"N" - Subject Index
- God, Science and the Bible - Naboth (l) - Discoveries from the world of science that support the biblical record.
- Hiroshima (l) - The capacity of people to kill each other entered an entirely new and never-before-imagined age that day. For the first time in history, the dreadful prophecy that mankind would face extinction if not for the return of Jesus Christ was conceivable.
Nailed to the cross
- What Was 'Wiped Out' by Jesus Christ's Death? (l) - A misleading translation of a passage in Colossians 2 in some Bible versions is often used to support the flawed belief that God's law was "wiped out" by Jesus Christ
Name calling
- Child Abuse: What Kids Are Doing to Kids (l) - Children are hurting each other but what can be done? See how God says we should handle ourselves.
Name of Christ
- "And You Hold Fast to My Name" (l) - The meaning or the name of Christ may hold the key to how you will handle not only your many tomorrows, but the momentary challenges facing you today.
- "Antipas My Faithful Martyr" -- Holding Fast to His Name (l) - Relying on Jesus' name, the church of Pergamos, including its faithful martyr Antipas, was able to endure persecution to the end -- as the way into life.
Name of Jesus Christ
- Christ's Resurrection: Key to Our Salvation (l) - The life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are key facts of history for a Christian. As the apostles testified, Christ's resurrection was the culmination of the events of His first coming -- and enables the remaining steps in God's plan to save mankind.
Names of God
- YHWH (l) - Studying how God reveals Himself in the Bible can be enlightening.
- Fountains of the Deep: African Aquifer (l) - A large aquifer -- water stored in porous rock layers underground -- in Namibia was recently found.
- Tiny Technology (l) - Scientists have developed an electronic skin tattoo, called an epidermal electronic system (EES).
- The Ominous GNR Revolution (l) - The Biotech Age brings new and terrifying scenarios. How might the explosion of knowledge of genetics, nanotechnology and robotics (GNR) change our world?
- Europe and the Church, Part 10: Napoleon's Dream of European Conquest (l) - More books have been written on Napoleon than almost any other world leader. His period of glory is still remembered in his capital city of Paris, where the Arc de Triomphe commemorates the First Empire and Les Invalides is his final resting place. But Napoleon's dream of European unity failed as did those of others before him.
- The Culture of Narcissism (l) - Consumerism has gotten a lock on the American psyche through the drowning in mom entary pleasures and trivial pursuits.
- Editorial: Self-Esteem or Self-Worth? (l) - In February of 2007, five psychologists turned the tables on the popular perception that the self-esteem movement has been good for us.
- Celebrity Culture: The Distorted Mirror (l) - Magazines, TV and the Internet are obsessed with celebrities and celebrity culture. How does society's fascination with celebrity culture affect you and your children? How can you counter its negative influence?
- WIIFM - What's In It For Me? (l) - It sounds like it could be a local radio station, but WIIFM is actually the acronym for a question many people are asking today.
Narcotics anonymous
- The 12 Steps of Narcotics Anonymous (l) - The 12 Steps of the Narcotics Anonymous program.
Narrow gate
- The Difficult and Narrow Highway of Life (l) - The road of life can be a difficult one. What's the best path to take, and how can you keep yourself on it?
- The Koran and Conquest: A Look at Islamic Theology (l) - Why do we hear of so much terrorism originating in the Muslim world? Will an examination of Islam's history and its holy book, the Koran, help us to understand?
Nasser, Gamal
- Suez - Important Lessons From an Event 50 Years Ago (l) - When Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal 50 years ago, it started a chain of events whose results are still being felt today.
- Appendix 11: Joseph of Arimathea and the Line of Nathan (l) - The Davidic line of kings that ruled over the ancient nation of Judah came through David's son Solomon. At the time of Judah's fall to the Babylonians in 586 B.C., this lineage, as explained in this publication, was continued by a transferal of the monarchy to Ireland.
Nation under God
- One Nation - Under God? (l) - The Pledge of Allegiance, long recited by U.S. school children, acknowledges the United States as "one nation under God." But does God have a place in America today?
National debt
- Farewell to America as a Financial World Power (l) - A major shift in world financial power centers is on the horizon. America is on the decline, while Asia and Europe are on the rise.
- Where Is Our World Headed? (l) - It's that time again for an annual analysis and assessment. That's when many observers look back to yesteryear--and also peer into a somewhat clouded future. Secular predictions for 2011 and beyond are multiple and varied. But does the Bible have a far bigger say in our future?
- America Drowns in a Sea of Debt - What Does It All Mean? (l) - America's debt load is staggering and growing worse by the minute. How did the nation that was the world's biggest lender only a few decades ago become the world's greatest debtor today?
- Kitchen Table Economics (l) - There are times when households reach the end of their financial resources and have to declare bankruptcy. Their income cannot meet their debts. Has America come to such a defining moment?
- America's Debt Debacle (l) - The recent debate over raising the U.S. debt limit showed a national leadership bitterly divided over the country's priorities and how to address its debt explosion. What are the larger implications of this debacle?
- America's National Debt: Growing With No End in Sight (l) - In the last few months and years the United States has racked up some impressive records, but none of them are good. Its debt is exploding at unprecedented rates. What's behind the problem, and where is it leading?
- Where Does America Go From Here? (l) - As the American president takes his oath of office with his hand on the Bible, proclaiming to faithfully fulfill his responsibilities "so help me God," should we not take into consideration how God views the "state of the union" of the United States?
- In danger: the Status of the U.S. Dollar (l) - The American dollar has long reigned as easily the largest percentage of the global currency supply.
- Why Europe and Not the United States? (l) - One lesson of world history is that great powers come and go.
- Current Events & Trends March/April 2018 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the March/April 2018 issue of Beyond Today.
- Can You Change the World? (l) - The big problems of today's world provoke fear for the future. Can you really do anything about these looming issues? Here are practical steps you can take to change your world -- and prepare to change tomorrow's world.
- A World in Transition ... to What? (l) - The world has been teetering on the brink of escalating tyranny, war, social instability and economic calamity. A new U.S. presidential administration and populist calls for change in other Western nations could lead to some pushback for a time. As Christians are to stay alert to what's happening in the world, we survey some major current conditions.
- Mortgage Bubble About to Burst? (l) - Millions of Americans are heavily burdened with first and, in many cases, second mortgages. People reached for "the American dream" of owning their home -- but often a home somewhat beyond the reach of their incomes. Additionally, they pulled needed cash out of home equity through refinancing. Who controls these loans? What do creditors receive in return for their money? Are we about to experience a financial restructuring on a world scale with shocking consequences for the United States?
National disobedience
- When Will America Run Out of Resources? (l) - Even before Hurricane Sandy the United States was already suffering from an enormous national debt crises, measured in the trillions of dollars. Sandy adds another $50 billion to the frightening total.
National greatness
- What Makes a Nation Great? (l) - The country I grew up in is getting harder and harder to recognize. More and more I can identify with the biblical prophet Jeremiah, called "the weeping prophet" because he shed tears over the sins and deplorable spiritual condition of his nation and the consequences of rejecting God.
- Will America Remain Great? (l) - The campaign slogan "Make America Great Again" catapulted candidate Donald Trump into the world's most powerful office. Yet, though diminished in recent years, America is already great in important respects -- but for how long?
National health care
- American Religious Freedoms Undermined (l) - We reside in a culture of contraception.
National identity
- Australia's Identity Crisis: A Foretaste of What's to Come? (l) - Australia's new Labor government is committed to greater ties with Asia, while increased immigration from the Asian continent is rapidly changing demographics in the country. What do these trends mean for Australia 's future and the future of the West?
National judgment
- America and the Return to God (l) - In 2 Chronicles 7:14 God says, "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." Have we reached a tipping point where it is too late to turn to God in heartfelt repentance? If so, what should you do?
National leaders
- The Crucial Human Element in the Current Crisis (l) - Human beings make up nations and national groups. And human leaders inevitably possess highly individual personalities, legacies and backgrounds. To imagine that these factors never influence even crucial national decision-making would be highly unrealistic.
National loyalty, Christian
- Should a Christian Fight? (l) - Is enlisting in the military the right course of action for Christians? What if the military is combating terrorism? And what about the wars mentioned in the Bible?
National morality
- The Grim Dilemma of Government Leadership (l) - The present financial crisis has handed members of the world press a field day. Most current affairs journalists are having a go at both America and Europe"decrying the lack of political leadership. Why are we in this monetary mess, and what does God require of our leaders?
National power
- A Detailed Prophecy of Blessings and Curses (l) - Speaking to the ancient Israelite ancestors of today's Anglo-American peoples, God gave them a choice, one that bears directly on the lack of leadership that plagues America today. You should read Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28, which describe God's blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience.
National pride
- Where Were You on That September Day? (l) - As we look back a decade later, where were you when the United States suffered the biggest terrorist attack in its history? Where was the nation"and where are we today?
National repentance
- The Long-Neglected Prophecies of Jeremiah: Applicable to 21st-Century America? (l) - Do the crises we Americans see happening to our beloved country today relate to biblical prophecy? Many do not even realize we are seriously transgressing God's spiritual law. What does the Hebrew prophet Jeremiah reveal about our lives today -- and where we are headed in the future?
- Where Were You on That September Day? (l) - As we look back a decade later, where were you when the United States suffered the biggest terrorist attack in its history? Where was the nation"and where are we today?
- America's Military Decline: What Does It Mean? (l) - Ambitious and expensive government programs seriously endanger America's economic stability and add to the nation's already gargantuan national debt. The inevitable downside seems to be massive cuts in military spending. Where is this disturbing trend taking a troubled nation?
- 75 Years After Hiroshima (l) - Seventy-five years ago, the United States waged the world's first nuclear war. Since then, eight nations have detonated 2,056 nuclear weapons, a shocking number. As one analyst warns, nations seem "willfully blind to the peril." Will humanity survive?
- Have You Really Turned Your Life Over to God? (l) - Perhaps you love God, read the Bible, pray and try to be a good person. But have you really yielded control of your life to God and are you worshipping Him as He commands in Scripture?
- America and the Return to God (l) - In 2 Chronicles 7:14 God says, "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." Have we reached a tipping point where it is too late to turn to God in heartfelt repentance? If so, what should you do?
- God's State of the Union Address to America (l) - If God were giving a State of the Union Address to the American people today, what would He say? How does He view the state of the nation?
National response
- September 11, 2001--Where Do We Go From Here? (l) - Where do you and I go from here? All of us wrestle with trying to understand why such a thing could happen in our nation.
National sin
- Where Were You on That September Day? (l) - As we look back a decade later, where were you when the United States suffered the biggest terrorist attack in its history? Where was the nation"and where are we today?
National sins
- Proverbs: Bringing Honor to a Nation (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
National suicide
- Will We Die by National Suicide? (l) - "If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen we must live through all time, or die by suicide." -- Abraham Lincoln
- China - an Ominously Powerful Country (l) - Niall Ferguson is a China watcher.
- "The Horrors of All the Ages": They Didn't See It Coming (l) - One hundred years ago, experienced diplomats and military leaders blundered their way into a deadly globe-spanning catastrophe. Why were they so blind? Are there lessons for us today?
- Patriotism: The Good, the Bad and the Biblical (l) - God's people have dual citizenship. It is noble and right to be patriotic toward our earthly nation, but we also should have a higher and more fervent patriotism for our heavenly Kingdom, which will be established on earth at the return of Christ. He tells us to "seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness" (Matthew 6:33).
- Was There Really "No Room in the Inn"? (l) - Most have taken for granted Jesus' nativity story as commonly related - that when Joseph and Mary arrived in Bethlehem there was no room in an inn so Mary ended up giving birth to Jesus in a stable. But is this the true account in Scripture? See for yourself!
- Christmas vs. the Bible (l) - Did Jesus Christ tell us to celebrate His birth? No. However, He left explicit instructions regarding how His followers are to commemorate His death
- Georgia on Moscow's Mind (l) - The August miniwar between Russia and Georgia was not simply a local conflict about ethnic groups. It has huge implications for the NATO alliance and Europe's future energy security.
- How Long Will the NATO Alliance Last? (l) - The 50th anniversary of the NATO alliance in 1999 was a celebration of the successful defense of the free world. Just 10 years later there are signs of serious trouble within the alliance.
- If U.S. Fades Economically, Will Europe Rise? (l) - Your Bible says that Europe will rise a final time but its impact will be great.
- The Russian Bear Reawakens (l) - Russia's recent actions in Ukraine follow a long history of imperialist oppression. Are these events leading the world back to the brink of nuclear extinction?
- Europe's Uncertain Future (l) - Concerns over NATO's future, the Muslim refugee crisis and the impending Brexit are clouds on Europe's horizon. What lies ahead for Europe?
- Current Events & Trends September/October 2020 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the September/October 2020 issue of Beyond Today.
- A World in Transition ... to What? (l) - The world has been teetering on the brink of escalating tyranny, war, social instability and economic calamity. A new U.S. presidential administration and populist calls for change in other Western nations could lead to some pushback for a time. As Christians are to stay alert to what's happening in the world, we survey some major current conditions.
- Prophecy Being Fulfilled? (l) - Recent events have shown the world dividing into three competing systems, all vying for dominance in a rapidly changing world. Does Bible prophecy indicate which will survive?
- An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Jul/Aug 2002 (l) - An analysis of world news, trends, and conditions around the world. July/August 2002
- European Union: An Idea Whose Time Has Come (l) - The "glacier" of European unity is now moving at a faster pace.
- The Coming Superstate (l) - Superstates have existed in various forms through the ages, but not in the way they are forming today. Many world leaders are planning on creating a system that will exercise hegemony over the whole world. Their plans will eventually lead to a beast system that will rule over the earth. But then a superstate will come on the scene and usher in the true Millennium.
- The Coming Clash Between Europe and America (l) - While the United States is focused on its war on terror and conflict with Iraq, new threats continue to emerge of which Americans are largely oblivious.
NATO and Russia
- Ukraine: A Personal Look at a Country in Crisis (l) - We should give attention to the ongoing crisis in Ukraine -- what's behind it, where it may lead and the terrible human toll being paid. Here is some needed perspective from one with personal ties to the region.
NATO and Ukraine
- Ukraine: A Personal Look at a Country in Crisis (l) - We should give attention to the ongoing crisis in Ukraine -- what's behind it, where it may lead and the terrible human toll being paid. Here is some needed perspective from one with personal ties to the region.
Natural diasasters
- Did Jesus Christ Foretell Devastating Storms? (l) - Are natural disasters increasing as Jesus foretold?
Natural disasters
- The Indian Ocean Tsunami: Foretaste of Things to Come? (l) - Where do major catastrophes like the Indian Ocean tsunami fit in the long train of prophetic events?
- Natural Disasters: A Biblical Perspective (l) - Following are points we should keep in mind concerning the biblical perspective on tragedies, regardless of their scale or circumstances.
- In the Aftermath of Katrina: What Can We Learn? (l) - Another major hurricane has slammed into the United States. The devastation has shut down cities and left hundreds of thousands homeless. Is there a spiritual lesson to learn from this tragedy?
- Earthquake in Hawaii Shows We Are Still Not Prepared for a Disaster (l) - Hawaii survived Oct. 15's 6.7 earthquake, but the immediate aftermath was a reminder of how vulnerable our modern world is to disasters of all kinds.
- Disasters to Hit the United States (l) - The United States has faced its greatest national health emergencies in the past five years. What do they show about America's ability to handle national disasters? What is yet to come?
- Does Haiti Have a Future? (l) - A massive amount of aid is pouring into the Caribbean nation of Haiti in the aftermath of a 7.0 earthquake. History has neglected this poor nation. Beyond this present tragedy, what is the best way forward?
- Can We Control Natural Disasters? (l) - Will it ever be possible for humans to master the forces of nature?
- Japan Copes With Overwhelming Devastation (l) - Millions of beleaguered and traumatized inhabitants of Japan are still struggling to come to terms with a staggering disaster"the world's costliest thus far. What is the fallout? And what can the Bible tells us about such calamities?
- Flooding Superstorm May Menace California (l) - Scientists with the U.S. Geological Survey have warned about the prospects of a superstorm hitting California at some point.
- Violent Weather: Where Was God? (l) - Over recent months America has been repeatedly stricken by devastating tornadoes, floods, wildfires and drought. Is there a message for us in these events? What is the biblical perspective on such disasters?
- Dust-bowl America Returning? (l) - Already nearly 40 percent of the continental United States suffers from severe drought.
- Hurricane Sandy, the Bible and You (l) - Hurricane Katrina was the most costly natural disaster the United States had ever experienced. Yet in some respects Hurricane Sandy had an even greater impact. Why is America experiencing major national catastrophes, whether from nature or inflicted by enemies, such as the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 ? Does the Bible provide answers?
- Current Events & Trends - November/December 2023 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the November/December 2023 issue of Beyond Today.
- Homeland Security: What Crucial Piece Is the United States Missing? (l) - After the devastating terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, homeland security became a top priority for the United States. Yet, at the same time, it seems to be overlooking the most important aspect of its safety, and the risk is incalculable. What is this crucial component of any people's long-term security?
- Red Cross Warns of "Super Disasters" (l) - Increasingly natural disasters are raising concerns of man's impact upon the ecological balance. Is there cause for concern? What lies ahead in the next century?
- The Cause of Natural Disasters (l) - Some experts see an overall increase in the destructiveness of natural disasters, especially in the last few decades.
- Will Civilization End in Global Cataclysm? (l) - God will finally intervene and at last establish an everlasting Kingdom of peace and safety, but only after mankind has learned through painful experience that it's not wise to live in ways that, in effect, thumb one's nose at our Creator.
- World News Review December 1998 (l) - World News Review - Dec. 1998
- Krakatoa -- Preparing for the Future? (l) - Just over 120 years ago, a terrible catastrophe occurred that can help us fathom end-time warnings.
Natural history
- Noah's Flood: Did the Noachian Flood Cause Global Catastrophe? (l) - when the geologic strata and the fossil record are interpreted in light of what the Bible reveals, it becomes plain that many of the layered sedimentary rocks were in fact deposited in rapid succession rather than over eons of time (as evolutionists have long claimed).
Natural law
- God and Cowboys (l) - Growing up on a ranch, I could rope horses and cattle with my lariat, but I could never master rope twirling. Now I know why -- the mysteries of higher mathematics eluded me. However, the mystery of God's existence did not!
Natural laws
- Higgs Boson: Evidence for Universe's Fine-Tuning (l) - It made big news when, on July 4, 2012, scientists of the European nuclear research organization CERN announced with a 99.99 percent certainty that they had found the elusive Higgs boson, the last particle needed to confirm the theory of the Standard Model of particle physics.
- Evidence All Around Us (l) - The precision of our universe is not the result of an accident. It is the product of a meticulous Creator and Lawgiver, the universe's Master Watchmaker.
Natural resources
- World News and Trends - Jan/Feb 1998 (l) - Overview of world events. January/February 1998.
Natural selection
- Mothballing Evolution's Peppered Moths (l) - A supposed proof of evolution turns out to be flawed.
- Darwinism Is Not the Same as Evolution (l) - There is a reason many Darwinists are so adamant about their theory. They know the implications if they fail: The alternative explanation of life on earth is a Creator God.
- The Miracle of the Eye (l) - Charles Darwin described the eye as one of the greatest challenges to his theory. How could he explain it?
- Can Evolution Explain Life's Complexity? (l) - Natural selection only preserves existing genetic information (DNA); it doesn't create genetic material that would allow an animal's offspring to sprout a new organ, limb or other anatomical feature.
- Evidence All Around Us (l) - The precision of our universe is not the result of an accident. It is the product of a meticulous Creator and Lawgiver, the universe's Master Watchmaker.
- Creation or Evolution:An Interview With Phillip Johnson (l) - Phillip Johnson answers questions about the theory of evolution and his books about the subject.
- The Restorative Powers of Camping (l) - Enjoying God's creation brings peace.
Nature of angels
- Angels - Lots of Them (l) - There are countless stories of people being helped in a crisis by an unknown stranger. Could they be angels and if so, what does the Bible have to say about them?
Nature of God
- Understanding the 'Image of God' (l) - The purpose of human life is indelibly etched into the first chapter of the first book of the Bible, where man is first mentioned: "Then God said, 'Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness'".
- Only God Knows What He Knows (l) - The traditional concept of God is rooted in Greek philosophy and conflicts with the Bible. We can relate to God in human terms because that's how He describes Himself to us in the Bible.
Nature of man
- "Made Lower - but Only for a While" (l) - Note David's statement in Psalm 8:5 that man has been made "a little lower than the angels" or "heavenly beings," as the English Standard Version translates it.
- Understanding the 'Image of God' (l) - The purpose of human life is indelibly etched into the first chapter of the first book of the Bible, where man is first mentioned: "Then God said, 'Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness'".
Naval navigation
- The Geography of Celtic-Scythian Commerce (l) - Both the eastern Scythians and the western Celts had the waterways of the continent-the "highways" of that day-at their disposal for trade. And they used them effectively.
- Getting Lost... With a GPS? (l) - A recent poll in Britain indicates that 52 percent of drivers ages 18 to 24 used Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite navigation, while only 28 percent of those over 65 used a GPS.
- Bird Brains: Brighter Than We Thought (l) - Scientists from Baylor College of Medicine have discovered a unique mechanism that allows pigeons to navigate using the earth's magnetic field.
- Maintain Your True Course (l) - Meditation on God's Word helps us navigate through the obstacles of life to reach our destination--God's Kingdom!
- The Compass, Our Navigator (l) - Sometimes we need better tools in order to stay on course.
- Jesus Christ's Early Ministry (l) - Historical and archaelogical evidence that supports the Bible's record of Christ's ministry.
Nazi appeasement
- Are We in a Dangerous Age of Appeasement? (l) - Two significant powers, Russia and Iran, are throwing their weight around and taking over nearby territory. But rather than stand up to them, Western powers -- especially the United States -- meekly acquiesce. The parallels with the preā"World War II appeasement of Adolf Hitler are striking.
Nazi invasion
- World War II: A View From Underground (l) - My family experienced the horrors of war firsthand as members of the Dutch resistance.
Nazi victims
- So, Who Goes First? (l) - The 'invisible' first victims -- the German men, women and children who were murdered or sterilized by the Nazis because of conditions such as schizophrenia, genetic diseases, physical handicaps and developmental disabilities.
Nazis and evolution
- Charles Darwin's Deadly Secret (l) - Especially in the Western world, most people simply accept the theory of Darwinian evolution as a fact. What many don't know is that this theory is partially responsible for many of the most tragic historical events of the 20th century.
- In the News Apr/Jun 2006 (l) - In the news - April 2006
Neanderthal dating
- God, Science and the Bible (5/05) (l) - News from the world of science about God and the Bible. May/June 2005
Near kinsman
- Pentecost and the Book of Ruth (l) - What connections are there between Pentecost and the book of Ruth?
- Can You Believe the Bible? (l) - Both God and the Bible have long been under attack. What are some of the motives of critics? And, far more important, what does the evidence dug from the dust of the Middle East reveal?
- An Ancient Culture Clash (l) - Some 2,600 years ago, three young men, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, faced a cultural crisis when they were commanded to show honor to a false god.
- Asylum in Egypt (l) - Based on God's prophecies, a few evidently made it back to Judah. But what about Jeremiah, Baruch and the kings daughters? Where did they go?
- Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego (l) - One moment they were relatively safe, even held in great esteem as officials in the government of Babylon. The next moment they were brutally tossed headlong into a inferno.
- Lessons From Babylon: God's Still in Charge (l) - The ancient city of Babylon provides a reminder that men's flawed systems and governments will give way to God's mastery of world events.
- Daniel: God Is My Judge (l) - Why would a beloved prophet of God want God to judge him? Doesn't the Bible show that God's judgment is reserved for evil people? Read God's view on this seeming paradox.
Nebuchadnezzar's dream
- Europe's Great Divide (l) - Europeans are torn between two competing paths -- a bigger and more powerful European Union or individual countries having their own national control. Where is this divide leading?
Nebuchadnezzar's image
- The Great Image in Nebuchadnezzar's Dream (l) - The great image that God revealed to Nebuchadnezzar in a dream was interpreted by the prophet Daniel.
- An Outline of Future History (l) - We know that some form of the fourth empire will be in existence at the time of Jesus Christ's return to set up His Kingdom that will stand-forever.
- World Without End (l) - The basic lesson that comes from studying Western civilization, as well as all history, is a simple maxim: What goes up must come down.
Need for God
- Searching, Thirsting, Wishing (l) - If only we could be millionaires, all of our problems would be gone! Or would they? All of us have deep needs we seek to satisfy. But most of the things we try don't really work. What can fill your yearning?
Need for holy spirit
- What Does the Bible Say About... The Holy Spirit? (l) - "I will ask the father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always, the Spirit of truth..."
Need for love
- Our Need for Love (l) - Life without love is ultimately life without meaning. Love is a primary element of a human life.
Need for peace
- Peace on Earth? (l) - A World War II vet considers how the days of infamy and victory remind us of this world's crying need for peace.
Need for rescue
- Natural Disasters: Will We Ask the Crucial Questions? (l) - A native of New Orleans assesses what happened there with Hurricane Katrina -- and why.
- Life Is Fragile... Handle With Care (l) - In life we often have trouble knowing how to deal with certain situations, but God knows our needs and is always there for us.
- Meeting Needs Beyond Our Own (l) - The Bible shows that money and wealth can be used for either good or bad. In that light, it's important that we understand what God says about how we are to use money. What does the Bible tell us regarding our financial priorities?
- You Can Make a Difference! (l) - Make a difference in the lives of people and actively fulfill an important Christian obligation to help. Do not look away from the needy.
Negative influences
- A Lesson From Tony (l) - What can we do to help direct our children on the right path -- the path that leads to happiness, instead of self-destruction?
Negative laughter
- Laughter (l) - There are different types of laughter -- some to be enjoyed, and some to be avoided.
Negative news
- Graduating With Hope (l) - I have stopped watching the evening news because of the continual dripping of negativity and criticism. But there is always hope.
Negative partisanship
- The Divided States of America - A Dangerous Crossroads (l) - The nation's division is so obvious that growing numbers of people expect violence, bloodshed and perhaps even another civil war. What's behind this, and what does it mean for you?
Negative thinking
- "The Problem Is..." 5 Tips on How to Avoid Negative Thinking and Be More Positive (l) - How can we change a doom and gloom mindset? Instead of thinking everything in life is a problem, we can look at events as challenges to solve.
- Positive Facebook Posts Prove Contagious (l) - The power of positivity measured on social networks.
- With a Little Care (l) - Unlike the great care taken in endeavors of the space program, we often allow ourselves to rush through life without much thought or planning. What lessons can we learn from the mistakes of the space program?
- Nehemiah: A Leader for All Time (l) - There is more than one kind of leadership. Some leaders are dictatorial, such as Nimrod, while others lead by example, such as Nehemiah.
- Nehemiah: Portrait of a Leader (l) - In the book bearing his name, Nehemiah records his memoirs. He tells how, against tremendous odds, he accomplished an unimaginably difficult undertaking.
Nehemiah's wall
- God, Science and the Bible (3/08) (l) - News from the world of science about God and the Bible. Mar/Apr 2008
- Who Is My Neighbor? (l) - Growing reality of globalization is pushing us together with people we have never dealt with before.
- An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Jan/Feb 2001 (l) - A brief synopsis of world events. January/February 2001.
- World News Review November 1999 (l) - World news - Nov 1993
- Germany's Record Unemployment and Political Change (l) - Reaching the 5 million unemployed mark had an immediate impact on Germany's national confidence. In a poll taken a couple of days after the unemployment figures were released, 85 percent of the Germans surveyed expressed concern for their personal future.
- Monarchs in the News (l) - A tragedy in Nepal and an election in Bulgaria brought attention to the world's remaining monarchies - and the possible restoration of former monarchies in Europe.
- Who Will Go to Hell? (l) - What is hell? In the Bible the word hell is mentioned 54 times. It is translated from four different words. The only one in the Old Testament -- sheol in the Hebrew -- and one in the New Testament -- hades in Greek -- have the meaning of the grave, a pit or the abode of the dead. Sheol is the only word in the Old Testament from which hell is translated in the King James Version of the Bible. It is translated "hell" 31 times. Hades is translated "hell" 10 times in the New Testament.
Nervous system
- What About Reported Life-After-Death Experiences? (l) - In the Bible death is described as a state of total unconsciousness devoid of awareness, knowledge or perception (Psalm 6:5; Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10). If we accept the Bible's description of death, we realize that those who returned to consciousness or were revived and later related their experiences were not really dead but in some unconscious state
Net worth
- Determining Your Net Worth (l) - Here is a list of possible assets and liabilities to help you determine your net worth.
Netanyahu, Benjamin
- The Crucial Human Element in the Current Crisis (l) - Human beings make up nations and national groups. And human leaders inevitably possess highly individual personalities, legacies and backgrounds. To imagine that these factors never influence even crucial national decision-making would be highly unrealistic.
- Governments Legislating Morality (l) - Does the freedom of Western democracy license people to choose their own morality? Or can government legislate it? Actually, neither is true!
- Nov. 2 -- A Sobering Lesson for Us All (l) - Election Day in the United States was a day of great significance around the world, but not just because of the election results.
- Planning for Life (l) - Part 4 -- In this concluding installment we discuss how to build a support network and why we shouldn't automatically accept limitations others may impose.
- Current Events & Trends - March/April 2024 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the March/April 2024 issue of Beyond Today.
- All Spiritual Experiences Are Not of God (l) - A new science called "neurotheology," which examines religious experiences in the context of neurobiology.
New Age
- (l) - The following questions and answers represent issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
- Do You Know the Real Secret? (l) - Could you be affected by a popular but deceptive New Age teaching? What's at the heart of The Secret and The Law of Attraction? Does the Bible offer any insight and guidance?
- Beware The Law of Attraction's False Premises and Twisted Logic (l) - The 10 occult teachings of the spirits promoted by the media and the authors of The Law of Attraction.
- The Moses Code: New Truth or Recycled Deception? (l) - The new book and DVD The Moses Code promises the power to transform the world through a secret method supposedly revealed to Moses. But what's the story behind this secret?
- The Next Age of Man: What Will It Be Like? (l) - The next age is just around the corner, but the vast majority of people have never heard of it. And most who have heard of it don't really understand what it entails.
- Coming (l) - The Eternal God has designed and planned an amazing future civilization for you and all people. Discover when it will come, what it will be like and why it's the best news you could ever hear!
- God's Promise of a New Era (l) - God has a long-range plan for changing human nature and reopening the door for all of humanity to receive His Spirit.
- Who Determines Right From Wrong? (l) - All across the United States people are involved in a debate about the biblical Ten Commandments. It's ironic that while some Christians vehemently defend the posting of the Ten Commandments, many other Christians believe that these laws have no application to modern Christianity.
- Will God Forget the Dead? (l) - Real comfort comes from understanding the truth of God -- that He will not forget the dead, but will resurrect all who are in their graves.
New commandment
- The 'New' Part of Jesus Christ's 'New Commandment' (l) - Did Jesus replace God's previous commandments with one "new commandment"?
- Christ's New Commandment (l) - Did Jesus replace the clear definitions of the Ten Commandments with a new religious principle, that love alone can guide our lives?
New covenant
- Jesus, Paul and the New Covenant (l) - Did Jesus and the apostle Paul agree on how Christians should regard the Old Testament? Or, as is commonly believed, did Paul radically change the religion that Jesus Christ established?
- Choose the Best Answer (l) - Much of traditional Christianity believes that the law of God no longer applies to Christians. There are several different arguments against keeping the commandments, but are these biblical? Which approach gives the best answer from the Bible?
- Does the New Covenant Abolish Tithing? (l) - Many today believe that tithing came to an end after Christ's crucifixion. But is this what the Bible teaches?
- All the World Under the New Covenant (l) - The ultimate intent of God's master plan is to change the hearts of all peoples so He can give them His gift of eternal life.
- A Covenant of Marriage (l) - Few people realize that the Old Covenant was essentially a marriage covenant. The New Covenant is, too.
- God's Magnificent Series of Covenants (l) - Special covenants made with Noah, Abraham, Moses and David began to reveal important details of God's plan to produce for Himself an enduring holy people. The promised New Covenant is the capstone of that revelation process.
- Introduction: The New Covenant (l) - Does the New Covenant negate God's law and do away with any need to obey the Ten Commandments and other laws of God?
- Does the New Covenant Abolish the Commandments? (l) - The Bible tells us that Christ came as the Mediator of a better covenant. The popular belief that the New Covenant abolishes God's law reflects a misunderstanding of both covenants.
- How Is the New Covenant 'New'? (l) - The "new covenant" is 'new' as to form or quality, of a different nature from what is contrasted as old.
- "There Remains a Sabbath-Rest for the People of God" (l) - Our spiritual rest begins now in this life and reaches its consummation in the resurrection to eternal life at the return of Christ (Revelation 20:6). Christ's return also signals the beginning of the millennial rest prophesied in the Old Testament.
- The Ten Commandments in the New Testament (l) - Did Jesus abolish the Ten Commandments? On the contrary, the New Testament teaches obedience to them.
- God's Law and the New Covenant (l) - Many assume that, because Jesus Christ instituted the New Covenant, God's laws are thereby made obsolete. They lean on this argument to ignore His commandments. But what does Jesus Himself say?
- What Is a Biblical Covenant? (l) - Covenants are simply binding agreements between two or more parties. God Himself designed the covenant He made with Abraham and his descendants. When God makes a covenant, He will always perform what He has bound Himself to do.
- Israel's Golden Age (l) - The golden age of Israel under David and Solomon.
- The Historical Background of the Word Church (l) - The term church is used in the New Testament to mean a local congregation of called-out Christians.
- God's Knowledge Revealed in Two Parts (l) - Does it make sense for the Christian world to view the Old Testament's contents as somehow inferior or conflicting with the New? Is it logical to disregard the history of God's revelation, His revealed way of life and the promises these Hebrew Scriptures contain?
- The Need for a New Covenant (l) - The New Covenant is God's commitment to give His people His Spirit so they can obey Him.
- Jesus' Sacrifice and the Need for New Government (l) - The world is broken. The system doesn't work. We're in trouble. Big change is needed at the top and within. The annual biblical Passover observance reminds us that Jesus gave His life for this purpose, looking forward to the world's deliverance through the Kingdom He will bring.
- Did the New Covenant Cancel God's Commandments? (l) - Many Christians believe that the laws God gave ancient Israel under the Old Covenant are obsolete and therefore do not need to be obeyed. However, shouldn't they rather follow the perfect example of Jesus Christ, who said, "If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father's commandments and abide in His love"?
- Why Is the New Covenant Better? (l) - How does the new covenant differ from the God's previous covenant with ancient Israel?
- (l) - Questions and answers on issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
New creation
- A New Life Leading to Eternal Life (l) - Sin is why God sent His Son to die for us. But because He lives again, we also can experience a very different new life!
- Circumcision vs. a 'New Creation' in Christ (l) - The Jewish practice of requiring gentiles to be circumcised to be accepted into their fellowship threatened the unity of the early Church.
- A New Creation in Christ (l) - God predetermined, in His master plan, that His Son should be the model for our development.
New era
- A New Era (l) - The fact is, the world is headed into a darker future, just as the Bible has foretold. But there is hope beyond today.
New friends
- A Moving Experience (l) - How can we minimize the stress and maximize our friendships when we move?
New Guinea
- The View From Down Under (l) - The world looks different from "down under." Recent changes in the region are pressuring Australia to rethink its policies.
New heart
- The Wonderful World Beyond Today: A New Way of Thinking (l) - What do you do if everyone in the world needs a heart transplant?
- Abundant Fresh Fruit: To Serve God and Share With Others (l) - We can become like God by having His Spirit dwelling in us. As we grow spiritually, we should see more and more evidence of that miracle--more and more "fruit of the Spirit." And with more and more fruit, there is more and more to give to others!
- Heart of Stone: Unearthing the Mysteries of the Plagues (l) - God explains again and again that Pharaoh refused to free Israel in the Exodus because Pharaoh's heart was hardened. But what does that mean?
- Changing Hearts and Minds (l) - The author of Hebrews makes clear the changes needed to transform humans from the selfish and self-destructive beings of today to the giving, peacemaking and joyful citizens of God's Kingdom.
- The Entire World is in Need of a Heart Transplant (l) - God promises a world of peace and prosperity will come (Micah 4:1-4 [1] But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the LORD shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it. [2] And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. [3] And he shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. [4] But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid: for the mouth of the LORD of hosts hath spoken it. )! It's what everyone has always wanted, but mankind has never been able to achieve it. Why?
New heavens
- Bible Prophecy and You (l) - What is the reward God will give to His faithful servants? Most people assume that good people will go to heaven at death to be with God forever. But is this what the Bible teaches? In this study we'll examine what the Bible reveals about the amazing future God has planned for us.
New Jerusalem
- Questions and Answers - Jan/Feb 2008 (l) - Answers to readers' questions. Jan 2008
- The Everlasting Kingdom of God (l) - What is the Kingdom of God that it should be our highest priority in life?
New life
- The Foundation (l) - The key to living a way of life different from the ways of the world is to allow God's Spirit to work in us so we think like Jesus Christ.
- Why Must We Be Reconciled to God? (l) - At our baptism God forgives our past sins -- "sins previously committed" -- that we have repented of and stopped practicing.
New Madrid
- World News and Trends - Nov/Dec 2005 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Nov/Dec 2005.
New man
- Follow Me (3/2016) (l) - What did Jesus mean when He spoke of not putting a new patch on an old piece of cloth or new wine in new wineskins? His words carry profound meaning for us!
- Jesus Christ: Man and the Image of God (l) - It is the new man (or new woman) who is spiritually in the image of God. The image of God can be renewed in human beings only through the living presence of Jesus Christ in their lives.
- Introduction (bsc9) (l) - Scripture tells us that we need to undergo a transformation -- a change, with God's help, from "the old man" to "the new man". Conversion.
New moon, sabbath days
- Colossians 2:16-17: Are God's Laws Obsolete? (l) - Many people assume from Colossians 2:16-17 that Paul is saying that God's laws about the Sabbath, Holy Days and clean and unclean meats are no longer necessary.
New moons
- Colossians 2:16 Shows Gentile Christians Observed the Biblical Holy Days (l) - "Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: which are a shadow of things to come ..." wrote the apostle Paul in Colossians 2:16-17 (KJV). This passage is often misinterpreted. What does it really say?
New morality
- The War on Morality (l) - Editorial: The war on morality
- The Radical New Morality (l) - The Western world is seeing dramatic shifts that are reshaping society in powerful ways. What's going on, and why? Where is it leading?
New Orleans
- In the Aftermath of Katrina: What Can We Learn? (l) - Another major hurricane has slammed into the United States. The devastation has shut down cities and left hundreds of thousands homeless. Is there a spiritual lesson to learn from this tragedy?
- Restoring Moral Levees (l) - Without careful maintenance levees can fail. It's the same for character and self-restraint. The type of character that can withstand depravation and upheaval must be built and maintained one brick at a time over years of careful living.
- Natural Disasters: Will We Ask the Crucial Questions? (l) - A native of New Orleans assesses what happened there with Hurricane Katrina -- and why.
- Great Storms Foretold? (l) - Disasters and Jesus' words: "Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near."
- The Day the World Ended: Lessons From Pompeii (l) - Pompeii's ruins tell a stark and heartrending story. One day Pompeii was a thriving, lively city; the next it was a steaming mound of smoldering volcanic ash. Does Pompeii's tragic tale hold lessons for us today?
- Hurricane Katrina: Is God Removing His Protection From America? (l) - Hurricane Katrina's destruction was so great and far-reaching that many wonder if God is playing a hand in these events, either punishing the United States or removing His protection -- or both.
- Is God Indifferent to Human Suffering? (l) - If God is all-powerful, He could easily prevent disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, tornadoes, floods, droughts and volcanic eruptions. But He lets them happen. Why?
New Testamen
- Is the New Testament a Fraud? (l) - The Da Vinci Code and similar works have portrayed the formation of the New Testament as "history's greatest cover-up." Is it part of a conspiracy to deceive humanity, or is it the divinely inspired, true and accurate picture of what Jesus and His apostles said and did in the first century?
New Testament
- The New Testament: From Oral Testimony to the Written Word (l) - Christ kept His promises that His words would never pass away and that the Holy Spirit would bring everything He had taught the apostles back to their minds for later teaching and accurate recording.
- Do We Have Valid Testimony to the Life of Christ? (l) - The story of Jesus Christ and His early followers is found in the New Testament. But has this source been faithfully passed on to us? And can we believe what is written? What does the evidence tell us?
- How the Word Church is Used in Scripture and Common Speech (l) - In contemporary English usage, 'church' as a word dominates the ecclesiological vocabulary. It comes through German and Latin from the Greek kyriakon, which means 'that which belongs to the Lord.' In NT Greek, ekklesia (almost always translated in English by 'church') is by no means so dominating or central a term.
- The Testimony of the New Testament (l) - Many are surprised to learn that the Bible reveals Christ as the Creator! More than once the apostle Paul explained to early Christians that God had created all things by Jesus Christ (Ephesians 3:9; Colossians 1:16). Hebrews 1:2 tells us that God "has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, . . . through whom also He made the worlds."
- The Word of God (l) - The Old and New Testament are unified in revealing God's plan of salvation and the working out of that plan in human history.
- God's Festivals in the New Testament (l) - God's festivals, which began in the Old Testament, are also observed by New Testament Christians. Here are a number of New Testament scriptural references to this fact.
- God's Knowledge Revealed in Two Parts (l) - Does it make sense for the Christian world to view the Old Testament's contents as somehow inferior or conflicting with the New? Is it logical to disregard the history of God's revelation, His revealed way of life and the promises these Hebrew Scriptures contain?
- The New Testament Writers (l) - It is through the apostles, men chosen for a unique role that God brought about the creation of the 27 books comprising the New Testament. Their accounts were preserved as the New Testament. Fundamentally they were apostolic writings.
- The Transition from the Prophets to the Gospels (l) - The prophets and the New Testament join seamlessly to provide God's complete revelation to mankind. Even though the period between the testaments was more than 400 years, the prophets precede the apostolic writings in a manner that emphasizes their basic unity.
- The Need for a New Covenant (l) - The New Covenant is God's commitment to give His people His Spirit so they can obey Him.
- Why Are There Differences in Ancient New Testament Manuscripts? (l) - In the ancient world, copies of the New Testament books were made in several major locations. The manuscripts originating in these locations are grouped in what are called families of texts.
- Reexamining the Roots of Christianity (l) - Was the early church far more Jewish than has been taught?
- The Rest of the Story? (l) - Do we have the complete story of Jesus Christ's life and death? For centuries alternative ideas have circulated as to whether Christ was who the Gospels say He was. Did the early Church suppress more than 80 alternative gospel accounts of Christ's life? Now a best-selling book popularizes one of these stories. What is the truth? Can we be sure we have the rest of the story?
- When Was the New Testament Written? (l) - An interview with Professor Theide.
- The Unexplained Success of the Church (l) - No one willingly dies to perpetrate a hoax. One only dies for something he is convinced is the truth.
New Testament and archaeology
- Archaeology and the Epistles (l) - How accurate are the Epistles from an archaeological and historical point of view? We can be thankful that much background information is available about these writings that confirms their authenticity.
New Testament Church
- The Two Women of Revelation (l) - The events described in the second half of the book of Revelation are directly related to the past and future of two symbolic women who are diametrical opposites.
- 'Church' and 'Congregation' in the Scriptures (l) - The Church of God, the term most generally applied to God's people in English translations of the New Testament, is the body of people who are special to God because they obey His Word and accept His Son, Jesus Christ, as the Messiah.
- Introduction: Sunset to Sunset, God's Sabbath Rest (l) - Was the Sabbath condemned and changed in the early New Testament Church, or confirmed? Did God sanctify the Sabbath at the time He created Adam and Eve, or did He first set it apart as holy time at the Exodus more than 2,000 years later? Was the Sabbath changed from the seventh day of the week to another day, and, if so, when?
- Was the Sabbath Changed in the New Testament? (l) - If the Sabbath, or any part of God's law, were abolished or changed in the early New Testament Church, there should be clear evidence of such an alteration in New Testament writings.
- Was Sunday the New Testament Day of Worship? (l) - The New Testament was written over a time of more than 60 years after Jesus' death and resurrection, and nowhere does it show the day of rest being moved to Sunday.
- The New Testament Church Begins (l) - A new phase in God's plan of salvation involves God working through a group of people -- the Church -- who are spiritually transformed by the Holy Spirit. God chooses them not only to receive salvation for themselves, but to carry out His work for the ultimate benefit of all humanity.
New Testament diet
- Does the New Testament Abolish Meat Distinctions? (l) - Some people believe that certain New Testament scriptures remove all distinctions between clean and unclean meats. But what do these passages really say?
New Testament historicity
- Archaeology and the Epistles (l) - How accurate are the Epistles from an archaeological and historical point of view? We can be thankful that much background information is available about these writings that confirms their authenticity.
New Testament history
- When Was the New Testament Written? (l) - An interview with Professor Theide.
New Testament holydays
- Why Would the Apostle to the Gentiles Keep the "Jewish" Holy Days? (l) - The apostle Paul is considered by many as the originator of a theology that allegedly freed Christianity from the Sabbath, Holy Days and the law. Is this what the scriptural record indicates?
- God's Annual Festivals (l) - Many Christians assume that the festivals God gave to Israel are outdated. Yet the early Church continued to observe them. And the book of Revelation graphically portrays their fulfillments.
- Are God's Holy Days Relevant Today? (l) - When God begins something in this present age of mankind, He nearly always starts small. In Matthew 13:33 Jesus Christ compared God's Kingdom to both a mustard seed and leaven. Both analogies start with something small that expands into something much larger. Similarly, God called only a relatively few people in Old Testament times who were willing to follow His ways.
- Questions and Answers - Sep/Oct 2004 (l) - A question from a Good News magazine reader: Why observe the holydays in the New Testament?
New Testament manuscripts
- Why Are There Differences in Ancient New Testament Manuscripts? (l) - In the ancient world, copies of the New Testament books were made in several major locations. The manuscripts originating in these locations are grouped in what are called families of texts.
New Testament Passover
- Learning From Every Word of God (l) - Did you realize that Passover is mentioned more than 70 times in the Bible? What do those Christians who will be observing Passover know that others don't?
- Questions and Answers: "for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup' (l) - Paul is speaking in 1 Corinthians 11 of the observance Jesus instituted on "the night in which He was betrayed" (1 Corinthians 11:23).
- The Passover (l) - The New Testament Passover
- The Passover (BSC12) (l) - The apostles Paul and Peter understood that the slain Old Testament Passover lamb foreshadowed the death of Jesus Christ as our sacrifice for sin
New Testament Sabbath
- Ten Biblical Purposes for the Sabbath (l) - Many people view the biblical Sabbath day as an obsolete burden. Some even view it as an absolute curse! But what does the Bible really say? What does it tell us about the purposes of the Sabbath?
New Testament, accuracy of the
- Why Are There Differences in Ancient New Testament Manuscripts? (l) - In the ancient world, copies of the New Testament books were made in several major locations. The manuscripts originating in these locations are grouped in what are called families of texts.
New Testament, authors of the
- The New Testament Writers (l) - It is through the apostles, men chosen for a unique role that God brought about the creation of the 27 books comprising the New Testament. Their accounts were preserved as the New Testament. Fundamentally they were apostolic writings.
New testament, canonization of the
- How Did We Get the Bible? (l) - How was the Bible actually put together? How do we know that the Bible contains the books that it should have? These are important questions, and many books have been written to address them.
New Testament, epistles of the
- Archaeology and the Epistles (l) - How accurate are the Epistles from an archaeological and historical point of view? We can be thankful that much background information is available about these writings that confirms their authenticity.
New Testament, preservation of the
- Has the Bible Been Preserved Accurately? (l) - Some Bible critics argue that we should disregard the Bible because it's impossible that our modern versions could match the original texts. But how does this argument stand up to scrutiny?
New Testament, prophets and the
- The Transition from the Prophets to the Gospels (l) - The prophets and the New Testament join seamlessly to provide God's complete revelation to mankind. Even though the period between the testaments was more than 400 years, the prophets precede the apostolic writings in a manner that emphasizes their basic unity.
New Testament, translation of the
- Tyndale as Translator (l) - William Tyndale's competence in Greek may well be due to William Croke's lectures. Tyndale perhaps learned Hebrew in Worms, the main center of Jewish learning in Germany.
- William Tyndale: He Gave His Life to Give Us the Bible (l) - "William Tyndale's Bible translations have been the best-kept secrets in English Bible history. Many people have never heard of Tyndale; very few have (knowingly) read him. Yet no other Englishman -- not even Shakespeare -- has reached so many."
New wineskins
- Follow Me (3/2016) (l) - What did Jesus mean when He spoke of not putting a new patch on an old piece of cloth or new wine in new wineskins? His words carry profound meaning for us!
New world order
- Approaching 2000: A Window on Today's World (l) - The end of the Cold War was heralded as a new dawn in history. But a plethora of troubles soon appeared. The new century has not shaken off the problems of the old one.
New Years
- (l) - Questions and answers represent issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
- (l) - questions and answers represent issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
New York
- Calm From God Through New York's Greatest Storm (l) - Living through Hurricane Sandy, the recent "superstorm" that struck America's Northeast coast, didn't heighten my understanding of the weather, but I did learn some new things about God.
New Zealand
- Greater Than Gold (l) - Throughout the ages, gold has had an incredible pulling power. In 1855, it called men across continents and oceans to the gold fields of Otago, New Zealand. Is it possible that there exists something more powerful than gold?
New Zealand elections
- Different Elections -- Same Issues (l) - Outside the United States, the same issues confront candidates in other elections.
Newburgh Address
- A Vision Beyond the Spectacles (l) - When Washington needed to strengthen his vision, he reached for his spectacles. By doing so, he brought the curtain down on a brewing revolt. He clearly had the big picture of what was needed for his country in the years to come. His vision reached far beyond his spectacles.
Newness of life
- What the Bible Says About Baptism (l) - Baptism is one of the most important beliefs of Christianity, but why? What is this ceremony all about? Is baptism merely an archaic symbol, or does it hold a deep meaning for the modern Christian? Does it matter which method of baptism is used: sprinkling, pouring, immersion or some other technique? When should one be baptized?
- Is All News Local? (l) - Go ahead and keep up with the scores. But keep your eyes on the international horizon. There is a lot going on there that you need to be aware of.
- Jesus' Warning to "Watch" - Just What Did He Mean? (l) - Jesus and the apostles exhort us to actively "watch"! We need to understand all that they meant and the wide-ranging implications. Our survival and salvation could depend on that understanding and action!
News guide
- Watching and Understanding With World News and Prophecy (l) - Now more than ever, it is vital that you develop a worldview that gives understanding of today's world events.
News media
- Sifting the News: What to Look for (l) - One source reports the news one way. Another presents a very different picture. How do we make sense of these confusing discrepancies?
- When Stars & Lives Collide (l) - Does today's celebrity culture distract us from what's really important?
- All the News That Fits - Into One Minute (l) - With the U.S. networks continually cutting back on international coverage, where can a Christian turn to watch world events?
News reporting
- Should You Believe All the News You Hear? (l) - Many people's outlook on current events, culture, society and the world is shaped by the news they read and hear. But how truthful is most reporting? Can you - and should you - believe everything you hear?
News sources
- In the News Jan/Mar 2007 (l) - News stories. January 2007
- Sifting the News: What to Look for (l) - One source reports the news one way. Another presents a very different picture. How do we make sense of these confusing discrepancies?
- Extra! Extra! Read All About It ... on Your iPad (l) - Newspapers have been available online for several years, but the happy days of free access to news and magazine articles on the Internet seems to be drawing to a close.
- All the News That Fits - Into One Minute (l) - With the U.S. networks continually cutting back on international coverage, where can a Christian turn to watch world events?
News, effect of
- A Front-Row Seat for Suffering (l) - Repeated exposure to violence - real and feigned - in news and entertainment hardens us to the real suffering of others.
News, negative
- Graduating With Hope (l) - I have stopped watching the evening news because of the continual dripping of negativity and criticism. But there is always hope.
Newton, John
- God's Amazing Grace and Two Great Men (l) - God offers us a gift, the gift of His grace, a reflection of His love and forgiveness. It truly is an amazing gift!
Nez Perce
- 'I Will Fight No More, Forever' (l) - American and Indian cultures clashed on a shrinking North American continent.
- Constantine's Impact on Christianity (l) - The "Christianity" Constantine endorsed was already considerably different from that practiced by Jesus Christ and the apostles.
- Europe and the Church Part 4: Union of Church and State (l) - Even in this very secular age, many European countries continue a tradition established in the fourth century of a close relationship between church and state. The origins of this system take us back to one of the most significant leaders in history -- Roman Emperor Constantine the Great.
- Is the Trinity Biblical? (l) - Surely a teaching as widespread and popular as the Trinity is scriptural, isn't it? Yet time and again, theologians and researchers admit it isn't found in the Bible.
- The Surprising Origins of the Trinity Doctrine (l) - Few understand how the Trinity doctrine came to be accepted - several centuries after the Bible was completed! Yet its roots go back much farther in history.
- In the News Jan/Mar 2007 (l) - News stories. January 2007
Nichols, Brian
- Up Close and Personal (l) - Little does Ashley Smith realize she has a rendezvous with purpose. She is about to meet Brian Nichols.
- The Mediterranean Union: Another Roman Empire? (l) - A media circus was in high gear as U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama was greeted in the Middle East and Europe as a political superstar in late July 2008. But a potentially far more important development in that part of the world the week before garnered little attention.
- The New Mediterranean Union: Seeds of a New Roman Empire? (l) - A media circus was in full swing as U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama was greeted in the Middle East and Europe as a political superstar in late July 2008. But a potentially far more important development in that part of the world the week before garnered little attention.
- Puff, Puff...Cough, Cough! (l) - "Smoke! Smoke! Smoke that cigarette. Puff! Puff! Puff--and if you smoke yourself to death, ...
- Smoking and Health: The Often-Overlooked Key (l) - Smoking is devastating to one's health. Where can you find the extra help to kick the habit?
- Alarming Facts About Smoking Addiction (l) - A study conducted by Dr. Joseph Di Franza of the University of Massachusetts Medical School and an international team of researchers showed how dangerously addictive tobacco can be.
Nietzsc, Friedriche
- Atheism is Dead - God (l) - What is the attraction of atheism, and why has is become so evangelistic? Are we missing something, or is the atheist philosophy missing something?
- Life's Purpose and the Consequences of Ideas (l) - Nothing has a more direct impact on our moral choices than whether we believe in God. The moral choices we make determine the outcome of our lives and, collectively, of society.
- Europe's Coming Religious Revival (l) - Europe's experience with Christianity - including the dark side of its abuses and excesses - tells and astonishing and even violent tale. If Bible prophecy is any indication, that story will again be dark and violent.
- The World Is Watching Nigerian Elections (l) - What happens in Nigeria, the world's sixth largest producer of oil, is of strategic interest to a host of nations. Internal issues also make the country a target for terrorist recruiting and a possible new front in the war on terror. These factors have the world's powers watching the April presidential election closely.
- A Study in Contrasts (l) - Over a month after the voting, the results of the Zimbabwe presidential election still have not been officially announced. The autocratic president of Zimbabwe, who has been in power for almost three decades since the fall of Rhodesia, is clearly reluctant to hand over power. The current government has turned the breadbasket of Africa into an economic disaster with the highest inflation rate in the world. It raises the question: Why did Rhodesia work when Zimbabwe doesn't?
- Being Christian in Nigeria (l) - In Nigeria it is extremely difficult for young people to become independent and able to live on their own.
- Scarcity Drives Nigerian Gunmen to Murderous Raids on Local Villages (l) - On March 16, 2014, gunmen on motorcycles raided at least four Nigerian villages. They opened fire on residents and burned homes to the ground.
- Groping for Meaning and Morality (l) - Man has developed three views, nihilism, humanism & immanence, that attempt to explain the meaning of life without God. These have had an enormous impact on the world and the way people live.
- Who Started It? (l) - Who started Yuletide worship of Sun, mother and child?
- The First Superpower (l) - Shortly after the Flood, God divided the earth among the families of Noah (Genesis 10:32These are the families of the sons of Noah, after their generations, in their nations: and by these were the nations divided in the earth after the flood.).
- The Coming Superstate (l) - Superstates have existed in various forms through the ages, but not in the way they are forming today. Many world leaders are planning on creating a system that will exercise hegemony over the whole world. Their plans will eventually lead to a beast system that will rule over the earth. But then a superstate will come on the scene and usher in the true Millennium.
- The Horsemen of Revelation: The Red Horse of War (l) - Approximately 180 million men, women and children were slaughtered in 20th-century wars. The new millennium has continued the trend, with the addition of mass-murder terrorism. What do history and the Bible tell us about the second horseman of Revelation? We continue with our second article in a series about the horsemen of Revelation.
- Five Years After 9/11 (l) - Five years have now elapsed since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks stunned the entire world. So far no similar terrorist attacks have occurred in the United States, and only a few have impacted the rest of the Western world. Could there be more than meets the eye as to why?
- The Purpose of Prophecy (l) - The overall purpose of Bible prophecy is to encourage us to change our lives and help us see where the things we do ultimately lead.
- The Mighty Assyrian Empire Emerges From the Dust (l) - The excavations at Nineveh and other cities in the area yielded a staggering wealth of evidence that confirmed many details of the Bible account.
Ninth commandment
- The Ninth Commandment: Truth as a Way of Life (l) - How important is truth? To fully appreciate the Ninth Commandment, with its prohibition of lying, we must realize how important truth is to God.
- In the News Jan/Mar 2007 (l) - News stories. January 2007
Nisan 14
- How Easter replaced the biblical Passover (l) - Why did Easter replace the Passover?
No flesh saved
- 1. Mankind Must Have the Ability to Exterminate Itself (l) - In Matthew 24:22And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened., describing world conditions prior to His second coming, Jesus said that "if that time of troubles were not cut short, no living thing could survive; but for the sake of God's chosen it will be cut short" (Revised English Bible).
No time
- Life Is Too Short! (l) - Untimely deaths of family and friends brought home the truth that time is far too precious to waste.
Noachian Flood
- Noah's Flood: Did the Noachian Flood Cause Global Catastrophe? (l) - when the geologic strata and the fossil record are interpreted in light of what the Bible reveals, it becomes plain that many of the layered sedimentary rocks were in fact deposited in rapid succession rather than over eons of time (as evolutionists have long claimed).
- Confusion Over Noah (l) - Was the story of Noah based on other mythical stories, or were these stories actually a retelling of a real historic event?
- Noah: A True Noncomformist (l) - Many people identify with bucking the crowd and being one's own person, but how can we know when that's what we should do? here's an example of someone who was a nonconformist for the right reason.
- Answers from Genesis - Part 4 (l) - We continue exploring the book of Genesis and the common questions asked about it. Here are the answers as we best understand them in light of the Bible.
- Answers from Genesis - Part 5 (l) - The book of Genesis is known as the book of origins. Here are more frequently asked questions about it.
- Noah: The Rest of the Story (l) - The recent movie Noah presents a horribly distorted view of one of the Bible's great heroes of faith. What's the true story that you may have never heard or considered? Let's look at seven little-known facts about Noah that can change our lives for good!
- God's Magnificent Series of Covenants (l) - Special covenants made with Noah, Abraham, Moses and David began to reveal important details of God's plan to produce for Himself an enduring holy people. The promised New Covenant is the capstone of that revelation process.
- "As in the Days of Noah Revisited (l) - What if today's culture is like that of the time before the Flood of Noah described in Genesis? What if God's judgment and intervention are once again drawing near, with great impact on your life and family? Would you be prepared?
- Noah: An Example of Righteousness (l) - The story of Noah.
- Was There Enough Water? (l) - Some critics of a universal flood have claimed that sufficient water simply wasn't available to cover the mountains as the Bible describes. "And the waters prevailed exceedingly on the earth, and all the high hills under the whole heaven were covered" (Genesis 7:19).
- Was Noah's Flood Universal? (l) - Was the Flood of Genesis universal, covering all the earth? Or was it merely a regional inundation engulfing only a small area ? This question has troubled many readers of the Genesis story. How can we discover the truth?
- Noah's Ark: Was It Possible? (l) - Atheists, agnostics, unbelievers and liberal scholars have all scoffed at the biblical account of Noah's ark and the Flood. But their criticisms rest on some mistaken assumptions.
- Noah's Flood: Did It Really Happen? (l) - The story of Noah's Flood in the book of Genesis is astounding. Can we find evidence it happened?
- Evidence of a Worldwide Flood (l) - For much of the 20th century the majority of the scientific community has denied the possibility of a universal flood. Yet more evidence is accumulating that there indeed was a worldwide flood several thousand years ago.
Noah movie
- Upcoming Film, Is This Really the Story of the Biblical Noah? (l) - Recent announcement by producers clarifies accuracy of new Bible-related film.
Noah's ark
- In the News Jan/Mar 2005 (l) - In the news ... Jan-March 2005
- Has Noah's Ark Been Found Buried Under Ice on Mt. Ararat? (l) - A team of Chinese explorers from Hong Kongbased Noah's Ark Ministries International (NAMI) along with Turkish climbers and authorities announced the discovery of what they believe are large sections of Noah's ark found above the 13,000-foot level on Mt. Ararat.
- In the News Oct/Dec 2004 (l) - In the news ... October-December 2004
- (l) - Questions and answers on issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
- Noah's Ark: Was It Possible? (l) - Atheists, agnostics, unbelievers and liberal scholars have all scoffed at the biblical account of Noah's ark and the Flood. But their criticisms rest on some mistaken assumptions.
- Update on the Search for Noah's Ark (l) - Conditions may make this a good year for searchers. But nothing in Bible prophecy demands that the ark must have been preserved or that it would be discovered.
- Evidence of a Worldwide Flood (l) - For much of the 20th century the majority of the scientific community has denied the possibility of a universal flood. Yet more evidence is accumulating that there indeed was a worldwide flood several thousand years ago.
- Was Noah's Flood Universal? (l) - Was the Flood of Genesis universal, covering all the earth? Or was it merely a regional inundation engulfing only a small area ? This question has troubled many readers of the Genesis story. How can we discover the truth?
- Understanding Biblical `Kinds' (l) - Critics have asserted that the number of animals aboard Noah's ark would have been in the tens of thousands if not more. But this assumes that biblical kinds are equivalent to scientific species. This is not necessarily the case.
- A Colossal Testimony to God (l) - For many decades Noah witnessed to the world by building his huge ship away from the water.
- (l) - Letters from the readers of the Good News magazine, Sep/Oct 2003.
- (l) - Questions and answers on issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
Noah's ark, animals on the
- Noah's Ark: Was It Possible? (l) - Atheists, agnostics, unbelievers and liberal scholars have all scoffed at the biblical account of Noah's ark and the Flood. But their criticisms rest on some mistaken assumptions.
Noah's ark, species on the
- Noah's Ark: Was It Possible? (l) - Atheists, agnostics, unbelievers and liberal scholars have all scoffed at the biblical account of Noah's ark and the Flood. But their criticisms rest on some mistaken assumptions.
Noah's day
- The Population Explosion and Prophecy (l) - The population explosion is a fact of life. But little have people realized that these circumstances are leading to the fulfillment of end-time prophecies-ultimately bringing the solutions to a troubled world that only God in His mercy can provide.
Noah's flood
- Answers from Genesis - Part 5 (l) - The book of Genesis is known as the book of origins. Here are more frequently asked questions about it.
Noah, days of
- From the Editor - Good News Magazine Jan/Feb 2003 (l) - Why does God reveal what's going to happen? One reason is so we can be motivated to change. God doesn't want us to be caught on the wrong side of events as they unfold. Some will be, and they will suddenly be trapped like an animal caught in a snare (Luke 21:34-36).
- Appendix 13: The Nobility--Also Jewish (l) - We have elsewhere seen that the royalty of Europe is descended from Judah's son Zerah, in accordance with the prophecy that the scepter would not depart from Judah (Genesis 49:10). Indeed, the royal house of Britain is a fusion of the lines of Zerah and Judah's other son Perez through his descendant King David. Because of intermarriage, the other royal houses of Europe are Davidic as well.
Noise and health
- Noise Pollution Impacts Health (l) - The soundscape around us changes as technology emerges. Can it affect health?
- Peace and Unity in Christ (l) - All man-made barriers must be "broken down" before mankind can enjoy the peace and unity for which Christ died.
- Kingdom of Lies - The Demonic Assault on Reality (l) - Efforts to destroy the family to remake society have sunk to now redefining sexuality on a fundamental level. These attempts arise from utopian dreams of reshaping the world into an imagined paradise free from biblical morality. Dark forces are driving the false hope and means of trying to realize it, posing an existential threat to humanity. But Truth will ultimately prevail.
- Noah: A True Noncomformist (l) - Many people identify with bucking the crowd and being one's own person, but how can we know when that's what we should do? here's an example of someone who was a nonconformist for the right reason.
Nondenominational Christian
- (l) - questions and answers represent issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
- Why Are So Many Abandoning Christianity? (l) - Organized Christianity is in significant decline. Church attendance is plummeting and many people are shedding religion altogether. Why is this happening? The underlying cause principally involves vital biblical values that have been rejected by both individuals and traditional Christianity itself.
- Forget About Being Normal (l) - Almost everybody wants to be considered normal. But what is normal? Should we always want to be normal?
- Pilgrimage to Normandy (l) - The futility of war is brought home all the more vividly on the fields of sacrifice.
Normandy invasion
- 70 Years After D-Day: From Power to Impotence (l) - Seventy years ago, an American-led Allied invasion on the beaches of Normandy marked the beginning of the end of the grip of tyranny over Europe. In little more than a year, the United States would emerge as a superpower and world policeman. Contrast that to today, when that superpower is in retreat -- its influence and power rapidly declining.
- Appendix 13: The Nobility--Also Jewish (l) - We have elsewhere seen that the royalty of Europe is descended from Judah's son Zerah, in accordance with the prophecy that the scepter would not depart from Judah (Genesis 49:10). Indeed, the royal house of Britain is a fusion of the lines of Zerah and Judah's other son Perez through his descendant King David. Because of intermarriage, the other royal houses of Europe are Davidic as well.
Norse gods
- New Temple to Norse Gods in Iceland (l) - Belief in God is waning in most Western countries, along with a general increase in atheism.
North and South
- Thousand-Year-Old Lessons From the Crusades for Today (l) - Kingdom of Heaven is a movie about the Crusades, a clash of civilizations between Islam and Christianity that lasted two centuries. Could a similar clash of civilizations lie ahead?
North Korea
- World News and Trends - Mar/Apr 2005 (l) - An Overview of Conditions Around the World; Mar/Apr 2005
- World News and Trends - July/August 2006 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Jul/Aug 2006
- World News Review August 2006 (l) - World news review - Sept 2006.
- North Korea's Nuclear Blast: What Does It Mean? (l) - Stalinist Kim Jong Il has brought North Korea into the nuclear club. Headlines ask, "Who Can Stop Him Now?" Now that we know North Korea has nuclear devices, we ask, "What does this mean?"
- North Korean Nukes: What's Next? (l) - Longtime Stalinist Kim Jong Il has officially brought North Korea into the nuclear club. Now that North Korea has nuclear devices, what can the rest of the world expect?
- World News & Trends May 2009 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. May 2009
- World News & Trends Sept. 2009 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. September 2009.
- Iran and North Korea in collusion (l) - While not the "Axis Powers" of World War II, Iran and North Korea are nonetheless dictatorial nations colluding in their joint evil.
- Is World War III Becoming More Plausible? (l) - Could the unspeakable horror of two world wars that afflicted the first half of the 20th century actually happen again? Will many of the nations that fought in those colossal struggles enter yet another global war? Will war spread around the world or alternatively occur only in key geostrategic locations?
- Iran and the Threat of EMP Attack (l) - In the wake of the Iran nuclear deal, the question looms about what Iran might do once it acquires nuclear weapons. Some are sounding the alarm about a dangerous scenario that could fatally wound a nation in an instant.
- North Korea Close to Deliverable Nuclear Weapons? (l) - North Korea's goal is to become a nuclear power.
- North Korea Continues Missile Testing (l) - Fear of war, danger and the unknown is common to man. Hearing about rogue nations and their nuclear aspirations can be scary. But God doesn't want us to live a life of fear.
- North Korea a Bigger Threat Than Many Imagine (l) - North Korea is the perennial pariah of the Far East, the subject of continuous sanctions and international ire.
- July/August 2017 Current Events (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the July/August 2017 issue of Beyond Today.
- The New Nuclear Peril (l) - The United States and its global allies face dangerous adversaries armed with nuclear weapons or who will likely possess them soon. How significant are these threats, and how do they play into Bible prophecies about what will occur at the "time of the end"? And what should you do to prepare?
- America: Attacked Abroad, Divided Within (l) - The United States is bitterly divided both politically and socially. At the same time its role in the world is being undermined in strategic geographic regions. Are we entering a time of escalating danger and trouble like that spoken of in the Bible?
- Current Events & Trends September/October 2017 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the September/October 2017 issue of Beyond Today.
- Current Events and Trends - November/December 2017 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the November/December 2017 issue of Beyond Today.
- Today's Arms Race: How Will It End? (l) - America, Russia and China are locked in a new arms race involving unprecedented weapons technology. Will this growing arms race end the human race?
- World News Review August 1999 (l) - World news - August 1999
- A Gathering Storm (l) - America could be caught asleep and find itself awakened and staring into the gun of a hostile power.
- World News Review August 2003 (l) - world news review. August 2003.
- World News Review May 1999 (l) - World news - May 1999
- World News and Trends - Sep/Oct 2004 (l) - An Overview of Conditions Around the World, Sept/Oct 2004.
North Pole
- World News and Trends - September/October 2007 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Sept/Oct 2007
North Viet Nam
- The Enemy Became a Human (l) - Before the metals of weapons can be bent or melted down into instruments of peace, human nature must first be melted down and bent in a new direction.
Northern Ireland
- World News and Trends - Sep/Oct 2005 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Sept, 2005.
Northwestern Europe
- Prophecies of Israel's Resettlement in Northwestern Europe (l) - Biblical passages indicate that the captive Israelites would eventually move on from their land of exile in northern Mesopotamia to ultimately settle in Northwestern Europe-the major maritime and coastal region north and west of their Middle Eastern homeland.
- Vikings Are Coming, Again! (l) - Wherever it gets involved, Oslo has practiced its unique brand of diplomacy, blending official overtures with freelance initiatives by ambitious private citizens in a way no other country has dared.
Norwegian diplomacy
- Vikings Are Coming, Again! (l) - Wherever it gets involved, Oslo has practiced its unique brand of diplomacy, blending official overtures with freelance initiatives by ambitious private citizens in a way no other country has dared.
- The Amazing Nose (l) - The human nose can identify many more odors than previously thought.
- Chasing the Good Old Days (l) - Reflecting on the "good old days" can bring back warm thoughts and fond memories. But could longing for a lost past diminish the joy of the present and the hope God has in store for your future?
- Beware of Prophecies! (l) - Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world" (1 John 4:1).
- Pen and Paper the Best Memory Aid (l) - Taking notes longhand makes for better comprehension, study finds.
NPD party
- Germany's Record Unemployment and Political Change (l) - Reaching the 5 million unemployed mark had an immediate impact on Germany's national confidence. In a poll taken a couple of days after the unemployment figures were released, 85 percent of the Germans surveyed expressed concern for their personal future.
Nuclean weapons
- World News and Trends - May/June 2006 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world.
Nuclear accident
- "They Were Not Afraid To Die" (l) - What has emerged from this multidimensional tragedy and caught the world's attention is not the size or scale of the quake or tsunami, or nuclear waste leaks, but the size of the hearts of everyday workers at the plant who have stepped up in time of trouble.
Nuclear arms
- Out of Hibernation: The Russian Bear (l) - What role will the resurgent Russia play in end-time events?
Nuclear destruction
- The Majority: Unknowing, Unaware and Unconcerned (l) - Most people have scant appreciation of the constant dangers that stalk our planet. The presence of God in our lives is our only sure protection.
Nuclear energy
- Moon Race Redux (l) - Many nations are committing fortunes to reach the moon! You may be surprised to learn which countries are in the race--and even more surprised by what they seek. Scientists are calling it the perfect fuel, saying it will change the world as we know it.
Nuclear iran
- What Would a Nuclear Iran Mean for the World? (l) - While politicians and pundits debate what to do about the matter, Iran continues its pursuit of nuclear weapons, threatening Israel and the world. How does the Bible guide us in understanding Middle Eastern events and gaining a proper global perspective?
Nuclear missiles
- An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Jul/Aug 2000 (l) - A brief synopsis of world events. July/August 2000
Nuclear power
- Japan Copes With Overwhelming Devastation (l) - Millions of beleaguered and traumatized inhabitants of Japan are still struggling to come to terms with a staggering disaster"the world's costliest thus far. What is the fallout? And what can the Bible tells us about such calamities?
- Russia cozying up to Iran and China (l) - Aggression against Ukraine's sovereignty has diminished Russia's status in the eyes of its nominal Western allies.
Nuclear terrorism
- What's Behind Islamic Terror? (l) - The world is horrified by regular bloody terrorist attacks in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Such attacks have also been carried out in Western nations such as the United States, Britain and Spain. What's behind this blood-soaked trend, and where is it leading?
Nuclear war
- Will Iran Provoke Nuclear War in 2006? (l) - How far will Iran go with its nuclear program? Will diplomacy curtail it? Will the Israelis knock it out from the air? Will the United States soon be involved in another war?
- World News and Trends - July/August 2008 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. July 2008
- Current Events & Trends - March/April 2023 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the March/April 2023 issue of Beyond Today.
- The Horsemen of Revelation: The Red Horse of War (l) - Approximately 180 million men, women and children were slaughtered in 20th-century wars. The new millennium has continued the trend, with the addition of mass-murder terrorism. What do history and the Bible tell us about the second horseman of Revelation? We continue with our second article in a series about the horsemen of Revelation.
- From the Editor - Good News Magazine Jan/Feb 2003 (l) - Why does God reveal what's going to happen? One reason is so we can be motivated to change. God doesn't want us to be caught on the wrong side of events as they unfold. Some will be, and they will suddenly be trapped like an animal caught in a snare (Luke 21:34-36).
- Staying Alert in a Dangerous World: India and Pakistan (l) - It's supremely important that you keep your finger on the pulse of our age, especailly on the world's recent nuclear developments.
- The Majority: Unknowing, Unaware and Unconcerned (l) - Most people have scant appreciation of the constant dangers that stalk our planet. The presence of God in our lives is our only sure protection.
- An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Jul/Aug 2002 (l) - An analysis of world news, trends, and conditions around the world. July/August 2002
Nuclear weapon
- Is Iran the New Mideast Superpower? (l) - The Middle East is at the center of Bible prophecy. Iran looks set to become the new regional superpower as the United States and its allies withdraw from or sharply reduce their presence in the region. What are the consequences--especially for the Jewish nation of Israel?
- Are We in a Dangerous Age of Appeasement? (l) - Two significant powers, Russia and Iran, are throwing their weight around and taking over nearby territory. But rather than stand up to them, Western powers -- especially the United States -- meekly acquiesce. The parallels with the preā"World War II appeasement of Adolf Hitler are striking.
Nuclear weapons
- Iran's Growing Nuclear Threat (l) - For the last three years, world attention has focused on Iran's two neighbors, Afghanistan and Iraq. But attention will increasingly focus on Iran, a major Islamic nation well on the way to acquiring nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them.
- World News and Trends - Mar/Apr 2005 (l) - An Overview of Conditions Around the World; Mar/Apr 2005
- Mr. Sharon Comes to Washington - and Iran Is on His Mind (l) - Whether there is any way to deter Iran from producing nuclear weapons is one of the most pressing issues facing the world today. The U.S. administration has hinted broadly that it might take military action to prevent Iran from joining the nuclear club. The EU is attempting to negotiate Iran away from nuclear ambitions through a generous package of economic benefits, which the struggling nation desperately needs. For the time being, the United States and the EU appear to be working together to try to resolve the situation.
- How Serious a Threat Could Iran Pose? (l) - President Ahmadinejad has warned that the West would feel the consequences of pressing for sanctions against Iran much more than Iran would suffer. What could he have in mind? How could Iran strike at the West?
- What Motivates Ahmadinejad? (l) - The president of Iran appears intent on developing nuclear weapons and has repeatedly threatened to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. In the West he is at times portrayed as a madman, but few realize the real motivating force behind his dream of triumphant Islam.
- Pride of America's Power: Approaching the Breaking Point? (l) - Last month in part one of this series we showed the vast power currently held by the United States. Could we see a time when this power, in all its forms, will be broken, no longer able to influence world events? The answer is found in Bible prophecy.
- World News and Trends - September/October 2006 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Sept 2006.
- North Korea's Nuclear Blast: What Does It Mean? (l) - Stalinist Kim Jong Il has brought North Korea into the nuclear club. Headlines ask, "Who Can Stop Him Now?" Now that we know North Korea has nuclear devices, we ask, "What does this mean?"
- North Korean Nukes: What's Next? (l) - Longtime Stalinist Kim Jong Il has officially brought North Korea into the nuclear club. Now that North Korea has nuclear devices, what can the rest of the world expect?
- The New Nuclear Arms Race: Will Man Destroy Himself? (l) - Iran seems intent on joining North Korea in the nuclear club. Uneasy neighbors will likely soon start their own nuclear programs. What does the proliferation of nuclear weapons mean for the rest of us?
- World News and Trends - March/April 2007 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. March 2007.
- Pakistan: A Nuclear-Armed Power Walks a Tightrope (l) - Pakistan's pro-Western leader has now survived three assassination attempts and is under increasing pressure from Islamic militants. If he falls, Pakistan will likely fall with him. If that happens, radical Islamists will likely gain control of Pakistan's arsenal of nuclear weapons.
- World News and Trends - November/December 2007 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. November 2007
- Will Israel Attack Iran? (l) - Worries about a nuclear-armed Iran are real, and Israel is in the crosshairs. Will the Israelis act, and if so, when?
- World News & Trends May 2009 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. May 2009
- Should America Play Ball With Iran? (l) - We were told in a major cover article recently published by Newsweek, a popular American news magazine, that "they may not want the bomb... Iran isn't a dictatorship...[and] Iran may be ready to deal." Are these points basically true? Should the United States negotiate with the present leadership of this wayward nation -- regardless of its radical conduct in office?
- World News & Trends: July/August 2009 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. July 2009
- World News & Trends Sept. 2009 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. September 2009.
- World News & Trends: November/December 2009 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. November 2009
- Iran's Dangerous Nuclear Game (l) - Most Westerners are dangerously unaware of the crucial background behind Iran's ever-growing nuclear program. Such ignorance could prove not only perilous, but fatal.
- Risk of Nuclear Attack Still Growing (l) - The United States and Russia have agreed to reduce their deployed strategic nuclear warheads by nearly a third. Efforts are underway to rein in the spread of nuclear materials, but the threat of nuclear weapons is still growing.
- Iran's Nuclear Ambitions Continue Unabated (l) - The media world provides us with many distractions that continually avert our eyes from seeing occurrences essential to eventually fulfilling Bible prophecy.
- What Are Ahmadinejad's Aims? (l) - What's really behind Iran's nuclear program? Is something much bigger at work, something that becomes clear when we look more deeply into the Iranian president's religious beliefs? And does the Bible provide us with understanding regarding the future of the war-torn Middle East?
- Revisiting the Iranian Nuclear Threat (l) - Will a surprising turn in Tehran, bringing an ostensibly more moderate president to the fore, slow down Iran's march to possess a nuclear bomb?
- Iran Nuclear Talks Extended (l) - The deadline for an agreement on capping Iran's nuclear program in exchange for Western powers easing economic sanctions was pushed to the end of June 2015 when negotiations failed to achieve a deal this past November.
- Nuclear Iran Could Lead to Nuclear Saudi Arabia (l) - Israel, Europe and the United States are not the only world powers with an intense interest in the outcomes of the international talks over Iran's nuclear future.
- The Russian Bear Reawakens (l) - Russia's recent actions in Ukraine follow a long history of imperialist oppression. Are these events leading the world back to the brink of nuclear extinction?
- Nuclear talks stoke further Saudi-Iranian conflict (l) - America remains mired in difficult, dangerous relationships with Middle Eastern states.
- Hiroshima (l) - The capacity of people to kill each other entered an entirely new and never-before-imagined age that day. For the first time in history, the dreadful prophecy that mankind would face extinction if not for the return of Jesus Christ was conceivable.
- The Coming End to War (l) - As the world reflects on the great conflict that was the Second World War, two great questions are inescapable: Could it happen again? And will humanity ever find lasting peace?
- Will Humanity Perish in a New Nuclear Age? (l) - In spite of a new 21st-century Cold War and fresh fears of atomic-fueled human extinction, a surprising and sure hope will intervene. But many will suffer first, and all of us face a choice.
- The Iranian Nuclear Deal and Bible Prophecy (l) - The appeasement of evil has sunk to new levels with the stunning nuclear agreement with Iran. Be warned: Terrible times lie ahead.
- Iran and the Threat of EMP Attack (l) - In the wake of the Iran nuclear deal, the question looms about what Iran might do once it acquires nuclear weapons. Some are sounding the alarm about a dangerous scenario that could fatally wound a nation in an instant.
- Prudent Disaster Preparedness (l) - Experts warn about the possibility of an electromagnetic pulse attack that could knock out electricity over vast regions.
- The Iran Nuclear Deal (l) - As more and more details of the Iran nuclear negotiations unfolded over recent months, the questions grew more and more puzzling.
- North Korea Close to Deliverable Nuclear Weapons? (l) - North Korea's goal is to become a nuclear power.
- North Korea Continues Missile Testing (l) - Fear of war, danger and the unknown is common to man. Hearing about rogue nations and their nuclear aspirations can be scary. But God doesn't want us to live a life of fear.
- Iran Rally Protests Trump, America (l) - Earlier this year President Donald Trump put Iran "on notice" concerning its nuclear program. Iranian leaders balked at this warning, and Iranian citizens took to the streets in protest.
- The New Nuclear Peril (l) - The United States and its global allies face dangerous adversaries armed with nuclear weapons or who will likely possess them soon. How significant are these threats, and how do they play into Bible prophecies about what will occur at the "time of the end"? And what should you do to prepare?
- A World in Need of Rescue! (l) - A number of existential threats are leading mankind to the precipice of destruction. Thankfully, all these will be stopped in their tracks by a returning Jesus Christ.
- 1. Mankind Must Have the Ability to Exterminate Itself (l) - In Matthew 24:22And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened., describing world conditions prior to His second coming, Jesus said that "if that time of troubles were not cut short, no living thing could survive; but for the sake of God's chosen it will be cut short" (Revised English Bible).
- Current Events & Trends March/April 2018 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the March/April 2018 issue of Beyond Today.
- Today's Arms Race: How Will It End? (l) - America, Russia and China are locked in a new arms race involving unprecedented weapons technology. Will this growing arms race end the human race?
- 75 Years After Hiroshima (l) - Seventy-five years ago, the United States waged the world's first nuclear war. Since then, eight nations have detonated 2,056 nuclear weapons, a shocking number. As one analyst warns, nations seem "willfully blind to the peril." Will humanity survive?
- The India/Pakistan Weapons Conundrum (l) - The more nuclear powers, the more other nations feel it absolutely necessary to develop and add weapons of this nature to their defense arsenals.
- The End of the World: What Does the Bible Say? (l) - Our main focus should be to seek God to be spiritually prepared for the times that are coming. "But keep on the alert at all times," said Jesus, "praying in order that you may have strength to escape all these things that are about to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man" (Luke 21:36)
- Why Is Everyone Courting India? (l) - Everyone seems to want stronger ties with India. The U.S., Japan and Germany all seek India's favor. Does this signal a change in Asian focus?
- An Overview of Conditions Around the World - May/Jun 1997 (l) - A brief synopsis of world events. May/June 1997
- A Gathering Storm (l) - America could be caught asleep and find itself awakened and staring into the gun of a hostile power.
- Keep Your Eyes on Iran (l) - There's more than meets the eye with Iran's recent arrest and release of British sailors picked up in the strategic border area of Shatt al-Arab. Why doesn't Iran want Iraq to succeed? How stable is this Islamic republic, which is on the brink of becoming a nuclear power?
- After Iraq, What Next? (l) - As the world focuses its attention on the conflict between the United States and Iraq, it's easy to overlook the many other threats facing the United States. What are these threats, and what do they portend?
- The Majority: Unknowing, Unaware and Unconcerned (l) - Most people have scant appreciation of the constant dangers that stalk our planet. The presence of God in our lives is our only sure protection.
- World News Review Nov 2002 (l) - World news review. November 2002.
- (l) - In some ways, we are closer to nuclear war than we were in the 1950s and '60s. Then, at least, the nuclear forces were well controlled and well paid.
- (l) - An overview of conditions around the world.
Number 666
- The Mark and Number of the Beast (l) - The Bible does not explicitly define the specific methods that the beast will use to identify those free to participate in commerce at the time of the end. Revelation, however, does explain which parts of their bodies-their hands and heads-will be used in identifying them.
- In the News Oct/Dec 2003 (l) - "Devil's Highway" at a Dead End. Study Finds Sexually Active Teens More Likely to Suffer Depression.
Nursing homes
- Are You Missing Something? (l) - There is a unique opportunity out there for you. It is an opportunity that will make you feel good about yourself while helping others.
- Christ's Passion Toward You and Me! (l) - While on earth, Christ provided many examples for us to follow. His compassion for humankind surpassed anything we can possibly accomplish, but we are to strive to demonstrate compassion as He did. Only then can the message of Christ's life be truly conveyed.
- Emotional - Physical Health Connection (l) - Taking care of your body is an important step towards mental and emotional health. God created links between the human body and mind.
- Fast-Food Fanciers (l) - If your food consumption includes large amounts of fast-food, you would be wise to cut back.
- Take Responsibility for Your Own Health--Nobody Else Will! (l) - Why do people get sick? Sickness is not a natural state-of-being. Learn how to protect your health by changing the way you think about food.
- Religious Nuts (l) - The terms may vary from place to place, but it seems every society and every generation has had some experience with those who are deviant thinkers.
NY Times
- The Battle Over What You Think (l) - For decades a battle has raged -- a battle not for territory, but for hearts and minds. Whether you realize it or not, you and your loved ones are a target of this battle, and the stakes couldn't be higher!
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