Information Related to "What Is the Gospel?"
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by Bill Winner
hat is the gospel? Is it the gospel of God? The gospel of Jesus Christ? The gospel about Christ? The gospel of the Kingdom of God? Or some other gospel? Is there more than one gospel? What gospel did Jesus preach? What did He instruct His disciples to teach? What about Paul? Did he teach the same gospel Jesus Christ taught? Or was it different from the gospel God sent through Christ?
The apostle Paul wrote of contemporaries who were perverting the gospel, teaching something other than what he taught. He marveled that, as a result, some were turning away from the gospel so soon after accepting it. Some say Jesus Christ is the gospel. If so, how does that concept fit in with the Kingdom of God, which is the focus of the good news He taught?
What do we mean gospel? The literal meaning of the word is "good news." But good news of what? Let's understand the exciting answers revealed in the Bible!
Discussion: The gospel, or good news, has its roots in the very beginning, even before the creation of the universe. Contrary to popular opinion, the gospel didn't begin with Jesus Christ's earthly ministry in the New Testament.
Note: From the beginning the message was called the gospel of Jesus Christ and the gospel of the Kingdom of God (Mark 1:1,14,15).
Discussion: What about Paul? Did he preach a different message?
Note: Paul not only faithfully preached the authentic gospel that had been delivered to him by Jesus Christ, but he was astonished that some tried to teach another gospel.
Note: The gospel is the good news of-or from-God and was taught by Jesus Christ and His disciples. It is God's message to mankind. This one genuine gospel has different names, each emphasizing an aspect of the message. Focusing on only one aspect while excluding others forms an incomplete picture.
Discussion: A part of the gospel message involves the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He is the key figure-He is of first importance-in God's plan for mankind.
Discussion: What does the gospel tell us about Christ's present and future role?
Note: The Kingdom of God of which Jesus Christ spoke will be a future world-ruling kingdom inaugurated at His return. The entire earth will be brought under His dominion and rulership.
Discussion: Jesus Christ is the key figure in the gospel message. But was Jesus Christ the gospel? Does the Bible teach us other things about the gospel?
Discussion: Many believe that the gospel didn't begin until Jesus began teaching it as recorded in the New Testament. But the good news existed long before New Testament days. As alluded to in the first part of this study, the gospel is rooted in God's plan from the very beginning. This is acknowledged by the apostle Paul in one of his letters to Timothy.
Discussion: The book of Genesis starts with an offer of the tree of life to Adam and Eve. They rebelled against God and chose wrongly. Isn't the rest of the Bible the unfurling of God's plan to redeem-to buy back-all of humanity and give it the tree of life, symbolic of immortality? (Revelation 22:1,2).
Note: The broad theme of Scripture and the message of the gospel is God's plan to give to humanity eternal life in His family. This represents the heart of the gospel. Everything else fits onto this framework.
Note: The first chapter of the Gospel of Mark succinctly chronicles the beginning of the gospel of the Kingdom of God as preached by Jesus Christ.
Discussion: What about the future of the preaching of the gospel?
Further study: The one and only gospel is and always has been the message of God to mankind. It has been the same message throughout man's history. That message is called by various names because it has various aspects.
The gospel involves man's need for salvation and God's requirement for man's repentance from sin and a belief in and acceptance of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. It foretells the return of our great Savior, who will bring grace, peace and salvation as He establishes His Kingdom on earth. For further information, request our free booklet . GN
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Related Information:
Table of Contents that includes "What Is the Gospel?"
Other Articles by Bill Winner
Origin of article "What Is the Gospel?"
Keywords: Bible Study Good News Gospel Kingdom of God
Good News: