"M" - Topic Index
- An Overview of Conditions Around the World - May/Jun 2001 (l) - A brief synopsis of world events. May/June 2001
Mad cow disease
- Mad Cow Disease: The Fear Alone Is Costly (l) - Is it too late to contain the strange and cruel illness that could turn into an international catastrophe?
- World News Review Dec 2000 (l) - World news and trends. December 2000.
- World News and Trends - Sep/Oct 2004 (l) - An Overview of Conditions Around the World, Sept/Oct 2004.
- A Magazine of Understanding (l) - The Good News: a magazine of understanding.
- Letters From Our Readers - Mar/Apr 2001 (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News magazine. March/April 2001
- Letters From Our Readers - Jan/Feb 2002 (l) - Letters from the readers of the Good News magazine. January/February 2002.
- A New Magazine Is Born (l) - Vertical Thought: a magazine of understanding for tomorrow's leaders makes its debut as a new magazine for young people.
- Letters From Our Readers - Jan/Feb 2003 (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News Magazine, Jan/Feb 2003.
- Letters From Our Readers - Mar/Apr 2005 (l) - Letters from the readers of the Good News Magazine, Jan/Feb. 2005
- Letters From Our Readers - Mar/Apr 2002 (l) - Comments from the readers of the Good News magazine, Mar/Apr 2002.
- Letters From Our Readers - Jul/Aug 2000 (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News magazine. July/August 2000.
- Letters From Our Readers - Nov/Dec 2000 (l) - Letters from Good News readers, Nov/Dec 2000.
- Why 'A Magazine of Understanding'? (l) - Printed as a subtitle on the cover of each issue of The Good News are the words "A Magazine of Understanding." What does The Good News help you understand?
Making peace
- Go Ahead, Rock the Boat (l) - We all know the old saying, "Don't rock the boat." But there are cases where this is neither helpful nor correct.
- Meekness and Gentleness: Strength With a Tender Touch (l) - The biblical qualities of meekness and gentleness are misunderstood and undervalued in today's society of extremes--where all too often people tend to angrily overreact or passively underreact.
- How Can We Find the Pathway to Peace? (l) - "Peace" and "goodwill toward men!" announced the chorus of heavenly messengers at the time of Jesus Christ's birth. But where is the evidence of this peace among humanity, as also foretold by Isaiah and other prophets? What went wrong? Will humanity ever experience this peace?
- Peace Kant Be Found (l) - Peace. Millions speak of it, thousands write of it, but only One can truly bring it.
- How to Make Peace With Your Mother-in-Law (l) - Your mother-in-law may mean well, but sometimes it is difficult to get past what feels like an invasion into your marriage. So what can you do?
- Proverbs: Feasting with Strife (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
- The Way of Peace (l) - Though Christ's rule will begin by halting wars using supernatural force, soon peace will spread through education in the way of peace.
- Is There a Better Way? (l) - As if a pandemic, a battered economy and soaring unemployment weren't enough, America has once more been shocked by social unrest and racial strife. Is there a path to a better way?
- A Short History of Walls (l) - In the world to come, when all things are restored, every individual who is willing can seek God's help to tear down the walls that divide people and insulate us from paths of reconciliation.
- When 'The Great Game' Is Over (l) - A warrior culture has become entrenched in the minds and hearts of the everyday man. "On the ground" in Afghanistan there are no games, only the reality of day-to-day survival.
- Real Peace Is More Than the Absence of War (l) - War and peace both begin in the heart. The Creator of the human heart has much to say about how real peace will be achieved.
- Red, Blue and God (l) - "What colors my heart?" When it's all said and done, you and I must be judged on our own merits. I hope and pray that what colors my heart is what emerges from the words of Jesus Christ.
- Searching for a Mideast Peace (l) - The long search for peace in Palestine.
- Are You Pulling Your Own Hair? (l) - Do we often overreact to situations without looking within? How can we better cope with offenses in life? Watching our newborn gave us food for thought about how adults react, and how we can better handle hurts and offense ourselves.
- Just for Youth: Making Peace (l) - What should you do when friends are at each other's throats?
- Win-Win: Who Says There Has to Be a Loser? (l) - The idea that there is always a winner and a loser is flawed thinking. Sometimes a change in approach makes a world of difference.
- God's Coming Kingdom: An Investment in Mankind's Future (l) - After our recent move to live in Africa, I've come to see that at times the heart of a country's problems lie in the hearts of its leaders. Yet a time is coming when leaders will not have corrupt hearts.
Man in God's image
- Understanding God Through Christ (l) - The image of God is what makes man unique among all His physical creation. This is what renders men, women and children truly human.
- Man in the Image of God (l) - The image of God imparts special meaning, harmony, intelligence and design to human life. To be human is to be created in the image of God. This is the certain testimony of the Bible!
- Jesus Christ: Man and the Image of God (l) - It is the new man (or new woman) who is spiritually in the image of God. The image of God can be renewed in human beings only through the living presence of Jesus Christ in their lives.
- Inasmuch! (l) - In following Jesus Christ, we must learn to love and care for others by seeing everyone as He does.
- In the Image of God (l) - The Bible tells us humans are made in the image of God. Why, then, are they capable of so much evil? And what is the solution?
Marriage, attacks on
- Polygamy Still Illegal -- but for How Long? (l) - In Salt Lake City this year, protesters took to their capitol to speak out against the bigamy laws in Utah. The U.S. Supreme Court recently denied hearing a case that left the state's current laws untouched. Polygamy still remains illegal, and those involved in polygamous relationships are in violation of those laws.
- The War on Marriage and Family (l) - Forces are at war in the world attacking marriage -- which in turn threatens the survival of the family. You need to know what the battlefields are in this warfare and what God would have you to do about it!
- Compass Check: The Unadvertised Side Effects of Pornography (l) - Modern culture bombards us with sexual imagery and pornography, creating harmful distortions of God's design for intimacy. This article exposes the myths surrounding pornography, highlights its damaging effects on relationships and personal well-being, and offers biblical truths for understanding and pursuing fulfilling, godly sexuality within marriage.
Marriage, dealing with problems
- Finances and Marriage (l) - A study that found that issues over money ranked second to infidelity as a leading cause of divorce.
- Help in the Tough Times (l) - The Good News offers articles to help families cope better with the new economic realities.
- How Can You Manage Marriage Stress in Troubling Times? (l) - When half of all marriages break up in some countries, it's obvious that many couples are in trouble. Sadly, the stress seems to be only increasing from many directions. What are the pressures many husbands and wives face today, and what can they do to manage them to be sure their marriages survive?
- God's Intent for Marriage (l) - Marriage between a man and woman is one thing, but does God have even a bigger marriage plan?
- What Keeps Marriages Alive? (l) - Dr. Gary Smalley discusses what preserves and destroys marriages.
- A Woman's Key to a Happy Marriage: Trusting God in Submission (l) - Are the ancient biblical instructions for marriage that call for a wife to submit to her husband still valid? How can a wife willingly submit to a less-than-perfect husband?
- 5 Keys to a Happy Marriage (l) - The institution of marriage has never been more under attack. About half of all newly married couples end up in divorce. Are there keys that can open the door to a happy or happier marriage?
- Will You Wait for Each Other? (l) - Why do some marriages last while others don't? I've learned some important lessons in my own journey of 40 years.
- Money in Marriage (l) - Couples can greatly reduce their conflicts over money by planning when to have children and how to care for them, agreeing how to apportion their resources and learning to work together to attain their financial goals.
- Family Resources for You and Your Children (l) - Subscribe to the Good News or Vertical Thought magazines for regular advice on marriage and family. The church of God also provides Sabbath School lessons for younger children and Teen Bible Study Guides available for parents.
- Divorce-Proof Your Marriage (l) - Because so many marriages - particularly in modern Western countries - end in failure, couples trying to live godly lives and make their relationships last will look for ways to protect and preserve their marriages.
- The Seventh Commandment: Protect the Marital Relationship (l) - The seventh commandment authorizes the marriage relationship and establishes it as the foundation of the family, which in turn stands as the foundation and most important building block of society.
- In the News Jul/Sep 2005 (l) - In the News - July 2005
- Love and Marriage (l) - Interview with Gary Smalley on love and marriage
- Four Words That Can Transform a Troubled Marriage (l) - Four short words can make big improvements in any marriage.
- Revitalize Your Marriage: Here's How! (l) - After the husband and wife say, "I do," they go off into the sunset assuming their marriage will remain as it feels at that moment. But when the honeymoon wears off, they may begin thinking, "Maybe I don't." Why does this happen, and how can we make love last?
- Will Your Marriage Survive the Tough Times? (l) - We all face difficult times. When the storms of life hit, how will affect your marriage? What can you do to make sure your marriage will survive?
- Putting Romance Back Into Marriage (l) - Basic misunderstanding can lead to a lack of romance later in marriage. Here are practical ways you can review and revitalize your marriage!
Marriage, failures
- How Can You Help Restore the Disappearing Family? (l) - The state of marriage and family in the Western world is breaking down. Some have even concluded that marriage and family are destined to become obsolete. What about your marriage and family -- are they endangered? What practical steps can you take to strengthen them?
- World News & Trends May 2010 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. May 2010
- Impact: Celebrity Single Parents (l) - What does God say about having children outside of marriage and becoming a single parent on a whim?
- Why Are Young Christians Divorcing? (l) - Just a few short years ago she was dressed in a long white dress and he in a tuxedo, confetti was flying, and everyone was cheering and celebrating the wedding. Now they're living separately and may even divorce. No one thought this could happen - least of all them.
- Introduction - Marriage and Family: The Missing Dimension (l) - "Didn't the LORD make you one with your wife? In body and spirit you are his. And what does he want? Godly children from your union" (Malachi 2:15, New Living Translation).
- World News Review August 1999 (l) - World news - August 1999
- World News and Trends - March/April 2006 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Mar/Apr 2006
- Children of Divorce Aren't Doomed to Failure (l) - Are children of divorce destined to be drawn into a "social black hole" of drug abuse, promiscuity and their own failed marriages? In spite of strong pressures to the contrary, the encouraging answer is "not necessarily."
- An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Sep/Oct 1999 (l) - A brief synopsis of world events. September/October 1999.
- Letters From Our Readers - Sep/Oct 2002 (l) - Here are some letters from readers of the Good News magazine regarding subjects like marriage, divorce, our destiny, diversity, and political correctness.
- Will "Covenant Marriages" Slow Divorce? (l) - Many see covenant marriage laws as the key to reversing the damage done by no-fault divorce laws. Prophecy indicates that there are more forces at work than merely bad legislation!
- The Worst Disease of Our Time (l) - "Of all the diseases I have known, loneliness is the worst."--Mother Teresa
- Divorce Revolution Spawns the Cohabitation Generation (l) - Hoping to avoid the difficulties they saw in their parents'marriages, many young adults are skipping marriage in favor of living together outside of marriage. But does this solve problems or create new ones?
- Does Marriage Matter? (l) - Marriage is the building block of families. Families are the building blocks of communities. Communities are the building blocks of society. When marriages and families break down, so do communities and ultimately society and civilization as a whole. We've seen this pattern before, and we're witnessing it again as this bedrock of society increasingly crumbles.
Marriage, making it strong and happy
- The Honorable Role of Men (l) - The role of men includes leadership within the family.
- Please Take the Lead (l) - I was certain my husband didn't know how to dance at all. But there he was demonstrating new steps with the instructor!
- How Can You Help Restore the Disappearing Family? (l) - The state of marriage and family in the Western world is breaking down. Some have even concluded that marriage and family are destined to become obsolete. What about your marriage and family -- are they endangered? What practical steps can you take to strengthen them?
- Male-Female Relationships (l) - We're created to be complementary, but this secret of successful marriage relationships can get lost in the mysteries and mayhem of the modern battle of the sexes.
- Marriage -- "A Wonderful But Serious Thing" (l) - It's a treasure that can last a lifetime if you prepare for it with care. It's a blessing if husbands and wives treat each other with godly love.
- Speaking of Marriage (l) - In spite of loud complaints from some wives and husbands, married people are generally happier than single people when they apply some important principles. Find out what those principles are.
- What to Do After You Say "I Do" (l) - Marriage can and should be the most fulfilling time of this life. Research shows that married couples live longer than singles. Since nearly half of marriages fail in some countries, it's important to know what to do after you say "I do."
- Does Marriage Really Matter? (l) - Traditional marriages-those between one man and one woman-are facing increasing pressures from many directions. Does marriage really matter? Just how important is it? What does the Bible say?
- How Can You Manage Marriage Stress in Troubling Times? (l) - When half of all marriages break up in some countries, it's obvious that many couples are in trouble. Sadly, the stress seems to be only increasing from many directions. What are the pressures many husbands and wives face today, and what can they do to manage them to be sure their marriages survive?
- What Does It Take to Be a Real Man? (l) - What's a "real" man? Could you pick him out if you saw him walking down the street? And how can you be one?
- What Keeps Marriages Alive? (l) - Dr. Gary Smalley discusses what preserves and destroys marriages.
- A Woman's Key to a Happy Marriage: Trusting God in Submission (l) - Are the ancient biblical instructions for marriage that call for a wife to submit to her husband still valid? How can a wife willingly submit to a less-than-perfect husband?
- 5 Keys to a Happy Marriage (l) - The institution of marriage has never been more under attack. About half of all newly married couples end up in divorce. Are there keys that can open the door to a happy or happier marriage?
- Why Are Young Christians Divorcing? (l) - Just a few short years ago she was dressed in a long white dress and he in a tuxedo, confetti was flying, and everyone was cheering and celebrating the wedding. Now they're living separately and may even divorce. No one thought this could happen - least of all them.
- Will You Wait for Each Other? (l) - Why do some marriages last while others don't? I've learned some important lessons in my own journey of 40 years.
- Marriage and Heart Health (l) - "Rejoice with the wife of your youth," (Proverbs 5:18). A new study sheds light on this ancient concept.
- The Chosen Ally (l) - Many marriages today seem more like battlefields than partnerships
- Choose Your Love Story (l) - God's beautiful picture of sexuality is for us to refrain from having sex until we are married and then to only enjoy sex with the person to whom we are married.
- Divorce-Proof Your Marriage (l) - Because so many marriages - particularly in modern Western countries - end in failure, couples trying to live godly lives and make their relationships last will look for ways to protect and preserve their marriages.
- Was Sex Intended Solely for Procreation? (l) - The Bible does not prohibit sexual relations within marriage purely for pleasure. Indeed, it encourages such union.
- God's Instruction Manual for Marriage (l) - When it comes to putting together a marriage, many couples have used the same approach. They do it without bothering to read the instructions. Sadly, the result is that many marriages aren't working.
- Practicing Love, Honor and Respect (l) - The Scriptures summarize the way we should interact with other people: practice love, honor and respect
- How to Make Your Marriage Last (l) - The institution of marriage is in deep trouble. About half of all marriages end in divorce, and many couples don't bother to even get married at all. What are they missing? What are the keys to a lasting marriage?
- Life Lessons of a Truck Driver's Family (l) - When the family breadwinner is on the road for as many as 20 days at a stretch, those at home need to keep a positive outlook. A wife of a truck driver shares spiritual insights of their life's journey.
- Rekindle the Romance (l) - 'I love you' is only the beginning and not the end of an ever-enriching love.
- Right Choices and Happiness (l) - An intimate marital relationship displays a beauty and wonder unique among all human relationships. There is no greater physical relationship on earth.
- Revitalize Your Marriage: Here's How! (l) - After the husband and wife say, "I do," they go off into the sunset assuming their marriage will remain as it feels at that moment. But when the honeymoon wears off, they may begin thinking, "Maybe I don't." Why does this happen, and how can we make love last?
- Marital Happiness: The Choice Is Up to You! (l) - With so many people wanting instant gratification, it's no wonder so many marriages end in divorce. Are we expecting more from our husband or wife than we're willing to give? Can happy marriages simply be a matter of choice?
- Keys to a Lasting Marriage (l) - God's purpose for marriage and what marriage symbolizes.
- Trustworthiness in the Marriage Relationship (l) - A woman once quipped: "Never trust a husband too far or a bachelor too near." Being trustworthy isn't a quality much on the minds of the average person, but it is a crucial element in the marriage relationship.
- Head-to-Head and Heart-to-Heart (l) - Communication is one of the most important processes of human life. Yet in many ways, it is an area with the greatest need for improvement.
- Who Is Winning the Battle of the Sexes? (l) - Who Is Winning the Battle of the Sexes?
- Secrets of Love (l) - What's the test of true, undying love? What are the secrets that allow love to flourish and grow in a world where the love of many grows cold?
- Sex Is Intended for Pleasure (l) - A loving sexual relatioship is one of the benefits of marriage. God views the married sexual relationship as beautiful.
- What Are the Keys to a Happy Marriage? (l) - Many would have you believe that the marital union is archaic and unnecessary. Yet mankind's Creator designed marriage as the ideal relationship for men and women. What fundamental principles can you practice to build a happy marriage?
- Putting Romance Back Into Marriage (l) - Basic misunderstanding can lead to a lack of romance later in marriage. Here are practical ways you can review and revitalize your marriage!
- Have You Performed Your Vow Today? (l) - How does "I do" become "I don't anymore"? Several common misunderstandings contribute to neglect of the marriage vows.
- Love and Marriage (l) - Interview with Gary Smalley on love and marriage
- God's Purpose for Sex and Marriage (l) - When and how did sex and marriage originate and for what purpose?
Marriage, meaning and importance
- World News and Trends - March/April 2007 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. March 2007.
- Did God Intend A Difference? (l) - Opinions abound, but let's see what the Bible has to say about the roles of men and women.
- World News and Trends - March/April 2008 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Mar/Apr 2008
- Searching for Hidden Treasure (l) - Those finding their "heart of gold" hold riches in their hands.
- Marriage -- "A Wonderful But Serious Thing" (l) - It's a treasure that can last a lifetime if you prepare for it with care. It's a blessing if husbands and wives treat each other with godly love.
- Why Marriage Matters (l) - Strong marriages are the "glue" that holds families together-and ultimately civilization itself.
- The Truth About Love (l) - A Good News interview with Dr. Pat Love.
- God's Good Government (l) - God's good government will never fully exist on this earth until Jesus Christ returns to rule as King of Kings. But God wants us to try to do better every day.
- God's Good Government(2) (l) - God's good government will never fully exist on this earth until Jesus Christ returns to rule as King of Kings. But God wants us to try to do better every day.
- Does Marriage Really Matter? (l) - Traditional marriages-those between one man and one woman-are facing increasing pressures from many directions. Does marriage really matter? Just how important is it? What does the Bible say?
- What's Right With Marriage (l) - More and more voices in society attempt to run down marriage, claiming it's out of date and seeking to change its definition. But there's still much to be said for this relationship God instituted when He first made man and woman.
- Children Need Both a Father and Mother (l) - Marriage was designed to connect children to a loving relationship with their mother and father, offering stability for them and society at large.
- Is Marriage Obsolete? (l) - A survey from the Pew Research Institute reports that 4 out of 10 people in the United States believe that the institution of marriage is obsolete. Are they right? How important is marriage anyway?
- Marriage: What's the Point? (l) - Why is marriage so important? Unlike other relationships, it is one that God Himself created when He joined together the first human beings, Adam and Eve.
- The Ultimate Purpose of Marriage (l) - Our current age of instant gratification can wreck a marriage. Marriage was designed with a great purpose and goal. Knowing the ultimate purpose for marriage can help you change your marriage for now and forever.
- Children of Married Parents Show Higher Self-esteem (l) - A new study in the United Kingdom shows that children whose parents are married have the highest self-esteem.
- The Church as the Bride of Christ (l) - The Church of God is the family of God - made up of Christians who are the children of God the Father and "brothers" of Jesus Christ.
- Finding the Path to a Happy Family (l) - God didn't create the family relationship and then leave us to stumble blindly trying to find the best way to make it work. The keys for family happiness and success are revealed in the Scriptures.
- Marriage: Foundation of the Family (l) - Applying God's principles for marriage not only produces happy relationships in this life, it yields greater understanding of godly principles that will last for eternity.
- A Foretaste of Tomorrow (l) - Jesus' return will be to marry His Bride. To help us prepare for this magnificent future, God has allowed us to experience, through marriage and family, a foretaste of this wonderful time.
- God's Instruction Manual for Marriage (l) - When it comes to putting together a marriage, many couples have used the same approach. They do it without bothering to read the instructions. Sadly, the result is that many marriages aren't working.
- Marriage and Family: The Spiritual Significance (l) - An important principle is also revealed here that is continued in marriage and family - that human life is patterned after spiritual, nonphysical, unseen realities. Just as human beings were made in the image of God, marriage and family are patterned after spiritual concepts.
- Why Does Marriage Matter? (l) - Marriage is much more than a social arrangement, a physical and emotional pairing, or a financial partnership. It's also a learning and growing experience meant to help instill in our lives character lessons and spiritual truths that would be difficult to learn any other way.
- How to Make Your Marriage Last (l) - The institution of marriage is in deep trouble. About half of all marriages end in divorce, and many couples don't bother to even get married at all. What are they missing? What are the keys to a lasting marriage?
- Sex, Marriage and Family - The Spiritual Significance (l) - God created human beings male and female so that we might enjoy a loving sexual relationship in marriage leading to families. But what is the spiritual significance and purpose God has in mind?
- God's Instruction Manual for Sex and Marriage (l) - God made us male and female and gave mankind the institution of marriage. He also gave us an instruction manual for sex and marriage so that these might work as He designed to fulfill His purpose.
- Current Events & Trends - July/August 2022 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the July/August 2022 issue of Beyond Today.
- What's so Special About Families? (l) - Some modern visionaries are now suggesting that the definition of family is any group of people living together in the same household regardless of blood connection or sex. But before we throw away the traditional view, shouldn't we consider what we would lose in the process?
- Predicting Your Success (l) - How would you like to drastically improve your odds of living a long, financially successful life? It is really quite simple. Read this article to find out how to do so and achieve greater happiness.
- What's So Special About Families? (l) - Some suggest a family should be defined as any group living together in the same household. Is this valid? Before we throw away our traditional view, perhaps we should consider what we would lose in the process.
- A Divine Institution (l) - Marriage is a natural union, but a divine institution.
- Same-Sex Marriage: Does It Meet With God's Approval? (l) - The gay agenda is steadily gaining ground in Western nations, with same-sex marriage finding acceptance. But what does the Bible say -- and why? And what's at the root of same-sex attraction?
- Does Marriage Matter? (l) - Marriage is the building block of families. Families are the building blocks of communities. Communities are the building blocks of society. When marriages and families break down, so do communities and ultimately society and civilization as a whole. We've seen this pattern before, and we're witnessing it again as this bedrock of society increasingly crumbles.
- Today's Family: Defining Marriage (l) - What is marriage? When and how did it originate? Does it really matter?
- Today's Family: Have Your Performed Your Vow Today? (l) - Understanding the meaning of love and commitment in the marriage relationship.
- The Ultimate Goal of the Marriage Union (l) - There is more to marriage than what is commonly experienced. Whether one marries or remains single, God wants us to understand there are spiritual implications to the marriage relationship
- Removing Ancient Landmarks (l) - When we tear down the boundaries that protect lands and property, tensions can set off fighting. Why then would we expect anything less when we remove the "ancient landmarks" that govern marriage and family relationships?
- God's Purpose for Sex and Marriage (l) - When and how did sex and marriage originate and for what purpose?
- Keys to a Lasting Marriage (l) - God's purpose for marriage and what marriage symbolizes.
- Lessons From the First Marriage (l) - God is the designer of marriage, instituting it with our first human parents, Adam and Eve. What can we learn from their marriage?
Marriage, preparation for
- An Open Letter to Singles (l) - Are many or most of your friends married with children? Do you wish you could also connect with that "someone special," but it just hasn't happened?
- What Girls Should Know Before Marriage (l) - If you enter into marriage blinded by physical attraction, you'll be rudely awakened not long after, when the full character of your spouse becomes evident.
- What Guys Should Know Before Marriage (l) - If you don't know what you want in life, how will you know if you found the person to join you on this journey?
- World News and Trends - May/June 2008 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world.
- Hooking Up and Losing Out (l) - A growing number of American college women are "hooking up" with college men, seeking out sexual encounters with no strings attached. What are they looking for--and what are they getting? They profess a deep spirituality, so why are they rejecting religion?
- Life in Hong Kong: An Interview with Peter and Corin Forster (l) - An interview with a couple who courted and married in Hong Kong.
- Marry the Right Person Key to a Successful Life (l) - With millions of people on planet earth, finding the perfect mate is a challenge. How do you know when your "soul mate" and companion for life will pass your way?
- What to Do After You Say "I Do" (l) - Marriage can and should be the most fulfilling time of this life. Research shows that married couples live longer than singles. Since nearly half of marriages fail in some countries, it's important to know what to do after you say "I do."
- "Are We Right for Each Other?" (l) - These 10 questions can help you gauge the godly potential of your relationship.
- Love Run Amok (l) - How can you know in advance whether someone will become an abusive mate?
- In the News July 2010 (l) - News of interest to teens and young adults from a biblical perspective. July 2010
- Preparation With a Purpose (l) - Your lifetime challenge is to become the type of person that is worthy to be a godly partner with someone who possesses all of the qualities you desire in a mate.
- Fairy-Tale Weddings: What's for Real? (l) - Getting married is not all glitz and glamor. But there's a great deal to look forward to -- and reason to focus on preparing.
- Have You Made Your Perfect Girl or Guy List? (l) - What kind of person do you want to marry someday? And what kind of person would that person want to marry?
- Waiting for Marriage - What Do I Do Now? (l) - Do you feel stuck and lonely in the single life - worried that you'll never find a mate? A right perspective will help - along with taking action.
- Cohabiting Doesn't Guarantee a Happy Marriage (l) - Marriage as a divine institution is again validated by a recent study.
- Living Together: What Aren't You Being Told? (l) - Millions of people choose to live together outside of marriage, thinking that will bring them happiness and a stable relationship. The truth, however, is far different.
- Choose Love (l) - Hollywood may tell us we're helpless when it comes to falling in love. But the reality is we can rule over our emotions and make wise choices.
- Stacking the Ultimate Relationship (l) - Puzzled about relationships, love and marriage? For keys to understanding, take a new look at a child's favorite toy!
- Statistics Find Cohabiting Couples More Likely to Split (l) - Marriage commitment is key to stronger families.
- The History of Dating (l) - Ever wondered what dating was like a century ago? Read this article to gain historical insight regarding arranged marriages, courting and how current dating practices evolved.
- Marriage: Foundation of the Family (l) - Applying God's principles for marriage not only produces happy relationships in this life, it yields greater understanding of godly principles that will last for eternity.
- Choose Your Love Story (l) - God's beautiful picture of sexuality is for us to refrain from having sex until we are married and then to only enjoy sex with the person to whom we are married.
- At What Age Should We Marry? (l) - Just as everyone matures at a different rate, determining the best time for marriage will vary according to each individual.
- Our Children: Gifts of God in a Hostile Environment (l) - Sadly, the world today is a hostile, toxic environment for children - even in nations where there is greater economic prosperity.
- Current Events & Trends - September/October 2023 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the September/October 2023 issue of Beyond Today.
- In the News Jul/Sep 2006 (l) - World news - July 2006.
- My Almost Huge Mistake (l) - Are you being tempted to marry someone who doesn't share your beliefs? The problem is real. So is the solution.
- World News Review August 1999 (l) - World news - August 1999
- Dating Disasters and Faulty Mate Selection: There Is a Better Way! (l) - Never before have bookstore shelves been so well stocked with such a variety of self-help relationship books, yet there seems to be such a dearth of understanding of how to live peaceably with one another. However, the principles of the Bible can be used to identify resources that can help prepare for a successful courtship and marriage.
- God Works in Mysterious Ways (l) - Who would have thought I would have to leave my country to find a church that existed in my own city? This experience took me to Africa and back. And I returned home with two sweet rewards.
- In the News Jul/Sep 2004 (l) - In the news... July/September 2004
- When Will God Provide a Mate for You? (l) - Young people often wonder if God will bless them with someone to marry. And they often want to know when. Read this firsthand account of a recently married couple who had the same questions.
- Questions and Answers - Sep/Oct 2002 (l) - Questions concerning marriage, sex, and the media
- Sex Outside of Marriage: What's the Big Deal? (l) - The sexual revolution of the 60's encouraged us to liberate ourselves from sexual taboos. Millions did. What have we learned?
- One, But Not the Same (l) - Dating someone with different religious values and beliefs and can seem like a good thing until you consider what is most important in a relationship. Read this true story by someone who learned this lesson firsthand.
- World News Review Jan. 1999 (l) - World news - Jan. 1999
- Living Together: What Aren't They Telling You? (l) - Does living together outside of marriage really bring happiness and stability? What is the real truth about the results of living together?
- An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Jul/Aug 2001 (l) - A bried synopsis of world events. July/August 2001.
- Questions and Answers - Apr/Jun 2002 (l) - Questions and answers on issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
- Just What Is True Love (l) - Are physical attraction and true love the same thing? Many people assume they are. You need to understand what true love is and how you can apply it to your marriage.
- Divorce Revolution Spawns Cohabitation Generation (l) - Results of a Rutgers University study are sobering and disconcerting-the majority of today's young adults are inclined toward living together outside of marriage.
- The Tiny Pill That Changed the World (l) - Forty-five years ago few could have foreseen how this medical innovation could have so dramatically shaped modern society.
- What Is True Love? (l) - Many young couples would say their feelings are true love. But are they? Does the Bible offer guidance to understand what true love really is?
- Divorce's Devastating Impact on Children (l) - The consequences of divorce on children are far reaching. Among these are depression, increased rates of drug and alcohol abuse, and inability to forge close relationships.
- Building a Relationship for a Lifetime (l) - How would you like the benefit of more than one thousand years of experience from people who are enjoying fulfilling and happy marriages?
- Divorce Revolution Spawns the Cohabitation Generation (l) - Hoping to avoid the difficulties they saw in their parents'marriages, many young adults are skipping marriage in favor of living together outside of marriage. But does this solve problems or create new ones?
- Secrets of Love (l) - What's the test of true, undying love? What are the secrets that allow love to flourish and grow in a world where the love of many grows cold?
- Is Obeying God Worth It? (l) - Does it matter whether we take God and his instructions seriously?
- Illicit Sex: The Threat to Children (l) - Children of divorce are more likely to engage in early sexual experiences. Many rush into cohabitation or early marriage.
- Predicting Your Success (l) - How would you like to drastically improve your odds of living a long, financially successful life? It is really quite simple. Read this article to find out how to do so and achieve greater happiness.
Marriage, same sex
- World News and Trends - July/August 2008 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. July 2008
- Has America Lost Its Way? (l) - America's leaders are making history -- but not in a good way. Rejecting biblical values that long strengthened the nation, some are now pursuing a treacherous path earlier leaders warned of long ago.
- Biblical Marriage & Prayer (l) - In the words of Sir Winston Churchill: "Where does the family start? It starts with a young man falling in love with a girl -- no superior alternative has yet been found."
- Growing Acceptance of the Gay Lifestyle (l) - Rapid acceptance of homosexual lifestyles and same-sex marriage is sweeping many countries around the globe. Many gay rights advocates now feel their movement is an unstoppable global trend.
- What's Behind the Gay Agenda? (l) - Western societies are going through many fundamental changes - perhaps none so far-reaching as those pushed by promoters of the gay agenda.
- Christianity on the Wane in America (l) - Whatever the direction of the nation as a whole, you individually can live a lawful life filled with hope.
- "Parent One" and "Parent Two": The Unraveling of the Traditional Family (l) - A war is under way against marriage and family. Who is behind it? How is the battle being waged? What are the stakes? And who will ultimately win?
- Christians Shifting on Illicit Lifestyles (l) - Western nations have witnessed a pronounced shift to acceptance of same-sex marriage as a legitimate lifestyle. This has been coming for a while. As nations changed their laws to legalize homosexual behavior, what has followed became inevitable.
- The Supreme Court (l) - The U.S. Supreme Court has again defied God -- by not only denying His Word but also scientific reality.
- Sexual Identity - Another Assault on Biblical Authority (l) - New attacks on the Bible and biblical teachings from society and governments demonstrate the spiritual danger of the times -- and for Christians to not fall into these deceptive snares.
- The "Respect for Marriage Act"ť - Is it Truly Respectful? (l) - New legislation has imbedded same-sex "marriage" into U.S. law. To what end? And does this law actually respect marriage, a divine institution established by God?
- Same-Sex Marriage Threatens Civilization (l) - Many fail to realize the dangerous path that same-sex marriage is leading us down. Far more is involved than the opportunity for two members of the same sex to marry.
- World News Review March/April 2004 (l) - World News Review. March/April 2004.
- World News Review March 2000 (l) - World news - March 2000
- Today's Family: Defining Marriage (l) - What is marriage? When and how did it originate? Does it really matter?
- World News Review August 2000 (l) - World news review - Aug 2000
- In the News Apr/Jun 2004 (l) - News items. April-June 2004
- World News Review April/May 2000 (l) - World news - Apr/May 2000
- "Civil Unions": The Genesis of Untold Controversy (l) - Canada, the European Union and the small state of Vermont have all introduced laws that seek to rewrite social mores and customs about marriage. Some believe the proposed revisions correct wrongs and promote justice; but, to the contrary, they will engender controversy without end.
- Letters From Our Readers - Nov/Dec 2003 (l) - Letters to the editor; Good News, Nov/Dec 2003
- Mary: A Woman of Faith (l) - There are many remarkable events that have taken place in the history of mankind -- and many remarkable people involved in these events.
- Hail, Mary? (l) - Jesus Is Our Intercessor, Not Mary.
- Jesus' Family Connections (l) - When we read the Gospels carefully, we see a number of family connections that help us better understand certain events.
- Follow Me - Seizing the Moment for God's Glory (l) - A faithful disciple made sure to not miss an important opportunity to show her love and devotion to Jesus Christ -- leaving a lesson and example for us all.
- Follow Me - Let It Be According to Your Word (l) - Jesus' own example of humble submission was preceded by the example of a devoted and yielded mother.
- Profiles of Faith: Mary and Martha: Lessons From Two Sisters (l) - Do you concentrate more on form or substance?
- A Right Example Heard Around the World (l) - Jesus Christ surprised His disciples -- and possibly many of us as well -- by praising a seemingly wasteful act. Why did He put such emphasis on it?
- Jesus Christ: Do We Have the Real Story? (l) - Do we have the complete story of Jesus Christ's life and death? For centuries alternative ideas have circulated as to whether Jesus was who the Gospels say He was. The Da Vinci Code, a hugely popular best-selling book, dramatizes one of these stories. What is the truth? Can we know for sure?
- Profiles of Faith: Joseph and Mary: A Faithful Couple (l) - Why did God chose this couple to be the human parents of His son?
- Are You a Slave to Debt? (l) - Millions have allowed themselves to become enslaved to a harsh taskmaster - debt. Are you one of those caught in this trap? What can you do to break free?
- God and Mammon (l) - What did Christ mean when he said we couldn't serve mammon?
- Not One Stone! (l) - We, like Jesus' disciples in 31AD, can call a spiritual time-out and become bedazzled by what seems so big, so beautiful, so very permanent.
- Lessons From Survivors of The Great Depression (l) - What is it like to live when goods are scarce? What does it mean to be in want? What lessons can we learn from those who have been through tough times?
- A Crucial Factor in Producing Fruit: Eradicate the Weeds of Sin (l) - Victory requires understanding the enemy. In our spiritual warfare, the enemy is us! Raw human nature is like a field taken over by noxious weeds. We must eradicate the weeds and replace them with God's Spirit so we can produce much good fruit!
- Enough! (l) - Are we grateful for what we have, or are we consumed with desire for what we do not have?
- Symptoms of America's Cultural Darkness (l) - An incisive article late last year by longtime nationally syndicated American columnist Cal Thomas caught our attention -- titled "Signs of National Decline are Everywhere This Holiday Season" in the Washington Examiner (Dec. 2, 2013) and, at FoxNews.com, "A Prescription for Decline -- Worshipping the False Gods of Prosperity and Money" (Dec. 3).
- Lessons From the Parables: The Sower and the Seeds - Part 2 (l) - You're holding in your hands the "seeds" of the gospel of the Kingdom of God. But you may not understand the spiritual battle taking place right now with you at the center. Read on to understand how it can play out!
- Financial Security and Peace of Mind (l) - God promises material blessings to those who obey Him and acknowledge Him with their wealth (Proverbs 3:1, 9-10). Through the prophet Malachi God warned that withholding His tithe amounts to robbing Him, but He will bless those who tithe (Malachi 3:7-12).
- Going After the Good Stuff (l) - Are you going to buy an expensive Sony Playstation? Would you believe a good book can be far more valuable? Benjamin Franklin said, "The great part of the miseries of mankind are brought upon them by false estimates they have made of the value of things."
- Too Many Treasures? (l) - Why do I sometimes find myself envying Ma and Laura of the Little House books?
- Are You Caught in a Thistle? (l) - What does God want us to learn from this tenacious weed that tends to choke out surrounding plants?
- True Freedom (l) - If you were as rich as billionaire Howard Hughes, you would enjoy great freedom. Wouldn't you?
- What Do I Need Right Now? (l) - As young people mature, many wonder about their relationship with God and attending church services. How can a youth know what to do?
- The Pursuit of Nothing (l) - Too often what we are sold on turns out to be Nothing(tm).
Meaning of life
- Questions and Answers - Jul/Aug 2008 (l) - Questions from readers of the Good News. July/Aug 2008
- The Boston Marathon Bombing Opens a Window on All Time (l) - The cold-blooded attack on innocent bystanders at the Boston Marathon didn't come out of nowhere. It's one of many tragedies that should give us pause and cause us to contemplate several lessons about life.
- "Saved by His Life" (l) - When you lose hope, how do you manage to regain confidence and purpose in life?
- The Chance to Be Unlimited (l) - New Year's resolutions, although well-intentioned, may actually distract us from something far more important -- the awesome future God has planned for us!
- Groping for Meaning and Morality (l) - Man has developed three views, nihilism, humanism & immanence, that attempt to explain the meaning of life without God. These have had an enormous impact on the world and the way people live.
- Does Life Have Greater Meaning and Purpose? (l) - Most people don't have the understanding that God is involved with mankind and that He has a plan for us. To be at peace, human beings must realize what God has in mind for them.
- Everlasting Life Conquers Death (l) - Understanding the meaning of life, death and what follows this physical life can give us comfort and hope in the face of death. It should also have a great impact on the kind of people we are, motivating us to live carefully and make wise choices.
- The Wondrous Gift of Life (l) - Scientists and theologians have dedicated lifetimes to trying to find the keys that unlock the mystery of human existence.
- Humanity's Fruitless Quest for Life's Purpose (l) - Most people long to know if their lives have purpose and meaning and whether they have any reason to hope in their future.
- Inasmuch! (l) - In following Jesus Christ, we must learn to love and care for others by seeing everyone as He does.
- Man's Search for Meaning in the Universe (l) - Humankind seems to be "wired" to want to explore, to learn, to reach out, to understand why we are here and where we are headed.
- When Heaven Comes to Earth (l) - You were born to live a life Jesus Christ can use when He returns with the Kingdom He receives from His Father. Are you using your time now to prepare for your future role?
- Editorial: Unscrambling the Meaning of Life (l) - While much of the world's attention is consumed by controversy surrounding a fictional book and movie, the meaning of life remains a mystery to all but a few.
- Too Many Treasures? (l) - Why do I sometimes find myself envying Ma and Laura of the Little House books?
- The Visionary Insight of J.B. Priestley (l) - In the book Literature and Western, J.B. Priestley considers the problems of the human condition and how we must face them. A brief excursion into his remarkable insight can yield us lasting benefit.
- Is Anybody Out There? (l) - An atheist raises good questions. "Does God exist?" may well be life's ultimate question.
- A Front-Row Seat for Suffering (l) - Repeated exposure to violence - real and feigned - in news and entertainment hardens us to the real suffering of others.
- Current Events & Trends - July/August 2023 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the July/August 2023 issue of Beyond Today.
- The Media's Alternative Gospel (l) - The major media news organizations and outlets, says jounalist William Proctor, have their own lists of rights and wrongs that they support or condem through their editorials and reporting.
- How Movies Move Us (l) - Almost everyone enjoys seeing a movie on occasion. But how does it affect you? More importantly, how do you decide which ones to see?
- Questions and Answers - Sep/Oct 2002 (l) - Questions concerning marriage, sex, and the media
- Radical Islam -- a Threat to Freedom of Speech? (l) - Prominent media personalities on both sides of the Atlantic are in trouble for recent comments made about Islamic countries. Is freedom of speech threatened?
- Should You Believe All the News You Hear? (l) - Many people's outlook on current events, culture, society and the world is shaped by the news they read and hear. But how truthful is most reporting? Can you - and should you - believe everything you hear?
- Mass Media and Bible Prophecy (l) - Several amazing biblical passages fortell the shaping of the world at the time of the end by a powerful web of global media.
- All the News That Fits - Into One Minute (l) - With the U.S. networks continually cutting back on international coverage, where can a Christian turn to watch world events?
- A Telling Profile of Media Professionals (l) - The entertainment establishment- writers, producers and stars of the movies,TV programs and music we consume-are overwhelmingly liberal in their political outlook.
- Why This Death Didn't Count (l) - Examples like this and many more, that can be found through searches of alternative media sources on the Internet - demonstrate that most major media outlets often aren't reporting the full spectrum of the news, but only the news they want you to hear.
- How to Choose a Good Movie (l) - Almost everyone enjoys seeing a movie on occasion. But how does it affect you? More importantly, how do you decide which ones to see?
- "Generation @" Needs Godly Values in Space (l) - You're likely scratching your head at that title or you may assume that it has something to do with NASA! Actually, it has to do with the Internet and something called MySpace, not outer space. This article examines an Internet phenomenon that's growing like wildfire, along with its pros and cons.
- Another Brick in a New World (l) - I wonder when filmmakers will take a bold step away from sex and finally tell a story without major emphasis on the sexual preferences of the main characters. Maybe not in my lifetime, but I can always hope.
Media, influence of
- Teaching Values to Your Child: How to Make Wise Media Choices (l) - It's no secret that much of the media our children are exposed to promotes values contrary to Christian values. How can we teach them how to decide what music to listen to and which movies to see?
- The Marketing of Evil (l) - David Kupelian's book is subtitled "How Radicals, Elitists, and Pseudo-Experts Sell Us Corruption Disguised as Freedom" (2005, ISBN-13: 978-1581824599).
- Redefining Morality: Why a Torrent of Trouble Threatens to Engulf Us (l) - Today the major English-speaking nations watch as a storm of problems draws ever nearer, a storm created by hostile forces that blurred and weakened their sense of morality. Does the Bible indicate where we will go from here?
- Whatever Happened to Childhood? (l) - With the increased expectations aimed at children in today's society, is it possible that they are growing up too quickly?
- Twilight on the Land (l) - I was 17 when I saw my first vampire film. I laughed till I cried. Today I am 57 and I do not laugh at images and stories of vampires. Today I shudder.
- In the News... April 2009 (l) - Items in the news - April 2009
- Countering Media Influence (l) - The pressure to conform is relentless. Everything seems to be against those who want to live in obedience to God. How can we resist?
- The "Is It Worth It?" Media Filter Test (l) - Ask yourself these questions about your choice of media.
- It's Only... It's Just... (l) - They are used again and again in our own lives. Our children especially use them, and we only hurt ourselves when we allow them to control us. What are they?
- Amusement Addiction: Society's Unhealthy Obsession With Entertainment (l) - Our society is obsessed with entertainment. Kids and adults alike seem attached to their MP3 players, PDAs, remote controls and other electronic devices. Newscasters and college lecturers have replaced "newsy" messages with more entertaining approaches. Is that bad? What steps can we take to keep from becoming addicted to entertainment?
- Celebrity Culture: The Distorted Mirror (l) - Magazines, TV and the Internet are obsessed with celebrities and celebrity culture. How does society's fascination with celebrity culture affect you and your children? How can you counter its negative influence?
- Effects of TV Sexuality, Violence on Teenagers (l) - These facts by themselves indicate that many aspects of such viewing can and will encourage risky behavior in teenagers and children.
- Media's Assault on Traditional Values (l) - Our popular media has been pushing the envelope when it comes to traditional values for quite some time.
- Who Will Win the Battle Over Marriage? (l) - Family values are changing dramatically. Television and other forms of media promote wrong values that undermine marital relationships. Who and what is behind this subtle, seductive battle over marriage, and why?
- Accepting the Unacceptable (l) - What we see and hear can change who we are.
- What's the Purpose of Family? (l) - What is God's purpose for families? It's spelled out in the Bible, but most overlook it.
- Entertainment Impact and the "Downton Effect" (l) - Television series has far reaching influence on viewers.
- Vertical News: Secret Facebook Experiment (l) - Facebook experiment without user knowledge causes controversy.
- Is Our Mass Media Leading Us Astray (l) - Mass media wields tremendous power and influence over today's society and culture. And often that influence is not good. In fact, it's much like the false prophets of ancient biblical days.
- The Decline of the American Male (l) - Western society is shifting in major ways. One of the most dramatic changes is the decline and disappearance of needed masculinity.
- What's Behind the Growing Culture War? (l) - Powerful, dangerous forces are executing an all-out war in America, as in other Western nations. They are striving relentlessly to transform the culture into something previous generations would never recognize. You need to know not only what is happening and why, but what you can do about it.
- The Battle Over What You Think (l) - For decades a battle has raged -- a battle not for territory, but for hearts and minds. Whether you realize it or not, you and your loved ones are a target of this battle, and the stakes couldn't be higher!
- Are You Being Manipulated? (l) - Few people are aware of the great unseen spiritual battle taking place throughout the world. Fewer still realize that the main battlefield is within their minds!
- The New Sexual Revolution (l) - We face a serious revolution. Large numbers of young adults identify as LGBTQ. Schools are programming preteens to believe they can choose to be a boy or girl. Society is in a satanic battle against God Himself, marriage, the family, the natural order as God designed us and God's plan for mankind. This battle is already in your home!
- Censorship, Intimidation & Rising Tyranny (l) - There's a big push by today's governments to control speech and information. The signs are very concerning-but they are just the beginnings of something far worse to come.
- Who's Telling You What to Think? (l) - Some people accept the news they read in newspapers and watch on television as the gospel truth. Is such trust in our mass media justified? Do you really know who's telling you what to think and why?
- World News Review Jan 2005 (l) - World News Review - January 2005
- To See or Not to See: That New Horror Film (l) - Have you ever found yourself hanging out with friends who wanted to see a horror film? How can you decide what to do?
- World News and Trends - Mar/Apr 2000 (l) - A brief synopsis of world events. March/April 2000
- Is Your Family Manipulated by Mass Media? (l) - Does your family properly use electronic mass media? Or do you let the media abuse you? Here are 10 principles to help you regain control and stamp out media abuse.
- The Battle for Your Mind (l) - There is a very real battle going on inside your head. You have the power to determine who will win. Don't loose this crucial confrontation.
- What Is True Love? (l) - Many young couples would say their feelings are true love. But are they? Does the Bible offer guidance to understand what true love really is?
- A Telling Profile of Media Professionals (l) - The entertainment establishment- writers, producers and stars of the movies,TV programs and music we consume-are overwhelmingly liberal in their political outlook.
- Virginity: Is It Worth It? (l) - Many people mistakenly think everyone is having sex before marriage, but the facts show otherwise -- with good cause.
- Will the Family Survive? (l) - The family definitely needs help. The overwhelming pressures against it seem insurmountable. The family is surrounded and beleaguered on all fronts, from media to finances to school and finally by the subtle undermining of culture. Can these influences be counteracted?
- World News and Trends - Jul/Aug 2005 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. July 2005
- The Girl Next Door (l) - A study by San Diego State University shows a shocking cultural shift in the attitudes and practices of teen girls regarding sex. What should you do to help your teens avoid the pain and suffering this could bring?
- Resistance Is Not Futile! (l) - When media producers' worldviews don't include God and His standards of behavior, what kind of influence do you think their movies will have?
- Dethroning the Media Gods (l) - Consider how the mass media conditions your mind--and what you can do about it.
- A Tale of Two TV Commercials (l) - It's ironic that in an age when knowledge is exploding, we choose to remain so clueless about one of the basic functions of life -- sex.
- Hollywood and History (l) - The movie industry may not always accurately represent history, but it has played a role in shaping it.
- World News and Trends - Jan/Fen 2000 (l) - A brief synopsis of world events. January/February 2000
- You Can Win the War Against the Family (l) - Modern pop culture is robbing children of their innocence while undermining their character growth by addicting them to random violence, filthy language and explicit sex. In spite of this subtle brainwashing, you can still win the war being waged against your family.
- Choosing Movies and Music: What's Going Into Your Mind? (l) - Young people just want to have fun. But how should one decide what kind of music to listen to and which movies and television shows to watch?
- How Mass Media Sells Sex (l) - The idea of sexual freedom is kept alive and well by what Dr. Meg Meeker considers a major cause of the current epidemic of teen sex -- mass media and the sexually charged world our kids see.
- Are You a Frog in a Pot? (l) - Some people live their lives oblivious to the environment around them. You don't have to, and God doesn't want you to. Here's why.
- In the News Jul/Sep 2006 (l) - World news - July 2006.
- The Media's Alternative Gospel (l) - The major media news organizations and outlets, says jounalist William Proctor, have their own lists of rights and wrongs that they support or condem through their editorials and reporting.
- Maintain Your True Course (l) - Meditation on God's Word helps us navigate through the obstacles of life to reach our destination--God's Kingdom!
- Building a Better Relationship With God (l) - Here are five tools that can help us build a stronger, closer friendship with God.
- Time-Out! (l) - A time-out is not only useful in sports, it can be a time of rejuvenation you call for yourself.
- Five Smooth Stones (l) - David, the youth who would become king of Israel, faced Goliath with sling in hand and stones he selected to use as ammunition. What can we today use in handling the challenges and difficulties we come up against?
- Yoga's a Stretch (l) - A study has found that the physical exercises in the discipline of yoga, an ancient practice of stretching and meditation from India, help to relieve pain in the lower back -- but that there is no evidence that the meditation element of yoga increases relief.
- Vantage Point: Over the Cliff (l) - Vertical Thought can help you maintain an overview of life.
- Five Tools for Dealing With Trials (l) - What do you do when you've tried everything within your power to solve a problem? Here are five tools to help turn trials into godly character.
- How Can You Find Peace in Our Troubled World? (l) - The news is often bleak, and life can be difficult. Peace may seem out of reach, but it's not. You can experience it today.
- Enhance Your Prayer Life With Meditation (l) - Prayer is something we do daily. Is there a way to enhance our prayers with silence?
- Meditation: What's on Your Mind? (l) - The Bible teaches us about tools we can use to grow spiritually and build our relationship with God. In this third article in a series, we examine the importance of godly thoughts and meditation.
- Misguided and Mystical Meditation (l) - Oriental meditation in general is an attempt to empty the mind, while Christian meditation fills the mind.
- Meditation (l) - A vital purpose of meditation is to cleanse our hearts and minds from the evils of this world.
- What Should We Meditate About? (l) - Some of the things we might meditate on to get our minds more attuned to God's way of thinking.
Medved, Michael
- Today's Music: What's the Message to Our Kids? (l) - Parents who care about their children will screen their media diet and will teach their children by word and example a much healthier way to think and live.
- You Can Win the War Against the Family (l) - Modern pop culture is robbing children of their innocence while undermining their character growth by addicting them to random violence, filthy language and explicit sex. In spite of this subtle brainwashing, you can still win the war being waged against your family.
- World News Review November 2003 (l) - World News Review. November 2003
- World News and Trends - Jan/Feb 2004 (l) - An Overview of Conditions Around the World, Jan/Feb 2004.
Mental health
- Editorial: Self-Esteem or Self-Worth? (l) - In February of 2007, five psychologists turned the tables on the popular perception that the self-esteem movement has been good for us.
- Positives for Older People, Part 1 (l) - When the United Nation's General Assembly designated 1999 as the International Year of Older Persons, it was long overdue.
- Fear and Depression: Conquer Them With These Crucial Keys (l) - Feeling anxious and depressed? With the world and the economy in such bad shape, it's no wonder such feelings are common. What can you do to combat these negative ways of thinking? Use these five keys to help!
- For Men: Grief, and How to Deal With It (l) - "A time to cry and a time to laugh, a time to grieve and a time to dance" (Ecclesiastes 3:4. When the time comes for grieving, how should Christian men deal with it?
- Look Beyond the Surface (l) - Sometimes what we see on the outside is meaningless. It just doesn't tell the whole story.
- Catch the Rhythm! (l) - Is your internal clock in the wrong time zone?
- Can One be a Christian and Still Suffer Depression? (l) - Answers to your questions about the Bible and Christian living.
- Emotional - Physical Health Connection (l) - Taking care of your body is an important step towards mental and emotional health. God created links between the human body and mind.
- Take Care of Yourself - Emotionally (l) - People concerned about their health start exercise programs. But they should also think about improving their emotional health.
- Can One Be a Christian and Still Suffer Depression? (l) - No Christian is immune from depression. Is there anything we can do when anxiety, worry or depression threaten to engulf us?
- How To Confront and Defeat Fear and Anxiety (l) - With God's great help we can perform rationally and calmly in anxious situations and win every battle against fear and anxiety.
- Real Men Don't Cry (l) - Society has drilled into our heads that "real men" don't show emotions. Is that really what the Creator intended?
- Depression: Is There a Cure? (l) - Even people in the Bible experienced depression. God was there for them, and He is there for us. Never give up hope!
- Exercise Your Body and Exercise Your Brain (l) - Many focus on keeping their body in shape -- what about their brain?
- Are You Feeling Overwhelmed? (l) - Do too many problems stare you in the face? Do you find yourself with too much to do and not enough time and energy to do it? There are ways out of the dilemma.
- Overcoming Discouragement (l) - God has guaranteed our success if we put our trust in Him to help us overcome those debilitating feelings of discouragement.
- The Bible's Keys to Mental Health (l) - Why are mental problems and disabilities on the rise? Could it be that we overlook the Bible's keys to healthy, positive thinking?
- Aging Gracefully in an Uncertain World (l) - Growing old should be positive experience. How can we make those positive and productive?
- Whatever Happened to Father in Children's Literature? (l) - The absent father in literature is a reminder of the intense need children have for their parents.
- The Quest for Happiness (l) - A man in a concentration camp discovered some keys to real happiness.
- Mercy (l) - Mercy is not a word commonly used today and most do not understand it. But mercy is a word that should characterize a Christian and reflect the virtues of God and Jesus Christ.
- Kindness: From the Heart to the Helping Hand (l) - God's nature is that of incredible loving-kindness toward all people. And He will kindly help His followers cultivate the much-needed fruit of godly kindness.
- Spank the Book -- Heal the Heart (l) - Childhood can be a time of hurt or healing. Sometimes the smallest of actions can make a world of difference.
- Blessed are The Merciful for They Shall Receive Mercy! (l) - The best way to correct a mistake is to smother it with mercy.
- Children of Mercies (l) - God's mercy is one of his most endearing qualities. As his children, three ways we can practice mercy are providing physically for our fellow man, comforting those who need it and forgiving others who wrong us out of love.
- Blessed Are the Merciful (l) - A lesson in Christ-like mercy from the book A Higher Call: An Incredible True Story of Combat and Chivalry in the War-Torn Skies of World War II
- Handwriting for the Ages (l) - We must not condemn others when we stand guilty ourselves. Cry out for mercy - and be merciful.
- Blessed Are the Merciful, for They Shall Obtain Mercy! (l) - People aren't naturally merciful creatures. That's why God's saving grace is so powerful. It's by God's transforming grace that we can become the kind of merciful people who will inherit His Kingdom.
- Dr. Treves and the Elephant Man (l) - Where is your focus? Do you show outward concern for others
- How God Balances Justice With Mercy (l) - God balances justice with mercy by considering what is in the heart--whether there remains any possibility of repentance.
- Forgiveness of Sin (l) - How are we forgiven, and where do baptism and Jesus Christ fit in?
- Grace: A Biblical Overview (l) - To understand the meaning of grace, we need to understand the Hebrew and Greek words used for grace in the Bible and what they reveal to us.
- How Can You Grow in Grace? (l) - In light of what the Bible shows us about grace, what does this mean for us? Does receiving God's grace come with obligations? How can we grow in grace?
- How You Can Help Those Worn Down by Weariness (l) - In the July-August 2020 issue of Beyond Today we discussed ways to deal with weariness. Here we discuss how we can help others who are facing that same struggle.
- The Transforming Power of Forgiveness (l) - Christ is interested in salvaging the lives of sinners. All who make a clean break with past sins can be completely forgiven.
- God's Judgment: Condemnation or Hope? (l) - The good news is that the judgment of God on man has a better ending than most people think. This good news is revealed in the festivals of God.
- If I Knew Then What I Know Now (l) - God provides an opportunity for a new beginning - not just once, but countless times after that initial start.
- Religion With and Without Mercy (l) - Should religion make one more merciful or less merciful? By looking at the attitudes and actions of many religious people around the world, one would conclude less merciful!
- Not by Might or by Power (l) - The ideal of a "peaceable kingdom" has held men's imaginations for centuries. Many efforts have been made to create this perfect utopia. How will it come - by human effort or by the power of God?
- How Can We Find the Pathway to Peace? (l) - "Peace" and "goodwill toward men!" announced the chorus of heavenly messengers at the time of Jesus Christ's birth. But where is the evidence of this peace among humanity, as also foretold by Isaiah and other prophets? What went wrong? Will humanity ever experience this peace?
- Did Jesus Christ Fail as the Messiah? (l) - Jesus of Nazareth is the central figure of Christianity. His followers claimed He was the Jewish Messiah who would rule the earth, but He was put to death as a criminal. Did Jesus fail as the Messiah?
- The Real 'Man of Steel' Is Coming (l) - When you need a real hero to save the world - Who do you call?
- The Feast of Trumpets: A Turning Point in History (l) - The Feast of Trumpets introduces the autumn festivals - representing the culmination of the present age of man and the beginning of an incredible time during which God will play a much more direct part in world events.
- The Gospel of Jesus Christ: Salvation in the Kingdom (l) - The Kingdom of God is attained only through Jesus Christ's central role as the personal Savior of all who would enter that Kingdom.
- Was Jesus Christ the Messiah? (l) - What was Jesus Christ's purpose? Why did He come to earth? Why will He come again?
- The Chronology of Christ's Crucifixion and Resurrection (l) - Here is a description of the sequence of events during the crucifixion week, according to history and the Bible.
- The Messiah's Misunderstood Mission (l) - Jesus performed miracles and signs. He healed the sick, raised the dead, quelled storms of nature -- yet He wasn't accepted as Israel's Messiah. His purpose was misunderstood by most of those who saw and heard Him.
- What Do 'Messiah' and 'Jesus Christ' Mean? (l) - The meaning of the names of Jesus Christ.
- The Coming of the Messiah (l) - Beyond the messianic reference in the scepter prophecy (Genesis 49:10), God gave many other prophecies about the Messiah in Scripture.
- Glossary (bsc5) (l) - Word definitions for Bible Lesson 5.
- Was Jesus the Promised Messiah? (l) - What was Jesus Christ's purpose? Why did he come to earth? Why will he come again?
- The King of the Coming Kingdom (l) - The writings of the Hebrew prophets contain many references to the coming of the divinely anointed King. According to prophecy, God will give Jesus Christ an eternal Kingdom in which He will rule over "peoples, nations, and languages".
- Who Was Jesus Christ? (1/2002) (l) - What was Jesus' identity? Was he truly the Christ?
- In Search of Superman (l) - Generations have thrilled to the exploits of Superman, the comic book hero who rescues people from evil. Couldn't our world use a real Superman about now?
- World News & Trends March/April 2009 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. March/April 2009
Middle East
- World News and Trends - January/February 2008 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Jan. 2008
- Insurmountable Challenges Plague the Middle East Today (l) - The entire Middle East region, culturally and religiously extending into North Africa and South Asia, continues to be very volatile, with no sign of this abating.
- What's Behind the Turmoil in Egypt? (l) - Recent headlines have been filled with accounts of riots, protests and demonstrations in several Middle Eastern countries. What's behind them? What does it all mean? Does Bible prophecy provide any clues?
- Who Will Dominate the Middle East? (l) - As America pulls out of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, other powers are rushing in to fill the vacuum. Domestic, regional and global forces are all vying for influence. Where are events in the ever-volatile Middle East headed?
- Disappointment and Disorder: the Middle East a Prime Example (l) - End-time events continue to escalate. The trends of our time regress steadily from bad to worse. Yet another decade of pronounced world disorder seems inevitable.
- Avoid Involvement in the Middle East? (l) - Bloomberg Businessweek published an article by Peter Beinart, a Daily Beast columnist and university professor, that originally appeared online with the title "Obama Should Give Peace a Chance With Iran" (Sept. 19, 2013).
- Searching for Eden in the Middle East (l) - Why do nations and peoples collide in the Middle East? Why is the home to the long-ago Garden of Eden today the home to so much sorrow and suffering? Will the region ever resemble Eden again? The surprising answer is yes!
- God's Plan for the Middle East (l) - The news out of the Middle East today leaves us with little hope and very little good news. Does anyone have solutions to these huge problems?
- The Creation of the Modern Middle East (l) - In the 20th century Arabs were to become independent -- not one nation but more than 20. One great frustration for the Arab world today is that there are 22 Arab countries and little immediate prospect of Arab unity.
- A Rising Tide of Arab Nationalism (l) - One of the most significant developments in the Middle East following the Treaty of Versailles ending World War I was rising Arab nationalism.
- Introduction: Worlds in Turmoil (l) - After 1,900 years, the restoration of a Jewish homeland in the Middle East was necessary to fulfill ancient prophecies you can find in the Bible. This region, once a "political backwater" of little or no interest to the Western powers, is destined to become the center of the final global crisis that will usher in cataclysmic events leading humanity to the brink of extinction -- and ultimately change our world forever.
- Current Events & Trends - January/February 2021 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the January/February 2021 issue of Beyond Today.
- World News and Trends - Jan/Feb 1998 (l) - Overview of world events. January/February 1998.
- Seeing the World Scene Realistically (l) - The historic continuum and religious war between militant Islam and secularism.
- Major International Challenges Confront President Bush's Second Term (l) - The world looks very different four years after President Bush took office. What challenges lie ahead for the second Bush administration?
- The Middle East in Conflict: How Will It End? (l) - In the wake of the latest war, Time magazine asked the right questions: "What is it about the Middle East that makes the conflicts so intractable? Why the hate and where's the healing?" (July 24).
- Iraq and the Middle East: A Century of Turmoil Continues (l) - God has had a standard of righteous conduct that began at the time of the creation of Adam and has not changed since
- Will One Good Man Stand Up? (l) - Regardless of whether an Iraqi war occurs, lasting peace will not exist until Christ intervenes to restore universal justice among the nations.
- The Coming Intervention in the Middle East (l) - Blood again stains the soil of the Middle East. Neither the principals in the struggle, nor outside political or religious powers, have been able to broker a peace. Are the circumstances ripe for another power to assert itself?
- Iran: Why Part of the "Axis of Evil"? (l) - Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon considers Iran to be as dangerous as Iraq and a "center of world terror." Why should this be so?
- The Middle East: Worlds in Collision (l) - Who will write the next chapter in the history of this troubled city, Jerusalem? Believe it or not, the final chapters are already written -- prophesied centuries ago in the pages of the Bible.
- Searching for a Mideast Peace (l) - The long search for peace in Palestine.
- From the Editor - Good News Magazine Mar/Apr 2003 (l) - Which crisis will set this final, unalterable chain of events in motion? And, more important, will you be ready?
- World News and Trends - Sep/Oct 2003 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. September/October 2003
- Some Things Don't Change (l) - You won't find anyone more optimistic, more hopeful for the future, more confident that world peace lies ahead, than those of us who are listening to what God says.
- A Moment of Decision (l) - It is hoped that a new democratic regime in Iraq will be the first step toward changing other Arab states and creating Western-style governments based on the freedom of the individual and economic openness.
- An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Jul/Aug 2002 (l) - An analysis of world news, trends, and conditions around the world. July/August 2002
- World News and Trends - January/February 2007 (l) - World news. January 2007.
- 2004: The World's Superpower Faces Powerful Challenges (l) - As a new year begins, the United States faces a disunited world with dangers both external and internal.
- World News Review February 2001 (l) - A brief overview of world events.
- When Will the Middle East Find Peace (l) - Pray for the peace of Jerusalem,"urged Israel's King David 3,000 years ago."(Psalm 122:6)Seeking a peaceful solution to the Mideast problem is the concern, if not the prayer, of many world leaders. But peace in the Holy Land has,over the centuries,been in remarkablely short supply.
- Understanding Al Jazeera (l) - Would it surprise you to learn that Al Jazeera is highly controversial in the Arab world? Is this new type of Arab media a threat to the peace and stability of the Middle East? Is it a threat to the West? Read on to understand what Al Jazeera is and what it can do.
- The 'Road Map' to Peace: Doomed From the Start? (l) - Few observers want peace in the Middle East more than the staff and publishers of The Good News. But we know that there is only one true path to peace -- and the players aren't on it. Yet the Bible does guarantee that peace will finally come to the Middle East.
- Democracy Is More Than a Word (l) - President George W. Bush recently declared America's commitment to democracy in the Middle East. But democracy in this and other regions of the world has not had much success. There are good reasons for this failure.
- When Will the Middle East Find Peace? (l) - Why does it seem that the Middle East is always in turmoil, perpetually on the brink of another war? Will this troubled region ever see lasting peace?
- 2003: The Storm Clouds Gather (l) - What long-term effects will come from the unsettling events so far in 2003? No human being knows for sure. But we can observe, analyze and learn from the storm clouds gathering on the horizon.
- Behind the Headlines ... America vs. Iraq or America vs. the World? (l) - One year after Sept. 11, in the debate on terrorism, America is often seen as the villain, no longer as the victim. Why do so many people around the world hate America?
- When Will Peace Come to the Middle East? (l) - Terrorism is not the only threat to peace in the Middle East. Wars fought using traditional methods have abounded in this blood-stained century.
- King Hussein's Uncertain Legacy (l) - Power passes to the next generation in a key Middle Eastern Kingdom.
- Thousand-Year-Old Lessons From the Crusades for Today (l) - Kingdom of Heaven is a movie about the Crusades, a clash of civilizations between Islam and Christianity that lasted two centuries. Could a similar clash of civilizations lie ahead?
- What Lies Ahead for U.S. Leasership? (l) - End-time events can take place without warning. We are told to watch and to love the truth. If we do, we'll have the context to understand events of the coming years.
- Islamic Extremists Attack the West in Many Countries (l) - "Wars and rumors of wars" (Matthew 24:6) were prophesied by Jesus Christ to be a major area of concern at the time of "the end of the age" (verse 3). Interestingly, false religion was prophesied to precede these conflicts: "For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many" (verse 5).
- After Iraq, What Next? (l) - As the world focuses its attention on the conflict between the United States and Iraq, it's easy to overlook the many other threats facing the United States. What are these threats, and what do they portend?
- The North-South Struggle for the Middle East (l) - An end-time prophecy in the book of Daniel describes a conflict between two kings. Who might they be in today's world?
- When Is Enough...Enough? (l) - Continuing to ignore the fundamental laws of God creates a state of unrighteousness for which God will demand an accounting. God is a God of judgment. At some point He will say, "Enough is enough!"
- An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Nov/Dec 1996 (l) - Fathers' involvement with children. Do-it-yourself morality. U.S. water supply.
- What Prevents Peace in the Middle East? (l) - Political hindrances to peace in the Middle East.
- U.S. Election-Year Challenges Beyond President's Control (l) - In this election year, suddenly old problems are reemerging that seem beyond the president's control. Problems in the Far East, Russia and the Middle East are back with us as if they had never gone away.
- World News Review January 2000 (l) - World news - Jan 2000
- Next on the Agenda: Mideast Peace (l) - Wars change the world-often in unexpected ways. Their consequences can be far reaching, even "to the third and fourth generations" (Exodus 20:5) and beyond.
- Spiritual Warfare Behind the Scenes (l) - Deeply entrenched religious issues are at the heart of the war on terrorism. They are inflamed by a power greater than either the worldwide terrorist network or the combined military might of the United States, Britian the rest of NATO and Russia. You need to understand what that power is.
Middle East - history
- King of the Oasis (l) - Dates were plentiful in the biblical times and grow well in many arid areas of the world. Yet one variety had completely disappeared. Could it be revived? What lessons can we learn from the date palm tree?
- The Middle East: Ground Zero of Bible Prophecy (l) - Only a century ago the Middle East was a relatively peaceful and tranquil area. Today it's the most volatile region of the world, with the possibility of war breaking out at any minute. You need to understand why this change happened, where Bible prophecy indicates things are headed and what it means for you!
- Turmoil: What's Behind the Unrest Sweeping the Middle East? (l) - Riots and demonstrations have left governments trembling across North Africa and the Middle East. Is democracy about to triumph in the region, or could we see a very different outcome, one indicated by Bible prophecy?
- The Middle East's Family Feud (l) - The Middle East continues to be a powder keg of violent unrest and political upheaval. What's the root cause of the seemingly never-ending conflict? And what is the solution to the world's oldest family feud?
- Why Does the Middle East Matter? (l) - Through the prophet Isaiah, God asks: "Where is the house that you will build Me? And where is the place of My rest?" (Isaiah 66:1). There is an obvious answer -- in the Middle East. In a city called Jerusalem, God placed His house. It's the only spot on earth where God has had a fixed home. To that place He will return. That is one of many reasons why the Middle East matters.
- Introduction: Worlds in Turmoil (l) - After 1,900 years, the restoration of a Jewish homeland in the Middle East was necessary to fulfill ancient prophecies you can find in the Bible. This region, once a "political backwater" of little or no interest to the Western powers, is destined to become the center of the final global crisis that will usher in cataclysmic events leading humanity to the brink of extinction -- and ultimately change our world forever.
- Who's Who in the Empires of the Bible (l) - The Bible mentions a number of kingdoms and empires. This overview will help you understand which played what roles in the history of the Bible -- and in roles yet to come!
- "The War to End All Wars" (l) - On the 100th anniversary marking the end of World War I, we still see a world mired in conflict and often on the brink of even greater war. Many of today's problems can be traced to that conflict. If we are to understand the way to peace, we must first understand what leads to war.
- King Hussein's Uncertain Legacy (l) - Power passes to the next generation in a key Middle Eastern Kingdom.
- A Different World (l) - This is a time to stay tuned and watch current event ever more closely. We have entered a different world. Peace and security will never be quite the same.
- The North-South Struggle for the Middle East (l) - An end-time prophecy in the book of Daniel describes a conflict between two kings. Who might they be in today's world?
- Major International Challenges Confront President Bush's Second Term (l) - The world looks very different four years after President Bush took office. What challenges lie ahead for the second Bush administration?
- End-Time Scenario Not Possible Until Now (l) - All nations are firmly in place for the final act.
- What the West Doesn't Realize: It's in a Fight for Survival (l) - Islamic fundamentalist terrorists are a threat to the entire western world, and the West does not realize it is in a struggle for survival.
- The Middle East: Worlds in Collision (2002) (l) - Why does the Middle East so often dominate our headlines?
Military service
- Military Service and War (l) - Advice regarding military service for a Christian.
- Does It Really Matter What You Believe? (l) - Beliefs determine actions - sometimes with dire consequences.
- A Page on the World: The Faith of the American Soldier (l) - Book review of "A Page on the World: The Faith of the American Soldier" By Stephen Mansfield, 2005, ISBN 1-58542-407-2
- Should a Christian Fight? (l) - Is enlisting in the military the right course of action for Christians? What if the military is combating terrorism? And what about the wars mentioned in the Bible?
Military weapons
- We Came in Peace For All Mankind (l) - Fifty years ago America landed two men on the moon and returned them safely -- accomplishing a goal set by President John F. Kennedy in 1961. Since then, space has largely been a quiet and peaceful place. Could this change? What is the future of space exploration?
- World News and Trends - Jan/Feb 2003 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. January/February 2003.
- Russia's Dangerous Nuclear Arsenal (l) - In some ways, we are closer to nuclear war than we were in the 1950s and '60s. Then, at least, the nuclear forces were well controlled and well paid.
- Not by Might nor by Power (l) - No system created by man has brought about the utopian world promised by God through the prophets of the Bible.
- Coming Soon: The Magnificent Millennium (l) - The fact that a large portion of Bible prophecy describes the Millennium proves it is extremely important to God. And the more you understand it, the more important it will be to you!
- Is the Millennium the Same Thing as the Kingdom of God? (l) - Although "millennium" and "kingdom of God" are sometimes used interchangeably, strictly speaking they are not identical.
- The Next Age of Man: What Will It Be Like? (l) - The next age is just around the corner, but the vast majority of people have never heard of it. And most who have heard of it don't really understand what it entails.
- God's Purpose for Mankind (l) - God's purpose for mankind is to prepare those whom He calls to possess God's Kingdom and become kings and priests reigning with Christ at His return. We believe that the reason for mankind's existence is literally to be born as spirit beings into the family of God
- The Feast of Tabernacles: Jesus Christ Reigns Over All the Earth (l) - God's plan for mankind involves restoration. The Feast of Tabernacles symbolizes the restoration process, which will start with the return of Jesus Christ, pictured by the Feast of Trumpets, and the banishment of Satan, depicted by the Day of Atonement.
- How Is the Kingdom "at Hand'? (l) - The focus of Jesus Christ's message was the announcement of a coming world government (Luke 21:31). This government will not be ruled by selfishly motivated humans but by Jesus Christ Himself, under the direction of Almighty God!
- Why Don't People Understand the Kingdom of God? (l) - The Kingdom of God was a central part of Jesus Christ's message and thus a major theme of the Bible. So why is it so rarely understood, and why isn't it commonly taught today?
- A Definition of Common Terms (l) - Darby argued in favor of what is termed premillennialism in contrast to popular postmillennialism and amillennialism. Let's briefly consider these terms.
- The Feast of Tabernacles (l) - United Church of God members celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles in some 40 locations around the world. More than just an annual convention or vacation, the Feast of Tabernacles helps our members focus on God's great plan and the wonderfully positive news Christ proclaimed about His return to establish His rule on Earth.
- The Feast of Tabernacles (bsc12) (l) - The joyful Feast of Ingathering represents the time during which God will gather the great harvest of humanity into His family.
- Chapter Outline of the Book of Revelation (l) - Chapter Outline of the Book of Revelation.
- Jesus Christ's 1,000-Year Reign on Earth (l) - We live in a deeply troubled age. Yet a magnificent, 1,000-year period of peace and prosperity is coming. What does this mean for you?
- The Millennium and Peace on Earth (l) - The Bible clearly states that Jesus Christ will return to earth. But why? And what does Bible prophecy tell us about the world after His return?
- Prophecies of the World Tomorrow (l) - A marvelous, peaceful and prosperous, 1,000-year-long age is on the horizon for all humanity. Yet surprisingly, it will not be initiated by human effort or action. Discover how, why and when this new era will be launched and what its amazing impact will be in the lives of every person on earth.
- Just What Is the Millennium? (l) - The old Latin word Millennium doesn't appear in the English Bible, but it has been used to describe a prophesied time of peace. Is it a biblical allegory, or will it be real? What should the Millennium mean to you?
- "All Those in the Tombs Will Hear His Voice' (l) - Jesus made a number of puzzling references to a future resurrection -- puzzling, that is, if we try to reconcile them with the traditional view of heaven and hell.
- God's Harvest Feasts: His Assurance of Hope for Mankind (l) - Despite the enormous problems facing humanity today, mankind has great hope for the future. Proof of that hope lies in God's harvest celebrations laid out in the Bible.
- Why a Human Utopia Won't Happen (l) - Humanity has long dreamed of creating a utopia on earth, but all our efforts have crumbled. But Why? Few understand the reason human attempts to form a lasting utopian society have always failed.
- Real Life in the Millennium (l) - God has given wonderful promises of a world of peace and prosperity. But does the Bible teach that the Millennium will provide a life of ease, a life without challenges? Does Bible prophecy show us that people will be prevented from taking any action that would disturb the harmony of a world under God's government? Since God's purpose requires people to grow in godly character, and since character requires freedom of choice, perhaps the reality of this wonderful world will include a few surprises.
- Why People Don't Understand the Kingdom of God (l) - The Kingdom of God was a central part of Jesus Christ's message and thus a major theme of the Bible. So why is it so rarely understood, and why isn't it commonly taught today?
- An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Jul/Aug 1998 (l) - brief synopsis of world events
- The Millennium, an Eternal Idea (l) - The teaching of the Millennium, which dates from the earliest statements in the Bible, continues to hold the imagination of many despite the attempts to stamp out and destroy it.
- Utopian Prophecies of Our Future Dwelling Place (l) - Bible prophecy is not just about gloomy future happenings belonging to this present evil age. It also encompasses Christ's coming millennial rule on earth and the Kingdom of God. This article focuses on our futuristic dwelling place in that glorious Kingdom to come.
- A Long Time From Now in a Galaxy Far, Far Away... (l) - Science fiction movies portray intelligent life already living on other planets and in other galaxies. Could it be true? If not, then why did God create such a vast universe?
- The Real Millennium (l) - At the dawning of a new millennium, is it time to consider what we should do to prepare for the real utopian Millennium promised in the Bible?
- Questions and Answers - Jan/Mar 2002 (l) - Questions and answers on issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice
- A Statue Comes to Life! (l) - The setting: the United Nations gardens in New York City. The plot: a dream symbolized by a statue becomes reality. The cast of characters: being chosen now...
- Millennium (l) - Learn what God's Elect will do during the Millennium.
- Utopia: Fantasy or Future Reality? (l) - The idea of a perfect human society has intrigued and excited visionaries and philosophers for centuries. Mankind has tried many kinds of governments throughout history, but utopia remains an elusive dream, seemingly forever out of reach. Will a perfect world remain an unattainable fantasy, or is it part of our common human destiny?
- Questions and Answers - Jul/Sep 2004 (l) - Questions and answers represent issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
- Your Destiny -- Teacher, Administrator? (l) - You might be working in a job field you don't expect...
- Dealing Effectively With a World of Terrorism and Tragedy (l) - From Sept. 11, 2001, until now and unfortunately on into the foreseeable future, we have lived and are living in a different world -- too often blighted by the specter of fear. How does our Creator advise us to respond to the fears within us all?
- The Lesson of Y2K: The 'Millennium Bug' (l) - How will Y2K effect us?
- Where Are We Now in Prophecy? (l) - Are today's headlines foretold in the pages of your Bible? Is there a message of hope beyond the gloom and doom news cycle of today's world? Jesus Christ was a prophet; He forecast the overall sequence of events of the world from His time on into the future. His futuristic message was current then and it's current today.
- Takes One to Know One (l) - What you are going through, right now, most likely is enabling you to become a "spirit of experience". So that you, too, might share your story with someone else one day.
- UN's Millennium Goals: How Do They Compare to God's? (l) - In 2000 the United Nations established "Millennium Development Goals" to eliminate extreme poverty and hunger; reduce disease, child mortality and malnutrition; and to improve education, personal incomes and opportunities, housing and sanitation worldwide by the year 2015. All 191 UN member states have pledged to meet these goals. While admirable aspirations, how do they compare to what God promises for the future?
- The Millennium: The Vision That Won't Die (l) - What does the Bible really say about the millennium, the prophisied 1,000-year reign of Jesus Christ? Is it a fantasy or a promise on which you can stake your future?
- Mankind's Impossible Dream? (l) - Editorial: mankind's impossible dream of peace.
- Seeing Through the Trees (l) - One man in the jungle, working with a plan that involves trees, monkeys, bugs, roots and vines. Not too close to the trees to truly see the forest; and beyond the forest to future generations.
- Reading the Book (l) - What does the word "millennium" mean? And what is it in the Bible?
- The Good News of the Kingdom of God (l) - The Bible proclaims a consistent message from beginning to end concerning the Kingdom of God, a message delivered throughout the ages by God's servants.
- What Is Godly Rulership? (l) - What's wrong with human rulership? How can we follow Christ's example?
- Miracle in a Dumpster (l) - It was one of the most unlikely places for a miracle to occur. Prayer and persistence paid off.
- God's Greatest Miracle (l) - Your Bible and all nature tell of the many miracles of God. But one qualifies as His greatest. Could it involve you?
- A Sinless and Miraculous Life (l) - Jesus was sinless as the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all humanity. And he pointed to his many miracles as proof of who he was.
- Could Jesus Perform Miracles? (l) - In Christ's case, the Father answered His every prayer and backed up His every command, so that even the wind and the sea obeyed Him.
- How Does God Reveal Himself? (l) - If God accepted the challenge of always having to prove His existence, what would it take? Would it have been necessary for Him to personally appear to and perform miracles to every human being ever born?
- When Is the Sabbath Day to Be Kept? (l) - The Sabbath, then, was a time for religious instruction, for teaching and learning of God's wondrous acts and laws. Customary work was prohibited and God's great miracles were to be remembered on this day. "
- Introduction: Transforming Your Life (l) - The word conversion is heard often in religious circles. People commonly speak of their "conversion," or how they came to be "converted." What do these words mean?
- How God Shaped Israel's Future (l) - From Abraham God miraculously formed a nation to illustrate to every other nation the benefits that come from obeying Him and the tragedies that come from disobeying Him. Israel has been an example of both.
- Walking on Water: Faith Over Physics (l) - Remember when Peter walked on water, if only for a few moments? Think about this: Physically speaking, what are the chances that a human being could walk on water?
- Lourdes, Fatima and Medjugorje Show Modern Attraction of Signs (l) - In today's skeptical world, and on the most secular continent, there is still evidence of man's innate attraction to signs and miracles. Consider three European sites that attract millions of visitors.
- Dorcas, a Faithful Disciple (l) - A dramatic miracle the energized the early church, a woman was raised to life again.But did this momentous event overshadow an important lessons we need to learn?
- The Gift That Keeps on Giving (l) - Most of us, at one time or another in our lives, have experienced an event considered a miracle. Whether we believe or not, miracles are a gift from God which carry meaning throughout the rest of our lives.
- Why No Spectacular Miracles Today? (l) - The Bible is full of descriptions of fantastic miracles. Many wonder, why don't we see great public miracles today?
- What Signs Are You Waiting For? (l) - Throughout history humans have been looking for visible and supernatural signs to convince them of God's involvement in human affairs. The Bible foretells some amazing celestial signs that will come just before God's final day of wrath is unleashed. But there's no need to wait for those heavenly signs!
- Signs and Lying Wonders: Will You Be Deceived? (l) - Bible history and prophecy show that not all miracles are from God. At the end time, there will be counterfeit miracles to deceive the nations and, if possible, even God's people.
- Editorial: Opinion vs. Fact (l) - Some think skimpy, revealing clothing is sexy and fun. Others say such dress is immodest. Is it really just a matter of opinion?
- "You're Not Wearing That -- !" (l) - The scoop on kids' clothing styles and what parents can and should do.
- VCM Letters to the Editor: February 2009 (l) - Letters from readers of VCM. Feb 2009.
- What Your Clothes Say About You! (l) - What practical steps can you take to achieve an attractive, modest personal style?
- A Modest Example: What Your Clothes Say About You! (l) - What are some practical steps you can take to achieve an attractive but modest personal style?
- Modesty (l) - Are you modest in the sight of God and man?
- In the News Apr/Jun 2006 (l) - In the news - April 2006
- In the News Oct/Dec 2004 (l) - In the news ... October-December 2004
- What Makes a Woman Beautiful? (l) - Our society is obsessed with being beautiful! But is there more to beauty than what meets the eye?
- Questions and Answers - Oct/Dec 2005 (l) - The following questions and answers represent issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice. Oct/Dec 2005.
- In the News Oct/Dec 2005 (l) - News stories from late summer, 2005.
- What Your Appearance Says About You (l) - Some people don't think clothes matter or that it makes any difference how they wear their hair. The Bible says differently. Read this article to find out how and why.
- A Revealing Look at Modesty (l) - Does it really make any difference whether we are modest or not? Surprisingly to many, God's Word does give us guidelines on this important subject that work in the 21st century.
- What Will Tomorrow's Mothers Be Like? (l) - As you look at the girl "tweens" (8- to 14-year-olds) of today, what kind of mothers do you think they will make for tomorrow? What type of young woman is our Western culture producing? Girls have a clear choice between two wildly contrasting possibilities.
- Moscow Eyes Moldova Next? (l) - Russia's bullying posture toward Ukraine has been the big news out of Europe so far in 2014.
- Prepare Like Joseph Did (l) - I conclude that the best that you and I can do is to make sure we are discerning and wise in how we handle our money, jobs and lives. Though much is out of our control on a national and global scale, we can control how we handle our own finances.
- Making the Most of Your Dough (l) - In light of the current financial crisis that has deeply affected most of the world, it's time to reassess some underlying philosophies about money. Make sure you understand sound financial principles.
- God and Mammon (l) - What did Christ mean when he said we couldn't serve mammon?
- Managing Your Finances in Tough Times: Five Steps You Can Take (l) - In these serious economic times, what can you do to strengthen your family's financial position? Here are five crucial steps you can take to put your finances on a more sound footing.
- Lessons From Survivors of The Great Depression (l) - What is it like to live when goods are scarce? What does it mean to be in want? What lessons can we learn from those who have been through tough times?
- Five Steps to Teach Your Children Money Management (l) - How well do your children understand and manage money? Do they understand basic concepts such as saving, budgeting, borrowing and debt? Use these helpful tips to teach them!
- How to Teach Your Children Good Money Management Skills (l) - The Bible has a lot to say regarding how we should be using our money and parents should be passing these financial principles onto their children.
- Money Management 101 (l) - In a tough economy, managing your personal finances is more important than ever. Here are some tips for saving and spending your hard-earned cash.
- Laying Up Treasure (l) - With no signs of the economy improving anytime soon, gold prices are soaring"and many are looking to precious metals to save them from ruin. How do we prepare for financial disaster?
- The World's Financial Turmoil: What Are the Root Causes? (l) - Nothing has dominated the news over the last few years like the economic crises still battering many nations. What, fundamentally, is the problem? Let's examine some financial basics from a biblical perspective.
- Time to Budget (l) - Sometimes, we can't see what needs to be done until it is written out before us in black and white.
- Lazarus and the Rich Man: Attitudes and Consequences (l) - What is your attitude toward wealth and possessions? Through one of His parables, Jesus Christ showed that our attitudes toward such things can have eternal consequences.
- Proverbs: Better to Gain Wisdom than Gold (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
- Financial Security and Peace of Mind (l) - God promises material blessings to those who obey Him and acknowledge Him with their wealth (Proverbs 3:1, 9-10). Through the prophet Malachi God warned that withholding His tithe amounts to robbing Him, but He will bless those who tithe (Malachi 3:7-12).
- A Source of Timeless Financial Advice (l) - One of the best sources of timeless financial advice and guidance is the book of Proverbs.
- Avoiding Financial Black Holes (l) - Gives advice about spending wisely, and about managing one's income.
- A Buying Self-Test (l) - Before committing to a purchase, give yourself this self-test to determine whether your purchase would be a wise decision.
- Credit Counseling Services (l) - Some people wisely turn to credit-counseling agencies for help in getting themselves back on solid financial footing.
- A Biblical Overview of Money and Wealth (l) - The Bible offers timeless and practical advice about managing your finances. So what does it say about money and wealth? Is it right or wrong, good or bad? Wealth itself isn't the problem-though our attitude toward it can be.
- The Eye of a Needle (l) - What did Jesus Christ mean when He said, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God"?
- Introduction: Managing Your Finances (l) - Whether due to the overall state of the economy or their own mistakes with money, many find themselves mired in debt and worried about their financial future. Where can you turn for practical guidelines to manage your money?
- Keys to Successful Money Management (l) - When we decide to use our money according to applicable scriptural principles, we soon see the need for planning and review.
- Determining Your Net Worth (l) - Here is a list of possible assets and liabilities to help you determine your net worth.
- Meeting Needs Beyond Our Own (l) - The Bible shows that money and wealth can be used for either good or bad. In that light, it's important that we understand what God says about how we are to use money. What does the Bible tell us regarding our financial priorities?
- Money in Marriage (l) - Couples can greatly reduce their conflicts over money by planning when to have children and how to care for them, agreeing how to apportion their resources and learning to work together to attain their financial goals.
- The Greatest Inheritance (l) - The Bible describes richness toward God as an inheritance that can be ours. Paul taught the brethren that God wanted to give them "an inheritance among all those who are sanctified" (Acts 20:32).
- Seeking God's Blessings (l) - The Scriptures teach us not to set our heart on riches but to help people in genuine need and generously support the work of sharing God's truth with others.
- Teach Your Children About Finances (l) - "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." Take this proverb to heart and teach your children the principles of money management.
- The Power of Compounding (l) - Many people don't realize the power of compounding and the effect of time. Preparing for retirement is best done early in life rather than later.
- God, Money and You (l) - Does the bible help up see the proper relationship between God and wealth for those who sincerely desire to serve and please Him?
- The Debt Trap: How Do I Get Free? (l) - The steps necessary to free ourselves from debt aren't difficult to understand, but they do take commitment. Once committed to the challenge, you will find the results liberating-and the reward will be one that lasts a lifetime, usually even longer.
- Money Problems (l) - It's so easy to slide on the slippery slope of borrowing and credit card debt without really realizing it. When we wake up to a debt disaster, what can we do to take control of our finances?
- Do You Know How to Use a Credit Card? (l) - What tips do financial experts recommend on using credit cards? In principal, does the bible offer advice on this modern practice? Understanding and practicing the keys revealed in this article can help your family to bolster its financial security.
- Manage Your Family Finances the Bible Way (l) - Take a look at some of the sound financial principles the Bible offers us.
- 'Some Things Are Better Than Money' (l) - Some Things Are Better Than Money' An unexpected turn of events can sometimes teach us a valuable lesson.
- Money & Teens (l) - Here's some advice for making money and putting it to work so you'll be able to meet your long-term goals.
- Where Lions Stand Guard (l) - Two lion statues stand guard over the ruins of a once elegant estate. What message do they have for us?
- Greed Is the News of the Day (l) - A warning for American business leaders: Don't give in to the selfish pulls of personal ambition and vanity. Don't look only at the bottom line of profit or stock value as the measure of success.
- Family Finances: a Biblical Guide (l) - Managing your money - a Biblical guide.
- A Moral Dilemma? (l) - A radio program portrayed it as one. But in the end...
- British Values Under Serious Threat (l) - According to one recent poll, "Nine out of ten people [in the United Kingdom] believe that the social fabric of Britain is under threat because of family breakdown and rising crime" (The Daily Mail). Britain is following the same tragic path as all other Western nations. Basic values and standards are gradually being subverted on many levels. What can be done about it?
- Absolute Truth: A Matter of Opinion? (l) - As a college student, I found that my core beliefs were seriously challenged. How would you respond to the question of whether there is absolute truth or not?
- Can You Break the Cycle of Generational Dysfunction? (l) - Often some of our deepest personal problems are rooted in something we can't control-dysfunctional family behavioral patterns that came before us. But we can control our choices, and each of us can choose life and good things!
- Where Have All the Young Men Gone? (l) - What has happened to masculinity? How can a boy grow up and become a real man in a hostile world?
- The War on Morality (l) - Editorial: The war on morality
- Redefining Morality: Why a Torrent of Trouble Threatens to Engulf Us (l) - Today the major English-speaking nations watch as a storm of problems draws ever nearer, a storm created by hostile forces that blurred and weakened their sense of morality. Does the Bible indicate where we will go from here?
- How Can You Help Restore the Disappearing Family? (l) - The state of marriage and family in the Western world is breaking down. Some have even concluded that marriage and family are destined to become obsolete. What about your marriage and family -- are they endangered? What practical steps can you take to strengthen them?
- Sounding a Warning (l) - Humanity is heading down its own perilous road toward a far more serious type of bankruptcy.
- The New World Disorder: Where Is It Taking Us? (l) - Why does the world seem to be crumbling into chaos? Can we restrain the forces of anarchy? Is it possible to right the course of our severely straying civilization and solve our problems? Sadly, we seem to have no comprehension of the unseen spiritual forces arrayed against us, and we either reject or ignore the God who offers the only viable solutions to the enormous problems afflicting our troubled age.
- Choosing to Cheat (l) - Everyone seems to be doing it, so it's not really a problem to cheat in school, is it?
- Redefining Hate Speech (l) - Hate speech—it can incite racism, prejudices and even violence. But is it hate speech to disagree with others in the public arena on important moral issues? The debate over what is and is not hate speech is much more important than you may realize. There may come a time in the near future when it may be illegal to promote biblical standards concerning abortion, homosexuality or marriage.
- What Is Truth? (l) - Americans like to see themselves as free thinkers...independent and unencumbered by the philosophies of the Old World. It would appear that in the last few decades capitalism defeated communism, and the United States proved itself to be the world leader in economics and human rights. In reality, many Americans have been undergoing profound changes in religion, political views and concepts of morality that will affect this nation's future.
- The "Prophecy Factor" (l) - What do you see around you today? How well are the biblical, spiritual, moral and ethical restraints holding up?
- The Grim Dilemma of Government Leadership (l) - The present financial crisis has handed members of the world press a field day. Most current affairs journalists are having a go at both America and Europe"decrying the lack of political leadership. Why are we in this monetary mess, and what does God require of our leaders?
- Restoring Morality Begins With You (l) - If you think our culture is bad and quickly growing worse, you're correct. So how can -- and should -- you start setting things right?
- Proverbs: Rewarded With Good (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
- Proverbs: A Way That Seems Right (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
- 72 Hours to Chaos (l) - What do times of disaster teach us about ourselves and society? Is our moral center what it ought to be?
- Is There a Biblical Economics? Part Two (l) - Are you challenging yourself to "Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ?" (Colossians 2:8)
- A Christian Perspective on Immigrants (l) - Christians must recognize that we ourselves are strangers amid Western culture and all human society -- being citizens of a kingdom yet to come.
- Creation Or Evolution: Does It Really Matter What You Believe? (l) - Why has evolution become so widely accepted, and why has the Bible come to be viewed with such hostility? What has changed?
- Life's Purpose and the Consequences of Ideas (l) - Nothing has a more direct impact on our moral choices than whether we believe in God. The moral choices we make determine the outcome of our lives and, collectively, of society.
- Man's Natural Hostility Toward God (l) - God's laws call on us to meet a personally demanding standard that few are willing to consider. Man rejects God principally because God's laws embody a morality that is outwardly focused and shows concern for others rather than oneself.
- Accepting Personal Responsibility (l) - In terms of Christian morality, what are some of our fundamental responsibilities?
- How Mass Media Sells Sex (l) - The idea of sexual freedom is kept alive and well by what Dr. Meg Meeker considers a major cause of the current epidemic of teen sex -- mass media and the sexually charged world our kids see.
- God's Color Guard (l) - Being a member of the color guard,bearing the standard for a group,is a position of honor,courage and responsibility.You are called to help bear a standard.
- When the Angel Leaves the Storm, Part 2 (l) - How much longer can we count on God's material blessings on America?
- 2003: The Storm Clouds Gather (l) - What long-term effects will come from the unsettling events so far in 2003? No human being knows for sure. But we can observe, analyze and learn from the storm clouds gathering on the horizon.
- Why Preach a Gospel With Urgency Today? (l) - The onrush of disturbing national and world conditions challenges the Church to preach the gospel in ever-greater intensity.
- United States Morality - What Lies Ahead? (l) - Does morality matter? What are the long-term consequences to a people and a nation when its moral foundation crumbles?
- World News Review August 1998 (l) - World news - August 1998
- Is Everything OK? (l) - Is it true that "anything goes"? Some people believe you can do anything you want in life and it really won't matter. But such shifting values broadcast a dangerous message to teens today. There is cause and effect for every action, and the sooner we realize it, the better off we can be.
- "Sometimes You Have to Break the Rules"? (l) - Deep down inside everyone likes to break rules. But is doing so really in our best interest?
- A Look at the Current State of the World (l) - Significant Developments on the World Scene
- How Can You Counter a Degenerating Culture? (l) - You are probably disturbed by many of the values of the culture around you - and with good reason. How can we counter the degrading influence of much of popular culture?
- An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Nov/Dec 1996 (l) - Fathers' involvement with children. Do-it-yourself morality. U.S. water supply.
- Moral Leadership: Does It Really Matter? (l) - America has been led into an acceleration of its moral decline.
- An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Jul/Aug 2000 (l) - A brief synopsis of world events. July/August 2000
- Fanfare for the Common Man (l) - What concerns me is how few people place a high regard on personal integrity and character.
- America's Culture War: Threat to Homeland Security? (l) - While the war on terror continues worldwide, another war -- one of colliding cultures -- heats up in the courts of America. Where will this lead the country? Is this war a greater threat than terrorists?
- Can You Believe the Bible? (5/2002) (l) - Before the new television season started last fall, writers and producers pressured network cenors to again lower standards as to what would be aired over American television.
- "Generation @" Needs Godly Values in Space (l) - You're likely scratching your head at that title or you may assume that it has something to do with NASA! Actually, it has to do with the Internet and something called MySpace, not outer space. This article examines an Internet phenomenon that's growing like wildfire, along with its pros and cons.
- More Disasters on the Horizon? (l) - When strong, the United States has been a restraining force against tyranny in the world as we've seen. But, sadly, America's decline, beginning at its moral foundations and ultimately extending to its national power, will open the door to the worst tyranny ever to envelop the world.
- Wanted: Morality (l) - Parents must come to grip with the fact that they have a serious responsibility -- a responsibility that too many are leaving unfulfilled.
- Dancing With Indecency (l) - Are you aware of the latest dance craze? Freak dancing is sweeping the western world, thanks to the promotion MTV has given it over the past several years. Kids and school administrators clash over whether it's acceptable. Parents seem uncertain how to deal with the situation.
- Choosing Music and Movies (l) - Young people just want to have fun. But how should we decide what kind of music to listen to and which movies to see?
- Governments Legislating Morality (l) - Does the freedom of Western democracy license people to choose their own morality? Or can government legislate it? Actually, neither is true!
- Christians in Name Only? (l) - What we have is a Christianity in which millions accept Christ in name but know little about Him, what He did and what He taught. Or, worse yet, perhaps they do know what He taught but choose to ignore or reject it!
- In the News Jan/Mar 2006 (l) - In the news -- Jan. 2006
- Individual Rights Vs. Societal Rights (l) - Weighing individual vs. societal rights.
- Is the United States Still a Moral Nation? (l) - The recent election showed that almost half of the U.S. electorate is uncomforta ble with a president who is open about his religious faith and has stated that J esus Christ is the Person he most admires. What about the other half? They may c laim to get their values from the Bible, but do they really?
- Is It Anti-American to Criticize the Moral Conduct of the United States? (l) - Is It Anti-American to Criticize the Moral Conduct of the United States? Like our forefathers in ancient Israel, we have an obligation to live up to our heritage and godly calling as a nation.
- World News and Trends - Jan/Feb 2003 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. January/February 2003.
- World News and Trends - Mar/Apr 2003 (l) - After the devastating terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, homeland security became a top priority for the United States. Yet, at the same time, it seems to be overlooking the most important aspect of its safety, and the risk is incalculable. What is this crucial component of any people's long-term security?
- Absolutely No Absolutes! (l) - Are there absolutely no absolutes, or does our faith in God show us that there absolutely are?
- Modern Israel Has Sown the Wind and Will Reap the Whirlwind (l) - There seems to be no bottom to the moral toboggan slide the modern house of Israel has been on for the past 40 years!
- Creation or Evolution: Did God Create Man? (l) - A series on creation and evolution. Did God form the heavens and earth, or is the world and everything in itthe result of mindless, random evolutionary forces?
- Another Brick in a New World (l) - I wonder when filmmakers will take a bold step away from sex and finally tell a story without major emphasis on the sexual preferences of the main characters. Maybe not in my lifetime, but I can always hope.
- Morality in Government: A Worldwide Crisis (l) - What's at the heart and core of governmental problems? More important, what can we do about them?
- A God Concerned With Man's Heart (l) - Thoughout the Bible we see that God has always been concerned with human motivations.
- America's Moral Downturn: What Lies Ahead? (l) - Does morality matter? Wnat are the long-term consequences when a nation's moral foundation crumbles?
- Right and Wrong - Who Decides? (l) - Are we equipped to decide right and wrong for ourselves? The record of history isn't encouraging, so is it time we looked somewhere else?
- Society's Slide Into Immorality (l) - We are now some 30 years into the sexual revolution that began in the 1960's. What has been the impact on society? What are the implications for the future?
- Partitioning Morality (l) - "Does having an extramarital affair mean that a government official is unfit to hold office?" This and related questions have been the focus of the U.S. news media throughout the summer of 2001. Is the subject newsworthy, or is it just gossip? The debate swirling around the subject illustrates a growing phenomenon - partitioning morality. What does it portend for the future?
- Positives for Older People, Part 1 (l) - When the United Nation's General Assembly designated 1999 as the International Year of Older Persons, it was long overdue.
- Life Is Too Short! (l) - Untimely deaths of family and friends brought home the truth that time is far too precious to waste.
- If a Man Die, Will He Live Again? (l) - The ancient words of Job reflect an age-old question: What happens to us when we die? Is death the end for us? Is there any hope for us beyond the grave? The Bible gives the clear - and to many surprising - answers.
- A Knock at the Door (l) - Coming to grips with the reality of death is a staggering part of life. Some do it better than others; some don't do well at all; and some keep running from the thought until they die.
- Moses and Passover Reflections (l) - What incidents in the life of Moses have relevant lessons for us today?
- The Five Books of Moses (l) - Moses was the author of the first five books of the Bible. There is much corroborating evidence.
- Moses: Leader of a Nation (l) - With a humble attitude, Moses was able to be a true servant of his people.
- Moses' Journey Out of Egypt (l) - Moses was called out of Egypt both physically and spiritually. His experience, though unique in many ways, is not altogether different from ours. Just as he learned to trust God during his lifetime, so should we. Moses is more like us than many think.
- Miriam: a Lifetime of Faith (l) - Miriam was a prophetess of God, but she too had lessons to learn.
Movies, influence of
- Effects of TV Sexuality, Violence on Teenagers (l) - These facts by themselves indicate that many aspects of such viewing can and will encourage risky behavior in teenagers and children.
- Upcoming Film, Is This Really the Story of the Biblical Noah? (l) - Recent announcement by producers clarifies accuracy of new Bible-related film.
- "Why Do People Hate Us So Much?" (l) - There is much hatred and resentment directed toward the United States throughout the world, not just in the Middle East. One scripture helps us to understand why the problem has worsened in recent decades: "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people"
- To See or Not to See: That New Horror Film (l) - Have you ever found yourself hanging out with friends who wanted to see a horror film? How can you decide what to do?
- Mass Culture's Horrendous Consequences (l) - The 21st century sees the entertainment-centered culture of the Western world spread around the globe through movies, television, music and the Internet. Rather than genuinely "entertaining" in a wholesome sense, the effect appears to encourage self-indulgence of the crudest and rawest elements of human nature.
- Hollywood and History (l) - The movie industry may not always accurately represent history, but it has played a role in shaping it.
- Choosing Music and Movies (l) - Young people just want to have fun. But how should we decide what kind of music to listen to and which movies to see?
- Michael Medved on Media and the Family (l) - An interview with Michael Medved.
- The Da Vinci Code, Christianity and the Bible (l) - The Da Vinci Code has sold more than 40 million copies and has been made into a major movie. But how much of the story is fact and how much is fabrication? And how important is it for you to know?
- The Battle for Your Mind (3/97) (l) - Why do you think the way you do? Are the choices you make truly your own, or do influences beyond your control unduly sway your opinions?
- How Mass Media Sells Sex (l) - The idea of sexual freedom is kept alive and well by what Dr. Meg Meeker considers a major cause of the current epidemic of teen sex -- mass media and the sexually charged world our kids see.
- Resistance Is Not Futile! (l) - When media producers' worldviews don't include God and His standards of behavior, what kind of influence do you think their movies will have?
- Choosing Movies and Music: What's Going Into Your Mind? (l) - Young people just want to have fun. But how should one decide what kind of music to listen to and which movies and television shows to watch?
- When the Angel Leaves the Storm (l) - In his inauguration, George W. Bush,referrred to an observation by a founding father that an angel was directing the storm surrounding the United States. Today the storm is here, but is the angel?
- Politics Not as Usual! (l) - California and Switzerland may not have much in common. But in October, both had significant elections. A noteworthy contributing factor was the issue of immigration.
- A Place Called Megiddo, Part 2 (l) - In last month's article on Megiddo, we raised the question, "How could today's political leaders be deceived by spiritual powers to move armed forces to Jerusalem to fight Christ at His second coming?" Is there something at the site of Megiddo that can lead to an answer?
- Man is a Wolf to Man (l) - Homo homini Iupus--Latin proverb. We see the truth of this proverb in history. But will it always be so?
- The Sixth Commandment: Life Is a Precious Gift (l) - What makes human life precious? Consider it from God's point of view. He made us in His own image for the purpose of creating us in His own character.
- Current Events & Trends January/February 2019 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the January/February 2019 issue of Beyond Today.
- Advice From Death Row (l) - The headlines are filled with shocking stories of violent crime. What's behind it? How does it occur? Listen to the words of an expert - written from death row.
- Who Killed Jesus Christ? (l) - Why does anyone commit the ultimate act of violence against another human being? What have been the consequences of one of history's most unjust killings?
- Couldn't Get It Out of My Head (l) - Ezekiel 9:4 speaks of God separating to Himself a people "who sigh and cry over all the abominations that are done within it." Christ picks up this thought during His earthly ministry when He comments in Matthew 5:4, "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted."
- 'I Hope We've Learned Our Lesson ...' (l) - "One day we were neighbors, and the next day the massacre began." That's how the survivor of a tribal massacre described the shocking turn of events that led to the murder of 18 of her family members. Her tragic story cuts to the heart of humanity's inability to find lasting peace
- An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Sep/Oct 1997 (l) - A brief synopsis for world events. September/October 1997.
- Terror and Tragedy at Columbine High School (l) - Kids killing kids: what does it mean?
Music, influence of
- Plugged In--Tuned Out? (l) - There is no doubt that music is a powerful and enjoyable medium, but is it always beneficial for us? That depends.
- The Rise of the Goths and the Emos (l) - The 1979 "Bela Lugosi's Dead" was inspiration for the budding gothic subculture.
- Do Lyrics Matter? (l) - What goes into your head can affect your thoughts and actions.
- Your Brain On Music (l) - Recent research has located the section of the brain that seems to foster holding on to a musical tune.
- There's Music in the Bible (l) - Surprising to some, Scripture includes many references to singing and musical instruments being played in worshipping God and in everyday life.
- It's Only... It's Just... (l) - They are used again and again in our own lives. Our children especially use them, and we only hurt ourselves when we allow them to control us. What are they?
- Playing Instrument When Young Provides Benefits Later (l) - Could those youthful music lessons still be paying off when you get older?
- God, Music, and You (l) - Wherever we go and whatever we do, it seems we are always surrounded by music. Is our choice of music important?
- God, Music & You (l) - What if God went through your music player or cell phone? What would He find? Would He be pleased with the songs and content you downloaded? Would He be disappointed with your choices? Or would it be a mixture of both?
- Choosing Movies and Music: What's Going Into Your Mind? (l) - Young people just want to have fun. But how should one decide what kind of music to listen to and which movies and television shows to watch?
- Sing a Song! (l) - Can singing better your life or bring you closer to God? Do you have song in your life?
- Choosing Music and Movies (l) - Young people just want to have fun. But how should we decide what kind of music to listen to and which movies to see?
- Today's Music: What's the Message to Our Kids? (l) - Parents who care about their children will screen their media diet and will teach their children by word and example a much healthier way to think and live.
- The Battle for Your Mind (3/97) (l) - Why do you think the way you do? Are the choices you make truly your own, or do influences beyond your control unduly sway your opinions?
Muslim Brotherhood
- The Middle East: What Now? (l) - The Middle East's long era of strongmen may be reaching its end. If so, what will replace it?
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