"I" - Topic Index

Alphabetic Index:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
  1. Can We Control Natural Disasters? (l) - Will it ever be possible for humans to master the forces of nature?
  2. New Temple to Norse Gods in Iceland (l) - Belief in God is waning in most Western countries, along with a general increase in atheism.
  1. Jeremiah Offers Us Hope for the Future (l) - One of the purposes of preaching and publishing the true gospel is to spread the certain message that the Bible promises us real hope for the future, in spite of having to cope with the vagaries of today's increasingly chaotic and unstable world.
  2. God Condemns Idolatry and Greed (l) - Many people do not realize that popular holidays are negative influences in their lives.
  3. The Desensitization of the Modern World through Technology (l) - Do you find yourself unable to get through a day without your phone or other electronic devices
  4. Who Started It? (l) - Who started Yuletide worship of Sun, mother and child?
  5. The Two Women of Revelation (l) - The events described in the second half of the book of Revelation are directly related to the past and future of two symbolic women who are diametrical opposites.
  6. The Second Commandment: What Is God Like? (l) - The Second Commandment goes to the heart of our relationship with our Creator.
  7. From Empire to Exile (l) - How can we find the lost tribes of Israel? We need to look at the general region to which they were exiled and see if a people suddenly appeared in the region with characteristics that link them to the refugees of Israel's northern kingdom.
  8. Covetousness is Idolatry (l) - Many don't realize how greed is impeding their spiritual growth and how necessary it to overcome the deadly and deceitful sin of covetousness.
  9. Patriotism: The Good, the Bad and the Biblical (l) - God's people have dual citizenship. It is noble and right to be patriotic toward our earthly nation, but we also should have a higher and more fervent patriotism for our heavenly Kingdom, which will be established on earth at the return of Christ. He tells us to "seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness" (Matthew 6:33).
  10. A Place Called Megiddo, Part 2 (l) - In last month's article on Megiddo, we raised the question, "How could today's political leaders be deceived by spiritual powers to move armed forces to Jerusalem to fight Christ at His second coming?" Is there something at the site of Megiddo that can lead to an answer?
  11. Archaeology and the Book of Judges (l) - During this period of more than 300 years, God periodically raised up judges to rescue and rule over Israel as the Israelites struggled with indigenous peoples over control of the land.
  12. Questions and Answers - Jul/Aug 2002 (l) - Questions and answers from the Good News magazine on the fourth commandment and biblical inspiration and translation.
  1. When 'The Great Game' Is Over (l) - A warrior culture has become entrenched in the minds and hearts of the everyday man. "On the ground" in Afghanistan there are no games, only the reality of day-to-day survival.
  2. Going After the Good Stuff (l) - Are you going to buy an expensive Sony Playstation? Would you believe a good book can be far more valuable? Benjamin Franklin said, "The great part of the miseries of mankind are brought upon them by false estimates they have made of the value of things."
  3. Is Life Only About Fun! Fun! Fun? (l) - What's wrong with just doing whatever your want? Find out how to get your kicks in life - but not those that kick you in the teeth!
  1. World News & Trends - November/December 2008 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Nov/Dec 2008
  2. World News & Trends September/October 2010 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Sept 2010
  3. Prophetic Trends Observed as 2011 Begins (l) - Economics was the force that determined the course of world history--and continues to be a primary force in the drive toward fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
  4. Where Is Our World Headed? (l) - It's that time again for an annual analysis and assessment. That's when many observers look back to yesteryear--and also peer into a somewhat clouded future. Secular predictions for 2011 and beyond are multiple and varied. But does the Bible have a far bigger say in our future?
  5. India: A Nation on the Rise (l) - The former "jewel in the crown" of the British Empire, India is one of Asia's great economic success stories. With economic might comes military might. What lies ahead for this country of over a billion people, other nations in the region and the larger world scene?
  6. Current Events & Trends September/October 2019 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the September/October 2019 issue of Beyond Today.
  7. The BRICS Are Coming (l) - Are the Dollar's Dominant Days Numbered? As the U.S. economy stumbles under painful inflation and government overspending, new international alliances threaten the dollar's dominance -- with eventual dire consequences for America.
  8. A Downsized Lifestyle Is Coming - Will You Make the Adjustment? (l) - Our world is changing in ways we never considered. The dominance that affluent nations have enjoyed is about to end. Will peoples of the rich world downsize their lifestyle? Will people who have rarely if ever had to "tighten their belts" be able to make the painful change?
  9. International Power Shifts Threaten the Western World (l) - Western global supremacy is definitely on the wane as key Asian nations make significant economic progress while Middle Eastern conflicts trouble the West politically and militarily. We are in desperate need of a biblical compass so we can grasp the tragic implications of how these potentially massive political power shifts will impact the West's way of life.
  10. World News Review July 2005 (l) - World News summary - July 2005.
  11. The India/Pakistan Weapons Conundrum (l) - The more nuclear powers, the more other nations feel it absolutely necessary to develop and add weapons of this nature to their defense arsenals.
  12. India and Pakistan at War Again (l) - A potentially more dangerous conflict than Kosovo continues to brew in South Asia.
  13. World News Review June 1999 (l) - World news - June 1999
  14. Where Are China and India Really Headed? (l) - Western foreign policy increasingly has to take the Asian nations into account. As one astute observer recently put it, "The center of geostrategic gravity has shifted eastwards." So an important question lies before us: Is another Eastern axis power going to emerge on the world scene and dominate all of Asia just as Japan did during the Second World War?
  15. World News Review July 1999 (l) - World news - July 1999
  16. World News Review Jul 2002 (l) - World news review. July 2002.
  17. World News and Trends - Nov/Dec 2005 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Nov/Dec 2005.
  18. World News and Trends - September/October 2006 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Sept 2006.
  19. Quake in Gujarat- Foretaste of the Future? (l) - Most of us viewed the deadly quake in India from the comfort of our living rooms. What would we do if we had to experience such a disaster? The Indian victims had no warning. We do...
  20. World News Review Jun 2002 (l) - World news review. June 2002.
  21. Why Is Everyone Courting India? (l) - Everyone seems to want stronger ties with India. The U.S., Japan and Germany all seek India's favor. Does this signal a change in Asian focus?
  22. World News Review August 1999 (l) - World news - August 1999
  23. Staying Alert in a Dangerous World: India and Pakistan (l) - It's supremely important that you keep your finger on the pulse of our age, especailly on the world's recent nuclear developments.
  1. The View From Down Under (l) - The world looks different from "down under." Recent changes in the region are pressuring Australia to rethink its policies.
  2. An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Mar/Apr 2001 (l) - A brief synopsis of world events. March/April 2001.
  3. World News Review November 1999 (l) - World news - Nov 1993
  4. World News Review June 1999 (l) - World news - June 1999
  5. Indonesia's Bashir a Lightning Rod (l) - Indonesia is the scene of some of the world's greatest tragedies of modern times. Much more than a region in need of aid, it is rich in history, the largest Muslim nation in the world--and a democracy. The recent release of militant Muslim cleric Abu Bakar Bashir reopened old wounds and may indicate a future direction away from the West.
  6. World News Review Jun 2001 (l) - Survey of world news. June 2001.
  7. Another Sea Gate Threatened? (l) - Shipping lanes off Indonesia may seem irrelevant to the West. But at stake is part of an ancient promise to Abraham that his seed would possess the "gates of their enemies."
  1. The Difference Between Infatuation and Love (l) - In the heady world of male-female relationships, how can one know the difference between love and infatuation?
  2. Infatuation or Love? (l) - What is love, and what is infatuation? Do you think you know? Before you assume you're in love, you should be sure you know what it is!
  3. What Is True Love? (l) - Many young couples would say their feelings are true love. But are they? Does the Bible offer guidance to understand what true love really is?
  4. What's Going on Under the Skin: What Touch Can Trigger (l) - Is it real love, or are you just feeling powerful brain chemicals stoked by the touch of that special someone?
  5. What Kind of Love Does Valentine's Day Promote? (l) - What many people call love is actually only infatuation.
  6. Infatuation and the Human Body (l) - Infatuation is an obsessive focus on one particular person. How does it work from a scientific point of view?
  1. Seven Types of Intelligence (l) - You may be smarter than you think. You just need to know what type of "intelligence" is being considered.
  2. Is This How We Live Forever? (l) - What is the secret of human consciousness and intellect? Is it purely materialistic -- a matter of biochemical programming science can duplicate? Or is there a nonphysical, spiritual element in the mind? Is it what many call the soul -- or something else? And what does it mean for life beyond death?
  3. Missing From Science (l) - The spirit of the human mind is a wonderful thing. It gives us understanding, purpose and a way to connect with God. Thank God for that gift.
  4. Artificial Intelligence: Improving on God's Creation? (l) - Scientists predict astounding advancements in artificial intelligence in the coming years. Can it help us solve our chronic problems?
  5. Artificial Intelligence: Building a Better Brain? (l) - Scientists predict astounding advancements in artificial intelligence in the coming years. Can AI help us solve our chronic problems?
  6. How to Increase Your Intelligence (l) - Are people just born either smart or dumb? Is there anything you can do about it?
  7. Intelligence (l) - Is Intelligence the Most Important Factor for Success?
Intelligent design
  1. Collateral Damage: The Darwin Bomb (l) - What may seem like a good idea at the moment doesn't always turn out to be good in the long run. This is certainly the case with Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.
  2. Intelligent Design's Sherlock Holmes (l) - Here is the amazing story of a professor who did some detective work to determine if the universe was intelligently designed.
  3. Evolution: A Published Obituary (l) - The theory of evolution has been the fundamental basis of much of the scientific thought for the last century and a half, but its influence extends far beyond science.
  4. New Discoveries Challenge Darwin's Deceitful Theory (l) - Are we being told the whole story when it comes to evolution and creation? If Darwin's theory of evolution is truly scientific, why are evolutionists so reluctant to let it be questioned?
  5. The Story of the Stars and Matter (l) - Scientific studies of the heavens and the world around us reveal fascinating details about the earth's history and destiny.
  6. Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed (l) - Ben Stein's documentary film exposes the challenge of intelligent design in the world of science.
  7. The Evolution vs. Intelligent Design Debate (l) - Jonathan Wells holds a Ph.D. in molecular and cell biology from the University of California at Berkeley and a Ph.D. in religious studies from Yale University. He is the author of many articles and the books Icons of Evolution (2000) and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design (2006), and coauthor of The Design of Life (2007) and How to Be an Intellectually Fulfilled Atheist (or Not) (2008).
  8. One Leaf of Grass (l) - Fascination with a single blade of grass led to contemplating the wonder of it all.
  9. Do Science and the Bible Conflict? (l) - Many believe that science and the Bible conflict and that they're mutually exclusive. The big question is, must we accept the view that the Bible and science can't both be true?
  10. Planet Earth: Lucky Accident or Master Handiwork? (l) - Is our world with its teeming variety of life the result of chance, a series of lucky accidents? Or is it, as more and more scientific discoveries are revealing, a perfect habitat finely tuned for life? What does the evidence show?
  11. Prove Evolution Is False Even Without the Bible (l) - There are logical reasons apart from Scripture's direct testimony to reject the theory of evolution and accept creation and a Creator.
  12. Hey, Hey DNA! Proving God's Existence - Genetically (l) - Recent discoveries about DNA have left scientists flabbergasted, and the evidence points clearly to a supreme Intelligence having imbedded an incredible multifaceted code in our genes.
  13. Bird Brains: Brighter Than We Thought (l) - Scientists from Baylor College of Medicine have discovered a unique mechanism that allows pigeons to navigate using the earth's magnetic field.
  14. In the News: Plant Language (l) - According to research from scientists at Ben-Gurion University in Israel, plants communicate distress signals through their roots.
  15. DNA Discoveries Demonstrate Divine Design (l) - Recent discoveries about DNA -- including the finding that so-called "junk DNA" is anything but -- once again clearly points to a supreme Intelligence having imbedded an incredible multifaceted code in our genes.
  16. Hummingbirds - How Do They Do That? (l) - The incredible aerial feats of hummingbirds are truly a marvel. But that's only the beginning of the story.
  17. God, Science and the Bible: More to Consider About the Ant (l) - Consider the ant, Solomon urged, and learn wisdom from her ways (Proverbs 6:6).
  18. The Miracle of Birth: "I Saw God Today" (l) - "My brand new baby girl, she's a miracle. I saw God today," sang George Strait in his 2008 hit song titled, "I Saw God Today." When I witnessed the birth of my two daughters, the word "miracle" naturally popped out to describe such a moment of awe.
  19. Quirks of Creation - Koalas Use Trees to Keep Cool (l) - Koalas designed to deal with temperature shifts.
  20. Giraffe Leg Ligaments, Elements of Design (l) - What makes a giraffe stand tall?
  21. Vertical News: Eggshell Sunscreen (l) - Ever wondered why bird's eggs have such unique colors? A new study helps explain why.
  22. Horses Communicate by Ear (l) - New research on the complexity of equine social signals.
  23. Blood Clotting: A Biological Miracle (l) - The only way this intricate system works is when many complicated chemical substances interact.
  24. A Deeper Look at the Evidence (l) - Many excellent books and videos have been published in recent years detailing scientific findings and conclusions that point to a Creator.
  25. The Tiny Miracle That's Toppling Evolution (l) - DNA has profound implications regarding Darwinian evolution.
  26. Our Amazing Spaceship Earth (l) - Scientists have spent multiple years and billions of dollars searching for life elsewhere in the universe, only to find that earth alone not only teems with life, but seems to be expressly designed for life. An amazing intelligence seems to be behind it all. What is that intelligence telling us?
  27. Honeybees (l) - A great deal of life on earth is sustained by the amazing life and work of the tiny honeybee. Without its carefully tuned and executed cycle of pollination, many kinds of plants would cease to exist -- and even mankind would be at risk.
  28. Darwinism Unraveling (l) - Charles Darwin's theory of evolution is widely accepted throughout the world. How did that theory develop, and is it true?
  29. Interview With Intelligent Design Proponent Jay Richards (l) - Dr. Richards discusses the history of the intelligent design movement and how recent areas of research increasingly point to a Designer.
  30. Seven Scientific Proofs of God (l) - Is it possible to know whether God is real? Can we know for sure? Yes we can! We only need to examine the evidence and accept what it clearly reveals.
  31. The Return of the God Hypothesis (l) - An eye-opening new book explains how new scientific discoveries reveal a Supreme Intelligence behind the universe's origin.
  32. Creation According to Plan (l) - The natural world around us offers compelling proof that it was made by a Supreme Intelligence with foresight and purposeful intentionality. Will you embrace the purpose intended for you?
  33. Discovering the Mystery of Man (l) - The incredible design of the human being.
  34. World News and Trends - March/April 2006 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Mar/Apr 2006
  35. There Is No God? (l) - How was life on earth created, was it all by chance or was there a creator?
  36. The Human Genome Project: Decoding the Mystery of Man (l) - Digging deeply into the mystery of our existence, the Human Genome Project has brilliantly illuminated our knowledge of the mechanics of life--but revealed nothing about our ultimate purpose. To discover mankind's purpose, we must look to another source.
  37. Intelligent Design v. Evolution: The Latest Battle in the Culture Wars (l) - How will the ruling against teaching intelligent design in science classrooms in Dover, Pennsylvania, affect education throughout the United States?
  38. God, Science and the Bible (3/05) (l) - The remains of the biblical Pool of Siloam. DNA evidence "has shown, by the almost unbelievable complexity of the arrangements which are needed to produce life, that intelligence must have been involved."
  39. God, Science and the Bible (5/05) (l) - News from the world of science about God and the Bible. May/June 2005
  40. God, Science and the Bible (9/05) (l) - News from the world of science about God and the Bible.
  41. Our Privileged Place in the Universe (l) - A Good News Interview With Dr. Jay Richards.
  42. The Amazing Engineering of the Dragonfly (l) - Some of the greatest aeronautical engineering has yet to be discovered. Here's an amazing flying machine in nature.
  43. In the News Apr/Jun 2006 (l) - In the news - April 2006
  44. In the News Oct/Dec 2005 (l) - News stories from late summer, 2005.
  45. The Intelligent Design Revolution (l) - A new movement is starting to shake a scientific establishment built on the assumptions of Darwinian evolution. What is intelligent design, and why is it gaining so much ground?
  46. DNA: The Tiny Code That's Toppling Evolution (l) - As scientists explore a new universe -- the universe inside the cell -- they are making startling discoveries of information systems more complex than anything ever devised by humanity's best minds. How did they get there, and what does it mean for the theory of evolution?
  47. How Did Life Begin? (l) - Science has long sought answers to several important questions: What is life? Where did it come from? How did it begin? But you won't find the answers while peering into a microscope, telescope or test tube.
  48. Lessons From Creation (l) - The apostle Paul proposed an interesting challenge to the skeptics of his day. "For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made ..."
  49. Artificial Intelligence: Improving on God's Creation? (l) - Scientists predict astounding advancements in artificial intelligence in the coming years. Can it help us solve our chronic problems?
  50. Professor Werner Gitt's conclusions from the information found in DNA (l) - In his book In the Beginning Was Information, Dr. Werner Gitt, an expert in information systems, deduces certain conclusions from the information found in DNA. Here is a summary.
International trade
  1. What's Next? A Looming Trade War? (l) - News articles around the world are now focusing on another economic bubble that is bursting before our very eyes.
  2. What's Next for the World Economy: Possible Trade War? (l) - Clearly, the most important news around the world today is the serious financial crisis and its consequences as growing unemployment strikes family and friends near and far. News articles around the world are now focusing on another dangerous economic bubble bursting before our very eyes. Where could these latest financial woes lead, and how can we best prepare?
  3. A Looming EU-U.S. Trade War? (l) - Recently articles like "Europe Plans Huge Trade War" and "Costs...Will Soar in a Trade War" hit the headlines in Britain again. What is their ultimate significance?
  4. The Battle of the Giants -- Who Will Win? (l) - Seemingly unnoticed, a titanic battle is underway between the world's most powerful economies. U.S. overspending and a calculated gamble to take advantage of a devalued dollar is forcing other nations -- the EU included -- to pay the tab.
  5. World News Review Sep/Oct 2001 (l) - World news review. September/October 2001.
  1. Internet Pornography: A Cultural Plague (l) - A long with all the wonderful uses of the Internet, there is another use that has been growing ever faster--that of commercialized pornography. But what are the effects of viewing sexually explicit pictures? Is it harmless? Is there any culturally redeeming value in the viewing of pornography?
  2. In the News Oct/Dec 2007 (l) - In the news. Nov. 2007
  3. In the News Apr/June 2008 (l) - Items of interest in the news. April-June 2008
  4. Untangling the Web (l) - The Internet has come a long way since it first began as a way for universities and government agencies to communicate. In recent years it has become available to almost everyone. And young people lead the way in accepting this technology. After all, young people today have grown up with the Internet and are generally quite comfortable communicating and getting their information via the Internet.
  5. Facebook and MySpace (l) - A Young Christian's Guide to Using Social Network Sites.
  6. In the News... - Jul 2008 (l) - Items in the news - July 2008.
  7. Dealing With World 2.0 (l) - In today's world you cannot fully censor and control the flow of information.
  8. In the News... October 2009 (l) - In the news .. Oct. 2009
  9. Connections (l) - Do you want to "hear" God? We can begin by creating conditions that allow us to hear. For a lot of us that may mean removing the clutter and distractions of our modern world.
  10. Caught! On Facebook (l) - Even if you remove material from a Web site, it is cached by search engines and Internet archives. Once you post a picture, a video or text, it is out there, and you cannot get it back. Ever!
  11. In the News July 2010 (l) - News of interest to teens and young adults from a biblical perspective. July 2010
  12. Information Inundation (l) - Information overload is a common problem for young people today. But it's not due to schoolwork. Rather, it has everything to do with life outside the classroom.
  13. In the News October 2010 (l) - News of interest to teens and young adults from a biblical perspective.
  14. In the News January 2011 (l) - News of interest to teens and young adults from a biblical perspective.
  15. The Power of Social Media (l) - I am astounded at the power and influence social media has throughout the world. The best example is what is happening in the Middle East.
  16. World News & Trends March 2011 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. March 2011
  17. Extra! Extra! Read All About It ... on Your iPad (l) - Newspapers have been available online for several years, but the happy days of free access to news and magazine articles on the Internet seems to be drawing to a close.
  18. Too Much Social Networking? (l) - Facebook we know, but what about Tumblr.com, Last.fm, Fetch, Digg, Twitter, LinkedIn, Foursquare and on and on the list goes? The question: What is essential social networking, and what is too much?
  19. Assault on Facebook! (l) - Facebook receives more than one billion logins each day.
  20. The Internet: As Heavy as a Strawberry (l) - A YouTube channel, Vsauce, has claimed that the Internet weighs about as much as a rather large strawberry - 50 grams.
  21. Sexting Percentages Lower Than Thought (l) - A small percentage of young people engaging in this behavior is dangerous.
  22. Tablet Posture (l) - Tablet devices like iPads and other similar products came under scrutiny in a recent study by the Harvard School of Public Health.
  23. Robots Invade Social Media (l) - A new layer of robotic programming is being developed to help businesses deal with social media queries from customers.
  24. A Good Word (l) - Do your words bring joy to others, or do they cause distress?
  25. Facebook Disliked Among Teens? (l) - As the social media scene expands, teens have more choices and are exiting Facebook.
  26. Internet Addiction (l) - Brain pathway research proves that excessive use of the Internet can become addictive.
  27. Dangers of Diagnosing with Dr. Wikipedia (l) - A new study finds that patients may be putting too much trust in what they read on the popular website.
  28. Teens and Millennials Wary of Twitter Posts (l) - New research finds that young people are wisely skeptical of Twitter posts as a source of truth.
  29. Vertical News: Secret Facebook Experiment (l) - Facebook experiment without user knowledge causes controversy.
  30. Adultery and the Internet (l) - How committed are you to protecting your marriage when you go online?
  31. Breaking Free from Sexual Addictions (l) - Sexual addiction occurs in many forms and can be very destructive spiritually. How can it be overcome?
  32. Internet Pornography Affects Christians (l) - Many may not be aware of the debilitating effect of pornography on Christians.
  33. Current Events & Trends May/June 2019 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the May/June 2019 issue of Beyond Today.
  34. Teen Mental Health (l) - The minds of young people are being pummeled every day by an increasingly wayward culture and time spent plugged into social media. Let's look at the broadening scope of the crisis -- and explore realistic solutions.
  35. Censorship, Intimidation & Rising Tyranny (l) - There's a big push by today's governments to control speech and information. The signs are very concerning-but they are just the beginnings of something far worse to come.
  36. The Battle for Your Mind (l) - There is a very real battle going on inside your head. You have the power to determine who will win. Don't loose this crucial confrontation.
  37. World News and Prophecy Goes Online! (l) - Exciting changes are taking place with World News and Prophecy. We have expanded onto a full Internet Web site to further our mission of giving you the unique perspective on world events in the light of Bible prophecy.
  38. Who's Behind VCM? (l) - Virtual Christian Magazine has been a part of my life for some time now and I wanted to take a moment to share with you some of what goes into each issue and introduce those who bring it to you.
  39. The Girl Next Door (l) - A study by San Diego State University shows a shocking cultural shift in the attitudes and practices of teen girls regarding sex. What should you do to help your teens avoid the pain and suffering this could bring?
  40. World News Review Jul 2001 (l) - World news review. July 2001.
  41. News for Youth - Apr 2003 (l) - Fun News of the Past; Evolution Challenged in the Classroom?; Teen Abortion Rate Dropping; Tips for On-line Safety
  1. The New Intolerance (l) - The Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles has allowed license plates that read "Hot Dam," "Witches," "2Sexy" and "2Hot4U," yet denied a person who wanted to put "Pray" on her plates because it would violate separation of church and state. We see similar trends all over the United States. Has political correctness, touted to promote tolerance, actually created a new intolerance towards Christianity?
  2. The Intolerance of the Tolerant (l) - Traditional tolerance is a godly virtue, but subtly the concept has been redefined today. When respectfully standing up for godly values is branded "intolerance" -- which is seen as the worst of evils today -- then something has gone sorely wrong.
  1. World News and Trends - March/April 2007 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. March 2007.
  2. Will Iran Be Stopped by Diplomacy? (l) - America has some 180,000 military people in Iraq and Afghanistan still trying to establish democratic stability in those two troubled nations. President George W. Bush is also hampered by a Congress urging direct talks with Iran and even contemplating restraints on potential American military strikes. But will the only credible alternative option, diplomacy, really work with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the controls?
  3. World News and Trends - January/February 2008 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Jan. 2008
  4. Can Israel Survive? (l) - Israel is geographically tiny, especially when measured against its massive impact on the world. Yet it remains the unceasing target of hostile criticism, with some countries openly threatening its extinction. Only 60 years old, Israel's survival remains at stake today. What does Scripture say?
  5. World News and Trends - July/August 2008 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. July 2008
  6. Will Israel Attack Iran? (l) - Worries about a nuclear-armed Iran are real, and Israel is in the crosshairs. Will the Israelis act, and if so, when?
  7. What Will the Next President Face? (l) - In the days of biblical Israel, advisers counseled the king on how to lead the nation based on the Word of God. Samuel guided Saul. Nathan counseled David. Isaiah revealed God's will to Hezekiah. These men of God represented the word of God to the king. What might a servant of God say today if he entered the Oval Office with an analysis of the world and America for the president?
  8. Will New Leadership at Home and Abroad Bring Israel Unacceptable Security Risks? (l) - Not long after U.S. President-elect Obama assumes office, the Israeli nation will choose a new prime minister. The stark choice is very likely to be between Tzipi Livni and former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Provisional American plans for the road to peace may actually threaten Israel's future security.
  9. Is Iran the New Mideast Superpower? (l) - The Middle East is at the center of Bible prophecy. Iran looks set to become the new regional superpower as the United States and its allies withdraw from or sharply reduce their presence in the region. What are the consequences--especially for the Jewish nation of Israel?
  10. World News & Trends Jan 2009 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Jan. 2009
  11. World News & Trends May 2009 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. May 2009
  12. Should America Play Ball With Iran? (l) - We were told in a major cover article recently published by Newsweek, a popular American news magazine, that "they may not want the bomb... Iran isn't a dictatorship...[and] Iran may be ready to deal." Are these points basically true? Should the United States negotiate with the present leadership of this wayward nation -- regardless of its radical conduct in office?
  13. World News & Trends: July/August 2009 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. July 2009
  14. World News & Trends Sept. 2009 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. September 2009.
  15. Discerning This Time (l) - Three important issues of November 2009.
  16. Springtime in Israel (l) - Will Israel take preemptive military action to destroy Iran's nuclear production capacity?
  17. World News & Trends January 2010 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. January 2010
  18. Insurmountable Challenges Plague the Middle East Today (l) - The entire Middle East region, culturally and religiously extending into North Africa and South Asia, continues to be very volatile, with no sign of this abating.
  19. Iran's Dangerous Nuclear Game (l) - Most Westerners are dangerously unaware of the crucial background behind Iran's ever-growing nuclear program. Such ignorance could prove not only perilous, but fatal.
  20. What's Behind Islamic Terror? (l) - The world is horrified by regular bloody terrorist attacks in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Such attacks have also been carried out in Western nations such as the United States, Britain and Spain. What's behind this blood-soaked trend, and where is it leading?
  21. World News & Trends - January/February 2011 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Jan 2011
  22. What's Behind the Turmoil in Egypt? (l) - Recent headlines have been filled with accounts of riots, protests and demonstrations in several Middle Eastern countries. What's behind them? What does it all mean? Does Bible prophecy provide any clues?
  23. The Arab uprising and Iran's hostility toward Israel (l) - In the wake of the uprisings in a number of Arab countries, the former head of Britain's Secret Intelligence Service (MI6), Sir Richard Dearlove, revealed some hard truths to an audience in Chatham House in London.
  24. Iran's Nuclear Ambitions Continue Unabated (l) - The media world provides us with many distractions that continually avert our eyes from seeing occurrences essential to eventually fulfilling Bible prophecy.
  25. The Iranian President's Goals For Mankind (l) - The Koran, Islam's holy book, envisions a world in which Islam will eventually dominate the entire globe.
  26. Ahmadinejad's Apocalypse (l) - How do you negotiate with people whose desire is to start a global war so that their messiah will come to save them and win the war for them?
  27. Closing the Strait of Hormuz: A Serious Iranian Threat (l) - Tehran has coveted complete control over the narrow Strait of Hormuz -- only 24 miles wide at its narrowest point -- for many years. How important is this crucial Middle Eastern waterway?
  28. The Crucial Human Element in the Current Crisis (l) - Human beings make up nations and national groups. And human leaders inevitably possess highly individual personalities, legacies and backgrounds. To imagine that these factors never influence even crucial national decision-making would be highly unrealistic.
  29. Hamas' Shifting Allegiance Reflects New Mideast Dynamics (l) - Egypt's new parliament is already changing the Egyptians' relationships with their neighbors across their northern border -- Israel and the terrorist organization Hamas, which runs the Gaza Strip and is vehemently opposed to Israel's existence.
  30. What Would a Nuclear Iran Mean for the World? (l) - While politicians and pundits debate what to do about the matter, Iran continues its pursuit of nuclear weapons, threatening Israel and the world. How does the Bible guide us in understanding Middle Eastern events and gaining a proper global perspective?
  31. Will Iran Again Influence a U.S. Presidential Election? (l) - More than 30 years ago, Iran's theocratic regime influenced the result of the U.S. presidential election. Once again, Iran is set to be a major factor in an American election.
  32. What Are Ahmadinejad's Aims? (l) - What's really behind Iran's nuclear program? Is something much bigger at work, something that becomes clear when we look more deeply into the Iranian president's religious beliefs? And does the Bible provide us with understanding regarding the future of the war-torn Middle East?
  33. A Crucial Biblical Question for the President (and You) (l) - Given the opportunity, what would you ask your country's leader as he starts a new term in office? How would his answer stack up against the Bible, and does it matter?
  34. Another Dimension to 21st-century Warfare (l) - The Middle East, the historic battleground of mankind, appears to be a principal site for cyberwarfare -- computer hacking for sabotage or espionage.
  35. Is World War III Becoming More Plausible? (l) - Could the unspeakable horror of two world wars that afflicted the first half of the 20th century actually happen again? Will many of the nations that fought in those colossal struggles enter yet another global war? Will war spread around the world or alternatively occur only in key geostrategic locations?
  36. Revisiting the Iranian Nuclear Threat (l) - Will a surprising turn in Tehran, bringing an ostensibly more moderate president to the fore, slow down Iran's march to possess a nuclear bomb?
  37. Avoid Involvement in the Middle East? (l) - Bloomberg Businessweek published an article by Peter Beinart, a Daily Beast columnist and university professor, that originally appeared online with the title "Obama Should Give Peace a Chance With Iran" (Sept. 19, 2013).
  38. Navigating the Middle East Minefield (l) - As things now stand, the United States has virtually ceased to be the global policeman it once was.
  39. Israel: A Nation in Dire Peril (l) - The year 1948 saw the birth of the modern state of Israel, transforming a significant portion of the Jewish people from a scattered nation (a diaspora or dispersion) into a nation-state with real sovereignty.
  40. As America Retreats, a Dangerous World Emerges (l) - What happens when the world's policeman hangs up his badge and gun and retires into the sunset? We're beginning to get a sobering firsthand look.
  41. Russia cozying up to Iran and China (l) - Aggression against Ukraine's sovereignty has diminished Russia's status in the eyes of its nominal Western allies.
  42. Iran Nuclear Talks Extended (l) - The deadline for an agreement on capping Iran's nuclear program in exchange for Western powers easing economic sanctions was pushed to the end of June 2015 when negotiations failed to achieve a deal this past November.
  43. Are We in a Dangerous Age of Appeasement? (l) - Two significant powers, Russia and Iran, are throwing their weight around and taking over nearby territory. But rather than stand up to them, Western powers -- especially the United States -- meekly acquiesce. The parallels with the preâ€"World War II appeasement of Adolf Hitler are striking.
  44. Iraq Pushes Back Against ISIS, Regains Some Ground (l) - Recently the Iraqi army recaptured the town of Tikrit, which had been controlled by the Islamic State (IS or ISIS) since last year. The pushing back and forth between extremists and opposing forces in the Middle East is ongoing.
  45. Nuclear Iran Could Lead to Nuclear Saudi Arabia (l) - Israel, Europe and the United States are not the only world powers with an intense interest in the outcomes of the international talks over Iran's nuclear future.
  46. Nuclear talks stoke further Saudi-Iranian conflict (l) - America remains mired in difficult, dangerous relationships with Middle Eastern states.
  47. The Iranian Nuclear Deal and Bible Prophecy (l) - The appeasement of evil has sunk to new levels with the stunning nuclear agreement with Iran. Be warned: Terrible times lie ahead.
  48. Iran and the Threat of EMP Attack (l) - In the wake of the Iran nuclear deal, the question looms about what Iran might do once it acquires nuclear weapons. Some are sounding the alarm about a dangerous scenario that could fatally wound a nation in an instant.
  49. The Iran Nuclear Deal (l) - As more and more details of the Iran nuclear negotiations unfolded over recent months, the questions grew more and more puzzling.
  50. Will America Be Great Again? (l) - We are in a grave moment in the world. Something is happening in America; people are worried the nation is nearing the point of no return. What is happening, and what does it mean? And what can you do?
  51. Iran Rally Protests Trump, America (l) - Earlier this year President Donald Trump put Iran "on notice" concerning its nuclear program. Iranian leaders balked at this warning, and Iranian citizens took to the streets in protest.
  52. The New Nuclear Peril (l) - The United States and its global allies face dangerous adversaries armed with nuclear weapons or who will likely possess them soon. How significant are these threats, and how do they play into Bible prophecies about what will occur at the "time of the end"? And what should you do to prepare?
  53. America: Attacked Abroad, Divided Within (l) - The United States is bitterly divided both politically and socially. At the same time its role in the world is being undermined in strategic geographic regions. Are we entering a time of escalating danger and trouble like that spoken of in the Bible?
  54. Empires on the Rise (l) - Will China overtake America and become a world empire? Will Russia restore the former might of the Soviet Union? Will Iran's efforts to dominate the Middle East reclaim the ancient glory of the Persian Empire? And what about Europe/will it too see the return of an ancient power?
  55. Current Events & Trends January/February 2019 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the January/February 2019 issue of Beyond Today.
  56. Current Events & Trends September/October 2019 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the September/October 2019 issue of Beyond Today.
  57. Current Events & Trends November/December 2019 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the November/December 2019 issue of Beyond Today.
  58. Current Events & Trends September/October 2020 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the September/October 2020 issue of Beyond Today.
  59. Current Events & Trends March/April 2021 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the March/April 2021 issue of Beyond Today.
  60. Current Events & Trends - January/February 2022 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the January/February 2022 issue of Beyond Today.
  61. Current Events & Trends May/June 2023 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the May/June 2023 issue of Beyond Today.
  62. Has World War III Already Begun? (1/2006) (l) - What's behind the call by Iran's new president for the United States and Israel to be wiped off the face of the earth? Are Western nations blind to the growing threat from radical Islam?
  63. Iran's Growing Nuclear Threat (l) - For the last three years, world attention has focused on Iran's two neighbors, Afghanistan and Iraq. But attention will increasingly focus on Iran, a major Islamic nation well on the way to acquiring nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them.
  64. World News Review Feb 2002 (l) - World news review. February 2002.
  65. After Iraq, What Next? (l) - As the world focuses its attention on the conflict between the United States and Iraq, it's easy to overlook the many other threats facing the United States. What are these threats, and what do they portend?
  66. World News Review Dec 2002 (l) - World news review. December 2002.
  67. Major International Challenges Confront President Bush's Second Term (l) - The world looks very different four years after President Bush took office. What challenges lie ahead for the second Bush administration?
  68. The Middle East in Conflict: How Will It End? (l) - In the wake of the latest war, Time magazine asked the right questions: "What is it about the Middle East that makes the conflicts so intractable? Why the hate and where's the healing?" (July 24).
  69. Intelligence Failure -- From Listening to the Wrong People? (l) - Sept. 11 and the war in Iraq have both been partially blamed on bad intelligence. It came as no surprise to this World News and Prophecy writer.
  70. The New Nuclear Arms Race: Will Man Destroy Himself? (l) - Iran seems intent on joining North Korea in the nuclear club. Uneasy neighbors will likely soon start their own nuclear programs. What does the proliferation of nuclear weapons mean for the rest of us?
  71. A Stunning Memorial (l) - Hatred still exists in our world, the kind of hatred that could again erupt into another holocaust.
  72. World News and Trends - Sep/Oct 2004 (l) - An Overview of Conditions Around the World, Sept/Oct 2004.
  73. Iran: Why Part of the "Axis of Evil"? (l) - Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon considers Iran to be as dangerous as Iraq and a "center of world terror." Why should this be so?
  74. World News and Trends - January/February 2007 (l) - World news. January 2007.
  75. Russian Resurgence in a Unipolar World (l) - Russia is a superpower no longer, so what is behind President Putin's bold actions toward Hamas, Iran, Eastern Europe and China? Russia will play a critical role in geopolitics and globalization in the 21st century. No longer a superpower, it is still a superplayer.
  76. World News Review February 2007 (l) - World news items, February 2007.
  77. World News Review July 2005 (l) - World News summary - July 2005.
  78. New Middle Eastern Conflicts: A Wake-up Call for Mankind (l) - Michael Elliott of Time magazine asked some of the right questions: "What is it about the Middle East that makes the conflicts so intractable, such that one summer's guns ineluctably conjure up so many early spasms of violence? Why the hate and where's the healing?" (July 24, 2006).
  79. Could Ahmadinejad Be Daniel's "King of the South"? (l) - American President Bush and Iranian President Ahmadinejad. That there could be any comparison at all initially seems improbable to say the least! But making the comparison yields both parallels and paradoxes, and it may predict a colossal confrontation in the making.
  80. The Next Holocaust (l) - The ugly specter of anti-Semitism was on display again last month in Iran. It should send a shudder up and down your spine, and serve as a warning that this disease has not been eradicated and threatens world peace.
  81. A Gathering Storm (l) - America could be caught asleep and find itself awakened and staring into the gun of a hostile power.
  82. What Motivates Ahmadinejad? (l) - The president of Iran appears intent on developing nuclear weapons and has repeatedly threatened to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. In the West he is at times portrayed as a madman, but few realize the real motivating force behind his dream of triumphant Islam.
  83. Will America Run Away From Iraq? (l) - Does America have the will to endure a protracted conflict in the Middle East? Or will it follow its pattern of withdrawing in the face of determined resistance from both inside and outside the country?
  84. An Overview of Conditions Around the World - May/Jun 1997 (l) - A brief synopsis of world events. May/June 1997
  85. World News and Trends - Mar/Apr 2005 (l) - An Overview of Conditions Around the World; Mar/Apr 2005
  86. World News and Trends - Jan/Feb 2006 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Jan/Feb 2006.
  87. Keep Your Eyes on Iran (l) - There's more than meets the eye with Iran's recent arrest and release of British sailors picked up in the strategic border area of Shatt al-Arab. Why doesn't Iran want Iraq to succeed? How stable is this Islamic republic, which is on the brink of becoming a nuclear power?
  88. World News and Trends - May/June 2006 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world.
  89. World News and Trends - Mar/Apr 1998 (l) - A brief synopsis for world events. March/April 1998
  90. Mr. Sharon Comes to Washington - and Iran Is on His Mind (l) - Whether there is any way to deter Iran from producing nuclear weapons is one of the most pressing issues facing the world today. The U.S. administration has hinted broadly that it might take military action to prevent Iran from joining the nuclear club. The EU is attempting to negotiate Iran away from nuclear ambitions through a generous package of economic benefits, which the struggling nation desperately needs. For the time being, the United States and the EU appear to be working together to try to resolve the situation.
  91. Pride of America's Power: Approaching the Breaking Point? (l) - Last month in part one of this series we showed the vast power currently held by the United States. Could we see a time when this power, in all its forms, will be broken, no longer able to influence world events? The answer is found in Bible prophecy.
  92. An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Sep/Oct 2002 (l) - News articles from around the world as they relate to the Bible.
  93. Book Review: Statecraft by Margaret Thatcher (l) - A review of Margaret Thatcher's new book, Statecraft, published by Harper and Collins, London, 2002.
  94. Will Iran Provoke Nuclear War in 2006? (l) - How far will Iran go with its nuclear program? Will diplomacy curtail it? Will the Israelis knock it out from the air? Will the United States soon be involved in another war?
  95. How Serious a Threat Could Iran Pose? (l) - President Ahmadinejad has warned that the West would feel the consequences of pressing for sanctions against Iran much more than Iran would suffer. What could he have in mind? How could Iran strike at the West?
  1. Lines in the Sand: The Middle East 10 Years After Iraq (l) - America considers what it's lost as Iraq struggles to redefine itself within the ever-boiling cauldron of the Middle East.
  2. Lines in the Sand: Iraq 10 Years Later (l) - Ten years after the invasion of Iraq, America considers what it's lost as Iraq struggles to redefine itself within the ever-boiling cauldron of the Middle East.
  3. Disappointment and Disorder: the Middle East a Prime Example (l) - End-time events continue to escalate. The trends of our time regress steadily from bad to worse. Yet another decade of pronounced world disorder seems inevitable.
  4. 100 Years After World War I: What Have We Learned? (l) - An event that began 100 years ago this August might as well be ancient and irrelevant history for most. Yet World War I changed the world and set off a chain of events that continue to impact your life today. Don't underestimate what one man and one event can do to alter everything.
  5. America's Precarious Position: Where Can We Look for Answers? (l) - The United States faces growing challenges on many fronts, with no end in sight. How can the nation solve its problems?
  6. Islamic Caliphate Declared: What Does It Mean? (l) - A new caliphate -- a transnational Islamic state commanding the allegiance of all Muslims -- has been declared by the leader of insurgents in Iraq and Syria. What does this portend for the rest of the world in the days ahead?
  7. Iraq Pushes Back Against ISIS, Regains Some Ground (l) - Recently the Iraqi army recaptured the town of Tikrit, which had been controlled by the Islamic State (IS or ISIS) since last year. The pushing back and forth between extremists and opposing forces in the Middle East is ongoing.
  8. Mideast Christians Face Fears, Questions Following ISIS Occupation (l) - Even if Iraqi forces and their supporters are able to push the Islamic State or ISIS out of its foothold in Iraq, prospects are not good for one of the most persecuted and brutalized groups fighting for liberation from ISIS -- Middle Eastern Christians
  9. Anger Mounts Following Gulf War (l) - Where their holy land is involved, many Muslims tend to define the struggle -- and sometimes also the enemy -- in religious terms, seeing the American troops sent to free Kuwait and save Saudi Arabia from Saddam Hussein as infidel invaders and occupiers. This perception is heightened by America's unquestioned primacy among the powers of the infidel world.
  10. The Cost of Immorality in the War on Terror (l) - Pictures of abuse of Iraqi prisoners of war by American servicemen and servicewomen have shocked the world. What are the implications for America and the war on terror?
  11. Will We Heed the Warning? (l) - Be glad that some political leaders have the courage to sound an alarm. But most of all, be thankful for the promise that Jesus Christ will return to restore all things.
  12. End-Time Scenario Not Possible Until Now (l) - All nations are firmly in place for the final act.
  13. 'We Proceeded On' (l) - The phrase, "we proceeded on," sums up the attitude that allowed Lewis and Clark to endure hardship and hold together. The Kingdom of God looms before us. To reach that time of refreshing, in a walk worthy of Jesus Christ we, too, must "proceed on."
  14. 'Let Freedom Reign' (l) - Hopes for freedom in Iraq. God speed the day when freedom reigns upon the whole world.
  15. Will Democracy Work in the Middle East? (l) - President Bush recently declared America's commitment to democracy in the Middle East. But democracy there and in other regions has not had much success. There are solid reasons for this failure.
  16. From the Editor - Good News Magazine Mar/Apr 2003 (l) - Which crisis will set this final, unalterable chain of events in motion? And, more important, will you be ready?
  17. World News Review Feb 2002 (l) - World news review. February 2002.
  18. Will Iraq Be America's Suez? (l) - Until 1956 Great Britain was the dominant power in the Middle East. The Suez Canal crisis led to British withdrawal from the region. Could Iraq be America's Suez, forcing the United States out of the world's most volatile neighborhood?
  19. World News Review January 2007 (l) - World news review, January 2007.
  20. What Will Be in 2003? (l) - What will happen in 2003 ? No human being knows for sure. But we can observe and analyze the storm clouds that are on the horizon.
  21. Iraq's Liberation: A Foretaste for the Entire World (l) - Does the struggle for freedom for Iraq have implications for all of humanity?
  22. A Week to Remember (l) - Generosity, compassion, resolve, courage, adventure and curiosity: one day, in a far more perfect world than ours, we'll see these qualities magnified many times in peoples of all nations.
  23. Iraq and the Middle East: A Century of Turmoil Continues (l) - God has had a standard of righteous conduct that began at the time of the creation of Adam and has not changed since
  24. When Is Enough...Enough? (l) - Continuing to ignore the fundamental laws of God creates a state of unrighteousness for which God will demand an accounting. God is a God of judgment. At some point He will say, "Enough is enough!"
  25. World News and Trends - Jan/Feb 2006 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Jan/Feb 2006.
  26. A Growing Confederacy Against Modern Israel (l) - Somalia is the latest nation to fall to the forces of radical Islam. Militant Muslims have also made advances elsewhere. Additionally, it's becoming clear that the Russians and the Chinese are acting against U.S. interests, even inviting Iran's leader to the Shanghai Cooperation Council meeting, while denying the United States observer status. Are we seeing a growing confederacy against the United States and Britain?
  27. Will One Good Man Stand Up? (l) - Regardless of whether an Iraqi war occurs, lasting peace will not exist until Christ intervenes to restore universal justice among the nations.
  28. Behind the Headlines ... America vs. Iraq or America vs. the World? (l) - One year after Sept. 11, in the debate on terrorism, America is often seen as the villain, no longer as the victim. Why do so many people around the world hate America?
  29. Terror Attacks Planned From Iraq? (l) - Evidence of chemical and biological weapons in Iraq, apparently designed for terror use
  30. Book Review: Statecraft by Margaret Thatcher (l) - A review of Margaret Thatcher's new book, Statecraft, published by Harper and Collins, London, 2002.
  31. World News Review May 2004 (l) - World News Review. May 2004.
  32. Middle East Amnesty Produces Chaos (l) - Many observers applaud a move to release Palestinian criminals from Israeli jails. Contrasting this with an October 2002 release of prisoners in Iraq exposes fatal flaws in the U.S.-sponsored road map to peace. What is the biblical answer?
  33. World News and Trends - November/December 2006 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. November 2006.
  34. After Iraq, What Next? (l) - As the world focuses its attention on the conflict between the United States and Iraq, it's easy to overlook the many other threats facing the United States. What are these threats, and what do they portend?
  35. Toppling the Image of Evil (l) - The statue of a Saddam Hussein, the evil pathological dictator has been toppled. Let it be a symbol of the time in the future when another statue, a representation of humanity's defiance against God, will be destroyed and replaced by the coming of the Kingdom of God to the earth.
  36. Letters From Our Readers - Nov/Dec 2002 (l) - Letters from Good News readers, Nov/Dec 2002.
  37. Pride of America's Power: Approaching the Breaking Point? (l) - Last month in part one of this series we showed the vast power currently held by the United States. Could we see a time when this power, in all its forms, will be broken, no longer able to influence world events? The answer is found in Bible prophecy.
  38. Major International Challenges Confront President Bush's Second Term (l) - The world looks very different four years after President Bush took office. What challenges lie ahead for the second Bush administration?
  39. A Gathering Storm (l) - America could be caught asleep and find itself awakened and staring into the gun of a hostile power.
  40. A Moment of Decision (l) - It is hoped that a new democratic regime in Iraq will be the first step toward changing other Arab states and creating Western-style governments based on the freedom of the individual and economic openness.
  41. Democracy Is More Than a Word (l) - President George W. Bush recently declared America's commitment to democracy in the Middle East. But democracy in this and other regions of the world has not had much success. There are good reasons for this failure.
  42. World News Review September/October 1999 (l) - World news - Sep/Oct 1999
  43. Still Not Fully Realized -- The West Is Fighting for Its Survival (l) - Islamic fundamentalism became front-page news after Sept. 11 -- but that doesn't mean there was no problem earlier. There certainly was plenty of warning, although nobody could have predicted the precise way in which fundamentalists would get the West's attention. Few would have listened anyway.
  44. What Lies Ahead for U.S. Leasership? (l) - End-time events can take place without warning. We are told to watch and to love the truth. If we do, we'll have the context to understand events of the coming years.
  45. Will America Run Away From Iraq? (l) - Does America have the will to endure a protracted conflict in the Middle East? Or will it follow its pattern of withdrawing in the face of determined resistance from both inside and outside the country?
  46. World News and Trends - September/October 2006 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Sept 2006.
  1. EU Pressures Poland and the Czech Republic (l) - The Continent's leaders are refusing to accept that the Lisbon treaty is dead, and are determined to persuade the Czechs and the Poles to complete the process.
  2. The EU Versus the Irish Republic: What Does It Mean? (l) - Most Irish citizens simply do not want a European superstate. This is the basic message of Ireland's startling "no" vote on the Lisbon Treaty. But the much more powerful European elites clearly want it very badly! Bible prophecy strongly indicates that forces for federal unification ultimately will prevail in Europe -- bringing about a new superpower.
  3. World News and Trends - July/August 2008 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. July 2008
  4. The Patrick You Didn't Know (l) - Who was "Saint" Patrick? What did he believe? What did he teach? And was he really Irish?
  5. Appendix 4: The Colchis Connection (l) - Is it possible to identify Calcol or Chalcol as Cecrops of Athens and still relate his name to the people of Colchis?
  6. Appendix 6: Dating the Milesian Arrival in Ireland (l) - Unfortunately, the dating of the Milesian arrival in Ireland is an area of broad dispute. But there are factors that should help us in forming a reasonable answer.
  7. Appendix 8: Gathelus, Scota and the Exodus (l) - We should examine this in greater detail -- particularly their connection to the time of Moses and the Exodus.
  8. Lands of Iberia (l) - The land of Spain and Portugal, it should be mentioned, is also known as the Iberian Peninsula.
  9. More Links to David (l) - Besides what we've already seen, there are other corroborating factors connecting the line of David with Ireland.
  10. Ollam Fodhla and Company (l) - Ollam Fodhla's laws bear striking similarity to the Ten Commandments and other Hebrew statutes.
  11. Only One Place to Go (l) - How God would fulfill the specific promises to David, who was descended from Perez?
  12. The People of the Red Hand (l) - The Trojans were forced out of the Aegean region through a series of national conflicts--one of which is presented to us in the famous Trojan War of Homer's Iliad, which occurred around 1200 B.C.
  13. Questions Over Who's Who (l) - Yet it must be admitted that none of this is certain. Indeed, even though there appear to be many more similarities between Jeremiah and Ollam Fodhla, Ollam appears in the Irish king lists as a king and sometimes as one who reigned centuries before Jeremiah.
  14. Sorting Out Identities (l) - If Ollam Fodhla was indeed Jeremiah, his identification as a king is fairly easy to reconcile. It could have resulted from his appearing to be the father or grandfather of the eastern princess he brought with him--or, even more likely, confusion over his being a great lawgiver.
  15. Standing on God's Word (l) - Our proof rests on God's Word and verifiable history. We must accept these sure facts as a solid foundation. Irish traditions and fragmentary historical details can then be viewed in this light--and that indeed does seem to fill in some interesting and supportive details.
  16. Tea-Tephi or Scota? (l) - Concerning the names Tea, Tephi and Tamar, while they may refer to the same person at the time of Jeremiah, it is also possible that they do not. In favor is the fact that these names are sometimes linked together in old Irish poems.
  17. The Tuatha de Danaan (l) - Brief history of the Tuatha de Danaan.
  18. Who were the Milesians? (l) - Note that the Scythians from Spain were known as Milesians--a name replete throughout the Irish annals.
  19. World News and Trends - July/August 2006 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Jul/Aug 2006
  1. The Latter, or Major, Prophets (l) - Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel are known as the major prophets and wrote the books that bear their names. Each man told of his own fascinating contribution to the Bible.
  2. Isaiah: Prophet of the New Mind (l) - Isaiah epitomizes the books of the Hebrew prophets. It is a classic.
  3. When Will Mankind Find Peace? (l) - Some 80 years removed from the horror of his youth, an old soldier turns his thoughts to peaceful pursuits. His story echoes an unrealized hope of mankind.
  4. The Center of God's New Global Village (l) - God's temple will stand in the center of God's global village in Jerusalem. This will provide the seat for a civilization centered on the universal principles and laws of Almighty God.
  5. Peace in Nature - and Among All Peoples (l) - Peace throughout the natural realm-and a unified human race-the beautiful future God has planned for us.
  6. Profiles in Faith: Isaiah - A Prophet for Then and Now (l) - The relevance of Isaiah then and now.
  1. July/August 2017 Current Events (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the July/August 2017 issue of Beyond Today.
  2. Current Events & Trends September/October 2018 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the September/October 2018 issue of Beyond Today.
Islam and other religions
  1. What Will It Mean for the West if Radical Islam Triumphs? (l) - Defeat in Afghanistan and Iraq may not worry the average American or European, but could defeat there also mean defeat at home? Could the seemingly inexorable advance of radical Islam in the Middle East be replicated in the West?
  2. World News and Trends - May/June 2008 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world.
  3. When Will the West Wake Up? (l) - Islamic extremism is back-not that it ever went away. Following the terrorist attacks in Mumbai and the continuing threats from Iranian proxy Hamas, the question must be asked: When will the West wake up?
  4. Iran's Dangerous Nuclear Game (l) - Most Westerners are dangerously unaware of the crucial background behind Iran's ever-growing nuclear program. Such ignorance could prove not only perilous, but fatal.
  5. Does the Koran Promote Peace and Cooperation? (l) - Although many try to explain away much of the militant teaching of the Koran, a straightforward interpretation of the following sampling of verses plainly demonstrates Islam's views toward non-Muslims, including authorizing jihad - holy wars - against them.
  6. The History of Islam: What Does It Teach Us? (l) - When and how did the religion of Islam come into existence? What are its values and beliefs? How did it rise to dominate many nations? And will it ultimately persist?
  7. Islam in Europe: A Return to Religious Intolerance? (l) - For centuries Europeans fought wars over religion. Eventually, the proliferation of Protestant denominations led to greater tolerance. But now religious intolerance is back due to demographic changes that are changing the face of the continent.
  8. Islam vs. the West: Why the Clash of Civilizations? (l) - To comprehend why Islamic and Western civilization conflict so sharply requires studying the basic differences between their underlying philosophies. Make no mistake: The bare facts reveal that the West now finds itself in very serious jeopardy.
  9. The Koran and Conquest: A Look at Islamic Theology (l) - Why do we hear of so much terrorism originating in the Muslim world? Will an examination of Islam's history and its holy book, the Koran, help us to understand?
  10. What Are Ahmadinejad's Aims? (l) - What's really behind Iran's nuclear program? Is something much bigger at work, something that becomes clear when we look more deeply into the Iranian president's religious beliefs? And does the Bible provide us with understanding regarding the future of the war-torn Middle East?
  11. Christendom Losing Ground (l) - After Christ returns, people everywhere will learn and follow true religion -- leading at last to world peace. But today religion seriously divides the planet. And whatever goes by the name of Christianity continues to be relentlessly persecuted in many parts of the world -- especially in some Middle Eastern countries and particularly in the wake of the Arab Spring.
  12. Osama bin Laden's Dream Lives On (l) - Osama bin Laden, whose al-Qaeda terror group was behind the devastating Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, has been dead for almost two years. But his dream lives on, and we see this being played out in headlines across the Middle East, Africa and South Asia.
  13. Ground Zero Jerusalem (l) - The conflict between Israelis and Arabs is profoundly affecting your daily life. As worl history heads towards a crisis point at Ground Zero Jerusalem, what should our focus be?
  14. Confusion Over What the Quran Teaches - Peace or War? (l) - Those who state that Islam is a peaceful religion usually point to several verses in the Quran to support their view.
  15. The Jihadist Worldview: What's Behind the Mideast Brutality? (l) - The brutality of the Islamic State and various terrorist organizations is shocking and horrifying -- beheadings, suicide attacks, slaughter of prisoners and women forced into sexual slavery. What's really behind such barbarism? The truth may surprise you!
  16. Survey Shows Sobering Muslim Attitudes (l) - Out of a world population of about 7 billion, approximately one in four to five people -- 1.5 to 1.6 billion -- is Muslim (though some place the number of Muslims as high as 2 billion).
  17. Are Islamic Beliefs Compatible with Western Culture? (l) - As migrants continue to seek asylum in the relative peace of Europe's borders, many questions must be asked, chief among them being whether two very different cultural systems can coexist peacefully.
  18. Islamic Extremism is not Merely a Symptom of Politics (l) - Islamic extremists are waging a war on the West, with Europe in particular under fire most recently.
  19. Islamic State explains to West: "Why We Hate You" (l) - The leaders of the Islamic State (IS or ISIS) are nothing if not accomplished advocates and propagandists for their cause.
  20. Retaliatory Murders Intimidate Critics of Islam (l) - While those in the United States and other Western nations with the freedom of speech have the right to criticize any group within reason, retaliatory violence has created an atmosphere in which individuals and groups are afraid of offering even reasoned, respectful criticism.
  21. Mideast Christians Face Fears, Questions Following ISIS Occupation (l) - Even if Iraqi forces and their supporters are able to push the Islamic State or ISIS out of its foothold in Iraq, prospects are not good for one of the most persecuted and brutalized groups fighting for liberation from ISIS -- Middle Eastern Christians
  22. Anger Mounts Following Gulf War (l) - Where their holy land is involved, many Muslims tend to define the struggle -- and sometimes also the enemy -- in religious terms, seeing the American troops sent to free Kuwait and save Saudi Arabia from Saddam Hussein as infidel invaders and occupiers. This perception is heightened by America's unquestioned primacy among the powers of the infidel world.
  23. Not Enemies Forever (l) - Europeans, Arabs and Jews could gain much from cooperation. In the coming reign of the Messiah, the Christ, the descendants of all three groups will learn to flourish in cooperation and peace.
  24. Appeasement in the Face of Danger: Deadly Parallels (l) - Following the July 7 terror bombings in London, many evoked memories of the blitz in World War II. Regrettably, that's not the only analogy with the Second World War that is appropriate.
  25. Cartoon Controversy: Is a Clash of Civilizations Inevitable? (l) - European newspapers showing cartoons of Muhammad provoked riots in a number of countries, leading to increasing talk of "a clash of civilizations" between the West and Islam.
  26. Debate About Islam Continues: Is It a Religion of Peace? (l) - Muslim officials have declared their peaceful intentions through messages at their annual hajj. U.S. President Bush and British Prime Minister Blair have publicly praised Islam as a religion of peace. Others challenge that assertion, as the debate goes on.
  27. What Lies Ahead for America? (l) - The world stood transfixed in the wake of a carefully planned series of hijackings that destroyed the world trade center, crippled the Pentagon and took the lives for more than 5,000 men women and children. On a sunny September morning, the world dramatically changed. What is the long term significance?
  28. Making Sense of a Fragmenting World (l) - Terrorist alerts...war with Iraq...the "axis of evil." How can we make sense of it all?
  29. What's Behind Today's Worldwide Wave of Terrorism? (l) - Passenger jets blown out of the sky, suicide bombings that deliberately target innocent civilians, men who shoot fleeing children in the back -- what do these horrors have in common, and why?
  30. Godly Solution to World Conflict (l) - The conflict between radical elements of Islam and Western Christian society is a clash over who is God--Allah or the Christian God? Is there a fundamental incompatibility between the two?
  31. Jefferson Studies Koran to Fight War on Muslim Terrorists (l) - Jefferson and his fight against the Barbary pirates.
  32. World News Review June 2004 (l) - World News Review for June, 2004.
  33. French Riots Highlight Growing Clash of Civilizations (l) - For three weeks, young Muslims across France rioted every night, burning cars and destroying property. What's behind the riots and where are they leading?
  34. Religion of War or Peace? (l) - It is a mistake to consign those in favor of terrorism against the West to a tiny, insignificant lunatic fringe
  35. "Islamic Imperialism" - The Commonality in Many of Today's Conflicts (l) - Were the events of Sept. 11 the result of U.S. foreign policy or part of a historic continuum that began with Islamic expansion in the seventh century?
  36. When Will Peace Come to the Middle East? (l) - Terrorism is not the only threat to peace in the Middle East. Wars fought using traditional methods have abounded in this blood-stained century.
  37. Questions and Answers - Oct/Dec 2005 (l) - The following questions and answers represent issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice. Oct/Dec 2005.
  38. Appeasement's Role in the Terror War (l) - Following the July 7 terror bombings in London, many evoked memories of the blitz in World War II. Regrettably, that's not the only analogy with the Second World War that is appropriate.
  39. Jerusalem's Temple Mount: Center of Conflict Today (l) - A Good News Interview With Leen Ritmeyer, Ph.D. about Jerusalem's Temple Mount.
Islam, history of
  1. The History of Islam: What Does It Teach Us? (l) - When and how did the religion of Islam come into existence? What are its values and beliefs? How did it rise to dominate many nations? And will it ultimately persist?
  2. Resources to Learn More About Islam's History and Theology (l) - The views of liberal Western writers, academics and politicians, plus moderate Muslims, dominate the mainstream media's views of Islam's history and theology.
  3. Will the World See a New Caliphate? (l) - What can we expect will happen as Islamists take charge in the nations of the Arab uprisings? Turkey and other experiments in Muslim democracy give us some precedent. And on the horizon, the Islamist dream looms -- a restored empire of Islam. What does this mean for the future of the Middle East and the world?
  4. Middle East Chaos: What's Happening and Why (l) - Once again the Middle East is being transformed before our eyes, with a near-constant stream of headlines describing chaos and upheaval. What does it mean? Where is it leading? You need to know the answers!
  5. Who's Who in the Syrian Conflict (l) - The bloody Syrian civil war has left an estimated half a million Syrians dead, wounded or missing and forced half the nation's population from their homes.
  6. The Coming of Islam (l) - The descendants of Ishmael lived in relative obscurity throughout ancient history. This was to change dramatically with the prophet Muhammad and the religion he founded, Islam.
  7. Radical Islam: An Arc of Extremism That Threatens the Globe (l) - In an Aug. 1 speech, British Prime Minister Tony Blair warned of an "arc of extremism" that extends across much of the Islamic world posing a very real threat to Western civilization. How great is this threat, and where is it leading?
  8. The Birth and Spread of Islam (l) - The beginnings of Islam.
  9. The Biblical Origins of the Arab Peoples (l) - Why is there so much unrest in the Middle East? Why is there constant strife between the Israelis and Palestinians? The answers to these questions didn't begin with the formation of the state of Israel in 1948. The history of these conflicts goes back 4,000 years and is recorded in a place many people would never think to look-the Bible!
  10. World News and Trends - Mar/Apr 2004 (l) - An Overview of Conditions Around the World, March/April 2004.
  11. Thousand-Year-Old Lessons From the Crusades for Today (l) - Kingdom of Heaven is a movie about the Crusades, a clash of civilizations between Islam and Christianity that lasted two centuries. Could a similar clash of civilizations lie ahead?
  12. "Islamic Imperialism" - The Commonality in Many of Today's Conflicts (l) - Were the events of Sept. 11 the result of U.S. foreign policy or part of a historic continuum that began with Islamic expansion in the seventh century?
  13. The Middle East: Worlds in Collision (l) - Who will write the next chapter in the history of this troubled city, Jerusalem? Believe it or not, the final chapters are already written -- prophesied centuries ago in the pages of the Bible.
Islam, radical
  1. What Will It Mean for the West if Radical Islam Triumphs? (l) - Defeat in Afghanistan and Iraq may not worry the average American or European, but could defeat there also mean defeat at home? Could the seemingly inexorable advance of radical Islam in the Middle East be replicated in the West?
  2. When Will the West Wake Up? (l) - Islamic extremism is back-not that it ever went away. Following the terrorist attacks in Mumbai and the continuing threats from Iranian proxy Hamas, the question must be asked: When will the West wake up?
  3. Afghanistan: What's Behind a Seemingly Unwinnable War? (l) - Many on both sides of the Atlantic are saying the Afghan conflict - which has already lasted twice as long as World War I - is unwinnable. Why are the allies finding it so difficult to win this war in a backward third world country?
  4. What's Behind Islamic Terror? (l) - The world is horrified by regular bloody terrorist attacks in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Such attacks have also been carried out in Western nations such as the United States, Britain and Spain. What's behind this blood-soaked trend, and where is it leading?
  5. Europe Prepares for Terrorism (l) - Recent warnings of terrorist activity in Europe don't reveal the whole story of what is happening behind the scenes. Both security officials and terrorists know more than headlines reveal. Bible prophecy tells the rest of the story.
  6. Radical Muslim Minorities in America (l) - The vast majority of American Muslims are loyal citizens.
  7. Ahmadinejad's Apocalypse (l) - How do you negotiate with people whose desire is to start a global war so that their messiah will come to save them and win the war for them?
  8. Muslim Extremists Stirring up Syria (l) - Associated Press journalist Paul Schemm gives a personal account of facing mercenary Muslim extremists: "The bearded gunmen who surrounded the car full of foreign journalists in a northern Syrian village were clearly not Syrians.
  9. Puzzling U.S. Support for Islamists Over Moderates (l) - It should be pointed out that there are truly moderate Muslims and non-Muslims scattered throughout the Middle East who desire Western freedoms. They are in the minority, however -- just over 20 percent, estimates Andrew McCarthy in his new book Spring Fever: The Illusion of Islamic Democracy (2013, p. 55). But they are not the ones receiving Western support -- even in places where they have higher numbers.
  10. Winter Advisory: The Arab Spring That Wasn't (l) - Despite rosy forecasts of an "Arab Spring," a cold Islamist winter grips the Middle East, as developments in Egypt make clear. What does this mean for the future of this critical region?
  11. Jihadist Rhetoric and Reality (l) - As this report indicates, Western nations accept immigrants who can turn against them.
  12. Islamic Caliphate Declared: What Does It Mean? (l) - A new caliphate -- a transnational Islamic state commanding the allegiance of all Muslims -- has been declared by the leader of insurgents in Iraq and Syria. What does this portend for the rest of the world in the days ahead?
  13. Islamic State Leaders Seek to Spread Terror to the West (l) - While the world collectively gasps at the horrific violence employed by the recently declared Islamic State (IS) in the Middle East, including beheadings of captured Westerners, to date there hasn't been much tangible fear throughout Western nations. The Islamic State's control over large parts of Iraq and Syria seems in the West to be still far away -- especially with the West now conducting attacks against IS positions.
  14. Islamist Attacks Australian Police after Fatwa (l) - Government officials in Australia say the threat is real.
  15. Ebola - New Terrorist Tool? (l) - It hasn't been lost on many observers that the Ebola threat has emerged at about the same time as the new terrorist threat of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.
  16. ISIS Brutality Brings More Jordanian Involvement (l) - The harsh reality of the unbelievably brutal tactics employed by ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) continues to shock the world's sensibilities.
  17. When Terror Strikes (l) - In Paris and San Bernardino, people were going about their everyday lives. Little did they know that within a matter of minutes, dozens would be killed or maimed in vicious terrorist attacks. What do we need to learn from these horrific events?
  18. Islamist Forces Inch Closer to Israel and Jordan (l) - The self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS or ISIS) continues to brutalize its way across the Middle East, with most of its activity centered in Iraq and Syria.
  19. ISIS Forces Birth Control on Female Slaves (l) - There's an Islamic law stating that a man must ensure that a woman who is enslaved to him cannot be pregnant in order to have intercourse with her.
  20. Islamic Extremism is not Merely a Symptom of Politics (l) - Islamic extremists are waging a war on the West, with Europe in particular under fire most recently.
  21. Muslim Terrorist Carries out Most Deadly Shooting in U.S. history (l) - In the wake of the June 12 terrorist attack at an Orlando gay night club, we need to consider what's happened. Many call it "senseless violence," yet there is in fact a sense to it that is quite disturbing -- as is the failure of many to admit that.
  22. Islamic State explains to West: "Why We Hate You" (l) - The leaders of the Islamic State (IS or ISIS) are nothing if not accomplished advocates and propagandists for their cause.
  23. Suicide Bombers and the Promise of Paradise (l) - The war against terrorism isn't a traditional war of one nation against another. It's a war of ideas and beliefs.
  24. Mideast Christians Face Fears, Questions Following ISIS Occupation (l) - Even if Iraqi forces and their supporters are able to push the Islamic State or ISIS out of its foothold in Iraq, prospects are not good for one of the most persecuted and brutalized groups fighting for liberation from ISIS -- Middle Eastern Christians
  25. Ohio State Knife Attack Proves ISIS Tactics Working (l) - Even if Iraqi forces and their supporters are able to push the Islamic State or ISIS out of its foothold in Iraq, prospects are not good for one of the most persecuted and brutalized groups fighting for liberation from ISIS -- Middle Eastern Christians
  26. Islamic Fundamentalism Resurges (l) - Inadvertently, American culture threatens the traditional way of life of all the Islamic peoples. This is a major cause of resentment if not outright hatred toward the United States.
  27. A Dangerous World (l) - We seek to frame the issues in the context of the Bible, and show God's point of view, which is always different from mankind's
  28. Seeing the World Scene Realistically (l) - The historic continuum and religious war between militant Islam and secularism.
  29. Asking the Tough Question: Has Religion Failed? (l) - Public figures speak warmly of all religions, attempting to foster unity and to ratchet down the hostility in the many current religious-based confrontations. But let's ask the tough question: Has religion done for mankind what it purports to do? Is the world community more peaceful? Are the individual citizens of the world more moral for the presence of religion? What can we anticipate the future will bring vis-à-vis religion?
  30. Appeasement in the Face of Danger: Deadly Parallels (l) - Following the July 7 terror bombings in London, many evoked memories of the blitz in World War II. Regrettably, that's not the only analogy with the Second World War that is appropriate.
  31. Is American Isolationism on the Rise? (l) - Americans show growing signs of wanting to withdraw from an increasingly complex and frightening world. Is the isolationism of earlier decades about to return? And what would the consequences be?
  32. Has World War III Already Begun? (l) - Five years after the devastating Sept. 11 attacks, the West remains far from where it should be in the growing conflict between the Western democracies and radical Islam.
  33. Nov. 2 -- A Sobering Lesson for Us All (l) - Election Day in the United States was a day of great significance around the world, but not just because of the election results.
  34. Five Years After 9/11 (l) - Five years have now elapsed since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks stunned the entire world. So far no similar terrorist attacks have occurred in the United States, and only a few have impacted the rest of the Western world. Could there be more than meets the eye as to why?
  35. How Britain Is Creating a Terror State Within (l) - Melanie Phillips shows that Britain has become a gathering ground for Islamist terror groups, while the British establishment is in denial.
  36. Can We Win the War on Terror? (l) - The world is at war. It's not the long-envisioned nuclear exchange, but don't count nuclear weapons out. This is a shadowy war of principle, one the United States, Britain and their allies are ill-equipped to win.
  37. Prophecy Being Fulfilled? (l) - Recent events have shown the world dividing into three competing systems, all vying for dominance in a rapidly changing world. Does Bible prophecy indicate which will survive?
  38. Coming Calamities: Does God Offer Protection? (l) - Where will you be when terror strikes the nations? Does God offer safety for anyone? Will He care about you when your fellow man doesn't?
  39. Terrorism in the 21st Century (l) - A World News and Prophecy interview with Christopher Dobson, an expert on terrorism.
  40. Indonesia's Bashir a Lightning Rod (l) - Indonesia is the scene of some of the world's greatest tragedies of modern times. Much more than a region in need of aid, it is rich in history, the largest Muslim nation in the world--and a democracy. The recent release of militant Muslim cleric Abu Bakar Bashir reopened old wounds and may indicate a future direction away from the West.
  41. The Palace of Versailles -- Again at the Center of World Events (l) - Few news sources are reporting the growing rift between France and Germany on the one side and the United States, Britain and their allies on the other in a potential Middle East war. World News and Prophecy looks beyond the obvious, with the help of Bible prophecy to bring you unique perspective and clear understanding. You need to comprehend the forces shaping our world.
  42. A Page on the World: The West's Last Chance (l) - Tony Blankley's subtitle asks, "Will We Win the Clash of Civilizations?" (2005, ISBN 0895260158).
  43. What Motivates Ahmadinejad? (l) - The president of Iran appears intent on developing nuclear weapons and has repeatedly threatened to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. In the West he is at times portrayed as a madman, but few realize the real motivating force behind his dream of triumphant Islam.
  44. Islamic Extremists Attack the West in Many Countries (l) - "Wars and rumors of wars" (Matthew 24:6) were prophesied by Jesus Christ to be a major area of concern at the time of "the end of the age" (verse 3). Interestingly, false religion was prophesied to precede these conflicts: "For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many" (verse 5).
  45. Has the Third World War Already Begun? (l) - A provocative new book by a French journalist says today's clash of civilizations constitutes the opening phases of a devastating global conflict.
  46. Mumbai Terror Attacks Highlight Global Nature of Threat From Radical Islam (l) - Political correctness is still making it difficult for people in the West to understand fully the seriousness of the threat from radical Islam.
  47. Appeasement's Role in the Terror War (l) - Following the July 7 terror bombings in London, many evoked memories of the blitz in World War II. Regrettably, that's not the only analogy with the Second World War that is appropriate.
  48. Radical Islam -- a Threat to Freedom of Speech? (l) - Prominent media personalities on both sides of the Atlantic are in trouble for recent comments made about Islamic countries. Is freedom of speech threatened?
  49. Our World Is Rapidly Changing - in Ways Foretold by Bible Prophecy (l) - Bible prophecy shows that we should keep an eye on Europe and the Middle East. Ongoing developments in both areas are rapidly reshaping our world in ways foretold centuries ago.
  50. Words No One Wants to Hear From God (l) - As in so many wars in the past, combatants, their families and fellow citizens in the present and soon-to-be wars call on God for help. They sincerely expect that a divine being blesses, even orders their efforts and that His supernatural intervention will guarantee safety and success. Their hearts would melt should they hear what God has told others.
  51. Making Sense in a Senseless Neighborhood (l) - After three years of ruling the Kingdom of Jordan, Abdullah II is beginning to step out from the long shadow of his famous father, King Hussein. What is emerging is worth noting, with perhaps an even longer view to the future.
  52. Political Correctness Hides the Truth (l) - Our relations with the rest of the world will only be helped if we clean up our nation and become a godlier people. "... if you diligently obey the voice of the LORD your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today, that the LORD your God will set you high above all nations of the earth" (Deuteronomy 28:1).
  53. Iraq and the Middle East: A Century of Turmoil Continues (l) - God has had a standard of righteous conduct that began at the time of the creation of Adam and has not changed since
  54. "Without Blood on My Hands" (l) - We are called to live today by the laws of the coming Kingdom of God. We will meet our Maker without any blood on our hands.
  55. Will Iraq Be America's Suez? (l) - Until 1956 Great Britain was the dominant power in the Middle East. The Suez Canal crisis led to British withdrawal from the region. Could Iraq be America's Suez, forcing the United States out of the world's most volatile neighborhood?
  56. Could Ahmadinejad Be Daniel's "King of the South"? (l) - American President Bush and Iranian President Ahmadinejad. That there could be any comparison at all initially seems improbable to say the least! But making the comparison yields both parallels and paradoxes, and it may predict a colossal confrontation in the making.
  57. Radical Islam: An Arc of Extremism That Threatens the Globe (l) - In an Aug. 1 speech, British Prime Minister Tony Blair warned of an "arc of extremism" that extends across much of the Islamic world posing a very real threat to Western civilization. How great is this threat, and where is it leading?
  58. After Iraq, What Next? (l) - As the world focuses its attention on the conflict between the United States and Iraq, it's easy to overlook the many other threats facing the United States. What are these threats, and what do they portend?
  59. A War of Two Worlds (l) - What's behind Islamic religious extremists' war against the West?
  60. Could We Lose the War on Terror? (l) - A quarter century ago a nation in some ways not that different from the United States and Britain lost a war on terror. What lessons can we learn from that conflict so history does not repeat itself?
  61. Has World War III Already Begun? (1/2006) (l) - What's behind the call by Iran's new president for the United States and Israel to be wiped off the face of the earth? Are Western nations blind to the growing threat from radical Islam?
Islamic caliphate
  1. 20-Year Plan for a Global Caliphate (l) - It's remarkable to see what's been happening in the world in light of the al-Qaeda master plan from back in 2000 for establishing a world-dominating Islamic caliphate in seven steps over the course of 20 years.
  2. Islamic State Exploiting Power Vacuum (l) - For 13 years now al-Qaeda has been the face of terror and Islamic extremism, both feared and hated in the West. But now their hold on the Middle East and the loyalty of Islamic militants may be slipping.
  3. Islamic State Leaders Seek to Spread Terror to the West (l) - While the world collectively gasps at the horrific violence employed by the recently declared Islamic State (IS) in the Middle East, including beheadings of captured Westerners, to date there hasn't been much tangible fear throughout Western nations. The Islamic State's control over large parts of Iraq and Syria seems in the West to be still far away -- especially with the West now conducting attacks against IS positions.
  4. Middle East Chaos: What's Happening and Why (l) - Once again the Middle East is being transformed before our eyes, with a near-constant stream of headlines describing chaos and upheaval. What does it mean? Where is it leading? You need to know the answers!
  5. Iraq Pushes Back Against ISIS, Regains Some Ground (l) - Recently the Iraqi army recaptured the town of Tikrit, which had been controlled by the Islamic State (IS or ISIS) since last year. The pushing back and forth between extremists and opposing forces in the Middle East is ongoing.
Islamic fundamentalism
  1. What's Behind the Turmoil in Egypt? (l) - Recent headlines have been filled with accounts of riots, protests and demonstrations in several Middle Eastern countries. What's behind them? What does it all mean? Does Bible prophecy provide any clues?
  2. Turmoil: What's Behind the Unrest Sweeping the Middle East? (l) - Riots and demonstrations have left governments trembling across North Africa and the Middle East. Is democracy about to triumph in the region, or could we see a very different outcome, one indicated by Bible prophecy?
  3. Turmoil: What's Behind the Unrest Sweeping the Middle East? (l) - Riots and demonstrations have left governments trembling across North Africa and the Middle East. Is democracy about to triumph in the region, or could we see a very different outcome, one indicated by Bible prophecy?
  4. The Arab awakening and Islamic fundamentalism (l) - The unrest that began with Tunisia in December 2010 has spread to many other Middle Eastern countries. Other despotic rulers may well fall in addition to those already forced from power. But will we witness the emergence of secularist democracies supporting the West, as many hope? Or will the era of autocratic rulers in the Middle East morph into an Islamist confederation spanning the region?
  5. The History of Islam: What Does It Teach Us? (l) - When and how did the religion of Islam come into existence? What are its values and beliefs? How did it rise to dominate many nations? And will it ultimately persist?
  6. The Koran and Conquest: A Look at Islamic Theology (l) - Why do we hear of so much terrorism originating in the Muslim world? Will an examination of Islam's history and its holy book, the Koran, help us to understand?
  7. Middle East Oil and the Clash of Two Civilizations (l) - The abundance of oil in the Middle East has aided and abetted the spread of Islam into the West and around the world.
  8. Revisiting the Arab Spring (l) - Several months ago historian and political commentator Walter Laqueur voiced his concerns in World Affairs about the unexpected end results of the much-heralded Arab Spring.
  9. A Closer Look at the Muslim Brotherhood (l) - It's important to pay attention to the organization that has made the most significant gains through the Arab uprisings -- al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun, the Muslim Brotherhood, the godfather of all Islamic supremacist groups. With representative political parties and social organizations throughout Muslim nations, and numerous outreach arms in Western countries, it is perceived by many in the West as a moderate, peaceable association.
  10. Osama bin Laden's Dream Lives On (l) - Osama bin Laden, whose al-Qaeda terror group was behind the devastating Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, has been dead for almost two years. But his dream lives on, and we see this being played out in headlines across the Middle East, Africa and South Asia.
  11. Will the World See a New Caliphate? (l) - What can we expect will happen as Islamists take charge in the nations of the Arab uprisings? Turkey and other experiments in Muslim democracy give us some precedent. And on the horizon, the Islamist dream looms -- a restored empire of Islam. What does this mean for the future of the Middle East and the world?
  12. 20-Year Plan for a Global Caliphate (l) - It's remarkable to see what's been happening in the world in light of the al-Qaeda master plan from back in 2000 for establishing a world-dominating Islamic caliphate in seven steps over the course of 20 years.
  13. Apocalyptic Prophecies Drive Fighting in Syria (l) - Since it began in 2011, the war in Syria has killed more than 170,000 people.
  14. Is Israel the Obstacle to Middle East Peace? (l) - Many believe peace would be achievable in the Middle East if not for the nagging problem of Israel. They blame the ongoing regional conflict on the Jewish state's recalcitrance in negotiations and even its very existence. But would there really be peace if Israel were out of the way? How is peace to truly come?
  15. Survey Shows Sobering Muslim Attitudes (l) - Out of a world population of about 7 billion, approximately one in four to five people -- 1.5 to 1.6 billion -- is Muslim (though some place the number of Muslims as high as 2 billion).
  16. Warnings to the West (l) - Rising "lone wolf" Islamist attacks against the West should compel us to learn the importance of seeking true security.
  17. Are Islamic Beliefs Compatible with Western Culture? (l) - As migrants continue to seek asylum in the relative peace of Europe's borders, many questions must be asked, chief among them being whether two very different cultural systems can coexist peacefully.
  18. Muslim Terrorist Carries out Most Deadly Shooting in U.S. history (l) - In the wake of the June 12 terrorist attack at an Orlando gay night club, we need to consider what's happened. Many call it "senseless violence," yet there is in fact a sense to it that is quite disturbing -- as is the failure of many to admit that.
  19. Islamic Fundamentalism Resurges (l) - Inadvertently, American culture threatens the traditional way of life of all the Islamic peoples. This is a major cause of resentment if not outright hatred toward the United States.
  20. Anger Mounts Following Gulf War (l) - Where their holy land is involved, many Muslims tend to define the struggle -- and sometimes also the enemy -- in religious terms, seeing the American troops sent to free Kuwait and save Saudi Arabia from Saddam Hussein as infidel invaders and occupiers. This perception is heightened by America's unquestioned primacy among the powers of the infidel world.
  21. Bin Laden's Letter Offers Insight Into Islamic Fundamentalism (l) - Osama bin Laden's "Letter to America" emphasizes the role religion plays in the growing conflict between Islam and Western secularism.
  22. Egypt's Coming Transition (l) - Egypt's president recently turned 78 years old and a change of leadership is the subject of speculation. What does the future hold for this large Arab nation?
  23. What the West Doesn't Realize: It's in a Fight for Survival (l) - Islamic fundamentalist terrorists are a threat to the entire western world, and the West does not realize it is in a struggle for survival.
  24. Seeing the World Scene Realistically (l) - The historic continuum and religious war between militant Islam and secularism.
  25. Behind the Headlines ... America vs. Iraq or America vs. the World? (l) - One year after Sept. 11, in the debate on terrorism, America is often seen as the villain, no longer as the victim. Why do so many people around the world hate America?
  26. Key to the Middle East-Seek First to Understand (l) - The poor of the world will suffer one more time before Christ intervenes with His form of government that will bring a lasting and secure peace.
  27. A Different World (l) - This is a time to stay tuned and watch current event ever more closely. We have entered a different world. Peace and security will never be quite the same.
  28. A Rising Tide of Islamic Fundamentalism (l) - What fuels Islamic fundamentalism? Exerpts from Foreign Affairs
  29. Will America Run Away From Iraq? (l) - Does America have the will to endure a protracted conflict in the Middle East? Or will it follow its pattern of withdrawing in the face of determined resistance from both inside and outside the country?
  30. An Incendiary Arc of Instability (l) - Hamas' surprising victory in the Palestinian elections casts a giant shadow over the hoped-for road map to peace. It may even lead to a bloody conflict of massive proportions in the Middle East.
  31. Still Not Fully Realized -- The West Is Fighting for Its Survival (l) - Islamic fundamentalism became front-page news after Sept. 11 -- but that doesn't mean there was no problem earlier. There certainly was plenty of warning, although nobody could have predicted the precise way in which fundamentalists would get the West's attention. Few would have listened anyway.
Islamic religion
  1. Infidel (l) - Ayaan Hirsi Ali has written a remarkable book about her experiences as a Somali Muslim woman in Kenya, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia and the Netherlands.
  2. Eurabia: A Voice Cries Out in Defense of Europe's Heritage (l) - With birthrates among traditional Europeans in decline while population growth in Europe's Muslim communities soar, one European voice asks whether Europe wants to preserve its cultural and religious identity.
  3. Arabic -- the Semitic Language of the Arabs (l) - The cultural, intellectual and social mindset of a people has its roots in language.
  4. The Bible and the Koran: A Fundamental Difference in Approach (l) - Before the invention of printing made the Christian Bible widely available, certain of the faithful were very adept at memorizing large portions of the Holy Scriptures.
  5. Does the Koran Promote Peace and Cooperation? (l) - Although many try to explain away much of the militant teaching of the Koran, a straightforward interpretation of the following sampling of verses plainly demonstrates Islam's views toward non-Muslims, including authorizing jihad - holy wars - against them.
  6. The History of Islam: What Does It Teach Us? (l) - When and how did the religion of Islam come into existence? What are its values and beliefs? How did it rise to dominate many nations? And will it ultimately persist?
  7. The Iranian President's Goals For Mankind (l) - The Koran, Islam's holy book, envisions a world in which Islam will eventually dominate the entire globe.
  8. The Koran vs. The Bible (l) - The messages that became the Koran, or Quran, make up a volume about four-fifths the size of the New Testament.
  9. One Nation Under Allah? (l) - Rejecting God and the nation's long history rooted in the Bible, American leaders and government increasingly embrace a religious belief system alien to the country's long-held values.
  10. Confusion Over What the Quran Teaches - Peace or War? (l) - Those who state that Islam is a peaceful religion usually point to several verses in the Quran to support their view.
  11. The Coming of Islam (l) - The descendants of Ishmael lived in relative obscurity throughout ancient history. This was to change dramatically with the prophet Muhammad and the religion he founded, Islam.
  12. What's Behind Today's Worldwide Wave of Terrorism? (l) - Passenger jets blown out of the sky, suicide bombings that deliberately target innocent civilians, men who shoot fleeing children in the back -- what do these horrors have in common, and why?
  13. Behind the Headlines ... America vs. Iraq or America vs. the World? (l) - One year after Sept. 11, in the debate on terrorism, America is often seen as the villain, no longer as the victim. Why do so many people around the world hate America?
  14. Religion of War or Peace? (l) - It is a mistake to consign those in favor of terrorism against the West to a tiny, insignificant lunatic fringe
  15. Thousand-Year-Old Lessons From the Crusades for Today (l) - Kingdom of Heaven is a movie about the Crusades, a clash of civilizations between Islam and Christianity that lasted two centuries. Could a similar clash of civilizations lie ahead?
  16. The Biblical Origins of the Arab Peoples (l) - Why is there so much unrest in the Middle East? Why is there constant strife between the Israelis and Palestinians? The answers to these questions didn't begin with the formation of the state of Israel in 1948. The history of these conflicts goes back 4,000 years and is recorded in a place many people would never think to look-the Bible!
  17. Questions and Answers - Oct/Dec 2005 (l) - The following questions and answers represent issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice. Oct/Dec 2005.
  18. Jerusalem's Temple Mount: Center of Conflict Today (l) - A Good News Interview With Leen Ritmeyer, Ph.D. about Jerusalem's Temple Mount.
  19. Questions and Answers - Jan/Mar 2003 (l) - Questions and answers on issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
  20. Debate About Islam Continues: Is It a Religion of Peace? (l) - Muslim officials have declared their peaceful intentions through messages at their annual hajj. U.S. President Bush and British Prime Minister Blair have publicly praised Islam as a religion of peace. Others challenge that assertion, as the debate goes on.
  1. As America Retreats, a Dangerous World Emerges (l) - What happens when the world's policeman hangs up his badge and gun and retires into the sunset? We're beginning to get a sobering firsthand look.
Israel, ancient
  1. The State of Israel: Small but Significant (l) - Israel's significance despite its small size.
  2. Who Were the Philistines? (l) - The warlike neighbors of ancient Israel.
  3. The Experience of Israel and Judah: A Lesson for Today (l) - What can America learn from the histories of Israel and Judah? It can learn that it's God who gives blessings to nations and it's God who takes them away.
  4. The Origins and Future of the Mideast Conflict Over Israel (l) - Why is there so much unrest in the Middle East? Why do we see constant strife between the Israelis and their neighbors? The answers to these questions didn't begin with the formation of the state of Israel in 1948. The history of these conflicts goes back 4,000 years and is recorded in a place many people would never think to look - the Bible!
  5. Ancient Inscription Found at Jerusalem (l) - Excavation discovery is oldest alphabetic inscription yet found in Jerusalem.
  6. The Balfour Declaration (l) - Do you know the story of how a little-known document issued in Great Britain 100 years ago helped set the stage for a key fulfillment of Bible prophecy?
  7. Archaeology and the Book of Exodus--Exit From Egypt - Part 2 (l) - In earlier issues, The Good News examined archaeological finds that illuminate portions of the book of Genesis and Exodus. In this issue we continue our exploration of discoveries that confirm other aspects of the Exodus account, beginning with the incident of the Israelites' worship of the golden calf.
  8. The Battle at the Pool of Gibeon (l) - In 1956 another remarkable discovery was made that provides additional evidence of the authenticity of the biblical accounts of David's days.
  9. The Early Kings of Israel - A Kingdom Divided (l) - This series in The Good News will continue covering archaeological discoveries relating to the later kings of the house of Israel. It is astonishing how much evidence supporting the biblical record has been uncovered by the spade of diligent archaeologists.
  10. The First Mention of Israel (l) - An archaeological find from the 19th century clearly establishes Israel as a nation inhabiting Palestine in the 13th century BC.
  11. The Later Kings of Israel--A Kingdom's Downfall (l) - The previous issue presented archaeological evidence that confirms and clarifies the biblical record of the early kings of the northern 10 tribes of Israel after the death of Solomon. We continue the story with the later kings and downfall of the kingdom.
  12. 'Church' and 'Congregation' in the Scriptures (l) - The Church of God, the term most generally applied to God's people in English translations of the New Testament, is the body of people who are special to God because they obey His Word and accept His Son, Jesus Christ, as the Messiah.
  13. The Rise and Fall of Ancient Israel (l) - God not only says that He can reveal the future; He also claims the power to bring it to pass. Nowhere is this more evident than in the remarkable prophecies of what would happen to Abraham's descendants through Jacob's offspring, the 12 tribes of Israel.
  14. Are All Israelites Jews? (l) - The northern coalition of tribes, the kingdom or house of Israel, had already become an independent nation, separate from the house of Judah, by the time the word Jew first appears in the biblical narrative. In fact, the first time the term appears in the King James Version of the Bible, Israel was at war with the Jews (2Kings 16:5-6).
  15. Were All the Israelites Deported? (l) - Many scholars have challenged the Bible's claim that the entire population of the northern kingdom went into Assyrian captivity. Some think most of the Israelites fled south and assimilated into the population of the kingdom of Judah. What really happened? Let's examine the record.
  16. Does God Keep His Word? (l) - By fulfilling His promises to all of the tribes of Israel, God will also, at the return of Christ, prove to scoffers and doubters that He is trustworthy. He will demonstrate to all nations that He stands behind every word He has ever spoken through His prophets.
  17. How God Shaped Israel's Future (l) - From Abraham God miraculously formed a nation to illustrate to every other nation the benefits that come from obeying Him and the tragedies that come from disobeying Him. Israel has been an example of both.
  18. What Is a Biblical Covenant? (l) - Covenants are simply binding agreements between two or more parties. God Himself designed the covenant He made with Abraham and his descendants. When God makes a covenant, He will always perform what He has bound Himself to do.
  19. Israel's Golden Age (l) - The golden age of Israel under David and Solomon.
  20. The Mysterious Scythians Burst Into History (l) - Many historians have concluded that the Celts and Scythians have a common background.
  21. Linguistic Links: What's in a Name? (l) - This linguistic journey ties together a few of the many labels applied to the exiled 10 tribes as the "House of Omri" and the "Sons of Isaac."
  22. Israel: God's Temporal Kingdom (l) - Through David, God established a dynasty of kings over Israel. Christ Himself, Old Testament Israel was the temporary kingdom of God. As "the Son of David, the Son of Abraham" Jesus was born to inherit David's throne.
  23. God's Covenant with Ancient Israel (l) - God's plans to bring the people of Israel to full repentance and, working through them, invite all other people into a similar relationship with Him.
  24. God's Relationship with Ancient Israel (l) - God invited ancient Israel to form a relationship with Him. Although they rejected Him, God in His great mercy didn't reject them, nor does He reject us.
  25. God's Enduring Love for Israel (l) - The 70-year existence of the modern Jewish state is part of a much greater story -- that of God's committed love for His people as part of a plan that will culminate in offering salvation to the whole world.
  26. Israel at 70 (l) - As modern Israel turns 70, we look back at what led up to the amazing reestablishment of a Jewish state in the Holy Land after centuries of exile, and the struggle endured since -- and ahead to promises and yearning yet unfulfilled.
  27. God, Science and the Bible - Scripture (l) - New archaeological finds are constantly showing the Bible to be historically accurate and that the Holy Land is the ancient homeland of the Jewish people and other Israelites.
  28. Who Are the Palestinians? (l) - The Israeli Jews are regularly accused of invading and occupying land that is not theirs -- the land of Palestine that purportedly belongs to the indigenous Palestinian people. But just who are the Palestinians? Is the land theirs? What is the truth?
  29. Bible Prophecy and You (5/2018) (l) - What does Bible prophecy tell us about the future of the Middle East? Will this troubled area ever see peace? If so, how will it come about?
  30. The Exodus Controversy (l) - Did the Exodus really happen? Did God deliver the ancient Israelites from Egyptian slavery as the Bible describes? Contrary views have generated much publicity, but the facts of the Bible's side of the argument are seldom considered.
  31. Jeroboam: King of the Northern Ten Tribes (l) - The example of Jeroboam, the first king of the ten tribes of Israel.
  32. Gideon: When a Few Make a Majority (l) - Spiritual exercise in overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles.
  33. The Middle East: Worlds in Collision (l) - Who will write the next chapter in the history of this troubled city, Jerusalem? Believe it or not, the final chapters are already written -- prophesied centuries ago in the pages of the Bible.
  34. A Place Called Megiddo: The World's Battleground (l) - In northern Galilee of the state of Israel lies a legendary site, the world's most contested piece of territory. Bible prophecy tells us it will once again be a focal point for a battle almost beyond comprehension.
  35. Moses: Leader of a Nation (l) - With a humble attitude, Moses was able to be a true servant of his people.
  36. The Tribe Tracker's Guide to the Future (l) - What in the world has God been doing? What will God do with the world in the future? Here's how you can track ancient tribes through history to understand prophecy. Think of it as a portal to God's plan for all mankind and your personal guide to the future.
  37. An Ancient Inscription Proves King David Was Real (l) - Archaeological excavations continue to uphold the events of the Bible.
  38. Jericho: The Lesson of Not Coming Into Sin (l) - Ancient Israel had to learn a painful tragic lesson at Jericho. What should Christians today learn from their experience?
  39. The Jealousy of Reuben (l) - Knowing history helps us understand the present and future. Reading biographies helps us understand people in general, and especially the people who are similar in some ways to the people we read about. The experiences and attitudes of Reuben are certainly relevant to today.
  40. The Early Kings of Israel: A Kingdom Divided (l) - History and archaeological evidence of the early kings of Israel.
  41. The Later Kings of Israel: A Kingdom's Downfall (l) - Archaeological evidence of the fall of the Kingdom of Israel.
  42. Profiles of Faith: Elijah: Uprooting Evil From the Land (l) - Ancient Israel was sliding even more swiftly into abject paganism. God sent Elijah to reverse this disastrous into heathenism.
  43. Archaeology and the Book of Exodus: Exit From Egypt (l) - Discoveries confirm the Exodus account of the Bible.
  44. Jericho: Does the Evidence Disprove or Prove the Bible? (l) - The archaeological evidence from Jericho supports the accuracy of the Bible.
  45. The Mighty Assyrian Empire Emerges From the Dust (l) - The excavations at Nineveh and other cities in the area yielded a staggering wealth of evidence that confirmed many details of the Bible account.
  46. King Solomon's Reign: Israel's Golden Years (l) - What has archaeology revealed about King solomon's reign in the 10th century B.C.? Remarkably,there is much evidence to corroborate the biblical accounts.
  47. Archaeology and the Book of Exodus: Exit From Egypt (3/97) (l) - Archaeologists have made many significant discoveries that make the book of Exodus and the Israelites time in Egypt come alive.
  48. Mankind's Choice: Freedom or Slavery (l) - Captivity begins with human choice, spirit and character. Discover how we can we freed from spiritual slavery.
Israel, modern
  1. Will Iran Be Stopped by Diplomacy? (l) - America has some 180,000 military people in Iraq and Afghanistan still trying to establish democratic stability in those two troubled nations. President George W. Bush is also hampered by a Congress urging direct talks with Iran and even contemplating restraints on potential American military strikes. But will the only credible alternative option, diplomacy, really work with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the controls?
  2. The Six-Day War--40 Years Later (l) - Many events have shaped the modern Middle East--perhaps none more than the Six-Day War in 1967. Sadly, Israel and Jerusalem remain a source of contention, with more conflict to come.
  3. Demographic Trends: A Warning to the Western World (l) - A century ago big families were common in the Western world. Today the opposite is true. While the West fails to reproduce, third world countries have high birthrates. The result is a massive migration from the third world to the West.
  4. Who Will Restore Israel? (l) - Recently Prime Minister Olmert told an Israeli newspaper that Israel's survival depends on the creation of a viable Palestinian state.
  5. God Save Jerusalem! (l) - Jerusalem has known precious little peace in its long history. People call it the holy city, but does God view it that way now? What does He say about the future of this disputed capital and religious center?
  6. Israel -- Hope Beyond Today (l) - Imagine trying to explain the state of present-day Jerusalem to King David.
  7. Can Israel Survive? (l) - Israel is geographically tiny, especially when measured against its massive impact on the world. Yet it remains the unceasing target of hostile criticism, with some countries openly threatening its extinction. Only 60 years old, Israel's survival remains at stake today. What does Scripture say?
  8. Intifada of the Crossings (l) - Tiny, but forever pivotal to world politics, Israel is struggling with a new intifada, a concerted attack on all the Gaza crossings and one in particular the crossing at Rafah. The strategic importance of "crossings" is identified in Bible prophecy, only by another name.
  9. Will Israel Attack Iran? (l) - Worries about a nuclear-armed Iran are real, and Israel is in the crosshairs. Will the Israelis act, and if so, when?
  10. Will New Leadership at Home and Abroad Bring Israel Unacceptable Security Risks? (l) - Not long after U.S. President-elect Obama assumes office, the Israeli nation will choose a new prime minister. The stark choice is very likely to be between Tzipi Livni and former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Provisional American plans for the road to peace may actually threaten Israel's future security.
  11. World News & Trends Jan 2009 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Jan. 2009
  12. World News & Trends: July/August 2009 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. July 2009
  13. Springtime in Israel (l) - Will Israel take preemptive military action to destroy Iran's nuclear production capacity?
  14. Peace in the Middle East? (l) - The new Middle East peace process gets off to a rocky start as international pressure rises in an effort to bring peace to the region. Israeli and U.S. relationships are at their lowest level in years and the European Union is pushing to become more involved, a shift that could lead to fulfillment of critical end-time prophecies.
  15. World News & Trends May 2010 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. May 2010
  16. World News & Trends: July/August 2010 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. July 2010
  17. World News & Trends - January/February 2011 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Jan 2011
  18. Erdogan's Grand Vision for Turkey and the Arab World (l) - Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan's actions and words confirm his country's independence in determining its foreign affairs. What course is he charting for Turkey's future?
  19. The Arab revolution's impact on Israel (l) - The focus of much of the world's media continues to be on the revolution sweeping through the Arab world. Yet the eventual impact on the state of Israel could be crucial to its future.
  20. Does Israel Matter? (l) - U.S. President Barack Obama recently called on Israel to return to its pre-1967 borders as the basis for a solution to its conflict with the Palestinians. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu countered that this is a non-starter. Why is this so critical, and does Israel really matter in the scope of things?
  21. Pressures on Israel Intensify (l) - Israel is a tiny nation besieged by serious problems on every side.
  22. Push for Palestinian Statehood (l) - In September 2011, the U.N. General Assembly is expected to vote on a resolution recognizing Palestinian statehood," a Heritage Foundation report states.
  23. Israel's Growing Isolation: Where Will It Lead? (l) - For the first time in its history, Israel finds itself without a single dependable friend in the Middle East. For decades, it maintained a cold peace with Egypt and a warm one with Turkey, but both have evaporated recently. What do the major changes occurring in the Middle East mean for the future?
  24. Israel: Growing Danger on Every Side (l) - One of the smallest democracies in the world faces increased hostility from its neighbors -- and even from its democratic friends in the West.
  25. Why Is Israel the Focus of Muslim Hostility? (l) - At the heart of the ongoing conflict in the Middle East is ongoing hatred among Muslim nations toward Israel and the Jewish people. What are the underlying causes?
  26. Israel's Encirclement Crisis Continues (l) - End-time prophecy focuses primarily on two regions of the globe -- Europe and the Middle East. European leaders are certainly dogged by many knotty difficulties at present, but the Middle East has been beset by one major crisis after another recently -- some occurring simultaneously.
  27. Is it Wise for Israel to Strike Syria Now? (l) - Your Bible reveals that at the time of the end, there will be much turmoil in the Middle East.
  28. Israel: A Nation in Constant Peril (l) - Hostility against the Jewish state, encircled by antagonistic countries, threatens to get completely out of control. How will Jerusalem cope with these anti-Semitic outbursts? What does the Bible reveal about this vulnerable nation's destiny?
  29. Israel Seriously Impacted (l) - It is time to remind ourselves of just who remains ultimately in control over all these frightening world events.
  30. Israel: A Nation in Dire Peril (l) - The year 1948 saw the birth of the modern state of Israel, transforming a significant portion of the Jewish people from a scattered nation (a diaspora or dispersion) into a nation-state with real sovereignty.
  31. The Israeli-Hamas Fight Continues (l) - The latest war between Israel and Gaza proved to be one of the most violent and polarizing yet.
  32. God's Plan for the Middle East (l) - The news out of the Middle East today leaves us with little hope and very little good news. Does anyone have solutions to these huge problems?
  33. Two-State Plan Is a Means to Israel's Destruction (l) - In October 2014, Sweden's government officially recognized a state of Palestine, and Britain's parliament called for recognizing it in a non-binding motion -- the former British foreign secretary Jack Straw stating that the only thing the Israeli government understands is pressure, as if Israel is the unreasonable party in negotiations. France's parliament issued the same call in December.
  34. A lonely future for Israel? (l) - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Israeli government, the newest version of which is just a few months old, continues to have problems with its closest allies in diplomacy and in generating positive public opinion for Israel.
  35. A Third Intifada? (l) - We are not merely on the verge of another Arab uprising against Israel. It's already here.
  36. Jerusalem to be Surrounded by Armies (l) - In a region defined by Islamic sectarian violence, anti-Semitic violence, anti-Western violence, foreign invasion and intervention, and bloody regime changes, Israel is typically an oasis of relative peace, freedom and stability.
  37. Why Does the Middle East Matter? (l) - Through the prophet Isaiah, God asks: "Where is the house that you will build Me? And where is the place of My rest?" (Isaiah 66:1). There is an obvious answer -- in the Middle East. In a city called Jerusalem, God placed His house. It's the only spot on earth where God has had a fixed home. To that place He will return. That is one of many reasons why the Middle East matters.
  38. What Is the Church? (l) - "As a consequence of this broad background of meaning in the Greek and Old Testament worlds, the term 'church' is used in the New Testament of a local congregation of called-out Christians, such as the 'church of God which is at Corinth' (1 Cor. 1:2), and also of the entire people of God, such as in the affirmation that Christ is 'the head over all things to the church, Which is his body' (Eph. 1:22-23)
  39. The Jews: From the Dispersion to the Modern Israeli State (l) - From the Bar-Kokhba revolt in 132 A.D. onward the Jewish nation-state was no more. It was not to exist again until the middle of the 20th century.
  40. A Rising Tide of Arab Nationalism (l) - One of the most significant developments in the Middle East following the Treaty of Versailles ending World War I was rising Arab nationalism.
  41. Life in a Dangerous Neighborhood (l) - Against all odds, Israel manages to not just survive but to thrive. It's an astounding story and one that, amazingly enough, was indicated ages ago in Bible prophecy.
  42. God's Enduring Love for Israel (l) - The 70-year existence of the modern Jewish state is part of a much greater story -- that of God's committed love for His people as part of a plan that will culminate in offering salvation to the whole world.
  43. Israel at 70 (l) - As modern Israel turns 70, we look back at what led up to the amazing reestablishment of a Jewish state in the Holy Land after centuries of exile, and the struggle endured since -- and ahead to promises and yearning yet unfulfilled.
  44. Israel's Amazing Accomplishments (l) - In its short history the state of Israel has become one of the world's greatest scientific and technological innovators. What are some of its achievements, inventions and innovations that are making a significant difference in global society?
  45. Current Events and Trends May/June 2018 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the May/June 2018 issue of Beyond Today.
  46. Current Events & Trends May/June 2019 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the May/June 2019 issue of Beyond Today.
  47. Current Events & Trends May/June 2023 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the May/June 2023 issue of Beyond Today.
  48. Israel's 9/11 (l) - The entire world was shocked by the viciousness of a brutal assault on Israeli civilians on one of Israel's holiest days of the year. What's behind this latest bloody round of violence? You need to know!
  49. Hell Unleashed - The Spirit Behind the Hamas Attack on Israel (l) - The viciousness of the recent Hamas attack on Israel and its occurrence on a biblical Holy Day, like an invasion 50 years before, have biblical significance, pointing to the devil's rage.
  50. Current Events & Trends: January/February 2024 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the January/February 2024 issue of Beyond Today.
  51. Current Events & Trends: November/December 2024 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the November/December 2024 issue of Beyond Today.
  52. World News and Trends - September/October 2006 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Sept 2006.
  53. Israel: Small but Significant (l) - "This is Jerusalem; I have set her in the center of nations, with countries all around her." Ezekiel 5:5
  54. Palestine/Israel -- Whose Land Is It, Really? Part 2 (l) - When the people who have divine right to Palestine receive the land from God, He will require them to be a model nation and a benefactor to all other nations. Nations will neither terrorize nor conquer each other any more.
  55. World News Review Nov 2004 (l) - World News Review - November 2004.
  56. Middle East Amnesty Produces Chaos (l) - Many observers applaud a move to release Palestinian criminals from Israeli jails. Contrasting this with an October 2002 release of prisoners in Iraq exposes fatal flaws in the U.S.-sponsored road map to peace. What is the biblical answer?
  57. Will Iran Provoke Nuclear War in 2006? (l) - How far will Iran go with its nuclear program? Will diplomacy curtail it? Will the Israelis knock it out from the air? Will the United States soon be involved in another war?
  58. World News Review January 2001 (l) - A brief overview of world events. January 2001.
  59. World News Review - Nov 1998 (l) - World news - Nov 1998
  60. Major International Challenges Confront President Bush's Second Term (l) - The world looks very different four years after President Bush took office. What challenges lie ahead for the second Bush administration?
  61. Has World War III Already Begun? (1/2006) (l) - What's behind the call by Iran's new president for the United States and Israel to be wiped off the face of the earth? Are Western nations blind to the growing threat from radical Islam?
  62. Jerusalem 3000: An Uncertain Celebration (l) - As Israel celebrates Jerusalem 3000, it is clear that political complexities have tied a Gordian knot the likes of which only divine intervention can sever.
  63. The Middle East: Worlds in Collision (l) - Who will write the next chapter in the history of this troubled city, Jerusalem? Believe it or not, the final chapters are already written -- prophesied centuries ago in the pages of the Bible.
  64. Palestine/Israel -- Whose Land Is It, Really? (l) - Some claim that the Palestinians have been forced off their land and that they have been deprived of what is rightfully theirs. Others maintain that the Israelis have a legitimate entitlement to their nation, including the lands seized in war action. Whose land is it, really? Frankly, the answer may surprise you.
  65. The Rising Specter of Anti-Semitism (l) - European countries are experiencing a rise in anti-Semitic acts unlike any seen since World War II. Has the haunted past come knocking on the door again? The number of hate attacks has increased since the latest Mideast "intifada" began in September 2000. Where will it lead and what lies behind such deep-seated anger toward Jews and supporters of the nation of Israel?
  66. Israel's Amazing Story: Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy (l) - As American writer Saul Bellow asked, "What is it that led the Jews to place themselves, after the greatest disaster in their history [the Holocaust], in a danger zone?" The surprising truth is that Jewish rule over Jerusalem is an essential element of end-time biblical prophecy!
  67. World News and Trends - Nov/Dec 2004 (l) - An Overview of Conditions Around the World, Mov/Dec 2004
  68. Retreat From Gaza (l) - Israel has completed its pullout from Gaza, a piece of territory it has controlled since 1967. Is this the start of a final road to peace between the Palestinians and the Israelis? Or will it be a futile gesture that leaves Israel vulnerable to further terrorist attacks?
  69. Five Significant Trends of 2006 (l) - What are some of last year's really important benchmark events and trends? How does the Bible pass judgment on these happenings today?
  70. Media Blitz Against Israel (l) - Israel is mostly pictured in this whole scenario as the bad guy. It looks very much like the Israelis fell into a trap set by the Iranians, sponsors of Hezbollah.
  71. Return to Jerusalem (l) - In Jerusalem there is a mixture of many old things that never change along with some new features that create major change.
  72. Next on the Agenda: Mideast Peace (l) - Wars change the world-often in unexpected ways. Their consequences can be far reaching, even "to the third and fourth generations" (Exodus 20:5) and beyond.
  73. An Incendiary Arc of Instability (l) - Hamas' surprising victory in the Palestinian elections casts a giant shadow over the hoped-for road map to peace. It may even lead to a bloody conflict of massive proportions in the Middle East.
  74. An Overview of Conditions Around the World - May/Jun 2002 (l) - A brief synopsis of world events. May/June 2002
  75. 2003: The Storm Clouds Gather (l) - What long-term effects will come from the unsettling events so far in 2003? No human being knows for sure. But we can observe, analyze and learn from the storm clouds gathering on the horizon.
  76. Israel at 50: A Saga of War and Peace (l) - Much of Israel's 50-year history is a chronicle of wars and other conflicts with her Arab neighbors. What does the future hold for this nation?
  77. A Covenant of Life (l) - There is a rage burning within today's Islamic world. It continues on the streets of Jerusalem and in the small villages of the Palestinian territories.
  78. Golda Meir and Deborah the Judge (l) - The biographies of Deborah and Golda Meir provide lessons in leadership for all of us.
  79. Getting Underneath the Skin (l) - Many of us are simply not aware of the devastating reality of what happens when a bomb goes off.
  80. World News Review Nov 2000 (l) - World news review - Nov. 2000
  81. World News and Trends - Jan/Feb 2004 (l) - An Overview of Conditions Around the World, Jan/Feb 2004.
  82. The 'Road Map' to Peace: Doomed From the Start? (l) - Few observers want peace in the Middle East more than the staff and publishers of The Good News. But we know that there is only one true path to peace -- and the players aren't on it. Yet the Bible does guarantee that peace will finally come to the Middle East.
  83. World News and Trends - November/December 2006 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. November 2006.
  84. What Prevents Peace in the Middle East? (l) - Political hindrances to peace in the Middle East.
  85. "Cold" Peace or Real Peace? (l) - A unique prophecy tells how Egypt, and other nations that resist the will of God, will be treated in the age to come.
  86. Iraq and the Middle East: A Century of Turmoil Continues (l) - God has had a standard of righteous conduct that began at the time of the creation of Adam and has not changed since
  87. Dancing With Death (l) - Bombing of a Jewish wedding celebration (May 2001)
  88. 2004: The World's Superpower Faces Powerful Challenges (l) - As a new year begins, the United States faces a disunited world with dangers both external and internal.
  89. When The Walls Come Tumbling Down (l) - "Israel Gives in to Fence." In the land that has long been famous for the walls that came tumbling down, a new barricade is going up. Let's take a closer look at this development through the reporting of Megan Stack and at the same time learn some important lessons for those who would build walls.
  90. The New (Anti-Semitic) World Order (l) - Anti-Semitism is nothing new. It's been around since ancient times. Even within living memory of the deaths of 6 million Jews in the Holocaust, anti-Semitism is back, with an increasing number of violent threats and attacks directed at Jewish targets.
  91. A Different World (l) - This is a time to stay tuned and watch current event ever more closely. We have entered a different world. Peace and security will never be quite the same.
  92. Papal Visit Highlights Middle East Problems (l) - Much of the state of Israel's history in the 20th century is a chronicle of wars and other conflicts with her Arab neighbors. The recent visit of the pope highlighted some of these still simmering animosities and and hints as to what may lie ahead in this troubled region.
Israel, ten tribes
  1. The Role of a Watchman, Part Two (l) - A watchman stood guard on the walls of ancient towns to see to the welfare of its citizens and to warn of coming trouble. Who is to do that job today in a dangerous world moving closer to the crisis of the close of the age?
  2. The Role of a Watchman: What Does It Mean for You? (l) - The Bible uses the role of a watchman to describe the work of a prophet among God's people. Is there more to this symbolism than many have understood? The role of a watchman is vital to a full understanding of the work of God in the end time.
  3. Will the Special Relationship Survive? (l) - The unique relationship that America and Great Britain have forged for more than a hundred years has done much to foster freedom, open markets and good will. When it passes, the world will be a different place.
  4. Why the Anglo-American Brotherhood? (l) - Just within the last three years, four major books, all by distinguished authors, have been published about the unique relationship between Britain and the United States. Why have these two countries changed the modern world? Only the Judeo/Christian Bible contains the master key to discovering the true answer.
  5. America's Revolution and the Bible (l) - Prior to the American Revolution, the American colonists were the most enthusiastic royalists in the English-speaking world. Why that changed is a fascinating story and a fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
  6. Is America Living Up to God's Standards? (l) - The Bible is clear about basic morality. How is the United States doing?
  7. What Will the Next President Face? (Part 2) (l) - In the days of biblical Israel a king had a unique type of adviser in his court to counsel him how to run the nation based on the Word of God. Samuel guided Saul. Nathan counseled David. The prophet Isaiah revealed God's will to Hezekiah. These men of God were independent of politics; they represented the Word of God to the king.
  8. Waves of Destruction (l) - Not long ago, a newscaster commented on the financial struggles facing the United States in the wake of yet another venerable financial institution failing. He said, "Just when we think we've recovered from the storm, another wave comes and knocks us off our feet."
  9. He Set Ephraim Before Manasseh (l) - As memories of the British Empire fade into the distant past, many think the United States is Ephraim and Britain Manasseh. There are sound historical reasons for this not being the case.
  10. Does the United States Appear in Bible Prophecy? (l) - Small nations like Egypt, Jordan and Libya are found in Bible prophecies of the time of the end. But what about the major English-speaking countries like the United States, Britain, Canada and Australia? Are they absent from Bible prophecy, or do we just not know where to look?
  11. The Long-Neglected Prophecies of Jeremiah: Applicable to 21st-Century America? (l) - Do the crises we Americans see happening to our beloved country today relate to biblical prophecy? Many do not even realize we are seriously transgressing God's spiritual law. What does the Hebrew prophet Jeremiah reveal about our lives today -- and where we are headed in the future?
  12. The "American Century": What Was Really Behind It? (l) - Seldom has a nation dominated an era as the United States dominated much of the 20th century. Its remarkable achievements transformed the world for decades. But what was really behind its amazing accomplishments? Is there more than meets the eye?
  13. Debt Troubles Mount for Britain and America (l) - The late French President Charles de Gaulle once dismissed the United States and Britain as "the Anglo-Saxon debtor nations." Four decades later, their enormous debt is forcing the two countries into a period of dramatic change.
  14. The Spiritual Reality Behind The King's Speech (l) - The movie The King's Speech highlights the very personal struggle of Britain's King George VI to overcome a speech impediment. Behind the film is the historical reality of the man's deep religious faith, a conviction that enabled him to lead the British Empire during its time of greatest trial.
  15. The Fading American dream (l) - The United States certainly appears to be undergoing a terminal decline that could possibly lead to the biblically prophesied time of Jacob's (or Israel's) trouble (Jeremiah 30:7).
  16. Is America Identified in Bible Prophecy? (l) - The Bible identifies a number of nations that are relatively minor players on the world scene. Does it make sense that the most powerful nation in the world would go unnoticed and unmentioned in Bible prophecy? Can we know America's identity in Bible prophecy?
  17. Where Are the "Lost 10 Tribes" Today? (l) - Where did the northern 10 tribes of Israel go after their Assyrian captivity? They became known to historians as the "lost 10 tribes." What happened to them, and how do they fit in with the present peoples of the state of Israel?
  18. A Detailed Prophecy of Blessings and Curses (l) - Speaking to the ancient Israelite ancestors of today's Anglo-American peoples, God gave them a choice, one that bears directly on the lack of leadership that plagues America today. You should read Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28, which describe God's blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience.
  19. Why Israel Matters (l) - Jesus Christ told the multitudes they needed to discern their time. Can we discern our world and the time we are in and be moved to repentance and action? An important factor is recognizing the significance of Israel in Bible prophecy.
  20. This Was Their Finest Hour (l) - Largely forgotten today is the role the British Empire and Commonwealth played in the Allied victory in World War II. Yet these were the only nations that fought in the war from beginning to end.
  21. The 'Time of Jacob's Trouble' (l) - Once Christ rescues the ethnic descendants of ancient Israel from this "time of Jacob's trouble" in the last days, He will use them to fulfill the role their forefathers agreed to carry out in the time of Moses. He will make them the world's model people, a nation of teachers, a kingdom of priests (Exodus 19:6; compare Deuteronomy 4:5-8; Zechariah 8:23).
  22. 5. The United States and Great Britain will Fall with the State of Israel (l) - "Israel" was the new name God gave the biblical patriarch Jacob in Genesis 32. The 12 tribes of Israel were descended from his 12 sons. These tribes later formed a united kingdom.
  23. Are all Israelites Jews? (l) - Most people assume the Jewish people are the sole remaining descendants of the ancient nation of Israel. This assumption, however, is incorrect.
  24. Appendix 1: Scrapping the Monarchy? (l) - How much longer do you think the monarchy will last?
  25. Appendix 10: The Family of Odin (l) - The various royal houses of English history--the Saxons, Danes, Normans, Tudors, Stuarts, Plantagenets, Hanoverians, Saxe-Coburgs, all lines blended and fused with Scottish royalty to form the modern House of Windsor--trace their bloodlines back to a common ancestor.
  26. Appendix 11: Joseph of Arimathea and the Line of Nathan (l) - The Davidic line of kings that ruled over the ancient nation of Judah came through David's son Solomon. At the time of Judah's fall to the Babylonians in 586 B.C., this lineage, as explained in this publication, was continued by a transferal of the monarchy to Ireland.
  27. Appendix 12: The Attempt to Destroy David's Lineage (l) - Jesus had other family members who were also of the line of David.
  28. Appendix 13: The Nobility--Also Jewish (l) - We have elsewhere seen that the royalty of Europe is descended from Judah's son Zerah, in accordance with the prophecy that the scepter would not depart from Judah (Genesis 49:10). Indeed, the royal house of Britain is a fusion of the lines of Zerah and Judah's other son Perez through his descendant King David. Because of intermarriage, the other royal houses of Europe are Davidic as well.
  29. Appendix 2: Were the Greeks Israelites? (l) - Here are a few sources to help unveil this question.
  30. Appendix 3: Aegean Royal Lines From Zerah (l) - A brief history of the Aegan Royal lines from Zerah.
  31. Appendix 4: The Colchis Connection (l) - Is it possible to identify Calcol or Chalcol as Cecrops of Athens and still relate his name to the people of Colchis?
  32. Appendix 5: Brutus and the Covenant Land (l) - What is the connection between Brutus and the Covenant land?
  33. Appendix 6: Dating the Milesian Arrival in Ireland (l) - Unfortunately, the dating of the Milesian arrival in Ireland is an area of broad dispute. But there are factors that should help us in forming a reasonable answer.
  34. Appendix 7: The Stone of Destiny (l) - What was so special about this chunk of rock, which now sits in Edinburgh Castle?
  35. Appendix 8: Gathelus, Scota and the Exodus (l) - We should examine this in greater detail -- particularly their connection to the time of Moses and the Exodus.
  36. Appendix 9: The Lion and the Unicorn (l) - Britain's heraldic imagery takes on great significance in light of the true biblical identity of the British people and their royal family.
  37. Asylum in Egypt (l) - Based on God's prophecies, a few evidently made it back to Judah. But what about Jeremiah, Baruch and the kings daughters? Where did they go?
  38. To be Planted in Israel (l) - Here is what the latter part of Jeremiah's commission was all about. Remarkably, he must have been responsible for transplanting the throne of David to Israel by taking a daughter of King Zedekiah to the 10 lost tribes. Yet where did the Israelites live at this time?
  39. To Build and to Plant (l) - The obvious question now is: Did the Davidic dynasty come to an end with the death of Zedekiah and his sons -- or did it somehow survive?
  40. The Coming of the Messiah (l) - Beyond the messianic reference in the scepter prophecy (Genesis 49:10), God gave many other prophecies about the Messiah in Scripture.
  41. The Throne of Britain: Its Biblical Origin and Future (l) -
  42. The Davidic Covenant (l) - There was an unbreakable promise of an unbreakable dynasty--a dynasty preeminent above all others! But what happened to that dynasty? And where is it today?
  43. Eternal destiny (l) - Now we can see why the British royal family rose under Queen Victoria to the heights of world prestige and preeminence. Why it continues to hold a special place in the hearts of all manner of people the world over. And why, of all royal families, it is still the first one that comes to mind.
  44. Fall of Israel and Judah (l) - Because of Solomon's disobedience, God split the nation into two kingdoms following his death in about 930 B.C. (1 Kings 11-12).
  45. Introduction: The Throne of Britain (l) - The greatest and most enduring dynasty in world history is showing signs of passing. But will it? To understand the future of the British royal family, we must examine how the monarchy began--and why.
  46. Lands of Iberia (l) - The land of Spain and Portugal, it should be mentioned, is also known as the Iberian Peninsula.
  47. More Links to David (l) - Besides what we've already seen, there are other corroborating factors connecting the line of David with Ireland.
  48. Ollam Fodhla and Company (l) - Ollam Fodhla's laws bear striking similarity to the Ten Commandments and other Hebrew statutes.
  49. Only One Place to Go (l) - How God would fulfill the specific promises to David, who was descended from Perez?
  50. Other Sources and a Caution (l) - We should be even more cautious when it comes to genealogies and histories outside the Bible, which are debatable. While they can be interesting and enlightening, they can also become a drain on our spiritual energies if we spend inordinate amounts of time in researching them.
  51. The People of the Red Hand (l) - The Trojans were forced out of the Aegean region through a series of national conflicts--one of which is presented to us in the famous Trojan War of Homer's Iliad, which occurred around 1200 B.C.
  52. Questions Over Who's Who (l) - Yet it must be admitted that none of this is certain. Indeed, even though there appear to be many more similarities between Jeremiah and Ollam Fodhla, Ollam appears in the Irish king lists as a king and sometimes as one who reigned centuries before Jeremiah.
  53. The Scepter Promise (l) - What is the scepter promise and to whom does it belong?
  54. "This Sceptered Isle" (l) - Today, though, it seems that despite multiple nations still looking to Queen Elizabeth as their head of state, the British throne's glory days are over, particularly with more and more calls heard for its abolishment. But what really lies ahead for the monarchy?
  55. Sorting Out Identities (l) - If Ollam Fodhla was indeed Jeremiah, his identification as a king is fairly easy to reconcile. It could have resulted from his appearing to be the father or grandfather of the eastern princess he brought with him--or, even more likely, confusion over his being a great lawgiver.
  56. Standing on God's Word (l) - Our proof rests on God's Word and verifiable history. We must accept these sure facts as a solid foundation. Irish traditions and fragmentary historical details can then be viewed in this light--and that indeed does seem to fill in some interesting and supportive details.
  57. Tea-Tephi or Scota? (l) - Concerning the names Tea, Tephi and Tamar, while they may refer to the same person at the time of Jeremiah, it is also possible that they do not. In favor is the fact that these names are sometimes linked together in old Irish poems.
  58. Three Overturns (l) - But couldn't the throne have been transferred elsewhere for a long time before being transferred to the British Isles? The indirect answer from prophecy seems to be no.
  59. The Tuatha de Danaan (l) - Brief history of the Tuatha de Danaan.
  60. Who were the Milesians? (l) - Note that the Scythians from Spain were known as Milesians--a name replete throughout the Irish annals.
  61. Advocates of British-Israelism (l) - Focusing on the biblical promises, some scholars have undertaken extensive research to advance the knowledge that God's promised blessings to Abraham's descendants have largely been fulfilled in the British and American peoples.
  62. Britain and the United States Inherit Joseph's Birthright (l) - "And the Lord has declared... that he will set you in praise, fame and honour high above all the nations...as he promised" (Deuteronomy 28:15).
  63. From Empire to Exile (l) - How can we find the lost tribes of Israel? We need to look at the general region to which they were exiled and see if a people suddenly appeared in the region with characteristics that link them to the refugees of Israel's northern kingdom.
  64. Are All Israelites Jews? (l) - The northern coalition of tribes, the kingdom or house of Israel, had already become an independent nation, separate from the house of Judah, by the time the word Jew first appears in the biblical narrative. In fact, the first time the term appears in the King James Version of the Bible, Israel was at war with the Jews (2Kings 16:5-6).
  65. Were All the Israelites Deported? (l) - Many scholars have challenged the Bible's claim that the entire population of the northern kingdom went into Assyrian captivity. Some think most of the Israelites fled south and assimilated into the population of the kingdom of Judah. What really happened? Let's examine the record.
  66. God's Commitment to Abraham and His Descendants (l) - The United States of America and the British Commonwealth of nations fit exacting criteria for the promises to Abraham's descendants. We embark on a study of historical evidence of the tribes of Israel from their beginning as a nation down to our day.
  67. Does God Keep His Word? (l) - By fulfilling His promises to all of the tribes of Israel, God will also, at the return of Christ, prove to scoffers and doubters that He is trustworthy. He will demonstrate to all nations that He stands behind every word He has ever spoken through His prophets.
  68. How God Shaped Israel's Future (l) - From Abraham God miraculously formed a nation to illustrate to every other nation the benefits that come from obeying Him and the tragedies that come from disobeying Him. Israel has been an example of both.
  69. How Jacob Became Abraham's Heir (l) - Isaac passed on the key covenant promises to Jacob: "May God Almighty bless you and make you fruitful and numerous, that you may be a company of peoples. May he give to you the blessing of Abraham, to you and to your offspring with you, so that you may take possession of the land where you now live as an alien-land that God gave to Abraham" (Genesis 28:3-4, NRSV).
  70. What Is a Biblical Covenant? (l) - Covenants are simply binding agreements between two or more parties. God Himself designed the covenant He made with Abraham and his descendants. When God makes a covenant, He will always perform what He has bound Himself to do.
  71. God's Covenant With David (l) - Through God's covenant with David we find another biblical proof that Abraham's descendants, the Israelites, continue to exist. They have not died out; they have not disappeared from the face of the earth.
  72. The Mysterious Scythians Burst Into History (l) - Many historians have concluded that the Celts and Scythians have a common background.
  73. The Label Celt and Celtic Society (l) - Some scholars conclude the word keltoi, or Celt, is an appropriate label for people who kept much about their past and traditions hidden.
  74. Linguistic Links: What's in a Name? (l) - This linguistic journey ties together a few of the many labels applied to the exiled 10 tribes as the "House of Omri" and the "Sons of Isaac."
  75. Prophecies of Israel's Resettlement in Northwestern Europe (l) - Biblical passages indicate that the captive Israelites would eventually move on from their land of exile in northern Mesopotamia to ultimately settle in Northwestern Europe-the major maritime and coastal region north and west of their Middle Eastern homeland.
  76. From Punishment to Destiny (l) - God has not forgotten - nor will He ever forget - His promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The pages of history and prophecies yet to be fulfilled show God remaining true to every detail of His word.
  77. Two Nations That Changed the World (l) - Who are the British and American peoples? How do these two great powers - the United States and the nations comprising most of the former British Empire - fit into Bible prophecy?
  78. Bible Prophecy and You (1/2018) (l) - This lesson will explore some of what the Bible foretold about the rise to prominence of two great nations of modern times.
  79. God's State of the Union Address to America (l) - If God were giving a State of the Union Address to the American people today, what would He say? How does He view the state of the nation?
  80. The Gospel and the Throne of David (l) - Our study guide The United States and Great Britain in Bible Prophecy details an amazing understanding from the Bible and history about the modern English-speaking nations being inheritors of the physical promises made to Abraham and his descendants. What exactly does such a story have to do with the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God? More than you think!
  81. Britain's Coronation Symbols (l) - Embedded in the pageantry of the coronation of Britain's monarchs is a remarkable story -- one that ties the British crown and throne to the kings and patriarchs of the Bible.
  82. The Biblical Identity of Britain's Royal Family (l) - As we saw in part 1, God promised to Israel's King David an enduring dynasty that would still exist in our time. Putting together biblical prophecies and history, we can see what happened to that dynasty -- discovering the remarkable connection to the throne of Great Britain and its amazing future.
  83. The Biblical Identity of Britain's Royal Family - part 1 (l) - The origins of Britain's monarchy are far more ancient than most realize. For surprising as it may seem, it is directly linked to promises God made in the Bible regarding the dynasty of Israel's King David, which was to persist until our day and beyond.
  84. America's Astounding Destiny: Was It Foretold in the Bible? (l) - The rise of the United States of America from British colony to superpower is an incredible story worth retelling. Equally incredible is the fact that the rise of the United States and the British Empire was foretold thousands of years ago.
  85. A Nation Losing Its Way (l) - A look at America's replacement of Britain as global protector and how a nation's turning its back on God threatens its existence.
  86. America's Astounding Destiny: Rise to Greatness (l) - Now we examine the foretelling of the United States' rise to greatness and its dramatic fulfillment.
  87. Pride of America's Power: Approaching the Breaking Point? (l) - Last month in part one of this series we showed the vast power currently held by the United States. Could we see a time when this power, in all its forms, will be broken, no longer able to influence world events? The answer is found in Bible prophecy.
  88. The Tribe Tracker's Guide to the Future (l) - What in the world has God been doing? What will God do with the world in the future? Here's how you can track ancient tribes through history to understand prophecy. Think of it as a portal to God's plan for all mankind and your personal guide to the future.
  89. The Source of America's Bounty (l) - Today the world still comes to Joseph. It was American ships, helicopters and troops that were among the first to provide aid and comfort for tsunami victims.
  90. "Good Story!" (l) - My boss asked me to teach history classes, and didn't mind if I taught them from a biblical perspective, even in secular Holland. But what would he think when he walked in while I was tracing the identity of the lost tribes of Israel?
  91. Is It Anti-American to Criticize the Moral Conduct of the United States? (l) - Is It Anti-American to Criticize the Moral Conduct of the United States? Like our forefathers in ancient Israel, we have an obligation to live up to our heritage and godly calling as a nation.
  92. America and Britain's Global Reach -- Prophesied in the Bible? (l) - The United States and Britain combined to defeat European tyranny in two world wars, then Iraqi tyranny twice in the last 12 years. Why has it fallen to them to police the world?
  93. The Global Reach of America and Britain -- Prophesied in the Bible? (l) - Margeret Thatcher: "The great lesson of the 20th century is that whenever the American and British peoples stand together, they always win."
  94. Jeroboam: King of the Northern Ten Tribes (l) - The example of Jeroboam, the first king of the ten tribes of Israel.
  95. History and Prophecy Coincide in Louisiana Purchase (l) - One of history's greatest bargains was a step forward in one of the Bible's most significant physical promises.
  96. The Last Battle for the British Empire (l) - Great Britain is presently sustaining a massive assault on its Anglo-Saxon legacy of empire and culture. The current conflict is wide-ranging on several fronts and British tradition is gradually losing out.
  1. European and American Debt: No Easy Way Out (l) - The huge debt problems in Europe and the Unites States are creating enormous problems on the world geopolitical scene.
  2. World News and Trends - Sep/Oct 2005 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Sept, 2005.
  3. World News Review Jun 2001 (l) - Survey of world news. June 2001.

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