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Many years ago when I was in grade school my parents encouraged
me to read books. Like many children at that young age, I often found
other things to do with my time like playing baseball, playing marbles
or climbing trees. Unless it was a comic or a book that was extremely
interesting with good pictures, I simply wouldn't read it! Fortunately,
as I grew older, my interest in reading changed.
As a parent, I tried to influence my own children to acquire the habit of reading, as well. I even resorted to rewarding my children with a small monetary bonus for books read throughout the summer vacations when they were out of school. However, even with the hope of receiving money for reading, they still chose to read books that were interesting, entertaining or of value to them.
With today's technology and the access to instant information on the Internet, it takes a great deal of marketing and motivation to get people to pick up a book and read its contents for entertainment or understanding—especially a book they know little about. The recent Harry Potter phenomena with children's books shows how the perceived value of content affects the motivation to read.
However, throughout modern history there is one book that remains on the
global best seller list—The Holy Bible. In spite of the fact that
the Bible remains, year in and year out, one of the best selling books
in the world, published into more languages—it is, nonetheless, more misunderstood,
misapplied and ultimately ignored than any book ever published.
If you already believe that God exists, then wouldn't it make sense to read His book? As the Bible is considered His Word, it only makes sense that people would want to read and understand this incredible book that contains the ultimate thread of history, truth and revelation.
Today's media gurus spend billions of dollars doing "market research" to gain the upper hand in trends, styles and fads. They invest incredible amounts of money just to find out what interests the younger generation. Of course, their purpose is to make money by selling a culture and its products of fashion, entertainment and information to one of the wealthiest consumer groups—the teens and young adults of today.
The media giant VIACOM (parent company of Paramount Pictures, Blockbuster Video, Comedy Central and MTV) spends virtually hundreds of millions of dollars annually to find out what teens and young adults want—to be on the cutting edge of what is new, to hunt for what is "cool." They know that to get a significant number of the younger generation to purchase a CD, listen to music, watch a movie or wear an article of clothing, it must be novel and original, something that is unique that no one else has. They know that the more young people buy a product, the less "cool" it becomes. That is the message from the media-marketing experts of today—once everyone has it, wears it or reads it, it's no longer "cool" longer sought after. But how does that apply to one of the oldest books in the world—the Bible?
The Bible contains information, historical accounts, insight into the future and the understanding of life and what makes it work. Yet, for all its exposure to millions of people, cultures, religions—it is simply misunderstood. Even one of the servants of God acknowledged such ignorance when writing to the Corinthian church: "But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory, which none of the rulers of this age knew; for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. But as it is written: 'Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him'" (1 Corinthians 2:7-9).
In this letter to the Church, the apostle Paul was acknowledging the incredible answers and understanding that are in the pages of the Bible—an understanding that is a "mystery" to most people on earth, including millions who have already read it!
This book may be old, but the understanding of what is in it is truly new—on
the cutting edge of understanding for most people! So, what are you missing out
on by not reading the Bible? "The Book" answers these questions:
In addition to containing the answers to these fundamental questions about life,
the Bible, the inspired Word of God, gives us the understanding of how to live
life. When you purchase a piece of equipment (whether a basic VCR, barbecue grill
or the latest high-tech electronic gadgetry), the manufacturer provides an instruction
manual on how to use it. Yet most people either skim over the instructions or
don't read them at all! Isn't that the truth? We often will put it together or
plug it in and look for the "on" switch—all without reading the instructions
on how to make it work!
As human beings, we are no different. We make decisions about life and take to ourselves choices about how to live our lives without ever taking the time to consider the Creator's (the Manufacturer's!) instructions—in this case, the Bible.
God's Word contains positive instruction on how to live every fundamental aspect of life: education, entertainment, job and career, marriage and family, goal-setting and true success, in addition to the ultimate questions of life. Yet, sadly, most people begin pushing the "on buttons" of life without first reading the instruction manual. Most never consider the source of information and revelation that can bring them true success, happiness, peace and understanding.
What about you? Will you begin to read "the Book"—the Bible? Are you willing to prove the uniqueness of the true message of the Bible? Will you accept the challenge of proving that the Bible is, indeed, the inspired Word of the Creator? If you do, you will find the journey to be one of excitement and incredible understanding. You will be amazed at the answers the Bible contains. Ultimately, you will come to understand that this all-time best seller is the most relevant book published for the 21st century.
To accompany your reading of the Bible, send for our free booklets entitled and . Accept the challenge to read "the Book"! YU
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Keywords: books reading Bible reading
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