"C" - Topic Index
Calendar, Gregorian
- The Twelve Months - Part One (l) - Usually, we move through life existing within a calendar we take for granted, but have you ever wondered about the origin of the names and structure of our calendar months?
- The Twelve Months - Part Two (l) - Have you ever wondered about the origin of the names and structure of our calendar months?
- The Coming of Islam (l) - The descendants of Ishmael lived in relative obscurity throughout ancient history. This was to change dramatically with the prophet Muhammad and the religion he founded, Islam.
- Does Easter Really Commemorate Jesus Christ's Resurrection? (l) - What do rabbits and eggs have to do with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ? Where did the name Easter originate? This holiday isn't even mentioned in the Bible-so where did it really come from?
- Why the Western World Uses an Awkward Calendar (l) - Many have attempted to change the calendar in common use, due to peculiarities that complicate trade and commerce. Yet through all attempts to alter the calendar, God has seen to it that the seven-day week cycle was preserved.
- Does Easter Commemorate Jesus Christ's Resurrection? (l) - The surprising story behind the religious holiday of Easter.
- United Youth Camps in French Speaking Africa (l) - Having previously served on the staff of United Youth Camps in the United States, my husband Daniel and I wondered what camp would be like in Togo and Cameroon.
- Redefining Morality: Why a Torrent of Trouble Threatens to Engulf Us (l) - Today the major English-speaking nations watch as a storm of problems draws ever nearer, a storm created by hostile forces that blurred and weakened their sense of morality. Does the Bible indicate where we will go from here?
- Peace Arch: Symbol of Unity (l) - There are lessons to be learned and remembered from our past and present relationships.
- Cuts in Defense Spending: Australia, Britain and Canada (l) - America isn't alone in its military cutbacks and withdrawal from its role as the world's policeman. Its allies are following the same path, with dangerous implications for the free world.
- A Downsized Lifestyle Is Coming - Will You Make the Adjustment? (l) - Our world is changing in ways we never considered. The dominance that affluent nations have enjoyed is about to end. Will peoples of the rich world downsize their lifestyle? Will people who have rarely if ever had to "tighten their belts" be able to make the painful change?
- Different Elections -- Same Issues (l) - Outside the United States, the same issues confront candidates in other elections.
- Modern Israel Has Sown the Wind and Will Reap the Whirlwind (l) - There seems to be no bottom to the moral toboggan slide the modern house of Israel has been on for the past 40 years!
- Trade Winds Blow Canada Toward EU (l) - Although inextricably linked with the United States by geography and economics, Canada has been increasingly voting and trading with Europe.
- World News and Trends - Mar/Apr 2004 (l) - An Overview of Conditions Around the World, March/April 2004.
- World News Review December 1998 (l) - World News Review - Dec. 1998
Capital punishment
- World News Review March 1999 (l) - World news - March 1999
- The Media's Alternative Gospel (l) - The major media news organizations and outlets, says jounalist William Proctor, have their own lists of rights and wrongs that they support or condem through their editorials and reporting.
- Careers and Motherhood: Maximizing Your Options (l) - Choices made earlier in life have a significant impact on the opportunities that will come later. Here is one couple's story and advice.
- When I Grow Up I Want to Be... (l) - You want a job you will enjoy, that will supply your needs and that will allow you to obey God. How can you plan for a great career?
- Pointers for a Successful Start-Up (l) - Tips on starting a business.
- Finding Success in Your Job and Career (l) - In a world that is so far removed from the life and times of the Bible, do the Scriptures offer any help in how to be successful in our job and career?
- Planning Your Career -- Part 2 (l) - What will you be doing for the rest of your life? In this segment, we'll explore your fit in six basic career areas.
- Find a Career Path That Fits (l) - What single factor could make the biggest difference in your prospects for a successful career?
- Planning for Life: Be Sure Your Career Path Fits God's Goals (l) - How can you narrow the field to know which direction to head in choosing a career?
- Winning With Your Strengths (l) - If you're unhappy in your job, should you change your job? Should you find a career that matches your ablilties and interests? Here's how concentrating on your talents can help you find happiness and success.
- Planning for Life - Part 3 - Make Sure Your Career Path Fits God's Goals (l) - Part 3 in planning your life: Make Sure Your Career Path Fits God's Goals
- Planning Your Career -- Part 1 (l) - It has been said that those who fail to plan, plan to fail. As a young person, now is the time to give special attention to this important part of your life.
- Careers in the New Millennium (l) - What trends will shape your future world of work? What can you do to prepare for the right career for you?
- Planning for Life - Part 2 - Finding a Career Path That Fits (l) - Education could make the biggest difference in your career success.
- Planning Your Career -- Part 3 (l) - How does one navigate today's challenging job market? In this article, we consider this important task.
- Papal Authority, Protestants and Prophecy (l) - Will the Catholic Church's controversial restatement of its belief about the church derail ecumenical dialogue? What does the future hold?
- A World Lit Only by Fire (l) - History sheds light on the early stages of Jesus Christ's prophecy of religious deception.
- Rome's "Right Face" (l) - The Vatican's embarrassment caused by a restored bishop's views on the Holocaust hides the significance of the restoration itself.
- Europe and the Church, Part 9: Charles V's Empire Upon Which the Sun Never Set (l) - The Holy Roman Emperor Charles V was the most famous Habsburg in history, presiding over an empire that stretched from the Philippines to Peru and was the greatest in Europe. During his reign he was confronted with major challenges, including the Protestant Reformation. His reign constituted the fourth of the seven prophesied resurrections of the Roman Empire, which will see its final resurrection just before the return of Jesus Christ as King of Kings.
- Europe and the Church, Part 12: A Period of Change for the Papacy (l) - In 1870 the First Vatican Council declared the pope infallible while solidifying his role as supreme spiritual and administrative head of the church. As Europe became embroiled in two World Wars, this decision laid the foundation for Pope Pius XII, whose influence in political events of the time has become a subject of investigation.
- The Anglo-Catholic Unity Conundrum: Consider the Future Implications (l) - Why does the Roman Catholic Church now seek to recruit disenchanted Anglican priests and lay members? How will Pope Benedict's ostensibly generous offer ultimately affect Europe? How do these European religious movements fit into Bible prophecy?
- Questions and Answers: The Issue of Keeping the Sabbath Causes Me Great Concern (l) - I know what the Bible says, and I want to follow God's Word, but our church worships on Sunday, as all churches seem to. I am worried about not following God's Word.
- Hail, Mary? (l) - Jesus Is Our Intercessor, Not Mary.
- Continued Vatican Revelations Discredit Christian Faith (l) - The continued investigations into sexual abuse perpetrated by Catholic priests are back in the news cycle with the house arrest and impending trial of Josef Wesolowski, former Vatican ambassador to the Dominican Republic.
- November/December 2018 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the November/December 2018 issue of Beyond Today.
- Letters From Our Readers - Jul/Aug 2002 (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News magazine, Jul/Aug 2002.
- Death of a Titan: John Paul II's Impact on Europe and the World (l) - John Paul II lived in momentous times. He saw Eastern Europe freed from the shackles of communism and the European Union coming together to form a potential new superpower to eventually challenge the United States. He would personally impact these benchmark events.
- From Sabbath to Sunday (l) - How and why was the seventh day Sabbath changed to Sunday observance? Is this practice supported by the Bible itself, or by some other authority?
- Papal Power in Perspective (l) - He has urged people to seek the meaning of life while viewing scientific advances through the perspective of spiritual values.
- Constantine's Impact on Christianity (l) - The "Christianity" Constantine endorsed was already considerably different from that practiced by Jesus Christ and the apostles.
- Parts of the Bible Rejected by Roman Catholic Church in Britain (l) - Generally speaking, the Roman Catholics have taught throughout most of their history that church tradition shares authority with the Scriptures. However, the latest teaching document in Britain virtually denies that the entire Bible is the inspired Word of God.
- From Sabbath to Sunday (l) - How and why was the seventh day Sabbath changed to Sunday observance? Is this practice supported by the Bible itself, or by some other authority?
- A Modern Tale of Two Cities (l) - The spotlight is currently on two world capitals. While both play key roles within today's political and religious mix, it is their future role that readers should carefully watch and understand.
- Crisis in the Catholic Church (l) - News of the sexual abuse of children by priests can no longer be covered up, and has serious implications for the Catholic Church in the United States and elsewhere.
- World News and Trends - Sep/Oct 2003 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. September/October 2003
- World News and Trends - Mar/Apr 2002 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world.
- World News and Trends - Nov/Dec 2003 (l) - An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Nov/Dec 2003
- Which Way Europe? (l) - Two voting sessions within a few weeks of each other could set the direction for future events within Europe. The first was the vote for the new pope, Benedict XVI. The second is the French referendum on the EU constitution. Both could have far-reaching implications for the Continent and the world.
- The Man Who Would Be Pope (l) - Signs of Pope John Paul II's failing health clearly renew speculation that he may not live much longer. Who would replace him as the next leader of the Roman Catholic Church? What qualities will the cardinals look for in the man who would be pope?
- Ecumenism Gears Up for Year 2000 (l) - The drive toward uniting Christian religions is gathering momentum.
- Letters From Our Readers - May/Jun 2004 (l) - Letters from the readers of the Good News magazine, May/June 2004
- World News Review July 2000 (l) - World News Review - July 2000
- World News Review March 2000 (l) - World news - March 2000
- The Mysterious Scythians Burst Into History (l) - Many historians have concluded that the Celts and Scythians have a common background.
- Celts and Scythians Linked by Archaeological Discoveries (l) - The archaeological evidence shows that the Celts and Scythians both freely shared and mingled. Russian and Eastern European excavations plainly reveal the blending of these two groups.
- The Geography of Celtic-Scythian Commerce (l) - Both the eastern Scythians and the western Celts had the waterways of the continent-the "highways" of that day-at their disposal for trade. And they used them effectively.
- The Label Celt and Celtic Society (l) - Some scholars conclude the word keltoi, or Celt, is an appropriate label for people who kept much about their past and traditions hidden.
- Linguistic Links: What's in a Name? (l) - This linguistic journey ties together a few of the many labels applied to the exiled 10 tribes as the "House of Omri" and the "Sons of Isaac."
- A Few Good Men in Some Honorable Roles (l) - Often people look at the outward appearance of a man to judge who he is. However, only God's standards should be used to discover the real man within.
- Spiritual Lessons From Glass (l) - Glassmaking is an amazing and ancient art. Would you believe some properties of glass offer an interesting analogy for the Christian life?
- Are You Up for the Challenge? (l) - Life's greatest challenges are in every day decisions! Learning to choose wisely and learning from your experiences can prepare you for a rewarding future.
- Passing on a Legacy of Character (l) - Passing on a legacy of character through the family is a most precious gift. Just as God has given us the opportunity to develop His character, we must pass the knowledge on to our children. Our actions can affect generations to come.
- U.K.'s Scandal Plagues Parliament (l) - Britain has drastically changed in the past generation. Many lament the lack of values and adherence to a Judeo-Christian religious ethic that puts the Ten Commandments squarely in the center of a moral life.
- Abundant Fresh Fruit: To Serve God and Share With Others (l) - We can become like God by having His Spirit dwelling in us. As we grow spiritually, we should see more and more evidence of that miracle--more and more "fruit of the Spirit." And with more and more fruit, there is more and more to give to others!
- Can Man Attain Immortality? (l) - The cover of a recent issue of Time magazine astonishingly declares, "2045: The Year Man Becomes Immortal." But the Bible tells a different story about living forever.
- Work: It's More Than Just a Job (l) - In and outside the home, work is a critical part of life. But for whom are we really working, and what is the ultimate purpose of work?
- Simplicity that is in Christ (l) - God's way is simple -- we are often the ones that add complication to our lives.
- Two Seconds After: What Will You Do When Crisis Overtakes the World? (l) - In a time of great crisis, what will you take with you? If you're not already preparing, the one thing that will be most valuable won't be available.
- Character Lessons From the Greatest Generation (l) - American newsman Tom Brokaw labeled them The Greatest Generation -- those Americans who grew up during the Great Depression and went on to establish American greatness during and just after World War II. But what character traits made them great?
- Why Does God Allow Satan to Influence Mankind? (l) - God is in control, but He has allowed Satan to dominate humanity for two basic reasons. First, Adam and Eve, our first parents, chose Satan's domination over them. Second, God wants all of humanity to learn that "the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man who walks to direct his own steps" (Jeremiah 10:23).
- Does God Keep His Word? (l) - By fulfilling His promises to all of the tribes of Israel, God will also, at the return of Christ, prove to scoffers and doubters that He is trustworthy. He will demonstrate to all nations that He stands behind every word He has ever spoken through His prophets.
- God's Nature and Character (l) - In any discussion about who and what God is, we must not lose sight of the most important truth about God -- that God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son are Beings of infinite love. John perfectly summarized Their divine character and nature when he wrote that "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16).
- The Personal Nature of God (l) - Both the Apostle John and the Apostle Paul describe two individual divine Beings, with Jesus being subject to God the Father.
- How Events Molded the Character of One Future President (l) - Theodore Roosevelt, as have many others, responded to trials and suffering by accomplishing more than he would have achieved had those tests never happened.
- Can We Explain All Suffering? (l) - One of the consequences of humanity's decision to live contrary to God's instruction is a world subject to the capriciousness and vagaries of "time and chance" and the actions of others.
- When It Seems God Doesn't Hear or Answer (l) - God does not always answer our prayers to our immediate satisfaction and instantly deliver us from our trials. But He will always do what is best for us.
- Glossary (bsc3) (l) - A glossary of the terms used in this Bible study.
- Glossary (bsc4) (l) - Word definitions relating to Bible Correspondence Course.
- The Importance of Godly Character (l) - When we face difficult choices, God can see how committed to Him we are. Only when we obey Him under duress is the depth of our character fully evident.
- Why Suffering? (l) - If God is infinitely good, and infinitely powerful too, why should evil exist at all? God's purpose is best served by His giving us freedom of choice.
- The Parable of the Talents (l) - Christ is preparing a people for His coming reign on earth. You have an opportunity to sign on and be a part. But that includes doing your part. What will you choose?
- Christianity Isn't for Wimps (l) - Most people today think being a Christian is easy, but the surprising truth is, the real Christianity of the Bible is challenging and difficult. Do you have the courage and conviction to be a real Christian?
- The Power of Habits (l) - How do we get to the point where we do what we know we should do? Can this really be done? The answer is "Yes!" Here's how.
- Restoring Moral Levees (l) - Without careful maintenance levees can fail. It's the same for character and self-restraint. The type of character that can withstand depravation and upheaval must be built and maintained one brick at a time over years of careful living.
- A Walk In the Snow: Character Counts In a Nation's Leaders (l) - One man's walk in the snow on behalf of his nation.
- The Story of Stan Musial (l) - In a time when many sports "heroes" exhibit less than heroic character, here's one sports legend who set a high standard.
- Christianity Isn't For Wimps (l) - Most people today think being a Christian is easy, but the surprising truth is, the real Christianity of the Bible is challenging and difficult. Do you have the courage and conviction to be a real Christian?
- Rise Above Peer Pressure (4/2001) (l) - Pressure to conform is especially powerful when we are young. How does peer pressure work and how can we master it?
- Does Character Matter? (l) - In a world in which most people take the easy way out, is it worth while to do things differently?
- Rise Above Peer Pressure (l) - Finding true friends and dealing with unwanted pressures are challenges at any age. Where can teenagers turn for help?
- What Is True Leadership? (l) - Which ingredients make an effective leader? And what makes some leaders take tragic courses for themselves and their fellowmen?
- A Diamond Is Forever (l) - Dazzling, precious diamonds can help us more clearly see what God has in mind for us -- as His jewels.
- The Lesson of "A Message to Garcia" (l) - God is looking for a few good men and women. Will you be ready to carry a message for Him?
- How to Increase Your Intelligence (l) - Are people just born either smart or dumb? Is there anything you can do about it?
- Gentleness: The Mark of a Christian (l) - Gentleness, so sadly lacking in this world, should be evident in the life of a Christian. What is gentleness, and how can it be a part of your life?
- Fanfare for the Common Man (l) - What concerns me is how few people place a high regard on personal integrity and character.
- Seven Reasons Why Jesus Was Born (l) - Why did Jesus have to be born, and to die? Here are seven reasons.
- Serving From the Bench (l) - When Anne's love of sports and love of God conflicted, she spent more time on the bench. Even there she inspired her team.
- Overcoming Adversity Requires Perseverance (l) - While mustering human perseverance can pay off, most people are still not as successful as they could be because they fail to utilize one additional critical key in becoming a successful overcomer. Do you have what it takes?
- How Does the Bible Define Sin? (l) - understanding sin and how the Bible defines sin
- Develop Your Spiritual Senses (l) - Many want to avoid sin but don't know where to begin. By understanding the process of how sin occurs, you can better avoid it in your life.
Chemical weapons
- Terror by Chemical Bombs (l) - Is a chemical bomb the next weapon of choice that al-Qaeda groups will use on the United States, the United Kingdom and continental Europe? There are strong indications that it is!
- Instant Epidemics: The New Breed of Weapons (l) - The fear of chemical and bio-chemical warfare is on the rise.
- Recent Mega Earthquakes -- Just a Coincidence? (l) - Recent months have seen major earthquakes rock Haiti and Chile. What does the Bible tell us about natural catastrophes, and what does this mean in today's world?
- And The World Was Filled With Violence (l) - "The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence."
- World News and Trends - September/October 2007 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Sept/Oct 2007
- World News & Trends - November/December 2008 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Nov/Dec 2008
- World News & Trends Jan 2009 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Jan. 2009
- Could the Dollar Fall? (l) - Could the dollar be challenged and replaced by another world currency? Will something that until recently was "unthinkable" become a reality? The global financial slump is challenging long-held assumptions.
- The Enormous Expansion of Chinese Influence: What Does It Portend? (l) - Recent news reports strongly suggest that China's military, economic and political influence continues to expand aggressively both in Asia and the world at large. What are the long-term implications?
- The Rise of the Asian Dragon (l) - How do China's amazing transformation and increasing global power fit into prophesied end-time events?
- World News & Trends January 2010 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. January 2010
- World News & Trends March/April 2010 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. March 2010
- In Brief: Trends That Affect Your Life (l) - Trends in the news. Nov 2010.
- World News & Trends Nov/Dec 2010 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world, Nov 2010.
- Prophetic Trends Observed as 2011 Begins (l) - Economics was the force that determined the course of world history--and continues to be a primary force in the drive toward fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
- Where Is Our World Headed? (l) - It's that time again for an annual analysis and assessment. That's when many observers look back to yesteryear--and also peer into a somewhat clouded future. Secular predictions for 2011 and beyond are multiple and varied. But does the Bible have a far bigger say in our future?
- World News & Trends - January/February 2011 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Jan 2011
- America Drowns in a Sea of Debt - What Does It All Mean? (l) - America's debt load is staggering and growing worse by the minute. How did the nation that was the world's biggest lender only a few decades ago become the world's greatest debtor today?
- World News & Trends March 2011 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. March 2011
- China: Cooperation or Conflict? (l) - Concern is growing over China's increasing assertiveness and conflicts with other nations. What is behind the Asian Dragon's growing aggressiveness, and where does Bible prophecy say this will lead?
- America and Britain Cut Defense: What Does It Mean for the Future? (l) - Faced with exploding government debt, America will likely soon see massive defense cuts. Britain has already made severe cutbacks in military spending. What is the inevitable long-term outcome?
- The Fading American dream (l) - The United States certainly appears to be undergoing a terminal decline that could possibly lead to the biblically prophesied time of Jacob's (or Israel's) trouble (Jeremiah 30:7).
- The Rise of the Chinese Dragon (l) - China is pursuing an enormous military buildup on both land and sea.
- China - an Ominously Powerful Country (l) - Niall Ferguson is a China watcher.
- Is China the Solution to Western Economic Woes? (l) - In the text of a graphic titled "Stepping Up to Buy," The Wall Street Journal noted: "Chinese state-owned and private enterprises are pouring investment money into the U.S., into industries such as auto parts, real estate, and oil and gas.
- A Crucial Biblical Question for the President (and You) (l) - Given the opportunity, what would you ask your country's leader as he starts a new term in office? How would his answer stack up against the Bible, and does it matter?
- Will America Cease to Lead the World? (l) - From the time of its founding, this unique nation sought to base its future success on the efforts of free individuals, not on class distinctions and hereditary status. America became undisputed world leader because it was set apart not only by the Declaration of Independence, but by its destiny set forth in the Bible. Why, then, is America gradually forfeiting world leadership?
- Is World War III Becoming More Plausible? (l) - Could the unspeakable horror of two world wars that afflicted the first half of the 20th century actually happen again? Will many of the nations that fought in those colossal struggles enter yet another global war? Will war spread around the world or alternatively occur only in key geostrategic locations?
- Japan: a Determined Military Revival (l) - As one soldier put it: "For Japan to remain an independent country, defense is indispensable . . . I would like to be the shield to protect Japanese people" (quoted in "As Tensions Rise, Pacifist Japan Marches Into a Military Revival," The Wall Street Journal, July 18, 2013).
- China enters the Caribbean (l) - Older Americans well remember the Cuban missile crisis of 1962 when the Soviet Union tried to establish a nuclear military base in America's own backyard.
- Australia Concerned About Land Purchases (l) - Some officials in Australia are voicing concerns over the large amount of Australian land being bought up by Chinese investors.
- As America Retreats, a Dangerous World Emerges (l) - What happens when the world's policeman hangs up his badge and gun and retires into the sunset? We're beginning to get a sobering firsthand look.
- Russia cozying up to Iran and China (l) - Aggression against Ukraine's sovereignty has diminished Russia's status in the eyes of its nominal Western allies.
- China to Take More ActiveRole in Syrian Crisis (l) - China is showing a growing interest in the Syrian conflict.
- Tensions Between West and China Continue to Grow (l) - While in the United States most media attention is on various domestic political skirmishes like the immigration issue, abortion and presidential executive orders, the international scene is also alight with controversies and political maneuvering. Of perhaps prime importance from an international relations perspective is an emboldened China and the antagonism between the West and the giant of the East.
- America: Attacked Abroad, Divided Within (l) - The United States is bitterly divided both politically and socially. At the same time its role in the world is being undermined in strategic geographic regions. Are we entering a time of escalating danger and trouble like that spoken of in the Bible?
- Why Not Asia? (l) - Many warn that China or another Asian state or confederation will replace the United States as the world's dominant power.
- Empires on the Rise (l) - Will China overtake America and become a world empire? Will Russia restore the former might of the Soviet Union? Will Iran's efforts to dominate the Middle East reclaim the ancient glory of the Persian Empire? And what about Europe/will it too see the return of an ancient power?
- America - the Diminishing Empire (l) - For nearly a decade the United States has been withdrawing from world leadership. What's actually happening? And what does the future hold for the country's role in the world?
- Current Events & Trends- July/August 2018 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the July/August 2018 issue of Beyond Today.
- Today's Arms Race: How Will It End? (l) - America, Russia and China are locked in a new arms race involving unprecedented weapons technology. Will this growing arms race end the human race?
- Trade War (l) - What's behind the economic pushing and shoving between the United States and China? What are the stakes? How might this affect the rest of the world -- and you?
- A World in Crisis (l) - The year 2020 has been a time of upheaval throughout the world. As we wind down the calendar year, what should Beyond Today readers understand about what has happened and what it means for the future?
- Current Events & Trends September/October 2020 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the September/October 2020 issue of Beyond Today.
- Current Events and Trends - May/June 2021 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the May/June 2021 issue of Beyond Today.
- Current Events and Trends - September/October 2021 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the September/October 2021 issue of Beyond Today.
- The Cuban and Haitian Crises (l) - Riots in Cuba and an assassination in Haiti may not seem that important in the scope of world news. But these Caribbean nations hold positions vital to American and world interests.
- The United States and China - Destined for War? (l) - As the leaders of the two mightiest global economic and military powers warily eye and threaten each other, what are the prospects for deadly global conflict? Will that awaken Europe and Russia?
- Current Events & Trends - January/February 2022 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the January/February 2022 issue of Beyond Today.
- Current Events & Trends May/June 2023 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the May/June 2023 issue of Beyond Today.
- America's Military in Crisis (l) - As the world grows increasingly unstable, America's military appears dangerously misguided.
- The BRICS Are Coming (l) - Are the Dollar's Dominant Days Numbered? As the U.S. economy stumbles under painful inflation and government overspending, new international alliances threaten the dollar's dominance -- with eventual dire consequences for America.
- Current Events & Trends - November/December 2023 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the November/December 2023 issue of Beyond Today.
- Current Events & Trends - September/October 2024 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the September/October 2024 issue of Beyond Today.
- Current Events & Trends: January/February 2025 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the January/February 2025 issue of Beyond Today.
- An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Sep/Oct 2000 (l) - A brief synopsis of world events. September/October 2000
- A Downsized Lifestyle Is Coming - Will You Make the Adjustment? (l) - Our world is changing in ways we never considered. The dominance that affluent nations have enjoyed is about to end. Will peoples of the rich world downsize their lifestyle? Will people who have rarely if ever had to "tighten their belts" be able to make the painful change?
- World News Review August 1999 (l) - World news - August 1999
- What Lies Ahead for U.S. Leadership? (l) - The nexy four years could bring thorny problems for America's leadership in the world. The next president will face the consequences fo missed oportunities in the 1990's.
- An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Nov/Dec 2002 (l) - Here is an overview of conditions around the world.
- World News Review July 2005 (l) - World News summary - July 2005.
- Trade With China - Road to Utopia or Conflict? (l) - Free trade has been hyped as the solution to almost everything. But how will peace really come?
- A Gathering Storm (l) - America could be caught asleep and find itself awakened and staring into the gun of a hostile power.
- The Abortion Debate - More Heated, More Divisive Than Ever (l) - Violence, anger and argument tear at the country's soul over the unresolved issues surrounding abortion. Can we refocus the debate on more fundamental determinants?
- World News and Trends - July/August 2006 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Jul/Aug 2006
- World News Review February 2007 (l) - World news items, February 2007.
- World News Review Jan 2005 (l) - World News Review - January 2005
- World News and Trends - Jan/Feb 2005 (l) - An Overview of Conditions Around the World, Jan/Feb 2005
- North Korea's Nuclear Blast: What Does It Mean? (l) - Stalinist Kim Jong Il has brought North Korea into the nuclear club. Headlines ask, "Who Can Stop Him Now?" Now that we know North Korea has nuclear devices, we ask, "What does this mean?"
- Where Are China and India Really Headed? (l) - Western foreign policy increasingly has to take the Asian nations into account. As one astute observer recently put it, "The center of geostrategic gravity has shifted eastwards." So an important question lies before us: Is another Eastern axis power going to emerge on the world scene and dominate all of Asia just as Japan did during the Second World War?
- Where Are America and Europe Really Headed? (l) - Following his success in winning the November election, President George W. Bush has shown himself willing to talk to European leaders about how to handle the world's problems. The White House no longer speaks of "New Europe" and "Old Europe." But do the most recent diplomatic initiatives by the president and Secretary of State Rice only mask bitter rifts over major international issues, including the sale of arms to China?
- World News Review November 2003 (l) - World News Review. November 2003
- World News and Trends - Jul/Aug 2004 (l) - World news and trends. July/August 2004.
- World News and Trends - May/Jun 2005 (l) - An Overview of conditions around the world. May/June 2005.
- Symbolism Abounds in Transfer of Hong Kong (l) - Now, almost 50 years to the day since divesting itself of its Indian Empire, the British will hand over control of Hong Kong, the last major possession of the British crown. It's not just the end of an era for Hong Kong. It's the end of an era for Asia and Europe.
- Another Sea Gate Threatened? (l) - Shipping lanes off Indonesia may seem irrelevant to the West. But at stake is part of an ancient promise to Abraham that his seed would possess the "gates of their enemies."
- When the Gas Pumps in Europe Run Dry (l) - Because of its dependence on imported energy, the EU is an economic giant standing on feet of clay.
- What to Watch to Discern the Times (l) - A look at three key trends: globalization, religious ecumenism and global power shifts.
- China: The Lotus Flower Is Blossoming Again (l) - China only occasionally appears in the daily news in the United States, but it actually deserves much more attention. The road ahead is a rocky one, but leading inexorably toward colossal power.
- North Korean Nukes: What's Next? (l) - Longtime Stalinist Kim Jong Il has officially brought North Korea into the nuclear club. Now that North Korea has nuclear devices, what can the rest of the world expect?
- World News Review Aug 2001 (l) - World news review. August 2001.
- Is China Really "Opening Up" to the West? (l) - By a remarkable coincidence, controversial international trade agreements that are opening up China to America and the European Union come exactly 100 years after a previous disastrous opening.
- World News and Trends - Jan/Feb 2004 (l) - An Overview of Conditions Around the World, Jan/Feb 2004.
- Who Benefits from the Panama Canal? (l) - It is significant that the company Panama chose to run many of the Panama Canal operations is based in Hong Kong.
- U.S. Election-Year Challenges Beyond President's Control (l) - In this election year, suddenly old problems are reemerging that seem beyond the president's control. Problems in the Far East, Russia and the Middle East are back with us as if they had never gone away.
- World News Review January 2000 (l) - World news - Jan 2000
- How Serious a Threat Could Iran Pose? (l) - President Ahmadinejad has warned that the West would feel the consequences of pressing for sanctions against Iran much more than Iran would suffer. What could he have in mind? How could Iran strike at the West?
- World News and Trends - March/April 2006 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Mar/Apr 2006
- World News Review September/October 1999 (l) - World news - Sep/Oct 1999
- Russian Resurgence in a Unipolar World (l) - Russia is a superpower no longer, so what is behind President Putin's bold actions toward Hamas, Iran, Eastern Europe and China? Russia will play a critical role in geopolitics and globalization in the 21st century. No longer a superpower, it is still a superplayer.
- What Should We Watch to Discern the Times? (l) - What key trends should we expect and see when we compare the state of the world with the prophecies of the Bible?
- World News and Trends - September/October 2006 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Sept 2006.
- The China-Taiwan Tinderbox (l) - The Korean War showed how easily a local war in Asia, like the brewing China-Taiwan conflict, can escalate.
- World News Review August 2006 (l) - World news review - Sept 2006.
- World News Review February 2000 (l) - World news - February 2000
- World News Review August 2003 (l) - world news review. August 2003.
- Will America Go to War Over Taiwan? (l) - Is Taiwan significant in the broad picture of world events? Or is its future merely a local concern?
- International Power Shifts Threaten the Western World (l) - Western global supremacy is definitely on the wane as key Asian nations make significant economic progress while Middle Eastern conflicts trouble the West politically and militarily. We are in desperate need of a biblical compass so we can grasp the tragic implications of how these potentially massive political power shifts will impact the West's way of life.
- Are You Up for the Challenge? (l) - Life's greatest challenges are in every day decisions! Learning to choose wisely and learning from your experiences can prepare you for a rewarding future.
- You Have a Choice (l) - Sometime ago a friend visiting from England and I were ordering dinner at a restaurant. After he ordered a steak, the waitress asked him, "Sirloin or tenderloin? Eight-ounce or 10-ounce? Rare, medium or well-done?" With each question my friend seemed to think he was finished. He ordered a salad and was asked, "Greek, Green or Taco?"
- Life's Choices (l) - From the time we are small children and throughout our adult lives, we have to make choices that affect the rest of our lives. As we grow older, those choices become more complicated and difficult—and the consequences more serious.
- A Life Without Regrets? (l) - Most of us have some regrets. Some of these affect only us; some affect family, friends and others. Here is how you can minimize them in your own life.
- The Blame Game We All Play (l) - When we get into trouble in our lives, whom do we blame and should we blame at all?
- You Can Have Anything You Want (l) - In today's world we're taught that if we want it, we can get it. But do we need it or should we have it? And what does God have to say about it?
- Simplicity that is in Christ (l) - God's way is simple -- we are often the ones that add complication to our lives.
- Mini-Bible Study: What Is God's Will for You? (l) - Every day we have to make decisions. Many of them we make without thinking. But some are big decisions in life that might make us stop and wonder: What does God want me to do here? Is there a way to understand what God's will is and how we can accomplish it?
- 10 Bad Ideas Found in the Bible (l) - Do you really have to live by what God says in the Bible? Many people seem to get on quite well by doing whatever they want. Isn't God all-merciful so that everything will be just fine? Think again.
- The Cult of Choice (l) - The choices we make, large and small, define our lives.
- Jesus Chris is coming with His Kingdom - Choose life today! (l) - Everyone has a choice--a choice between life and death, good and evil and between God's Kingdom and Satan's.
- Freedom of Choice or Freedom from Suffering? (l) - How can we have true freedom of choice and still gain freedom from suffering?
- Surviving the Storms of Life (l) - Preparing for future "storms" of life. Knowing and possessing the "whats" is not enough, but "when" you put your resources into play makes all the difference in the world -- your world, that is!
- Is Life Only About Fun! Fun! Fun? (l) - What's wrong with just doing whatever your want? Find out how to get your kicks in life - but not those that kick you in the teeth!
- Armstrong's Right ... It's Not About the Bike (l) - Experiencing a long, demanding bike race--and the training that led up to it--brings to mind the training and commitment we must make to life!
- Wise Advice for Wise Decisions (l) - How good are your decision-making skills? Have you ever wondered "what if I had...", especially when you didn't get the outcome you had expected?
- Freedom of Choice (l) - We want to make choices and have freedoms in our lives, but do we really know what we want or need? Do we make the right choices for ourselves, and does our government make wise choices for us?
- Choosing Your Future (l) - Some people believe in "kismet," or fate. Their death or "time to die" is preset, events were "meant to be," and they are not in control of their own futures. Truly we do not have total control over very many things -- but we do play a huge part in our own futures.
- Where was God? (l) - If God is all powerful and all knowing, the source of all that is good and kind and right, how could He allow evil human beings to snuff out the lives of people who have done them no harm? Why would He allow such things?
- How to Make Right Choices (l) - Some of the many decisions we make every day turn out well--others not so well. What can we do to make better decisions?
- What Parents Wish Their Teens Knew (l) - Teens, do you know that your parents wish they could say yes to your requests more often than they say no?
- Advice From Death Row (l) - The headlines are filled with shocking stories of violent crime. What's behind it? How does it occur? Listen to the words of an expert - written from death row.
Christian good works
- The Good Samaritan (l) - "Love, love, love / Love is all you need." So goes a line from a popular song. But what kind of love do we need, and how should we show it?
- How to Beat a Bad Mood (l) - Everyone faces frustrating and irritating situations from time to time. We don't have to pretend they're fun. But we also don't have to -- and shouldn't -- let these things get to us.
- Easily Offended? Here's How to Get Over It (l) - Unfortunately, people sometimes say and do things that are careless, blunt, insensitive or even mean-spirited. While we can't control the intentions or behavior of others, we can determine how we will act. We can choose to not be offended.
- Planning for the Last Minute (l) - 'Be Prepared!' It's a saying we hear, but how do we do it?
- Real Sailors and Genuine Christians (l) - Are you the "real deal," or merely a wannabe?
- Christian Practice and the Dryer Buzzing (l) - As we grow in our spiritual walk, Christians must attune ourselves to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
- Assistance Programs Offering a Hand Up, Not Just a Handout (l) - In addition to sharing biblical teaching and the hope of the coming Kingdom of God, the publishers of The Good News support practical programs to improve the lives of many.
- Scorekeeping (l) - Who's keeping score? Does God keep score? Are you winning or losing?
- The Art of Appreciation: The Bucket Fillers (l) - Each of us has a figurative "bucket" waiting to be filled. How can you fill your own and others'?
- Dependence, Independence and Helping Those in Need (l) - Jesus Christ said in Matthew 26:11, "The poor you have with you always."Does this mean we ignore those less well off, or that we acknowledge the poor and do what we can to alleviate their suffering?
- I Couldn't Help But Notice (l) - When it comes to relationships, if our focus is on style over substance, aren't we really missing what's important?
- What is in Your Hand? (l) - What abilities has God given you for Him to work for good in your life?
- Visiting Widows and Widowers in Their Affliction (l) - What can we do to help someone who has lost a loved one? Here are some practical and biblical solutions.
- You Can Make a Difference! (l) - Make a difference in the lives of people and actively fulfill an important Christian obligation to help. Do not look away from the needy.
- What Cancer Cannot Do (l) - Cancer is a hideous, fearsome thing seeking to rob us of what we love. But there are many things that cancer cannot take away from us.
- Just Like Her (l) - There are some people who jump right into our lives and then there are those who enter quietly, but make a great impression.
- Making a Difference, One Step at a Time (l) - When your task appears too big, consider the story of the young man on the beach.
- Virtuous Lady of Acts (l) - Some people's performances are so special that they warrant immortal mention in the Bible.
- Are You Missing Something? (l) - There is a unique opportunity out there for you. It is an opportunity that will make you feel good about yourself while helping others.
- "Buddy, Can You Spare a Dime Bag?" (l) - First, consider this cautionary tale to avoid helping a drug addict feed his habit. Then, in the second article, consider some lessons about effective giving learned by an international aid agency.
- "This Is the Will of God" (l) - The Bible lists three specific actions we can do that fulfill the "will of God."
- What's Behind the Magnetic Pull of the Christmas Season? (l) - Millions observe Christmas because it's a feel-good time with holiday music filling the air, brightly decorated trees, Santa Claus for the children and family togetherness. But does the Christmas season have a strong, commercially motivated magnetic pull that goes unnoticed by most?
- Was Christ Really Born on Christmas? (l) - Was Jesus born on Dec. 25 ? The Bible does not give the exact date of Christ's birth, so how can we determine it? Should the date really matter?
- How the Christmas Date Was Set (l) - Gerard and Patricia Del Re explain the evolution of Dec. 25 becoming an official Roman celebration.
- The Real Nativity Story: Surprising Truths You May Not Know! (l) - The biblical accounts of Jesus Christ's birth present some surprising differences from popular ideas and traditions. Do you know the facts from the fiction?
- Christmas Before Christ: The Surprising Truth! (l) - If you discovered that Christmas had nothing to do with Jesus Christ's birth and actually predates that event by centuries, would you still celebrate the holiday? And if you realized that the Bible reveals Holy Days commanded by God, would you celebrate them instead?
- Shocked by the Bible (l) - A Good News interview with Shocked by the Bible author Joe Kovacs.
- Is Christmas Really Merry? (l) - Where did the idea of a "merry Christmas" come from? Did it begin with well-meaning Christians who wished only the best for others, or are its origins considerably older than we might suppose? Does wishing others "Merry Christmas" please God and Jesus Christ? The answers may well surprise you!
- Is Christmas a Phony? (l) - Many Christmas customs can be traced back to the ancient worship of false gods.
- Was There Really "No Room in the Inn"? (l) - Most have taken for granted Jesus' nativity story as commonly related - that when Joseph and Mary arrived in Bethlehem there was no room in an inn so Mary ended up giving birth to Jesus in a stable. But is this the true account in Scripture? See for yourself!
- Lessons No One Taught Me About Christmas and the Bible (l) - We can learn some interesting things from other people or experiences. But the most useful and surprising information only comes from one place: the Bible.
- Why Is There Magic in Christmas? (l) - Magic's deeply ingrained place in the Christmas holiday.
- Does Christmas Really Honor Christ? (l) - If you really loved someone, would you celebrate the person with reminders of a past rival for your affection? Are many Christians guilty of dishonoring Jesus in this way?
- Lessons No One Taught Me as a Youth About the Bible (l) - I was recently indulging in one of my favorite things -- walking through a bookshop. And I was struck by how many books had titles similar to "Fifty Things I Learned From My Dog" or "Life Lessons My Mother Taught Me." They were typically written by famous celebrities.
- The Christmas Tradition (l) - This is a time many enjoy being home together as a family. But why is it celebrated as the birthday of Jesus Christ?
- When Was Jesus Born? (l) - Was Jesus born on December 25 ? Can we even know when He was born? And most importantly, does it even really matter when Jesus was born?
- Is Christmas Christian? (l) - Have you ever considered if Jesus Christ was actually born on December 25 ?
- Christmas Before Christ? (l) - Most people know the Bible doesn't mention -- much less sanctify -- Christmas. Does it make any difference as long as it's intended to honor God and bring families together?
- How Did Santa Claus Enter the Picture? (l) - How did Santa Claus enter the picture? Why is this mythical figure so closely aligned with the Christmas holiday? Here, too, many books are available to shed light on the origins of this popular character.
- Wait! You Just Said (l) - You probably realize Christ was not born on December 25, and you may not think it's important. But it really does matter. And it really is important that you not celebrate that day as His birthday!
- Why Some Christians Don't Celebrate Christmas (l) - Many feel that Christmas marks Christ's birthday and that it honors Him. After all, can 2 billion professing Christians be wrong? At the same time, some few Christians don't observe Christmas, believing that Jesus didn't sanction it and that it dishonors Him. Who is right -- and why?
- Christmas: The Untold Story (l) - People almost everywhere observe Christmas. But how did Christmas come to be observed? How did the customs and practices associated with Christmas make their way into traditional Christianity's most popular holiday?
- Biblical Evidence Shows Jesus Wasn't Born on December 25 (l) - History convincingly shows that Dec. 25 was popularized as the date for Christmas, not because Christ was born on that day, but because it was already popular in pagan religious celebrations as the birthday of the sun.
- Christmas vs. the Bible (l) - Did Jesus Christ tell us to celebrate His birth? No. However, He left explicit instructions regarding how His followers are to commemorate His death
- How Christmas Grew (l) - In view of centuries of criticism of the commercialization of Christmas, it is interesting to note that the holiday's secular, not its religious, aspect, has been most responsible for its popularity.
- Crucial Questions (l) - Why do we pretend that a jolly old man in a red suit who lives at the north pole rides around in a sleigh pulled by flying reindeer and drops down chimneys to leave toys (made by elves) for good boys and girls on one night of the year?
- God's Days of Worship (l) - Observances that are rooted in paganism break the first two of the Ten Commandments. Is God pleased when people claim to worship Him by adopting celebrations of pagan gods and goddesses in man-made holidays while they ignore His commanded days and ways of worship?
- Was Jesus Born on December 25? (l) - Most people assume Jesus was born on Dec. 25. A careful analysis of Scripture, however, clearly indicates that Dec. 25 is an unlikely date for Christ's birth.
- Was Jesus Born on Christmas Day? (l) - Most people assume that Jesus was born on December 25. After all, that's the day millions of people celebrate as the date of His birth. But evidence shows that's simply not the case. And this is only one of many problems with this holiday!
- Is Christmas Really Christian? (l) - Many assume Jesus was born on Christmas or that, even if He wasn't, it's a good occasion to celebrate, since it's still worshipping Him. But did early Christians observe Christmas? And what should we do today?
- What Will They Get This Christmas? (l) - Promoting materialism, debt for what families can't afford, lies and pagan revelry -- it's all part of the magic of Christmastime.
- Christmas - Is It Really "Glory to the Newborn King"? (l) - Most people assume Christmas originated as a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. But history shows that it's far older, rooted in ancient idolatrous practices honoring other gods. So does it really honor Jesus and God the Father? How does God view observance of Christmas?
- Christmas - the Untold Story (l) - Christmas is one of the world's most popular holidays, yet it has a strange and convoluted past -- one hinted at in such puzzling symbols as decorated trees, holly wreaths and mistletoe.
- Would Jesus Observe Christmas? (l) - Christmas is widely considered the foremost Christian holiday-the beautiful celebration of the birthday of Jesus Christ. But does Jesus Himself look at it that way? Would He join in the festivity, receiving the observance in His honor? Or is His actual assessment quite different?
- Why Some Christians Don't Celebrate Christmas (2005) (l) - Many feel that Christmas marks Christ's birthday and that it honors Him. After all, can 2 billion professing Christians be wrong? At the same time, some few Christians don't observe Christmas, believing that Jesus didn't sanction it and that it dishonors Him. Who is right -- and why?
- Christians Who Don't Celebrate Christmas: Here's Why (l) - Reasons people give for not keeping Christmas.
- Are the Biblical Holy Days for New Testament Christians? (l) - God does not apportion to us the right to decide what is holy and unholy, or what is right and wrong. It is His prerogative. Our choice is whether we will obey.
- Questions and Answers - Jan/Feb 2006 (l) - Answers to readers' questions. Good News, Jan/Feb 2006.
- Four Thousand Years of Christmas (l) - It's the season for mistletoe and decorating the tree. But the origins of Christmas may surprise you. Did you know it was outlawed by one of the American colonies in 1659?
- The Top 10 Reasons Why I Don't Celebrate Christmas (l) - It's that time of year again! You'll soon be barraged by the sights, sounds and smells of Christmas. Shoppers will soon go into spending overdrive, and when the bills arrive, some will wonder if it's really worth it. Here's a perspective from one who kicked the Christmas habit.
- Questions and Answers - Oct/Dec 2004 (l) - questions and answers represent issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
- Biblical Evidence Shows Jesus Christ Wasn't Born on Dec. 25 (l) - A careful analysis of Scripture clearly indicates that Dec. 25 is an unlikely date for Christ's birth. Here are two primary reasons.
- Was Christ Born on Christmas Day? (l) - Do you observe Christmas because you think its Christ's birthday? Was he born on or anytime near Dec. 25?
- 4,000 Years of Christmas (l) - 'Tis the season for mistletoe and decorating the tree. But the origins of Christmas may surprise you. Did you know one of the American colonies outlawed observance of this holiday in 1659 ?
- 4,000 Years of Christmas (l) - 'Tis the season for mistletoe and decorating the tree. But the origins of Christmas may surprise you. Did you know one of the American colonies outlawed observance of this holiday in 1659 ?
- Letters From Our Readers - May/Jun 2003 (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News, May/June 2003.
- "You Don't Keep Christmas?" Experiences (l) - Personal experiences of youth who do not keep Christmas.
- Christmas Before Christ? The Surprising Story (l) - Most people know the Bible doesn't mention - much less sanctify - Christmas. Does it make any difference as long as it's intended to honor God and bring families together?
- Letters From Our Readers - Jan/Feb 2003 (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News Magazine, Jan/Feb 2003.
- Letters From Our Readers - Nov/Dec 2004 (l) - Letters from the readers of the Good News magazine. Nov/Dec 2004
- Where Did Christmas Symbols Originate? (l) - An enormous number of traditions we now associate with Christmas have their roots in pre-Christian pagan religious traditions.
- When Was Jesus Christ Born? (l) - Much of the world celebrates December 25 as the date of Christ's birth. The historical and biblical evidence shows this date cannot be accurate.
- Christmas: The Curious Origins of a Popular Holiday (l) - What do evergreen trees, reindeer, mistletoe and yule logs have to do with the birth of Jesus Christ? And was He really born on Dec. 25? You need to discover the real history of Christmas!
- Does God Allow Us to Choose Our Own Religious Holidays? (l) - Many think that under the New Covenant they have freedom to worship God however they want, including deciding on their own days of worship. But what does the Bible say?
- Letters From Our Readers - Jan/Feb 2001 (l) - Letters from Good News readers, Jan/Feb 2001.
- Questions and Answers - Jan/Feb 2007 (l) - Questions and answers. January 2007
- Christmas--Why Not? (l) - More than 40 years ago, I concluded I should no longer celebrate this popular, much-loved holiday. Let me explain why.
- Christmas Reconsidered (l) - What do decorated trees, Santa Claus, elves, reindeer, candles mistletoe, holly, ornaments and exchanging gifts have to do with the birth of the Son of God?
- The Church Behind This Publication (l) - The New Testament Church belongs to our heavenly Father and to His Son, Jesus Christ. Together they inspired the New Testament writers to refer to the Church with a name most English translations render as the "Church of God," which means it is a spiritual organism that belongs to God.
Church and state
- Europe and the Church Part 4: Union of Church and State (l) - Even in this very secular age, many European countries continue a tradition established in the fourth century of a close relationship between church and state. The origins of this system take us back to one of the most significant leaders in history -- Roman Emperor Constantine the Great.
- Three of the First Horns Plucked Out by the Roots (l) - Who, then, are the three horns plucked up by the roots before the rise of the papacy?
- The "Christian Caesar" (l) - In 800A.D. Charlemagne was proclaimed Rex Pater Europae (King Father of Europe) and espoused the ideal of a unified Christian Empire.
- Europe and the Church, Part 7: Charlemagne, Father of Modern Europe (l) - Over three centuries after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, Charlemagne, king of the Franks, was crowned by the pope in the year 800. The second mountain "on which the woman sits" (Revelation 17:9) was set to inspire Europeans for centuries, including those behind today's European Union.
- Europe and the Church, Part 8...Otto the Great, Founder of the First Reich (l) - Almost everybody is aware of the Third Reich, which was meant to last a thousand years, but few today know much about the First Reich, which actually did. Although its origins go back to Charlemagne, the 10th century German Emperor Otto I was instrumental in founding the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation.
- The Uneasy Relationship Between Church and State (l) - The uneasy relationship between church and state dominated the Middle Ages and has continued into modern times.
- The Religious Roots of America's Founding Fathers (l) - Were the Founding Fathers of the United States believers in God and the Bible? Were they religious and devout men who believed in and did their best to follow Jesus Christ?
- Separation of Church and State? (l) - Some people believe that the U.S. Constitution forbids any connection between religion and government - or, as it's popularly known, separation of church and state. American history, however, clearly proves otherwise.
- America's Forgotten Inheritance (l) - The Bible is America's forgotten inheritance.
- The U.S. Supreme Court: Presidential Decisions Impact National Morality (l) - The president's appointments to the Supreme Court may prove more important in the long run than trying to root out and find terrorists.
- Separation of Church and State? (2001) (l) - The meaning of the First Amendment.
Church fellowship
- Contact With God's People: A Key to Spiritual Success or Failure (l) - The spiritual tool of Christian fellowship - interacting and communicating with other members of God's Church.
- I Was a Stranger ... (l) - Some of the congregation just could not accept someone as "odd" as "Carlene," and started spreading awful rumors. How could she feel comfortable coming back to a church where people labeled others without even knowing them?
- God's Sabbath in Today's World (l) - On the seventh day of each week, we should cease from our own work and allow God to work in us, building and nourishing our relationship with our Creator.
- What is True Worship? (l) - Christ reserved the harshest words of warning for those who would profess to worship God (who say, "Lord, Lord," Matthew 7:21), but refuse to do God's will or obey His laws (verses 21-23).
- Preparing a People (l) - The Church Jesus built is commissioned not only to feed His sheep, as He commanded, but to prepare these followers for greater works of service to God, their families, their communities and their fellow man. Jesus placed great emphasis on serving others (Matthew 20:26-28).
- Does the Bible Describe More Than One Tithe? (l) - How many tithes are mentioned in the Bible? What are the purposes for the tithes described in God's Word?
- The Body of Christ (l) - What Is the Church?
- How Is the Work of the Church Supported? (l) - Christ has commissioned His church to carry on the work He started. God's tithe funds that effort. As Christians, we are called to be coworkers with Christ.
- God's Church Welcomes You (l) - God's fellowship is reserved for those who strive to obey God and have faith in Him and His promises.
- Why The Church? (l) - God has a bigger purpose in mind for His called-out people than to be a social club or a place to be seen as an upstanding member of the community.
- Observing God's Sabbath (l) - Our traditions encourage us to take the time to honor those we respect. But how many will take the time to observe the sacred sabbaths and holy convocations specifically designated in the Scriptures for honoring God?
- Living As Lights in the World (l) - Christians have a responsibility to display the fruit of God's Spirit and His love toward others through their behavior and example.
- Obedient Followers of God (l) - The Church of God is committed to living by every word of God, including His instructions to assemble on His annual festivals.
- How to Raise Godly Children in a Morally Sketchy Society (l) - With Christianity on the decline in the West, especially among young people, what are parents and caregivers to do if they want their own children to have a life of faith and virtue?
- How Is the Work of God Accomplished Today? (l) - Jesus Christ gave His Church a commission in which each member has a vital part to play. How is that mission being carried out in our modern world?
- Perfect Love (l) - Do we place unnecessary walls between ourselves and our brothers and sisters in Christ? A mature love can breach those walls.
- Should You Attend Church? (l) - Many, perhaps even you, have become disillusioned with churches and religious leaders. They wonder what they should do and where they should turn. What does God say?
- Rekindle The Flames Of Fellowship (l) - Can a Christian survive as a loner? It's possible, but it's much better to be with others as we face our life's challenges.
- What Is Real Christian Fellowship? (l) - Fellowship can be a key to spiritual growth -- or a stumbling block. Here are KEYS to positive Christian fellowship!
- Working Together (l) - We all need a little help sometimes. We hope this issue's articles will work together to provide our readers some useful assistance.
- Tengo Famiglia (Reflections on Our Spiritual Family) (l) - During my parents' 50th anniversary we saw a play that got me thinking more about our heavenly Father and His family.
- A Network of Love (l) - God designed us with the need to form relationships with others. Through this network of companionship, we learn the importance of giving and receiving love.
- The Power of Habits (editorial) (l) - Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny. --traditional saying
- Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones (l) - It seems people just naturally like to talk about people. But does what we say help or harm our relationships?
- Held Together by a Spiritual Thread (l) - God has called us to be part of something bigger than ourselves -- family -- a Church family now, then God's family at the return of Jesus Christ. Life in our Church family can prepare us for that millennial family.
- What It Is Like Being a Young Church Member in France (l) - Being a part of a small Christian church in France.
- Letters From Our Readers - Mar/Apr 2003 (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News, Mar/Apr 2003.
- Just Like Her (l) - There are some people who jump right into our lives and then there are those who enter quietly, but make a great impression.
- What Does Jesus Want From You? (l) - If you believe Jesus truly was the Son of God, do you know what He wants you to do? And what He wants to do for you?
- World News and Trends - Mar/Apr 2000 (l) - A brief synopsis of world events. March/April 2000
- An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Sep/Oct 1999 (l) - A brief synopsis of world events. September/October 1999.
- Serving as a Congregation (l) - When an entire congregation bands together to serve someone, it can be very inspiring both to the congregation and to person being served.
Church government
- The Mission and Responsibility of the Church (l) - The Church plays many roles in the bringing of salvation to the world. It stands as "the light of the world". It is the "household" or "family of God". It is the "mother" who nurtures God's sons and daughters. It functions as the "pillar and ground of the truth" in a spiritually confused world (1od". It is the "mother" who nurtures God's sons and daughters. It functions as the "pillar and ground of the truth" in a spiritually confused world.
- Responsible Stewardship and Accountability (l) - The Bible repeatedly emphasizes that God's servants are to be wise stewards and managers over the resources He provides.
- The Body of Christ (l) - What Is the Church?
- Questions and Answers -- Nov/Dec 2004 (l) - Questions from readers of the Good News magazine. Nov/Dec 2004
- Should You Attend Church? (l) - Many, perhaps even you, have become disillusioned with churches and religious leaders. They wonder what they should do and where they should turn. What does God say?
Church unity
- College Professor Discusses Differences in Christianity (l) - Jesus said that He didn't come to bring peace to the earth, but division. And that has definitely happened.
- Tool of the Devil (l) - "Be sober; be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour" (1 Peter 5:8).
- The Whole Church (l) - A poem about the Church.
- The Two Women of Revelation (l) - The events described in the second half of the book of Revelation are directly related to the past and future of two symbolic women who are diametrical opposites.
- Biblical Phrases and Terms for God's Special People (l) - The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia summarizes the other descriptions of the people of God in the New Testament: "This Church is not a human organization; it is God's workmanship
- The Mission and Responsibility of the Church (l) - The Church plays many roles in the bringing of salvation to the world. It stands as "the light of the world". It is the "household" or "family of God". It is the "mother" who nurtures God's sons and daughters. It functions as the "pillar and ground of the truth" in a spiritually confused world (1od". It is the "mother" who nurtures God's sons and daughters. It functions as the "pillar and ground of the truth" in a spiritually confused world.
- The Church (l) - We believe that the Church is that body of believers who have received, and are being led by, the Holy Spirit. The true Church of God is a spiritual organism.
- Peace and Unity in Christ (l) - All man-made barriers must be "broken down" before mankind can enjoy the peace and unity for which Christ died.
- We're Baptized Into a Spiritual Body (l) - One is not baptized into any sect or denomination. Rather, one becomes a member of the spiritual Body of Christ.
- How Is God One? (l) - There is only one God, just as there is only one human race -- one extended family descended from Adam of presently about six billion individuals. Just the same, the one divine family -- the family of God -- is open to an unlimited number of members.
- The Bride of Christ (l) - The Bible shows that God's Church is to be the Bride of Christ. Let's see what that means both now and in the future.
- God's Church Is Like a Loving Mother (l) - By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for on another.
- An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Mar/Apr 1997 (l) - World without war; Crime and sexual freedom; extreme weather; British monarchy; Church unity
- Israel: Small but Significant (l) - "This is Jerusalem; I have set her in the center of nations, with countries all around her." Ezekiel 5:5
Church's guidance
- Why Would Paul Cry? (l) - Close to God, a leader in the Church, loved by so many -- what could bring a man like him to tears?
- Living God's Way (l) - What should be the focus of God's people, His sheep?
- God's Sabbath in Today's World (l) - On the seventh day of each week, we should cease from our own work and allow God to work in us, building and nourishing our relationship with our Creator.
- Why Tithe in Today's World? (l) - Does tithing teach timeless principles and lessons even in today's modern world? You need to understand God's perspective on this vital issue.
- God's Church Is Like a Loving Mother (l) - By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for on another.
- In the Eye of the Storm (l) - Florida experienced four hurricanes last year that wrought much destruction throughout the state. Here is a firsthand account by someone who weathered Hurricane Frances.
- Technical Support for Your Mind and Soul (l) - What if you could get personal support for the most important questions? Questions about life and its meaning.
Church's mission
- Sleep Is Not an Option (l) - Christ's followers will be watchful, always keeping one eye on the work at hand and the other firmly fastened on the future horizon waiting, and watching, for the arrival of the King. The last thing we want to be found doing is sleeping!
- Lessons From the Prophets on Preaching the Gospel (l) - Do we tend to sit back and expect others to do God's work? Or are we eagerly involved?
- The Warnings Are Loud and Clear--But Are You Listening? (l) - Are warnings being given now that people are intentionally choosing not to listen to?
- The Historical Background of the Term Church (l) - The term 'church' is used in the New Testament of a local congregation of called-out Christians, such as the 'church of God which is at Corinth' (1 Cor. 1:2), and also of the entire people of God, such as in the affirmation that Christ is 'the head over all things to the church, Which is His body. (Eph. 1:22-23)
- The Mission and Responsibility of the Church (l) - The Church plays many roles in the bringing of salvation to the world. It stands as "the light of the world". It is the "household" or "family of God". It is the "mother" who nurtures God's sons and daughters. It functions as the "pillar and ground of the truth" in a spiritually confused world (1od". It is the "mother" who nurtures God's sons and daughters. It functions as the "pillar and ground of the truth" in a spiritually confused world.
- The Rise of a Counterfeit Christianity (l) - The apostles repeatedly warned Jesus' followers to beware of false teachers who would introduce counterfeit-Christian beliefs.
- The Church Behind This Publication (l) - The New Testament Church belongs to our heavenly Father and to His Son, Jesus Christ. Together they inspired the New Testament writers to refer to the Church with a name most English translations render as the "Church of God," which means it is a spiritual organism that belongs to God.
- Introduction: The United Church of God (l) - The mission of the United Church of God is to proclaim to the world the little-understood gospel taught by Jesus Christ-the good news of the coming Kingdom of God-and to prepare a people for that Kingdom. This message not only offers great hope for all of humanity, but encompasses the purpose of human existence-why we are here and where our world is headed.
- What Does Our Name Signify? (l) - The name of the United Church of God, an International Association, signifies that we are united in our commitment to faithfully follow the way of life and mission for the Church revealed and established by God and His Son, Jesus Christ, in the Holy Scriptures.
- Preparing a People (l) - The Church Jesus built is commissioned not only to feed His sheep, as He commanded, but to prepare these followers for greater works of service to God, their families, their communities and their fellow man. Jesus placed great emphasis on serving others (Matthew 20:26-28).
- Why Tithe in Today's World? (l) - Does tithing teach timeless principles and lessons even in today's modern world? You need to understand God's perspective on this vital issue.
- How Is the Work of the Church Supported? (l) - Christ has commissioned His church to carry on the work He started. God's tithe funds that effort. As Christians, we are called to be coworkers with Christ.
- Why The Church? (l) - God has a bigger purpose in mind for His called-out people than to be a social club or a place to be seen as an upstanding member of the community.
- The Historical Background of the Word Church (l) - The term church is used in the New Testament to mean a local congregation of called-out Christians.
- Love is the Basis of God's Relationship (l) - God's Word reveals that He listens to us and answers our requests according to His will and our best interests. He wants us to respond to His love.
- "Who Will Listen to My Warning?" (l) - The prophet Jeremiah warned the rebellious people of ancient Judah that they needed to turn to God in humble obedience. How do Jeremiah's admonitions apply to the people of today's lawless world?
- The Role of a Watchman--What It Means for You (l) - The Bible uses the role of a watchman to describe the work of a prophet among God's people. Is there more to this symbolism than many have understood? The role of a watchman is vital to a full understanding of the work of God in the end time.
- Mission Accomplished? Not Yet! (l) - Christ alone has the privilege of bringing out the "Mission Accomplished" banner and stretching it across this earth.
- How Is the Work of God Accomplished Today? (l) - Jesus Christ gave His Church a commission in which each member has a vital part to play. How is that mission being carried out in our modern world?
- Why Preach a Gospel With Urgency Today? (l) - The onrush of disturbing national and world conditions challenges the Church to preach the gospel in ever-greater intensity.
- The Most Important Thing (l) - What would you say if someone asked: What one thing would your church want people to come away with?
- The Church: Help for Greater Growth (l) - Just exactly what is the Church? What is its purpose? Why do you need it? The Church that Jesus Christ founded and directs can be a priceless tool for aiding personal growth.
- The City That Will Not Fade (l) - There is one city that will not fade away -- the city on a hill, the city that will shine forth in light, the city that will be inhabited by those who take Jesus at His word to be the "light of the world."
Church, authority in the
- Europe and the Church Part 4: Union of Church and State (l) - Even in this very secular age, many European countries continue a tradition established in the fourth century of a close relationship between church and state. The origins of this system take us back to one of the most significant leaders in history -- Roman Emperor Constantine the Great.
- The Body of Christ (l) - What Is the Church?
- Why The Church? (l) - God has a bigger purpose in mind for His called-out people than to be a social club or a place to be seen as an upstanding member of the community.
- Questions and Answers -- Nov/Dec 2004 (l) - Questions from readers of the Good News magazine. Nov/Dec 2004
- What Is Godly Rulership? (l) - What's wrong with human rulership? How can we follow Christ's example?
- Do All Churches Get Their Teaching From the Bible? (l) - The global influence of the Roman Catholic Church, more than a billion strong, presents a number of challenges to students of the Bible.
Church, early
- College Professor Discusses Differences in Christianity (l) - Jesus said that He didn't come to bring peace to the earth, but division. And that has definitely happened.
- Europe and the Church, Part 3: The Early Church (l) - The first Christians expected Jesus Christ to return in their lifetime, bringing an end to the Roman Empire. But the empire was set to continue for many centuries. The relationship between the early Church and the state caused turmoil in the Church and led to the development of a very different church.
- Europe and the Church Part 4: Union of Church and State (l) - Even in this very secular age, many European countries continue a tradition established in the fourth century of a close relationship between church and state. The origins of this system take us back to one of the most significant leaders in history -- Roman Emperor Constantine the Great.
- A World Lit Only by Fire (l) - History sheds light on the early stages of Jesus Christ's prophecy of religious deception.
- The Early Church Was Not Communist - and Neither Was Jesus (l) - A common misunderstanding is that the early Church practiced communal socialism, which some believe based on what they read in the beginning chapters of Acts.
- The Patrick You Didn't Know (l) - Who was "Saint" Patrick? What did he believe? What did he teach? And was he really Irish?
- What Happened to the Beliefs of the Early Church? (l) - Why do you do the things you do? Why do you believe the things you believe? What is the origin of your religious beliefs? Have you ever really asked yourself these questions?
- What Is the Church? (l) - "As a consequence of this broad background of meaning in the Greek and Old Testament worlds, the term 'church' is used in the New Testament of a local congregation of called-out Christians, such as the 'church of God which is at Corinth' (1 Cor. 1:2), and also of the entire people of God, such as in the affirmation that Christ is 'the head over all things to the church, Which is his body' (Eph. 1:22-23)
- The Two Women of Revelation (l) - The events described in the second half of the book of Revelation are directly related to the past and future of two symbolic women who are diametrical opposites.
- What Did the Early Church Believe and Practice? (l) - These are some of the major differences between the Christianity of the time of Christ and the apostles and that commonly practiced today. Look into your Bible to see if your beliefs and practices square with what Jesus Christ and the apostles practiced and taught.
- What Did the Early Church Believe and Practice? (l) - These are some of the major differences between the Christianity of the time of Christ and the apostles and that commonly practiced today. Look into your Bible to see if your beliefs and practices square with what Jesus Christ and the apostles practiced and taught.
- 'Church' and 'Congregation' in the Scriptures (l) - The Church of God, the term most generally applied to God's people in English translations of the New Testament, is the body of people who are special to God because they obey His Word and accept His Son, Jesus Christ, as the Messiah.
- The Historical Background of the Term Church (l) - The term 'church' is used in the New Testament of a local congregation of called-out Christians, such as the 'church of God which is at Corinth' (1 Cor. 1:2), and also of the entire people of God, such as in the affirmation that Christ is 'the head over all things to the church, Which is His body. (Eph. 1:22-23)
- The Rise of a Counterfeit Christianity (l) - The apostles repeatedly warned Jesus' followers to beware of false teachers who would introduce counterfeit-Christian beliefs.
- Early Trends That Affected the Future of the Church (l) - Two distinct religions developed from the apostolic era: one faithful to Christ, the other deceived by Satan.
- Greek Philosophy's Influence on the Trinity Doctrine (l) - Many historians and religious scholars, some quoted in this publication, attest to the influence of Greek or Platonic philosophy in the development and acceptance of the Trinity doctrine in the fourth century. But what did such philosophy entail, and how did it come to affect the doctrine of the Trinity?
- Acts Shows What the Early Church Believed and Practiced (l) - A common view today is that Jesus came to abolish the Old Testament laws. But what does the book of Acts reveal about what the early Church thought and did?
- The Corruption of Apostolic Christianity (l) - In the centuries following the apostles, the entire way of life taught by the apostles was steadily abandoned until what most considered the Christian religion bore little resemblance to the original apostolic teachings.
- Introduction: Sunset to Sunset, God's Sabbath Rest (l) - Was the Sabbath condemned and changed in the early New Testament Church, or confirmed? Did God sanctify the Sabbath at the time He created Adam and Eve, or did He first set it apart as holy time at the Exodus more than 2,000 years later? Was the Sabbath changed from the seventh day of the week to another day, and, if so, when?
- Which Day Is the Sabbath? (l) - Whereas the Catholic Church claimed authority to establish its own times of worship, Protestant churches generally justified Sunday observance on the grounds that the seventh-day Sabbath was replaced in the New Testament by worship on Sunday in honor of Christ's resurrection. There is no biblical authority for changing the day of rest and worship from the seventh day to Sunday.
- Was the Sabbath Changed in the New Testament? (l) - If the Sabbath, or any part of God's law, were abolished or changed in the early New Testament Church, there should be clear evidence of such an alteration in New Testament writings.
- Was Sunday the New Testament Day of Worship? (l) - The New Testament was written over a time of more than 60 years after Jesus' death and resurrection, and nowhere does it show the day of rest being moved to Sunday.
- Following in the Footsteps of the Apostles (l) - Paul informs us of an important characteristic of the Church that Christ built. With Christ as its foundational cornerstone, the Church's foundation also rests on the teachings of the apostles and -- not to be overlooked -- the prophets of the Old Testament (Ephesians 2:19-20)
- Did Paul Expect to be conscious in Heaven Right After Dying? (l) - Did the Apostle Paul expect to go to heaven?
- A Chosen People (l) - Understanding how God worked through people in the Old Testament is important background for understanding why and how God established the Church in the New Testament.
- The New Testament Church Begins (l) - A new phase in God's plan of salvation involves God working through a group of people -- the Church -- who are spiritually transformed by the Holy Spirit. God chooses them not only to receive salvation for themselves, but to carry out His work for the ultimate benefit of all humanity.
- A Counterfeit Gospel Arises (l) - It wasn't long until a counterfeit Christianity, teaching a corrupted gospel radically different from that of Christ and His apostles, grew into a religious movement.
- From Sabbath to Sunday (l) - How and why was the seventh day Sabbath changed to Sunday observance? Is this practice supported by the Bible itself, or by some other authority?
- The Unexplained Success of the Church (l) - No one willingly dies to perpetrate a hoax. One only dies for something he is convinced is the truth.
- Profiles of Faith: James: Half Brother of Jesus (l) - James understood that only by obeying God's laws can mankind experience true freedom- freedom from want, sorrow and suffering, from the degrading and painful consequences of sin. He encourages each of us to be a "doer of the law" (James 4:11).
- Rediscovering Christianity: Scholars Have Second Thoughts (l) - For centuries an ingrained bias has influenced scholars' and theologians' views of both the Old and New Testaments. Some are now realizing and correcting that error.
- The Bible & Archaeology - The Book of Acts: The Church Begins (l) - After decades of examination, Sir William Ramsay concluded that the Book of Acts is trustworthy, with a true historic sense.
- Reexamining the Roots of Christianity (l) - Was the early church far more Jewish than has been taught?
- We Read to Know We Are Not Alone (l) - When C.S. Lewis experienced the pain of losing a "special someone," he came to understand the weight of shared emotional experience.
- Modern Christianity's Forgotten Roots (l) - Why do you do the things you do? Why do you believe the things you believe? What is the origin of your religion's beliefs?
- Teachings and Practices of the Early Church (l) - Teaching and practices of the early church.
Church, true
- Joel and the Start of the Church (l) - Was God reminding us through this reference to Joel's stark prophetic book that the Church would develop in a hostile environment?
- I Will Build My Church"! (l) - What comes to mind when you hear the word church? Do you think of a magnificent cathedral or a smaller church building with a spire? God's Church is much different from the conventional religious meaning of the word church, and that difference can affect your future.
- Would Jesus Attend Your Church? (l) - If Jesus walked the earth today, what church would He attend? One that opens its doors to people of all religions? A politically active church trying to influence who's elected to public office? What kind of people would make up the church Jesus would attend? Would He attend your church?
- My Search for the Truth (l) - "You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore" (Psalm 16:11).
- Are You Just Following the Crowd? (l) - Why do you believe and think the way you do? Years ago I was confronted by this question when it came to religion. What I discovered led me to another momentous question: Would I change the spiritual course of my life or continue following the crowd?
- Is Your Christianity "the Real McCoy"? (l) - "The Real McCoy" means "the best of its kind" or "the highest quality." But do you know the story behind the phrase and what it teaches us about embracing true, biblical Christianity?
- The Church of God Today (l) - The church of God today keeps God's commandments and holds fast to all that Jesus taught.
- Introduction: The Church Jesus Built (l) - I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself in . . . the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth" (1Timothy 3:15).
- Introduction: The United Church of God (l) - The mission of the United Church of God is to proclaim to the world the little-understood gospel taught by Jesus Christ-the good news of the coming Kingdom of God-and to prepare a people for that Kingdom. This message not only offers great hope for all of humanity, but encompasses the purpose of human existence-why we are here and where our world is headed.
- Recognizing the Church (l) - With so many churches professing Christianity while teaching widely divergent doctrines, how can we recognize the Church? What are the hallmarks of God's Church? What does it teach? What does it do?
- Chapter Outline of the Book of Revelation (l) - Chapter Outline of the Book of Revelation.
- Love is the Basis of God's Relationship (l) - God's Word reveals that He listens to us and answers our requests according to His will and our best interests. He wants us to respond to His love.
- The Holy Spirit in the Church (l) - Only those who have God the Father and Jesus the Son dwelling in them through the power of the Holy Spirit are considered "children of God."
- How Can You Find the Right Church? (l) - Whether to attend Church, and which one, are among one of the most important decisions we can make. What are key factors we should consider?
- How to Find the Right Church (l) - The choice of churches and denominations has never been greater. How can you decide which is best?
- Letters From Our Readers - Sep/Oct 2003 (l) - Letters from the readers of the Good News magazine, Sep/Oct 2003.
- Don't Throw Out the Baby With the Bath Water! (l) - Scandal and hypocrisy among religious people can be devastating to others' faith. Can human failure lead us to reject God?
- Finding God in a World of Religious Confusion (l) - Most people say they believe in God, but do all roads lead to the same place?
- Rediscovering Christianity: Scholars Have Second Thoughts (l) - For centuries an ingrained bias has influenced scholars' and theologians' views of both the Old and New Testaments. Some are now realizing and correcting that error.
- Called, Chosen and Faithful (l) - What sets apart an authentic disciple of Jesus Christ?
- What Is a True Christian? (l) - What does it take to be a Christian? According to the Bible, there is much more to being a true follower of Jesus Christ than most people realize. How does God's Word define a true Christian?
Church, what is
- I Will Build My Church"! (l) - What comes to mind when you hear the word church? Do you think of a magnificent cathedral or a smaller church building with a spire? God's Church is much different from the conventional religious meaning of the word church, and that difference can affect your future.
- What Is the Church? (l) - "As a consequence of this broad background of meaning in the Greek and Old Testament worlds, the term 'church' is used in the New Testament of a local congregation of called-out Christians, such as the 'church of God which is at Corinth' (1 Cor. 1:2), and also of the entire people of God, such as in the affirmation that Christ is 'the head over all things to the church, Which is his body' (Eph. 1:22-23)
- The Church as the Bride of Christ (l) - The Church of God is the family of God - made up of Christians who are the children of God the Father and "brothers" of Jesus Christ.
- A People Special to God (l) - The special and holy people of God, like Abraham, are obedient people-selected from all nations-who have chosen not to live by bread alone, "but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God" (Matthew 4:4).
- The Historical Background of the Term Church (l) - The term 'church' is used in the New Testament of a local congregation of called-out Christians, such as the 'church of God which is at Corinth' (1 Cor. 1:2), and also of the entire people of God, such as in the affirmation that Christ is 'the head over all things to the church, Which is His body. (Eph. 1:22-23)
- How the Word Church is Used in Scripture and Common Speech (l) - In contemporary English usage, 'church' as a word dominates the ecclesiological vocabulary. It comes through German and Latin from the Greek kyriakon, which means 'that which belongs to the Lord.' In NT Greek, ekklesia (almost always translated in English by 'church') is by no means so dominating or central a term.
- Becoming a Member of God's Church (l) - Surprisingly, an individual cannot "join" the Church of God on his or her own.
- The Body of Christ (l) - What Is the Church?
- A Chosen People (l) - Understanding how God worked through people in the Old Testament is important background for understanding why and how God established the Church in the New Testament.
- Introduction (bsc10) (l) - Jesus Christ established His Church and gave it a mission. The Scriptures indicate He intended it to be a warm and loving fellowship of His faithful disciples, a source of strength and purpose for them.
- The Church Is Not The Building (l) - When the New Testament talks about the Church, it speaks of an assembly of people.
- Points to Ponder (bsc10) (l) - Study questions about the meaning of the Church.
- The Historical Background of the Word Church (l) - The term church is used in the New Testament to mean a local congregation of called-out Christians.
- The Church: Help for Greater Growth (l) - Just exactly what is the Church? What is its purpose? Why do you need it? The Church that Jesus Christ founded and directs can be a priceless tool for aiding personal growth.
- Questions and Answers - Nov/Dec 2006 (l) - Answers to readers' questions. Good News, November 2006
- How to Find the Right Church (l) - The choice of churches and denominations has never been greater. How can you decide which is best?
- Israel: Small but Significant (l) - "This is Jerusalem; I have set her in the center of nations, with countries all around her." Ezekiel 5:5
Churches of Revelation
- God's Church in Prophecy (l) - For whom was the book of Revelation written? It is written for God's servants, the Church of God.
- Early Trends That Affected the Future of the Church (l) - Two distinct religions developed from the apostolic era: one faithful to Christ, the other deceived by Satan.
- Chapter Outline of the Book of Revelation (l) - Chapter Outline of the Book of Revelation.
Churchill, Winston
- Men of Valor: King David and Winston Churchill (l) - The Bible and more recent history offer lessons of courageous and wise leadership.
- Two Men of Great Valor: King David and Winston Churchill (l) - The Bible and more recent history offer lessons of courageous and wise leadership from two courageous men three millennia apart in time.
- Book Review: The Great Republic: A History of America (l) - Few really grasp the importance of Winston Churchill's incredible relationship with the United States. A recent compilation of his most essential writings about America fills this void.
- Catch the Disease of Optimism (l) - Why are some people overwhelmed by their problems, while others are simply challenged by them? Why do some draw back, give up and quit when facing obstacles, trials and difficulties while others with similar backgrounds, facing the same troubles, bounce back and keep working toward success? It all boils down to your frame of mind. Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.
- First the End of an Empire - Now the End of Britain? (l) - Are we witnessing the end of the nation whose people, "relative to their numbers, contributed more to civilization than any other people since the ancient Greeks and Romans"?
- What Is True Leadership? (l) - Which ingredients make an effective leader? And what makes some leaders take tragic courses for themselves and their fellowmen?
- The Jerusalem Conference of Acts 15: What Was Decided? (l) - Some said that unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved". They viewed circumcision as a matter of salvation. It was a huge issue to them! So Paul took the matter before Church leadership to be officially resolved
- Circumcision vs. a 'New Creation' in Christ (l) - The Jewish practice of requiring gentiles to be circumcised to be accepted into their fellowship threatened the unity of the early Church.
- Why Paul Used the Term 'the Whole Law' in Galatians 5:3 (l) - Paul's point in Galatians about being "a debtor to keep the whole law" is in the context of wanting to impose circumcision on the Galatians. Their reasoning implied that at least some of the symbolic aspects of the law would be required of the gentiles.
- Letters From Our Readers - Jan/Feb 2003 (l) - Letters from readers of the Good News Magazine, Jan/Feb 2003.
- Vibrant Health - The Crucial Biblical Keys (l) - The Creator God, who is sometimes called the Great Physician, knows everything about what is best for our health.
- Profiles of Faith - Paul, Apostle to the Gentiles (l) - The Apostle Paul was a chosen vessel of God to bear His name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel.
- Patriotism: The Good, the Bad and the Biblical (l) - God's people have dual citizenship. It is noble and right to be patriotic toward our earthly nation, but we also should have a higher and more fervent patriotism for our heavenly Kingdom, which will be established on earth at the return of Christ. He tells us to "seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness" (Matthew 6:33).
Clean and unclean food
- Answers from Genesis - Part 6 (l) - Here are some frequently asked questions about Genesis, the book of origins.
- Oyster Filter (l) - A living purification project is planting new beds of oysters in New York Harbor in order to filter and clean pollution in the busy waters of the city.
- Why What We Eat Is Important (l) - When you're pressured to eat foods you know you shouldn't, what do you do?
- Gray Dumplings: Gray, Slippery, and Very Chewy! (l) - What we eat affects our health and well being.
- God's Food Laws (l) - God is concerned for the day-to-day welfare of His people.
- Did Paul Teach That All Days of Worship Are Alike? (l) - Many people assume from Paul says in Romans that whatever day one chooses to rest and worship is irrelevant so long as one is "fully convinced in his own mind" and "observes it to the Lord."
- Does Romans 14 Abolish Laws on Unclean Meats? (l) - Many believe Romans 14 says that Christians are free from all former restrictions regarding the meats they may eat.
- Understanding 'Unclean' in Romans 14 (l) - Understanding 'Unclean' in Romans 14.
- Clean and Unclean Meats: Does God's Word Draw a Distinction? (l) - Many people have misconceptions about the biblical teaching on clean and unclean meats. What does Scripture really reveal on this subject?
- What Does the Bible Teach About Clean and Unclean Meats? (l) - Many people have misconceptions about the biblical teaching on clean and unclean meats. What does Scripture really reveal on this subject, and what principles lie behind this teaching?
- Not Only a Matter of Diet (l) - Well into the time of the early Church we find Christ's followers scrupulously avoiding eating animal flesh that God had revealed as being unclean (Acts 10:14; 11:8). Prophecies of the time of the end make the same distinctions (Revelation 18:2; Isaiah 66:15-17).
- Which Animals Does the Bible Designate as 'Clean' and 'Unclean'? (l) - God reveals which animals-including fish and birds-are suitable and unsuitable for human consumption in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14. Although the lists aren't exhaustive, He reveals guidelines for recognizing animals that are acceptable for food.
- Does the New Testament Abolish Meat Distinctions? (l) - Some people believe that certain New Testament scriptures remove all distinctions between clean and unclean meats. But what do these passages really say?
- Clean and Unclean Meats : A Matter of Health? (l) - Clean and Unclean Meats: A Matter of Health?
- A Matter of Proper Cooking? (l) - What about the common view that God forbade the Israelites from eating pork so they wouldn't catch diseases, such as trichinosis, from undercooked meat? Does this view hold up under scrutiny?
- A Telling Event From Jesus Christ's Ministry (l) - Many people assume Jesus Christ abolished the distinctions between clean and unclean meats, even though, as we have seen, no evidence for this exists in the Scriptures.
- In the News Jul/Sep 2006 (l) - World news - July 2006.
- Eating Choices - Does God Care? (l) - Vertical Thought discusses God's involvement in our eating habits with Hope Egan, author of Holy Cow! Does God Care About What We Eat? In her book, Ms. Egan invites readers to look at their eating habits by examining the meat-related biblical food laws and God's overall design for healthy eating.
- The Diets of the Millennium Should Be the Diets of Today (l) - After the second coming, Jesus will not only heal people, but teach the world how to build and maintain good health. This is one of the lessons of the Feast of Tabernacles.
- Did Jesus Declare All Meats Clean? (l) - Many assume Jesus' statements in Mark 7 did away with the dietary restrictions recorded in the Old Testament. How should we understand Christ's words?
- Follow a Healthy - and Biblical - Diet (l) - The Bible is a reliable source to dietary information. God, the designer of our bodies, knows what we should eat.
- Visions of Judgment: The Coming Ride of the Horsemen of Revelation (l) - Is there "just cause" for nations to interfere in the affairs of other nations?
- World News Review Sep/Oct 2001 (l) - World news review. September/October 2001.
- Cloning: A Dangerous Journey Into Uncharted Waters? (l) - What's behind the concerted efforts to clone human beings? Is this another attempt to climb to the loftiest heights of knowledge and defy our Creator?
- World News Review February 2001 (l) - A brief overview of world events.
- Making Sense of the Cloning Claims (l) - Fantastic claims about humans being cloned for the first time.
- Where Will the Genetics Revolution Lead? (l) - This century has seen some astounding scientific and technological advancement.Developments continue to amaze. But is all such advancement a good thing?
- Cloning: Is Man About to Make Himself In His Own Image? (l) - The idea of cloning a human being is far from absurd in light of stunning developments in the world of science.
- World News Review April/May 2000 (l) - World news - Apr/May 2000
- The Ascetic Philosophy Affecting the Colossians (l) - The philosophy Paul was warning against in Colossians was of ascetic claims to superiority were based on their deceptive "appearance of wisdom in promoting self-imposed piety, humility, and severe treatment of the body"
- What Does 'Shadow of Things to Come' Mean? (l) - Paul explains in Colossians 2:17 that God's weekly Sabbath day and sacred festivals are "a shadow of things to come". Many think he was saying this to show that they are unnecessary for Christians. The reality is just the opposite.
- What Was 'Wiped Out' by Jesus Christ's Death? (l) - A misleading translation of a passage in Colossians 2 in some Bible versions is often used to support the flawed belief that God's law was "wiped out" by Jesus Christ
- Was the Sabbath Changed in the New Testament? (l) - If the Sabbath, or any part of God's law, were abolished or changed in the early New Testament Church, there should be clear evidence of such an alteration in New Testament writings.
- What Did Paul Really Say in Colossians 2:16? (l) - In Colossians 2:16 Paul defends the Christian's right to rejoice and enjoy food and drink on God's holy days.
- Questions and Answers - Jul/Aug 2001 (l) - What does "ordinances nailed to the cross" mean?
- What Do the Holy Days Mean for Christians Today? (l) - God commanded Israel to keep His 'feasts of the LORD.' What is their relevance for Christians - and mankind - today?
- Did the Apostle Paul Abolish the Sabbath? (l) - Did Paul nullify or change the Sabbath commandment?
- The Sabbath in Acts: Luke's Record of Paul's Understanding (l) - Luke had been a companion of Paul. He would have understood the apostle's teachings about the Sabbath. What does his written record show?
- An Overview of Conditions Around the World Nov/Dec 1999 (l) - A brief synopsis of world events. November/December 1999.
- A Week to Remember (l) - Generosity, compassion, resolve, courage, adventure and curiosity: one day, in a far more perfect world than ours, we'll see these qualities magnified many times in peoples of all nations.
- Faith and Faithfulness: Fundamental to Relationships and Responsibilities (l) - Do you trust God completely? So much so that you live accordingly--to the point that He is able to trust you? When Jesus Christ returns, wouldn't it be wonderful to hear Him say approvingly, "Well done, good and faithful servant"?
- A Lesson From the Rechabites (l) - An Old Testament family vow can teach us even deeper lessons today.
- Morality is the Secret (l) - Many of America's Founding Fathers were inspired by Christian principles. Is there anything we can learn from them?
- What's Right With Marriage (l) - More and more voices in society attempt to run down marriage, claiming it's out of date and seeking to change its definition. But there's still much to be said for this relationship God instituted when He first made man and woman.
- Are You Afraid of Commitment? (l) - We live in a commitment-phobic age, and it especially affects young adults and teens. Do you have commitment troubles -- especially the most important commitment of all?
- Letters From Our Readers - Jan/Feb 2014 (l) - Readers of the Good News share their thoughts in the January/February 2014 issue.
- Mud Buddies (l) - Two friends, one tough race - crossing the finish line with priceless lessons learned.
- 3 Keys to Physical and Spiritual Fitness (l) - Taking good care of your body, mind and spirit is vital because you owe it to not only yourself and those who depend on you, but especially your Creator.
- Staying the Course (l) - Baptism and the related steps we must take are only the beginning of the road to eternal life. Before we arrive at our ultimate destination, however, there are miles of road to travel.
- We Must Count the Cost (l) - God offers us a future so glorious that the challenges and trials we face in pursuit of it are miniscule in comparison (Romans 8:18).
- What Does Our Name Signify? (l) - The name of the United Church of God, an International Association, signifies that we are united in our commitment to faithfully follow the way of life and mission for the Church revealed and established by God and His Son, Jesus Christ, in the Holy Scriptures.
- Does God Keep His Word? (l) - By fulfilling His promises to all of the tribes of Israel, God will also, at the return of Christ, prove to scoffers and doubters that He is trustworthy. He will demonstrate to all nations that He stands behind every word He has ever spoken through His prophets.
- Why Tithe in Today's World? (l) - Does tithing teach timeless principles and lessons even in today's modern world? You need to understand God's perspective on this vital issue.
- The Importance of Godly Character (l) - When we face difficult choices, God can see how committed to Him we are. Only when we obey Him under duress is the depth of our character fully evident.
- God's Commitment to Change Our Nature (l) - God very much wants us to become converted. He wants us not only to learn but to practice His way of life -- to become sincerely and thoroughly committed to it.
- Faith, Choice and Commitment (l) - God wants us to put obedience to Him and seeking His righteousness and His Kingdom ahead of everything else in this life.
- Get a Grip (l) - Sometimes life can be so challenging as to be overwhelming. It's easy to fall into the trap of putting off change, blaming others and blaming God. When that happens, God tells us we need to "get a grip"!
- Why Baptism? (l) - The spiritual imagery associated with the biblical instruction of baptism is incredibly rich, deeply meaningful and bursting with hope, joy and anticipation. Discover its hidden treasures!
- How to Cope Spiritually in Times of Darkness (l) - What must we do to stay encouraged in times of growing darkness? Christ's first followers show us the way to keep hope alive!
- Becoming "All Weather" Christians (l) - Bad times drive some away from God, and good times draw others away. God wants us to stay with Him, through thick and thin.
- Are You Caught in a Thistle? (l) - What does God want us to learn from this tenacious weed that tends to choke out surrounding plants?
- Are You Putting Off Your Salvation? (l) - Even though they've come to understand the truth of God, many put off baptism for years. But is that really acceptable to God? Should you delay your baptism?
- The Danger of Being Double-Minded (l) - What is double-mindedness, and could it affect your life?
- Promises, Promises! (l) - "No ifs, ands or buts," some will say! "Let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No'" (Matthew 5:37). We demand unconditional love and promise keeping. We consider a person of high value if he or she keeps to their word "come hell or high water."
- Standing on a Chair (l) - Let us reason together. Focus on vision, involvement and commitment.
- A Diamond Is Forever (l) - Dazzling, precious diamonds can help us more clearly see what God has in mind for us -- as His jewels.
- Today's Family: Have Your Performed Your Vow Today? (l) - Understanding the meaning of love and commitment in the marriage relationship.
- What Are You Waiting For? (l) - I saw that after all these years of developing, learning and being guided, it was time to take a step out on my own and claim my beliefs. There was no reason to wait around any longer
- God Hasn't Told Me to Leave (l) - "Haiti" can be a state of mind. Life can seem out of control, threatening to overwhelm you. And, right now, all you know is that you want a "one-way ticket" out of despair.
- Questions and Answers: "breaking bread from house to house" (l) - Even today the expression "break bread" means to eat a meal
- The Passover: Why Did Jesus Christ Have to Die? (l) - Keeping the Passover each year reminds us that God is the forgiver of sin who grants us eternal life in His Kingdom through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, our Passover. This observance is a memorial of our Creator's continuing role in humanity's salvation.
- Questions and Answers - Mar/Apr 2004 (l) - Questions and answers from the March/April 2004 Good News magazine.
- "Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall" (l) - This historic demand, delivered by U.S. President Ronald Reagan in front of Berlin's Brandenburg Gate on June 12, 1987, came to symbolize the Eastern European revolt against Communist slavery in 1989. Nearly 2 1/2 years after the president's epochal visit, the Berlin Wall collapsed on Nov. 9, 1989. What are the prophetic implications indicated in God's Word?
- The Early Church Was Not Communist - and Neither Was Jesus (l) - A common misunderstanding is that the early Church practiced communal socialism, which some believe based on what they read in the beginning chapters of Acts.
- Society's Five Rotten Apples: Part 1- Bad Philosophy and Corrupt Theories (l) - Why is the world the way it is? What's shaped our society and the kind of people we are? We've come up with all kinds of great things, like technology, medicine and governing constitutions. But the way we live is only getting worse and worse. Why?
- The Rotten Apples That Are Corrupting Society (l) - Why is the world the way it is? What has shaped our society and the kind of people we are? We've come up with all kinds of great advancements -- like technology, medicine and governing constitutions -- yet in many aspects the way we live is growing only worse and worse. Why?
- Christianity and Capitalism: Do They Go Together? (l) - Recently Pope Francis slammed capitalism and the free market, advocating redistribution of wealth and other steps to level out incomes between rich and poor. What does the Bible say about Christianity and capitalism?
- The Disturbing Roots of the Black Lives Matter Movement (l) - What exactly is "Black Lives Matter"? Who is behind it? Is it really a spontaneous movement or is something else at work?
- 100 Years of Communism (l) - A century has passed since the 1917 October Revolution that led to the birth of the Soviet Union and a worldwide communist movement. How did that revolution come about, and what were its fruits? What lessons should mankind learn from this failed attempt to create a utopia?
- Russia's Influence on America and the World (l) - The communist revolution that began in Russia 100 years ago ultimately swept up many nations in its grip. And although the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, Russia's influence on America and the rest of the world continues in ways few people realize or admit.
- The Soviet Union - The Dream and the Reality (l) - I grew up in the Soviet Union and experienced it firsthand. The system was founded on the dream of a worker's paradise where all would share and every need would be met. So why did it fail?
- Today's Economic Systems (l) - Are communism, socialism and today's capitalism endorsed in Scripture? Plus, what does the Bible explain is the astounding future of government on earth?
- November/December 2020 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the November/December 2020 issue of Beyond Today.
- The Millennium: The Vision That Won't Die (l) - What does the Bible really say about the millennium, the prophisied 1,000-year reign of Jesus Christ? Is it a fantasy or a promise on which you can stake your future?
- Man of the Century: The Life and Times of Pope John Paul II (l) - Review of: Man of the Century: The Life and Times of Pope John Paul II by Jonathan Kwitney
- The Wealth and Poverty of Nations (l) - Great prosperity was brought to the world through the British Empire and later the United States. But, as the British retreated from their empire, many of their former colonies suffered rapid economic decline as successor governments tried a different model, that of controlling everything.
- Russia's Time of Trouble (l) - Russia's troubles underscore long standing weaknesses on how it has governed itself. Will Russians demand stronger leadership?
- Early Trends That Affected the Future of the Church (l) - Two distinct religions developed from the apostolic era: one faithful to Christ, the other deceived by Satan.
- How to Say No (Without Losing Your Friends) (l) - Sometimes if you don't say no you can end up hurting yourself. The challenge is learning to say no without offending others and losing your friends.
- America's Values War (l) - The war on terrorism, uncertainty, in the economy, worries over unemployment. In recent months, people have begun to reconsider some of the values they thought archaic not that long ago-values like courage and personal sacrifice for the good of others.
- World News & Trends Jan 2009 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Jan. 2009
- Is Africa Dying Before Our Eyes? (l) - Entire countries are struggling for survival. Does the world want to help? Is it too late? Has God cursed the continent?
- World News Review June 1999 (l) - World news - June 1999
- World News Review Feb 2002 (l) - World news review. February 2002.
- The Little Country That Could (l) - A small nation in Africa that is setting a remarkable example to the larger nations around it.
- What's the Answer to a Better Life? (l) - Do you feel like the problems of your life have reached a dead end and there are no solutions? No matter how hopeless your life may appear, you can have hope for something better. But you can't solve today's problems with the same old solutions; you'll simply arrive at the same old problems.
- Proverbs: Honestly Earned (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
- The Holy Spirit: God's Transforming Power (TL) (l) - None of us can overcome our sins and shortcomings without God's help. Even if we could by our own will alter our actions, only God can change our hearts.
- What Is Sin? (l) - We are sinners. But how does the Bible define sin? What is it?
- Is Our Conscience Important? (l) - Striving against sin after baptism, and God's continuing mercy and forgiveness.
- Why Must We Be Reconciled to God? (l) - At our baptism God forgives our past sins -- "sins previously committed" -- that we have repented of and stopped practicing.
Conversion examples
- How Paul Described His Thinking Before Conversion (l) - What Paul learned about himself is exactly what we must learn about ourselves.
- Reprogrammed For God (l) - In order to please God and grow in our relationships, we must allow Him to completely change us.
- The Apostles: A Case Study in Conversion (l) - The coming of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4) transformed the apostles of Jesus Christ from a group of ordinary men into some of the most remarkable and dynamic leaders the world has known. To appreciate the magnitude of their transformation, we need to take a closer look at the same men before they received God's Spirit.
- Can God Forgive Me? (l) - What do you do when life has turned upside down and you've gone completely the wrong way in life? Can God still forgive you?
- 'Become Like Little Children' (l) - Being a preschool teacher is an opportunity to see the childlike nature God desires of us at work.
Conversion process
- A New Way of Thinking (l) - What do you do if everyone in the world needs a heart transplant?
- Shocked by the Bible, Changed by the Truth (l) - The Bible holds many shocking truths that few people have ever known or recognized. Fewer still are those who go beyond the shock of the Bible and allow themselves to be changed by the truth. Will you be one of them?
- Good Seed Produces Good Fruit - Good Fruit Produces Good Seed (l) - A planted seed may or may not grow into a fruitful tree. How can we make sure we are good fruit?
- Not How I Am (l) - Knowing who you are now is important. Knowing what you may become can change your life
- Follow Me (3/2016) (l) - What did Jesus mean when He spoke of not putting a new patch on an old piece of cloth or new wine in new wineskins? His words carry profound meaning for us!
- How Are We 'Translated Into the Kingdom'? (l) - We, as modern-day saints, also exchange systems of government when we are converted. We now give our allegiance and obedience to the Kingdom of God, even though that Kingdom has not yet fully come.
- Water Baptism and Laying On of Hands (l) - After one repents, one's next step toward eternal life is water baptism.
- Growing to Spiritual Maturity (l) - This growth process involves overpowering the pulls of the flesh, replacing them with the character of Christ. Where do we begin?
- God's Promise of a New Era (l) - God has a long-range plan for changing human nature and reopening the door for all of humanity to receive His Spirit.
- The Holy Spirit in the Church (l) - Only those who have God the Father and Jesus the Son dwelling in them through the power of the Holy Spirit are considered "children of God."
- Questions and Answers - Jul/Aug 2003 (l) - Here are some comments and letters from readers of the Good News.
- Are Your Children Called? (l) - It may surprise some to learn that God is not calling everyone in this present age . Is he calling your children?
- Transform Your Life in 2002 (l) - Conversion is God's metamorphosis of our minds, emotions, motivations, desires and actions from the way of the natural person.
- Sauerkraut--More Than Cabbage (l) - A recipe from a dying old man taught me about more than just preserving cabbage. God has His own method of preserving -- it's called conversion.
- What Does Jesus Want From You? (l) - If you believe Jesus truly was the Son of God, do you know what He wants you to do? And what He wants to do for you?
- Become Like Little Children (l) - Being a preschool teacher is a wonderful opportunity to see God's gentle, loving, childlike nature at work.
- How Can You Transform Your Life? (l) - The Bible talks about conversion, but what does it mean? Do you really know? It's crucial that you accurately understand what the Bible teaches!
Conversion, meaning of
- Changing Your Perspective (l) - Sometimes all it takes is change.
- A Spiritually Transformed People (l) - The transformation of the people of God through His Spirit is a transformation of their hearts, their innermost being. Instead of hard-heartedness and hostility to God's laws, they gain an obedient spirit because God works in them;
- Introduction: Transforming Your Life (l) - The word conversion is heard often in religious circles. People commonly speak of their "conversion," or how they came to be "converted." What do these words mean?
- Who Are God's 'Called, Chosen and Faithful' People? (l) - Jesus Christ exclaimed, "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven". His warning should cause all of us to carefully consider our religious beliefs and assumptions.
- Are You Being Called? (l) - How can you know whether God is calling you to conversion?
- God's Commitment to Change Our Nature (l) - God very much wants us to become converted. He wants us not only to learn but to practice His way of life -- to become sincerely and thoroughly committed to it.
- Introduction (bsc8) (l) - What does it mean to be converted?
- What is Conversion? (l) - We examine the process by which our lives can be turned to God -- the process of conversion.
- What is Sin? (l) - We examine the aspects of sin most commonly referred to in the Bible. And learn why we sin so we can better understand the necessity of the conversion process.
- Introduction (bsc9) (l) - Scripture tells us that we need to undergo a transformation -- a change, with God's help, from "the old man" to "the new man". Conversion.
- A New Creation in Christ (l) - God predetermined, in His master plan, that His Son should be the model for our development.
- The Vision Made Real (l) - How will the beautiful picture of world peace and joy become reality? What stands in the way, how will change happen, and can change start now?
- What Is a True Christian? (l) - What does it take to be a Christian? According to the Bible, there is much more to being a true follower of Jesus Christ than most people realize. How does God's Word define a true Christian?
- Crime: How Will It Be Stopped? (l) - What is the real cause of crime and violence? Where do these twin evils originate? Why have we been unable to find an answer for the curse of crime?
- What Is Repentance? (1996) (l) - Repentance is an integral part of the gospel message - God's good news for mankind. But what is it? What does it mean to repent?
- Called, Chosen and Faithful (l) - What sets apart an authentic disciple of Jesus Christ?
- Transform Your Life in 2002 (l) - Conversion is God's metamorphosis of our minds, emotions, motivations, desires and actions from the way of the natural person.
- Sauerkraut--More Than Cabbage (l) - A recipe from a dying old man taught me about more than just preserving cabbage. God has His own method of preserving -- it's called conversion.
- The Danger of Being Double-Minded (l) - What is double-mindedness, and could it affect your life?
- How Do We Know That We Love God? (l) - The Bible states over and over again exactly how we are to demonstrate our love to God. The simple answer may surprise you!
- What Is Faith? (l) - The Bible tells us salvation is by God's grace and is not earned by good works "lest any man should boast" (Ephesians 2:9). But we are saved by grace through faith (verse 8). The danger we face is that our faith will die if we neglect our salvation by not living a life of obedience to God (Hebrews 2:1-3).
- Does It Really Matter What You Believe? (l) - Beliefs determine actions - sometimes with dire consequences.
- You've Got to Stand for Something! (l) - Many today have embraced tolerance for everything, mistakenly thinking they haven't taken a stand. But no stand is often also a stand. How can you decide what you will stand for?
- Lessons From a Penny (l) - A penny may not be worth much, but the messages on it remind us of some valuable life lessons. Is there a message for you?
- A Diamond Is Forever (l) - Dazzling, precious diamonds can help us more clearly see what God has in mind for us -- as His jewels.
- Christianity Isn't For Wimps (l) - Most people today think being a Christian is easy, but the surprising truth is, the real Christianity of the Bible is challenging and difficult. Do you have the courage and conviction to be a real Christian?
- The Corruption of Good Habits (l) - If we are not on guard, the world can degrade our good habits.
- Tragedy from Corruption & Triumph from Sacrifice (l) - God notices how we handle tempting situations.
- India: A Nation on the Rise (l) - The former "jewel in the crown" of the British Empire, India is one of Asia's great economic success stories. With economic might comes military might. What lies ahead for this country of over a billion people, other nations in the region and the larger world scene?
- Vladimir Putin (l) - An emerging end-time age of emperors is upon us. Empires dismantled in the two world wars are coming back with a vengeance, their kings stirred by vivid memories and visions of former history. One who fits this description is Vladimir Putin.
- Morality in Government: A Worldwide Crisis (l) - What's at the heart and core of governmental problems? More important, what can we do about them?
- Ghana at 50 (l) - Fifty years ago, on March 6, 1957, Ghana became the first independent black African nation. Expectations were high. What followed was decades of corruption, political instability and economic collapse. Today Ghana is finally on the road to recovery.
- 'Mr. Smith' Takes on Washington (l) - Perception is reality. People in the developing world often have an unrealistic view of America. The results can be deadly, as America pursues its foreign policy goals.
- The Scourge of Corruption (l) - What does the Bible tell us about corruption and its causes and consequences?
- Increasing Poverty In Today's Technological World? (l) - The poor continue to lag behind the spiraling pace of technology.
- An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Sep/Oct 2002 (l) - News articles from around the world as they relate to the Bible.
- Lessons From the Titanic (l) - A lifeboat for humanity.
- African Debt--Is Wiping the Slate Clean a Good Idea? (l) - Britain's finance minister, Gordon Brown, is proposing that the G7 countries cancel Africa's debts to Western banks. Will this move give Africa the economic boost it needs to finally get off the ground?
- The World Is Watching Nigerian Elections (l) - What happens in Nigeria, the world's sixth largest producer of oil, is of strategic interest to a host of nations. Internal issues also make the country a target for terrorist recruiting and a possible new front in the war on terror. These factors have the world's powers watching the April presidential election closely.
- Corruption: A Way of Life for Much of the World (l) - Writing of her childhood in Africa, Alexandra Fuller, remembered the land reforms that took place in many African nations following independence from European colonialism.
- Greed Is the News of the Day (l) - A warning for American business leaders: Don't give in to the selfish pulls of personal ambition and vanity. Don't look only at the bottom line of profit or stock value as the measure of success.
- Dictatorships: Why Are They So Common? (l) - As the U.S. and Britain defied much of world opinion to overthrow an entrenched dictator in Iraq, a question logically arose: Why is it that so many countries seem to naturally embrace dictatorship?
Council of Nicaea
- Something Better Than Easter (l) - Exactly how did Easter - a holiday not found in the Bible and never celebrated in the early Church - come to replace the Passover, an observance that is plainly found in the Bible?
- Why Can't Theologians Explain the Trinity Doctrine? (l) - One cannot prove something from the Bible that is not biblical. The Bible is our only reliable source of divine revelation and truth, and the Trinity concept simply is not part of God's revelation to humankind.
- Is God a Trinity? (l) - The fact that the word Trinity appears nowhere in the Bible also gives us reason to reflect. We must not cling to long-held religious traditions if they contradict the Scriptures.
- Courageous Olympic Moments-and the Race We Run (l) - The world's greatest athletes pit their skill and strength against others in the Olympic Games. Past Olympics inspire us with stories of great conviction and courage. These games should also inspire us with their reminders of crucial aspects of the Christian life.
- Eleanor Had It Right (l) - Fear can hobble us in life. Facing fears with God's help can make us grow in ways we cannot imagine.
- "They Were Not Afraid To Die" (l) - What has emerged from this multidimensional tragedy and caught the world's attention is not the size or scale of the quake or tsunami, or nuclear waste leaks, but the size of the hearts of everyday workers at the plant who have stepped up in time of trouble.
- Men of Valor: King David and Winston Churchill (l) - The Bible and more recent history offer lessons of courageous and wise leadership.
- What Does It Mean To Be A Man? (l) - The Bible paints a picture of manhood that's at once masculine and tender-hearted; courageous and wise; bold and courteous; self-assured and teachable; independent and responsible for others; strong and gentle. If every man strove for a biblical idea of masculinity, we'd see stronger families, secure children and more productive companies. Here are some ways to strive for biblical manhood in your own life.
- Courage in an Age of Apathy (l) - In this issue of Youth United, we're going to focus on this important subject in an effort to help all of us become more courageous Christians.
- Comfort Zones: Meant to be Broken (l) - A monthlong solo backpacking trip through Europe took me far out of my comfort zone -- and brought a profound realization about our Christian calling.
- Christianity Isn't For Wimps (l) - Most people today think being a Christian is easy, but the surprising truth is, the real Christianity of the Bible is challenging and difficult. Do you have the courage and conviction to be a real Christian?
- When There Is No Road (l) - Livingston: "If you have only men that will come when there is a good road, I do not want them. I want men who will come if there is no road at all."
- Courage Under Fire (l) - Do you do what is right and good even if it is difficult? Many today are more interested in personal happiness than personal goodness. Is it possible to have both?
- What Is True Leadership? (l) - Which ingredients make an effective leader? And what makes some leaders take tragic courses for themselves and their fellowmen?
- Profiles in Faith: Paul's Beloved Friend and Companion (l) - Rahab's story reminds us that one day God will save all people who respond to Him and allow Him to transform their lives.
- 'For Such a Time as This' (l) - Values, convictions and courage are like lighthouses in a dark world. Perhaps even now you are facing situations in which you seem to "stand alone" on principle.
- Why Did He Have to Die? (l) - Why did Christ have to die?
- Esther: A Woman of Faith and Courage (l) - The Bible offers Christians many examples of faith from which we can learn and be encouraged. One of the most remarkable examples is that of Queen Esther.
- America's Values War (l) - The war on terrorism, uncertainty, in the economy, worries over unemployment. In recent months, people have begun to reconsider some of the values they thought archaic not that long ago-values like courage and personal sacrifice for the good of others.
- What Is the Fate of the Unrepentant? (l) - "They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain, for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea" (Isaiah 11:9).
- A Covenant of Marriage (l) - Few people realize that the Old Covenant was essentially a marriage covenant. The New Covenant is, too.
- God's Magnificent Series of Covenants (l) - Special covenants made with Noah, Abraham, Moses and David began to reveal important details of God's plan to produce for Himself an enduring holy people. The promised New Covenant is the capstone of that revelation process.
- Key Elements of the Sinai Covenant (l) - The Sinai Covenant's total package of law, the entire five books written by Moses, was designed to cover in principle every major aspect of national life in ancient Israel.
- Introduction: The New Covenant (l) - Does the New Covenant negate God's law and do away with any need to obey the Ten Commandments and other laws of God?
- Does the New Covenant Abolish the Commandments? (l) - The Bible tells us that Christ came as the Mediator of a better covenant. The popular belief that the New Covenant abolishes God's law reflects a misunderstanding of both covenants.
- Jesus Christ and the Sabbath (l) - Jesus Christ is our Lord and Master (Philippians 2:9-11). He also proclaimed that He is "Lord of the Sabbath" (Mark 2:28), so we should follow His example in observing the Sabbath -- and all God's commandments -- in the way that He taught and lived.
- From Empire to Exile (l) - How can we find the lost tribes of Israel? We need to look at the general region to which they were exiled and see if a people suddenly appeared in the region with characteristics that link them to the refugees of Israel's northern kingdom.
- What Is a Biblical Covenant? (l) - Covenants are simply binding agreements between two or more parties. God Himself designed the covenant He made with Abraham and his descendants. When God makes a covenant, He will always perform what He has bound Himself to do.
- Promise and Covenants: A Prophetic Legacy (l) - Explains the significance of the promises God made to the Gentiles.
- Back to the Beginning (l) - God calls -- invites -- us into an eternal relationship with Him as members of His family.
- Why Rainbows? (l) - Are rainbows just pretty reflections we see in the sky after it rains? Or is there something more to them? God's creation holds many designs and messages.
- Beware of Prophecies! (l) - Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world" (1 John 4:1).
- The Hesed Factor (l) - How does the Old Testament principle of hesed 'covenant loyalty' apply to Christians today? The love story of Ruth shows the way.
- Enough! (l) - Are we grateful for what we have, or are we consumed with desire for what we do not have?
- Money in Marriage (l) - Couples can greatly reduce their conflicts over money by planning when to have children and how to care for them, agreeing how to apportion their resources and learning to work together to attain their financial goals.
- The Greatest Inheritance (l) - The Bible describes richness toward God as an inheritance that can be ours. Paul taught the brethren that God wanted to give them "an inheritance among all those who are sanctified" (Acts 20:32).
- The Tenth Commandment: True Righteousness Comes From the Heart (l) - Our transgressions of God's law of love begin in the heart. From within come the desires that tempt us and lead us astray.
- The Scourge of Corruption (l) - What does the Bible tell us about corruption and its causes and consequences?
- Where Lions Stand Guard (l) - Two lion statues stand guard over the ruins of a once elegant estate. What message do they have for us?
- Covetousness is Idolatry (l) - Many don't realize how greed is impeding their spiritual growth and how necessary it to overcome the deadly and deceitful sin of covetousness.
- Where Do the Dinosaurs Fit? (l) - Figuring out when the dinosaurs lived relative to man isn't really difficult.
- Answers from Genesis - Part 2 (l) - Understanding how God made things in the beginning can help us understand things now.
- Answers from Genesis - Part 3 (l) - Understanding how God made things in the beginning can help us understand things now.
- Creation or Evolution: Which Is More Believable? (l) - The theory of evolution is being loudly trumpeted in this 200th anniversary year of Charles Darwin's birth and 150th anniversary of the publication of his On the Origin of Species. But have you read in detail what our Creator has to say about how mankind and the heavens and the earth came into being? Have you considered this crucial testimony?
- Lessons From the Garden (l) - Many of us have a garden, but have we learned the lessons they hold for us?
- Creation Case Study - Cats (l) - Recent research from MIT, Virginia Tech and Princeton University analyzed the way cats lap up liquids using only their small, scratchy tongues.
- One Leaf of Grass (l) - Fascination with a single blade of grass led to contemplating the wonder of it all.
- A Dog's Life (l) - A Florida University team has proven that dogs have a sense of human body language.
- The Restorative Powers of Camping (l) - Enjoying God's creation brings peace.
- Planet Earth: Lucky Accident or Master Handiwork? (l) - Is our world with its teeming variety of life the result of chance, a series of lucky accidents? Or is it, as more and more scientific discoveries are revealing, a perfect habitat finely tuned for life? What does the evidence show?
- Newly Excavated "Head" of the Triceratop (l) - A newfound triceratops skull has been dug out of the South Dakota countryside near Buffalo.
- Upcoming Debate Between Creationist and Evolutionist (l) - A February 4th debate between Ken Ham and Bill Nye puts the origins of the universe in the spotlight, once again.
- Faster Than A Speeding Falcon (l) - New research gives insight into the incredible design of this bird of prey.
- Divine Creation or Happy Accident - the Debate Continues (l) - The philosophy of secular humanism is the leading belief system in entertainment, journalism and science.
- Darwinism Is Not the Same as Evolution (l) - There is a reason many Darwinists are so adamant about their theory. They know the implications if they fail: The alternative explanation of life on earth is a Creator God.
- The Miracle of the Eye (l) - Charles Darwin described the eye as one of the greatest challenges to his theory. How could he explain it?
- The Scientific Evidence: In the Eye of the Beholder (l) - Ever since the creation of the world (God's) eternal power and divine nature, invisible though they are, have been understood and seen through the things he has made" (Romans 1:20)
- The Testimony of the New Testament (l) - Many are surprised to learn that the Bible reveals Christ as the Creator! More than once the apostle Paul explained to early Christians that God had created all things by Jesus Christ (Ephesians 3:9; Colossians 1:16). Hebrews 1:2 tells us that God "has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, . . . through whom also He made the worlds."
- Scientists, Creation and Evolution (l) - No one should assume that scientists uniformly agree that there is no God and that the world around us is the product of a mindless evolutionary process. Consider what some scientists have to say about creation and evolution.
- Ancient Near Eastern Concepts of Creation (l) - Is the Genesis record a fairy tale little different from those of other ancient cultures?
- The Greek Concept of Creation (l) - Origen and Augustine began to interpret much of the book of Genesis as allegory. They viewed the Genesis account as filled with symbolic fictional figures representing truth, human conduct or experience.
- Society's Dramatic Shift (l) - Could man create a religion with no god? The widespread acceptance of evolution shows that we have done just that. The Bible teaches us that God created man. Evolution teaches us that man created God.
- Earth's Age: Does the Bible Indicate a Time Interval Between the First and Second Verses of Genesis? (l) - On the basis of the evidence,there is far more reason to translate Gen. 1:2 as 'But the earth had become a ruin and a desolation, etc.' than there is for any of the conventional translations in our modern versions"
- Genesis 1 and the Days of Creation (l) - Did you know that no piece of ancient history is more scientifically grounded than the book of Genesis, including its description of the 24-hour days of creation?
- The Beginning of the Universe (l) - Has the universe always existed, or at some definite point in time, did it have a beginning?
- Science and Discomfiting Discoveries (l) - The scientist's pursuit of the past ends in the moment of creation. This is an exceedingly strange development, unexpected by all but the theologians.
- Evidence All Around Us (l) - The precision of our universe is not the result of an accident. It is the product of a meticulous Creator and Lawgiver, the universe's Master Watchmaker.
- A Deeper Look at the Evidence (l) - Many excellent books and videos have been published in recent years detailing scientific findings and conclusions that point to a Creator.
- Meet God (l) - The Bible claims to be the Word of God Himself. This is where He has revealed Himself as the Creator and shown the purpose for His creation.
- Our Amazing Spaceship Earth (l) - Scientists have spent multiple years and billions of dollars searching for life elsewhere in the universe, only to find that earth alone not only teems with life, but seems to be expressly designed for life. An amazing intelligence seems to be behind it all. What is that intelligence telling us?
- The Importance of Life-Sustaining Water (l) - Earth's forms of life are dependent on an environment in which liquid water is stable.
- When Is the Sabbath Day to Be Kept? (l) - The Sabbath, then, was a time for religious instruction, for teaching and learning of God's wondrous acts and laws. Customary work was prohibited and God's great miracles were to be remembered on this day. "
- "There Remains a Sabbath-Rest for the People of God" (l) - Our spiritual rest begins now in this life and reaches its consummation in the resurrection to eternal life at the return of Christ (Revelation 20:6). Christ's return also signals the beginning of the millennial rest prophesied in the Old Testament.
- David: A Shepherd Learns from the Creation (l) - King David: "what is man that you are mindful of him?"
- The Universe (l) - When we look around, can we still wonder and appreciate the amazing creation we see at every level? So much has been carefully designed for us to enjoy. And most importantly, it can strengthen our faith!
- Surprising Discoveries About Our Universe's Origins (l) - Modern science has discovered that the universe had a beginning, is expanding and is fine-tuned by natural laws allowing us to exist. But the Bible revealed this long before!
- The Uniqueness of the Human Body (l) - Many believe that life on earth arose by chance, with human beings as merely more-evolved apes. But the evidence in our makeup says otherwise -- pointing to human beings as a special creation.
- Coming Soon to a School Near You (l) - If you believe the biblical account of creation and the origin of man, what strategies can you as parents and students use when confronted with the theory of evolution?
- Did God Create People Evil? (l) - Viewing the suffering around the globe caused by evil leaders is discouraging. Some countries are run by outright drug lords. Others are ruled by leaders who abuse their own people. Saddam Hussein has become a poster boy of the evil tyrant in the 21st century just as Hitler and Stalin were in the 20th. Why would a good God create such evil people?
- No Excuses (l) - The evidence is mounting that there is only one valid scientific explanation for our existence.
- Evolution or Creation: Does It Really Matter? (l) - Is Evolution true?
- Creation or Evolution:An Interview With Phillip Johnson (l) - Phillip Johnson answers questions about the theory of evolution and his books about the subject.
- Creation and Evolution: The Bible Explanation (l) - The findings of modern science in the light of God's Word.
- Creation or Evolution: Did God Create Man? (l) - A series on creation and evolution. Did God form the heavens and earth, or is the world and everything in itthe result of mindless, random evolutionary forces?
Credit cards
- Are You a Slave to Debt? (l) - Millions have allowed themselves to become enslaved to a harsh taskmaster - debt. Are you one of those caught in this trap? What can you do to break free?
- In the News July 2010 (l) - News of interest to teens and young adults from a biblical perspective. July 2010
- Avoiding Financial Black Holes (l) - Gives advice about spending wisely, and about managing one's income.
- Generation Debt (l) - How Americans are selling their souls into debt slavery at ever-younger ages, and what you need to learn about how to avoid it wherever you live on earth.
- Do You Know How to Use a Credit Card? (l) - What tips do financial experts recommend on using credit cards? In principal, does the bible offer advice on this modern practice? Understanding and practicing the keys revealed in this article can help your family to bolster its financial security.
- The Debt Trap: How Do I Get Free? (l) - The steps necessary to free ourselves from debt aren't difficult to understand, but they do take commitment. Once committed to the challenge, you will find the results liberating-and the reward will be one that lasts a lifetime, usually even longer.
- World News and Trends - September/October 2007 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Sept/Oct 2007
- World News and Trends - March/April 2008 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Mar/Apr 2008
- What's Legal & Christian in Sharing Music? (l) - The issue is that songs are the property of the artists who wrote and/or performed them.
- Advice From Death Row (l) - The headlines are filled with shocking stories of violent crime. What's behind it? How does it occur? Listen to the words of an expert - written from death row.
- Ever Increasing Crime -- Will It Ever End? (l) - "Make a chain, for the land is filled with crimes of blood, and the city is full of violence" (Ezekiel 7:23). Must we accept crime as a way of life? Why aren't prisons solving it, and is there anything we can do about it personally?
- America's Moral Downturn: What Lies Ahead? (l) - Does morality matter? Wnat are the long-term consequences when a nation's moral foundation crumbles?
- An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Mar/Apr 1997 (l) - World without war; Crime and sexual freedom; extreme weather; British monarchy; Church unity
- World News and Trends - January/February 2007 (l) - World news. January 2007.
- Significant Developments Dot the World Scene (l) - New Three-pronged axis on the rise in Europe? Adult men and teen pregnancy.
- Crime: How Will It Be Stopped? (l) - What is the real cause of crime and violence? Where do these twin evils originate? Why have we been unable to find an answer for the curse of crime?
- World News and Trends - May/Jun 1998 (l) - Brief headlines of events around the globe, June 1998
- Jails Overflow, While Justice Flags (l) - "Do the crime. Do the time." This popular slogan slathered over billboards and bumper stickers reflects a politically popular approach toward crime. The approach is partially effective, but the cost is choking states, counties and municipalities -- and more importantly, it is not rehabilitating criminals.
- Balkan Floods Wash Up Landmines and Memories (l) - Just before the 100th anniversary of World War I, which covered the Balkan Peninsula in violence, the region was covered in floodwaters.
- "She's Ours" (l) - The example of a WWII Serbian orphan.
- World News and Trends - September/October 2008 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Sept/Oct 2008
- The Cuban and Haitian Crises (l) - Riots in Cuba and an assassination in Haiti may not seem that important in the scope of world news. But these Caribbean nations hold positions vital to American and world interests.
- World News and Trends - September/October 2006 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Sept 2006.
Culture war
- When Will the West Wake Up? (l) - Islamic extremism is back-not that it ever went away. Following the terrorist attacks in Mumbai and the continuing threats from Iranian proxy Hamas, the question must be asked: When will the West wake up?
- Afghanistan: What's Behind a Seemingly Unwinnable War? (l) - Many on both sides of the Atlantic are saying the Afghan conflict - which has already lasted twice as long as World War I - is unwinnable. Why are the allies finding it so difficult to win this war in a backward third world country?
- Multiculturalism Under Attack (l) - A recent controversial speech by British Prime Minister David Cameron follows similar speeches from other Western leaders calling for a rethink on the concept of multiculturalism.
- Islam vs. the West: Why the Clash of Civilizations? (l) - To comprehend why Islamic and Western civilization conflict so sharply requires studying the basic differences between their underlying philosophies. Make no mistake: The bare facts reveal that the West now finds itself in very serious jeopardy.
- Middle East Oil and the Clash of Two Civilizations (l) - The abundance of oil in the Middle East has aided and abetted the spread of Islam into the West and around the world.
- France at the Center of a Culture Clash (l) - The Economist reports that "the French breathed a collective sigh of relief on July 1st when the European Court of Human Rights upheld the country's 2010 ban on the wearing of full-faced veils in public places" ("Why the French Are so Strict About Islamic Head Coverings," July 6, 2014).
- The Great Battle for God (l) - In our confused and chaotic world, one of the great battlefields is whether God is real and if His Word has meaning for us today. Few grasp that the same instruction mankind rejects holds the answers to our problems and to the greatest questions of life.
- "Why Do People Hate Us So Much?" (l) - There is much hatred and resentment directed toward the United States throughout the world, not just in the Middle East. One scripture helps us to understand why the problem has worsened in recent decades: "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people"
- World News Review February 2006 (l) - World News - Feb. 2006
- Let Justice Run (l) - Many feel the courts abandoned their role as neutral observers in the culture wars. Major Supreme Court decisions, along with many others made by federal courts, are determining the social behavior and framework of the nation.
- The Battle Over the Bible (l) - A cultural clash is ripping at the fabric of Western societies. It's most pronounced in the United States, where history is being rewritten and culture reshaped in a battle over the Bible.
- Could We Lose the War on Terror? (l) - A quarter century ago a nation in some ways not that different from the United States and Britain lost a war on terror. What lessons can we learn from that conflict so history does not repeat itself?
- What's Behind Today's Worldwide Wave of Terrorism? (l) - Passenger jets blown out of the sky, suicide bombings that deliberately target innocent civilians, men who shoot fleeing children in the back -- what do these horrors have in common, and why?
- Our Cultural Battlegrounds (l) - In this edition we focus on the unspoken issue at the heart of all these debates -- the battle over the Bible. Is it the holy, truthful and authoritative Word of God, or is it only human tradition and stories? It's crucial that you examine the evidence.
- America's Culture War: Threat to Homeland Security? (l) - While the war on terror continues worldwide, another war -- one of colliding cultures -- heats up in the courts of America. Where will this lead the country? Is this war a greater threat than terrorists?
- Has the Third World War Already Begun? (l) - A provocative new book by a French journalist says today's clash of civilizations constitutes the opening phases of a devastating global conflict.
- When the Angel Leaves the Storm, Part 2 (l) - How much longer can we count on God's material blessings on America?
- Has World War III Already Begun? (1/2006) (l) - What's behind the call by Iran's new president for the United States and Israel to be wiped off the face of the earth? Are Western nations blind to the growing threat from radical Islam?
- The New Intolerance (l) - The Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles has allowed license plates that read "Hot Dam," "Witches," "2Sexy" and "2Hot4U," yet denied a person who wanted to put "Pray" on her plates because it would violate separation of church and state. We see similar trends all over the United States. Has political correctness, touted to promote tolerance, actually created a new intolerance towards Christianity?
- 2004: The World's Superpower Faces Powerful Challenges (l) - As a new year begins, the United States faces a disunited world with dangers both external and internal.
- Mass Culture's Horrendous Consequences (l) - The 21st century sees the entertainment-centered culture of the Western world spread around the globe through movies, television, music and the Internet. Rather than genuinely "entertaining" in a wholesome sense, the effect appears to encourage self-indulgence of the crudest and rawest elements of human nature.
- How Can You Counter a Degenerating Culture? (l) - You are probably disturbed by many of the values of the culture around you - and with good reason. How can we counter the degrading influence of much of popular culture?
Czech Republic
- EU Pressures Poland and the Czech Republic (l) - The Continent's leaders are refusing to accept that the Lisbon treaty is dead, and are determined to persuade the Czechs and the Poles to complete the process.
- A View of Where Europe is Really Headed (l) - It's long been apparent that the European Union (as with its predecessors such as the EEC) has been slowly stealing sovereignty from individual nations, seriously undermining their democratic statehood.
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