Information Related to "Good Government and Politics"
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These days, political elections are dangerous business! Besides dividing people, family and friends along party lines, as is often the case in the West, politics in some countries brings persecution, violence and even genocide.
Even in the United States, issues like the war in Iraq, skyrocketing oil prices and a weakened economy divide the country as it prepares for its presidential election this November. And while apathy toward politicians is rampant in many Western nations, developing countries such as Kenya, Myanmar and Zimbabwe are often in fear during elections because of intimidation, violence and even killings.
Regardless of where one lives, leaders generally seem far more interested in acquiring or maintaining power and prestige than in serving people and meeting the true needs of the people who elect them! It is so sad. The question is: Will it get any better?
Ideally, the purpose of government is to maintain security and public order to provide fulfillment and happiness. Those outcomes sound great, but how many governments in the world are able to reach these lofty goals? Basic security and a semblance of order are provided in some countries, but fulfillment and happiness are rarely, if ever, the result of today's governments.
While most would-be leaders recognize the need for some kind of "change" in their country, they can only make hollow promises to provide improvements and reforms if elected. Yet virtually all leaders fail to come through on their campaign promises! More seem to be interested in getting elected to power than in solving the real problems of their people and providing meaningful and service-oriented leadership.
A classic book on government, Today's Isms by William Ebenstein, is a great college textbook that discusses the types of government that most of humanity lives under. In reading his book, the differences between the basic government structures become very clear.
• One believes that one person knows what is best for the masses.
• Another believes the people should be represented in government to achieve their interests.
• Yet another teaches that the goods and wealth of some should be shared with all!
While the differences between these forms of government go far beyond this simple comparison, a quick study of recent history shows that no country, kingdom or leader has been truly successful at the goal of government, as stated earlier—to maintain security and public order to provide fulfillment and happiness. In fact, no structure or type of government has made it possible for man to successfully govern himself.
God's answer to this sobering question is that things won't get better with politics and government in the world we live in. At least not in the short term!
From the earliest days, God told His people not to trust in human beings for leadership as they will fall short! "Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help" (Psalm 146:3). That admonition is just as true today as it was 3,000 years ago.
For all of mankind's efforts to lead, guide and govern himself, God's Word tells us that it simply "is not in man to direct his own steps" (Jeremiah 10:23). The sordid facts of history have verified the words of God. By such statements, God reveals to us that something is missing in human beings that would enable us to direct and govern ourselves.
While God says that in this life we should respect those in authority and pray for our leaders (Romans 13:1; 1 Timothy 2:1-2), in the end He also reveals to us that it's the selfishness of mankind and the desire for prestige and power that will doom man's effort to govern himself!
In Matthew 24:21-22 Christ said that man's inability to rule himself would result in his near self-annihilation! That is how important this subject is.
The result of thousands of years of man's rule of nations and kingdoms motivated by selfishness, ignorance, cheating and lies will be catastrophic. The sobering truth is that even without the Bible as a guide, many people today realize we live in extremely dangerous times.
But all hope is not lost! God's plan for mankind is based upon government. In this case, not only better government, but good government—God's government. While it won't happen in this age, in the "age to come" Jesus Christ will return to earth to usher in a time of unprecedented peace, justice and, yes, happiness (Ephesians 1:20-21; Psalm 144:15). That time of peace may very well come in our lifetime!
This government of God will be over all nations and people. Man's governments will be replaced by the Kingdom of God, which will rule over the whole earth (Daniel 7:27).
The very thought of the rulers of all countries and kingdoms following the lead of Jesus Christ and His government is mind-boggling! To think people could actually have rulers they could trust and who would truly have their best interests in mind is almost too good to be true.
The truth is that all of the confusion, discouragement and dissension that today's politics and government foster will come to an end in the future. As revealed by the prophets, Christ will return and restore the leadership and government of God to this earth (Acts 3:18-21). To learn more about the government of God after Christ's return, download or request a free copy of our booklet The Gospel of the Kingdom.
Like most institutions of man in this present life, today's reality is sobering, discouraging and downright depressing! Yet God's Word tells us of a time in the future when leaders will be selected by the wisdom of God rather than the political processes of man. At that time government will be based on the laws and interests of God rather than the desire of the few to rule and maintain power and authority. Those who lead in God's government will be led by the Spirit of God to serve others rather than just their own interests.
May God speed this day! VT
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Other Articles by Doug Horchak
Origin of article "Good Government and Politics"
Keywords: elections government politics
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