"K" - Subject Index
Kaiser Wilhelm
- 100 Years After World War I: What Have We Learned? (l) - An event that began 100 years ago this August might as well be ancient and irrelevant history for most. Yet World War I changed the world and set off a chain of events that continue to impact your life today. Don't underestimate what one man and one event can do to alter everything.
Kant, Immanuel
- Peace Kant Be Found (l) - Peace. Millions speak of it, thousands write of it, but only One can truly bring it.
- India and Pakistan at War Again (l) - A potentially more dangerous conflict than Kosovo continues to brew in South Asia.
- World News Review June 1999 (l) - World news - June 1999
- Restoring Moral Levees (l) - Without careful maintenance levees can fail. It's the same for character and self-restraint. The type of character that can withstand depravation and upheaval must be built and maintained one brick at a time over years of careful living.
- Great Storms Foretold? (l) - Disasters and Jesus' words: "Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near."
- Hurricane Katrina: Is God Removing His Protection From America? (l) - Hurricane Katrina's destruction was so great and far-reaching that many wonder if God is playing a hand in these events, either punishing the United States or removing His protection -- or both.
- Is God Indifferent to Human Suffering? (l) - If God is all-powerful, He could easily prevent disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, tornadoes, floods, droughts and volcanic eruptions. But He lets them happen. Why?
- Why Don't We Prepare? (l) - We can practice all the denial we want, but the fact is, these are dangerous times. We can take steps to prepare for calamity, whether in our neighborhood or the world at large.
Kavanaugh, Brett
- November/December 2018 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the November/December 2018 issue of Beyond Today.
Keep commandments
- Wagon of Rocks (l) - Years ago Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong admonished us to simplify our lives. I think most of us are still working on this, trying to find our rhythm.
Keep score
- Scorekeeping (l) - Who's keeping score? Does God keep score? Are you winning or losing?
Keeping in touch
- A Moving Experience (l) - How can we minimize the stress and maximize our friendships when we move?
Keeping word
- A Lesson From the Rechabites (l) - An Old Testament family vow can teach us even deeper lessons today.
Keller, Hellen
- What Can You Do When Life Isn't Fair? (l) - Unfairness seems to pervade life. When unfair circumstances affect you, how can you best respond?
Kennedy assassination
- The Kennedy Assassination: An American Turning Point (l) - This November marks 50 years since President John F. Kennedy was assassinated while riding in a motorcade in Dallas, Texas. The news stunned the nation and the world. November 22, 1963, marked a turning point for America. Those who remember the day are still trying to understand what it meant.
Kenny, Elizabeth
- What Do You Believe and Why? (l) - How do you know if what you believe is really true? Is it possible you have been influenced to believe things that are wrong? How can you replace faulty notions with true knowledge?
- Vacuum of Leadership Grips Kenya (l) - Stable, tourist-friendly Kenya turned violent after a disputed presidential election. This highlights a crisis in leadership in today's world.
- A Study in Contrasts (l) - Over a month after the voting, the results of the Zimbabwe presidential election still have not been officially announced. The autocratic president of Zimbabwe, who has been in power for almost three decades since the fall of Rhodesia, is clearly reluctant to hand over power. The current government has turned the breadbasket of Africa into an economic disaster with the highest inflation rate in the world. It raises the question: Why did Rhodesia work when Zimbabwe doesn't?
- The Bible of All Cultures (l) - No matter when or where we live, the Bible is God's Word to teach you -- and everyone -- how to live His way.
- Brick by Brick (l) - "We could not have done anything single-handedly. In our culture, when you lose someone in the family, people come to stay with you. The Israelis have come to stay with us."
Kerry, John
- Is Israel the Obstacle to Middle East Peace? (l) - Many believe peace would be achievable in the Middle East if not for the nagging problem of Israel. They blame the ongoing regional conflict on the Jewish state's recalcitrance in negotiations and even its very existence. But would there really be peace if Israel were out of the way? How is peace to truly come?
Keys for students
- Five Qualities of Successful Students (l) - Tired of feeling behind where you ought to be in school? It's time to take action.
Keys to decisions
- Wise Advice for Wise Decisions (l) - How good are your decision-making skills? Have you ever wondered "what if I had...", especially when you didn't get the outcome you had expected?
Keys to friendships
- Why Can't We Just Get Along? (l) - In a world filled with strife, having good friends can be difficult. What can you do to develop good friendships?
Keys to marriage
- What Are the Keys to a Happy Marriage? (l) - Many would have you believe that the marital union is archaic and unnecessary. Yet mankind's Creator designed marriage as the ideal relationship for men and women. What fundamental principles can you practice to build a happy marriage?
- Could Ahmadinejad Be Daniel's "King of the South"? (l) - American President Bush and Iranian President Ahmadinejad. That there could be any comparison at all initially seems improbable to say the least! But making the comparison yields both parallels and paradoxes, and it may predict a colossal confrontation in the making.
- Will Iran Provoke Nuclear War in 2006? (l) - How far will Iran go with its nuclear program? Will diplomacy curtail it? Will the Israelis knock it out from the air? Will the United States soon be involved in another war?
- Should America Play Ball With Iran? (l) - We were told in a major cover article recently published by Newsweek, a popular American news magazine, that "they may not want the bomb... Iran isn't a dictatorship...[and] Iran may be ready to deal." Are these points basically true? Should the United States negotiate with the present leadership of this wayward nation -- regardless of its radical conduct in office?
Khirbet Qeiyafa
- An Ancient Fortress Slowly Yields its Secrets (l) - Khirbet Qeiyafa, also known as the Elah Fortress, is the site of an ancient city about 20 miles southwest of Jerusalem.
- Discovered: Artifacts, Possibly from King David's Era (l) - A complex of buildings set up for religious worship, but without human or animal images, has been found at Khirbet Qeiyafa in the Valley of Elah, not far from the location of the ancient Philistine city of Gath.
- A World Held Captive: Soon to Be Set Free! (l) - Most Bible believers think this is God's world-but how can we reconcile that with all the crime, violence, wars, oppression, starvation and disasters we see all around us? The surprising fact is that, in terms of human society and its impact, this is not God's world, but a world that has been kidnapped by an unseen enemy. Here's the story of how it was kidnapped and how it will be set free!
- What's Behind the Scourge of Human Trafficking? (l) - What is human trafficking? What instigates and drives it? Who are its victims? How will it come to an end?
Kidron Valley
- What Does the Bible Say About Armageddon? (l) - The common notion is that Armageddon will be the last, climatic battle to be fought on earth between the powers of good and evil. This is not quite right in several crucial respects.
Kids and Bible
- How to Raise Godly Children in a Morally Sketchy Society (l) - With Christianity on the decline in the West, especially among young people, what are parents and caregivers to do if they want their own children to have a life of faith and virtue?
Kids and media
- Whatever Happened to Childhood? (l) - With the increased expectations aimed at children in today's society, is it possible that they are growing up too quickly?
Kids and news
- Whatever Happened to Childhood? (l) - With the increased expectations aimed at children in today's society, is it possible that they are growing up too quickly?
Kids and sex
- Whatever Happened to Childhood? (l) - With the increased expectations aimed at children in today's society, is it possible that they are growing up too quickly?
Kids and the Sabbath
- Teach Your Children God's Ways (l) - Jesus Christ recognized that children must be included in the spiritual life of His followers. Are we teaching them to love God's ways and especially His Sabbath?
Kids and violence
- Whatever Happened to Childhood? (l) - With the increased expectations aimed at children in today's society, is it possible that they are growing up too quickly?
Kids clothing
- "You're Not Wearing That -- !" (l) - The scoop on kids' clothing styles and what parents can and should do.
Kids killing kids
- Terror and Tragedy at Columbine High School (l) - Kids killing kids: what does it mean?
Kill the enemy
- Neither Shall They Learn War Anymore (l) - Will humanity ever find a way to settle its differences without resorting to the violence of war?
Kim Jong Il
- North Korea's Nuclear Blast: What Does It Mean? (l) - Stalinist Kim Jong Il has brought North Korea into the nuclear club. Headlines ask, "Who Can Stop Him Now?" Now that we know North Korea has nuclear devices, we ask, "What does this mean?"
Kind words
- Proverbs: Pleasant Words (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
- Proverbs: A Gentle Answer (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
- Calming the Waters (l) - Everyone experiences problems with relationships. What can we do to restore happy, peaceful, respectful ones?
- Women: The Young, the Old and the Blessed (l) - There are women who have lived and learned much in their lives -- and count their blessings. Here is a thoughtful, almost poetic, message from one of them.
- Kindness: From the Heart to the Helping Hand (l) - God's nature is that of incredible loving-kindness toward all people. And He will kindly help His followers cultivate the much-needed fruit of godly kindness.
- Children of Mercies (l) - God's mercy is one of his most endearing qualities. As his children, three ways we can practice mercy are providing physically for our fellow man, comforting those who need it and forgiving others who wrong us out of love.
- Handhold, Splintered Reed or Stumbling Block? (l) - When someone needs a hand to hold, a shoulder to cry on, or someone to listen, can they turn to you?
- Proverbs: Be Kind To The Poor (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
- Lessons From Matthew 25:34 (l) - Do we really understand what God expects when He says we are to serve one another?
- Dr. Treves and the Elephant Man (l) - Where is your focus? Do you show outward concern for others
- Practicing Love, Honor and Respect (l) - The Scriptures summarize the way we should interact with other people: practice love, honor and respect
- An Act of Kindness (l) - The importance of your example to others.
King Abdullah
- ISIS Brutality Brings More Jordanian Involvement (l) - The harsh reality of the unbelievably brutal tactics employed by ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) continues to shock the world's sensibilities.
King Arthur
- Appendix 11: Joseph of Arimathea and the Line of Nathan (l) - The Davidic line of kings that ruled over the ancient nation of Judah came through David's son Solomon. At the time of Judah's fall to the Babylonians in 586 B.C., this lineage, as explained in this publication, was continued by a transferal of the monarchy to Ireland.
King Cyrus
- God, Science and the Bible (3/08) (l) - News from the world of science about God and the Bible. Mar/Apr 2008
King David
- God, Science and the Bible (11/05) (l) - News from the world of science about God and the Bible. Nov/Dec 2005.
- Jesus Was a Jew (l) - The Bible's final book refers to Jesus as "the Lion of the tribe of Judah" (Revelation 5:5). On Jesus' human side, David is called His father, meaning ancestor, in Luke 1:32. Thus He was certainly a Jew.
- David: A Shepherd Learns from the Creation (l) - King David: "what is man that you are mindful of him?"
- An Ancient Inscription Proves King David Was Real (l) - Archaeological excavations continue to uphold the events of the Bible.
- King David: Man or Myth? (l) - Was David, Israelite warrior-king, a historical figure? Archaeological discoveries show that he was a real ruler of ancient Israel.
- King David's Reign: A Nation United (l) - Secular historians once questioned the historicity of King David. However, recent archaeological discoveries confirm the evidence of his existence and reign.
- (l) - Almost 160 years of excavations have confirmed many details of biblical accounts of the city's history. The Bible continues to be verified.
- David: A Man After God's Heart (l) - God looks at the heart not the outward appearance.
King David's palace
- God, Science and the Bible (9/05) (l) - News from the world of science about God and the Bible.
King George VI
- The Spiritual Reality Behind The King's Speech (l) - The movie The King's Speech highlights the very personal struggle of Britain's King George VI to overcome a speech impediment. Behind the film is the historical reality of the man's deep religious faith, a conviction that enabled him to lead the British Empire during its time of greatest trial.
King Hezekiah
- Profiles of Faith: Hezekiah: A Faithful King (l) - A King reforms his kingdom; a kingdom returns to God.
King Hussein
- King Hussein's Uncertain Legacy (l) - Power passes to the next generation in a key Middle Eastern Kingdom.
- World News Review February 1999 (l) - World news - Feb 1999
- "A Father to the Fatherless (l) - I want to share with you a remarkable example of a man now dead, whose memory lives in the heart of the fatherless, and whose legacy can be a tool for understanding our role in future events.
King James Bible
- Your Bible is 400 Years Old (l) - The King James Version, or Authorized Version, of the Bible was completed in 1611. Even if you have a more modern English version, it owes a great deal to this groundbreaking translation.
- The Book That Changed the World (l) - In its 400-year history, the King James Version has been the most printed and the most influential of all Bible translations. Commissioned by England's King James I, this Bible translation produced in 1611 transformed English life and culture. Several billion copies have been published. What makes this book so unique?
- The King James Bible in British and American History (l) - Is it possible that the Bible has so influenced the people of Britain and the United States because this book is their history book?
- The Literary Influence of the King James Version (l) - The King James Bible — either directly, from its own translators, or indirectly, as a glass through which we can see its predecessors — has contributed far more to English in the way of idiomatic or quasi-proverbial expressions than any other literary source.
- Bible Translations - What's Old Is New Again (l) - The King James Version makes a comeback among Bible readers.
King Josiah
- Profiles of Faith: Josiah: A Kingdom Returns to God (l) - If we are willing to mend our ways, Jesus Christ says we can be spiritually prepared for the dangerous times prophesied to come at the end of this age.
King of the north
- Cartoon Controversy: Is a Clash of Civilizations Inevitable? (l) - European newspapers showing cartoons of Muhammad provoked riots in a number of countries, leading to increasing talk of "a clash of civilizations" between the West and Islam.
- Our World Is Rapidly Changing - in Ways Foretold by Bible Prophecy (l) - Bible prophecy shows that we should keep an eye on Europe and the Middle East. Ongoing developments in both areas are rapidly reshaping our world in ways foretold centuries ago.
- Coming: A Massive European Intervention in the Middle East (l) - Bible prophecy shows that the time will come when the "king of the North," the leader of an emerging European-centered superpower, will intervene in the Middle East.
- Egypt in History and Prophecy (l) - Egypt has recently been rocked by turmoil and unrest, with longtime ruler Hosni Mubarak forced from office. Could this be the beginning of a trend foretold in Bible prophecy? What else does Scripture reveal about Egypt in history and prophecy?
- The Origins and Future of the Mideast Conflict Over Israel (l) - Why is there so much unrest in the Middle East? Why do we see constant strife between the Israelis and their neighbors? The answers to these questions didn't begin with the formation of the state of Israel in 1948. The history of these conflicts goes back 4,000 years and is recorded in a place many people would never think to look - the Bible!
- The Middle East: Focus of End-Time Prophecy (l) - We often see the Middle East catapulted to the forefront of news programs around the world. Even faraway nations are deeply affected by what happens in this volatile region. You need to understand what has been prophesied to occur there and why.
- Where Does Russia Fit in End-Time Bible Prophecy? (l) - More than two decades after the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia is very much back in the news -- and not in a good way. Recent aggressive moves are raising fears of a renewed Russian expansionism. How might this play out in Bible prophecy?
- Europe at a Crossroads (l) - Europe may be waking up to a new reality -- that waves of Muslim immigrants and Islamic terror attacks are transforming the continent before our eyes. Does Bible prophecy indicate where events might be heading?
- Putin and Russia's Push for Power (l) - What's going on in Russia under the leadership of President Vladimir Putin?
- The "King of the North" vs. the "King of the South" (l) - In Daniel 10 and 11, there is another prophecy that has end-time implications. It's important because it reveals the political climate and tensions in the Middle East preceding both the first and second appearances of Jesus Christ as the Messiah. In both instances, Jerusalem is at the center of the political conflicts of the time.
- 3. The "King of the North" and "King of the South" will Rise as Regional Powers (l) - In Daniel 11 we find an amazing prophecy about two leaders, the kings of the north and south, the heads of regions that were geographically north and south of the Holy Land. To understand this prophecy we have to go to the time of Alexander the Great, who lived near the end of the fourth century B.C., 200 years after Daniel.
- A Different World (l) - This is a time to stay tuned and watch current event ever more closely. We have entered a different world. Peace and security will never be quite the same.
King of the south
- Cartoon Controversy: Is a Clash of Civilizations Inevitable? (l) - European newspapers showing cartoons of Muhammad provoked riots in a number of countries, leading to increasing talk of "a clash of civilizations" between the West and Islam.
- Our World Is Rapidly Changing - in Ways Foretold by Bible Prophecy (l) - Bible prophecy shows that we should keep an eye on Europe and the Middle East. Ongoing developments in both areas are rapidly reshaping our world in ways foretold centuries ago.
- Egypt's Coming Transition (l) - Egypt's president recently turned 78 years old and a change of leadership is the subject of speculation. What does the future hold for this large Arab nation?
- Is Iran the New Mideast Superpower? (l) - The Middle East is at the center of Bible prophecy. Iran looks set to become the new regional superpower as the United States and its allies withdraw from or sharply reduce their presence in the region. What are the consequences--especially for the Jewish nation of Israel?
- The New Population Bomb and Prophecy (l) - One problem with the current population explosion is not so much how many people there will be in the future, but where this increase will be located.
- The Middle East: Ground Zero of Bible Prophecy (l) - Only a century ago the Middle East was a relatively peaceful and tranquil area. Today it's the most volatile region of the world, with the possibility of war breaking out at any minute. You need to understand why this change happened, where Bible prophecy indicates things are headed and what it means for you!
- Europe Prepares for Terrorism (l) - Recent warnings of terrorist activity in Europe don't reveal the whole story of what is happening behind the scenes. Both security officials and terrorists know more than headlines reveal. Bible prophecy tells the rest of the story.
- Egypt's Revolution: Will It Unsettle the Middle East? (l) - What's behind the revolutionary fever sweeping the Arab world? It's already having a major impact in the region and may spawn key changes needed to fulfill end-time events.
- Egypt in History and Prophecy (l) - Egypt has recently been rocked by turmoil and unrest, with longtime ruler Hosni Mubarak forced from office. Could this be the beginning of a trend foretold in Bible prophecy? What else does Scripture reveal about Egypt in history and prophecy?
- Gaddafi's Violent Past Catching Up in Libya (l) - On Sept. 1, 1969, Libya's King Idris was overthrown in a violent coup that brought a young revolutionary Colonel Muammar Gaddafi to power. For more than 40 years his revolutionary fervor has spread mayhem and discord.
- The Origins and Future of the Mideast Conflict Over Israel (l) - Why is there so much unrest in the Middle East? Why do we see constant strife between the Israelis and their neighbors? The answers to these questions didn't begin with the formation of the state of Israel in 1948. The history of these conflicts goes back 4,000 years and is recorded in a place many people would never think to look - the Bible!
- The Koran and Conquest: A Look at Islamic Theology (l) - Why do we hear of so much terrorism originating in the Muslim world? Will an examination of Islam's history and its holy book, the Koran, help us to understand?
- Syria's Part in a New Middle East (l) - Former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan pressed the embattled government of Syrian President Bashar Assad to accept a peace plan that would impose an immediate cease-fire between Assad's forces and rebels, deliver humanitarian aid to Syria's beleaguered people and force the government into dialogue with the opposition.
- The Middle East: Focus of End-Time Prophecy (l) - We often see the Middle East catapulted to the forefront of news programs around the world. Even faraway nations are deeply affected by what happens in this volatile region. You need to understand what has been prophesied to occur there and why.
- Is the Stage Being Set for the Fulfillment of Daniel 11? (l) - Daniel 11 contains a long and detailed prophecy, largely fulfilled between the time of Alexander the Great and Jesus Christ. But part of the prophecy remains to be fulfilled "at the time of the end." Recent events appear to be setting the stage for the fulfillment of this pivotal prophecy.
- Where Does Russia Fit in End-Time Bible Prophecy? (l) - More than two decades after the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia is very much back in the news -- and not in a good way. Recent aggressive moves are raising fears of a renewed Russian expansionism. How might this play out in Bible prophecy?
- The "King of the North" vs. the "King of the South" (l) - In Daniel 10 and 11, there is another prophecy that has end-time implications. It's important because it reveals the political climate and tensions in the Middle East preceding both the first and second appearances of Jesus Christ as the Messiah. In both instances, Jerusalem is at the center of the political conflicts of the time.
- 3. The "King of the North" and "King of the South" will Rise as Regional Powers (l) - In Daniel 11 we find an amazing prophecy about two leaders, the kings of the north and south, the heads of regions that were geographically north and south of the Holy Land. To understand this prophecy we have to go to the time of Alexander the Great, who lived near the end of the fourth century B.C., 200 years after Daniel.
- Still Not Fully Realized -- The West Is Fighting for Its Survival (l) - Islamic fundamentalism became front-page news after Sept. 11 -- but that doesn't mean there was no problem earlier. There certainly was plenty of warning, although nobody could have predicted the precise way in which fundamentalists would get the West's attention. Few would have listened anyway.
- World News and Trends - Sep/Oct 2004 (l) - An Overview of Conditions Around the World, Sept/Oct 2004.
- A Different World (l) - This is a time to stay tuned and watch current event ever more closely. We have entered a different world. Peace and security will never be quite the same.
- New Military Might in the Middle East (l) - Nations that initially formed a common market now move to form a common military. It's a logical and necessary step. But what effect will it have on its members and the rest of the world?
King of the Soutn
- What's Behind the Turmoil in Egypt? (l) - Recent headlines have been filled with accounts of riots, protests and demonstrations in several Middle Eastern countries. What's behind them? What does it all mean? Does Bible prophecy provide any clues?
King Solomon
- Solomon: Lesson from a Wise King (l) - The story of how Solomon became so wise and the lessons from his life deserve our undivided attention.
King's Speech
- The Spiritual Reality Behind The King's Speech (l) - The movie The King's Speech highlights the very personal struggle of Britain's King George VI to overcome a speech impediment. Behind the film is the historical reality of the man's deep religious faith, a conviction that enabled him to lead the British Empire during its time of greatest trial.
King, Martin Luther
- A 40-Year-Old Dream With Shades of Eternity (l) - Freedom is a beautiful word. Freedom in Christ is a beautiful experience. For a Christian, freedom cannot be an afterthought, but a value laced throughout our thoughts, words and deeds.
King, Martin Luther Jr.
- A 45-Year-Old Dream With Shades of Eternity (l) - like Dr. King, we choose to ring a bell of moral clarity in a world that wants to be left alone to go its own way. We choose to ring a bell of warning to awaken those nations that mistakenly interpret the patient mercy of God for the lack of a sure Judgment Day that is coming upon the nations. We rejoice in ringing a bell of freedom's joy that the very real Kingdom of God under Jesus Christ is coming to this earth.
- Neither Shall They Learn War Anymore (l) - Will humanity ever find a way to settle its differences without resorting to the violence of war?
Kingdom and church
- Is the Church the Kingdom? (l) - Some think the Church is the Kingdom of God. Although there is a connection between the two, they are not identical
Kingdom as goal
- Ultimate Goal (l) - Goals have built-in power because they are promises we make to ourselves to be and do better!
Kingdom of God
- Real Life in the Millennium (l) - God has given wonderful promises of a world of peace and prosperity. But does the Bible teach that the Millennium will provide a life of ease, a life without challenges? Does Bible prophecy show us that people will be prevented from taking any action that would disturb the harmony of a world under God's government? Since God's purpose requires people to grow in godly character, and since character requires freedom of choice, perhaps the reality of this wonderful world will include a few surprises.
- Know Jesus, Know Peace (l) - In a world at war, people are divided about what it takes to ultimately bring peace to the planet. Many feel it will never happen. But it will. Here's how.
- A Great Light Has Shined (l) - The great question is not whether a great light has shined, but whether we have embraced, internalized and, in turn, displayed that light of hope for others.
- How Will God's Government on Earth Be Different? (l) - To better understand the difference between ordinary human governments and Christ's government, let's notice what Bible prophecy reveals about that coming government.
- God's Plan for World Peace: A Sure Thing! (l) - Mankind's agreements for enduring peace never last. But God has promised us a period of peace that will endure for 1,000 years. Can we realistically believe that promise?
- The End of War, Terror and Other Bad Stuff (l) - Many young people today fear for their personal safety. Most everyone can document the problems, but this article dares to aim for the solution.
- Seven Truths From Jesus Christ About the Real Secret: The Kingdom of God (l) - Jesus called descriptions of the way to enter the Kingdom of God and its principles "mysteries" - secrets or hidden truths most people don't understand.
- Rod of Iron": A User's Guide (l) - What does the book of Revelation mean when it describes the saints helping Christ rule the nations with "a rod of iron"? What training is necessary to use this tool?
- War and Peace (l) - How will true peace come to this troubled planet?
- The Coming Time of Peace (l) - This issue of World News and Prophecy describes the coming age and what it will be like.
- A Return to Eden: When Hunger and Disease Disappear (l) - The plight of the sick, poor and hungry makes us long for the day when a real utopia spreads around the earth!
- What the World Tomorrow Will Be Like (l) - Are you tired of bad news? Do you grieve over the never-ending cycle of mayhem and madness assaulting you daily through the TV, the Internet and the print media, to say nothing of the trying events of your life and the lives of loved ones? Well, here is some good news! The world is about to change dramatically--for the better!
- The World Beyond Today: What Lies in Store? (l) - "The world has never had it so good." This is how one prominent editor and writer described the current human condition in a recent editorial. Is he right, or should we be looking beyond today's world for a fabulous utopian age long foretold in the pages of the Bible?
- "How Long, O Lord?" (l) - Theintense question of God's people down through the ages: When will we get there? How much longer until the Kingdom of God arrives?
- (l) - The ideal of a "peaceable kingdom" has held men's imaginations for centuries. Many efforts have been made to create a perfect utopia. How will it come-by human effort or by the power of God?
- The Kingdom of Heaven (l) - Is it more than just a movie? Is it fact or fiction?
- Searching for a New Global Order (l) - Consider carefully the shifting geopolitical chessboard as many perils menace global stability. National leaders seek enduring solutions through established world institutions even as they struggle to cope with the catastrophic crises of the 21st century. What does the Bible tell us about how it all began and how a divinely appointed new world order will finally solve our age-old problems?
- World Without End (l) - The basic lesson that comes from studying Western civilization, as well as all history, is a simple maxim: What goes up must come down.
- Destination: Jerusalem (l) - In my lifelong vocation as a follower of Jesus Christ, I prepare my life and set my sights on a much grander spot that God wants each of us to experience - Jerusalem.
- The Gospel of Hope (l) - The "gospel" means "good news." But what is this message, and why is it good news?
- Coming Soon: The Magnificent Millennium (l) - The fact that a large portion of Bible prophecy describes the Millennium proves it is extremely important to God. And the more you understand it, the more important it will be to you!
- Is the Millennium the Same Thing as the Kingdom of God? (l) - Although "millennium" and "kingdom of God" are sometimes used interchangeably, strictly speaking they are not identical.
- Is the Church the Kingdom? (l) - Some think the Church is the Kingdom of God.
- The Kingdom of God Is Real (l) - Jesus Christ's good news about the Kingdom of God is about a real future kingdom on this earth. If it weren't, why would the Bible say...
- What Will Those Converted Today Do in The Millennium? (l) - Jesus Christ wants you to work with Him in serving people in His Kingdom! What will He have you do?
- Your Invitation to Believe the Gospel (l) - When Jesus talked about the gospel, He meant good news for you. He invites you to not only enjoy the world's best news yourself, but to help spread it!
- The Fullness of Time (l) - Traditional Christian views about heaven and hell are being challenged from within the Protestant community.
- Vantage Point: How Far Ahead Do You Think? (l) - It's vital that we plan ahead before the real "ahead" gets here - and it's coming fast.
- What's in Your Future? (l) - We're born, we live, we die and then we're history. But when we're young we think about our future!
- Accept the Challenge (l) - Our greatest challenge for this age is to live as God commands, to proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of God throughout the entire world, to make disciples in all nations and to care for the disciples God adds to His Church today (Matthew 28:19).
- How Can You Be Part of the Kingdom of God? (l) - The mystery of our existence has puzzled humanity for some 6,000 years. We are curious beings -- acutely aware of our good green earth and its marvelous material mechanisms. But why is this uniquely inhabited planet here at all? We probe the universe for answers when they are deftly hidden right here before us in the Bible.
- The Kingdom of God: A Vision for Your Life (l) - Do you have a vision that guides your life? If so, what is it? What vision does God have for you, and how can you make that vision your own?
- Questions and Answers: I've read from your articles that Jesus Christ will return to establish the Kingdom of God on earth. (l) - Certain verses, like Luke 17:21 and Colossians 1:13, seem to indicate that believers are in the Kingdom now. Could you explain what these verses mean?
- There's a New World Coming! (l) - Why is our world plagued with so many problems? If God exists and is really in charge, why doesn't He put an end to all these evils?
- What Is the Kingdom of God? (l) - Some think it's heaven. Others say it's here on earth. Some think it's a feeling of brotherhood among Christian believers or the Church itself. Others deem it wholly apocalyptic. What is this Kingdom of which Jesus Christ spoke so often?
- Real Utopia Is Coming to Earth! (l) - Humanity is bringing our planet to the point of destruction, but the Bible shows that Jesus Christ will intervene. How will His government, laws and citizens change the world? What will the wonderful benefits of the Kingdom of God be?
- Selling All for the Kingdom of God (l) - Those things that are true and right are not purchased at any price. In fact, they have no material value. But that which is most valuable in this life requires that we be willing to give up everything in exchange for it. Most find this very difficult, if not impossible.
- How Do I Survive in This Crazy, Negative World? (l) - Everywhere we look the headlines are negative, even scary. But God's plan is bigger and better than any bad news we see.
- Coming (l) - The Eternal God has designed and planned an amazing future civilization for you and all people. Discover when it will come, what it will be like and why it's the best news you could ever hear!
- Lessons From the Parables (1/2016) (l) - A set of Jesus' parables about small beginnings gives us an important insight into the Kingdom of God.
- Bible Prophecy and You (7/2016) (l) - God has wonderful promises that He will keep, prophecies that tell of Christ's return to this earth, when He will begin a time of restoration and peace and healing.
- Living the Dream (l) - Over the centuries mankind has tried to build human utopias, but all have failed. One day all of humanity will be living a life that many can only dream about today. How will that come about?
- The End of the Age (l) - Jesus Christ spoke of a coming "end of the age." What did He mean? What age did He say would come to an end?
- The Everlasting Kingdom of God (l) - What is the Kingdom of God that it should be our highest priority in life?
- The Way of Peace (l) - Though Christ's rule will begin by halting wars using supernatural force, soon peace will spread through education in the way of peace.
- The Mission and Responsibility of the Church (l) - The Church plays many roles in the bringing of salvation to the world. It stands as "the light of the world". It is the "household" or "family of God". It is the "mother" who nurtures God's sons and daughters. It functions as the "pillar and ground of the truth" in a spiritually confused world (1od". It is the "mother" who nurtures God's sons and daughters. It functions as the "pillar and ground of the truth" in a spiritually confused world.
- What is the True Gospel? (l) - The ancient prophets, Jesus and His apostles all spoke of a literal kingdom that will supersede the world's governments. When these prophecies become a reality, a triumphant cry will ring out: "The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!" (Revelation 11:15).
- The Final Superpower: The Kingdom of God (l) - "And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed ... You saw that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it broke in pieces the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver, and the gold ... The dream is certain, and its interpretation is sure." --Daniel 2:44-45 [44] And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever. [45] Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof sure.
- Jesus Christ's Return and Coming Reign (l) - The return of Jesus Christ as King and Kings and Lord of Lords is a truth frequently reaffirmed in the Bible.
- The Good News of the Kingdom of God (l) - The Bible proclaims a consistent message from beginning to end concerning the Kingdom of God, a message delivered throughout the ages by God's servants.
- Are There Different Gospels? (l) - Different terms describe the same gospel. They simply emphasize different aspects of the same wonderful message.
- Other Names For the Kingdom (l) - Although most often called the "kingdom of God," occasionally other terms are used in describing the kingdom.
- The Gospel of Jesus Christ: Salvation in the Kingdom (l) - The Kingdom of God is attained only through Jesus Christ's central role as the personal Savior of all who would enter that Kingdom.
- How You Can Enter the Kingdom (l) - We can turn to God for forgiveness and reconciliation through Jesus Christ and begin to live by the laws of the Kingdom of God as taught by Jesus Christ.
- Introduction - The Gospel of the Kingdom of God (l) - "The gospel of the Kingdom of God" is the message Jesus Christ instructs His followers to believe. This booklet will help you understand and believe this wonderful good news Jesus Christ announced to humanity!
- The Promise of a Coming Kingdom (l) - A careful examination of the Bible reveals that the next phase of the Kingdom of God is nothing short of a world-ruling monarchy that God will establish on this earth through Jesus Christ!
- How Are We 'Translated Into the Kingdom'? (l) - We, as modern-day saints, also exchange systems of government when we are converted. We now give our allegiance and obedience to the Kingdom of God, even though that Kingdom has not yet fully come.
- How Is the Kingdom "at Hand'? (l) - The focus of Jesus Christ's message was the announcement of a coming world government (Luke 21:31). This government will not be ruled by selfishly motivated humans but by Jesus Christ Himself, under the direction of Almighty God!
- Is the Kingdom Here Now? (l) - Although God's people today experience a foretaste of God's coming Kingdom in their lives (see " How Are We 'Translated Into the Kingdom'?"), many scriptures make it clear that the Kingdom of God has not arrived, but will be established on earth in the future.
- Is the Kingdom Within You? (l) - Rather than telling the Pharisees that the Kingdom of God was something in their hearts, Jesus Christ warned them that they were so spiritually blind they couldn't recognize the very personification of that Kingdom in Him.
- Prophecies of the Coming Kingdom of God (l) - Through His prophets God reveals many specific details of how this world will be transformed in the Kingdom of God.
- Why Don't People Understand the Kingdom of God? (l) - The Kingdom of God was a central part of Jesus Christ's message and thus a major theme of the Bible. So why is it so rarely understood, and why isn't it commonly taught today?
- Paul's Desire to "Depart and Be With Christ" (l) - The interval from Paul's last thought as a human being to the time of his seeing Christ in the resurrection will seem instantaneous, since the Bible shows that the dead know nothing (Ecclesiastes 9:5). This is why Paul wrote as he did in his letter to the Philippians.
- Other Names for the Kingdom (l) - Although most often called the "Kingdom of God," occasionally other terms are used in describing the Kingdom.
- 'Even So, Come, Lord Jesus!' (l) - As King of Kings He will set up God's wonderful, righteous Kingdom. This is the time God's people through the ages have longed and prayed for.
- The Sabbath in the Age to Come (l) - God created the Sabbath for mankind (Mark 2:27), and there will yet come a time when all mankind will keep God's Sabbath.
- The Fall of Satan's Kingdom (l) - Satan will not always dominate planet earth. Bible prophecy reveals that an astounding series of events will shake our world as never before and usher in a new age-a 1,000-year era under the rule of the Kingdom of God (Matthew 6:10; Luke 21:31)
- The truth about the Rich Man and Lazarus (l) - The most common interpretation of Jesus' parable of Lazarus and the rich man is that we all have immortal souls that go to either heaven or hell immediately at death. But does this parable really say that?
- This is the United Church of God (l) - Jesus' message, the gospel of the Kingdom of God, defines the mission of the United Church of God, an International Association. That same message, unaltered and undiluted, clarifies what we stand for in a world filled with a bewildering variety of religious beliefs, customs and opinions.
- Hope for a Troubled World (l) - Every individual, regardless of race, national origin or sex, will, in time, have the opportunity to be called by God and to hear and respond to the good news of the Kingdom of God and to the testimony of Jesus' life, death and resurrection.
- Preaching the Gospel (l) - The mission of the United Church of God is to follow Christ's footsteps in "preaching the gospel of the kingdom".
- The Feast of Tabernacles (l) - United Church of God members celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles in some 40 locations around the world. More than just an annual convention or vacation, the Feast of Tabernacles helps our members focus on God's great plan and the wonderfully positive news Christ proclaimed about His return to establish His rule on Earth.
- What Does Christ's Resurrection Teach Us? (l) - The apostle Paul tells us that "flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God" (1 Corinthians 15:50). So Christ's resurrection to eternal life was to a glorified spirit body (Philippians 3:21), of the same divine essence as the Father.
- Life in God's Family (l) - Never underestimate the value of your life. You were born to become one of God's divine children. You were born to receive His very nature and character and, eventually, eternal life on His level of existence.
- The Fundamentals of Bible Prophecy (l) - Principles and themes of Bible prophecy.
- Crisis on the World Scene (l) - We live in an age of constant crisis -- war, population, pollution. But the Bible promises a new age, the kingdom of God.
- First the Good News (l) - The Bible is clear that both bad news and good news lie ahead. Although the world before long will see its darkest days, these storm clouds are the prelude to a wonderful world such as we have never witnessed and can barely imagine.
- The King of the Coming Kingdom (l) - The writings of the Hebrew prophets contain many references to the coming of the divinely anointed King. According to prophecy, God will give Jesus Christ an eternal Kingdom in which He will rule over "peoples, nations, and languages".
- Daniel Forsees the Kingdom of God (l) - Jesus Christ will replace the kingdoms of this world with the Kingdom His Father will give Him at His return -- the Kingdom of God. This is the good news of Daniel's prophecy and the same good news Jesus preached.
- Introduction (bsc6) (l) - When Jesus spoke of the Kingdom of God, what did He mean? Was He referring to the Church He built through His disciples? Or was He talking about something entirely different?
- The Kingdom in the Gospels (l) - Usage of "Kingdom of God" in the four Gospel accounts.
- Points to Ponder (bsc6) (l) - Bible study 'points to ponder' regarding the kingdom of God.
- The Apostles Teach the Same Gospel (l) - A resurrection into the kingdom of God was the gospel of Christ and the apostles.
- Israel: God's Temporal Kingdom (l) - Through David, God established a dynasty of kings over Israel. Christ Himself, Old Testament Israel was the temporary kingdom of God. As "the Son of David, the Son of Abraham" Jesus was born to inherit David's throne.
- The Beginning of God's Chosen People (l) - Through Abraham and his descendants, God would begin a temporary physical kingdom, the nation of Israel. It would be the forerunner of God's eternal spiritual Kingdom.
- The Choice: Which Way of Life? (l) - The prophecy of a promised Seed starts a thread that runs throughout the Bible. It is God's firm promise of a Savior, a King who will rule with righteousness and bring peace and salvation to all.
- The Gospel Jesus Taught (l) - The events at Christ's return and the establishment of the kingdom of God.
- The Reign of a New Kingdom (l) - The events at the return of Christ and the establishment of the kingdom of God.
- Three Facets of the Gospel (l) - What God has done, is doing, and will do for us. All three facets are essential.
- God's Promise of a New Era (l) - God has a long-range plan for changing human nature and reopening the door for all of humanity to receive His Spirit.
- Jesus Christ's 1,000-Year Reign on Earth (l) - We live in a deeply troubled age. Yet a magnificent, 1,000-year period of peace and prosperity is coming. What does this mean for you?
- Shocking Teachings of Jesus - The Kingdom of God (l) - Many think the gospel message is solely about Jesus as Savior. But this is untrue. Do you understand the biblical truth about the gospel?
- The Millennium and Peace on Earth (l) - The Bible clearly states that Jesus Christ will return to earth. But why? And what does Bible prophecy tell us about the world after His return?
- When Heaven Comes to Earth (l) - You were born to live a life Jesus Christ can use when He returns with the Kingdom He receives from His Father. Are you using your time now to prepare for your future role?
- What Heaven on Earth Will Be Like (l) - God's Word has astounding prophecies and promises for the future of planet earth. What will that future be like? How will it be different from our world of today?
- Living in the Light of Eternity/Today! (l) - As we conclude our series on eternity, we see that the Light shining from the beginning to endless end must shine in and through us -- forever and now.
- Jesus' Reign on Earth - What Will It Be Like? (l) - Bible readers understand that Jesus Christ will return to earth to reign as King. But what will He do as King, and what will His reign be like?
- What Will the Kingdom of God Mean for You? (l) - In this magazine we often write about what the Bible refers to as the Kingdom of God -- the government Jesus will establish after He returns to earth. But what will the Kingdom of God do for you? Why should you look forward to that period of time? You need to know the answer!
- Utopia: Fantasy or Future Reality? (l) - The idea of a perfect human society has intrigued and excited visionaries and philosophers for centuries. Mankind has tried many kinds of governments throughout history, but utopia remains an elusive dream, seemingly forever out of reach. Will a perfect world remain an unattainable fantasy, or is it part of our common human destiny?
- Do You Know Why Christ Died? (l) - Christians generally agree that Jesus Christ died for their sins. But how many really understand the significance of that sacrifice?
- The Real Millennium (l) - At the dawning of a new millennium, is it time to consider what we should do to prepare for the real utopian Millennium promised in the Bible?
- God's Awesome Purpose for Those in the First Resurrection (l) - When Christ returns to establish the Kingdom of God on earth, those in the first resurrection will serve as judges and priests and will "reign on the earth".
- 'Thy Kingdom Come!' (l) - Many confusing ideas about God's Kingdom often make it a hazy and distant concept, raising more questions than answers. Is the Kingdom of God in heaven? Is it on earth? Who will be in it? Is it here already, in our hearts? Are you part of it now? Will you be part of it in the future? What will you do there?
- How World Peace Will Come (l) - God has promised us 1,000 years of peace. Yet human efforts to achieve enduring peace have always failed. Here is the amazing story of how God will usher in a golden age of lasting peace for all mankind.
- What Is the Gospel Jesus Christ Taught? (l) - If we are to understand the point of Jesus' teachings, message and mission, we need to be sure we understand the gospel - the good news - that he taught.
- Praying More Than Ever (l) - We need to pray for the strength and perseverance to endure the times that are coming upon this world. God has promised us protection, and we will receive that deliverance by remaining dedicated to Him and seeking first His Kingdom.
- Will We Heed the Warning? (l) - Be glad that some political leaders have the courage to sound an alarm. But most of all, be thankful for the promise that Jesus Christ will return to restore all things.
- Millennium (l) - Learn what God's Elect will do during the Millennium.
- What Is the Gospel? (l) - What is the gospel? Is it the gospel of God? The gospel of Jesus Christ? The gospel about Christ? The gospel of the Kingdom of God? Or some other gospel? Is there more than one gospel? What gospel did Jesus preach? What did He instruct His disciples to teach? What about Paul? Did he teach the same gospel Jesus Christ taught? Or was it different from the gospel God sent through Christ?
- Do You Know Why Christ Lives? (l) - Christians realize that Jesus was raised from the grave. But do you understand what His resurrection and life mean to us today?
- Planning for Life: Be Sure Your Career Path Fits God's Goals (l) - How can you narrow the field to know which direction to head in choosing a career?
- (l) - What does the Bible really say about the millennium, the prophisied 1,000-year reign of Jesus Christ? Is it a fantasy or a promise on which you can stake your future?
- Why People Don't Understand the Kingdom of God (l) - The Kingdom of God was a central part of Jesus Christ's message and thus a major theme of the Bible. So why is it so rarely understood, and why isn't it commonly taught today?
- Just What Is the Millennium? (l) - The old Latin word Millennium doesn't appear in the English Bible, but it has been used to describe a prophesied time of peace. Is it a biblical allegory, or will it be real? What should the Millennium mean to you?
- Heaven on Earth (l) - Is an earthly paradise possible? Believe it or not, it's more than a possibility. It's a certainty!
- Prophecies of a Different Government (l) - Themes from the Bible regarding the Kingdom of God.
- The Feast of Prosperity (l) - Our world is wracked by poverty,injustice and turmoil. But a little known biblical festival reveals how a new world of peace and prosperity will dawn.
- What's Wrong With Our Governments? 1999 (l) - Why do so many problems seem to defy solution? Why isn't government effective at preventing and solving our long-lasting problems?
- Why Will Christ Return? (l) - Many churched understand and teach that Jesus Christ will return. Far fewer know why He will return and what will happen when he returns.
- A Day in the Kingdom of God (l) - A personal reflection on a day yet to come -- in a wonderful world tomorrow.
- The Coming Age of Grace (l) - What will it take to rid the world of violence, prejudice, and hatred? What will the inhabitants of the world have to agree on the create a climate of peace and cooperation?
- Will Christ Return? (l) - Do you believe in the return of Jesus Christ? Should you believe it? What difference does it make?
- Jesus Christ's Unfinished Business (l) - Christ's apostles looked forward to a time when the laws of God will be widely taught by Christ the Master Teacher and everyone will live by them.
Kingdom of God - need for
- Making Sense of a Fragmenting World (l) - Terrorist alerts...war with Iraq...the "axis of evil." How can we make sense of it all?
Kingdom of God prophesied
- Lessons From Daniel (l) - An extraordinary event thrust Daniel onto a meteoric rise to power that even the slickest political schemer could never have contrived.
Kingdom of God, foundation of the
- The Beginning of God's Chosen People (l) - Through Abraham and his descendants, God would begin a temporary physical kingdom, the nation of Israel. It would be the forerunner of God's eternal spiritual Kingdom.
Kingdom of God, teaching in the
- What Will the Kingdom of God Mean for You? (l) - In this magazine we often write about what the Bible refers to as the Kingdom of God -- the government Jesus will establish after He returns to earth. But what will the Kingdom of God do for you? Why should you look forward to that period of time? You need to know the answer!
Kingdom of God, your part in
- What Will the Kingdom of God Mean for You? (l) - In this magazine we often write about what the Bible refers to as the Kingdom of God -- the government Jesus will establish after He returns to earth. But what will the Kingdom of God do for you? Why should you look forward to that period of time? You need to know the answer!
Kingdom of Heaven
- Thousand-Year-Old Lessons From the Crusades for Today (l) - Kingdom of Heaven is a movie about the Crusades, a clash of civilizations between Islam and Christianity that lasted two centuries. Could a similar clash of civilizations lie ahead?
- The Kingdom of Heaven (l) - Is it more than just a movie? Is it fact or fiction?
- Other Names For the Kingdom (l) - Although most often called the "kingdom of God," occasionally other terms are used in describing the kingdom.
- Other Names for the Kingdom (l) - Although most often called the "Kingdom of God," occasionally other terms are used in describing the Kingdom.
Kingdom of Jesus
- Why Will Jesus Christ Return? - part 2 (l) - Christ promised He would return. But why does He need to come back? In this second part of a two-part series, we consider further reasons for Jesus' second coming. Just what does He have left to do here on earth?
Kingdom on earth
- The Reign of a New Kingdom (l) - The events at the return of Christ and the establishment of the kingdom of God.
Kingdom over all nations
- The Reign of a New Kingdom (l) - The events at the return of Christ and the establishment of the kingdom of God.
Kingdom parables
- Christ's Parables and the Kingdom (l) - Jesus often compared the coming Kingdom to common situations in people's lives. These messages are known as parables.
Kingdom prophecies
- Prophecies of the Coming Kingdom of God (l) - Through His prophets God reveals many specific details of how this world will be transformed in the Kingdom of God.
Kingdom vs church
- Is the Church the Kingdom? (l) - Some think the Church is the Kingdom of God.
Kingdom, gospel of the
- World Heading Into the Perfect Storm (l) - World conditions are developing like "the perfect storm," warned former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright in a recent speech. Placing her comments alongside biblical revelation provides us with unique insight into what is about to happen in the world -- and what to do about it.
Kingly qualities
- Proverbs: The Light Of The King's Face (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
- Being a King (l) - Being a leader means more than just ruling.
Kings and priests
- Contributing a Verse (l) - The role of the common man in God's plan.
- Coming Soon: The Magnificent Millennium (l) - The fact that a large portion of Bible prophecy describes the Millennium proves it is extremely important to God. And the more you understand it, the more important it will be to you!
- What Will Those Converted Today Do in The Millennium? (l) - Jesus Christ wants you to work with Him in serving people in His Kingdom! What will He have you do?
Kings of Britain
- "This Sceptered Isle" (l) - Today, though, it seems that despite multiple nations still looking to Queen Elizabeth as their head of state, the British throne's glory days are over, particularly with more and more calls heard for its abolishment. But what really lies ahead for the monarchy?
Kings of the east
- Where Does Russia Fit in End-Time Bible Prophecy? (l) - More than two decades after the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia is very much back in the news -- and not in a good way. Recent aggressive moves are raising fears of a renewed Russian expansionism. How might this play out in Bible prophecy?
Kings, history of the
- King David and His Scribes (l) - The Bible indicates that King David created a climate in which recording and writing about royal affairs were important governmental functions.
Kip Keino
- Running Better Than Ever (l) - In many ways, Kip Keino,is still way ahead of the pack. As he looks forward to reaching his present finish line, his example sites the familiar millennial refrain of Isaiah 30:21,"this is the way, walk you in it."
- Three Important Kisses (l) - Some people don't realize that the Bible speaks of kissing. Do you know the three different types it mentions?
- Three Important Kisses (l) - Some people don't realize that the Bible speaks of kissing. Do you know the three different types it mentions?
- Handling Those Touchy Situations (l) - To help you establish godly standards, consider the following advice given by a panel of young Christians between the ages of 20 and 30.
- A Touchy Subject (l) - The time to make decisions about physical contact is before you get in a touchy situation. Making a decision on the fly with no forethought is a recipe for going too far.
- Questions and Answers - Jul/Sep 2003 (l) - Questions and answers on issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
- Sex, Dating and You! (l) - Misunderstandings about God's instructions are contributing to some tragic heartaches. Learn how you can enjoy life to the fullest -- God's way
Klaus, Vaclav
- A View of Where Europe is Really Headed (l) - It's long been apparent that the European Union (as with its predecessors such as the EEC) has been slowly stealing sovereignty from individual nations, seriously undermining their democratic statehood.
- What Does It Mean to Kneel? (l) - Kneeling is simply an act of true worship.
- Knock, Knock! Will You Answer? (l) - Will you answer the knock at the door of your heart? An early disciple took a momentous step in responding to who's there.
Knockout game
- Senseless Violence Rises With 'Knockout' Game (l) - The games of youth are the training ground for adult behavior. What do violent "Knockout" games mean for the future?
Know he is God
- Breathe (l) - The movement of life can be overwhelming, but should we function automatically or with purpose?
Knowing Christ
- Stuck With Christ on Golgotha (l) - The thief on the cross came to vital understanding. In being "stuck" with Christ, we come to know Him.
Knowing God
- Knowing God for the First Time (l) - A time is coming when all mankind will come to know God. But meanwhile, through His festivals, God offers us the opportunity to experience now what the whole world will experience in the future.
- Meeting God (l) - For us to learn who God is, we don't have to search the Sinai desert for a burning bush -- we have the Bible.
- Let Me Introduce You to God (l) - Familiar with God? I'd like you to meet the whole family.
- Who Is God? Three Steps to Get to Know Him (l) - How can we get to know God? Here are several good ways to start!
- Have You Made God Over in Your Image? (l) - In the commandment against images, God was addressing more than physical idols. He was also telling us not to think of Him according to what we personally imagine, but to accept Him and our relationship with Him on His terms.
- Do You Know Your Father? (l) - A physical father is a type of our spiritual Father. How can we come to understand our spiritual Father better?
- How Well Do You Know God? (l) - How close do you feel to God? How close do you feel He is to you?
- Can Man Attain Immortality? (l) - The cover of a recent issue of Time magazine astonishingly declares, "2045: The Year Man Becomes Immortal." But the Bible tells a different story about living forever.
- Proverbs: Crowned With Knowledge (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
- Proverbs: When Wise People Speak (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
- Why Prophecy? (l) - How prophecy fills in the details of God's wonderful plan for humanity. God, who inspired prophecy, cares for people, that He has designed a logical and realistic master plan for solving the suffering and dilemmas that we cannot resolve on our own.
- Is Today's Technology Foretold in Bible Prophecy? (l) - Three specific prophecies recorded thousands of years ago foreshadow our amazing age of advanced technology!
Knowledge explosion
- World News and Trends - Sep/Oct 2003 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. September/October 2003
- Mass Media and Bible Prophecy (l) - Several amazing biblical passages fortell the shaping of the world at the time of the end by a powerful web of global media.
Knowledge of God
- The Knowledge of God and Jesus Christ (l) - While technology expands exponentially, the kind of knowledge we urgently need to survive ebbs and wanes.
- "As the Waters..." (l) - This evil age will be transformed to what God initially intended at Eden. The "knowledge of the Lord" will be made available to all and, for the first time, being accepted on a grand scale by the descendants of Adam and Eve.
- Towels, Sponges, Water and a Fountain (l) - When it comes to learning, do we absorb or repel information?
Knowledge of Jesus Christ
- The Knowledge of God and Jesus Christ (l) - While technology expands exponentially, the kind of knowledge we urgently need to survive ebbs and wanes.
Knowledge with understanding
- Why 'A Magazine of Understanding'? (l) - Printed as a subtitle on the cover of each issue of The Good News are the words "A Magazine of Understanding." What does The Good News help you understand?
Knowledge, need for
- (l) - We are drowning in information, but starved for knowledge.
- Quirks of Creation - Koalas Use Trees to Keep Cool (l) - Koalas designed to deal with temperature shifts.
Kohl, Helmut
- Building Walls or Building Bridges? (l) - Three wise men in their time oversaw the demolition of a wall that lay in their path. Their wisdom echoes the millennial refrain, "This is the way, walk you in it."
Korah, sons of
- The Temple and Tabernacle Responsibilities of the Sons of Korah (l) - Just how notable and complete were the services of the sons of Korah to the Tabernacle and Temple system?
- Thousand-Year-Old Lessons From the Crusades for Today (l) - Kingdom of Heaven is a movie about the Crusades, a clash of civilizations between Islam and Christianity that lasted two centuries. Could a similar clash of civilizations lie ahead?
- (l) - The following questions and answers represent issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice. Oct/Dec 2005.
- The Bible and the Koran: A Fundamental Difference in Approach (l) - Before the invention of printing made the Christian Bible widely available, certain of the faithful were very adept at memorizing large portions of the Holy Scriptures.
- Does the Koran Promote Peace and Cooperation? (l) - Although many try to explain away much of the militant teaching of the Koran, a straightforward interpretation of the following sampling of verses plainly demonstrates Islam's views toward non-Muslims, including authorizing jihad - holy wars - against them.
- The Iranian President's Goals For Mankind (l) - The Koran, Islam's holy book, envisions a world in which Islam will eventually dominate the entire globe.
- The Koran and Conquest: A Look at Islamic Theology (l) - Why do we hear of so much terrorism originating in the Muslim world? Will an examination of Islam's history and its holy book, the Koran, help us to understand?
- The Koran vs. The Bible (l) - The messages that became the Koran, or Quran, make up a volume about four-fifths the size of the New Testament.
- Confusion Over What the Quran Teaches - Peace or War? (l) - Those who state that Islam is a peaceful religion usually point to several verses in the Quran to support their view.
- The Jihadist Worldview: What's Behind the Mideast Brutality? (l) - The brutality of the Islamic State and various terrorist organizations is shocking and horrifying -- beheadings, suicide attacks, slaughter of prisoners and women forced into sexual slavery. What's really behind such barbarism? The truth may surprise you!
- Are Islamic Beliefs Compatible with Western Culture? (l) - As migrants continue to seek asylum in the relative peace of Europe's borders, many questions must be asked, chief among them being whether two very different cultural systems can coexist peacefully.
- Debate About Islam Continues: Is It a Religion of Peace? (l) - Muslim officials have declared their peaceful intentions through messages at their annual hajj. U.S. President Bush and British Prime Minister Blair have publicly praised Islam as a religion of peace. Others challenge that assertion, as the debate goes on.
Koran and Bible
- The Koran vs. The Bible (l) - The messages that became the Koran, or Quran, make up a volume about four-fifths the size of the New Testament.
Koran and killing
- What's Behind Today's Worldwide Wave of Terrorism? (l) - Passenger jets blown out of the sky, suicide bombings that deliberately target innocent civilians, men who shoot fleeing children in the back -- what do these horrors have in common, and why?
Koran vs Bible
- (l) - Questions and answers on issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
- Turning Swords Into Plowshares: Starting Now (l) - A nation ahead of its time in repairing the breaches.
- World News Review December 1998 (l) - World News Review - Dec. 1998
- Balkan Vortex of Violence Threatens Kosovo (l) - Some 10 years ago Serbian troops invaded the mostly Muslim province of Kosovo. After U.S. air strikes and NATO intervention, the United Nations began administering the province. But the UN mandate recently expired and Kosovo threatens to declare full independence from Serbia. The behavior of Balkan countries continues to perplex the Western world. Will many more innocent lives be lost in their seemingly futile quest for a stable and peaceful existence? What is the only lasting solution?
- The Wheat Doesn't Know Hate (l) - Peace, like war, must be waged with vision, imagination, self-sacrifice and a big dash of hope!
- After Kosovo - What Then? (l) - Now that the alliance, while celebrating its 50th anniversary, has used its troops to help resolve another nation's internal problems, which country will be next?
- World News Review March 2000 (l) - World news - March 2000
- World News Review July 1999 (l) - World news - July 1999
- A Personal View of the Kosovo Conflict (l) - During the Kosovo war I've seen reports from people close to the conflict. Some of the reports are emotional and present points of view that are not orthodox, conventional, politically correct or even credible.
- The Balkans: A Violent Century (l) - The battle for the Balkans. Where is it leading? Why are the Balkans such a trouble spot? What's behind the current conflict?
- Crisis In Kosovo - A Mixture of Iron and Clay? (l) - The Balkans has a long and complex history. What is the story behind the headlines?
- From Kosovo to Conflict? (l) - At the end of April, four European countries agreed on the formation of a joint military structure. Did NATO's successful intervention in Kosovo lay the seeds for a challenger to its position?
- The Real Victors in Kosovo (l) - Everyone involved in the strange Kosovo conflict is claiming victory-except its chief victims, the Albanians.
- The Lord of the Refugees (l) - Who will solve the scourge of forces that creates refugees, or, is there a time in the future in which there will be an even greater catastrophe producing even greater numbers of displaced persons?
Kovach, Joseph
- Unlocking the Mind (l) - A brief background of Joseph Kovach.
Kovacs, Joe
- Shocked by the Bible (l) - A Good News interview with Shocked by the Bible author Joe Kovacs.
- The Divine Secret (l) - Best-selling author and award-winning journalist Joe Kovacs, executive news editor at WorldNetDaily, has recently written a new book, The Divine Secret: The Awesome and Untold Truth About Your Phenomenal Destiny. This insightful new book documents little-understood truths from the Bible that few are aware of but that everyone needs to know.
- Krakatoa -- Preparing for the Future? (l) - Just over 120 years ago, a terrible catastrophe occurred that can help us fathom end-time warnings.
Kubik family
- 75 Years After World War II (l) - A massively destructive conflagration that engulfed the world ended 75 years ago after taking millions of lives and bringing untold suffering. Yet Bible prophecy tells us that an even worse time is coming.
Kubik, Victor
- The Human Side of the Ukraine Tragedy (l) - Ukraine's current tragedy is one more sad chapter in a long history of invasion and oppression.
- Who's Behind VCM? (l) - Virtual Christian Magazine has been a part of my life for some time now and I wanted to take a moment to share with you some of what goes into each issue and introduce those who bring it to you.
Kupelian, David
- The Marketing of Evil (l) - David Kupelian's book is subtitled "How Radicals, Elitists, and Pseudo-Experts Sell Us Corruption Disguised as Freedom" (2005, ISBN-13: 978-1581824599).
- Turkey, a U.S. Ally, Threatens to Widen War in Iraq (l) - Kurdish rebels, seeking an autonomous Kurdistan, have been attacking Turkish troops from the sanctuary of northern Iraq. Turkey now threatens to send troops into the most peaceful region of Iraq. Complicating the problem was an attempt in the U.S. Congress to condemn Turkey for a massacre that took place almost a century ago.
- Turkish-KurdishTensions Reach Boiling Point (l) - In an already unstable region, a divided Turkey opens the door for insurgents like ISIS to take further root.
- "Ready, Aim - Peace! (l) - Learn how to administer justice and long-term peace in a new realm. We present a scenario from today's news and ask you, "What would you do?"
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