"W" - Topic Index

Alphabetic Index:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
  1. War and Peace (l) - How will true peace come to this troubled planet?
  2. "I Will Fight No More Forever" (l) - "The way of peace they have not known, and there is no justice in their ways; they have made themselves crooked paths; whoever takes that way shall not know peace."
  3. Wars of Religion: An Ancient Scourge Reborn (l) - Religious strife continues to dominate our world. God and religion are certainly not dead, despite all the rumors. The front lines of religion crisscross our globe telling us that religion will play a major role in the 21st century. How will that impact your life?
  4. Wars of Religion: A Scourge Reborn (l) - Religious strife continues to dominate our world. God and religion are certainly not dead, despite all the rumors. The front lines of religion crisscross our globe, telling us that religion will play a major role in the 21st century. How will that impact your life?
  5. The Coming New Religion (l) - It will take a new religion to learn the way to peace rather than war.
  6. Man is a Wolf to Man (l) - Homo homini Iupus--Latin proverb. We see the truth of this proverb in history. But will it always be so?
  7. War to End All Wars (l) - Mankind has yet to discover the true road map to lasting peace.
  8. World War II: A View From Underground (l) - My family experienced the horrors of war firsthand as members of the Dutch resistance.
  9. The Wonderful World Beyond Today! Part 4: War and Peace (l) - How will true peace come to this troubled planet?
  10. World War: Will It Happen Again? (l) - The lack of a major world conflict for the past 65 years reassures some that the world will never again face another world war. But is our world really growing safer? And what does Bible prophecy reveal about a future world war?
  11. Pilgrimage to Normandy (l) - The futility of war is brought home all the more vividly on the fields of sacrifice.
  12. God on War (l) - Does God want somebody else's nation to shoot, blast or bomb your nation into submission or out of existence? You know He doesn't. But how do you reconcile the existence of God with the reality of war?
  13. Another Dimension to 21st-century Warfare (l) - The Middle East, the historic battleground of mankind, appears to be a principal site for cyberwarfare -- computer hacking for sabotage or espionage.
  14. 100 Years After World War I: What Have We Learned? (l) - An event that began 100 years ago this August might as well be ancient and irrelevant history for most. Yet World War I changed the world and set off a chain of events that continue to impact your life today. Don't underestimate what one man and one event can do to alter everything.
  15. "The Horrors of All the Ages": They Didn't See It Coming (l) - One hundred years ago, experienced diplomats and military leaders blundered their way into a deadly globe-spanning catastrophe. Why were they so blind? Are there lessons for us today?
  16. One Woman's Long View (l) - My mother, Josephine McVay McNeely, was born in August 1914, the month World War I began. Like many who grew up in America's "deep south," she was born into a family of farmers. Her two grandfathers fought in the American Civil War. She was a student of history and would tell me the stories passed down from her father of that conflict that defined not only the United States but, as I was to learn, her life.
  17. In Search of Peace (l) - Is peace just the absence of war? Is it possible to enjoy lasting peace on earth? If so, what constitutes lasting peace? How can we find it?
  18. A Soldier on the Western Front (l) - To many today, World War I seems like long-forgotten ancient history. But what was it like for those caught up in the maelstrom of death and destruction in "the war to end all wars"? And will war ever truly end?
  19. The War to End All Wars (l) - German philosopher Friedrich Hegel perhaps said it best when he noted that "the only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history."
  20. Three Giant Leaps to Global Peace (l) - Seven billion people do not know lasting peace. Yet the Bible tells us how the world will eventually enjoy God's lasting peace through three biblical festivals. These three small steps taken annually picture three giant leaps for humankind!
  21. The Coming End to War (l) - As the world reflects on the great conflict that was the Second World War, two great questions are inescapable: Could it happen again? And will humanity ever find lasting peace?
  22. We Shall Learn War No More (l) - The cause of war is the ingrained selfish, greedy nature that leads people to covet what others have.
  23. Jesus Christ's Olivet Prophecy: Where Are We Now? (l) - Jesus Christ, in the Olivet Prophecy, predicted several major trends that would increase and intensify before His return.
  24. Causes of War (l) - Human history is, at its core, the story of wars.
  25. Military Service and War (l) - Advice regarding military service for a Christian.
  26. Introduction - The Gospel of the Kingdom of God (l) - "The gospel of the Kingdom of God" is the message Jesus Christ instructs His followers to believe. This booklet will help you understand and believe this wonderful good news Jesus Christ announced to humanity!
  27. War and Peace in the Middle East (l) - More than 2,500 years ago God revealed to the prophet Daniel that the land of His people, the land of Palestine, would be fought over throughout the centuries.
  28. A World Plagued With Human Suffering (l) - Christ proclaimed that part of His mission was "to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed" (Luke 4:18). Such a time has not yet occurred for all mankind, but God promises He will bring an end to suffering in general during Christ's millennial reign and will eventually banish it (Revelation 21:4).
  29. Story Flow of the Book of Revelation (l) - Story flow of the book of Revelation.
  30. How Will War End? (l) - God is not uninvolved or uncaring. He cares deeply about His creation, about His children of all nations and races.
  31. Today's Arms Race: How Will It End? (l) - America, Russia and China are locked in a new arms race involving unprecedented weapons technology. Will this growing arms race end the human race?
  32. When Dreams Become Nightmares (l) - Bible prophecy reveals that history has a way of repeating itself.
  33. D-Day + 75 Years (l) - History's largest invasion armada was assembled 75 years ago. Hitler's Atlantic Wall was breached, and the Nazi Empire began to crumble. Do these events hold lessons for us today?
  34. 75 Years After World War II (l) - A massively destructive conflagration that engulfed the world ended 75 years ago after taking millions of lives and bringing untold suffering. Yet Bible prophecy tells us that an even worse time is coming.
  35. They Shall Learn War No More! (l) - As threats of catastrophic warfare loom over the world scene, we should focus on God's promises to bring lasting peace and our need to live His way of peace today.
  36. Bomb Squad: Removing War's Deadly Aftermath (l) - Long after wars end, land mines continue to kill and maim innocent victims. How will this world be cleared of this deadly scourge?
  37. Seeing It With Your Own Eyes (l) - God speed the day when He says to all the bones, "Live!"
  38. Peace on Earth? (l) - A World War II vet considers how the days of infamy and victory remind us of this world's crying need for peace.
  39. Coming Calamities: Does God Offer Protection? (l) - Where will you be when terror strikes the nations? Does God offer safety for anyone? Will He care about you when your fellow man doesn't?
  40. 'I Hope We've Learned Our Lesson ...' (l) - "One day we were neighbors, and the next day the massacre began." That's how the survivor of a tribal massacre described the shocking turn of events that led to the murder of 18 of her family members. Her tragic story cuts to the heart of humanity's inability to find lasting peace
  41. The Working Energy of Faith (l) - There is an urge and a rage in people to destroy, to kill and to murder and until all mankind without exception undergoes a great change.
  42. World News Review Jul 2001 (l) - World news review. July 2001.
  43. Neither Shall They Learn War Anymore (l) - Will humanity ever find a way to settle its differences without resorting to the violence of war?
  44. The End of War, Terror and Other Bad Stuff (l) - Many young people today fear for their personal safety. Most everyone can document the problems, but this article dares to aim for the solution.
  45. A Brief History of America at War (l) - Nothing divides the American people like war. From its inception as a nation, the prospect, and in two or three cases the reality, of war has usually been a source of damaging division in the United States. The period prior to the recent conflict in Iraq was no different. How does this historic theme fit into America's divine destiny?
  46. Two Men and a Valley (l) - The world will never have lasting peace so long as men reserve for war the finest human qualities. (John Foster Dulles)
  47. Political Correctness Hides the Truth (l) - Our relations with the rest of the world will only be helped if we clean up our nation and become a godlier people. "... if you diligently obey the voice of the LORD your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today, that the LORD your God will set you high above all nations of the earth" (Deuteronomy 28:1).
  48. "'Peace, Peace!' When There Is No Peace (l) - After somehow surviving perhaps the bloodiest 100-year period in all of human history, is the peace process finally going to work in the 21st century?
  49. War's Long Memory (l) - It is easy to suggest that war survivors should forgive their enemies, but it is not easy to do.
  50. An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Mar/Apr 1997 (l) - World without war; Crime and sexual freedom; extreme weather; British monarchy; Church unity
  51. Children of War (l) - Working with children whose lives have been devastated by war today provides some clues about how we can prepare to help people heal when peace finally does come.
  52. The Horsemen of Revelation: The Red Horse of War (l) - Approximately 180 million men, women and children were slaughtered in 20th-century wars. The new millennium has continued the trend, with the addition of mass-murder terrorism. What do history and the Bible tell us about the second horseman of Revelation? We continue with our second article in a series about the horsemen of Revelation.
  53. When 'The Great Game' Is Over (l) - A warrior culture has become entrenched in the minds and hearts of the everyday man. "On the ground" in Afghanistan there are no games, only the reality of day-to-day survival.
  54. The Majority: Unknowing, Unaware and Unconcerned (l) - Most people have scant appreciation of the constant dangers that stalk our planet. The presence of God in our lives is our only sure protection.
  55. 60 Years After the War in Europe (l) - Do you ever wonder what prevents evil from triumphing in the world? This year marks the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe and the Pacific. Looking at that war should make us think about the deep currents of good and evil that flow in this world.
  56. "Neither Shall They Learn War Anymore" (l) - I want to share with you the very real and heart-rending dilemma of little boys in a small country with big problems.
  57. The Lord of the Refugees (l) - Who will solve the scourge of forces that creates refugees, or, is there a time in the future in which there will be an even greater catastrophe producing even greater numbers of displaced persons?
  58. Asking the Tough Question: Has Religion Failed? (l) - Public figures speak warmly of all religions, attempting to foster unity and to ratchet down the hostility in the many current religious-based confrontations. But let's ask the tough question: Has religion done for mankind what it purports to do? Is the world community more peaceful? Are the individual citizens of the world more moral for the presence of religion? What can we anticipate the future will bring vis-à-vis religion?
  59. Global War Will Strike Again (l) - Wars have been the sad reality of human history, just as predicted by Jesus.
  60. A Personal View of the Kosovo Conflict (l) - During the Kosovo war I've seen reports from people close to the conflict. Some of the reports are emotional and present points of view that are not orthodox, conventional, politically correct or even credible.
  61. Has the Third World War Already Begun? (l) - A provocative new book by a French journalist says today's clash of civilizations constitutes the opening phases of a devastating global conflict.
  62. An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Jul/Aug 2002 (l) - An analysis of world news, trends, and conditions around the world. July/August 2002
  63. Staying Alert in a Dangerous World: India and Pakistan (l) - It's supremely important that you keep your finger on the pulse of our age, especailly on the world's recent nuclear developments.
  64. Wars: The Chief Man-made Disaster (l) - In the 20th century the conservative estimate is that the two world wars and the ethnic and political purges and other conflicts killed 130 million human beings.
  65. 60 Years After World War II: What Have We Learned? (l) - Do you ever wonder what prevents evil from triumphing in the world? This year marks the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe and the Pacific. Looking at that war should make us think about the deep currents of good and evil that flow in this world.
  66. A 20th Century Retrospective:The Shot Still Reverberating Around the World (l) - With this issue we begin a new series covering important events and trends of the last century which have shaped our new century. First, what was the most significant event of the past 100 years?
  67. When Will the Middle East Find Peace? (l) - Why does it seem that the Middle East is always in turmoil, perpetually on the brink of another war? Will this troubled region ever see lasting peace?
  68. Does It Really Matter What You Believe? (l) - Beliefs determine actions - sometimes with dire consequences.
  69. What's at the Root of War? (l) - Volumes have been written describing the root causes of war.
  70. To Tell the Truth (l) - It will be difficult for some people to acknowledge the unsavory truth about their nation's sins.
  71. 2003: The Storm Clouds Gather (l) - What long-term effects will come from the unsettling events so far in 2003? No human being knows for sure. But we can observe, analyze and learn from the storm clouds gathering on the horizon.
  72. What Have We Learned? (l) - What have we learned? Not enough to bring peace among nations. We continue to look and wait with hope for the time when Christ will restore a government of peace upon the earth.
  73. War & Peace (l) - War and peace have been constant themes throughout history. Wars are fought and peace follows. Eventually, other wars come along, followed by peaceful interludes. Man seems unable to learn the lessons.
  74. Food Insecurity in a Hungry World (l) - Starvation, malnutrition and consequent diseases are an all-too-familiar fixture in today's world. This article reports on the current situation and looks through the window of prophecy at the future. The present is bleak, but the future is fabulous!
  75. Instant Epidemics: The New Breed of Weapons (l) - The fear of chemical and bio-chemical warfare is on the rise.
  76. Know Jesus, Know Peace (l) - In a world at war, people are divided about what it takes to ultimately bring peace to the planet. Many feel it will never happen. But it will. Here's how.
  77. Deadly Diseases: Again a Threat to Humanity? (l) - Plague: still nearby, still deadly.
  78. Will History Repeat Itself? (l) - Editorial: Will history repeat itself?
  79. The Little Country That Could (l) - A small nation in Africa that is setting a remarkable example to the larger nations around it.
  80. When Will Mankind Find Peace? (l) - Some 80 years removed from the horror of his youth, an old soldier turns his thoughts to peaceful pursuits. His story echoes an unrealized hope of mankind.
Washington, George
  1. Corruption and Despotism Cry Out for the Coming Kingdom of God (l) - Demonstrations and riots across North Africa and the Middle East highlight the corruption, nepotism and oppression that's common throughout the world. Only the coming Kingdom of God can change this!
  2. Men of Valor: Gideon The Judge and George Washington (l) - Two great leaders offer many important lessons. Meet a remarkable judge of ancient Israel and a more recent figure called the father of his country, as we reflect on their examples of leadership and life.
  3. The Uncrowned King of Virtue (l) - George Washington is still one of the most important and respected people in American history. Why? What made him great? And whom did he try to follow?
  4. Beyond Politics (l) - Was there ever a time when people could basically agree on one man to lead them? Yes, there was, but we have to go back over 200 years to find it. Infinitely greater than a thousand Washingtons is the One coming back to this earth, the Creator of life.
  5. A Good Soldier (l) - If Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, and Benjamin Franklin conceived the framework of a new nation, George Washington navigated it through is greatest crisis. Few know how well he shouldered the heavy task that fell on him in 1775.
  6. A Brief History of America at War (l) - Nothing divides the American people like war. From its inception as a nation, the prospect, and in two or three cases the reality, of war has usually been a source of damaging division in the United States. The period prior to the recent conflict in Iraq was no different. How does this historic theme fit into America's divine destiny?
  7. A Walk In the Snow: Character Counts In a Nation's Leaders (l) - One man's walk in the snow on behalf of his nation.
  8. Great and Durable Consequences (l) - Do you realize there is a time in the works in which God's Word prophesies that He wants to make those who are diligently preparing now "kings and priests to our God; and we shall reign on the earth"
  9. A Vision Beyond the Spectacles (l) - When Washington needed to strengthen his vision, he reached for his spectacles. By doing so, he brought the curtain down on a brewing revolt. He clearly had the big picture of what was needed for his country in the years to come. His vision reached far beyond his spectacles.
  10. One Nation Under God? (l) - The pledge of allegiance, long recited by American schoolchildren, acknowledges that the United States is "one nation under God." But what place does God have in the country today?
Water shortage
  1. Biofuels Might Be "Bio-folly" (l) - For a mix of reasons, the world's largest energy consumers have joined the biofuel revolution. With fortunes already invested, they are now discovering that it's not the clear winner it once seemed to be. Would you be surprised to learn that God is a factor in whether it succeeds?
  2. Coming Food Crises Threaten Mankind (l) - According to Newsweek, "None of the factors that drove the global food crises in 2008 have gone away" (Dec. 7, 2009). And The Economist stated that "1 billion people will go to bed hungry" (Nov. 21, 2009). But hold on to your hats. The Bible clearly tells us that present conditions are slated to get a lot worse before they get better.
  3. Fountains of the Deep: African Aquifer (l) - A large aquifer -- water stored in porous rock layers underground -- in Namibia was recently found.
  4. World News Review Jun 2001 (l) - Survey of world news. June 2001.
  5. World News Review May 1999 (l) - World news - May 1999
  6. World News Review November 1999 (l) - World news - Nov 1993
  7. World News Review March 1999 (l) - World news - March 1999
  8. Running Dry (l) - Worldwide consumption of water is doubling every 20 years. Aquifers are already overexploited, creating serious shortages; the future looks even bleaker.
  9. Problems, Politics and Prophecy About Water (l) - "Water, water everywhere . . ."?; Not so! The worldwide crisis of water shortages continues to mount. Some have ideas that may alleviate the problem, if enough nations and individuals cooperate. What about God? Is He causing today's problems? Will He change the climate in the future?
Wave sheaf
  1. The Feast of Pentecost: The Firstfruits of God's Harvest (l) - Pentecost serves as an annual reminder that our Creator still works miracles, granting His Spirit to the firstfruits of His spiritual harvest, empowering them to carry out His work in this world.
  2. Easter; origin of Easter (l) - Why Shouldn't We Celebrate Jesus' Resurrection?
  3. Why Was Jesus Christ Resurrected? (l) - What is the importance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ? What does it mean for our future?
  4. The Biblical Festivals That Teach Us About Jesus Christ (l) - Few people are aware of the seven festivals God reveals in the Bible. Even fewer are aware that they center around and teach us a great deal about Jesus Christ and His role in God's plan for all mankind.
  5. The Lesson of the Feast of Firstfruits (l) - If Jesus Christ came to save mankind, why is the world in such sad shape?
  6. God's Harvest Feasts: His Assurance of Hope for Mankind (l) - Despite the enormous problems facing humanity today, mankind has great hope for the future. Proof of that hope lies in God's harvest celebrations laid out in the Bible.
  7. Do You Know Why Christ Lives? (l) - Christians realize that Jesus was raised from the grave. But do you understand what His resurrection and life mean to us today?
  8. The Wave Sheaf: How an Ancient Ceremony Foreshadowed Jesus' Role (l) - The Old Testament describes many ceremonies that sound quite odd to us. Yet everything God does is for a purpose. The purpose of one ceremony, the wave-sheaf offering, was to teach us about one aspect of Jesus Christ's role in mankind's salvation.
  9. The Wave-Sheaf Offering (l) - In ancient Israel, the beginning of the spring grain harvest was marked with an unusual ceremony - the waving of the first sheaf of grain to be accepted by God. This simple act holds great spiritual significance!
Way of life
  1. Turning Your Own Life Around: Where to Start (l) - In the face of spiraling national problems, what can you personally do to protect yourself from the present morally adverse atmosphere?
  2. Successfully Navigating the Seasons of Life (Part One of Three) (l) - Why did an eternal God create so many intricately woven temporal patterns to our universe? What are we, His creation, to learn from the cycles of life?
  3. Why Does God Allow Satan to Influence Mankind? (l) - God is in control, but He has allowed Satan to dominate humanity for two basic reasons. First, Adam and Eve, our first parents, chose Satan's domination over them. Second, God wants all of humanity to learn that "the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man who walks to direct his own steps" (Jeremiah 10:23).
  4. What Does Our Name Signify? (l) - The name of the United Church of God, an International Association, signifies that we are united in our commitment to faithfully follow the way of life and mission for the Church revealed and established by God and His Son, Jesus Christ, in the Holy Scriptures.
  5. The Foundation (l) - The key to living a way of life different from the ways of the world is to allow God's Spirit to work in us so we think like Jesus Christ.
  6. The Godly Way of Life (l) - Is merely believing on Jesus as Lord and Savior sufficient to receive eternal life?
  7. Introduction (bsc11) (l) - The reason popular Christianity is so ineffective: Few who profess to follow Christ actually practice what He preached.
  8. Practicing Love, Honor and Respect (l) - The Scriptures summarize the way we should interact with other people: practice love, honor and respect
  9. Christianity--A Way of Life (l) - Summary of VCM issue for January 2003.
  1. Typhoons, Tornadoes and Cyclones (l) - Following on from October 2012 when Superstorm Sandy struck New Jersey and New York, leaving behind a trail of destruction, one particular typhoon in 2013 will also be remembered for its ferocity -- Typhoon Haiyan, which hit the Philippines very hard on Nov. 8.
  2. Current Events and Trends - September/October 2021 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the September/October 2021 issue of Beyond Today.
  3. Superdisasters: Growing Weather Danger? (l) - Recent massive storms have brought dramatic increases in deaths and damages. What's behind this deadly trend?
  4. Disastrous Weather - Acts of God? (l) - Permitting God into the weather picture isn't fashionable. Nor do weather forecasters admit a divine hand might be at work behind the scenes.
  5. Drought Conditions Reach Crisis Levels (l) - Spreading drought in large portions of the U.S. breadbasket brings a comparison to dust-bowl conditions of the 1930s. What can be learned?
  6. An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Mar/Apr 1997 (l) - World without war; Crime and sexual freedom; extreme weather; British monarchy; Church unity
  7. World News and Trends - Nov/Dec 1997 (l) - A brief synopsis for world events. November/December 1997.
  8. Worldwide Weather Chaos: What Does It Mean? (l) - Devastating floods and summer storms have bombarded parts of Europe, Asia and America. Simultaneously, severe droughts afflict several areas of the globe. What does the Bible tell us about the significance of these natural disasters?
  1. Ecclesiastes: The Thinking Young Adult's Guide to Life (l) - The Bible is filled with special treasures. Here is a great book addressing some of the most important issues of life.
  2. Positives for Older People: Appreciating Old Age, Part 2 (l) - If we live out our natural lives, one thing is sure: We will all get old. It's a 100 percent certainty with no exceptions other than for those who die prematurely. Aging has its trials, but it also has many benefits.
  3. Greater Than Gold (l) - Throughout the ages, gold has had an incredible pulling power. In 1855, it called men across continents and oceans to the gold fields of Otago, New Zealand. Is it possible that there exists something more powerful than gold?
  4. What Do You Mean: Wise and Harmless? (l) - Wolves? Snakes? Doves? What was Jesus trying to tell us?
  5. Prayer for Success (l) - When Barack Obama lifts his hand and takes the oath of office on Jan. 20, he will inherit a nation facing more fear and uncertainty than any generation since the 1930s. What should be his first priority? Where should his focus be as he places his hand on the Bible?
  6. Got a Decision to Make? Read This First! (l) - It's easy to feel overwhelmed by major decisions with no clear answers. This seven-step process can help.
  7. The Meek, the Lowly and the Wise (l) - There are many kinds of people in the world, and only a few are selected to be among God's chosen. What characteristics may show us who they are?
  8. The Five Laws of Gold (l) - If you were suddenly given a large sum of money, would you have the wisdom to manage it properly?
  9. Know When to Quit (l) - God expects us to know when to stand firm and when to change direction.
  10. Proverbs: Crowned With Knowledge (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
  11. Proverbs: The Road to Life (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
  12. Proverbs: Better to Gain Wisdom than Gold (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
  13. Proverbs: When Wise People Speak (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
  14. Wise Men Will Seek Him (l) - The need for wisdom is one of the great themes of the Bible. And being wise leads inescapably to one course of action -- seeking God!
  15. Bible Answers for (l) - What principles does the Bible give to help us in our decisions?
  16. One of the World's Most Popular Books (l) - Announces the Bible as the most-read Book in the English-speaking world, and lauds the wisdom it imparts.
  17. Jesus Christ, the Wisdom of God (l) - Paul says that Christ is "the wisdom of God" and that the idea of "Jesus Christ and Him crucified" is "the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages". God's plan provides a way for our sins to be forgiven, but is also designed so we would not choose the way of sin ever again.
  18. Is the Holy Spirit a Person? (TL) (l) - The apostle Paul states clearly that "there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things ... and one Lord Jesus Christ ..." (1 Corinthians 8:6). He makes no mention of the Holy Spirit as a divine person.
  19. Can We Explain All Suffering? (l) - One of the consequences of humanity's decision to live contrary to God's instruction is a world subject to the capriciousness and vagaries of "time and chance" and the actions of others.
  20. Knowledge and Understanding - Or Meaningless Information (l) - The inspired Word of God stands as the solid source of all right knowledge. The Bible provides the proper framework of the essential knowledge through which all other useful information is properly understood.
  21. Teach Us to Number Our Days (l) - A life-and-death moment should lead us to reflect on what we are doing with the life we've been given. Properly considering the time we have-and don't have-brings wisdom.
  22. Solomon: Lesson from a Wise King (l) - The story of how Solomon became so wise and the lessons from his life deserve our undivided attention.
  23. Lesson in Wisdom (l) - How often do we, when we are in a position of power, lack wisdom in using authority?
  24. Proverbs 31: A Model for Today's Woman (l) - You might be surprised just how up to date the words of an ancient king can be.
  25. How to Make Right Choices (l) - Some of the many decisions we make every day turn out well--others not so well. What can we do to make better decisions?
  26. What Is True Leadership? (l) - Which ingredients make an effective leader? And what makes some leaders take tragic courses for themselves and their fellowmen?
  27. Profiles of Faith: James: Half Brother of Jesus (l) - James understood that only by obeying God's laws can mankind experience true freedom- freedom from want, sorrow and suffering, from the degrading and painful consequences of sin. He encourages each of us to be a "doer of the law" (James 4:11).
  28. Tapping, Tapping, Tapping (l) - If we know where our future paths shall take us, should anything get in the way?
  29. Fire, Ready, Aim -- Huh? (l) - It's been said of old that "there are three items that don't come back -- a spent arrow, a spoken word and a lost opportunity." Is this simply a trite phrase of days gone by or is there a powerful lesson for us to consider?
  30. Aging With Grace (l) - Most of us will face the inevitable prospect of growing old. Aging is viewed with apprehension by many, but this doesn't have to be the case. Here are practical ways to make the golden years truly golden.
  1. Where Vampires & Werewolves Don't Exist (l) - Witchcraft in all its forms is part of the devil's marketing efforts.
  2. Is the Spirit World Real? (l) - Do you know for sure whether there really is an evil spirit named Satan? What about his minions called demons? How does all of this affect young people?
  3. The Bible and Harry Potter (1/2002) (l) - Hollywood's latest offering breaks all attendance records. Is this just an innocent tale? Or can there be sinister consequences to public? See what the Bible clearly says about sorcery.
  4. The Spirit World's Dangerous Dark Side (l) - Strange practices and religions such as Wicca, Santeria, voodoo and channeling are growing in popularity. What's behind them? Are such things harmless, or is there more to them than meets the eye?
  5. The Bible and Harry Potter (l) - Is the occult fantasy of Harry Potter just innocent fun?
  6. Breaking the Spell of Harry Potter (l) - While America wages war in a "just cause" in Afghanistan, audiences are flocking to two current movies dealing with witchcraft and sorcery. How does God view this scene? Can a nation call for God's blessing while it exports witchcraft?
  7. In the News Jul/Sep 2006 (l) - World news - July 2006.
  1. Did God Intend A Difference? (l) - Opinions abound, but let's see what the Bible has to say about the roles of men and women.
  2. Editorial: Vive la Différence! (l) - Vive la Différence! The French have a reputation for appreciating the differences between males and females, and their expression Vive la différence is used to celebrate that difference. Even though some supposed experts told us a few years ago that, other than anatomically, there really isn't any significant difference between the sexes, most of us figured out pretty quickly that guys and girls just aren't wired the same. Yes. There is a difference.
  3. Feminism's Fatal Flaw (l) - The feminist minority: Why do women reject a movement that claims to advance their rights?
  4. What Guys Should Know Before Marriage (l) - If you don't know what you want in life, how will you know if you found the person to join you on this journey?
  5. The Honorable Role of Women (l) - The truth is that the Bible describes the role of women as one of great honor and worth.
  6. Career, Home and Family: Can Women Really Do It All? (l) - Family workloads have increased a great deal from several decades ago. Millions of moms work outside the home by choice or necessity. How can families handle the juggling act?
  7. Christianity: Burden or Blessing to Mankind? (l) - Christianity has been under increasing assault from those who believe it to be a source of oppression, ignorance, prejudice and superstition. But the facts show that Christianity has had the most beneficial influence on humanity of any religion or philosophy in history!
  8. VCM Letters to the Editor: August 2010 (l) - Letters from VCM readers.
  9. On Becoming a Man or Woman (l) - Becoming an adult—becoming a man or woman—has always had its challenges. But today the choices are more complex and the challenges more perplexing.
  10. Preparing for Womanhood (l) - With so many varying ideas about what being a woman means, many are confused about what qualities are important. What does God say?
  11. Women of Valor: Queen Esther and Queen Elizabeth (l) - Biblical and later history offer lessons of convicted, courageous and wise leadership.
  12. Women of Faith (l) - Of all the faithful listed in Hebrews 11, only two are women: Sara and Rahab the harlot. But are there other faithful women in the scriptures and, if so, what can we learn from their examples?
  13. What Makes a Woman Beautiful? - Part 2 (l) - True beauty is more than just what you look like.
  14. Proverbs: A Woman's Wisdom (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
  15. The American Military: A Testing Ground for Social Change (l) - Not only is America's military being gutted financially, it is also being seriously compromised as an effective fighting force by those using it as a testing ground for such social-engineering movements as feminism, the gay agenda and political correctness. In the long run, this exercise may prove even more dangerous than the defense cuts.
  16. Two Marches Underscore America's Culture War over Abortion (l) - Over the course of a week, two significant marches hit the streets of Washington, D.C. -- the Women's March on Jan. 21 and the annual March for Life on Jan. 27. Each march attracted hundreds of thousands of demonstrators, and each attempted to promote public awareness of their cause as each claimed social justice as its main goal.
  17. The Two Women of Revelation (l) - The events described in the second half of the book of Revelation are directly related to the past and future of two symbolic women who are diametrical opposites.
  18. Man in the Image of God (l) - The image of God imparts special meaning, harmony, intelligence and design to human life. To be human is to be created in the image of God. This is the certain testimony of the Bible!
  19. Proverbs 31: A Model for Today's Woman (l) - You might be surprised just how up to date the words of an ancient king can be.
  20. Questions and Answers - Apr/Jun 2003 (l) - Questions and answers on issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
  21. World News Review June 2000 (l) - World news review - June 2000
  22. Going Down for the Third Time (l) - Trying to be superwoman didn't work for her. Are you drowning in life too?
  23. What Makes a Woman Beautiful? (l) - Our society is obsessed with being beautiful! But is there more to beauty than what meets the eye?
  24. Miriam: a Lifetime of Faith (l) - Miriam was a prophetess of God, but she too had lessons to learn.
  25. Profiles of Faith - Esther: A Queen Offers Her Life For Her People (l) - Like faithful, Mordecai and Esther, we should have godly, loving faith built on a loving, trusting relationship with God.
  26. Hatred Rising (l) - Why do seemingly civilized people seethe with unreasonable hatred? America wastes its time and energy to try to understand why it is hated. What does the truth mean to you?
  27. Shocking Levels of Violence in Personal Relationships (l) - Statistics gathered on domestic violence against women should shock us.
  1. Enduring Words (l) - Lincoln's Gettysburg Address is one of the great speeches of American history. Lincoln's words restored a sense of mission for a profound human effort. God's enduring Word offers the path for restoring lasting freedom for every human.
  2. Speaking of Marriage (l) - In spite of loud complaints from some wives and husbands, married people are generally happier than single people when they apply some important principles. Find out what those principles are.
  3. 10 Things You Can Say to Make Someone's Day (l) - What do you say when a friend is really hurting? Finding the perfect words is never easy, but here are a few possibilities to get you started.
  4. Laughter (l) - There are different types of laughter -- some to be enjoyed, and some to be avoided.
  5. Review: Ten Powerful Phrases for Positive People (l) - "Magic" phrases that show people how to be positive and encouraging in their lives.
  6. Many Words (l) - Language is a useful tool for communicating, but used in the wrong way it can become useless or damaging.
  7. How to Communicate (l) - Good communication is an important skill to have.
  8. A Good Word (l) - Do your words bring joy to others, or do they cause distress?
  9. "Be of Good Cheer!" (l) - Everyone needs encouragement. Are we following Christ's example in giving this precious gift?
  10. Proverbs: Fitting Words (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
  11. Telling Tales (l) - What we say and do, no matter how sweetly, can still hurt.
  12. Proverbs: Pleasant Words (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
  13. Proverbs: A Gentle Answer (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
  14. Proverbs: A Truthful Witness (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
  15. Loose Lips Sink Hearts (l) - We can do great damage in coming to hasty conclusions about people and passing those on to others. Jesus teaches us to proceed in wise judgment and love. Robin S Webber We can do great damage in coming to hasty conclusions about people and passing those on to others. Jesus teaches us to proceed in wise judgment and love.
  16. World News and Trends - Nov/Dec 2003 (l) - An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Nov/Dec 2003
  17. A Word Not Spoken (l) - In our relationships with friends and family, we are often concerned with saying exactly the right thing at the right time. However, in a difficult situation sometimes the best thing to say is nothing at all.
  18. Foul Language (l) - The world around us is full of filthy language, and it's easy to become indifferent to it all, but God wants us to take a different viewpoint toward the words that come out of our mouths.
  19. Dirty Talk -- Does God Care? (l) - Profanity and cussing are rampant. You hear it everywhere. Some say it doesn't really matter how we talk. Learn what God says about this important subject.
  20. My Name Is Gossip (l) - Words impact us either positively or negatively. "THINK" before you speak.
  21. Is It Ok To Have Secrets? (l) - Everybody has secrets, and the Bible tells us that this is okay, especially when it comes to private matters and confidences that others share with us
  22. Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones (l) - It seems people just naturally like to talk about people. But does what we say help or harm our relationships?
  23. Do Not Despise 'Little Ones' (l) - Jesus Christ tells us to carefully consider our attitudes toward those who aren't as well off. A lot is riding on it -- for them as well as for us.
  24. Ten Things You Can Say to Make Someone's Day (l) - By offering some words of encouragement, we can help others face their present and future with courage!
  1. Boring Teachers or Lazy Students (l) - This principle of hard work is a critical value for all vertical thinkers!
  2. A Key to a Happy Life (l) - The secret to a happy life isn't much of a secret at all -- it's been in the Bible for over 3,000 years!
  3. Why All the Thorns and Thistles? (l) - Why all the challenges in life? Parents naturally try to make life as easy as possible for their children. But is this really the best approach?
  4. Work: It's More Than Just a Job (l) - In and outside the home, work is a critical part of life. But for whom are we really working, and what is the ultimate purpose of work?
  5. Smartphones Keep You On Call (l) - A study in England recently found that though smartphones have their advantages, they also keep employees chained to their work, even at home after hours.
  6. The Parable of the Workers - A Fair Wage From a Fair Employer (l) - One of Christ's parables might strike some of us as unfair, but it holds valuable lessons about God's generosity and our need to stick to the course to the end.
  7. Proverbs: Work Brings Profit (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
  8. "Arbeit Macht Frei" (l) - How can work bring us freedom?
  9. Character Lessons From the Greatest Generation (l) - American newsman Tom Brokaw labeled them The Greatest Generation -- those Americans who grew up during the Great Depression and went on to establish American greatness during and just after World War II. But what character traits made them great?
  10. January/February 2018 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the January/February 2018 issue of Beyond Today.
  11. The Bible and Work (l) - Being idle or lazy is not in step with God's expectations of our behavior.
  12. Lessons Learned From Little League (l) - As parents, we have a responsibility to teach our children. But keep in mind we can learn a lot from them too.
  13. Just For Youth: How to Make Murphy's Law Work for You (l) - Does Murphy's law effect us in everyday life?
  1. Work to Say Thanks (l) - Sometimes the best gifts are those that are unexpected and undeserved.
  2. Is Belief All That's Required for God's Gift of Salvation? (l) - Eternal life is God's gift, not something any of us deserve or can in any way earn. But does God set conditions for us to receive this gift? It's vitally important to your relationship with God and to your future that you understand!
  3. Circumcision vs. a 'New Creation' in Christ (l) - The Jewish practice of requiring gentiles to be circumcised to be accepted into their fellowship threatened the unity of the early Church.
  4. Rightly Understanding 'Justification' and 'Righteousness' (l) - The words righteous or righteousness in English translations of the Scriptures describe primarily personal character as demonstrated in appropriate behavior. But justify, justified and justification have a slightly different focus.
  5. How Paul Put the Law on 'Firmer Footing' (l) - A comment by Paul that many lift out of context and misinterpret is Romans 3:28: "Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith apart from the deeds of the law."
  6. Grace, Works and Obedience (l) - Some are confused because Jesus clearly expects us to produce fruit.
  7. Grace, Faith and Law (Ten Commandments) (l) - Obedience and works related to God's work within us.
  8. The Book of James: An 'Epistle of Straw'? (l) - Paul wrote, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith," and we are "created in Christ Jesus to do good works" (Ephesians 2:8, New International Version). James summarized this concept simply and concisely, telling us that "faith without works is dead" (James 2:20).
  9. God's Grace and Forgiveness (l) - Forgiveness carries with it obligations. It is not license to sin.
  10. Living Faith and God's Grace (l) - We must have faith that Christ really lived and died for us and that He will change us now and ultimately at the resurrection.
  11. What Does God Require for Eternal Life? (l) - God promises eternal life to all who believe in and accept Jesus Christ as their Savior. But do we have any responsibility beyond believing?
  12. Does God Help Those Who Help Themselves? (l) - Does God want us to do our best or to sit back and wait for Him to do it?
World crisis
  1. The World Beyond Today: What Lies in Store? (l) - "The world has never had it so good." This is how one prominent editor and writer described the current human condition in a recent editorial. Is he right, or should we be looking beyond today's world for a fabulous utopian age long foretold in the pages of the Bible?
  2. Seeking Security in a Dangerous Age (l) - Global economic and financial turbulence stalk the world--along with a growing food and energy crisis. Apocalyptic doomsaying is seen in newspapers everywhere. Can you survive whatever perils may come your way? What or who will be your anchor?
  3. Coming: God's Solutions to the World's Problems (l) - Nearly everywhere we look, the world seems to be spinning out of control. Why do we see so many problems? Can we find a solution? Does the Bible offer hope for answers?
  4. The Wonderful World Beyond Today! Part 1: Future Visions (l) - Will science create a gleaming utopia of peace and happiness for all? Or does a nightmarish world await us? Futurists offer a variety of conflicting visions. But is there a way to foresee what it will really be like in the world beyond today?
  5. The Wonderful World Beyond Today! Part 2: Priority #1--Human Survival! (l) - What has brought humanity to the brink of extinction, and what can--what will--be done to save us?
  6. Swine Flu Incites Fear of Pandemic (l) - Fear! Health alert! Pandemic! These are the alarming words in the headlines as the world begins to address the outbreak of a new strain of swine flu virus. Are we on the verge of the oft-predicted next great pandemic of flu that could kill millions?
  7. 1848, 1989, 2009-Could We See Another Year of Revolutions? (l) - For more than a century, 1848 was famously described as the Year of Revolutions, as nations all across Europe were convulsed by demonstrations and civil strife that led to the collapse of the old order. More than a hundred years passed before the same thing happened again at the fall of Russia's communist empire. As people continue to lose everything in the current economic turmoil and anger grows, precipitating massive demonstrations, could this be another year of revolutions?
  8. The New World Disorder: Where Is It Taking Us? (l) - Why does the world seem to be crumbling into chaos? Can we restrain the forces of anarchy? Is it possible to right the course of our severely straying civilization and solve our problems? Sadly, we seem to have no comprehension of the unseen spiritual forces arrayed against us, and we either reject or ignore the God who offers the only viable solutions to the enormous problems afflicting our troubled age.
  9. The Warnings Are Loud and Clear--But Are You Listening? (l) - Are warnings being given now that people are intentionally choosing not to listen to?
  10. Searching for a New Global Order (l) - Consider carefully the shifting geopolitical chessboard as many perils menace global stability. National leaders seek enduring solutions through established world institutions even as they struggle to cope with the catastrophic crises of the 21st century. What does the Bible tell us about how it all began and how a divinely appointed new world order will finally solve our age-old problems?
  11. Is a Global Food Crisis Brewing? (l) - You've likely noticed recent increases in the cost of food, and no end is in sight. Are we seeing the beginnings of growing food shortages? What's behind this trend, and where is it leading?
  12. The Crisis of Global Leadership - Where Will It Lead? (l) - World events continue to muddle on without any clear sense that leaders hold the key to effective solutions. Threat of large-scale war in the Middle East looms large. Europe's economic crisis could lead to collapse of the present eurozone. Will these events set the stage for another type of leader to emerge?
  13. Signs of the Times (1310) (l) - What signs did Christ give us of His coming, and how should we be living until these are fulfilled?
  14. House on Fire (l) - How vigilant are you about remaining alert for and confronting looming crises?
  15. An Age of Growing Chaos (l) - Bruised by two long wars, America began a retreat. Not surprisingly, others rushed into the vacuum.
  16. A World in Perpetual Crisis (l) - A world in perpetual crisis.
  17. Crisis on the World Scene (l) - We live in an age of constant crisis -- war, population, pollution. But the Bible promises a new age, the kingdom of God.
  18. A World in Crisis (l) - The year 2020 has been a time of upheaval throughout the world. As we wind down the calendar year, what should Beyond Today readers understand about what has happened and what it means for the future?
  19. A World in Chaos as America Fractures (l) - As the United States becomes increasingly divided, the effect is felt around the globe in the form of frail leadership, further division and turmoil among the nations.
  20. "I Am Become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds" (l) - God's Word offers great hope -- hope of an astounding new world where weaponry will become a thing of the past: "They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore" (Isaiah 2:4).
  21. The Year 2000: Peril or Paradise? (l) - Is the world on a point of crisis as we approach 2000? And will that critical year serve as a stepping-stone to a glorious future?
  22. Chaotic Start to a New Century (l) - From many perspectives, the year 2000 was not a good year. What does the Bible say about the pangs this world is experiencing?
World peace
  1. Not by Might or by Power (l) - The ideal of a "peaceable kingdom" has held men's imaginations for centuries. Many efforts have been made to create this perfect utopia. How will it come - by human effort or by the power of God?
  2. Peace: The Hunger of Human Hearts (l) - The apostle Paul, locked in a depressing prison cell, wrote, "I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content." He reminded his readers that they also could have "God's peace, which is far beyond human understanding." You too can have this unique contentment and peace!
  3. World Peace - Will It Ever Come? (l) - World peace will begin when the Prince of Peace returns to earth. Then "of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end"
  4. Peace Arch: Symbol of Unity (l) - There are lessons to be learned and remembered from our past and present relationships.
  5. War to End All Wars (l) - Mankind has yet to discover the true road map to lasting peace.
  6. The Wonderful World Beyond Today! Part 4: War and Peace (l) - How will true peace come to this troubled planet?
  7. How Can We Find the Pathway to Peace? (l) - "Peace" and "goodwill toward men!" announced the chorus of heavenly messengers at the time of Jesus Christ's birth. But where is the evidence of this peace among humanity, as also foretold by Isaiah and other prophets? What went wrong? Will humanity ever experience this peace?
  8. Peace Kant Be Found (l) - Peace. Millions speak of it, thousands write of it, but only One can truly bring it.
  9. Will World Peace Come in Our Time? (l) - God established a festival in the Bible, called the Feast of Tabernacles, that symbolizes coming period of peace and unparalleled prosperity on earth. What lessons does this Feast hold for us today?
  10. In Search of Peace (l) - Is peace just the absence of war? Is it possible to enjoy lasting peace on earth? If so, what constitutes lasting peace? How can we find it?
  11. Three Giant Leaps to Global Peace (l) - Seven billion people do not know lasting peace. Yet the Bible tells us how the world will eventually enjoy God's lasting peace through three biblical festivals. These three small steps taken annually picture three giant leaps for humankind!
  12. Coming (l) - The Eternal God has designed and planned an amazing future civilization for you and all people. Discover when it will come, what it will be like and why it's the best news you could ever hear!
  13. The Book of Revelation: Is it Relevant Today? (l) - Is the book of Revelation relevant today? Is it possible to understand it? Can we know to whom it was written -and why? What are the meanings of its mysterious symbols?
  14. The Final Superpower: The Kingdom of God (l) - "And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed ... You saw that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it broke in pieces the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver, and the gold ... The dream is certain, and its interpretation is sure." --Daniel 2:44-45 [44] And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever. [45] Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof sure.
  15. The Feast of Tabernacles: Jesus Christ Reigns Over All the Earth (l) - God's plan for mankind involves restoration. The Feast of Tabernacles symbolizes the restoration process, which will start with the return of Jesus Christ, pictured by the Feast of Trumpets, and the banishment of Satan, depicted by the Day of Atonement.
  16. Are There Different Gospels? (l) - Different terms describe the same gospel. They simply emphasize different aspects of the same wonderful message.
  17. The Horsemen of Revelation: The Fifth Horseman Rides (l) - Most Bible students focus only on the first four horsemen of Revelation 6. The phrase "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" is synonymous with frightening prophecies. But there is another horseman--a fifth, whose ride signifies a much different future and brings promise of a far better age to come.
  18. This is the United Church of God (l) - Jesus' message, the gospel of the Kingdom of God, defines the mission of the United Church of God, an International Association. That same message, unaltered and undiluted, clarifies what we stand for in a world filled with a bewildering variety of religious beliefs, customs and opinions.
  19. When Will Suffering Cease? (l) - In this 'present evil age' (Galatians 1:4) God is allowing human beings to learn important lessons. He wants mankind to know that sin produces horrible consequences and that we have brought much grief on ourselves by rejecting His instructions.
  20. Will We Ever Achieve Peace? (l) - Can our leaders ever negotiate peace? Can we experience it in our personal lives? What will it take for the world to finally know rest?
  21. They Shall Learn War No More! (l) - As threats of catastrophic warfare loom over the world scene, we should focus on God's promises to bring lasting peace and our need to live His way of peace today.
  22. The Biblical Festivals That Show How God Will Bring World Peace (l) - Will mankind ever experience lasting peace? Humanity's track record isn't very good. But a series of biblical feasts reveals how God will indeed bring lasting world peace!
  23. Neither Shall They Learn War Anymore (l) - Will humanity ever find a way to settle its differences without resorting to the violence of war?
  24. Two Men and a Valley (l) - The world will never have lasting peace so long as men reserve for war the finest human qualities. (John Foster Dulles)
  25. The Feast of Peace (l) - What is the meaning of the Feast of Peace? What is God's plan for mankind?
  26. Peace in Nature - and Among All Peoples (l) - Peace throughout the natural realm-and a unified human race-the beautiful future God has planned for us.
  27. The Feast of Prosperity (l) - Our world is wracked by poverty,injustice and turmoil. But a little known biblical festival reveals how a new world of peace and prosperity will dawn.
  28. Day of Rain, Day of Sun (l) - In early June America laid to rest its 40th president, Ronald Reagan. The weeklong remembrance and celebration of this man's life was a welcome pause in the political season.
  29. 'Peace, Peace!' When There Is No Peace (l) - After somehow surviving perhaps the bloodiest 100 years in human history, will we finally see the peace process work in the 21st century?
  30. Mankind's Impossible Dream? (l) - Editorial: mankind's impossible dream of peace.
  31. Real Peace Is More Than the Absence of War (l) - War and peace both begin in the heart. The Creator of the human heart has much to say about how real peace will be achieved.
  32. Making Sense of a Fragmenting World (l) - Terrorist alerts...war with Iraq...the "axis of evil." How can we make sense of it all?
  33. Peace on Earth? (l) - A World War II vet considers how the days of infamy and victory remind us of this world's crying need for peace.
  34. Jesus Christ's Unfinished Business (l) - Christ's apostles looked forward to a time when the laws of God will be widely taught by Christ the Master Teacher and everyone will live by them.
  35. God's Harvest Feasts: His Assurance of Hope for Mankind (l) - Despite the enormous problems facing humanity today, mankind has great hope for the future. Proof of that hope lies in God's harvest celebrations laid out in the Bible.
  36. The Center of God's New Global Village (l) - God's temple will stand in the center of God's global village in Jerusalem. This will provide the seat for a civilization centered on the universal principles and laws of Almighty God.
  37. The Survival Game: Who Wins? (l) - Mankind's fundamental philosophy towards survival is driving the world towards disaster. Why do so many follow a way that is so destructive? What can - and should - you do to survive?
  38. Will One Good Man Stand Up? (l) - Regardless of whether an Iraqi war occurs, lasting peace will not exist until Christ intervenes to restore universal justice among the nations.
  39. The Coming Age of Grace (l) - What will it take to rid the world of violence, prejudice, and hatred? What will the inhabitants of the world have to agree on the create a climate of peace and cooperation?
  40. Memorials to Peace, Not War (l) - God shows us in His Word, the Bible, several days set aside to teach, honor and show the way to peace among all the families of the earth. He calls them "the feasts of the Lord."
  41. How World Peace Will Come (l) - God has promised us 1,000 years of peace. Yet human efforts to achieve enduring peace have always failed. Here is the amazing story of how God will usher in a golden age of lasting peace for all mankind.
  42. What Will the Kingdom of God Mean for You? (l) - In this magazine we often write about what the Bible refers to as the Kingdom of God -- the government Jesus will establish after He returns to earth. But what will the Kingdom of God do for you? Why should you look forward to that period of time? You need to know the answer!
  1. Peace: The Hunger of Human Hearts (l) - The apostle Paul, locked in a depressing prison cell, wrote, "I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content." He reminded his readers that they also could have "God's peace, which is far beyond human understanding." You too can have this unique contentment and peace!
  2. The Answer to the Madness (l) - How is your world right now? How is it working for you? If you're like many people, it sometimes seems overwhelming and frightening. So what's the answer?
  3. Enemies of Faith (l) - Have you ever wondered why we don't see more evidence of faith? The Bible identifies several tendencies that undermine faith.
  4. Follow Me - Doorway of Remembrance (l) - The memory of a man who rejected worry, as God instructs us, helps us to do the same.
  5. Coping With Worry (l) - You worry. I worry. We all worry about all kinds of things. But why do we allow ourselves to worry so much? Does our worrying accomplish anything? And are we concerning ourselves with the right things?
  6. Christian Setbacks: A Question of Perspective (l) - Every Christian has his or her bad days; the apostle Paul had his share as well. Amazingly, Paul was able to persevere. What enabled him to do so?
  7. Whatever Lies Ahead in 2002, Christians Need Not Worry (l) - Remember to focus on seeking God's Kingdom first. If we do this, gradually we will find that our worries will go away.
  8. The Bible's Keys to Mental Health (l) - Why are mental problems and disabilities on the rise? Could it be that we overlook the Bible's keys to healthy, positive thinking?
  1. Feast Days God Despises (l) - While we all think we are honoring God with the days we keep, history shows it's not always true.
  2. Paganism In Christianity (l) - Many aspects of traditional Christianity - holidays, practices and doctrines - came not from Christ or the Bible but from ancient pagan religion.
  3. Oh, What a Feeling! (l) - "I'm saved -- I can feel Jesus in my heart!" "I had an awesome experience with the Lord!" "Oh, the Spirit leads me with feelings overwhelming!" Emotion-based religious sentiments seem to be the norm these days -- but is that a good thing?
  4. What Does It Mean to Kneel? (l) - Kneeling is simply an act of true worship.
  5. Does Christmas Really Honor Christ? (l) - If you really loved someone, would you celebrate the person with reminders of a past rival for your affection? Are many Christians guilty of dishonoring Jesus in this way?
  6. The Amazing Nose (l) - The human nose can identify many more odors than previously thought.
  7. What Did the Early Church Believe and Practice? (l) - These are some of the major differences between the Christianity of the time of Christ and the apostles and that commonly practiced today. Look into your Bible to see if your beliefs and practices square with what Jesus Christ and the apostles practiced and taught.
  8. Crucial Questions (l) - Why do we pretend that a jolly old man in a red suit who lives at the north pole rides around in a sleigh pulled by flying reindeer and drops down chimneys to leave toys (made by elves) for good boys and girls on one night of the year?
  9. Fertility Symbols: Beneath the Dignity of God (l) - Because the ability to reproduce is critical for food and preservation of life, mankind has long been intrigued by fertility. Have you ever wondered why eggs and rabbits - the popular hallmarks of Easter - were selected as symbols of fertility?
  10. God's Days of Worship (l) - Observances that are rooted in paganism break the first two of the Ten Commandments. Is God pleased when people claim to worship Him by adopting celebrations of pagan gods and goddesses in man-made holidays while they ignore His commanded days and ways of worship?
  11. God's Sabbath in Today's World (l) - On the seventh day of each week, we should cease from our own work and allow God to work in us, building and nourishing our relationship with our Creator.
  12. What is True Worship? (l) - Christ reserved the harshest words of warning for those who would profess to worship God (who say, "Lord, Lord," Matthew 7:21), but refuse to do God's will or obey His laws (verses 21-23).
  13. Introduction: Sunset to Sunset, God's Sabbath Rest (l) - Was the Sabbath condemned and changed in the early New Testament Church, or confirmed? Did God sanctify the Sabbath at the time He created Adam and Eve, or did He first set it apart as holy time at the Exodus more than 2,000 years later? Was the Sabbath changed from the seventh day of the week to another day, and, if so, when?
  14. Which Day Is the Sabbath? (l) - Whereas the Catholic Church claimed authority to establish its own times of worship, Protestant churches generally justified Sunday observance on the grounds that the seventh-day Sabbath was replaced in the New Testament by worship on Sunday in honor of Christ's resurrection. There is no biblical authority for changing the day of rest and worship from the seventh day to Sunday.
  15. Was Sunday the New Testament Day of Worship? (l) - The New Testament was written over a time of more than 60 years after Jesus' death and resurrection, and nowhere does it show the day of rest being moved to Sunday.
  16. The Second Commandment: What Is God Like? (l) - The Second Commandment goes to the heart of our relationship with our Creator.
  17. Preparing a People (l) - The Church Jesus built is commissioned not only to feed His sheep, as He commanded, but to prepare these followers for greater works of service to God, their families, their communities and their fellow man. Jesus placed great emphasis on serving others (Matthew 20:26-28).
  18. Introduction: You Can Have Living Faith (l) - Far too many have come to believe that every aspect of life is simply a matter of personal choice, and nothing matters beyond their feelings. Instead of relying on God, they trust only themselves to solve their problems.
  19. A Close Encounter (l) - The Roman general Pompey entered Jerusalem in the first century B.C.determined to satisfy his curiosity about the worship of the Jewish people. He ascended the Temple Mount to find out the truth behind about reports that the Jewish people had no physical statue or image of God in their most sacred place of worship, the Holy of Holies
  20. The Godly Way of Life (l) - Is merely believing on Jesus as Lord and Savior sufficient to receive eternal life?
  21. And They Worshiped Him (l) - What has been the reaction of those who have come face to face with the reality of who Jesus Christ is? As we see in Scripture, it has been to bow hearts and lives in grateful praise and worship.
  22. Does It Really Matter to God? (l) - God clearly expects a higher standard from those who say they follow Him. He desires that His people worship Him "in spirit and truth" (John 4:23-24)
  23. Should You Attend Church? (l) - Many, perhaps even you, have become disillusioned with churches and religious leaders. They wonder what they should do and where they should turn. What does God say?
  24. Who Is the Center of Our Worship? (l) - Traditional Christianity claims to focus its worship on Jesus Christ. But didn't Jesus ChristHimself direct our attention, including even our prayers, to God the Father?

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