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Watching and Understanding With World News and ProphecyNow more than ever, it is vital that you develop a worldview that gives understanding of today's world Darris McNeelyNearly every morning I read three newspapers and check a number of Internet sites to see the current news, gather ideas and look for trends developing in the world. In addition I am always reading books on history, current events and biographies to gain deeper insight into world events and those making the news. I guess you could call me a news junkie with an insatiable appetite for information. How can we process and make sense of all this information? What process can we use to form an accurate worldview that transcends the normal analysis from the mainstream media? We can begin with the same question the disciples asked Jesus that day on the Mount of Olives when they wanted to know "when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?" (Matthew 24:3). Christ had just pointed to all the magnificent buildings of the temple and predicted that it would all come down. It wasn't long before Christ's words were initially fulfilled in the clash between Jerusalem and the armies of the Roman Empire. The city was destroyed in A.D. 70 when Rome projected its power into this corner of the empire and demolished the Jewish state. The Jews revolted and Rome responded. It was a major political clash that changed history and fulfilled a key biblical prophecy. But understand this: When it happened, most of the inhabitants of the land did not realize its meaning. Jesus' words were forgotten by most, remembered by a few and misunderstood by the rest. Without an anchor solidly planted in the Word of God, we, too, will miss the meaning of world events that shape our present and future. Jesus Christ was a prophet! We should pay attention to His words so that we might understand the prophetic significance of current events. His answer to the disciples described the course of events from that time to today and on to His dramatic return. WNP's missionThat is why we use this verse within our mission statement: "The mission of World News and Prophecy (WNP) is to provide United Church of God members and other interested persons with commentary and analysis of selected world news topics in the light of Bible prophecy. Its purpose is to help readers discern the times and increase their awareness and understanding of the answers Christ gave to His disciples' question: 'Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?' (Matthew 24:3)." Do you notice our intent? We want to help you to "discern the times and increase...awareness and understanding." We don't want you to be like the citizens of Jerusalem in the first century, caught like birds in a trap, who, though warned by Christ, did not know what was in their near future. We believe God's Word gives us the framework to understand the context of our lives in this fast-paced modern technological age. Using the Bible as the foundation of knowledge, we can chart a course through the maze of information thrown at us through all forms of media. God's revealed Word, then, is the lens through which we view politics, philosophies and religions of the entire world. When I read a news story or write an article or make a public presentation at one of our World News and Prophecy seminars, this shapes my approach. This publication is nearing its 10th anniversary, having run 100 issues full of articles on world events and Bible prophecy. We strive to craft every word of every issue from a view that God is in control of the major trends and events of history. As Daniel's prophecy reveals, God sets up leaders and kings over nations and He controls the course of nations and empires (Daniel 2:20-21; 4:25). Nothing happens of which He is not aware. WNP seminarsFor more than six years the writers of WNP have conducted public seminars for our readers. We have traveled across the United States and internationally to meet with readers and continue the conversation begun within these pages. Through these seminars we are able to make in-depth presentations on topics such as "The Mark of the Beast," "The King of the South," "Europe's Long Dream" and many other topics. It has been helpful to meet with readers and hear their ideas about the Bible and see their enthusiasm for hearing a discussion of prophetic topics. Many travel hundreds of miles to attend. I have found that many young people are especially interested in Bible prophecy. They want to learn more of the details and to connect the events of today's world to the major prophetic trends. They see the value of having a God-centered approach to the world. World News and Prophecy gives them a perspective they do not find elsewhere. Within the past 12 months we have conducted seminars in nine locations. The coming year will see us conduct seven additional seminars. Be watching here for announcements of these seminars so you can attend. WNPonlineWe began the online version of World News and Prophecy four and a half years ago when it became apparent we needed to update stories and provide commentary between issues. Blogging and podcasting technology had developed to enable communication to be done on the Web with ease and quickness. At you will find all back issues of WNP, along with the blog and podcast, Longitude. Commentary can be found on a wide range of topics meant to encourage and help discern the times and the news. You can set an RSS feed to read the blog through a Web reader as it is updated. We have taped many of the WNP seminars presented over the years, and you will find them archived there as well. Watch them on your computer or download them to watch or listen to on your iPod or MP3 player. The view from the KingdomBack to my original thought. How do we process all the information available today? How are our views and opinions shaped? It is very simple. We strive to always look from the vantage point of the gospel of the Kingdom of God. The Bible reveals the truth of the coming Kingdom to replace all human kingdoms. The book of Revelation shows that at the sounding of the seventh trumpet voices in heaven say, "The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!" (Revelation 11:15). Though the literal realization of this Kingdom is future, the Bible gives us many details of how this time will revolutionize all human relationships and institutions. All things will become new as the way of God is taught from Jerusalem to all the nations. A complete restoration of all things will take place throughout human society. With God's law and way clearly seen in Scripture, it is logical to form a solution for the problems and ills of society. The solution is the application of the laws and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God. The way out of the wars and upsets of nations is to apply the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount. They work on the individual level and will work on the international level. Some say they won't work. How do they know? Have they ever seen these teachings actually applied in the manner Christ taught? No, they haven't. And don't look for them to be completely applied as long as humans are running the governments. But this forms my worldview: I live in this world today as a citizen of the future Kingdom of God. I strive to treat people as they should be treated—with the principles of the Sermon on the Mount as my guide. I examine the social and political issues around us from the perspective of the way God dealt with Israel and the nations with which they came into contact. Pilate was told by Christ that His Kingdom was not of this world, and so I don't look for any government or political philosophy to provide the ultimate solution. At best, I pray for a wise, just and humane government for all people—while framing the entire prayer with the hope of "Your kingdom come," as Jesus told us to pray daily. As you read World News and Prophecy, and all other literature produced by the , keep these principles in mind. God is moving history to a time when He will intervene to end human rule on this planet. The coming of His Kingdom is as certain as the rising of tomorrow's sun. God speed that day! WNP Related Resources
Why Prophecy? The Gospel of the Kingdom?
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Origin of article "Watching and Understanding With World News and Prophecy"
Keywords: worldview news guide Bible prophecy
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