"D" - Subject Index
- "When You Pray..." (l) - When we follow the admonition of Jesus to pray, perhaps we can gain a sense of perspective from another section of the prayer given on June 6, 1944.
- 70 Years After D-Day: From Power to Impotence (l) - Seventy years ago, an American-led Allied invasion on the beaches of Normandy marked the beginning of the end of the grip of tyranny over Europe. In little more than a year, the United States would emerge as a superpower and world policeman. Contrast that to today, when that superpower is in retreat -- its influence and power rapidly declining.
- D-Day + 75 Years (l) - History's largest invasion armada was assembled 75 years ago. Hitler's Atlantic Wall was breached, and the Nazi Empire began to crumble. Do these events hold lessons for us today?
- D-Day and Divine Intervention (l) - On this 75th anniversary of D-Day, a crucial event in the push to Allied victory in World War II, we look back on the remarkable miracle of its success -- an answer to prayer and the fulfillment of destiny.
Da Vinci code
- The Da Vinci Code, Christianity and the Bible (l) - The Da Vinci Code has sold more than 40 million copies and has been made into a major movie. But how much of the story is fact and how much is fabrication? And how important is it for you to know?
- Jesus Christ: Do We Have the Real Story? (l) - Do we have the complete story of Jesus Christ's life and death? For centuries alternative ideas have circulated as to whether Jesus was who the Gospels say He was. The Da Vinci Code, a hugely popular best-selling book, dramatizes one of these stories. What is the truth? Can we know for sure?
Dad card
- Playing the 'Dad Card' (l) - Fathers, you may not realize it, but you matter more to your daughter than any other man. Why is that? Why is it so important to her future? And how seriously do you take this crucial responsibility?
Daily bread
- Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread (l) - As human beings, we need physical food to survive. But the most important "bread of life" comes to us from Jesus Christ through God's Word and Holy Spirit, which replenish us.
- Pray for Enemies (l) - When people hang onto anger and seek revenge, no one benefits?
- Bread (l) - The Bible often speaks of bread, but what does bread have to do with our lives and God?
Daily rythm
- Catch the Rhythm! (l) - Is your internal clock in the wrong time zone?
- Appendix 3: Aegean Royal Lines From Zerah (l) - A brief history of the Aegan Royal lines from Zerah.
Dan Quayle
- The Rise in Children Born Outside of Marriage (l) - Back in 1992, then-Vice President Dan Quayle was widely ridiculed in the media for denouncing the trend of women having children out of wedlock and taking aim at its affirmation by the TV sitcom Murphy Brown - about a divorced news anchor of that name played by actress Candice Bergen.
Dan, tribe of
- The Tuatha de Danaan (l) - Brief history of the Tuatha de Danaan.
- The Tuatha de Danaan (l) - Brief history of the Tuatha de Danaan.
- Appendix 2: Were the Greeks Israelites? (l) - Here are a few sources to help unveil this question.
Dance class
- Please Take the Lead (l) - I was certain my husband didn't know how to dance at all. But there he was demonstrating new steps with the instructor!
- In the News Jan/Mar 2006 (l) - In the news -- Jan. 2006
- (l) - The following questions and answers represent issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
Dancing, freak
- Dancing With Indecency (l) - Are you aware of the latest dance craze? Freak dancing is sweeping the western world, thanks to the promotion MTV has given it over the past several years. Kids and school administrators clash over whether it's acceptable. Parents seem uncertain how to deal with the situation.
Danger as a fire
- House on Fire (l) - How vigilant are you about remaining alert for and confronting looming crises?
Danger, dealing with
- Do You Have a Biblical Worldview? (l) - What will happen next in this chaotic world of enormously unpleasant surprises? Only a biblical worldview can give us sorely needed spiritual stability and security in an age marked by ambiguity and uncertainty.
Dangerous times
- The Canaries Are Falling Silent (l) - The warning signs of the gathering storm are becoming more obvious by the day. But far too many people despise God's Word and trust in lies.
Dangers of homosexuality
- Alternative Lifestyles - Are They Really Harmless? (l) - Hollywood, government, politicians, academia, the mainstream media, corporate America and even the U.S. military are pushing alternative lifestyles as normal and even admirable and desirable. What they're not telling us is the enormous toll of human suffering this brings. What is the truth?
- The "Respect for Marriage Act" - Is it Truly Respectful? (l) - New legislation has imbedded same-sex "marriage" into U.S. law. To what end? And does this law actually respect marriage, a divine institution established by God?
Dangers, world
- What Will Be in 2003? (l) - What will happen in 2003 ? No human being knows for sure. But we can observe and analyze the storm clouds that are on the horizon.
- "O My God, Incline Your Ear" (l) - Before God will alter events we have got to alter our hearts. It starts when we understand that it is all about God and not about us.
- Lessons From Daniel (l) - An extraordinary event thrust Daniel onto a meteoric rise to power that even the slickest political schemer could never have contrived.
- World Without End (l) - The basic lesson that comes from studying Western civilization, as well as all history, is a simple maxim: What goes up must come down.
- The Book of Revelation: Is it Relevant Today? (l) - Is the book of Revelation relevant today? Is it possible to understand it? Can we know to whom it was written -and why? What are the meanings of its mysterious symbols?
- The Four Empires of Daniel's Prophecies (l) - Daniel's book prophesied events fulfilled many centuries ago as well as major events yet to come. It reveals a history of the region, written in advance, from Daniel's time right up to the return of Jesus Christ.
- What Is the "Abomination of Desolation"? (l) - We can learn a great deal about this end-time prophecy of "the abomination of desolation" from the original one Daniel foretold.
- Daniel the Prophet (l) - Jesus regarded Daniel and the minor prophets as prophets of God, and quotes from them.
- Does Bible Prophecy Tell Us When Jesus Christ Will Return? (l) - Jesus explained that some signs that his return was imminent would be unmistakeable.
- Peace in Nature - and Among All Peoples (l) - Peace throughout the natural realm-and a unified human race-the beautiful future God has planned for us.
- Can You Believe Bible Prophecy? (9/99) (l) - If you aren't sure whether the Bible should be trusted as the inspired Word of God, you belong to a significant majority.
- Can You Believe Bible Prophecy? (l) - God's unerring prophecies of the kingdoms and empires of Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome all came to pass in minute detail. If the Creator's prophecies came true in centuries past, can you -- and should you -- believe in Bible prophecy today?
- Just What Is the Abomination of Desolation? (l) - In one of the Bible's best known prophecies, Jesus spoke of a coming "abomination of desolation." What did He mean? Has that prophecy come to pass?
- Toppling the Image of Evil (l) - The statue of a Saddam Hussein, the evil pathological dictator has been toppled. Let it be a symbol of the time in the future when another statue, a representation of humanity's defiance against God, will be destroyed and replaced by the coming of the Kingdom of God to the earth.
- The Bible and Archaeology - The Kingdom of Judah: Exile and Restoration (l) - Historical events that support the records of Daniel's prophecies in the Bible.
- Daniel: God Is My Judge (l) - Why would a beloved prophet of God want God to judge him? Doesn't the Bible show that God's judgment is reserved for evil people? Read God's view on this seeming paradox.
- Lessons From Babylon: God's Still in Charge (l) - The ancient city of Babylon provides a reminder that men's flawed systems and governments will give way to God's mastery of world events.
- The Intertestamental Period: Daniel's Prophecies Come to Pass (l) - The inpart fulfillment of the prophecies in Daniel.
Daniel 11
- Is the Stage Being Set for the Fulfillment of Daniel 11? (l) - Daniel 11 contains a long and detailed prophecy, largely fulfilled between the time of Alexander the Great and Jesus Christ. But part of the prophecy remains to be fulfilled "at the time of the end." Recent events appear to be setting the stage for the fulfillment of this pivotal prophecy.
- The "King of the North" vs. the "King of the South" (l) - In Daniel 10 and 11, there is another prophecy that has end-time implications. It's important because it reveals the political climate and tensions in the Middle East preceding both the first and second appearances of Jesus Christ as the Messiah. In both instances, Jerusalem is at the center of the political conflicts of the time.
Daniel 12
- An Outline of Future History (l) - We know that some form of the fourth empire will be in existence at the time of Jesus Christ's return to set up His Kingdom that will stand-forever.
Daniel and Alexander the Great
- Alexander Reads About Himself in the Book of Daniel (l) - Modern historians have little to say of Alexander the Great visiting the Holy Land. Yet ancient history says that he had a most remarkable encounter there.
Daniel's 70 weeks prophecy
- Prophesied: The Exact Year the Messiah Would Appear (l) - An amazing prophecy in Daniel 9:25 gives the specific year the Messiah would appear. The angel Gabriel revealed this information to Daniel approximately 580 years before its fulfillment.
Daniel's image
- The Bible's Prophetic Puzzle (l) - Although biblical prophecy can seem mysterious and obscure like a puzzle, learn how you can make real sense of it.
Daniel's prophecy
- The Dreaming King and the Slave (l) - Daniel's book prophesied events fulfilled many centuries ago as well as major events yet to come. It reveals a history of the region, written in advance, from Daniel's time right up to the return of Jesus Christ.
- 3. The "King of the North" and "King of the South" will Rise as Regional Powers (l) - In Daniel 11 we find an amazing prophecy about two leaders, the kings of the north and south, the heads of regions that were geographically north and south of the Holy Land. To understand this prophecy we have to go to the time of Alexander the Great, who lived near the end of the fourth century B.C., 200 years after Daniel.
- The Coming "Abomination of Desolation" (l) - Tells of the signs to watch for, signs that indicate Christ's second coming to set up His Kingdom for us.
- Daniel Forsees the Kingdom of God (l) - Jesus Christ will replace the kingdoms of this world with the Kingdom His Father will give Him at His return -- the Kingdom of God. This is the good news of Daniel's prophecy and the same good news Jesus preached.
- Democratic Dictatorship? (l) - Let's take another look at the 10 toes of Daniel's image to see how the potter's clay and iron are forming amidst today's geopolitics.
- Asylum in Egypt (l) - Based on God's prophecies, a few evidently made it back to Judah. But what about Jeremiah, Baruch and the kings daughters? Where did they go?
Darby, John
- Countering the Rapture Error (l) - The idea of a rapture of believers up into heaven before the prophesied tribulation of the last days is widely taught and believed in Christianity today.
- Appendix 3: Aegean Royal Lines From Zerah (l) - A brief history of the Aegan Royal lines from Zerah.
- I Dare You! (l) - "I dare you! I double dare you!" Then what? Those words are often followed by actions that are dangerous, illegal, embarrassing or risky in one way or another.
- Focus on Sudan -- More Than a Humanitarian Crisis (l) - The disaster in the Darfur region of Sudan is called "the worst humanitarian crisis in the world today." Why doesn't the United Nations simply stop it? Why don't the world's powerful nations step in to end the crisis? This article separates the tangled issues to show what is happening and why, as well as what to expect next.
- Is Africa Dying Before Our Eyes? (l) - Entire countries are struggling for survival. Does the world want to help? Is it too late? Has God cursed the continent?
- The World Stood by as Hundreds of Thousands Died in Darfur (l) - In spite of some pressure from the United Nations, the United States, the European Union and the African Union, the murdering in Darfur and of refugees from there has continued unabated.
- Daniel: God Is My Judge (l) - Why would a beloved prophet of God want God to judge him? Doesn't the Bible show that God's judgment is reserved for evil people? Read God's view on this seeming paradox.
Dark ages
- Jesus Christ's 1,000-Year Reign on Earth (l) - We live in a deeply troubled age. Yet a magnificent, 1,000-year period of peace and prosperity is coming. What does this mean for you?
- (l) - What does the Bible really say about the millennium, the prophisied 1,000-year reign of Jesus Christ? Is it a fantasy or a promise on which you can stake your future?
Dark matter
- God, Science and the Bible (11/06) (l) - News from the world of science about God and the Bible.
- How the Bible Applies to Science (l) - Are science and the Bible incompatible? Or do they stand together on common ground? We consider some examples.
Dark side
- God Called Me Out of the World (l) - We all must be on guard against the sinister influence that saturates this world.
- Light the Candle! (l) - In a world of darkness, we need to come to the light to become lights ourselves.
- Why Love Darkness? (l) - Darkness pervades the world today, but God offers us a ray of hope with the world tomorrow.
- A Flick of a Switch Away From the Dark Ages? (l) - In our technological Information Age, when the electrical power goes out, we are left literally in the dark. Some fear more massive blackouts will plunge us into another Dark Age. But in a figurative sense, have we already entered a Dark Age -- of the spirit?
- Collateral Damage: The Darwin Bomb (l) - What may seem like a good idea at the moment doesn't always turn out to be good in the long run. This is certainly the case with Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.
- Why Charles Darwin Rejected the Bible (l) - Charles Darwin, more than any other man, is responsible for the prevalent view in the Western world that science should be enthroned above God's Word.
- The Rotten Apples That Are Corrupting Society (l) - Why is the world the way it is? What has shaped our society and the kind of people we are? We've come up with all kinds of great advancements -- like technology, medicine and governing constitutions -- yet in many aspects the way we live is growing only worse and worse. Why?
- Darwinism Is Not the Same as Evolution (l) - There is a reason many Darwinists are so adamant about their theory. They know the implications if they fail: The alternative explanation of life on earth is a Creator God.
- The Miracle of the Eye (l) - Charles Darwin described the eye as one of the greatest challenges to his theory. How could he explain it?
- The Scientific Evidence: In the Eye of the Beholder (l) - Ever since the creation of the world (God's) eternal power and divine nature, invisible though they are, have been understood and seen through the things he has made" (Romans 1:20)
- Scientists, Creation and Evolution (l) - No one should assume that scientists uniformly agree that there is no God and that the world around us is the product of a mindless evolutionary process. Consider what some scientists have to say about creation and evolution.
- The Giver of Life (l) - When you understand that God is the Lifegiver who created man for His own special purpose, with the potential of immortality, life takes on meaning far greater than the empty purposelessness inherent in a faith in evolution.
- Life's Purpose and the Consequences of Ideas (l) - Nothing has a more direct impact on our moral choices than whether we believe in God. The moral choices we make determine the outcome of our lives and, collectively, of society.
- Evolution: Fact or Fiction? (l) - Are scientists quietly discarding Darwin's venerable theory of the origin of the species? The Good News continues its examination of creation and evolution.How solid is the evidence supporting natural selection and evolution? Can they be proven?
Darwin on Trial
- Creation or Evolution:An Interview With Phillip Johnson (l) - Phillip Johnson answers questions about the theory of evolution and his books about the subject.
Darwin's mistakes
- Charles Darwin's 10 Mistakes (l) - Ten mistakes that Darwin made.
- 10 Ways Darwin Got It Wrong (l) - This year marks the bicentennial of Charles Darwin's birthday and, coincidentally, 150 years since the publication of his book On the Origin of Species. One of the most influential books in modern history, it has helped shape philosophy, biology, sociology and religion in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. But both Darwin's theory and his book are doomed by major flaws.
- The Evolution vs. Intelligent Design Debate (l) - Jonathan Wells holds a Ph.D. in molecular and cell biology from the University of California at Berkeley and a Ph.D. in religious studies from Yale University. He is the author of many articles and the books Icons of Evolution (2000) and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design (2006), and coauthor of The Design of Life (2007) and How to Be an Intellectually Fulfilled Atheist (or Not) (2008).
Darwin's theory
- Scientists' Thundering Silence (l) - The more deeply scientists delve into the mysteries of the universe, the more their discoveries support the existence of God. But all too often they are remarkably silent about this aspect of their findings.
Darwin, Charles
- Darwin, Charles: Evolution of a Man and His Ideas (l) - Almost 150 years have passed since the publication of Charles Darwin's The Origin of Species launched a theological, philosophical and scientific revolution. Nearly everyone knows about the theory of evolution, but few know the man and motives behind it.
- Charles Darwin's 10 Mistakes (l) - Ten mistakes that Darwin made.
- Vantage Point - The Demise of Evolution (l) - What if Darwin was alive today? What would you tell him about his theory?
- The Variation of Species (l) - If you were to write a book, would you purposefully pick a title that doesn't truly deal with the subject matter? It sounds ridiculous, but that's what Charles Darwin did.
- Darwin's The Origin Variation of Species (l) - If you were to write a book, would you purposefully pick a title that doesn't truly deal with the subject matter? It sounds ridiculous, but that's what Charles Darwin did.
Darwinian evolution
- Society's Five Rotten Apples: Part 1- Bad Philosophy and Corrupt Theories (l) - Why is the world the way it is? What's shaped our society and the kind of people we are? We've come up with all kinds of great things, like technology, medicine and governing constitutions. But the way we live is only getting worse and worse. Why?
- A Good News Interview With Michael Behe, Ph.D. (l) - What Do DNA Discoveries Mean for Evolution?
- God, Science and the Bible (7/05) (l) - News from the world of science about God and the Bible.
- The Intelligent Design Revolution (l) - A new movement is starting to shake a scientific establishment built on the assumptions of Darwinian evolution. What is intelligent design, and why is it gaining so much ground?
- In the News Apr/Jun 2006 (l) - In the news - April 2006
- Collateral Damage: The Darwin Bomb (l) - What may seem like a good idea at the moment doesn't always turn out to be good in the long run. This is certainly the case with Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.
- Some Resources to Help Your Children Refute Evolution (l) - Reading material that counters Darwinism.
- New Discoveries Challenge Darwin's Deceitful Theory (l) - Are we being told the whole story when it comes to evolution and creation? If Darwin's theory of evolution is truly scientific, why are evolutionists so reluctant to let it be questioned?
- The Story of the Stars and Matter (l) - Scientific studies of the heavens and the world around us reveal fascinating details about the earth's history and destiny.
- Charles Darwin's 10 Mistakes (l) - Ten mistakes that Darwin made.
- Life on Campus - Freshman Year With Darwin (l) - Coping with Darwinism in the college environment.
- Vantage Point - The Demise of Evolution (l) - What if Darwin was alive today? What would you tell him about his theory?
- The Variation of Species (l) - If you were to write a book, would you purposefully pick a title that doesn't truly deal with the subject matter? It sounds ridiculous, but that's what Charles Darwin did.
- Darwin's The Origin Variation of Species (l) - If you were to write a book, would you purposefully pick a title that doesn't truly deal with the subject matter? It sounds ridiculous, but that's what Charles Darwin did.
- Prove Evolution Is False Even Without the Bible (l) - There are logical reasons apart from Scripture's direct testimony to reject the theory of evolution and accept creation and a Creator.
- Evolution (l) - Charles Darwin admitted that the available fossil evidence didn't support his theory of "survival of the fittest," better known as evolution. But he expected that plenty of evidence would be found in the coming years. Now, more than a century and a half later, the evidence still fails to support his theory -- showing people accept Darwinian evolution more as an article of faith rather than of fact.
- Microevolution Doesn't Prove Macroevolution (l) - Some cited examples of evolution at work are really no proof at all of anything -- much less how any of these creatures --- moths, dogs, finches or human beings --- came to exist.
- The Societal Consequences of Darwinism (l) - The consequences of accepting Darwinian theory have been profound. Enormous moral and social damage has been wrought in classrooms and to society.
- Darwinism Unraveling (l) - Charles Darwin's theory of evolution is widely accepted throughout the world. How did that theory develop, and is it true?
- Creation or Evolution:An Interview With Phillip Johnson (l) - Phillip Johnson answers questions about the theory of evolution and his books about the subject.
- Darwinism in the Classroom (l) - When you believe God created the heavens and earth, what strategies can you use when confronted with Charles Darwin's theory of evolution?
- Coming to a School Near You: Darwinism in the Classroom (l) - If you believe the biblical account of creation and the origin of man, what stategies can you as parents and staudents use when confronted with the theory of evolution?
Darwinism and morality
- How Darwin's Theory Changed the World (l) - A great deal of attention has been given to how Darwin's theory of evolution contradicts the biblical account of creation. But little attention has been paid to how his theory changed the world's thinking in dangerous ways.
- Creation or Evolution: Did God Create Man? (l) - A series on creation and evolution. Did God form the heavens and earth, or is the world and everything in itthe result of mindless, random evolutionary forces?
Date of Easter
- What Does Easter Really Commemorate? (l) - You might be surprised! Discover the truth of the surprising story behind one of the world's most popular religious holidays.
Date palm
- King of the Oasis (l) - Dates were plentiful in the biblical times and grow well in many arid areas of the world. Yet one variety had completely disappeared. Could it be revived? What lessons can we learn from the date palm tree?
Dates of the holydays
- The Annual Festivals of God - Holy Day Calendar (l) - Dates of the Biblical holydays. 2008-2019
Dates, fun
- A Dating Adventure (l) - What makes a good date? If you want to get to know someone of the opposite sex, what kinds of activities promise the most fun? Read this article for a few ideas.
- My Almost Huge Mistake (l) - Are you being tempted to marry someone who doesn't share your beliefs? The problem is real. So is the solution.
- Marry the Right Person Key to a Successful Life (l) - With millions of people on planet earth, finding the perfect mate is a challenge. How do you know when your "soul mate" and companion for life will pass your way?
- Getting to Know Girls (l) - Can any relationship not built on friendship stand the test of time?
- Getting to Know Others (l) - If you want to learn practical ways to get to know guys and girls without getting serious too soon, we wrote this "how to" section with you in mind. Here are six points we've discovered to be helpful.
- The Big Deal About Dating (l) - Some don't think it matters whom one dates. What about you?
- Have You Made Your Perfect Girl or Guy List? (l) - What kind of person do you want to marry someday? And what kind of person would that person want to marry?
- The History of Dating (l) - Ever wondered what dating was like a century ago? Read this article to gain historical insight regarding arranged marriages, courting and how current dating practices evolved.
- Marriage: Foundation of the Family (l) - Applying God's principles for marriage not only produces happy relationships in this life, it yields greater understanding of godly principles that will last for eternity.
- Dating Dos and Don'ts (l) - Everyone knows that in most cultures dating is a prelude to marriage. But what many don't know is that how we date greatly influences the kind of marriage we will have.
- Handling Those Touchy Situations (l) - To help you establish godly standards, consider the following advice given by a panel of young Christians between the ages of 20 and 30.
- Compass Check: Dating Doesn't Have to Break Your Heart (l) - Navigating dating can feel overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be. By focusing on becoming the person God wants you to be and taking your desires to Him in prayer, you can find peace in the process and confidence in His plan.
- To Date, or Not to Date? (l) - I encourage all young teenagers to think twice before throwing themselves into superserious relationships.
- True Dating: What Guys and Girls Want (l) - Like a perfect rose blooming in a pockmarked battlefield is the fine art of true dating. Most of what you've learned about dating in popular culture is like the battlefield. Want to keep your emotions, body and spirit flying safely above the bombs bursting in air? Then read on!
- Higher Level Dating: Don't Be an Animal (l) - Sadly, some humans think we are just like animals. They think that it is OK to have sex whenever we want and that we can leave that person after the act.
- The Dating Debate (l) - With all the bad results, should a Christian give up on dating altogether? Or is there a better way?
- One, But Not the Same (l) - Dating someone with different religious values and beliefs and can seem like a good thing until you consider what is most important in a relationship. Read this true story by someone who learned this lesson firsthand.
- A Dating Adventure (l) - What makes a good date? If you want to get to know someone of the opposite sex, what kinds of activities promise the most fun? Read this article for a few ideas.
- Dating Outside the Faith (l) - I don't want to start a relationship that that I cannnot finish. I do not want to date someone that I could not marry.
- Dating Disasters and Faulty Mate Selection: There Is a Better Way! (l) - Never before have bookstore shelves been so well stocked with such a variety of self-help relationship books, yet there seems to be such a dearth of understanding of how to live peaceably with one another. However, the principles of the Bible can be used to identify resources that can help prepare for a successful courtship and marriage.
Dating and church
- Dating Outside the Faith (l) - I don't want to start a relationship that that I cannnot finish. I do not want to date someone that I could not marry.
Dating and sex
- What to Say When Things Are Going Too Far (l) - What to say when physical intimacy goes too far.
- Sex, Dating and You! (l) - Misunderstandings about God's instructions are contributing to some tragic heartaches. Learn how you can enjoy life to the fullest -- God's way
Dating before baptism
- Questions and Answers - Apr/Jun 2003 (l) - Questions and answers on issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
Dating compatibility
- Choose Love (l) - Hollywood may tell us we're helpless when it comes to falling in love. But the reality is we can rule over our emotions and make wise choices.
Dating ideas
- A Dating Adventure (l) - What makes a good date? If you want to get to know someone of the opposite sex, what kinds of activities promise the most fun? Read this article for a few ideas.
Dating methods
- Noah's Flood: Serious Problems With Dating Methods (l) - Why do geologists so frequently fail to understand that the biblical Flood was the force that created some geologic formations? One important answer lies in the way they date these formations.
Dating outside the church
- Questions and Answers - Jul/Sep 2003 (l) - Questions and answers on issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
Dating outside the faith
- One, But Not the Same (l) - Dating someone with different religious values and beliefs and can seem like a good thing until you consider what is most important in a relationship. Read this true story by someone who learned this lesson firsthand.
Dating, age for
- (l) - Questions and answers on issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
Dating, on-line
- (l) - Questions and answers on issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
Datura plant
- Hummingbirds - How Do They Do That? (l) - The incredible aerial feats of hummingbirds are truly a marvel. But that's only the beginning of the story.
- The Dynamic Influence a Father Has on a Daughter (l) - How can we ensure that our daughters have the best chance of leading successful lives?
Daughters and fathers
- Playing the 'Dad Card' (l) - Fathers, you may not realize it, but you matter more to your daughter than any other man. Why is that? Why is it so important to her future? And how seriously do you take this crucial responsibility?
- The Dynamic Influence a Father Has on a Daughter (l) - How can we ensure that our daughters have the best chance of leading successful lives?
- Leaven: Seeing Ourselves in the Story (l) - God can show us the leavening -- the sin -- in our lives. But we must be open and receptive to His correction.
- The Heart of a King (l) - People are easily impressed by the way someone looks, but real leadership comes from what's inside a person--from the heart. Consider the shepherd who became king David.
- A Model Friendship (l) - Rather than a mere accident--the way many friendships seem to begin today--the friendship between David and Jonathan appears to have begun over respect for each other and shared values.
- Lessons Learned From King David's Family (l) - How can we understand God's testimony of King David as "a man after My own heart, who will do all My will" (Acts 13:22), when we see his failed family example?
- Loving God's Law (l) - What prompted David to make his enthusiastic statement, "Oh, how I love your law"?
- Men of Valor: King David and Winston Churchill (l) - The Bible and more recent history offer lessons of courageous and wise leadership.
- Two Men of Great Valor: King David and Winston Churchill (l) - The Bible and more recent history offer lessons of courageous and wise leadership from two courageous men three millennia apart in time.
- An Ancient Fortress Slowly Yields its Secrets (l) - Khirbet Qeiyafa, also known as the Elah Fortress, is the site of an ancient city about 20 miles southwest of Jerusalem.
- Discovered: Artifacts, Possibly from King David's Era (l) - A complex of buildings set up for religious worship, but without human or animal images, has been found at Khirbet Qeiyafa in the Valley of Elah, not far from the location of the ancient Philistine city of Gath.
- Parental Pain (l) - What does God show us about the love of a parent?
- Ancient Inscription Found at Jerusalem (l) - Excavation discovery is oldest alphabetic inscription yet found in Jerusalem.
- Possible Citadel of Zion Site Found in Jerusalem (l) - Archaeologist believes he has found the location through which King David conquered the Jebusite City.
- King David's Reign--A Nation United (l) - Secular historians once questioned the historicity of King David. However, recent archaeological discoveries confirm the evidence for his existence and reign.
- King David's Existence Verified by Inscription (l) - An inscription from the ninth century B.C. refers both to the 'House of David' and to the 'King of Israel.
- God's Magnificent Series of Covenants (l) - Special covenants made with Noah, Abraham, Moses and David began to reveal important details of God's plan to produce for Himself an enduring holy people. The promised New Covenant is the capstone of that revelation process.
- The Davidic Covenant (l) - There was an unbreakable promise of an unbreakable dynasty--a dynasty preeminent above all others! But what happened to that dynasty? And where is it today?
- Israel's Golden Age (l) - The golden age of Israel under David and Solomon.
- God's Covenant With David (l) - Through God's covenant with David we find another biblical proof that Abraham's descendants, the Israelites, continue to exist. They have not died out; they have not disappeared from the face of the earth.
- King David and His Scribes (l) - The Bible indicates that King David created a climate in which recording and writing about royal affairs were important governmental functions.
- The Writers of the Hebrew Bible (l) - We still speak and write and sing the words of David written 3,000 years age. They are quoted extensively in the New Testament. He created a large amount of literature that God preserved for future generations.
- David: A Shepherd Learns from the Creation (l) - King David: "what is man that you are mindful of him?"
- A King Fallen and Restored: A Story of God's Grace (l) - The Bible is hard on its heroes. While it records their great deeds, it also records their flaws and often their worst sins.
- King David's Reign: A Nation United (l) - Secular historians once questioned the historicity of King David. However, recent archaeological discoveries confirm the evidence of his existence and reign.
- David: A Man After God's Heart (l) - God looks at the heart not the outward appearance.
- An Ancient Inscription Proves King David Was Real (l) - Archaeological excavations continue to uphold the events of the Bible.
- (l) - Almost 160 years of excavations have confirmed many details of biblical accounts of the city's history. The Bible continues to be verified.
- King David: Man or Myth? (l) - Was David, Israelite warrior-king, a historical figure? Archaeological discoveries show that he was a real ruler of ancient Israel.
David and God's spirit
- The Writers of the Hebrew Bible (l) - We still speak and write and sing the words of David written 3,000 years age. They are quoted extensively in the New Testament. He created a large amount of literature that God preserved for future generations.
David and Goliath
- Know No Doubt (l) - How do we dispel doubts in our personal lives? The example of a former king is insightful.
David in Archaeology
- King David's Existence Verified by Inscription (l) - An inscription from the ninth century B.C. refers both to the 'House of David' and to the 'King of Israel.
David's failures
- Lessons Learned From King David's Family (l) - How can we understand God's testimony of King David as "a man after My own heart, who will do all My will" (Acts 13:22), when we see his failed family example?
David's throne
- What Is the Kingdom of God? (l) - Some think it's heaven. Others say it's here on earth. Some think it's a feeling of brotherhood among Christian believers or the Church itself. Others deem it wholly apocalyptic. What is this Kingdom of which Jesus Christ spoke so often?
- To be Planted in Israel (l) - Here is what the latter part of Jeremiah's commission was all about. Remarkably, he must have been responsible for transplanting the throne of David to Israel by taking a daughter of King Zedekiah to the 10 lost tribes. Yet where did the Israelites live at this time?
- To Build and to Plant (l) - The obvious question now is: Did the Davidic dynasty come to an end with the death of Zedekiah and his sons -- or did it somehow survive?
- Fall of Israel and Judah (l) - Because of Solomon's disobedience, God split the nation into two kingdoms following his death in about 930 B.C. (1 Kings 11-12).
- More Links to David (l) - Besides what we've already seen, there are other corroborating factors connecting the line of David with Ireland.
- Only One Place to Go (l) - How God would fulfill the specific promises to David, who was descended from Perez?
- The Scepter Promise (l) - What is the scepter promise and to whom does it belong?
David's writing
- The Writers of the Hebrew Bible (l) - We still speak and write and sing the words of David written 3,000 years age. They are quoted extensively in the New Testament. He created a large amount of literature that God preserved for future generations.
David, story of
- God's Covenant With David (l) - Through God's covenant with David we find another biblical proof that Abraham's descendants, the Israelites, continue to exist. They have not died out; they have not disappeared from the face of the earth.
David, throne of
- God's Covenant With David (l) - Through God's covenant with David we find another biblical proof that Abraham's descendants, the Israelites, continue to exist. They have not died out; they have not disappeared from the face of the earth.
- Israel: God's Temporal Kingdom (l) - Through David, God established a dynasty of kings over Israel. Christ Himself, Old Testament Israel was the temporary kingdom of God. As "the Son of David, the Son of Abraham" Jesus was born to inherit David's throne.
David, tomb of
- Archaeology in Acts, Part 1 (l) - After decades of examining the details mentioned in the book of Acts, Sir William Ramsay concluded: "Luke is a historian of the first rank; not merely are his statements of fact trustworthy, he is possessed of the true historic sense... In short this author should be placed along with the very greatest of historians."
David, writing by
- King David and His Scribes (l) - The Bible indicates that King David created a climate in which recording and writing about royal affairs were important governmental functions.
DaVinci code
- Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene (l) - There is not one shred of evidence in the Bible that Jesus Christ ever married a woman.
- Truthful Quotes From The Da Vinci Code (l) - The Da Vinci Code does contain a few shocking statements that are true.
- Is the New Testament a Fraud? (l) - The Da Vinci Code and similar works have portrayed the formation of the New Testament as "history's greatest cover-up." Is it part of a conspiracy to deceive humanity, or is it the divinely inspired, true and accurate picture of what Jesus and His apostles said and did in the first century?
Dawkins, Richard
- Britain Debates Life's Ultimate Question (l) - Especially in the last year, the reemergence of media coverage about aggressive atheism has helped focus British attention on that most crucial of all questions: Does God exist? Even scientists are arguing the question. In spite of a rather vigorous defense, atheism certainly appears to be gaining ground in Britain and Europe.
- The Debate Over Life's Ultimate Question: Does God Exist? (l) - A reemergence of aggressive atheism has helped focus people's attention on that most crucial of all questions: Does God exist?
- Richard Dawkins: It's Immoral not to Abort Down Syndrome Baby (l) - "Abort it and try again. It would be immoral to bring it into the world if you have the choice," were the words of noted evolutionist and atheist Richard Dawkins on Aug. 20, 2014, in response to a woman carrying a baby suspected to have Down syndrome (Twitter feed posted at The Independent, Sept. 26, 2014)
- Atheistic Scientists Who Play God - Where It Might Lead (l) - For science to work properly it has to be governed by moral values and ethical standards.
Day care
- The Day Care Dilemma (l) - Parents trust day care facilities to take care of their most precious resource - their children.
- Day Care Debate: More Than Aggressive Babies (l) - Debate rages over a government study that suggests day care causes aggressive behavior in children. Cries for using less day care are challenged with equal passion by defenders of its perceived value. Sadly, personal opinion and economics have obscured the most important value of all.
Day of Atonement
- Will World Peace Come in Our Time? (l) - God established a festival in the Bible, called the Feast of Tabernacles, that symbolizes coming period of peace and unparalleled prosperity on earth. What lessons does this Feast hold for us today?
- What Does the Day of Atonement Have to Do With Jesus Christ? (l) - What does an ancient Old Testament ceremony involving two goats have to do with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ? Furthermore, are Christians to fast on this Holy Day?
- The Day of Atonement (l) - The Day of Atonement: a picture of the reconciliaton of all mankind to God.
- The Millennium and Peace on Earth (l) - The Bible clearly states that Jesus Christ will return to earth. But why? And what does Bible prophecy tell us about the world after His return?
- The Biblical Festivals That Show How God Will Bring World Peace (l) - Will mankind ever experience lasting peace? Humanity's track record isn't very good. But a series of biblical feasts reveals how God will indeed bring lasting world peace!
- Did a Good God Create an Evil World? (l) - Is it possible to completely expunge all evil from the world? It is not only possible, it will be done! The Bible reveals how God will eventually banish evil from existence!
Day of God
- The Seals of the Prophetic Scroll (l) - Revelation's main prophetic message is unveiled primarily through seven sets of symbols. Christ alone can unveil the meaning of the seals.
Day of prayer
- America and the Return to God (l) - In 2 Chronicles 7:14 God says, "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." Have we reached a tipping point where it is too late to turn to God in heartfelt repentance? If so, what should you do?
Day of rest
- When Do I Get a Break? (l) - Are you working more and relaxing less? Doing more but never getting everything done? Running here and there but only running yourself down? Maybe it's time you took a break!
- God's Appointment With You (l) - Did you know that God set aside a special day so you can have meaningful, lasting contact with Him? Nearly 6,000 years ago our Creator declared the seventh-day Sabbath a day of rest and fellowship with Him.
- The Sabbath: What It Means to Me (l) - God created the Sabbath to refresh and instruct His people.
- The Benefits of the Sabbath (l) - Discover the amazing benefits of observing God's seventh-day Sabbath. You might be surprised at just how much it could change your life for the better!
- Introduction: Sunset to Sunset, God's Sabbath Rest (l) - Was the Sabbath condemned and changed in the early New Testament Church, or confirmed? Did God sanctify the Sabbath at the time He created Adam and Eve, or did He first set it apart as holy time at the Exodus more than 2,000 years later? Was the Sabbath changed from the seventh day of the week to another day, and, if so, when?
- Was Sunday the New Testament Day of Worship? (l) - The New Testament was written over a time of more than 60 years after Jesus' death and resurrection, and nowhere does it show the day of rest being moved to Sunday.
- Ten Biblical Purposes for the Sabbath (l) - Many people view the biblical Sabbath day as an obsolete burden. Some even view it as an absolute curse! But what does the Bible really say? What does it tell us about the purposes of the Sabbath?
Day of salvation
- Ezekiel's Vision of the Valley of Dry Bones: What Does It Mean? (l) - The prophet Ezekiel saw a vision of vast numbers of people resurrected to live again as physical human beings. What is the meaning of this mystifying vision, and what does it teach us about God's plan?
- Is Today the Only Day of Salvation? (l) - Paul in no way meant to contradict the many passages in the Bible that show that many others will have an opportunity for salvation in future ages.
Day of the Dead
- Halloween's Dark Roots (l) - In recent years eye opening materials have been published about the questionable background of Halloween.
Day of the Lord
- The Exciting Feast of Trumpets (l) - The Feast of Trumpets, one of the Holy Days of the Bible, pictures future times of both sadness and gladness -- essential steps leading to the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth!
- Are You Ready for the Day of the Lord? (l) - The Bible speaks of the Day of the Lord as a time of great upheaval, cataclysm and also of hope. The Bible reveals that this "day" actually symbolizes a period of time beginning with great trouble for mankind and extending into an eternity of peace.
- The Book of Revelation: Is it Relevant Today? (l) - Is the book of Revelation relevant today? Is it possible to understand it? Can we know to whom it was written -and why? What are the meanings of its mysterious symbols?
- The Day of the Lord Finally Arrives (l) - The seven trumpets of Revelation provide us with a summary of what will happen during the time known as the Day of the Lord.
- Duality in Bible Prophecy (l) - We must carefully examine the context of prophecies to understand their meaning and discern whether the prophecy seems incomplete after its first fulfillment. It is equally important to avoid reading duality into passages that do not support such interpretation.
- Keys to Understanding Revelation (l) - Revelation puts many of the earlier prophecies of the Bible into an understandable context and reveals a much-needed framework for prophecies relating to the end of the age.
- Countering the Rapture Error (l) - The idea of a rapture of believers up into heaven before the prophesied tribulation of the last days is widely taught and believed in Christianity today.
- Was Sunday the New Testament Day of Worship? (l) - The New Testament was written over a time of more than 60 years after Jesus' death and resurrection, and nowhere does it show the day of rest being moved to Sunday.
- The Feast of Trumpets (l) - The Feast of Trumpets points us to the Day of the Lord, to the events that will occur just before and at the return of Jesus as King of Kings. But it also points us to the joyous time when Christians, living or dead, will receive God's gift of eternal life in the first resurrection.
- Bible Prophecy and You (9/2018) (l) - Armageddon and the Day of the Lord. What does Bible prophecy tell us about Armageddon and the Day of the Lord? What do they mean, and how do they fit into end-time events?
- What Signs Are You Waiting For? (l) - Throughout history humans have been looking for visible and supernatural signs to convince them of God's involvement in human affairs. The Bible foretells some amazing celestial signs that will come just before God's final day of wrath is unleashed. But there's no need to wait for those heavenly signs!
- The Biblical Feast of Trumpets: Foretelling 'the Day of the Lord' (l) - Does the ancient biblical feast, the Feast of Trumpets, hold great meaning for Christians today?
- Will Civilization End in Global Cataclysm? (l) - God will finally intervene and at last establish an everlasting Kingdom of peace and safety, but only after mankind has learned through painful experience that it's not wise to live in ways that, in effect, thumb one's nose at our Creator.
- (l) - First comes the tribulation, as described in the fifth seal. Next the heavenly signs, described in the sixth seal, occur. After the heavenly signs is the Day of the Lord, the day of God's wrath.
- The Apocalyptic Prophetic View: A Coming Time of Great Distress (l) - Verses from the Bible that tell about the "time of the end."
Day of worship
- Ten Biblical Purposes for the Sabbath (l) - Many people view the biblical Sabbath day as an obsolete burden. Some even view it as an absolute curse! But what does the Bible really say? What does it tell us about the purposes of the Sabbath?
- Our Children: Gifts of God in a Hostile Environment (l) - Sadly, the world today is a hostile, toxic environment for children - even in nations where there is greater economic prosperity.
- Who's Minding Your Grandchildren? (l) - Parents aren't always able to stay home with their children. One option may be the children's grandparents. Here is one woman's experience with her own grandchildren.
- Did Paul's Words to the Galatians Contradict His Actions? (l) - If in Galatians 4:9-10 Paul was attempting to condemn Sabbath-keeping as bondage, his actions as recorded in the book of Acts show that he was either very confused or very hypocritical.
- Galatians 4:9-10: Are God's Laws Bondage? (l) - Some view Galatians 4:9-10 as condemning Old Testament laws.
- Did Paul Teach That All Days of Worship Are Alike? (l) - Many people assume from Paul says in Romans that whatever day one chooses to rest and worship is irrelevant so long as one is "fully convinced in his own mind" and "observes it to the Lord."
Days of creation
- Answers from Genesis - Part 3 (l) - Understanding how God made things in the beginning can help us understand things now.
- Genesis 1 and the Days of Creation (l) - Did you know that no piece of ancient history is more scientifically grounded than the book of Genesis, including its description of the 24-hour days of creation?
Days of Noah
- Noah and Our Time: A Sobering Parallel (l) - The example of Noah revealed attitudes that would predominate near the end.
Days of Unleavened Bread
- What's the Rest of the Story about Easter? (l) - As we have seen, Easter and its customs did not come from the Bible, but from pagan fertility rites. It is a curious mixture of ancient mythological practices and arbitrary dating that obscures and discredits the proof of Jesus Christ's Messiahship and resurrection.
De Klerk, F.W.
- Christian Leadership Should be Y2K Compatible (l) - F. W. de Klerk speaks about what future leaders will have to cope with in the next millennium.
De Tocqueville, Alexis
- Russian and American Dominance Predicted by Character Assessment (l) - For half a century after World War II the world was divided in two in terms of international power -- split between the American-led free world and the Russian-led Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc.
- America's Religious Roots (l) - America has a deeply rooted religious past.
- Do Some Bible Verses Teach We Have an Immortal Soul? (l) - The Bible confirms that "no one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven" (John 3:13). Even righteous King David, a man after God's own heart (Acts 13:22), was described by Peter as being "dead and buried" (Acts 2:29), not alive in heaven or some other state or location.
- Jesus Christ and Biblical Writers Compare Death to Sleep (l) - The plain teaching of the Bible is that the dead are unconscious, waiting in the grave. They are, as Jesus and Paul put it, sleeping. They will not awake until the resurrection.
- Do Some Bible Verses Teach That We Have an Immortal Soul? (l) - The Bible confirms that "no one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven" (John 3:13).
- Will God Forget the Dead? (l) - Real comfort comes from understanding the truth of God -- that He will not forget the dead, but will resurrect all who are in their graves.
Dead sea scrolls
- God, Science and the Bible (1/08) (l) - News from the world of science about God and the Bible. Jan 2008
- Newly Discovered Dead Sea Scrolls (l) - New scrolls from the famous Dead Sea collection shed light on life at the time of Christ.
Dead to sin
- "You Are Not Under Law, but Under Grace" (l) - Many people point to Romans 6:14, which says, "You are not under law, but under grace," to argue that Christians, being under grace, no longer need to obey God's law.
Deadly diseases
- (l) - Deadly diseases such as bubonic plague still threaten, even in the United States.
- Read My Mind... (l) - Research into the potential for brain wave reading devices for patients who cannot talk took a big leap forward recently.
- A Message of Hope Following the Death of a Loved One (l) - Losing any loved one is difficult. But what hope can we look to when a child is lost to sudden tragedy?
- Should Christians Fear Death? (l) - In a world that doesn't value life, can we have a proper understanding of death?
- Where Is the Grave? (l) - From the beginning of time, man has wondered what will happen once he departs this life. Is a physical body necessary? Where does a person go after death? There is a spiritual dimension most people miss, which is an integral part of God's Plan for building His Family.
- Hope of the Resurrection - Part One (l) - If a man dies, shall he live again? If loved ones die, will you see them again?
- Will I Go to Heaven When I Die? (l) - The idea of going consciously to heaven at death seems comforting. But does that make it true? The Bible's answer may astonish you!
- What I Learned From Talking With Teens About Death (l) - In a discussion with a group of teens who wanted to talk about death and suicide, what could I say that would give them comfort and hope?
- Do Some Bible Verses Teach We Have an Immortal Soul? (l) - The Bible confirms that "no one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven" (John 3:13). Even righteous King David, a man after God's own heart (Acts 13:22), was described by Peter as being "dead and buried" (Acts 2:29), not alive in heaven or some other state or location.
- Jesus Christ and Biblical Writers Compare Death to Sleep (l) - The plain teaching of the Bible is that the dead are unconscious, waiting in the grave. They are, as Jesus and Paul put it, sleeping. They will not awake until the resurrection.
- Pre-Christian Belief of an Afterlife in Heaven (l) - Contrary to what many think, God does not promise us we will go to heaven when we die. Instead, Jesus says those who overcome will reign with Him in the coming Kingdom of God to be established on earth at His return (Revelation 3:21; 5:10; 11:15).
- Paul's Desire to "Depart and Be With Christ" (l) - The interval from Paul's last thought as a human being to the time of his seeing Christ in the resurrection will seem instantaneous, since the Bible shows that the dead know nothing (Ecclesiastes 9:5). This is why Paul wrote as he did in his letter to the Philippians.
- Are Some Tortured Forever in a Lake of Fire? (l) - Satan, a spirit being, will indeed suffer torment long after the wicked are burned to ashes. The evil angels-demons-will share with Satan his torment (Matthew 25:41). The beast and false prophet will have ceased to exist.
- The rich man in mental torment (l) - What did the rich man do next? "Then he cried and said, 'Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame'" (Luke 16:24And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.).
- The state of the dead (l) - Let's go back over the second part of Luke 16:22And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;, which states, "The rich man also died and was buried." Let's pause once again to ask a fundamental question. What does the Bible reveal about the state of the dead? "For the living know that they will die; but the dead know nothing...For there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going" (Ecclesiastes 9:5For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten., Ecclesiastes 9:10Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.).
- Lazarus and the Rich Man: Proof of Heaven and Hell? (l) - This parable teaches us that choosing to reject God's instruction will bring disastrous consequences - everlasting destruction in a lake of fire.
- Introduction - What Happens After Death? (l) - What Happens After Death? An introduction.
- The Mystery of Death (l) - Religions contradictory explanations about death. Some teach that people are born with immortal souls; some say people are immortal souls. Many believe that after death the soul is conscious and proceeds to a literal place or condition of bliss or torment. Others teach that upon death the soul is absorbed into a "greater consciousness." Some expect to be reincarnated, coming back to earth as another person or as an animal.
- Do Some Bible Verses Teach That We Have an Immortal Soul? (l) - The Bible confirms that "no one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven" (John 3:13).
- "It Is Appointed for Men to Die Once" (l) - It is obvious, however, that our bodies weren't designed to last forever. As Hebrews 9:27 tells us, "it is appointed for men to die once ..."
- The Only Sure Thing (l) - There is one sure bet in your life - are you ready to collect on it?
- A Heart of Flesh (l) - We all want to be there for grieving friends. Having the heart to make the right choice - and knowing practical things to do - can enable us to help our friends through their darkest moments.
- When I Die, Will I Go to Heaven? (l) - A few years ago a Time magazine poll revealed that 81 percent of people in the United States believe in "the existence of heaven, where people live forever with God after they die." The poll also showed that ideas vary widely on exactly what it's like in heaven. But what does the Bible really say about life after death?
- Even So, Come, Lord Jesus! (l) - Facing family tragedy, there was a haunting familiarity in my grief. What I've learned has changed my outlook on the world, and the future.
- The Resurrections of the Dead (l) - The Bible speaks often of the resurrection of the dead. But what is the purpose of the dead being raised if people go to heaven or hell at death, as many believe?
- "All Those in the Tombs Will Hear His Voice' (l) - Jesus made a number of puzzling references to a future resurrection -- puzzling, that is, if we try to reconcile them with the traditional view of heaven and hell.
- People Believed in 'Going to Heaven' Long Before Christianity (l) - God does not promise heaven as the reward of the saved. Instead, He has something far greater and more meaningful in mind -- eternal rulership in the Kingdom of God, to be established on earth at Christ's return (Revelation 5:10; 11:15).
- In the Shadow of Death (l) - Don't place a time limit on grief. Some people may be healing well after a year. Some may never heal entirely. How you can help those who have lost loved ones.
- The Quest for Immortality (l) - The desire to prolong life or find the key to preserving life forever goes back a long way. But the real answer goes back further than even the ancient Chinese or Egyptians.
- If a Man Die, Will He Live Again? (l) - The ancient words of Job reflect an age-old question: What happens to us when we die? Is death the end for us? Is there any hope for us beyond the grave? The Bible gives the clear - and to many surprising - answers.
Death counseling
- What I Learned From Talking With Teens About Death (l) - In a discussion with a group of teens who wanted to talk about death and suicide, what could I say that would give them comfort and hope?
Death crawy
- Facing the Giants With God's Help (l) - How can we push through when facing overwhelming trials?
Death of a child
- A Message of Hope Following the Death of a Loved One (l) - Losing any loved one is difficult. But what hope can we look to when a child is lost to sudden tragedy?
- What Might Have Been vs. What Shall Yet Be (l) - Few sorrows in life can come close to the loss of a child. Yet even in such a tragedy, God's Word promises the hope of life beyond the grave - a future resurrection in a much different world.
- Walking Through the Valley of the Shadow -- The Pain of Losing a Child (l) - How does a parent go on after such a devastating loss?
Death of child
- A Time to Weep (l) - One man's heartbreaking story shows just how much each of us need God.
Death penalty
- The Three-Letter Word No One Wants to Talk About (l) - It seems most people today don't really know what "sin" means. Two biblical festivals can help us understand why God considers sin so bad.
- Circumcision vs. a 'New Creation' in Christ (l) - The Jewish practice of requiring gentiles to be circumcised to be accepted into their fellowship threatened the unity of the early Church.
- Current Confusion Over Christian Freedom (l) - Paul's reasoning regarding grace, law, justification and freedom has been so twisted out of context that today his meaning is rarely correctly understood.
- Destination and Course Correction: Planned From the Outset (l) - Through Jesus Christ's sacrifice, human beings can be reconciled to God, and God's forgiveness of their sin will remove the death penalty.
- World News Review March 1999 (l) - World news - March 1999
Death, after
- Is Heaven God's Reward for the Righteous? (l) - Is the reward of the righteous an eternity in heaven? Through the centuries this has been the hope taught by traditional Christianity. What would going to heaven be like? What would we do when we got there? How does the Bible describe heaven?
- The Resurrection: God's Answer to Life After Death (l) - Would a merciful God inflict excruciating pain and torment on human beings for millions and millions of years-throughout all eternity? Could the great Creator God of the universe be that unfeeling and uncaring? Even though "the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23), the God of love, justice and mercy has no desire to see anyone, even the incorrigibly wicked, suffer in agony for all eternity.
- The Promise of Life After Death (l) - Would a merciful God inflict excruciating pain and torment on human beings for millions and millions of years-throughout all eternity? Could the great Creator God of the universe be that unfeeling and uncaring? Even though "the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23), the God of love, justice and mercy has no desire to see anyone, even the incorrigibly wicked, suffer in agony for all eternity.
Death, certainty of
- Introduction - What Happens After Death? (l) - What Happens After Death? An introduction.
Death, facing
- A Knock at the Door (l) - Coming to grips with the reality of death is a staggering part of life. Some do it better than others; some don't do well at all; and some keep running from the thought until they die.
Death, premature
- Broken Laws, Broken Dreams (l) - On a cold, wintry day in November of 1993, my daughter and I experienced one of the saddest days of our life together -- a day that will be etched in our minds forever.
Deaths by disease
- Diseases Take Their Deadly Toll (l) - The toll of human lives due to disease.
- Life on Campus: Religious Debate vs. Dialogue (l) - As followers of Jesus we are called to live our faith as an example to others, not engage in fruitless debates with people who may not even listen to us.
- Upcoming Debate Between Creationist and Evolutionist (l) - A February 4th debate between Ken Ham and Bill Nye puts the origins of the universe in the spotlight, once again.
- Generation Debt (l) - How Americans are selling their souls into debt slavery at ever-younger ages, and what you need to learn about how to avoid it wherever you live on earth.
- What's Behind the Magnetic Pull of the Christmas Season? (l) - Millions observe Christmas because it's a feel-good time with holiday music filling the air, brightly decorated trees, Santa Claus for the children and family togetherness. But does the Christmas season have a strong, commercially motivated magnetic pull that goes unnoticed by most?
- (l) - With a barrel of oil near $100 and the dollar falling 16 percent against other currencies, Americans need to understand what's behind the falling dollar and what the consequences will be for them.
- In the News Jan/Mar 2008 (l) - News of interest to young people. Jan. 2008
- Coping With the Current Housing Crisis (l) - Last year was the worst year for U.S. foreclosures since 1932, at the height of the Great Depression. And 2008 looks set to be even worse. The economy may be in trouble, but there are steps you can take to prepare for the coming downturn.
- Coping With a Growing Economic Crisis (l) - Last year was the worst year for U.S. home foreclosures since 1932, at the height of the Great Depression. The economy may be in trouble, but you can take steps to prepare for the growing downturn.
- Are You a Slave to Debt? (l) - Millions have allowed themselves to become enslaved to a harsh taskmaster - debt. Are you one of those caught in this trap? What can you do to break free?
- Farewell to America as a Financial World Power (l) - A major shift in world financial power centers is on the horizon. America is on the decline, while Asia and Europe are on the rise.
- Financial Crisis Crushing Britain (l) - What does the future hold for Britain in the wake of the current financial crisis?
- When Nations Fall (l) - The fall of nations and empires often takes place over several generations. Sometimes, however, it's sudden and takes place virtually overnight, stunning the world. Are we on the verge of witnessing another collapse? Are we paying attention to growing warning signs?
- Managing Your Finances in Tough Times: Five Steps You Can Take (l) - In these serious economic times, what can you do to strengthen your family's financial position? Here are five crucial steps you can take to put your finances on a more sound footing.
- 1848, 1989, 2009-Could We See Another Year of Revolutions? (l) - For more than a century, 1848 was famously described as the Year of Revolutions, as nations all across Europe were convulsed by demonstrations and civil strife that led to the collapse of the old order. More than a hundred years passed before the same thing happened again at the fall of Russia's communist empire. As people continue to lose everything in the current economic turmoil and anger grows, precipitating massive demonstrations, could this be another year of revolutions?
- World News & Trends March/April 2010 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. March 2010
- The Economic Meltdown's Ugly Fruits--and the Bible's Practical Solutions (l) - A recent murder-suicide within view of my own house inspired reflections on some biblical solutions that could solve many of our national problems.
- Where Is Our World Headed? (l) - It's that time again for an annual analysis and assessment. That's when many observers look back to yesteryear--and also peer into a somewhat clouded future. Secular predictions for 2011 and beyond are multiple and varied. But does the Bible have a far bigger say in our future?
- World News & Trends March 2011 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. March 2011
- The Brink of Bankruptcy: Unfunded Liabilities Threaten the U.S. Economy (l) - We're used to hearing regular reports of U.S. government debt growing to staggering levels. But recent events are spotlighting another huge problem -- the unfunded liabilities of state and local governments that spell future financial chaos.
- Cutting College Costs (l) - "If the ax is dull, and one does not sharpen the edge, then he must use more strength; but wisdom brings success" (Ecclesiastes 10:10). Learn how to chop down your college costs.
- Dealing With Debt (l) - Young people today have to deal with the debt crisis that the whole world is facing. How do you do that?
- America's National Debt: Growing With No End in Sight (l) - In the last few months and years the United States has racked up some impressive records, but none of them are good. Its debt is exploding at unprecedented rates. What's behind the problem, and where is it leading?
- Will America Cease to Lead the World? (l) - From the time of its founding, this unique nation sought to base its future success on the efforts of free individuals, not on class distinctions and hereditary status. America became undisputed world leader because it was set apart not only by the Declaration of Independence, but by its destiny set forth in the Bible. Why, then, is America gradually forfeiting world leadership?
- Detroit: Only One of America's Debt-ridden Cities (l) - The financial demise of Detroit proved no surprise to those watching the news on a regular basis.
- Shine Sweet Freedom - The Day of Atonement and the Jubilee Year (l) - Is there any way out of the debt spiral? In God's government, there is.
- Pray for Enemies (l) - When people hang onto anger and seek revenge, no one benefits?
- Credit Counseling Services (l) - Some people wisely turn to credit-counseling agencies for help in getting themselves back on solid financial footing.
- What Was 'Wiped Out' by Jesus Christ's Death? (l) - A misleading translation of a passage in Colossians 2 in some Bible versions is often used to support the flawed belief that God's law was "wiped out" by Jesus Christ
- Money Problems (l) - It's so easy to slide on the slippery slope of borrowing and credit card debt without really realizing it. When we wake up to a debt disaster, what can we do to take control of our finances?
- The Debt Trap: How Do I Get Free? (l) - The steps necessary to free ourselves from debt aren't difficult to understand, but they do take commitment. Once committed to the challenge, you will find the results liberating-and the reward will be one that lasts a lifetime, usually even longer.
Debt and power
- Could America Be Replaced as the Global Superpower? (l) - Great powers come and go. For more than six decades the United States has been the world's dominant power. Seventy years ago, Great Britainwith its vast empirewas the world's greatest power. Could the United States follow Britain into decline and be replaced by another power? Are we seeing the first stages?
Debt guilt
- The Eurozone Debt Crisis: Calamity Still Looms (l) - Ardent EU supporters promote a best-case scenario, the debt crisis concluding with diminished consequences. Others lay out worst-case scenarios, such as Britain's Daniel Hannan in his October 2011 Standpoint article "The End of Europe's Fantasy Is Now in Sight." Whatever happens, in the long run God's Word will be the determining factor.
Debt, escaping
- Questions and Answers - Mar/Apr 2008 (l) - Answers to readers' questions. Mar/Apr 2008
Debt, personal
- An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Jul/Aug 2001 (l) - A bried synopsis of world events. July/August 2001.
Debts to people
- Balance Your Books (l) - What does it really take to balance our books?
Dec. 25
- Christmas Before Christ: The Surprising Truth! (l) - If you discovered that Christmas had nothing to do with Jesus Christ's birth and actually predates that event by centuries, would you still celebrate the holiday? And if you realized that the Bible reveals Holy Days commanded by God, would you celebrate them instead?
- Who Will Go to Hell? (l) - What is hell? In the Bible the word hell is mentioned 54 times. It is translated from four different words. The only one in the Old Testament -- sheol in the Hebrew -- and one in the New Testament -- hades in Greek -- have the meaning of the grave, a pit or the abode of the dead. Sheol is the only word in the Old Testament from which hell is translated in the King James Version of the Bible. It is translated "hell" 31 times. Hades is translated "hell" 10 times in the New Testament.
December 25
- Christmas: The Curious Origins of a Popular Holiday (l) - What do evergreen trees, reindeer, mistletoe and yule logs have to do with the birth of Jesus Christ? And was He really born on Dec. 25? You need to discover the real history of Christmas!
- Biblical Evidence Shows Jesus Christ Wasn't Born on Dec. 25 (l) - A careful analysis of Scripture clearly indicates that Dec. 25 is an unlikely date for Christ's birth. Here are two primary reasons.
- Why Some Christians Don't Celebrate Christmas (2005) (l) - Many feel that Christmas marks Christ's birthday and that it honors Him. After all, can 2 billion professing Christians be wrong? At the same time, some few Christians don't observe Christmas, believing that Jesus didn't sanction it and that it dishonors Him. Who is right -- and why?
- Was Christ Really Born on Christmas? (l) - Was Jesus born on Dec. 25 ? The Bible does not give the exact date of Christ's birth, so how can we determine it? Should the date really matter?
- How the Christmas Date Was Set (l) - Gerard and Patricia Del Re explain the evolution of Dec. 25 becoming an official Roman celebration.
- The Real Nativity Story: Surprising Truths You May Not Know! (l) - The biblical accounts of Jesus Christ's birth present some surprising differences from popular ideas and traditions. Do you know the facts from the fiction?
- Is Christmas Really Merry? (l) - Where did the idea of a "merry Christmas" come from? Did it begin with well-meaning Christians who wished only the best for others, or are its origins considerably older than we might suppose? Does wishing others "Merry Christmas" please God and Jesus Christ? The answers may well surprise you!
- When Was Jesus Born? (l) - Was Jesus born on December 25 ? Can we even know when He was born? And most importantly, does it even really matter when Jesus was born?
- Is Christmas Christian? (l) - Have you ever considered if Jesus Christ was actually born on December 25 ?
- Wait! You Just Said (l) - You probably realize Christ was not born on December 25, and you may not think it's important. But it really does matter. And it really is important that you not celebrate that day as His birthday!
- Why Some Christians Don't Celebrate Christmas (l) - Many feel that Christmas marks Christ's birthday and that it honors Him. After all, can 2 billion professing Christians be wrong? At the same time, some few Christians don't observe Christmas, believing that Jesus didn't sanction it and that it dishonors Him. Who is right -- and why?
- Biblical Evidence Shows Jesus Wasn't Born on December 25 (l) - History convincingly shows that Dec. 25 was popularized as the date for Christmas, not because Christ was born on that day, but because it was already popular in pagan religious celebrations as the birthday of the sun.
- Was Jesus Born on December 25? (l) - Most people assume Jesus was born on Dec. 25. A careful analysis of Scripture, however, clearly indicates that Dec. 25 is an unlikely date for Christ's birth.
- Was Jesus Born on Christmas Day? (l) - Most people assume that Jesus was born on December 25. After all, that's the day millions of people celebrate as the date of His birth. But evidence shows that's simply not the case. And this is only one of many problems with this holiday!
- Is Christmas Really Christian? (l) - Many assume Jesus was born on Christmas or that, even if He wasn't, it's a good occasion to celebrate, since it's still worshipping Him. But did early Christians observe Christmas? And what should we do today?
- Dispelling Myths of Christ's Birth and Childhood (l) - How did Dec. 25 come to be celebrated as the date of Christ's birth? Over the years, many legends have sprung up about Christ's birth and childhood. What does the Bible say about these events?
- 4,000 Years of Christmas (l) - 'Tis the season for mistletoe and decorating the tree. But the origins of Christmas may surprise you. Did you know one of the American colonies outlawed observance of this holiday in 1659 ?
- When Was Jesus Christ Born? (l) - Much of the world celebrates December 25 as the date of Christ's birth. The historical and biblical evidence shows this date cannot be accurate.
- Wars of Religion: A Scourge Reborn (l) - Religious strife continues to dominate our world. God and religion are certainly not dead, despite all the rumors. The front lines of religion crisscross our globe, telling us that religion will play a major role in the 21st century. How will that impact your life?
- Be Not Deceived! (l) - Here are seven steps to avoid being deceived in these last days!
- The New World Disorder: Where Is It Taking Us? (l) - Why does the world seem to be crumbling into chaos? Can we restrain the forces of anarchy? Is it possible to right the course of our severely straying civilization and solve our problems? Sadly, we seem to have no comprehension of the unseen spiritual forces arrayed against us, and we either reject or ignore the God who offers the only viable solutions to the enormous problems afflicting our troubled age.
- Who Is Responsible for the Deception? (l) - Satan was the brains behind the operation to get rid of Jesus and distort His message.
- Take Heed - Be Not Deceived (l) - Listen to the warnings and encouragement from Jesus Christ and His apostles and prophets about deceptions and attacks from Satan.
- How Christian Is Easter? (l) - Soon up to 2 billion people will celebrate one of the world's most popular religious holidays -- Easter. But curiously, the Bible nowhere promotes such an observance. Where did this day come from? How did it become so popular? And is it even Christian?
- Babylon Stands Against God (l) - Bible prophecy shows a coming superpower called "Babylon the Great" will rise to dominate global events before Jesus Christ returns. God says to His people, "Come out of her . . . don't take part in her sins." What does this mean for you?
- Satan: The Great Seducer (l) - Satan uses people to deceive other people. He especially likes to use people who seem, from outward appearances, to be trustworthy.
- The Surprising Origins of the Trinity Doctrine (l) - Few understand how the Trinity doctrine came to be accepted - several centuries after the Bible was completed! Yet its roots go back much farther in history.
- The Enemy of Mankind (l) - Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour" (1 Peter 5:8, New International Version).
- Satan's False Advertising--Even in Christianity (l) - If you could see and meet the devil face to face, what would he look like? He is commonly depicted as a cartoon character in a red suit with a pitchfork or as a hideous-looking ghoul.
- A man who would make himself as God (l) - The apostle Paul issued a warning about the spirit of antichrist that would infiltrate the Church.
- Story Flow of the Book of Revelation (l) - Story flow of the book of Revelation.
- Beware of Satan's "D-Vices" (l) - It's vital to maintain vigilance in guarding against the enemy's attempts to corrupt and destroy us. We look here at some of the devil's tactics that share the same first letter in English.
Deception, Satan and
- Following the Footsteps of a Different God (l) - The Bible makes it clear that civilizations and societies are influenced by Satan. John writes that "the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one" (1 John 5:19).
Decision making
- What Parents Wish Their Teens Knew (l) - Teens, do you know that your parents wish they could say yes to your requests more often than they say no?
- Wise Advice for Wise Decisions (l) - How good are your decision-making skills? Have you ever wondered "what if I had...", especially when you didn't get the outcome you had expected?
- Surviving the Storms of Life (l) - Preparing for future "storms" of life. Knowing and possessing the "whats" is not enough, but "when" you put your resources into play makes all the difference in the world -- your world, that is!
- Got a Decision to Make? Read This First! (l) - It's easy to feel overwhelmed by major decisions with no clear answers. This seven-step process can help.
- Proverbs: Get Advice (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
- Bible Answers for (l) - What principles does the Bible give to help us in our decisions?
- Freedom of Choice (l) - We want to make choices and have freedoms in our lives, but do we really know what we want or need? Do we make the right choices for ourselves, and does our government make wise choices for us?
- How to Make Right Choices (l) - Some of the many decisions we make every day turn out well--others not so well. What can we do to make better decisions?
Declaration of independence
- "When in the Course of Human Events ..." (l) - Freedom never simply just happens. It has to be envisioned, considered and, yes, at times given birth through great sacrifice. Before one can reach a destination, the course must be laid out.
- Is Liberty a God-Given Right? (l) - Is every individual born with great personal freedom as a gift from our Creator God? It's a topic that most people have not tried to analyze, and it is a little confusing. (This is the first article in a series on the God-given rights of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.")
Decline of civilizations
- When Nations Die (l) - Review of: When Nations Die by Jim Nelson Black
Decline of U.S.
- A Decade After 9/11: Where Is America Headed? (l) - After years of military engagement abroad and severe economic woes, the United States is preparing to retrench, its power and influence set to diminish.
- America: Drastic Changes 70 Years After World War II (l) - As America and the world mark the anniversary of the conclusion of World War II, it's important that we consider the great changes in the United States and other Western nations since the Allied victory 70 years ago.
Declining population
- What Could America and Britain Learn From Rome's Fall? (l) - The fall of Rome is one of the most important and world-shaping events in history. But it provides more than an interesting study of the past. It also holds many important lessons for the Western world today.
- Two Nations That Changed the World (l) - Who are the British and American peoples? How do these two great powers - the United States and the nations comprising most of the former British Empire - fit into Bible prophecy?
Decoy fish
- Oddities in Nature That Defy Evolution (l) - Over one hundred years of research has provided numerous examples in nature in which complex organs in animals could not have developed by small, successive steps.
- God Hasn't Told Me to Leave (l) - "Haiti" can be a state of mind. Life can seem out of control, threatening to overwhelm you. And, right now, all you know is that you want a "one-way ticket" out of despair.
- Two Minutes Dedicated to Eternity (l) - Could you sit down and write out in 266 words what you are all about?
- Against All Odds (l) - What's holding you back from achieving your dreams? What overwhelming obstacles do you face? These stories of drive and perseverance can inspire us to go on in spite of the odds.
Deeds of the law
- How Paul Put the Law on 'Firmer Footing' (l) - A comment by Paul that many lift out of context and misinterpret is Romans 3:28: "Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith apart from the deeds of the law."
Deer hunting
- Giving, Receiving and Gratitude (l) - Sometimes we are surprised by what influences us in our lives and what can really put us in awe.
Defeating Darwinism
- Creation or Evolution:An Interview With Phillip Johnson (l) - Phillip Johnson answers questions about the theory of evolution and his books about the subject.
Deficit spending
- In danger: the Status of the U.S. Dollar (l) - The American dollar has long reigned as easily the largest percentage of the global currency supply.
- Gross Domestic Product: Is It the Measuring Stick of Success? (l) - If you look only at GDP, things might seem pretty good for the U.S. economy. But there are other factors to consider.
- Are We Living in a '9/10' Economy? (l) - Global financial markets were rocked recently following rising defaults affecting mortgage-backed securities. What does this mean for the world's money supply and confidence in Western financial institutions? Are we on the verge of a major upheaval in the world economy?
- America Drowns in a Sea of Debt - What Does It All Mean? (l) - America's debt load is staggering and growing worse by the minute. How did the nation that was the world's biggest lender only a few decades ago become the world's greatest debtor today?
- Does Romans 14 Abolish Laws on Unclean Meats? (l) - Many believe Romans 14 says that Christians are free from all former restrictions regarding the meats they may eat.
Defining a Christian
- The Holy Spirit: Defining a Christian (l) - Exactly what is a Christian? How does the Bible define a Christian in the most accurate sense?
Defining repentance
- What is Repentance? (l) - Genuine repentance produces a change in the way we live, even in the way we think.
Defining wrong
- The War Within (l) - How do you handle those inner conflicts.
Defunding police
- Current Events and Trends - July/August 2020 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the July/August 2020 issue of Beyond Today.
- The War on Law and Order (l) - A widespread movement to discredit, defund and physically assault law enforcement officers has shocked many nations. What's going on? What's behind the war on law and order?
- Deification As Children of God (l) - The wonderful truth laid out in this article (read the article "The Mystery of Human Existence: Why Are You Here?") will surely come as quite a shock to those who have heard only the traditional view of mainstream Christianity regarding the ultimate reward of the righteous.
- God's Purpose for You (l) - Why were you born? Do you understand why you exist? The Trinity doctrine obscures the amazing truth, clearly revealed in Scripture, of God's purpose for you!
- 'You Are Gods' (l) - Jesus proclaimed His divine identity. He went on to proclaim that humans too can be part of the God family.
- Till We Meet in That Better Kingdom (l) - "I have done what I could" should describe what Christians need to be about, till we meet in that "better Kingdom."
- An American Patriot (l) - Lessons from the life of Thomas Jefferson
DeKlerk, F.W.
- The 2020s Are Here (l) - Entering the 2020s, the world continues to spiral out of control, and many wonder if we will ever see lasting peace. A lecture two decades ago from a Nobel Peace Prize winner and a conversation with him after pointed out some of what's needed. We must all do our part -- but human effort alone is not enough. Thankfully, rescue will come!
Delicate balances
- Our Dependence on the God Who Created Us (l) - We don't realize how fragile our existence is, how constantly dependent on God's care we are.
- The Grace of Rahab (l) - Often we feel as if there is nothing that we can do, that anything we might do is too insignificant to count, but one person can change things in a big way.
- Why We Need a Redeemer (l) - Sin has built a wall that separates mankind from God. That barrier must be torn down before we can have a relationship with Him. But how can we remove this barrier?
- Why Does God Allow Satan to Influence Mankind? (l) - God is in control, but He has allowed Satan to dominate humanity for two basic reasons. First, Adam and Eve, our first parents, chose Satan's domination over them. Second, God wants all of humanity to learn that "the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man who walks to direct his own steps" (Jeremiah 10:23).
Dembski, Bill
- Intelligent Design's Sherlock Holmes (l) - Here is the amazing story of a professor who did some detective work to determine if the universe was intelligently designed.
- The Problem With Human Government (l) - Every form of human government has failed to some extent -- though obviously some more spectacularly than others. Clearly human government has its problems. But why? What's at the heart of it all?
- Ghana's Election Signifies Progress for Africa (l) - In Ukraine and Iraq there are problems with the electoral process. But in Ghana's recent election, the Fourth Republic seems to be working. Why does democracy work in some countries but not in others?
- People in the Streets (l) - The quest for freedom; Common people, rising against tyranny and unjust government. It is a picture of people yearning for freedom to live and to love in peace and dignity, without another human depriving them that privilege
- World News Review March 2006 (l) - Democracy affords many wonderful benefits, but because it is government by people, it will eventually break down with scandal and self-interest.
- Who Will Bring Freedom to the Middle East? (l) - A "new Middle East" will arise - but not in the way world leaders might imagine.
- World News & Trends September/October 2010 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Sept 2010
- Where Begins Restoration? (l) - God's work of restoration begins with the individual.
- Is Democracy the Answer? (l) - With Middle Eastern regimes toppling in the face of popular uprisings, many are hopeful that the region will soon experience newfound freedom and well-being through democratic reform. But if democracy comes, will it really lead to liberty?
- Majority Rule May Spell Islamic Tyranny (l) - In discussing democracy, it's important to specify what is meant.
- Corruption and Despotism Cry Out for the Coming Kingdom of God (l) - Demonstrations and riots across North Africa and the Middle East highlight the corruption, nepotism and oppression that's common throughout the world. Only the coming Kingdom of God can change this!
- Authority for the People (l) - So, you want to be in charge? What does that mean? What does God say about leading and ruling over people?
- The power of the Chad (l) - The world's only superpower and oldest democratic republic has just come through a stunning election process.
- Democracy Is More Than a Word (l) - President George W. Bush recently declared America's commitment to democracy in the Middle East. But democracy in this and other regions of the world has not had much success. There are good reasons for this failure.
- Best Government in Existence? (l) - Is the U.S. form of government,"the best existing, or the best that ever did exist?" Does its system of checks and balances produce strength or-contentiousness?
- Behind the Headlines ... America vs. Iraq or America vs. the World? (l) - One year after Sept. 11, in the debate on terrorism, America is often seen as the villain, no longer as the victim. Why do so many people around the world hate America?
- We Hold These Truths... (l) - Even though America has not restored freedom to the entire earth -- only God's Kingdom will do that -- it may well be a type of the time to come when we'll see the restoration of all things.
- World News and Trends - May/June 2003 (l) - With so much happening so quickly in today's world, how can you keep up? The Good News staff reviews dozens of news sources every day to bring you what's truly important. May/June, 2003.
- Behind the Headlines - A World Without the United States (l) - The prophecies of the Bible concerning the rise of a new end time super power will come to pass.
- Extreme Right Reappears in Central Europe (l) - A disillusionment with democracy and worries about immigrants are fueling the growth of right-wing parties.
- Will We Heed the Warning? (l) - Be glad that some political leaders have the courage to sound an alarm. But most of all, be thankful for the promise that Jesus Christ will return to restore all things.
- Will Democracy Work in the Middle East? (l) - President Bush recently declared America's commitment to democracy in the Middle East. But democracy there and in other regions has not had much success. There are solid reasons for this failure.
- World Watches U.S. Post-Election Predicament (l) - The United States will continue to dominate the world in the immediate future because of God's will. When God withdraws His sustaining hand - and He surely will - the jealousy and anger of the nations hinted at in the above commentaries will be unleashed with a passion.
- King Hussein's Uncertain Legacy (l) - Power passes to the next generation in a key Middle Eastern Kingdom.
Democratic house
- Current Events & Trends (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the March/April 2019 issue of Beyond Today.
Democratic party
- An Unrecognizable America? (l) - These are dangerous times. The ground is shifting underneath our feet. Prophecies of a very different world -- one in which the United States no longer exists as a viable nation -- are lining up.
Democratic republic
- Majority Rule May Spell Islamic Tyranny (l) - In discussing democracy, it's important to specify what is meant.
Democratic socialism
- Where is America headed? (l) - Not so long ago liberal commentators in the United States spoke of the European economic success in glowing terms - indicating that social democracy works.
- Global Economics: From Kosovo to McDonalds (l) - When all is said and done, it all goes back to money. The world has entered a new stage of homogenization never before seen.
- Children Are a Blessing, Not an Inconvenience (l) - A tragic consequence of the pervasive defilement of the marriage institution is the widely accepted view that children are an inconvenience.
- Demographic Trends: A Warning to the Western World (l) - A century ago big families were common in the Western world. Today the opposite is true. While the West fails to reproduce, third world countries have high birthrates. The result is a massive migration from the third world to the West.
- Australia's Identity Crisis: A Foretaste of What's to Come? (l) - Australia's new Labor government is committed to greater ties with Asia, while increased immigration from the Asian continent is rapidly changing demographics in the country. What do these trends mean for Australia 's future and the future of the West?
- Immigration: How a Foreign Invasion Is Reshaping the West (l) - In the last 50 years, millions of people from the Third World have moved into the Western democracies. Many have contributed to the welfare of these nations, but others lack work skills, proper education and democratic convictions. What will it mean if and when these ever-growing minorities begin to constitute the majority in several key countries?
- Demographic Shifts Changing the Face of America (l) - A recent Pew Research Center report summarizes demographic changes that are reshaping the United States.
- Current Events & Trends - March/April 2024 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the March/April 2024 issue of Beyond Today.
- Could We Lose the War on Terror? (l) - A quarter century ago a nation in some ways not that different from the United States and Britain lost a war on terror. What lessons can we learn from that conflict so history does not repeat itself?
- An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Nov/Dec 2002 (l) - Here is an overview of conditions around the world.
Demonic world
- Have the Ancient Gods Returned? (l) - A recent book puts forth an intriguing idea that the ancient gods of the pagan world have returned to haunt our modern societies. Have the pagan deities returned? Or could it be something else, something most do not understand?
- The Spirit World's Dangerous Dark Side (l) - Strange practices and religions such as Wicca, Santeria, voodoo and channeling are growing in popularity. What's behind them? Are such things harmless, or is there more to them than meets the eye?
- What if You Are Confronted by the Dark Side of the Spirit World? (l) - The Bible provides a guide to successfully countering any of Satan's deceptions. Below are several principles you should follow.
- Where Vampires & Werewolves Don't Exist (l) - Witchcraft in all its forms is part of the devil's marketing efforts.
- Gargoyles, Ghouls, Ghosts and Goblins? (l) - Does our modern world take the spirit realm too lightly?
- Self-harm, Cutting and Demons (l) - The prevalence of self-harm through cutting is increasing rapidly in this evil age
- Satan's Role in Suffering (l) - Through the spiritual blindness and ignorance Satan has foisted off on the world, he is the instigator of incalculable suffering. He has blinded humanity to the reason for our existence.
- Why Man Rejects the Knowledge of God (l) - There is a spiritual ultimate source of all misinformation and disinformation -- whether about scriptural or secular knowledge.
- Who Will Go to Hell? (l) - What is hell? In the Bible the word hell is mentioned 54 times. It is translated from four different words. The only one in the Old Testament -- sheol in the Hebrew -- and one in the New Testament -- hades in Greek -- have the meaning of the grave, a pit or the abode of the dead. Sheol is the only word in the Old Testament from which hell is translated in the King James Version of the Bible. It is translated "hell" 31 times. Hades is translated "hell" 10 times in the New Testament.
Demons, Satan
- Is There Really a Spirit World? (l) - Both popular culture and religion bombard us with references to the spirit world. But is it real? What's it all about? Where can you turn to sort out fact from fable?
- Why Don't We Prepare? (l) - We can practice all the denial we want, but the fact is, these are dangerous times. We can take steps to prepare for calamity, whether in our neighborhood or the world at large.
- Modern Israel Has Sown the Wind and Will Reap the Whirlwind (l) - There seems to be no bottom to the moral toboggan slide the modern house of Israel has been on for the past 40 years!
- World News Review September/October 2000 (l) - World news - Sept 2000
Denmark's referendum
- An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Nov/Dec 2000 (l) - A brief synopsis of world events. November/December 2000
- The Rise of a Counterfeit Christianity (l) - The apostles repeatedly warned Jesus' followers to beware of false teachers who would introduce counterfeit-Christian beliefs.
Denton, Michael
- The Intelligent Design Revolution (l) - A new movement is starting to shake a scientific establishment built on the assumptions of Darwinian evolution. What is intelligent design, and why is it gaining so much ground?
Deny Christ
- Peter: From Fisherman to Faithful Fisher of Men (l) - What can we learn from this man who almost walked on water?
Denying self
- The War Within (l) - How do you handle those inner conflicts.
- The Lesson of "A Message to Garcia" (l) - God is looking for a few good men and women. Will you be ready to carry a message for Him?
- Dependence, Independence and Helping Those in Need (l) - Jesus Christ said in Matthew 26:11, "The poor you have with you always."Does this mean we ignore those less well off, or that we acknowledge the poor and do what we can to alleviate their suffering?
Deposing Satan
- In Search of Peace (l) - Is peace just the absence of war? Is it possible to enjoy lasting peace on earth? If so, what constitutes lasting peace? How can we find it?
Depressing news
- How Do I Survive in This Crazy, Negative World? (l) - Everywhere we look the headlines are negative, even scary. But God's plan is bigger and better than any bad news we see.
- To Whom It May Concern (l) - Depression runs rampant in our modern age, but ours is not the first generation to experience it. Turn to God and ask for His help. He is the greatest encourager of all time.
- Depression: Is There a Cure? (l) - Even people in the Bible experienced depression. God was there for them, and He is there for us. Never give up hope!
- Fear and Depression: Conquer Them With These Crucial Keys (l) - Feeling anxious and depressed? With the world and the economy in such bad shape, it's no wonder such feelings are common. What can you do to combat these negative ways of thinking? Use these five keys to help!
- 2015 - A Year of Triumph or Trial for America? (l) - After years of bad economic news, some think things are looking up for the United States. But are they? What troubling signs are on the horizon?
- "Saved by His Life" (l) - When you lose hope, how do you manage to regain confidence and purpose in life?
- Current Events & Trends September/October 2017 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the September/October 2017 issue of Beyond Today.
- Are There Examples of Depression in the Bible? (l) - The Bible relates examples of depression of various kinds. It shows that depression and related emotional problems can afflict both those who follow God and those who don't.
- Suicide: Understanding and Preventing It (l) - Suicide is a national tragedy, and it's getting worse. It's increasingly essential that we become informed on the causes and how to find help.
- Walking Through the Valleys of Life (l) - In this life we face trials. We are constantly exposed to a range of strains and stresses. However, we can call on several strategies to lessen the load. Here are a few effective steps.
- Hope and Help for the Brokenhearted (l) - With the Covid-19 pandemic and a host of global problems plaguing the world, it's no surprise that anxiety and depression are rampant. Some even look for a way out in suicide. Yet all is not lost; we can have real hope for tomorrow. But we must look in the right place to find that true source of hope!
- Can One Be a Christian and Still Suffer Depression? (l) - No Christian is immune from depression. Is there anything we can do when anxiety, worry or depression threaten to engulf us?
- The Bible's Keys to Mental Health (l) - Why are mental problems and disabilities on the rise? Could it be that we overlook the Bible's keys to healthy, positive thinking?
- Coping With Depression (l) - What are the causes of depression? How can we overcome it?
- Christian Setbacks: A Question of Perspective (l) - Every Christian has his or her bad days; the apostle Paul had his share as well. Amazingly, Paul was able to persevere. What enabled him to do so?
- In the News Oct/Dec 2003 (l) - "Devil's Highway" at a Dead End. Study Finds Sexually Active Teens More Likely to Suffer Depression.
- World News and Trends - Jul/Aug 2003 (l) - With so much happening so quickly in today's world, how can you keep up? The Good News staff reviews dozens of news sources every day to bring you what's truly important.
Depression and suicide
- Suicide is Never the Answer (l) - A Canadian minister's perspective on the hopeless act of taking one's life. Can you spot a suicidal person? An online source for help is included.
- Can One be a Christian and Still Suffer Depression? (l) - Answers to your questions about the Bible and Christian living.
- The Achilles' Heel of Global Banking (l) - One has to wonder what would happen if this "house of cards" based on derivatives finally collapses.
Descendants of Abraham
- Blessings of Abraham (Part 2 of 4) (l) - Today, the blessings that God promised to Abraham are being spiritually fulfilled in God's Church, which is made up of those who are called and chosen by God and live according to His revealed way.
- God's Promises to Abraham (l) - God made many promises to Abraham. Great and far-reaching promises.
- Becoming Resensitized (l) - If we have prolonged or repeated exposure to something, we get used to it. So what happens when that something is wrong -- something we don't want to be comfortable with? It takes a lot of commitment -- and God's help -- but we can restore our sensitivity to sin.
Desensitized to sin
- Becoming Resensitized (l) - If we have prolonged or repeated exposure to something, we get used to it. So what happens when that something is wrong -- something we don't want to be comfortable with? It takes a lot of commitment -- and God's help -- but we can restore our sensitivity to sin.
- Intelligent Design's Sherlock Holmes (l) - Here is the amazing story of a professor who did some detective work to determine if the universe was intelligently designed.
- Prove There Is a God (l) - There are logical reasons to accept the existence of a divine Creator apart from establishing the authenticity of Scripture.
- Foresight or Blind Evolution? (l) - The argument that nature is a result of blind chance that only appears designed is becoming harder to defend with growing evidence of foresight and planning.
- Adaptation - Designed by God, Not From Evolution (l) - Genetic adaptation to environment has been attributed to natural selection for advantageous mutations. But scientists have recently learned that adaptations come mostly from genetic switches responding to circumstances -- proof of design, as attested by the Bible.
Design in life
- In the News Oct/Dec 2006 (l) - In the news. October 2006
Design of earth
- Planet Earth: Lucky Accident or Master Handiwork? (l) - Is our world with its teeming variety of life the result of chance, a series of lucky accidents? Or is it, as more and more scientific discoveries are revealing, a perfect habitat finely tuned for life? What does the evidence show?
Design of the universe
- Planet Earth: Lucky Accident or Master Handiwork? (l) - Is our world with its teeming variety of life the result of chance, a series of lucky accidents? Or is it, as more and more scientific discoveries are revealing, a perfect habitat finely tuned for life? What does the evidence show?
Designer and evolution
- The Scientific Evidence: In the Eye of the Beholder (l) - Ever since the creation of the world (God's) eternal power and divine nature, invisible though they are, have been understood and seen through the things he has made" (Romans 1:20)
- In Memory (l) - Unfortunately, when people go through periods of deep despair, they often don't realize the support system that is available to them.
- Questions and Answers - Jul/Aug 2008 (l) - Questions from readers of the Good News. July/Aug 2008
- Destined for a Moment (l) - Is our life preplanned in advance, as so many believe?
- Meet God (l) - The Bible claims to be the Word of God Himself. This is where He has revealed Himself as the Creator and shown the purpose for His creation.
- The Question of the Ages (l) - What is your destiny? Why do you exist? Why were you born? Is there a reason, a purpose, for human life?
- What's My Purpose Here? (l) - There must be meaning to humanity's mixture of awesome abilities and awful atrocities. What is the ultimate purpose and meaning of your life?
- Why Were You Born? (vcm) (l) - Time and chance have a part in who we are. But God is not so concerned about where we came from as where we can go.
Destiny of mankind
- The Family of God (l) - The Father and Jesus have, from the beginning, planned to increase Their kind. The God kind is a family! It is headed by the Father and now consists of the Father and the Son, Jesus Christ.
- Asking the Crucial Questions (l) - Evidence of God's existence is available. Let's look at some of the evidence, asking and answering questions so basic to our search for meaning and purpose.
- Humanity's Fruitless Quest for Life's Purpose (l) - Most people long to know if their lives have purpose and meaning and whether they have any reason to hope in their future.
- God's Great Purpose for Man (l) - God's ultimate purpose for mankind is inextricably linked with the ancient question "What is man?" -- the question that King David and the patriarch Job posed so many centuries ago.
- Introduction (bsc3) (l) - Vital questions every man and woman should ask. Who are we and why are we here? What is man? Why do we exist? What is our destiny? Why were we created?
Destiny, human
- Questions and Answers - January 2009 (l) - "Why I was put on this planet? I'm fed up with my life."
- God and Satan: Truth and Life vs. Lies and Murder (l) - The Scriptures draw sharp contrasts between God and Satan that help us better understand the profound differences between their character, motivations, goals and actions.
- The Middle East in Prophecy (l) - What is the long term significance of the happenings on September 11?
Destruction of humanity
- Signs of the End Times -- Only Possible in Our Day (l) - Every generation has its prophets of doom who claim that the end of the world is right around the corner. Could Jesus return at any time, or must certain events take place prior to His return?
Destruction of wicked
- Will a Loving God Punish People Forever in Hell? (l) - Why are so many willing to accept the idea that the God they worship would willingly inflict a burning punishment on a great multitude of people who die every single day?
- St. Patrick's Day - It's The Little Things That Count (l) - Is it okay to participate in some elements of popular religious holidays? Or are there more serious consequences to disobeying God's laws?
- Climb Every Mountain (l) - We face many difficult challenges in our lives, but it's what we learn during those adventures that counts.
- Courageous Olympic Moments-and the Race We Run (l) - The world's greatest athletes pit their skill and strength against others in the Olympic Games. Past Olympics inspire us with stories of great conviction and courage. These games should also inspire us with their reminders of crucial aspects of the Christian life.
- When It Seems God Doesn't Hear or Answer (l) - God does not always answer our prayers to our immediate satisfaction and instantly deliver us from our trials. But He will always do what is best for us.
- Lessons Learned From Little League (l) - As parents, we have a responsibility to teach our children. But keep in mind we can learn a lot from them too.
- Do You Choose Happiness? (l) - "You can't roller-skate in a buffalo herd, but you can be happy if you've a mind to." lines from old songs sometimes sound out-of-date, but the imagery is interesting. Can we really be happy if we want to?
- Just for Youth... Do You Choose Happiness? (l) - "You can't roller-skate in a buffalo herd, but you can be happy if you've a mind to." lines from old songs sometimes sound out-of-date, but the imagery is interesting. Can we really be happy if we want to?
- Detroit: Only One of America's Debt-ridden Cities (l) - The financial demise of Detroit proved no surprise to those watching the news on a regular basis.
Detroit riots
- Children and Violent Video Games (l) - Today, sales of popular video games are at record highs. But what message are they sending? Most importantly, are they appropriate for young impressionable minds?
Developing countries
- The Greatest Humanitarian Cause (l) - Do you have trouble with prayer? How should we pray? For what should we pray? What lessons should we learn from prayer? Let's consider Christ's lesson on the subject.
- (l) - Letters from the readers of the Good News magazine. January/February 2002.
- Who Is Responsible for the Deception? (l) - Satan was the brains behind the operation to get rid of Jesus and distort His message.
- Satan's World Reminds Us How Not to Rule (l) - Christians can examine Satan's present rule over this world to discover what his kingdom lacks -- and what God's doesn't.
- The Ruler of a Kingdom of Spiritual Darkness (l) - God's Kingdom is not of this world, as Jesus Christ made clear in John 18:36. It is even more tragic that another being is ruler of this world, right here and right now -- Satan the devil.
- Did God Create the Devil? (l) - Where did the devil come from? How did such a creature come to be? Did God purposefully create an evil being?
- The Enemy of Mankind (l) - Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour" (1 Peter 5:8, New International Version).
- Introduction: Is There Really a Devil? (l) - Is there really a Devil? An introduction to the cause of evil and suffering.
- Satan's Role in Suffering (l) - Through the spiritual blindness and ignorance Satan has foisted off on the world, he is the instigator of incalculable suffering. He has blinded humanity to the reason for our existence.
- Why Man Rejects the Knowledge of God (l) - There is a spiritual ultimate source of all misinformation and disinformation -- whether about scriptural or secular knowledge.
- The Devil's Role in Religion (l) - The devil plays an immense role in the religions of mankind. Only those who ask for God's help as the diligently study the Bible and compare their beliefs to what it teaches can hope to overcome the deceptions that are so prevalent in today's religious organizations and fellowships.
- The Devil Goes to Church (l) - The devil is much wilier and may be much closer than you think. The Bible reveals that he deceives the whole world -- meaning he has even duped churches and religious figures. How is this possible? Could you be deceived too?
- Beware of Satan's "D-Vices" (l) - It's vital to maintain vigilance in guarding against the enemy's attempts to corrupt and destroy us. We look here at some of the devil's tactics that share the same first letter in English.
- When the Really Big One Doesn't Get Away (l) - Satan the devil, the adversary, the ultimate spiritual terrorist threat.
Devil's Highway
- In the News Oct/Dec 2003 (l) - "Devil's Highway" at a Dead End. Study Finds Sexually Active Teens More Likely to Suffer Depression.
Devil's influence
- An Unseen Evil Influence (l) - The world is predicted to be a dangerous place at the time of the end. We will be brought to the brink of extinction. But why do people think and act in such self-destructive ways? Is another factor -- one that few recognize -- at work influencing human behavior?
Devil's methods
- The Great Counterfeiter (l) - As a deceiver, Satan has no equal. In addition to being the world's greatest con artist, he is also its most accomplished counterfeiter.
- What's Wrong With Our Human Nature? (l) - We have a natural tendency to resent having our fleshly desires limited by rules, even God's rules. Paul explains: "For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit.
DeVos, Richard
- Review: Ten Powerful Phrases for Positive People (l) - "Magic" phrases that show people how to be positive and encouraging in their lives.
- Like a Dove (l) - What do doves and Christians have in common?
- Life on Campus: Religious Debate vs. Dialogue (l) - As followers of Jesus we are called to live our faith as an example to others, not engage in fruitless debates with people who may not even listen to us.
Diamond planet
- Diamonds in Space? (l) - Scientists have located a planet circling a small pulsar star not far from our galaxy.
- God's Jewels: Diamonds in the Rough (l) - Changing from carbon to a diamond is God's plan for us.
- A Diamond Is Forever (l) - Dazzling, precious diamonds can help us more clearly see what God has in mind for us -- as His jewels.
- Refreshing News: God's Government Is Coming! (l) - After thousands of years of abuse, corruption and misrule, finally there will be a government that is always for the people--truly serving with everyone's best interest in mind. Part three of a series.
- The Wonderful World Beyond Today! Part 3, Refreshing News: God's Government Is Coming! (l) - After thousands of years of abuse, corruption and misrule, finally there will be a government that is always for the people -- truly serving with everyone's best interest in mind.
- The Resurgence of the "Great leader" (l) - The mid-20th century was defined by the presence and leadership of what many would call "great men" or "great leaders," with "great" implying power and success and not necessarily virtue.
- Corruption and Despotism Cry Out for the Coming Kingdom of God (l) - Demonstrations and riots across North Africa and the Middle East highlight the corruption, nepotism and oppression that's common throughout the world. Only the coming Kingdom of God can change this!
- Current Events & Trends January/February 2020 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the January/February 2020 issue of Beyond Today.
- Dictatorships: Why Are They So Common? (l) - As the U.S. and Britain defied much of world opinion to overthrow an entrenched dictator in Iraq, a question logically arose: Why is it that so many countries seem to naturally embrace dictatorship?
Die to self
- The War Within (l) - How do you handle those inner conflicts.
Die with Christ
- Baptism: Why Do We Need It? (l) - Baptism is a symbolic burial ceremony -- commanded by Jesus Himself -- through which we accept His death as a sacrifice for our sins.
- Eating Choices - Does God Care? (l) - Vertical Thought discusses God's involvement in our eating habits with Hope Egan, author of Holy Cow! Does God Care About What We Eat? In her book, Ms. Egan invites readers to look at their eating habits by examining the meat-related biblical food laws and God's overall design for healthy eating.
- Fitness or Fatness: What's Your Plan? (l) - We generally take care of our cars, but most people don't have much of a plan for their health. With so much working against us, how can we choose fitness?
- Fear and Depression: Conquer Them With These Crucial Keys (l) - Feeling anxious and depressed? With the world and the economy in such bad shape, it's no wonder such feelings are common. What can you do to combat these negative ways of thinking? Use these five keys to help!
- I Am the Biggest Loser, and You Can Be Too! (l) - I hope my story and the food tips included at the end will inspire and help you reach or maintain a healthy weight.
- Does Your Diet Synergize? (l) - A new area of study in nutrition science, food synergy, is proving that certain food combinations can increase, sometimes more than doubling, the beneficial aspects of single foods.
- Why What We Eat Is Important (l) - When you're pressured to eat foods you know you shouldn't, what do you do?
- Gray Dumplings: Gray, Slippery, and Very Chewy! (l) - What we eat affects our health and well being.
- Eat Your Fruits and Veggies for Disease Prevention (l) - Study proves common sense advice to be accurate, eat plenty of produce!
- Keys to a Long, Healthy Life (l) - Let's consider seven important health principles. Practicing these will help you live a longer and healthier life. These principles are backed by extensive research in the health-care field and by the Bible
- Not Only a Matter of Diet (l) - Well into the time of the early Church we find Christ's followers scrupulously avoiding eating animal flesh that God had revealed as being unclean (Acts 10:14; 11:8). Prophecies of the time of the end make the same distinctions (Revelation 18:2; Isaiah 66:15-17).
- The Diets of the Millennium Should Be the Diets of Today (l) - After the second coming, Jesus will not only heal people, but teach the world how to build and maintain good health. This is one of the lessons of the Feast of Tabernacles.
- Vibrant Health - The Crucial Biblical Keys (l) - The Creator God, who is sometimes called the Great Physician, knows everything about what is best for our health.
- You Can Have Healthy Children - Here's How (l) - What can we do to help our children adopt healthy habits as a way of life?
- Follow a Healthy - and Biblical - Diet (l) - The Bible is a reliable source to dietary information. God, the designer of our bodies, knows what we should eat.
- Take Responsibility for Your Own Health--Nobody Else Will! (l) - Why do people get sick? Sickness is not a natural state-of-being. Learn how to protect your health by changing the way you think about food.
Diet and sleep
- Sleep... A Key to Weight Control (l) - What decisions are you making about your long-term fitness? Will you be fit and trim or, altering an expression slightly, "fit to be tired"? How much you sleep can make a difference!
Dieting by children
- World News Review May 2005 (l) - World News Review; April/May 2005
Differences in the sexes
- Editorial: Vive la Diffrence! (l) - Vive la Diffrence! The French have a reputation for appreciating the differences between males and females, and their expression Vive la diffrence is used to celebrate that difference. Even though some supposed experts told us a few years ago that, other than anatomically, there really isn't any significant difference between the sexes, most of us figured out pretty quickly that guys and girls just aren't wired the same. Yes. There is a difference.
Differences, irreconcilable
- Making Sense of a Fragmenting World (l) - Terrorist alerts...war with Iraq...the "axis of evil." How can we make sense of it all?
- Fitting In (l) - Following God's way of life means standing out from the crowd
Difficult way
- "I Will Give You the Crown of Life" (l) - Before "that Day" arrives, let's consider our destiny to wear crowns as children of God. God has destined you to wear a crown.
Digital distractions
- Connections (l) - Do you want to "hear" God? We can begin by creating conditions that allow us to hear. For a lot of us that may mean removing the clutter and distractions of our modern world.
- The Grandeur of Almighty God (l) - When the prophets of the Old Testament Scriptures and the apostles of the New Testament experienced God, to a man they saw themselves as utterly inadequate in comparison.
Dignity respect
- Inasmuch! (l) - In following Jesus Christ, we must learn to love and care for others by seeing everyone as He does.
- Ants (l) - Ants are a nuisance we all deal with at times. Yet there's a lot we as Christians can learn from the little ant.
- Your Job and the "Joseph Effect" (l) - God gives us a wonderful promise about security. We are promised that regardless of our circumstances, God has not abandoned us.
- Making the Most of Your Dough (l) - In light of the current financial crisis that has deeply affected most of the world, it's time to reassess some underlying philosophies about money. Make sure you understand sound financial principles.
- Point of Wisdom: Royal Virtues (l) - She was just a young adult, but a dedication to serve helped her rule. It can help us too!
- A Lamp, A Vessel and Abundant Oil (l) - We tend to act as if there is all the time in the world, but is that a wise thing to do?
- Proverbs: A Wise Servant (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
- Proverbs: Hunger Satisfied (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
- Finding Success in Your Job and Career (l) - In a world that is so far removed from the life and times of the Bible, do the Scriptures offer any help in how to be successful in our job and career?
- Just For Youth: How to Make Murphy's Law Work for You (l) - Does Murphy's law effect us in everyday life?
- Diligence--A Key To Success (l) - Almost everyone dreams of one day "having it all." By applying a simple value, you can improve your everyday life and reap lifelong rewards.
- With a Little Care (l) - Unlike the great care taken in endeavors of the space program, we often allow ourselves to rush through life without much thought or planning. What lessons can we learn from the mistakes of the space program?
- Manage Your Family Finances the Bible Way (l) - Take a look at some of the sound financial principles the Bible offers us.
Dinner as a family
- Dinner Time: The Perfect Time to Rebuild Family Togetherness (l) - Competing pressures and priorities may be making dinners together a thing of the past for many families. If this is happening to you, perhaps you need to think about what you're really missing!
- Newly Excavated "Head" of the Triceratop (l) - A newfound triceratops skull has been dug out of the South Dakota countryside near Buffalo.
Dinosaur tissue
- God, Science and the Bible (5/05) (l) - News from the world of science about God and the Bible. May/June 2005
- Where Do the Dinosaurs Fit? (l) - Figuring out when the dinosaurs lived relative to man isn't really difficult.
- The European Union: Blessing or Modern Tower of Babel? (l) - A union of 27 nations with nearly half a billion people should not be carelessly underestimated. Yet the lofty ideals of the EU founding fathers and those of Europe's current leaders should sometimes be taken with a grain of salt.
- World News & Trends: November/December 2009 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. November 2009
Diplomatic relations
- World News and Trends - Sep/Oct 2003 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. September/October 2003
- So, Who Goes First? (l) - The 'invisible' first victims -- the German men, women and children who were murdered or sterilized by the Nazis because of conditions such as schizophrenia, genetic diseases, physical handicaps and developmental disabilities.
- What Disability Can't Do to You (l) - For some, disability means an end to a real life. But, for others it's a challenge to adapt and do things they never thought they could do.
- God Values Everyone -- Do We? (l) - Why not look around for a way to help those in need? Many foundations and non-profit organizations that serve people with disabilities would be happy to hear from you. Special Olympics is a wonderful organization that is always appreciative to have volunteers for activities and track meets.
- The Bible's Keys to Mental Health (l) - Why are mental problems and disabilities on the rise? Could it be that we overlook the Bible's keys to healthy, positive thinking?
Disadvantaages of age
- Appreciating the Aging Process (l) - There are challenges for an older person. But getting old isn't the end. It is, in fact, a new venture that only the elderly can appreciate.
- World News & Trends: November/December 2009 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. November 2009
- Neither Shall They Learn War Anymore (l) - Will humanity ever find a way to settle its differences without resorting to the violence of war?
- Surviving Disasters (l) - Fear envelopes you as the imminent danger looms invasively close. After the danger passes, the fear is replaced with the reality of what has just occurred. Destruction, pain, possibly death, how will you survive?
- Facing Senseless Tragedy (l) - The December 2012 massacre in Connecticut gives further evidence of the deep darkness this world languishes under. How do we process this? And what are some lessons we should take from it?
- Storm Without Warning (l) - A horrendous storm 100 years ago reminds us that it is vital to know, and let others know, what is coming.
- Signs of Our Times (l) - We must be true to the biblical mandate to watch and to warn. Christ promised to shorten the days of trouble that lie ahead and rescue this world.
- Waves of Devastation and Disaster: What Do They Mean for You? (l) - As we struggle to come to terms with the worst earthquake in 40 years and the Indian Ocean tsunamis that followed in its wake, we should be asking important questions like "Where is God?" and "What spiritual lessons should we learn?"
- The South Asian Tsunami: Foretaste of Things to Come? (l) - Where do major catastrophes like the South Asian tsunami fit in the long train of prophetic events?
- Why Does God Allow Disasters? (l) - The Indian Ocean tsunami stunned people the world over. How can we make sense of this horror? Does God's Word give us any guidance?
- Wars: The Chief Man-made Disaster (l) - In the 20th century the conservative estimate is that the two world wars and the ethnic and political purges and other conflicts killed 130 million human beings.
- The Indian Ocean Tsunami: Foretaste of Things to Come? (l) - Where do major catastrophes like the Indian Ocean tsunami fit in the long train of prophetic events?
- Natural Disasters: A Biblical Perspective (l) - Following are points we should keep in mind concerning the biblical perspective on tragedies, regardless of their scale or circumstances.
- Natural Disasters: Will We Ask the Crucial Questions? (l) - A native of New Orleans assesses what happened there with Hurricane Katrina -- and why.
- Great Storms Foretold? (l) - Disasters and Jesus' words: "Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near."
- Hurricane Katrina: Is God Removing His Protection From America? (l) - Hurricane Katrina's destruction was so great and far-reaching that many wonder if God is playing a hand in these events, either punishing the United States or removing His protection -- or both.
- Is God Indifferent to Human Suffering? (l) - If God is all-powerful, He could easily prevent disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, tornadoes, floods, droughts and volcanic eruptions. But He lets them happen. Why?
- Why Don't We Prepare? (l) - We can practice all the denial we want, but the fact is, these are dangerous times. We can take steps to prepare for calamity, whether in our neighborhood or the world at large.
- Disasters to Hit the United States (l) - The United States has faced its greatest national health emergencies in the past five years. What do they show about America's ability to handle national disasters? What is yet to come?
- Waves of Destruction (l) - Not long ago, a newscaster commented on the financial struggles facing the United States in the wake of yet another venerable financial institution failing. He said, "Just when we think we've recovered from the storm, another wave comes and knocks us off our feet."
- What's Happening to Our World? (l) - Recently Newsweek magazine wrote of "a pileup of disasters, crises and wars." The world appears to be entering a meltdown mode. Astute observers are now asking questions like "What on earth is happening to us?" Does the Bible tell us how to cope with this uncertain world?
- 72 Hours to Chaos (l) - What do times of disaster teach us about ourselves and society? Is our moral center what it ought to be?
- Superdisasters: Growing Weather Danger? (l) - Recent massive storms have brought dramatic increases in deaths and damages. What's behind this deadly trend?
- With a Little Care (l) - Unlike the great care taken in endeavors of the space program, we often allow ourselves to rush through life without much thought or planning. What lessons can we learn from the mistakes of the space program?
- Why Bible Study Is Necessary for Spiritual Growth (l) - Paul scolded the Corinthian Christians for their unspiritual attitudes and conduct (1 Corinthians 3:1-4). He explained that their problems were caused partly by some of them having too little knowledge of God's ways.
- Holding It Up to the Light (l) - If we want to get a good view of ourselves, the only way to do it is through the illumination that God provides.
Discerning information
- Teens and Millennials Wary of Twitter Posts (l) - New research finds that young people are wisely skeptical of Twitter posts as a source of truth.
- How Correct is Political Correctness? (l) - Since political correctness will be part of nearly every college class you take, what should you know about it now?
- Self-Control: Governing Your Life by the Power of God (l) - In this series of articles on the fruit of the Spirit, we have come to the last of the nine virtues -- self-control. Of all the things we have to govern in this life, self is often our greatest challenge!
- 'This Generation Will Not Pass' (l) - Once all the prophesied world conditions are present, they will not continue indefinitely. World conditions will be so threatening that they cannot continue indefinitely or we would be in danger of extinction.
- What Did the Early Church Believe and Practice? (l) - These are some of the major differences between the Christianity of the time of Christ and the apostles and that commonly practiced today. Look into your Bible to see if your beliefs and practices square with what Jesus Christ and the apostles practiced and taught.
- Introduction: The Church Jesus Built (l) - I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself in . . . the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth" (1Timothy 3:15).
- The Good News of the Kingdom of God (l) - The Bible proclaims a consistent message from beginning to end concerning the Kingdom of God, a message delivered throughout the ages by God's servants.
- Is the Kingdom Here Now? (l) - Although God's people today experience a foretaste of God's coming Kingdom in their lives (see " How Are We 'Translated Into the Kingdom'?"), many scriptures make it clear that the Kingdom of God has not arrived, but will be established on earth in the future.
- Hope for a Troubled World (l) - Every individual, regardless of race, national origin or sex, will, in time, have the opportunity to be called by God and to hear and respond to the good news of the Kingdom of God and to the testimony of Jesus' life, death and resurrection.
- Preaching the Gospel (l) - The mission of the United Church of God is to follow Christ's footsteps in "preaching the gospel of the kingdom".
- Profiles of Faith - Peter: From Fisherman to Fisher of Men (l) - We are to become fishers of men and women. There is no greater work or priviledge on the face of the earth, as a man called Peter learned.
Disciples of Jesus
- Was Jesus Christ Who He Said He Was? (l) - The Jewish teacher from Nazereth claimed to be the promised Messiah and Son of God. COuld His assertions be true? Can we find evidence to back up His bold statements?
- Self-Control: Governing Your Life by the Power of God (l) - In this series of articles on the fruit of the Spirit, we have come to the last of the nine virtues -- self-control. Of all the things we have to govern in this life, self is often our greatest challenge!
- Discipleship Will Cost You - You! (l) - What does following the One who gave Himself in total sacrifice mean for you and me? Put simply, it means that we are to give of ourselves completely and always.
- Wise Men Still Seek Him (l) - Two thousand years ago, wise men journeyed far to seek the Messiah. Today other wise men and women can learn from their example as they too seek the Messiah and Son of God.
- Follow Me: Two Great Questions of Discipleship (l) - To be a true follower of God the Father and Jesus Christ, we must give answer to two pivotal questions of understanding and commitment.
- Building a Solid Foundation--Part 1 (l) - As with any relationship, the place to begin in rearing children is to lay a good, strong foundation. Part 1 of this 3-part series deals with the fundamental key of teaching the three R's--respect, responsibility and restraint--from an early age.
- Courageous Olympic Moments-and the Race We Run (l) - The world's greatest athletes pit their skill and strength against others in the Olympic Games. Past Olympics inspire us with stories of great conviction and courage. These games should also inspire us with their reminders of crucial aspects of the Christian life.
- Self-Control: Governing Your Life by the Power of God (l) - In this series of articles on the fruit of the Spirit, we have come to the last of the nine virtues -- self-control. Of all the things we have to govern in this life, self is often our greatest challenge!
- How Can You Avoid Provoking Your Child to Anger? (l) - The Bible warns parents of the problems of provoking their children to anger or discouraging them. Here are some practical tips for avoiding these parenting pitfalls.
- Dealing With Debt (l) - Young people today have to deal with the debt crisis that the whole world is facing. How do you do that?
- Proverbs: He Who Loves, Disciplines (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
- I Don't Like Running (I Do It Anyway) (l) - What do you do when you want to quit? How do you convince yourself to forge ahead?
- Bringing Up a Moral Child (l) - Many parents, including single parents, are raising well-adjusted, moral children who successfully enter adulthood. Why are these families successful when so many others are not?
- Discipline With Encouragement (l) - Discipline with encouragement may seem like an oxymoron. How could discipline possibly be encouraging? Isn't it always painful and depressing? The answer is no, discipline need not always be that way. Here's why.
- I Hated You, Coach Ioveno (l) - He was tough and cruel, and I hated him. But now he was dying.
- Does God Believe in Tough Love? (l) - Both Dr. Phil and Dr. Laura advocate it. There's even an organization -- Tough Love International -- to help parents deal with out-of-control children. A practicing family psychiatrist has written a book calling for parents to use tough love. But the concept of tough love originated back in the first few pages of the Bible -- long before the creation of any support group or self-help manual. Our Creator offers tough love to those He loves.
- Overcoming Discouragement (l) - God has guaranteed our success if we put our trust in Him to help us overcome those debilitating feelings of discouragement.
- If I Knew Then What I Know Now (l) - God provides an opportunity for a new beginning - not just once, but countless times after that initial start.
- Joy in a Butterfly! (l) - Even the most jaded people can find joy in the natural world around them. God's creation provides endless opportunity for the joy of discovery.
- All Men Are Created Equal (l) - All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Here in one sentence is a summation that God would desire each of us to have the same start in life.
- No Jew and No Gentile (l) - In God's Kingdom there will be no discrimination based on race, gender, culture, social status or anything else. We will be judged solely on our obedience to Him in this life.
Discussing religion
- Student Voices: Connecting Across Lines of Faith (l) - Here's what other students and recent college graduates had to say when asked, "How do/did you connect with others and discuss your faith on campus?"
- Disasters to Hit the United States (l) - The United States has faced its greatest national health emergencies in the past five years. What do they show about America's ability to handle national disasters? What is yet to come?
- A Return to Eden: When Hunger and Disease Disappear (l) - The plight of the sick, poor and hungry makes us long for the day when a real utopia spreads around the earth!
- A Return to Eden: An End to Hunger and Disease (l) - The plight of the sick, poor and hungry makes us long for the day when a real utopia will spread around the earth!
- Another Apocalyptic Threat to Humankind (l) - Disease epidemics are prophesied in the book of Revelation.
- Coffee Crop in Peril from Rust Fungus (l) - Life without coffee? Rust causing fungus threatens coffee crops around the world.
- Deadly Superbug Reaches United States (l) - "For the first time, researchers have found a person in the United States carrying bacteria resistant to antibiotics of last resort, an alarming development that the top U.S. public health official says could mean 'the end of the road' for antibiotics." So began a May 27 Washington Post article titled "The Superbug That Doctors Have Been Dreading Just Reached the U.S." (Lena Sun and Brady Dennis).
- Plagues on the Horizon? (l) - A new report warns of antibiotic resistance increasing to the point where antibiotics are no longer effective. Scripture also warns of growing pestilence, but it further assures us of a hope-filled future time when the need for antibiotics is no more.
- Common Bacteria Make a Deadly Comeback (l) - Can medical science protect us from bad bugs? Some observers aren't so sure.
- Diseases Take Their Deadly Toll (l) - The toll of human lives due to disease.
- (l) - Significant Developments on the World Scene
- Foot-and-Mouth Disease: A Virus with Global Reach (l) - A serious problem has spread from Britian to Europe and South America with potenial worldwide effects. What lessons can we learn from this costly epidemic?
Disease and animals
- Deadly Pandemics Threaten Mankind (l) - Did you know that "sixty per cent of all human infectious diseases are caused by either wild or domestic animals"?
Disease and healing
- The Bible and Science (l) - science has had to capitulate from a stance that it dethroned the Bible as Truth, since newer discoveries prove the Bible's information to be accurate and true.
Disease and prophecy
- Epidemics in Bible Prophecy (l) - God's Word foretells catastrophic events, including disease epidemics, in the time leading up to Jesus Christ's return. Does the current coronavirus pandemic tie into Bible prophecy?
Disease epidemics
- World News Review March 2005 (l) - Survey of world events; Mar/Apr 2005.
- World News and Trends - Sep/Oct 2005 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Sept, 2005.
- A Modern Menace: Emerging and Reemerging Diseases (l) - Worried health officials have declared the latest swine flu outbreak to be a worldwide epidemic, though so far it has proven not to be as deadly as first feared. But is this a warning of greater dangers to come? Does Bible prophecy give any indications?
- Are Deadly Infections an Indicator of Worse to Come? (l) - Doctors and hospitals are increasingly sobered by deadly new strains of "superbugs" that are largely invulnerable to today's most potent antibiotics. Is it possible we could we see epidemics of incurable infections?
- Ebola: A Foretaste of Prophesied Epidemics to Come? (l) - In the advanced countries of the Western world, we assume deadly epidemics to be a scourge of the distant past. But the recent Ebola outbreak is forcing us to rethink that assumption.
- Zika virus - the latest health scare (l) - According to the World Health Organization, the mosquito-borne Zika virus is now an international health emergency.
- Jesus Christ's Olivet Prophecy: Where Are We Now? (l) - Jesus Christ, in the Olivet Prophecy, predicted several major trends that would increase and intensify before His return.
- A Taste of Chaos to Come (l) - A time of judgment and justice is coming on us. And to be clear, we are not saying we are now experiencing the fulfillment of these prophecies. But we are saying this could well be a foretaste, a wakeup call, of far worse things to come.
- Significant Developments Dot the World Scene (l) - New Three-pronged axis on the rise in Europe? Adult men and teen pregnancy.
- The Horsemen of Revelation: The Pale Horse of Pestilence (l) - Previous articles in this series covered the meaning of the first three of the horsemen of Revelation -- religious deception, war and famine. What does the fourth, the pale green horse and its rider, signify?
- World News Review May 1999 (l) - World news - May 1999
- World News Review September/October 2003 (l) - World news review. September/October 2003.
- 2003: The Storm Clouds Gather (l) - What long-term effects will come from the unsettling events so far in 2003? No human being knows for sure. But we can observe, analyze and learn from the storm clouds gathering on the horizon.
- Visions of Judgment: The Pale Horse of Pestilence (l) - The world is gripped by headlines of a new and deadly virus coming out of Asia. SARS has killed hundreds and threatens the economic stability of several Asian countries. Is this the leading edge of future plagues mentioned in your Bible, or another warning of the fragility of our modern world?
- World News Review June 1999 (l) - World news - June 1999
Disgrace of America
- Will We Die by National Suicide? (l) - "If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen we must live through all time, or die by suicide." -- Abraham Lincoln
- The Cup and the Dish (l) - Jesus Christ used washing dishes as a metaphor when speaking to religious teachers of His day about their need for spiritual cleanliness. Discover how His vital words apply to us all.
- The Road to Infamy (l) - He was a successful businessman and a war hero. But then something went terribly wrong.
Disinformation about the Bible
- Misinformation and Disinformation About God and the Bible (l) - Our time is marked by a massive ignorance about what the Bible actually says. We see that some writers and speakers can say almost anything about the Holy Scriptures and convince some people to believe them.
- The Ruler of a Kingdom of Spiritual Darkness (l) - God's Kingdom is not of this world, as Jesus Christ made clear in John 18:36. It is even more tragic that another being is ruler of this world, right here and right now -- Satan the devil.
Disobedient attitude
- Our Sinful Nature (l) - As human beings, we prefer to do things our own way. As a result we can easily develop, either consciously or unconsciously, resentment toward God's authority over us.
Disobeying God
- The Experience of Israel and Judah: A Lesson for Today (l) - What can America learn from the histories of Israel and Judah? It can learn that it's God who gives blessings to nations and it's God who takes them away.
- Disappointment and Disorder: the Middle East a Prime Example (l) - End-time events continue to escalate. The trends of our time regress steadily from bad to worse. Yet another decade of pronounced world disorder seems inevitable.
- The Jews: From the Dispersion to the Modern Israeli State (l) - From the Bar-Kokhba revolt in 132 A.D. onward the Jewish nation-state was no more. It was not to exist again until the middle of the 20th century.
- The Meek (l) - A word we know, but may find difficulty defining: "meek"
- Does God Set Conditions on His Gift of Eternal Life? (l) - Can we do things -- or not do things -- that will disqualify us from receiving the gift of eternal life?
- Family Honor (l) - While our family name is important, it is not the only name that we must honor and protect.
- The Danger of Distraction (l) - In spite of all the information inundating society, most lack the knowledge that's most important.
- Lessons From the Parables: The Sower and the Seeds - Part 2 (l) - You're holding in your hands the "seeds" of the gospel of the Kingdom of God. But you may not understand the spiritual battle taking place right now with you at the center. Read on to understand how it can play out!
- Spiritual Distractions (l) - In today's world, it is easy to get distracted. In fact, distractions are the cause of most accidents. But what about our spiritual life? Can distractions get in the way there as well?
- Getting Things in Focus (l) - Distractions can trip us up, make us less effective and even keep us from the Kingdom of God.
- Worldwide Decrease In Crop Diversity (l) - What do global agricultural trends really mean to us on a daily basis?
- World News and Trends - Mar/Apr 2003 (l) - After the devastating terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, homeland security became a top priority for the United States. Yet, at the same time, it seems to be overlooking the most important aspect of its safety, and the risk is incalculable. What is this crucial component of any people's long-term security?
- (l) - Here are some letters from readers of the Good News magazine regarding subjects like marriage, divorce, our destiny, diversity, and political correctness.
- Who Is My Neighbor? (l) - Growing reality of globalization is pushing us together with people we have never dealt with before.
- Held Together by a Spiritual Thread (l) - God has called us to be part of something bigger than ourselves -- family -- a Church family now, then God's family at the return of Jesus Christ. Life in our Church family can prepare us for that millennial family.
Divide and conquer
- Assembly Required (l) - It often comes easy to skip church services, but what does God require?
Divine authority
- One of the World's Most Popular Books (l) - Announces the Bible as the most-read Book in the English-speaking world, and lauds the wisdom it imparts.
Divine beings
- The Family of God (l) - The Father and Jesus have, from the beginning, planned to increase Their kind. The God kind is a family! It is headed by the Father and now consists of the Father and the Son, Jesus Christ.
Divine character
- God's Nature and Character (l) - In any discussion about who and what God is, we must not lose sight of the most important truth about God -- that God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son are Beings of infinite love. John perfectly summarized Their divine character and nature when he wrote that "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16).
- The Personal Nature of God (l) - Both the Apostle John and the Apostle Paul describe two individual divine Beings, with Jesus being subject to God the Father.
Divine family
- Do Some Verses Deny a Divine Family? (l) - As this booklet explains, the Bible reveals that the one God is a family, presently consisting of God the Father and God the Son, Jesus Christ. And God is in the process of adding to the divine family multitudes of others - eventually all human beings who are willing and who faithfully choose to follow God's way.
- The Family of God (l) - The Father and Jesus have, from the beginning, planned to increase Their kind. The God kind is a family! It is headed by the Father and now consists of the Father and the Son, Jesus Christ.
- Jesus Christ, Our Merciful High Priest (l) - Both the Father and Son are actively involved in fulfilling Their purpose of bringing others into the divine family. It's your destiny. Will you repent and accept this marvelous calling?
- The Personal Nature of God (l) - Both the Apostle John and the Apostle Paul describe two individual divine Beings, with Jesus being subject to God the Father.
- Understanding God Through Christ (l) - The image of God is what makes man unique among all His physical creation. This is what renders men, women and children truly human.
Divine guidance
- Religious Nuts (l) - The terms may vary from place to place, but it seems every society and every generation has had some experience with those who are deviant thinkers.
Divine help
- How God Shaped Israel's Future (l) - From Abraham God miraculously formed a nation to illustrate to every other nation the benefits that come from obeying Him and the tragedies that come from disobeying Him. Israel has been an example of both.
Divine identity
- Why Can't Theologians Explain the Trinity Doctrine? (l) - One cannot prove something from the Bible that is not biblical. The Bible is our only reliable source of divine revelation and truth, and the Trinity concept simply is not part of God's revelation to humankind.
- Is God a Trinity? (l) - The fact that the word Trinity appears nowhere in the Bible also gives us reason to reflect. We must not cling to long-held religious traditions if they contradict the Scriptures.
Divine inspiration
- Why Prophecy? (l) - How prophecy fills in the details of God's wonderful plan for humanity. God, who inspired prophecy, cares for people, that He has designed a logical and realistic master plan for solving the suffering and dilemmas that we cannot resolve on our own.
Divine intervention
- Armageddon and Divine Intervention (l) - God will intervene to stop humanity from destroying itself.
Divine knowledge
- Fullfilled Prophecies of Jesus Christ (l) - What could be more amazing than to read precise predictions of the events of a person's life hundreds of years before his birth? Surely that would be a mark of divine knowledge and involvement, wouldn't it?
Divine law
- The Lesson of the Brown Paper Bag (l) - Long ago I learned an important lesson that's stuck with me ever since. And soon the time is coming when the entire world will be blessed as everyone comes to learn that same lesson!
Divine nature
- What About Matthew 28:19? (l) - At baptism, repentant sinners enter into a personal family relationship with God the Father and the Son through the Holy Spirit, thereby receiving the name of God.
- The Holy Spirit Is Not a Person (l) - The Holy Spirit is spoken of in many ways that demonstrate that it is not a divine person.
- Partaking of the Divine Nature (l) - Everlasting, abundant life in the Kingdom as part of the God family is our ultimate destiny. That is what Christ makes possible (John 10:10). That is why God created us in His image.
Divine power
- Is the Holy Spirit a Person? (TL) (l) - The apostle Paul states clearly that "there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things ... and one Lord Jesus Christ ..." (1 Corinthians 8:6). He makes no mention of the Holy Spirit as a divine person.
- Why Can't Theologians Explain the Trinity Doctrine? (l) - One cannot prove something from the Bible that is not biblical. The Bible is our only reliable source of divine revelation and truth, and the Trinity concept simply is not part of God's revelation to humankind.
- The Holy Spirit Is Not a Person (l) - The Holy Spirit is spoken of in many ways that demonstrate that it is not a divine person.
Divine providence
- When the Angel Leaves the Storm, Part 2 (l) - How much longer can we count on God's material blessings on America?
Divine punishment
- What's Happening to Our World? (l) - Recently Newsweek magazine wrote of "a pileup of disasters, crises and wars." The world appears to be entering a meltdown mode. Astute observers are now asking questions like "What on earth is happening to us?" Does the Bible tell us how to cope with this uncertain world?
Divine right
- Religious Nuts (l) - The terms may vary from place to place, but it seems every society and every generation has had some experience with those who are deviant thinkers.
- God's Purpose for You (l) - Why were you born? Do you understand why you exist? The Trinity doctrine obscures the amazing truth, clearly revealed in Scripture, of God's purpose for you!
- Tool of the Devil (l) - "Be sober; be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour" (1 Peter 5:8).
- All Lives Matter (l) - Tension, rioting, shootings, violence and unrest not seen in decades is ratcheting up. What's behind all this division, what's a Christian to think and what's the way forward?
- Right Choices and Happiness (l) - An intimate marital relationship displays a beauty and wonder unique among all human relationships. There is no greater physical relationship on earth.
- Saving Marriage: Beyond Constitutional Amendments (l) - In response to same-sex marriages in some states, many are pushing constitutional amendments to preserve the traditional marriage relationship. But it will take much more if marriage is to be saved.
- Hope & Help for Children of Divorce (l) - Every year millions of children experience the trauma of their parents' divorce. Millions more have already gone through that pain and been affected in ways large and small. What can help children of divorce? One who has been there shares the keys that helped him through that experience.
- When Nations Fall (l) - The fall of nations and empires often takes place over several generations. Sometimes, however, it's sudden and takes place virtually overnight, stunning the world. Are we on the verge of witnessing another collapse? Are we paying attention to growing warning signs?
- Does Marriage Really Matter? (l) - Traditional marriages-those between one man and one woman-are facing increasing pressures from many directions. Does marriage really matter? Just how important is it? What does the Bible say?
- The Economic Meltdown's Ugly Fruits--and the Bible's Practical Solutions (l) - A recent murder-suicide within view of my own house inspired reflections on some biblical solutions that could solve many of our national problems.
- "Good Divorce" Not So Good (l) - A popular theory holds that "good divorces" - where separated couples remain on relatively good terms - are harmless to children and parents. But a recent study shows this idea has no basis in reality.
- What Could America and Britain Learn From Rome's Fall? (l) - The fall of Rome is one of the most important and world-shaping events in history. But it provides more than an interesting study of the past. It also holds many important lessons for the Western world today.
- A Time to Weep (l) - One man's heartbreaking story shows just how much each of us need God.
- What About Divorce? (l) - The prophet Malachi prophesied against modern societies that would exist shortly before the return of Jesus Christ. Speaking through him, God expressed his view of the modern miscarriage of marriage.
- Statistics Find Cohabiting Couples More Likely to Split (l) - Marriage commitment is key to stronger families.
- Why Are Young Christians Divorcing? (l) - Just a few short years ago she was dressed in a long white dress and he in a tuxedo, confetti was flying, and everyone was cheering and celebrating the wedding. Now they're living separately and may even divorce. No one thought this could happen - least of all them.
- Single-Parenting Success (l) - Through mistakes and sometimes no fault of their own, many adults have to bring up children on their own without a spouse's help. They are single parents. Wise individuals in this situation will strive to teach their children the same godly principles that are applicable to all.
- Divorce-Proof Your Marriage (l) - Because so many marriages - particularly in modern Western countries - end in failure, couples trying to live godly lives and make their relationships last will look for ways to protect and preserve their marriages.
- God's Instruction Manual for Marriage (l) - When it comes to putting together a marriage, many couples have used the same approach. They do it without bothering to read the instructions. Sadly, the result is that many marriages aren't working.
- Introduction - Marriage and Family: The Missing Dimension (l) - "Didn't the LORD make you one with your wife? In body and spirit you are his. And what does he want? Godly children from your union" (Malachi 2:15, New Living Translation).
- Our Children: Gifts of God in a Hostile Environment (l) - Sadly, the world today is a hostile, toxic environment for children - even in nations where there is greater economic prosperity.
- An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Sep/Oct 1997 (l) - A brief synopsis for world events. September/October 1997.
- The Foster Child (l) - Tony, like many other foster children, spent a lifetime looking for love and belonging. Where do you suppose he finally found it?
- Divorce's Devastating Impact on Children (l) - The consequences of divorce on children are far reaching. Among these are depression, increased rates of drug and alcohol abuse, and inability to forge close relationships.
- Will "Covenant Marriages" Slow Divorce? (l) - Many see covenant marriage laws as the key to reversing the damage done by no-fault divorce laws. Prophecy indicates that there are more forces at work than merely bad legislation!
- What's So Special About Families? (l) - Some suggest a family should be defined as any group living together in the same household. Is this valid? Before we throw away our traditional view, perhaps we should consider what we would lose in the process.
- (l) - Here are some letters from readers of the Good News magazine regarding subjects like marriage, divorce, our destiny, diversity, and political correctness.
- Does Marriage Matter? (l) - Marriage is the building block of families. Families are the building blocks of communities. Communities are the building blocks of society. When marriages and families break down, so do communities and ultimately society and civilization as a whole. We've seen this pattern before, and we're witnessing it again as this bedrock of society increasingly crumbles.
- World News Review Aug 2002 (l) - World news review. August 2002.
- Have You Performed Your Vow Today? (l) - How does "I do" become "I don't anymore"? Several common misunderstandings contribute to neglect of the marriage vows.
- World News and Trends - May/June 2003 (l) - With so much happening so quickly in today's world, how can you keep up? The Good News staff reviews dozens of news sources every day to bring you what's truly important. May/June, 2003.
- Divorce Revolution Spawns Cohabitation Generation (l) - Results of a Rutgers University study are sobering and disconcerting-the majority of today's young adults are inclined toward living together outside of marriage.
- Illicit Sex: The Threat to Children (l) - Children of divorce are more likely to engage in early sexual experiences. Many rush into cohabitation or early marriage.
- World News Review September/October 1999 (l) - World news - Sep/Oct 1999
- Children of Divorce Aren't Doomed to Failure (l) - Are children of divorce destined to be drawn into a "social black hole" of drug abuse, promiscuity and their own failed marriages? In spite of strong pressures to the contrary, the encouraging answer is "not necessarily."
Divorce affects
- An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Nov/Dec 2000 (l) - A brief synopsis of world events. November/December 2000
Divorce and children
- Hope and Help for Children of Divorce (l) - Every year millions of children experience the trauma of their parents' divorce. Millions more have already gone through that pain and been affected in ways large and small. What can help children of divorce? One who has been there shares the keys that helped him through that experience.
Divorce and money
- Finances and Marriage (l) - A study that found that issues over money ranked second to infidelity as a leading cause of divorce.
Divorce and poverty
- Michigan Paper Campaigns Against High Divorce Rate (l) - As the state of New York joins the other 49 states in allowing no-fault divorce, a surprising bill before the Michigan legislature aims to make divorce for couples with young children more difficult.
- Michigan Paper Campaigns Against High Divorce Rate(2) (l) - As the state of New York joins the other 49 states in allowing no-fault divorce, a surprising bill before the Michigan legislature aims to make divorce for couples with young children more difficult.
Divorce and the Bible
- (l) - Questions and answers represent issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
Divorce and violence
- Michigan Paper Campaigns Against High Divorce Rate (l) - As the state of New York joins the other 49 states in allowing no-fault divorce, a surprising bill before the Michigan legislature aims to make divorce for couples with young children more difficult.
- Michigan Paper Campaigns Against High Divorce Rate(2) (l) - As the state of New York joins the other 49 states in allowing no-fault divorce, a surprising bill before the Michigan legislature aims to make divorce for couples with young children more difficult.
Divorce rate
- Michigan Paper Campaigns Against High Divorce Rate (l) - As the state of New York joins the other 49 states in allowing no-fault divorce, a surprising bill before the Michigan legislature aims to make divorce for couples with young children more difficult.
- Michigan Paper Campaigns Against High Divorce Rate(2) (l) - As the state of New York joins the other 49 states in allowing no-fault divorce, a surprising bill before the Michigan legislature aims to make divorce for couples with young children more difficult.
Divorce, impact of
- Divorce's Devastating Impact on Children (l) - The consequences of divorce on children are far reaching. Among these are depression, increased rates of drug and alcohol abuse, and inability to forge close relationships.
- God, Science and the Bible (3/05) (l) - The remains of the biblical Pool of Siloam. DNA evidence "has shown, by the almost unbelievable complexity of the arrangements which are needed to produce life, that intelligence must have been involved."
- A Good News Interview With Michael Behe, Ph.D. (l) - What Do DNA Discoveries Mean for Evolution?
- DNA: The Tiny Code That's Toppling Evolution (l) - As scientists explore a new universe -- the universe inside the cell -- they are making startling discoveries of information systems more complex than anything ever devised by humanity's best minds. How did they get there, and what does it mean for the theory of evolution?
- Professor Werner Gitt's conclusions from the information found in DNA (l) - In his book In the Beginning Was Information, Dr. Werner Gitt, an expert in information systems, deduces certain conclusions from the information found in DNA. Here is a summary.
- The Human Genome Project: Decoding the Mystery of Man (l) - Digging deeply into the mystery of our existence, the Human Genome Project has brilliantly illuminated our knowledge of the mechanics of life--but revealed nothing about our ultimate purpose. To discover mankind's purpose, we must look to another source.
- From a Scientist Who Believes in God (l) - Vertical Thought discusses evolution and the problems with this theory with Dr. Steven Holladay, a professor of anatomy and toxicology at Virginia Tech's College of Veterinary Medicine.
- New Discoveries Challenge Darwin's Deceitful Theory (l) - Are we being told the whole story when it comes to evolution and creation? If Darwin's theory of evolution is truly scientific, why are evolutionists so reluctant to let it be questioned?
- 10 Questions to Ask About Evolution,Part 3 (l) - Can science prove the spiritual realm does not exist? Can it prove that Darwinian evolution has occurred? Can evolution discover a purpose for your life? What does God have to say?
- 10 Ways Darwin Got It Wrong (l) - This year marks the bicentennial of Charles Darwin's birthday and, coincidentally, 150 years since the publication of his book On the Origin of Species. One of the most influential books in modern history, it has helped shape philosophy, biology, sociology and religion in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. But both Darwin's theory and his book are doomed by major flaws.
- Hey, Hey DNA! Proving God's Existence - Genetically (l) - Recent discoveries about DNA have left scientists flabbergasted, and the evidence points clearly to a supreme Intelligence having imbedded an incredible multifaceted code in our genes.
- DNA Discoveries Demonstrate Divine Design (l) - Recent discoveries about DNA -- including the finding that so-called "junk DNA" is anything but -- once again clearly points to a supreme Intelligence having imbedded an incredible multifaceted code in our genes.
- No Junk in the DNA Encyclopedia (l) - ENCODE is an international project to create an encyclopedia of human DNA elements.
- The Tiny Miracle That's Toppling Evolution (l) - DNA has profound implications regarding Darwinian evolution.
- Where Will the Genetics Revolution Lead? (l) - This century has seen some astounding scientific and technological advancement.Developments continue to amaze. But is all such advancement a good thing?
Do good
- How to Beat a Bad Mood (l) - Everyone faces frustrating and irritating situations from time to time. We don't have to pretend they're fun. But we also don't have to -- and shouldn't -- let these things get to us.
- First, Do Some Good (l) - Doctors agree to a basic principle of the Hippocratic Oath: "First, do no harm." But what is the basic tenant of a follower of the Jesus Christ of the Bible?
Do it now
- Get a Grip (l) - Sometimes life can be so challenging as to be overwhelming. It's easy to fall into the trap of putting off change, blaming others and blaming God. When that happens, God tells us we need to "get a grip"!
Do what is right
- The Lesson of the Brown Paper Bag (l) - Long ago I learned an important lesson that's stuck with me ever since. And soon the time is coming when the entire world will be blessed as everyone comes to learn that same lesson!
Dobson, Christopher
- Terrorism in the 21st Century (l) - A World News and Prophecy interview with Christopher Dobson, an expert on terrorism.
- Heresies denying Jesus as God in the flesh (l) - One influential and diabolical heresy was gnosticism, which was starting to form in the late New Testament period.
- Hope of the Resurrection - Part One (l) - If a man dies, shall he live again? If loved ones die, will you see them again?
- Living God's Way (l) - What should be the focus of God's people, His sheep?
- How Should We Understand Scripture? (l) - All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work" (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
- Keys to Unlocking Understanding of the Bible (l) - Here are some guidelines to serious study of God's word.
- (l) - ABC is a program designed to throughly cover basic biblical doctrines and lead students systematically through the Bible.
Dog story
- Never Give Up! (l) - During a time of unemployment and depression, a little puppy brought a sparkle of life back into my heart. Until she disappeared ...
- A Dog's Life (l) - A Florida University team has proven that dogs have a sense of human body language.
- Christian Practice and the Dryer Buzzing (l) - As we grow in our spiritual walk, Christians must attune ourselves to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
Doing good
- The Good Samaritan (l) - "Love, love, love / Love is all you need." So goes a line from a popular song. But what kind of love do we need, and how should we show it?
- Kindness: From the Heart to the Helping Hand (l) - God's nature is that of incredible loving-kindness toward all people. And He will kindly help His followers cultivate the much-needed fruit of godly kindness.
- Goodness: God's Character and Man's Potential (l) - The spiritual fruit of goodness enables sinful man to do good and to be good--good in the truest sense of the word. Goodness, after all, is the essence of God's nature.
- Is America in Financial Decline? (l) - The turn of the year saw a rapid decline in the value of the American dollar as international confidence in the United States and its currency declined. What is the meaning of this for Americans, and what does it portend for the future?
- (l) - With a barrel of oil near $100 and the dollar falling 16 percent against other currencies, Americans need to understand what's behind the falling dollar and what the consequences will be for them.
- Could the Dollar Fall? (l) - Could the dollar be challenged and replaced by another world currency? Will something that until recently was "unthinkable" become a reality? The global financial slump is challenging long-held assumptions.
- Discerning This Time (l) - Three important issues of November 2009.
- In danger: the Status of the U.S. Dollar (l) - The American dollar has long reigned as easily the largest percentage of the global currency supply.
- Cloning: A Dangerous Journey Into Uncharted Waters? (l) - What's behind the concerted efforts to clone human beings? Is this another attempt to climb to the loftiest heights of knowledge and defy our Creator?
Dome of the Rock
- Jerusalem's Temple Mount: Center of Conflict Today (l) - A Good News Interview With Leen Ritmeyer, Ph.D. about Jerusalem's Temple Mount.
- Answers from Genesis - Part 2 (l) - Understanding how God made things in the beginning can help us understand things now.
Don't quit
- 275 Steps (l) - God will help us overcome the trials in our lives, no matter how difficult the climb.
- Facing the Giants With God's Help (l) - How can we push through when facing overwhelming trials?
Doom and gloom
- Lighten Up! (l) - I turn to an episode from the life of Jeremiah the prophet. He was tired of his gloom-and-doom message, and his audience was tired as well.
- Future Visions: The Wonderful World Beyond Today (l) - Will science create a gleaming utopia of peace and happiness for all? Or does a nightmarish world await us? Futurists offer a variety of conflicting visions. But is there a way to foresee what it will really be like in the world beyond today?
- Failed Rapture and Doomsday Prediction - Again (l) - The end of the world didn't happen.
- The End of the World: Is It Real, and If So, What Can You Do About It? (l) - Opinions are split on what will happen in 2012. Will it be the end of the world, or will the doomsday theorists have egg on their faces? Is it even possible that the world could really end?
- Will Humanity Perish in a New Nuclear Age? (l) - In spite of a new 21st-century Cold War and fresh fears of atomic-fueled human extinction, a surprising and sure hope will intervene. But many will suffer first, and all of us face a choice.
- Living the Dream (l) - Over the centuries mankind has tried to build human utopias, but all have failed. One day all of humanity will be living a life that many can only dream about today. How will that come about?
Doomsday clock
- 75 Years After Hiroshima (l) - Seventy-five years ago, the United States waged the world's first nuclear war. Since then, eight nations have detonated 2,056 nuclear weapons, a shocking number. As one analyst warns, nations seem "willfully blind to the peril." Will humanity survive?
- The Greatest Addiction of All (l) - Most people know about common addictions to drugs and alcohol. These are difficult enough to face and manage. But the one addiction that is greater than all others is unrecognized by most people. Thankfully, it can be overcome.
- Virtuous Lady of Acts (l) - Some people's performances are so special that they warrant immortal mention in the Bible.
- Dorcas, a Faithful Disciple (l) - A dramatic miracle the energized the early church, a woman was raised to life again.But did this momentous event overshadow an important lessons we need to learn?
Doss, Desmond
- A Different Breed of Warrior (l) - One man earned six medals for heroism in World War Two. This hero without a gun waged a different kind of fight. Meet Desmond Doss.
- The Danger of Being Double-Minded (l) - What is double-mindedness, and could it affect your life?
- Enemies of Faith (l) - Have you ever wondered why we don't see more evidence of faith? The Bible identifies several tendencies that undermine faith.
- Absolutely No Absolutes! (l) - Are there absolutely no absolutes, or does our faith in God show us that there absolutely are?
Doubting Thomas
- The Probing of the Master Prober (l) - When the other disciples told Thomas they'd seen Jesus, Thomas would not believe. Then Jesus appeared with an invitation. What does this mean for us?
- Know No Doubt (l) - How do we dispel doubts in our personal lives? The example of a former king is insightful.
- Like a Dove (l) - What do doves and Christians have in common?
- What Do You Mean: Wise and Harmless? (l) - Wolves? Snakes? Doves? What was Jesus trying to tell us?
Down syndrome
- Richard Dawkins: It's Immoral not to Abort Down Syndrome Baby (l) - "Abort it and try again. It would be immoral to bring it into the world if you have the choice," were the words of noted evolutionist and atheist Richard Dawkins on Aug. 20, 2014, in response to a woman carrying a baby suspected to have Down syndrome (Twitter feed posted at The Independent, Sept. 26, 2014)
Down time
- Relax - Guilt Free (l) - There never seems to be enough "day" for the hours of study and work we have to do! If this feels like your life, maybe you're running too fast.
Downs, Robert B.
- A Page on the World...Books That Changed the World (l) - Robert B. Downs gives landmarks in the history of ideas that can assist us in coming up to speed with many of the foundational thoughts that have shaped and molded the world for the past 500 years.
Downton Abbey
- Entertainment Impact and the "Downton Effect" (l) - Television series has far reaching influence on viewers.
Dr. Wkipedia
- Dangers of Diagnosing with Dr. Wikipedia (l) - A new study finds that patients may be putting too much trust in what they read on the popular website.
Drag queens
- Current Events & Trends - September/October 2022 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the September/October 2022 issue of Beyond Today.
- The Amazing Engineering of the Dragonfly (l) - Some of the greatest aeronautical engineering has yet to be discovered. Here's an amazing flying machine in nature.
- How to Plan Your Life - Part 1 - Get a Plan (l) - It is only by looking beyond our next immediate step that we will be able to keep from being washed along by the currents of life.
- Joseph: Faithfulness Brings Blessing (l) - If you believe and follow God as Joseph did He can make the worst situation the best thing that could happen to you.
- All Spiritual Experiences Are Not of God (l) - A new science called "neurotheology," which examines religious experiences in the context of neurobiology.
- One Foot at a Time (l) - Tom Whittaker's example of climbing Everest with one foot.
- (l) - Making a list of our dreams is an important first step in bringing dreams to reality. Putting it down in black and white takes an idea out of the realm of the abstract into the world of the concrete and specific. It leads one closer to commitment.
Dreams, fulfilling
- Like Hiking With God (l) - If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. -- Henry David Thoreau
- Adrift No More (l) - As a boy I loved to launch little wood chip boats, but I learned I didn't want to be like them, at the mercy of the whims of the stream.
- Are you just an occasional heavy drinker, or on the way to serious health issues? (l) - Take this short questionnaire to help find out.
- Should You Drink Wine? (l) - According to the bible and leading experts of today; what are the benefits and risks of alcohol consumption?
Drinking, binge
- World News and Trends - Nov/Dec 1998 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. November/December 1998.
- Seven Principles That Lead to Success (l) - None of us wants to fail and there are things we can do to defeat failure. Following these seven steps can lead you on your journey to success!
- Current Events & Trends July/August 2019 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the July/August 2019 issue of Beyond Today.
- Current Events & Trends - September/October 2023 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the September/October 2023 issue of Beyond Today.
- Massive Drought Grips Australia (l) - Years of drought have taken Australia to the edge of massive water redistribution that threatens vital agricultural interests. Many blame it all on global warming, but is there something deeper to consider?
- World News and Trends - July/August 2007 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Jul/Aug 2007
- World News & Trends: November/December 2009 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. November 2009
- Dust-bowl America Returning? (l) - Already nearly 40 percent of the continental United States suffers from severe drought.
- California Drought Conditions Becoming Critical (l) - There's been much news in the last few months about the drought in California. This American state has a population of nearly 39 million, and the people are facing a crisis.
- Current Events and Trends - September/October 2021 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the September/October 2021 issue of Beyond Today.
- Worldwide Weather Chaos: What Does It Mean? (l) - Devastating floods and summer storms have bombarded parts of Europe, Asia and America. Simultaneously, severe droughts afflict several areas of the globe. What does the Bible tell us about the significance of these natural disasters?
- World News Review June 2004 (l) - World News Review for June, 2004.
- Drought Conditions Reach Crisis Levels (l) - Spreading drought in large portions of the U.S. breadbasket brings a comparison to dust-bowl conditions of the 1930s. What can be learned?
Drug addiction
- The Terror of Cocaine - "In Dust We Trust" (l) - Why do people use cocaine, in spite of the widespread knowledge of its dangers? What are the costs, both to the individual user and to our society? None of us is immune to the clutches of cocaine.
- Isolation a major factor in addiction (l) - Drug addiction is viewed by many in terms of chemical dependency -- where the body and brain become altered to the point of apparent physical need that drives compulsion to stay on the drugs. This is valid to some degree.
Drug addicts
- "Buddy, Can You Spare a Dime Bag?" (l) - First, consider this cautionary tale to avoid helping a drug addict feed his habit. Then, in the second article, consider some lessons about effective giving learned by an international aid agency.
Drug resistance
- Another Apocalyptic Threat to Humankind (l) - Disease epidemics are prophesied in the book of Revelation.
- Are Deadly Infections an Indicator of Worse to Come? (l) - Doctors and hospitals are increasingly sobered by deadly new strains of "superbugs" that are largely invulnerable to today's most potent antibiotics. Is it possible we could we see epidemics of incurable infections?
Drug use in U.S.
- Student Reports of Availability of Drugs (l) - Facts about drug use by high school seniors and the general population.
- Question Whose Authority? (l) - Questioning authority has been a human activity for a long time. But have you ever wondered just whose authority should be questioned?
- World News and Trends - May/June 2006 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world.
- The Terror of Cocaine - "In Dust We Trust" (l) - Why do people use cocaine, in spite of the widespread knowledge of its dangers? What are the costs, both to the individual user and to our society? None of us is immune to the clutches of cocaine.
- What Does God think About Drugs? (l) - Through the principles found in the Bible, we can know what He thinks about this modern issue.
- Protect Your Brain! (l) - Sadly, many young people today are falling on their brains--that is, they don't know how to protect their brains from danger as they're growing up.
- Breaking Free from Addictions (l) - The curse of addictions takes an enormous toll on people and society as a whole. Addictions take many forms and often are very destructive. How can a person break free?
- Drug Abuse: A Major Health Problem (l) - Facts from the 2006 National Survey on Drug Use and Health.
- The 12 Steps of Narcotics Anonymous (l) - The 12 Steps of the Narcotics Anonymous program.
- An Addict's Story: What's at the Root of Addictions? (l) - What are the factors that can lead a person into addiction? Understanding those factors and how they reinforce each other is a first step to breaking free of many addictions.
- Current Events & Trends: Here's the marijuana you ordered (l) - Two American states have legalized marijuana, and it looks like more will follow.
- Substance Use Is Not the Answer (l) - Looking for a way of escape through alcohol, drugs or other substances is no escape at all.
- A World in Need of Rescue! (l) - A number of existential threats are leading mankind to the precipice of destruction. Thankfully, all these will be stopped in their tracks by a returning Jesus Christ.
- An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Jan/Feb 1997 (l) - Illegal-drug trade builds worldwide economic powerhouse; Conflict sharpens over European Middle East role; British rule over Gibraltar threatened; Major species in jeopardy; Pope discusses evolution; Sexually transmissible diseases plague America.
- World News Review March/April 2001 (l) - An overview of world events.
- Ecstasy! A Hug Drug or the Kiss of Death? (l) - Millions of teens and young adults around the world are getting high on ecstasy. They believe it to be the ideal drug, bringing out the best in them with virtually no side effects or danger. But evidence is mounting that there are both side effects and danger--and much worse than initially thought.
- Can God Forgive Me? (l) - What do you do when life has turned upside down and you've gone completely the wrong way in life? Can God still forgive you?
Drugs and alcohol
- Christian Values Under Attack (l) - Will you be leaving home for college this fall? If so, your Christianity is sure to be tested. Read this article for advice on how to remain strong.
Drugs and seniors
- Student Reports of Availability of Drugs (l) - Facts about drug use by high school seniors and the general population.
Drugs, legalized
- Governments Legislating Morality (l) - Does the freedom of Western democracy license people to choose their own morality? Or can government legislate it? Actually, neither is true!
Drunk, getting
- (l) - Questions and answers on issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice
- Wanna Get High? (l) - Here are a few facts about marijuana to help you think vertically.
- Teen Marijuana Use and Memory Damage (l) - Long-term, habitual drug-use during teen years linked to potential for permanent damage.
- Drunkenness is a sin (l) - While the Bible is clear that the proper use of alcoholic beverages is not wrong, the act of drinking too much alcohol (drunkenness) is continually condemned in God's Word.
Dry bones
- Ezekiel's Vision of the Valley of Dry Bones: What Does It Mean? (l) - The prophet Ezekiel saw a vision of vast numbers of people resurrected to live again as physical human beings. What is the meaning of this mystifying vision, and what does it teach us about God's plan?
Dry weather
- Dust-bowl America Returning? (l) - Already nearly 40 percent of the continental United States suffers from severe drought.
Du Plessis, Laurent Artur
- Has the Third World War Already Begun? (l) - A provocative new book by a French journalist says today's clash of civilizations constitutes the opening phases of a devastating global conflict.
Dual meanings
- Dual Fulfillment in Bible Prophecy (l) - God inspired many prophecies with dual meanings. They applied as warnings to the Israelites at that time and as warnings to the modern descendants of those same people.
- Duality in Bible Prophecy(2) (l) - Prophetic statements sometimes apply to more than one fulfillment, a principle called duality. A prime example of duality is Christ's first coming to atone for our sins and His second coming to rule on earth as King of Kings.
- What Are the Prophets Telling Us Today? (l) - The biblical prophets have much to say to us today, declaring not only what will happen but why -- and how we are to receive this truth from God.
Duality of prophecy
- The Fundamentals of Bible Prophecy (l) - Principles and themes of Bible prophecy.
- A Small Port in a Larger Storm (l) - Today's global order is only the latest attempt to bring about world peace through human economic systems.
- News and Trends That Affect Your Life (l) - Selected news stories from December 2009
- Trade War (l) - What's behind the economic pushing and shoving between the United States and China? What are the stakes? How might this affect the rest of the world -- and you?
Dunblane Tragedy
- Reflections on the Dunblane Tragedy (l) - Was the massacre of innocent schoolchildren in Scotland only an isolated incident, or is it an indicator of a much greater problem?
- Proverbs: When Someone Winks (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
Dust bowl
- Dust-bowl America Returning? (l) - Already nearly 40 percent of the continental United States suffers from severe drought.
Dutch resistance
- World War II: A View From Underground (l) - My family experienced the horrors of war firsthand as members of the Dutch resistance.
Duties of angels
- Serving God and Mankind (l) - Why did God create the angelic spirit world? What is their purpose? What responsibilities do they hold? Let's see the answers as revealed in Scripture.
- If a Man Die, Will He Live Again? (l) - The ancient words of Job reflect an age-old question: What happens to us when we die? Is death the end for us? Is there any hope for us beyond the grave? The Bible gives the clear - and to many surprising - answers.
Dying letter
- Rejoice in Life! (l) - Life often seems to be a daily struggle. We forget to delight in daily events that seem insignificant -- until we look back upon our life. Rejoice in life for it passes quickly. Rejoice for your future, which includes an incredible inheritance from God in His Kingdom!
Dynasty, political
- Republican Dynasties: A Growing Trend (l) - Man's general dissatisfaction with human rulership along with his eternal quest for the perfect system of government has led to a new phenomenon on the world stage-what can be called republican dynasties.
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