"G" - Topic Index

Alphabetic Index:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Galatians, book of
  1. Circumcision vs. a 'New Creation' in Christ (l) - The Jewish practice of requiring gentiles to be circumcised to be accepted into their fellowship threatened the unity of the early Church.
  2. Current Confusion Over Christian Freedom (l) - Paul's reasoning regarding grace, law, justification and freedom has been so twisted out of context that today his meaning is rarely correctly understood.
  3. The 'Curse of the Law' (l) - In both writing and preaching, scholars and pastors alike turn to Galations 3:10-13 to support a badly misguided assumption that Paul viewed God's law as a curse.
  4. Did Paul's Words to the Galatians Contradict His Actions? (l) - If in Galatians 4:9-10 Paul was attempting to condemn Sabbath-keeping as bondage, his actions as recorded in the book of Acts show that he was either very confused or very hypocritical.
  5. Galatians 4:9-10: Are God's Laws Bondage? (l) - Some view Galatians 4:9-10 as condemning Old Testament laws.
  6. Why Paul Used the Term 'the Whole Law' in Galatians 5:3 (l) - Paul's point in Galatians about being "a debtor to keep the whole law" is in the context of wanting to impose circumcision on the Galatians. Their reasoning implied that at least some of the symbolic aspects of the law would be required of the gentiles.
  1. Gambling: Why It's a Bet Nobody Wins (l) - Compulsive gambling can and does destroy lives just like drug addiction and alcoholism. It is just one more sign of the moral decline currently gripping many nations.
  2. The Growing Menace of Gambling (l) - Compulsive gambling can and does destroy lives just like drug addiction and alcoholism. It is just one more sign of the moral decline currently gripping our Anglo-Saxon nations.
Garden of Eden
  1. Answers from Genesis - Part 4 (l) - We continue exploring the book of Genesis and the common questions asked about it. Here are the answers as we best understand them in light of the Bible.
  2. Ending With the Beginning (l) - Imagine a world in which there was seamless unity between God, man and nature.
  3. Searching for Eden in the Middle East (l) - Why do nations and peoples collide in the Middle East? Why is the home to the long-ago Garden of Eden today the home to so much sorrow and suffering? Will the region ever resemble Eden again? The surprising answer is yes!
  4. How to Make the World Great Again (l) - The world was once a paradise. But that paradise was dashed, and humanity has suffered ever since. Thankfully, God has a plan to make the world great again -- and you can have a part!
  5. Three Gardens With One Purpose (l) - Man's existence began with God in a garden. A garden also awaits in man's destiny with God. And a garden experience in between makes it possible. We start with the opening setting.
  6. Follow Me (11/2017) (l) - The biblical story begins, transitions and ends with life in a garden. In this third part in a series, we consider the last setting.
  7. God's Plan of Redemption (l) - God's Plan of Redemption
  8. The Choice: Which Way of Life? (l) - The prophecy of a promised Seed starts a thread that runs throughout the Bible. It is God's firm promise of a Savior, a King who will rule with righteousness and bring peace and salvation to all.
  9. Follow Me (1/2018) (l) - Recalling our journey through the garden settings of Scripture, do we deeply desire a close relationship with the Father and Christ now and forever?
  10. 'One of the Lucky Ones' (l) - With so much suffering in the world, can we have hope for a brighter tomorrow?
  11. Waiting to Be Picked (l) - The clear intent of God's kingdom is that of peace and safety. Yes, of being able to sit in your garden or orchard in peace without missiles or mortars screaming overhead.
  12. Seeing Through the Trees (l) - One man in the jungle, working with a plan that involves trees, monkeys, bugs, roots and vines. Not too close to the trees to truly see the forest; and beyond the forest to future generations.
  13. The Alpha and the Omega and Eternity (l) - Why do seemingly civilized people seethe with unreasonable hatred? America wastes its time and energy to try to understand why it is hated. What does the truth mean to you?
  14. Where was God? (l) - If God is all powerful and all knowing, the source of all that is good and kind and right, how could He allow evil human beings to snuff out the lives of people who have done them no harm? Why would He allow such things?
  1. Generosity Is of the Heart (l) - God's generosity knows no bounds. We are to follow His and Christ's example in our attitude of giving. God takes our gift and multiplies it. As we learn to give, we become more like God.
  2. A Dinner Invitation (l) - What goes through your mind as you prepare for a dinner guest?
  3. Financial Security and Peace of Mind (l) - God promises material blessings to those who obey Him and acknowledge Him with their wealth (Proverbs 3:1, 9-10). Through the prophet Malachi God warned that withholding His tithe amounts to robbing Him, but He will bless those who tithe (Malachi 3:7-12).
  4. The Eighth Commandment: Practice Giving Rather Than Getting (l) - The spiritual intent of the eighth commandment: practice giving rather than getting
  5. Give and Forget (l) - We've heard we should "forgive and forget." But we also need to learn to give and forget.
  6. A Right Example Heard Around the World (l) - Jesus Christ surprised His disciples -- and possibly many of us as well -- by praising a seemingly wasteful act. Why did He put such emphasis on it?
  7. The Feast of Prosperity (l) - Our world is wracked by poverty,injustice and turmoil. But a little known biblical festival reveals how a new world of peace and prosperity will dawn.
  8. Family Finances: a Biblical Guide (l) - Managing your money - a Biblical guide.
  1. Answers from Genesis - Part 5 (l) - The book of Genesis is known as the book of origins. Here are more frequently asked questions about it.
  2. The Testimony of the New Testament (l) - Many are surprised to learn that the Bible reveals Christ as the Creator! More than once the apostle Paul explained to early Christians that God had created all things by Jesus Christ (Ephesians 3:9; Colossians 1:16). Hebrews 1:2 tells us that God "has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, . . . through whom also He made the worlds."
  3. Ancient Near Eastern Concepts of Creation (l) - Is the Genesis record a fairy tale little different from those of other ancient cultures?
  4. The Greek Concept of Creation (l) - Origen and Augustine began to interpret much of the book of Genesis as allegory. They viewed the Genesis account as filled with symbolic fictional figures representing truth, human conduct or experience.
  5. Earth's Age: Does the Bible Indicate a Time Interval Between the First and Second Verses of Genesis? (l) - On the basis of the evidence,there is far more reason to translate Gen. 1:2 as 'But the earth had become a ruin and a desolation, etc.' than there is for any of the conventional translations in our modern versions"
  6. Genesis 1 and the Days of Creation (l) - Did you know that no piece of ancient history is more scientifically grounded than the book of Genesis, including its description of the 24-hour days of creation?
  7. Humanity (l) - Humanity was created with a truly amazing potenial. The future of humanity is to be children in the family of God.
  8. The Five Books of Moses (l) - Moses was the author of the first five books of the Bible. There is much corroborating evidence.
  9. Was Noah's Flood Universal? (l) - Was the Flood of Genesis universal, covering all the earth? Or was it merely a regional inundation engulfing only a small area ? This question has troubled many readers of the Genesis story. How can we discover the truth?
  10. Joseph: Faithfulness Brings Blessing (l) - If you believe and follow God as Joseph did He can make the worst situation the best thing that could happen to you.
  11. Archaeology and Genesis: What Does the Record Show? (l) - Although doubters will always scoff at the truth of God's Word, fewer and fewer now doubt the Bible's historical basis.
  12. Archaeology and Genesis: What Does the Record Show? (9/96) (l) - Is the Bible historically accurate? Some believe that it is little more than myth. Archaeological discoveries, however, verify many details of the biblical accounts.
  13. The Alpha and the Omega and Eternity (l) - Why do seemingly civilized people seethe with unreasonable hatred? America wastes its time and energy to try to understand why it is hated. What does the truth mean to you?
  1. In the News April 2010 (l) - News of interest to teens and young adults from a biblical perspective. April 2010
  2. 2010: Another Step Toward Frankenstein (l) - Science magazine recently announced a significant step toward creating artificial life. The breatkthrough has caused many scientists to praise the potential for beneficial research. Others, however, warn of the potential threat of a technology we do not yet fully understand or can control. What might this open door lead to in the not-so-distant future?
  3. Hey, Hey DNA! Proving God's Existence - Genetically (l) - Recent discoveries about DNA have left scientists flabbergasted, and the evidence points clearly to a supreme Intelligence having imbedded an incredible multifaceted code in our genes.
  4. Adaptation - Designed by God, Not From Evolution (l) - Genetic adaptation to environment has been attributed to natural selection for advantageous mutations. But scientists have recently learned that adaptations come mostly from genetic switches responding to circumstances -- proof of design, as attested by the Bible.
  5. Why the Human Genome Project? (l) - Will the Human Genome Project produce any good fruit?
  6. In the News Jul/Sep 2006 (l) - World news - July 2006.
  7. World News Review Jul 2002 (l) - World news review. July 2002.
  8. The Human Genome Project: Decoding the Mystery of Man (l) - Digging deeply into the mystery of our existence, the Human Genome Project has brilliantly illuminated our knowledge of the mechanics of life--but revealed nothing about our ultimate purpose. To discover mankind's purpose, we must look to another source.
  9. Where Will the Genetics Revolution Lead? (l) - This century has seen some astounding scientific and technological advancement.Developments continue to amaze. But is all such advancement a good thing?
  10. World News Review April/May 2000 (l) - World news - Apr/May 2000
  1. No Jew and No Gentile (l) - In God's Kingdom there will be no discrimination based on race, gender, culture, social status or anything else. We will be judged solely on our obedience to Him in this life.
  2. God's Festivals in the New Testament (l) - God's festivals, which began in the Old Testament, are also observed by New Testament Christians. Here are a number of New Testament scriptural references to this fact.
  3. Peace and Unity in Christ (l) - All man-made barriers must be "broken down" before mankind can enjoy the peace and unity for which Christ died.
  4. Paul Imprisoned Over a Man-Made Taboo (l) - Paul's imprisonment resulted from a false charge that he had taken a gentile with him past a forbidden checkpoint in the temple compound.
  5. Was the Sabbath Changed in the New Testament? (l) - If the Sabbath, or any part of God's law, were abolished or changed in the early New Testament Church, there should be clear evidence of such an alteration in New Testament writings.
  6. Profiles of Faith - Paul, Apostle to the Gentiles (l) - The Apostle Paul was a chosen vessel of God to bear His name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel.
  1. Meekness and Gentleness: Strength With a Tender Touch (l) - The biblical qualities of meekness and gentleness are misunderstood and undervalued in today's society of extremes--where all too often people tend to angrily overreact or passively underreact.
  2. Men and Women of Steel and Velvet (l) - When should we show tenderness and bigheartedness -- the "velvet" qualities? And when should we be like steel -- firm and resolute?
  3. The Fruit of the Spirit (l) - Conversion should produce the fruits of the Spirit: "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control".
  4. Gentleness: The Mark of a Christian (l) - Gentleness, so sadly lacking in this world, should be evident in the life of a Christian. What is gentleness, and how can it be a part of your life?
  1. Georgia on Moscow's Mind (l) - The August miniwar between Russia and Georgia was not simply a local conflict about ethnic groups. It has huge implications for the NATO alliance and Europe's future energy security.
  2. The Russian Bear Has Awakened (l) - While the world was distracted by the Olympic games in Beijing, Russia suddenly invaded Georgia, a staunch Western ally and possible future NATO member. What's behind Russia's muscle-flexing?
  1. Germany's Rising Economic and Political Power (l) - Germany, not the United States, is the world's biggest single exporting nation. The German-dominated European Union is the world's biggest single market. Additionally, the German-based euro is increasingly the international currency of choice. Few realize how significant these economic factors are.
  2. From Berlin to Brussels (l) - Some Germans are questioning whether their government is still a parliamentary democracy. Their underlying concerns apply throughout the evolving EU, as national sovereignty is subtly transferred to a central authority.
  3. Should the West Encourage German Military Expansion? (l) - Adverse security circumstances have caused the United States, the United Kingdom and other Western countries to pressure Germany into taking a more active military role in Afghanistan and other theaters of conflict. But what are the potential consequences from a biblical/historical perspective?
  4. World News & Trends Jan 2009 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Jan. 2009
  5. Financial Crisis Crushing Britain (l) - What does the future hold for Britain in the wake of the current financial crisis?
  6. Europe and the Church, Part 11: Germany's Dream of Conquest (l) - At the end of the Napoleonic Wars, the country of Germany did not even exist. But a century later it had risen to seriously challenge the greatest European empires and forever change the history of the world.
  7. History's Twists and Turns (l) - Great events of history often arise out of events that appear to be a solution to a crisis. Such was the case with the unexpected rise to power of Adolf Hitler in Germany in 1933.
  8. Could a Greek Tragedy Bring Down the Euro? (l) - In the last few weeks the euro has declined in value as fears over Greece's debt problems fueled international speculation. Could Greece's problems lead to the demise of the common European currency?
  9. Why Is Europe So Important? (l) - From its inception The Good News has continually covered the European scene. Today this coverage is more important than ever because crucial developments in Europe are central to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
  10. Germany's Growing European Role: Where Will It Lead? (l) - Chancellor Angela Merkel's noteworthy reluctance to part with large amounts of bailout cash has recently riveted European leaders' attention. Germany is increasingly beginning to negotiate from a strengthened position, fortified by the long-term effects of 20 years of reunification. But what is Germany's ultimate destiny?
  11. European Financial Crisis May Result in Significant Political Changes (l) - As European leaders talk of the need for greater integration of their finances, some countries may have to leave the eurozone. Could this lead to a two-tiered Europe, with a solid core of nations built around Germany and German principles of tight money?
  12. Germany and the Euro: What Will Be the Ultimate Outcome? (l) - A severe crisis often results in economic and political disaster, but it can also foster an opportunity for exercising much greater control, especially for an economically strong and dominant country like Germany. Does the Bible indicate where the current crisis (and others like it to follow) could eventually take Europe?
  13. Germany's New Mind-Set: Where Will It Lead? (l) - Many see a changing mind-set among the German people. A growing self-confidence and assertiveness is emerging 65 years after World War II and two decades after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany. Where is Germany ultimately headed?
  14. Populism and Europe's Future (l) - Populist sentiment may be just a groundswell of discontent and concern among a minority, but it can also affect major political developments, depending on its momentum and the issues involved.
  15. Prophetic Trends Observed as 2011 Begins (l) - Economics was the force that determined the course of world history--and continues to be a primary force in the drive toward fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
  16. Europe Braces for Terrorism (l) - Recent warnings of terrorist activity in Europe don't reveal the whole story of what is happening behind the scenes. Both security officials and terrorists know more than headlines reveal. Bible prophecy tells the rest of the story.
  17. The continuing German conundrum (l) - Prior to the fall of the Berlin Wall, the former chancellor of West Germany, Helmut Schmidt, observed that the idea of a unified state of 75 million Germans arising one day in the middle of Europe was a cause of concern for many of the nation's European neighbors and partners
  18. Germany Conquering Europe? (l) - It's not every day that you open a major British newspaper and read a headline like this: "Rise of the Fourth Reich, How Germany Is Using the Financial Crisis to Conquer Europe" (Simon Heffer, Daily Mail, Aug. 17, 2011). Many observers are pointing out the same thing"though typically in much less blunt terms.
  19. The Empire Germany has Always Dreamed Of (l) - Adolf Hitler came to power only because of a major financial crisis in the late 1920s and early 1930s.
  20. Europe's Troubles: Setting the Stage for Prophecy's Fulfillment (l) - In 1933 Winston Churchill chillingly warned, "No one can watch the events which are taking place in Germany without increasing anxiety about what their outcome will be." With an economic crisis now plaguing the eurozone, will Berlin's troubled history repeat itself? What is Germany's destiny? Does Bible prophecy give us any indication of where events in Europe are leading?
  21. The Growing Preeminence of Germany (l) - As just noted, many see the latest developments in the European Union as pushing Germany to greater dominance over the other member states.
  22. Is Europe Going Under? (l) - Continual financial crisis in Europe naturally raises the question, "Is Europe falling apart?" Bible prophecy shows that sudden and unexpected change is coming to the continent.
  23. Germany Pushes on While France Threatens the Euro (l) - Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany continues to be the West's most successful political leader. John Peet, The Economist's European editor, reported that "in Europe it will be Germany that calls the tune" ("Wait for Angela," The World in 2013).
  24. The German Election: the Other Side of the Story (l) - The Jewish Chronicle stated in a front-page article, "Angela Merkel's historic third election victory was warmly greeted by European leaders this week" (Simon Rocker, "Board Welcomes Angela Merkel," Sept. 24, 2013).
  25. European Far Right Reemerges (l) - During the last few years, threats to the survival of the euro have proved a principal factor in stirring up right-wing movements in opposition to European Union policies.
  26. 100 Years After World War I: What Have We Learned? (l) - An event that began 100 years ago this August might as well be ancient and irrelevant history for most. Yet World War I changed the world and set off a chain of events that continue to impact your life today. Don't underestimate what one man and one event can do to alter everything.
  27. German Debate Shows Anti-Semitism Can Worsen Quickly (l) - The heightened religious tensions in Jerusalem caused by ongoing Jewish-Muslim conflicts are spilling over to Europe.
  28. German Opinions Changing about Refugee Influx (l) - In September 2015 more than 200,000 mostly Muslim refugees entered Germany -- some fleeing from war-torn areas in their homelands, but many simply seeking a better economic future.
  29. Germany's Migrant Policy Unchanged After Attacks (l) - Since the fall of the Soviet Union and the collapse of the Berlin Wall, Germany has experienced a good measure of progress, prosperity and peace.
  30. Germany Struggles to Police Terror Suspects (l) - After being hit with several small yet high-impact terror plots in the past couple of years, Germany is trying desperately to control its imported and home-grown terrorist threats.
  31. Europe's Uncertain Future (l) - Concerns over NATO's future, the Muslim refugee crisis and the impending Brexit are clouds on Europe's horizon. What lies ahead for Europe?
  32. America - the Diminishing Empire (l) - For nearly a decade the United States has been withdrawing from world leadership. What's actually happening? And what does the future hold for the country's role in the world?
  33. Current Events & Trends September/October 2020 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the September/October 2020 issue of Beyond Today.
  34. Current Events & Trends - March/April 2022 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the March/April 2022 issue of Beyond Today.
  35. Building Walls or Building Bridges? (l) - Three wise men in their time oversaw the demolition of a wall that lay in their path. Their wisdom echoes the millennial refrain, "This is the way, walk you in it."
  36. An Overview of Conditions Around the World - May/Jun 1997 (l) - A brief synopsis of world events. May/June 1997
  37. So, Who Goes First? (l) - The 'invisible' first victims -- the German men, women and children who were murdered or sterilized by the Nazis because of conditions such as schizophrenia, genetic diseases, physical handicaps and developmental disabilities.
  38. From Kosovo to Conflict? (l) - At the end of April, four European countries agreed on the formation of a joint military structure. Did NATO's successful intervention in Kosovo lay the seeds for a challenger to its position?
  39. Fascism Returns to Europe (l) - Today, no extremist party calls itself fascist, but whatever the name, fascism is still the game.
  40. Deutschland AG Versus Corporate America (l) - No other country but the United States could get away with overspending on such a monumental scale.
  41. World News and Trends - November/December 2006 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. November 2006.
  42. A Pan-German Plan (l) - Transnational regions are key to Germany's masterplan for its six-month EU presidency.
  43. World News Review February 1999 (l) - World news - Feb 1999
  44. Terror Alarm in Germany (l) - An unsuccessful train bombing in Germany reveals a changing public mood on domestic security.
  45. Germany's Record Unemployment and Political Change (l) - Reaching the 5 million unemployed mark had an immediate impact on Germany's national confidence. In a poll taken a couple of days after the unemployment figures were released, 85 percent of the Germans surveyed expressed concern for their personal future.
  46. French Intellectuals see Germany as Potential Threat (l) - Recent books published in France have warned about Germany.
  47. World News and Trends - Mar/Apr 2004 (l) - An Overview of Conditions Around the World, March/April 2004.
  48. After Kosovo: Power Shift Taking Place? (l) - Is America surrendering its leadership of the Western World?
  49. Who Will Lead the New Europe? (l) - Few qualities in human affairs are more important than competent, capable leadership. With 10 nations joining the European Union (EU) on May 1, which nation or nations will exercise the most control, for good or bad? And even more importantly, who will govern Europe at the close of this age of man?
  50. Ten Years After the Wall Came Tumbling Down (l) - How is Germany faring a decade after the Berlin Wall? Is the eastern half better off? Is the western half pleased with the results of the added costs of unification? What will fully solidify this country?
  51. The World's Number One Exporting Nation (l) - The United States owes its historical dominance to being the world's biggest exporting nation. It no longer holds that position. The country that does is set to play a more dominant role in world affairs.
  52. The Marshall Plan Revisited (l) - At the end of WWII much of Europe lay in ruins. Here is the story of how man's vision helped restore much of the Continent to health and prosperity.
  53. Oskar Lafontaine (l) - Radical reforms: a personality to watch
  54. An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Nov/Dec 2002 (l) - Here is an overview of conditions around the world.
  55. World News and Trends - Nov/Dec 2005 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Nov/Dec 2005.
  56. World News and Trends - Nov/Dec 2003 (l) - An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Nov/Dec 2003
  57. What Is Germany's Destiny? (l) - For far too many German citizens, reunification in 1990 has meant 15 years of economic downturn, increasing unemployment and general deprivation. But encouraging signs of recovery are gradually beginning to emerge in the German economy. Prophetically speaking, what does reunification mean in the long run?
  58. World News and Trends - January/February 2007 (l) - World news. January 2007.
  59. World News and Trends - Mar/Apr 2005 (l) - An Overview of Conditions Around the World; Mar/Apr 2005
  60. Germany and Russia-Shifting Balance of Power (l) - More than a century after his death, Otto von Bismark's, dream for Germany seems closer to being realized.
  61. World News and Trends - Jul/Aug 2003 (l) - With so much happening so quickly in today's world, how can you keep up? The Good News staff reviews dozens of news sources every day to bring you what's truly important.
  62. Never on Sunday? (l) - Germany wrestles with its "store closing law."
  63. Is the EU an Attempt to Revive the Holy Roman Empire? (l) - Exactly two centuries after the fall of the Holy Roman Empire--the First Reich of the German Nation--the European Union seems set to revive this ancient institution.
  64. World News Review January 2000 (l) - World news - Jan 2000
  65. Reflections From the Rotunda (l) - Conversations with German citizens show the diversity of feelings attached to the newly reconstructed German capital - a diversity that reflects different age groups, as well as an East vs. West mentality within the unified German state.
  66. World News Review August 1999 (l) - World news - August 1999
  67. Five Trends to Watch in Europe (l) - From Santa Maria de Feira, Portugal, site of the latest major meeting of the European Commission, a report on what's ahead.
  68. The Coming Clash Between Europe and America (l) - While the United States is focused on its war on terror and conflict with Iraq, new threats continue to emerge of which Americans are largely oblivious.
  69. What Is Berlin's Destiny? (l) - What will the map of Europe look like in the coming years? What city appears destined to shape the future of Europe?
  70. World News Review January 2001 (l) - A brief overview of world events. January 2001.
  1. A Study in Contrasts (l) - Over a month after the voting, the results of the Zimbabwe presidential election still have not been officially announced. The autocratic president of Zimbabwe, who has been in power for almost three decades since the fall of Rhodesia, is clearly reluctant to hand over power. The current government has turned the breadbasket of Africa into an economic disaster with the highest inflation rate in the world. It raises the question: Why did Rhodesia work when Zimbabwe doesn't?
  2. What's Behind the Growing Food Crisis? (l) - Growing shortages around the world are driving up the price of food. For hundreds of millions this could lead to hunger or starvation. What's behind the global food crisis, and how can it be resolved?
  3. Corruption and Despotism Cry Out for the Coming Kingdom of God (l) - Demonstrations and riots across North Africa and the Middle East highlight the corruption, nepotism and oppression that's common throughout the world. Only the coming Kingdom of God can change this!
  4. Reversal of Fortune for Two African Countries (l) - Once one of the most unstable of African countries, Ghana is now a model of stability and success. What turned Ghana around in the past 20 years? What lessons are there in its success story for the other struggling African nations?
  5. Dictatorships: Why Are They So Common? (l) - As the U.S. and Britain defied much of world opinion to overthrow an entrenched dictator in Iraq, a question logically arose: Why is it that so many countries seem to naturally embrace dictatorship?
  6. Ghana at 50 (l) - Fifty years ago, on March 6, 1957, Ghana became the first independent black African nation. Expectations were high. What followed was decades of corruption, political instability and economic collapse. Today Ghana is finally on the road to recovery.
  7. How to Live on $25 a Month (l) - Try to imagine living on $25 a month - less than $1 a day. That's how much the average worker earns in the West African county of Ghana.
  8. The Biblical Solution for Africa's Biggest Crisis (l) - At the recent International AIDS Conference held in Bangkok, Thailand, delegates repeatedly condemned abstinence programs. The African continent has been particularly devastated by AIDS. Interestingly, abstinence programs are the only ones that are really working there.
  9. Intelligence Failure -- From Listening to the Wrong People? (l) - Sept. 11 and the war in Iraq have both been partially blamed on bad intelligence. It came as no surprise to this World News and Prophecy writer.
  10. Ghana's Election Signifies Progress for Africa (l) - In Ukraine and Iraq there are problems with the electoral process. But in Ghana's recent election, the Fourth Republic seems to be working. Why does democracy work in some countries but not in others?
  11. She Used to Be Our Queen, Too... (l) - When Elizabeth II ascended the throne 50 years ago in 1952, Britian's African possessions were larger than the entire United States of America.
  12. "Waiting on the World to Change" (l) - "Me and all my friends, we're all misunderstood They say we stand for nothing, there's no way we ever could Now we see everything is going wrong with the world and those who lead it We just feel like we don't have the means to rise above and beat it So we keep waiting, waiting on the world to change . . ."
  1. Keep Your Eye on Gibraltar! (l) - The Rock is back in the news. But why has this small narrow peninsula been such a bone of contention between Britain and Spain for nearly 300 years? Clearly the current promise of a solution is not good news to everyone involved.
  2. World News and Trends - Sep/Oct 2004 (l) - An Overview of Conditions Around the World, Sept/Oct 2004.
Global economy
  1. World News Review March/April 2008 (l) - World news review. Feb. 2008
  2. Hands of Confusion (l) - Our age is steeped in a postmodern form of idolatry that values the power, status and celebrity that come with money. The developed world is vastly wealthy. But we have seen the fabric of that wealth can come apart with lightning speed.
  3. What's Next? A Looming Trade War? (l) - News articles around the world are now focusing on another economic bubble that is bursting before our very eyes.
  4. What's Next for the World Economy: Possible Trade War? (l) - Clearly, the most important news around the world today is the serious financial crisis and its consequences as growing unemployment strikes family and friends near and far. News articles around the world are now focusing on another dangerous economic bubble bursting before our very eyes. Where could these latest financial woes lead, and how can we best prepare?
  5. Four Biblical Keys to Understanding World Events (l) - Important world events are happening all around us. Do you understand the keys to properly analyze world events?
  6. The Vatican Pushes for a Global Political and Economic Authority (l) - According to Bible prophecy, in the last days a centrally controlled global economic system, like the one the Vatican proposes, will be dominated by a great false religion and its leader. Could this document serve as the blueprint?
  7. Could Greece Wreck Europe and America? (l) - The Associated Press reports that "a disorderly and potentially devastating Greek debt default is looking much less likely.
  8. The Crisis of Global Leadership - Where Will It Lead? (l) - World events continue to muddle on without any clear sense that leaders hold the key to effective solutions. Threat of large-scale war in the Middle East looms large. Europe's economic crisis could lead to collapse of the present eurozone. Will these events set the stage for another type of leader to emerge?
  9. Introduction: Managing Your Finances (l) - Whether due to the overall state of the economy or their own mistakes with money, many find themselves mired in debt and worried about their financial future. Where can you turn for practical guidelines to manage your money?
  10. God's Great Reset (l) - We've been hearing news of a coming "Great Reset" being planned by world leaders. And make no mistake, that is in the works. But a far greater reset is coming from God -- and it will transform everything!
  11. The Great Reset (l) - The world's elites seek to create a new world order -- a better world, as they envision it. Yet what is actually developing is a world heading into darkness beyond their imagining. God says to understand and not be part of that world.
  12. A Blueprint for Prosperity (l) - No one has designed an economic system capable of eliminating poverty among nations.
  13. An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Sep/Oct 2001 (l) - A brief synopsis of world events. September/October 2001
  14. The Global Economy's Uncertain Future (l) - What lessons should we learn from Asia's economic difficulties?
  15. The Global Economy and Jesus Christ's Return (l) - What could the return of Christ have to do with the global marketplace?
  16. Making Sense of a Fragmenting World (l) - Terrorist alerts...war with Iraq...the "axis of evil." How can we make sense of it all?
  17. Are We on the Threshold of a New Age? (l) - As we enter the year 2000, what can we expect? Will we see a man-made utopia, or a time of great crisis? Or will we see something entirely different and unexpected on the world scene-the dawn of a new age? Only the Bible can give us the right answer.
  18. From the Editor - Good News Magazine Mar/Apr 2003 (l) - Which crisis will set this final, unalterable chain of events in motion? And, more important, will you be ready?
  19. Global Economics: From Kosovo to McDonalds (l) - When all is said and done, it all goes back to money. The world has entered a new stage of homogenization never before seen.
  20. An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Nov/Dec 1996 (l) - Fathers' involvement with children. Do-it-yourself morality. U.S. water supply.
  21. Globalization Reviews (l) - Reviews of The Lexus and the Olive Tree and The Great Betrayal.
  1. Europe Moves Closer to Fulfilling Its Grand Design (l) - Europe continues its march toward its destiny, moving rapidly toward a time of transition that will surprise and shake the entire world. How prepared are you for the changes that are coming?
  2. Pope Calls for New "World Political Authority" (l) - Pope Benedict XVI and other world leaders are right that we do need a new "world political authority." But what does the Bible say about how it will come?
  3. What Should We Watch to Discern the Times? (l) - What key trends should we expect and see when we compare the state of the world with the prophecies of the Bible?
  4. A Small Port in a Larger Storm (l) - Today's global order is only the latest attempt to bring about world peace through human economic systems.
  5. Global Economics: From Kosovo to McDonalds (l) - When all is said and done, it all goes back to money. The world has entered a new stage of homogenization never before seen.
  6. A Blueprint for Prosperity (l) - No one has designed an economic system capable of eliminating poverty among nations.
  7. Globalization Reviews (l) - Reviews of The Lexus and the Olive Tree and The Great Betrayal.
  8. Global Power Shifts - Not All Change Is Good (l) - Nations are drifting more and more towards becoming one world, but the result will not be the utopia that many expect!
  9. The Message of Mitch (l) - A tragic example of the poor's vulnerability to natural disasters.
  10. Who Is My Neighbor? (l) - Growing reality of globalization is pushing us together with people we have never dealt with before.
  11. The G8 and the Elephant in the Living Room (l) - Any potential good that might have come from the recent summit of the world's economic giants was overshadowed by the death of two rioters among approximately 100,000 who gathered in Genoa to protest the talks. Widespread international poverty remains unresolved, and the United States grows increasingly unpopular.
  12. What to Watch to Discern the Times (l) - A look at three key trends: globalization, religious ecumenism and global power shifts.
  1. Glossary (bsc1) (l) - Glossary of some Biblical terms.
  2. Glossary (bsc2) (l) - A glossary of some basic terms related to this Bible study course.
  3. Glossary (bsc4) (l) - Word definitions relating to Bible Correspondence Course.
  4. Glossary (bsc5) (l) - Word definitions for Bible Lesson 5.
  1. Beware The Law of Attraction's False Premises and Twisted Logic (l) - The 10 occult teachings of the spirits promoted by the media and the authors of The Law of Attraction.
  2. Jesus Christ: Divine Savior or Gnostic Nobody! (l) - "Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God" (1 John 4:2-3)
  3. The Moses Code: New Truth or Recycled Deception? (l) - The new book and DVD The Moses Code promises the power to transform the world through a secret method supposedly revealed to Moses. But what's the story behind this secret?
  4. Was the Sabbath Changed in the New Testament? (l) - If the Sabbath, or any part of God's law, were abolished or changed in the early New Testament Church, there should be clear evidence of such an alteration in New Testament writings.
  5. Heresies denying Jesus as God in the flesh (l) - One influential and diabolical heresy was gnosticism, which was starting to form in the late New Testament period.
  6. What Did Paul Really Say in Colossians 2:16? (l) - In Colossians 2:16 Paul defends the Christian's right to rejoice and enjoy food and drink on God's holy days.
  7. The Bible & Archaeology - The Book of Acts: The Church Begins (l) - After decades of examination, Sir William Ramsay concluded that the Book of Acts is trustworthy, with a true historic sense.
  8. Jesus Christ: Do We Have the Real Story? (l) - Do we have the complete story of Jesus Christ's life and death? For centuries alternative ideas have circulated as to whether Jesus was who the Gospels say He was. The Da Vinci Code, a hugely popular best-selling book, dramatizes one of these stories. What is the truth? Can we know for sure?
  9. What Do the Holy Days Mean for Christians Today? (l) - God commanded Israel to keep His 'feasts of the LORD.' What is their relevance for Christians - and mankind - today?
  10. God, Science and the Bible (5/06) (l) - News from the world of science about God and the Bible. May/June 2006
  11. Did the Apostle Paul Abolish the Sabbath? (l) - Did Paul nullify or change the Sabbath commandment?
Goal setting
  1. Ultimate Goal (l) - Goals have built-in power because they are promises we make to ourselves to be and do better!
  2. Got a Decision to Make? Read This First! (l) - It's easy to feel overwhelmed by major decisions with no clear answers. This seven-step process can help.
  3. Time Flies--How to Make the Most of It! (l) - Benjamin Franklin said: "Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of." The Bible also has many things to say about time and life-things we very much need to hear!
  4. I Don't Like Running (I Do It Anyway) (l) - What do you do when you want to quit? How do you convince yourself to forge ahead?
  5. One Foot at a Time (l) - Tom Whittaker's example of climbing Everest with one foot.
  6. Are We Thriving or Just Coping? (l) - Each daily activity we undertake shapes and molds us in preparation for our part in the awesome future of all mankind.
  7. In the Principal's Office: Secrets of Success (l) - Vertical Thought discusses the pathway to a positive high school and college experience with Dan Salcedo, principal of Santa Ana High School in Santa Ana, California.
  8. Just for Youth - Planning for Life: Developing a Plan (l) - Planning for life: People who want milk should not seat themselves on a stool in the middle of a field in hopes that the cow will back up to them.
  9. Dare to Dream (l) - Making a list of our dreams is an important first step in bringing dreams to reality. Putting it down in black and white takes an idea out of the realm of the abstract into the world of the concrete and specific. It leads one closer to commitment.
  10. We Are But Man (l) - Whether wealthy elite or ragged vagabond, without Christ in us we are but man.
  11. Are You Lurking or Living? (l) - "If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them." -- Henry David Thoreau, Walden
  12. Profiles of Faith: Matthew - From Serving Mammon to Serving God (l) - We abruptly meet Matthew in the Gospel that bears his name. What more can we learn about this disciple?
  13. Success's Secret Ingredient (l) - The critical factor that should be utmost in any goal-setting program we would follow: seek what is good.
  14. Make the Most of Summer Break (l) - Make the most out of your free time.
God and evil
  1. God's Plan to End Evil and Suffering (l) - Is God blind to evil and human suffering? Why doesn't He intervene to put a stop to it? Or could it be that it's we who are blind to what God is doing and that humankind must learn some major lessons before He puts an end to evil?
  2. Did a Good God Create an Evil World? (l) - Is it possible to completely expunge all evil from the world? It is not only possible, it will be done! The Bible reveals how God will eventually banish evil from existence!
  3. Why Does Evil Exist? (l) - There is a reason for mankind's experiencing evil. The answer to the question "Why evil?" explains how perfection in mankind will come that would not have been there without having to choose between the alternatives of good and evil.
  4. Where was God? (l) - If God is all powerful and all knowing, the source of all that is good and kind and right, how could He allow evil human beings to snuff out the lives of people who have done them no harm? Why would He allow such things?
  5. The Real Star Wars (l) - A struggle for control of the universe.
God and nature
  1. Violent Weather: Where Was God? (l) - Over recent months America has been repeatedly stricken by devastating tornadoes, floods, wildfires and drought. Is there a message for us in these events? What is the biblical perspective on such disasters?
  2. Disastrous Weather - Acts of God? (l) - Permitting God into the weather picture isn't fashionable. Nor do weather forecasters admit a divine hand might be at work behind the scenes.
  3. Problems, Politics and Prophecy About Water (l) - "Water, water everywhere . . ."?; Not so! The worldwide crisis of water shortages continues to mount. Some have ideas that may alleviate the problem, if enough nations and individuals cooperate. What about God? Is He causing today's problems? Will He change the climate in the future?
  4. Drought Conditions Reach Crisis Levels (l) - Spreading drought in large portions of the U.S. breadbasket brings a comparison to dust-bowl conditions of the 1930s. What can be learned?
  5. Worldwide Weather Chaos: What Does It Mean? (l) - Devastating floods and summer storms have bombarded parts of Europe, Asia and America. Simultaneously, severe droughts afflict several areas of the globe. What does the Bible tell us about the significance of these natural disasters?
  6. World News Review June 2004 (l) - World News Review for June, 2004.
God the creator
  1. Answers from Genesis - Part 1 (l) - Understanding how God made things in the beginning can help us understand things now.
  2. 10 Things You Should Know About God (l) - Let's briefly look at 10 major attributes and qualities of God that His Word teaches
  3. Daily Insights (l) - In our fast-paced world, it's easy to forget our fundamental purpose for existence.
  4. Is Life a God-Given Right? (l) - Is the physical life of every human being a precious and sacred thing to God? If so, how can we explain some apparent biblical contradictions? And how precious to you are your life and the life of everyone else? (This is the second article in a series on the God-given rights of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.")
  5. Prove There Is a God Even Without the Bible (l) - There are logical reasons to accept the existence of a divine Creator apart from relying on the authenticity of Scripture.
  6. Joy in a Butterfly! (l) - Even the most jaded people can find joy in the natural world around them. God's creation provides endless opportunity for the joy of discovery.
  7. Higgs Boson: Evidence for Universe's Fine-Tuning (l) - It made big news when, on July 4, 2012, scientists of the European nuclear research organization CERN announced with a 99.99 percent certainty that they had found the elusive Higgs boson, the last particle needed to confirm the theory of the Standard Model of particle physics.
  8. Mapping the Brain: The Missing Dimension (l) - U.S. President Barack Obama recently announced plans to spend millions on mapping the human brain -- labeled "the next great American project" -- perhaps on a par with going to the moon. But is there a largely unrealized component residing in the brain itself that cannot be studied or mapped by neuroscientists? What does the Bible reveal about the mystery of the human mind?
  9. "Parent One" and "Parent Two": The Unraveling of the Traditional Family (l) - A war is under way against marriage and family. Who is behind it? How is the battle being waged? What are the stakes? And who will ultimately win?
  10. Mini-Bible Study: Crucial Lessons From Knowing God as Our Creator (l) - The entire universe stands as witness to the awesome mind behind its existence. It was clearly created by a Creator, and that Creator labels any who would deny this as a fool (Romans 1:20; Psalm 14:1; Psalm 53:1).
  11. Connection Between Smoking and Loss of Vision (l) - New study provides correlation between macular degeneration and smoking cigarettes.
  12. Divine Creation or Happy Accident - the Debate Continues (l) - The philosophy of secular humanism is the leading belief system in entertainment, journalism and science.
  13. The Bible and Science (l) - science has had to capitulate from a stance that it dethroned the Bible as Truth, since newer discoveries prove the Bible's information to be accurate and true.
  14. The Testimony of the New Testament (l) - Many are surprised to learn that the Bible reveals Christ as the Creator! More than once the apostle Paul explained to early Christians that God had created all things by Jesus Christ (Ephesians 3:9; Colossians 1:16). Hebrews 1:2 tells us that God "has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, . . . through whom also He made the worlds."
  15. The Apostles Understood Jesus to Be the Creator (l) - The book of Hebrews speaks of the Son of God as the Being through whom God created the worlds (Hebrews 1:2) and who "sustains all things by his powerful word" (verse 3, NRSV). Only God is great enough to do such things.
  16. Jesus Christ's Disciples Understood Him to Be the Creator (l) - John confirms that Jesus was the divine Word through whom God created the universe.
  17. Our Amazing Spaceship Earth (l) - Scientists have spent multiple years and billions of dollars searching for life elsewhere in the universe, only to find that earth alone not only teems with life, but seems to be expressly designed for life. An amazing intelligence seems to be behind it all. What is that intelligence telling us?
  18. The Sabbath: In the Beginning (l) - The Sabbath commandment had an important spiritual purpose. It pointed God's people to God as their Creator. It was a required weekly remembrance that there is a higher power and authority at work in our lives and the lives of all humanity.
  19. When Is the Sabbath Day to Be Kept? (l) - The Sabbath, then, was a time for religious instruction, for teaching and learning of God's wondrous acts and laws. Customary work was prohibited and God's great miracles were to be remembered on this day. "
  20. The First Commandment: What Is Our Greatest Priority? (l) - Establishing, developing and maintaining that personal relationship with the true and living God is the most important commitment we can ever make.
  21. Our Dependence on the God Who Created Us (l) - We don't realize how fragile our existence is, how constantly dependent on God's care we are.
  22. Introduction: Who Is God? (l) - Great as He is, God is not unapproachable. He is not beyond our reach. We can come to know this magnificent Being.
  23. The Personal Nature of God (l) - Both the Apostle John and the Apostle Paul describe two individual divine Beings, with Jesus being subject to God the Father.
  24. Understanding God Through Christ (l) - The image of God is what makes man unique among all His physical creation. This is what renders men, women and children truly human.
  25. Surprising Discoveries About Our Universe's Origins (l) - Modern science has discovered that the universe had a beginning, is expanding and is fine-tuned by natural laws allowing us to exist. But the Bible revealed this long before!
  26. A God-Centered Universe (l) - Human history is filled with misguided views of the universe. The heart of the problem is man's failure to understand that God is at its center!
  27. Seven Scientific Proofs of God (l) - Is it possible to know whether God is real? Can we know for sure? Yes we can! We only need to examine the evidence and accept what it clearly reveals.
  28. The Return of the God Hypothesis (l) - An eye-opening new book explains how new scientific discoveries reveal a Supreme Intelligence behind the universe's origin.
  29. Creation According to Plan (l) - The natural world around us offers compelling proof that it was made by a Supreme Intelligence with foresight and purposeful intentionality. Will you embrace the purpose intended for you?
  30. Contemplating Hummingbirds (l) - God's eternal power and divine nature are clearly seen from what He has made.
  31. The Uniqueness of the Human Body (l) - Many believe that life on earth arose by chance, with human beings as merely more-evolved apes. But the evidence in our makeup says otherwise -- pointing to human beings as a special creation.
  32. Is There Life Out There? (l) - Will humanity's salvation come from outer space or does God have other plans?
  33. The Ominous GNR Revolution (l) - The Biotech Age brings new and terrifying scenarios. How might the explosion of knowledge of genetics, nanotechnology and robotics (GNR) change our world?
  34. Belief in God Is a Choice (l) - Have you heard of the flower that is pollinated by "tricking" bees into taking a bath or of the flower that "shoots" its pollen onto a bee's back? We can see the design of the Creator -- if we choose to.
  35. Where's My Mate? (l) - Why did God create us male and female? And why was it necessary to have pairs at all?
  36. Does It Really Matter What You Believe? (l) - Beliefs determine actions - sometimes with dire consequences.
  37. A Long Time From Now in a Galaxy Far, Far Away... (l) - Science fiction movies portray intelligent life already living on other planets and in other galaxies. Could it be true? If not, then why did God create such a vast universe?
  38. No Excuses (l) - The evidence is mounting that there is only one valid scientific explanation for our existence.
  39. Darwinism in the Classroom (l) - When you believe God created the heavens and earth, what strategies can you use when confronted with Charles Darwin's theory of evolution?
God the father
  1. Let Me Introduce You to God (l) - Familiar with God? I'd like you to meet the whole family.
  2. Hey, Dad, Remember Me? (l) - That question burned deeply in the young woman's heart. And she didn't feel her prayers to a Father in heaven would connect. What can a person in this predicament do?
  3. Mini-Bible Study: How Does God Identify Himself? (l) - People wonder and speculate about God but often neglect to go directly to Him and let Him introduce Himself! God reveals Himself through two great methods.
  4. "I'm Not Sending You Away" (l) - Christians are God's own children whom He in His love has chosen. Just like any loving parent, God won't forsake us when we make mistakes or fail to live up to His standards, as long as we will still repent and seek to please Him.
  5. God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit (l) - Is God a trinity?
  6. The God Family (booklet1) (l) - Scripture clearly states that there is only one God (Isaiah 46:9; Malachi 2:10; Romans 3:30; James 2:19). Nevertheless, it is evident that the one God comprises more than one Being existing together as a divine family (compare Ephesians 3:14-15) -- of which the human family is a physical type or model.
  7. Much More Than a Man (l) - Jesus claimed to be God -- and from the record was able to support that claim. How was Jesus God? If Jesus was God, then who was the Father He spoke of so often? How could Jesus and the Father both be God at the same time?
  8. A Family Relationship (l) - The Kingdom of God ultimately denotes a level of existence to which human beings may be raised through a transformation from flesh to spirit.
  9. `The LORD Our God Is One' (l) - it is clear that God is a plurality of Beings -- a plurality in unity. In other words, God the Father and Jesus the Son form a family perfect in its unity.
  10. God the Father (l) - What does the Bible say about who God the Father is?
  11. Do You Know Your Dad? (l) - A physical father is a type of our spiritual Father. How can we come to understand our spiritual Father better?
  12. The Missing Father (l) - He didn't want to be gone from our lives, but God's Word is clear: If He is distant from us, it is because we--all humanity--left Him.
  13. The Role of God the Father (l) - God the Father is an essential part of the salvation process.
  14. Who Is the Center of Our Worship? (l) - Traditional Christianity claims to focus its worship on Jesus Christ. But didn't Jesus ChristHimself direct our attention, including even our prayers, to God the Father?
God's blessings
  1. God's Greatest Gifts (l) - Summary of God's important gifts to us.
  2. Do You Feel Lucky Today? (l) - Good luck, bad luck, no luck and even luck that can follow you -- is this really what controls your future?
  3. The Answer to the Madness (l) - How is your world right now? How is it working for you? If you're like many people, it sometimes seems overwhelming and frightening. So what's the answer?
  4. Blessings: They Are Free (l) - How aware are you of the blessings God has given you and what should be your response?
  5. Financial Security and Peace of Mind (l) - God promises material blessings to those who obey Him and acknowledge Him with their wealth (Proverbs 3:1, 9-10). Through the prophet Malachi God warned that withholding His tithe amounts to robbing Him, but He will bless those who tithe (Malachi 3:7-12).
  6. Finding the Path to a Happy Family (l) - God didn't create the family relationship and then leave us to stumble blindly trying to find the best way to make it work. The keys for family happiness and success are revealed in the Scriptures.
  7. How Can We Make Life Work? (l) - Some people recognize that living God's way holds great promise "of the life . . . which is to come." Far fewer understand that living a godly life also has benefits in "the life that now is"--that is, our present physical lives.
  8. Seeking God's Blessings (l) - The Scriptures teach us not to set our heart on riches but to help people in genuine need and generously support the work of sharing God's truth with others.
  9. How Jacob Became Abraham's Heir (l) - Isaac passed on the key covenant promises to Jacob: "May God Almighty bless you and make you fruitful and numerous, that you may be a company of peoples. May he give to you the blessing of Abraham, to you and to your offspring with you, so that you may take possession of the land where you now live as an alien-land that God gave to Abraham" (Genesis 28:3-4, NRSV).
  10. Walking Through the Valleys of Life (l) - In this life we face trials. We are constantly exposed to a range of strains and stresses. However, we can call on several strategies to lessen the load. Here are a few effective steps.
  11. The International Scope of Prophecy (l) - Salvation will expand to include all people.
  12. Thanksgiving: A Timeless Lesson (l) - Are we aware of the true source of blessings and wealth?
  13. Some of the Freedoms God Offers Us (l) - Consider the many wonderful freedoms God offers us.
  14. Restoration (7/01) (l) - The positive hope which Bible prophecy shows for mankind.
  15. God, Money and You (l) - Does the bible help up see the proper relationship between God and wealth for those who sincerely desire to serve and please Him?
  16. When the Angel Leaves the Storm, Part 2 (l) - How much longer can we count on God's material blessings on America?
God's calling
  1. Known But to God (l) - Until the time of the resurrection God has commissioned us to walk a walk of honor and respect towards Him, who alone knows each of them and each of us.
  2. What Does the Bible Say About... Who Is a Christian? (l) - God's Word is quite clear that one cannot just decide to be a Christian, one has to be invited!
  3. Why Love Darkness? (l) - Darkness pervades the world today, but God offers us a ray of hope with the world tomorrow.
  4. The Compass, Our Navigator (l) - Sometimes we need better tools in order to stay on course.
  5. God Knows Fishing! (l) - Fishing and fishermen make repeated appearances in the pages of the Bible. What do we stand to learn from God's illustrative use of this pastime?
  6. Your Invitation to Believe the Gospel (l) - When Jesus talked about the gospel, He meant good news for you. He invites you to not only enjoy the world's best news yourself, but to help spread it!
  7. An Invitation to Eternity (l) - "Follow me." What does this invitation from Jesus Christ involve? What does it require? Are you willing to join Him on the journey?
  8. Lessons From the Parables: Matthew 22 - The Invitation to the Wedding Feast (l) - One of Jesus Christ's parables shows that it's crucially important for us to be wearing the right kind of garments -- but what does that mean?
  9. God Is Calling - Will You Answer? (l) - God is calling you to a special relationship with Him like no other. Answering that call will change your life, enriching it in the present and leading you into eternity!
  10. God Called Me Out of the World (l) - We all must be on guard against the sinister influence that saturates this world.
  11. Out of Darkness, Into the Light (l) - A young man realized he could illuminate his dark world through the light of education. And his efforts to increase his knowledge, improve himself and serve others have since helped millions. Discover vital spiritual lessons from his story.
  12. Fishy Tales (l) - Do we have the hunger, patience and great skill required in order to become successful fishers of men?
  13. Could God Be Calling You to Board the Spiritual Orphan Train? (l) - Charles Brace's Orphan Train program helped thousands of neglected children begin new lives in stable, loving families. Similarly, God may be inviting you into His Church to escape the spiritual futility of this world and prepare for a magnificent future!
  14. Lessons From the Parable (l) - Jesus Christ's parable of the minas or pounds is puzzling to many people, but understanding it is key to grasping what God wants to do with and in your life!
  15. How Do I Truly Know If God Is Calling Me? (l) - Jesus made it clear that no one can come to Him unless God the Father draws him (John 6:44; John 6:65). And the apostle James later told us that as we draw near to God, He will draw near to us (James 4:8). The apostle Paul pointed out that we are called by the gospel -- the good news of the Kingdom of God (2 Thessalonians 2:14).
  16. A People Special to God (l) - The special and holy people of God, like Abraham, are obedient people-selected from all nations-who have chosen not to live by bread alone, "but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God" (Matthew 4:4).
  17. The Historical Background of the Term Church (l) - The term 'church' is used in the New Testament of a local congregation of called-out Christians, such as the 'church of God which is at Corinth' (1 Cor. 1:2), and also of the entire people of God, such as in the affirmation that Christ is 'the head over all things to the church, Which is His body. (Eph. 1:22-23)
  18. Is Today the Only Day of Salvation? (l) - Paul in no way meant to contradict the many passages in the Bible that show that many others will have an opportunity for salvation in future ages.
  19. God's Church Welcomes You (l) - God's fellowship is reserved for those who strive to obey God and have faith in Him and His promises.
  20. Are You Being Called? (l) - How can you know whether God is calling you to conversion?
  21. Few Have Ever Accepted God's Calling (l) - Man in general has rejected God's truth and the way to true human fulfillment.
  22. Who Is God Calling? (l) - God must first call, or invite, us to enter into a relationship with Him. He does this by opening our minds to a basic understanding of the Scriptures and our need to repent.
  23. Introduction (bsc7) (l) - What is the meaning of God's relationship with man? What priority does He place on it? Does man need a relationship with God? If so, what is the basis and purpose of that relationship?
  24. Points to Ponder (bsc7) (l) - Bible study 'points to ponder' about the calling from God.
  25. How Important Are Our Choices? (l) - Jesus explains that people make different choices when they hear God's Word explained to them.
  26. Knock, Knock! Will You Answer? (l) - Will you answer the knock at the door of your heart? An early disciple took a momentous step in responding to who's there.
  27. Follow Me - Leaving Our Nets for Christ (l) - Jesus' first disciples left their lives as fishermen to follow Jesus. This commitment would be tested and renewed -- an example to all of us.
  28. "Would You Believe...?" (l) - Rumors have kept many from Jesus Christ and His Church. Sometimes you have to get past the rumors to get to the truth.
  29. What Is a True Christian? (l) - What does it take to be a Christian? According to the Bible, there is much more to being a true follower of Jesus Christ than most people realize. How does God's Word define a true Christian?
  30. God's Elect (l) - God's "elect" are a patchwork of individuals --- a rich array of future leaders who have been prepared to lead with Christ.
  31. Contributing a Verse (l) - The role of the common man in God's plan.
  32. The Suitcase (l) - I was 4 when I had to leave my home with a suitcase packed with all my possessions. Throughout the painful journey, someone was there to help me through.
  33. Are Your Children Called? (l) - It may surprise some to learn that God is not calling everyone in this present age . Is he calling your children?
  34. Questions and Answers - Sep/Oct 2003 (l) - Answers to Biblical questions about God's calling and the resurrection.
God's existence
  1. Does Satan Exist? (l) - If you did an Internet search using the phrases "Does God exist?" and "Does Satan exist?," what would you expect to find? What level of interest and research is there, do you suppose, for those two crucial questions?
  2. The Debate Over Life's Ultimate Question: Does God Exist? (l) - A reemergence of aggressive atheism has helped focus people's attention on that most crucial of all questions: Does God exist?
  3. The God Debate (l) - Can atheistics "prove" there is no God?
  4. Religion: Is It Dead? (l) - Influential thinkers like Karl Marx and Richard Dawkins teach that God is a man-made delusion believed in only by fools. But is that really the case?
  5. Prove There Is a God (l) - There are logical reasons to accept the existence of a divine Creator apart from establishing the authenticity of Scripture.
  6. The Debate Over God (l) - In this issue we give you a look at some of the evidence for the existence of God.
  7. Prove There Is a God Even Without the Bible (l) - There are logical reasons to accept the existence of a divine Creator apart from relying on the authenticity of Scripture.
  8. The Questions of Life and God's Holy Days - Part 1 (l) - What is the purpose of life? Why were we born? What is man's destiny? What happens after death? Can we answer the big questions of life -- and if so, who has the answers?
  9. God and Cowboys (l) - Growing up on a ranch, I could rope horses and cattle with my lariat, but I could never master rope twirling. Now I know why -- the mysteries of higher mathematics eluded me. However, the mystery of God's existence did not!
  10. Who Is God? Three Steps to Get to Know Him (l) - How can we get to know God? Here are several good ways to start!
  11. Wise Men Will Seek Him (l) - The need for wisdom is one of the great themes of the Bible. And being wise leads inescapably to one course of action -- seeking God!
  12. Answers From a Famous Ex-Atheist About God (l) - When you've devoted a lifetime to arguing against the existence of a divine Creator, it can be hard to admit you were wrong. So what compelled one of the world's leading atheists to do just that?
  13. Creation Or Evolution: Does It Really Matter What You Believe? (l) - Why has evolution become so widely accepted, and why has the Bible come to be viewed with such hostility? What has changed?
  14. The Scientific Evidence: In the Eye of the Beholder (l) - Ever since the creation of the world (God's) eternal power and divine nature, invisible though they are, have been understood and seen through the things he has made" (Romans 1:20)
  15. Asking the Crucial Questions (l) - Evidence of God's existence is available. Let's look at some of the evidence, asking and answering questions so basic to our search for meaning and purpose.
  16. The Beginning of the Universe (l) - Has the universe always existed, or at some definite point in time, did it have a beginning?
  17. Evidence All Around Us (l) - The precision of our universe is not the result of an accident. It is the product of a meticulous Creator and Lawgiver, the universe's Master Watchmaker.
  18. Meet God (l) - The Bible claims to be the Word of God Himself. This is where He has revealed Himself as the Creator and shown the purpose for His creation.
  19. How Does God Reveal Himself? (l) - If God accepted the challenge of always having to prove His existence, what would it take? Would it have been necessary for Him to personally appear to and perform miracles to every human being ever born?
  20. Is The Whole World Deceived? (l) - Satan operates by convincing people that he doesnn't exist and that the only source of information that reveals his motives and methods is little more than a collection of fables that have nothing to do with their lives.
  21. What Is Faith? (l) - The Bible tells us salvation is by God's grace and is not earned by good works "lest any man should boast" (Ephesians 2:9). But we are saved by grace through faith (verse 8). The danger we face is that our faith will die if we neglect our salvation by not living a life of obedience to God (Hebrews 2:1-3).
  22. Considering the Existence of God (l) - If God does exist, and in consequence we are called to another life when this one ends . . . our life then becomes a preparation for eternity.
  23. Is Anybody Out There? (l) - An atheist raises good questions. "Does God exist?" may well be life's ultimate question.
  24. Proving God (l) - At age 19 she was challenged to prove her religious beliefs. It's been a rich and rewarding journey ever since...
  25. God's Challenge to You (l) - During the great age of exploration, visionary men sailed uncharted waters and discovered new lands. Today God issues a great challenge to us. Are you willing to take Him up on His challenge to you?
  26. Finding God in a World of Religious Confusion (l) - Most people say they believe in God, but do all roads lead to the same place?
  27. How do You Think? (l) - Our heartfelt emotions are an important part of being human, but these feelings are incomplete as a method of making judgements when not guided by godly principles.
  28. If a Billionaire Was Coming to Your Town... (l) - What do we really want in life? Are we looking for it in the right places?
  29. Is God Real to You? (l) - Did you know that you can prove whether there really is a God?
  30. Absolutely No Absolutes! (l) - Are there absolutely no absolutes, or does our faith in God show us that there absolutely are?
  31. Letters From Our Readers - May/Jun 2001 (l) - Letters from Good News readers, May/June 2001
God's faithfulness
  1. Jacob and Joseph (l) - God's calling and purpose is sure. Through trials and suffering, we learn to trust God and build character, just as the patriarchs in the Bible did. They trusted God to guide their lives and followed Him through all circumstances in life in order to gain their reward of eternal life.
  2. Smoke Signal (l) - When all the options we can see go up in flames -- what then?
  3. Betrayed by a Friend (l) - Betrayal is never easy to come to terms with, especially when it comes from those we trust and love. Are we at risk of betraying anyone?
  4. Who Cares? (l) - Are you feeling unnoticed? Feeling like no one cares whether you exist or not?
  5. Imprisoned and Faithful (l) - Do you feel imprisoned by afflictions and hardships that seem to have no end? If so, how can you stay faithful to God and His way of life?
  6. Written on His Hands (l) - How does God remember all of our names?
  7. "I'm Not Sending You Away" (l) - Christians are God's own children whom He in His love has chosen. Just like any loving parent, God won't forsake us when we make mistakes or fail to live up to His standards, as long as we will still repent and seek to please Him.
  8. Promises to Abraham (l) - God's enduring righteousness is demonstrated by his faithfulness in fulfilling all the promises He made to the father of the faithful, Abraham.
  9. Our Dependence on the God Who Created Us (l) - We don't realize how fragile our existence is, how constantly dependent on God's care we are.
  10. How to Stir Up God's Spirit (l) - The apostle Paul admonished members in one of the churches he started, "Do not quench the Spirit" (1 Thessalonians 5:19). He also urged the young evangelist Timothy: "Stir up [rekindle into flame] the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind" (2 Timothy 1:6-7).
  11. How Jacob Became Abraham's Heir (l) - Isaac passed on the key covenant promises to Jacob: "May God Almighty bless you and make you fruitful and numerous, that you may be a company of peoples. May he give to you the blessing of Abraham, to you and to your offspring with you, so that you may take possession of the land where you now live as an alien-land that God gave to Abraham" (Genesis 28:3-4, NRSV).
  12. What Is Faith? (l) - The Bible tells us salvation is by God's grace and is not earned by good works "lest any man should boast" (Ephesians 2:9). But we are saved by grace through faith (verse 8). The danger we face is that our faith will die if we neglect our salvation by not living a life of obedience to God (Hebrews 2:1-3).
  13. Is God Trying to Save the World Now? (l) - Salvation means being delivered from harm, loss or destruction. When used in a spiritual sense it means to be rescued from the penalty of sin. Since all people need salvation, is God offering it to them today, or has He set in motion a strikingly different and far better plan?
  14. Whose Prayers Does God Hear? (l) - While Americans mourned and prayed for God's comfort and strength, passionate religious extremists offered prayers of thanks for what they saw as a great victory. Whose prayers does God hear?
  15. How Can You Counter a Degenerating Culture? (l) - You are probably disturbed by many of the values of the culture around you - and with good reason. How can we counter the degrading influence of much of popular culture?
  16. Peering Into the Future (2004) (l) - There are times in world events when God waves His hand over history, and events take place that confound the wise. With the events of recent months I believe we are living in such a time.
  17. The Touch of Man and the Hand of God (l) - Humans have an innate need for contact -- for physical touch. But is there greater spiritual significance to touching?
  18. How Do You Know It's Bad? (l) - Look for greater lessons when facing trying times.
God's family
  1. Let Me Introduce You to God (l) - Familiar with God? I'd like you to meet the whole family.
  2. The Wonderful World Beyond Today! Part 7: The Universe and Beyond (l) - The plans, promises and prophecies of the Bible all lead to one thing -- a potential almost beyond human comprehension! What does God have in store for you?
  3. Deification As Children of God (l) - The wonderful truth laid out in this article (read the article "The Mystery of Human Existence: Why Are You Here?") will surely come as quite a shock to those who have heard only the traditional view of mainstream Christianity regarding the ultimate reward of the righteous.
  4. "Made Lower - but Only for a While" (l) - Note David's statement in Psalm 8:5 that man has been made "a little lower than the angels" or "heavenly beings," as the English Standard Version translates it.
  5. The Mystery of Human Existence: Why Are You Here? (l) - What is the meaning of life? Why were you born? What is your ultimate destiny? There is a real answer to these questions. The Creator God made you for an awesome purpose -- a purpose He has revealed in the Bible.
  6. Here's How You Can Be Part of the Greatest Adventure (l) - What motivates you? Does the opportunity for adventure excite you? If so, coming soon is an adventure you won't want to miss. It will pale into insignificance every past exploit or achievement and will completely surpass anything you have ever imagined!
  7. The Miracle of Birth: "I Saw God Today" (l) - "My brand new baby girl, she's a miracle. I saw God today," sang George Strait in his 2008 hit song titled, "I Saw God Today." When I witnessed the birth of my two daughters, the word "miracle" naturally popped out to describe such a moment of awe.
  8. What's the Purpose of Family? (l) - What is God's purpose for families? It's spelled out in the Bible, but most overlook it.
  9. God's Spirit and Our Destiny (l) - Many people, believing that God is a Trinity, are confused about what the Holy Spirit really is and the future God intends for us as part of His family. What does the Bible really say? Astonishingly, the Holy Spirit is key to understanding God's future for you!
  10. Three Mind-Bending Truths About Your Future (l) - Your world can be a chaotic and confusing place, at times making you feel like a fish out of water. How do you begin to deal with the problems?
  11. What Is Your Ultimate Purpose in Life? (l) - Many things can get you down -- trials and difficulties that get in the way of a vibrant life. But all that begins to fade away when you discover your ultimate purpose in life!
  12. The Mission and Responsibility of the Church (l) - The Church plays many roles in the bringing of salvation to the world. It stands as "the light of the world". It is the "household" or "family of God". It is the "mother" who nurtures God's sons and daughters. It functions as the "pillar and ground of the truth" in a spiritually confused world (1od". It is the "mother" who nurtures God's sons and daughters. It functions as the "pillar and ground of the truth" in a spiritually confused world.
  13. God's Purpose for Mankind (l) - God's purpose for mankind is to prepare those whom He calls to possess God's Kingdom and become kings and priests reigning with Christ at His return. We believe that the reason for mankind's existence is literally to be born as spirit beings into the family of God
  14. The Claim of Jesus' Disciples (l) - The statements of those who personally knew and were taught by Jesus, and who then wrote most of the New Testament, are thoroughly consistent with Jesus' declarations about Himself.
  15. Do Some Verses Deny a Divine Family? (l) - As this booklet explains, the Bible reveals that the one God is a family, presently consisting of God the Father and God the Son, Jesus Christ. And God is in the process of adding to the divine family multitudes of others - eventually all human beings who are willing and who faithfully choose to follow God's way.
  16. The God Family (booklet1) (l) - Scripture clearly states that there is only one God (Isaiah 46:9; Malachi 2:10; Romans 3:30; James 2:19). Nevertheless, it is evident that the one God comprises more than one Being existing together as a divine family (compare Ephesians 3:14-15) -- of which the human family is a physical type or model.
  17. God's Plan to "Bring Many Sons to Glory" (l) - The Father and Jesus have, from the beginning, planned to increase Their kind. The "God kind" is a family! It is headed by the Father and now consists of the Father and the Son, Jesus Christ. Ephesians 3:14-15 mentions "the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named."
  18. God's Purpose for You (l) - Why were you born? Do you understand why you exist? The Trinity doctrine obscures the amazing truth, clearly revealed in Scripture, of God's purpose for you!
  19. How You Can Enter the Kingdom (l) - We can turn to God for forgiveness and reconciliation through Jesus Christ and begin to live by the laws of the Kingdom of God as taught by Jesus Christ.
  20. The Family of God (l) - The Father and Jesus have, from the beginning, planned to increase Their kind. The God kind is a family! It is headed by the Father and now consists of the Father and the Son, Jesus Christ.
  21. Why Were You Born? (l) - Life with God is exciting, fulfilling and ultimately rewarding beyond our wildest imagination.
  22. Marriage and Family: The Spiritual Significance (l) - An important principle is also revealed here that is continued in marriage and family - that human life is patterned after spiritual, nonphysical, unseen realities. Just as human beings were made in the image of God, marriage and family are patterned after spiritual concepts.
  23. God's Great Purpose for All Mankind (l) - The unimaginably good news is that every human being will have the chance to enter the family of God, receive divine glory and live forever as the same kind of beings the Father and Christ now are.
  24. A Family Relationship (l) - The Kingdom of God ultimately denotes a level of existence to which human beings may be raised through a transformation from flesh to spirit.
  25. How Is God One? (l) - There is only one God, just as there is only one human race -- one extended family descended from Adam of presently about six billion individuals. Just the same, the one divine family -- the family of God -- is open to an unlimited number of members.
  26. Partaking of the Divine Nature (l) - Everlasting, abundant life in the Kingdom as part of the God family is our ultimate destiny. That is what Christ makes possible (John 10:10). That is why God created us in His image.
  27. Jesus Christ, Our Merciful High Priest (l) - Both the Father and Son are actively involved in fulfilling Their purpose of bringing others into the divine family. It's your destiny. Will you repent and accept this marvelous calling?
  28. The Personal Nature of God (l) - Both the Apostle John and the Apostle Paul describe two individual divine Beings, with Jesus being subject to God the Father.
  29. Understanding God Through Christ (l) - The image of God is what makes man unique among all His physical creation. This is what renders men, women and children truly human.
  30. Adoption or Sonship? (l) - Scripture makes clear that God actually begets us spiritually in His own image, with the intention that we ultimately become the same kind of beings He and Jesus Christ now are.
  31. Early Theologians on Becoming Divine (l) - While the biblical concept of deification or divinization, exaltation to godhood, is commonly ignored or dismissed in modern Christian teaching, this doctrine was well established among early theologians of mainstream tradition.
  32. God's Own Literal Children (l) - That family relationship of becoming children of God the Father is the heart and core of God's incredible plan for humanity!
  33. Life in God's Family (l) - Never underestimate the value of your life. You were born to become one of God's divine children. You were born to receive His very nature and character and, eventually, eternal life on His level of existence.
  34. The God Family (booklet2) (l) - The human family was meant as a lesser model or type of this greater spiritual reality, that God is a family.
  35. Promise and Covenants: A Prophetic Legacy (l) - Explains the significance of the promises God made to the Gentiles.
  36. Answering the Great Mystery: Why Did God Create Man? (l) - Do we have a rendezvous with infinity? Is our ultimate destiny so mind-expanding that the human intellect can hardly grasp its grandeur? What is our purpose on earth? What is our future?
  37. Jesus Christ: Man and the Image of God (l) - It is the new man (or new woman) who is spiritually in the image of God. The image of God can be renewed in human beings only through the living presence of Jesus Christ in their lives.
  38. Points to Ponder (bsc3) (l) - Bible study 'points to ponder' about why God created mankind.
  39. The Essence of the 'Everlasting Gospel' (l) - A remarkable relationship exists between Jesus Christ and those who will share responsibilities with Him in the Kingdom of God.
  40. The Race for Immortality (l) - People want to live forever. Many scientists say that artificial immortality may soon be possible -- but at a great cost to all. Are you ready?
  41. What Is God's Family Model? (l) - As the family goes, so goes a nation. The family model undergirds all peace-loving societies. It was instituted by God for a grand purpose and will live on forever!
  42. What Is Mankind's Ultimate Inheritance? (l) - Most assume that our ultimate reward is going to live in heaven when we die. But the Bible paints a very different, and more inspiring, picture!
  43. Bible Prophecy and You (l) - What is the reward God will give to His faithful servants? Most people assume that good people will go to heaven at death to be with God forever. But is this what the Bible teaches? In this study we'll examine what the Bible reveals about the amazing future God has planned for us.
  44. The Greatest Love Story (l) - God is creating a family -- His own divine family. And as the great loving God that He is, He wants to see you and me and every human being be a part of that family and share in that great future He plans for us.
  45. I Go to Prepare a Place for You (l) - As we focus on eternity before us, we need to understand where we're headed, what makes it possible, and the encounter that awaits us.
  46. The Holy Spirit: Key to Real Change in Your Life (l) - The disciples of Jesus Christ became filled with power, love and a sound mind, receiving God's own nature within them as His children. The same can be true of you!
  47. What Is God's Plan for You? (l) - The ultimate purpose of human beings is to become part of the family of God.
  48. Sex, Marriage and Family - The Spiritual Significance (l) - God created human beings male and female so that we might enjoy a loving sexual relationship in marriage leading to families. But what is the spiritual significance and purpose God has in mind?
  49. Three Keys to Knowing God (l) - Can a Christian believe in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit but not the Trinity? The Bible reveals that we must so believe -- that it's vital we come to know the true God.
  50. Beyond the Millennium (l) - The Bible describes the Millennium as a fantastic time of peace and productivity. But beyond that time, an even more amazing period awaits!
  51. Tengo Famiglia (Reflections on Our Spiritual Family) (l) - During my parents' 50th anniversary we saw a play that got me thinking more about our heavenly Father and His family.
  52. God's Family: the Reason You Were Born (l) - Our becoming children of God is the heart and core of God's great plan for humanity.
  53. A Perfect Family (l) - In this issue of The Good News we feature several articles aimed directly at helping you gain that comprehension of what God has planned.
  54. 'You Are Gods' (l) - Jesus proclaimed His divine identity. He went on to proclaim that humans too can be part of the God family.
God's forgiveness
  1. Do Real Christians Persist in Sinful Lifestyles? (l) - Many think that it doesn't really matter what one does — that God accepts all people without them needing to change. What's wrong with this perspective?
  2. Why Was Jesus Christ Crucified? (l) - When even some religious magazines ask people to reassess the most basic of Christian doctrines through an evolutionary lens, society is clearly drifting farther and farther from biblical truth. Can we - will we - continue to rely on sound Bible doctrine?
  3. The Spiritual Need to Forgive Others (l) - Forgiveness does not come easily for most of us. Our natural instinct is to recoil in self-protection, retaliation and revenge. We don't naturally overflow with mercy, grace and forgiveness when we are wronged.
  4. Praying for a Right Spirit and New Attitude (l) - Responding to God involves not just repenting of individual sinful acts. It also involves a recognition that our hearts and minds have been corrupted by the world and the devil, "the prince of the power of the air" (Ephesians 2:2).
  5. Forgive, and You Shall Be Forgiven (l) - How can we remove the pain, hurt and guilt of broken relationships? How can we put forgiveness into practice?
  6. The Ancient Prophecies of Amos: Applicable to the 21st Century? (l) - Does what we see happening to our Western world today relate to Bible prophecy? Will we eventually exhaust God's longsuffering and patience if we persist in our transgressions of His laws? What are some of the main principles we should learn from the Old Testament book of Amos?
  7. Does God Hate Sinners? (l) - Sin is humanity's most dangerous and deceitful enemy. God obviously hater sin, but how does He view the sinner?
God's help
  1. Do It Anyway (l) - There is a country song by Martina McBride called "Anyway." It is about not being afraid to go forward even if things don't always turn out as we think they should. Sometimes the strength to go on comes from the human spirit. Sometimes it takes more.
  2. Amazing Grace: A Lifelong Love Story (l) - These touching moments display a God-given love that nothing can extinguish.
  3. Flight of the Monarch (l) - God's design of a delicate butterfly reminds us of the tender love He has for mankind.
  4. Christ's Command to Us: Bear Good Fruit and Much Fruit (l) - Jesus Christ taught important spiritual lessons regarding the "fruit" of our lives. What are those lessons, and how well are we applying them? Our eternal life depends on this understanding!
  5. Joel and the Start of the Church (l) - Was God reminding us through this reference to Joel's stark prophetic book that the Church would develop in a hostile environment?
  6. Jeremiah Offers Us Hope for the Future (l) - One of the purposes of preaching and publishing the true gospel is to spread the certain message that the Bible promises us real hope for the future, in spite of having to cope with the vagaries of today's increasingly chaotic and unstable world.
  7. Your Job and the "Joseph Effect" (l) - God gives us a wonderful promise about security. We are promised that regardless of our circumstances, God has not abandoned us.
  8. A Different Breed of Warrior (l) - One man earned six medals for heroism in World War Two. This hero without a gun waged a different kind of fight. Meet Desmond Doss.
  9. A Big Shadow (l) - We all have a bigger shadow to stand in. Is that a good or a bad thing?
  10. A Better Way (l) - Like a bird that's flown into a building, sometimes we can have troubles getting out of difficult situations. Sometimes we simply cannot do it on our own.
  11. Your Responsibility in Healing (l) - We all have experienced health issues in our lives -- as have many we know and love. But just what is our role in the healing process?
  12. God Is My Helper (l) - Does God place conditions on receiving His help?
  13. Peering Into the Future (l) - There are times in world events when God waves His hand over history, and events take place that confound the wise. With the events of recent months, I believe we are living in such a time. Only God knows where they will lead.
  14. A Life Without Regrets? (l) - Most of us have some regrets. Some of these affect only us; some affect family, friends and others. Here is how you can minimize them in your own life.
  15. Seeing What God Sees (l) - Jesus Christ's encounter with a blind man holds important lessons for us as to what it means to accept His invitation of "Follow Me."
  16. The Value of God (l) - Do you value God? Does He value you? How does God show how much you are worth to Him?
  17. The Bible of All Cultures (l) - No matter when or where we live, the Bible is God's Word to teach you -- and everyone -- how to live His way.
  18. Alone in a Crowd (l) - Are we truly alone in our struggles?
  19. Life Is Fragile... Handle With Care (l) - In life we often have trouble knowing how to deal with certain situations, but God knows our needs and is always there for us.
  20. Peeling Back the Layers (l) - Sometimes we see God in very small things that make large impressions.
  21. Our Wounded Children: Who Will Make It Right? (l) - Many children today are in constant danger due to neglect, warfare, disease and starvation. So many have little regard for the most vulnerable among us. But there is hope for the future in the sure promises of God.
  22. Best Effort (l) - Is there any benefit to doing our best or is only the first place finisher rewarded?
  23. Proverbs: God Has the Last Word (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
  24. Proverbs: Include God In Your Plans (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
  25. I Didn't Mean to Get Lost (l) - Do we really understand what God expects when He says we are to serve one another?
  26. Do We Need to Fear World Events? (l) - A dangerous and darkening world can lead to constant anxiety. How do we cope?
  27. "Saved by His Life" (l) - When you lose hope, how do you manage to regain confidence and purpose in life?
  28. Blessings from a Pain in the Neck (l) - We all endure difficult situations that have the potential to deepen our faith.
  29. Conclusion (l) - This life is filled with challenges. Sometimes these challenges will push us to our very limits--physically, emotionally and spiritually.
  30. What does recovery look like? (l) - When an addict or abuser of alcohol enters into a post-drinking and/or abusing stage, they are said to be entering a new stage of recovery.
  31. Our Dependence on the God Who Created Us (l) - We don't realize how fragile our existence is, how constantly dependent on God's care we are.
  32. The Holy Spirit: God's Transforming Power (TL) (l) - None of us can overcome our sins and shortcomings without God's help. Even if we could by our own will alter our actions, only God can change our hearts.
  33. God Does Care for You (l) - Often when we're faced with a trial that seems too hard to handle, we feel abandoned. Abandoned by friends, abandoned by family, and sometimes especially abandoned by God. In these dark times our cares and worries overwhelm us with negative and even hopeless thoughts.
  34. Can We Explain All Suffering? (l) - One of the consequences of humanity's decision to live contrary to God's instruction is a world subject to the capriciousness and vagaries of "time and chance" and the actions of others.
  35. Help for Sufferers (l) - The unwillingness of mankind as a whole to believe and obey God is the real reason for a suffering world. But God offers relief from suffering.
  36. Learning from the Suffering of Job (l) - The suffering of a man named Job explains much about why character is more important in God's eyes than the discomfort and pain we experience in this life.
  37. A Sudden and Dangerous Turn of Events (l) - The end time will prove to be so dangerous that, unless God were to intervene, all living things would die.
  38. Faith, Choice and Commitment (l) - God wants us to put obedience to Him and seeking His righteousness and His Kingdom ahead of everything else in this life.
  39. Why We Need the Holy Spirit (l) - Within ourselves we possess neither the power nor the faith to keep our commitment as we should. We desperately need divine power to assist us in fulfilling God's wonderful calling. That strength comes as a gift from God.
  40. The Probing of the Master Prober (l) - When the other disciples told Thomas they'd seen Jesus, Thomas would not believe. Then Jesus appeared with an invitation. What does this mean for us?
  41. "When You Walk Through a Storm . . ." (l) - Do you remember this song "You'll Never Walk Alone"? It's hard to hold your head up high while going through the storms of life.
  42. Don't Quit Keep Playing (l) - In struggling through life's hardships, know that you are not alone. You have a Great Master who will see you through and help you succeed.
  43. "She'll Never Sing, Write or Play Guitar Again" (l) - After a traumatic brain injury nearly took her life, the author experienced a long period of rehabilitation, both physical and spiritual. Through this, she found the miracle of walking in His Spirit had given her a new lease on life.
  44. When the Angel Leaves the Storm, Part 2 (l) - How much longer can we count on God's material blessings on America?
  45. When Time and Chance Happen to You (l) - The reality that time and chance happen to everyone.
  46. God Works in Mysterious Ways (l) - Who would have thought I would have to leave my country to find a church that existed in my own city? This experience took me to Africa and back. And I returned home with two sweet rewards.
  47. Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled (l) - When the storms and problems of life seem overwhelming, where can we turn for hope and encouragement?
  48. You Were Born to Win! (l) - When loneliness and depression beat you down, remember, there is Someone to help you up. Don't accept the label "loser," because you were born to win!
  49. Does God Help Those Who Help Themselves? (l) - Does God want us to do our best or to sit back and wait for Him to do it?
  50. Why do we blame God for Catastrophes? (l) - Sometimes our opinion of God really isn't fair.
  51. What Do You Mean, Under God? (l) - You've heard the controversy about "under God" and that the vast majority of Americans are in no mood to even consider removing these words from the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance. But is the United States a nation under God? The words are simple enough, but have you thought about their meaning? What do they mean to God?
  52. To Prevail Against the Enemy (l) - People today don't believe Satan exists or don't take him seriously. But he is a real enemy, and we need real armor to overcome him.
  53. Where was God? (l) - If God is all powerful and all knowing, the source of all that is good and kind and right, how could He allow evil human beings to snuff out the lives of people who have done them no harm? Why would He allow such things?
  54. Under Eagle's Wings (l) - What can we learn about our relationship to God from the life of the eagle and how it raises its young?
God's judgment
  1. How Will God Judge the World? (l) - Judgment remains one of the most misunderstood subjects in all the Bible. Many think of it almost wholly in terms of condemnation or damnation. But is that really how God will judge His human creation? On what basis will He render a final verdict?
  2. The Boston Marathon Bombing Opens a Window on All Time (l) - The cold-blooded attack on innocent bystanders at the Boston Marathon didn't come out of nowhere. It's one of many tragedies that should give us pause and cause us to contemplate several lessons about life.
  3. Alone with Yourself (l) - Each of us makes the decisions that ultimately shape the courses of our lives.
  4. Jesus Christ and the Great White Throne Judgment (l) - What will happen to those who've died without understanding God's truth? Will they yet receive the opportunity to be saved? Or will they be tormented in hellfire forever after being condemned in the last judgment?
  5. The Time Is Now (l) - God's Kingdom is coming, and you can prepare your life in advance. You can experience today the blessings and peace of that coming age!
  6. What Is the Fate of the Unrepentant? (l) - "They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain, for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea" (Isaiah 11:9).
  7. Do Some Bible Verses Teach We Have an Immortal Soul? (l) - The Bible confirms that "no one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven" (John 3:13). Even righteous King David, a man after God's own heart (Acts 13:22), was described by Peter as being "dead and buried" (Acts 2:29), not alive in heaven or some other state or location.
  8. The Horsemen of Revelation: The Fifth Horseman Rides (l) - Most Bible students focus only on the first four horsemen of Revelation 6. The phrase "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" is synonymous with frightening prophecies. But there is another horseman--a fifth, whose ride signifies a much different future and brings promise of a far better age to come.
  9. The Justice and Judgment of God (l) - In the final judgment, every person's eternal destiny hinges on whether his disobedience to God's law is forgiven because of his personal repentance and his genuine faith in Jesus Christ.
  10. Did God Create the Devil? (l) - Where did the devil come from? How did such a creature come to be? Did God purposefully create an evil being?
  11. The Good News of a World Set Free (l) - "They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain, for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea" (Isaiah 11:9).
  12. Live a life of righteousness now (l) - What have we learned about Jesus' parable about Lazarus and the rich man? We discovered the biblical truth about the resurrection of the dead and the fallacy of an immortal soul going to heaven or an ever-burning hell at the time of death.
  13. The wicked will be completely burned up (l) - It's essential to understand the truth about the lake of fire.
  14. Do Some Bible Verses Teach That We Have an Immortal Soul? (l) - The Bible confirms that "no one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven" (John 3:13).
  15. Beyond the Millennium (l) - The Bible describes the Millennium as a fantastic time of peace and productivity. But beyond that time, an even more amazing period awaits!
  16. What Goes Around, Comes Around (l) - The examples of Saddam and Joseph teach us the importance of sowing what you want to reap.
  17. A God Concerned With Man's Heart (l) - Thoughout the Bible we see that God has always been concerned with human motivations.
  18. The Resurrection: The Astounding Biblical Truth (l) - The hope of the resurrection comes alive in the midst of a tragic death. This moving account underscores the reality of the moment when we will be reunited with our loved ones.
  19. Lessons From the Titanic (l) - A lifeboat for humanity.
God's law - individual
  1. The Law Mirrors God's Character (l) - God's law is a reflection of His character. His laws guide and help us in developing our character.
  2. Do We Have to Keep God's Commandments? (l) - We all know the laws of our city or state and how they apply, but what about God's laws? Are they relevant for today?
  3. Is Liberty a God-Given Right? (l) - Is every individual born with great personal freedom as a gift from our Creator God? It's a topic that most people have not tried to analyze, and it is a little confusing. (This is the first article in a series on the God-given rights of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.")
  4. The Cost of Ignorance (l) - Ignorance has a terribly high price tag -- but understanding and overcoming it can really pay off.
  5. The Law - God's Design for Our Lives (l) - God's law, given to mankind thousands of years ago, has life-changing relevance today.
  6. Loving God's Law (l) - What prompted David to make his enthusiastic statement, "Oh, how I love your law"?
  7. Broken Laws, Broken Dreams (l) - On a cold, wintry day in November of 1993, my daughter and I experienced one of the saddest days of our life together -- a day that will be etched in our minds forever.
  8. The Lesson of the Brown Paper Bag (l) - Long ago I learned an important lesson that's stuck with me ever since. And soon the time is coming when the entire world will be blessed as everyone comes to learn that same lesson!
  9. Is God a Control Freak? (l) - Is God like a cruel sheriff waiting for us to break His law so He can punish us; or is He more like a caring shepherd who gives us the freedom to choose even to our own hurt?
  10. Bible Mini-Study: The World Will Learn God's Law (l) - God's way of life -- His law -- will be the constitution of the new world He will set up. Let's explore what the Bible says about the role of God's law in the peaceful and prosperous Kingdom of God!
  11. Mini-Bible Study: What Is God's Will for You? (l) - Every day we have to make decisions. Many of them we make without thinking. But some are big decisions in life that might make us stop and wonder: What does God want me to do here? Is there a way to understand what God's will is and how we can accomplish it?
  12. First, Do Some Good (l) - Doctors agree to a basic principle of the Hippocratic Oath: "First, do no harm." But what is the basic tenant of a follower of the Jesus Christ of the Bible?
  13. Choose the Best Answer (l) - Much of traditional Christianity believes that the law of God no longer applies to Christians. There are several different arguments against keeping the commandments, but are these biblical? Which approach gives the best answer from the Bible?
  14. "If You Love Me..." (l) - Millions of professing Christians say, "It's so good to know and love the Lord." While this is a nice sentiment, how do these sincere people express their love to God? Is it done in the way specified in Scripture, or is something vitally important missing?
  15. God's First Great Commandment (l) - As Jesus explained, there are two great commandments fundamental to all others-considered here in two articles. The first great commandment is to love God with our whole being. Distinct from false religions of the past, God wants a close and deep relationship with you.
  16. God's Second Great Commandment (l) - Having looked at the first great commandment on wholehearted love for God, we now consider the second, which Jesus said is "like it." How may we love our neighbor as ourself?
  17. God's Guide to Sex (l) - Everyone knows about the similarities between animal and human sexuality, but what about the differences? And what are the implications of those differences?
  18. Only 17: Broken Laws--Broken Dreams (l) - On a cold, wintry day in November of 1993, my daughter and I experienced one of the saddest days of our life together -- a day that will be etched in our minds forever.
  19. We Reap What We Sow (l) - Experience is the most effective teacher, but not always the best one. Once you have experienced something, it's not possible to go back and unexperience it.
  20. Written by the Finger of God (l) - God is looking for people who recognize the importance of His law -- who want to have God write it on their hearts.
  21. Living Between the Lines (l) - Can you imagine the chaos of driving without lane markers, traffic signals or rules? More frightening, imagine trying to live life like that!
  22. AIDS: How a Killer Plague Can Be Stopped (l) - The AIDS epidemic is increasing and continues to threaten more millions of lives. Yet, tragically, we ignore the only real solution to this deadly plague.
God's law - national life
  1. The Law of God's Kingdom (l) - The Bible proclaims that the Kingdom of God is coming to this earth. Every kingdom has a king and laws. In God's Kingdom, Jesus Christ will be King, and God's laws will be the law of the land -- and what a wonderful difference that will make!
  2. What's at the Heart of National Problems? (l) - In the Bible we find page after page of God's warnings to ancient Israel of the inevitable negative consequences of national and individual sins. But are we any different? Is there a message here for us today?
  3. Bible Mini-Study: Train Now to Help Jesus Christ Rule (l) - Jesus Christ is coming back to earth as King of the Kingdom of God to save the human race from destroying itself. How will the rebellious and traumatized citizens of this world become the peaceful subjects of God's Kingdom? Who will help serve and teach the people? What does the Bible say about the citizens of the Kingdom of God?
  4. A Crucial Biblical Question for the President (and You) (l) - Given the opportunity, what would you ask your country's leader as he starts a new term in office? How would his answer stack up against the Bible, and does it matter?
  5. In Search of Peace (l) - Is peace just the absence of war? Is it possible to enjoy lasting peace on earth? If so, what constitutes lasting peace? How can we find it?
  6. Proverbs: Bringing Honor to a Nation (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
  7. Right Values: Light in an Age of Confusion (l) - As the 20th century draws to a close, many wonder what happened to the values that brought us through a tumultuous century - and worry about what lies ahead.
  8. World's Greatest Nation? (l) - Is America the world's greatest nation? President Bush and many other national leaders think so and have been vigorously proclaiming such in recent weeks. The nation is riding a wave of patriotism unlike any seen in this generation. In the midst of all the flag waving, this is a good question to ask.
God's law, before Moses
  1. What About Divorce? (l) - The prophet Malachi prophesied against modern societies that would exist shortly before the return of Jesus Christ. Speaking through him, God expressed his view of the modern miscarriage of marriage.
  2. Man's Natural Hostility Toward God (l) - God's laws call on us to meet a personally demanding standard that few are willing to consider. Man rejects God principally because God's laws embody a morality that is outwardly focused and shows concern for others rather than oneself.
  3. Did Abraham Keep the Same Commandments God Gave to Moses? (l) - Most religious teachers say that God's commands given through Moses applied only to ancient Israel and are not for us today. But in drawing that conclusion, most of them overlook what God said about Abraham: "Abraham obeyed me and kept my requirements, my commands, my decrees and my laws".
  4. Did the Ten Commandments Exist Before Moses? (l) - A close look at the Scriptures reveals that breaking the Ten Commandments was a sin before the covenant at Mt. Sinai.
  5. Few Have Ever Accepted God's Calling (l) - Man in general has rejected God's truth and the way to true human fulfillment.
  6. Were the Ten Commandments Known Before Mount Sinai? (l) - Many say that the Ten Commandments were simply the "old covenant." They also say that when the old covenant passed away, so did the need for obeying the Ten Commandments, unless they were specifically repeated in the new covenant. Others say that God has had a standard of righteous conduct that began at the time of the creation of Adam and has not changed since. What is the truth?
God's law, New Testament
  1. Did Jesus Do Away With the Law? (l) - Did Jesus do away with the commandments of God? Many turn to the Sermon on the Mount to point to "conclusive proof" that Jesus retired the Ten Commandments en masse by fulfilling our need to keep them by His death.
  2. Jesus, Paul and the New Covenant (l) - Did Jesus and the apostle Paul agree on how Christians should regard the Old Testament? Or, as is commonly believed, did Paul radically change the religion that Jesus Christ established?
  3. Foundations (l) - Each of us is designed to build on something that will last for eternity.
  4. Are You Following a False Teacher? (l) - The Devil has invaded professing Christian churches on a dramatic scale unbeknownst to their multitude of followers.
  5. Is Tithing Really a Part of New Testament Teaching? (l) - Jesus Christ Himself upheld the practice of tithing in the New Testament.
  6. Choose the Best Answer (l) - Much of traditional Christianity believes that the law of God no longer applies to Christians. There are several different arguments against keeping the commandments, but are these biblical? Which approach gives the best answer from the Bible?
  7. Jesus Christ (l) - As Christians, we know Jesus is our Savior and perfect example. Should we observe the Sabbath day like He did?
  8. The Rise of a Counterfeit Christianity (l) - The apostles repeatedly warned Jesus' followers to beware of false teachers who would introduce counterfeit-Christian beliefs.
  9. Changes in Christian Scholars' Perspective on God's Law (l) - Christian scholars are changing their views of the status of God's laws in New Testament. One cannot help but hope that many others will be encouraged by their example to change their prejudices against obeying the Ten Commandments.
  10. God's Law and Sin (l) - God's law defines His love based upon the two great principles of love toward God and love toward neighbor.
  11. Colossians 2:16 Shows Gentile Christians Observed the Biblical Holy Days (l) - "Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: which are a shadow of things to come ..." wrote the apostle Paul in Colossians 2:16-17 (KJV). This passage is often misinterpreted. What does it really say?
  12. Your Date With Destiny: Meeting the Real Jesus (l) - The Bible reveals that we each have a date with destiny when we will face Jesus and give account of our actions. The criteria He will use in determining who will be in His Kingdom are quite different from what most people have been led to believe.
  13. Does the New Covenant Abolish Tithing? (l) - Many today believe that tithing came to an end after Christ's crucifixion. But is this what the Bible teaches?
  14. Liberty Through God's Law (l) - Biblical freedom is both defined and guaranteed by law. Without law, there can be no effective or lasting liberty
  15. The Apostles, the Old Testament and God's Law (l) - It is crucial to set the record straight on what Christ's apostles really taught concerning the laws given to define righteousness found in the Old Testament.
  16. The Jerusalem Conference of Acts 15: What Was Decided? (l) - Some said that unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved". They viewed circumcision as a matter of salvation. It was a huge issue to them! So Paul took the matter before Church leadership to be officially resolved
  17. Jesus and Paul Emphasize the Law's Correct Focus (l) - By the time of Jesus and Paul, some Jewish religious leaders had distorted the focus of God's law.
  18. What Did Paul Mean by 'Christ Is the End of the Law'? (l) - Jesus Christ is a perfect replica of what God's law teaches. Pointing us to His character and work is the aim" of the law. Rendering Christ as "the end of the law" distorts Paul's intended meaning.
  19. The 'Curse of the Law' (l) - In both writing and preaching, scholars and pastors alike turn to Galations 3:10-13 to support a badly misguided assumption that Paul viewed God's law as a curse.
  20. Did Paul's Words to the Galatians Contradict His Actions? (l) - If in Galatians 4:9-10 Paul was attempting to condemn Sabbath-keeping as bondage, his actions as recorded in the book of Acts show that he was either very confused or very hypocritical.
  21. Why Paul Used the Term 'the Whole Law' in Galatians 5:3 (l) - Paul's point in Galatians about being "a debtor to keep the whole law" is in the context of wanting to impose circumcision on the Galatians. Their reasoning implied that at least some of the symbolic aspects of the law would be required of the gentiles.
  22. Jesus' Teaching on God's Law (l) - Perhaps the most widespread controversies about the teachings of Jesus concern His attitude toward the laws of God recorded in the Old Testament.
  23. Confusion Over Legalism: What It Is and Isn't (l) - The religious authorities who accused Jesus Christ of breaking the Sabbath have been described as having a legalistic approach. But what does the term "legalism" mean?
  24. Does the New Covenant Abolish the Commandments? (l) - The Bible tells us that Christ came as the Mediator of a better covenant. The popular belief that the New Covenant abolishes God's law reflects a misunderstanding of both covenants.
  25. The 'New' Part of Jesus Christ's 'New Commandment' (l) - Did Jesus replace God's previous commandments with one "new commandment"?
  26. How Paul Put the Law on 'Firmer Footing' (l) - A comment by Paul that many lift out of context and misinterpret is Romans 3:28: "Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith apart from the deeds of the law."
  27. The Ten Commandments: Keys in a Law of Love (l) - God is love, and His laws, particularly as summarized in the Ten Commandments, show us the actions that demonstrate love toward others - first toward God, and then toward our fellow man.
  28. What Was 'Wiped Out' by Jesus Christ's Death? (l) - A misleading translation of a passage in Colossians 2 in some Bible versions is often used to support the flawed belief that God's law was "wiped out" by Jesus Christ
  29. Jesus and His Apostles Affirm the Need to Obey God's Commandments (l) - Jesus said, "if you want to enter life, obey the commandments".
  30. Just What is Legalism? (l) - It is not legalistic to obey God's laws correctly. To be legalistic is to misuse God's laws in a way never intended.
  31. A Sign of God's People (l) - Those who keep holy His Sabbath day--the only day of the week God has ever set apart--proclaim, by their actions, their acceptance of Him as the supreme authority over how they should live, think and worship.
  32. Surprising Admissions About the Sabbath and Sunday (l) - Leaders and authorities from many religious denominations candidly acknowledge that Saturday is the biblical Sabbath day and that there is no biblical basis for Sunday observance.
  33. Was God's Law Abolished in the New Testament? (l) - "Now by this we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments. He who says, 'I know Him,' and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him" (1 John 2:3, 4).
  34. A Royal Law of Love (l) - God's law of love must inspire us to appreciate His wisdom and look to His commandments for our standard of behavior.
  35. The Ten Commandments in the New Testament (l) - Did Jesus abolish the Ten Commandments? On the contrary, the New Testament teaches obedience to them.
  36. Christ's New Commandment (l) - Did Jesus replace the clear definitions of the Ten Commandments with a new religious principle, that love alone can guide our lives?
  37. Grace, Faith and Law (Ten Commandments) (l) - Obedience and works related to God's work within us.
  38. What Is Sin? (l) - We are sinners. But how does the Bible define sin? What is it?
  39. Must We Obey God's Commandments? (l) - We have a natural tendency to resent having our fleshly desires limited by rules, even God's rules.
  40. God's Law and the New Covenant (l) - Many assume that, because Jesus Christ instituted the New Covenant, God's laws are thereby made obsolete. They lean on this argument to ignore His commandments. But what does Jesus Himself say?
  41. Clean and Unclean Meats: Does God's Word Draw a Distinction? (l) - Many people have misconceptions about the biblical teaching on clean and unclean meats. What does Scripture really reveal on this subject?
  42. The Foundation of True Values (l) - From beginning to end the Bible is a book of spiritual instruction. Its main focus is on God's spiritual law, embodied in the Ten Commandments. They are a reflection of God's mind and character.
  43. The Letter and the Spirit of Law (l) - Jesus of Nazareth expanded the laws of God, showing their spiritual intent.
  44. Faith Puts the Law on "Firmer Footing" (l) - A comment by Paul that many lift out of context and misinterpret is Romans 3:28: "Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith apart from the deeds of the law."
  45. "For the Law Was Given Through Moses, but Grace and Truth Came Through Jesus Christ" (l) - John never stated or implied that no form of grace came through Moses. John understood that everything good has come by God's grace -- including the law revealed through Moses.
  46. "You Are Not Under Law, but Under Grace" (l) - Many people point to Romans 6:14, which says, "You are not under law, but under grace," to argue that Christians, being under grace, no longer need to obey God's law.
  47. Did the New Covenant Cancel God's Commandments? (l) - Many Christians believe that the laws God gave ancient Israel under the Old Covenant are obsolete and therefore do not need to be obeyed. However, shouldn't they rather follow the perfect example of Jesus Christ, who said, "If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father's commandments and abide in His love"?
  48. Why Would the Apostle to the Gentiles Keep the "Jewish" Holy Days? (l) - The apostle Paul is considered by many as the originator of a theology that allegedly freed Christianity from the Sabbath, Holy Days and the law. Is this what the scriptural record indicates?
  49. What Does It Mean to Have Freedom in Christ? (l) - Jesus Christ spoke often of the freedom humankind would find through him. But exactly what is the freedom that He promised His followers?
  50. Profiles of Faith: James: Half Brother of Jesus (l) - James understood that only by obeying God's laws can mankind experience true freedom- freedom from want, sorrow and suffering, from the degrading and painful consequences of sin. He encourages each of us to be a "doer of the law" (James 4:11).
  51. Who Is the Center of Our Worship? (l) - Traditional Christianity claims to focus its worship on Jesus Christ. But didn't Jesus ChristHimself direct our attention, including even our prayers, to God the Father?
  52. Did Jesus Christ Abolish the Law? (l) - Many believe that Jesus Christ came to do away with the law. But what did He say?
  53. How Do We Know That We Love God? (l) - The Bible states over and over again exactly how we are to demonstrate our love to God. The simple answer may surprise you!
  54. Is the World Ready for a Prophet of God? (l) - How old would people expect a prophet to be? How would they expect him to dress? What national background would they expect him to come from? What religion would they expect him to represent? Would they expect him to speak commandingly or with a more mellow tone?
  55. Develop Your Spiritual Senses (l) - Many want to avoid sin but don't know where to begin. By understanding the process of how sin occurs, you can better avoid it in your life.
  56. God's Test Commandment (l) - God describes the fourth commandment as a "test" command, "Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy". Yet most of Christianity has turned its back on this command.
  57. Why Is the New Covenant Better? (l) - How does the new covenant differ from the God's previous covenant with ancient Israel?
  58. Which Commandments Did Jesus Break? (l) - Jesus was accused of breaking God's law - did He?
  59. 'This Is the Love of God...' (l) - How do we show that we love God? Many believe that Jesus Christ came to being a new way to worship God. But what does the Bible say?
  60. Whatever Happened to Sin? (l) - It used to be common to hear messages condemning sin and warning of its consequences. Now most religious messages pass over the uncomfortable reality of sin to focus on "feel-good" themes. What is happening to Christianity--and is it missing a crucial part of Christ's message?
  61. Do You Know Why Christ Died? (l) - Christians generally agree that Jesus Christ died for their sins. But how many really understand the significance of that sacrifice?
  62. Why Tithe in the 20th Century? (l) - What is the biblical perspective on this practice?
  63. The Spread of Freedom: Foretaste for the Entire World? (l) - In recent months we've witnessed a trend away from oppression and toward freedom in some countries. Encouraging though this is, it doesn't compare with what God has in store for the entire world!
  64. Rediscovering Christianity: Scholars Have Second Thoughts (l) - For centuries an ingrained bias has influenced scholars' and theologians' views of both the Old and New Testaments. Some are now realizing and correcting that error.
  65. Is God's Law Bondage? (l) - Some theologians associate God's law with slavery. But the Bible presents it as the missing key to true freedom.
God's law, Old Testament
  1. Bible Mini-Study: The World Will Learn God's Law (l) - God's way of life -- His law -- will be the constitution of the new world He will set up. Let's explore what the Bible says about the role of God's law in the peaceful and prosperous Kingdom of God!
  2. God's Law: Is It a Burden or a Blessing? (l) - Common teaching about the law God gave to ancient Israel is that it was a burden -- one that Jesus Christ had to remove. That God freed the Israelites from Egyptian slavery merely to enslave them again to a system of law so strict and unreasonable that they claim it is actually oppressive. Is something seriously wrong with this reasoning?
  3. God's 'Laws, Statutes and Judgments' (l) - God's laws are categorized as laws, statutes and judgments.
  4. The Sinai Covenant and the 'Voice of the Lord' (l) - The Sinai Covenant was not limited just to the instructions given at Mt. Sinai. The Israelites' agreement to obey the voice of the Lord included obeying instructions given through Moses long after they left Mt. Sinai.
  5. The Spread of Freedom: Foretaste for the Entire World? (l) - In recent months we've witnessed a trend away from oppression and toward freedom in some countries. Encouraging though this is, it doesn't compare with what God has in store for the entire world!
God's love
  1. "I Love You!" (l) - God is writing His love letters to us with everything that grows and everything that flows, astounds and towers over us in nature. And what can be more precious than a baby!
  2. Mini-Bible Study: How Does God Identify Himself? (l) - People wonder and speculate about God but often neglect to go directly to Him and let Him introduce Himself! God reveals Himself through two great methods.
  3. Lessons From the Parables: The Parable of the Lost Coin - Seeking Lost People (l) - Jesus told a brief story about a woman's determined search for what she had lost. While picturing God's desire to reclaim lost human beings, it also shows that we should share that desire - putting high value on relationships.
  4. How Can You Experience the Power That Drives Transformation? (l) - God reveals the way to the missing ingredient that can powerfully transform your life. Are you ready to tap into it?
  5. God's People are Exquisitely Loved (l) - Can we imagine the width and length, depth and height of the love our Creator has for us?
  6. God's Great Love for Us (l) - Watching a new mother interact with her newborn is a poignant reminder of God's promises and love for His children.
  7. The Church of God Today (l) - The church of God today keeps God's commandments and holds fast to all that Jesus taught.
  8. The Passover (l) - The New Testament Passover
  9. Jesus Christ, the Wisdom of God (l) - Paul says that Christ is "the wisdom of God" and that the idea of "Jesus Christ and Him crucified" is "the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages". God's plan provides a way for our sins to be forgiven, but is also designed so we would not choose the way of sin ever again.
  10. A Royal Law of Love (l) - God's law of love must inspire us to appreciate His wisdom and look to His commandments for our standard of behavior.
  11. God's Nature and Character (l) - In any discussion about who and what God is, we must not lose sight of the most important truth about God -- that God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son are Beings of infinite love. John perfectly summarized Their divine character and nature when he wrote that "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16).
  12. God Does Care for You (l) - Often when we're faced with a trial that seems too hard to handle, we feel abandoned. Abandoned by friends, abandoned by family, and sometimes especially abandoned by God. In these dark times our cares and worries overwhelm us with negative and even hopeless thoughts.
  13. God's Church Is Like a Loving Mother (l) - By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for on another.
  14. The Passover (BSC12) (l) - The apostles Paul and Peter understood that the slain Old Testament Passover lamb foreshadowed the death of Jesus Christ as our sacrifice for sin
  15. Gifts from God: The Foundation of His Relationship with Us (l) - God's gifts to humanity: love, forgiveness, his spirit.
  16. Grace: How God Interacts With Us (l) - God's attitude and approach of loving care and concern-even correction for us is summed up in the term grace.
  17. Love is the Basis of God's Relationship (l) - God's Word reveals that He listens to us and answers our requests according to His will and our best interests. He wants us to respond to His love.
  18. God Wants a Relationship With Us (l) - God expresses his desire that we acknowledge and accept him as the Supreme Being. Then He expresses his desire to associate with -- to have a relationship with -- those who accept Him as their God.
  19. Follow Me: More Than Sparrows (l) - God values and cares deeply for even little birds that people may give little thought to -- every single one. How do you think He feels about you?
  20. God's Law Reflects His Mind and Character (l) - God's law is a reflection of God's mind, nature and character.
  21. The Greatest Love Story (l) - God is creating a family -- His own divine family. And as the great loving God that He is, He wants to see you and me and every human being be a part of that family and share in that great future He plans for us.
  22. How Do We Know That We Love God? (l) - The Bible states over and over again exactly how we are to demonstrate our love to God. The simple answer may surprise you!
  23. What Is True Love? (7/2002) (l) - Love is the most popular theme of songwriters and poets, yet many do not know what love really is.
  24. Is God's Grace an Unconditional Guarantee of Salvation? (l) - How can God love us unconditionally and then require conditions we must meet to have a relationship with Him?
  25. What Is the Value of a Life? (l) - How valuable is the life of a human being? Is it of less value than a sports car? How about a pair of fancy shoes? Yet these are all things people have killed for!
  26. The Most Important Thing (l) - What would you say if someone asked: What one thing would your church want people to come away with?
  27. Questions and Answers - May/Jun 2000 (l) - Aspects of God's character.
  28. Are We Our Brother's Keeper? (l) - Are we our brother's keeper?
  29. 'This Is the Love of God...' (l) - How do we show that we love God? Many believe that Jesus Christ came to being a new way to worship God. But what does the Bible say?
  30. Stir Up the Spirit (l) - Here's how you can rekindle the flame of God's Spirit within you!
  31. Why Did He Have to Die? (l) - Why did Christ have to die?
  32. A God Concerned With Man's Heart (l) - Thoughout the Bible we see that God has always been concerned with human motivations.
  33. John: The Apostle of Love (l) - John wrote so extensively about love that Bible scholars call him the apostle of love. Why did he write so much about the subject? And what can we learn from the writings of John?
  34. John: An Apostle of Godly Love (l) - John's Gospel and his three epistles focus on love. In his gospel he refers to himself as that disciple whom Jesus loved.
  35. Does God Hate Sinners? (l) - Sin is humanity's most dangerous and deceitful enemy. God obviously hater sin, but how does He view the sinner?
God's name
  1. "And You Hold Fast to My Name" (l) - The meaning or the name of Christ may hold the key to how you will handle not only your many tomorrows, but the momentary challenges facing you today.
  2. With the Badge Comes Responsibility (l) - What are the identifying characteristics of a Christian?
  3. YHWH (l) - Studying how God reveals Himself in the Bible can be enlightening.
  4. "Whatever You Ask in My Name" (l) - What does it really mean for us to pray in the name of Jesus Christ?
  5. God's Many Names Reveal Much About Him (l) - The Bible uses a variety of names for God. He calls things what they are, and He calls Himself what He is.
  6. The Third Commandment: From Profanity to Praise (l) - The Third Commandment focuses on showing respect. It addresses the way we communicate our feelings about God to others and to Him.
  7. Who Was Jesus? (booklet) (l) - The Logos [Word] was not only with God in the beginning, but was God (John 1:1), and it was this Logos who became flesh and is identified with Christ.
  8. Questions and Answers - Apr/Jun 2005 (l) - The following questions and answers represent issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
  9. The Great I AM (l) - The old hymn praises God, the "Great I AM." A search of the Scriptures reveals an even deeper meaning to this intriguing name.
God's nature
  1. Unknown God (l) - Study the history of any human society down through the ages and you will find some kind of belief in a supernatural god or a multitude of gods intertwined into the culture.
  2. The Longsuffering of God (l) - God patiently provides for us and serve us. And God doesn't "lose His temper."
  3. Longsuffering: A Fusion of Patience and Power (l) - The popular impatiens flowers are so named from seeming to be highly impatient! When their seed pods mature, they explode when touched, sending seeds several yards away. See how this picture illustrates the need for longsuffering, an important fruit of God's Spirit!
  4. 10 Things You Should Know About God (l) - Let's briefly look at 10 major attributes and qualities of God that His Word teaches
  5. Mini-Bible Study: How Does God Identify Himself? (l) - People wonder and speculate about God but often neglect to go directly to Him and let Him introduce Himself! God reveals Himself through two great methods.
  6. God's Challenge to Trinitarianism (l) - Belief in the Trinity is the hallmark of orthodoxy. It is so strongly held by many churches that to deny it, in their view, is to not be a Christian. Do you understand what the Bible really says?
  7. What Is Hell? (l) - Most people are sure they will either go to heaven or hell when they die. But just what is hell anyway? And are these ideas based on the biblical truth about hell?
  8. God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit (l) - Is God a trinity?
  9. Did Jesus Christ Claim to Be God? (l) - In addition to directly claiming in John 8:58 to be the "I AM" and having a Jewish crowd try to stone Him as a result (verse 59), as explained in this chapter, Jesus equated Himself with Yhwh of the Old Testament in other ways as well. Let's notice some of these.
  10. Do Some Verses Deny a Divine Family? (l) - As this booklet explains, the Bible reveals that the one God is a family, presently consisting of God the Father and God the Son, Jesus Christ. And God is in the process of adding to the divine family multitudes of others - eventually all human beings who are willing and who faithfully choose to follow God's way.
  11. Elohim: The Plurality of God (l) - Throughout Scripture we come back to the reality that God has chosen to express His personal nature in terms of a family relationship. Elohim is the Hebrew word translated "God" in every passage of Genesis 1 as well as in more than 2,000 places throughout the Old Testament.
  12. The God Family (booklet1) (l) - Scripture clearly states that there is only one God (Isaiah 46:9; Malachi 2:10; Romans 3:30; James 2:19). Nevertheless, it is evident that the one God comprises more than one Being existing together as a divine family (compare Ephesians 3:14-15) -- of which the human family is a physical type or model.
  13. How Is God Revealed in the Bible? (l) - A true understanding of God comes from only one source - God's revelation to mankind, the Bible. What does it reveal about God the Father and Jesus Christ?
  14. Introduction - Is God a Trinity? (l) - Even though it's one of mainstream Christianity's most widely accepted and revered doctrines, theologians admit that the Trinity is largely incomprehensible.
  15. The Likeness of God (booklet1) (l) - In Genesis 1:26, God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness" -- the plural "Us" and "Our" denoting both God the Father and the Word who would later be born in the flesh as Jesus Christ (John 1:1-3,14). What is meant by God's image and likeness here?
  16. "The Lord Our God, the Lord Is One" (l) - "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one!" This simple declaration by Moses in Deuteronomy 6:4, beginning what is now commonly referred to as the Shema (pronounced sh'MAH, Hebrew for "Hear"), has caused considerable consternation to many who try to understand who and what God is.
  17. The Surprising Origins of the Trinity Doctrine (l) - Few understand how the Trinity doctrine came to be accepted - several centuries after the Bible was completed! Yet its roots go back much farther in history.
  18. Much More Than a Man (l) - Jesus claimed to be God -- and from the record was able to support that claim. How was Jesus God? If Jesus was God, then who was the Father He spoke of so often? How could Jesus and the Father both be God at the same time?
  19. Who--and What--Was Jesus Christ? (l) - Who, really, was Jesus of Nazareth? Where did He really come from? If we understand that, it explains everything He did and said.
  20. Jesus Christ: 'The Rock' of the Old Testament (l) - The apostle Paul affirms that the God of the Old Testament was the One we know as Jesus Christ.
  21. A God Not Bound by Space and Time (l) - If there is a God, why don't we see, hear or touch Him? It's a simple and fair question. But the answer defies human logic, reasoning and experience.
  22. Why Can't Theologians Explain the Trinity Doctrine? (l) - One cannot prove something from the Bible that is not biblical. The Bible is our only reliable source of divine revelation and truth, and the Trinity concept simply is not part of God's revelation to humankind.
  23. A Family Relationship (l) - The Kingdom of God ultimately denotes a level of existence to which human beings may be raised through a transformation from flesh to spirit.
  24. Is God a Trinity? (l) - The fact that the word Trinity appears nowhere in the Bible also gives us reason to reflect. We must not cling to long-held religious traditions if they contradict the Scriptures.
  25. What About Matthew 28:19? (l) - At baptism, repentant sinners enter into a personal family relationship with God the Father and the Son through the Holy Spirit, thereby receiving the name of God.
  26. The Holy Spirit Is Not a Person (l) - The Holy Spirit is spoken of in many ways that demonstrate that it is not a divine person.
  27. How Is God One? (l) - There is only one God, just as there is only one human race -- one extended family descended from Adam of presently about six billion individuals. Just the same, the one divine family -- the family of God -- is open to an unlimited number of members.
  28. Introduction: Who Is God? (l) - Great as He is, God is not unapproachable. He is not beyond our reach. We can come to know this magnificent Being.
  29. Partaking of the Divine Nature (l) - Everlasting, abundant life in the Kingdom as part of the God family is our ultimate destiny. That is what Christ makes possible (John 10:10). That is why God created us in His image.
  30. God's Nature and Character (l) - In any discussion about who and what God is, we must not lose sight of the most important truth about God -- that God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son are Beings of infinite love. John perfectly summarized Their divine character and nature when he wrote that "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16).
  31. The Personal Nature of God (l) - Both the Apostle John and the Apostle Paul describe two individual divine Beings, with Jesus being subject to God the Father.
  32. Understanding the 'Image of God' (l) - The purpose of human life is indelibly etched into the first chapter of the first book of the Bible, where man is first mentioned: "Then God said, 'Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness'".
  33. Who Was Jesus? (booklet) (l) - The Logos [Word] was not only with God in the beginning, but was God (John 1:1), and it was this Logos who became flesh and is identified with Christ.
  34. The Plurality of God (l) - Throughout Scripture we come back to the reality that God has chosen to express His personal nature in terms of a family relationship. Elohim is the Hebrew word translated "God" in every passage of Genesis 1 as well as in more than 2,000 places throughout the Old Testament.
  35. The Likeness of God (booklet2) (l) - When fully in God's likeness, we will be able to fulfill our awesome responsibility of exercising dominion over, of assisting Him in managing, the vastness of His creation.
  36. A Close Encounter (l) - The Roman general Pompey entered Jerusalem in the first century B.C.determined to satisfy his curiosity about the worship of the Jewish people. He ascended the Temple Mount to find out the truth behind about reports that the Jewish people had no physical statue or image of God in their most sacred place of worship, the Holy of Holies
  37. Glossary (bsc3) (l) - A glossary of the terms used in this Bible study.
  38. God the Father (l) - What does the Bible say about who God the Father is?
  39. God is Always Fair (l) - Recognizing that all is not fair in this life is vastly different from accusing God of being unfair.
  40. Three Keys to Knowing God (l) - Can a Christian believe in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit but not the Trinity? The Bible reveals that we must so believe -- that it's vital we come to know the true God.
  41. Have You Made God Over in Your Image? (l) - In the commandment against images, God was addressing more than physical idols. He was also telling us not to think of Him according to what we personally imagine, but to accept Him and our relationship with Him on His terms.
  42. Question and Answers - VT Jan/Mar 2004 (l) - Questions and answers on issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
  43. 'You Are Gods' (l) - Jesus proclaimed His divine identity. He went on to proclaim that humans too can be part of the God family.
  44. Only God Knows What He Knows (l) - The traditional concept of God is rooted in Greek philosophy and conflicts with the Bible. We can relate to God in human terms because that's how He describes Himself to us in the Bible.
God's plan
  1. The Hole in Your Heart (l) - All of us have deep needs we seek to satisfy. Most of the things we try only paper over the problems--they don't solve them. What can fill your yearning?
  2. God's Plan to End Evil and Suffering (l) - Is God blind to evil and human suffering? Why doesn't He intervene to put a stop to it? Or could it be that it's we who are blind to what God is doing and that humankind must learn some major lessons before He puts an end to evil?
  3. The Universe and Beyond (l) - The plans, promises and prophecies of the Bible all lead to one thing--a potential almost beyond human comprehension! What does God have in store for you?
  4. The Restless God (l) - Perhaps you have never considered that God is also restless toward a needed future event.
  5. The Biblical Festivals That Reveal God's Plan of Salvation (l) - Sin has cut humanity off from God and brought the ultimate penalty of death. But God has a plan to heal the broken relationship and save mankind. That plan is revealed in a series of annual reminders-the festivals of God found in the Bible.
  6. When Bad Things Happen to God's People (l) - All things work together for good, right? But how?
  7. God's Got a Plan (l) - At 15, I realized that human society had long been heading cluelessly to its demise. But I also learned then that God has a great plan to raise human beings out of our problems and lead us to an incredible destiny.
  8. Does God Have a Plan? (l) - The key to understanding what God is doing is a series of festival days found in the Bible.
  9. Planet Earth Will Survive and Flourish! (l) - Over the centuries many have proclaimed the end of the world - some even in recent months. What does the Bible say about our planet's future?
  10. Chasing the Good Old Days (l) - Reflecting on the "good old days" can bring back warm thoughts and fond memories. But could longing for a lost past diminish the joy of the present and the hope God has in store for your future?
  11. The Remarkable Lesson of God's Feast of Firstfruits (l) - If Jesus Christ came to save mankind, why is the world in such sad shape? The answer is found in a little-understood festival God revealed in the Bible.
  12. What Did God Plan "Before Time Began"? (l) - It's difficult for us to comprehend the concept of "before time began," much less what took place then. But Scripture reveals that God laid out His amazing purpose and plan for mankind before time began!
  13. Has God Forgotten this World? (l) - It sometimes seems as if there is no hope, but what is God's plan?
  14. Why Christ Spoke in Parables (l) - Many people would be surprised to learn that Jesus Christ spoke in parables to hide His message from the masses. Why did He do this? And how can you understand the deepest meaning of the parables of the Kingdom?
  15. Humanity (l) - Humanity was created with a truly amazing potenial. The future of humanity is to be children in the family of God.
  16. God's Festivals in the New Testament (l) - God's festivals, which began in the Old Testament, are also observed by New Testament Christians. Here are a number of New Testament scriptural references to this fact.
  17. Introduction: God's Holy Day Plan (l) - Is it possible to know what the future holds for us? The Creator of mankind does have a plan for us, and He reveals it to us through an annual cycle of festivals described in the Scriptures. It is an astounding plan offering an incredible future to every man, woman, and child who has ever lived. This booklet will help you understand the incredible truth about what lies ahead for all humanity.
  18. The Passover: Why Did Jesus Christ Have to Die? (l) - Keeping the Passover each year reminds us that God is the forgiver of sin who grants us eternal life in His Kingdom through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, our Passover. This observance is a memorial of our Creator's continuing role in humanity's salvation.
  19. Does It Matter to God? (l) - We can take great comfort in the meaning of God's days of worship, since they represent the magnificent plan of God, who will give every human an opportunity to understand and accept His way of life either now or, for the majority of human beings, in an age yet to come.
  20. God's Days of Worship (l) - Observances that are rooted in paganism break the first two of the Ten Commandments. Is God pleased when people claim to worship Him by adopting celebrations of pagan gods and goddesses in man-made holidays while they ignore His commanded days and ways of worship?
  21. Jesus Christ, the Wisdom of God (l) - Paul says that Christ is "the wisdom of God" and that the idea of "Jesus Christ and Him crucified" is "the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages". God's plan provides a way for our sins to be forgiven, but is also designed so we would not choose the way of sin ever again.
  22. Why Were You Born? (l) - Life with God is exciting, fulfilling and ultimately rewarding beyond our wildest imagination.
  23. Following the Footsteps of a Different God (l) - The Bible makes it clear that civilizations and societies are influenced by Satan. John writes that "the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one" (1 John 5:19).
  24. Satan's Work in Our World (l) - . . The god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ . . ." (2 Corinthians 4:4, New Revised Standard Version).
  25. How God Shaped Israel's Future (l) - From Abraham God miraculously formed a nation to illustrate to every other nation the benefits that come from obeying Him and the tragedies that come from disobeying Him. Israel has been an example of both.
  26. Everlasting Life Conquers Death (l) - Understanding the meaning of life, death and what follows this physical life can give us comfort and hope in the face of death. It should also have a great impact on the kind of people we are, motivating us to live carefully and make wise choices.
  27. Understanding God Through Christ (l) - The image of God is what makes man unique among all His physical creation. This is what renders men, women and children truly human.
  28. Why a Loving God Allows Suffering (l) - Most people fail to recognize that God doesn't have to directly intervene every time we sin; the spiritual laws He set in motion are self-enforcing, bringing their own punishment when we break them.
  29. The International Scope of Prophecy (l) - Salvation will expand to include all people.
  30. Festivals of Hope (l) - When God freed the Israelites from Egyptian bondage, He revealed to them, in addition to the weekly Sabbath, His seven annual festivals. They foreshadow and reveal the basics of His plan of salvation.
  31. Introduction (bsc12) (l) - God reveals His splendid plan in the prophecies and teachings of the Scriptures. God has provided us with the keys to unlock His plan through His sacred festivals.
  32. Back to the Beginning (l) - God calls -- invites -- us into an eternal relationship with Him as members of His family.
  33. No Man Left Behind (l) - Billons of men, women and children have lived and died without ever knowing the true God or His way of life. What happens to them? Are they condemned to an eternity of suffering in hellfire? Or does God have a plan in which no one is left behind?
  34. Bible Prophecy and You (l) - What is the reward God will give to His faithful servants? Most people assume that good people will go to heaven at death to be with God forever. But is this what the Bible teaches? In this study we'll examine what the Bible reveals about the amazing future God has planned for us.
  35. Gain From God's Perspective (l) - We need a higher vantage point to understand the full context of our own lives and the whole human story. We'll then see that even amid life's difficulties a great plan and purpose is being worked out -- toward a wondrous future with God.
  36. Do You Know Why Christ Lives? (l) - Christians realize that Jesus was raised from the grave. But do you understand what His resurrection and life mean to us today?
  37. A Perfect Family (l) - In this issue of The Good News we feature several articles aimed directly at helping you gain that comprehension of what God has planned.
  38. Natural Disasters: Will We Ask the Crucial Questions? (l) - A native of New Orleans assesses what happened there with Hurricane Katrina -- and why.
  39. When God Doesn't Make Sense (l) - Why does God allow children to get cancer? Why does He allow innocent people to be murdered in drive-by shootings? Why are good people sometimes killed in car accidents? Why doesn't God always answer prayers? Why can it seem that God is ignoring us when we're trapped in the pit of despair? What do we do when God just doesn't seem to make sense?
  40. God's Vision for You (l) - In God's master plan everyone is created with many things in common. Yet each is distinct from any other human being.
  41. Why Understand Prophecy? (l) - Does trying to understand the predictions of the Bible make any sense for teens? The simple answer to this important question is, "Yes." Read this article to learn why.
  42. The Top 10 Reasons Why I Don't Celebrate Christmas (l) - It's that time of year again! You'll soon be barraged by the sights, sounds and smells of Christmas. Shoppers will soon go into spending overdrive, and when the bills arrive, some will wonder if it's really worth it. Here's a perspective from one who kicked the Christmas habit.
  43. Predestination: Are You Just a Pawn? (l) - Is every detail of your life already mapped out in advance?Are you just a preprogrammed figure in a cosmic game of chess being moved from square to square by irresistible destiny?
  44. A Thousand Words Are Worth a Picture (l) - Religious movies have entertained millions over the years. But in the end, are they of value? Is the Book better than the movie?
  45. What Do the Holy Days Mean for Christians Today? (l) - God commanded Israel to keep His 'feasts of the LORD.' What is their relevance for Christians - and mankind - today?
  46. Does It Really Matter What You Believe? (l) - Beliefs determine actions - sometimes with dire consequences.
  47. The Biblical Festivals That Show How God Will Bring World Peace (l) - Will mankind ever experience lasting peace? Humanity's track record isn't very good. But a series of biblical feasts reveals how God will indeed bring lasting world peace!
  48. God's Plan as Revealed by His Holy Days (l) - God has an incredible plan and purpose for mankind. But how does He reveal it, and how can we understand it?
  49. A Long Time From Now in a Galaxy Far, Far Away... (l) - Science fiction movies portray intelligent life already living on other planets and in other galaxies. Could it be true? If not, then why did God create such a vast universe?
  50. What Religious Days Did Jesus Observe? (l) - Every year millions celebrate major religious holidays that are found nowhere in the Bible. If we are to truly follow Christ, shouldn't we consider which religious days He observed?
  51. What is My Purpose Here? (l) - There must be some meaning to humanity's mixture of awesome abilities and awful atrocities. What is the ultimate purpose and meaning of your life?
  52. Join the Few, the Called, the Chosen (l) - The great moral code of the universe reveals that God is preparing His team for leadership of the world. Here's how to be part of the team.
  53. God's Prophetic Plan for the Nations (l) - God is and always has been in overall control. He knows exactly where specific ethnic groups live and what they are now doing.
  54. Does God Have a Plan for Humanity? (l) - Put another way, does our Creator have a divine purpose for human beings? And does He have a prophetic plan whereby His purpose may be worked out here on earth?
  55. The Feast of Peace (l) - What is the meaning of the Feast of Peace? What is God's plan for mankind?
  56. What's My Purpose Here? (l) - There must be meaning to humanity's mixture of awesome abilities and awful atrocities. What is the ultimate purpose and meaning of your life?
  57. Contributing a Verse (l) - The role of the common man in God's plan.
  58. Planet Hunters: The Search for Life in Outer Space (l) - Using incredible technological advancements, astronomers are expanding their search for life in the universe. Could they be looking for right answers in the wrong places?
  59. Do You Have a Biblical Worldview? (l) - What will happen next in this chaotic world of enormously unpleasant surprises? Only a biblical worldview can give us sorely needed spiritual stability and security in an age marked by ambiguity and uncertainty.
  60. The Majority: Unknowing, Unaware and Unconcerned (l) - Most people have scant appreciation of the constant dangers that stalk our planet. The presence of God in our lives is our only sure protection.
  61. Will A New Leader Solve Our Problems? (l) - Why after the political leaders perennial promises to fix all our problems, are the obstacles still with us? Why when so many hope and labor for positive change, does it remain tantalizingly out of reach?
  62. God's Plan for Eternity (l) - God has a better plan for eternity than most realize; and it's available to everyone.
God's power
  1. Divine Power (l) - Poem about God's power.
  2. If the Milky Way (l) - If God moved at the speed of light, would anything really get accomplished?
  3. The Glory of God -- A Brief Moment in Reflection (l) - God's guiding hand can be seen in the smallest (and largest!) things in the universe.
  4. "As the Waters..." (l) - This evil age will be transformed to what God initially intended at Eden. The "knowledge of the Lord" will be made available to all and, for the first time, being accepted on a grand scale by the descendants of Adam and Eve.
  5. Milk, Honey, Giants, or God? (l) - Is your focus on the giant or the promise?
  6. Proverbs: He Who Knows the Human Heart (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
  7. Proverbs: Through God's Eyes (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
  8. Lessons from the Parables (l) - Jesus Christ's parable of a tiny seed yields big lessons and can have a huge impact on your life!
  9. Is the Holy Spirit a Person? (TL) (l) - The apostle Paul states clearly that "there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things ... and one Lord Jesus Christ ..." (1 Corinthians 8:6). He makes no mention of the Holy Spirit as a divine person.
  10. Why Can't Theologians Explain the Trinity Doctrine? (l) - One cannot prove something from the Bible that is not biblical. The Bible is our only reliable source of divine revelation and truth, and the Trinity concept simply is not part of God's revelation to humankind.
  11. The Holy Spirit Is Not a Person (l) - The Holy Spirit is spoken of in many ways that demonstrate that it is not a divine person.
  12. The Overwhelming Force (l) - The nations of the world seek power to resist real or potential enemies. But what about you? When you have God and His indisputable power on your side, you can be fully confident He will see you through every trouble you face.
  13. Star Trek, God's Plan and You! (l) - Even the most imaginative science fiction pales in comparison to the ultimate reality God has in store for us. This true story is for children -- human children as well as all the children of God
  14. What You See Is What You Will Receive (l) - Obviously, we don't yet have glorified bodies, but we have been invited to begin experiencing God's glory in our lives.
God's promises
  1. The Two Witnesses and You (l) - Why will God select two witnesses and what will be offered to them in their moment of greatest need?
  2. The 144,000--A Promise Kept (l) - The 144,000 reminds us that in His time and way, God cares for people who have spiritual integrity.
  3. America's Hope for Recovery: Real or Merely an Illusion? (l) - Has America dodged the bullet? Has the economy turned around? Will government intervention save the day? Will the country soon wake up from its financial nightmare and find that everything has returned to normal?
  4. The World's a Mess: Can You Be Positive? (l) - There is a way to be positive in spite of troubling news.
  5. All Things Work Together for Good! (l) - Get ready! We are now in training for something bigger yet to occur. You are responsible to God for how you incorporate the powerful depth of the gospel that has been personally revealed to us.
  6. What Is the Fate of the Unrepentant? (l) - "They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain, for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea" (Isaiah 11:9).
  7. Advocates of British-Israelism (l) - Focusing on the biblical promises, some scholars have undertaken extensive research to advance the knowledge that God's promised blessings to Abraham's descendants have largely been fulfilled in the British and American peoples.
  8. Does God Keep His Word? (l) - By fulfilling His promises to all of the tribes of Israel, God will also, at the return of Christ, prove to scoffers and doubters that He is trustworthy. He will demonstrate to all nations that He stands behind every word He has ever spoken through His prophets.
  9. How Good Can Come From Suffering (l) - As Christ explained, His followers can expect to suffer. But God sometimes allows us to suffer because pain teaches us to refrain from sin even under the most difficult circumstances.
  10. Can We Explain All Suffering? (l) - One of the consequences of humanity's decision to live contrary to God's instruction is a world subject to the capriciousness and vagaries of "time and chance" and the actions of others.
  11. Introduction: You Can Have Living Faith (l) - Far too many have come to believe that every aspect of life is simply a matter of personal choice, and nothing matters beyond their feelings. Instead of relying on God, they trust only themselves to solve their problems.
  12. Hope and Help for the Brokenhearted (l) - With the Covid-19 pandemic and a host of global problems plaguing the world, it's no surprise that anxiety and depression are rampant. Some even look for a way out in suicide. Yet all is not lost; we can have real hope for tomorrow. But we must look in the right place to find that true source of hope!
  13. Can We Believe God's Promises? (l) - God does keep His promises, but in ways and over time frames that our finite minds have difficulty comprehending.
  14. Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled (l) - When the storms and problems of life seem overwhelming, where can we turn for hope and encouragement?
  15. Flexing the Muscle Memory (l) - As you get exhausted, it is your training that kicks in and keeps you going even if your mind is not there. Spiritual muscle development that can pull us through the tough times is examining and internalizing the very real and ever-present promises of God.
  16. The Christian Battle (l) - A good soldier knows many battles are always looming on the horizon, so he prepares to handle them one by one.
  17. How Is the Work of God Accomplished Today? (l) - Jesus Christ gave His Church a commission in which each member has a vital part to play. How is that mission being carried out in our modern world?
God's protection
  1. God--Our Protector (l) - In 2007 there was a terrible bridge collapse in Minnesota. This tragedy was just one of many events that have occurred in recent years. How can we deal with these types of incidents and other trials in our lives?
  2. The Scarlet Cord (l) - A colored rope hanging from a window held great meaning for a woman in Jericho thousands of years ago. It also has special significance for us as Christians.
  3. The 144,000--A Promise Kept (l) - The 144,000 reminds us that in His time and way, God cares for people who have spiritual integrity.
  4. How Secure Is Your House? (l) - We often worry about our physical houses, but how secure are our spiritual houses?
  5. Are You Protected by the Ultimate Security System? (l) - We live in a dangerous world. Threats to our safety and security are growing. Is there a way to ensure that you and your family are always protected?
  6. Peering Into the Future (l) - There are times in world events when God waves His hand over history, and events take place that confound the wise. With the events of recent months, I believe we are living in such a time. Only God knows where they will lead.
  7. A Great Deliverance is Coming (l) - In no way do we wish to minimize or underestimate the troubles prophesied to come on the world. Yet each one of the dark biblical passages quoted at the beginning of this feature has an encouraging conclusion.
  8. Christ, Deep Water and You (l) - Jesus' disciples learned a lesson about having faith when the storms of life suddenly strike. Their lesson is just as important to each of us when we face our own storms.
  9. Build an Ark! (l) - God teaches us how to stay afloat in troubled times.
  10. Calm From God Through New York's Greatest Storm (l) - Living through Hurricane Sandy, the recent "superstorm" that struck America's Northeast coast, didn't heighten my understanding of the weather, but I did learn some new things about God.
  11. How Can We Resist the Devil? (l) - We must actively seek to eliminate Satan's way of thinking and behaving from our lives.
  12. How to Stir Up God's Spirit (l) - The apostle Paul admonished members in one of the churches he started, "Do not quench the Spirit" (1 Thessalonians 5:19). He also urged the young evangelist Timothy: "Stir up [rekindle into flame] the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind" (2 Timothy 1:6-7).
  13. D-Day and Divine Intervention (l) - On this 75th anniversary of D-Day, a crucial event in the push to Allied victory in World War II, we look back on the remarkable miracle of its success -- an answer to prayer and the fulfillment of destiny.
  14. Rising Prices, Surging Crime - What Can You Do? (l) - As the cost of living escalates and crime intensifies, what can you do to aid your family? And where can you find lasting help, hope and stability in this time of turbulent change and uncertainty?
  15. Will God Continue to Bless America? If Not, Why Not? (l) - After the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, many Americans, including people of faith, continue to ask, "Why did God let this happen?" A year later, let's reflect on the terrorist attacks and their aftermath from a biblical perspective.
  16. Hurricane Rita--A Mass Exodus (l) - The hurricanes of 2005 affected many people in varying ways. This is one family's story during a difficult time.
  17. Joe's Story (l) - In Chicago, in 1983, Joe Bauer had an experience that was unlike any in his life up until then. And he had certainly already had some perilous times in his life!
  18. Homeland Security: What Crucial Piece Is the United States Missing? (l) - After the devastating terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, homeland security became a top priority for the United States. Yet, at the same time, it seems to be overlooking the most important aspect of its safety, and the risk is incalculable. What is this crucial component of any people's long-term security?
  19. Coming Calamities: Does God Offer Protection? (l) - Where will you be when terror strikes the nations? Does God offer safety for anyone? Will He care about you when your fellow man doesn't?
  20. Hurricane Katrina: Is God Removing His Protection From America? (l) - Hurricane Katrina's destruction was so great and far-reaching that many wonder if God is playing a hand in these events, either punishing the United States or removing His protection -- or both.
  21. Should You Attend Church? (l) - Many, perhaps even you, have become disillusioned with churches and religious leaders. They wonder what they should do and where they should turn. What does God say?
  22. Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego (l) - One moment they were relatively safe, even held in great esteem as officials in the government of Babylon. The next moment they were brutally tossed headlong into a inferno.
  23. Deadly Diseases: Again a Threat to Humanity? (l) - Plague: still nearby, still deadly.
  24. The Missing Dimension in Homeland Security (l) - Homeland security instantly became the #1 priority of the Bush administration on Sept. 11, 2001. With the creation of the massive Homeland Security Department, concerns of safekeeping continue to be the primary focus of the American government. Are you aware of national security's most important aspect? The lack of this element immediately compromises the safety of any country.
  25. The Majority: Unknowing, Unaware and Unconcerned (l) - Most people have scant appreciation of the constant dangers that stalk our planet. The presence of God in our lives is our only sure protection.
God's revelation
  1. "Know God, Know Peace" (l) - Without God, it's difficult to make things make sense. With God, life has a meaning and purpose that transcends the troubling headlines of today and offers hope and promise for this life and beyond.
  2. How Does God Reveal Himself? (l) - If God accepted the challenge of always having to prove His existence, what would it take? Would it have been necessary for Him to personally appear to and perform miracles to every human being ever born?
  3. Our Window of Opportunity (l) - In our information age we sadly lack the most vital information of all, the knowledge of God. He wants to reveal it to us, but we must be willing to accept it and do some digging ourselves.
  4. How Can We Make Life Work? (l) - Some people recognize that living God's way holds great promise "of the life . . . which is to come." Far fewer understand that living a godly life also has benefits in "the life that now is"--that is, our present physical lives.
  5. Marriage: Foundation of the Family (l) - Applying God's principles for marriage not only produces happy relationships in this life, it yields greater understanding of godly principles that will last for eternity.
  6. Why Bible Study Is Necessary for Spiritual Growth (l) - Paul scolded the Corinthian Christians for their unspiritual attitudes and conduct (1 Corinthians 3:1-4). He explained that their problems were caused partly by some of them having too little knowledge of God's ways.
  7. Must We Obey God's Commandments? (l) - We have a natural tendency to resent having our fleshly desires limited by rules, even God's rules.
  8. Can We Explain All Suffering? (l) - One of the consequences of humanity's decision to live contrary to God's instruction is a world subject to the capriciousness and vagaries of "time and chance" and the actions of others.
  9. When It Seems God Doesn't Hear or Answer (l) - God does not always answer our prayers to our immediate satisfaction and instantly deliver us from our trials. But He will always do what is best for us.
  10. Promise and Covenants: A Prophetic Legacy (l) - Explains the significance of the promises God made to the Gentiles.
  11. Are You Looking for Direction in All the Wrong Places? (l) - Amid a lost world, where can you turn in the face of mounting troubles? Will politics bring needed guidance? How about religion? Or are these all part of the problem? Discover the one source you can always count on to provide the right way forward.
  12. Ambassador Bible Center (l) - ABC is a program designed to throughly cover basic biblical doctrines and lead students systematically through the Bible.
  13. Is Obeying God Worth It? (l) - Does it matter whether we take God and his instructions seriously?
  14. How to Seek God's Will (l) - How America should seek God's will.
  15. Is the United States Still a Moral Nation? (l) - The recent election showed that almost half of the U.S. electorate is uncomforta ble with a president who is open about his religious faith and has stated that J esus Christ is the Person he most admires. What about the other half? They may c laim to get their values from the Bible, but do they really?
  16. The Word of God: The Foundation of Knowledge (l) - Basic knowledge and understanding of God's word.
  17. God's Way -- An Adventure Abroad (l) - Ever think God's way of life was cramping your style? Keeping you from doing all those fun things in life? Or maybe limiting your success? Think again. I interviewed two former exchange students, both of whom are striving to live God's way, and found quite the opposite to be true. Following God's way actually contributed to the success of their trips.
  18. God's Color Guard (l) - Being a member of the color guard,bearing the standard for a group,is a position of honor,courage and responsibility.You are called to help bear a standard.
  19. To See or Not to See: That New Horror Film (l) - Have you ever found yourself hanging out with friends who wanted to see a horror film? How can you decide what to do?
God's sovereignty
  1. What Will the Next President Face? (l) - In the days of biblical Israel, advisers counseled the king on how to lead the nation based on the Word of God. Samuel guided Saul. Nathan counseled David. Isaiah revealed God's will to Hezekiah. These men of God represented the word of God to the king. What might a servant of God say today if he entered the Oval Office with an analysis of the world and America for the president?
  2. The Purposes of Prophecy (l) - Does God use prophecy to punish humanity out of some perverse sense of enjoyment? Of course not! But if there are positive purposes to prophecy, what are they?
  3. What Job Learned by Suffering (l) - By permitting Job to suffer unjustly, God was allowing him to learn one of the most important lessons that anyone could ever learn!
  4. "Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall" (l) - This historic demand, delivered by U.S. President Ronald Reagan in front of Berlin's Brandenburg Gate on June 12, 1987, came to symbolize the Eastern European revolt against Communist slavery in 1989. Nearly 2 1/2 years after the president's epochal visit, the Berlin Wall collapsed on Nov. 9, 1989. What are the prophetic implications indicated in God's Word?
  5. What's Happening to Our World? (l) - Recently Newsweek magazine wrote of "a pileup of disasters, crises and wars." The world appears to be entering a meltdown mode. Astute observers are now asking questions like "What on earth is happening to us?" Does the Bible tell us how to cope with this uncertain world?
  6. Questions and Answers Feb 2013 (l) - When one reads Colossians 1:15-16, Romans 13:1-7, 1 Peter 2:13-14 and Daniel 2:21; Daniel 4:17, I have to conclude that God sets up all world rulers. How do you square that circle?
  7. Has God Lost Control? (l) - Why does it seem like the all-powerful God is powerless in a world of hate, suffering and anxiety? You need to learn the amazing answer!
  8. The Mission and Responsibility of the Church (l) - The Church plays many roles in the bringing of salvation to the world. It stands as "the light of the world". It is the "household" or "family of God". It is the "mother" who nurtures God's sons and daughters. It functions as the "pillar and ground of the truth" in a spiritually confused world (1od". It is the "mother" who nurtures God's sons and daughters. It functions as the "pillar and ground of the truth" in a spiritually confused world.
  9. God's Plan to "Bring Many Sons to Glory" (l) - The Father and Jesus have, from the beginning, planned to increase Their kind. The "God kind" is a family! It is headed by the Father and now consists of the Father and the Son, Jesus Christ. Ephesians 3:14-15 mentions "the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named."
  10. The Gospel of Jesus Christ: Salvation in the Kingdom (l) - The Kingdom of God is attained only through Jesus Christ's central role as the personal Savior of all who would enter that Kingdom.
  11. How Are We 'Translated Into the Kingdom'? (l) - We, as modern-day saints, also exchange systems of government when we are converted. We now give our allegiance and obedience to the Kingdom of God, even though that Kingdom has not yet fully come.
  12. Are There Saved Human Beings in Heaven? (l) - The Scriptures show no human-besides Jesus the Messiah-has ever entered heaven. The voices referred to in Revelation 19, then, are those of angelic beings who surround God's throne.
  13. Almighty God: Ruler of the Universe (l) - Although the Bible identifies Satan as the "prince of the power of the air" and the ruler of this world, God maintains overall control as "Lord of heaven and earth" (Matthew 11:25). He gives the devil considerable latitude in what he does, but God retains the right and power to intervene.
  14. The Great Counterfeiter (l) - As a deceiver, Satan has no equal. In addition to being the world's greatest con artist, he is also its most accomplished counterfeiter.
  15. The Throne of the Lord (l) - The king at the time of the Exodus and for the next nearly 400 years was the Rock of Israel, the Eternal God Himself -- in fact, the preincarnate Word, Jesus Christ...
  16. Is the Holy Spirit a Person? (TL) (l) - The apostle Paul states clearly that "there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things ... and one Lord Jesus Christ ..." (1 Corinthians 8:6). He makes no mention of the Holy Spirit as a divine person.
  17. The Grandeur of Almighty God (l) - When the prophets of the Old Testament Scriptures and the apostles of the New Testament experienced God, to a man they saw themselves as utterly inadequate in comparison.
  18. What Is Faith? (l) - The Bible tells us salvation is by God's grace and is not earned by good works "lest any man should boast" (Ephesians 2:9). But we are saved by grace through faith (verse 8). The danger we face is that our faith will die if we neglect our salvation by not living a life of obedience to God (Hebrews 2:1-3).
  19. The International Scope of Prophecy (l) - Salvation will expand to include all people.
  20. The Sovereignty of God (l) - The reason God has not stopped human suffering and anguish on the earth is not because He lacks control over what human beings do.
  21. Questions and Answers - Jan/Mar 2003 (l) - Questions and answers on issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
  22. Utopian Prophecies of Our Future Dwelling Place (l) - Bible prophecy is not just about gloomy future happenings belonging to this present evil age. It also encompasses Christ's coming millennial rule on earth and the Kingdom of God. This article focuses on our futuristic dwelling place in that glorious Kingdom to come.
  23. An Incredible Universe (l) - I might only be dust, but I am dust with a purpose. What an incredible opportunity! What an incredible universe -- and what an incredible mind behind it!
  24. Lessons From Babylon: God's Still in Charge (l) - The ancient city of Babylon provides a reminder that men's flawed systems and governments will give way to God's mastery of world events.
God's way of life
  1. How to Be a Part of God's Team (l) - Hockey depends on teamwork. So does God's way of life. While God values us as individuals, He also requires a surrender of self that we might accomplish His purpose.
  2. The Difficult and Narrow Highway of Life (l) - The road of life can be a difficult one. What's the best path to take, and how can you keep yourself on it?
  3. Do Real Christians Persist in Sinful Lifestyles? (l) - Many think that it doesn't really matter what one does — that God accepts all people without them needing to change. What's wrong with this perspective?
  4. Living God's Way (l) - What should be the focus of God's people, His sheep?
  5. Proverbs: A Way That Seems Right (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
  6. Healing Instruments in God's Hands (l) - Each person needs healing before each can begin to help heal others.
  7. How Can We Make Life Work? (l) - Some people recognize that living God's way holds great promise "of the life . . . which is to come." Far fewer understand that living a godly life also has benefits in "the life that now is"--that is, our present physical lives.
  8. The Importance of Right Friendships (l) - People can be so much more effective, so much more balanced and so much wiser as a result of developing and maintaining healthy friendships.
  9. Key Elements of the Sinai Covenant (l) - The Sinai Covenant's total package of law, the entire five books written by Moses, was designed to cover in principle every major aspect of national life in ancient Israel.
  10. The Godly Way of Life (l) - Is merely believing on Jesus as Lord and Savior sufficient to receive eternal life?
  11. Introduction (bsc11) (l) - The reason popular Christianity is so ineffective: Few who profess to follow Christ actually practice what He preached.
  12. Prophecies of the World Tomorrow (l) - A marvelous, peaceful and prosperous, 1,000-year-long age is on the horizon for all humanity. Yet surprisingly, it will not be initiated by human effort or action. Discover how, why and when this new era will be launched and what its amazing impact will be in the lives of every person on earth.
  13. Armstrong's Right ... It's Not About the Bike (l) - Experiencing a long, demanding bike race--and the training that led up to it--brings to mind the training and commitment we must make to life!
  14. Christianity--A Way of Life (l) - Summary of VCM issue for January 2003.
  15. God's Way -- An Adventure Abroad (l) - Ever think God's way of life was cramping your style? Keeping you from doing all those fun things in life? Or maybe limiting your success? Think again. I interviewed two former exchange students, both of whom are striving to live God's way, and found quite the opposite to be true. Following God's way actually contributed to the success of their trips.
  16. Living God's Way Works (l) - A mutiny in the South Seas brought nothing but woe, until a sailor stumbled across an old book.
  17. Inside This Issue... (l) - Summary of VCM issue March/April 2003
  18. Are We Our Brother's Keeper? (l) - Are we our brother's keeper?
God's will
  1. A Lesson in Prayer (l) - You've probably heard about the power of prayer and how prayer can bring about wonderful changes in your life. But have you ever prayed and nothing happened? Have you recited the same words over and over, hoping God would somehow help you make a decision or supply an answer to an unsolvable problem? It's not that God doesn't care. The problem could be that you don't know what Jesus taught about prayer.
  2. Should You Wish Upon a Star? (l) - Is helpless wishing all we can do?
  3. Thy Will Be Done! (l) - Submitting to God's will is not easy for us, but it can be done.
  4. All Bear Responsibility in Jesus' Death (l) - It's important to understand that the blame for Jesus Christ's death did not lie solely with the soldier who thrust the spear into His side.
  5. Mini-Bible Study: What Is God's Will for You? (l) - Every day we have to make decisions. Many of them we make without thinking. But some are big decisions in life that might make us stop and wonder: What does God want me to do here? Is there a way to understand what God's will is and how we can accomplish it?
  6. When Ideology Takes Over (l) - What ideologies dominate your life? Let's explore God's balanced approach.
  7. Proverbs: God Weighs Motives (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
  8. Understanding God's Will For Your Life (l) - How can you live confidently knowing God's will for your choices in life?
  9. Proverbs: We Plan, But God Decides (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
  10. God Is Calling You to Change Your Life (l) - God wants you to change and start living His way. He reveals three essential steps to help you start and continue in this new life, steps requiring deep consideration and purposeful action today.
  11. Our Window of Opportunity (l) - In our information age we sadly lack the most vital information of all, the knowledge of God. He wants to reveal it to us, but we must be willing to accept it and do some digging ourselves.
  12. How Can We Make Life Work? (l) - Some people recognize that living God's way holds great promise "of the life . . . which is to come." Far fewer understand that living a godly life also has benefits in "the life that now is"--that is, our present physical lives.
  13. Marriage: Foundation of the Family (l) - Applying God's principles for marriage not only produces happy relationships in this life, it yields greater understanding of godly principles that will last for eternity.
  14. Why Bible Study Is Necessary for Spiritual Growth (l) - Paul scolded the Corinthian Christians for their unspiritual attitudes and conduct (1 Corinthians 3:1-4). He explained that their problems were caused partly by some of them having too little knowledge of God's ways.
  15. Must We Obey God's Commandments? (l) - We have a natural tendency to resent having our fleshly desires limited by rules, even God's rules.
  16. Hearing God's Will (l) - Paul was not the only one who learned that living, trusting, abiding faith is more important than physical health and long life.
  17. Can We Explain All Suffering? (l) - One of the consequences of humanity's decision to live contrary to God's instruction is a world subject to the capriciousness and vagaries of "time and chance" and the actions of others.
  18. When It Seems God Doesn't Hear or Answer (l) - God does not always answer our prayers to our immediate satisfaction and instantly deliver us from our trials. But He will always do what is best for us.
  19. Promise and Covenants: A Prophetic Legacy (l) - Explains the significance of the promises God made to the Gentiles.
  20. Is the United States Still a Moral Nation? (l) - The recent election showed that almost half of the U.S. electorate is uncomforta ble with a president who is open about his religious faith and has stated that J esus Christ is the Person he most admires. What about the other half? They may c laim to get their values from the Bible, but do they really?
  21. God's Way -- An Adventure Abroad (l) - Ever think God's way of life was cramping your style? Keeping you from doing all those fun things in life? Or maybe limiting your success? Think again. I interviewed two former exchange students, both of whom are striving to live God's way, and found quite the opposite to be true. Following God's way actually contributed to the success of their trips.
  22. God's Color Guard (l) - Being a member of the color guard,bearing the standard for a group,is a position of honor,courage and responsibility.You are called to help bear a standard.
  23. I Know Where I'm Going (l) - When we come to see God's involvement in our lives, we can be encouraged that when things don't work out the way we planned, it's only because God has a better plan.
  24. How to Seek God's Will (l) - How America should seek God's will.
  25. Is Obeying God Worth It? (l) - Does it matter whether we take God and his instructions seriously?
  26. To See or Not to See: That New Horror Film (l) - Have you ever found yourself hanging out with friends who wanted to see a horror film? How can you decide what to do?
  27. "This Is the Will of God" (l) - The Bible lists three specific actions we can do that fulfill the "will of God."
God, communication with
  1. Connections (l) - Do you want to "hear" God? We can begin by creating conditions that allow us to hear. For a lot of us that may mean removing the clutter and distractions of our modern world.
  2. The Stunted Tree (l) - Where are we deciding to be planted, is it time to pull up roots?
  3. Why the Bible is Different (l) - Throughout its long and difficult journey, the Bible has successfully withstood the many assaults leveled against it. The reader gradually becomes aware of one great mind at work permeating its pages from Genesis to Revelation. No wonder the apostle Paul reminded early Christians that the Holy Scriptures are the "oracles of God". They are divine utterances.
  4. Considering the Existence of God (l) - If God does exist, and in consequence we are called to another life when this one ends . . . our life then becomes a preparation for eternity.
  5. Building Habits of Prayer and Bible Study (l) - Good communication between God and us is a vital aspect of the godly way of life. God speaks to us through His Word, the Holy Scriptures. We talk to Him through prayer.
  6. The Most Powerful Friend (l) - You can have a friendship with the God of the universe. He will teach, guide and protect you, if you stay close to Him.
  7. What Should We Meditate About? (l) - Some of the things we might meditate on to get our minds more attuned to God's way of thinking.
  8. Why Is God So Silent? (l) - We are instructed in the Bible to pray to God in all circumstances, but do we pray with the attitude "Your will be done"? God desires our trust and faith in Him to guide our lives along the path He has chosen.
  9. Success's Secret Ingredient (l) - The critical factor that should be utmost in any goal-setting program we would follow: seek what is good.
  10. Meditation: What's on Your Mind? (l) - The Bible teaches us about tools we can use to grow spiritually and build our relationship with God. In this third article in a series, we examine the importance of godly thoughts and meditation.
  11. When Things God Does Just Don't Make Sense (l) - Why can it seem that God is ignoring us when we're trapped in the pit of despair? What do we do when God just doesn't seem to make sense?
  12. The Privilege and Power of Prayer (l) - The Bible reveals and discusses several tools we can use to grow spiritually and build our relationship with our Creator. In this first article in a series on these tools for spiritual growth, we examine the foundational tool of prayer--a key to communication with God.
God, knowledge of
  1. Light the Candle! (l) - In a world of darkness, we need to come to the light to become lights ourselves.
  2. Searching, Thirsting, Wishing (l) - If only we could be millionaires, all of our problems would be gone! Or would they? All of us have deep needs we seek to satisfy. But most of the things we try don't really work. What can fill your yearning?
  3. Meeting God (l) - For us to learn who God is, we don't have to search the Sinai desert for a burning bush -- we have the Bible.
  4. We Shall See Him as He Is (l) - Our future God-given, immortal bodies will enable us to experience God in fullness once and forever.
  5. Who Are You? (l) - Every day we see people trying to discover their personal identity through plastic surgery or facial injections, meaningless sexual liaisons or by buying into the latest fads. How can you be at peace with yourself?
  6. "As the Waters..." (l) - This evil age will be transformed to what God initially intended at Eden. The "knowledge of the Lord" will be made available to all and, for the first time, being accepted on a grand scale by the descendants of Adam and Eve.
  7. Towels, Sponges, Water and a Fountain (l) - When it comes to learning, do we absorb or repel information?
  8. Who Is God? Three Steps to Get to Know Him (l) - How can we get to know God? Here are several good ways to start!
  9. Breathe (l) - The movement of life can be overwhelming, but should we function automatically or with purpose?
  10. Our Window of Opportunity (l) - In our information age we sadly lack the most vital information of all, the knowledge of God. He wants to reveal it to us, but we must be willing to accept it and do some digging ourselves.
  11. Why Bible Study Is Necessary for Spiritual Growth (l) - Paul scolded the Corinthian Christians for their unspiritual attitudes and conduct (1 Corinthians 3:1-4). He explained that their problems were caused partly by some of them having too little knowledge of God's ways.
  12. How Does God Reveal Knowledge? (l) - God Almighty, Creator of all we see, does not leave humankind without guidance and direction. He has put His thoughts into words for our benefit. God has revealed Himself through the vehicle of words.
  13. Stuck With Christ on Golgotha (l) - The thief on the cross came to vital understanding. In being "stuck" with Christ, we come to know Him.
  14. The Problem With Evolution and the Return of God (l) - What does biochemistry tell us about the entrenched idea that life resulted from random chance over billions of years? Will we see a resurgence in belief in God as the true explanation?
  15. "That Rock Was Christ" (l) - The apostle Paul wrote of a "spiritual Rock" with the ancient Israelites in their wilderness wandering, stating, "And that Rock was Christ." What did he mean by this puzzling statement?
  16. My Peace I Give You (l) - How are we to experience God's gift of peace? Through the example of Jesus Christ and biblical principles of listening to God, drawing near to Him and trusting persistence.
  17. Current Events & Trends - September/October 2022 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the September/October 2022 issue of Beyond Today.
  18. Have You Made God Over in Your Image? (l) - In the commandment against images, God was addressing more than physical idols. He was also telling us not to think of Him according to what we personally imagine, but to accept Him and our relationship with Him on His terms.
  19. How Well Do You Know God? (l) - How close do you feel to God? How close do you feel He is to you?
  20. The Word of God: The Foundation of Knowledge (l) - Basic knowledge and understanding of God's word.
  21. Knowing God for the First Time (l) - A time is coming when all mankind will come to know God. But meanwhile, through His festivals, God offers us the opportunity to experience now what the whole world will experience in the future.
  22. Do You Know Your Father? (l) - A physical father is a type of our spiritual Father. How can we come to understand our spiritual Father better?
God, obedience to
  1. Wagon of Rocks (l) - Years ago Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong admonished us to simplify our lives. I think most of us are still working on this, trying to find our rhythm.
  2. What Does It Mean to Believe in Jesus? (l) - Many claim to believe in Jesus Christ, but according to the Bible they really don't. How can you know that your belief is genuine?
  3. Goodness: God's Character and Man's Potential (l) - The spiritual fruit of goodness enables sinful man to do good and to be good--good in the truest sense of the word. Goodness, after all, is the essence of God's nature.
  4. What Manner of Person Ought You to Be? (l) - Who we are is not always clear, even to ourselves. Who we want to be is often not clear either, but who we ought to be is another thing altogether.
  5. Is Belief All That's Required for God's Gift of Salvation? (l) - Eternal life is God's gift, not something any of us deserve or can in any way earn. But does God set conditions for us to receive this gift? It's vitally important to your relationship with God and to your future that you understand!
  6. How to Make the World Great Again (l) - The world was once a paradise. But that paradise was dashed, and humanity has suffered ever since. Thankfully, God has a plan to make the world great again -- and you can have a part!
  7. The Church of God Today (l) - The church of God today keeps God's commandments and holds fast to all that Jesus taught.
  8. The Rise of a Counterfeit Christianity (l) - The apostles repeatedly warned Jesus' followers to beware of false teachers who would introduce counterfeit-Christian beliefs.
  9. Promises to Abraham (l) - God's enduring righteousness is demonstrated by his faithfulness in fulfilling all the promises He made to the father of the faithful, Abraham.
  10. Jesus Christ's Submission to the Father (l) - The apostle Paul, in Philippians 2, says that Jesus was willing to voluntarily surrender His awesome godly power and position for our sakes, telling us: "Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped [i.e., tightly held onto and not let go of], but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death -- even death on a cross!" (Philippians 2:5-8, NIV).
  11. The Ruler of a Kingdom of Spiritual Darkness (l) - God's Kingdom is not of this world, as Jesus Christ made clear in John 18:36. It is even more tragic that another being is ruler of this world, right here and right now -- Satan the devil.
  12. The Delights of Obedience (l) - A joy and peace of mind come from making right choices, from knowing you are conscientiously obeying God's instruction in the pages of the Bible.
  13. Marriage: Foundation of the Family (l) - Applying God's principles for marriage not only produces happy relationships in this life, it yields greater understanding of godly principles that will last for eternity.
  14. Repentance: Your First Step (l) - After God calls us, repentance is the starting point in our relationship with Him.
  15. Grace, Works and Obedience (l) - Some are confused because Jesus clearly expects us to produce fruit.
  16. Jesus and His Apostles Affirm the Need to Obey God's Commandments (l) - Jesus said, "if you want to enter life, obey the commandments".
  17. Must We Obey God's Commandments? (l) - We have a natural tendency to resent having our fleshly desires limited by rules, even God's rules.
  18. Preparing a People (l) - The Church Jesus built is commissioned not only to feed His sheep, as He commanded, but to prepare these followers for greater works of service to God, their families, their communities and their fellow man. Jesus placed great emphasis on serving others (Matthew 20:26-28).
  19. Stand strong with Christ (l) - God's Word tells us to pay close attention, open our eyes, scrutinize our religion. Does it match with the authentic Christianity Jesus taught?
  20. What the Bible Really Says About Antichrist (l) - With the historical background in mind, and the prophecies made by Daniel and Jesus pointing to a future time that will signal the Great Tribulation, need we be concerned about the Antichrist only in terms of the coming Beast and False Prophet?
  21. The Grandeur of Almighty God (l) - When the prophets of the Old Testament Scriptures and the apostles of the New Testament experienced God, to a man they saw themselves as utterly inadequate in comparison.
  22. Examples of Living Faith (l) - When we learn how other people have succeeded, we are encouraged that we can triumph as well.
  23. Growing in Faith (l) - We must have faith to receive God's gift of salvation. In our faithless age (Luke 18:8), how can we develop living, active faith?
  24. What Is Faith? (l) - The Bible tells us salvation is by God's grace and is not earned by good works "lest any man should boast" (Ephesians 2:9). But we are saved by grace through faith (verse 8). The danger we face is that our faith will die if we neglect our salvation by not living a life of obedience to God (Hebrews 2:1-3).
  25. The Coming "Abomination of Desolation" (l) - Tells of the signs to watch for, signs that indicate Christ's second coming to set up His Kingdom for us.
  26. How the Bible Helps Cement Broken Relationships (l) - The Bible is the book about relationships. It emphasizes the most important relationship any human being can have -- with God Himself! It shows how reconciliation with God leads to a right restoration of our relationships with other human beings -- marriage partners, friends, fellow church members or fellow employees.
  27. How to Gain Godly Knowledge (l) - The source of Godly knowledge, and requirements for understanding it.
  28. The Gospel Jesus Taught (l) - The events at Christ's return and the establishment of the kingdom of God.
  29. Love is the Basis of God's Relationship (l) - God's Word reveals that He listens to us and answers our requests according to His will and our best interests. He wants us to respond to His love.
  30. Faith, Choice and Commitment (l) - God wants us to put obedience to Him and seeking His righteousness and His Kingdom ahead of everything else in this life.
  31. God's Grace and Forgiveness (l) - Forgiveness carries with it obligations. It is not license to sin.
  32. Live by Every Word of God (l) - How could people ignore and dismiss what was clearly stated in God's Word and instead choose worship practices and customs that are not approved in the Bible, but are actually repeatedly condemned in it?
  33. Moving Beyond Our Human Strategies (l) - We have a limited perspective when it comes to setting our own course in life. We must learn to expect by the unexpected from a God who presents us with hard challenges -- and the direction and means to meet them and press on.
  34. "If You Love Me..." (l) - Millions of professing Christians say, "It's so good to know and love the Lord." While this is a nice sentiment, how do these sincere people express their love to God? Is it done in the way specified in Scripture, or is something vitally important missing?
  35. Whose Prayers Does God Hear? (l) - While Americans mourned and prayed for God's comfort and strength, passionate religious extremists offered prayers of thanks for what they saw as a great victory. Whose prayers does God hear?
  36. Is Obeying God Worth It? (l) - Does it matter whether we take God and his instructions seriously?
  37. What is Salvation? (l) - Millions of professing Christians believe they are "saved." But from what are they saved? How and when does salvation take place? Let's cut through the confusion and understand the truth.
  38. 'Why Have You Made Me Like This?' (l) - Some things we can and should change about ourselves. Other things we didn't choose and can't change, no matter how we try. How should we deal with the way we're made?
  39. Is God's Grace an Unconditional Guarantee of Salvation? (l) - How can God love us unconditionally and then require conditions we must meet to have a relationship with Him?
  40. Cliff-Hanger (l) - When you reach the end of your rope, would you be willing to let go? This modern parable makes you stop and think.
  41. Unconditional Surrender (l) - Nearly 60 years ago World War II ended with unconditional surrender. But unconditional surrender is not just for the history books, as it plays a vital part in our relationship with our Savior and conquering King.
  42. What Does God Require for Eternal Life? (l) - God promises eternal life to all who believe in and accept Jesus Christ as their Savior. But do we have any responsibility beyond believing?
  43. What Does Jesus Want From You? (l) - If you believe Jesus truly was the Son of God, do you know what He wants you to do? And what He wants to do for you?
  44. When Should You Be Baptized? (l) - Many young people accept that being baptized is in their future, but what is the best time? How do you know you are ready? What is the role of the ministry?
  45. Baptism: A Greater Adventure Than Skydiving (l) - It takes faith to leap out of an airplane with only a parachute on your back. The same process used to prepare for one's first jump can be used to prepare for baptism.
  46. How Do We Know That We Love God? (l) - The Bible states over and over again exactly how we are to demonstrate our love to God. The simple answer may surprise you!
God, reconciliation to
  1. Ending With the Beginning (l) - Imagine a world in which there was seamless unity between God, man and nature.
  2. The Fortress (l) - We often build up walls that cannot be penetrated. Unfortunately, they can also lock us away in our own seclusion, blinding us from what we really need to see.
  3. Lessons from the Parables: Hope and Restoration - the Story of the Prodigal Son (l) - What can we learn from Jesus Christ's parable of the prodigal son? In a world of broken relationships, it teaches us a lesson of deep love and hope.
  4. Godly Sorrow (l) - Are tears merely a waste of water, or can crying have value?
  5. The Mission and Responsibility of the Church (l) - The Church plays many roles in the bringing of salvation to the world. It stands as "the light of the world". It is the "household" or "family of God". It is the "mother" who nurtures God's sons and daughters. It functions as the "pillar and ground of the truth" in a spiritually confused world (1od". It is the "mother" who nurtures God's sons and daughters. It functions as the "pillar and ground of the truth" in a spiritually confused world.
  6. We need a Savior (l) - A main theme in the Bible is sin, which is defined in the Bible as the violation of God's law (1 John 3:4Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law., King James Version), and our need for forgiveness and reconciliation to God (the theme of the biblically commanded Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread).
  7. God's Law and Sin (l) - God's law defines His love based upon the two great principles of love toward God and love toward neighbor.
  8. Atonement: Removal of Sin's Cause and Reconciliation to God (l) - The Day of Atonement symbolizes the reconciliation of God and all humanity.
  9. Jesus Christ, the Wisdom of God (l) - Paul says that Christ is "the wisdom of God" and that the idea of "Jesus Christ and Him crucified" is "the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages". God's plan provides a way for our sins to be forgiven, but is also designed so we would not choose the way of sin ever again.
  10. The Justice and Judgment of God (l) - In the final judgment, every person's eternal destiny hinges on whether his disobedience to God's law is forgiven because of his personal repentance and his genuine faith in Jesus Christ.
  11. The Day of Atonement (l) - The Day of Atonement: a picture of the reconciliaton of all mankind to God.
  12. The Need for a Redeemer (l) - God denied access to the tree of life to Adam and Eve and their descendants until the promised Seed, the Messiah, would appear and redeem them and permanently reconcile them to God.
  13. Three Facets of the Gospel (l) - What God has done, is doing, and will do for us. All three facets are essential.
  14. Gifts from God: The Foundation of His Relationship with Us (l) - God's gifts to humanity: love, forgiveness, his spirit.
  15. Who Is God Calling? (l) - God must first call, or invite, us to enter into a relationship with Him. He does this by opening our minds to a basic understanding of the Scriptures and our need to repent.
  16. Introduction (bsc7) (l) - What is the meaning of God's relationship with man? What priority does He place on it? Does man need a relationship with God? If so, what is the basis and purpose of that relationship?
  17. God Wants a Relationship With Us (l) - God expresses his desire that we acknowledge and accept him as the Supreme Being. Then He expresses his desire to associate with -- to have a relationship with -- those who accept Him as their God.
  18. Why Must We Be Reconciled to God? (l) - At our baptism God forgives our past sins -- "sins previously committed" -- that we have repented of and stopped practicing.
  19. Our Sinful Nature (l) - As human beings, we prefer to do things our own way. As a result we can easily develop, either consciously or unconsciously, resentment toward God's authority over us.
  20. How Grace Reconciles Us to God (l) - God's Word tells us that our sins have separated us from God. So what is the solution to this estrangement? God has provided a way through His grace.
  21. A Parable Showing the Magnitude of God's Grace (l) - As we see repeatedly in the surrounding chapter, Jesus exemplified God's grace again and again in what He did while on earth. And the Gospels are filled with many other such examples. But Jesus also told a remarkable story that illustrates the magnitude of God's grace toward us. Commonly known as the parable of the prodigal son, it's found in Luke 15:11-32.
  22. All Men Are Created Equal (l) - All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Here in one sentence is a summation that God would desire each of us to have the same start in life.
  23. Reconciliation: A Vital Part of Christ's Message (l) - A major theme of Christ's message is reconciliation. But how does reconciliation fit into God's plan for you and me?
  24. Reconciliation: The Only Remedy for Painful Rejection (l) - Someone has already walked before us on the painful path of life and its rejections, to make our walk one of harmony with our fellow man and our creator
  25. Reconciliation: The True Path to Healing and Salvation (l) - Someone has already shown the way to a harmonious relationship with not only our Creator, but also our fellow men and women. So where and how do we start on this path to reconciliation?
  26. God's Prophetic Plan for the Nations (l) - God is and always has been in overall control. He knows exactly where specific ethnic groups live and what they are now doing.
  27. One Gave All (l) - Jesus Christ is the one who gave all to reconcile the world to its Creator.
  28. What Does the Bible Teach About Fasting? (l) - Fasting - going without food and water- is mentioned often in the Bible. What can we learn from the examples we are given?
God, relationship with
  1. Do You Still Have Your First Love? (l) - Christ warned the church at Ephesus that He was about to remove his candlestick from their presence. We're told they lost their first love. How does this warning relate to the modern Church?
  2. Family Honor (l) - While our family name is important, it is not the only name that we must honor and protect.
  3. Life on Campus: Creating Spiritual Routines (l) - With all the demands and expectations placed on a college student today, how is it possible to fit in time for God?
  4. Are We Pleasing to God? (l) - Does our Father have expectations of Christian behavior? If so, what are they?
  5. Father in the House (l) - What does the Bible have to say about our relationship with our Heavenly Father?
  6. Beyond Our Personal Patmos (l) - The apostle John was in exile on the island of Patmos when he received the vision he recorded as the book of Revelation. His glimpses of heaven reveal an important key for dealing with the problems we face on earth.
  7. Are You Fighting Against God? (l) - God says He has friends -- and enemies. In what category are you?
  8. Mini Bible Study: How to Build a Close Relationship With God (l) - In previous studies we've covered many aspects of understanding God. This study is a step beyond, showing how to really know God through developing a close personal and intimate relationship with Him.
  9. A New Covenant for Transforming the Heart (l) - God's "new" covenant is a "better covenant" that offers the "better promises" related to eternal life that were not included in the Sinai Covenant. A key objective of those better promises is to set in motion the process of transforming the hearts and minds of those who respond to God's call.
  10. God's Sabbath in Today's World (l) - On the seventh day of each week, we should cease from our own work and allow God to work in us, building and nourishing our relationship with our Creator.
  11. The First Commandment: What Is Our Greatest Priority? (l) - Establishing, developing and maintaining that personal relationship with the true and living God is the most important commitment we can ever make.
  12. The Fourth Commandment: Key to a Relationship With Our Creator (l) - The Fourth Commandment, to remember the Sabbath, concludes the section of the Ten Commandments that specifically helps define a proper relationship with God - how we are to love, worship and relate to Him.
  13. Why Tithe in Today's World? (l) - Does tithing teach timeless principles and lessons even in today's modern world? You need to understand God's perspective on this vital issue.
  14. How the Bible Helps Cement Broken Relationships (l) - The Bible is the book about relationships. It emphasizes the most important relationship any human being can have -- with God Himself! It shows how reconciliation with God leads to a right restoration of our relationships with other human beings -- marriage partners, friends, fellow church members or fellow employees.
  15. Relying on God in an Uncertain World! (l) - The apostle James also reminds us that we "do not know what will happen tomorrow". His sobering declaration underlines the natural state of our material world. It is an uncertain world.
  16. Few Have Ever Accepted God's Calling (l) - Man in general has rejected God's truth and the way to true human fulfillment.
  17. God Wants a Relationship With Us (l) - God expresses his desire that we acknowledge and accept him as the Supreme Being. Then He expresses his desire to associate with -- to have a relationship with -- those who accept Him as their God.
  18. The Key to Ending Chaos (l) - There are very real causes to the chaos we see in the world around us as well as in our own lives. There is also a very real solution for those who are willing to do what's required!
  19. Three Keys to Knowing God (l) - Can a Christian believe in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit but not the Trinity? The Bible reveals that we must so believe -- that it's vital we come to know the true God.
  20. The Most Powerful Friend (l) - You can have a friendship with the God of the universe. He will teach, guide and protect you, if you stay close to Him.
  21. Reconciliation: A Vital Part of Christ's Message (l) - A major theme of Christ's message is reconciliation. But how does reconciliation fit into God's plan for you and me?
  22. You Have a Friend in God (l) - The God of the universe desires a relationship with you!
  23. How Well Do You Know God? (l) - How close do you feel to God? How close do you feel He is to you?
  24. Do You Know Your Dad? (l) - A physical father is a type of our spiritual Father. How can we come to understand our spiritual Father better?
  25. The Seven Beatitudes of Revelation (l) - The seven beatitudes of Revelation, make it abundantly clear that God wants to give us His "penny," not for our thoughts, but for our actions. And if we have to wait a while, it's worth it -- because after all, there's a blessing. Seven of them!
  26. What Kind of Spirituality Do You Want? (l) - Would you like a type of spirituality that looks good, sounds good and maybe even feels good -- but one that is hypocritical and repugnant to God? Or do you want a genuine relationship with Him based on His terms?
  27. In the Image of God (l) - The Bible tells us humans are made in the image of God. Why, then, are they capable of so much evil? And what is the solution?
Golan Heights
  1. Israel Seriously Impacted (l) - It is time to remind ourselves of just who remains ultimately in control over all these frightening world events.
Good Friday
  1. The Chronology of the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ (l) - Jesus Christ said He would be in the tomb for three days and three nights. What is the biblically accurate chronology of Jesus Christ's crucifixion and resurrection? This time line perfectly accommodates three full nights (Wednesday night, Thursday night and Friday night) and three full daylight periods (Thursday, Friday and Saturday). This is the only time that fits Jesus' own prophecy of how long He would be in the tomb. And fits perfectly with all the details recorded in the Gospels.
  2. The Good Friday Dilemma (l) - Early Christianity became divided over the Passover/Easter Sunday controversy. What are the Biblical proofs? Which should Christians observe?
  3. Three Days and Three Nights: Did Jesus Keep His Word? (l) - Jesus foretold the length of time He would be in the grave as a sign that He was the Messiah. But that time simply doesn't fit between a supposed Good Friday crucifixion and burial and an Easter Sunday resurrection. What does the Bible actually tell us?
  4. Good Friday - Easter Sunday: It Doesn't Fit With the Bible! (l) - Jesus Christ said He would be entombed for three days and three nights. Can this be reconciled with a "Good Friday" crucifixion and burial and an "Easter Sunday" resurrection, which allows for barely a day and a half in the tomb? Or do the Gospels spell out a surprising, simpler solution that fits perfectly with what Jesus foretold?
  5. Where Do You Get Your Beliefs? (l) - Have you checked up on your religious beliefs to see if they agree with what is said in the Bible?
  6. Good Friday -- Easter Sunday (l) - Jesus Christ said He would be entombed for three days and three nights. Can this be reconciled with a late "Good Friday" crucifixion and burial and an early "Easter Sunday" resurrection?
  7. Three days and three nights (l) - The choice of a Sunday date for Easter is based on the assumption that Christ rose from the grave early on a Sunday morning. The popular belief is that Christ was crucified on a Friday and rose on a Sunday. But neither of these suppositions is true. A close reading of the Bible makes that quite clear.
  8. The Chronology of Christ's Crucifixion and Resurrection (l) - Here is a description of the sequence of events during the crucifixion week, according to history and the Bible.
  9. The Resurrection Connection (l) - How did worship of an ancient god and goddess come to be associated with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ? Although the details are lost in time, a closer look at the ancient mythology surrounding their worship will help us understand how pagan practices have survived in popular Easter customs.
  10. When Was Jesus Christ Crucified and Resurrected? (l) - How can we fit "three days and three nights" between a Friday-afternoon crucifixion and a Sunday-morning resurrection?
  11. Sign of the Messiah (l) - Mainstream Christian tradition holds that Jesus was crucified on Good Friday and resurrected on Easter Sunday.
  12. Good Friday + Easter Sunday - It Doesn't Add Up! (l) - How can we fit three days and three nights between a Friday afternoon crucifixion and Easter Sunday sunrise? The fact is, we can't. So what is the truth about when Jesus was crucified and resurrected?
  13. Good Friday -- Easter Sunday: It Didn't Happen That Way! (l) - Do you remember when you learned that Santa Claus wasn't real? Guess what? Good Friday and a Sunday resurrection aren't either. Discover the real story from the pages of the Bible itself!
  14. Letters From Our Readers - Jul/Aug 1997 (l) - Questions, opinions, and responses from readers of the Good News magazine; July/August 1997.
  15. 'The Third Day' (l) - Do you remember when you learned that Santa Claus wasn't real? Guess what? Good Friday and a Sunday resurrection aren't either. Discover the real story from the pages of the Bible itself!
  16. Would Jesus Keep Easter? (l) - For millions of people Easter Sunday is the most important religious observance of the year. But, if Jesus walked the dusty roads of Galilee today, would he keep Easter?
  17. The Good Friday-Easter Sunday Question (l) - How do three days and three nights fit between Good Friday and Easter Sunday? Or do they?
  18. Centuries-Old Documents Show Evidence for a Wednesday Crucifixion (l) - Did you know there is additional historical evidence for a Wednesday crucifixion?
  19. Does the Bible Say Jesus Rose on the First Day? (l) - Does the Bible say Jesus rose on the first day?
  20. Jesus Wasn't Crucified on Friday - or Resurrected on Sunday! (l) - How can we fit three days and three nights between a Friday afternoon crucifixion and an Easter Sunday sunrise? The fact is, we can't. So what is the truth about when Jesus was crucified and resurrected?
  21. 'The Son of Man Will Be Three Days and Three Nights in the Heart of the Earth' (l) - Jesus Christ plainly said He would be entombed for three days and three nights. Can this be reconciled with a "Good Friday" crucifixion and burial and an "Easter Sunday" resurrection, which allows for barely a day and a half in the tomb? Or do the Gospels spell out a surprising, simpler solution that fits perfectly with what Jesus foretold?
Good news
  1. Lincoln: President and Prophet? (l) - President Lincoln wasn't afraid to tell it as he saw it. He felt a deep responsibility to his country. Like Lincoln, we have a responsibility to tell it like it is, and we do.
  2. Questions and Answers - September/October 2010 (l) - Being a coworker with the Good News magazine.
  3. More Good News for You! (l) - In our fast-changing world, it's more important than ever that we understand where we're going.
  4. The Good News: The Story Behind the Magazine (l) - With this edition, The Good News has reached a special milestone - our 100th issue!
  5. How Can You Understand the Rapidly Changing World Scene? (l) - The staff that produces The Good News magazine obviously plays no role in determining either Israeli or American foreign policy. We have no crystal ball to foresee day-to-day or month-to-month occurrences. What we do bring to our readers is basic prophetic insight, based on the Bible, making assessment of significant global events and trends much easier.
  6. Why The Good News Has No Subscription Price (l) - For more than 16 years The Good News has given its readers insight and understanding into how a world of such incredible technological achievement and advances can at the same time be afflicted with seemingly unsolvable age-old problems.
  7. The Critical Importance of Being Wisely Informed (l) - Keeping up with major news developments and global trends remains a serious Christian responsibility.
  8. Awaiting the Prince of Peace (l) - We live in a world that seems to grow more insane by the day. Will the madness ever end? If so, how?
  9. Big News About The Good News (l) - We know that God is working out His plan, and it will come to pass exactly as He sees fit. We look forward to a world and a way of life beyond today.
  10. First the Good News (l) - The Bible is clear that both bad news and good news lie ahead. Although the world before long will see its darkest days, these storm clouds are the prelude to a wonderful world such as we have never witnessed and can barely imagine.
  11. What Is the Gospel? (l) - What is the gospel? Is it the gospel of God? The gospel of Jesus Christ? The gospel about Christ? The gospel of the Kingdom of God? Or some other gospel? Is there more than one gospel? What gospel did Jesus preach? What did He instruct His disciples to teach? What about Paul? Did he teach the same gospel Jesus Christ taught? Or was it different from the gospel God sent through Christ?
  12. The Church Behind The Good News (l) - What church publishes the Good News magazine?
  13. Bad News and Good News (l) - Editorial: bad news and good news
  14. The Real Gospel of Jesus Christ (l) - Is the gospel a message ABOUT Jesus Christ, or is it the message He brought? You need to understand the real good news of Jesus Christ!
  15. God's Judgment: Condemnation or Hope? (l) - The good news is that the judgment of God on man has a better ending than most people think. This good news is revealed in the festivals of God.
Good works
  1. Abundant Fresh Fruit: To Serve God and Share With Others (l) - We can become like God by having His Spirit dwelling in us. As we grow spiritually, we should see more and more evidence of that miracle--more and more "fruit of the Spirit." And with more and more fruit, there is more and more to give to others!
  2. Scorekeeping (l) - Who's keeping score? Does God keep score? Are you winning or losing?
  3. Profiles of Faith: James: Half Brother of Jesus (l) - James understood that only by obeying God's laws can mankind experience true freedom- freedom from want, sorrow and suffering, from the degrading and painful consequences of sin. He encourages each of us to be a "doer of the law" (James 4:11).
  4. Christianity Isn't For Wimps (l) - Most people today think being a Christian is easy, but the surprising truth is, the real Christianity of the Bible is challenging and difficult. Do you have the courage and conviction to be a real Christian?
  5. Letters From Ukraine (l) - Diary of LifeNets' Chernobyl Trip 2003.
  6. Are You Missing Something? (l) - There is a unique opportunity out there for you. It is an opportunity that will make you feel good about yourself while helping others.
Gospel accounts
  1. Questions and Answers - Oct/Dec 2000 (l) - Questions and answers represent issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
  2. The New Testament: From Oral Testimony to the Written Word (l) - Christ kept His promises that His words would never pass away and that the Holy Spirit would bring everything He had taught the apostles back to their minds for later teaching and accurate recording.
  3. When Was the New Testament Written? (l) - An interview with Professor Theide.
Gospel of the kingdom
  1. Seven Truths From Jesus Christ About the Real Secret: The Kingdom of God (l) - Jesus called descriptions of the way to enter the Kingdom of God and its principles "mysteries" - secrets or hidden truths most people don't understand.
  2. The Gospel of Hope (l) - The "gospel" means "good news." But what is this message, and why is it good news?
  3. The Most Misunderstood Message (l) - Why was the Messiah's gospel message twisted, ignored and largely forgotten?
  4. Accept the Challenge (l) - Our greatest challenge for this age is to live as God commands, to proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of God throughout the entire world, to make disciples in all nations and to care for the disciples God adds to His Church today (Matthew 28:19).
  5. The Good News: The Story Behind the Magazine (l) - With this edition, The Good News has reached a special milestone - our 100th issue!
  6. Awaiting the Prince of Peace (l) - We live in a world that seems to grow more insane by the day. Will the madness ever end? If so, how?
  7. The Time Is Now (l) - God's Kingdom is coming, and you can prepare your life in advance. You can experience today the blessings and peace of that coming age!
  8. The Mission and Responsibility of the Church (l) - The Church plays many roles in the bringing of salvation to the world. It stands as "the light of the world". It is the "household" or "family of God". It is the "mother" who nurtures God's sons and daughters. It functions as the "pillar and ground of the truth" in a spiritually confused world (1od". It is the "mother" who nurtures God's sons and daughters. It functions as the "pillar and ground of the truth" in a spiritually confused world.
  9. What is the True Gospel? (l) - The ancient prophets, Jesus and His apostles all spoke of a literal kingdom that will supersede the world's governments. When these prophecies become a reality, a triumphant cry will ring out: "The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!" (Revelation 11:15).
  10. The Gospel of Jesus Christ: Salvation in the Kingdom (l) - The Kingdom of God is attained only through Jesus Christ's central role as the personal Savior of all who would enter that Kingdom.
  11. Introduction - The Gospel of the Kingdom of God (l) - "The gospel of the Kingdom of God" is the message Jesus Christ instructs His followers to believe. This booklet will help you understand and believe this wonderful good news Jesus Christ announced to humanity!
  12. Why Don't People Understand the Kingdom of God? (l) - The Kingdom of God was a central part of Jesus Christ's message and thus a major theme of the Bible. So why is it so rarely understood, and why isn't it commonly taught today?
  13. What Was Jesus' Gospel? (l) - Many fail to realize that the future, world-ruling Kingdom prophesied in so many places in the Old Testament was at the heart of Jesus' message and teaching.
  14. This is the United Church of God (l) - Jesus' message, the gospel of the Kingdom of God, defines the mission of the United Church of God, an International Association. That same message, unaltered and undiluted, clarifies what we stand for in a world filled with a bewildering variety of religious beliefs, customs and opinions.
  15. Preaching the Gospel (l) - The mission of the United Church of God is to follow Christ's footsteps in "preaching the gospel of the kingdom".
  16. The Essence of the 'Everlasting Gospel' (l) - A remarkable relationship exists between Jesus Christ and those who will share responsibilities with Him in the Kingdom of God.
  17. Introduction (bsc6) (l) - When Jesus spoke of the Kingdom of God, what did He mean? Was He referring to the Church He built through His disciples? Or was He talking about something entirely different?
  18. The Kingdom in the Gospels (l) - Usage of "Kingdom of God" in the four Gospel accounts.
  19. The Apostles Teach the Same Gospel (l) - A resurrection into the kingdom of God was the gospel of Christ and the apostles.
  20. Where Does the Story Begin? (l) - When did God begin revealing information about His kingdom to mankind?
  21. The Gospel Jesus Taught (l) - The events at Christ's return and the establishment of the kingdom of God.
  22. Three Facets of the Gospel (l) - What God has done, is doing, and will do for us. All three facets are essential.
  23. Shocking Teachings of Jesus - The Kingdom of God (l) - Many think the gospel message is solely about Jesus as Savior. But this is untrue. Do you understand the biblical truth about the gospel?
  24. Christ the King (l) - Jesus' message about the Kingdom of God is what He lived for. But it's also what He died for, having revealed Himself as King -- a King who will reign!
  25. Walking With God in Times of Trouble (l) - Living in accordance with that hope and future, trusting God's promises and striving to obey and please Him, is key to walking with God.
  26. The Kingdom of God: The Heart of Christ's Message (l) - The central theme of Jesus Christ's message was the Kingdom of God. What did he teach about this Kingdom, and why is there so much confusion about it?
  27. The Real Gospel of Jesus Christ (l) - Is the gospel a message ABOUT Jesus Christ, or is it the message He brought? You need to understand the real good news of Jesus Christ!
  28. What is the Gospel of the Kingdom? (l) - The Surprising sayings of Jesus Christ.
  29. The Millennium: The Vision That Won't Die (l) - What does the Bible really say about the millennium, the prophisied 1,000-year reign of Jesus Christ? Is it a fantasy or a promise on which you can stake your future?
  30. The Meaning of the Name 'Jesus Christ' (l) - Peter said, 'There is no other name ... by which we must be saved.' But what does that name mean?
  31. The Gospel From Abraham to Paul (l) - Do you understand what the gospel really is? Many have never really comprehended this most important truth.
  32. How Is the Work of God Accomplished Today? (l) - Jesus Christ gave His Church a commission in which each member has a vital part to play. How is that mission being carried out in our modern world?
  33. What Is the Gospel? (l) - What is the gospel? Is it the gospel of God? The gospel of Jesus Christ? The gospel about Christ? The gospel of the Kingdom of God? Or some other gospel? Is there more than one gospel? What gospel did Jesus preach? What did He instruct His disciples to teach? What about Paul? Did he teach the same gospel Jesus Christ taught? Or was it different from the gospel God sent through Christ?
Gospel, preaching the
  1. Lighten Up! (l) - I turn to an episode from the life of Jeremiah the prophet. He was tired of his gloom-and-doom message, and his audience was tired as well.
  2. Lessons From the Prophets on Preaching the Gospel (l) - Do we tend to sit back and expect others to do God's work? Or are we eagerly involved?
  3. Why Preach the Gospel (When Most People Don't Want to Hear It)? (l) - It's a challenge, but one well worth the effort.
  4. God Knows Fishing! (l) - Fishing and fishermen make repeated appearances in the pages of the Bible. What do we stand to learn from God's illustrative use of this pastime?
  5. The Bible - Miracle of Miracles! (l) - The year 2011--the 400th anniversary of the King James Version of the Bible--is a perfect time to celebrate the "book of books" and its numerous translations. Let's reflect on the many miracles, over a span of several thousand years, that had to happen to make the entire Word of God available and affordable in many languages!
  6. Life on Campus: Religious Debate vs. Dialogue (l) - As followers of Jesus we are called to live our faith as an example to others, not engage in fruitless debates with people who may not even listen to us.
  7. Accept the Challenge (l) - Our greatest challenge for this age is to live as God commands, to proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of God throughout the entire world, to make disciples in all nations and to care for the disciples God adds to His Church today (Matthew 28:19).
  8. How Is God's Work Supported? (l) - Jesus Christ told His followers to proclaim the gospel throughout the world, teach those whom God would call and care for His people. How did He expect that work to be funded?
  9. The Parable of the Sower and Seed (l) - I've planted many vegetable gardens over the years. The lessons I've learned match what Jesus Christ said about the sowing of the seed of the gospel and what it takes to grow a productive crop. They also teach us what we must do when the words of the Kingdom have been sown into our lives.
  10. Big News About The Good News (l) - We know that God is working out His plan, and it will come to pass exactly as He sees fit. We look forward to a world and a way of life beyond today.
  11. More Good News With a New Name (l) - With this issue we start a new chapter in the history of this magazine.
  12. How Is the Work of the Church Supported? (l) - Christ has commissioned His church to carry on the work He started. God's tithe funds that effort. As Christians, we are called to be coworkers with Christ.
  13. The Storm Before the Calm (l) - World events are spiraling toward a time of unparalleled crisis, and you need to remain alert. But be encouraged too, for beyond the chaos will come a time of unparalleled peace.
  14. Signs of the End Times -- Only Possible in Our Day (l) - Every generation has its prophets of doom who claim that the end of the world is right around the corner. Could Jesus return at any time, or must certain events take place prior to His return?
  15. Signs of the End Times (l) - Every generation has its prophets of doom who claim that the end of the world is right around the corner. Christians, who read the Old Testament prophets and the book of Revelation in the New Testament, often lead the charge. Could Jesus come back at any time, or are there events that must happen before He returns?
  16. Do You Lack Enthusiasm? (l) - The secret of staying young of heart is found in this article. Learn it well.
  17. Why Preach a Gospel With Urgency Today? (l) - The onrush of disturbing national and world conditions challenges the Church to preach the gospel in ever-greater intensity.
  18. The Seed Savers (l) - People all over the world save the seeds of their favorite fruits and vegetables. As important as this is, the role of spiritual seed savers is even more valuable.
  19. The Watchman as Servant (l) - The role of a watchman as so often described in the Bible.
  20. Mission Accomplished? Not Yet! (l) - Christ alone has the privilege of bringing out the "Mission Accomplished" banner and stretching it across this earth.
  21. Jesus Christ's Unfinished Business (l) - Christ's apostles looked forward to a time when the laws of God will be widely taught by Christ the Master Teacher and everyone will live by them.
  1. Refreshing News: God's Government Is Coming! (l) - After thousands of years of abuse, corruption and misrule, finally there will be a government that is always for the people--truly serving with everyone's best interest in mind. Part three of a series.
  2. The World Beyond Today: What Lies in Store? (l) - "The world has never had it so good." This is how one prominent editor and writer described the current human condition in a recent editorial. Is he right, or should we be looking beyond today's world for a fabulous utopian age long foretold in the pages of the Bible?
  3. Good Government and Politics (l) - Is it possible to have good government in a world of selfishness, cheating and lies?
  4. Change Is Coming: Five Ways Jesus Christ Will Change Government Forever (l) - Politicians try to win votes with promises of change. Yet all too often nothing really changes or we end up with even bigger problems. However, that doesn't mean great change isn't coming. Your Bible reveals how monumental government change will come about!
  5. The New World Disorder: Where Is It Taking Us? (l) - Why does the world seem to be crumbling into chaos? Can we restrain the forces of anarchy? Is it possible to right the course of our severely straying civilization and solve our problems? Sadly, we seem to have no comprehension of the unseen spiritual forces arrayed against us, and we either reject or ignore the God who offers the only viable solutions to the enormous problems afflicting our troubled age.
  6. God's Good Government (l) - God's good government will never fully exist on this earth until Jesus Christ returns to rule as King of Kings. But God wants us to try to do better every day.
  7. God's Good Government(2) (l) - God's good government will never fully exist on this earth until Jesus Christ returns to rule as King of Kings. But God wants us to try to do better every day.
  8. What's Wrong With Our Governments? (l) - Democratic societies fervently promote their favorite candidates at election time yet are almost always disappointed when they fail to come through on their promises. Why does it seem this never changes? What's the fundamental problem with human government?
  9. Where Begins Restoration? (l) - God's work of restoration begins with the individual.
  10. The Brink of Bankruptcy: Unfunded Liabilities Threaten the U.S. Economy (l) - We're used to hearing regular reports of U.S. government debt growing to staggering levels. But recent events are spotlighting another huge problem -- the unfunded liabilities of state and local governments that spell future financial chaos.
  11. Is Democracy the Answer? (l) - With Middle Eastern regimes toppling in the face of popular uprisings, many are hopeful that the region will soon experience newfound freedom and well-being through democratic reform. But if democracy comes, will it really lead to liberty?
  12. Majority Rule May Spell Islamic Tyranny (l) - In discussing democracy, it's important to specify what is meant.
  13. The Grim Dilemma of Government Leadership (l) - The present financial crisis has handed members of the world press a field day. Most current affairs journalists are having a go at both America and Europe"decrying the lack of political leadership. Why are we in this monetary mess, and what does God require of our leaders?
  14. Corruption and Despotism Cry Out for the Coming Kingdom of God (l) - Demonstrations and riots across North Africa and the Middle East highlight the corruption, nepotism and oppression that's common throughout the world. Only the coming Kingdom of God can change this!
  15. Whom Would Jesus Vote For? (l) - Conservative, liberal, third party, Tea Party or write-in candidate - which would Jesus support? Which should you?
  16. The Continuous March of Folly (l) - Human lust for power seems to be a prime cause of misgovernment within leaders -- the will of one person to exert rule over others, no matter what form that may take.
  17. Tragedy from Corruption & Triumph from Sacrifice (l) - God notices how we handle tempting situations.
  18. A Real King Who Will Rescue Humanity (l) - Why does it seem that our governments are helpless in the face of widespread problems -- or can actually become the cause of even more problems?
  19. What's Behind America's Growing Dependency Society? (l) - Has America become a nation dependent on government handouts? The evidence increasingly points that way.
  20. America's Deep Government Division (l) - Why is there such a great political divide in the United States and in other nations? What does this have to do with human rule in general and the future of government?
  21. God's Coming Kingdom: An Investment in Mankind's Future (l) - After our recent move to live in Africa, I've come to see that at times the heart of a country's problems lie in the hearts of its leaders. Yet a time is coming when leaders will not have corrupt hearts.
  22. The Problem With Human Government (l) - Every form of human government has failed to some extent -- though obviously some more spectacularly than others. Clearly human government has its problems. But why? What's at the heart of it all?
  23. Why Is the Perfect Government So Elusive? (l) - The search for the best government has occupied mankind for thousands of years. And still, no one would ever call any of the systems in place today ideal.
  24. The First Superpower (l) - Shortly after the Flood, God divided the earth among the families of Noah (Genesis 10:32These are the families of the sons of Noah, after their generations, in their nations: and by these were the nations divided in the earth after the flood.).
  25. When Respect Is Gone, Rebellion Prevails (l) - We must learn to practice honor and respect for those in authority -- even if we disagree with them.
  26. Current Events & Trends - November/December 2023 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the November/December 2023 issue of Beyond Today.
  27. Does God Pick National Leaders? (l) - The Bible shows that God sometimes elevates flawed leaders to fulfill His greater purpose, even when their rule is harsh, as seen with figures like Nebuchadnezzar and Pharaoh. While these rulers may not align with God's values, believers are called to pray for leaders who enable peaceful, godly living, trusting that God's ultimate plan will prevail.
  28. Moral Leadership: Does It Really Matter? (l) - America has been led into an acceleration of its moral decline.
  29. A Different Kind of King of the South (l) - There is a "different kind of King of the South" who has not encroached on "the glorious Kingdom," but who is taking his backwater "Hermit Kingdom" and is turning it around with a vision of service and inclusion.
  30. Wrestling With God: A Political and Moral Dilemma (l) - The founding father envisioned a nation rooted in biblical values. What lies ahead if its roots are destroyed?
  31. Behind the Headlines - A World Without the United States (l) - The prophecies of the Bible concerning the rise of a new end time super power will come to pass.
  32. Will A New Leader Solve Our Problems? (l) - Why after the political leaders perennial promises to fix all our problems, are the obstacles still with us? Why when so many hope and labor for positive change, does it remain tantalizingly out of reach?
  33. The Four Components of Government (l) - Government comprises four fundamental elements: a ruler, subjects, territory and laws.
  34. In Search of Superman (l) - Generations have thrilled to the exploits of Superman, the comic book hero who rescues people from evil. Couldn't our world use a real Superman about now?
  35. The Wealth and Poverty of Nations (l) - Great prosperity was brought to the world through the British Empire and later the United States. But, as the British retreated from their empire, many of their former colonies suffered rapid economic decline as successor governments tried a different model, that of controlling everything.
  36. Will Democracy Work in the Middle East? (l) - President Bush recently declared America's commitment to democracy in the Middle East. But democracy there and in other regions has not had much success. There are solid reasons for this failure.
  37. Good Government: The Best Is Yet to Come (l) - Much of history is a chronology of failed governments. While at times governments have shown potential for great strides in bettering people's lives, still humanity aches for good government--and it is coming!
  38. The World Is Watching Nigerian Elections (l) - What happens in Nigeria, the world's sixth largest producer of oil, is of strategic interest to a host of nations. Internal issues also make the country a target for terrorist recruiting and a possible new front in the war on terror. These factors have the world's powers watching the April presidential election closely.
  39. The Scourge of Corruption (l) - What does the Bible tell us about corruption and its causes and consequences?
  40. Key to the Middle East-Seek First to Understand (l) - The poor of the world will suffer one more time before Christ intervenes with His form of government that will bring a lasting and secure peace.
  41. What's Wrong With Our Governments? 1999 (l) - Why do so many problems seem to defy solution? Why isn't government effective at preventing and solving our long-lasting problems?
  42. A Century of Service From the Last Empress (l) - We can learn a lesson in leadership from a beloved lady -- Britain's queen mother.
  43. Best Government in Existence? (l) - Is the U.S. form of government,"the best existing, or the best that ever did exist?" Does its system of checks and balances produce strength or-contentiousness?
  44. Dictatorships: Why Are They So Common? (l) - As the U.S. and Britain defied much of world opinion to overthrow an entrenched dictator in Iraq, a question logically arose: Why is it that so many countries seem to naturally embrace dictatorship?
  45. World News Review March 2006 (l) - Democracy affords many wonderful benefits, but because it is government by people, it will eventually break down with scandal and self-interest.
  46. Ghana at 50 (l) - Fifty years ago, on March 6, 1957, Ghana became the first independent black African nation. Expectations were high. What followed was decades of corruption, political instability and economic collapse. Today Ghana is finally on the road to recovery.
  47. Corruption: A Way of Life for Much of the World (l) - Writing of her childhood in Africa, Alexandra Fuller, remembered the land reforms that took place in many African nations following independence from European colonialism.
  48. Morality in Government: A Worldwide Crisis (l) - What's at the heart and core of governmental problems? More important, what can we do about them?
  49. What Is Godly Rulership? (l) - What's wrong with human rulership? How can we follow Christ's example?
  50. A Walk In the Snow: Character Counts In a Nation's Leaders (l) - One man's walk in the snow on behalf of his nation.
  51. Will a New Leader Solve Our Problems? (l) - Why, after political leaders have promised for years to fix certain problems, are those obstacles still with us? Why, when so many hope and strive for positive change, does it remain tantalizingly out of reach?
  52. Patriotism: The Good, the Bad and the Biblical (l) - God's people have dual citizenship. It is noble and right to be patriotic toward our earthly nation, but we also should have a higher and more fervent patriotism for our heavenly Kingdom, which will be established on earth at the return of Christ. He tells us to "seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness" (Matthew 6:33).
  1. What Did Jesus Teach About Sin? (l) - Jesus taught that actions that led to sins were to be stopped.
  2. God's Amazing Grace and Two Great Men (l) - God offers us a gift, the gift of His grace, a reflection of His love and forgiveness. It truly is an amazing gift!
  3. What Was the Purpose of Christ's Death? (l) - Millions of Christians believe that Jesus Christ died for them. But do they really know why? Why was Jesus Christ's death really necessary?
  4. Is Saving Grace the Only Grace? (l) - Many Protestant churches teach a doctrine of grace that is not only too narrow -- it is largely wrong!
  5. The Grace of Rahab (l) - Often we feel as if there is nothing that we can do, that anything we might do is too insignificant to count, but one person can change things in a big way.
  6. Work to Say Thanks (l) - Sometimes the best gifts are those that are unexpected and undeserved.
  7. Is Belief All That's Required for God's Gift of Salvation? (l) - Eternal life is God's gift, not something any of us deserve or can in any way earn. But does God set conditions for us to receive this gift? It's vitally important to your relationship with God and to your future that you understand!
  8. Are There Different Gospels? (l) - Different terms describe the same gospel. They simply emphasize different aspects of the same wonderful message.
  9. Current Confusion Over Christian Freedom (l) - Paul's reasoning regarding grace, law, justification and freedom has been so twisted out of context that today his meaning is rarely correctly understood.
  10. Grace and Law: Why Are They Inseparable? (New Covenant) (l) - The word grace is regularly used by some religious people as if it replaces all need to obey God's law. That conclusion is not only inaccurate, it is also diabolical!
  11. Does God Set Conditions on His Gift of Eternal Life? (l) - Can we do things -- or not do things -- that will disqualify us from receiving the gift of eternal life?
  12. Grace, Works and Obedience (l) - Some are confused because Jesus clearly expects us to produce fruit.
  13. Grace, Faith and Law (Ten Commandments) (l) - Obedience and works related to God's work within us.
  14. Jesus Christ, Our Merciful High Priest (l) - Both the Father and Son are actively involved in fulfilling Their purpose of bringing others into the divine family. It's your destiny. Will you repent and accept this marvelous calling?
  15. Grace: How God Interacts With Us (l) - God's attitude and approach of loving care and concern-even correction for us is summed up in the term grace.
  16. God's Grace and Forgiveness (l) - Forgiveness carries with it obligations. It is not license to sin.
  17. Can Those God Has Forgiven Reject His Grace? (l) - Some people believe that when a person commits his or her life to Jesus Christ, accepting Him as personal Savior, then eternal salvation is totally assured from that moment on, with absolutely no possibility of ever losing it. This is often referred to as "eternal security" or "once saved, always saved." But does the Bible really teach this? Let's examine the Scriptures to understand the truth.
  18. Does God Place Conditions on His Gift of Salvation? (l) - Eternal life is God's gift of grace, not something any of us deserve or can in any way earn.
  19. The Apostle Paul on Struggling With Sin Yet Still Under Grace (l) - How does grace interact with the law of God? How do we reconcile grace and law? Two major gifts of grace are the unmerited mercy God grants us by His loving nature and His spiritual law the apostle Paul said he took "delight in"
  20. What Did "Grace" Mean in the First-Century World? (l) - The Greek word commonly translated "grace" had a specific meaning in the first-century Roman Empire in which the apostles taught. What does it reveal?
  21. Introduction (Grace) (l) - The word grace appears often in the Bible, from its first book to its last. But what does it mean? Does your understanding of grace agree with the Bible?
  22. How "Grace" Was Understood in the Time and Culture of the Apostles (l) - The Greek word charis, commonly translated "grace" in our Bibles, had a specific meaning in the time and culture in which the New Testament was written. It also had a set of other words associated with it that appear many times in the Bible, particularly in the letters of the apostle Paul. Understanding what these words meant in that context aids us greatly in understanding what they should mean in the lives of Christians today.
  23. God's Grace at Work (l) - Grace is truly a great gift from God. What are some of the things that happen through grace?
  24. The "Three Graces": a First-Century Perspective on Grace in Action (l) - The concept of grace was depicted visually in a motif common in the Greco-Roman world in which the New Testament was written. Aspects of grace were personified as deities, which, though clearly unbiblical, helps to illustrate how charis, or grace, was viewed.
  25. Rescued Through God's Grace: Mary's Story (l) - Sometimes we must be rescued and delivered from desperate situations before we can move forward on the path toward God's spiritual salvation. We encounter a number of such individuals in the Bible.
  26. Grace, Faith and Law (l) - Paul taught that salvation is a gift from God by grace through faith.
  27. "For the Law Was Given Through Moses, but Grace and Truth Came Through Jesus Christ" (l) - John never stated or implied that no form of grace came through Moses. John understood that everything good has come by God's grace -- including the law revealed through Moses.
  28. A Parable Showing the Magnitude of God's Grace (l) - As we see repeatedly in the surrounding chapter, Jesus exemplified God's grace again and again in what He did while on earth. And the Gospels are filled with many other such examples. But Jesus also told a remarkable story that illustrates the magnitude of God's grace toward us. Commonly known as the parable of the prodigal son, it's found in Luke 15:11-32.
  29. Grace: A Biblical Overview (l) - To understand the meaning of grace, we need to understand the Hebrew and Greek words used for grace in the Bible and what they reveal to us.
  30. Grace in Action: Jesus Christ's Example (l) - The best way to understand grace may be to see it in action. In the life of Jesus Christ we have a perfect example of grace to follow and show in our lives.
  31. "Free Grace" -- Is It Biblical? (l) - As we have seen in this study guide, grace is a free gift from God and a reflection of His loving nature and character. But we have also seen that the fact of grace being a free gift has been misunderstood, misapplied and misused by those who argue there are no requirements for continuing in it.
  32. Paul's Greeting of "Grace and Peace" (l) - Today our written communications with other people are so hurried, so instant (think texting, email or social media), that we rarely if ever deeply consider our words' impact and meaning. But personal communications weren't always this way. Writers in early times often put a great deal of thought into the words they used.
  33. Grace and Law: Why Are They Inseparable? (l) - The word grace is regularly used by some religious people as if it replaces all need to obey God's law. That conclusion is not only inaccurate, it is also diabolical!
  34. Forgive as You Are Forgiven (l) - People often think of God's grace in terms of His mercy -- His showing of compassion and particularly His forgiveness of sins through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Yet God's grace involves far more than this -- indeed, all of His good gifts to us. Nevertheless, His merciful forgiveness is an important part of the grace He bestows. And a condition of our receiving and continuing to receive His forgiveness through grace is that we ourselves must be merciful, forgiving as we are forgiven.
  35. How Can You Grow in Grace? (l) - In light of what the Bible shows us about grace, what does this mean for us? Does receiving God's grace come with obligations? How can we grow in grace?
  36. "You Are Not Under Law, but Under Grace" (l) - Many people point to Romans 6:14, which says, "You are not under law, but under grace," to argue that Christians, being under grace, no longer need to obey God's law.
  37. Are You Saved by Faith Alone Without Works? (l) - The Bible says we are saved through God's gift of grace through faith. Does that mean faith in Christ is all we need?
  38. Repentance, Penance and Grace (l) - God is pleased with repentance but not penance. Penance implies that we must pay for our own sins.
  39. Three Strikes and You're Out - or Are You? (l) - Our battle with sin is something like the battle of the batter at the plate. We need to stay in training for the victory God promises us.
  40. The Coming Age of Grace (l) - What will it take to rid the world of violence, prejudice, and hatred? What will the inhabitants of the world have to agree on the create a climate of peace and cooperation?
  1. A Grandchild to Bring You Joy (l) - One of the happier blessings of growing older, is the arrival of grandchildren. The bond and love you feel is truly a reward.
  2. So--You're a Grandparent (l) - Being a grandparent is a great blessing, but it can be more challenging these days to really connect with your grandchildren. What can you do to make the most of the times you do have with them?
  3. What Grandparents Offer (l) - How can you make the most of this special relationship?
  4. Grandparents Who Are Grand (l) - Grandparents raising their grandchildren for different reasons is on the rise. I call them heroes because they are sacrificing to give their grandchildren the best opportunities they can.
  5. Grandparents (1999) (l) - We turned out okay, but what about our children? What foundations are set up for them and what about the recent tragedies. How can we be better parents?
  6. Who's Minding Your Grandchildren? (l) - Parents aren't always able to stay home with their children. One option may be the children's grandparents. Here is one woman's experience with her own grandchildren.
  7. Grandparents (l) - Families are made up of different generations. Grandparents have a strong role in the family and here is one example of that love and honor.
  1. Giving, Receiving and Gratitude (l) - Sometimes we are surprised by what influences us in our lives and what can really put us in awe.
  2. Two Christian Living Principles (l) - The Bible is filled with nuggets of wisdom that help us develop a deeper relationship with our Creator.
  3. Putting Things into Perspective (l) - Where is your focus in life? Is it aimed at the things that will make you truly happy?
  4. In All Things Give Thanks (l) - An attitude of thankfulness can ease life's heartbreaking moments
  5. 5 Keys to a Happy Marriage (l) - The institution of marriage has never been more under attack. About half of all newly married couples end up in divorce. Are there keys that can open the door to a happy or happier marriage?
  6. Follow Me - Lepers All Were We (l) - When Jesus healed a group of lepers, outcast and despairing, only one returned in thankfulness. This story has much to say about our own lives.
  7. "The Problem Is..." 5 Tips on How to Avoid Negative Thinking and Be More Positive (l) - How can we change a doom and gloom mindset? Instead of thinking everything in life is a problem, we can look at events as challenges to solve.
  8. The "Three Graces": a First-Century Perspective on Grace in Action (l) - The concept of grace was depicted visually in a motif common in the Greco-Roman world in which the New Testament was written. Aspects of grace were personified as deities, which, though clearly unbiblical, helps to illustrate how charis, or grace, was viewed.
  9. Rescued Through God's Grace: Mary's Story (l) - Sometimes we must be rescued and delivered from desperate situations before we can move forward on the path toward God's spiritual salvation. We encounter a number of such individuals in the Bible.
  10. "Who Says I Can't?!" (l) - An inspiring story of struggle through serious challenges serves as a poignant reminder to be grateful and keep persevering with God's help.
  11. Thanksgiving Day: More Than Just Being Thankful (l) - Americans celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday every November. Perhaps this is the appropriate season to wonder if there is a difference between being thankful and giving thanks.
  12. Thanksgiving Day, Not "Be Thankful" Day (l) - Americans celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday every November. Perhaps this is the appropriate season to wonder if there is a difference between being thankful and giving thanks
  13. Thanksgiving: A Timeless Lesson (l) - Are we aware of the true source of blessings and wealth?
  14. My Service Was a Waste! (l) - Have you ever felt that what you tried to do to serve others turned out to be a waste? It's easy to get weary doing good. Is it really worth it?
  15. Say Thanks and Say It Often! (l) - Too often we do not take the time to thank others for their kindness. Let's remember and appreciate those who make an extra effort to help us.
  16. Thoughts for Thanksgiving (l) - A Thanksgiving Day in Thailand opened my eyes to things I'd taken for granted
Great tribulation
  1. What Is the Time of the End? (l) - Ungodly attitudes will prevent the vast majority of humanity from believing God and the biblical warning signs until all havoc breaks loose. Like the people in Noah's time who laughed and mocked his building an ark, the end of this age will come when the overwhelming majority are unprepared.
  2. What Is the "Abomination of Desolation"? (l) - We can learn a great deal about this end-time prophecy of "the abomination of desolation" from the original one Daniel foretold.
  3. Popular Rapture Teachings Obscure Biblical Truth (l) - The most popular and widely-believed version of the rapture theory has Jesus Christ miraculously rescuing His people from an earth on the brink of tribulation. It's a comforting belief, since it offers the promise of peace and safety in heaven while the earth below is immersed in turmoil and destruction.
  4. The Seventh Trumpet - the Return of Jesus Christ (l) - Paul wrote in 1 Thessalonians 4:17Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. about the resurrection and glorification of Christ's followers at His return. 1 Thessalonians 4:16For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: shows that this will occur when Christ descends from heaven with a mighty shout and the great sound of a trumpet. This is no secret event.
  5. What did Jesus mean when He said, "This generation will by no means pass away"? (l) - Many are puzzled by Jesus Christ's words, "Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place" (Matthew 24:34Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.).
  6. The coming "Abomination of Desolation" (l) - The False Prophet who exemplifies the spirit of antichrist in the last days will usher in a time of great trouble.
  7. The Coming "Abomination of Desolation" (l) - Tells of the signs to watch for, signs that indicate Christ's second coming to set up His Kingdom for us.
  8. Why Prophecy? (l) - Some people spend too much time digging into Bible prophecy, at times becoming unbalanced. Others say that prophecy has little to do with the practical side of life, so it's not that important. Yet just living in these uncertain times should tell us that we need to understand the real purpose of prophecy.
  9. How Long is the Great Tribulation? (l) - The great tribulation refers to the time of crisis at the close of the age of man.
  1. Could a Greek Tragedy Bring Down the Euro? (l) - In the last few weeks the euro has declined in value as fears over Greece's debt problems fueled international speculation. Could Greece's problems lead to the demise of the common European currency?
  2. Integration or Disintegration: The Stark Choice Facing the EU (l) - The growing debt crisis in Europe is straining the monetary union and even the European Union itself. Europe has arrived at a crossroads. Which way will it turn?
  3. Could Greece Wreck Europe and America? (l) - The Associated Press reports that "a disorderly and potentially devastating Greek debt default is looking much less likely.
  4. Greek Exit Imminent? (l) - Will Greece exit the European common currency zone?
  5. Probabilities and Prophecy: Is Europe Heading for a Crash? (l) - From a human standpoint, accurately forecasting geopolitics often proves to be a risky venture. Particularly in today's age of the Internet and globalization, many varying forces pull nations and world leaders in contradictory directions - not to mention the generally unrealized influence of the unseen spirit world (Ephesians 2:1-3; 2 Corinthians 4:3-4).
  6. European Far Right Reemerges (l) - During the last few years, threats to the survival of the euro have proved a principal factor in stirring up right-wing movements in opposition to European Union policies.
  7. Appendix 2: Were the Greeks Israelites? (l) - Here are a few sources to help unveil this question.
  8. Daniel Forsees the Kingdom of God (l) - Jesus Christ will replace the kingdoms of this world with the Kingdom His Father will give Him at His return -- the Kingdom of God. This is the good news of Daniel's prophecy and the same good news Jesus preached.
  9. Alexander, the Man Who Would Be God (l) - Millions remain fascinated by one of history's most intriguing and successful conquerors. An ancient source sheds new light on his achievements -- and his downfall.
  10. Alexander the Great: The Man Who Would Be God (l) - Millions remain fascinated by one of history's most intriguing and successful conquerors. An ancient source sheds new light on his achievements and his downfall. That ancient source is Bible prophecy!
Greek empire
  1. Our War of Worldviews (l) - This war of worldviews has grave implications for all of us, because ultimately it comes down to whose values and standards will guide and govern our lives.
  2. Alexander, the Man Who Would Be God (l) - Millions remain fascinated by one of history's most intriguing and successful conquerors. An ancient source sheds new light on his achievements -- and his downfall.
  3. Alexander the Great: The Man Who Would Be God (l) - Millions remain fascinated by one of history's most intriguing and successful conquerors. An ancient source sheds new light on his achievements and his downfall. That ancient source is Bible prophecy!
  1. For Men: Grief, and How to Deal With It (l) - "A time to cry and a time to laugh, a time to grieve and a time to dance" (Ecclesiastes 3:4. When the time comes for grieving, how should Christian men deal with it?
  2. Blessed Are Those Who Mourn (l) - "I walked a mile with Pleasure, she chatted all the way; but left me none the wiser, for all she had to say. I walked a mile with Sorrow and ne'er a word said she; but, oh, the things I learned from her when Sorrow walked with me!" -- Robert Browning Hamilton
  3. Proverbs: The Heart May Sorrow (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
  4. Steps in Dealing With Grief (l) - Steps in dealing with grief.
  5. How Can We Help Those Who Are Grieving? (l) - There are practical ways we can help friends and loved ones who are grieving.
  6. Satan's Role in Suffering (l) - Through the spiritual blindness and ignorance Satan has foisted off on the world, he is the instigator of incalculable suffering. He has blinded humanity to the reason for our existence.
  7. Will God Forget the Dead? (l) - Real comfort comes from understanding the truth of God -- that He will not forget the dead, but will resurrect all who are in their graves.
  8. Extending Our Hand to the Grieving (l) - We will all come in contact with someone who has lost someone close to them. What's the best thing to say and do? Probably the same things you'd like to hear.
  9. Too Deep for Tears (l) - Encouraging words for troubling times.
  10. Real Men Don't Cry (l) - Society has drilled into our heads that "real men" don't show emotions. Is that really what the Creator intended?
  11. Walking Through the Valley of the Shadow -- The Pain of Losing a Child (l) - How does a parent go on after such a devastating loss?
  12. A Heart of Flesh (l) - We all want to be there for grieving friends. Having the heart to make the right choice - and knowing practical things to do - can enable us to help our friends through their darkest moments.
  13. Even So, Come, Lord Jesus! (l) - Facing family tragedy, there was a haunting familiarity in my grief. What I've learned has changed my outlook on the world, and the future.
  14. Coping With Depression (l) - What are the causes of depression? How can we overcome it?
  15. Extending Our Hand to the Grieving, Part Two (l) - Lessons from grief teach some important lessons for living.
  16. In the Shadow of Death (l) - Don't place a time limit on grief. Some people may be healing well after a year. Some may never heal entirely. How you can help those who have lost loved ones.
  17. Why Did Pamela Die? (l) - God notices, cares, and gives us the help we need when we ask for it.
  1. What's the Answer to a Better Life? (l) - Do you feel like the problems of your life have reached a dead end and there are no solutions? No matter how hopeless your life may appear, you can have hope for something better. But you can't solve today's problems with the same old solutions; you'll simply arrive at the same old problems.
  2. Forgiveness of Sin (l) - How are we forgiven, and where do baptism and Jesus Christ fit in?
  3. What Must I Do? (l) - Their sense of guilt overwhelmed them. Hearing Peter's rebuke, they refelected on the sins that had stained their lives. Indeed, what should they do?
  4. The Juggling Act (l) - Working mothers, do you feel guilty?
  5. If I Knew Then What I Know Now (l) - God provides an opportunity for a new beginning - not just once, but countless times after that initial start.
  6. I Am a Guilt Addict (l) - Some guilt comes from doing something that is really wrong. But too often we fall into the trap of feeling guilty for everything! Especially saying no...
  7. The Abortion Controversy (l) - What are the facts about abortion? Is it really murder? What does the Bible say?

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