"H" - Subject Index
- Swine Flu Incites Fear of Pandemic (l) - Fear! Health alert! Pandemic! These are the alarming words in the headlines as the world begins to address the outbreak of a new strain of swine flu virus. Are we on the verge of the oft-predicted next great pandemic of flu that could kill millions?
- A Modern Menace: Emerging and Reemerging Diseases (l) - Worried health officials have declared the latest swine flu outbreak to be a worldwide epidemic, though so far it has proven not to be as deadly as first feared. But is this a warning of greater dangers to come? Does Bible prophecy give any indications?
- Habakkuk's Dilemma (l) - After years of preaching a strong message of repentance, the prophet Habakkuk became distressed since most people refused to heed His God-given words. Learn what God told him and discover how it applies to people in today's world.
- The Power of Habits (editorial) (l) - Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny. --traditional saying
- The Power of Habits (l) - How do we get to the point where we do what we know we should do? Can this really be done? The answer is "Yes!" Here's how.
- What Science Tells Us About Habits (l) - The study, published in the November 2004 issue of Psychological Science, suggests that old habits are relatively automatic, while new learning requires control.
- Creating Winning Habits (l) - It's possible to reengineer the surface of your own brain to be more successful in shooting baskets -- and much more!
- The Corruption of Good Habits (l) - If we are not on guard, the world can degrade our good habits.
- How to Put Down Your Phone and Pick Up the Bible (l) - Is your smartphone's unending supply for information and entertainment drawing you away from God?
- Building Habits of Prayer and Bible Study (l) - Good communication between God and us is a vital aspect of the godly way of life. God speaks to us through His Word, the Holy Scriptures. We talk to Him through prayer.
- Breaking Bad Habits (l) - Are we in control of our thoughts and actions, or does something else rule in our lives? Are we in bondage to stubborn habits and runaway emotions? How can we take back control of our lives?
Habits of disobedience
- Develop Your Spiritual Senses (l) - Many want to avoid sin but don't know where to begin. By understanding the process of how sin occurs, you can better avoid it in your life.
Habitual sins
- Questions and Answers - Jul/Aug 2003 (l) - Here are some comments and letters from readers of the Good News.
- Assault on Facebook! (l) - Facebook receives more than one billion logins each day.
- To Hell and Back -- for a Popsicle (l) - The story is real. The Popsicle was sweet. The understanding is priceless.
- A Trip to Hell and Back (l) - Do you know the truth about "hell" as described in the Bible? Come along on a journey with someone who's been there and returned!
- The state of the dead (l) - Let's go back over the second part of Luke 16:22And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;, which states, "The rich man also died and was buried." Let's pause once again to ask a fundamental question. What does the Bible reveal about the state of the dead? "For the living know that they will die; but the dead know nothing...For there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going" (Ecclesiastes 9:5For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten., Ecclesiastes 9:10Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.).
- The Biblical View of 'Hell' (l) - The Biblical view of 'hell'.
- Lazarus and the Rich Man: Proof of Heaven and Hell? (l) - This parable teaches us that choosing to reject God's instruction will bring disastrous consequences - everlasting destruction in a lake of fire.
- Who Will Go to Hell? (l) - What is hell? In the Bible the word hell is mentioned 54 times. It is translated from four different words. The only one in the Old Testament -- sheol in the Hebrew -- and one in the New Testament -- hades in Greek -- have the meaning of the grave, a pit or the abode of the dead. Sheol is the only word in the Old Testament from which hell is translated in the King James Version of the Bible. It is translated "hell" 31 times. Hades is translated "hell" 10 times in the New Testament.
Hair length
- What Your Appearance Says About You (l) - Some people don't think clothes matter or that it makes any difference how they wear their hair. The Bible says differently. Read this article to find out how and why.
- Does Haiti Have a Future? (l) - A massive amount of aid is pouring into the Caribbean nation of Haiti in the aftermath of a 7.0 earthquake. History has neglected this poor nation. Beyond this present tragedy, what is the best way forward?
- World News & Trends March/April 2010 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. March 2010
- The Cuban and Haitian Crises (l) - Riots in Cuba and an assassination in Haiti may not seem that important in the scope of world news. But these Caribbean nations hold positions vital to American and world interests.
- God Hasn't Told Me to Leave (l) - "Haiti" can be a state of mind. Life can seem out of control, threatening to overwhelm you. And, right now, all you know is that you want a "one-way ticket" out of despair.
- Halloween: Behind the Mask (l) - Every year, on the evening of Oct. 31, millions of families celebrate a distinctly odd holiday known as Halloween. For your own good, you need to know what lurks behind the mask of Halloween.
- How Did a Pagan Holiday Become a 'Christian' Celebration? (l) - Fewer understand the connection between Halloween and the next day on the calendar, the festival of All Hallows' or All Saints' Day.
- Is Halloween Harmless? (l) - Every year at Halloween, well-meaning parents dress their children in grotesque and ghoulish costumes. Is Halloween really harmless? Who and what's behind this bizarre holiday?
- Halloween - Calling Evil Good (l) - Why does it matter what a young person like you chooses to do on October 31?
- Gargoyles, Ghouls, Ghosts and Goblins? (l) - Does our modern world take the spirit realm too lightly?
- Halloween: A Celebration of Evil (l) - Why would anyone celebrate a holiday emphasizing the morbid and macabre? Where did such strange customs originate?
- Are You Tricked Into Treating at Halloween? (l) - Commercial advertising has successfully turned Halloween into big business.
- Can Halloween Be Christianized? (l) - Finding the shadows of the evil customs of Halloween abhorant, many Christians have sought to sanitize the holiday by integrating religious symbols with which they are more familiar and comfortable.
- Who's Getting Tricked by Halloween? (l) - Why do witches, goblins, jack-o'-lanterns, cobwebs, graveyards and symbols of the occult surround this holiday? You need to know the real story.
- (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News Magazine, Jan/Feb 2003.
- Ghouls, Ghosts and Goblins (l) - The origin and meaning of Halloween.
- Halloween's Dark Roots (l) - In recent years eye opening materials have been published about the questionable background of Halloween.
- A Halloween Story (l) - Following is an imaginary dialogue on the reasons responsible people might wonder whether they should participate in the customs, and don the costumes, of Halloween.
Halloween, origin of
- Who's Getting Tricked by Halloween? (l) - Why do witches, goblins, jack-o'-lanterns, cobwebs, graveyards and symbols of the occult surround this holiday? You need to know the real story.
- Popular, But Wrong, Ideas About Angels (l) - People have a number of ideas about angels that do not accurately reflect what we see revealed in Scripture.
- World News Review February 2006 (l) - World News - Feb. 2006
- An Incendiary Arc of Instability (l) - Hamas' surprising victory in the Palestinian elections casts a giant shadow over the hoped-for road map to peace. It may even lead to a bloody conflict of massive proportions in the Middle East.
- World News and Trends - March/April 2006 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Mar/Apr 2006
- World News Review February 2008 (l) - World News review. Feb. 2008
- Can Israel Survive? (l) - Israel is geographically tiny, especially when measured against its massive impact on the world. Yet it remains the unceasing target of hostile criticism, with some countries openly threatening its extinction. Only 60 years old, Israel's survival remains at stake today. What does Scripture say?
- Intifada of the Crossings (l) - Tiny, but forever pivotal to world politics, Israel is struggling with a new intifada, a concerted attack on all the Gaza crossings and one in particular the crossing at Rafah. The strategic importance of "crossings" is identified in Bible prophecy, only by another name.
- The Palestinian People: Poorly Prepared for Statehood (l) - In spite of its UN bid for statehood, the Palestinian Authority (PA) remains thoroughly corrupt and dysfunctional.
- Telling Symbolism From the Hamas Logo (l) - Hamas is the Islamic group that controls Gaza, from which attacks are regularly launched against Israel.
- Hamas' Shifting Allegiance Reflects New Mideast Dynamics (l) - Egypt's new parliament is already changing the Egyptians' relationships with their neighbors across their northern border -- Israel and the terrorist organization Hamas, which runs the Gaza Strip and is vehemently opposed to Israel's existence.
- The Israeli-Hamas Fight Continues (l) - The latest war between Israel and Gaza proved to be one of the most violent and polarizing yet.
- Life in a Dangerous Neighborhood (l) - Against all odds, Israel manages to not just survive but to thrive. It's an astounding story and one that, amazingly enough, was indicated ages ago in Bible prophecy.
- Israel's 9/11 (l) - The entire world was shocked by the viciousness of a brutal assault on Israeli civilians on one of Israel's holiest days of the year. What's behind this latest bloody round of violence? You need to know!
- Hell Unleashed - The Spirit Behind the Hamas Attack on Israel (l) - The viciousness of the recent Hamas attack on Israel and its occurrence on a biblical Holy Day, like an invasion 50 years before, have biblical significance, pointing to the devil's rage.
- Current Events & Trends: January/February 2024 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the January/February 2024 issue of Beyond Today.
- Current Events & Trends - May/June 2024 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the May/June 2024 issue of Beyond Today.
- Current Events & Trends: November/December 2024 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the November/December 2024 issue of Beyond Today.
- After Arafat (l) - A second contentious dispute between Yasir Arafat and a second prime minister over the control of the Palestinian Security Services shows the world what kind of leader Arafat is -- and what the Palestinian Authority will be like when he is gone.
Hampton Court
- The Ironies Behind the Hampton Court Summit (l) - An EU summit was hosted by the British prime minister at Hampton Court Palace, Henry VIII's home in the 16th century. While Henry severed Britain's tie to Europe, recent British governments have increasingly committed themselves to European unity.
Hand holding
- A Touchy Subject (l) - The time to make decisions about physical contact is before you get in a touchy situation. Making a decision on the fly with no forethought is a recipe for going too far.
Hand of God
- The Touch of Man and the Hand of God (l) - Humans have an innate need for contact -- for physical touch. But is there greater spiritual significance to touching?
Hand-written letters
- The Lost Art of R.S.V.P. (l) - As a way to help make your friendships last, put into practice this important aspect of etiquette.
Handbook for humankind
- One of the World's Most Popular Books (l) - Announces the Bible as the most-read Book in the English-speaking world, and lauds the wisdom it imparts.
Handwriting on the wall
- Wise Men Will Seek Him (l) - The need for wisdom is one of the great themes of the Bible. And being wise leads inescapably to one course of action -- seeking God!
- Happy Thanksgivukkah? (l) - What lessons can we learn from the history that makes Hanukkah and Thanksgiving coincide in 2013?
- What About Thanksgiving, Hanukkah and Purim? (l) - What About Thanksgiving, Hanukkah and Purim?
- The Feast of Hanukkah: Testimony to Bible Prophecy (l) - The Jewish community worldwide lights candles in celebration of the Hanukkah festival. The dramatic story behind this festival not only shows us God's faithfulness, but also the certain reliability of prophecy!
Hanukkah and Purim
- (l) - questions and answers represent issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
- Do You Choose Happiness? (l) - "You can't roller-skate in a buffalo herd, but you can be happy if you've a mind to." lines from old songs sometimes sound out-of-date, but the imagery is interesting. Can we really be happy if we want to?
- In the News Apr/June 2005 (l) - In the news -- Spring 2005.
- Just for Youth... Do You Choose Happiness? (l) - "You can't roller-skate in a buffalo herd, but you can be happy if you've a mind to." lines from old songs sometimes sound out-of-date, but the imagery is interesting. Can we really be happy if we want to?
- The Seven Beatitudes of Revelation (l) - The seven beatitudes of Revelation, make it abundantly clear that God wants to give us His "penny," not for our thoughts, but for our actions. And if we have to wait a while, it's worth it -- because after all, there's a blessing. Seven of them!
- The Quest for Happiness (l) - A man in a concentration camp discovered some keys to real happiness.
- In the News Apr/June 2007 (l) - News items, April 2007
- Joy: Foundation for a Positive Life (l) - Jesus said to His disciples, "These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full" (John 15:11These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.). That sounds almost too good to be true! How can we experience this fullness of joy?
- Man's Endless Quest for Happiness (l) - How can you find real happiness? Many people look for it by acquiring more and more or doing more and more. But that's not where the key to real happiness lies.
- In the News... April 2009 (l) - Items in the news - April 2009
- The Truth About Love (l) - A Good News interview with Dr. Pat Love.
- A Key to a Happy Life (l) - The secret to a happy life isn't much of a secret at all -- it's been in the Bible for over 3,000 years!
- In the News January 2011 (l) - News of interest to teens and young adults from a biblical perspective.
- Putting Things into Perspective (l) - Where is your focus in life? Is it aimed at the things that will make you truly happy?
- Proverbs: To Eat With Those You Love (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
- Proverbs: Smiling Faces (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
- Does Life Have Greater Meaning and Purpose? (l) - Most people don't have the understanding that God is involved with mankind and that He has a plan for us. To be at peace, human beings must realize what God has in mind for them.
- Choose to Be Happy While Encouraging Others (l) - How can we find happiness in discouraging times such as these? One way is through encouraging others.
- 'Some Things Are Better Than Money' (l) - Some Things Are Better Than Money' An unexpected turn of events can sometimes teach us a valuable lesson.
Happiness and marriage
- World News and Trends - March/April 2007 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. March 2007.
Happiness, way to
- When Will Suffering Cease? (l) - In this 'present evil age' (Galatians 1:4) God is allowing human beings to learn important lessons. He wants mankind to know that sin produces horrible consequences and that we have brought much grief on ourselves by rejecting His instructions.
Happy life
- A Key to a Happy Life (l) - The secret to a happy life isn't much of a secret at all -- it's been in the Bible for over 3,000 years!
Happy marriage
- Finding the Path to a Happy Family (l) - God didn't create the family relationship and then leave us to stumble blindly trying to find the best way to make it work. The keys for family happiness and success are revealed in the Scriptures.
- Marriage: Foundation of the Family (l) - Applying God's principles for marriage not only produces happy relationships in this life, it yields greater understanding of godly principles that will last for eternity.
- What Are the Keys to a Happy Marriage? (l) - Many would have you believe that the marital union is archaic and unnecessary. Yet mankind's Creator designed marriage as the ideal relationship for men and women. What fundamental principles can you practice to build a happy marriage?
- Building a Relationship for a Lifetime (l) - How would you like the benefit of more than one thousand years of experience from people who are enjoying fulfilling and happy marriages?
- Europe and the Church, Part 9: Charles V's Empire Upon Which the Sun Never Set (l) - The Holy Roman Emperor Charles V was the most famous Habsburg in history, presiding over an empire that stretched from the Philippines to Peru and was the greatest in Europe. During his reign he was confronted with major challenges, including the Protestant Reformation. His reign constituted the fourth of the seven prophesied resurrections of the Roman Empire, which will see its final resurrection just before the return of Jesus Christ as King of Kings.
Hard currency
- (l) - With a barrel of oil near $100 and the dollar falling 16 percent against other currencies, Americans need to understand what's behind the falling dollar and what the consequences will be for them.
Hard heart
- Heart of Stone: Unearthing the Mysteries of the Plagues (l) - God explains again and again that Pharaoh refused to free Israel in the Exodus because Pharaoh's heart was hardened. But what does that mean?
Hard times
- Help in the Tough Times (l) - The Good News offers articles to help families cope better with the new economic realities.
Hard work
- My Father's Saw (l) - The feel of it in my hands brought back memories of a hard-working man who cared for his family. It also reminded me of the hope for the future.
- My Father's Saw(2) (l) - The feel of it in my hands brought back memories of a hard-working man who cared for his family. It also reminded me of the hope for the future.
- A Key to a Happy Life (l) - The secret to a happy life isn't much of a secret at all -- it's been in the Bible for over 3,000 years!
- The Heart of Flesh Restored (l) - It's going to take a change in the hearts of mankind for there to be true peace on earth.
- Becoming Resensitized (l) - If we have prolonged or repeated exposure to something, we get used to it. So what happens when that something is wrong -- something we don't want to be comfortable with? It takes a lot of commitment -- and God's help -- but we can restore our sensitivity to sin.
- Imprisoned and Faithful (l) - Do you feel imprisoned by afflictions and hardships that seem to have no end? If so, how can you stay faithful to God and His way of life?
- The Christian Battle (l) - A good soldier knows many battles are always looming on the horizon, so he prepares to handle them one by one.
Hariri, Rafiq
- Syria in the Crosshairs (l) - World opinion is that Syria appears to have gone one step too far in its deadly game of sponsoring terrorism. The assassination of Rafiq Hariri will have far-reaching consequences for Syria, as well as for the entire Middle East.
Harm to marriage
- What Keeps Marriages Alive? (l) - Dr. Gary Smalley discusses what preserves and destroys marriages.
- What Do You Mean: Wise and Harmless? (l) - Wolves? Snakes? Doves? What was Jesus trying to tell us?
- The Feast of Tabernacles: Jesus Christ Reigns Over All the Earth (l) - God's plan for mankind involves restoration. The Feast of Tabernacles symbolizes the restoration process, which will start with the return of Jesus Christ, pictured by the Feast of Trumpets, and the banishment of Satan, depicted by the Day of Atonement.
Harp symbol
- More Links to David (l) - Besides what we've already seen, there are other corroborating factors connecting the line of David with Ireland.
- Popular, But Wrong, Ideas About Angels (l) - People have a number of ideas about angels that do not accurately reflect what we see revealed in Scripture.
Harris, Joshua
- The Dating Debate (l) - With all the bad results, should a Christian give up on dating altogether? Or is there a better way?
Harry Potter
- (l) - Questions and answers on issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice
- Breaking the Spell of Harry Potter (l) - While America wages war in a "just cause" in Afghanistan, audiences are flocking to two current movies dealing with witchcraft and sorcery. How does God view this scene? Can a nation call for God's blessing while it exports witchcraft?
- World News Review July 2000 (l) - World News Review - July 2000
- (l) - Comments from the readers of the Good News magazine, Mar/Apr 2002.
- The Bible and Harry Potter (l) - Is the occult fantasy of Harry Potter just innocent fun?
- (l) - Letters about resurrection, heaven and hell, trinity, Harry Potter
- The Feast of Pentecost: The Firstfruits of God's Harvest (l) - Pentecost serves as an annual reminder that our Creator still works miracles, granting His Spirit to the firstfruits of His spiritual harvest, empowering them to carry out His work in this world.
- God's Harvest Feasts: His Assurance of Hope for Mankind (l) - Despite the enormous problems facing humanity today, mankind has great hope for the future. Proof of that hope lies in God's harvest celebrations laid out in the Bible.
Harvest festival
- Feasting With a Focus (l) - The physical harvest serves to remind us of the spiritual blessings we enjoy.
Harvest festivals
- The Feast of Pentecost and Its Meaning For All Mankind (l) - Pentecost has three different names. Those names point to different aspect of what the day means.
Harvest Home
- Is Thanksgiving Rooted in a Biblical Festival? (l) - Historians and Jewish sources point out that America's Thanksgiving holiday may not have been a totally new celebration-but that its roots may go back thousands of years to the biblical Feast of Tabernacles.
Hasty judgment
- Don't Judge a Book by Its Cover (l) - If you have ever "judged a book by its cover," you have let the first impression of someone become a lasting one. This story of two hunters pictures the importance of looking deeper into the pages of others' lives, into the heart of the matter.
- God's Feelings About Emotions (l) - Why did God give us such a vast array of emotions? Can our emotions help us develop strong connections with Him and our fellow man?
- Why This Death Didn't Count (l) - Examples like this and many more, that can be found through searches of alternative media sources on the Internet - demonstrate that most major media outlets often aren't reporting the full spectrum of the news, but only the news they want you to hear.
Hate literature
- In the News Jul/Sep 2004 (l) - In the news... July/September 2004
Hate speech
- Redefining Hate Speech (l) - Hate speech—it can incite racism, prejudices and even violence. But is it hate speech to disagree with others in the public arena on important moral issues? The debate over what is and is not hate speech is much more important than you may realize. There may come a time in the near future when it may be illegal to promote biblical standards concerning abortion, homosexuality or marriage.
- Hatred Rising (l) - Why do seemingly civilized people seethe with unreasonable hatred? America wastes its time and energy to try to understand why it is hated. What does the truth mean to you?
- Earthquake in Hawaii Shows We Are Still Not Prepared for a Disaster (l) - Hawaii survived Oct. 15's 6.7 earthquake, but the immediate aftermath was a reminder of how vulnerable our modern world is to disasters of all kinds.
- Asking the Crucial Questions (l) - Evidence of God's existence is available. Let's look at some of the evidence, asking and answering questions so basic to our search for meaning and purpose.
- Any Room at the Inn? (l) - Would I have opened my door to save the life of another person?
Head covering
- (l) - Questions and answers on issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
Heal land
- America's Hope for Recovery: Real or Merely an Illusion? (l) - Has America dodged the bullet? Has the economy turned around? Will government intervention save the day? Will the country soon wake up from its financial nightmare and find that everything has returned to normal?
- You Were Born to Win! (l) - When loneliness and depression beat you down, remember, there is Someone to help you up. Don't accept the label "loser," because you were born to win!
Healer, being a
- Born to Succeed! (l) - When loneliness and depression beat you down, remember, there is Someone to help you up. Don't accept the label "loser," because you were born to succeed!
- A Return to Eden: When Hunger and Disease Disappear (l) - The plight of the sick, poor and hungry makes us long for the day when a real utopia spreads around the earth!
- The World Beyond Today: What Lies in Store? (l) - "The world has never had it so good." This is how one prominent editor and writer described the current human condition in a recent editorial. Is he right, or should we be looking beyond today's world for a fabulous utopian age long foretold in the pages of the Bible?
- Your Responsibility in Healing (l) - We all have experienced health issues in our lives -- as have many we know and love. But just what is our role in the healing process?
- Healing Instruments in God's Hands (l) - Each person needs healing before each can begin to help heal others.
- Help for Sufferers (l) - The unwillingness of mankind as a whole to believe and obey God is the real reason for a suffering world. But God offers relief from suffering.
- Pondering the Value of Life (l) - Being a pastor in Terre Haute during the media circus of the McVeigh execution forced me once again to examine the meaning of life.
- If I Knew Then What I Know Now (l) - God provides an opportunity for a new beginning - not just once, but countless times after that initial start.
- "Father, Please Heal My Broken Heart" (l) - The emotional pain inflicted on us by others can be far worse than the physical wounds we experience. What is the right ointment for wounded hearts?
- The Gift That Keeps on Giving (l) - Most of us, at one time or another in our lives, have experienced an event considered a miracle. Whether we believe or not, miracles are a gift from God which carry meaning throughout the rest of our lives.
Healing and fasting
- What Does the Bible Teach About Fasting? (l) - Fasting - going without food and water- is mentioned often in the Bible. What can we learn from the examples we are given?
Healing earth
- What's Shakin' Terra Firma? (l) - When the ground beneath your feet begins to tremble, it can be terribly unsettling, especially with lives in jeopardy. Why do we live in a world of earthquakes - and will we always?
Healing grace
- Grace in Action: Jesus Christ's Example (l) - The best way to understand grace may be to see it in action. In the life of Jesus Christ we have a perfect example of grace to follow and show in our lives.
Healing, mental
- Children of War (l) - Working with children whose lives have been devastated by war today provides some clues about how we can prepare to help people heal when peace finally does come.
- Seven Principles That Lead to Success (l) - None of us wants to fail and there are things we can do to defeat failure. Following these seven steps can lead you on your journey to success!
- Fitness or Fatness: What's Your Plan? (l) - We generally take care of our cars, but most people don't have much of a plan for their health. With so much working against us, how can we choose fitness?
- Sleep... A Key to Weight Control (l) - What decisions are you making about your long-term fitness? Will you be fit and trim or, altering an expression slightly, "fit to be tired"? How much you sleep can make a difference!
- I Am the Biggest Loser, and You Can Be Too! (l) - I hope my story and the food tips included at the end will inspire and help you reach or maintain a healthy weight.
- Preparing for Womanhood (l) - With so many varying ideas about what being a woman means, many are confused about what qualities are important. What does God say?
- Emotional - Physical Health Connection (l) - Taking care of your body is an important step towards mental and emotional health. God created links between the human body and mind.
- Take Care of Yourself - Emotionally (l) - People concerned about their health start exercise programs. But they should also think about improving their emotional health.
- Daily Exercise Helps Prevent Health Decline (l) - Study results show that daily exercise can help stabilize metabolic health.
- Up In Smoke: 50 Years of Smoking and Lung Cancer (l) - Half a century later, the known harmful of effects of smoking tobacco are still very real.
- Robot Walk and Technology Posture - Ailments of the Digital Age (l) - How you hold technology in your hand can impact overall health.
- Smoking Rates Higher Among Poorer People (l) - Why do poorer people smoke at higher rates than wealthy people? It may be that smoking gives some pleasure and meaning to an otherwise average life. Or in the end it may be no more than that they're just bored.
- Eat Your Fruits and Veggies for Disease Prevention (l) - Study proves common sense advice to be accurate, eat plenty of produce!
- Noise Pollution Impacts Health (l) - The soundscape around us changes as technology emerges. Can it affect health?
- Sleep Improves Learning (l) - Are you well rested? Vital neural connections are made during sleep.
- Fitness as Important as Not Smoking (l) - We've been taught since grade school that we should stay fit to live healthier and longer lives. A recent study with data going back close to a lifetime reveals more about this.
- The Bible and Science (l) - science has had to capitulate from a stance that it dethroned the Bible as Truth, since newer discoveries prove the Bible's information to be accurate and true.
- Keys to a Long, Healthy Life (l) - Let's consider seven important health principles. Practicing these will help you live a longer and healthier life. These principles are backed by extensive research in the health-care field and by the Bible
- You Can Have Healthy Children - Here's How (l) - What can we do to help our children adopt healthy habits as a way of life?
- Prepare for a Long, Healthy Life (l) - Most teens assume they will always be healthy, but research shows that modern teens are starting to have serious health problems. What can you do to increase your odds for a lifetime of good health?
- Aging Gracefully in an Uncertain World (l) - Growing old should be positive experience. How can we make those positive and productive?
- Follow a Healthy - and Biblical - Diet (l) - The Bible is a reliable source to dietary information. God, the designer of our bodies, knows what we should eat.
- Take Responsibility for Your Own Health--Nobody Else Will! (l) - Why do people get sick? Sickness is not a natural state-of-being. Learn how to protect your health by changing the way you think about food.
- Should You Drink Wine? (l) - According to the bible and leading experts of today; what are the benefits and risks of alcohol consumption?
- Vibrant Health - The Crucial Biblical Keys (l) - The Creator God, who is sometimes called the Great Physician, knows everything about what is best for our health.
- Smoking and Health: The Often-Overlooked Key (l) - Smoking is devastating to one's health. Where can you find the extra help to kick the habit?
- (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News, Mar/Apr 2003.
- A Deadly Epidemic (l) - Between 300,000 and 600,000 Americans will die this year, not from terrorist acts, but from a chronic disease growing so rapidly that it is now officially called an epidemic. You'll be shocked to find out what and how widespread it is.
Health and beauty
- What Makes a Woman Beautiful? (l) - Our society is obsessed with being beautiful! But is there more to beauty than what meets the eye?
Health and diet
- Prepare for a Long, Healthy Life (l) - Most teens assume they will always be healthy, but research shows that modern teens are starting to have serious health problems. What can you do to increase your odds for a lifetime of good health?
Health and wealth
- A Biblical Overview of Money and Wealth (l) - The Bible offers timeless and practical advice about managing your finances. So what does it say about money and wealth? Is it right or wrong, good or bad? Wealth itself isn't the problem-though our attitude toward it can be.
Health care
- Different Elections -- Same Issues (l) - Outside the United States, the same issues confront candidates in other elections.
- U.S. Presidential Leadership Called into Question (l) - Of potentially greater concern than the Middle East minefield are the serious straits besetting U.S. President Barack Obama and his administration.
Health laws
- The Dangerous Spread of E. coli (l) - E. coli is dangerous.
- Clean and Unclean Meats : A Matter of Health? (l) - Clean and Unclean Meats: A Matter of Health?
- The Diets of the Millennium Should Be the Diets of Today (l) - After the second coming, Jesus will not only heal people, but teach the world how to build and maintain good health. This is one of the lessons of the Feast of Tabernacles.
Health of a father
- Fathers Vital to Healthy Development of Children (l) - Recent research from Canada confirms the importance of the father in the life of a child.
Healthy diet
- A Telling Event From Jesus Christ's Ministry (l) - Many people assume Jesus Christ abolished the distinctions between clean and unclean meats, even though, as we have seen, no evidence for this exists in the Scriptures.
Healthy eating
- Gray Dumplings: Gray, Slippery, and Very Chewy! (l) - What we eat affects our health and well being.
Healthy food
- Eating Choices - Does God Care? (l) - Vertical Thought discusses God's involvement in our eating habits with Hope Egan, author of Holy Cow! Does God Care About What We Eat? In her book, Ms. Egan invites readers to look at their eating habits by examining the meat-related biblical food laws and God's overall design for healthy eating.
- In the News Jan/Mar 2008 (l) - News of interest to young people. Jan. 2008
- You Can Have Anything You Want (l) - In today's world we're taught that if we want it, we can get it. But do we need it or should we have it? And what does God have to say about it?
- Eating Healthy Won't Break the Bank (l) - A study by the United States Department of Agriculture found that by some measures healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables do in fact cost less than foods higher in fat, sugar and salt.
- Why What We Eat Is Important (l) - When you're pressured to eat foods you know you shouldn't, what do you do?
Healthy relationships
- Who Are You? (l) - Every day we see people trying to discover their personal identity through plastic surgery or facial injections, meaningless sexual liaisons or by buying into the latest fads. How can you be at peace with yourself?
- Read My Mind... (l) - Research into the potential for brain wave reading devices for patients who cannot talk took a big leap forward recently.
Hearing God
- Connections (l) - Do you want to "hear" God? We can begin by creating conditions that allow us to hear. For a lot of us that may mean removing the clutter and distractions of our modern world.
Hearing loss
- In the News Jan/Mar 2008 (l) - News of interest to young people. Jan. 2008
- Proverbs: Consider A Matter (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
- The Heart of a King (l) - People are easily impressed by the way someone looks, but real leadership comes from what's inside a person--from the heart. Consider the shepherd who became king David.
- Heart of Stone: Unearthing the Mysteries of the Plagues (l) - God explains again and again that Pharaoh refused to free Israel in the Exodus because Pharaoh's heart was hardened. But what does that mean?
- Proverbs: God Weighs Motives (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
- Proverbs: Evil Designs (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
- Is the Kingdom Within You? (l) - Rather than telling the Pharisees that the Kingdom of God was something in their hearts, Jesus Christ warned them that they were so spiritually blind they couldn't recognize the very personification of that Kingdom in Him.
- All the World Under the New Covenant (l) - The ultimate intent of God's master plan is to change the hearts of all peoples so He can give them His gift of eternal life.
- The Holy Spirit: God's Promise of His Divine Help (l) - We need God's help, through His Spirit, to obey Him from the heart and bring our thoughts, attitudes and actions in line with His.
- What Was the Main Weakness of the Sinai Covenant? (l) - The primary weakness of the Sinai Covenant was not in its laws but in the people's lack of a willing heart to obey them.
- The Tenth Commandment: True Righteousness Comes From the Heart (l) - Our transgressions of God's law of love begin in the heart. From within come the desires that tempt us and lead us astray.
- Why We Must Change Our Way of Thinking (l) - A change in the way we think is the most important aspect of real repentance. After we receive the Holy Spirit, we are better able to sustain right behavior as the fruit of our new way of thinking.
- Written by the Finger of God (l) - God is looking for people who recognize the importance of His law -- who want to have God write it on their hearts.
- Hearts of Unseen Valor and Misjudged Intentions (l) - Can we truly know the struggles going on in others' hearts? Can we judge their motives and intents?
- Did Jesus Declare All Meats Clean? (l) - Many assume Jesus' statements in Mark 7 did away with the dietary restrictions recorded in the Old Testament. How should we understand Christ's words?
- Fire, Ready, Aim -- Huh? (l) - It's been said of old that "there are three items that don't come back -- a spent arrow, a spoken word and a lost opportunity." Is this simply a trite phrase of days gone by or is there a powerful lesson for us to consider?
Heart attack and smoking
- Reasons for Not Smoking (l) - Many health and economic problems are prevented or eased by not smoking.
Heart disease
- World News Review February 1999 (l) - World news - Feb 1999
Heart for prophecy
- Though Prophecy Shall Fail (l) - This magazine is about a heart for prophecy and God. It is about responding to God's teaching to love Him and our neighbor with all our might
Heart health
- Marriage and Heart Health (l) - "Rejoice with the wife of your youth," (Proverbs 5:18). A new study sheds light on this ancient concept.
Heart of flesh
- The Heart of Flesh Restored (l) - It's going to take a change in the hearts of mankind for there to be true peace on earth.
Heart of obedience
- The power to live a godly life (l) - Correctly understanding the scriptural truth that the Holy Spirit is God's power that can transform our lives helps us better understand His purpose and will for us.
Heart of wisdom
- Teach Us to Number Our Days (l) - A life-and-death moment should lead us to reflect on what we are doing with the life we've been given. Properly considering the time we have-and don't have-brings wisdom.
Heart transplant
- Walking Through the Valley of the Shadow -- The Pain of Losing a Child (l) - How does a parent go on after such a devastating loss?
Heart, guarding the
- Men's and Women's Vulnerabilities (l) - When it comes to temptations to have sex, men and women, in general, face different challenges.
Heart, new
- Introduction: The New Covenant (l) - Does the New Covenant negate God's law and do away with any need to obey the Ten Commandments and other laws of God?
- The Need for a New Covenant (l) - The New Covenant is God's commitment to give His people His Spirit so they can obey Him.
- In All Things Give Thanks (l) - An attitude of thankfulness can ease life's heartbreaking moments
Hearts and minds
- Acceptable Offering (l) - So often we feel we fail to measure up to God's standards, but He is ultimately looking at what is happening inside of us.
Heat wave
- World News Review September/October 1998 (l) - World news - Sept/Oct 1998
- Is Revelation Related to a Christian's Reward? (l) - Many are misled by one of the most damaging deceptions ever propounded by mainstream Christianity--the idea that heaven is the reward of the saved. But the book of Revelation shows the error of this false doctrine.
- Questions and Answers March/April 2009 (l) - "Today you will be with Me in Paradise." Many people think Jesus assured the man he would go to heaven with Him that very day. But is this really what He meant?
- Answers from Genesis - Part 4 (l) - We continue exploring the book of Genesis and the common questions asked about it. Here are the answers as we best understand them in light of the Bible.
- The Fullness of Time (l) - Traditional Christian views about heaven and hell are being challenged from within the Protestant community.
- Hope of the Resurrection - Part One (l) - If a man dies, shall he live again? If loved ones die, will you see them again?
- What Is the Kingdom of God? (l) - Some think it's heaven. Others say it's here on earth. Some think it's a feeling of brotherhood among Christian believers or the Church itself. Others deem it wholly apocalyptic. What is this Kingdom of which Jesus Christ spoke so often?
- Lessons No One Taught Me About Christmas and the Bible (l) - We can learn some interesting things from other people or experiences. But the most useful and surprising information only comes from one place: the Bible.
- Will I Go to Heaven When I Die? (l) - The idea of going consciously to heaven at death seems comforting. But does that make it true? The Bible's answer may astonish you!
- Questions and Answers: May-June "Will I Go to Heaven When I Die?" (l) - I'm confused because Jesus stated otherwise when He told the thief dying beside Him on the cross, "Today you will be with Me in Paradise."
- Is Heaven Coming to Earth? (l) - It may come as a shock, but people don't go to heaven as disembodied souls when they die. In fact, what the Bible shows us about our ultimate future is so much more amazing than most of us have ever dreamed!
- Suicide Bombers and the Promise of Paradise (l) - The war against terrorism isn't a traditional war of one nation against another. It's a war of ideas and beliefs.
- Do Some Bible Verses Teach We Have an Immortal Soul? (l) - The Bible confirms that "no one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven" (John 3:13). Even righteous King David, a man after God's own heart (Acts 13:22), was described by Peter as being "dead and buried" (Acts 2:29), not alive in heaven or some other state or location.
- Is Heaven God's Reward for the Righteous? (l) - Is the reward of the righteous an eternity in heaven? Through the centuries this has been the hope taught by traditional Christianity. What would going to heaven be like? What would we do when we got there? How does the Bible describe heaven?
- Pre-Christian Belief of an Afterlife in Heaven (l) - Contrary to what many think, God does not promise us we will go to heaven when we die. Instead, Jesus says those who overcome will reign with Him in the coming Kingdom of God to be established on earth at His return (Revelation 3:21; 5:10; 11:15).
- Are There Saved Human Beings in Heaven? (l) - The Scriptures show no human-besides Jesus the Messiah-has ever entered heaven. The voices referred to in Revelation 19, then, are those of angelic beings who surround God's throne.
- Did Elijah Go to Heaven? (l) - A careful reading of the Scriptures shows that Elijah's miraculous removal in a fiery chariot involved transporting him to another location in the area, not to eternal life in heaven.
- The Thief on the Cross (l) - As Christ hung dying, He told a convicted criminal being crucified with Him, "Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise" (Luke 23:43). Many people think Jesus assured the man he would go to heaven with Him that very day. But is this really what He said? Where is the paradise of which Christ spoke?
- Was Enoch Taken to Heaven? (l) - Some people believe Genesis 5:24 and Hebrews 11:5 declare that God took Enoch to heaven. But is that what these verses say?
- Introduction: Heaven and Hell (l) - Most religions teach that good people go to some sort of paradise, usually heaven, after they die. Many who profess Christianity believe the wicked will burn forever in hell. I that correct? Join us on a journey through the pages of history and your Bible. You may find the answers quite surprising!
- The Resurrection: God's Answer to Life After Death (l) - Would a merciful God inflict excruciating pain and torment on human beings for millions and millions of years-throughout all eternity? Could the great Creator God of the universe be that unfeeling and uncaring? Even though "the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23), the God of love, justice and mercy has no desire to see anyone, even the incorrigibly wicked, suffer in agony for all eternity.
- Are Some Tortured Forever in a Lake of Fire? (l) - Satan, a spirit being, will indeed suffer torment long after the wicked are burned to ashes. The evil angels-demons-will share with Satan his torment (Matthew 25:41). The beast and false prophet will have ceased to exist.
- Lazarus and the Rich Man: Proof of Heaven and Hell? (l) - "... In Christ's story God was the beggar's only source of help, for the rich man was certainly not going to do a single thing for him! ... It is important to see this parable of Jesus as a continuation of His conflict with the Pharisees over riches. Christ had said, 'You cannot serve God and Money' (16:13).
- Introduction - Rich Man and Lazarus (l) - Read this amazing story: One day a rich man and a poor man both die. Instantly, they both awaken--but to find themselves in very different circumstances.
- No one has ascended to Heaven (l) - That is, except Jesus Christ, who came down from Heaven (John 3:13And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.). But when you read in Luke 16:22And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; that "the beggar died, and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom," it's easy to assume this means Lazarus was taken to heaven.
- The state of the dead (l) - Let's go back over the second part of Luke 16:22And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;, which states, "The rich man also died and was buried." Let's pause once again to ask a fundamental question. What does the Bible reveal about the state of the dead? "For the living know that they will die; but the dead know nothing...For there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going" (Ecclesiastes 9:5For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten., Ecclesiastes 9:10Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.).
- The truth about the Rich Man and Lazarus (l) - The most common interpretation of Jesus' parable of Lazarus and the rich man is that we all have immortal souls that go to either heaven or hell immediately at death. But does this parable really say that?
- Was the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus a Real Story? (l) - One of the most important questions to consider about the parable of the rich man and Lazarus is whether or not the story is based on actual events. Some argue that, since Jesus specifically mentions Lazarus' name and talks about his and the rich man's fate, it must be a true account with a literal meaning.
- Do Some Bible Verses Teach That We Have an Immortal Soul? (l) - The Bible confirms that "no one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven" (John 3:13).
- The Promise of Life After Death (l) - Would a merciful God inflict excruciating pain and torment on human beings for millions and millions of years-throughout all eternity? Could the great Creator God of the universe be that unfeeling and uncaring? Even though "the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23), the God of love, justice and mercy has no desire to see anyone, even the incorrigibly wicked, suffer in agony for all eternity.
- Ancient Pagan Belief in Heaven (l) - Pre-Christian belief concerning heaven.
- Did Paul Expect to be conscious in Heaven Right After Dying? (l) - Did the Apostle Paul expect to go to heaven?
- Jesus Was Sent by the Father (l) - The preexistent Word, who later became Jesus Christ, was sent to earth by the Father in heaven. The Gospel of John bears record to this truth many times.
- Is Heaven the Reward of the Saved? (l) - Is there any biblical basis for the common idea that they will be playing harps somewhere in heaven for eternity?
- Reward and Punishment (l) - When will God reward those who love and obey Him? Will God punish those who deliberately refuse to repent of their wickedness and wrongdoing?
- When Heaven Comes to Earth (l) - You were born to live a life Jesus Christ can use when He returns with the Kingdom He receives from His Father. Are you using your time now to prepare for your future role?
- People Believed in 'Going to Heaven' Long Before Christianity (l) - God does not promise heaven as the reward of the saved. Instead, He has something far greater and more meaningful in mind -- eternal rulership in the Kingdom of God, to be established on earth at Christ's return (Revelation 5:10; 11:15).
- The Resurrections of the Dead (l) - The Bible speaks often of the resurrection of the dead. But what is the purpose of the dead being raised if people go to heaven or hell at death, as many believe?
- Heaven on Earth (l) - Is an earthly paradise possible? Believe it or not, it's more than a possibility. It's a certainty!
- "All Those in the Tombs Will Hear His Voice' (l) - Jesus made a number of puzzling references to a future resurrection -- puzzling, that is, if we try to reconcile them with the traditional view of heaven and hell.
- (l) - Some letters and comments from readers of the Good News.
- When I Die, Will I Go to Heaven? (l) - A few years ago a Time magazine poll revealed that 81 percent of people in the United States believe in "the existence of heaven, where people live forever with God after they die." The poll also showed that ideas vary widely on exactly what it's like in heaven. But what does the Bible really say about life after death?
- What's 'Left Behind' in the Rapture Theory? (l) - Is there any biblical validity to the rapture teaching?
- (l) - Are some of your loved ones writhing in everlasting flames? Could a God of love sentence people to an eternity of agony in hell? Can we reconcile a loving God with such ideas ? Discover the encouraging truth from the pages of your Bible!
- Do Good People Really Go to Heaven When They Die? (l) - Most churchgoers believe that when they die they will go to heaven. But will they?the Bible reveals some astounding truths about the muystery of life beyond the grave.
- Where Do We Go From Here? (l) - Editorial: Life after death?
- Will God Forget the Dead? (l) - Real comfort comes from understanding the truth of God -- that He will not forget the dead, but will resurrect all who are in their graves.
- When I Die Will I Go to Heaven? (l) - A few years ago a Time-magazine poll relvealed that 81% of Americans believe in a heaven where people live forever with God after they die. But do these beliefs square with the Bible?
Heaven and hell
- Lessons No One Taught Me as a Youth About the Bible (l) - I was recently indulging in one of my favorite things -- walking through a bookshop. And I was struck by how many books had titles similar to "Fifty Things I Learned From My Dog" or "Life Lessons My Mother Taught Me." They were typically written by famous celebrities.
Heaven on earth
- What Heaven on Earth Will Be Like (l) - God's Word has astounding prophecies and promises for the future of planet earth. What will that future be like? How will it be different from our world of today?
Heaven, eternity in
- The Resurrection: God's Answer to Life After Death (l) - Would a merciful God inflict excruciating pain and torment on human beings for millions and millions of years-throughout all eternity? Could the great Creator God of the universe be that unfeeling and uncaring? Even though "the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23), the God of love, justice and mercy has no desire to see anyone, even the incorrigibly wicked, suffer in agony for all eternity.
- The Promise of Life After Death (l) - Would a merciful God inflict excruciating pain and torment on human beings for millions and millions of years-throughout all eternity? Could the great Creator God of the universe be that unfeeling and uncaring? Even though "the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23), the God of love, justice and mercy has no desire to see anyone, even the incorrigibly wicked, suffer in agony for all eternity.
Heaven, going to
- Is Heaven the Reward of the Saved? (l) - Is there any biblical basis for the common idea that they will be playing harps somewhere in heaven for eternity?
Heaven, new
- Chapter Outline of the Book of Revelation (l) - Chapter Outline of the Book of Revelation.
Heavenly signs
- What Signs Are You Waiting For? (l) - Throughout history humans have been looking for visible and supernatural signs to convince them of God's involvement in human affairs. The Bible foretells some amazing celestial signs that will come just before God's final day of wrath is unleashed. But there's no need to wait for those heavenly signs!
Heavenly virgin
- Christmas: The Curious Origins of a Popular Holiday (l) - What do evergreen trees, reindeer, mistletoe and yule logs have to do with the birth of Jesus Christ? And was He really born on Dec. 25? You need to discover the real history of Christmas!
- A God-Centered Universe (l) - Human history is filled with misguided views of the universe. The heart of the problem is man's failure to understand that God is at its center!
Heavy lifting
- Great and Durable Consequences (l) - Do you realize there is a time in the works in which God's Word prophesies that He wants to make those who are diligently preparing now "kings and priests to our God; and we shall reign on the earth"
- Reexamining the Roots of Christianity (l) - Was the early church far more Jewish than has been taught?
Hebrew history
- Giving An Answer (l) - Giving an answer about how and why I observe the Holydays of God.
Hebrew scholars
- Earth's Age: Does the Bible Indicate a Time Interval Between the First and Second Verses of Genesis? (l) - On the basis of the evidence,there is far more reason to translate Gen. 1:2 as 'But the earth had become a ruin and a desolation, etc.' than there is for any of the conventional translations in our modern versions"
- The High Priest Essential to Salvation (l) - Hebrews covers the distinctions between the Sinai Covenant and the New Covenant--and the role of God's law in each.
- Palestine/Israel -- Whose Land Is It, Really? Part 2 (l) - When the people who have divine right to Palestine receive the land from God, He will require them to be a model nation and a benefactor to all other nations. Nations will neither terrorize nor conquer each other any more.
Hebrews 11
- Examples of Living Faith (l) - When we learn how other people have succeeded, we are encouraged that we can triumph as well.
Hebrews, book of
- "There Remains a Sabbath-Rest for the People of God" (l) - Our spiritual rest begins now in this life and reaches its consummation in the resurrection to eternal life at the return of Christ (Revelation 20:6). Christ's return also signals the beginning of the millennial rest prophesied in the Old Testament.
- A Mystery Solved: The Identity of Melchizedek (l) - Melchizedek is discribed as being "without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but made like the Son of God, [and one who] remains a priest continually."
Hedge funds
- World News Review - Nov 1998 (l) - World news - Nov 1998
Heinous crimes
- Betrayal is Painful (l) - Think about the events in your life where betrayal was evident and the resulting damage that occurred.
Helium 3
- Moon Race Redux (l) - Many nations are committing fortunes to reach the moon! You may be surprised to learn which countries are in the race--and even more surprised by what they seek. Scientists are calling it the perfect fuel, saying it will change the world as we know it.
- To Hell and Back -- for a Popsicle (l) - The story is real. The Popsicle was sweet. The understanding is priceless.
- The Fullness of Time (l) - Traditional Christian views about heaven and hell are being challenged from within the Protestant community.
- Is Hell Real? (l) - For Christians who believe in a God of love, the concept of an ongoing hell can be disturbing and difficult to understand. What the Bible truly teaches about hell may surprise you!
- A Trip to Hell and Back (l) - Do you know the truth about "hell" as described in the Bible? Come along on a journey with someone who's been there and returned!
- Jesus Christ and the Great White Throne Judgment (l) - What will happen to those who've died without understanding God's truth? Will they yet receive the opportunity to be saved? Or will they be tormented in hellfire forever after being condemned in the last judgment?
- Is Heaven Coming to Earth? (l) - It may come as a shock, but people don't go to heaven as disembodied souls when they die. In fact, what the Bible shows us about our ultimate future is so much more amazing than most of us have ever dreamed!
- Martin Luther: The Unfinished Reformation (l) - Five centuries have passed since Martin Luther started the Protestant Reformation and changed the world. What's the story behind the man and the movement he started?
- What Is Hell? (l) - Most people are sure they will either go to heaven or hell when they die. But just what is hell anyway? And are these ideas based on the biblical truth about hell?
- Do Some Bible Verses Teach We Have an Immortal Soul? (l) - The Bible confirms that "no one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven" (John 3:13). Even righteous King David, a man after God's own heart (Acts 13:22), was described by Peter as being "dead and buried" (Acts 2:29), not alive in heaven or some other state or location.
- Pre-Christian Belief of an Afterlife in Heaven (l) - Contrary to what many think, God does not promise us we will go to heaven when we die. Instead, Jesus says those who overcome will reign with Him in the coming Kingdom of God to be established on earth at His return (Revelation 3:21; 5:10; 11:15).
- Are There Saved Human Beings in Heaven? (l) - The Scriptures show no human-besides Jesus the Messiah-has ever entered heaven. The voices referred to in Revelation 19, then, are those of angelic beings who surround God's throne.
- Introduction: Heaven and Hell (l) - Most religions teach that good people go to some sort of paradise, usually heaven, after they die. Many who profess Christianity believe the wicked will burn forever in hell. I that correct? Join us on a journey through the pages of history and your Bible. You may find the answers quite surprising!
- The Resurrection: God's Answer to Life After Death (l) - Would a merciful God inflict excruciating pain and torment on human beings for millions and millions of years-throughout all eternity? Could the great Creator God of the universe be that unfeeling and uncaring? Even though "the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23), the God of love, justice and mercy has no desire to see anyone, even the incorrigibly wicked, suffer in agony for all eternity.
- Will a Loving God Punish People Forever in Hell? (l) - Why are so many willing to accept the idea that the God they worship would willingly inflict a burning punishment on a great multitude of people who die every single day?
- Are Some Tortured Forever in a Lake of Fire? (l) - Satan, a spirit being, will indeed suffer torment long after the wicked are burned to ashes. The evil angels-demons-will share with Satan his torment (Matthew 25:41). The beast and false prophet will have ceased to exist.
- Lazarus and the Rich Man: Proof of Heaven and Hell? (l) - "... In Christ's story God was the beggar's only source of help, for the rich man was certainly not going to do a single thing for him! ... It is important to see this parable of Jesus as a continuation of His conflict with the Pharisees over riches. Christ had said, 'You cannot serve God and Money' (16:13).
- Will the Wicked's Torment Last Forever? (l) - The wicked will not be tormented forever, but will go up "into smoke" and perish: "But the wicked shall perish; and the enemies of the LORD, like the splendor of the meadows, shall vanish. Into smoke they shall vanish away" (Psalm 37:20).
- Introduction - Rich Man and Lazarus (l) - Read this amazing story: One day a rich man and a poor man both die. Instantly, they both awaken--but to find themselves in very different circumstances.
- The state of the dead (l) - Let's go back over the second part of Luke 16:22And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;, which states, "The rich man also died and was buried." Let's pause once again to ask a fundamental question. What does the Bible reveal about the state of the dead? "For the living know that they will die; but the dead know nothing...For there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going" (Ecclesiastes 9:5For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten., Ecclesiastes 9:10Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.).
- Was the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus a Real Story? (l) - One of the most important questions to consider about the parable of the rich man and Lazarus is whether or not the story is based on actual events. Some argue that, since Jesus specifically mentions Lazarus' name and talks about his and the rich man's fate, it must be a true account with a literal meaning.
- The wicked will be completely burned up (l) - It's essential to understand the truth about the lake of fire.
- Are the Wicked Punished in an Ever-Burning Hell? (l) - Did Jesus here warn of an eternal punishment in hellfire?
- The Biblical View of 'Hell' (l) - The Biblical view of 'hell'.
- Lazarus and the Rich Man: Proof of Heaven and Hell? (l) - This parable teaches us that choosing to reject God's instruction will bring disastrous consequences - everlasting destruction in a lake of fire.
- Will the Torment of the Wicked Last Forever? (l) - Will the wicked be tormented forever in hell?
- Do Some Bible Verses Teach That We Have an Immortal Soul? (l) - The Bible confirms that "no one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven" (John 3:13).
- The Promise of Life After Death (l) - Would a merciful God inflict excruciating pain and torment on human beings for millions and millions of years-throughout all eternity? Could the great Creator God of the universe be that unfeeling and uncaring? Even though "the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23), the God of love, justice and mercy has no desire to see anyone, even the incorrigibly wicked, suffer in agony for all eternity.
- Reward and Punishment (l) - When will God reward those who love and obey Him? Will God punish those who deliberately refuse to repent of their wickedness and wrongdoing?
- Who Will Go to Hell? (l) - What is hell? In the Bible the word hell is mentioned 54 times. It is translated from four different words. The only one in the Old Testament -- sheol in the Hebrew -- and one in the New Testament -- hades in Greek -- have the meaning of the grave, a pit or the abode of the dead. Sheol is the only word in the Old Testament from which hell is translated in the King James Version of the Bible. It is translated "hell" 31 times. Hades is translated "hell" 10 times in the New Testament.
- The Resurrections of the Dead (l) - The Bible speaks often of the resurrection of the dead. But what is the purpose of the dead being raised if people go to heaven or hell at death, as many believe?
- A Kinder, Gentler Hell? (l) - As opinions about Hell have changed over the years, so have the teachings of many churches. But what does the Bible say?
- "All Those in the Tombs Will Hear His Voice' (l) - Jesus made a number of puzzling references to a future resurrection -- puzzling, that is, if we try to reconcile them with the traditional view of heaven and hell.
- The Penalty for Unrepentant Sinners (l) - Do sinners go to hell?
- Where Do We Go From Here? (l) - Editorial: Life after death?
- (l) - Some letters and comments from readers of the Good News.
- (l) - Are some of your loved ones writhing in everlasting flames? Could a God of love sentence people to an eternity of agony in hell? Can we reconcile a loving God with such ideas ? Discover the encouraging truth from the pages of your Bible!
Hell fire
- Does the Bible Speak of Hellfire That Lasts Forever? (l) - A plain and simple meaning of Matthew 25:46 that reconciles with the rest of the Bible is that the wicked are cast into a fire that annihilates them, renders them forever extinct.
- Will the Wicked's Torment Last Forever? (l) - The wicked will not be tormented forever, but will go up "into smoke" and perish: "But the wicked shall perish; and the enemies of the LORD, like the splendor of the meadows, shall vanish. Into smoke they shall vanish away" (Psalm 37:20).
- Reward and Punishment (l) - When will God reward those who love and obey Him? Will God punish those who deliberately refuse to repent of their wickedness and wrongdoing?
- Our War of Worldviews (l) - This war of worldviews has grave implications for all of us, because ultimately it comes down to whose values and standards will guide and govern our lives.
- Only God Knows What He Knows (l) - The traditional concept of God is rooted in Greek philosophy and conflicts with the Bible. We can relate to God in human terms because that's how He describes Himself to us in the Bible.
- The Feast of Hanukkah: Testimony to Bible Prophecy (l) - The Jewish community worldwide lights candles in celebration of the Hanukkah festival. The dramatic story behind this festival not only shows us God's faithfulness, but also the certain reliability of prophecy!
- Questions and Answers: "Will I Go to Heaven When I Die?" (l) - Look in Matthew 25:41,46 to see Jesus Christ's view on final judgment for the believers and the unbelievers. Jesus plainly declares an eternal punishment for the unbelievers and also that the righteous will live forever in heaven with God.
- The rich man in mental torment (l) - What did the rich man do next? "Then he cried and said, 'Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame'" (Luke 16:24And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.).
Help for homosexuals
- Help for Those Who Wish to Overcome (l) - Finding help for homosexuality.
Help for parents
- Family Resources for You and Your Children (l) - Subscribe to the Good News or Vertical Thought magazines for regular advice on marriage and family. The church of God also provides Sabbath School lessons for younger children and Teen Bible Study Guides available for parents.
Help for poor
- Avoiding Aid Mistakes and Ensuring Healthy Results (l) - The founder of Life Nets (lifenets.org), an international aid agency, shares lessons learned in making charitable aid truly helpful.
Help for same sex attraction
- The Human Side of Homosexuality: From One Who Has Struggled (l) - Homosexuality and the gay-rights movement are one of many battlefields in today's culture wars. Does the Bible offer hope for those struggling with same-sex attraction? A Christian who's wrestled this problem shares his perspective.
Help for teens
- Family Resources for You and Your Children (l) - Subscribe to the Good News or Vertical Thought magazines for regular advice on marriage and family. The church of God also provides Sabbath School lessons for younger children and Teen Bible Study Guides available for parents.
- Planning for Life: Two Crucial Keys for Success (l) - What steps can you take to make your life a success? How do you begin?
Help from the Bible
- Bible Mini-Study: Real Hope, Practical Answers! (l) - Welcome to this new feature in The Good News. This first Bible mini-study looks at specific ways that Scripture can help you with the issues that worry and discourage you.
Help the poor
- Dependence, Independence and Helping Those in Need (l) - Jesus Christ said in Matthew 26:11, "The poor you have with you always."Does this mean we ignore those less well off, or that we acknowledge the poor and do what we can to alleviate their suffering?
Help the weary
- How You Can Help Those Worn Down by Weariness (l) - In the July-August 2020 issue of Beyond Today we discussed ways to deal with weariness. Here we discuss how we can help others who are facing that same struggle.
Help, needing
- Lessons of the Snake and Toad (l) - I couldn't believe what I was seeing in my backyard, and you may not believe the life lessons it taught me.
- Pentecost: The Power of God in Our Lives (l) - Are you stuck in the rut of this world? Jesus Christ offers you spiritual power that can transform your life.
- Pentecost and the Promise of the Father (l) - Having been with Jesus Christ throughout His ministry, His original 12 apostles became deeply saddened when He told them He would be going away. But what awesome event turned their sorrow into joy? And what should that singular occurrence mean for us today?
- An Act of Kindness (l) - The importance of your example to others.
- One Moment in Time (l) - Be ready, be on the alert, to be involved and to do what one can do, whatever one's part, when the need arises.
- Kissed by an Angel (l) - Could a chance encounter with a stranger be something more? Whether we're helping an angel or helping a fellow human being made in God's image, God wants us to be kind, merciful and loving -- just as He is.
- Poverty Is Personal (l) - Poverty has been a constant presence throughout human history, but each of us has the opportunity to personally combat poverty every day while we look forward to a time when poverty will be a distant memory.
- You Raise Me Up, Because You Are Your Brother's Keeper (l) - Sobering statistics demonstrate how swiftly society is self-destructing. We especially see self-destructive behavior in our teens. Are we to be our "brother's keeper" and help one another?
- Life Lessons From The Birds (l) - We can see many lessons for life in the things we see around us, but what lesson can we learn from the birds?
- You Can Make a Difference! (l) - Make a difference in the lives of people and actively fulfill an important Christian obligation to help. Do not look away from the needy.
- A Little Help in a Big Storm (l) - An outpouring of concern brings a community together in distant Newfoundland after the tragic events in New York.
Helping a friend
- When a Friend Is Hurting: How You Can Help (l) - Facing difficult times is hard for anyone, but how about when it's a friend who is suffering? What do you do then?
Helping an alcoholic
- Alcohol Abuse: What Can You Do? (l) - Whether or not you are personally facing issues surrounding alcohol abuse or earnestly want to help someone in the midst of alcohol-related issues, what can you do?
Helping others
- True Hospitality (l) - Hospitality seems to be a lost art in our modern times, but we must learn to offer something of ourselves to others. Not everyone shows hospitality in the same way, but we must learn to share as God has shared with us.
Helping people
- A Network of Love (l) - God designed us with the need to form relationships with others. Through this network of companionship, we learn the importance of giving and receiving love.
Helping poor
- A New Pope: Looking Ahead (l) - Pope Benedict's sudden and unexpected resignation has been called the Catholic Church's most stunning development in the last half century. Will the choice of a new pope bring significant changes in church culture, manners and even certain aspects of doctrine? More importantly, does Bible prophecy indicate the Roman church's ultimate destiny?
Helping self
- Does God Help Those Who Help Themselves? (l) - Does God want us to do our best or to sit back and wait for Him to do it?
Helping the sick
- What Cancer Cannot Do (l) - Cancer is a hideous, fearsome thing seeking to rob us of what we love. But there are many things that cancer cannot take away from us.
Henry VIII
- Two Elizabeths -- A Study in Contrasts (l) - How times have changed! Queen Elizabeth I reigned over one of Britain's greatest periods of growth and increasing power. The reign of Queen Elizabeth II has seen the disintegration of the British Empire and the considerable decline of Britain as a military power. Why?
- Henry VIII: Contemporary of Charles V (l) - Thanks to Elizabeth and her father Henry VIII, the English-speaking world has known religious freedom for as long as anybody can remember.
- World News Review Sep/Oct 2001 (l) - World news review. September/October 2001.
- Appendix 9: The Lion and the Unicorn (l) - Britain's heraldic imagery takes on great significance in light of the true biblical identity of the British people and their royal family.
- Sorting Out Identities (l) - If Ollam Fodhla was indeed Jeremiah, his identification as a king is fairly easy to reconcile. It could have resulted from his appearing to be the father or grandfather of the eastern princess he brought with him--or, even more likely, confusion over his being a great lawgiver.
- Be Not Deceived! (l) - Here are seven steps to avoid being deceived in these last days!
- Heresies denying Jesus as God in the flesh (l) - One influential and diabolical heresy was gnosticism, which was starting to form in the late New Testament period.
- What Did Paul Really Say in Colossians 2:16? (l) - In Colossians 2:16 Paul defends the Christian's right to rejoice and enjoy food and drink on God's holy days.
- A Counterfeit Gospel Arises (l) - It wasn't long until a counterfeit Christianity, teaching a corrupted gospel radically different from that of Christ and His apostles, grew into a religious movement.
Heretical teachers
- Following in the Footsteps of the Apostles (l) - Paul informs us of an important characteristic of the Church that Christ built. With Christ as its foundational cornerstone, the Church's foundation also rests on the teachings of the apostles and -- not to be overlooked -- the prophets of the Old Testament (Ephesians 2:19-20)
- Can You Break the Cycle of Generational Dysfunction? (l) - Often some of our deepest personal problems are rooted in something we can't control-dysfunctional family behavioral patterns that came before us. But we can control our choices, and each of us can choose life and good things!
Hermit kingdom
- A Different Kind of King of the South (l) - There is a "different kind of King of the South" who has not encroached on "the glorious Kingdom," but who is taking his backwater "Hermit Kingdom" and is turning it around with a vision of service and inclusion.
- A Different Breed of Warrior (l) - One man earned six medals for heroism in World War Two. This hero without a gun waged a different kind of fight. Meet Desmond Doss.
- The Real 'Man of Steel' Is Coming (l) - When you need a real hero to save the world - Who do you call?
- Why Did He Have to Die? (l) - Why did Christ have to die?
- In the News... October 2009 (l) - In the news .. Oct. 2009
- In the News January 2011 (l) - News of interest to teens and young adults from a biblical perspective.
- Jesus Christ: The Early Years (l) - A survey of historical and archeaological evidence that supports the biblical account of Jesus.
Herod's tomb
- God, Science and the Bible (7/07) (l) - News from the world of science about God and the Bible.
- World News Review February 2001 (l) - A brief overview of world events.
- Memorial Day to Remember (l) - Is the act of dying for one's country the greatest sacrifice a human can make?
- Teen Sex: The Silent Epidemic That's Killing Our Kids (l) - Sweeping the world, this silent epidemic is largely ignored by most Western governments -- except for misguided programs that often make this devastating problem even worse. Most parents have little idea how bad this epidemic is, much less how to fight it -- yet solid biblical solutions exist.
Herzl, Theodor
- Israel's Amazing Story: Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy (l) - As American writer Saul Bellow asked, "What is it that led the Jews to place themselves, after the greatest disaster in their history [the Holocaust], in a danger zone?" The surprising truth is that Jewish rule over Jerusalem is an essential element of end-time biblical prophecy!
Herzl, Theodore
- Israel at 70 (l) - As modern Israel turns 70, we look back at what led up to the amazing reestablishment of a Jewish state in the Holy Land after centuries of exile, and the struggle endured since -- and ahead to promises and yearning yet unfulfilled.
- Kindness: From the Heart to the Helping Hand (l) - God's nature is that of incredible loving-kindness toward all people. And He will kindly help His followers cultivate the much-needed fruit of godly kindness.
- The Hesed Factor (l) - How does the Old Testament principle of hesed 'covenant loyalty' apply to Christians today? The love story of Ruth shows the way.
- The High Cost of Ignorance (l) - Throughout the Bible are priceless laws and principles that would save millions of lives every year.
- Artificial Intelligence: Improving on God's Creation? (l) - Scientists predict astounding advancements in artificial intelligence in the coming years. Can it help us solve our chronic problems?
Heyerdahl, Thor
- Appendix 10: The Family of Odin (l) - The various royal houses of English history--the Saxons, Danes, Normans, Tudors, Stuarts, Plantagenets, Hanoverians, Saxe-Coburgs, all lines blended and fused with Scottish royalty to form the modern House of Windsor--trace their bloodlines back to a common ancestor.
- Iran's Growing Nuclear Threat (l) - For the last three years, world attention has focused on Iran's two neighbors, Afghanistan and Iraq. But attention will increasingly focus on Iran, a major Islamic nation well on the way to acquiring nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them.
- The Middle East in Conflict: How Will It End? (l) - In the wake of the latest war, Time magazine asked the right questions: "What is it about the Middle East that makes the conflicts so intractable? Why the hate and where's the healing?" (July 24).
- Media Blitz Against Israel (l) - Israel is mostly pictured in this whole scenario as the bad guy. It looks very much like the Israelis fell into a trap set by the Iranians, sponsors of Hezbollah.
- World News and Trends - September/October 2006 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Sept 2006.
- World News Review February 2007 (l) - World news items, February 2007.
- What's Behind Islamic Terror? (l) - The world is horrified by regular bloody terrorist attacks in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Such attacks have also been carried out in Western nations such as the United States, Britain and Spain. What's behind this blood-soaked trend, and where is it leading?
- Keep Your Eyes on Iran (l) - There's more than meets the eye with Iran's recent arrest and release of British sailors picked up in the strategic border area of Shatt al-Arab. Why doesn't Iran want Iraq to succeed? How stable is this Islamic republic, which is on the brink of becoming a nuclear power?
- World News Review August 1999 (l) - World news - August 1999
- Timely Lessons from the Life of Hezekiah (l) - God wants us to benefit from the examples He has recorded for us in the Bible. What can we learn from this king who lived so long ago?
- The Early Kings of Judah--Miraculous Deliverance (l) - In the last two editions of The Good News, we covered the history of the kings of Israel after the northern 10 tribes broke ties with the kingdom of Judah, comprised of two tribes in the south. We now turn to see what archaeology has revealed about the kings of Judah during this time.
- A Staggering Archaelogical Discovery: The Mighty Assyrian Empire Emerges From the Dust (l) - Recent archeology confirms the existence of the former city of Nineveh, and it's demise as God punished it for the sins of its inhabitants.
- More Archaeological Finds Support the Biblical Record (l) - Archaeological discoveries in and about the Holy Land often relate to the Bible. Following is an annotated list of recent finds.
- The Mighty Assyrian Empire Emerges From the Dust (l) - The excavations at Nineveh and other cities in the area yielded a staggering wealth of evidence that confirmed many details of the Bible account.
- Profiles of Faith: Hezekiah: A Faithful King (l) - A King reforms his kingdom; a kingdom returns to God.
Hezekiah's tunnel
- Can You Believe the Bible? (l) - Both God and the Bible have long been under attack. What are some of the motives of critics? And, far more important, what does the evidence dug from the dust of the Middle East reveal?
- Lands of Iberia (l) - The land of Spain and Portugal, it should be mentioned, is also known as the Iberian Peninsula.
Hiding alcoholism
- What does an alcoholic look like? (l) - Many would likely be surprised to find that functioning alcoholics and people who regularly abuse alcohol are today in all walks of life.
Higgs boson
- Higgs Boson: Evidence for Universe's Fine-Tuning (l) - It made big news when, on July 4, 2012, scientists of the European nuclear research organization CERN announced with a 99.99 percent certainty that they had found the elusive Higgs boson, the last particle needed to confirm the theory of the Standard Model of particle physics.
High day
- Three days and three nights (l) - The choice of a Sunday date for Easter is based on the assumption that Christ rose from the grave early on a Sunday morning. The popular belief is that Christ was crucified on a Friday and rose on a Sunday. But neither of these suppositions is true. A close reading of the Bible makes that quite clear.
High priest
- What Does the Day of Atonement Have to Do With Jesus Christ? (l) - What does an ancient Old Testament ceremony involving two goats have to do with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ? Furthermore, are Christians to fast on this Holy Day?
- The Tearing of the Temple Veil (l) - "The temple was torn in two from top to bottom ..." What did this mean, this event that was so important that three of the Gospel writers mentioned it?
- "We shall be saved by His life" (l) - Paul's statement that "we shall be saved by His life" in Romans 5:10For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life. is something we should understand.
- The High Priest Essential to Salvation (l) - Hebrews covers the distinctions between the Sinai Covenant and the New Covenant--and the role of God's law in each.
- A New Covenant for Transforming the Heart (l) - God's "new" covenant is a "better covenant" that offers the "better promises" related to eternal life that were not included in the Sinai Covenant. A key objective of those better promises is to set in motion the process of transforming the hearts and minds of those who respond to God's call.
- A High Priest Eager to Help Us (l) - Jesus was born not only to make possible forgiveness of the past, but to help us conquer the strongholds of sin, the entrenched habits that are so difficult to dislodge from our lives. He is our merciful High Priest in heaven.
- Jesus Christ, Our Merciful High Priest (l) - Both the Father and Son are actively involved in fulfilling Their purpose of bringing others into the divine family. It's your destiny. Will you repent and accept this marvelous calling?
High school graduation
- Predicting Your Success (l) - How would you like to drastically improve your odds of living a long, financially successful life? It is really quite simple. Read this article to find out how to do so and achieve greater happiness.
High standard
- What Legacy Do We Leave? (l) - Do we leave a legacy of hope and godliness?
Highway to life
- The Difficult and Narrow Highway of Life (l) - The road of life can be a difficult one. What's the best path to take, and how can you keep yourself on it?
- Climb Every Mountain (l) - We face many difficult challenges in our lives, but it's what we learn during those adventures that counts.
- Like Hiking With God (l) - If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. -- Henry David Thoreau
Hindu traditions
- Yoga's a Stretch (l) - A study has found that the physical exercises in the discipline of yoga, an ancient practice of stretching and meditation from India, help to relieve pain in the lower back -- but that there is no evidence that the meditation element of yoga increases relief.
- To Hell and Back -- for a Popsicle (l) - The story is real. The Popsicle was sweet. The understanding is priceless.
- Is Hell Real? (l) - For Christians who believe in a God of love, the concept of an ongoing hell can be disturbing and difficult to understand. What the Bible truly teaches about hell may surprise you!
- A Trip to Hell and Back (l) - Do you know the truth about "hell" as described in the Bible? Come along on a journey with someone who's been there and returned!
- Hiroshima (l) - The capacity of people to kill each other entered an entirely new and never-before-imagined age that day. For the first time in history, the dreadful prophecy that mankind would face extinction if not for the return of Jesus Christ was conceivable.
- 75 Years After Hiroshima (l) - Seventy-five years ago, the United States waged the world's first nuclear war. Since then, eight nations have detonated 2,056 nuclear weapons, a shocking number. As one analyst warns, nations seem "willfully blind to the peril." Will humanity survive?
- Can You Believe the Bible? (3/2002) (l) - When we objectively examine the evidence for the Bible's accuracy and veracity, the only conclusion we can reach is that the Bible is true.
Historic crisis
- A World in Perpetual Crisis (l) - A world in perpetual crisis.
Historical sources
- Other Sources and a Caution (l) - We should be even more cautious when it comes to genealogies and histories outside the Bible, which are debatable. While they can be interesting and enlightening, they can also become a drain on our spiritual energies if we spend inordinate amounts of time in researching them.
- Rewriting History (l) - A recent article in the Financial Times reported: "In January Vladimir Putin presided over a meeting designed to produce a new standardised history book for use in schools.
History and Jesus
- Extrabiblical Evidence of Jesus Christ (l) - References to Christ appear in more than just the Bible—secular historians of his era talked about Him as well. The following is from our free booklet Jesus Christ: The Real Story
- Proof Jesus Actually Existed (l) - The central teaching of Christianity is being challenged as more skeptics question Jesus' existence and choose their own destiny apart from God and the Bible. But proving Jesus' existence isn't difficult.
- Did Jesus Christ Really Exist? (l) - Was Jesus Christ real? What does the evidence say? In spite of what you may have heard, we have compelling historical documentation of His existence. And you need to understand not only that He came, but also why He came!
History and religion
- Christopher Columbus and Jesus Christ (l) - Have you ever heard that Christopher Columbus gave God the credit for his journey to the New World?
History books
- A Page on the World...Books That Changed the World (l) - Robert B. Downs gives landmarks in the history of ideas that can assist us in coming up to speed with many of the foundational thoughts that have shaped and molded the world for the past 500 years.
History of Britain
- The Ancient Brits Leave Modern Europe (l) - The shock waves have died down, but the effects will continue. The British people voted to leave the European Union, and it came as a great surprise to many, including even the British government under then-Prime Minister David Cameron. But the roots of this decision actually go back centuries.
History of Christmas
- Four Thousand Years of Christmas (l) - It's the season for mistletoe and decorating the tree. But the origins of Christmas may surprise you. Did you know it was outlawed by one of the American colonies in 1659?
History of Islam
- The History of Islam: What Does It Teach Us? (l) - When and how did the religion of Islam come into existence? What are its values and beliefs? How did it rise to dominate many nations? And will it ultimately persist?
History of the United Nations
- DisUnited Nations: Why Can't Man's Best Efforts Bring Peace? (l) - British statesman Winston Churchill, soon after its creation, wondered whether the United Nations would be "a true temple of peace" or "a cockpit in a Tower of Babel." Sixty years after its creation we still wonder whether it will fulfill its lofty goals and whether mankind will ever find lasting peace.
History revision
- What's Behind the Growing Culture War? (l) - Powerful, dangerous forces are executing an all-out war in America, as in other Western nations. They are striving relentlessly to transform the culture into something previous generations would never recognize. You need to know not only what is happening and why, but what you can do about it.
History, turning points in
- Generations in Crisis (l) - The watershed events of Sept. 11, 2001, changed our world. But what specific changes should we be noticing?
- Collateral Damage: The Darwin Bomb (l) - What may seem like a good idea at the moment doesn't always turn out to be good in the long run. This is certainly the case with Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.
- Europe and the Church, Part 11: Germany's Dream of Conquest (l) - At the end of the Napoleonic Wars, the country of Germany did not even exist. But a century later it had risen to seriously challenge the greatest European empires and forever change the history of the world.
Hitler's changes
- The Snare of Sudden Change (l) - Events like the coronavirus pandemic show how quickly things can change. Jesus foretold that end-time events would catch the world off guard. But you can prepare right now.
Hitler's rise
- History's Twists and Turns (l) - Great events of history often arise out of events that appear to be a solution to a crisis. Such was the case with the unexpected rise to power of Adolf Hitler in Germany in 1933.
Hitler, Adolf
- When Dreams Become Nightmares (l) - Bible prophecy reveals that history has a way of repeating itself.
- World News and Trends - Mar/Apr 2004 (l) - An Overview of Conditions Around the World, March/April 2004.
- Can You Believe the Bible? (l) - Both God and the Bible have long been under attack. What are some of the motives of critics? And, far more important, what does the evidence dug from the dust of the Middle East reveal?
- AIDS: How a Killer Plague Can Be Stopped (l) - The AIDS epidemic is increasing and continues to threaten more millions of lives. Yet, tragically, we ignore the only real solution to this deadly plague.
- 10 Million AIDS Orphans: A Disaster for Africa (l) - AIDS has taken a terrible toll and the plague is far from over. What will stop the horror?
- AIDS Can Be Stopped -- Now! (l) - Ignorance has accompanied many of humanity's worst diseases. With AIDS, the same tragic story is unfolding once again. But you don't have to be a victim.
- An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Jul/Aug 2002 (l) - An analysis of world news, trends, and conditions around the world. July/August 2002
- A World in Need of Hope (l) - Many people are searching for real hope in this life, but cannot seem to find it.
- The Dark Shadow Over Illicit Sex (l) - Statistics show that the only really safe sex is between two committed married people.
- Could It Happen Again? (1998) (l) - Could conditions soon be ripe for disease epidemics?
- (l) - An overview of conditions around the world.
HIV in China
- World News and Trends - March/April 2006 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Mar/Apr 2006
- How to Be a Part of God's Team (l) - Hockey depends on teamwork. So does God's way of life. While God values us as individuals, He also requires a surrender of self that we might accomplish His purpose.
- The Alpha and the Omega and Eternity (l) - Why do seemingly civilized people seethe with unreasonable hatred? America wastes its time and energy to try to understand why it is hated. What does the truth mean to you?
Holding hands
- Handling Those Touchy Situations (l) - To help you establish godly standards, consider the following advice given by a panel of young Christians between the ages of 20 and 30.
Holiday origins
- Before You Ask Someone to Be Your Valentine... (l) - Millions send Valentine's Day cards to express their affection for someone special. But how did this holiday originate? And does Valentine's Day represent what true love is all about?
- College Professor Discusses Differences in Christianity (l) - Jesus said that He didn't come to bring peace to the earth, but division. And that has definitely happened.
- When I Rule The World! (l) - Not observing popular holidays and keeping the Sabbath were awkward for me. When I was young, I talked big; later, a conversation with my parents helped me understand.
- Would Jesus Christ Celebrate Easter? (l) - For millions of people, Easter Sunday is the most important religious observance of the year. But if Jesus walked the dusty roads of Galilee today, would He observe this holiday?
- God Condemns Idolatry and Greed (l) - Many people do not realize that popular holidays are negative influences in their lives.
- Valentine's Day: Are All Holidays the Same? (l) - What do its pagan origins imply about Valentine's Day and other popular holidays?
- St. Patrick's Day - It's The Little Things That Count (l) - Is it okay to participate in some elements of popular religious holidays? Or are there more serious consequences to disobeying God's laws?
- Why Some Christians Don't Celebrate Christmas (l) - Many feel that Christmas marks Christ's birthday and that it honors Him. After all, can 2 billion professing Christians be wrong? At the same time, some few Christians don't observe Christmas, believing that Jesus didn't sanction it and that it dishonors Him. Who is right -- and why?
- Introduction: God's Holy Day Plan (l) - Is it possible to know what the future holds for us? The Creator of mankind does have a plan for us, and He reveals it to us through an annual cycle of festivals described in the Scriptures. It is an astounding plan offering an incredible future to every man, woman, and child who has ever lived. This booklet will help you understand the incredible truth about what lies ahead for all humanity.
- How Christmas Grew (l) - In view of centuries of criticism of the commercialization of Christmas, it is interesting to note that the holiday's secular, not its religious, aspect, has been most responsible for its popularity.
- Crucial Questions (l) - Why do we pretend that a jolly old man in a red suit who lives at the north pole rides around in a sleigh pulled by flying reindeer and drops down chimneys to leave toys (made by elves) for good boys and girls on one night of the year?
- Does It Matter to God? (l) - We can take great comfort in the meaning of God's days of worship, since they represent the magnificent plan of God, who will give every human an opportunity to understand and accept His way of life either now or, for the majority of human beings, in an age yet to come.
- Halloween: A Celebration of Evil (l) - Why would anyone celebrate a holiday emphasizing the morbid and macabre? Where did such strange customs originate?
- Do You Know About the Holy Days Jesus Kept? (l) - Did you realize that the Bible contains exciting knowledge that is rarely noticed? It has everything to do with God's marvelous plan for humanity revealed through the biblical festivals that Jesus Christ Himself observed.
- Are Holidays Just Harmless Fun? (l) - You say Christians shouldn't celebrate Christmas and Easter because of their pagan origins. But what about minor occasions like those coming up in late winter-Groundhog Day, Valentine's Day and Mardi Gras. Aren't these just harmless fun?
- Was Christ Born on Christmas Day? (l) - Do you observe Christmas because you think its Christ's birthday? Was he born on or anytime near Dec. 25?
- Ghouls, Ghosts and Goblins (l) - The origin and meaning of Halloween.
- Christmas Reconsidered (l) - What do decorated trees, Santa Claus, elves, reindeer, candles mistletoe, holly, ornaments and exchanging gifts have to do with the birth of the Son of God?
- Does God Allow Us to Choose Our Own Religious Holidays? (l) - Many think that under the New Covenant they have freedom to worship God however they want, including deciding on their own days of worship. But what does the Bible say?
- Does Easter Commemorate Jesus Christ's Resurrection? (l) - The surprising story behind the religious holiday of Easter.
Holidays, heathen
- Christmas: The Untold Story (l) - People almost everywhere observe Christmas. But how did Christmas come to be observed? How did the customs and practices associated with Christmas make their way into traditional Christianity's most popular holiday?
Holidays, observing
- What About Thanksgiving, Hanukkah and Purim? (l) - What About Thanksgiving, Hanukkah and Purim?
Holidays, pagan
- Christmas: The Untold Story (l) - People almost everywhere observe Christmas. But how did Christmas come to be observed? How did the customs and practices associated with Christmas make their way into traditional Christianity's most popular holiday?
Holidays, traditional
- Paganism In Christianity (l) - Many aspects of traditional Christianity - holidays, practices and doctrines - came not from Christ or the Bible but from ancient pagan religion.
- "Be Holy for I Am Holy" (l) - God tells us we are to be holy. But what does that really mean?
- What Does the Bible Teach About Clean and Unclean Meats? (l) - Many people have misconceptions about the biblical teaching on clean and unclean meats. What does Scripture really reveal on this subject, and what principles lie behind this teaching?
- Forget About Being Normal (l) - Almost everybody wants to be considered normal. But what is normal? Should we always want to be normal?
Holladay, Steven
- From a Scientist Who Believes in God (l) - Vertical Thought discusses evolution and the problems with this theory with Dr. Steven Holladay, a professor of anatomy and toxicology at Virginia Tech's College of Veterinary Medicine.
Hollnagel, Bruno
- Book Review-Euro Crash 2007 (l) - What happens is Europe doesn't get the Euro in gear? German economist,Bruno Hollnagel,pens a scary scenario in his book Euro Crash 2007 - the Count Down Has Started.
- Resistance Is Not Futile! (l) - When media producers' worldviews don't include God and His standards of behavior, what kind of influence do you think their movies will have?
- Hollywood and History (l) - The movie industry may not always accurately represent history, but it has played a role in shaping it.
Hollywood, influence of
- Can You Believe the Bible? (5/2002) (l) - Before the new television season started last fall, writers and producers pressured network cenors to again lower standards as to what would be aired over American television.
- A Stunning Memorial (l) - Hatred still exists in our world, the kind of hatred that could again erupt into another holocaust.
- Facing the Pain and Suffering (l) - The question is one for the ages and for all peoples who have suffered. Why did 6 million Jews die in the Holocaust?
- Revising Holocaust History (l) - As reported by the Associated Press, Holocaust survivor and historian Randolph Braham stated Jan. 26, 2014, that he was "returning a high state award to Hungary to protest what he says are government efforts to rewrite history and exonerate the country from its role in the Holocaust" (Pablo Gorondi, "Holocaust Historian Returning Award to Hungary.")
- Current Events & Trends - March/April 2024 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the March/April 2024 issue of Beyond Today.
- So, Who Goes First? (l) - The 'invisible' first victims -- the German men, women and children who were murdered or sterilized by the Nazis because of conditions such as schizophrenia, genetic diseases, physical handicaps and developmental disabilities.
- What's on the Front Page of Your Mind? (l) - What's on the Front Page of Your Mind?
Holocaust denial
- Rome's "Right Face" (l) - The Vatican's embarrassment caused by a restored bishop's views on the Holocaust hides the significance of the restoration itself.
- "Be Holy for I Am Holy" (l) - God tells us we are to be holy. But what does that really mean?
- Clean and Unclean Meats: Does God's Word Draw a Distinction? (l) - Many people have misconceptions about the biblical teaching on clean and unclean meats. What does Scripture really reveal on this subject?
Holy and profane
- For Such a Time As Now (l) - What is the difference between the holy and the profane? In one sense the things that are holy are those matters which stand the test of time, because they are godly in nature.
Holy grail
- Appendix 11: Joseph of Arimathea and the Line of Nathan (l) - The Davidic line of kings that ruled over the ancient nation of Judah came through David's son Solomon. At the time of Judah's fall to the Babylonians in 586 B.C., this lineage, as explained in this publication, was continued by a transferal of the monarchy to Ireland.
Holy Land
- The North-South Struggle for the Middle East (l) - An end-time prophecy in the book of Daniel describes a conflict between two kings. Who might they be in today's world?
Holy nation
- A People Special to God (l) - The special and holy people of God, like Abraham, are obedient people-selected from all nations-who have chosen not to live by bread alone, "but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God" (Matthew 4:4).
Holy of holies
- The Tearing of the Temple Veil (l) - "The temple was torn in two from top to bottom ..." What did this mean, this event that was so important that three of the Gospel writers mentioned it?
- A Close Encounter (l) - The Roman general Pompey entered Jerusalem in the first century B.C.determined to satisfy his curiosity about the worship of the Jewish people. He ascended the Temple Mount to find out the truth behind about reports that the Jewish people had no physical statue or image of God in their most sacred place of worship, the Holy of Holies
Holy priesthood
- "Be Holy for I Am Holy" (l) - God tells us we are to be holy. But what does that really mean?
Holy Roman Empire
- Is the EU an Attempt to Revive the Holy Roman Empire? (l) - Exactly two centuries after the fall of the Holy Roman Empire--the First Reich of the German Nation--the European Union seems set to revive this ancient institution.
- The "Christian Caesar" (l) - In 800A.D. Charlemagne was proclaimed Rex Pater Europae (King Father of Europe) and espoused the ideal of a unified Christian Empire.
- Europe and the Church, Part 7: Charlemagne, Father of Modern Europe (l) - Over three centuries after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, Charlemagne, king of the Franks, was crowned by the pope in the year 800. The second mountain "on which the woman sits" (Revelation 17:9) was set to inspire Europeans for centuries, including those behind today's European Union.
- The Making of Emperor and Empire (l) - The fact that Charlemagne continued to make Aachen, not Rome, his capital, underlined the passage of political power from the Mediterranean to northern Europe, from the Latin peoples to the Teutons. Above all, the coronation established the Holy Roman Empire.
- Europe and the Church, Part 8...Otto the Great, Founder of the First Reich (l) - Almost everybody is aware of the Third Reich, which was meant to last a thousand years, but few today know much about the First Reich, which actually did. Although its origins go back to Charlemagne, the 10th century German Emperor Otto I was instrumental in founding the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation.
- Europe and the Church, Part 9: Charles V's Empire Upon Which the Sun Never Set (l) - The Holy Roman Emperor Charles V was the most famous Habsburg in history, presiding over an empire that stretched from the Philippines to Peru and was the greatest in Europe. During his reign he was confronted with major challenges, including the Protestant Reformation. His reign constituted the fourth of the seven prophesied resurrections of the Roman Empire, which will see its final resurrection just before the return of Jesus Christ as King of Kings.
- Do You Understand the Signs of the Times? (l) - The intensity and frequency of tragic world and national events should rightly concern all of us. Jesus Christ Himself spoke of "the signs of the times." Certain telltale signs correspond to a crisis-filled close of this age--called in the Bible "the time of the end." Do you understand the nature of these crucial signs?
- What is Europe? (l) - Europe is beset by growing angst about its identity and place in the world.
Holy spirit
- Questions and Answers - Mar/Apr 2005 (l) - Question about the Trinity doctrine; Good News magazine; Feb/Mar 2005
- Tongues and Slaying in the Spirit (l) - What are the gifts of the Spirit and will they be obvious to those around us?
- Baptism: Beginning of a New Life (l) - Previous articles in this series have covered the vital spiritual tools of prayer, Bible study, meditation, fasting and repentance. But to receive the greatest gifts of God, there is another step you must take--the commitment of water baptism.
- One of God's Greatest Gifts (l) - God has a wonderful gift He wants to give you! It's a gift that will help you grow -- if you use it to its full potential.
- The Greatest Addiction of All (l) - Most people know about common addictions to drugs and alcohol. These are difficult enough to face and manage. But the one addiction that is greater than all others is unrecognized by most people. Thankfully, it can be overcome.
- Four Little Words With Big Meaning (l) - God is a God of judgment, and He weighs and measures nations and people alike--past, present and future.
- God's Spirit: The Power to Transform Your Life (l) - Jesus Christ is cultivating supernatural "fruit" in the lives of His disciples. To understand that miraculous effect, we must first understand the awesome cause and ultimate source--the Spirit of God.
- Just Add Water (l) - God shapes us in much the same way an artist molds ceramic clay -- using the "water" of the Holy Spirit.
- Change Is Coming: Five Ways Jesus Christ Will Change Government Forever (l) - Politicians try to win votes with promises of change. Yet all too often nothing really changes or we end up with even bigger problems. However, that doesn't mean great change isn't coming. Your Bible reveals how monumental government change will come about!
- What Does the Bible Say About... The Holy Spirit? (l) - "I will ask the father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always, the Spirit of truth..."
- Goodness: God's Character and Man's Potential (l) - The spiritual fruit of goodness enables sinful man to do good and to be good--good in the truest sense of the word. Goodness, after all, is the essence of God's nature.
- Faith and Faithfulness: Fundamental to Relationships and Responsibilities (l) - Do you trust God completely? So much so that you live accordingly--to the point that He is able to trust you? When Jesus Christ returns, wouldn't it be wonderful to hear Him say approvingly, "Well done, good and faithful servant"?
- The Perfect Example of the Fruit of the Spirit: Jesus Christ (l) - It's vital that Christians bear fruit in their lives-the fruit of the Spirit. But what does that fruit look like? In Jesus Christ we have the perfect example of what God's Spirit should produce in our lives.
- What Does God's Spirit Do for Us and in Us? (l) - What does the Holy Spirit do for us and in us?
- How Can You Receive theTransforming Power of God's Spirit? (l) - After Jesus Christ's crucifixion and resurrection, His disciples waited in Jerusalem until Pentecost for the promise of the ages. It transformed them and became the down payment for eternal life. You can receive that Spirit of power, which can change your life, both now and forever!
- Rest for the Spiritual Seeker (l) - Are you a spiritual seeker? Do you thirst for spiritual fulfillment? Does attending church seem irrelevant to the complexity of daily life? Somehow, the old stories of Jesus talking to Pharisees-and you're not sure what a Pharisee is-just aren't important when it comes to paying bills or dealing with a broken marriage. Are you wondering if life even has spiritual meaning?
- Your Down Payment on Divinity (l) - Two billion Christians desire to live forever, but do they really know how it will come about? God's divine secret includes a down payment on divinity, now no longer a secret.
- Who Are God's "Firstfruits"? (l) - The firstfruits of God's plan are those who are called now, in this age, and are having their minds and attitudes changed to become like Jesus Christ through God's Spirit working within them.
- Mapping the Brain: The Missing Dimension (l) - U.S. President Barack Obama recently announced plans to spend millions on mapping the human brain -- labeled "the next great American project" -- perhaps on a par with going to the moon. But is there a largely unrealized component residing in the brain itself that cannot be studied or mapped by neuroscientists? What does the Bible reveal about the mystery of the human mind?
- How Can God's Spirit Transform Us? (l) - We will never make it spiritually on our own. We need God's help through His Spirit to succeed. The Bible presents several analogies to help us see how His Holy Spirit is used in our lives.
- Pentecost: The Power of God in Our Lives (l) - Are you stuck in the rut of this world? Jesus Christ offers you spiritual power that can transform your life.
- God's Spirit and Our Destiny (l) - Many people, believing that God is a Trinity, are confused about what the Holy Spirit really is and the future God intends for us as part of His family. What does the Bible really say? Astonishingly, the Holy Spirit is key to understanding God's future for you!
- The Power of the Holy Spirit (l) - Is your life ruled by fear and uncertainty? Do you feel disconnected from God and unsure of how to improve your life? Learn how God's Spirit can powerfully transform your life.
- Bandaging Spiritual Wounds (l) - While caring properly for physical wounds is imperative, treating spiritual injuries also requires critical attention. Discover God's plan to heal people spiritually by providing them with a vital missing divine component.
- Lessons From the Parables (1/2016) (l) - A set of Jesus' parables about small beginnings gives us an important insight into the Kingdom of God.
- The Father, the Son and the Feast of Pentecost (l) - Great miracles took place on the Feast of Pentecost, recorded in Acts 2. What miraculous roles did God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, perform?
- The Holy Spirit (2016) (l) - Most people don't understand the working of the Holy Spirit. As a result, they don't recognize its power to transform our lives.
- Follow Me (2016) (l) - We can trust in God and Christ to lead and help us on the path of life -- through the Holy Spirit.
- God's Challenge to Trinitarianism (l) - Belief in the Trinity is the hallmark of orthodoxy. It is so strongly held by many churches that to deny it, in their view, is to not be a Christian. Do you understand what the Bible really says?
- A People Special to God (l) - The special and holy people of God, like Abraham, are obedient people-selected from all nations-who have chosen not to live by bread alone, "but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God" (Matthew 4:4).
- God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit (l) - Is God a trinity?
- Does Matthew 28:19 Prove the Trinity? (l) - Matthew 28:19 is a biblical passage sometimes misunderstood with regard to the Trinity doctrine. Jesus is quoted as telling His disciples, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in ['into,' Greek eis] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."
- The Feast of Pentecost: The Firstfruits of God's Harvest (l) - Pentecost serves as an annual reminder that our Creator still works miracles, granting His Spirit to the firstfruits of His spiritual harvest, empowering them to carry out His work in this world.
- The Gospel of Jesus Christ: Salvation in the Kingdom (l) - The Kingdom of God is attained only through Jesus Christ's central role as the personal Savior of all who would enter that Kingdom.
- The Holy Spirit: God's Promise of His Divine Help (l) - We need God's help, through His Spirit, to obey Him from the heart and bring our thoughts, attitudes and actions in line with His.
- God gives Christians divine help through His Spirit (l) - What does God's Holy Spirit do for us as Christians? This question goes to the heart of our religious beliefs, because without the power of God's Spirit we can have no deep, close relationship with the Father, nor can we become His children. It is because the Spirit dwells in us that we are called the children of God (Romans 8:14-17 [14] For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. [15] For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. [16] The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: [17] And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. ).
- The Holy Spirit: the power of God (l) - Throughout the Bible the Holy Spirit is spoken of in the Bible as being God's divine power.
- How to receive God's Spirit (l) - The story of the new Christians baptized by Philip in Samaria illustrates the importance of the ceremony of laying on of hands in the giving of the Holy Spirit.
- Is the laying on of hands necessary for us to receive the Holy Spirit? (l) - The Bible gives us a clear answer. Paul came upon some believers in Ephesus who had been baptized by no less than John the Baptist. Yet they had not received the Holy Spirit for two reasons. One is that they did not have the laying on of hands. The other was that they apparently did not fully understand the Christian way of life, the covenant into which one enters through baptism.
- Paul didn't acknowledge the Trinity (l) - If God were a Trinity, surely the apostle Paul, who recorded much of the theological underpinnings of the early Church, would have understood and taught this understanding. Yet we find no such concept in his writings.
- The power to live a godly life (l) - Correctly understanding the scriptural truth that the Holy Spirit is God's power that can transform our lives helps us better understand His purpose and will for us.
- Should We Want to Be Baptized With Fire? (l) - Some believe they need to receive a baptism of fire. Let's take a closer look at this passage.
- Growing to Spiritual Maturity (l) - This growth process involves overpowering the pulls of the flesh, replacing them with the character of Christ. Where do we begin?
- The Holy Spirit: God's Transforming Power (TL) (l) - None of us can overcome our sins and shortcomings without God's help. Even if we could by our own will alter our actions, only God can change our hearts.
- Is the Holy Spirit a Person? (TL) (l) - The apostle Paul states clearly that "there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things ... and one Lord Jesus Christ ..." (1 Corinthians 8:6). He makes no mention of the Holy Spirit as a divine person.
- Why Can't Theologians Explain the Trinity Doctrine? (l) - One cannot prove something from the Bible that is not biblical. The Bible is our only reliable source of divine revelation and truth, and the Trinity concept simply is not part of God's revelation to humankind.
- God's Law and the New Covenant (l) - Many assume that, because Jesus Christ instituted the New Covenant, God's laws are thereby made obsolete. They lean on this argument to ignore His commandments. But what does Jesus Himself say?
- Is God a Trinity? (l) - The fact that the word Trinity appears nowhere in the Bible also gives us reason to reflect. We must not cling to long-held religious traditions if they contradict the Scriptures.
- What About Matthew 28:19? (l) - At baptism, repentant sinners enter into a personal family relationship with God the Father and the Son through the Holy Spirit, thereby receiving the name of God.
- The Holy Spirit Is Not a Person (l) - The Holy Spirit is spoken of in many ways that demonstrate that it is not a divine person.
- `The LORD Our God Is One' (l) - it is clear that God is a plurality of Beings -- a plurality in unity. In other words, God the Father and Jesus the Son form a family perfect in its unity.
- Introduction: Who Is God? (l) - Great as He is, God is not unapproachable. He is not beyond our reach. We can come to know this magnificent Being.
- The Foundation (l) - The key to living a way of life different from the ways of the world is to allow God's Spirit to work in us so we think like Jesus Christ.
- Why We Need the Holy Spirit (l) - Within ourselves we possess neither the power nor the faith to keep our commitment as we should. We desperately need divine power to assist us in fulfilling God's wonderful calling. That strength comes as a gift from God.
- God's Spirit Before the Church Era (l) - With Adam and Eve the history of human beings began without the active presence of God in their lives; they lacked the power and help of His Spirit.
- What is the Holy Spirit? (l) - Spiritual discernment is accessible only from God as a gift through His Spirit.
- The Holy Spirit in the Church (l) - Only those who have God the Father and Jesus the Son dwelling in them through the power of the Holy Spirit are considered "children of God."
- The Holy Spirit (l) - What I learned about grace from a friend long ago helped transform my life. It can do the same for you!
- The Fruit of the Holy Spirit (l) - The Bible tells us that God's people will be led by God's Spirit -- and that the Spirit will produce specific evidence in their lives in the form of "fruit." What are these, and what are they all about?
- The Holy Spirit: Key to Real Change in Your Life (l) - The disciples of Jesus Christ became filled with power, love and a sound mind, receiving God's own nature within them as His children. The same can be true of you!
- The Firstfruits of Salvation (l) - God is not trying to save the world now. He is calling only a few to the first of future harvests.
- Do You Really Have the Holy Spirit? (l) - A true Christian is a person in whom dwells the Holy Spirit -- the Spirit of God and of Christ. What is this Spirit? What does it do in your life? And how can you know whether you've received it?
- How to Overcome Sin (l) - You need to understand this vital biblical formula for overcoming sin.
- Just What Is the Holy Spirit? (l) - Is it the third person of the Trinity, or something altogether different? You might be surprised at what the Bible really says!
- Who Was Jesus Christ? (l) - Was Christ really the son of God and the son of man?
- The Lesson of the Feast of Firstfruits (l) - If Jesus Christ came to save mankind, why is the world in such sad shape?
- Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego (l) - One moment they were relatively safe, even held in great esteem as officials in the government of Babylon. The next moment they were brutally tossed headlong into a inferno.
- Just Do It! (l) - It's easy to make excuses, but God can work great changes in our lives if we let Him!
- The Holy Spirit: God's Power at Work (l) - Most people don't understand the working of the Holy Spirit. As a result, they
- The Role of the Holy Spirit (l) - How do we receive God's spirit? And how does it work in the life of a Christian?
- Faith and the Balance Beam (l) - How can we learn to exercise faith in our everyday lives? I learned an important lesson from my granddaughter?
- Living a Great Miracle - Being Led by God's Spirit (l) - God's Spirit doesn't drive, drag or push us around; it lead us, and must be willing to follow.
Holy spirit - need for
- In the Eye of the Storm (l) - Florida experienced four hurricanes last year that wrought much destruction throughout the state. Here is a firsthand account by someone who weathered Hurricane Frances.
Holy spirit - what it is
- Introduction - Is God a Trinity? (l) - Even though it's one of mainstream Christianity's most widely accepted and revered doctrines, theologians admit that the Trinity is largely incomprehensible.
Holy spirit and conversion
- The Wonderful World Beyond Today: A New Way of Thinking (l) - What do you do if everyone in the world needs a heart transplant?
Holy spirit and power
- The Holy Spirit: God's Transforming Power (l) - Contrary to Trinitarian teaching, Scripture reveals the Holy Spirit not as a person, but as something much different - the divine power through which God acts.
Holy spirit and trinity
- Is the Holy Spirit a Person? (l) - Many assume the Holy Spirit is a third divine person in the Trinity, along with the Father and the Son. But a closer look at the Bible reveals problems with this view.
Holy spirit not a person
- The God Family (booklet1) (l) - Scripture clearly states that there is only one God (Isaiah 46:9; Malachi 2:10; Romans 3:30; James 2:19). Nevertheless, it is evident that the one God comprises more than one Being existing together as a divine family (compare Ephesians 3:14-15) -- of which the human family is a physical type or model.
- The Holy Spirit: God's Transforming Power (l) - Contrary to Trinitarian teaching, Scripture reveals the Holy Spirit not as a person, but as something much different - the divine power through which God acts.
- Is the Holy Spirit a Person? (l) - Many assume the Holy Spirit is a third divine person in the Trinity, along with the Father and the Son. But a closer look at the Bible reveals problems with this view.
- What About Passages That "Prove" the Trinity? (l) - Some people, seeking to buttress their belief in the Trinity, point to a number of biblical passages that supposedly show Father, Son and Holy Spirit operating together as a Trinity. But do these passages really show that? We must be sure to read exactly what these verses do say and what they don't say, and not read into them our own mistaken assumptions.
- Why the Holy Spirit Is Sometimes Incorrectly Referred to as "He" and "Him" (l) - Many people assume that the Holy Spirit is a divine person, like the Father and Jesus Christ, based on references to the Spirit as "he," "him" and "himself" in the New Testament. This confusion arises from two factors -- the use of gender-inflected pronouns in the Greek language (a difficult concept to understand for those who speak only English) and bias on the part of some translators.
Holy spirit of power
- Pentecost: The POWER to Change Your Life (l) - What happened on Pentecost in A.D. 31 changed the apostles in a way they never could have expected. It also reveals an incredible change that can -- and must -- take place in our lives.
Holy spirit stirring
- How to Stir Up God's Spirit (l) - The apostle Paul admonished members in one of the churches he started, "Do not quench the Spirit" (1 Thessalonians 5:19). He also urged the young evangelist Timothy: "Stir up [rekindle into flame] the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind" (2 Timothy 1:6-7).
Holy spirit, fruits of the
- The Holy Spirit: God's Transforming Power (TL) (l) - None of us can overcome our sins and shortcomings without God's help. Even if we could by our own will alter our actions, only God can change our hearts.
- The Fruit of the Spirit (l) - Conversion should produce the fruits of the Spirit: "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control".
Holy spirit, power of the
- The Apostles: A Case Study in Conversion (l) - The coming of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4) transformed the apostles of Jesus Christ from a group of ordinary men into some of the most remarkable and dynamic leaders the world has known. To appreciate the magnitude of their transformation, we need to take a closer look at the same men before they received God's Spirit.
Holy spirit, what is the
- What is the Holy Spirit? (l) - Spiritual discernment is accessible only from God as a gift through His Spirit.
Holy time
- The Benefits of the Sabbath (l) - Discover the amazing benefits of observing God's seventh-day Sabbath. You might be surprised at just how much it could change your life for the better!
- Colossians 2:16-17: Are God's Laws Obsolete? (l) - Many people assume from Colossians 2:16-17 that Paul is saying that God's laws about the Sabbath, Holy Days and clean and unclean meats are no longer necessary.
Holyday dates
- The Annual Festivals of God - Holy Day Calendar (l) - Dates of the Biblical holydays. 2008-2019
Holyday meaning
- Has God Forgotten this World? (l) - It sometimes seems as if there is no hope, but what is God's plan?
Holyday plan
- What Did God Plan "Before Time Began"? (l) - It's difficult for us to comprehend the concept of "before time began," much less what took place then. But Scripture reveals that God laid out His amazing purpose and plan for mankind before time began!
- The Wave Sheaf: How an Ancient Ceremony Foreshadowed Jesus' Role (l) - The Old Testament describes many ceremonies that sound quite odd to us. Yet everything God does is for a purpose. The purpose of one ceremony, the wave-sheaf offering, was to teach us about one aspect of Jesus Christ's role in mankind's salvation.
- How Were Original Biblical Practices Replaced in Christianity? (l) - Biblically ordained festivals were either demoted in importance or dropped altogether. Nonbiblical traditions, such as the association of Christ's resurrection with a Sunday morning sunrise service, gained widespread acceptance and replaced the biblical festivals formerly observed.
- The Biblical Festivals That Reveal Christ's Role in God's Plan (l) - Jesus Christ celebrated seven festivals every year that most Christians today can't even name, yet they have His imprint all over them. He is the reason for each of these seasons, and they have great meaning for anyone who would like to follow Him better. What are these festivals, and what do they reveal about our Savior and King?
- Jesus Christ and the Meaning of the Biblical Holy Days (l) - Jesus Christ celebrated seven festivals every year that most Christians today can't even name, yet He is at the core of all of them. He is the reason for each of these seasons, and they have great meaning for anyone who would like to follow Him better today. What are these festivals, and what do they reveal about our Savior and King?
- What Does the Feast of Unleavened Bread Mean for Christians? (l) - Central to our understanding of the biblical Feast of Unleavened Bread is the realization that the resurrected Jesus Christ lives His life in every individual Christian.
- Mysterious Festival Days (l) - Psst. Let me tell you a secret. Millions of professing Christians don't even know these days exist. Yet these festivals explain how and when God will have a personal relationship with every human being, including you and me. Here's the inside story. It's my story, and I hope it is or will be yours.
- Why Would the Apostle to the Gentiles Keep the "Jewish" Holy Days? (l) - The apostle Paul is considered by many as the originator of a theology that allegedly freed Christianity from the Sabbath, Holy Days and the law. Is this what the scriptural record indicates?
- Editorial: Unscrambling the Meaning of Life (l) - While much of the world's attention is consumed by controversy surrounding a fictional book and movie, the meaning of life remains a mystery to all but a few.
- The Festival Code: Unlocking the Future (l) - The following letters from and to Abdul are composites, but the events pictured by God's Holy Days are real! In fact, these little-known celebrations contain coded messages that reveal the future for everyone.
- Practicing What We Preach (l) - Are the Feasts of the Lord still relevant in today's world? Why would we keep them? Rehearsing God's Holy Days helps us to remember His plan of salvation.
- The Top 10 Reasons Why I Don't Celebrate Christmas (l) - It's that time of year again! You'll soon be barraged by the sights, sounds and smells of Christmas. Shoppers will soon go into spending overdrive, and when the bills arrive, some will wonder if it's really worth it. Here's a perspective from one who kicked the Christmas habit.
- Biblical Holy Days Offer Wealth of Long-Lost Knowledge (l) - What my "Lost Adams" treasure hunt taught me about even more valuable riches.
- Feast Days God Despises (l) - While we all think we are honoring God with the days we keep, history shows it's not always true.
- God's Feasts Answer the Big Questions - Part 1 (l) - Just as teachers prepare lesson plans for their students, God, through His feasts, provides a lesson plan for humanity.
- God's Feasts Answer the Big Questions - Part 2 (l) - Just as teachers prepare lesson plans for their students, God, through His feasts, provides a lesson plan for humanity.
- Does God Have a Plan? (l) - The key to understanding what God is doing is a series of festival days found in the Bible.
- The Questions of Life and God's Holy Days - Part 1 (l) - What is the purpose of life? Why were we born? What is man's destiny? What happens after death? Can we answer the big questions of life -- and if so, who has the answers?
- The Questions of Life & God's Holy Days (l) - What is the purpose of life? Why were we born? What is man's destiny? What happens after death? God's annual festivals portray events that answer these big questions of life.
- The Bible's Holy Days: God's Blueprint for Peace on Earth (l) - History proves mankind doesn't know true peace. Yet God promises it will come. How? A series of biblical festivals shows how He will bring permanent peace to the entire world.
- How Much Do You Know About the Biblical Feast of Unleavened Bread? (l) - Millions of people celebrate Easter in commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus never observed Easter, but He did celebrate the biblical Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread. What relevance do these days have for Christians today?
- Some Suggest that the Apostle Paul Claimed that the Weekly Sabbath and Biblical Holy Days had been Abolished (l) - However, if Christmas and Easter weren't introduced until several centuries after his death, what Holy Days did Paul observe?
- Use It or Lose It (l) - There was once an old song with the catchy title of: 'I've forgotten more than you'll ever know'. Sadly, if we stop using what we've learned during our lifetime, this could become all too true.
- The Bible's Prophetic Festivals: Revealing God's Plan of Salvation (l) - God gave seven annual festivals that present the work of Jesus Christ in saving humanity. It's vital that all of us learn of them and what they teach.
- Happy Thanksgivukkah? (l) - What lessons can we learn from the history that makes Hanukkah and Thanksgiving coincide in 2013?
- Vantage Point: Passover and the Messiah (l) - The salvation of humankind is shown through God's Holy Days.
- Questions and Answers: How to Celebrate God's Holydays (l) - I have read your booklet God's Holy Day Plan: The Promise of Hope for All Mankind, plus other sources on the subject of the biblical Holy Days and festivals. But what I can't find is how to celebrate them.
- God's Fall Feasts (l) - Do you know the meaning of God's Fall Holy Days?
- Symbolism in God's Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread (l) - God has given us two connected annual festivals in early spring (in the northern hemisphere) that we definitely are to observe as Christians, even as Jesus and the apostles did -- Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread.
- God's Annual Festivals (l) - Many Christians assume that the festivals God gave to Israel are outdated. Yet the early Church continued to observe them. And the book of Revelation graphically portrays their fulfillments.
- God's Blueprint of Salvation Revealed (l) - God designed seven distinct annual festivals that together portray a system of salvation for all humankind. This amazing knowledge can change your life now and forever.
- Why Does Christianity Reject Christ's Own Holy Days? (l) - In the 500 years since the Reformation began, Protestantism has broken with many traditions of the Roman church. Yet it persists in observing unbiblical holidays while rejecting the biblical festivals that reveal God's plan of salvation through Jesus Christ.
- What Did the Early Church Believe and Practice? (l) - These are some of the major differences between the Christianity of the time of Christ and the apostles and that commonly practiced today. Look into your Bible to see if your beliefs and practices square with what Jesus Christ and the apostles practiced and taught.
- The Resurrection of Christ: Hope for the Ages (l) - The life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the key historical and spiritual reality for a Christian. Without His resurrection, "your faith is futile" (1 Corinthians 15:17And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.). Christ's resurrection is the culmination of the most important series of events of all time.
- The Festivals of God (l) - Points out the relavance of God's Holy Days to His plan of salvation.
- Are God's Holy Days Relevant Today? (l) - When God begins something in this present age of mankind, He nearly always starts small. In Matthew 13:33 Jesus Christ compared God's Kingdom to both a mustard seed and leaven. Both analogies start with something small that expands into something much larger. Similarly, God called only a relatively few people in Old Testament times who were willing to follow His ways.
- Colossians 2:16 Shows Gentile Christians Observed the Biblical Holy Days (l) - "Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: which are a shadow of things to come ..." wrote the apostle Paul in Colossians 2:16-17 (KJV). This passage is often misinterpreted. What does it really say?
- The Eighth Day: Eternal Life Offered to All (l) - What does God have in mind for those who have never believed in Christ or understood any of God's truth? How does the Creator provide for them in His plan?
- God's Festivals in the New Testament (l) - God's festivals, which began in the Old Testament, are also observed by New Testament Christians. Here are a number of New Testament scriptural references to this fact.
- How Should We Observe God's Festivals? (l) - After we come to realize that the Holy Days are vitally important to mankind and eminently applicable to our modern world, we naturally want to learn more about how to observe them.
- Introduction: God's Holy Day Plan (l) - Is it possible to know what the future holds for us? The Creator of mankind does have a plan for us, and He reveals it to us through an annual cycle of festivals described in the Scriptures. It is an astounding plan offering an incredible future to every man, woman, and child who has ever lived. This booklet will help you understand the incredible truth about what lies ahead for all humanity.
- The Delights of Obedience (l) - A joy and peace of mind come from making right choices, from knowing you are conscientiously obeying God's instruction in the pages of the Bible.
- God's Days of Worship (l) - Observances that are rooted in paganism break the first two of the Ten Commandments. Is God pleased when people claim to worship Him by adopting celebrations of pagan gods and goddesses in man-made holidays while they ignore His commanded days and ways of worship?
- Jesus Christ and the Festivals of the Bible (l) - Jesus observed the biblical festivals recorded in the Old Testament. The Gospels do not show Him ever being accused of violating the Holy Day observances.
- Did Paul's Words to the Galatians Contradict His Actions? (l) - If in Galatians 4:9-10 Paul was attempting to condemn Sabbath-keeping as bondage, his actions as recorded in the book of Acts show that he was either very confused or very hypocritical.
- What Does 'Shadow of Things to Come' Mean? (l) - Paul explains in Colossians 2:17 that God's weekly Sabbath day and sacred festivals are "a shadow of things to come". Many think he was saying this to show that they are unnecessary for Christians. The reality is just the opposite.
- God's Sabbath in Today's World (l) - On the seventh day of each week, we should cease from our own work and allow God to work in us, building and nourishing our relationship with our Creator.
- Observing God's Sabbath (l) - Our traditions encourage us to take the time to honor those we respect. But how many will take the time to observe the sacred sabbaths and holy convocations specifically designated in the Scriptures for honoring God?
- Are the Biblical Holy Days Christian Festivals? (l) - Pagan beliefs dominated in the "conversion" of citizens of the Roman empire.
- Festivals of Hope (l) - When God freed the Israelites from Egyptian bondage, He revealed to them, in addition to the weekly Sabbath, His seven annual festivals. They foreshadow and reveal the basics of His plan of salvation.
- Introduction (bsc12) (l) - God reveals His splendid plan in the prophecies and teachings of the Scriptures. God has provided us with the keys to unlock His plan through His sacred festivals.
- Obedient Followers of God (l) - The Church of God is committed to living by every word of God, including His instructions to assemble on His annual festivals.
- What Did Paul Really Say in Colossians 2:16? (l) - In Colossians 2:16 Paul defends the Christian's right to rejoice and enjoy food and drink on God's holy days.
- The Feast of Tabernacles (bsc12) (l) - The joyful Feast of Ingathering represents the time during which God will gather the great harvest of humanity into His family.
- TheKeys to Humanity's Future: Feast of Unleavened Bread (l) - The Feast of Unleavened Bread, the second of God's annual festivals, represents the second step in God's plan for our redemption. Its main focus is on Christ as our Deliverer, our Savior. Therefore it is a thoroughly Christian festival.
- The Bible's Prophetic Festivals (l) - God gave seven annual festivals that present the work of Jesus Christ in saving humanity. It's vital that all of us learn of them and what they teach.
- Do You Know About the Holy Days Jesus Kept? (l) - Did you realize that the Bible contains exciting knowledge that is rarely noticed? It has everything to do with God's marvelous plan for humanity revealed through the biblical festivals that Jesus Christ Himself observed.
- Are More Waking Up to the Feasts of the Lord? (l) - Curiosity is growing among believers in Jesus about the festivals of the Bible. Will more come to accept them as part of Christian faith and practice? Will you?
- Should Christians Observe the Passover? (l) - Isn't the Passover only Jewish, and not for Christians? Jesus Christ and the apostles kept the Passover. What does this festival mean for Christians today?
- Why Should Christians Celebrate the Feast of Unleavened Bread? (l) - The apostle Paul told Christians to keep this festival. What does the Feast of Unleavened Bread mean for Christians today?
- 'Christ, Our Passover, Was Sacrificed for Us' (l) - The prophet Isaiah foretold Jesus Christ's ultimate sacrifice: 'He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities ... and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.'
- Questions and Answers - Sep/Oct 2004 (l) - A question from a Good News magazine reader: Why observe the holydays in the New Testament?
- The Passover Bread and Wine (l) - The Meaning of the Passover Symbols.
- Are All Spiritual 'Shadows' Obsolete? (l) - The apostle Paul wrote of the Sabbath and Holy Days as being "a shadow of things to come." Did he mean to tell us that these observances are now obsolete and meaningless?
- God's Plan as Revealed by His Holy Days (l) - God has an incredible plan and purpose for mankind. But how does He reveal it, and how can we understand it?
- The Biblical Festivals That Teach Us About Jesus Christ (l) - Few people are aware of the seven festivals God reveals in the Bible. Even fewer are aware that they center around and teach us a great deal about Jesus Christ and His role in God's plan for all mankind.
- What Do the Holy Days Mean for Christians Today? (l) - God commanded Israel to keep His 'feasts of the LORD.' What is their relevance for Christians - and mankind - today?
- Shadows of the World to Come (l) - Each article of this publication seeks to point the way to God's view of today's world and the spiritual solutions to its problems.
- Don't Stand on Your Head! (l) - A recent cellular phone commercial shows a man hanging upside down. This metaphor of our modern world goes all the way back to the first century, when the apostle Paul showed that the truth could turn things around.
- Are the Biblical Holy Days for New Testament Christians? (l) - God does not apportion to us the right to decide what is holy and unholy, or what is right and wrong. It is His prerogative. Our choice is whether we will obey.
- Do You Know Why Christ Lives? (l) - Christians realize that Jesus was raised from the grave. But do you understand what His resurrection and life mean to us today?
- What Religious Days Did Jesus Observe? (l) - Every year millions celebrate major religious holidays that are found nowhere in the Bible. If we are to truly follow Christ, shouldn't we consider which religious days He observed?
- God's Judgment: Condemnation or Hope? (l) - The good news is that the judgment of God on man has a better ending than most people think. This good news is revealed in the festivals of God.
- The Lesson of the Feast of Unleavened Bread (l) - The road to true freedom.
- Feast Days: God's or Man's? (l) - How were holidays substituted for Holy Days?
- The Inspiring Fall Holy Days (l) - The celebration of the seven biblical Holy Days is a deeply meaningful and joyous experience. The spiritual climax of the year is the fall, when four of God's festivals portray prophesied end-time events.
- Who Delivers Us From Sin? (l) - Reasons to rejoice in the Passover season.
Holydays - feast of Trumpets
- The Feast of Trumpets (l) - The Feast of Trumpets points us to the Day of the Lord, to the events that will occur just before and at the return of Jesus as King of Kings. But it also points us to the joyous time when Christians, living or dead, will receive God's gift of eternal life in the first resurrection.
Holydays - Pentecost
- Pentecost (l) - Pentecost is the anniversary of the beginning of Christianity under the New Covenant. It was on Pentecost that God first made His Spirit available to all who would repent.
Holydays - Tabernacles
- The Feast of Tabernacles (bsc12) (l) - The joyful Feast of Ingathering represents the time during which God will gather the great harvest of humanity into His family.
Holydays - unleavened bread
- TheKeys to Humanity's Future: Feast of Unleavened Bread (l) - The Feast of Unleavened Bread, the second of God's annual festivals, represents the second step in God's plan for our redemption. Its main focus is on Christ as our Deliverer, our Savior. Therefore it is a thoroughly Christian festival.
Holydays in the New Testament
- (l) - Teaching and practices of the early church.
Holydays meaning
- (l) - The following questions and answers represent issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
Holydays, meaning of
- The Biblical Festivals That Reveal Christ's Role in God's Plan (l) - Jesus Christ celebrated seven festivals every year that most Christians today can't even name, yet they have His imprint all over them. He is the reason for each of these seasons, and they have great meaning for anyone who would like to follow Him better. What are these festivals, and what do they reveal about our Savior and King?
Holydays, New Testament observance of the
- Questions and Answers - Sep/Oct 2004 (l) - A question from a Good News magazine reader: Why observe the holydays in the New Testament?
Holydays, time off for the
- "The Exception to the Rule" (l) - Do you sometimes find it difficult to be different from others because of your religious beliefs? Don't be discouraged! I faced the problem and so can you.
Home invasions
- Are You Protected by the Ultimate Security System? (l) - We live in a dangerous world. Threats to our safety and security are growing. Is there a way to ensure that you and your family are always protected?
Home loans
- The World's Financial Turmoil: What Are the Root Causes? (l) - Nothing has dominated the news over the last few years like the economic crises still battering many nations. What, fundamentally, is the problem? Let's examine some financial basics from a biblical perspective.
Home school
- Home Is Where Our School Is (l) - Being the teacher at home is not easy, but it has been rewarding!
Home schooling
- In the News Apr/Jun 2004 (l) - News items. April-June 2004
Home with God
- Eternity on Display (l) - Scripture presents us with an awesome picture of the culmination of our lifelong journey -- our ultimate future with God.
Home, value of
- Determining Your Net Worth (l) - Here is a list of possible assets and liabilities to help you determine your net worth.
Homeland security
- Homeland Security: What Crucial Piece Is the United States Missing? (l) - After the devastating terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, homeland security became a top priority for the United States. Yet, at the same time, it seems to be overlooking the most important aspect of its safety, and the risk is incalculable. What is this crucial component of any people's long-term security?
- Look Beyond the Surface (l) - Sometimes what we see on the outside is meaningless. It just doesn't tell the whole story.
- Preparing for Womanhood (l) - With so many varying ideas about what being a woman means, many are confused about what qualities are important. What does God say?
- Couldn't Get It Out of My Head (l) - Ezekiel 9:4 speaks of God separating to Himself a people "who sigh and cry over all the abominations that are done within it." Christ picks up this thought during His earthly ministry when He comments in Matthew 5:4, "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted."
- 10 Ways Darwin Got It Wrong (l) - This year marks the bicentennial of Charles Darwin's birthday and, coincidentally, 150 years since the publication of his book On the Origin of Species. One of the most influential books in modern history, it has helped shape philosophy, biology, sociology and religion in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. But both Darwin's theory and his book are doomed by major flaws.
- The New Intolerance (l) - The Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles has allowed license plates that read "Hot Dam," "Witches," "2Sexy" and "2Hot4U," yet denied a person who wanted to put "Pray" on her plates because it would violate separation of church and state. We see similar trends all over the United States. Has political correctness, touted to promote tolerance, actually created a new intolerance towards Christianity?
Homosexual agenda
- What's Behind the Gay Agenda? (l) - Western societies are going through many fundamental changes - perhaps none so far-reaching as those pushed by promoters of the gay agenda.
- America's War on God (l) - More evident than America's war on terror is a concerted effort to push God and His laws of morality out of the country's civic and personal life. Are you alert to the fight being waged? What side do you come down on?
- Government and the Gay Agenda (l) - Make no mistake -- sin is sin, and God's Word condemns all forms of sexual sin, including adultery, fornication and pornography. But what is especially shocking in modern society's war against God is how homosexual activity has gone from something practiced behind closed doors to being advocated by government and flaunted in Main Street parades. Does anyone care how God views this?
- The Gay Agenda Blueprint (l) - The startling shift in American attitudes toward gays and same-sex marriage is not the result of chance or random events. More than a quarter century ago, gay strategists laid out a plan to transform the nation -- with astounding success.
- The New Sexual Revolution (l) - We face a serious revolution. Large numbers of young adults identify as LGBTQ. Schools are programming preteens to believe they can choose to be a boy or girl. Society is in a satanic battle against God Himself, marriage, the family, the natural order as God designed us and God's plan for mankind. This battle is already in your home!
Homosexual friends
- (l) - Questions and answers on issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
Homosexual lifestyle
- The Human Side of Homosexuality: From One Who Has Struggled (l) - Homosexuality and the gay-rights movement are one of many battlefields in today's culture wars. Does the Bible offer hope for those struggling with same-sex attraction? A Christian who's wrestled this problem shares his perspective.
Homosexual marriage
- Modern Israel Has Sown the Wind and Will Reap the Whirlwind (l) - There seems to be no bottom to the moral toboggan slide the modern house of Israel has been on for the past 40 years!
- World News and Trends - July/August 2006 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Jul/Aug 2006
- World News Review June 2008 (l) - Worle news review for June 2008.
- Biblical Marriage & Prayer (l) - In the words of Sir Winston Churchill: "Where does the family start? It starts with a young man falling in love with a girl -- no superior alternative has yet been found."
- Christians Shifting on Illicit Lifestyles (l) - Western nations have witnessed a pronounced shift to acceptance of same-sex marriage as a legitimate lifestyle. This has been coming for a while. As nations changed their laws to legalize homosexual behavior, what has followed became inevitable.
- The Gay Rights Battle (l) - Is there a logical and biblically supportable solution to the gay rights battle?
- "Civil Unions": The Genesis of Untold Controversy (l) - Canada, the European Union and the small state of Vermont have all introduced laws that seek to rewrite social mores and customs about marriage. Some believe the proposed revisions correct wrongs and promote justice; but, to the contrary, they will engender controversy without end.
Homosexual priests
- Crisis in the Catholic Church (l) - News of the sexual abuse of children by priests can no longer be covered up, and has serious implications for the Catholic Church in the United States and elsewhere.
- World News Review Jul 2001 (l) - World news review. July 2001.
- Another Brick in a New World (l) - I wonder when filmmakers will take a bold step away from sex and finally tell a story without major emphasis on the sexual preferences of the main characters. Maybe not in my lifetime, but I can always hope.
- The U.S. Supreme Court: Presidential Decisions Impact National Morality (l) - The president's appointments to the Supreme Court may prove more important in the long run than trying to root out and find terrorists.
- (l) - The following questions and answers represent issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
- Saving Marriage: Beyond Constitutional Amendments (l) - In response to same-sex marriages in some states, many are pushing constitutional amendments to preserve the traditional marriage relationship. But it will take much more if marriage is to be saved.
- World News Review February 2006 (l) - World News - Feb. 2006
- World News & Trends: July/August 2009 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. July 2009
- News and Trends That Affect Your Life (l) - Selected news stories from December 2009
- Do Real Christians Persist in Sinful Lifestyles? (l) - Many think that it doesn't really matter what one does — that God accepts all people without them needing to change. What's wrong with this perspective?
- Help for Those Who Wish to Overcome (l) - Finding help for homosexuality.
- Has America Lost Its Way? (l) - America's leaders are making history -- but not in a good way. Rejecting biblical values that long strengthened the nation, some are now pursuing a treacherous path earlier leaders warned of long ago.
- The Human Side of Homosexuality: From One Who Has Struggled (l) - Homosexuality and the gay-rights movement are one of many battlefields in today's culture wars. Does the Bible offer hope for those struggling with same-sex attraction? A Christian who's wrestled this problem shares his perspective.
- Restoring Morality Begins With You (l) - If you think our culture is bad and quickly growing worse, you're correct. So how can -- and should -- you start setting things right?
- What Could America and Britain Learn From Rome's Fall? (l) - The fall of Rome is one of the most important and world-shaping events in history. But it provides more than an interesting study of the past. It also holds many important lessons for the Western world today.
- Where Does America Go From Here? (l) - As the American president takes his oath of office with his hand on the Bible, proclaiming to faithfully fulfill his responsibilities "so help me God," should we not take into consideration how God views the "state of the union" of the United States?
- The Gay Agenda: Coming to a School Near You (l) - Fox News radio commentator Todd Starnes observes in his new book God Less America that those in "the militant gay rights community . . . not only expect you to accept their lifestyle, but they also want you to affirm it. They want your children exposed to it in their public school classrooms. They want private business owners to endorse their court-sanctioned 'marriages.' And woe be to any person who dares object" (2014, p. 64).
- "When the Binary Burns" (l) - A sobering article at LifeSiteNews by Claire Chretien titled "Bathrooms Are Just the Beginning: A Scary Look Into the Trans Movement's End Goals" (May 6, 2016) presents an eye-opening analysis of what's going on.
- Is Homosexuality Acceptable to God? (l) - The acceptance of homosexuality as an equally valid lifestyle is rapidly growing in Western culture. Yet God tells us that sex was designed for only one relationship--within marriage, exclusively between a man and a woman.
- The War on Marriage and Family (l) - Forces are at war in the world attacking marriage -- which in turn threatens the survival of the family. You need to know what the battlefields are in this warfare and what God would have you to do about it!
- What's Behind the Growing Culture War? (l) - Powerful, dangerous forces are executing an all-out war in America, as in other Western nations. They are striving relentlessly to transform the culture into something previous generations would never recognize. You need to know not only what is happening and why, but what you can do about it.
- Current Events & Trends - March/April 2022 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the March/April 2022 issue of Beyond Today.
- God's Instruction Manual for Sex and Marriage (l) - God made us male and female and gave mankind the institution of marriage. He also gave us an instruction manual for sex and marriage so that these might work as He designed to fulfill His purpose.
- "We're Coming for Your Children!" (l) - A time of reckoning is coming. Will you be standing with God when that time comes?
- The Divided States of America - A Dangerous Crossroads (l) - The nation's division is so obvious that growing numbers of people expect violence, bloodshed and perhaps even another civil war. What's behind this, and what does it mean for you?
- The "Respect for Marriage Act"ť - Is it Truly Respectful? (l) - New legislation has imbedded same-sex "marriage" into U.S. law. To what end? And does this law actually respect marriage, a divine institution established by God?
- The High Cost of Ignorance (l) - Throughout the Bible are priceless laws and principles that would save millions of lives every year.
- World News Review August 2000 (l) - World news review - Aug 2000
- Controversies Concerning Homosexuality Hound the Anglican Community (l) - Gay issues are troubling the Church of England and its Episcopal community in America. Its evangelical wing takes issue with liberal clergy who promote acceptance of openly gay priests. What is the true biblical approach?
- Same-Sex Marriage Threatens Civilization (l) - Many fail to realize the dangerous path that same-sex marriage is leading us down. Far more is involved than the opportunity for two members of the same sex to marry.
- The Gay Rights Battle (l) - Is there a logical and biblically supportable solution to the gay rights battle?
- World News Review July 1999 (l) - World news - July 1999
- Troubling Times for Three British Institutions! (l) - To comprehend the significance of what is now happening to Britain and why, you need to understand the intriguing history of the grand old British race.
- Hope for Homosexuals (l) - There are many studies that show many men and women do come out of homosexuality. We see more and more of the evidence, more and more of those studies; and if the person is highly motivated there is a very good chance that he or she can come out of homosexuality.
- World News and Trends - Jul/Aug 2003 (l) - With so much happening so quickly in today's world, how can you keep up? The Good News staff reviews dozens of news sources every day to bring you what's truly important.
- America's Culture War: Threat to Homeland Security? (l) - While the war on terror continues worldwide, another war -- one of colliding cultures -- heats up in the courts of America. Where will this lead the country? Is this war a greater threat than terrorists?
- Same-Sex Marriage: Does It Meet With God's Approval? (l) - The gay agenda is steadily gaining ground in Western nations, with same-sex marriage finding acceptance. But what does the Bible say -- and why? And what's at the root of same-sex attraction?
- World News and Trends - Nov/Dec 1997 (l) - A brief synopsis for world events. November/December 1997.
Homosexuality and Jerusalem
- World News and Trends - May/Jun 2005 (l) - An Overview of conditions around the world. May/June 2005.
- Alternative Lifestyles - Are They Really Harmless? (l) - Hollywood, government, politicians, academia, the mainstream media, corporate America and even the U.S. military are pushing alternative lifestyles as normal and even admirable and desirable. What they're not telling us is the enormous toll of human suffering this brings. What is the truth?
- How "Fair Dinkum" Are You? (l) - Why do you do the things you do? Why do you say the things you say? Are you hiding behind a facade of fears and false values? How real are you?
- A Moral Dilemma? (l) - A radio program portrayed it as one. But in the end...
- Liar, Liar (l) - How important is being truthful and just how much lying will we accept into our lives?
- A Friendship Manual (l) - What do the Proverbs say about friendships?
- Vantage Point (l) - If you've ever hiked or driven through the mountains, you've probably come to a spot providing a good vantage point from which to see your surroundings. Here you're afforded a panoramic view of where you've been and where you're going. There may even be a sign at such a spot giving a comprehensive or overall perspective.
- True Values of Young Manhood (l) - How does a boy become a real man — the kind of man so badly needed in today's society?
- The Lesson of the Brown Paper Bag (l) - Long ago I learned an important lesson that's stuck with me ever since. And soon the time is coming when the entire world will be blessed as everyone comes to learn that same lesson!
- Liar, Liar, Politics on Fire (l) - The world is ablaze with political lying that is destroying civilization -- under the influence of the greatest liar ever. But a new leader to come promises a reformed society based on truth. You can prepare now to be part of it.
- Proverbs: An Honest Witness (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
- Proverbs: False Lips (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
- Proverbs: Honestly Earned (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
- Proverbs: Honest Weights and Measures (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
- Proverbs: When Someone Winks (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
- Does the Truth Really Matter? (l) - We live in a world in which, as Isaiah 59:14 says, "Truth is fallen in the street." Is truth that important anymore? Is it important to you?
- Honeybees (l) - A great deal of life on earth is sustained by the amazing life and work of the tiny honeybee. Without its carefully tuned and executed cycle of pollination, many kinds of plants would cease to exist -- and even mankind would be at risk.
Hong Kong
- Life in Hong Kong: An Interview with Peter and Corin Forster (l) - An interview with a couple who courted and married in Hong Kong.
- An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Sep/Oct 1997 (l) - A brief synopsis for world events. September/October 1997.
- Symbolism Abounds in Transfer of Hong Kong (l) - Now, almost 50 years to the day since divesting itself of its Indian Empire, the British will hand over control of Hong Kong, the last major possession of the British crown. It's not just the end of an era for Hong Kong. It's the end of an era for Asia and Europe.
- Hong Kong Handover: Symbol of a Global Transfer of Power (l) - A global power a century ago, once in control of a quarter of the world's landmass,Britian is lossing yet another key posession, Hong Kong.
- Family Honor (l) - While our family name is important, it is not the only name that we must honor and protect.
Honor father
- How Should We Treat Parents Who Are Difficult to Honor? (l) - Properly respecting those whose behavior is less than honorable is not easy.
Honor father and mother
- The Fifth Commandment: A Foundation for Success (l) - Strong family relationships based on respect and cooperation lead to blessings and success.
Honor God
- America's Biblical Roots (l) - Today some are trying to rewrite history to argue that the United States was founded as a secular, nonreligious nation. The historical record clearly tells a much different story!
Honor mother
- How Should We Treat Parents Who Are Difficult to Honor? (l) - Properly respecting those whose behavior is less than honorable is not easy.
Honor parents
- How Should We Treat Parents Who Are Difficult to Honor? (l) - Properly respecting those whose behavior is less than honorable is not easy.
- To My Loving Children (To Be Opened If I Die) (l) - A father shares advice he wrote to his children when he was at death's door.
- Thoughts From Dad (l) - Three letters of wisdom from a pastor to his three children about using your talents, honoring your parents and overlooking the mistakes of others.
- Time to Be a Father (l) - Is your father "Superman"? Remembering your Father and how you and he can strengthen that relationship.
- A Lesson From the Rechabites (l) - An Old Testament family vow can teach us even deeper lessons today.
- Grandparents (l) - Families are made up of different generations. Grandparents have a strong role in the family and here is one example of that love and honor.
Honoring parents
- Honoring Your Parents: Why and How? (l) - No doubt you have heard of the commandment to "honor your father and your mother." But what does that really mean on a day-to-day basis? Why is it so important? How can we honor our parents in the world today?
Hoof and mouth disease
- Foot-and-Mouth Disease: A Virus with Global Reach (l) - A serious problem has spread from Britian to Europe and South America with potenial worldwide effects. What lessons can we learn from this costly epidemic?
Hook up
- The War on Marriage and Family (l) - Forces are at war in the world attacking marriage -- which in turn threatens the survival of the family. You need to know what the battlefields are in this warfare and what God would have you to do about it!
Hooking up
- In the News Oct/Dec 2007 (l) - In the news. Nov. 2007
- Hooking Up and Losing Out (l) - A growing number of American college women are "hooking up" with college men, seeking out sexual encounters with no strings attached. What are they looking for--and what are they getting? They profess a deep spirituality, so why are they rejecting religion?
- Do You Choose Happiness? (l) - "You can't roller-skate in a buffalo herd, but you can be happy if you've a mind to." lines from old songs sometimes sound out-of-date, but the imagery is interesting. Can we really be happy if we want to?
- Just for Youth... Do You Choose Happiness? (l) - "You can't roller-skate in a buffalo herd, but you can be happy if you've a mind to." lines from old songs sometimes sound out-of-date, but the imagery is interesting. Can we really be happy if we want to?
- To Whom It May Concern (l) - Depression runs rampant in our modern age, but ours is not the first generation to experience it. Turn to God and ask for His help. He is the greatest encourager of all time.
- The Hole in Your Heart (l) - All of us have deep needs we seek to satisfy. Most of the things we try only paper over the problems--they don't solve them. What can fill your yearning?
- IR Bequeath Thee--Hopelessness! (l) - The popular teaching of evolution reared its ugly head over a century ago. Of all mankind's efforts to deny the one true God, this was perhaps the most devastating because it robs mankind of a purpose in life and hope for a future.
- Jeremiah Offers Us Hope for the Future (l) - One of the purposes of preaching and publishing the true gospel is to spread the certain message that the Bible promises us real hope for the future, in spite of having to cope with the vagaries of today's increasingly chaotic and unstable world.
- Set Your Anchors! (l) - Several precarious boating experiences brought home the spiritual lessons of having a strong and secure anchor! Here are six ways to stay firmly attached to God's anchor.
- America's Hope for Recovery: Real or Merely an Illusion? (l) - Has America dodged the bullet? Has the economy turned around? Will government intervention save the day? Will the country soon wake up from its financial nightmare and find that everything has returned to normal?
- Describing the Indescribable (l) - Paul begins to paint a picture of what God gave him to see as he stood on the threshold of eternity and peeked in.
- Could You Use Some Hope in Your Life? (l) - A central theme of hope runs through the entire Bible. This message centers around seven basic concepts that apply to you personally.
- Graduating With Hope (l) - I have stopped watching the evening news because of the continual dripping of negativity and criticism. But there is always hope.
- To Hope and Not Despair (l) - Why is hope necessary and what will happen if it's lost?
- Hope Found (l) - Wars often quench hope, but God cultivates hope through the great promises found in His plan.
- The Fullness of Time (l) - Traditional Christian views about heaven and hell are being challenged from within the Protestant community.
- Hope, Fear and the End of the World (l) - Why can't there be world peace? All we get is war and fear. What we want is truth and hope.
- Even So, Come Lord Jesus!" (l) - Looking back over 13 years of "This is the Way" columns.
- In Great Tragedy We Win (l) - God says our hearts are where our treasures are. Therefore, it is important to choose our treasure wisely.
- Hope of the Resurrection - Part One (l) - If a man dies, shall he live again? If loved ones die, will you see them again?
- "Then it Hit Me" (l) - It couldn't happen to my family, could it?
- Lessons from the Parables: Hope and Restoration - the Story of the Prodigal Son (l) - What can we learn from Jesus Christ's parable of the prodigal son? In a world of broken relationships, it teaches us a lesson of deep love and hope.
- Hope Beyond the Moment (l) - In helping others to trust in God despite their past, it's important to recall where God found us and maintain a humble spirit.
- A Race Well Run (l) - "I have fought a good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful. And now the prize awaits me -- the crown of righteousness..."
- Hope for a Troubled World (l) - Every individual, regardless of race, national origin or sex, will, in time, have the opportunity to be called by God and to hear and respond to the good news of the Kingdom of God and to the testimony of Jesus' life, death and resurrection.
- "It Is Appointed for Men to Die Once" (l) - It is obvious, however, that our bodies weren't designed to last forever. As Hebrews 9:27 tells us, "it is appointed for men to die once ..."
- Humanity's Fruitless Quest for Life's Purpose (l) - Most people long to know if their lives have purpose and meaning and whether they have any reason to hope in their future.
- Fixing Our Eyes on Eternity (l) - How do we endure the challenges of this life? By God enabling us to look beyond today to what lies ahead.
- Hope When All Seems Hopeless (l) - Amid ongoing trials and adversities pushing you to bitterness and defeat, discover real, lasting hope -- so powerful that, when you embrace it, despair is overcome.
- God's Judgment: Condemnation or Hope? (l) - The good news is that the judgment of God on man has a better ending than most people think. This good news is revealed in the festivals of God.
- The Feast of Peace (l) - What is the meaning of the Feast of Peace? What is God's plan for mankind?
- God's Harvest Feasts: His Assurance of Hope for Mankind (l) - Despite the enormous problems facing humanity today, mankind has great hope for the future. Proof of that hope lies in God's harvest celebrations laid out in the Bible.
- What is Hope? (l) - So what is hope? Hope is the earnest expectation of seeing things change for the better.
- Comfort One Another (l) - God sends hope and comfort in powerful ways -- including through us.
Hope for alcoholism
- Introduction - Overcoming Alcoholism (l) - Alcohol can be an uncomfortable subject. If you have an alcohol problem it's not easy to admit it and seek help. If you know someone with a problem, confronting them with the issue or knowing how to help can be very difficult.
Hope for humanity
- Christ the King (l) - Jesus' message about the Kingdom of God is what He lived for. But it's also what He died for, having revealed Himself as King -- a King who will reign!
Hope for mankind
- Praying More Than Ever (l) - We need to pray for the strength and perseverance to endure the times that are coming upon this world. God has promised us protection, and we will receive that deliverance by remaining dedicated to Him and seeking first His Kingdom.
- A World in Need of Hope (l) - Many people are searching for real hope in this life, but cannot seem to find it.
Hope for the sick
- What Cancer Cannot Do (l) - Cancer is a hideous, fearsome thing seeking to rob us of what we love. But there are many things that cancer cannot take away from us.
Hope from God
- A World in Need of Hope (l) - Many people are searching for real hope in this life, but cannot seem to find it.
Hope of glory
- The Hope of Glory (l) - The Olympic Games represent a striving for excellence in athletic achievement. Paul used them to illustrate another great contest.
Hope of peace
- They Shall Learn War No More! (l) - As threats of catastrophic warfare loom over the world scene, we should focus on God's promises to bring lasting peace and our need to live His way of peace today.
Hope of the resurrection
- Hope and Help for the Brokenhearted (l) - With the Covid-19 pandemic and a host of global problems plaguing the world, it's no surprise that anxiety and depression are rampant. Some even look for a way out in suicide. Yet all is not lost; we can have real hope for tomorrow. But we must look in the right place to find that true source of hope!
Hope, sharing Christian
- When Lightning Strikes Again (l) - As Christians, each of us has a story. God has called each of us to share our faith, not our fears.
- The World's a Mess: Can You Be Positive? (l) - There is a way to be positive in spite of troubling news.
- A World in Need of Hope (l) - Many people are searching for real hope in this life, but cannot seem to find it.
- Closing the Strait of Hormuz: A Serious Iranian Threat (l) - Tehran has coveted complete control over the narrow Strait of Hormuz -- only 24 miles wide at its narrowest point -- for many years. How important is this crucial Middle Eastern waterway?
Horn, Wade
- The Epidemic of Missing Fathers (l) - The most consequential social trend of our time is the dramatic increase in the number of children growing up in father-absent families.
- God Called Me Out of the World (l) - We all must be on guard against the sinister influence that saturates this world.
Horror film
- To See or Not to See: That New Horror Film (l) - Have you ever found yourself hanging out with friends who wanted to see a horror film? How can you decide what to do?
Horror movies
- To See or Not to See: That New Horror Film (l) - Have you ever found yourself hanging out with friends who wanted to see a horror film? How can you decide what to do?
Horse communication
- Horses Communicate by Ear (l) - New research on the complexity of equine social signals.
Horseback riding
- In the News Oct/Dec 2006 (l) - In the news. October 2006
- Horses That Keep the Sabbath (l) - It's been said that the relationship between human beings and horses is one of the most ancient and mutually beneficial relationships between man and animal to ever exist on our planet. For Linda Henderson, this has certainly proven true.
Horthy, Miklos
- Revising Holocaust History (l) - As reported by the Associated Press, Holocaust survivor and historian Randolph Braham stated Jan. 26, 2014, that he was "returning a high state award to Hungary to protest what he says are government efforts to rewrite history and exonerate the country from its role in the Holocaust" (Pablo Gorondi, "Holocaust Historian Returning Award to Hungary.")
- I Was a Stranger and You Took Me In (l) - "The rest of you, who are my eager companions, wait here, while I, with my own ship and companions that are in it, go and find out about these people, and learn what they are, whether they are savage and violent, and without justice, or hospitable to strangers and with minds that are godly"--The Odyssey of Homer
- Just Like Her (l) - There are some people who jump right into our lives and then there are those who enter quietly, but make a great impression.
- I Was a Stranger ... (l) - Some of the congregation just could not accept someone as "odd" as "Carlene," and started spreading awful rumors. How could she feel comfortable coming back to a church where people labeled others without even knowing them?
- Take Time for Hospitality! (l) - There's more to the art of hospitality than hosting dinner parties. What does the Bible say about being hospitable, and how can you become a better host -- regardless of budget?
- The Disappearing Art of Hospitality (l) - Hospitality is well on its way out. But understanding what hospitality is-and-isn't-may help you recapture the spirit of hospitality.
- True Hospitality (l) - Hospitality seems to be a lost art in our modern times, but we must learn to offer something of ourselves to others. Not everyone shows hospitality in the same way, but we must learn to share as God has shared with us.
- Keep It Simple, Warm and Cozy (l) - For the most part, entertaining was something I endured - rather than enjoyed - until I learned several basic lessons.
- Up Close and Personal (l) - Little does Ashley Smith realize she has a rendezvous with purpose. She is about to meet Brian Nichols.
- Held Hostage (l) - What would you do if you were kidnapped by thugs? Would you cry out to God asking for help? Read this inspiring true-life story that shows that God does hear and answer our prayers!
Hostage experience
- Held Hostage (l) - What would you do if you were kidnapped by thugs? Would you cry out to God asking for help? Read this inspiring true-life story that shows that God does hear and answer our prayers!
- Man's Natural Hostility Toward God (l) - God's laws call on us to meet a personally demanding standard that few are willing to consider. Man rejects God principally because God's laws embody a morality that is outwardly focused and shows concern for others rather than oneself.
House foundation
- Foundations (l) - Each of us is designed to build on something that will last for eternity.
House of David
- King David's Existence Verified by Inscription (l) - An inscription from the ninth century B.C. refers both to the 'House of David' and to the 'King of Israel.
House of Israel
- From Empire to Exile (l) - How can we find the lost tribes of Israel? We need to look at the general region to which they were exiled and see if a people suddenly appeared in the region with characteristics that link them to the refugees of Israel's northern kingdom.
House of Windsor
- Biblical Reflections on the Royal Wedding (l) - On April 29, 2 billion people around the globe watched the wedding of Britain's Prince William and Kate Middleton. Why are so many people fascinated with the British royal family, and what is the biblical significance of this historic event?
- Saturday and the Sabbath (l) - What one change can you make to your weekly routine that is guaranteed to reduce stress?
Housing crisis
- Coping With the Current Housing Crisis (l) - Last year was the worst year for U.S. foreclosures since 1932, at the height of the Great Depression. And 2008 looks set to be even worse. The economy may be in trouble, but there are steps you can take to prepare for the coming downturn.
- Coping With a Growing Economic Crisis (l) - Last year was the worst year for U.S. home foreclosures since 1932, at the height of the Great Depression. The economy may be in trouble, but you can take steps to prepare for the growing downturn.
How to pray
- Tuning Up Your Prayer Life (l) - Our lives can be an up-and-down adventure; but just as we make the time for checkups and maintenance on our automobiles, we must also take the time to assess and maintain our prayer lives.
- Prayer for the Routine Times (l) - Prayer is an important part of Christian life. We've heard it emphasized in church, we hear sermons about it, and we know the scriptures that talk about it, but what happens when it becomes a challenge?
- In the News Oct/Dec 2007 (l) - In the news. Nov. 2007
Hubbard, Elbert
- The Lesson of "A Message to Garcia" (l) - God is looking for a few good men and women. Will you be ready to carry a message for Him?
Hubble telescope
- The Beginning of the Universe (l) - Has the universe always existed, or at some definite point in time, did it have a beginning?
- In the News... October 2009 (l) - In the news .. Oct. 2009
- Handling Those Touchy Situations (l) - To help you establish godly standards, consider the following advice given by a panel of young Christians between the ages of 20 and 30.
- A Touchy Subject (l) - The time to make decisions about physical contact is before you get in a touchy situation. Making a decision on the fly with no forethought is a recipe for going too far.
Hughes, Howard
- True Freedom (l) - If you were as rich as billionaire Howard Hughes, you would enjoy great freedom. Wouldn't you?
- Touch Changes Everything (l) - Stop and consider how one of our five senses can alter the lives of others.
Human abilities
- What Makes Humans Different? (l) - What makes us human? Consider some of the ways mankind differs from the animal kingdom.
Human behavior
- What's Wrong With Our Human Nature? (l) - We have a natural tendency to resent having our fleshly desires limited by rules, even God's rules. Paul explains: "For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit.
- Can You Believe Bible Prophecy? (l) - God's unerring prophecies of the kingdoms and empires of Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome all came to pass in minute detail. If the Creator's prophecies came true in centuries past, can you -- and should you -- believe in Bible prophecy today?
Human birth
- The Miracle of Birth: "I Saw God Today" (l) - "My brand new baby girl, she's a miracle. I saw God today," sang George Strait in his 2008 hit song titled, "I Saw God Today." When I witnessed the birth of my two daughters, the word "miracle" naturally popped out to describe such a moment of awe.
Human body
- The Uniqueness of the Human Body (l) - Many believe that life on earth arose by chance, with human beings as merely more-evolved apes. But the evidence in our makeup says otherwise -- pointing to human beings as a special creation.
Human brain
- What Science Tells Us About Habits (l) - The study, published in the November 2004 issue of Psychological Science, suggests that old habits are relatively automatic, while new learning requires control.
Human chromosomes
- Discovering the Mystery of Man (l) - The incredible design of the human being.
Human cloning
- Making Sense of the Cloning Claims (l) - Fantastic claims about humans being cloned for the first time.
Human condition
- The Visionary Insight of J.B. Priestley (l) - In the book Literature and Western, J.B. Priestley considers the problems of the human condition and how we must face them. A brief excursion into his remarkable insight can yield us lasting benefit.
Human contact
- Are You Missing Something? (l) - There is a unique opportunity out there for you. It is an opportunity that will make you feel good about yourself while helping others.
Human destiny
- Know Jesus, Know Peace (l) - In a world at war, people are divided about what it takes to ultimately bring peace to the planet. Many feel it will never happen. But it will. Here's how.
- Of Time and the River of Life (l) - A universal theme and aspiration of all peoples has been a burning desire to know who we are and why we were born.
- Editorial: Life is Fragile (l) - It was one of those moments when I felt overwhelmed by the vastness of the universe. Why are we here? What is the purpose of life?
- Childhood's End (l) - When I read Arthur C. Clarke's science-fiction classic Childhood's End as a teenager, it startled me with its visions of the transformation of humanity. Clarke's death this March led me to ponder again its parallels and twists on man's truly startling biblical destiny.
- Could You Use Some Hope in Your Life? (l) - A central theme of hope runs through the entire Bible. This message centers around seven basic concepts that apply to you personally.
- Question and Answers - January 2011 (l) - Answers to questions from our readers.
- God's Intent for Marriage (l) - Marriage between a man and woman is one thing, but does God have even a bigger marriage plan?
- God's Got a Plan (l) - At 15, I realized that human society had long been heading cluelessly to its demise. But I also learned then that God has a great plan to raise human beings out of our problems and lead us to an incredible destiny.
- "Made Lower - but Only for a While" (l) - Note David's statement in Psalm 8:5 that man has been made "a little lower than the angels" or "heavenly beings," as the English Standard Version translates it.
- God's Purpose for Mankind (l) - God's purpose for mankind is to prepare those whom He calls to possess God's Kingdom and become kings and priests reigning with Christ at His return. We believe that the reason for mankind's existence is literally to be born as spirit beings into the family of God
- Humanity (l) - Humanity was created with a truly amazing potenial. The future of humanity is to be children in the family of God.
- The Family of God (l) - The Father and Jesus have, from the beginning, planned to increase Their kind. The God kind is a family! It is headed by the Father and now consists of the Father and the Son, Jesus Christ.
- Answering the Great Mystery: Why Did God Create Man? (l) - Do we have a rendezvous with infinity? Is our ultimate destiny so mind-expanding that the human intellect can hardly grasp its grandeur? What is our purpose on earth? What is our future?
- Discovering the Great Unknown: Our Incredible Human Potential (l) - The Bible tells us that the converted servants or "saints" of God will participate in the management of His creation! Restoration and right rulership of this earth are an integral part of God's master plan!
- The Limitations of Science (l) - Only God can tell us who we are, why we are and what is our destiny. His Word, the Bible, fills in the missing dimension in human knowledge.
- Points to Ponder (bsc3) (l) - Bible study 'points to ponder' about why God created mankind.
- What Is God's Plan for You? (l) - The ultimate purpose of human beings is to become part of the family of God.
Human development
- Creation Or Evolution: Does It Really Matter What You Believe? (l) - Why has evolution become so widely accepted, and why has the Bible come to be viewed with such hostility? What has changed?
Human emotions
- God's Feelings About Emotions (l) - Why did God give us such a vast array of emotions? Can our emotions help us develop strong connections with Him and our fellow man?
Human existence
- The Wondrous Gift of Life (l) - Scientists and theologians have dedicated lifetimes to trying to find the keys that unlock the mystery of human existence.
- Coming: Heaven on Earth (l) - The latest research of science and the Bible shows God has big plans for planet earth.
Human extinction
- The Coming End to War (l) - As the world reflects on the great conflict that was the Second World War, two great questions are inescapable: Could it happen again? And will humanity ever find lasting peace?
Human failures
- Don't Throw Out the Baby With the Bath Water! (l) - Scandal and hypocrisy among religious people can be devastating to others' faith. Can human failure lead us to reject God?
Human family type
- The God Family (booklet1) (l) - Scripture clearly states that there is only one God (Isaiah 46:9; Malachi 2:10; Romans 3:30; James 2:19). Nevertheless, it is evident that the one God comprises more than one Being existing together as a divine family (compare Ephesians 3:14-15) -- of which the human family is a physical type or model.
Human genome
- The Human Genome Project: Decoding the Mystery of Man (l) - Digging deeply into the mystery of our existence, the Human Genome Project has brilliantly illuminated our knowledge of the mechanics of life--but revealed nothing about our ultimate purpose. To discover mankind's purpose, we must look to another source.
- Where Will the Genetics Revolution Lead? (l) - This century has seen some astounding scientific and technological advancement.Developments continue to amaze. But is all such advancement a good thing?
- Cloning: A Dangerous Journey Into Uncharted Waters? (l) - What's behind the concerted efforts to clone human beings? Is this another attempt to climb to the loftiest heights of knowledge and defy our Creator?
Human government
- The Problem With Human Government (l) - Every form of human government has failed to some extent -- though obviously some more spectacularly than others. Clearly human government has its problems. But why? What's at the heart of it all?
Human hand
- The Marvels of the Human Body (l) - Almost all picture books about the human body readily attribute its marvels to the chance mutations of evolution. Very few seem to say with King David, "I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made"
Human heart
- The Deadliest Virus (l) - Mankind indeed has a deep spiritual problem -- a deadly virus that has infected us and leads us into sin and death. It is our wicked, evil, selfish, self-centered and self-seeking way of thinking that inevitably leads to discord, conflict, hatred, violence and war.
- A God Concerned With Man's Heart (l) - Thoughout the Bible we see that God has always been concerned with human motivations.
Human kind
- Glossary (bsc3) (l) - A glossary of the terms used in this Bible study.
Human life
- Darwinism in the Classroom (l) - When you believe God created the heavens and earth, what strategies can you use when confronted with Charles Darwin's theory of evolution?
Human love
- Our Need for Love (l) - Life without love is ultimately life without meaning. Love is a primary element of a human life.
Human mind
- The Spirit in Man (booklet2) (l) - Human beings do have a spiritual component to our makeup. As Job 32:8 says, "There is a spirit in man." And the apostle Paul pointed out, "For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him".
- Introduction: Who Is God? (l) - Great as He is, God is not unapproachable. He is not beyond our reach. We can come to know this magnificent Being.
- Why Do We Sin? (l) - All of us have to deal with sin and its tragic consequences in our lives. Understanding why we sin is a first step in overcoming and avoiding sin.
- What's My Purpose Here? (l) - There must be meaning to humanity's mixture of awesome abilities and awful atrocities. What is the ultimate purpose and meaning of your life?
- Unlocking the Mind (l) - A brief background of Joseph Kovach.
- What Makes Humans Different? (l) - What makes us human? Consider some of the ways mankind differs from the animal kingdom.
Human mortality
- A Knock at the Door (l) - Coming to grips with the reality of death is a staggering part of life. Some do it better than others; some don't do well at all; and some keep running from the thought until they die.
Human motivation
- A God Concerned With Man's Heart (l) - Thoughout the Bible we see that God has always been concerned with human motivations.
Human nature
- Man's Missing Ingredient (l) - The root of crime, violence and terror is that men and women are fundamentally incomplete. We are lacking a key ingredient.
- Did God Create People Evil? (l) - Viewing the suffering around the globe caused by evil leaders is discouraging. Some countries are run by outright drug lords. Others are ruled by leaders who abuse their own people. Saddam Hussein has become a poster boy of the evil tyrant in the 21st century just as Hitler and Stalin were in the 20th. Why would a good God create such evil people?
- The Greatest Addiction of All (l) - Most people know about common addictions to drugs and alcohol. These are difficult enough to face and manage. But the one addiction that is greater than all others is unrecognized by most people. Thankfully, it can be overcome.
- Four Biblical Keys to Understanding World Events (l) - Important world events are happening all around us. Do you understand the keys to properly analyze world events?
- What's Wrong With Our Governments? (l) - Democratic societies fervently promote their favorite candidates at election time yet are almost always disappointed when they fail to come through on their promises. Why does it seem this never changes? What's the fundamental problem with human government?
- A Crucial Factor in Producing Fruit: Eradicate the Weeds of Sin (l) - Victory requires understanding the enemy. In our spiritual warfare, the enemy is us! Raw human nature is like a field taken over by noxious weeds. We must eradicate the weeds and replace them with God's Spirit so we can produce much good fruit!
- The Sin of Lying (l) - Lying -- almost everybody does it and for a variety of reasons. But how does God view it, and what can we do about it?
- Satan: The Great Seducer (l) - Satan uses people to deceive other people. He especially likes to use people who seem, from outward appearances, to be trustworthy.
- Man's Natural Hostility Toward God (l) - God's laws call on us to meet a personally demanding standard that few are willing to consider. Man rejects God principally because God's laws embody a morality that is outwardly focused and shows concern for others rather than oneself.
- How Does God Reveal Himself? (l) - If God accepted the challenge of always having to prove His existence, what would it take? Would it have been necessary for Him to personally appear to and perform miracles to every human being ever born?
- Why We Must Change Our Way of Thinking (l) - A change in the way we think is the most important aspect of real repentance. After we receive the Holy Spirit, we are better able to sustain right behavior as the fruit of our new way of thinking.
- What's Wrong With Our Human Nature? (l) - We have a natural tendency to resent having our fleshly desires limited by rules, even God's rules. Paul explains: "For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit.
- Partaking of the Divine Nature (l) - Everlasting, abundant life in the Kingdom as part of the God family is our ultimate destiny. That is what Christ makes possible (John 10:10). That is why God created us in His image.
- Jesus Christ, Our Merciful High Priest (l) - Both the Father and Son are actively involved in fulfilling Their purpose of bringing others into the divine family. It's your destiny. Will you repent and accept this marvelous calling?
- A World Plagued With Human Suffering (l) - Christ proclaimed that part of His mission was "to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed" (Luke 4:18). Such a time has not yet occurred for all mankind, but God promises He will bring an end to suffering in general during Christ's millennial reign and will eventually banish it (Revelation 21:4).
- Glossary (bsc4) (l) - Word definitions relating to Bible Correspondence Course.
- An Unseen Evil Influence (l) - The world is predicted to be a dangerous place at the time of the end. We will be brought to the brink of extinction. But why do people think and act in such self-destructive ways? Is another factor -- one that few recognize -- at work influencing human behavior?
- Glossary (bsc5) (l) - Word definitions for Bible Lesson 5.
- God's Commitment to Change Our Nature (l) - God very much wants us to become converted. He wants us not only to learn but to practice His way of life -- to become sincerely and thoroughly committed to it.
- Our Sinful Nature (l) - As human beings, we prefer to do things our own way. As a result we can easily develop, either consciously or unconsciously, resentment toward God's authority over us.
- The Deadliest Virus (l) - Mankind indeed has a deep spiritual problem -- a deadly virus that has infected us and leads us into sin and death. It is our wicked, evil, selfish, self-centered and self-seeking way of thinking that inevitably leads to discord, conflict, hatred, violence and war.
- The Vision Made Real (l) - How will the beautiful picture of world peace and joy become reality? What stands in the way, how will change happen, and can change start now?
- Human Nature (l) - Are human beings inherently good? If so, why is there so much evil in the world? Did God make people the way they are? Or has something gone wrong? And what fundamentally needs to change?
- Reflections on the Dunblane Tragedy (l) - Was the massacre of innocent schoolchildren in Scotland only an isolated incident, or is it an indicator of a much greater problem?
- Questions and Answers - Jul/Aug 2003 (l) - Here are some comments and letters from readers of the Good News.
- Dictatorships: Why Are They So Common? (l) - As the U.S. and Britain defied much of world opinion to overthrow an entrenched dictator in Iraq, a question logically arose: Why is it that so many countries seem to naturally embrace dictatorship?
- Why Do We Sin? (l) - All of us have to deal with sin and its tragic consequences in our lives. Understanding why we sin is a first step in overcoming and avoiding sin.
- Why a Human Utopia Won't Happen (l) - Humanity has long dreamed of creating a utopia on earth, but all our efforts have crumbled. But Why? Few understand the reason human attempts to form a lasting utopian society have always failed.
- Questions and Answers - Nov/Dec 2003 (l) - Questions and answers; Good News Nov/Dec 2003
Human nature and war
- World War: Will It Happen Again? (l) - The lack of a major world conflict for the past 65 years reassures some that the world will never again face another world war. But is our world really growing safer? And what does Bible prophecy reveal about a future world war?
Human nature, change of
- God's Commitment to Change Our Nature (l) - God very much wants us to become converted. He wants us not only to learn but to practice His way of life -- to become sincerely and thoroughly committed to it.
Human origins
- Creation Or Evolution: Does It Really Matter What You Believe? (l) - Why has evolution become so widely accepted, and why has the Bible come to be viewed with such hostility? What has changed?
Human potential
- The Universe and Beyond (l) - The plans, promises and prophecies of the Bible all lead to one thing--a potential almost beyond human comprehension! What does God have in store for you?
- The Wonderful World Beyond Today! Part 7: The Universe and Beyond (l) - The plans, promises and prophecies of the Bible all lead to one thing -- a potential almost beyond human comprehension! What does God have in store for you?
- Question and Answers - January 2011 (l) - Answers to questions from our readers.
- The Family of God (l) - The Father and Jesus have, from the beginning, planned to increase Their kind. The God kind is a family! It is headed by the Father and now consists of the Father and the Son, Jesus Christ.
- Does Life Have Greater Meaning and Purpose? (l) - Most people don't have the understanding that God is involved with mankind and that He has a plan for us. To be at peace, human beings must realize what God has in mind for them.
- Partaking of the Divine Nature (l) - Everlasting, abundant life in the Kingdom as part of the God family is our ultimate destiny. That is what Christ makes possible (John 10:10). That is why God created us in His image.
- Discovering the Great Unknown: Our Incredible Human Potential (l) - The Bible tells us that the converted servants or "saints" of God will participate in the management of His creation! Restoration and right rulership of this earth are an integral part of God's master plan!
- Why the Human Genome Project? (l) - Will the Human Genome Project produce any good fruit?
Human purpose
- Could You Use Some Hope in Your Life? (l) - A central theme of hope runs through the entire Bible. This message centers around seven basic concepts that apply to you personally.
- Understanding the 'Image of God' (l) - The purpose of human life is indelibly etched into the first chapter of the first book of the Bible, where man is first mentioned: "Then God said, 'Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness'".
- Answering the Great Mystery: Why Did God Create Man? (l) - Do we have a rendezvous with infinity? Is our ultimate destiny so mind-expanding that the human intellect can hardly grasp its grandeur? What is our purpose on earth? What is our future?
- Discovering the Great Unknown: Our Incredible Human Potential (l) - The Bible tells us that the converted servants or "saints" of God will participate in the management of His creation! Restoration and right rulership of this earth are an integral part of God's master plan!
- What is My Purpose Here? (l) - There must be some meaning to humanity's mixture of awesome abilities and awful atrocities. What is the ultimate purpose and meaning of your life?
Human rights
- Behind the Headlines - A World Without the United States (l) - The prophecies of the Bible concerning the rise of a new end time super power will come to pass.
- Is There "Just Cause" for Nations to Intervene in the Affairs of Other Nations? (l) - Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon considers Iran to be as dangerous as Iraq and a "center of world terror." Why should this be so?
Human Rights Campaign
- World News Review February 2006 (l) - World News - Feb. 2006
Human sacrifice
- A Place Called Megiddo, Part 2 (l) - In last month's article on Megiddo, we raised the question, "How could today's political leaders be deceived by spiritual powers to move armed forces to Jerusalem to fight Christ at His second coming?" Is there something at the site of Megiddo that can lead to an answer?
Human spirit
- Mapping the Brain: The Missing Dimension (l) - U.S. President Barack Obama recently announced plans to spend millions on mapping the human brain -- labeled "the next great American project" -- perhaps on a par with going to the moon. But is there a largely unrealized component residing in the brain itself that cannot be studied or mapped by neuroscientists? What does the Bible reveal about the mystery of the human mind?
- The Spirit in Man (booklet2) (l) - Human beings do have a spiritual component to our makeup. As Job 32:8 says, "There is a spirit in man." And the apostle Paul pointed out, "For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him".
- Missing From Science (l) - The spirit of the human mind is a wonderful thing. It gives us understanding, purpose and a way to connect with God. Thank God for that gift.
Human suffering
- Satan's Role in Suffering (l) - Through the spiritual blindness and ignorance Satan has foisted off on the world, he is the instigator of incalculable suffering. He has blinded humanity to the reason for our existence.
- Introduction (bsc4) (l) - How do we reconcile anguish and suffering with the Bible's portrayal of a loving God? Why would He allow the horrendous miseries that afflict humanity? Does the Bible explain suffering?
Human survival
- Seeking human survival in outer space (l) - Some scientists have envisioned Mars being reengineered to be habitable like earth.
- Points to Ponder (bsc5) (l) - Bible study 'points to ponder' about the hope for human survival.
- The End of the World: What Does the Bible Say? (l) - Our main focus should be to seek God to be spiritually prepared for the times that are coming. "But keep on the alert at all times," said Jesus, "praying in order that you may have strength to escape all these things that are about to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man" (Luke 21:36)
Human touch
- Touch Changes Everything (l) - Stop and consider how one of our five senses can alter the lives of others.
Human trafficking
- What's Behind the Scourge of Human Trafficking? (l) - What is human trafficking? What instigates and drives it? Who are its victims? How will it come to an end?
Human value
- The Value of God (l) - Do you value God? Does He value you? How does God show how much you are worth to Him?
Human wart virus
- World News and Trends - May/June 2007 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. May 2007
- The Bible Deflates Secular Humanism (l) - Only a fool says in his heart that there is no God (Psalm 14:1). Yet man seems determined to try to live apart from God. This is like holding your breath to prove you don't need air.
- Secular Humanism: Between the Ideal and the Lie (l) - Recent U.S. elections showed a nation strongly and sometimes bitterly divided over many issues, not least the basic direction of the country. What's behind the battle? The seeds were sown long ago.
- "The War to End All Wars" (l) - On the 100th anniversary marking the end of World War I, we still see a world mired in conflict and often on the brink of even greater war. Many of today's problems can be traced to that conflict. If we are to understand the way to peace, we must first understand what leads to war.
- Christian Values Under Attack: Will Yours Survive the College Challenge? (l) - Will you be leaving home for college this autumn? If so, your Christianity is sure to be tested. Read on for advice on how to stay faithful.
- Christian Values Under Attack (l) - Will you be leaving home for college this fall? If so, your Christianity is sure to be tested. Read this article for advice on how to remain strong.
- Groping for Meaning and Morality (l) - Man has developed three views, nihilism, humanism & immanence, that attempt to explain the meaning of life without God. These have had an enormous impact on the world and the way people live.
Humanist education
- Are You Being Manipulated? (l) - Few people are aware of the great unseen spiritual battle taking place throughout the world. Fewer still realize that the main battlefield is within their minds!
- Is There "Just Cause" for Nations to Intervene in the Affairs of Other Nations? (l) - Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon considers Iran to be as dangerous as Iraq and a "center of world terror." Why should this be so?
Humanitarian cause
- The Greatest Humanitarian Cause (l) - Do you have trouble with prayer? How should we pray? For what should we pray? What lessons should we learn from prayer? Let's consider Christ's lesson on the subject.
Humanitarian causes
- The Greatest Humanitarian Cause (l) - Do you have trouble with prayer? How should we pray? For what should we pray? What lessons should we learn from prayer? Let's consider Christ's lesson on the subject.
- Global Power Shifts - Not All Change Is Good (l) - Nations are drifting more and more towards becoming one world, but the result will not be the utopia that many expect!
Humanity special
- Astrophysicist - Earth, Humans are Special in the Universe (l) - Continued forays into astrophysics and the laws underlying the universe lead to the conclusion that our world and the human race are special.
Humanity's choices
- Where was God? (l) - If God is all powerful and all knowing, the source of all that is good and kind and right, how could He allow evil human beings to snuff out the lives of people who have done them no harm? Why would He allow such things?
Humanity's Redeemer
- Promise and Covenants: A Prophetic Legacy (l) - Explains the significance of the promises God made to the Gentiles.
Humanity, plan for
- God's Days of Worship (l) - Observances that are rooted in paganism break the first two of the Ten Commandments. Is God pleased when people claim to worship Him by adopting celebrations of pagan gods and goddesses in man-made holidays while they ignore His commanded days and ways of worship?
Humanity, purpose of
- How Is the Work of God Accomplished Today? (l) - Jesus Christ gave His Church a commission in which each member has a vital part to play. How is that mission being carried out in our modern world?
- Meekness and Gentleness: Strength With a Tender Touch (l) - The biblical qualities of meekness and gentleness are misunderstood and undervalued in today's society of extremes--where all too often people tend to angrily overreact or passively underreact.
- Thank God for the Common Man (l) - When we remember who we are and where we came from and never forget who God is and where He wants to take us - the future is ours in Him.
- Calming the Waters (l) - Everyone experiences problems with relationships. What can we do to restore happy, peaceful, respectful ones?
- Humility of Mind and Action (l) - An important part of the Passover ceremony is the washing of each other's feet. But why would Jesus want us to do it and what does it teach us?
- Deciphering the Rosetta Stone (l) - For hundreds of years, Egyptian hieroglyphics were a mystery, even to language experts. Finally someone discovered the key to decoding them -- on the Rosetta stone. Is there a "Rosetta stone" for understanding another mystery -- the Bible?
- Do You Want to Join the Club? (l) - There are groups or clubs set up for just about everything in life. All have leaders, and many people seek those positions. But which position should we strive for?
- Spiritual Lessons in Foot Washing (l) - Christ washed His disciples' feet and told us to do likewise. What lessons can we learn from this practice?
- Humility and Pride (l) - Reflections on the differences between the contrasting attitudes of pride and humility.
- The Meek (l) - A word we know, but may find difficulty defining: "meek"
- Religious Nuts (l) - The terms may vary from place to place, but it seems every society and every generation has had some experience with those who are deviant thinkers.
- Sabbath Morning (l) - When looking at our accomplishments we often forget who we should really want to be.
- Just Say the Word (l) - Jesus held up a Roman centurion as an outstanding example of faith. And there's much for us to learn in this encounter between two leaders of men.
- Lincoln's Qualities of Leadership (l) - A major new movie examines the life and accomplishments of President Abraham Lincoln. What was it that made him an effective and inspirational leader?
- Bearing Our Cross Like Christ (l) - Jesus tells us that to follow Him, we must take up our cross and walk in His steps. But what does that mean?
- What Does It Mean to Kneel? (l) - Kneeling is simply an act of true worship.
- Modesty (l) - Are you modest in the sight of God and man?
- Proverbs: Better To Be Humble (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
- Proverbs: Get Advice (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
- Approach the Bible With a Proper Attitude (l) - Why do so many have difficulty grasping the Bible's message and meaning? The answer is simple-they don't have the right frame of mind. We must approach the Bible with respect for what it is-God's divine revelation to us.
- What Is Faith? (l) - The Bible tells us salvation is by God's grace and is not earned by good works "lest any man should boast" (Ephesians 2:9). But we are saved by grace through faith (verse 8). The danger we face is that our faith will die if we neglect our salvation by not living a life of obedience to God (Hebrews 2:1-3).
- Follow Me - Becoming Clothed With Humility (l) - There is a great spiritual gulf between the devil's corrupt way of pride and Jesus Christ's example of humbling Himself. How do we follow the path Jesus set for us?
- What Is True Leadership? (l) - Which ingredients make an effective leader? And what makes some leaders take tragic courses for themselves and their fellowmen?
- (l) - How America should seek God's will.
- A Lesson for All Time (l) - By his powerful example Jesus Christ taught his disciples many vital lessons. Yet the sterling example shown to them less than a day before his death is one of the least understood and most neglected by those who claim to follow him.
- 'Become Like Little Children' (l) - Being a preschool teacher is an opportunity to see the childlike nature God desires of us at work.
- Does Arrogance Really Work? (l) - The lowly house cat has what appears to be an arrogant demeanor. It seems to get what it wants from its unsuspecting owners. What lesson can Christians learn from the relationship between a cat and its owner?
- Thanksgiving: A Timeless Lesson (l) - Are we aware of the true source of blessings and wealth?
- Hummingbirds - How Do They Do That? (l) - The incredible aerial feats of hummingbirds are truly a marvel. But that's only the beginning of the story.
- Contemplating Hummingbirds (l) - God's eternal power and divine nature are clearly seen from what He has made.
- In the News Apr/June 2007 (l) - News items, April 2007
- Laughing Off Stress (l) - Amanda Stiver A good laugh can help lower levels of cortisol, researchers find.
- Walking Through the Valleys of Life (l) - In this life we face trials. We are constantly exposed to a range of strains and stresses. However, we can call on several strategies to lessen the load. Here are a few effective steps.
Humor and health
- God, Science and the Bible (7/05) (l) - News from the world of science about God and the Bible.
- Revising Holocaust History (l) - As reported by the Associated Press, Holocaust survivor and historian Randolph Braham stated Jan. 26, 2014, that he was "returning a high state award to Hungary to protest what he says are government efforts to rewrite history and exonerate the country from its role in the Holocaust" (Pablo Gorondi, "Holocaust Historian Returning Award to Hungary.")
- Hungary Looks West -- Again (l) - What may expansion of the European Union portend? What impact could it have on the prophesied formation of a European superpower? What part will Hungary play in an expanded Europe?
- Food Insecurity in a Hungry World (l) - Starvation, malnutrition and consequent diseases are an all-too-familiar fixture in today's world. This article reports on the current situation and looks through the window of prophecy at the future. The present is bleak, but the future is fabulous!
- A Return to Eden: When Hunger and Disease Disappear (l) - The plight of the sick, poor and hungry makes us long for the day when a real utopia spreads around the earth!
- World News and Trends - May/June 2008 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world.
- What's Behind the Growing Food Crisis? (l) - Growing shortages around the world are driving up the price of food. For hundreds of millions this could lead to hunger or starvation. What's behind the global food crisis, and how can it be resolved?
- Seeking Security in a Dangerous Age (l) - Global economic and financial turbulence stalk the world--along with a growing food and energy crisis. Apocalyptic doomsaying is seen in newspapers everywhere. Can you survive whatever perils may come your way? What or who will be your anchor?
- A Return to Eden: An End to Hunger and Disease (l) - The plight of the sick, poor and hungry makes us long for the day when a real utopia will spread around the earth!
- Coming Food Crises Threaten Mankind (l) - According to Newsweek, "None of the factors that drove the global food crises in 2008 have gone away" (Dec. 7, 2009). And The Economist stated that "1 billion people will go to bed hungry" (Nov. 21, 2009). But hold on to your hats. The Bible clearly tells us that present conditions are slated to get a lot worse before they get better.
- Is a Global Food Crisis Brewing? (l) - You've likely noticed recent increases in the cost of food, and no end is in sight. Are we seeing the beginnings of growing food shortages? What's behind this trend, and where is it leading?
- Famine Stalks the Earth (l) - From time to time, experts in many different fields and disciplines issue urgent warnings of famines to come.
- 200 million fewer hungry than in 1990 (l) - In the mid-20th century, food shortages and hunger were a big concern. Some progress has since been made, but hunger has yet to be eradicated.
Hunger, provery
- The Wonderful World Beyond Today! Part 5, The End of Hunger and Disease: Return to Eden (l) - The plight of the sick, poor and hungry makes us long for the day when a real utopia spreads around the earth!
- Giving, Receiving and Gratitude (l) - Sometimes we are surprised by what influences us in our lives and what can really put us in awe.
Huntington, Samuel
- French Riots Highlight Growing Clash of Civilizations (l) - For three weeks, young Muslims across France rioted every night, burning cars and destroying property. What's behind the riots and where are they leading?
Hurricane Helene
- Hope Beyond the Storm (l) - The devastating impacts of recent hurricanes urge readers to seek peace and hope through faith in God rather than human efforts alone. True deliverance and ultimate solutions lie in God's future Kingdom, beyond the turmoil of this world.
Hurricane Katrina
- In the Aftermath of Katrina: What Can We Learn? (l) - Another major hurricane has slammed into the United States. The devastation has shut down cities and left hundreds of thousands homeless. Is there a spiritual lesson to learn from this tragedy?
- Natural Disasters: Will We Ask the Crucial Questions? (l) - A native of New Orleans assesses what happened there with Hurricane Katrina -- and why.
Hurricane Mitch
- The Cause of Natural Disasters (l) - Some experts see an overall increase in the destructiveness of natural disasters, especially in the last few decades.
- The Message of Mitch (l) - A tragic example of the poor's vulnerability to natural disasters.
Hurricane Rita
- Hurricane Rita--A Mass Exodus (l) - The hurricanes of 2005 affected many people in varying ways. This is one family's story during a difficult time.
Hurricane Sandy
- Hurricane Sandy, the Bible and You (l) - Hurricane Katrina was the most costly natural disaster the United States had ever experienced. Yet in some respects Hurricane Sandy had an even greater impact. Why is America experiencing major national catastrophes, whether from nature or inflicted by enemies, such as the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 ? Does the Bible provide answers?
- In the Eye of the Storm (l) - Florida experienced four hurricanes last year that wrought much destruction throughout the state. Here is a firsthand account by someone who weathered Hurricane Frances.
- Typhoons, Tornadoes and Cyclones (l) - Following on from October 2012 when Superstorm Sandy struck New Jersey and New York, leaving behind a trail of destruction, one particular typhoon in 2013 will also be remembered for its ferocity -- Typhoon Haiyan, which hit the Philippines very hard on Nov. 8.
- Red Cross Warns of "Super Disasters" (l) - Increasingly natural disasters are raising concerns of man's impact upon the ecological balance. Is there cause for concern? What lies ahead in the next century?
- God's Appointment With You (l) - Did you know that God set aside a special day so you can have meaningful, lasting contact with Him? Nearly 6,000 years ago our Creator declared the seventh-day Sabbath a day of rest and fellowship with Him.
Hurtful words
- Many Words (l) - Language is a useful tool for communicating, but used in the wrong way it can become useless or damaging.
Husband and wife
- Male-Female Relationships (l) - We're created to be complementary, but this secret of successful marriage relationships can get lost in the mysteries and mayhem of the modern battle of the sexes.
- Divorce-Proof Your Marriage (l) - Because so many marriages - particularly in modern Western countries - end in failure, couples trying to live godly lives and make their relationships last will look for ways to protect and preserve their marriages.
Hussein, King
- King Hussein, a Man for His Time? (l) - The Arab world is one which connotes danger, turmoil and death. One man, however, had the courage to spread to this region a visionary antidote to such evils.
Hussein, Saddam
- Lines in the Sand: The Middle East 10 Years After Iraq (l) - America considers what it's lost as Iraq struggles to redefine itself within the ever-boiling cauldron of the Middle East.
- 'I Hope We've Learned Our Lesson ...' (l) - "One day we were neighbors, and the next day the massacre began." That's how the survivor of a tribal massacre described the shocking turn of events that led to the murder of 18 of her family members. Her tragic story cuts to the heart of humanity's inability to find lasting peace
Huxley, Aldous
- Can You Believe the Bible? (l) - Both God and the Bible have long been under attack. What are some of the motives of critics? And, far more important, what does the evidence dug from the dust of the Middle East reveal?
- In the News Apr/June 2008 (l) - Items of interest in the news. April-June 2008
Hypersonic missiles
- Today's Arms Race: How Will It End? (l) - America, Russia and China are locked in a new arms race involving unprecedented weapons technology. Will this growing arms race end the human race?
- Christians in Name Only? (l) - What we have is a Christianity in which millions accept Christ in name but know little about Him, what He did and what He taught. Or, worse yet, perhaps they do know what He taught but choose to ignore or reject it!
- Feast Days God Despises (l) - While we all think we are honoring God with the days we keep, history shows it's not always true.
- With the Badge Comes Responsibility (l) - What are the identifying characteristics of a Christian?
- Christian in Name Only? (l) - Political leaders aren't the only hypocrites when it comes to claiming to be Christian while acting far differently.
- Jesus' Teaching on God's Law (l) - Perhaps the most widespread controversies about the teachings of Jesus concern His attitude toward the laws of God recorded in the Old Testament.
- The Third Commandment: From Profanity to Praise (l) - The Third Commandment focuses on showing respect. It addresses the way we communicate our feelings about God to others and to Him.
- A World Going Insane (l) - Sometimes I think the world is going crazy. The rest of the time I know it is.
- Don't Throw Out the Baby With the Bath Water! (l) - Scandal and hypocrisy among religious people can be devastating to others' faith. Can human failure lead us to reject God?
- How to Survive Bull Riding and Religion (l) - Because Sam had grown up hearing in church about complete separation from the world, for many years he didn't question the way he lived. As he became an adult, he started to question all he heard, and much of his faith was shaken.
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