"B" - Subject Index

Alphabetic Index:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
  1. A Place Called Megiddo, Part 2 (l) - In last month's article on Megiddo, we raised the question, "How could today's political leaders be deceived by spiritual powers to move armed forces to Jerusalem to fight Christ at His second coming?" Is there something at the site of Megiddo that can lead to an answer?
  2. Christians Who Don't Celebrate Easter: What Do They Know? (l) - Easter is the most important holiday for hundreds of millions of believers around the world. Yet thousands of Christians don't observe it. Do they know something that others don't?
  3. The Resurrection Connection (l) - How did worship of an ancient god and goddess come to be associated with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ? Although the details are lost in time, a closer look at the ancient mythology surrounding their worship will help us understand how pagan practices have survived in popular Easter customs.
  4. Archaeology and the Book of Judges (l) - During this period of more than 300 years, God periodically raised up judges to rescue and rule over Israel as the Israelites struggled with indigenous peoples over control of the land.
  1. Answers from Genesis - Part 7 (l) - Here are more frequently asked questions about Genesis, the book of origins.
  2. Reengineering Babel (l) - Language is tricky business. Global corporations and the European Union have turned to translation technology to bring breakthroughs in the language barriers laid down at Babel.
  1. Your Child's First Year: What Can You Expect? (l) - So now you're a new parent. What adventures and surprises does the next year hold for you, your mate and your child? How can you build a foundation for future family success?
  1. A False Religious System (l) - Symbolically, God calls this harlot city--with her intimate but corrupt entanglements in international affairs--Babylon the Great. Her cultural and religious roots go back to ancient Babylon.
  2. Four Little Words With Big Meaning (l) - God is a God of judgment, and He weighs and measures nations and people alike--past, present and future.
  3. The Acts of Moses, Elijah and the Two Witnesses (l) - Your Bible reveals there will be two witnesses in the end time who will turn the world upside down, testifying for Christ against sin and sinners. Some of the miracles they will perform will parallel those of Moses and Elijah. There's an enlightening lesson in these similarities.
  4. A Prophecy About Babylon Confirms the Accuracy of the Bible (l) - The history of Babylon was told in the Bible hundreds of years before it happened! How did the prophet Isaiah know the future?
  5. The Coming of a New Babylon (l) - The European debt crisis still simmers. Are we seeing a geopolitical development long foretold in Bible prophecy emerging before our eyes? What exactly is occurring with this world crisis?
  6. How Christian Is Easter? (l) - Soon up to 2 billion people will celebrate one of the world's most popular religious holidays -- Easter. But curiously, the Bible nowhere promotes such an observance. Where did this day come from? How did it become so popular? And is it even Christian?
  7. Babylon Stands Against God (l) - Bible prophecy shows a coming superpower called "Babylon the Great" will rise to dominate global events before Jesus Christ returns. God says to His people, "Come out of her . . . don't take part in her sins." What does this mean for you?
  8. The Handwriting on the Wall (l) - What did that strange message mean for the king of Babylon long ago? What should it mean for you today? You need to understand!
  9. The Two Women of Revelation (l) - The events described in the second half of the book of Revelation are directly related to the past and future of two symbolic women who are diametrical opposites.
  10. Pre-Christian Belief of an Afterlife in Heaven (l) - Contrary to what many think, God does not promise us we will go to heaven when we die. Instead, Jesus says those who overcome will reign with Him in the coming Kingdom of God to be established on earth at His return (Revelation 3:21; 5:10; 11:15).
  11. Were All the Israelites Deported? (l) - Many scholars have challenged the Bible's claim that the entire population of the northern kingdom went into Assyrian captivity. Some think most of the Israelites fled south and assimilated into the population of the kingdom of Judah. What really happened? Let's examine the record.
  12. Daniel Forsees the Kingdom of God (l) - Jesus Christ will replace the kingdoms of this world with the Kingdom His Father will give Him at His return -- the Kingdom of God. This is the good news of Daniel's prophecy and the same good news Jesus preached.
  13. Who's Who in the Empires of the Bible (l) - The Bible mentions a number of kingdoms and empires. This overview will help you understand which played what roles in the history of the Bible -- and in roles yet to come!
  14. The Great Reset (l) - The world's elites seek to create a new world order -- a better world, as they envision it. Yet what is actually developing is a world heading into darkness beyond their imagining. God says to understand and not be part of that world.
  15. What to Watch to Discern the Times (l) - A look at three key trends: globalization, religious ecumenism and global power shifts.
  16. Daniel: God Is My Judge (l) - Why would a beloved prophet of God want God to judge him? Doesn't the Bible show that God's judgment is reserved for evil people? Read God's view on this seeming paradox.
  17. The Downfall of Judah: Exile to Babylon (l) - Archaeological evidence that supports the biblical account of the exile of Judah to Babylon.
  18. The Bible and Archaeology - The Kingdom of Judah: Exile and Restoration (l) - Historical events that support the records of Daniel's prophecies in the Bible.
  19. Lessons From Babylon: God's Still in Charge (l) - The ancient city of Babylon provides a reminder that men's flawed systems and governments will give way to God's mastery of world events.
  20. A Modern Tale of Two Cities (l) - The spotlight is currently on two world capitals. While both play key roles within today's political and religious mix, it is their future role that readers should carefully watch and understand.
  21. Apocalyptic Prophecy - the End of Time? (l) - Or is it the end of the beginning? The popular media portrays apocalyptic prophecy in an overtly negative light. Is this the whole story of God's wonderful plan for restoring peace to the earth?
  22. A Ruler's Actions Foretold More Than a Century Before They Happened (l) - Through Isaiah and other prophets, God warned that, unless the nation repented of their idolatry and returned to Him, they would be invaded and forcibly carried away into exile. Perhaps most astonishing, though, is the fact that God foretold the very name of the monarch who would allow the Jews to return from exile and rebuild the temple -- well over a century before it happened!
Babylon, end time
  1. The Limitations of Technology (l) - A world of science and technology without a core reliance on God creates a bleak existence. As people become dependent on scientific and technical achievements to the exclusion of the true spiritual values, we are in danger of creating a world without God.
  2. The Destruction of Satan's Kingdom (l) - When will God put an end to wickedness? When will He eliminate Satan's influence? When will man's inhumanity to his fellowman cease?
Babylonian captivity
  1. Fall of Israel and Judah (l) - Because of Solomon's disobedience, God split the nation into two kingdoms following his death in about 930 B.C. (1 Kings 11-12).
Babylonian religion
  1. The History of the Immortal-Soul Teaching (l) - Secular history reveals that the concept of the immortality of the soul is an ancient belief embraced by many pagan religions. But it is not a biblical or apostolic teaching.
Back pain
  1. Yoga's a Stretch (l) - A study has found that the physical exercises in the discipline of yoga, an ancient practice of stretching and meditation from India, help to relieve pain in the lower back -- but that there is no evidence that the meditation element of yoga increases relief.
Back to school
  1. It's Back to School (l) - Summer break has rapidly drawn to a close and "back to school" sales abound. Notebooks, backpacks, lunch containers and school clothes top the list in the effort to prepare school children for their return to classes this fall.
  2. Learning to Accept What Is (l) - Life threw me a curve, and I had to consider going back to college. Would my over-50 brain still work?
  1. Proverbs: Satisfied From Above (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
  1. The Dangerous Spread of E. coli (l) - E. coli is dangerous.
Bad attitudes
  1. Spilled Milk (l) - Attitudes come from the heart. God wants us to cultivate good attitudes and build His character. What happens when the pail we are carrying is bumped by the incidents of everyday life? Are Godly attitudes revealed?
Bad choices
  1. The Cult of Choice (l) - The choices we make, large and small, define our lives.
Bad decisions
  1. 10 Bad Ideas Found in the Bible (l) - Do you really have to live by what God says in the Bible? Many people seem to get on quite well by doing whatever they want. Isn't God all-merciful so that everything will be just fine? Think again.
Bad habits
  1. The Power of Habits (l) - How do we get to the point where we do what we know we should do? Can this really be done? The answer is "Yes!" Here's how.
  2. Breaking Bad Habits (l) - Are we in control of our thoughts and actions, or does something else rule in our lives? Are we in bondage to stubborn habits and runaway emotions? How can we take back control of our lives?
Bad influences
  1. Countering Media Influence (l) - The pressure to conform is relentless. Everything seems to be against those who want to live in obedience to God. How can we resist?
  2. Media's Assault on Traditional Values (l) - Our popular media has been pushing the envelope when it comes to traditional values for quite some time.
Bad language
  1. Foul Language (l) - The world around us is full of filthy language, and it's easy to become indifferent to it all, but God wants us to take a different viewpoint toward the words that come out of our mouths.
Bad luck
  1. Why Suffering? - Time and Chance (l) - Many good and bad things occur to people regardless of whether they are good or evil. The Bible refers to the working of "time and chance".
Bad mood
  1. How to Beat a Bad Mood (l) - Everyone faces frustrating and irritating situations from time to time. We don't have to pretend they're fun. But we also don't have to -- and shouldn't -- let these things get to us.
  2. The Mind-Body Connection: Move Yourself to a Better Mood (l) - There are some simple things that can help us get out of bad moods so we may not have to seek professional help.
Bad news
  1. Lincoln: President and Prophet? (l) - President Lincoln wasn't afraid to tell it as he saw it. He felt a deep responsibility to his country. Like Lincoln, we have a responsibility to tell it like it is, and we do.
  2. Bad News and Good News (l) - Editorial: bad news and good news
  1. What Lies Ahead for U.S. Leasership? (l) - End-time events can take place without warning. We are told to watch and to love the truth. If we do, we'll have the context to understand events of the coming years.
  2. When Is Enough...Enough? (l) - Continuing to ignore the fundamental laws of God creates a state of unrighteousness for which God will demand an accounting. God is a God of judgment. At some point He will say, "Enough is enough!"
  1. Greetings! From Grand Bahama Island! (l) - Teenagers attending the United Church of God congregation in Freeport recently provided insight into what it's like to be a teen living on Grand Bahama Island.
  2. World News Review February 2000 (l) - World news - February 2000
Bailey, Beth
  1. The Dating Debate (l) - With all the bad results, should a Christian give up on dating altogether? Or is there a better way?
Baiting teachers
  1. Cyberbaiting - Disrespect in the Classroom (l) - Cyberbaiting: Students provoking teachers into angry outbursts in the classroom and then recording and posting video of the incident to social media.
  1. Archaeology and the Book of Exodus--Exit From Egypt - Part 2 (l) - In earlier issues, The Good News examined archaeological finds that illuminate portions of the book of Genesis and Exodus. In this issue we continue our exploration of discoveries that confirm other aspects of the Exodus account, beginning with the incident of the Israelites' worship of the golden calf.
  1. Know When to Quit (l) - God expects us to know when to stand firm and when to change direction.
  2. When Ideology Takes Over (l) - What ideologies dominate your life? Let's explore God's balanced approach.
  3. Internet Addiction (l) - Brain pathway research proves that excessive use of the Internet can become addictive.
Balanced diet
  1. Does Your Diet Synergize? (l) - A new area of study in nutrition science, food synergy, is proving that certain food combinations can increase, sometimes more than doubling, the beneficial aspects of single foods.
Balfour Declaration
  1. The Balfour Declaration (l) - Do you know the story of how a little-known document issued in Great Britain 100 years ago helped set the stage for a key fulfillment of Bible prophecy?
  2. The Jews: From the Dispersion to the Modern Israeli State (l) - From the Bar-Kokhba revolt in 132 A.D. onward the Jewish nation-state was no more. It was not to exist again until the middle of the 20th century.
  3. Israel's Amazing Story: Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy (l) - As American writer Saul Bellow asked, "What is it that led the Jews to place themselves, after the greatest disaster in their history [the Holocaust], in a danger zone?" The surprising truth is that Jewish rule over Jerusalem is an essential element of end-time biblical prophecy!
  4. Searching for the Peace of Jerusalem (l) - The prayer for the peace of Jerusalem and Israel will only be answered by the arrival of God's Kingdom on earth.
  1. Balkan Vortex of Violence Threatens Kosovo (l) - Some 10 years ago Serbian troops invaded the mostly Muslim province of Kosovo. After U.S. air strikes and NATO intervention, the United Nations began administering the province. But the UN mandate recently expired and Kosovo threatens to declare full independence from Serbia. The behavior of Balkan countries continues to perplex the Western world. Will many more innocent lives be lost in their seemingly futile quest for a stable and peaceful existence? What is the only lasting solution?
  2. Balkan Floods Wash Up Landmines and Memories (l) - Just before the 100th anniversary of World War I, which covered the Balkan Peninsula in violence, the region was covered in floodwaters.
  3. July/August 2017 Current Events (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the July/August 2017 issue of Beyond Today.
  4. The Wheat Doesn't Know Hate (l) - Peace, like war, must be waged with vision, imagination, self-sacrifice and a big dash of hope!
  5. The Balkans: A Violent Century (l) - The battle for the Balkans. Where is it leading? Why are the Balkans such a trouble spot? What's behind the current conflict?
  6. Crisis In Kosovo - A Mixture of Iron and Clay? (l) - The Balkans has a long and complex history. What is the story behind the headlines?
  7. (l) - Europe is a patchwork quilt of ethnic groups, many demanding their own independence. The European makes their independence possible.
  8. A Personal View of the Kosovo Conflict (l) - During the Kosovo war I've seen reports from people close to the conflict. Some of the reports are emotional and present points of view that are not orthodox, conventional, politically correct or even credible.
Ballistic missiles
  1. A Gathering Storm (l) - America could be caught asleep and find itself awakened and staring into the gun of a hostile power.
Baltic states
  1. The Russian Bear Reawakens (l) - Russia's recent actions in Ukraine follow a long history of imperialist oppression. Are these events leading the world back to the brink of nuclear extinction?
  1. In the News Apr/Jun 2006 (l) - In the news - April 2006
  2. Banana Crisis (l) - Economic damage to banana industry from spreading fungus.
  1. Bandaging Spiritual Wounds (l) - While caring properly for physical wounds is imperative, treating spiritual injuries also requires critical attention. Discover God's plan to heal people spiritually by providing them with a vital missing divine component.
  1. Persecuted for Righteousness (l) - The legacy of the people of God's Church in facing religious persecution has been one of deep faith and spiritual endurance. But what if the time comes when you are confronted with that? How will you react?
  2. India and Pakistan at War Again (l) - A potentially more dangerous conflict than Kosovo continues to brew in South Asia.
  3. World News Review March 1999 (l) - World news - March 1999
  1. Coronavirus Fallout: the Economic Impact (l) - Pandemic-related business shutdowns caused unprecedented damage to the U.S. and world economy. Here's an overview of some of the damage done.
  1. World News and Trends - September/October 2008 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Sept/Oct 2008
  2. Kitchen Table Economics (l) - There are times when households reach the end of their financial resources and have to declare bankruptcy. Their income cannot meet their debts. Has America come to such a defining moment?
  3. Kitchen Table Economics: What Is It That Governments Don't Understand? (l) - There are times when households reach the end of their financial resources and have to declare bankruptcy. Their income cannot meet their debts. Has America come to such a defining moment?
  4. Credit Counseling Services (l) - Some people wisely turn to credit-counseling agencies for help in getting themselves back on solid financial footing.
  1. Sauerkraut--More Than Cabbage (l) - A recipe from a dying old man taught me about more than just preserving cabbage. God has His own method of preserving -- it's called conversion.
  2. The Destroyer Passed Over (l) - Passover is a word not used much in the world today; but as you will see, it is not a word nor a day that we should overlook.
  3. Baptism: Beginning of a New Life (l) - Previous articles in this series have covered the vital spiritual tools of prayer, Bible study, meditation, fasting and repentance. But to receive the greatest gifts of God, there is another step you must take--the commitment of water baptism.
  4. Keeping the "Old Man" Buried (l) - In ages past when someone died it wasn't a certainty they were actually dead.
  5. Questions and Answers - Mar/Apr 2007 (l) - Answers to readers' questions. March 2007.
  6. (l) - Questions and answers. Good News, Nov. 2007
  7. What Does It Mean to Believe in Jesus? (l) - Many claim to believe in Jesus Christ, but according to the Bible they really don't. How can you know that your belief is genuine?
  8. God's Forgiveness: What Does He Require From You? (l) - Our loving Creator promises complete forgiveness of our sins once we sincerely turn from and forsake them. How do genuine repentance and God's compassionate forgiveness work together to assure our salvation?
  9. Questions and Answers Sept 2009 (l) - Questions from Good News, Sept. 2009
  10. How Can You Receive theTransforming Power of God's Spirit? (l) - After Jesus Christ's crucifixion and resurrection, His disciples waited in Jerusalem until Pentecost for the promise of the ages. It transformed them and became the down payment for eternal life. You can receive that Spirit of power, which can change your life, both now and forever!
  11. Rest for the Spiritual Seeker (l) - Are you a spiritual seeker? Do you thirst for spiritual fulfillment? Does attending church seem irrelevant to the complexity of daily life? Somehow, the old stories of Jesus talking to Pharisees-and you're not sure what a Pharisee is-just aren't important when it comes to paying bills or dealing with a broken marriage. Are you wondering if life even has spiritual meaning?
  12. No Halfway Covenant (l) - If your parents are true Christians, does that make you one? Or is more required of you? This was an important question for the Puritans of early America. And it remains an important issue today.
  13. Your Down Payment on Divinity (l) - Two billion Christians desire to live forever, but do they really know how it will come about? God's divine secret includes a down payment on divinity, now no longer a secret.
  14. The Father, the Son and the Feast of Pentecost (l) - Great miracles took place on the Feast of Pentecost, recorded in Acts 2. What miraculous roles did God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, perform?
  15. What Is Repentance? (l) - Why does the Bible say we should repent before being baptized?
  16. Baptism's Role in Repentance and Forgiveness (l) - Where does baptism fit in with the grace of God and Jesus?
  17. Live a New Life in Christ (l) - You can have the power to overcome and grow spiritually if you seek God with your whole heart and submit yourself to His incredible will for your life.
  18. Water Baptism and the Laying on of Hands (l) - We believe in the ordinance of water baptism by immersion after repentence. Through the laying on of hands with prayer, the believer receives the Holy Spirit and becomes a part of the Spiritual body of Christ.
  19. Does Matthew 28:19 Prove the Trinity? (l) - Matthew 28:19 is a biblical passage sometimes misunderstood with regard to the Trinity doctrine. Jesus is quoted as telling His disciples, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in ['into,' Greek eis] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."
  20. We're Baptized Into a Spiritual Body (l) - One is not baptized into any sect or denomination. Rather, one becomes a member of the spiritual Body of Christ.
  21. Water Baptism and Laying On of Hands (l) - After one repents, one's next step toward eternal life is water baptism.
  22. Should Children Be Baptized (l) - Baptism must wait until we are mature enough to understand repentance.
  23. How Can We Resist the Devil? (l) - We must actively seek to eliminate Satan's way of thinking and behaving from our lives.
  24. Steps to Initial Repentance and Conversion (l) - What must take place for us to receive God's forgiveness and grace?
  25. Transforming Your Life: The Process of Conversion (l) - If you believe God exists and the Bible is His Word, are you shaping your own life according to that knowledge? Have you asked yourself: Where is my life going? Am I a part of the solution to this world's problems? Or am I a part of the problems?
  26. Why Be Baptized? (l) - Water baptism is one of Christianity's most ancient practices. Far from being useless and archaic, it holds deep symbolic meaning.
  27. How Baptism's Meaning and Method Are Related (l) - All biblical examples reveal that baptism was always performed in a body of water large enough and deep enough for immersion.
  28. We Must Count the Cost (l) - God offers us a future so glorious that the challenges and trials we face in pursuit of it are miniscule in comparison (Romans 8:18).
  29. What About Matthew 28:19? (l) - At baptism, repentant sinners enter into a personal family relationship with God the Father and the Son through the Holy Spirit, thereby receiving the name of God.
  30. Baptism: Why Do We Need It? (l) - Baptism is a symbolic burial ceremony -- commanded by Jesus Himself -- through which we accept His death as a sacrifice for our sins.
  31. Other Baptisms (l) - Baptism with fire and baptism with the Holy Spirit are other baptisms mentioned in the Bible.
  32. When Should We Be Baptized? (l) - Since baptism is one of most important actions we can ever take in this life, we should be sure to counsel with a minister who is truly "sent" by God.
  33. Why Baptism? (l) - The spiritual imagery associated with the biblical instruction of baptism is incredibly rich, deeply meaningful and bursting with hope, joy and anticipation. Discover its hidden treasures!
  34. How to Enter the Kingdom of God (l) - Christians are told to "seek first the Kingdom of God." But what must we do to enter God's coming Kingdom and inherit eternal life?
  35. Does God Place Conditions on His Gift of Salvation? (l) - Eternal life is God's gift of grace, not something any of us deserve or can in any way earn.
  36. Moving Forward by God's Grace (l) - Many people struggle with unresolved guilt and feelings of shame over past mistakes and sins. How should our faith in God's grace and forgiveness affect our conscience?
  37. Baptism (l) - To receive the greatest gifts of God, you must take a specific step -- the commitment of water baptism.
  38. You Can Walk With God (l) - Do you have a fulfilling "walk with God"? What does it really mean to walk with God the Father and Jesus Christ? Is something missing in your relationship with Them? Discover the vital biblical keys to a close, meaningful and fruitful relationship with your Creator.
  39. What Are You Waiting for? (l) - We don't all have the same experiences leading to baptism, but the Bible identifies some necessary steps in the process of conversion.
  40. What Are You Waiting For? (l) - I saw that after all these years of developing, learning and being guided, it was time to take a step out on my own and claim my beliefs. There was no reason to wait around any longer
  41. Questions and Answers - May/Jun 2004 (l) - Questions and answers from Good News magazine readers, May/June 2004
  42. What the Bible Says About Baptism (l) - Baptism is one of the most important beliefs of Christianity, but why? What is this ceremony all about? Is baptism merely an archaic symbol, or does it hold a deep meaning for the modern Christian? Does it matter which method of baptism is used: sprinkling, pouring, immersion or some other technique? When should one be baptized?
  43. When Should You Be Baptized? (l) - Many young people accept that being baptized is in their future, but what is the best time? How do you know you are ready? What is the role of the ministry?
  44. Baptism: A Greater Adventure Than Skydiving (l) - It takes faith to leap out of an airplane with only a parachute on your back. The same process used to prepare for one's first jump can be used to prepare for baptism.
  45. Unconditional Surrender (l) - Nearly 60 years ago World War II ended with unconditional surrender. But unconditional surrender is not just for the history books, as it plays a vital part in our relationship with our Savior and conquering King.
  46. Are You Putting Off Your Salvation? (l) - Even though they've come to understand the truth of God, many put off baptism for years. But is that really acceptable to God? Should you delay your baptism?
Baptism and repentance
  1. The Church (l) - We believe that the Church is that body of believers who have received, and are being led by, the Holy Spirit. The true Church of God is a spiritual organism.
Baptism of children
  1. Should Children Be Baptized (l) - Baptism must wait until we are mature enough to understand repentance.
Baptism with fire
  1. Should We Want to Be Baptized With Fire? (l) - Some believe they need to receive a baptism of fire. Let's take a closer look at this passage.
  2. Other Baptisms (l) - Baptism with fire and baptism with the Holy Spirit are other baptisms mentioned in the Bible.
Baptism with the holy spirit
  1. Other Baptisms (l) - Baptism with fire and baptism with the Holy Spirit are other baptisms mentioned in the Bible.
Baptism, burial of
  1. Forgiveness of Sin (l) - How are we forgiven, and where do baptism and Jesus Christ fit in?
  2. Water Baptism and Laying On of Hands (l) - After one repents, one's next step toward eternal life is water baptism.
Baptism, counseling for
  1. When Should We Be Baptized? (l) - Since baptism is one of most important actions we can ever take in this life, we should be sure to counsel with a minister who is truly "sent" by God.
Baptism, infant
  1. Should Children Be Baptized (l) - Baptism must wait until we are mature enough to understand repentance.
Baptism, preparing for
  1. When Should You Be Baptized? (l) - Many young people accept that being baptized is in their future, but what is the best time? How do you know you are ready? What is the role of the ministry?
Baptism, ready for
  1. When Should We Be Baptized? (l) - Since baptism is one of most important actions we can ever take in this life, we should be sure to counsel with a minister who is truly "sent" by God.
Baptism, sinning after
  1. Is Our Conscience Important? (l) - Striving against sin after baptism, and God's continuing mercy and forgiveness.
Baptism, time for
  1. When Should We Be Baptized? (l) - Since baptism is one of most important actions we can ever take in this life, we should be sure to counsel with a minister who is truly "sent" by God.
Baptism, water
  1. Water Baptism and Laying On of Hands (l) - After one repents, one's next step toward eternal life is water baptism.
  2. Baptism: Why Do We Need It? (l) - Baptism is a symbolic burial ceremony -- commanded by Jesus Himself -- through which we accept His death as a sacrifice for our sins.
  3. Other Baptisms (l) - Baptism with fire and baptism with the Holy Spirit are other baptisms mentioned in the Bible.
Baptism, why
  1. Why Be Baptized? (l) - Water baptism is one of Christianity's most ancient practices. Far from being useless and archaic, it holds deep symbolic meaning.
  1. World News Review July 1999 (l) - World news - July 1999
  2. World News Review August 1999 (l) - World news - August 1999
Barbary pirates
  1. Jefferson Studies Koran to Fight War on Muslim Terrorists (l) - Jefferson and his fight against the Barbary pirates.
  1. Saying Good-bye to Our Family's Barn (l) - Watching our family's barn being torn down was an emotional experience. It takes so much more to build than to tear down.
  1. Barnabas: The Encourager (l) - Have you ever had a friend stand up for you? What about someone who helped and supported you even before you became friends? Barnabas was that kind of person. His life provides some great lessons for us today.
  1. Asylum in Egypt (l) - Based on God's prophecies, a few evidently made it back to Judah. But what about Jeremiah, Baruch and the kings daughters? Where did they go?
  1. I Hated You, Coach Ioveno (l) - He was tough and cruel, and I hated him. But now he was dying.
Baseball lessons
  1. Lessons Learned From Little League (l) - As parents, we have a responsibility to teach our children. But keep in mind we can learn a lot from them too.
Bashir, Abu Bakar
  1. Indonesia's Bashir a Lightning Rod (l) - Indonesia is the scene of some of the world's greatest tragedies of modern times. Much more than a region in need of aid, it is rich in history, the largest Muslim nation in the world--and a democracy. The recent release of militant Muslim cleric Abu Bakar Bashir reopened old wounds and may indicate a future direction away from the West.
  1. Basketball Is Her Second Goal...Her Religion Is Number One (l) - Sports have been a big part of life for Jenny Stewart. So have her religious beliefs.
Basketball and religion
  1. Basketball Is Her Second Goal...Her Religion Is Number One (l) - Sports have been a big part of life for Jenny Stewart. So have her religious beliefs.
  1. Comfort One Another (l) - God sends hope and comfort in powerful ways -- including through us.
  1. Armageddon: The End of the World? (l) - What does the Bible really say about Armageddon?
Battle of ideas
  1. World Heading Into the Perfect Storm (l) - World conditions are developing like "the perfect storm," warned former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright in a recent speech. Placing her comments alongside biblical revelation provides us with unique insight into what is about to happen in the world -- and what to do about it.
Battle of the sexes
  1. Editorial: Vive la Différence! (l) - Vive la Différence! The French have a reputation for appreciating the differences between males and females, and their expression Vive la différence is used to celebrate that difference. Even though some supposed experts told us a few years ago that, other than anatomically, there really isn't any significant difference between the sexes, most of us figured out pretty quickly that guys and girls just aren't wired the same. Yes. There is a difference.
  2. Who Is Winning the Battle of the Sexes? (l) - Who Is Winning the Battle of the Sexes?
Battling sin
  1. A Crucial Factor in Producing Fruit: Eradicate the Weeds of Sin (l) - Victory requires understanding the enemy. In our spiritual warfare, the enemy is us! Raw human nature is like a field taken over by noxious weeds. We must eradicate the weeds and replace them with God's Spirit so we can produce much good fruit!
Be still
  1. Breathe (l) - The movement of life can be overwhelming, but should we function automatically or with purpose?
Beans, green
  1. Freedom: The Unfinished Struggle (l) - A decades-long struggle bought freedom for slaves in America. But the struggle from slavery is not over.
Bear fruit
  1. Christ's Command to Us: Bear Good Fruit and Much Fruit (l) - Jesus Christ taught important spiritual lessons regarding the "fruit" of our lives. What are those lessons, and how well are we applying them? Our eternal life depends on this understanding!
Bearing cross
  1. Bearing Our Cross Like Christ (l) - Jesus tells us that to follow Him, we must take up our cross and walk in His steps. But what does that mean?
Bearing false witness
  1. The Ninth Commandment: Truth as a Way of Life (l) - How important is truth? To fully appreciate the Ninth Commandment, with its prohibition of lying, we must realize how important truth is to God.
Bearing fruit
  1. Christ's Command to Us: Bear Good Fruit and Much Fruit (l) - Jesus Christ taught important spiritual lessons regarding the "fruit" of our lives. What are those lessons, and how well are we applying them? Our eternal life depends on this understanding!
  2. Are We Pleasing to God? (l) - Does our Father have expectations of Christian behavior? If so, what are they?
Bearing God's name
  1. With the Badge Comes Responsibility (l) - What are the identifying characteristics of a Christian?
Bearings, keeping your
  1. What Do I Need Right Now? (l) - As young people mature, many wonder about their relationship with God and attending church services. How can a youth know what to do?
  1. Brexit (l) - The European Union (EU) was formed to promote peace, prosperity and economic and political union throughout Europe. But the recent British exit vote (Brexit) has thrown those assumptions into doubt. What does the future hold for Europe?
  2. The Beast, the False Prophet and the Antichrist (l) - What does Bible prophecy tell us about the mysterious figures called the Beast, the False Prophet and the Antichrist? How can we understand?
Beast and economics
  1. Will Global Economic Turmoil Precede Jesus Christ's Return? (l) - What possible connection could the global marketplace have with Jesus Christ's return? Do you understand the Bible's prophetic links?
Beast power
  1. Out of Sight -- Out of Mind! (l) - What is the European Union (EU)? This is not such a strange question when you realize that many, if not most, Americans are largely unaware of vitally important EU activities such as the signing of the new Treaty of Rome. Yet Bible prophecy shows that future events in Europe will shock America and the world -- perhaps in the not-too-distant future.
  2. Where Is the Europe-U.S. Divide Leading? (l) - Much of Europe has long chafed at the United States' global preeminence. In recent decades Europe has dreamed of a European superpower to challenge U.S. dominance--now coming to fruition in the European Union. Three recent books help explain European thinking and resentment toward the United States, and Bible prophecy shows where it will ultimately lead.
  3. Will EU Constitution Rejections Halt the Drive for European Unity? (l) - The citizens of both France and the Netherlands soundly rebuffed the new European constitution through recent national referendums. So where are EU politics going from here? Does Bible prophecy have any say in the matter?
  4. Berlin - Europe's Future Political Capital? (l) - British correspondent Gerhard Marx visited the German capital in mid-June. Here is his timely historical and prophetic analysis.
  5. The World's Number One Exporting Nation (l) - The United States owes its historical dominance to being the world's biggest exporting nation. It no longer holds that position. The country that does is set to play a more dominant role in world affairs.
  6. What Is Germany's Destiny? (l) - For far too many German citizens, reunification in 1990 has meant 15 years of economic downturn, increasing unemployment and general deprivation. But encouraging signs of recovery are gradually beginning to emerge in the German economy. Prophetically speaking, what does reunification mean in the long run?
  7. The European Constitution Sneaks in by the Back Door (l) - "So you thought the EU constitution was dead? Dream on. In fact, the past few months have seen a dramatic diminishing of British sovereignty as Brussels...grabs more power," said veteran Daily Mail columnist Christopher Booker recently. So is the European Union really acting in Britain's and the world's best interests?
  8. Is the EU an Attempt to Revive the Holy Roman Empire? (l) - Exactly two centuries after the fall of the Holy Roman Empire--the First Reich of the German Nation--the European Union seems set to revive this ancient institution.
  9. Great Britain off the Map of Europe? (l) - Bureaucrats in Brussels have big plans for Great Britain. If carried out, these particular plans will seriously undermine British national identity and sovereignty--and further submerge the nation into the European Union. What are the potential implications of the revelation of this latest challenge to British sovereignty?
  10. 50 Years After the Treaty of Rome: From the Battlefield to the Conference Table (l) - After a long and bloody history, Europe has made amazing strides in the last 50 years. But now the European Union is at a crossroads. Where will it go from here, and what do Europe's choices portend for the future of the rest of the world?
  11. From Berlin to Brussels (l) - Some Germans are questioning whether their government is still a parliamentary democracy. Their underlying concerns apply throughout the evolving EU, as national sovereignty is subtly transferred to a central authority.
  12. La Belle et la Bęte (l) - Beauty and the Beast. Did you realize that the Bible has a lot to say about One who is truly beautiful versus another who is a "beast"?
  13. Sarkozy, Europe and Religion (l) - The term European Christianity is not contradictory. Religion is alive in Europe and continues to play a unique role. In the future it could play an even larger role beyond its borders.
  14. Who Will Be the Next Superpower? (2008) (l) - Bible prophecy shows the United States will not be the world's preeminent power indefinitely. A new superpower is rising to challenge the United States and the other English-speaking nations.
  15. A New Superpower to Emerge (l) - Bible prophecy foretells a revival of the Roman Empire.
  16. Europe and the Church, Part 5: The Identity of the Little Horn (l) - Who is the little horn of Daniel 7:8, the horn with "eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking pompous words"? Since this article is the fifth in a series that began in the May 2008 issue, readers should be aware that some of the content builds on information explained in previous installments.
  17. Will Global Economic Turmoil Precede Jesus Christ's Return? (l) - What possible connection could the global marketplace have with Jesus Christ's return? Do you understand the Bible's prophetic links?
  18. Hands of Confusion (l) - Our age is steeped in a postmodern form of idolatry that values the power, status and celebrity that come with money. The developed world is vastly wealthy. But we have seen the fabric of that wealth can come apart with lightning speed.
  19. Will You Be Ready to Reject the Mark of the Beast? (l) - Where there is prophecy, there is plenty of speculation. People wonder: When will the "end time" be? Who will be the Beast prophesied in Revelation? What nations will comprise that final union the Beast will head, and when will that government arise?
  20. Europe and the Church, Part 10: Napoleon's Dream of European Conquest (l) - More books have been written on Napoleon than almost any other world leader. His period of glory is still remembered in his capital city of Paris, where the Arc de Triomphe commemorates the First Empire and Les Invalides is his final resting place. But Napoleon's dream of European unity failed as did those of others before him.
  21. The New World Disorder: Where Is It Taking Us? (l) - Why does the world seem to be crumbling into chaos? Can we restrain the forces of anarchy? Is it possible to right the course of our severely straying civilization and solve our problems? Sadly, we seem to have no comprehension of the unseen spiritual forces arrayed against us, and we either reject or ignore the God who offers the only viable solutions to the enormous problems afflicting our troubled age.
  22. Germany's New Mind-Set: Where Will It Lead? (l) - Many see a changing mind-set among the German people. A growing self-confidence and assertiveness is emerging 65 years after World War II and two decades after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany. Where is Germany ultimately headed?
  23. The Eurozone Debt Crisis: Calamity Still Looms (l) - Ardent EU supporters promote a best-case scenario, the debt crisis concluding with diminished consequences. Others lay out worst-case scenarios, such as Britain's Daniel Hannan in his October 2011 Standpoint article "The End of Europe's Fantasy Is Now in Sight." Whatever happens, in the long run God's Word will be the determining factor.
  24. Europe's Troubles: Setting the Stage for Prophecy's Fulfillment (l) - In 1933 Winston Churchill chillingly warned, "No one can watch the events which are taking place in Germany without increasing anxiety about what their outcome will be." With an economic crisis now plaguing the eurozone, will Berlin's troubled history repeat itself? What is Germany's destiny? Does Bible prophecy give us any indication of where events in Europe are leading?
  25. The Growing Preeminence of Germany (l) - As just noted, many see the latest developments in the European Union as pushing Germany to greater dominance over the other member states.
  26. Is Europe Going Under? (l) - Continual financial crisis in Europe naturally raises the question, "Is Europe falling apart?" Bible prophecy shows that sudden and unexpected change is coming to the continent.
  27. The Crisis of Global Leadership - Where Will It Lead? (l) - World events continue to muddle on without any clear sense that leaders hold the key to effective solutions. Threat of large-scale war in the Middle East looms large. Europe's economic crisis could lead to collapse of the present eurozone. Will these events set the stage for another type of leader to emerge?
  28. Two Seconds After: What Will You Do When Crisis Overtakes the World? (l) - In a time of great crisis, what will you take with you? If you're not already preparing, the one thing that will be most valuable won't be available.
  29. The Worst World War Is Yet to Come (l) - At this 70th anniversary of the end of World War II, we must realize that an even greater global conflict is coming -- with horrors on a scale never before seen.
  30. Babylon Stands Against God (l) - Bible prophecy shows a coming superpower called "Babylon the Great" will rise to dominate global events before Jesus Christ returns. God says to His people, "Come out of her . . . don't take part in her sins." What does this mean for you?
  31. Europe Pulled Apart and Together at the Same Time (l) - The Brexit vote in Britain to leave the European Union has provoked a great deal of anger at Britain by many in Europe, but it has also served as encouragement to many other Europeans to focus on preserving their own individual nations and cultures against pan-Europeanism and immigration from the Muslim Middle East and North Africa -- and it has led to growing support for nationalist or "far right" parties.
  32. Trump Takes Over -- Now What? (l) - After eight years of liberal policies and programs dominating the American political and social scene, could a new presidential administration make a difference in America's direction?
  33. Is the Protestant Reformation Being Undone? (l) - When the Catholic monk Martin Luther challenged the Catholic Church with his Ninety-five Theses, few could've foreseen the upheaval and division that would result. Now, 500 years later, could we see a reunification of world Christianity? Does Bible prophecy give any indication?
  34. The Mark and Number of the Beast (l) - The Bible does not explicitly define the specific methods that the beast will use to identify those free to participate in commerce at the time of the end. Revelation, however, does explain which parts of their bodies-their hands and heads-will be used in identifying them.
  35. The EU: A Seventh Roman Revival in the Making? (l) - In the devastated aftermath of World War II, it seemed unimaginable that Europe could rise again. Many venerable cities had been bombed into rubble. The dead were counted in the tens of millions. Old institutions and organizations ceased to exist.
  36. The Final Superpower: The Kingdom of God (l) - "And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed ... You saw that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it broke in pieces the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver, and the gold ... The dream is certain, and its interpretation is sure." --Daniel 2:44-45 [44] And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever. [45] Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof sure.
  37. Introduction: A Snapshot of World Affairs (l) - There is only one true superpower in today's world: the United States. At present no other nation can globally project power, in any form, like America. Yet there are many challenges to America maintaining this lofty and important status. Will another power--another true superpower--emerge from the nations and replace the current world order?
  38. Why Not Asia? (l) - Many warn that China or another Asian state or confederation will replace the United States as the world's dominant power.
  39. Will the Wicked's Torment Last Forever? (l) - The wicked will not be tormented forever, but will go up "into smoke" and perish: "But the wicked shall perish; and the enemies of the LORD, like the splendor of the meadows, shall vanish. Into smoke they shall vanish away" (Psalm 37:20).
  40. 4. A Dominating Roman System Will Come to Power (l) - In Daniel 2 and 7 we see prophecies about four great gentile empires that would arise in the period between the time of Daniel and the coming establishment of the Kingdom of God (Daniel 2:44And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.). Daniel was himself living in the first of these great empires (Daniel 7:4The first was like a lion, and had eagle's wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made stand upon the feet as a man, and a man's heart was given to it.) as a Jewish exile in ancient Babylon.
  41. Europe's Great Divide (l) - Europeans are torn between two competing paths -- a bigger and more powerful European Union or individual countries having their own national control. Where is this divide leading?
  42. Current Events & Trends May/June 2020 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the May/June 2020 issue of Beyond Today.
  43. On the Edge of Great Change - Where to Turn? (l) - Is it too late for America? Has it grown too polarized to ever unite again? Has its downward spiral into depravity so corrupted the populace that it cannot return to the basic principles of family and morality underpinning every successful nation?
  44. The Perfect Prophetic Storm (l) - The Bible prophecies a time when two earthshaking events will combine to overwhelm humanity. What are these two events, these prophectic storms?
  45. Who Will Be the Next Superpower? (l) - The rise and fall of empires isn't a dry subject only for acedemics and historians-epsecially when the nexy collapsing empire maybe today's Superpower, the United States.
  46. Where Are We Now in Prophecy? (l) - Are today's headlines foretold in the pages of your Bible? Is there a message of hope beyond the gloom and doom news cycle of today's world? Jesus Christ was a prophet; He forecast the overall sequence of events of the world from His time on into the future. His futuristic message was current then and it's current today.
  47. Trade With China - Road to Utopia or Conflict? (l) - Free trade has been hyped as the solution to almost everything. But how will peace really come?
  48. A Different World (l) - This is a time to stay tuned and watch current event ever more closely. We have entered a different world. Peace and security will never be quite the same.
  49. The Role of Satan in the End Time (l) - The Bible speaks of a supernatural being performing supernatural feats just before Jesus Christ comes to this earth a second time. Do you know what the Scriptures say this deceiver will do? How will his actions affect teens?
  50. Who Will Lead the New Europe? (l) - Few qualities in human affairs are more important than competent, capable leadership. With 10 nations joining the European Union (EU) on May 1, which nation or nations will exercise the most control, for good or bad? And even more importantly, who will govern Europe at the close of this age of man?
  51. The Horsemen of Revelation: The Red Horse of War (l) - Approximately 180 million men, women and children were slaughtered in 20th-century wars. The new millennium has continued the trend, with the addition of mass-murder terrorism. What do history and the Bible tell us about the second horseman of Revelation? We continue with our second article in a series about the horsemen of Revelation.
  52. Never on Sunday? (l) - Germany wrestles with its "store closing law."
  53. What is Europe? (l) - Europe is beset by growing angst about its identity and place in the world.
Beast, mark of the
  1. The Destruction of Satan's Kingdom (l) - When will God put an end to wickedness? When will He eliminate Satan's influence? When will man's inhumanity to his fellowman cease?
  2. The Mark and Number of the Beast (l) - The Bible does not explicitly define the specific methods that the beast will use to identify those free to participate in commerce at the time of the end. Revelation, however, does explain which parts of their bodies-their hands and heads-will be used in identifying them.
  3. The End of 'This Present Evil Age' (l) - Describes the very last days of this present-day world, before Christ descends and puts an end to this present society.
  4. Why the Western World Uses an Awkward Calendar (l) - Many have attempted to change the calendar in common use, due to peculiarities that complicate trade and commerce. Yet through all attempts to alter the calendar, God has seen to it that the seven-day week cycle was preserved.
  5. The Perfect Prophetic Storm (l) - The Bible prophecies a time when two earthshaking events will combine to overwhelm humanity. What are these two events, these prophectic storms?
Beast, number of the
  1. The Mark and Number of the Beast (l) - The Bible does not explicitly define the specific methods that the beast will use to identify those free to participate in commerce at the time of the end. Revelation, however, does explain which parts of their bodies-their hands and heads-will be used in identifying them.
  1. The Seven Beatitudes of Revelation (l) - The seven beatitudes of Revelation, make it abundantly clear that God wants to give us His "penny," not for our thoughts, but for our actions. And if we have to wait a while, it's worth it -- because after all, there's a blessing. Seven of them!
  2. Lessons From the Beatitudes (l) - Sometimes referred to as the "beautiful attitudes," the Beatitudes offer a study of the qualities and characteristics the "blessed of God" must develop.
Beautiful baby
  1. "I Love You!" (l) - God is writing His love letters to us with everything that grows and everything that flows, astounds and towers over us in nature. And what can be more precious than a baby!
  1. What Makes a Woman Beautiful? (l) - Our society is obsessed with being beautiful! But is there more to beauty than what meets the eye?
  2. VCM Letters to the Editor: August 2010 (l) - Letters from VCM readers.
  3. What Makes a Woman Beautiful? - Part 2 (l) - True beauty is more than just what you look like.
Becoming flesh
  1. From Glory to Glory, to Bring Glory to Man (l) - Who came and died for the sins of the world? Who was He? How did He come? And why does it matter?
Becoming God
  1. The Race for Immortality (l) - People want to live forever. Many scientists say that artificial immortality may soon be possible -- but at a great cost to all. Are you ready?
Becoming more
  1. Not How I Am (l) - Knowing who you are now is important. Knowing what you may become can change your life
  1. Creating Quality Time (l) - To increase the opportunities for quality communication -- the kind where a parent and child can truly share heartfelt emotions and concerns in a trusting relationship -- consider the ideas in this article.
  1. World News and Trends - May/June 2007 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. May 2007
  2. Honeybees (l) - A great deal of life on earth is sustained by the amazing life and work of the tiny honeybee. Without its carefully tuned and executed cycle of pollination, many kinds of plants would cease to exist -- and even mankind would be at risk.
Before Adam
  1. The World Before Man: The Biblical Explanation (l) - Can the Bible explain the fossil record, evidence pointing to an ancient earth and divine creation at the same time? Yes, it can.
Befriending the friendless
  1. Do Not Despise 'Little Ones' (l) - Jesus Christ tells us to carefully consider our attitudes toward those who aren't as well off. A lot is riding on it -- for them as well as for us.
Beggarly elements
  1. Galatians 4:9-10: Are God's Laws Bondage? (l) - Some view Galatians 4:9-10 as condemning Old Testament laws.
  1. Earth's Age: Does the Bible Indicate a Time Interval Between the First and Second Verses of Genesis? (l) - On the basis of the evidence,there is far more reason to translate Gen. 1:2 as 'But the earth had become a ruin and a desolation, etc.' than there is for any of the conventional translations in our modern versions"
  2. The Beginning of the Universe (l) - Has the universe always existed, or at some definite point in time, did it have a beginning?
Begotten children
  1. God's Purpose for You (l) - Why were you born? Do you understand why you exist? The Trinity doctrine obscures the amazing truth, clearly revealed in Scripture, of God's purpose for you!
  1. Addictions and Interventions (l) - This issue of the Good News focuses in large part on helping those battling various addictions.
  2. Held to a Higher Standard (l) - Are we trying daily to live up to God's expectations of us or do we find ourselves settling for something less?
  3. Finding the Path to a Happy Family (l) - God didn't create the family relationship and then leave us to stumble blindly trying to find the best way to make it work. The keys for family happiness and success are revealed in the Scriptures.
  4. Why We Must Change Our Way of Thinking (l) - A change in the way we think is the most important aspect of real repentance. After we receive the Holy Spirit, we are better able to sustain right behavior as the fruit of our new way of thinking.
  5. How Mass Media Sells Sex (l) - The idea of sexual freedom is kept alive and well by what Dr. Meg Meeker considers a major cause of the current epidemic of teen sex -- mass media and the sexually charged world our kids see.
Behavior, good
  1. How to Make a Good First Impression (l) - You may have heard the warning, "You never get a second chance to make a good first impression." Here's how to avoid mistakes.
Behe, Michael
  1. A Good News Interview With Michael Behe, Ph.D. (l) - What Do DNA Discoveries Mean for Evolution?
  2. The Intelligent Design Revolution (l) - A new movement is starting to shake a scientific establishment built on the assumptions of Darwinian evolution. What is intelligent design, and why is it gaining so much ground?
  3. Evolution: A Published Obituary (l) - The theory of evolution has been the fundamental basis of much of the scientific thought for the last century and a half, but its influence extends far beyond science.
  4. Scientists' Thundering Silence (l) - The more deeply scientists delve into the mysteries of the universe, the more their discoveries support the existence of God. But all too often they are remarkably silent about this aspect of their findings.
  1. Islamic State Leaders Seek to Spread Terror to the West (l) - While the world collectively gasps at the horrific violence employed by the recently declared Islamic State (IS) in the Middle East, including beheadings of captured Westerners, to date there hasn't been much tangible fear throughout Western nations. The Islamic State's control over large parts of Iraq and Syria seems in the West to be still far away -- especially with the West now conducting attacks against IS positions.
Being bought
  1. Don't Sell Out For Soup (l) - How can we equip ourselves to withstand all of life's temptations?
Being different
  1. Fitting In (l) - Following God's way of life means standing out from the crowd
Being ready
  1. Planning for the Last Minute (l) - 'Be Prepared!' It's a saying we hear, but how do we do it?
  1. What Does It Mean to Believe in Jesus? (l) - Many claim to believe in Jesus Christ, but according to the Bible they really don't. How can you know that your belief is genuine?
  2. Your Invitation to Believe the Gospel (l) - When Jesus talked about the gospel, He meant good news for you. He invites you to not only enjoy the world's best news yourself, but to help spread it!
  3. Is Belief All That's Required for God's Gift of Salvation? (l) - Eternal life is God's gift, not something any of us deserve or can in any way earn. But does God set conditions for us to receive this gift? It's vitally important to your relationship with God and to your future that you understand!
  4. Why Ask Why? (l) - Have you ever found yourself in a tragic situation and asked God, "Why is this happening to me?"
  5. Is Your Life "Good Enough" for God? (l) - So what does God expect of us? What does it mean to "get right" with Him? What does it look like in a person's life? Let's notice Jesus Christ's own statements that give us the answer!
Belief and action
  1. Setting the Bar (l) - Is the example of our lives truly in line with that of Jesus Christ? Do the little things in our lives point to God?
Belief and faith
  1. What Is Faith? (vt) (l) - What is faith and what do you need to believe?
Belief in God
  1. God, Science, Bible March/April 2009 (l) - News from the world of science about God and the Bible. Mar/Apr 2009
  2. Religion: Is It Dead? (l) - Influential thinkers like Karl Marx and Richard Dawkins teach that God is a man-made delusion believed in only by fools. But is that really the case?
  3. Current Events & Trends - September/October 2022 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the September/October 2022 issue of Beyond Today.
  4. Current Events & Trends - July/August 2023 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the July/August 2023 issue of Beyond Today.
Beliefs of an addict
  1. An Addict's Story: What's at the Root of Addictions? (l) - What are the factors that can lead a person into addiction? Understanding those factors and how they reinforce each other is a first step to breaking free of many addictions.
Beliefs of the United Church of God
  1. (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News magazine, March/April 2000.
Believable Bible
  1. Can We Believe the Bible? (A) (l) - Clear evidence exists that the Bible is indeed a genuine account of real persons, real places and real events recorded centuries ago and preserved for us today. What is some of that evidence?
  1. Believers in the Bible (l) - Great people who were believers in the Bible.
  1. Seeing What God Sees (l) - Jesus Christ's encounter with a blind man holds important lessons for us as to what it means to accept His invitation of "Follow Me."
Ben-Yehuda, Eliezer
  1. Israel at 70 (l) - As modern Israel turns 70, we look back at what led up to the amazing reestablishment of a Jewish state in the Holy Land after centuries of exile, and the struggle endured since -- and ahead to promises and yearning yet unfulfilled.
Benedict XVI
  1. Pope Benedict XVI Faces Major Challenges (l) - Pope Benedict XVI will have large shoes to fill as he follows in the footsteps of John Paul II.
Benefit of the doubt
  1. The Bowl of Soup (l) - Our assumptions can often cause us embarrassment, inflict hurt or get us into trouble. It is good advice to always look before we leap.
Benjamin Disraeli
  1. Benjamin Disraeli: Maestro of Empire (l) - In a remarkable coincidence one of the chief architects of the British Empire, Benjamin Disraeli, literally bears the name of Israel. Or is it coincidence? Given what we know about the promises to Jacob's end-time descendants and the timing of the issuance of the physical, materia and national promises to Abraham, the name Disraeli reads more like a providential signpost.
Benjamin Franklin
  1. America's Biblical Roots (l) - Today some are trying to rewrite history to argue that the United States was founded as a secular, nonreligious nation. The historical record clearly tells a much different story!
  1. (l) - Here are some letters from readers of the Good News magazine regarding subjects like marriage, divorce, our destiny, diversity, and political correctness.
  1. For Men: Grief, and How to Deal With It (l) - "A time to cry and a time to laugh, a time to grieve and a time to dance" (Ecclesiastes 3:4. When the time comes for grieving, how should Christian men deal with it?
  1. You Are Free! (l) - There have been many peoples over the years forced into slavery. Are we still enslaved today? Find out how, why and what can and will be done about it.
  1. Berlin - Europe's Future Political Capital? (l) - British correspondent Gerhard Marx visited the German capital in mid-June. Here is his timely historical and prophetic analysis.
  2. The European Union: Blessing or Modern Tower of Babel? (l) - A union of 27 nations with nearly half a billion people should not be carelessly underestimated. Yet the lofty ideals of the EU founding fathers and those of Europe's current leaders should sometimes be taken with a grain of salt.
  3. World News and Trends - Jul/Aug 2003 (l) - With so much happening so quickly in today's world, how can you keep up? The Good News staff reviews dozens of news sources every day to bring you what's truly important.
  4. What Is Berlin's Destiny? (l) - What will the map of Europe look like in the coming years? What city appears destined to shape the future of Europe?
Berlin wall
  1. The Element of Surprise (l) - Included in the many end-time prophecies is an often-overlooked element that stands as a powerful warning in addition to the events to take place. Why is it people will be absolutely stunned by the suddenness of prophecies being fulfilled, and what can we learn from this lesson?
  2. "Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall" (l) - This historic demand, delivered by U.S. President Ronald Reagan in front of Berlin's Brandenburg Gate on June 12, 1987, came to symbolize the Eastern European revolt against Communist slavery in 1989. Nearly 2 1/2 years after the president's epochal visit, the Berlin Wall collapsed on Nov. 9, 1989. What are the prophetic implications indicated in God's Word?
  3. Building Walls or Building Bridges? (l) - Three wise men in their time oversaw the demolition of a wall that lay in their path. Their wisdom echoes the millennial refrain, "This is the way, walk you in it."
  4. Ten Years After the Wall Came Tumbling Down (l) - How is Germany faring a decade after the Berlin Wall? Is the eastern half better off? Is the western half pleased with the results of the added costs of unification? What will fully solidify this country?
Best defense
  1. Four Little Words With Big Meaning (l) - God is a God of judgment, and He weighs and measures nations and people alike--past, present and future.
  1. The Rock Which Followed Them (l) - What does the "rock" symbolize in scripture and did a rock really follow the children of Israel?
Bethesda, pool of
  1. Jesus Christ's Later Ministry (l) - Archeaological findings shed light on and confirm the accuracy of historical details recorded for us in the Gospels.
  1. Discovered: Artifacts Shed Light on Biblical Era (l) - Two recent finds in Israel help verify a biblical location and reveal more details about life in the ancient world.
  1. Betrayed by a Friend (l) - Betrayal is never easy to come to terms with, especially when it comes from those we trust and love. Are we at risk of betraying anyone?
  2. Betrayal is Painful (l) - Think about the events in your life where betrayal was evident and the resulting damage that occurred.
  1. The Road to Infamy (l) - He was a successful businessman and a war hero. But then something went terribly wrong.
Betraying God
  1. Betrayed by a Friend (l) - Betrayal is never easy to come to terms with, especially when it comes from those we trust and love. Are we at risk of betraying anyone?
  1. The History of Dating (l) - Ever wondered what dating was like a century ago? Read this article to gain historical insight regarding arranged marriages, courting and how current dating practices evolved.
Better promises
  1. Seven Reasons Why Jesus Was Born (l) - Why did Jesus have to be born, and to die? Here are seven reasons.
Better world
  1. Imagine Such a World (l) - Beyond the chaotic darkness of today's society, a beacon of hope brightly shines. A new age is coming to set right all that is wrong. Can you see it? Hold on to the vision.
Beyond Today
  1. Editorial: A Time of Change For Virtual Christian Magazine (l) - New doesn't necessarily mean different.
  2. A New Era (l) - The fact is, the world is headed into a darker future, just as the Bible has foretold. But there is hope beyond today.
Beyond Today letters
  1. Letters From Our Readers - May/Jun 2020 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the May/June 2020 issue.
  2. Letters From Our Readers - Jul/Aug 2020 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the July/August 2020 issue.
  3. Letters From Our Readers - Nov/Dec 2020 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the November/December 2020 issue.
  4. Letters From Our Readers - Sep/Oct 2020 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the September/October 2020 issue.
  5. Letters From Our Readers - Jan/Feb 2021 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the January/February 2021 issue.
  6. Letters From Our Readers - Mar/Apr 2021 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the March/April 2021 issue.
Beyond Today magazine
  1. Big News About The Good News (l) - We know that God is working out His plan, and it will come to pass exactly as He sees fit. We look forward to a world and a way of life beyond today.
  2. More Good News With a New Name (l) - With this issue we start a new chapter in the history of this magazine.
Beyond today references
  1. Dive Deeper - January-February 2024 (l) - Here you'll find links to all the additional resources listed in the pages of the magazine in the "Dive Deeper" boxes near the end of each article.
  1. Don't Eat Cotton Balls (l) - A dangerous diet fad affecting young people.
Bhumibol, King
  1. Lesson in Wisdom (l) - How often do we, when we are in a position of power, lack wisdom in using authority?
Bhutto, Benazir
  1. Bhutto Assassination Imperils Pakistan's Stability -- and Global Nuclear Security (l) - Benazir Bhutto once called Pakistan "the most dangerous country on earth." Conditions in that chaotic country now threaten to spin out of control. How will this affect the rest of the world?
  1. 400 Years After Jamestown: Where Did the Bible Go? (l) - In recent decades the British and American peoples have increasingly turned away from the Bible. Few can even remember when the Word of God was revered in our nations, but only a century ago it was considered the source of the "ennobling ideals" that united both nations.
  2. If You Had Only One Book... (l) - Ironically, people buy Bibles, but apparently they don't read them. At least that's what seems to be the case according to a recent survey by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life.
  3. The Bible: A Blessing to Humanity (l) - The Bible has been of more benefit to humanity than any other book in history.
  4. The Book That Changed the World (l) - In its 400-year history, the King James Version has been the most printed and the most influential of all Bible translations. Commissioned by England's King James I, this Bible translation produced in 1611 transformed English life and culture. Several billion copies have been published. What makes this book so unique?
  5. The Literary Influence of the King James Version (l) - The King James Bible — either directly, from its own translators, or indirectly, as a glass through which we can see its predecessors — has contributed far more to English in the way of idiomatic or quasi-proverbial expressions than any other literary source.
  6. The Bible of All Cultures (l) - No matter when or where we live, the Bible is God's Word to teach you -- and everyone -- how to live His way.
  7. The Bible and Archaeology (l) - The Bible is the inspired Word of God, and its accuracy continues to be validated by the spade of archaeology.
  8. Live by Every Word of God (l) - How could people ignore and dismiss what was clearly stated in God's Word and instead choose worship practices and customs that are not approved in the Bible, but are actually repeatedly condemned in it?
  9. (l) - ABC is a program designed to throughly cover basic biblical doctrines and lead students systematically through the Bible.
  10. Keys to Unlocking Understanding of the Bible (l) - Here are some guidelines to serious study of God's word.
  11. Can You Believe Bible Prophecy? (9/99) (l) - If you aren't sure whether the Bible should be trusted as the inspired Word of God, you belong to a significant majority.
Bible accuracy
  1. Do We Have Valid Testimony to the Life of Christ? (l) - The story of Jesus Christ and His early followers is found in the New Testament. But has this source been faithfully passed on to us? And can we believe what is written? What does the evidence tell us?
  2. Believe the Bible -- and Its Warnings! (l) - The pattern we see again and again in the Bible is that God sends a warning message before destruction. He doesn't want to see mankind suffer; He wants us to repent of our sins -- to change direction and seek Him.
  3. Can You Believe the Bible? (3/2002) (l) - When we objectively examine the evidence for the Bible's accuracy and veracity, the only conclusion we can reach is that the Bible is true.
Bible addition
  1. Some Keys to Understanding the Bible (l) - How can one make sense of the Word of God? Here are a few basics.
Bible advice
  1. Bible Answers for Coping With Stress (l) - God's Word gives direct answers to many of our questions about how to deal with stress.
Bible and a round earth
  1. Creation or Evolution: Did God Create Man? (l) - A series on creation and evolution. Did God form the heavens and earth, or is the world and everything in itthe result of mindless, random evolutionary forces?
Bible and abortion
  1. The Abortion Debate: What Does God Say? (l) - Every year a staggering 44 million abortions are carried out around the world. Each day about 120,000 lives -- enough to populate a medium-sized city -- are terminated by abortion, a practice legal in most countries. But how does God view the taking of the lives of millions of the unborn -- or even one, for that matter?
Bible and America
  1. The King James Bible in British and American History (l) - Is it possible that the Bible has so influenced the people of Britain and the United States because this book is their history book?
Bible and archaeology
  1. The Bible and Archaeology (l) - The Bible is the inspired Word of God, and its accuracy continues to be validated by the spade of archaeology.
  2. An Ancient Inscription Proves King David Was Real (l) - Archaeological excavations continue to uphold the events of the Bible.
Bible and astronomy
  1. The Bible and Astronomy (l) - The origin of our universe and its role in providing a place for mankind to dwell.
Bible and Britain
  1. The King James Bible in British and American History (l) - Is it possible that the Bible has so influenced the people of Britain and the United States because this book is their history book?
  2. Britain's Need to Return to the Bible (l) - The availability of the Holy Scriptures is at an all-time high, but the anomaly is that the demand for biblical knowledge remains at a new low.
Bible and Catholicism
  1. Parts of the Bible Rejected by Roman Catholic Church in Britain (l) - Generally speaking, the Roman Catholics have taught throughout most of their history that church tradition shares authority with the Scriptures. However, the latest teaching document in Britain virtually denies that the entire Bible is the inspired Word of God.
Bible and communism
  1. Today's Economic Systems (l) - Are communism, socialism and today's capitalism endorsed in Scripture? Plus, what does the Bible explain is the astounding future of government on earth?
Bible and creation
  1. Mini-Bible Study: Crucial Lessons From Knowing God as Our Creator (l) - The entire universe stands as witness to the awesome mind behind its existence. It was clearly created by a Creator, and that Creator labels any who would deny this as a fool (Romans 1:20; Psalm 14:1; Psalm 53:1).
Bible and disasters
  1. Natural Disasters: A Biblical Perspective (l) - Following are points we should keep in mind concerning the biblical perspective on tragedies, regardless of their scale or circumstances.
Bible and Egypt
  1. Egypt's Burden (l) - Egypt's importance stretches over thousands of years and will continue through the end of this age.
Bible and England
  1. Two Elizabeths -- A Study in Contrasts (l) - How times have changed! Queen Elizabeth I reigned over one of Britain's greatest periods of growth and increasing power. The reign of Queen Elizabeth II has seen the disintegration of the British Empire and the considerable decline of Britain as a military power. Why?
Bible and Europe
  1. World News and Trends - Jul/Aug 2005 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. July 2005
Bible and evolution
  1. Science, the Bible and Wrong Assumptions (l) - The theory of evolution is increasingly questioned because as scientific knowledge has increased, researchers have not been able to confirm basic assumptions of the evolutionary theory -- and, in fact, some have been outright refuted.
  2. Darwinism in the Classroom (l) - When you believe God created the heavens and earth, what strategies can you use when confronted with Charles Darwin's theory of evolution?
Bible and faith
  1. How Much Faith Is Enough? (l) - A quiz to see what the Bible says about faith.
Bible and freedom
  1. Your Bible is 400 Years Old (l) - The King James Version, or Authorized Version, of the Bible was completed in 1611. Even if you have a more modern English version, it owes a great deal to this groundbreaking translation.
Bible and gambling
  1. The Growing Menace of Gambling (l) - Compulsive gambling can and does destroy lives just like drug addiction and alcoholism. It is just one more sign of the moral decline currently gripping our Anglo-Saxon nations.
Bible and holydays
  1. Seven Scriptural Threads for More Complete Understanding (l) - Here are seven threads vital to piecing together a more complete understanding of the Bible.
Bible and law
  1. The Bible: A Blessing to Humanity (l) - The Bible has been of more benefit to humanity than any other book in history.
Bible and life
  1. Relating the Bible to Life (l) - We hope will help you relate the Bible with everyday life. After all, if we don't understand how to relate God's Word to life, how can we benefit from its timeless truths?
Bible and marriage
  1. God's Instruction Manual for Marriage (l) - When it comes to putting together a marriage, many couples have used the same approach. They do it without bothering to read the instructions. Sadly, the result is that many marriages aren't working.
Bible and money
  1. A Source of Timeless Financial Advice (l) - One of the best sources of timeless financial advice and guidance is the book of Proverbs.
Bible and music
  1. There's Music in the Bible (l) - Surprising to some, Scripture includes many references to singing and musical instruments being played in worshipping God and in everyday life.
Bible and Sabbath
  1. Seven Scriptural Threads for More Complete Understanding (l) - Here are seven threads vital to piecing together a more complete understanding of the Bible.
Bible and Science
  1. How the Bible Applies to Science (l) - Are science and the Bible incompatible? Or do they stand together on common ground? We consider some examples.
  2. The Biblical Authors: Men of God and Science (l) - We must study the Scriptures to gain eternal life. But, as time and inclination allow, we should study the physical sciences as well. In so doing we will gain a deeper appreciation of the world our Creator has made and increase our faith and understanding of Him.
  3. Proof of God's Word Through the Universe (l) - The Bible is in the crosshairs at school, in education and in the media. Can you prove whether it is truly the inspired Word of God? Remarkably, the latest discoveries from the James Webb Space Telescope point us back to the revealed Word of the Creator.
  4. Scientific Discoveries Support Biblical Perspective (l) - Scientific insights that support a biblical perspective.
Bible and sex
  1. God's Guide to Sex (l) - Everyone knows about the similarities between animal and human sexuality, but what about the differences? And what are the implications of those differences?
Bible and the church
  1. Do All Churches Get Their Teaching From the Bible? (l) - The global influence of the Roman Catholic Church, more than a billion strong, presents a number of challenges to students of the Bible.
Bible and the law
  1. The Foundation of True Values (l) - From beginning to end the Bible is a book of spiritual instruction. Its main focus is on God's spiritual law, embodied in the Ten Commandments. They are a reflection of God's mind and character.
Bible and the U.S.
  1. The Bible in British and American History (l) - Is it possible that the Bible so influenced the people of Britain and the United States because this book is their history book? Significantly, it tells not only the story of their distant ancestors but also their future.
  2. Wrestling With God: A Political and Moral Dilemma (l) - The founding father envisioned a nation rooted in biblical values. What lies ahead if its roots are destroyed?
  3. America's Forgotten Inheritance (l) - The Bible is America's forgotten inheritance.
  4. One Nation - Under God? (l) - The Pledge of Allegiance, long recited by U.S. school children, acknowledges the United States as "one nation under God." But does God have a place in America today?
  5. A Nation Losing Its Way (l) - A look at America's replacement of Britain as global protector and how a nation's turning its back on God threatens its existence.
Bible and U.S. founders
  1. Rejecting God's Great Gift to Us (l) - For a nation founded by Bible believers, America has come a long way -- and definitely not in the right direction.
Bible answers
  1. Bible Mini-Study: Real Hope, Practical Answers! (l) - Welcome to this new feature in The Good News. This first Bible mini-study looks at specific ways that Scripture can help you with the issues that worry and discourage you.
Bible answers by letter
  1. Reader Helps (l) - An offer of personal correspondence to help with Bible study.
Bible application
  1. Staying on the Cutting Edge (l) - Wouldn't it be great if we had something that didn't need to be upgraded or thrown out every couple of years? Something dependable that would help us stay up to date with life and its changes and challenges?
Bible approach
  1. Does the Bible Contain Errors? (l) - Does the Bible contain errors? Often the answer depends on the eye of the beholder. For those determined to undermine Scripture, yes, it does contain errors and no answer will satisfy them. For others, though, careful study and patience usually resolve any problems.
Bible archaeology
  1. Can You Believe the Bible? (l) - Both God and the Bible have long been under attack. What are some of the motives of critics? And, far more important, what does the evidence dug from the dust of the Middle East reveal?
  2. An Ancient Fortress Slowly Yields its Secrets (l) - Khirbet Qeiyafa, also known as the Elah Fortress, is the site of an ancient city about 20 miles southwest of Jerusalem.
  3. Ancient Seal Found in Jerusalem (l) - A small stone seal dating to the latter part of the First Temple period (8th to 6th centuries B.C.) has been found in Jerusalem bearing the inscription "Belonging to Matanyahu Ben Ho . . ." -- with the last portion missing.
  4. Jerusalem Reservoir Dates to First Temple Era (l) - A 3,000-year-old reservoir was recently unearthed near Jerusalem's Temple Mount, according to the Israeli Antiquities Authority.
  5. Is the Bible True? (l) - The Bible claims many things. Most importantly, it claims to be the very Word of the Creator God. Can we trust the Bible in its claims?
  6. Can We Believe the Bible? (A) (l) - Clear evidence exists that the Bible is indeed a genuine account of real persons, real places and real events recorded centuries ago and preserved for us today. What is some of that evidence?
  7. God, Science and the Bible - Naboth (l) - Discoveries from the world of science that support the biblical record.
  8. Has Evidence of the Prophet Isaiah Been Found? (l) - As intriguing discovery in Jerusalem may be hard evidence of the existence of the prophet Isaiah.
Bible as a reliable guide
  1. The Bible and You (l) - Presents evidence of the truth of God's Word in our holy Bible.
Bible as guide
  1. Are You Looking for Direction in All the Wrong Places? (l) - Amid a lost world, where can you turn in the face of mounting troubles? Will politics bring needed guidance? How about religion? Or are these all part of the problem? Discover the one source you can always count on to provide the right way forward.
Bible as needed knowledge
  1. (l) - We are drowning in information, but starved for knowledge.
Bible as the missing ingredient
  1. (l) - Today a vital ingredient is sorely missing in our modern lives. We simply are not coping with all the stresses of the age. Our human mechanism -- brain and body -- is breaking down under the strain. The spread of godless secularism has taken a heavy toll on society.
Bible as useful knowledge
  1. The Bible in the Modern World (l) - Tells us that the Bible alone imbues us with spiritual knowledge, and is an outline of instructions for living a Godly life.
Bible authority
  1. Parts of the Bible Rejected by Roman Catholic Church in Britain (l) - Generally speaking, the Roman Catholics have taught throughout most of their history that church tradition shares authority with the Scriptures. However, the latest teaching document in Britain virtually denies that the entire Bible is the inspired Word of God.
  2. How Did the Bible Come About? (l) - Is it indeed God's Word or composed of mere traditions of men?
Bible authorship
  1. How the Bible Was Written (l) - There is one very important commonality in the writing of the Bible, and that commonality is God's hand.
Bible believers
  1. Believers in God and the Bible (l) - Famous people who were Bible believers.
  2. Heed These Words of Wisdom! (l) - Some selections of what some of history's greatest figures—presidents, prime ministers, monarchs, scientists and others—have said or written about "the book that changed the world," the Bible.
  3. What Do They Say About the Bible? (l) - We should give serious consideration to the high regard respected people of past and present have had for the Bible.
  4. Leaders of American History: A Legacy of Respect for God and the Bible (l) - Past leaders of the United States often expressed sincere devotion to God and Christian principles -- in contrast to today's marginalization of biblical faith.
  5. In Their Own Words: Great Men and Women Who Highly Respected the Bible (l) - Historically, the Bible has been held in the highest esteem by many great men and women-presidents, prime ministers, monarchs, scholars, scientists, philosophers and more. Following are what some of them have said about the Bible.
  6. Believers in the Bible (l) - Great people who were believers in the Bible.
  7. Believers in God (l) - Great people who believed in God.
  8. Can We Believe the Bible? (B) (l) - Many great pioneers of science examined the evidence and concluded that it proved the existence of God and that the Bible was His inspired Word. For many, their belief in an orderly universe established by the power and genius of an almighty Creator lay behind their scientific investigations.
  9. Great Leaders Knew Their Source (l) - Where does great leadership come from, and where has it gone?
Bible believers, famous
  1. Believers in God (l) - Great people who believed in God.
Bible believers, great
  1. Believers in the Bible (l) - Great people who were believers in the Bible.
  2. Believers in God (l) - Great people who believed in God.
Bible books
  1. The Books of the Bible (l) - The list and organization of the books of the Bible.
Bible burning
  1. Preparing for a Famine of the Word of God (l) - Today the Bible -- God's written Word -- is so widely available, it's hard to understand how rare it was in the past, or how scarce God's Word might be in the future. What should we do to prepare for what God calls a coming "famine of the Word"?
Bible center
  1. (l) - ABC is a program designed to throughly cover basic biblical doctrines and lead students systematically through the Bible.
Bible church
  1. How to Raise Godly Children in a Morally Sketchy Society (l) - With Christianity on the decline in the West, especially among young people, what are parents and caregivers to do if they want their own children to have a life of faith and virtue?
Bible code
  1. (l) - Questions and answers represent issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
Bible coherency
  1. How the Bible Was Written (l) - There is one very important commonality in the writing of the Bible, and that commonality is God's hand.
Bible compass
  1. Maintain Your True Course (l) - Meditation on God's Word helps us navigate through the obstacles of life to reach our destination--God's Kingdom!
Bible consistency
  1. Some Keys to Understanding the Bible (l) - How can one make sense of the Word of God? Here are a few basics.
Bible context
  1. Actively Read and Study the Bible (l) - Unless we actually use it, the Bible is no better than any other book on our shelves. So how can we properly use it? What principles and methods of study do we follow? What tools are available to help our understanding?
Bible contradictions
  1. Does the Bible Contain Errors? (l) - Does the Bible contain errors? Often the answer depends on the eye of the beholder. For those determined to undermine Scripture, yes, it does contain errors and no answer will satisfy them. For others, though, careful study and patience usually resolve any problems.
Bible correctness
  1. Does the Bible Contain Errors? (l) - Does the Bible contain errors? Often the answer depends on the eye of the beholder. For those determined to undermine Scripture, yes, it does contain errors and no answer will satisfy them. For others, though, careful study and patience usually resolve any problems.
Bible criticism
  1. What Does Archaeology Tell Us About the Bible? (l) - How has the Bible fared when archaeologists have compared their findings with the record of Scripture?
  2. Has the Bible Been Preserved Accurately? (l) - Some Bible critics argue that we should disregard the Bible because it's impossible that our modern versions could match the original texts. But how does this argument stand up to scrutiny?
Bible disbelief
  1. A Tragic Increasing Trend: Disbelief in the Bible (l) - The Bible is losing its once help prominence in the Western World. Even professing Christians seldom read God's word.
Bible doctrine
  1. You Go! I Am Coming! (l) - God provided a blueprint for us to follow through His Holy Days. As we honor them, we honor God. Through the keeping of these days, we demonstrate our belief in God and Christ guiding our footsteps.
Bible duality
  1. Seven Scriptural Threads for More Complete Understanding (l) - Here are seven threads vital to piecing together a more complete understanding of the Bible.
Bible economics
  1. Christianity and Capitalism: Do They Go Together? (l) - Recently Pope Francis slammed capitalism and the free market, advocating redistribution of wealth and other steps to level out incomes between rich and poor. What does the Bible say about Christianity and capitalism?
Bible education
  1. Passing on Our Faith to Our Children (l) - Teaching our children about God and leading them into a relationship with God can be intimidating. Nonetheless, all parents have a responsibility to teach their children about God and His Word.
  2. How Can We Pass Our Faith on to Our Children? (l) - In a previous article we covered the basic reasons why we should teach our children about God. Now we'll look at the actual mechanics as well as a good general approach to instructing our children.
  3. Bible Education for Our Little Ones (l) - What we're teaching our children is not just for our little ones. One day they are each going to grow up and possibly have little ones of their own. What we need to be doing now with our young people should have a lasting positive impact for generations to come.
  4. Preparing for Ambassador Bible Center (l) - Are you curious about ABC? Read a firsthand report by someone who has been there, done that.
Bible endorsements
  1. Heed These Words of Wisdom! (l) - Some selections of what some of history's greatest figures—presidents, prime ministers, monarchs, scientists and others—have said or written about "the book that changed the world," the Bible.
Bible errors
  1. Does the Bible Contain Errors? (l) - Does the Bible contain errors? Often the answer depends on the eye of the beholder. For those determined to undermine Scripture, yes, it does contain errors and no answer will satisfy them. For others, though, careful study and patience usually resolve any problems.
  2. Are There Mistakes in the King James Version of the Bible? (l) - Although the original texts of the Bible were inspired by God and are without error, the same cannot be said for later copies of the texts or translations made from them. Translators are human, and many have allowed their own religious biases to influence their work.
Bible evidence
  1. Can You Believe the Bible? (l) - Both God and the Bible have long been under attack. What are some of the motives of critics? And, far more important, what does the evidence dug from the dust of the Middle East reveal?
  2. The Bible Was Right After All (l) - Bible critics and skeptics abound, but there are inspiring cases of some who have changed their minds. What kind of evidence brought about their surprising turnarounds?
Bible financial advice
  1. Financial Security and Peace of Mind (l) - God promises material blessings to those who obey Him and acknowledge Him with their wealth (Proverbs 3:1, 9-10). Through the prophet Malachi God warned that withholding His tithe amounts to robbing Him, but He will bless those who tithe (Malachi 3:7-12).
Bible for children
  1. Bible Education for Our Little Ones (l) - What we're teaching our children is not just for our little ones. One day they are each going to grow up and possibly have little ones of their own. What we need to be doing now with our young people should have a lasting positive impact for generations to come.
Bible foundation
  1. (l) - We are drowning in information, but starved for knowledge.
  2. Knowledge and Understanding - Or Meaningless Information (l) - The inspired Word of God stands as the solid source of all right knowledge. The Bible provides the proper framework of the essential knowledge through which all other useful information is properly understood.
  3. Summary Remarks (l) - The Bible is the foundation of knowledge. It shows the root cause of every problem that has plagued the human family. God's Word reveals the true values by which we must live.
Bible harmony
  1. The Bible in the Modern World (l) - Tells us that the Bible alone imbues us with spiritual knowledge, and is an outline of instructions for living a Godly life.
Bible helps
  1. Actively Read and Study the Bible (l) - Unless we actually use it, the Bible is no better than any other book on our shelves. So how can we properly use it? What principles and methods of study do we follow? What tools are available to help our understanding?
  2. Bible Study Software and Online Resources (l) - You can make use of computer Bible helps that would normally cost thousands of dollars for only a few hundred or less.
  3. How to Learn More from this Bible-Study Course (l) - How to gain the most from this Bible study.
Bible historicity
  1. Proofs of the Bible (l) - God doesn't want blind faith. He wants you to have faith based on solid evidence. You can prove the divine origin, authenticity and accuracy of the Bible.
  2. IR Bequeath Thee--Hopelessness! (l) - The popular teaching of evolution reared its ugly head over a century ago. Of all mankind's efforts to deny the one true God, this was perhaps the most devastating because it robs mankind of a purpose in life and hope for a future.
  3. Did Adam and Eve Really Exist? (l) - Many modern theologians and nominal Christians seriously question whether our first parents, Adam and Eve, really lived.
  4. Prove the Bible Is True - the Easy Way! (l) - The Bible is in the crosshairs at school and in the media. Can you be sure it's inspired?
  5. Did Jesus Christ Really Exist? (l) - Was Jesus Christ real? What does the evidence say? In spite of what you may have heard, we have compelling historical documentation of His existence. And you need to understand not only that He came, but also why He came!
  6. Do We Have Valid Testimony to the Life of Christ? (l) - The story of Jesus Christ and His early followers is found in the New Testament. But has this source been faithfully passed on to us? And can we believe what is written? What does the evidence tell us?
  7. Can We Believe the Bible? (A) (l) - Clear evidence exists that the Bible is indeed a genuine account of real persons, real places and real events recorded centuries ago and preserved for us today. What is some of that evidence?
  8. The Bible (l) - The opening of a Bible museum in the U.S. capital is stirring criticism among biblical skeptics. What do rising attacks on the Bible say about the values of modern culture and living a godly life?
  9. How Archaeology Confirms the Biblical Record (l) - Scholars have queued up to ridicule the biblical accounts as mere myth. A tug of war continues between scoffers and believers in the inspiration and accuracy of the Bible.
  10. Two Jigsaw Puzzles, Two Purposes (l) - In spite of the relatively small amount of material that has been excavated and analyzed, considerable evidence confirming the biblical account is available.
  11. Does Archaeology Confirm the Existence of Specific People Mentioned in the Bible? (l) - Since the Bible claims to be real history, its credibility rests on its historical accuracy. If the people, places and events mentioned in the Bible are part of factual accounts, we should expect to find evidence to support those accounts. So what does the evidence show? Do archaeology and history confirm the Bible or disprove it?
  12. Does the Bible Contain Errors? (l) - Does the Bible contain errors? Often the answer depends on the eye of the beholder. For those determined to undermine Scripture, yes, it does contain errors and no answer will satisfy them. For others, though, careful study and patience usually resolve any problems.
  13. Has Evidence of the Prophet Isaiah Been Found? (l) - As intriguing discovery in Jerusalem may be hard evidence of the existence of the prophet Isaiah.
  14. Recent Holy Land Finds Support the Biblical Record (l) - Archaeological discoveries are regularly made in and around the land of Israel that relate to the Bible. Here is an annotated list of 12 reports of such finds within the past three years.
  15. Recent Archaeological Finds Support the Biblical Record (l) - Archaeological discoveries are regularly made that relate to the Bible. Here is an annotated list of recent reports of such finds.
  16. Archaeology and Genesis: What Does the Record Show? (9/96) (l) - Is the Bible historically accurate? Some believe that it is little more than myth. Archaeological discoveries, however, verify many details of the biblical accounts.
Bible history
  1. God's Time Machine (l) - During this age of science, many have dreamed of traveling to the past or to the future as in the famous novel The Time Machine. But could there exist a time machine we are not aware of? Read on to find out!
  2. Answers from Genesis - Part 8 (l) - Here are more frequently asked questions about Genesis, the book of origins.
Bible humor
  1. The Humor of Jesus Christ (l) - Is religion only serious business? Should there be no joy or laughter in church services? Do religious people take themselves too seriously? We begin here a new series of articles on this interesting subject.
  2. The Humor of Jesus Christ (part2) (l) - "I would read the Bible more," a young woman recently told me, "if it were just more interesting ... maybe, more humorous." How about you? Most people don't realize that Jesus, the great Teacher and Messiah, was often quite funny, even pointedly so.
Bible ignorance
  1. Is the Bible Relevant and Reliable? (l) - A lot of people claim to be Christians, but many aren't really sure how accurate or how meaningful the Bible is for their lives today. Few read it or know much about it, and fewer still discover the wisdom and practical help found in its ancient passages. Where can you start?
  2. Misinformation and Disinformation About God and the Bible (l) - Our time is marked by a massive ignorance about what the Bible actually says. We see that some writers and speakers can say almost anything about the Holy Scriptures and convince some people to believe them.
Bible in America
  1. Rejecting God's Great Gift to Us (l) - For a nation founded by Bible believers, America has come a long way -- and definitely not in the right direction.
Bible in public
  1. Banning the Mention of God in Public Life (l) - More and more, God is being shunted aside and banned in the public arena -- particularly from schools.
Bible in U.S.
  1. Banning the Mention of God in Public Life (l) - More and more, God is being shunted aside and banned in the public arena -- particularly from schools.
Bible inspiration
  1. Parts of the Bible Rejected by Roman Catholic Church in Britain (l) - Generally speaking, the Roman Catholics have taught throughout most of their history that church tradition shares authority with the Scriptures. However, the latest teaching document in Britain virtually denies that the entire Bible is the inspired Word of God.
  2. Proofs of the Bible (l) - God doesn't want blind faith. He wants you to have faith based on solid evidence. You can prove the divine origin, authenticity and accuracy of the Bible.
  3. How the Bible Was Written (l) - There is one very important commonality in the writing of the Bible, and that commonality is God's hand.
  4. The Bible - Miracle of Miracles! (l) - The year 2011--the 400th anniversary of the King James Version of the Bible--is a perfect time to celebrate the "book of books" and its numerous translations. Let's reflect on the many miracles, over a span of several thousand years, that had to happen to make the entire Word of God available and affordable in many languages!
  5. Prove the Bible Is True - the Easy Way! (l) - The Bible is in the crosshairs at school and in the media. Can you be sure it's inspired?
  6. How Did the Bible Come About? (l) - Is it indeed God's Word or composed of mere traditions of men?
  7. Does the Bible Contain Errors? (l) - Does the Bible contain errors? Often the answer depends on the eye of the beholder. For those determined to undermine Scripture, yes, it does contain errors and no answer will satisfy them. For others, though, careful study and patience usually resolve any problems.
  8. Approach the Bible With a Proper Attitude (l) - Why do so many have difficulty grasping the Bible's message and meaning? The answer is simple-they don't have the right frame of mind. We must approach the Bible with respect for what it is-God's divine revelation to us.
Bible instruction, personal
  1. Some Final Remarks (l) - Following up after completing the Bible Study course.
Bible interpretation
  1. Actively Read and Study the Bible (l) - Unless we actually use it, the Bible is no better than any other book on our shelves. So how can we properly use it? What principles and methods of study do we follow? What tools are available to help our understanding?
  2. Keys to Understanding the Bible (l) - Fifteen principles for effective Bible study.
Bible knowledge
  1. What We Don't Know Can and Will Hurt Us (l) - While technology expands exponentially, the kind of knowledge we urgently need to survive ebbs and wanes.
  2. Shocked by the Bible, Changed by the Truth (l) - The Bible holds many shocking truths that few people have ever known or recognized. Fewer still are those who go beyond the shock of the Bible and allow themselves to be changed by the truth. Will you be one of them?
Bible languages
  1. Glossary (bsc1) (l) - Glossary of some Biblical terms.
Bible learning
  1. Lessons No One Taught Me About Christmas and the Bible (l) - We can learn some interesting things from other people or experiences. But the most useful and surprising information only comes from one place: the Bible.
Bible manuscript
  1. Earliest New Testament Manuscript Fragment Discovered? (l) - Christianity Today reported in 2012 about findings announced by Dallas Theological Seminary professor Daniel Wallace regarding a very intriguing manuscript.The article was titled "Earliest Manuscript of Gospel of Mark Reportedly Found" (Stoyan Zaimov, Feb. 20). This manuscript of the Gospel of Mark would have been copied in the first centuryA.D. -- when some of Jesus' early followers were still alive.
Bible manuscripts
  1. Do We Have Valid Testimony to the Life of Christ? (l) - The story of Jesus Christ and His early followers is found in the New Testament. But has this source been faithfully passed on to us? And can we believe what is written? What does the evidence tell us?
Bible miracles
  1. The Bible - Miracle of Miracles! (l) - The year 2011--the 400th anniversary of the King James Version of the Bible--is a perfect time to celebrate the "book of books" and its numerous translations. Let's reflect on the many miracles, over a span of several thousand years, that had to happen to make the entire Word of God available and affordable in many languages!
Bible museum
  1. The Bible (l) - The opening of a Bible museum in the U.S. capital is stirring criticism among biblical skeptics. What do rising attacks on the Bible say about the values of modern culture and living a godly life?
Bible obedience
  1. Live What You Learn (l) - Some study the Bible and enjoy great spiritual growth and maturity. Others study it but grow little if at all. What makes the difference? How can you be one who grows in spiritual understanding? The key is to live what you learn!
Bible obsolete
  1. Is the Bible Still Relevant in the 21st Century? (l) - In this modern world, are the Scriptures worth reading?
Bible organization
  1. The Books of the Bible (l) - The list and organization of the books of the Bible.
  2. Another Important Author (l) - Ezra compiled and inscribed both 1 and 2 Chronicles, and added them to the canon of the Old Testament
Bible origin
  1. How Did the Bible Come About? (l) - Is it indeed God's Word or composed of mere traditions of men?
  2. Bible Integrity (l) - To be wise students of the Bible, we must all consider the origins of the words
Bible parenting
  1. Who and What Is Shaping You? (l) - If you really want to be a good parent, I recommend the Bible as a foundational book.
Bible preservation
  1. Preparing for a Famine of the Word of God (l) - Today the Bible -- God's written Word -- is so widely available, it's hard to understand how rare it was in the past, or how scarce God's Word might be in the future. What should we do to prepare for what God calls a coming "famine of the Word"?
  2. Prove the Bible Is True - the Easy Way! (l) - The Bible is in the crosshairs at school and in the media. Can you be sure it's inspired?
  3. Bible Integrity (l) - To be wise students of the Bible, we must all consider the origins of the words
  4. Do We Have Valid Testimony to the Life of Christ? (l) - The story of Jesus Christ and His early followers is found in the New Testament. But has this source been faithfully passed on to us? And can we believe what is written? What does the evidence tell us?
  5. Does the Bible Contain Errors? (l) - Does the Bible contain errors? Often the answer depends on the eye of the beholder. For those determined to undermine Scripture, yes, it does contain errors and no answer will satisfy them. For others, though, careful study and patience usually resolve any problems.
  6. Don't Let Familiarity Breed Contempt (l) - Do we give the Bible the respect it deserves?
Bible proof
  1. We Can Trust the Bible (l) - Many today question the accuracy of the Bible, but consider a few facts and quotes about this amazing book.
Bible prophecy
  1. Why Prophecy? (l) - Some people spend too much time digging into Bible prophecy, at times becoming unbalanced. Others say that prophecy has little to do with the practical side of life, so it's not that important. Yet just living in these uncertain times should tell us that we need to understand the real purpose of prophecy.
  2. wnponline.org Filling the Gap (l) - World News and Prophecy has a mission to help you understand the meaning of world events in the light of Christ's statement answer to: "What will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?"
  3. Seeing Into 2007 With Fresh Eyes (l) - One of the favorite things of those who write on world affairs is to try to predict what will happen in the coming months among all the hot spots in the world. What is needed most of all in looking ahead to 2007 is a set of fresh eyes. Never forget the Biblical perspective.
  4. Good News About Bible Prophecy (l) - But with this issue we invite you to upgrade your view of Bible prophecy to that of good news!
  5. (l) - Dozens of biblical prophecies have already been fulfilled, helping to confirm the validity of the Bible and of its prophecies for the future. Here are a few of the fulfilled prophecies and resources that describe them.
  6. We Can Trust the Bible (l) - Many today question the accuracy of the Bible, but consider a few facts and quotes about this amazing book.
  7. Key Events in History: Were They Linked to Bible Prophecy? (l) - Have key events of history had a connection to Bible prophecy? A brief look at three transforming events reveals God's guiding hand at work to bring to pass what He had foretold.
  8. 'Watch Therefore, and Pray Always' (l) - These words of Jesus Christ underscore the importance of a right understanding of Bible prophecy and show the need for action on our part-beginning with personal repentance.
  9. Watching and Understanding With World News and Prophecy (l) - Now more than ever, it is vital that you develop a worldview that gives understanding of today's world events.
  10. Will 2012 Bring the End of the World? (l) - It is claimed that an ancient Mayan calendar mysteriously ends at the winter solstice in the year 2012. Will that mark the end of human history? TV, magazines, major movie studios, booksellers and dozens of Web sites are fanning the 2012 craze. Does Bible prophecy reveal what's really coming?
  11. God's Time Machine (l) - During this age of science, many have dreamed of traveling to the past or to the future as in the famous novel The Time Machine. But could there exist a time machine we are not aware of? Read on to find out!
  12. Does the United States Appear in Bible Prophecy? (l) - Small nations like Egypt, Jordan and Libya are found in Bible prophecies of the time of the end. But what about the major English-speaking countries like the United States, Britain, Canada and Australia? Are they absent from Bible prophecy, or do we just not know where to look?
  13. A Prophecy About Babylon Confirms the Accuracy of the Bible (l) - The history of Babylon was told in the Bible hundreds of years before it happened! How did the prophet Isaiah know the future?
  14. An Overview of End-Time Prophecy (l) - There are as many end-time scenarios based to some degree on Bible prophecy as there are prophetic teachers. Is there a singular overview of end-time prophecy that can help protect you from end-time catastrophes?
  15. America's Biblical Roots (l) - Today some are trying to rewrite history to argue that the United States was founded as a secular, nonreligious nation. The historical record clearly tells a much different story!
  16. Is the Stage Being Set for the Fulfillment of Daniel 11? (l) - Daniel 11 contains a long and detailed prophecy, largely fulfilled between the time of Alexander the Great and Jesus Christ. But part of the prophecy remains to be fulfilled "at the time of the end." Recent events appear to be setting the stage for the fulfillment of this pivotal prophecy.
  17. Duality in Bible Prophecy(2) (l) - Prophetic statements sometimes apply to more than one fulfillment, a principle called duality. A prime example of duality is Christ's first coming to atone for our sins and His second coming to rule on earth as King of Kings.
  18. Bible Prophecy and You (1/2016) (l) - In this series of studies you'll learn about fascinating prophecies that have already been fulfilled -- in fact, fulfilled perfectly -- and a great deal about important prophecies that will have a great impact on your life in the near future. You'll see what a huge benefit and blessing it is to understand Bible prophecy!
  19. The Bible's Prophetic Puzzle (l) - Although biblical prophecy can seem mysterious and obscure like a puzzle, learn how you can make real sense of it.
  20. Bible Prophecy and You (5/2016) (l) - God reveals the future through Bible prophecy - but why?
  21. Bible Prophecy and You (7/2016) (l) - God has wonderful promises that He will keep, prophecies that tell of Christ's return to this earth, when He will begin a time of restoration and peace and healing.
  22. Is the Bible True? (l) - The Bible claims many things. Most importantly, it claims to be the very Word of the Creator God. Can we trust the Bible in its claims?
  23. Seven Prophetic End-Time Markers (l) - As there are visible signs of coming weather and seasonal change, so there are signs to look for in world conditions before the soon-coming return of Jesus Christ.
  24. Are We Living in the Time of the End? (l) - Many biblical prophecies leave us in no doubt that increasingly cataclysmic events will occur before God's direct intervention in human affairs.
  25. What Is the Time of the End? (l) - Ungodly attitudes will prevent the vast majority of humanity from believing God and the biblical warning signs until all havoc breaks loose. Like the people in Noah's time who laughed and mocked his building an ark, the end of this age will come when the overwhelming majority are unprepared.
  26. Bible and Prophecy (l) - This article explores the reasons to believe the prophecies of the Bible are factual and completely true.
  27. Modern Conditions Were Foretold in Scripture Many Centuries Ago (l) - Bible prophecy has foretold a number of circumstances that have been realized or made possible only in modern times.
  28. Duality in Bible Prophecy (l) - We must carefully examine the context of prophecies to understand their meaning and discern whether the prophecy seems incomplete after its first fulfillment. It is equally important to avoid reading duality into passages that do not support such interpretation.
  29. The Fall of Satan's Kingdom (l) - Satan will not always dominate planet earth. Bible prophecy reveals that an astounding series of events will shake our world as never before and usher in a new age-a 1,000-year era under the rule of the Kingdom of God (Matthew 6:10; Luke 21:31)
  30. The Fundamentals of Bible Prophecy (l) - Principles and themes of Bible prophecy.
  31. History Proves the Accuracy of Bible Prophecy (l) - History provides proof of the reliablity of Bible prophecies.
  32. Can We Know the Future? (l) - Much of the Bible is prophecy, and its predictions are so sure that we could call Bible prophecy "history written in advance." In this lesson we will read the headlines of tomorrow.
  33. Will You Be Prepared for the Next Crisis? (l) - The Covid-19 pandemic and recent riots and unrest have been wakeup calls for our world. Will you be prepared for the next crisis?
  34. Habakkuk's Dilemma (l) - After years of preaching a strong message of repentance, the prophet Habakkuk became distressed since most people refused to heed His God-given words. Learn what God told him and discover how it applies to people in today's world.
  35. World News and Trends - Jan/Feb 2003 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. January/February 2003.
  36. Israel at 50: A Saga of War and Peace (l) - Much of Israel's 50-year history is a chronicle of wars and other conflicts with her Arab neighbors. What does the future hold for this nation?
  37. Why Understand Prophecy? (l) - Does trying to understand the predictions of the Bible make any sense for teens? The simple answer to this important question is, "Yes." Read this article to learn why.
  38. The Perfect Prophetic Storm (l) - The Bible prophecies a time when two earthshaking events will combine to overwhelm humanity. What are these two events, these prophectic storms?
  39. (l) - In this issue of Youth United, we examine biblical foundations that provide understanding and encouragement for times like this.
  40. Is There "Just Cause" for Nations to Intervene in the Affairs of Other Nations? (l) - Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon considers Iran to be as dangerous as Iraq and a "center of world terror." Why should this be so?
  41. Can You Know What Lies Ahead? (l) - Editorial: Bible prophecy
  42. Where Are We Now in Prophecy? (l) - Are today's headlines foretold in the pages of your Bible? Is there a message of hope beyond the gloom and doom news cycle of today's world? Jesus Christ was a prophet; He forecast the overall sequence of events of the world from His time on into the future. His futuristic message was current then and it's current today.
  43. The Feast of Hanukkah: Testimony to Bible Prophecy (l) - The Jewish community worldwide lights candles in celebration of the Hanukkah festival. The dramatic story behind this festival not only shows us God's faithfulness, but also the certain reliability of prophecy!
  44. Does Bible Prophecy Matter? (l) - The biblical record of prophecy is long and astoundingly accurate. No human seer could have accurately predicted the remarkable rise and fall of kingdoms, leaders and peoples that we find in the Bible.
  45. A Glimpse Into the Future (l) - Editorial: Bible prophecy as a look into the future.
  46. Fullfilled Prophecies of Jesus Christ (l) - What could be more amazing than to read precise predictions of the events of a person's life hundreds of years before his birth? Surely that would be a mark of divine knowledge and involvement, wouldn't it?
Bible prophecy, duality of
  1. Duality in Bible Prophecy (l) - We must carefully examine the context of prophecies to understand their meaning and discern whether the prophecy seems incomplete after its first fulfillment. It is equally important to avoid reading duality into passages that do not support such interpretation.
Bible prophecy, fulfillment of
  1. Dual Fulfillment in Bible Prophecy (l) - God inspired many prophecies with dual meanings. They applied as warnings to the Israelites at that time and as warnings to the modern descendants of those same people.
Bible prophets
  1. The Latter, or Major, Prophets (l) - Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel are known as the major prophets and wrote the books that bear their names. Each man told of his own fascinating contribution to the Bible.
Bible questions
  1. Creation Week: Light on Day 1 but the Sun on Day 4? (l) - Genesis 1 makes more sense when we realize that the earth and sun were both created at an earlier time, and that the earth later became a lifeless, ruined wasteland.
Bible reading
  1. Learn, Live and Love the Bible (l) - God's Word discusses several tools we can use to grow spiritually and build our relationship with our Creator. In this second article in a series on tools for spiritual growth, we examine the foundational tool of Bible reading and study.
  2. Read the Book! (l) - Advertising executive and writer Bruce Barton wrote about it under the title The Book Nobody Knows. No other book is more important to you and your future!
  3. America's Famous Optimism Sorely Tested (l) - The May 2011 edition of The American Spectator asked this question of nine insightful observers: "Is America in Decline?" Only two responded with an unqualified yes. The majority felt that the United States would pull through its well-known present difficulties and maintain its standing as the world's preeminent nation.
  4. The Bible and the Brain (l) - You can read your way to a better working brain -- and build moral character at the same time.
  5. You Can Walk With God (l) - Do you have a fulfilling "walk with God"? What does it really mean to walk with God the Father and Jesus Christ? Is something missing in your relationship with Them? Discover the vital biblical keys to a close, meaningful and fruitful relationship with your Creator.
  6. Current Events & Trends: November/December 2024 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the November/December 2024 issue of Beyond Today.
  7. Reading Together (l) - When family members read aloud together, lots of good things happen including learning, laughter and love.
  8. Do You Know Your Dad? (l) - A physical father is a type of our spiritual Father. How can we come to understand our spiritual Father better?
  9. Read the Book (l) - Advertising executive and writer Bruce Barton called it 'The Book Nobody Knows'. No other book is more important to you and your future.
  10. (l) - Comments from the readers of the Good News magazine, Mar/Apr 2002.
  11. Is the Book Worth Reading? (l) - What do you read and why? Is it fiction or nonfiction? Does it really matter?
  12. Disbelief in the Bible: A Tragic Phenomenon and Increasing Trend (l) - The Bible is losing its once-held prominence in the Western world. Even professing Christians seldom read God's Word.
  13. (l) - A three year program reading the Bible including commentary and supplementary material.
  14. The Rewards of Reading Together (l) - When family members read aloud together, lots of good things happen-including learning, laughter and love.
  15. Read the Book (VCM) (l) - Advertising executive and author Bruce Barton called it "The Book Nobody Knows." No other book is more important to you and your future.
Bible reading program
  1. (l) - A three year program reading the Bible including commentary and supplementary material.
Bible reading, family
  1. The Rewards of Reading Together (l) - When family members read aloud together, lots of good things happen-including learning, laughter and love.
Bible relevance
  1. Is the Bible Relevant and Reliable? (l) - A lot of people claim to be Christians, but many aren't really sure how accurate or how meaningful the Bible is for their lives today. Few read it or know much about it, and fewer still discover the wisdom and practical help found in its ancient passages. Where can you start?
  2. Is the Bible Still Relevant in the 21st Century? (l) - In this modern world, are the Scriptures worth reading?
  3. Is the Bible Relevant in the Computer Age? (l) - We will all come in contact with someone who has lost someone close to them. What's the best thing to say and do? Probably the same things you'd like to hear.
  4. Read the Book (VCM) (l) - Advertising executive and author Bruce Barton called it "The Book Nobody Knows." No other book is more important to you and your future.
Bible religion
  1. Are You Just Following the Crowd? (l) - Why do you believe and think the way you do? Years ago I was confronted by this question when it came to religion. What I discovered led me to another momentous question: Would I change the spiritual course of my life or continue following the crowd?
Bible respect
  1. Approach the Bible With a Proper Attitude (l) - Why do so many have difficulty grasping the Bible's message and meaning? The answer is simple-they don't have the right frame of mind. We must approach the Bible with respect for what it is-God's divine revelation to us.
Bible ridicule
  1. How Archaeology Confirms the Biblical Record (l) - Scholars have queued up to ridicule the biblical accounts as mere myth. A tug of war continues between scoffers and believers in the inspiration and accuracy of the Bible.
Bible sales
  1. Current Events & Trends: January/February 2025 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the January/February 2025 issue of Beyond Today.
Bible scholarship
  1. Rediscovering Christianity: Scholars Have Second Thoughts (l) - For centuries an ingrained bias has influenced scholars' and theologians' views of both the Old and New Testaments. Some are now realizing and correcting that error.
Bible statements about the Bible
  1. What the Bible Says About God's Word (l) - How does God expect us to view His word the Bible? Consider some of the examples from the scriptures.
Bible student
  1. Actively Read and Study the Bible (l) - Unless we actually use it, the Bible is no better than any other book on our shelves. So how can we properly use it? What principles and methods of study do we follow? What tools are available to help our understanding?
Bible study
  1. What Does Jesus Want From You? (l) - If you believe Jesus truly was the Son of God, do you know what He wants you to do? And what He wants to do for you?
  2. In the Eye of the Storm (l) - Florida experienced four hurricanes last year that wrought much destruction throughout the state. Here is a firsthand account by someone who weathered Hurricane Frances.
  3. Good Bible Study Resources Available Online (l) - Dozens of tools to help you understand more about God's Word, the Holy Bible, are readily available through the Internet. They are invaluable, but they are free!
  4. How Can We Pass Our Faith on to Our Children? (l) - In a previous article we covered the basic reasons why we should teach our children about God. Now we'll look at the actual mechanics as well as a good general approach to instructing our children.
  5. How to Read, Study and Understand the Bible (l) - How should you read and study the Bible? The overall answer is any way that works for you!
  6. Teach Your Children With Family Bible Study (l) - The most important responsibility of parents is to pass along their spiritual faith and understanding to their children. Here are tips for how to teach God's words and ways to your children.
  7. What Are You Doing With Your Time? (l) - Rich or poor, old or young, male or female, we all have the same amount of one thing--time. How we use it will largely determine how far we'll go in life and in our relationship with our Creator.
  8. Cherishing the Sabbath (l) - The Sabbath ... our special time with God.
  9. Building a Better Relationship With God (l) - Here are five tools that can help us build a stronger, closer friendship with God.
  10. Turning Your Own Life Around: Where to Start (l) - In the face of spiraling national problems, what can you personally do to protect yourself from the present morally adverse atmosphere?
  11. Five Smooth Stones (l) - David, the youth who would become king of Israel, faced Goliath with sling in hand and stones he selected to use as ammunition. What can we today use in handling the challenges and difficulties we come up against?
  12. Set Your Anchors! (l) - Several precarious boating experiences brought home the spiritual lessons of having a strong and secure anchor! Here are six ways to stay firmly attached to God's anchor.
  13. Five Tools for Dealing With Trials (2009) (l) - What can you do when you have tried everything to solve a problem? Here are five tools to help turn trials into godly character.
  14. Some Keys to Understanding the Bible (l) - How can one make sense of the Word of God? Here are a few basics.
  15. Read the Book! (l) - Advertising executive and writer Bruce Barton wrote about it under the title The Book Nobody Knows. No other book is more important to you and your future!
  16. Bible Mini-Study: Real Hope, Practical Answers! (l) - Welcome to this new feature in The Good News. This first Bible mini-study looks at specific ways that Scripture can help you with the issues that worry and discourage you.
  17. Bible Mini-Study: How to Find Things in the Bible (l) - Why do we need to study the Bible? And how should we go about it?
  18. Why Does God Allow People to Suffer? (l) - Good News Editor This mini-study looks at questions related to suffering that have troubled people throughout the ages. God does not ignore our heartfelt pleas for understanding. His answers are real, hopeful and life-changing!
  19. Bible Mini-Study: The World Will Learn God's Law (l) - God's way of life -- His law -- will be the constitution of the new world He will set up. Let's explore what the Bible says about the role of God's law in the peaceful and prosperous Kingdom of God!
  20. A Lamp, A Vessel and Abundant Oil (l) - We tend to act as if there is all the time in the world, but is that a wise thing to do?
  21. My Search for the Truth (l) - "You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore" (Psalm 16:11).
  22. Mini Bible Study: How to Build a Close Relationship With God (l) - In previous studies we've covered many aspects of understanding God. This study is a step beyond, showing how to really know God through developing a close personal and intimate relationship with Him.
  23. Follow Me (7/2015) (l) - Is our 24/7 world crowding out your time in the Bible? Your life depends on putting first things first!
  24. How to Put Down Your Phone and Pick Up the Bible (l) - Is your smartphone's unending supply for information and entertainment drawing you away from God?
  25. Keys to Understanding the Bible (l) - Fifteen principles for effective Bible study.
  26. Why Bible Study Is Necessary for Spiritual Growth (l) - Paul scolded the Corinthian Christians for their unspiritual attitudes and conduct (1 Corinthians 3:1-4). He explained that their problems were caused partly by some of them having too little knowledge of God's ways.
  27. A Reminder (bsc10) (l) - Reminder to Bible students: look up the scriptures.
  28. Building Habits of Prayer and Bible Study (l) - Good communication between God and us is a vital aspect of the godly way of life. God speaks to us through His Word, the Holy Scriptures. We talk to Him through prayer.
  29. Some Final Remarks (l) - Following up after completing the Bible Study course.
  30. Glossary (bsc2) (l) - A glossary of some basic terms related to this Bible study course.
  31. How to Learn More from this Bible-Study Course (l) - How to gain the most from this Bible study.
  32. Points to Ponder (bsc3) (l) - Bible study 'points to ponder' about why God created mankind.
  33. Points to Ponder (bsc4) (l) - Bible study 'points to ponder' about why God allows suffering.
  34. Points to Ponder (bsc5) (l) - Bible study 'points to ponder' about the hope for human survival.
  35. Points to Ponder (bsc6) (l) - Bible study 'points to ponder' regarding the kingdom of God.
  36. How to Use Biblical Quotes and References (l) - Use of Bible references when studying the United Church of God Bible course.
  37. Points to Ponder (bsc7) (l) - Bible study 'points to ponder' about the calling from God.
  38. A Reminder (bsc8) (l) - A reminder to look up the scriptures when studying this Bible course.
  39. Five Tools for Dealing With Trials (l) - What do you do when you've tried everything within your power to solve a problem? Here are five tools to help turn trials into godly character.
  40. (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News magazine, Jul/Aug 2002.
  41. Do You Know Your Father? (l) - A physical father is a type of our spiritual Father. How can we come to understand our spiritual Father better?
  42. (l) - Comments from the readers of the Good News magazine, Mar/Apr 2002.
  43. What Is the Gospel? (l) - What is the gospel? Is it the gospel of God? The gospel of Jesus Christ? The gospel about Christ? The gospel of the Kingdom of God? Or some other gospel? Is there more than one gospel? What gospel did Jesus preach? What did He instruct His disciples to teach? What about Paul? Did he teach the same gospel Jesus Christ taught? Or was it different from the gospel God sent through Christ?
  44. Relating the Bible to Life (l) - We hope will help you relate the Bible with everyday life. After all, if we don't understand how to relate God's Word to life, how can we benefit from its timeless truths?
  45. What Do I Need Right Now? (l) - As young people mature, many wonder about their relationship with God and attending church services. How can a youth know what to do?
Bible study course
  1. Learning to Appreciate the Bible (l) - This unique Bible study course is designed to address some of the most fundamental questions about our almost never-ending quest for God. It also seeks to explore the inevitable implications for our personal behavior.
  2. How to Begin Your Study (l) - A few helpful points that will help you get the most out of this Bible study course.
  3. What Does the Bible Really Say? (l) - Common suppositions about the Bible, versus what it really says.
  4. (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News, Mar/Apr 2003.
  5. (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News magazine, March/April 2000.
  6. Is the Bible Study Course for Young People? (l) - Many people don't realize that the United Church of God's free Bible Study Course was designed with young people in mind. Here is the story behind its development.
Bible study helps
  1. Types of Bible Translations (l) - There are three main types of Bible translations: word-for-word, thought-for-thought and paraphrase.
Bible study questions
  1. Points to Ponder (bsc1) (l) - Study questions from the Bible study course.
  2. Points to Ponder (bsc10) (l) - Study questions about the meaning of the Church.
  3. Points to Ponder (bsc11) (l) - Study questions for the Bible Study course.
  4. Points to Ponder (bsc2) (l) - Study questions for the Bible study course.
  5. Points to Ponder (bsc8) (l) - Study questions for the Bible study course.
  6. Points to Ponder (bsc9) (l) - Study questions for the Bible study course.
Bible study, habit of
  1. Some Final Remarks (l) - Following up after completing the Bible Study course.
Bible symbols
  1. Seven Scriptural Threads for More Complete Understanding (l) - Here are seven threads vital to piecing together a more complete understanding of the Bible.
Bible themes
  1. Great Themes of the Bible (l) - Several great themes summarize the Bible.
Bible translation
  1. Your Bible is 400 Years Old (l) - The King James Version, or Authorized Version, of the Bible was completed in 1611. Even if you have a more modern English version, it owes a great deal to this groundbreaking translation.
  2. The Book That Changed the World (l) - In its 400-year history, the King James Version has been the most printed and the most influential of all Bible translations. Commissioned by England's King James I, this Bible translation produced in 1611 transformed English life and culture. Several billion copies have been published. What makes this book so unique?
Bible translations
  1. Types of Bible Translations (l) - There are three main types of Bible translations: word-for-word, thought-for-thought and paraphrase.
  2. The Bible - Miracle of Miracles! (l) - The year 2011--the 400th anniversary of the King James Version of the Bible--is a perfect time to celebrate the "book of books" and its numerous translations. Let's reflect on the many miracles, over a span of several thousand years, that had to happen to make the entire Word of God available and affordable in many languages!
  3. What's the Difference Between Various Bible Versions? (l) - Many newer Bible versions exist that are much more up-to-date in their wording than the King James. Which of these many versions is best for reading and studying the Bible?
  4. Actively Read and Study the Bible (l) - Unless we actually use it, the Bible is no better than any other book on our shelves. So how can we properly use it? What principles and methods of study do we follow? What tools are available to help our understanding?
  5. Are There Mistakes in the King James Version of the Bible? (l) - Although the original texts of the Bible were inspired by God and are without error, the same cannot be said for later copies of the texts or translations made from them. Translators are human, and many have allowed their own religious biases to influence their work.
  6. How to Learn More from this Bible-Study Course (l) - How to gain the most from this Bible study.
  7. (l) - Questions and answers on issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
  8. (l) - Questions and answers representing issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
  9. In the News Oct/Dec 2004 (l) - In the news ... October-December 2004
Bible true
  1. Is the New Testament a Fraud? (l) - The Da Vinci Code and similar works have portrayed the formation of the New Testament as "history's greatest cover-up." Is it part of a conspiracy to deceive humanity, or is it the divinely inspired, true and accurate picture of what Jesus and His apostles said and did in the first century?
  2. Is the Bible True? (l) - The Bible claims many things. Most importantly, it claims to be the very Word of the Creator God. Can we trust the Bible in its claims?
  3. Can We Believe the Bible? (A) (l) - Clear evidence exists that the Bible is indeed a genuine account of real persons, real places and real events recorded centuries ago and preserved for us today. What is some of that evidence?
  4. Does the Bible Contain Errors? (l) - Does the Bible contain errors? Often the answer depends on the eye of the beholder. For those determined to undermine Scripture, yes, it does contain errors and no answer will satisfy them. For others, though, careful study and patience usually resolve any problems.
Bible understanding
  1. Deciphering the Rosetta Stone (l) - For hundreds of years, Egyptian hieroglyphics were a mystery, even to language experts. Finally someone discovered the key to decoding them -- on the Rosetta stone. Is there a "Rosetta stone" for understanding another mystery -- the Bible?
  2. Some Keys to Understanding the Bible (l) - How can one make sense of the Word of God? Here are a few basics.
  3. What Can You Do? (l) - In light of the many prophecies about the end of this age, what can you do? What should you do?
  4. Approach the Bible With a Proper Attitude (l) - Why do so many have difficulty grasping the Bible's message and meaning? The answer is simple-they don't have the right frame of mind. We must approach the Bible with respect for what it is-God's divine revelation to us.
  5. Keys to Understanding the Bible (l) - Fifteen principles for effective Bible study.
  6. Live What You Learn (l) - Some study the Bible and enjoy great spiritual growth and maturity. Others study it but grow little if at all. What makes the difference? How can you be one who grows in spiritual understanding? The key is to live what you learn!
Bible unity
  1. Prove the Bible Is True - the Easy Way! (l) - The Bible is in the crosshairs at school and in the media. Can you be sure it's inspired?
Bible versions
  1. What's the Difference Between Various Bible Versions? (l) - Many newer Bible versions exist that are much more up-to-date in their wording than the King James. Which of these many versions is best for reading and studying the Bible?
Bible villains
  1. Bible Villains: Learning From Scripture's Bad Examples (l) - The good guys have the only lessons we need to learn -- right? Not so fast! There are things to learn from the bad guys -- and gals -- as well.
Bible's popularity
  1. Understanding the Bible - Introduction (l) - The Bible is the world's most popular book, but at the same time the most misunderstood! To many it's difficult to understand, yet the Bible itself gives us keys to understand it!
Bible's value
  1. If You Had Only One Book... (l) - Ironically, people buy Bibles, but apparently they don't read them. At least that's what seems to be the case according to a recent survey by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life.
Bible, accuracy of the
  1. Is Jesus Real? (l) - Some people claim that Jesus Christ was not a real historical person. Others believe there was a person with the name Jesus, but that Biblical accounts of His life are not true. How can you prove to yourself and others that the Savior of mankind lived and died and lives again exactly as the Bible says?
  2. The Bible and Archaeology (l) - The Bible is the inspired Word of God, and its accuracy continues to be validated by the spade of archaeology.
  3. The Battle Over the Bible (l) - A cultural clash is ripping at the fabric of Western societies. It's most pronounced in the United States, where history is being rewritten and culture reshaped in a battle over the Bible.
  4. A Good News Interview with Bryant Wood, Ph.D. (l) - There are many archaeological and historical proofs of the Bible, but they are very difficult to publish in academic journals, because of the anti-Bible bias they hold to.
  5. Can You Prove the Bible Is True? (l) - Belief in the Bible as the inspired and accurate Word of God is plunging. Here are some simple proofs you can use to show that the Bible is indeed what it claims to be -- the very Word of God.
Bible, authority of the
  1. The Battle Over the Bible (l) - A cultural clash is ripping at the fabric of Western societies. It's most pronounced in the United States, where history is being rewritten and culture reshaped in a battle over the Bible.
Bible, belief in
  1. In Their Own Words: Great Men and Women Who Highly Respected the Bible (l) - Historically, the Bible has been held in the highest esteem by many great men and women-presidents, prime ministers, monarchs, scholars, scientists, philosophers and more. Following are what some of them have said about the Bible.
  2. Can You Prove the Bible Is True? (l) - Belief in the Bible as the inspired and accurate Word of God is plunging. Here are some simple proofs you can use to show that the Bible is indeed what it claims to be -- the very Word of God.
  3. The Bible: Myth or History (l) - Can you believe the Bible? Many historical and archaeological finds prove it to be true.
Bible, canonization of the
  1. How Did We Get the Bible? (l) - How was the Bible actually put together? How do we know that the Bible contains the books that it should have? These are important questions, and many books have been written to address them.
Bible, English
  1. Tyndale as Translator (l) - William Tyndale's competence in Greek may well be due to William Croke's lectures. Tyndale perhaps learned Hebrew in Worms, the main center of Jewish learning in Germany.
  2. William Tyndale: He Gave His Life to Give Us the Bible (l) - "William Tyndale's Bible translations have been the best-kept secrets in English Bible history. Many people have never heard of Tyndale; very few have (knowingly) read him. Yet no other Englishman -- not even Shakespeare -- has reached so many."
Bible, events of
  1. The Bible and Archaeology (l) - The Bible is the inspired Word of God, and its accuracy continues to be validated by the spade of archaeology.
Bible, evidence of the
  1. The Bible and Archaeology (l) - The Bible is the inspired Word of God, and its accuracy continues to be validated by the spade of archaeology.
  2. The Bible and Science (l) - science has had to capitulate from a stance that it dethroned the Bible as Truth, since newer discoveries prove the Bible's information to be accurate and true.
  3. The Bible and You (l) - Presents evidence of the truth of God's Word in our holy Bible.
  4. Can You Prove the Bible Is True? (l) - Belief in the Bible as the inspired and accurate Word of God is plunging. Here are some simple proofs you can use to show that the Bible is indeed what it claims to be -- the very Word of God.
  5. The Bible Under the Microscope (l) - The more the Scriptures are searched, the more their perfection appears.
  6. (l) - Almost 160 years of excavations have confirmed many details of biblical accounts of the city's history. The Bible continues to be verified.
  7. Archaeology and Genesis: What Does the Record Show? (9/96) (l) - Is the Bible historically accurate? Some believe that it is little more than myth. Archaeological discoveries, however, verify many details of the biblical accounts.
  8. The Bible: Myth or History (l) - Can you believe the Bible? Many historical and archaeological finds prove it to be true.
  9. Archaeology and Genesis: What Does the Record Show? (l) - Although doubters will always scoff at the truth of God's Word, fewer and fewer now doubt the Bible's historical basis.
Bible, historicity of the
  1. Can You Prove the Bible Is True? (l) - Belief in the Bible as the inspired and accurate Word of God is plunging. Here are some simple proofs you can use to show that the Bible is indeed what it claims to be -- the very Word of God.
  2. The Bible: Myth or History (l) - Can you believe the Bible? Many historical and archaeological finds prove it to be true.
Bible, inspiration of the
  1. The Bible in the Modern World (l) - Tells us that the Bible alone imbues us with spiritual knowledge, and is an outline of instructions for living a Godly life.
  2. Is The Whole World Deceived? (l) - Satan operates by convincing people that he doesnn't exist and that the only source of information that reveals his motives and methods is little more than a collection of fables that have nothing to do with their lives.
  3. Why the Bible is Different (l) - Throughout its long and difficult journey, the Bible has successfully withstood the many assaults leveled against it. The reader gradually becomes aware of one great mind at work permeating its pages from Genesis to Revelation. No wonder the apostle Paul reminded early Christians that the Holy Scriptures are the "oracles of God". They are divine utterances.
  4. The Bible Under the Microscope (l) - The more the Scriptures are searched, the more their perfection appears.
  5. From the Publisher (l) - The Bible as the Word of God.
Bible, knowledge of the
  1. The Bible in British and American History (l) - Is it possible that the Bible so influenced the people of Britain and the United States because this book is their history book? Significantly, it tells not only the story of their distant ancestors but also their future.
  2. Misinformation and Disinformation About God and the Bible (l) - Our time is marked by a massive ignorance about what the Bible actually says. We see that some writers and speakers can say almost anything about the Holy Scriptures and convince some people to believe them.
Bible, literary forms in the
  1. The Fascinating Nature of God's Revelation (l) - We human beings have an appetite for variety, and God has seen to it that the wonders of His Word did not come down to us in the form of a dull outline or a list of dos and don'ts.
Bible, men of the
  1. Timothy: Paul's Son in the Faith (l) - The young evangelist Timothy will always be remembered for his genuine faith. May you be remembered likwise.
  2. Abraham: God's Friend (l) - Christians are encouraged to walk in the steps of Abraham, the father of the faithful. God called Abraham His friend. In the same way, Christ calls us His friends.
  3. Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego (l) - One moment they were relatively safe, even held in great esteem as officials in the government of Babylon. The next moment they were brutally tossed headlong into a inferno.
  4. Profiles of Faith - Paul, Apostle to the Gentiles (l) - The Apostle Paul was a chosen vessel of God to bear His name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel.
  5. John: The Apostle of Love (l) - John wrote so extensively about love that Bible scholars call him the apostle of love. Why did he write so much about the subject? And what can we learn from the writings of John?
  6. King David: Man or Myth? (l) - Was David, Israelite warrior-king, a historical figure? Archaeological discoveries show that he was a real ruler of ancient Israel.
Bible, organization of the
  1. The Fascinating Nature of God's Revelation (l) - We human beings have an appetite for variety, and God has seen to it that the wonders of His Word did not come down to us in the form of a dull outline or a list of dos and don'ts.
Bible, preservation of the
  1. King Jehoiakim: A Lesson from Biblical History (l) - The lesson of King Jehoiakim applies to all leaders and all peoples: He who would attempt to destroy God's Word puts himself in great danger. God's Word is the foundation of all knowledge, and it will endure forever.
  2. How Did We Get the Bible? (l) - How was the Bible actually put together? How do we know that the Bible contains the books that it should have? These are important questions, and many books have been written to address them.
  3. Has the Bible Been Preserved Accurately? (l) - Some Bible critics argue that we should disregard the Bible because it's impossible that our modern versions could match the original texts. But how does this argument stand up to scrutiny?
Bible, proof of the
  1. The Bible and Archaeology (l) - The Bible is the inspired Word of God, and its accuracy continues to be validated by the spade of archaeology.
  2. Archaeology and Genesis: What Does the Record Show? (l) - Although doubters will always scoff at the truth of God's Word, fewer and fewer now doubt the Bible's historical basis.
  3. The Bible Under the Microscope (l) - The more the Scriptures are searched, the more their perfection appears.
  4. (l) - Almost 160 years of excavations have confirmed many details of biblical accounts of the city's history. The Bible continues to be verified.
  5. Archaeology and Genesis: What Does the Record Show? (9/96) (l) - Is the Bible historically accurate? Some believe that it is little more than myth. Archaeological discoveries, however, verify many details of the biblical accounts.
Bible, read the
  1. (l) - A three year program reading the Bible including commentary and supplementary material.
  2. Read the Book (l) - Advertising executive and writer Bruce Barton called it 'The Book Nobody Knows'. No other book is more important to you and your future.
Bible, rejection of
  1. When Will Suffering Cease? (l) - In this 'present evil age' (Galatians 1:4) God is allowing human beings to learn important lessons. He wants mankind to know that sin produces horrible consequences and that we have brought much grief on ourselves by rejecting His instructions.
Bible, translation of the
  1. Tyndale as Translator (l) - William Tyndale's competence in Greek may well be due to William Croke's lectures. Tyndale perhaps learned Hebrew in Worms, the main center of Jewish learning in Germany.
  2. William Tyndale: He Gave His Life to Give Us the Bible (l) - "William Tyndale's Bible translations have been the best-kept secrets in English Bible history. Many people have never heard of Tyndale; very few have (knowingly) read him. Yet no other Englishman -- not even Shakespeare -- has reached so many."
Bible, truth of the
  1. Following the Footsteps of a Different God (l) - The Bible makes it clear that civilizations and societies are influenced by Satan. John writes that "the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one" (1 John 5:19).
Bible, understanding the
  1. You Go! I Am Coming! (l) - God provided a blueprint for us to follow through His Holy Days. As we honor them, we honor God. Through the keeping of these days, we demonstrate our belief in God and Christ guiding our footsteps.
  2. (l) - Basic knowledge and understanding of God's word.
Bible, unity of the
  1. The Transition from the Prophets to the Gospels (l) - The prophets and the New Testament join seamlessly to provide God's complete revelation to mankind. Even though the period between the testaments was more than 400 years, the prophets precede the apostolic writings in a manner that emphasizes their basic unity.
Biblical accuracy
  1. The Bible in the Modern World (l) - Tells us that the Bible alone imbues us with spiritual knowledge, and is an outline of instructions for living a Godly life.
Biblical archaeology
  1. Ossuary Verdict: Experts Testify to its Authenticity (l) - Almost 10 years have passed since the world of archaeology was stunned by the announcement of the discovery in Israel of a limestone burial box for bones inscribed in Aramaic with the words "James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus."
  2. Discovered: Artifacts, Possibly from King David's Era (l) - A complex of buildings set up for religious worship, but without human or animal images, has been found at Khirbet Qeiyafa in the Valley of Elah, not far from the location of the ancient Philistine city of Gath.
  3. Possible Citadel of Zion Site Found in Jerusalem (l) - Archaeologist believes he has found the location through which King David conquered the Jebusite City.
  4. God, Science and the Bible - Scripture (l) - New archaeological finds are constantly showing the Bible to be historically accurate and that the Holy Land is the ancient homeland of the Jewish people and other Israelites.
  5. What Does Archaeology Tell Us About the Bible? (l) - How has the Bible fared when archaeologists have compared their findings with the record of Scripture?
  6. Recent Holy Land Finds Support the Biblical Record (l) - Archaeological discoveries are regularly made in and around the land of Israel that relate to the Bible. Here is an annotated list of 12 reports of such finds within the past three years.
  7. What If Sodom Has Been Found? (l) - Fifteen seasons of excavation at an enormous archaeological site in the Jordan River Valley have yielded remarkable evidence of an ancient city-destroying cataclysm. Could this be proof of the biblical story of Sodom? What does it mean for us today?
  8. More Proof of the Bible - Mount Ebal Discoveries (l) - Recent archaeological findings regarding an altar and curse tablet corroborate the Bible's record of the Israelites' entry into the Holy Land as a people in covenant with God.
  9. Archaeology Continues to Corroborate the Bible (l) - Ongoing archaeological finds in Israel lend further support to the biblical record. We highlight some recent discoveries.
  10. The Bible & Archaeology - The Book of Acts: The Church Begins (l) - After decades of examination, Sir William Ramsay concluded that the Book of Acts is trustworthy, with a true historic sense.
  11. Archaeology and the Book of Joshua: The Conquest (l) - Archaeological evidence supporting Joshua's account of the destruction of Jericho.
  12. A Good News Interview with Bryant Wood, Ph.D. (l) - There are many archaeological and historical proofs of the Bible, but they are very difficult to publish in academic journals, because of the anti-Bible bias they hold to.
Biblical bad ideas
  1. 10 Bad Ideas Found in the Bible (l) - Do you really have to live by what God says in the Bible? Many people seem to get on quite well by doing whatever they want. Isn't God all-merciful so that everything will be just fine? Think again.
Biblical covenant
  1. What Is a Biblical Covenant? (l) - Covenants are simply binding agreements between two or more parties. God Himself designed the covenant He made with Abraham and his descendants. When God makes a covenant, He will always perform what He has bound Himself to do.
Biblical definitions of sin
  1. The Bible's Broader Concepts of Sin (l) - The biblical definitions of sin show us the standards God has given us that define what is acceptable to Him and what isn't acceptable.
Biblical doctrines
  1. What Did the Early Church Believe and Practice? (l) - These are some of the major differences between the Christianity of the time of Christ and the apostles and that commonly practiced today. Look into your Bible to see if your beliefs and practices square with what Jesus Christ and the apostles practiced and taught.
Biblical doctrines, basic
  1. (l) - ABC is a program designed to throughly cover basic biblical doctrines and lead students systematically through the Bible.
Biblical economics
  1. Is There a Biblical Economics? Part One (l) - Are you challenging yourself to "Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ?" (Colossians 2:8)
  2. Is There a Biblical Economics? Part Two (l) - Are you challenging yourself to "Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ?" (Colossians 2:8)
Biblical education
  1. (l) - ABC is a program designed to throughly cover basic biblical doctrines and lead students systematically through the Bible.
Biblical evidence
  1. God, Science and the Bible (7/05) (l) - News from the world of science about God and the Bible.
Biblical festivals
  1. Can You Know God's Plan? (l) - Only a few realize that these biblical festivals are a teaching tool God uses to reveal His plan.
  2. Genesis 1 and the Days of Creation (l) - Did you know that no piece of ancient history is more scientifically grounded than the book of Genesis, including its description of the 24-hour days of creation?
  3. Points to Ponder (bsc12) (l) - Bible study references to God's Holydays.
  4. The Feast of Peace (l) - What is the meaning of the Feast of Peace? What is God's plan for mankind?
  5. Why Not Join Us for the Feast Jesus Kept? (2003) (l) - Here are locations for this year's Feast of Tabernacles.
Biblical food
  1. Gray Dumplings: Gray, Slippery, and Very Chewy! (l) - What we eat affects our health and well being.
Biblical foods
  1. Eating Choices - Does God Care? (l) - Vertical Thought discusses God's involvement in our eating habits with Hope Egan, author of Holy Cow! Does God Care About What We Eat? In her book, Ms. Egan invites readers to look at their eating habits by examining the meat-related biblical food laws and God's overall design for healthy eating.
Biblical grace
  1. Grace: A Biblical Overview (l) - To understand the meaning of grace, we need to understand the Hebrew and Greek words used for grace in the Bible and what they reveal to us.
Biblical guidance
  1. A Life Without Regrets? (l) - Most of us have some regrets. Some of these affect only us; some affect family, friends and others. Here is how you can minimize them in your own life.
Biblical heroes
  1. The Bible and Archaeology (l) - The Bible is the inspired Word of God, and its accuracy continues to be validated by the spade of archaeology.
Biblical historicity
  1. 10 Questions to Ask About Evolution,Part 2 (l) - What is the difference between science and biblical faith? Can science prove that the Bible is not true? Has science proven that the worldwide floods described in the Bible did not occur? Has science proven the assumptions that age dating methods are based on?
Biblical history
  1. The Bible and Archaeology (l) - The Bible is the inspired Word of God, and its accuracy continues to be validated by the spade of archaeology.
  2. (l) - Basic knowledge and understanding of God's word.
  3. A Good News Interview with Bryant Wood, Ph.D. (l) - There are many archaeological and historical proofs of the Bible, but they are very difficult to publish in academic journals, because of the anti-Bible bias they hold to.
Biblical ignorance
  1. Appeasement's Role in the Terror War (l) - Following the July 7 terror bombings in London, many evoked memories of the blitz in World War II. Regrettably, that's not the only analogy with the Second World War that is appropriate.
  2. Appeasement in the Face of Danger: Deadly Parallels (l) - Following the July 7 terror bombings in London, many evoked memories of the blitz in World War II. Regrettably, that's not the only analogy with the Second World War that is appropriate.
Biblical interpretation
  1. How Should We Understand Scripture? (l) - All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work" (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
Biblical kinds
  1. Understanding Biblical `Kinds' (l) - Critics have asserted that the number of animals aboard Noah's ark would have been in the tens of thousands if not more. But this assumes that biblical kinds are equivalent to scientific species. This is not necessarily the case.
Biblical knowledge
  1. Christians in Name Only? (l) - What we have is a Christianity in which millions accept Christ in name but know little about Him, what He did and what He taught. Or, worse yet, perhaps they do know what He taught but choose to ignore or reject it!
Biblical laws
  1. AIDS: How a Killer Plague Can Be Stopped (l) - The AIDS epidemic is increasing and continues to threaten more millions of lives. Yet, tragically, we ignore the only real solution to this deadly plague.
Biblical lifestyle
  1. Seven Counterfeit Values Ensnaring Society (l) - The world around us prizes qualities that are ultimately worthless and harmful. Your awareness of them will help protect you and your children.
Biblical magazine
  1. (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News magazine, May/June 2005.
Biblical millennium
  1. Reading the Book (l) - What does the word "millennium" mean? And what is it in the Bible?
Biblical money management
  1. Family Finances: a Biblical Guide (l) - Managing your money - a Biblical guide.
Biblical perspective
  1. Why 'A Magazine of Understanding'? (l) - Printed as a subtitle on the cover of each issue of The Good News are the words "A Magazine of Understanding." What does The Good News help you understand?
Biblical plagues
  1. The Acts of Moses, Elijah and the Two Witnesses (l) - Your Bible reveals there will be two witnesses in the end time who will turn the world upside down, testifying for Christ against sin and sinners. Some of the miracles they will perform will parallel those of Moses and Elijah. There's an enlightening lesson in these similarities.
Biblical principles
  1. Is Everything OK? (l) - Is it true that "anything goes"? Some people believe you can do anything you want in life and it really won't matter. But such shifting values broadcast a dangerous message to teens today. There is cause and effect for every action, and the sooner we realize it, the better off we can be.
Biblical promises
  1. Advocates of British-Israelism (l) - Focusing on the biblical promises, some scholars have undertaken extensive research to advance the knowledge that God's promised blessings to Abraham's descendants have largely been fulfilled in the British and American peoples.
Biblical prophecy
  1. The Mysterious Scythians Burst Into History (l) - Many historians have concluded that the Celts and Scythians have a common background.
  2. Two Nations That Changed the World (l) - Who are the British and American peoples? How do these two great powers - the United States and the nations comprising most of the former British Empire - fit into Bible prophecy?
  3. Beware of Prophecies! (l) - Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world" (1 John 4:1).
  4. Iran: Why Part of the "Axis of Evil"? (l) - Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon considers Iran to be as dangerous as Iraq and a "center of world terror." Why should this be so?
  5. How Is the Work of God Accomplished Today? (l) - Jesus Christ gave His Church a commission in which each member has a vital part to play. How is that mission being carried out in our modern world?
Biblical revelation
  1. If You Had Only One Book... (l) - Ironically, people buy Bibles, but apparently they don't read them. At least that's what seems to be the case according to a recent survey by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life.
Biblical rock
  1. The Rock Which Followed Them (l) - What does the "rock" symbolize in scripture and did a rock really follow the children of Israel?
Biblical sincerity
  1. What Is True Sincerity? (l) - What is true sincerity? Do you have it? Do you need it?
Biblical standards
  1. Saving Marriage: Beyond Constitutional Amendments (l) - In response to same-sex marriages in some states, many are pushing constitutional amendments to preserve the traditional marriage relationship. But it will take much more if marriage is to be saved.
Biblical surprises
  1. Shocked by the Bible, Changed by the Truth (l) - The Bible holds many shocking truths that few people have ever known or recognized. Fewer still are those who go beyond the shock of the Bible and allow themselves to be changed by the truth. Will you be one of them?
  2. Shocked by the Bible (l) - A Good News interview with Shocked by the Bible author Joe Kovacs.
Biblical translation
  1. Questions and Answers - Jul/Aug 2002 (l) - Questions and answers from the Good News magazine on the fourth commandment and biblical inspiration and translation.
Biblical truth
  1. (l) - Letters from the readers of the Good News magazine. Nov/Dec 2005.
  2. What Do You Believe and Why? (l) - How do you know if what you believe is really true? Is it possible you have been influenced to believe things that are wrong? How can you replace faulty notions with true knowledge?
Biblical understanding
  1. What Does the Bible Really Say? (l) - Common suppositions about the Bible, versus what it really says.
  2. Isn't It About Time You Read the Book? (l) - The Bible makes the remarkable claim of being the inspired Word of God, the divine instruction for mankind. Shouldn't we learn what it has to say?
Biblical values
  1. Is the United States Still a Moral Nation? (l) - The recent election showed that almost half of the U.S. electorate is uncomforta ble with a president who is open about his religious faith and has stated that J esus Christ is the Person he most admires. What about the other half? They may c laim to get their values from the Bible, but do they really?
  2. Person of the Year (l) - What if we created annually a list of the "Ten Best-Lived Lives?"
  3. Marriage: Foundation of the Family (l) - Applying God's principles for marriage not only produces happy relationships in this life, it yields greater understanding of godly principles that will last for eternity.
  4. Eight Core Biblical Values to Teach Your Children (l) - Parents are to help their kids stay the right course through an aimless and corrupt world. Here are some key areas to focus on.
  5. How Correct is Political Correctness? (l) - Since political correctness will be part of nearly every college class you take, what should you know about it now?
Biblical worldview
  1. A Biblical Worldview in a Darkening Era (l) - We need a proper lens to filter the input we receive. Where can we find a reliable frame of reference through which to see the world?
  2. A Dangerous World (l) - We seek to frame the issues in the context of the Bible, and show God's point of view, which is always different from mankind's
  3. Do You Have a Biblical Worldview? (l) - What will happen next in this chaotic world of enormously unpleasant surprises? Only a biblical worldview can give us sorely needed spiritual stability and security in an age marked by ambiguity and uncertainty.
Bidirectional code
  1. Hey, Hey DNA! Proving God's Existence - Genetically (l) - Recent discoveries about DNA have left scientists flabbergasted, and the evidence points clearly to a supreme Intelligence having imbedded an incredible multifaceted code in our genes.
Big brother
  1. World News & Trends March 2011 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. March 2011
Big government
  1. Has America Lost Its Way? 2010 (l) - Increasingly it seems that the United States cannot solve its problems-whether it be the economy, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, illegal immigration or the Gulf oil spill. Previous generations seemed to know what to do. Has America lost its way?
Big picture
  1. Vantage Point: Like an Eagle (l) - We all need a strategic and comprehensive perspective on life and world events. Vertical Thought strives to give you that strategic overview in every issue.
  2. Gain From God's Perspective (l) - We need a higher vantage point to understand the full context of our own lives and the whole human story. We'll then see that even amid life's difficulties a great plan and purpose is being worked out -- toward a wondrous future with God.
  3. When A Half Million Bullets Aren't Enough (l) - Are you living by the rules but still missing something? What is the proper balance between process and progress? In the battle of Isandlwana the British were technically correct but ended up being dead wrong.
Bin Laden, Osama
  1. Osama bin Laden's Dream Lives On (l) - Osama bin Laden, whose al-Qaeda terror group was behind the devastating Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, has been dead for almost two years. But his dream lives on, and we see this being played out in headlines across the Middle East, Africa and South Asia.
  2. A War of Two Worlds (l) - What's behind Islamic religious extremists' war against the West?
Binge drinking
  1. Drinking And Finances (l) - Binge drinking is costly, even affecting personal finances.
Biochemical weapons
  1. Instant Epidemics: The New Breed of Weapons (l) - The fear of chemical and bio-chemical warfare is on the rise.
  1. DNA Discoveries Demonstrate Divine Design (l) - Recent discoveries about DNA -- including the finding that so-called "junk DNA" is anything but -- once again clearly points to a supreme Intelligence having imbedded an incredible multifaceted code in our genes.
  2. The Problem With Evolution and the Return of God (l) - What does biochemistry tell us about the entrenched idea that life resulted from random chance over billions of years? Will we see a resurgence in belief in God as the true explanation?
  1. (l) - For a mix of reasons, the world's largest energy consumers have joined the biofuel revolution. With fortunes already invested, they are now discovering that it's not the clear winner it once seemed to be. Would you be surprised to learn that God is a factor in whether it succeeds?
  2. Worldwide Food Crisis (l) - You have likely heard of the global food crisis. You might even have already encountered rationing of goods you wanted to buy! What you haven't heard is the unique perspective that this article will give you.
  1. Sound Science and the Bible (l) - Do They Conflict? Science has advanced a great deal since the days of Darwin. If we knew then what we know now, would some of today's bad science -- rooted in flawed philosophy rather than firm facts -- have ever been believed and accepted?
  1. Molding Your Personality for Leadership (l) - Have you ever considered what personality type is best for leaders? More importantly, what can you do about yours to become a more effective leader?
Biological weapons
  1. Terror Attacks Planned From Iraq? (l) - Evidence of chemical and biological weapons in Iraq, apparently designed for terror use
  2. From Farm to Fork - How Safe Is the Food Supply? (l) - "Farm to Fork" is the catchphrase repeated throughout the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and EU documents on the issue of securing the food supply against intentional contamination. How safe is the food supply?
  3. A World in Need of Rescue! (l) - A number of existential threats are leading mankind to the precipice of destruction. Thankfully, all these will be stopped in their tracks by a returning Jesus Christ.
  4. Today's Arms Race: How Will It End? (l) - America, Russia and China are locked in a new arms race involving unprecedented weapons technology. Will this growing arms race end the human race?
  5. Instant Epidemics: The New Breed of Weapons (l) - The fear of chemical and bio-chemical warfare is on the rise.
  6. Pathogens, Poisons and Other Weapons of Terror (l) - Just as the United States was recovering from the Sept 11 attack, a wave of envelopes containing anthrax spread through its mail system-conjuring fearsof even direr prospects for the future.
  7. When Is Enough...Enough? (l) - Continuing to ignore the fundamental laws of God creates a state of unrighteousness for which God will demand an accounting. God is a God of judgment. At some point He will say, "Enough is enough!"
  8. After Iraq, What Next? (l) - As the world focuses its attention on the conflict between the United States and Iraq, it's easy to overlook the many other threats facing the United States. What are these threats, and what do they portend?
  9. World News Review July 1999 (l) - World news - July 1999
  1. The Ominous GNR Revolution (l) - The Biotech Age brings new and terrifying scenarios. How might the explosion of knowledge of genetics, nanotechnology and robotics (GNR) change our world?
  1. From Farm to Fork - How Safe Is the Food Supply? (l) - "Farm to Fork" is the catchphrase repeated throughout the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and EU documents on the issue of securing the food supply against intentional contamination. How safe is the food supply?
  2. U.S. Not Secure Against Bioterrorist Attacks (l) - Is the U.S. vulnerable to attack by terrorists using biological agents? How likely is it that such attacks would be launched in the next five to ten years?
  3. World News Review December 1998 (l) - World News Review - Dec. 1998
  4. An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Mar/Apr 2001 (l) - A brief synopsis of world events. March/April 2001.
  5. World News Review Nov 2001 (l) - World news review. November 2001.
  6. World News Review May 1999 (l) - World news - May 1999
  1. Ebola - New Terrorist Tool? (l) - It hasn't been lost on many observers that the Ebola threat has emerged at about the same time as the new terrorist threat of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.
Bird eggs
  1. Vertical News: Eggshell Sunscreen (l) - Ever wondered why bird's eggs have such unique colors? A new study helps explain why.
Bird flu
  1. World News and Trends - July/August 2006 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Jul/Aug 2006
Bird migration
  1. Oddities in Nature That Defy Evolution (l) - Over one hundred years of research has provided numerous examples in nature in which complex organs in animals could not have developed by small, successive steps.
Bird navigation
  1. Bird Brains: Brighter Than We Thought (l) - Scientists from Baylor College of Medicine have discovered a unique mechanism that allows pigeons to navigate using the earth's magnetic field.
  1. Life Lessons From The Birds (l) - We can see many lessons for life in the things we see around us, but what lesson can we learn from the birds?
Birds' brains
  1. Bird Brains: Brighter Than We Thought (l) - Scientists from Baylor College of Medicine have discovered a unique mechanism that allows pigeons to navigate using the earth's magnetic field.
Birds, edible
  1. Which Animals Does the Bible Designate as 'Clean' and 'Unclean'? (l) - God reveals which animals-including fish and birds-are suitable and unsuitable for human consumption in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14. Although the lists aren't exhaustive, He reveals guidelines for recognizing animals that are acceptable for food.
Birhday of Christ
  1. Why Some Christians Don't Celebrate Christmas (2005) (l) - Many feel that Christmas marks Christ's birthday and that it honors Him. After all, can 2 billion professing Christians be wrong? At the same time, some few Christians don't observe Christmas, believing that Jesus didn't sanction it and that it dishonors Him. Who is right -- and why?
  1. A World for Cameron (l) - As parents and grandparents, we wonder with great concern what kind of a world our children and grandchildren will inherit. What kind of a life will they experience?
  2. The Miracle of Birth: "I Saw God Today" (l) - "My brand new baby girl, she's a miracle. I saw God today," sang George Strait in his 2008 hit song titled, "I Saw God Today." When I witnessed the birth of my two daughters, the word "miracle" naturally popped out to describe such a moment of awe.
Birth control
  1. World News and Trends - November/December 2007 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. November 2007
  2. American Religious Freedoms Undermined (l) - We reside in a culture of contraception.
  3. America's Child Sacrifice (l) - Child sacrifice is horrifying to even contemplate. Yet it remains with us in the form of abortion, practiced millions of times a year.
  4. The Tiny Pill That Changed the World (l) - Forty-five years ago few could have foreseen how this medical innovation could have so dramatically shaped modern society.
  5. Teen Sex: The Silent Epidemic That's Killing Our Kids (l) - Sweeping the world, this silent epidemic is largely ignored by most Western governments -- except for misguided programs that often make this devastating problem even worse. Most parents have little idea how bad this epidemic is, much less how to fight it -- yet solid biblical solutions exist.
  6. World News and Trends - Jan/Fen 2000 (l) - A brief synopsis of world events. January/February 2000
Birth of Christ
  1. Is Christmas Christian? (l) - Have you ever considered if Jesus Christ was actually born on December 25 ?
Birth rate
  1. Current Events & Trends - March/April 2024 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the March/April 2024 issue of Beyond Today.
  1. Was Christ Born on Christmas Day? (l) - Do you observe Christmas because you think its Christ's birthday? Was he born on or anytime near Dec. 25?
  1. What Could America and Britain Learn From Rome's Fall? (l) - The fall of Rome is one of the most important and world-shaping events in history. But it provides more than an interesting study of the past. It also holds many important lessons for the Western world today.
  2. America's Child Sacrifice (l) - Child sacrifice is horrifying to even contemplate. Yet it remains with us in the form of abortion, practiced millions of times a year.
Birthrate and morality
  1. Demographic Trends: A Warning to the Western World (l) - A century ago big families were common in the Western world. Today the opposite is true. While the West fails to reproduce, third world countries have high birthrates. The result is a massive migration from the third world to the West.
  1. Don't Sell Out For Soup (l) - How can we equip ourselves to withstand all of life's temptations?
  1. Another Brick in a New World (l) - I wonder when filmmakers will take a bold step away from sex and finally tell a story without major emphasis on the sexual preferences of the main characters. Maybe not in my lifetime, but I can always hope.
  1. Europe and the Church, Part 11: Germany's Dream of Conquest (l) - At the end of the Napoleonic Wars, the country of Germany did not even exist. But a century later it had risen to seriously challenge the greatest European empires and forever change the history of the world.
  1. The Road to Infamy (l) - He was a successful businessman and a war hero. But then something went terribly wrong.
Black death
  1. The Horsemen of Revelation: The Pale Horse of Pestilence (l) - Previous articles in this series covered the meaning of the first three of the horsemen of Revelation -- religious deception, war and famine. What does the fourth, the pale green horse and its rider, signify?
  2. AIDS Can Be Stopped -- Now! (l) - Ignorance has accompanied many of humanity's worst diseases. With AIDS, the same tragic story is unfolding once again. But you don't have to be a victim.
  3. AIDS: How a Killer Plague Can Be Stopped (l) - The AIDS epidemic is increasing and continues to threaten more millions of lives. Yet, tragically, we ignore the only real solution to this deadly plague.
Black horse
  1. The Horsemen of Revelation: The Black Horse of Famine (l) - The food-rich countries' potential to feed the entire planet makes it hard to imagine a famine extensive enough to thrust the earth into a global crisis. Yet the third seal of Revelation 6, employing the symbol of a black horse, describes just such a horrifying scene. How could this happen? What would be its consequences?
Black Lives Matter
  1. America at a Crossroads (l) - What's driving so much division and chaos in American society today? Why are there such starkly different visions of the nation's future? What does this mean for you?
  2. The War on Law and Order (l) - A widespread movement to discredit, defund and physically assault law enforcement officers has shocked many nations. What's going on? What's behind the war on law and order?
  3. Current Events & Trends September/October 2020 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the September/October 2020 issue of Beyond Today.
Black president
  1. What Will the Next President Face? (Part 2) (l) - In the days of biblical Israel a king had a unique type of adviser in his court to counsel him how to run the nation based on the Word of God. Samuel guided Saul. Nathan counseled David. The prophet Isaiah revealed God's will to Hezekiah. These men of God were independent of politics; they represented the Word of God to the king.
Black Sea
  1. Russia's Geographic Outlook (l) - Russia often doesn't make sense to the West.
Black society
  1. All Lives Matter (l) - Tension, rioting, shootings, violence and unrest not seen in decades is ratcheting up. What's behind all this division, what's a Christian to think and what's the way forward?
Black violence
  1. All Lives Matter (l) - Tension, rioting, shootings, violence and unrest not seen in decades is ratcheting up. What's behind all this division, what's a Christian to think and what's the way forward?
  1. Leadership Under Siege Around the World (l) - Top Western leaders are under severe attack by the world's media. It is but another baleful sign of the times. This article assesses the prophetic meaning for our future.
Blair, Tony
  1. The Queen Shows Importance of the Monarchy in History of English-Speaking World (l) - The movie, The Queen, concentrates on the events surrounding the death of Princess Diana, a week of severe trial for the British monarchy.
  2. Europe and the Church, Part 13: And One Is Yet to Come (l) - The book of Revelation shows there is to be one more revival of the Roman Empire immediately prior to Christ's return. Is the European Union the prophesied revival?
  1. The Blame Game We All Play (l) - When we get into trouble in our lives, whom do we blame and should we blame at all?
Blaming God
  1. Another Actor Blasphemes God (l) - In a recent interview on Irish television, British actor and comedian Stephen Fry, a famous atheist, was asked what he would say to God if God turned out to be real and he were confronted by Him.
  2. Get a Grip (l) - Sometimes life can be so challenging as to be overwhelming. It's easy to fall into the trap of putting off change, blaming others and blaming God. When that happens, God tells us we need to "get a grip"!
Blaming others
  1. Get a Grip (l) - Sometimes life can be so challenging as to be overwhelming. It's easy to fall into the trap of putting off change, blaming others and blaming God. When that happens, God tells us we need to "get a grip"!
Blankley, Tony
  1. A Page on the World: The West's Last Chance (l) - Tony Blankley's subtitle asks, "Will We Win the Clash of Civilizations?" (2005, ISBN 0895260158).
  1. Current Events & Trends: Charlie Hebdo and freedom of speech (l) - The attacks in the French headquarters of satirical publication Charlie Hebdo dominated news around the world in a matter of moments.
  1. Knock, Knock! Will You Answer? (l) - Will you answer the knock at the door of your heart? An early disciple took a momentous step in responding to who's there.
Blessed are
  1. Lessons From the Beatitudes (l) - Sometimes referred to as the "beautiful attitudes," the Beatitudes offer a study of the qualities and characteristics the "blessed of God" must develop.
  1. The Wealth of a Nation (l) - The U.S. economy is very large, very deep and very entrenched in the global world. It is not going away overnight, and it will be around for some time yet, even if in a different role in relation to the rest of the world.
  2. Finding the Path to a Happy Family (l) - God didn't create the family relationship and then leave us to stumble blindly trying to find the best way to make it work. The keys for family happiness and success are revealed in the Scriptures.
  3. How Can We Make Life Work? (l) - Some people recognize that living God's way holds great promise "of the life . . . which is to come." Far fewer understand that living a godly life also has benefits in "the life that now is"--that is, our present physical lives.
  4. Seeking God's Blessings (l) - The Scriptures teach us not to set our heart on riches but to help people in genuine need and generously support the work of sharing God's truth with others.
  5. How Jacob Became Abraham's Heir (l) - Isaac passed on the key covenant promises to Jacob: "May God Almighty bless you and make you fruitful and numerous, that you may be a company of peoples. May he give to you the blessing of Abraham, to you and to your offspring with you, so that you may take possession of the land where you now live as an alien-land that God gave to Abraham" (Genesis 28:3-4, NRSV).
  6. From Punishment to Destiny (l) - God has not forgotten - nor will He ever forget - His promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The pages of history and prophecies yet to be fulfilled show God remaining true to every detail of His word.
  7. Walking Through the Valleys of Life (l) - In this life we face trials. We are constantly exposed to a range of strains and stresses. However, we can call on several strategies to lessen the load. Here are a few effective steps.
  8. Can You Believe Bible Prophecy? (l) - God's unerring prophecies of the kingdoms and empires of Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome all came to pass in minute detail. If the Creator's prophecies came true in centuries past, can you -- and should you -- believe in Bible prophecy today?
  9. Does Bible Prophecy Matter? (l) - The biblical record of prophecy is long and astoundingly accurate. No human seer could have accurately predicted the remarkable rise and fall of kingdoms, leaders and peoples that we find in the Bible.
  10. Thanksgiving: A Timeless Lesson (l) - Are we aware of the true source of blessings and wealth?
  11. America and Britain's Global Reach -- Prophesied in the Bible? (l) - The United States and Britain combined to defeat European tyranny in two world wars, then Iraqi tyranny twice in the last 12 years. Why has it fallen to them to police the world?
Blessings and cursings
  1. A Detailed Prophecy of Blessings and Curses (l) - Speaking to the ancient Israelite ancestors of today's Anglo-American peoples, God gave them a choice, one that bears directly on the lack of leadership that plagues America today. You should read Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28, which describe God's blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience.
Blessings and obedience
  1. Blessings: They Are Free (l) - How aware are you of the blessings God has given you and what should be your response?
Blessings, national
  1. God's Commitment to Abraham and His Descendants (l) - The United States of America and the British Commonwealth of nations fit exacting criteria for the promises to Abraham's descendants. We embark on a study of historical evidence of the tribes of Israel from their beginning as a nation down to our day.
  1. Blessed Are Your Eyes (l) - We greatly prize the amazing sense of physical sight. But the ability to see spiritually is even more miraculous!
  2. Glossary (bsc5) (l) - Word definitions for Bible Lesson 5.
  1. The Blitz Spirit (l) - Although never invaded, apart from the Channel Islands, Britain suffered considerably during the Second World War.
Blocking pornography
  1. Breaking Free from Sexual Addictions (l) - Sexual addiction occurs in many forms and can be very destructive spiritually. How can it be overcome?
  1. "Generation @" Needs Godly Values in Space (l) - You're likely scratching your head at that title or you may assume that it has something to do with NASA! Actually, it has to do with the Internet and something called MySpace, not outer space. This article examines an Internet phenomenon that's growing like wildfire, along with its pros and cons.
Blood clotting
  1. Blood Clotting: A Biological Miracle (l) - The only way this intricate system works is when many complicated chemical substances interact.
Blood moon
  1. Questions and Answers: Blood Moon (l) - While there are many signs that we are in the last days leading up to Jesus Christ's return, this does not appear to be one of them.
Blood of Christ
  1. The Scarlet Cord (l) - A colored rope hanging from a window held great meaning for a woman in Jericho thousands of years ago. It also has special significance for us as Christians.
  1. 75 Years After World War II (l) - A massively destructive conflagration that engulfed the world ended 75 years ago after taking millions of lives and bringing untold suffering. Yet Bible prophecy tells us that an even worse time is coming.
Bloody Mary
  1. The Debt We Owe to Elizabeth (l) - Queen Elizabeth I's Cause for Religious Freedom
Blueprint for humanity's salvation
  1. Introduction (bsc12) (l) - God reveals His splendid plan in the prophecies and teachings of the Scriptures. God has provided us with the keys to unlock His plan through His sacred festivals.
Body and blood
  1. The Feast of Unleavened Bread (l) - Millions of people celebrate Easter in commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus never observed Easter, but there are a series of special days He celebrated while on earth. These days included the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. What relevance do these days have for Christians today?
Body hair
  1. More Useless Body Parts? (l) - Were human beings put together with definite purpose, or are we merely evolutionary happenstance?
Body language
  1. Body Language Helps Hotels Serve Customers (l) - The hotel chain Affinia, with locations in New York City, Chicago, and Washington, D.C., has instituted body-language education to train employees to better anticipate the needs of guests.
Body of Christ
  1. Introduction: The Church Jesus Built (l) - I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself in . . . the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth" (1Timothy 3:15).
  2. Biblical Phrases and Terms for God's Special People (l) - The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia summarizes the other descriptions of the people of God in the New Testament: "This Church is not a human organization; it is God's workmanship
  3. We're Baptized Into a Spiritual Body (l) - One is not baptized into any sect or denomination. Rather, one becomes a member of the spiritual Body of Christ.
Body piercing
  1. (l) - The following questions and answers represent issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
  2. You Want to Pierce Your What? (l) - Body piercing has become quite fashionable today. But is this practice wise and, more importantly, what does God think about it?
Bomb squad
  1. Bomb Squad: Removing War's Deadly Aftermath (l) - Long after wars end, land mines continue to kill and maim innocent victims. How will this world be cleared of this deadly scourge?
Bombardier beetle
  1. Oddities in Nature That Defy Evolution (l) - Over one hundred years of research has provided numerous examples in nature in which complex organs in animals could not have developed by small, successive steps.
  1. Blessed Are the Merciful (l) - A lesson in Christ-like mercy from the book A Higher Call: An Incredible True Story of Combat and Chivalry in the War-Torn Skies of World War II
Bombing Britain
  1. The Blitz Spirit (l) - Although never invaded, apart from the Channel Islands, Britain suffered considerably during the Second World War.
  1. Did Paul's Words to the Galatians Contradict His Actions? (l) - If in Galatians 4:9-10 Paul was attempting to condemn Sabbath-keeping as bondage, his actions as recorded in the book of Acts show that he was either very confused or very hypocritical.
Book review
  1. A Page on the World: The Next Superpower? (l) - Book review of "The Next Superpower?" By Ambassador Rockwell A. Schnabel
  2. A Page on the World: Menace in Europe (l) - Claire Berlinski's book, subtitled "Why the Continent's Crisis Is America's, Too," provides an engaging analysis of modern Europe--and a warning (ISBN 1400097681).
  3. A History of the English-Speaking Peoples Since 1900 (l) - Andrew Roberts' history continues where Winston Churchill's ended, showing the blessings enjoyed by the United States and the countries that made up the British Empire.
  4. The Marketing of Evil (l) - David Kupelian's book is subtitled "How Radicals, Elitists, and Pseudo-Experts Sell Us Corruption Disguised as Freedom" (2005, ISBN-13: 978-1581824599).
  5. Man of the Century: The Life and Times of Pope John Paul II (l) - Review of: Man of the Century: The Life and Times of Pope John Paul II by Jonathan Kwitney
  6. Globalization Reviews (l) - Reviews of The Lexus and the Olive Tree and The Great Betrayal.
  7. Review of The Abolition of Britain (l) - A review of journalist Peter Hitchens' book, The Abolition of Britain, published by Quartet Books, London, 1999, 351 pages.
  8. When Nations Die (l) - Review of: When Nations Die by Jim Nelson Black
  1. (l) - Readers of The Good News share their thoughts. Jan 2008
  2. (l) - Letters from the readers of the Good News magazine. January/February 2002.
  1. A Page on the World...Books That Changed the World (l) - Robert B. Downs gives landmarks in the history of ideas that can assist us in coming up to speed with many of the foundational thoughts that have shaped and molded the world for the past 500 years.
  2. Is the Book Worth Reading? (l) - What do you read and why? Is it fiction or nonfiction? Does it really matter?
Books of Genesis
  1. The Five Books of Moses (l) - Moses was the author of the first five books of the Bible. There is much corroborating evidence.
Books of Moses
  1. The Five Books of Moses (l) - Moses was the author of the first five books of the Bible. There is much corroborating evidence.
Books on creation
  1. A Deeper Look at the Evidence (l) - Many excellent books and videos have been published in recent years detailing scientific findings and conclusions that point to a Creator.
  1. Current Events & Trends - May/June 2024 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the May/June 2024 issue of Beyond Today.
  2. The Global Impact of the U.S. Election (l) - Nations don't die all at once. Various factors contribute over time -- cultural shifts, economic challenges, political instability, external pressures. We are witnessing the decline of a great pow-er, America, long blessed by God as an exceptional nation and model for others. People around the world are watching this year's election. They know it will impact their future.
Boring classes
  1. Boring Teachers or Lazy Students (l) - This principle of hard work is a critical value for all vertical thinkers!
Bork, Robert
  1. Radical Liberalism: What's the Harm? (l) - Lawyers argue in U.S. courts that pornography falls under the constitutional right of free speech. There is a strong movement to replace Judeo-Christian influences in schools with extreme multiculturalism. Radical feminists denounce concepts of the traditional family. Homosexuals want to totally redefine marriage. What is happening to America?
  2. Going After the Good Stuff (l) - Are you going to buy an expensive Sony Playstation? Would you believe a good book can be far more valuable? Benjamin Franklin said, "The great part of the miseries of mankind are brought upon them by false estimates they have made of the value of things."
Born again
  1. (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News Magazine, Jan/Feb 2003.
  1. Balkan Floods Wash Up Landmines and Memories (l) - Just before the 100th anniversary of World War I, which covered the Balkan Peninsula in violence, the region was covered in floodwaters.
  2. Current Events & Trends- July/August 2018 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the July/August 2018 issue of Beyond Today.
  3. To Tell the Truth (l) - It will be difficult for some people to acknowledge the unsavory truth about their nation's sins.
Boston Marathon
  1. The Boston Marathon Bombing Opens a Window on All Time (l) - The cold-blooded attack on innocent bystanders at the Boston Marathon didn't come out of nowhere. It's one of many tragedies that should give us pause and cause us to contemplate several lessons about life.
Bottomless pit
  1. The End of 'This Present Evil Age' (l) - Describes the very last days of this present-day world, before Christ descends and puts an end to this present society.
Bought with a price
  1. Follow Me - Whom Do You Belong To? (l) - Four words on a gravestone raise a question with far-reaching and eternal consequences -- to whom does your life belong?
  1. Natural Attraction or Lust? (l) - What's the difference between lust and natural attraction? How do we control our minds when we see a beautiful girl or a handsome guy?
  1. Living God's Way Works (l) - A mutiny in the South Seas brought nothing but woe, until a sailor stumbled across an old book.
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy
  1. Mad Cow Disease: The Fear Alone Is Costly (l) - Is it too late to contain the strange and cruel illness that could turn into an international catastrophe?
Boy scouts
  1. The Golden Rule (l) - Boy Scouts of America was formed because of "one good turn." If we all practiced the Golden Rule, what a wonderful world we would live in.
Boyfriend, Christian
  1. (l) - Questions and answers on issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
Boys and education
  1. The Politics of Education: "It's Not the Money, Stupid! (l) - "It's the economy, stupid!" was Clinton's theme in 1992. One of the greatest issues arising out of the current U.S. presidential election is the crisis in education. Most proposals include injecting large sums of money into the current educational system. But money alone will not bring the desired results.
Boys and fathers
  1. From Father Knows Best to "No Father Is Best:" (l) - The American Psychological Association published an article asserting that fathers are not essential in the healthy development of children! In fact, they claim, fathers do more harm than good!
Boys and writing
  1. Writing Considered 'Not Cool' by Boys? (l) - Statistics from England confirm a sad trend among boys, writing is no longer as popular as it once was.
Braille, Louis
  1. Out of Darkness, Into the Light (l) - A young man realized he could illuminate his dark world through the light of education. And his efforts to increase his knowledge, improve himself and serve others have since helped millions. Discover vital spiritual lessons from his story.
  1. Exercise Your Body and Exercise Your Brain (l) - Many focus on keeping their body in shape -- what about their brain?
  2. Creating Winning Habits (l) - It's possible to reengineer the surface of your own brain to be more successful in shooting baskets -- and much more!
  3. In the News October 2010 (l) - News of interest to teens and young adults from a biblical perspective.
  4. Catch the Rhythm! (l) - Is your internal clock in the wrong time zone?
  5. Mapping the Brain: The Missing Dimension (l) - U.S. President Barack Obama recently announced plans to spend millions on mapping the human brain -- labeled "the next great American project" -- perhaps on a par with going to the moon. But is there a largely unrealized component residing in the brain itself that cannot be studied or mapped by neuroscientists? What does the Bible reveal about the mystery of the human mind?
  6. Human Brain Tries to Predict Conversation (l) - A new study on how the brain synchronizes as we talk to others.
Brain activity
  1. What About Reported Life-After-Death Experiences? (l) - In the Bible death is described as a state of total unconsciousness devoid of awareness, knowledge or perception (Psalm 6:5; Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10). If we accept the Bible's description of death, we realize that those who returned to consciousness or were revived and later related their experiences were not really dead but in some unconscious state
Brain damage
  1. Porn Causes Brain Damage (l) - In today's culture, porn is not going away. You can avoid the damage this sin causes.
  2. Teen Marijuana Use and Memory Damage (l) - Long-term, habitual drug-use during teen years linked to potential for permanent damage.
Brain dead
  1. What About Reported Life-After-Death Experiences? (l) - In the Bible death is described as a state of total unconsciousness devoid of awareness, knowledge or perception (Psalm 6:5; Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10). If we accept the Bible's description of death, we realize that those who returned to consciousness or were revived and later related their experiences were not really dead but in some unconscious state
Brain development
  1. Successful Parenting Begins With the Brain (l) - In the 21st century some of the ancient wisdom regarding the basics for childrearing has come full circle and is being recognized as the best our modern age can offer.
Brain waves
  1. Read My Mind... (l) - Research into the potential for brain wave reading devices for patients who cannot talk took a big leap forward recently.
  1. Got a Decision to Make? Read This First! (l) - It's easy to feel overwhelmed by major decisions with no clear answers. This seven-step process can help.
  1. A Different Breed of Warrior (l) - One man earned six medals for heroism in World War Two. This hero without a gun waged a different kind of fight. Meet Desmond Doss.
  2. Two Men of Great Valor: King David and Winston Churchill (l) - The Bible and more recent history offer lessons of courageous and wise leadership from two courageous men three millennia apart in time.
  3. "But They Feared God" (What Greatness Is) (l) - Consider the story of two women who became great because of their obedience to God.
  1. World News & Trends Jan 2009 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Jan. 2009
  2. Where Is Our World Headed? (l) - It's that time again for an annual analysis and assessment. That's when many observers look back to yesteryear--and also peer into a somewhat clouded future. Secular predictions for 2011 and beyond are multiple and varied. But does the Bible have a far bigger say in our future?
  3. The BRICS Are Coming (l) - Are the Dollar's Dominant Days Numbered? As the U.S. economy stumbles under painful inflation and government overspending, new international alliances threaten the dollar's dominance -- with eventual dire consequences for America.
  1. Lessons of the Passover Bread (l) - On the night before His death, Jesus Christ shared unleavened bread with His disciples, telling them to repeat this every year in remembrance. What did this bread symbolize? What lessons are Christians to learn from it?
Bread and eternal life
  1. Bread (l) - The Bible often speaks of bread, but what does bread have to do with our lives and God?
Bread and wine
  1. How Much Do You Know About the Biblical Feast of Unleavened Bread? (l) - Millions of people celebrate Easter in commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus never observed Easter, but He did celebrate the biblical Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread. What relevance do these days have for Christians today?
Bread metaphor
  1. Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread (l) - As human beings, we need physical food to survive. But the most important "bread of life" comes to us from Jesus Christ through God's Word and Holy Spirit, which replenish us.
Bread of life
  1. Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread (l) - As human beings, we need physical food to survive. But the most important "bread of life" comes to us from Jesus Christ through God's Word and Holy Spirit, which replenish us.
Breaking bread
  1. Questions and Answers: "breaking bread from house to house" (l) - Even today the expression "break bread" means to eat a meal
  2. The Feast of Unleavened Bread (l) - Millions of people celebrate Easter in commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus never observed Easter, but there are a series of special days He celebrated while on earth. These days included the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. What relevance do these days have for Christians today?
Breaking free
  1. Introduction - Overcoming Alcoholism (l) - Alcohol can be an uncomfortable subject. If you have an alcohol problem it's not easy to admit it and seek help. If you know someone with a problem, confronting them with the issue or knowing how to help can be very difficult.
  1. Britain's EU Exit Expected to Proceed, but It May Be a Long Slog (l) - In a June 2016 referendum, 52 percent of the British people voted for Brexit -- Britain's exit from the European Union -- leading to the resignation of Prime Minister David Cameron, an advocate of Britain staying in the EU. Incoming Prime Minister Theresa May wanted to move ahead with triggering Article 50 of the EU's Lisbon Treaty to begin a two-year negotiated departure, but Britain's supreme court ruled in January 2017 that this had to be approved by Britain's parliament.
  2. Is a British Exit from the European Union Required to Fulfill Bible Prophecy? (l) - While it appears that Brexit will proceed, we should realize that it's not a foregone conclusion that Britain will actually exit the European Union. And even if it does, it may still be significantly entangled and subject to EU rules.
  3. Why Brexit Matters for Europe and for You (l) - Britain's vote to leave the European Union shocked the nation's and the continent's political elites. What's behind it? And what does it mean for Britain and Europe as a whole?
  4. EU President Says Won't Punish UK for Brexit (l) - In late March British Prime Minister Theresa May sent a formal letter to the head of the European Union stating that the United Kingdom will be officially withdrawing from the EU. The British citizens voted to leave in 2016, and now the government is making it official. The process will still take a few years along with a negotiation period.
  5. Europe's Uncertain Future (l) - Concerns over NATO's future, the Muslim refugee crisis and the impending Brexit are clouds on Europe's horizon. What lies ahead for Europe?
  6. Europe's Great Divide (l) - Europeans are torn between two competing paths -- a bigger and more powerful European Union or individual countries having their own national control. Where is this divide leading?
  7. Current Events & Trends July/August 2019 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the July/August 2019 issue of Beyond Today.
  8. Brexit From Babylon (l) - A recent European news analyst commented that both of the principal Anglo-Saxon countries -- the United Kingdom and the United States of America -- are in a state of chaos. Where will it lead? he asked. It's a good question as we turn the page to 2020.
  9. Current Events & Trends - March/April 2020 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the March/April 2020 issue of Beyond Today.
  10. A World in Crisis (l) - The year 2020 has been a time of upheaval throughout the world. As we wind down the calendar year, what should Beyond Today readers understand about what has happened and what it means for the future?
  1. Tragedy from Corruption & Triumph from Sacrifice (l) - God notices how we handle tempting situations.
  2. Proverbs: Unjust Gain (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
  1. The BRICS Are Coming (l) - Are the Dollar's Dominant Days Numbered? As the U.S. economy stumbles under painful inflation and government overspending, new international alliances threaten the dollar's dominance -- with eventual dire consequences for America.
Bride of Christ
  1. The Two Women of Revelation (l) - The events described in the second half of the book of Revelation are directly related to the past and future of two symbolic women who are diametrical opposites.
  2. The Church as the Bride of Christ (l) - The Church of God is the family of God - made up of Christians who are the children of God the Father and "brothers" of Jesus Christ.
  3. Biblical Phrases and Terms for God's Special People (l) - The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia summarizes the other descriptions of the people of God in the New Testament: "This Church is not a human organization; it is God's workmanship
  4. The Bride of Christ (l) - The Bible shows that God's Church is to be the Bride of Christ. Let's see what that means both now and in the future.
Bride of the Lamb
  1. You're Invited to the Wedding! (l) - God uses the analogy of a marriage and a wedding feast to give us a hint of what that moment will be like when faith, sacrifice, relationship, longing and fulfillment all come to the fore.
Bridge collapse
  1. God--Our Protector (l) - In 2007 there was a terrible bridge collapse in Minnesota. This tragedy was just one of many events that have occurred in recent years. How can we deal with these types of incidents and other trials in our lives?
Bristlecone pines
  1. The Whole Creation Groans (l) - Our incredible future beckons us from the creation.
  1. Different Elections -- Same Issues (l) - Outside the United States, the same issues confront candidates in other elections.
  2. Great Britain off the Map of Europe? (l) - Bureaucrats in Brussels have big plans for Great Britain. If carried out, these particular plans will seriously undermine British national identity and sovereignty--and further submerge the nation into the European Union. What are the potential implications of the revelation of this latest challenge to British sovereignty?
  3. British Values Under Serious Threat (l) - According to one recent poll, "Nine out of ten people [in the United Kingdom] believe that the social fabric of Britain is under threat because of family breakdown and rising crime" (The Daily Mail). Britain is following the same tragic path as all other Western nations. Basic values and standards are gradually being subverted on many levels. What can be done about it?
  4. Britain: A Great Place to Live (l) - Britain is still brimming with many charming and lovely people of basic integrity.
  5. World News & Trends Jan 2009 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Jan. 2009
  6. Financial Crisis Crushing Britain (l) - What does the future hold for Britain in the wake of the current financial crisis?
  7. The State of the Nation: Britain in Serious Moral Decline (l) - Tawdry events, past and present, have shaken popular confidence in both governmental and religious authority figures in the United Kingdom. Overall, they reflect the gradual decline of traditional values caused in part by the combination of spreading secularism and growing ignorance of true biblical morality. Can current trends be halted and then reversed?
  8. Children Who Don't Know Their Own Names (l) - An astonishing number of new pupils in Britain begin school not even knowing their own names.
  9. This Was Their Finest Hour (l) - Largely forgotten today is the role the British Empire and Commonwealth played in the Allied victory in World War II. Yet these were the only nations that fought in the war from beginning to end.
  10. Britain's EU Exit Expected to Proceed, but It May Be a Long Slog (l) - In a June 2016 referendum, 52 percent of the British people voted for Brexit -- Britain's exit from the European Union -- leading to the resignation of Prime Minister David Cameron, an advocate of Britain staying in the EU. Incoming Prime Minister Theresa May wanted to move ahead with triggering Article 50 of the EU's Lisbon Treaty to begin a two-year negotiated departure, but Britain's supreme court ruled in January 2017 that this had to be approved by Britain's parliament.
  11. The Ancient Brits Leave Modern Europe (l) - The shock waves have died down, but the effects will continue. The British people voted to leave the European Union, and it came as a great surprise to many, including even the British government under then-Prime Minister David Cameron. But the roots of this decision actually go back centuries.
  12. Why Brexit Matters for Europe and for You (l) - Britain's vote to leave the European Union shocked the nation's and the continent's political elites. What's behind it? And what does it mean for Britain and Europe as a whole?
  13. Current Events & Trends September/October 2019 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the September/October 2019 issue of Beyond Today.
  14. Current Events & Trends - July/August 2024 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the July/August 2024 issue of Beyond Today.
  15. Five Trends to Watch in Europe (l) - From Santa Maria de Feira, Portugal, site of the latest major meeting of the European Commission, a report on what's ahead.
  16. Keep Your Eye on Gibraltar! (l) - The Rock is back in the news. But why has this small narrow peninsula been such a bone of contention between Britain and Spain for nearly 300 years? Clearly the current promise of a solution is not good news to everyone involved.
  17. The Falkland Islands: One of Great Britain's last colonial possessions (l) - A brief war was fought in 1982 between Britain and Argentina over the Falkland Islands.
  18. European Union: An Idea Whose Time Has Come (l) - The "glacier" of European unity is now moving at a faster pace.
  19. World News Review Jul 2002 (l) - World news review. July 2002.
  20. World News and Trends - Mar/Apr 2004 (l) - An Overview of Conditions Around the World, March/April 2004.
  21. The Last Battle for the British Empire (l) - Great Britain is presently sustaining a massive assault on its Anglo-Saxon legacy of empire and culture. The current conflict is wide-ranging on several fronts and British tradition is gradually losing out.
  22. Is Britain Rediscovering the Commonwealth? (l) - Celebrations to mark the queen's Golden Jubilee centered on her role as head of the Commonwealth, the 54-nation multicultural organization that was once the British Empire. After decades of neglecting the institution, is Great Britain now strengthening its Commonwealth ties?
  23. The New European Constitution: the Last Battle for Britain? (l) - No nation has successfully invaded Britain since the Norman Conquest in 1066. In effect, the European Union may be about to do what the Spanish Armada, Napoleon and Hitler attempted but failed. Many do not realize that the identity and sovereignty of the grand old British nation may be in serious jeopardy. What is the true biblical perspective? Our U.K. correspondent reports.
  24. An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Jul/Aug 1998 (l) - brief synopsis of world events
  25. First the End of an Empire - Now the End of Britain? (l) - Are we witnessing the end of the nation whose people, "relative to their numbers, contributed more to civilization than any other people since the ancient Greeks and Romans"?
  26. England's Growing Isolation (l) - As the nations of mainland Europe become tightly bound together politically, economically and militarily, what are the consequences of England's more-independent path?
  27. Britain -- A Fresh Look at the Lack of Biblical Values (l) - Material wealth often masks spiritual and moral poverty, and not just in the United States. Our correspondent in Britain sees evidence all around.
  28. The Scottish Question (l) - Scotland has voted to establish its own national parliament. What does this mean for the future of the United Kingdom?
  29. Hong Kong Handover: Symbol of a Global Transfer of Power (l) - A global power a century ago, once in control of a quarter of the world's landmass,Britian is lossing yet another key posession, Hong Kong.
  30. World News Review Nov 2000 (l) - World news review - Nov. 2000
  31. (l) - The behavioral changes in Britain within one century are truly astonishing.
  32. Britain's Declining Respect for Biblical Values (l) - Traditional values, like basic respect for the rights and dignity of others, are fast disappearing from a society steadily undermined by secularism and growing ignorance of the Bible. How do we rebuild a culture of respect?
  33. Britain's Need to Return to the Bible (l) - The availability of the Holy Scriptures is at an all-time high, but the anomaly is that the demand for biblical knowledge remains at a new low.
  34. What Lies Ahead for the British Monarchy and Commonwealth? (l) - Why does it matter what happens to the British monarchy?
Britain and Brussels
  1. Wake Up to Events in Europe! (l) - As the world currently focuses on Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and Israel—not to mention a biting recession—it's easy to overlook important European events. Yet the European Union (EU) stands once again perched on the brink of approving the Lisbon Treaty (really the renamed EU Constitution), which is designed to drastically increase the structure, power and influence of this transnational governmental body. What will happen to Europe in the long run?
Britain and Christianity
  1. Persecution of Christians in Britain (l) - The persecution of Christians in the developing world has increased rapidly during the last decade.
Britain and creationism
  1. Did Adam and Eve Really Exist? (l) - Many modern theologians and nominal Christians seriously question whether our first parents, Adam and Eve, really lived.
Britain and E.U.
  1. Is a British Exit from the European Union Required to Fulfill Bible Prophecy? (l) - While it appears that Brexit will proceed, we should realize that it's not a foregone conclusion that Britain will actually exit the European Union. And even if it does, it may still be significantly entangled and subject to EU rules.
Britain and EU
  1. A New Superpower? Europe Takes a Big Step Forward! (l) - Newspaper headlines on both sides of the Atlantic heralded the Irish ratification of the Lisbon Treaty. "Ireland's Yes vote creates a more powerful Europe," said the Scotland on Sunday. The New York Times headline even contained prophetic overtones: "Gaining a Powerful Presidency, European Union Seeks a Job Description and a Leader." What is the long-term biblical significance?
  2. Britain and Europe: The Cross-Channel Gap Grows (l) - Britain has never been remotely satisfied with the politics of Europe.
Britain and Europe
  1. The Ironies Behind the Hampton Court Summit (l) - An EU summit was hosted by the British prime minister at Hampton Court Palace, Henry VIII's home in the 16th century. While Henry severed Britain's tie to Europe, recent British governments have increasingly committed themselves to European unity.
  2. Germany and the Euro: What Will Be the Ultimate Outcome? (l) - A severe crisis often results in economic and political disaster, but it can also foster an opportunity for exercising much greater control, especially for an economically strong and dominant country like Germany. Does the Bible indicate where the current crisis (and others like it to follow) could eventually take Europe?
  3. A Tighter Fiscal Union in Europe? (l) - Attempts to solve the ongoing eurozone crisis could eventually lead to a restructuring or partial breakup of the 27-nation European Union.
  4. Britain and Europe: The Cross-Channel Gap Grows (l) - Britain has never been remotely satisfied with the politics of Europe.
Britain and Hezbollah
  1. World News and Trends - September/October 2006 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Sept 2006.
Britain and Iran
  1. Should America Play Ball With Iran? (l) - We were told in a major cover article recently published by Newsweek, a popular American news magazine, that "they may not want the bomb... Iran isn't a dictatorship...[and] Iran may be ready to deal." Are these points basically true? Should the United States negotiate with the present leadership of this wayward nation -- regardless of its radical conduct in office?
Britain and Islam
  1. Mumbai Terror Attacks Highlight Global Nature of Threat From Radical Islam (l) - Political correctness is still making it difficult for people in the West to understand fully the seriousness of the threat from radical Islam.
  2. How Britain Is Creating a Terror State Within (l) - Melanie Phillips shows that Britain has become a gathering ground for Islamist terror groups, while the British establishment is in denial.
Britain and Middle East
  1. Lines in the Sand: Iraq 10 Years Later (l) - Ten years after the invasion of Iraq, America considers what it's lost as Iraq struggles to redefine itself within the ever-boiling cauldron of the Middle East.
Britain and religion
  1. Churchgoing on Its Knees in Britain (l) - Within a generation, more Britons will probably be entering mosques than church buildings. Mainstream Christianity continues in freefall. What is the sure impact on British society?
  2. In Brief: Trends That Affect Your Life (l) - Trends in the news. Nov 2010.
  3. Review of The Abolition of Britain (l) - A review of journalist Peter Hitchens' book, The Abolition of Britain, published by Quartet Books, London, 1999, 351 pages.
Britain and slavery
  1. How One of Today's 'Bad Guys' Ended the Scourge of Slavery (l) - Two hundred years ago, Great Britain became the first major nation to abolish the slave trade. By the end of the century slavery had been abolished around the world. Here is the remarkable story of the abolition of the slave trade-and of its tragic return to plague the world.
Britain and STDs
  1. Sharp Rise in Teenage Promiscuity Afflicts Britain (l) - As many as 150,000 British girls have been infected with a sexually transmissible disease primarily transmitted by promiscuous sexual activity.
Britain and terrorists
  1. How Britain Is Creating a Terror State Within (l) - Melanie Phillips shows that Britain has become a gathering ground for Islamist terror groups, while the British establishment is in denial.
Britain and the E.U.
  1. World News and Trends - Mar/Apr 2005 (l) - An Overview of Conditions Around the World; Mar/Apr 2005
Britain and the EU
  1. Brexit (l) - The European Union (EU) was formed to promote peace, prosperity and economic and political union throughout Europe. But the recent British exit vote (Brexit) has thrown those assumptions into doubt. What does the future hold for Europe?
  2. Britain - Caught in the Middle (l) - Britain caught between the U.S. and the E.U.
  3. New Proposal for Europe's Future (l) - Will Europe move beyond economic union to political union? Notable European politicians continue to raise the call for moving in that direction. Others are equally passionate in their opposition. Does the current situation relate to the "iron and clay" prophecy of Daniel?
Britain and the U.S.
  1. Will the Special Relationship Survive? (l) - The unique relationship that America and Great Britain have forged for more than a hundred years has done much to foster freedom, open markets and good will. When it passes, the world will be a different place.
  2. World News & Trends May 2010 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. May 2010
  3. America and Britain Cut Defense: What Does It Mean for the Future? (l) - Faced with exploding government debt, America will likely soon see massive defense cuts. Britain has already made severe cutbacks in military spending. What is the inevitable long-term outcome?
  4. Will the EU Split the Special Relationship? (l) - Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher once observed that the great lesson of the 20th century was that whenever the United States and Britain fight together, they always win. But now Britain has to make a crucial decision on its future -- a future that could mean the demise of the special relationship with the United States, ending a formidable, long-lasting alliance.
  5. Britain - Caught in the Middle (l) - Britain caught between the U.S. and the E.U.
Britain and U.S.
  1. (l) - Just within the last three years, four major books, all by distinguished authors, have been published about the unique relationship between Britain and the United States. Why have these two countries changed the modern world? Only the Judeo/Christian Bible contains the master key to discovering the true answer.
  2. Will America Be Great Again? (l) - We are in a grave moment in the world. Something is happening in America; people are worried the nation is nearing the point of no return. What is happening, and what does it mean? And what can you do?
Britain blitz
  1. The Blitz Spirit (l) - Although never invaded, apart from the Channel Islands, Britain suffered considerably during the Second World War.
Britain economy
  1. Financial Scandals Highlight Spiritual Void (l) - Daily revelations of financial impropriety by members of Parliament dominated the British news headlines during the month of May. Respect for politicians and for Parliament itself is at an all-time low. A change of government is expected at the next election. But that won't change the root cause.
Britain religion
  1. Financial Scandals Highlight Spiritual Void (l) - Daily revelations of financial impropriety by members of Parliament dominated the British news headlines during the month of May. Respect for politicians and for Parliament itself is at an all-time low. A change of government is expected at the next election. But that won't change the root cause.
Britain's national identity
  1. God's Commitment to Abraham and His Descendants (l) - The United States of America and the British Commonwealth of nations fit exacting criteria for the promises to Abraham's descendants. We embark on a study of historical evidence of the tribes of Israel from their beginning as a nation down to our day.
Britain, behavior in
  1. The Growing Menace of Gambling (l) - Compulsive gambling can and does destroy lives just like drug addiction and alcoholism. It is just one more sign of the moral decline currently gripping our Anglo-Saxon nations.
  2. World News and Trends - Jan/Feb 2005 (l) - An Overview of Conditions Around the World, Jan/Feb 2005
  3. (l) - The behavioral changes in Britain within one century are truly astonishing.
Britain, Christianity in
  1. Britain's Declining Respect for Biblical Values (l) - Traditional values, like basic respect for the rights and dignity of others, are fast disappearing from a society steadily undermined by secularism and growing ignorance of the Bible. How do we rebuild a culture of respect?
Britain, divorce in
  1. An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Jul/Aug 2000 (l) - A brief synopsis of world events. July/August 2000
Britain, warning to
  1. The Watchman's Mission (l) - And if ever a people needed a warning, it is today. Sobering as it is, sin exacts a terrible price, whether on a nation or an individual.
British agriculture
  1. An Overview of Conditions Around the World - May/Jun 2001 (l) - A brief synopsis of world events. May/June 2001
British and Palestine
  1. Searching for a Mideast Peace (l) - The long search for peace in Palestine.
British Catholicism
  1. The Anglo-Catholic Unity Conundrum: Consider the Future Implications (l) - Why does the Roman Catholic Church now seek to recruit disenchanted Anglican priests and lay members? How will Pope Benedict's ostensibly generous offer ultimately affect Europe? How do these European religious movements fit into Bible prophecy?
  2. World News & Trends March/April 2010 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. March 2010
British charm
  1. Britain: A Great Place to Live (l) - Britain is still brimming with many charming and lovely people of basic integrity.
British Commonwealth
  1. Two Elizabeths -- A Study in Contrasts (l) - How times have changed! Queen Elizabeth I reigned over one of Britain's greatest periods of growth and increasing power. The reign of Queen Elizabeth II has seen the disintegration of the British Empire and the considerable decline of Britain as a military power. Why?
  2. Two Nations That Changed the World (l) - Who are the British and American peoples? How do these two great powers - the United States and the nations comprising most of the former British Empire - fit into Bible prophecy?
  3. Is Britain Rediscovering the Commonwealth? (l) - Celebrations to mark the queen's Golden Jubilee centered on her role as head of the Commonwealth, the 54-nation multicultural organization that was once the British Empire. After decades of neglecting the institution, is Great Britain now strengthening its Commonwealth ties?
  4. Fifty Years of the African Queen (l) - Britain's Queen Elizabeth will celebrate 50 years on the throne this year. Few could have imagined the astounding changes in the nations of the British Commonwealth-particularly those in Africa-during her lifetime.
  5. She Used to Be Our Queen, Too... (l) - When Elizabeth II ascended the throne 50 years ago in 1952, Britian's African possessions were larger than the entire United States of America.
British credibility
  1. America and Britain: a Public Display of Weakness (l) - Over a very short time Western intervention in Syria seemed to be coming at a fast pace.
British crown
  1. The Queen's Diamond Jubilee - A Look Back at 60 Years (l) - As Britain and the Commonwealth celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee, the festivities overshadow the dramatic changes that have taken place during the last 60 years.
British culture
  1. The Last Battle for the British Empire (l) - Great Britain is presently sustaining a massive assault on its Anglo-Saxon legacy of empire and culture. The current conflict is wide-ranging on several fronts and British tradition is gradually losing out.
British decline
  1. What Made Britain Great? (l) - At one point the largest and most powerful empire known to man, the British Empire, ruled lands on all inhabited continents of the earth. Now Britain vies with other powers for world influence. What happened? Where do things stand? And what must be done?
British elections
  1. Different Elections -- Same Issues (l) - Outside the United States, the same issues confront candidates in other elections.
  2. World News and Trends - Jul/Aug 1997 (l) - A brief synposis of world events (July/August 1997).
British Empire
  1. Suez - Important Lessons From an Event 50 Years Ago (l) - When Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal 50 years ago, it started a chain of events whose results are still being felt today.
  2. The Rise and Fall of Empires (l) - With the relative stability the Western world has enjoyed over recent decades, it's hard to imagine that we could be on the verge of another earthshaking shift, a transition from one dominant empire to the next.
  3. A History of the English-Speaking Peoples Since 1900 (l) - Andrew Roberts' history continues where Winston Churchill's ended, showing the blessings enjoyed by the United States and the countries that made up the British Empire.
  4. A Study in Contrasts (l) - Over a month after the voting, the results of the Zimbabwe presidential election still have not been officially announced. The autocratic president of Zimbabwe, who has been in power for almost three decades since the fall of Rhodesia, is clearly reluctant to hand over power. The current government has turned the breadbasket of Africa into an economic disaster with the highest inflation rate in the world. It raises the question: Why did Rhodesia work when Zimbabwe doesn't?
  5. Could America Be Replaced as the Global Superpower? (l) - Great powers come and go. For more than six decades the United States has been the world's dominant power. Seventy years ago, Great Britain—with its vast empire—was the world's greatest power. Could the United States follow Britain into decline and be replaced by another power? Are we seeing the first stages?
  6. He Set Ephraim Before Manasseh (l) - As memories of the British Empire fade into the distant past, many think the United States is Ephraim and Britain Manasseh. There are sound historical reasons for this not being the case.
  7. What Made Britain Great? (l) - At one point the largest and most powerful empire known to man, the British Empire, ruled lands on all inhabited continents of the earth. Now Britain vies with other powers for world influence. What happened? Where do things stand? And what must be done?
  8. Benjamin Disraeli: Maestro of Empire (l) - In a remarkable coincidence one of the chief architects of the British Empire, Benjamin Disraeli, literally bears the name of Israel. Or is it coincidence? Given what we know about the promises to Jacob's end-time descendants and the timing of the issuance of the physical, materia and national promises to Abraham, the name Disraeli reads more like a providential signpost.
  9. 70 Years of Elizabeth II, The Servant Queen (l) - In the Queen's Platinum Jubilee year, we reflect on a beloved figure exemplifying dignity and devotion yet sadly not preserving her realms from moral plummet and decline.
  10. First the End of an Empire - Now the End of Britain? (l) - Are we witnessing the end of the nation whose people, "relative to their numbers, contributed more to civilization than any other people since the ancient Greeks and Romans"?
  11. America's Astounding Destiny: Was It Foretold in the Bible? (l) - The rise of the United States of America from British colony to superpower is an incredible story worth retelling. Equally incredible is the fact that the rise of the United States and the British Empire was foretold thousands of years ago.
  12. First the End of an Empire - Now the End of Britain? (l) - Are we witnessing the end of the nation whose people, "relative to their numbers, contributed more to civilization than any other people since the ancient Greeks and Romans"?
  13. America's Astounding Destiny: Rise to Greatness (l) - Now we examine the foretelling of the United States' rise to greatness and its dramatic fulfillment.
  14. The Last Battle for the British Empire (l) - Great Britain is presently sustaining a massive assault on its Anglo-Saxon legacy of empire and culture. The current conflict is wide-ranging on several fronts and British tradition is gradually losing out.
  15. Symbolism Abounds in Transfer of Hong Kong (l) - Now, almost 50 years to the day since divesting itself of its Indian Empire, the British will hand over control of Hong Kong, the last major possession of the British crown. It's not just the end of an era for Hong Kong. It's the end of an era for Asia and Europe.
  16. She Used to Be Our Queen, Too... (l) - When Elizabeth II ascended the throne 50 years ago in 1952, Britian's African possessions were larger than the entire United States of America.
  17. America and Britain's Global Reach -- Prophesied in the Bible? (l) - The United States and Britain combined to defeat European tyranny in two world wars, then Iraqi tyranny twice in the last 12 years. Why has it fallen to them to police the world?
British farms
  1. World News Review November 1999 (l) - World news - Nov 1993
British good
  1. America's Role in History Foretold (l) - God gave great promises to the biblical patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Those promises were never fulfilled in ancient times. Yet that prophesied geopolitical role and abundant blessings are paralleled by what the United States and other English-speaking peoples have experienced. This is no coincidence.
British identity
  1. The Global Reach of America and Britain -- Prophesied in the Bible? (l) - Margeret Thatcher: "The great lesson of the 20th century is that whenever the American and British peoples stand together, they always win."
  2. The Last Battle for the British Empire (l) - Great Britain is presently sustaining a massive assault on its Anglo-Saxon legacy of empire and culture. The current conflict is wide-ranging on several fronts and British tradition is gradually losing out.
British Israel
  1. 5. The United States and Great Britain will Fall with the State of Israel (l) - "Israel" was the new name God gave the biblical patriarch Jacob in Genesis 32. The 12 tribes of Israel were descended from his 12 sons. These tribes later formed a united kingdom.
  2. Bible Prophecy and You (1/2018) (l) - This lesson will explore some of what the Bible foretold about the rise to prominence of two great nations of modern times.
British Israelism
  1. The Spiritual Reality Behind The King's Speech (l) - The movie The King's Speech highlights the very personal struggle of Britain's King George VI to overcome a speech impediment. Behind the film is the historical reality of the man's deep religious faith, a conviction that enabled him to lead the British Empire during its time of greatest trial.
  2. The Fading American dream (l) - The United States certainly appears to be undergoing a terminal decline that could possibly lead to the biblically prophesied time of Jacob's (or Israel's) trouble (Jeremiah 30:7).
  3. Is America Identified in Bible Prophecy? (l) - The Bible identifies a number of nations that are relatively minor players on the world scene. Does it make sense that the most powerful nation in the world would go unnoticed and unmentioned in Bible prophecy? Can we know America's identity in Bible prophecy?
  4. Why Israel Matters (l) - Jesus Christ told the multitudes they needed to discern their time. Can we discern our world and the time we are in and be moved to repentance and action? An important factor is recognizing the significance of Israel in Bible prophecy.
  5. God's State of the Union Address to America (l) - If God were giving a State of the Union Address to the American people today, what would He say? How does He view the state of the nation?
British monarchy
  1. Biblical Reflections on the Royal Wedding (l) - On April 29, 2 billion people around the globe watched the wedding of Britain's Prince William and Kate Middleton. Why are so many people fascinated with the British royal family, and what is the biblical significance of this historic event?
  2. Appendix 1: Scrapping the Monarchy? (l) - How much longer do you think the monarchy will last?
  3. Eternal destiny (l) - Now we can see why the British royal family rose under Queen Victoria to the heights of world prestige and preeminence. Why it continues to hold a special place in the hearts of all manner of people the world over. And why, of all royal families, it is still the first one that comes to mind.
  4. Introduction: The Throne of Britain (l) - The greatest and most enduring dynasty in world history is showing signs of passing. But will it? To understand the future of the British royal family, we must examine how the monarchy began--and why.
  5. "This Sceptered Isle" (l) - Today, though, it seems that despite multiple nations still looking to Queen Elizabeth as their head of state, the British throne's glory days are over, particularly with more and more calls heard for its abolishment. But what really lies ahead for the monarchy?
  6. An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Mar/Apr 1997 (l) - World without war; Crime and sexual freedom; extreme weather; British monarchy; Church unity
British morality
  1. British Values Under Serious Threat (l) - According to one recent poll, "Nine out of ten people [in the United Kingdom] believe that the social fabric of Britain is under threat because of family breakdown and rising crime" (The Daily Mail). Britain is following the same tragic path as all other Western nations. Basic values and standards are gradually being subverted on many levels. What can be done about it?
  2. Redefining Morality: Why a Torrent of Trouble Threatens to Engulf Us (l) - Today the major English-speaking nations watch as a storm of problems draws ever nearer, a storm created by hostile forces that blurred and weakened their sense of morality. Does the Bible indicate where we will go from here?
  3. 70 Years of Elizabeth II, The Servant Queen (l) - In the Queen's Platinum Jubilee year, we reflect on a beloved figure exemplifying dignity and devotion yet sadly not preserving her realms from moral plummet and decline.
  4. An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Jul/Aug 2000 (l) - A brief synopsis of world events. July/August 2000
British navy
  1. World News and Trends - March/April 2007 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. March 2007.
British power
  1. World News & Trends January 2010 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. January 2010
  2. World News & Trends - January/February 2011 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Jan 2011
  3. America and Britain Cut Defense: What Does It Mean for the Future? (l) - Faced with exploding government debt, America will likely soon see massive defense cuts. Britain has already made severe cutbacks in military spending. What is the inevitable long-term outcome?
  4. Will Britain Defend the Falklands Yet Again? (l) - What goes around comes around. Scottish independence returns to the front burner of politics in Britain. And so do Argentine intentions to possess the Falkland Islands (they call them Las Malvinas).
  5. Cuts in Defense Spending: Australia, Britain and Canada (l) - America isn't alone in its military cutbacks and withdrawal from its role as the world's policeman. Its allies are following the same path, with dangerous implications for the free world.
British protests
  1. Prophetic Trends Observed as 2011 Begins (l) - Economics was the force that determined the course of world history--and continues to be a primary force in the drive toward fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
British religion
  1. The Spiritual Reality Behind The King's Speech (l) - The movie The King's Speech highlights the very personal struggle of Britain's King George VI to overcome a speech impediment. Behind the film is the historical reality of the man's deep religious faith, a conviction that enabled him to lead the British Empire during its time of greatest trial.
  2. 70 Years of Elizabeth II, The Servant Queen (l) - In the Queen's Platinum Jubilee year, we reflect on a beloved figure exemplifying dignity and devotion yet sadly not preserving her realms from moral plummet and decline.
British royal family
  1. The Royal Family Today and Tomorrow (l) - The world is abuzz about the newborn son of Britain's Prince William and Duchess Kate -- George Alexander Louis or Prince George of Cambridge, third in line to the British throne after Prince Charles and Prince William. His birth on July 22, 2013, dominated the media and captured the world's attention.
  2. Appendix 1: Scrapping the Monarchy? (l) - How much longer do you think the monarchy will last?
  3. Introduction: The Throne of Britain (l) - The greatest and most enduring dynasty in world history is showing signs of passing. But will it? To understand the future of the British royal family, we must examine how the monarchy began--and why.
  4. The Biblical Identity of Britain's Royal Family (l) - As we saw in part 1, God promised to Israel's King David an enduring dynasty that would still exist in our time. Putting together biblical prophecies and history, we can see what happened to that dynasty -- discovering the remarkable connection to the throne of Great Britain and its amazing future.
British scandals
  1. Financial Scandals Highlight Spiritual Void (l) - Daily revelations of financial impropriety by members of Parliament dominated the British news headlines during the month of May. Respect for politicians and for Parliament itself is at an all-time low. A change of government is expected at the next election. But that won't change the root cause.
  2. U.K.'s Scandal Plagues Parliament (l) - Britain has drastically changed in the past generation. Many lament the lack of values and adherence to a Judeo-Christian religious ethic that puts the Ten Commandments squarely in the center of a moral life.
British statesman
  1. Benjamin Disraeli: Maestro of Empire (l) - In a remarkable coincidence one of the chief architects of the British Empire, Benjamin Disraeli, literally bears the name of Israel. Or is it coincidence? Given what we know about the promises to Jacob's end-time descendants and the timing of the issuance of the physical, materia and national promises to Abraham, the name Disraeli reads more like a providential signpost.
British troubles
  1. World News & Trends: July/August 2009 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. July 2009
  1. Advocates of British-Israelism (l) - Focusing on the biblical promises, some scholars have undertaken extensive research to advance the knowledge that God's promised blessings to Abraham's descendants have largely been fulfilled in the British and American peoples.
Brokeback Mountain
  1. World News Review February 2006 (l) - World News - Feb. 2006
Broken friendships
  1. Friendship Gone Wrong (l) - No one likes to think about friendships that come to an end, but sometimes this is the necessary course of action. Here are some points to consider when you face this decision.
Broken heart
  1. "Father, Please Heal My Broken Heart" (l) - The emotional pain inflicted on us by others can be far worse than the physical wounds we experience. What is the right ointment for wounded hearts?
Broken laws
  1. Broken Laws, Broken Dreams (l) - On a cold, wintry day in November of 1993, my daughter and I experienced one of the saddest days of our life together -- a day that will be etched in our minds forever.
  2. Only 17: Broken Laws--Broken Dreams (l) - On a cold, wintry day in November of 1993, my daughter and I experienced one of the saddest days of our life together -- a day that will be etched in our minds forever.
Brother's keeper
  1. You Raise Me Up, Because You Are Your Brother's Keeper (l) - Sobering statistics demonstrate how swiftly society is self-destructing. We especially see self-destructive behavior in our teens. Are we to be our "brother's keeper" and help one another?
  2. Are We Our Brother's Keeper? (l) - Are we our brother's keeper?
  1. Liberte! Egalite! Fraternite! (l) - More than 200 years ago these three French words reverberated through the streets of Paris during the French Revolution. If only every society could truly practice the biblical version of liberty, equality and brotherhood! Yet the time is coming when they will.
Brothers and sisters
  1. How Can You Get Along With Brothers and Sisters? (l) - Sometimes sibling rivalries can make you wonder if "brotherly love" is an oxymoron -- a contradiction of terms. But here are some tips that can help promote peace.
Brothers of Christ
  1. God's Purpose for You (l) - Why were you born? Do you understand why you exist? The Trinity doctrine obscures the amazing truth, clearly revealed in Scripture, of God's purpose for you!
  1. Christmas Before Christ: The Surprising Truth! (l) - If you discovered that Christmas had nothing to do with Jesus Christ's birth and actually predates that event by centuries, would you still celebrate the holiday? And if you realized that the Bible reveals Holy Days commanded by God, would you celebrate them instead?
Brumalia, December 25
  1. The Christmas Tradition (l) - This is a time many enjoy being home together as a family. But why is it celebrated as the birthday of Jesus Christ?
  1. Current Events & Trends January/February 2020 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the January/February 2020 issue of Beyond Today.
  1. Appendix 5: Brutus and the Covenant Land (l) - What is the connection between Brutus and the Covenant land?
  2. "This Sceptered Isle" (l) - Today, though, it seems that despite multiple nations still looking to Queen Elizabeth as their head of state, the British throne's glory days are over, particularly with more and more calls heard for its abolishment. But what really lies ahead for the monarchy?
Bryce, Charles
  1. Could God Be Calling You to Board the Spiritual Orphan Train? (l) - Charles Brace's Orphan Train program helped thousands of neglected children begin new lives in stable, loving families. Similarly, God may be inviting you into His Church to escape the spiritual futility of this world and prepare for a magnificent future!
BT letters
  1. Letters From Our Readers - Jan/Feb 2019 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the January/February 2019 issue.
  2. Letters From Our Readers - Mar/Apr 2019 (l) - Beyond Today Editor Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the March/April 2019 issue.
  3. Letters From Our Readers - May/Jun 2019 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the May/June 2019 issue.
  4. Letters From Our Readers - Jul/Aug 2019 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the July/August 2019 issue.
  5. Letters From Our Readers - Sep/Oct 2019 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the September/October 2019 issue.
  6. Letters From Our Readers - Nov/Dec 2019 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the November/December 2019 issue.
  7. Letters From BT Readers - Jan/Feb 2020 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the January/February 2020 issue.
  8. Letters From Our Readers - Mar/Apr 2020 (l) - Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the March/April 2020 issue.
Bubonic plague
  1. (l) - Deadly diseases such as bubonic plague still threaten, even in the United States.
  1. Managing Your Finances in Tough Times: Five Steps You Can Take (l) - In these serious economic times, what can you do to strengthen your family's financial position? Here are five crucial steps you can take to put your finances on a more sound footing.
  2. Five Steps to Teach Your Children Money Management (l) - How well do your children understand and manage money? Do they understand basic concepts such as saving, budgeting, borrowing and debt? Use these helpful tips to teach them!
  3. How to Teach Your Children Good Money Management Skills (l) - The Bible has a lot to say regarding how we should be using our money and parents should be passing these financial principles onto their children.
  4. Preparing for Womanhood (l) - With so many varying ideas about what being a woman means, many are confused about what qualities are important. What does God say?
  5. Money Management 101 (l) - In a tough economy, managing your personal finances is more important than ever. Here are some tips for saving and spending your hard-earned cash.
  6. Time to Budget (l) - Sometimes, we can't see what needs to be done until it is written out before us in black and white.
  7. Avoiding Financial Black Holes (l) - Gives advice about spending wisely, and about managing one's income.
  8. Keys to Successful Money Management (l) - When we decide to use our money according to applicable scriptural principles, we soon see the need for planning and review.
  9. How to Survive Uncertain Economic Times (l) - Many today are finding it hard to get by. And amid elections and other consequential events, they fear things could worsen. The Bible gives important principles on managing our finances and making it through.
  10. The Debt Trap: How Do I Get Free? (l) - The steps necessary to free ourselves from debt aren't difficult to understand, but they do take commitment. Once committed to the challenge, you will find the results liberating-and the reward will be one that lasts a lifetime, usually even longer.
Budget deficits
  1. Are We Living in a "9/10" Economy? (l) - Global financial markets were rocked last month following rising defaults affecting mortgage-backed securities. What does this mean for the world's money supply and confidence in Western financial institutions? Are we on the verge of a major upheaval in the world economy?
  1. Monthly Income and Expense Worksheet (l) - After you determine your overall financial condition (net worth), the next step is to analyze your monthly cash flow. This will show you which direction you are headed-whether you are accumulating money, holding steady or going further into debt. Use the form below to examine your monthly income and expenses.
  1. Christ the Cornerstone (l) - Who or What is your Cornerstone?
Building vs wrecking
  1. Saying Good-bye to Our Family's Barn (l) - Watching our family's barn being torn down was an emotional experience. It takes so much more to build than to tear down.
Built to last
  1. The Citadel and the Caravan (l) - In explaining Europe to Americans, and America to Europeans, I have sometimes used the analogy of a citadel and a caravan. Europe is the citadel and America the caravan.
  1. Monarchs in the News (l) - A tragedy in Nepal and an election in Bulgaria brought attention to the world's remaining monarchies - and the possible restoration of former monarchies in Europe.
  1. What You Need to Know About School Bullies (l) - Here are some steps you should take if you or someone you know is being bullied.
  2. Surviving the Bullies: A Story of Answered Prayer (l) - God can sometimes answer the simplest of prayers in the most surprising of ways.
  1. Surviving the Bullies: A Story of Answered Prayer (l) - God can sometimes answer the simplest of prayers in the most surprising of ways.
  2. Child Abuse: What Kids Are Doing to Kids (l) - Children are hurting each other but what can be done? See how God says we should handle ourselves.
Bumper sticker
  1. "Know God, Know Peace" (l) - Without God, it's difficult to make things make sense. With God, life has a meaning and purpose that transcends the troubling headlines of today and offers hope and promise for this life and beyond.
  2. "Please Lord, Save Me From Your Followers" (l) - Have you ever wondered what kind of bumper stickers YOUR example may inspire?
  1. Moving Forward by God's Grace (l) - Many people struggle with unresolved guilt and feelings of shame over past mistakes and sins. How should our faith in God's grace and forgiveness affect our conscience?
Burial and resurrection
  1. What the Bible Says About Baptism (l) - Baptism is one of the most important beliefs of Christianity, but why? What is this ceremony all about? Is baptism merely an archaic symbol, or does it hold a deep meaning for the modern Christian? Does it matter which method of baptism is used: sprinkling, pouring, immersion or some other technique? When should one be baptized?
Burial box
  1. Surprising Archaeological Find: Proof of Jesus' Existence? (l) - Have scholars found firm evidence of the existence of Jesus Christ, His earthly father and one of His half brothers? An intriguing find bears their names.
Buried with Christ
  1. Symbolism in God's Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread (l) - God has given us two connected annual festivals in early spring (in the northern hemisphere) that we definitely are to observe as Christians, even as Jesus and the apostles did -- Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread.
  2. Baptism: Why Do We Need It? (l) - Baptism is a symbolic burial ceremony -- commanded by Jesus Himself -- through which we accept His death as a sacrifice for our sins.
  1. Islamic Culture in Europe: Main Street or Side Street? (l) - Controversies over minarets and burkas highlight larger questions about the clash of cultures and whether Europe's religious heritage should be defended.
Burkina Faso
  1. God Works in Mysterious Ways (l) - Who would have thought I would have to leave my country to find a church that existed in my own city? This experience took me to Africa and back. And I returned home with two sweet rewards.
  1. Two Men and a Valley (l) - The world will never have lasting peace so long as men reserve for war the finest human qualities. (John Foster Dulles)
  1. Leadership Under Siege Around the World (l) - Top Western leaders are under severe attack by the world's media. It is but another baleful sign of the times. This article assesses the prophetic meaning for our future.
Bush, George
  1. Lines in the Sand: The Middle East 10 Years After Iraq (l) - America considers what it's lost as Iraq struggles to redefine itself within the ever-boiling cauldron of the Middle East.
Bush, George H.
  1. Building Walls or Building Bridges? (l) - Three wise men in their time oversaw the demolition of a wall that lay in their path. Their wisdom echoes the millennial refrain, "This is the way, walk you in it."
Bush, George W.
  1. Could Ahmadinejad Be Daniel's "King of the South"? (l) - American President Bush and Iranian President Ahmadinejad. That there could be any comparison at all initially seems improbable to say the least! But making the comparison yields both parallels and paradoxes, and it may predict a colossal confrontation in the making.
  1. Pointers for a Successful Start-Up (l) - Tips on starting a business.
  2. Starting a Small Business—Even in Tough Times (l) - Here are the stories of four people who own and operate their own businesses.
Business corruption
  1. Greed Is the News of the Day (l) - A warning for American business leaders: Don't give in to the selfish pulls of personal ambition and vanity. Don't look only at the bottom line of profit or stock value as the measure of success.
  2. The Scourge of Corruption (l) - What does the Bible tell us about corruption and its causes and consequences?
  1. Are You Missing Out on a Blessing From God? (l) - Time. It's the one thing that you can never recover. Is your life hectic and out of control? You may be missing out on a special gift from God.
  2. Making Prayer a Priority (l) - Being too busy is one of many barriers that can trip up our prayer life. What can we do to better take advantage of the priceless privilege of communicating with our Creator?
  3. Wagon of Rocks (l) - Years ago Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong admonished us to simplify our lives. I think most of us are still working on this, trying to find our rhythm.
  4. B.U.S.Y (l) - "Oh sorry, I meant to get ahold of you, but I've been really busy!" "Hey, I wanted to do that, but I've just been so busy." Have you ever used this excuse? Why are we always so busy?
  5. Lessons From the Parables: The Sower and the Seeds - Part 2 (l) - You're holding in your hands the "seeds" of the gospel of the Kingdom of God. But you may not understand the spiritual battle taking place right now with you at the center. Read on to understand how it can play out!
Busy life
  1. Career, Home and Family: Can Women Really Do It All? (l) - Family workloads have increased a great deal from several decades ago. Millions of moms work outside the home by choice or necessity. How can families handle the juggling act?
Busy parents
  1. Overscheduled Families (l) - Many parents worry their children will be left behind if they aren't signed up for lots of activities. But are the benefits of such a hurried lifestyle really worth the time stress?
  1. Flight of the Monarch (l) - God's design of a delicate butterfly reminds us of the tender love He has for mankind.
Buying self test
  1. A Buying Self-Test (l) - Before committing to a purchase, give yourself this self-test to determine whether your purchase would be a wise decision.
Buying, criteria for
  1. A Buying Self-Test (l) - Before committing to a purchase, give yourself this self-test to determine whether your purchase would be a wise decision.

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