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History's Twists and Turnsby Darris McNeelyGreat events of history and prophecy often occur in ways we cannot foretell and arise out of events that, at least on the surface, appear to be a solution to a crisis. Such was the case with the unexpected rise to power of Adolf Hitler in Germany in 1933. Germany was in the grip of economic depression. The Weimar Republic had failed to provide a recovery in the post—World War I years. The heavy penalty of reparations imposed by the victorious Allied powers left the country crippled, its pride bitterly bruised. Into this breach stepped Hitler and his National Socialist Party. The Austrian corporal had organized a movement in southern Germany that had galvanized many who were looking for a way forward under strong, dynamic leadership. Germans strongly desired a restoration of German pride in power and strength, along with a place among the nations. Stability, prosperity and security were fundamental promises made by Hitler's movement. On Jan. 30, 1933, Hitler was sworn in as chancellor of Germany after a legal election. But his Nazi party did not hold a majority in the Reichstag, the parliament, thwarting his plans for total power. New parliamentary elections were called and held on March 5. The Nazis gained seats but still fell short of the clear majority that Hitler desired to establish his dictatorship by consent of the parliament. Through a series of quick agreements, Hitler managed to gain what he wanted. The Reichstag was "asked to pass an enabling act conferring on Hitler's cabinet exclusive legislative powers for four years. Put even more simply, the German Parliament would be requested to turn over its constitutional functions to Hitler and take a long vacation" (William Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, 1960, p. 196). This took place on March 23 and formed the basis for Hitler's dictatorship. Hitler was able to boast he was the legal ruler of Germany. All this occurred in less than 60 days. Events can move quickly. The rest is history. In this issue of World News and Prophecy we continue the series on "Europe and the Church" in history and prophecy. We are writing the series to give a sense of perspective to the crisis of leadership among governments today. Revelation 17 describes a complex picture of events hinting at unexpected twists and turns. A political leader emerges with power given by others who are of "one mind" (verse 13). Later comes a twist where the "ten horns...on the beast...will hate the harlot, make her desolate and naked, eat her flesh and burn her with fire" (verse 16). These are headline-making events, and it is frankly impossible for us to see in advance how they will happen. But happen they will because God will put His purpose into the hearts of men to bring His prophetic plan to pass (verse 17). We don't have to know the details in advance, but God gives us the broad overview of understanding. It is our spiritual duty to watch and keep our spiritual lives above reproach. This is what Christ shows as the way to avoid the deception of the end times (Revelation 16:15). From an understanding of history we can conclude that human events can take dramatic turns beyond what well-intentioned people can control. God controls the ultimate course of history and nothing will be done to prevent the conclusion of this age of man and the dawn of His ruling Kingdom on earth. Ground your worldview in the Bible. Continue to study Christ's warnings to discern the times. WNP
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Other Articles by Darris McNeely
Origin of article "History's Twists and Turns"
Keywords: Hitler's rise