leaders take tragic courses for themselves and their fellowmen?
- Christian Leadership Should be Y2K Compatible (l) - F. W. de Klerk speaks about what future leaders will have to cope with in the next millennium.
- Will A New Leader Solve Our Problems? (l) - Why after the political leaders perennial promises to fix all our problems, are the obstacles still with us? Why when so many hope and labor for positive change, does it remain tantalizingly out of reach?
- Where Have All the Leaders Gone? (l) - In an ocean of six billion people,humanity is awash with a surpluse of sinners and a shortage of saints. What the world needs now are leaders who rise above the tide to improve human conditions.
- Exceptional Leadership Practices (l) - Not all leaders display the charisma and personal power often associated with leadership. Some leadership practices may produce few followers now, but will pay off in the long term.
- What is Hope? (l) - So what is hope? Hope is the earnest expectation of seeing things change for the better.
- Dictatorships: Why Are They So Common? (l) - As the U.S. and Britain defied much of world opinion to overthrow an entrenched dictator in Iraq, a question logically arose: Why is it that so many countries seem to naturally embrace dictatorship?
- What Lies Ahead for U.S. Leasership? (l) - End-time events can take place without warning. We are told to watch and to love the truth. If we do, we'll have the context to understand events of the coming years.
- Molding Your Personality for Leadership (l) - Have you ever considered what personality type is best for leaders? More importantly, what can you do about yours to become a more effective leader?
- Lesson in Wisdom (l) - How often do we, when we are in a position of power, lack wisdom in using authority?
- Nehemiah: Portrait of a Leader (l) - In the book bearing his name, Nehemiah records his memoirs. He tells how, against tremendous odds, he accomplished an unimaginably difficult undertaking.
- World News Review August 2006 (l) - World news review - Sept 2006.
- Who Will Bring Freedom to the Middle East? (l) - A "new Middle East" will arise - but not in the way world leaders might imagine.
- New Middle Eastern Conflicts: A Wake-up Call for Mankind (l) - Michael Elliott of Time magazine asked some of the right questions: "What is it about the Middle East that makes the conflicts so intractable, such that one summer's guns ineluctably conjure up so many early spasms of violence? Why the hate and where's the healing?" (July 24, 2006).
- Media Blitz Against Israel (l) - Israel is mostly pictured in this whole scenario as the bad guy. It looks very much like the Israelis fell into a trap set by the Iranians, sponsors of Hezbollah.
- Just What is Legalism? (l) - It is not legalistic to obey God's laws correctly. To be legalistic is to misuse God's laws in a way never intended.
- 'This Is the Love of God...' (l) - How do we show that we love God? Many believe that Jesus Christ came to being a new way to worship God. But what does the Bible say?
- Are All Spiritual 'Shadows' Obsolete? (l) - The apostle Paul wrote of the Sabbath and Holy Days as being "a shadow of things to come." Did he mean to tell us that these observances are now obsolete and meaningless?
- The Resurrection Connection (l) - How did worship of an ancient god and goddess come to be associated with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ? Although the details are lost in time, a closer look at the ancient mythology surrounding their worship will help us understand how pagan practices have survived in popular Easter customs.
- The Good Friday-Easter Sunday Question (l) - How do three days and three nights fit between Good Friday and Easter Sunday? Or do they?
- Letters From BT Readers - Jan/Feb 2020 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the January/February 2020 issue.
Letters from BT readers
- Letters From Our Readers - Jan 2016 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the January/February 2016 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Mar 2016 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the March/April 2016 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - May 2016 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the May/June 2016 issue
- Letters From Our Readers - Jul 2016 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the July/August 2016 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Sep 2016 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the September/October 2016 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Nov 2016 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the November/December 2016 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Mar 2017 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the March/April 2017 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - May/Jun 2017 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the May/June 2017 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Jul/Aug 2017 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the July/August 2017 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Sep/Oct 2017 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the September/October 2017 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Nov/Dec 2017 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the November/December 2017 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Jan/Feb 2018 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the January/February 2018 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Mar/Apr 2018 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the March/April 2018 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - May/Jun 2018 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the May/June 2018 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Jul/Aug 2018 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the July/August 2018 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Sep/Oct 2018 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the September/October 2018 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Jan/Feb 2019 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the January/February 2019 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Mar/Apr 2019 (l) - Beyond Today Editor Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the March/April 2019 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Jul/Aug 2019 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the July/August 2019 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Sep/Oct 2019 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the September/October 2019 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Nov/Dec 2019 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the November/December 2019 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Mar/Apr 2020 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the March/April 2020 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - May/Jun 2020 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the May/June 2020 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Jul/Aug 2020 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the July/August 2020 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Nov/Dec 2020 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the November/December 2020 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Sep/Oct 2020 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the September/October 2020 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Jan/Feb 2021 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the January/February 2021 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Mar/Apr 2021 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the March/April 2021 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - May/June 2021 (l) - Letters from readers of Beyond Today
- Letters From Our Readers - July/August 2021 (l) - Letters from readers of Beyond Today.
- Letters From Our Readers - September/October 2021 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the September/October 2021 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - November/December 2021 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the November/December 2021 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - January/February 2022 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the January/February 2022 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - March/April 2022 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the March/April 2022 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - May/June 2022 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the May/June 2022 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - July/August 2022 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the July/August 2022 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - September/October 2022 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the September/October 2022 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - November/December 2022 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the November/December 2022 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - January/February 2023 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the January/February 2023 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - March/April 2023 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the March/April 2023 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - May/June 2023 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the May/June 2023 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - July/August 2023 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the July/August 2023 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - September/October 2023 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the September/October 2023 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - November/December 2023 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the November/December 2023 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the January/February 2024 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers March/April 2024 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the March/April 2024 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers: May/June 202 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the May/June 2024 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers: May/June 2024 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the May/June 2024 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - July/August 2024 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the July/August 2024 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - September/October 2024 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the September/October 2024 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers: January/February 2025 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the January/February 2025 issue.
Letters from GN readers
- Letters from Our Readers - Mar/Apr 2007 (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News. March 2007
- Letters from Our Readers - May/Jun 2007 (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts. May 2007
- Letters from Our Readers - Jul/Aug 2007 (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts. Jul/Aug 2007
- Letters from Our Readers - Sep/Oct 2007 (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts. Sept/Oct 2007
- Letters from Our Readers - Nov/Dec 2007 (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts. November 2007
- Letters from Our Readers - Jan/Feb 2008 (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts. Jan 2008
- Letters from Our Readers - Mar/Apr 2008 (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts. Mar/Apr 2008
- Letters from Our Readers - May/Jun 2008 (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News magazine. May 2008
- Letters from Our Readers - Jul/Aug 2008 (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News. July 2008
- Letters from Our Readers - September/October 2008 (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts. Sept/Oct 2008
- Letters From Our Readers - Nov/Dec 2008 (l) - Letters from Good News Readers - Nov/Dec 2008
- Letters From Our Readers - Jan. 2009 (l) - Letters from Good News readers. Jan. 2009
- Letters From Our Readers Mar/Apr 2009 (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News
- Letters from Our Readers - May/June 2009 (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News. May 2009
- Letters from Our Readers - Jul/Aug 2009 (l) - Letters from ood News readers, July 2009
- Letters From Our Readers - Sep 2009 (l) - Letters to readers of the Good News. Sept 2009
- Letters From Our Readers - Nov 2009 (l) - Letters from Good News readers. Nov 2009.
- Letters From Our Readers - Jan 2010 (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts.
- Letter from our Readers (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts. March 2010
- Letters From Our Readers - May/Jun 2010 (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts. May 2010
- Letters From Our Readers - Jul/Aug 2010 (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News. July 2010
- Letters From Our Readers - Nov/Dec 2010 (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News magazine.
- Letters From Our Readers - Jan 2011 (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts. January 2011
- Letters From Our Readers - Mar/Apr 2011 (l) - Letters From Our Readers: March/April 2011
- Letters From Our Readers - Sep 2011 (l) - Readers of The Good News share thier thoughts.
- Letters from Our Readers - January/February 2012 (l) - Readers of the Good News share their thoughts. January 2012
- Letters From Our Readers - Mar/Apr 2012 (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts in the March-April 2012 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - May/Jun 2012 (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts in the May/June 2012 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Jul/Aug 2012 (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts in the July/August 2012 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Sep/Oct 2012 (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts in the September/October 2012 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Nov/Dec 2012 (l) - Letters from Good News Readers. November 2012.
- Letters from Our Readers - January/February 2013 (l) - Readers of the Good News share their thoughts in the January/February 2013 issue.
- Letters from Our Readers - March/April 2013 (l) - Readers of the Good News share their thoughts in the March/April 2013 issue.
- Letters from Our Readers - July/August 2013 (l) - Readers of the Good News share their thoughts in the July/August 2013 issue.
- Letter From Our Readers - September/October 2013 (l) - Readers of the Good News share their thoughts in the September/October 2013 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Nov/Dec 2013 (l) - Readers of the Good News share their thoughts in the November/December 2013 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Jan/Feb 2014 (l) - Readers of the Good News share their thoughts in the January/February 2014 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Mar/Apr 2014 (l) - Readers of the Good News share their thoughts in the March/April 2014 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - May/Jun 2014 (l) - Readers of the Good News share their thoughts in the May/June 2014 issue
- Letters From Our Readers - Jul/Aug 2014 (l) - Readers of the Good News share their thoughts in the July/August 2014 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Sep/Oct 2014 (l) - Readers of the Good News share their thoughts in the September/October 2014 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Nov/Dec 2014 (l) - Readers of the Good News share their thoughts in the November/December 2014 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Mar/Apr 2015 (l) - Readers of the Good News share their thoughts in the March/April 2015 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Jul 2015 (l) - Readers of the Good News share their thoughts in the July/August 2015 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - May/Jun 2019 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the May/June 2019 issue.
- Letters From BT Readers - Jan/Feb 2020 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the January/February 2020 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers: November/December 2024 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the November/December 2024 issue.
- Letters From Our Readers - Jul/Aug 2003 (l) - Some letters and comments from readers of the Good News.
- Letters from Our Readers - Jan/Feb 2006 (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts. Jan/Feb 2006
- Letters from Our Readers - Sep/Oct 2006 (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts. Good News Sept 2006
- Letters From Our Readers - May/Jun 2003 (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News, May/June 2003.
- Letters From Our Readers - Jul/Aug 2001 (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News magazine, Jul/Aug 2001.
- Letters From Our Readers - Nov/Dec 2005 (l) - Letters from the readers of the Good News magazine. Nov/Dec 2005.
- Letters from Our Readers - May/Jun 2006 (l) - Letters from Good News readers; May/June 2006
- Letters from Our Readers - Nov/Dec 2006 (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News magazine. November 2006
- Letters From Our Readers - Jan/Feb 2003 (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News Magazine, Jan/Feb 2003.
- Letters from Our Readers - Jul/Aug 2005 (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts. July 2005
- Letters from Our Readers (l) - Letters from the readers of the Good News. January 2007
- Letters From Our Readers - Sep/Oct 2004 (l) - Letters from the readers of the Good News, Sept/Oct 2004.
- Letters From Our Readers - Mar/Apr 2003 (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News, Mar/Apr 2003.
- Letters From Our Readers - May/Jun 2001 (l) - Letters from Good News readers, May/June 2001
- Letters From Our Readers - Sep/Oct 2003 (l) - Letters from the readers of the Good News magazine, Sep/Oct 2003.
- Letters From Our Readers - Nov/Dec 2004 (l) - Letters from the readers of the Good News magazine. Nov/Dec 2004
- Letters From Our Readers - Sep/Oct 2002 (l) - Here are some letters from readers of the Good News magazine regarding subjects like marriage, divorce, our destiny, diversity, and political correctness.
- Letters From Our Readers - Sep/Oct 2005 (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News magazine; Sept 2005
- Letters From Our Readers - Jul/Aug 1997 (l) - Questions, opinions, and responses from readers of the Good News magazine; July/August 1997.
- Letters From Our Readers - May/Jun 2005 (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News magazine, May/June 2005.
- Letters from Our Readers - Jul/Aug 2006 (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts. Jul/Aug 2006
- Letters From Our Readers - Mar/Apr 2002 (l) - Comments from the readers of the Good News magazine, Mar/Apr 2002.
- Letters From Our Readers - Nov/Dec 2003 (l) - Letters to the editor; Good News, Nov/Dec 2003
- Letters from Our Readers - Mar/Apr 2006 (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts. Mar/Apr 2006
- Letters From Our Readers - Nov/Dec 2002 (l) - Letters from Good News readers, Nov/Dec 2002.
- Letters From Our Readers - May/Jun 2004 (l) - Letters from the readers of the Good News magazine, May/June 2004
- Letters From Our Readers - Mar/Apr 2000 (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News magazine, March/April 2000.
- Letters From Our Readers - Jan/Feb 2004 (l) - Letters to the editor. Good News magazine, Jan/Feb 2004.
- Letters From Our Readers - Jul/Aug 2004 (l) - Letters from the readers of the Good News magazine. July/August 2004.
- Letters From Our Readers - Nov/Dec 2000 (l) - Letters from Good News readers, Nov/Dec 2000.
- Letters From Our Readers - Sep/Oct 2001 (l) - Letters about resurrection, heaven and hell, trinity, Harry Potter
- Letters From Our Readers - Jan/Feb 2002 (l) - Letters from the readers of the Good News magazine. January/February 2002.
- Letters From Our Readers - Jul/Aug 2000 (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News magazine. July/August 2000.
- Letters From Our Readers - Jul/Aug 2002 (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News magazine, Jul/Aug 2002.
- Letters From Our Readers - Jan/Feb 2001 (l) - Letters from Good News readers, Jan/Feb 2001.
- Letters From Our Readers - Jan/Feb 2005 (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts; Jan/Feb 2005
- Letters From Our Readers - Mar/Apr 2004 (l) - Letters from the readers of the Good News magazine. January/February 2004.
- Letters From Our Readers - Sep/Oct 2000 (l) - Letters from the readers of the Good News magazine. September/October 2000.
- Letters From Our Readers - Mar/Apr 2001 (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News magazine. March/April 2001
- Letters From Our Readers - May/Jun 2000 (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News magazine. May/June 2000.
- Letters From Our Readers - May/Jun 2002 (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News magazine, May/June 2002.
Letters from VCM readers
- VCM Letters to the Editor: May 2007 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - May 2007
- VCM Letters to the Editor: June 2007 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - June 2007
- VCM Letters to the Editor: July 2007 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - July 2007
- VCM Letters to the Editor: August 2007 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - August 2007
- VCM Letters to the Editor: September/October 2007 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - September/October 2007
- VCM Letters to the Editor: November 2007 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - November 2007
- VCM Letters to the Editor: December 2007 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - December 2007
- VCM Letters to the Editor: January 2008 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - January 2008
- VCM Letters to the Editor: February 2008 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - February 2008
- VCM Letters to the Editor: March 2008 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - March/April 2008
- VCM Letters to the Editor: April/May 2008 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - May 2008
- VCM Letters to the Editor: June 2008 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - June 2008
- VCM Letters to the Editor: December 2008 (l) - VCM: letters to the editor. Dec. 2008
- VCM Letters to the Editor: January 2009 (l) - letters from VCM readers
- VCM Letters to the Editor: February 2009 (l) - Letters from readers of VCM. Feb 2009.
- VCM Letters to the Editor: March 2009 (l) - Letters to the Editor of VCM March 2009
- VCM Letters to the Editor: June 2009 (l) - VCM Letters to the Editor: June 2009
- VCM Letters to the Editor: July 2009 (l) - letters to Virtual Christian magazine July 2009
- VCM Letters to the Editor: September 2009 (l) - Letters from readers of Virtual Christian.
- VCM Letters to the Editor: October/November 2009 (l) - letters from readers
- VCM Letters to the Editor: February 2010 (l) - Letters from readers of VCM Feb 2010
- VCM Letters to the Editor: August 2010 (l) - Letters from VCM readers.
- VCM Letters to the Editor: December 2010 (l) - letters to the editor, Virtual Christian magazine, Dec. 2010
- VCM Letters to the Editor: January 2011 (l) - Letters from readers of VCM - January 2011.
- VCM Letters to the Editor: February 2003 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - February 2003
- VCM Letters to the Editor: August 2006 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - August 2006
- VCM Letters to the Editor: July 2004 (l) - letters from VCM readers - July 2004
- VCM Letters to the Editor: June 1999 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - July 1999
- VCM Letters to the Editor: June 2005 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - June 2005
- VCM Letters to the Editor: March/April 2003 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - March/April 2003
- VCM Letters to the Editor: July 2005 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - July 2005
- VCM Letters to the Editor: September/October 2001 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - September/October 2001
- VCM Letters to the Editor: November 2005 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - November 2005
- VCM Letters to the Editor: October/November 2006 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - November 2006
- VCM Letters to the Editor: March 2006 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - March/April 2006
- VCM Letters to the Editor: November 1999 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - December 1999
- VCM Letters to the Editor: January 2006 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - January 2006
- VCM Letters to the Editor: August 2005 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - August 2005
- VCM Letters to the Editor: January 2007 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - January 2007
- VCM Letters to the Editor: December 1999 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - December 1999
- VCM Letters to the Editor: July 1999 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - August 1999
- VCM Letters to the Editor: August 2003 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - August 2003
- VCM Letters to the Editor: February 2007 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - February 2007
- VCM Letters to the Editor: May 2003 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - May 2003
- VCM Letters to the Editor: July 2003 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - Jul 2003
- VCM Letters to the Editor: August 1999 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - September/October 1999
- VCM Letters to the Editor: July 2006 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - July 2006
- VCM Letters to the Editor: August 2001 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - August 2001
- VCM Letters to the Editor: December 2003 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - December 2003
- VCM Letters to the Editor: November 2000 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - November 2000
- VCM Letters to the Editor: May 1999 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - June 1999
- VCM Letters to the Editor: September/October 1999 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - November 1999
- VCM Letters to the Editor: June 2004 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - June 2004
- VCM Letters to the Editor: April 1999 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - May 1999
- VCM Letters to the Editor: November 2004 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - November 2004
- VCM Letters to the Editor: August 2004 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - Aug 2004
- VCM Letters to the Editor: April/May 2005 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - May 2005
- VCM Letters to the Editor: January 2005 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - Jan. 2005
- VCM Letters to the Editor: February 2005 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - February 2005
- VCM Letters to the Editor: February 2006 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - February 2006
- VCM Letters to the Editor: December 2005 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - December 2005
- VCM Letters to the Editor: September/October 2004 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - Sep 2004
- VCM Letters to the Editor: January 2003 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - Jan 2003
- VCM Letters to the Editor: March 1999 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - March/April 1999
- VCM Letters to the Editor: December 2004 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - December 2004
- VCM Letters to the Editor: March 2004 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - March/April 2004
- VCM Letters to the Editor: October/November 2003 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - November 2003
- VCM Letters to the Editor: March 2000 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - March/April 2000
- VCM Letters to the Editor: February 1999 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - February 1999
- VCM Letters to the Editor: July 2000 (l) - Letters from VCM readers - July 2000
Letters from VT readers
- Letters From Our Readers - Apr/Jun 2007 (l) - Letters from readers of Vertical Thought, April 2007
- From Our Readers... (l) - Letters from readers of Vertical Thought magazine. October 2006.
- From Our Readers - Jul/Sep 2006 (l) - Letters from readers of Vertical Thought. July 2006.
- Letters From Our Readers - Jan/Mar 2007 (l) - Letters from readers of Vertical Thought. January 2007
Lewis, C.S.
- Give and Forget (l) - We've heard we should "forgive and forget." But we also need to learn to give and forget.
- We Read to Know We Are Not Alone (l) - When C.S. Lewis experienced the pain of losing a "special someone," he came to understand the weight of shared emotional experience.
- Where is America headed? (l) - Not so long ago liberal commentators in the United States spoke of the European economic success in glowing terms - indicating that social democracy works.
- The Battle Over What You Think (l) - For decades a battle has raged -- a battle not for territory, but for hearts and minds. Whether you realize it or not, you and your loved ones are a target of this battle, and the stakes couldn't be higher!
- Should You Believe All the News You Hear? (l) - Many people's outlook on current events, culture, society and the world is shaped by the news they read and hear. But how truthful is most reporting? Can you - and should you - believe everything you hear?
- A Telling Profile of Media Professionals (l) - The entertainment establishment- writers, producers and stars of the movies,TV programs and music we consume-are overwhelmingly liberal in their political outlook.
- Radical Liberalism (l) - Lawyers argue in U.S. courts that pornography falls under the constitutional right of free speech. There is a strong movement to replace Judeo-Christian influences in schools with extreme multiculturalism. Radical feminists denounce concepts of the traditional family. Homosexuals want to totally redefine marriage. What is happening to America?
- Choosing a Future Over Fear (l) - They didn't have a choice where they started, but they made a choice as to how to grow from whence they were planted. They chose to be bitter, not better. And that, my friends, is a choice before us all.
- Gaddafi's Violent Past Catching Up in Libya (l) - On Sept. 1, 1969, Libya's King Idris was overthrown in a violent coup that brought a young revolutionary Colonel Muammar Gaddafi to power. For more than 40 years his revolutionary fervor has spread mayhem and discord.
Lincoln, Abraham
- Lincoln: President and Prophet? (l) - President Lincoln wasn't afraid to tell it as he saw it. He felt a deep responsibility to his country. Like Lincoln, we have a responsibility to tell it like it is, and we do.
- The Essential Abraham Lincoln (l) - The Essential Abraham Lincoln contains a rich storehouse of Lincoln's most important letters, speeches and presidential messages.
- Book Review: The Great Republic: A History of America (l) - Few really grasp the importance of Winston Churchill's incredible relationship with the United States. A recent compilation of his most essential writings about America fills this void.
- A Heart Beyond the Hurt (l) - They made the choice that each of us has to make - we either exercise our hurts or we exercise our hearts. Our choice will dramatically affect our present and future lives.
- Forgiving the Unforgivable (l) - Abraham Lincoln's second inaugural address challenges the nation to "forgive the unforgivable and offer dignity to those in the throes of defeat."
- Two Minutes Dedicated to Eternity (l) - Could you sit down and write out in 266 words what you are all about?
- Dive Deeper - March-April 2024 (l) - Here you'll find links to all the additional resources listed in the pages of the magazine in the "Dive Deeper" boxes near the end of each article in the March-April 2024 issue.
- Dive Deeper - July-August 2024 (l) - Here you'll find links to all the additional resources listed in the pages of the magazine in the "Dive Deeper" boxes near the end of each article in the July-August 2024 issue as well as other referenced material throughout the text.
- Dive Deeper: November-December 2024 (l) - Here you'll find links to all the additional resources listed in the pages of the magazine in the "Dive Deeper" boxes near the end of each article in the November-December 2024 issue as well as other referenced material throughout the text.
- Dive Deeper: January-February 2025 (l) - Here you'll find links to all the additional resources listed in the pages of the magazine in the "Dive Deeper" boxes near the end of each article in the January-February 2025 issue as well as other referenced material throughout the text
Love of neighbor
- Carry Jesus' Burden (l) - There is no more strong, confident and powerful person that has ever lived than Jesus Christ. Yet even Jesus Christ needed help in His final hours. And He tells us He needs help many times today--even if we don't recognize Him.
- Do You Still Have Your First Love? (l) - Christ warned the church at Ephesus that He was about to remove his candlestick from their presence. We're told they lost their first love. How does this warning relate to the modern Church?
- God's Feelings About Emotions (l) - Why did God give us such a vast array of emotions? Can our emotions help us develop strong connections with Him and our fellow man?
- Life Lessons From The Birds (l) - We can see many lessons for life in the things we see around us, but what lesson can we learn from the birds?
- The Good Samaritan (l) - "Love, love, love / Love is all you need." So goes a line from a popular song. But what kind of love do we need, and how should we show it?
- Am I My Brother's Keeper? (l) - We all want to do good -- we want to think we would be the one to step up when needed. But often we find ourselves bowing out, when we should be stepping up.
- Love: The Ground From Which Spiritual Fruit Springs (l) - When God's Spirit is at work in a person, amazing things happen. The person's whole life blossoms and bears beautiful fruit. And the most wonderful fruit of all is the giving and receiving of true love.
- Look Beyond the Surface (l) - Sometimes what we see on the outside is meaningless. It just doesn't tell the whole story.
- The Loneliness Antidote (l) - Feelings of loneliness can overwhelm and discourage us. What can we do to combat these debilitating feelings?
- Battling Empathy Deficit Disorder (l) - Empathy for others is waning. Why? And what should our focus be?
- Setting the Bar (l) - Is the example of our lives truly in line with that of Jesus Christ? Do the little things in our lives point to God?
- The Woman With The Alabaster Flask (l) - In today's society we see abundant examples of both famous and not so famous individuals doing things for a good cause. But is this 'good' enough in God's eyes?
- Lessons From Matthew 25:34 (l) - Do we really understand what God expects when He says we are to serve one another?
- It's Really Not About Me (l) - Sometimes, when we look at ourselves, we may not like what we see.
- Micro Messaging and Us (l) - What messages are we knowingly or unwittingly sending that can hurt others?
- The Church of God Today (l) - The church of God today keeps God's commandments and holds fast to all that Jesus taught.
- The Different Kinds of Love Mentioned in the Bible (l) - The New Testament uses several words translated "love." Understanding their meanings helps us better comprehend God's expectations of us.
- The Ten Commandments: Keys in a Law of Love (l) - God is love, and His laws, particularly as summarized in the Ten Commandments, show us the actions that demonstrate love toward others - first toward God, and then toward our fellow man.
- God's Nature and Character (l) - In any discussion about who and what God is, we must not lose sight of the most important truth about God -- that God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son are Beings of infinite love. John perfectly summarized Their divine character and nature when he wrote that "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16).
- Being a Good Neighbor to Others (l) - A sincere interest in caring for and serving others is essential to the godly way of life.
- Practicing Love, Honor and Respect (l) - The Scriptures summarize the way we should interact with other people: practice love, honor and respect
- God's Second Great Commandment (l) - Having looked at the first great commandment on wholehearted love for God, we now consider the second, which Jesus said is "like it." How may we love our neighbor as ourself?
- Just for Youth... Do You Choose Happiness? (l) - "You can't roller-skate in a buffalo herd, but you can be happy if you've a mind to." lines from old songs sometimes sound out-of-date, but the imagery is interesting. Can we really be happy if we want to?
- Are We Our Brother's Keeper? (l) - Are we our brother's keeper?
- Perfect Love (l) - Do we place unnecessary walls between ourselves and our brothers and sisters in Christ? A mature love can breach those walls.
- An Act of Kindness (l) - The importance of your example to others.
- Poverty Is Personal (l) - Poverty has been a constant presence throughout human history, but each of us has the opportunity to personally combat poverty every day while we look forward to a time when poverty will be a distant memory.
- The Golden Rule (l) - Boy Scouts of America was formed because of "one good turn." If we all practiced the Golden Rule, what a wonderful world we would live in.
- Christ's Passion Toward You and Me! (l) - While on earth, Christ provided many examples for us to follow. His compassion for humankind surpassed anything we can possibly accomplish, but we are to strive to demonstrate compassion as He did. Only then can the message of Christ's life be truly conveyed.
- Do Not Despise 'Little Ones' (l) - Jesus Christ tells us to carefully consider our attitudes toward those who aren't as well off. A lot is riding on it -- for them as well as for us.
- Individual Rights Vs. Societal Rights (l) - Weighing individual vs. societal rights.
- Head-to-Head and Heart-to-Heart (l) - Communication is one of the most important processes of human life. Yet in many ways, it is an area with the greatest need for improvement.
- America's Good Samaritans: Selfless Sacrifice and Heroism (l) - Not since Pearl Harbor has the United States experienced such a shock of national proportions as it received on Sept 11. Yet out of the rubble and carnage rose a multitude of Good Samaritans. Some sacrificed their lives. Others gave unmeasured comfort to the wounded and brokenhearted. All left us unforgettable examples.
- John: An Apostle of Godly Love (l) - John's Gospel and his three epistles focus on love. In his gospel he refers to himself as that disciple whom Jesus loved.
- A Beautiful, Vertical Mind (l) - Mentally speaking, are you all there? Many people don't realize they're missing a critical nonphysical component.
- Loving Your Enemies (l) - I began my personal journey in learning to love my enemies 13 years ago. Many other people's stories have taught me along the way.
- What Are They Thinking of Me? (l) - Making a good first impression is about more than your appearance - it's about giving!
- Up Close and Personal (l) - Little does Ashley Smith realize she has a rendezvous with purpose. She is about to meet Brian Nichols.
- Do You Choose Happiness? (l) - "You can't roller-skate in a buffalo herd, but you can be happy if you've a mind to." lines from old songs sometimes sound out-of-date, but the imagery is interesting. Can we really be happy if we want to?
- Who Is My Neighbor? (l) - Growing reality of globalization is pushing us together with people we have never dealt with before.
Love, real
- Love: The Ground From Which Spiritual Fruit Springs (l) - When God's Spirit is at work in a person, amazing things happen. The person's whole life blossoms and bears beautiful fruit. And the most wonderful fruit of all is the giving and receiving of true love.
- The Bible's "Love Chapter" (l) - 1 Corinthians 13 is aptly known as the love chapter since it gives us a beautiful description of what godly love is like!
- The Truth About Love (l) - A Good News interview with Dr. Pat Love.
- The Difference Between Infatuation and Love (l) - In the heady world of male-female relationships, how can one know the difference between love and infatuation?
- Girls & Romance Novels (l) - Why is this genre of literature so appealing to women? Is it harmless fun?
- Natural Attraction or Lust? (l) - What's the difference between lust and natural attraction? How do we control our minds when we see a beautiful girl or a handsome guy?
- Love Don't Come Easy (l) - It is often easy to say the words "I love you," but actual love is not that easy. It takes more than saying the words; it takes action.
- Me, Us, Them: My Journey to Wife and Motherhood (l) - Marriage and family brings broadened perspective.
- More Than a Feeling (l) - Do you know what it means to demonstrate real love?
- The Woman With The Alabaster Flask (l) - In today's society we see abundant examples of both famous and not so famous individuals doing things for a good cause. But is this 'good' enough in God's eyes?
- Proverbs: To Eat With Those You Love (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
- Love Is Something That We Do (l) - Several years ago country singer and songwriter Clint Black recorded an insightful song that he titled "Something That We Do." The lyrics apparently stem from his own experience of staying married to his wife for more than 30 years now.
- Why Are Young Christians Divorcing? (l) - Just a few short years ago she was dressed in a long white dress and he in a tuxedo, confetti was flying, and everyone was cheering and celebrating the wedding. Now they're living separately and may even divorce. No one thought this could happen - least of all them.
- When "Goodbye" Comes Too Suddenly (l) - Take the opportunity now to tell the ones you care about that you love them.
- Our Need for Love (l) - Life without love is ultimately life without meaning. Love is a primary element of a human life.
- Choose Your Love Story (l) - God's beautiful picture of sexuality is for us to refrain from having sex until we are married and then to only enjoy sex with the person to whom we are married.
- Popular Sexual Myths (l) - Given all the confusion that exists today regarding sex, it's important for us to understand some of the most common but mistaken ideas about this subject. Here are a few of today's myths.
- Divorce-Proof Your Marriage (l) - Because so many marriages - particularly in modern Western countries - end in failure, couples trying to live godly lives and make their relationships last will look for ways to protect and preserve their marriages.
- The Different Kinds of Love Mentioned in the Bible (l) - The New Testament uses several words translated "love." Understanding their meanings helps us better comprehend God's expectations of us.
- What Is True Love? (l) - Many young couples would say their feelings are true love. But are they? Does the Bible offer guidance to understand what true love really is?
- Questions and Answers - Jul/Sep 2001 (l) - Questions and answers on issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
- If You Love Me ... (l) - How do you show your love for others?
- Rekindle the Romance (l) - 'I love you' is only the beginning and not the end of an ever-enriching love.
- Infatuation or Love? (l) - What is love, and what is infatuation? Do you think you know? Before you assume you're in love, you should be sure you know what it is!
- What Kind of Love Does Valentine's Day Promote? (l) - What many people call love is actually only infatuation.
- What Is True Love? (7/2002) (l) - Love is the most popular theme of songwriters and poets, yet many do not know what love really is.
- Love and Marriage (l) - Interview with Gary Smalley on love and marriage
- What's Going on Under the Skin: What Touch Can Trigger (l) - Is it real love, or are you just feeling powerful brain chemicals stoked by the touch of that special someone?
- Secrets of Love (l) - What's the test of true, undying love? What are the secrets that allow love to flourish and grow in a world where the love of many grows cold?
- God's Purpose for Sex and Marriage (l) - When and how did sex and marriage originate and for what purpose?
- Just What Is True Love (l) - Are physical attraction and true love the same thing? Many people assume they are. You need to understand what true love is and how you can apply it to your marriage.
- Have You Performed Your Vow Today? (l) - How does "I do" become "I don't anymore"? Several common misunderstandings contribute to neglect of the marriage vows.
Luther, Martin
- Europe and the Church, Part 9: Charles V's Empire Upon Which the Sun Never Set (l) - The Holy Roman Emperor Charles V was the most famous Habsburg in history, presiding over an empire that stretched from the Philippines to Peru and was the greatest in Europe. During his reign he was confronted with major challenges, including the Protestant Reformation. His reign constituted the fourth of the seven prophesied resurrections of the Roman Empire, which will see its final resurrection just before the return of Jesus Christ as King of Kings.
- Your Bible is 400 Years Old (l) - The King James Version, or Authorized Version, of the Bible was completed in 1611. Even if you have a more modern English version, it owes a great deal to this groundbreaking translation.
- Is the Protestant Reformation Being Undone? (l) - When the Catholic monk Martin Luther challenged the Catholic Church with his Ninety-five Theses, few could've foreseen the upheaval and division that would result. Now, 500 years later, could we see a reunification of world Christianity? Does Bible prophecy give any indication?
- Martin Luther: The Unfinished Reformation (l) - Five centuries have passed since Martin Luther started the Protestant Reformation and changed the world. What's the story behind the man and the movement he started?
- Changes in Christian Scholars' Perspective on God's Law (l) - Christian scholars are changing their views of the status of God's laws in New Testament. One cannot help but hope that many others will be encouraged by their example to change their prejudices against obeying the Ten Commandments.
- The Book of James: An 'Epistle of Straw'? (l) - Paul wrote, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith," and we are "created in Christ Jesus to do good works" (Ephesians 2:8, New International Version). James summarized this concept simply and concisely, telling us that "faith without works is dead" (James 2:20).
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