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Topic Index
Updated Feb 8, 2025

Following is an index of topic categories in the literature of the United Church of God, an International Association.

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Abomination of desolation 6 / Abortion 39 / Abraham 21 /

Acts, book of 10 /

Adam and Eve 8 / Adultery 5 / Adversary 2 /

Afghanistan 12 / Africa 37 /

AIDS 40 /

Al Jazeera 3 / Al Qaeda 8 / Albania 1 / Alcohol 25 / Alexander the Great 6 / Algeria 1 / Allen, Steve 4 /

Amos 2 /

Anarchy 2 / Angels 20 / Anger 9 / Angola 2 / Antichrist 11 / Antiochus 3 / Antisemitism 34 / Anxiety 3 /

Apostles 11 /

Arabs 24 / Arafat 3 / Archaeology 106 / Argentina 1 / Armageddon 15 / Artificial intelligence 1 /

Asceticism 2 / Assyria 9 / Astronomy 8 /

Atheism 22 / Attitude 15 /

Australia 16 / Austria 6 /

Axis of evil 3 /

Babylon 19 / Bahamas 1 / Balkans 5 / Bangladesh 3 / Baptism 42 /

Beast power 48 / Beast, mark of the 8 / Belgium 1 / Bereans 1 / Beyond Today magazine 3 /

Bible - pentateuch 2 / Bible and science 20 / Bible believers 24 / Bible doctrine 13 / Bible education 15 / Bible historicity 66 / Bible history 6 / Bible inspiration 40 / Bible knowledge 20 / Bible organization 7 / Bible people 27 / Bible preservation 23 / Bible prophecy 56 / Bible prophets 2 / Bible reading 22 / Bible study 52 / Bible study courses 16 / Bible study helps 13 / Bible understanding 21 / Biblical worldview 4 / Biological weapons 10 / Birth control 4 /

Bosnia 3 /

Brazil 3 / Britain 42 / Britain and the U.S. 20 / Britain, behavior in 39 / British commonwealth 11 / British Empire 21 / British royal family 28 /

Bulgaria 1 / Burkina Faso 1 / Burma 1 /

Calendar, Gregorian 6 / Cameroon 1 / Canada 9 / Capital punishment 2 / Careers 13 / Catholicism 28 /

Celts 5 /

Character 43 / Chemical weapons 2 / Chile 2 / China 94 / Choices 22 / Christian good works 21 / Christmas 57 / Church 1 / Church and state 11 / Church fellowship 32 / Church government 5 / Church unity 14 / Church's guidance 7 / Church's mission 23 / Church, authority in the 6 / Church, early 36 / Church, true 21 / Church, what is 17 / Churches of Revelation 3 / Churchill, Winston 6 /

Circumcision 5 / Citizenship 2 /

Clean and unclean food 21 / Cloning 8 /

Colossians 9 / Columbia 2 / Commitment 29 / Communion 3 / Communism 15 / Compromise 3 / Congo 5 / Conscience 6 / Conversion examples 5 / Conversion process 17 / Conversion, meaning of 20 / Conviction 6 / Corruption 16 / Council of Nicaea 3 / Courage 16 / Covenant 14 / Covetousness 7 /

Creation 44 / Credit cards 6 / Crime 12 / Croatia 2 /

Cuba 3 / Culture war 22 /

Czech Republic 2 /

Daniel 20 / Darwinism 34 / David 25 / Day of Atonement 12 / Day of the Lord 13 /

Death 34 / December 25 14 / Deception 13 / Dedication 3 / Democracy 20 / Demographics 3 / Demons 1 / Denmark 3 / Depression 18 /

Dictatorship 2 / Diet 19 / Diligence 11 / Disability 4 / Disasters 16 / Discernment 3 / Disciples 12 / Disease epidemics 69 / Diversity 5 / Divorce 30 /

Dreams 6 / Drought 7 / Drugs 30 /

Du Plessis, Laurent Artur 1 / Dubai 2 /

Earth 7 / Earthquakes 15 / East Timor 1 / Easter 63 /

Economic system 29 / Ecumenism 10 /

Edom 1 / Education 20 /

Egypt 24 / Egypt, ancient 9 /

Elderly 6 / Elijah 2 /

Encouragement 34 / Energy 8 / Environment 11 /

Equatorial Guinea 2 /

Esther 2 /

Eternal life 67 / Ethics 4 / Ethiopia 2 /

European Union - Britain 40 / European Union - demographics 25 / European Union - economy 15 / European Union - Euro 26 / European Union - Middle East 13 / European Union - military 31 / European Union - prophecy 41 / European Union - religion 40 / European Union - trade 16 / European Union - U.S. 29 / European Union - unity 80 / Euthanasia 3 /

Evil 26 / Evolution and biochemistry 27 / Evolution and biology 45 / Evolution and geology 32 / Evolution and politics/education 40 / Evolution and religion 25 /

Example 22 / Exercise 11 / Exodus 12 /

Ezekiel 4 / Ezra 4 /

Fairness 7 / Faith, definition of 15 / Faith, examples of 32 / Faith, living 11 / Faith, loss of 7 / Faith, need for 14 / Faithfulness 7 / False Christianity 48 / Family 46 / Famine 23 / Fantasy 3 / Fascism 2 / Fasting 7 / Fatherhood 14 /

Fear 21 / Feast of tabernacles 28 / Feast of Trumpets 13 / Fellowship 16 / Feminism 4 /

Finances 24 / Finding a mate 6 / Firstfruits 8 /

Foot washing 8 / Forgiveness 80 / Four horsemen of the Apocalypse 6 /

France 24 / Freedom 27 / Freedom of choice 18 / Freedom of religion 7 / Friends 21 / Friendship 37 /

Future 10 /

Galatians, book of 6 / Gambling 2 / Garden of Eden 14 /

Generosity 8 / Genesis 13 / Genetics 10 / Gentiles 6 / Gentleness 4 / Georgia 2 / Germany 70 /

Ghana 12 /

Gibraltar 2 /

Global economy 21 / Globalization 12 / Glossary 4 /

Gnosticism 11 /

Goal setting 14 / God and evil 5 / God and nature 6 / God the creator 39 / God the father 14 / God's blessings 16 / God's calling 34 / God's existence 31 / God's faithfulness 18 / God's family 54 / God's forgiveness 7 / God's help 54 / God's judgment 19 / God's law - individual 22 / God's law - national life 8 / God's law, before Moses 6 / God's law, New Testament 65 / God's law, Old Testament 5 / God's love 35 / God's name 9 / God's nature 44 / God's plan 62 / God's power 14 / God's promises 17 / God's protection 25 / God's revelation 19 / God's sovereignty 24 / God's way of life 18 / God's will 27 / God, communication with 12 / God, knowledge of 22 / God, obedience to 46 / God, reconciliation to 28 / God, relationship with 27 / Golan Heights 1 / Good Friday 21 / Good news 15 / Good works 6 / Gospel accounts 3 / Gospel of the kingdom 33 / Gospel, preaching the 21 / Government 52 /

Grace 40 / Grandparent 7 / Gratitude 16 / Great tribulation 9 / Greece 10 / Greek empire 3 / Grief 17 /

Guilt 7 /

Habits 10 / Haiti 5 / Halloween 13 / Hanukkah 4 / Happiness 19 / Harry Potter 7 /

Healing 11 / Health 40 / Heart 20 / Heaven 49 / Hebrews, book of 3 / Hell 38 / Hezekiah 4 /

Holidays 46 / Holocaust 1 / Holy spirit - changing power 37 / Holy spirit - comfort, encouragement 7 / Holy spirit - contact with God 8 / Holy spirit - fruits of 27 / Holy spirit - giving of 22 / Holy spirit - mind of God 13 / Holy spirit - of love 8 / Holy spirit - of obedience 19 / Holy spirit - power 19 / Holy spirit - renewing, growing 15 / Holy spirit - what it is 31 / Holy spirit and the spirit in man 4 / Holy spirit and understanding 18 / Holy spirt - what it is 3 / Holydays - Jesus and New Testament church 35 / Holydays - jesus' fulfillment 19 / Holydays - observance today 40 / Holydays - prophetic meaning 50 / Homosexuality 56 / Hong Kong 4 / Hope 34 / Hospitality 7 /

Human existence 2 / Human mind 11 / Human nature 34 / Human potential 18 / Human rights 4 / Humanism 8 / Humanitarian causes 2 / Humility 23 / Humor 7 / Hungary 2 / Hussein, Saddam 6 /

Hypocrisy 10 /

Iceland 2 /

Idolatry 12 /

Illiteracy 3 /

India 23 / Indonesia 7 / Infatuation 6 / Intelligence 7 / Intelligent design 50 / International trade 5 / Internet 41 / Intolerance 2 /

Iran 95 / Iraq 46 / Ireland 19 /

Isaiah 6 / ISIS 2 / Islam and other religions 39 / Islam, history of 13 / Islam, radical 61 / Islamic caliphate 5 / Islamic fundamentalism 31 / Islamic religion 20 / Israel 1 / Israel, ancient 48 / Israel, modern 92 / Israel, ten tribes 96 /

Italy 3 /

Jacob 2 / Jacob's trouble 3 / James 5 / Japan 16 /

Jeremiah 17 / Jericho 6 / Jerusalem, ancient 19 / Jerusalem, future 26 / Jerusalem, modern 30 / Jesus - prophecies of 34 / Jesus as God 15 / Jesus' acts 8 / Jesus' birth 21 / Jesus' current office 37 / Jesus' death 74 / Jesus' existence 11 / Jesus' future rule 21 / Jesus' human life 29 / Jesus' preexistence 28 / Jesus' resurrection 48 / Jesus' return - events at 37 / Jesus' return - events leading to 25 / Jesus' return - need for 22 / Jesus' return - predicting 10 / Jesus' return - prophecies of 23 / Jesus' sacrifice 3 / Jesus' teachings 59 / Jewish history 7 / Jews 6 /

Job 1 / Job, finding a 7 / John 4 / John the Baptist 3 / Jordan 7 / Joseph 8 / Josephus 2 / Joshua 7 / Josiah 2 /

Judah 11 / Judgment 28 / Justice 11 / Justification 10 /

Kazakhstan 1 /

Kenya 4 /

Kindness 9 / King Hussein 3 / King of the north 4 / King of the south 17 / Kingdom of God - and Christ's coming 11 / Kingdom of God - description of 51 / Kingdom of God - gospel of 12 / Kingdom of God - need for 45 / Kingdom of God - prophecies of 21 / Kingdom of God - relation to Sabbath and holydays 7 / Kingdom of God - what it is 43 / Kissing 4 /

Knowledge 8 /

Kosovo 11 /

Kyrgyzstan 1 /

Latin America 8 / Laying on of hands 6 / Lazarus 4 /

Leadership 50 / Lebanon 4 / Legalism 3 / Lent 2 / Letters 1 / Letters from BT readers 51 / Letters from GN readers 88 / Letters from VCM readers 70 / Letters from VT readers 4 / Lewis, C.S. 2 /

Liberalism 5 / Liberia 1 / Libya 1 / Lincoln, Abraham 6 / Links 4 /

Love of neighbor 40 / Love, real 32 /

Luther, Martin 6 /

Macedonia 1 / Mad cow disease 3 / Magazine 10 / Making peace 16 / Malawi 1 / Man in God's image 5 / Marriage, attacks on 3 / Marriage, dealing with problems 18 / Marriage, failures 14 / Marriage, making it strong and happy 39 / Marriage, meaning and importance 40 / Marriage, preparation for 51 / Marriage, same sex 20 / Mary 9 / Materialism 15 /

Meaning of life 16 / Media 14 / Media, influence of 48 / Meditation 13 / Medved, Michael 2 / Megachurches 2 / Mental health 20 / Mercy 18 / Messiah 16 / Mexico 1 /

Middle East 51 / Middle East - history 15 / Military service 4 / Military weapons 3 / Millennium 41 / Ministry 2 / Miracles 15 /

Modesty 14 / Moldova 1 / Money 39 / Morality 65 / Mortality 4 / Moses 5 / Movies, influence of 13 /

Multiculturalism 3 / Murder 9 / Music, influence of 14 / Muslim Brotherhood 1 /

Namibia 1 / NATO 5 / Natural disasters 35 /

Nebuchadnezzar 3 / Nepal 1 / Netherlands 3 / New Age 8 / New covenant 21 / New Testament 25 / New Years 2 / New Zealand 2 / News media 13 /

Nietzsche 2 / Niger 1 / NIgeria 4 /

Noah 28 / North Korea 26 / Norway 1 /

Nuclear weapons 70 /

Obedience 30 / Obesity 13 /

Oil 21 /

Old covenant 12 / Old Testament 14 / Olivet Prophecy 10 / Olympics 4 /

Oman 1 /

Opportunity 4 /

Origen 2 /

Osama bin Laden 10 /

Ottoman empire 6 /

Overcome 2 / Overwhelmed 6 /

Pacific Islands 1 / Paganism 4 / Pain 3 / Pakistan 11 / Palestine 14 / Palestinians 28 / Panama 4 / Parenting children - advice 90 / Parenting children - failure 43 / Parenting children - religion 26 / Parenting teens 51 / Passover 62 / Patience 10 / Paul 28 /

Peace of mind 9 / Peace process 7 / Peer pressure 4 / Pentecost 22 / Persecution 9 / Perseverance 26 / Persia 2 / Personal counsel 4 / Personal experience 69 / Personal lesson 56 / Peter 7 /

Pharisees 2 / Philippines 4 / Phoenicians 2 /

Plague 4 / Plato 1 / Pledge of allegiance 4 /

Poland 5 / Political correctness 9 / Politicians 2 / Pope 44 / Population 5 / Pornography 27 /

Prayer 87 / Predestination 5 / Priorities 26 / Prophecy, end time - Europe 26 / Prophecy, end time - Israel 23 / Prophecy, end time - Middle East 20 / Prophecy, end time - religion 18 / Prophecy, end time - world 97 / Prophecy, fulfilled 18 / Prophecy, millennial 10 / Prophecy, purpose of 32 / Prophecy, understanding 11 / Prophets 6 / Prosperity 2 / Prostitution 2 / Proverbs 60 /

Punishment 7 / Purim 3 / Purpose of life 73 /
Questions/answers 31 /

Rapture 12 /

Reagan, Ronald 5 / Recommended reading 44 / Redemption 21 / References 2 / Relationships 24 / Religion 12 / Religious deception 29 / Religious freedom 5 / Religious leaders 4 / Religious revival 3 / Repentance 72 / Respect 8 / Resurrection 90 / Retirement 2 / Revelation, book of 31 /

Righteousness 14 /

Roman Empire 27 / Romania 1 / Romans, book of 4 / Rome 4 / Roosevelt, Theodore 2 /

Rule of law 2 / Russia 89 / Ruth 4 /

Rwanda 3 /

Sabbath commandment 48 / Sabbath observance 53 / Sacrifice 37 / Saints 2 / Salvation - what it is 23 / Salvation - when it is 12 / Salvation, means to 27 / Satan 89 / Saudi Arabia 14 /

School shootings 9 / Science and ethics 11 / Scientific advances 6 / Scotland 1 / Scythians 4 /

Sea gates 2 / Second resurrection 17 / Secularism 8 / Security 11 / September 11 23 / Serbia 7 / Serving 37 / Seventh day 5 / Sex 13 / Sex and marketing 2 / Sex, extramarital 6 / Sex, premarital 41 / Sex, safe 3 / Sexual abstinence 5 / Sexual freedom 2 / Sexual immorality 17 / Sexual obsessioin 1 / Sexual obsession 8 / Sexual revolution 9 / Sexual temptation 4 / Sexually transmitted diseases 15 /

Shadrach Meshach and Abednego 3 / Shiites 1 /

Sierra Leone 1 / Sin 48 / Sincerity 2 / Single parents 13 /

Slavery 19 /

Smoking 16 /

Socialism 13 / Sodom 1 / Solomon 13 / Somalia 4 / Soul 25 / South Africa 12 / South Korea 1 /

Space 18 / Spain 8 / Spirit in man 14 / Spirit life 11 / Spirits, evil 14 / Spirituality, true 15 /

Sri Lanka 1 /

Standards 15 / Stress 15 /

Success 15 / Sudan 7 / Suez 1 / Suffering 49 / Suicide 14 / Sunday 30 /

Swaziland 1 / Sweden 1 / Switzerland 3 /

Syria 28 /

Taiwan 4 / Tajikistan 2 / Talents and gifts 8 / Tanzania 1 /

Teaching 7 / Technology 8 / Teen activities 38 / Teens and career 39 / Teens and dating 28 / Teens and drugs 20 / Teens and education 66 / Teens and family 36 / Teens and friends 35 / Teens and health 6 / Teens and peer influence 23 / Teens and religion 51 / Teens and sex 50 / Television, influence of 27 / Television/radio and the gospel 3 / Temple 16 / Temptation 13 / Ten commandments 65 / Terrorism in the world 26 / Terrorism vs Israel and Middle East 14 / Terrorism vs U.S. 14 / Terrorism, answer to 6 / Terrorism, non-Islamic 4 / Terrorism, war on 15 / Terrorism, weapons of 11 /

Thailand 4 / Thanksgiving 15 / Thinking, right 7 / Third world poverty 15 /

Time and chance 2 / Titanic 6 / Tithing 22 /

Togo 1 / Tolerance 5 / Tongue 2 /

Trade 5 / Tragedies 9 / Transformation 12 / Treaty of Rome 2 / Tree of life 8 / Trials 33 / Tribulation 8 / Trinity 28 / Trust 9 / Truth 22 /

Tsunami 11 /

Tunisia 3 / Turkey 24 /

Tyndale, William 4 /

U.S. - threats to 57 / U.S. culture 42 / U.S. economy 100 / U.S. history 24 / U.S. morality 93 / U.S. politics 40 / U.S. power 120 / U.S. religion 69 /

Uganda 1 /

Ukraine 21 /

Uncertainty 2 / Understanding 8 / United Arab Emirates 1 / United Church of God 14 / United nations 7 / Universe 23 / Unleavened bread 21 /

Utopia 12 /

Uzbekistan 1 /

Valentines Day 6 / Values 42 /

Venezuela 6 / Vertical Thought magazine 7 /

Violence 23 / Virginity 3 / Vision 9 /

Volunteering 4 /

War 80 / Washington, George 10 / Water shortage 9 / Wave sheaf 9 / Way of life 9 /

Weather 8 /

Wisdom 30 / Witchcraft 7 /

Women 27 / Words 24 / Work 13 / Works 12 / World crisis 22 / World peace 42 / Worry 8 / Worship 24 /

Year 2000 13 /

Youth 17 /

Zambia 4 /

Zimbabwe 10 / Zionism 3 /

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