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The Rest of the Story?Do we have the complete story of Jesus Christ's life and death? For centuries alternative ideas have circulated as to whether Christ was who the Gospels say He was. Did the early Church suppress more than 80 alternative gospel accounts of Christ's life? Now a best-selling book popularizes one of these stories. What is the truth? Can we be sure we have the rest of the story?by Darris McNeelyFor a Christian, there is no more central tenet of faith than the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. On that point hangs the hope of eternal life in the Kingdom of God through the resurrection from the dead. That He would rise from the dead, thus signifying that He was the Son of God, was the one sign He gave to a skeptical generation. The four Gospels testify with convincing evidence that He did rise from the dead and that He was the divine Son of God, the Messiah promised through the prophets. Almost from the beginning of the Church, this central fact was attacked as a falsehood. The Church carefully gathered eyewitness accounts. The apostles wrote of what they saw. Paul went into considerable detail on the matter when he wrote to the Corinthian church about the resurrection and its vital importance to the Christian faith. And yet the attacks continued. For some, Christ was no more than a good moral teacher, a rabbi who broke out of the pack. They believe His frustrated followers did nothing more than fabricate a fantastic tale of an empty tomb and new faith. The attempt to deny Christ's resurrection continues into modern times. The 1967 book The Passover Plot offered purported "rational" and "logical" alternative explanations to the biblical account. The book's title sums up a view that many still hold—that the story told in the New Testament is at best incomplete and at worst a complete fraud. Plotted into a Code The latest popular theory is told in a book that has been on the best-seller list for the better part of a year and will appear in 2005 as a Hollywood motion picture. The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown is a work of fiction that uses actual events, characters and places to draw readers into off-beat speculations about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Brown spins fact and fiction together in a way that makes for a fast-paced, intriguing story, long on action and excitement, but short on actual truth. In a nutshell, The Da Vinci Code puts forth the idea that Jesus Christ was married to Mary Magdalene, leaving her pregnant with His child when He died. The mother and child were secreted off to southern France and the lineage of that union exists to this day. The male-dominated church supposedly suppressed this "knowledge" and saw to it that any writing containing this information was purged from the official record. According to Brown's plot, those who knew the "truth" managed to keep it alive and pass it on down through the ages. Leonardo da Vinci was supposedly one such keeper of the secret, and his famous painting The Last Supper purportedly shows Mary Magdalene to the right of Jesus. Of course this contradicts the biblical account, which tells us it was the disciple John who sat at the Lord's right on His final evening. Brown's book inspired an examination by the ABC news program Primetime. Interviewed on the program, Brown said, "I began as a skeptic. As I started researching The Da Vinci Code, I really thought I would disprove a lot of this theory about Mary Magdalene and holy blood and all of that. [Instead] I became a believer." The program's hostess, Elizabeth Vargas, sent a mixed message to viewers with this conclusion: "What we found is that some of the claims the book makes are simply not credible and some of the claims have been made before. But there are some surprising truths behind the story of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and Leonardo da Vinci" (Primetime, airdate Nov. 3, 2003). What "truths?" What exactly does the book claim is the true story of Christ and the Church? Here are some excerpts: •"At this gathering [Council of Nicea in A.D. 325] many aspects of
Christianity were debated and voted upon—the date of Easter, the
role of the bishops, the administration of sacraments, and, of course,
the divinity of Jesus... until that moment in history, Jesus was viewed
by his followers as a mortal prophet... Jesus' establishment as the 'Son
of God' was officially proposed and voted on by the Council of Nicea...
A relatively close vote at that" (p. 233). There are many other wild ideas floated by Brown in the book, but these few passages show his principal storyline. He suggests that secret documents were interred with Mary Magdalene's remains, documents whose contents would wreck Christianity as we know it. These documents reputedly contain the "true" gospel—one whose foundation is in goddess worship. If revealed to the world, these recovered "truths" would pave the way for us to return to a more enlightened spirituality centered on this feminine deity. What is most troubling from this book, and one could say the movie to come from it, is that so much fiction and misinformation is passed off as truth. Anyone reading it without an adequate background in the basics of the Bible, much less history, could read it and come away with a lot of doubt and many questions. That borders on blasphemy. Christ spoke to this when He said of any who would cause offense and stumbling, "It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones" (Luke 17:2). What is the biblical evidence? First of all, Jesus was not married. There is no reference of any sort in the Gospels suggesting the possibility that He was. It just isn't there. There have been past attempts by scholars suggesting that the scene in John 2 of a wedding in Cana where Christ turned the water into wine was actually Christ's own wedding. But the Bible says nothing of the sort. There isn't any biblical evidence that Christ was married to Mary Magdalene or anyone else. The idea reflects Gnostic teaching extolling the feminine side of spirit beings and was popular in the second century after Christ. Neither is there anything in the Bible to support the oft-floated idea that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute who followed Christ and His disciples around. Another part of the misconception about Christ is the idea that there were other legitimate gospel accounts, which were either lost or purged from the accepted record and labeled as heretical. This raises doubts as to whether we have the whole story about Christ and the early Church. It is true that other letters and accounts circulated during and after the first century, claiming to be authentic accounts of Christ's life. Spurious letters pretending to be from Paul also circulated (2 Thessalonians 2:2). The story of how the books of the New Testament came together in an authorized form that members could accept as reliable is longer than can be told in this article. Scriptural evidence points to the fact that Peter and Paul were involved in preserving texts and letters that bore true record of the events of Christ's life and the gospel of salvation in the Kingdom of God. A proper understanding of these scriptures and how the Bible is put together precludes any possibility that other so-called "lost gospels" were considered valid for understanding true doctrine and teaching. Mary a proof of the Gospels' accuracy Let's make one point demonstrating the reliability of the Gospel accounts we have. Mary Magdalene's presence as a follower of Christ and a messenger of the news of His resurrection actually works as a proof of the authenticity of the accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Women did not have such honored status in the world at that time. Luke and John tell of women serving and participating in ways that would have been quite radical by the then conventional standards. Among the Greeks, women held a near slave status. Wives were not allowed to eat with their husbands' guests nor to leave their house unescorted. Infanticide for baby girls was seen as justified. Women were looked upon as inferior and impure compared to men. In Rome, a man had complete authority over his wife. Adultery could be punished by death. Going without a veil could lead to divorce. It reminds one of today's strict Islamic codes for women. The point is, if the Gospels had been a total fabrication, the authors would have written accounts that reflected the existing cultural norms. What they did was tell a true story of the coming of the Messiah and His life. They told it accurately, as it happened, and they told it under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness" (2 Timothy 3:16). We can be sure that God left mankind with the essential aspects of His gospel of salvation. People in the Western world have a desire to understand the spiritual side of life. Periodically a major weekly newsmagazine in America will run an article about the Bible, Christianity or a major Christian teaching such as heaven or hell. Time magazine recently ran a story on "The Lost Gospels" (Dec. 22, 2003). Publishers and editors know people have a fascination with the Bible even if they don't really know much about it. Publications like Time are responding to ideas in the current American culture that offer alternative views of traditional Christian teachings. The ideas and spiritual yearnings run the gamut from theology to pop culture. A recent issue of Time ran a story about the popular movie trilogy The Matrix. This science-fiction story pivots on the idea that the world we see is not the ultimate reality. One of its characters, Morpheus, tells another, Neo, "The Matrix is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you to the truth." The good guys in the movie are a band of enlightened ones staying one step ahead of those from the "matrix," who seek to seal this leak and bring everyone under control. The ideas of the movie can be found in ancient ideas that predate Christianity and later found expression in Gnostic thought. For decades the traditional ideas of religion have been challenged and questioned by liberal theologians. Along with a growing skepticism of virtually all institutions, this has led people to seek in other areas for spiritual fulfillment. The article in Time also dealt with the fascination for what is called "New Age" religious ritual. These "suppressed" gospels are providing people with ideas for modern rituals from ancient belief systems. Even today's theological intelligentsia give credence to alternative gospel accounts of the early Church. Princeton theologian Elaine Pagels has written of her acceptance of the Gospel of Thomas, one of the many ancient texts discovered at Nag Hammadi in Egypt in 1945. Pagels' study of the Nag Hammadi texts has shaped her view that the biblical texts don't tell the full story. She cannot accept "Christianity with a single, authorized set of beliefs..." To her and other scholars, the Nag Hammadi texts are "like newly discovered pieces of a complex puzzle, next to what we have long known from tradition, we find that these remarkable texts, only now becoming widely known, are transforming what we know as Christianity" (Beyond Belief, 2003, p. 29). Why the interest in these myths? People are looking for a spiritual life to give meaning to daily existence. This is the normal agelong human impulse. And because Westerners live in a Judeo-Christian culture, that is, based on both the Old and New Testament Scriptures, many people who have grown up in this culture think of themselves as "Christian," in spite of the fact that they do not practice the way of life the New Testament Church of God followed. These practices and the ancient texts seem to answer basic questions of life for young and old alike. People think they explain the reason for evil and suffering in the world, the relationship of body and soul and the reality and closeness of a personal God. In reality, these are the very truths the Holy Bible teaches. But unless guided by the Holy Spirit, people cannot understand or readily grasp their meaning. That people turn to a hodgepodge of ideas—whether called Gnostic, New Age or popularized by a movie or a book—to answer these major questions of life shows the confusion that continues to reign in modern religion. The wilderness of religious confusion has not provided satisfying answers for our modern world. In a comment on his own time and a prophecy for the ages, Paul said to his fellow minister Timothy, "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables" (2 Timothy 4:3-4). Today, just as when Christ came among men, there is a need to look at what Christ said and to decide whether we will follow His plain teachings. It is simpler to believe in what the Bible says about Christ than to believe the myths that have been perpetuated over the years. Yet each generation renews ideas that deconstruct the story of salvation through the Lamb of God. The true story of Christ has been inverted through lawless, godless tales that have turned the truth inside out. This has been true with every part of the message of the gospel. What we see with these recent stories is the same as any other lie about Christ and His message, just taken to another extreme. The idea that Christ married and fathered a child makes Him into just another man, like the lyrics of the song "He's Just a Man." Such teaching devalues and inverts the truth that God is building a spiritual family, and that by His timetable everyone who has ever lived will have opportunity to join that family (Ephesians 3:14). Such teaching says that God is not a Father and therefore we are not His children. If God cannot conceive a Son, then He cannot conceive a family. If true, it would mean that the plan of God revealed in the Scriptures is a fraud. But the apostle Paul rebutted this heretical idea in his letter to the Corinthians. Some there denied Christ's resurrection and His divinity. They found it hard to believe such an event could happen; and it fell to Paul to set them straight, leaving us with one of the most powerful chapters of the Bible, 1 Corinthians 15. Jesus Christ—the Son of God—was also the greatest of the prophets God sent to Israel (Deuteronomy 18:18). His life and death were a fulfillment of hundreds of Old Testament prophecies. His message was a prophecy of the coming Kingdom of God to this earth, a dramatic fulfillment of Daniel 2:44-45. The apostle Peter was an eyewitness of Christ's glory and resurrection. Years afterward, Peter wrote that he and his fellow apostles knew with certainty that Christ was the Son of God. Responding to the same charges that we see today, Peter wrote, "For we did not follow cunningly devised fables when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of His majesty" (2 Peter 1:16). After His resurrection, the glorified Christ said to Peter, "Follow Me" (John 21:19). There was no doubt in Peter's mind that he was following the Son of God, the coming King of Kings. The same call goes out today, "Follow Me." Can we evade the doubt and move toward the real Christ of the Gospels and follow Him to the Kingdom of God? The choice is ours. WNP |
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Origin of article "The Rest of the Story?"
Keywords: New Testament gospels, other
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