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An OverView of Conditions Around the World


Riots erupt across the globe

This may be the year of the riot. Anarchists across the world have united in street conflagrations. Annual May Day celebrations deteriorated into fistfights. Macedonian Slavs rioted over NATO peace deals. On the island of Jamaica 23 died in riots. Violent protesters marred the EU summit in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Anticapitalist radicals tried to ruin the G8 meetings in Genoa. Three former mill towns in Lancashire, England, sustained three nights of race-inspired rioting. Riots occurred on the divided Mediterranean island of Cyprus. In Belfast 23 police officers were hurt in riots. Much has been written about the human right to protest peacefully, but what begins as a peaceful demonstration often winds up as an old-fashioned riot, sometimes with severe injuries to rioters and police. Professional troublemakers travel the globe to protest against capitalism and other imagined evils. A British journalist remarked on the enjoyment rioters seem to gain from bloody confrontations. Obviously, human nature has a violent downside. It had become so pronounced in the pre-Flood world of Noah that “the earth was filled with violence” (Genesis 6:11,13). Much later Jesus Christ said that, just as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man (Matthew 24:37). Are our crimes and violence signs that we may be in the end time? (Sources: The Times, The Observer (London).)

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Return to isolationism in the United States?

“As the U.S.-European rift widens, from missile defense and nuclear testing to land mines and global warming, some European leaders . . . suggest President Bush is drawing America into a new era of isolationism,” says a recent Associated Press report.

Playing into the hands of anti-American European leaders are Americans who are increasingly calling for a reduction in the numbers of American troops based in Europe. Forgotten are the lessons of two world wars and countless other European conflicts.
Differences between the Bush administration and European allies have mounted and are a cause of concern on both sides of the Atlantic. They include the Kyoto climate-change treaty, the Bush administration’s planned missile-defense shield, the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (which the U.S. administration wants to scrap because the U.S.S.R. no longer exists), the 1972 treaty on germ warfare and proposed treaties on land mines and nuclear-weapons tests, all of which have left the United States looking hawkish while Europeans see themselves as doves interested only in peace. Differences also exist over an international criminal court, the death penalty and policies toward Iran and Iraq. Most frequently, disputes arise over trade, “ranging from duties on bananas to tax rates.” Why the seemingly sudden increase in tensions between Europe and America? One factor is the changing balance of power between the two. Since the fall of the Soviet Union a decade ago, Europeans have not been so dependent on America’s protection. Meanwhile, European nations are themselves coming together as an increasingly centralized European Union, set to be a rival superpower to America. What many Americans do not realize is that much of the drive for European unity is motivated by anti-Americanism, a desire on the part of many Europeans to be free of America’s dominance and to restore the glory of Europe’s golden age.

The Bible shows that there is to be yet another and final attempt to restore the Roman Empire. Built around “ten kings (or leaders) who have received no kingdom as yet.” these leaders, probably from areas within the confines of the old Roman Empire, “are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast” (Revelation 17:12-13).
It is doubtful that such a development could take place with America’s continued military presence in Europe. Playing into the hands of anti-American European leaders are Americans who are increasingly calling for a reduction in the numbers of American troops based in Europe now that European countries are wealthy enough to defend themselves.

Forgotten are the lessons of two world wars and countless other European conflicts and that America’s military presence on the Continent, together with the NATO alliance of North American and European countries, has given Europe the longest period of peace in 3,000 years of recorded history.
To better understand the long-term implications of such trends, request your free copies of the booklets The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy and The Book of Revelation Unveiled. (Source: Associated Press.)

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Stresses in Australian life

According to the International Crimes Victim Survey 2000, published in The Economist, Australia is tops among the rich nations in violent crime and burglary and second only to Britain in car theft.
But crime is not the only problem afflicting Australians. A report from Keith Suter, a senior fellow at Global Business Network Australia, estimated that “one of 10 Australian small businesses will go bankrupt this year.” He also said that “the rich are getting richer and the poor are becoming more numerous.” Mr. Suter mentioned “a lack of faith in the political system” and “a gap between mainstream politicians and the reality experienced by ordinary people.” Although statistically Australians have experienced a booming economy for several years, the average citizen complains of economic troubles. (Sources: The Economist (London), International Herald Tribune.)

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The importance of sea gates

Most of the strategically located sea gates that gave the British Empire and the United States naval supremacy and global dominance have long since been handed over to other nations. But those that remain are also threatened.

During the 1990s the United States and Britain lost their bases and strategic territory in the Philippines, Panama and Hong Kong. Indications are they will suffer further strategic losses in the new decade.
The recent alleged rape of a Japanese girl by an American serviceman based on Okinawa has led to increased demands for the withdrawal of American troops from Japanese soil. Islanders were already demanding the withdrawal or the scaling back of the numbers of troops. Previous sexual assaults and other antisocial behavior have led to bad feelings on the part of native Japanese who live on the island. Meanwhile President George W. Bush announced, over the opposition of military commanders, that the U.S. Navy would cease to use the Puerto Rican island of Vieques as a practice-bombing range because of outspoken and increasing local opposition. British bases in Cyprus and Gibraltar are also threatened. These bases, historically important in keeping both ends of the Mediterranean open to shipping during times of war, are less popular now as memories of their historic importance diminish with time. Recently 40 police were injured when crowds attacked a British base at Akrotiri, Cyprus. Angry Cypriots were rioting against new surveillance technology the British were introducing, fearing that it could cause cancer. It has been more than a year since a crippled British nuclear submarine, HMS Tireless, limped into the colonial port of Gibraltar after suffering a small crack in the coolant pipe leading from its reactor. The submarine had been on routine maneuvers off the coast of Sicily when it suffered damage, necessitating the vessel to put in to the nearest British naval base, thereby emphasizing the continuing need for bases around the world. After months of arguing between the United Kingdom, Spain (which claims Gibraltar), Gibraltar itself and the European Commission, the British decided to repair the ship in Gibraltar’s naval dockyards, claiming it was too risky to send the vessel home by sea. The presence of the Tireless has angered Spain and given Gibraltarians cause for concern about the possible consequences to their health from the damaged submarine. In 1967 citizens of the colony voted 12,138 to 44 to remain British and have continued to resist Spanish claims to “the Rock,” as Gibraltar is often called, since.

Although Spain claims the Rock, Britain has ruled it longer than Spain itself ruled it. British and Dutch troops captured Gibraltar during the War of the Spanish Succession in 1704, after only two centuries of Spanish control. The 1713 Treaty of Utrecht formally ceded it to Britain.
The colony’s location at the mouth of the Mediterranean has made it a strategically important base for three centuries. During World War II Gibraltar was an important British air and naval base and was used by the Allies during the invasion of North Africa and in antisubmarine campaigns. It has more recently been used as a stopover for British troops in service in Sierra Leone. The strategic bases that the British and Americans have possessed were part of the blessings promised to Abraham’s seed in Genesis 22:17: “. . . Your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies.” The loss of such strategic possessions is part of God’s prophesied punishment for disobedience, that He would “break the pride of your power” (Leviticus 26:19). During the 1990s the two nations lost their bases and strategic territory in the Philippines, Panama and Hong Kong. Indications are they will suffer further strategic losses in the new decade. (To better understand how these trends fit in with biblical prophecy, request your free copy of The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy )

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A shaky world economy

Economic downturns, including the current one, have been a part of the fabric of national and world politics since time immemorial. The biblical patriarch Joseph once forecast seven good years followed by seven bad years for the land of Egypt. He was unerringly accurate, but he had the distinct advantage of being led and inspired directly by the Creator God.

How bad will the economy get? The Bible confirms that a cause exists for every effect and that nations cannot indefinitely get away with trampling on God’s laws. The big crash will happen, but we don’t know when.
Today the economic situation is much more complex than it was in Joseph’s time. Even with the benefits of modern computer technology, we are left with uncertain and unreliable economic predictions.

Professional forecasters generally reject the Bible as a source of wisdom and understanding.
How bad will the economy get? The Bible confirms that a cause exists for every effect and that nations cannot indefinitely get away with trampling on God’s laws. The big crash will happen, but we don’t know when. The present economic realities are a timely reminder to Christians of the words of Jesus Christ: “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal” (Matthew 6:19-20.) He adds, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (verse 21). Our relationship with God is far more important than whatever riches we can accumulate in this life. Whatever physical things we gain can always be lost, but the spiritual growth we achieve from living God’s way can last forever. In the meantime, we can do our best to weather the storm by getting our own houses in order. You might want to write for our free booklet Managing Your Finances. (Sources: International Herald Tribune, Newsweek.)

—John Ross Schroeder and Melvin Rhodes

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