"U" - Subject Index

Alphabetic Index:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
  1. Financial Crisis Crushing Britain (l) - What does the future hold for Britain in the wake of the current financial crisis?
U.K. religion
  1. Financial Scandals Highlight Spiritual Void (l) - Daily revelations of financial impropriety by members of Parliament dominated the British news headlines during the month of May. Respect for politicians and for Parliament itself is at an all-time low. A change of government is expected at the next election. But that won't change the root cause.
U.K. scandal
  1. U.K.'s Scandal Plagues Parliament (l) - Britain has drastically changed in the past generation. Many lament the lack of values and adherence to a Judeo-Christian religious ethic that puts the Ten Commandments squarely in the center of a moral life.
  1. World News and Trends - January/February 2007 (l) - World news. January 2007.
U.S - threats to
  1. Will God Continue to Bless America? If Not, Why Not? (l) - After the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, many Americans, including people of faith, continue to ask, "Why did God let this happen?" A year later, let's reflect on the terrorist attacks and their aftermath from a biblical perspective.
U.S as policeman
  1. An Age of Growing Chaos (l) - Bruised by two long wars, America began a retreat. Not surprisingly, others rushed into the vacuum.
U.S power
  1. The Wealth of a Nation (l) - The U.S. economy is very large, very deep and very entrenched in the global world. It is not going away overnight, and it will be around for some time yet, even if in a different role in relation to the rest of the world.
U.S, warning to
  1. The Watchman's Mission (l) - And if ever a people needed a warning, it is today. Sobering as it is, sin exacts a terrible price, whether on a nation or an individual.
U.S. and beast power
  1. Why Europe and Not the United States? (l) - One lesson of world history is that great powers come and go.
U.S. and Bible
  1. Leaders of American History: A Legacy of Respect for God and the Bible (l) - Past leaders of the United States often expressed sincere devotion to God and Christian principles -- in contrast to today's marginalization of biblical faith.
U.S. and Britain
  1. World News and Trends - May/June 2006 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world.
  2. Pride of America's Power: How Long Will It Last? (l) - A prophecy in Leviticus 26:19 foretells a national decline in power for disobedience to God's law. First Great Britain declined in power. Will America be next?
  3. (l) - Just within the last three years, four major books, all by distinguished authors, have been published about the unique relationship between Britain and the United States. Why have these two countries changed the modern world? Only the Judeo/Christian Bible contains the master key to discovering the true answer.
  4. God Blessed America (l) - The "special relationship" between America and Great Britain has been a great benefit to the world. But could it have been much more? What if the two had never divided? Will history correct this great event of modern times?
  5. World News & Trends May 2010 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. May 2010
  6. America and Britain Cut Defense: What Does It Mean for the Future? (l) - Faced with exploding government debt, America will likely soon see massive defense cuts. Britain has already made severe cutbacks in military spending. What is the inevitable long-term outcome?
  7. America and the Decline of the British Empire: A Comparison (l) - What lessons does this hold for America in terms of the British decline experience?
  8. A Detailed Prophecy of Blessings and Curses (l) - Speaking to the ancient Israelite ancestors of today's Anglo-American peoples, God gave them a choice, one that bears directly on the lack of leadership that plagues America today. You should read Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28, which describe God's blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience.
  9. Will America Be Great Again? (l) - We are in a grave moment in the world. Something is happening in America; people are worried the nation is nearing the point of no return. What is happening, and what does it mean? And what can you do?
  10. The Special Relationship Reaffirmed (l) - The close historic ties between Britain and the United States continue, yet a cloud hangs over the alliance. Britain is increasingly caught in the middle between the United States and Europe.
  11. Will the EU Split the Special Relationship? (l) - Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher once observed that the great lesson of the 20th century was that whenever the United States and Britain fight together, they always win. But now Britain has to make a crucial decision on its future -- a future that could mean the demise of the special relationship with the United States, ending a formidable, long-lasting alliance.
  12. The Queen Mother, the Mideast and the War on Terror (l) - These news items may not seem to fit together; but by reflecting on the life and death of Queen Elizabeth's beloved mother, we can see important interconnections.
  13. The Global Reach of America and Britain -- Prophesied in the Bible? (l) - Margeret Thatcher: "The great lesson of the 20th century is that whenever the American and British peoples stand together, they always win."
U.S. and Canada
  1. Trade Winds Blow Canada Toward EU (l) - Although inextricably linked with the United States by geography and economics, Canada has been increasingly voting and trading with Europe.
  2. Peace Arch: Symbol of Unity (l) - There are lessons to be learned and remembered from our past and present relationships.
U.S. and Europe
  1. What Will the Next President Face? (l) - In the days of biblical Israel, advisers counseled the king on how to lead the nation based on the Word of God. Samuel guided Saul. Nathan counseled David. Isaiah revealed God's will to Hezekiah. These men of God represented the word of God to the king. What might a servant of God say today if he entered the Oval Office with an analysis of the world and America for the president?
  2. What Will the Next President Face? (Part 2) (l) - In the days of biblical Israel a king had a unique type of adviser in his court to counsel him how to run the nation based on the Word of God. Samuel guided Saul. Nathan counseled David. The prophet Isaiah revealed God's will to Hezekiah. These men of God were independent of politics; they represented the Word of God to the king.
U.S. and God
  1. What Will the Next President Face? (Part 2) (l) - In the days of biblical Israel a king had a unique type of adviser in his court to counsel him how to run the nation based on the Word of God. Samuel guided Saul. Nathan counseled David. The prophet Isaiah revealed God's will to Hezekiah. These men of God were independent of politics; they represented the Word of God to the king.
U.S. and Israel
  1. Why the Jews? The Reason for Antisemitism (l) - Dennis Prager and Joseph Telushkin look at the implications of anti-Semitism.
  2. Peace in the Middle East? (l) - The new Middle East peace process gets off to a rocky start as international pressure rises in an effort to bring peace to the region. Israeli and U.S. relationships are at their lowest level in years and the European Union is pushing to become more involved, a shift that could lead to fulfillment of critical end-time prophecies.
  3. World News & Trends May 2010 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. May 2010
  4. Does Israel Matter? (l) - U.S. President Barack Obama recently called on Israel to return to its pre-1967 borders as the basis for a solution to its conflict with the Palestinians. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu countered that this is a non-starter. Why is this so critical, and does Israel really matter in the scope of things?
  5. Pressures on Israel Intensify (l) - Israel is a tiny nation besieged by serious problems on every side.
  6. Israel: A Nation in Dire Peril (l) - The year 1948 saw the birth of the modern state of Israel, transforming a significant portion of the Jewish people from a scattered nation (a diaspora or dispersion) into a nation-state with real sovereignty.
U.S. and Middle East
  1. What Will the Next President Face? (l) - In the days of biblical Israel, advisers counseled the king on how to lead the nation based on the Word of God. Samuel guided Saul. Nathan counseled David. Isaiah revealed God's will to Hezekiah. These men of God represented the word of God to the king. What might a servant of God say today if he entered the Oval Office with an analysis of the world and America for the president?
U.S. and monarchy
  1. America's Revolution and the Bible (l) - Prior to the American Revolution, the American colonists were the most enthusiastic royalists in the English-speaking world. Why that changed is a fascinating story and a fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
U.S. and morality
  1. The Uncrowned King of Virtue (l) - George Washington is still one of the most important and respected people in American history. Why? What made him great? And whom did he try to follow?
U.S. and religion
  1. Christians in Name Only? (l) - What we have is a Christianity in which millions accept Christ in name but know little about Him, what He did and what He taught. Or, worse yet, perhaps they do know what He taught but choose to ignore or reject it!
  2. American Gospel: God, the Founding Fathers, and the Making of a Nation (l) - Jon Meacham writes an insightful book about America's historic relationship with God (2006, ISBN 1-4000-6555-0).
  3. Separation of Church and State? (2001) (l) - The meaning of the First Amendment.
  4. America's Religious Roots (l) - America has a deeply rooted religious past.
U.S. and Rome
  1. What Could America and Britain Learn From Rome's Fall? (l) - The fall of Rome is one of the most important and world-shaping events in history. But it provides more than an interesting study of the past. It also holds many important lessons for the Western world today.
U.S. and Sabbath
  1. What Will the Next President Face? (Part 2) (l) - In the days of biblical Israel a king had a unique type of adviser in his court to counsel him how to run the nation based on the Word of God. Samuel guided Saul. Nathan counseled David. The prophet Isaiah revealed God's will to Hezekiah. These men of God were independent of politics; they represented the Word of God to the king.
U.S. and the Bible
  1. The King James Bible in British and American History (l) - Is it possible that the Bible has so influenced the people of Britain and the United States because this book is their history book?
  2. "Election Armageddon" coming to America? (l) - Will traditional capitalism prevail, or will America choose to go even further down the dangerous road of socialism? Never before has the country faced such a clear-cut choice.
  3. Our Cultural Battlegrounds (l) - In this edition we focus on the unspoken issue at the heart of all these debates -- the battle over the Bible. Is it the holy, truthful and authoritative Word of God, or is it only human tradition and stories? It's crucial that you examine the evidence.
  4. Ronald Reagan: In His Own Words (l) - In the wake of his recent death, hundreds of magazine and newspaper articles have been written about former U.S. President Ronald Reagan. We focus here on the religious beliefs that shaped his character and ultimately influenced the world.
U.S. and war
  1. A Brief History of America at War (l) - Nothing divides the American people like war. From its inception as a nation, the prospect, and in two or three cases the reality, of war has usually been a source of damaging division in the United States. The period prior to the recent conflict in Iraq was no different. How does this historic theme fit into America's divine destiny?
U.S. and WWII
  1. The "American Century": What Was Really Behind It? (l) - Seldom has a nation dominated an era as the United States dominated much of the 20th century. Its remarkable achievements transformed the world for decades. But what was really behind its amazing accomplishments? Is there more than meets the eye?
U.S. army women
  1. The American Military: A Testing Ground for Social Change (l) - Not only is America's military being gutted financially, it is also being seriously compromised as an effective fighting force by those using it as a testing ground for such social-engineering movements as feminism, the gay agenda and political correctness. In the long run, this exercise may prove even more dangerous than the defense cuts.
U.S. behavior
  1. "Lawlessness Will Abound" - Holding Fast as the Moral Fabric Unravels (l) - The Bible warned that the last days would be marked by an increasing disregard for law and morality. A look at our society at all levels, including those who claim to be Christian, fits that description all too well. What must you do as it all falls apart?
U.S. budget
  1. Washington's Budget Impasse: the Overlooked Significance (l) - The vast majority of commentators decried the government shutdown and warned of dire consequences.
U.S. business
  1. Greed Is the News of the Day (l) - A warning for American business leaders: Don't give in to the selfish pulls of personal ambition and vanity. Don't look only at the bottom line of profit or stock value as the measure of success.
U.S. Christianity
  1. America's Forgotten Christian Heritage (l) - As the U.S. holiday of Thanksgiving comes around again, we are reminded of America's founding and how far the nation has drifted from the devotion to God on which it was founded.
U.S. Constitution
  1. Morality is the Secret (l) - Many of America's Founding Fathers were inspired by Christian principles. Is there anything we can learn from them?
U.S. covenant people
  1. The Colonial View of America as a New Israel (l) - Did any of America's early settlers consider themselves to be God's covenant people?
U.S. credibility
  1. America and Britain: a Public Display of Weakness (l) - Over a very short time Western intervention in Syria seemed to be coming at a fast pace.
  2. America Losing Credibility as the World's Superpower (l) - Inaction is a sign of weakness on the world scene as in the schoolyard.
U.S. culture
  1. Liberte! Egalite! Fraternite! (l) - More than 200 years ago these three French words reverberated through the streets of Paris during the French Revolution. If only every society could truly practice the biblical version of liberty, equality and brotherhood! Yet the time is coming when they will.
  2. Will America Cease to Lead the World? (l) - From the time of its founding, this unique nation sought to base its future success on the efforts of free individuals, not on class distinctions and hereditary status. America became undisputed world leader because it was set apart not only by the Declaration of Independence, but by its destiny set forth in the Bible. Why, then, is America gradually forfeiting world leadership?
  3. Can a Nation Commit Suicide? (l) - "If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen we must live through all time or die by suicide." -- Abraham Lincoln
  4. What's Behind the Growing Culture War? (l) - Powerful, dangerous forces are executing an all-out war in America, as in other Western nations. They are striving relentlessly to transform the culture into something previous generations would never recognize. You need to know not only what is happening and why, but what you can do about it.
  5. Two Nations Under One Flag (l) - Americans are losing cohesion with one another, with politics and societal values becoming more and more polarized. Where is this leading?
U.S. debt
  1. A Downsized Lifestyle Is Coming - Will You Make the Adjustment? (l) - Our world is changing in ways we never considered. The dominance that affluent nations have enjoyed is about to end. Will peoples of the rich world downsize their lifestyle? Will people who have rarely if ever had to "tighten their belts" be able to make the painful change?
  2. World News Review January 2007 (l) - World news review, January 2007.
  3. America's Economic Meltdown: What Does It Mean? (l) - Unemployment, debt and trade imbalances are soaring while the dollar's value is plummeting. What's behind the shocking economic meltdown in the United States? Does Bible prophecy help us understand?
  4. Could a Greek Tragedy Bring Down the Euro? (l) - In the last few weeks the euro has declined in value as fears over Greece's debt problems fueled international speculation. Could Greece's problems lead to the demise of the common European currency?
  5. Debt Troubles Mount for Britain and America (l) - The late French President Charles de Gaulle once dismissed the United States and Britain as "the Anglo-Saxon debtor nations." Four decades later, their enormous debt is forcing the two countries into a period of dramatic change.
  6. World News & Trends March 2011 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. March 2011
  7. America's Debt Debacle (l) - The recent debate over raising the U.S. debt limit showed a national leadership bitterly divided over the country's priorities and how to address its debt explosion. What are the larger implications of this debacle?
  8. European and American Debt: No Easy Way Out (l) - The huge debt problems in Europe and the Unites States are creating enormous problems on the world geopolitical scene.
  9. A Nation Lost and Adrift (l) - America is simply proving again a great truth - that we ultimately reap what we have sown.
  10. Kitchen Table Economics: What Is It That Governments Don't Understand? (l) - There are times when households reach the end of their financial resources and have to declare bankruptcy. Their income cannot meet their debts. Has America come to such a defining moment?
  11. China - an Ominously Powerful Country (l) - Niall Ferguson is a China watcher.
  12. America's National Debt: Growing With No End in Sight (l) - In the last few months and years the United States has racked up some impressive records, but none of them are good. Its debt is exploding at unprecedented rates. What's behind the problem, and where is it leading?
  13. Severe Economic Uncertainty and Anxiety (l) - In another Financial Times article a year ago, Gideon Rachman predicted: "Efforts to rescue the world economy in 2012 will be afflicted by a perilous political paradox. The more that international co-operation is needed, the harder it will be to achieve" ("The Big Questions for 2012," Jan. 2, 2012). Again, this prophecy could easily extend into 2013 and well beyond.
  14. Signs of the Times (l) - Could disbelief and lack of spiritual understanding leave us blind to dangers that should be obvious?
  15. When Will America Run Out of Resources? (l) - Even before Hurricane Sandy the United States was already suffering from an enormous national debt crises, measured in the trillions of dollars. Sandy adds another $50 billion to the frightening total.
  16. America's Military Decline: What Does It Mean? (l) - Ambitious and expensive government programs seriously endanger America's economic stability and add to the nation's already gargantuan national debt. The inevitable downside seems to be massive cuts in military spending. Where is this disturbing trend taking a troubled nation?
  17. Washington's Budget Impasse: the Overlooked Significance (l) - The vast majority of commentators decried the government shutdown and warned of dire consequences.
U.S. decay
  1. On the Edge of Great Change - Where to Turn? (l) - Is it too late for America? Has it grown too polarized to ever unite again? Has its downward spiral into depravity so corrupted the populace that it cannot return to the basic principles of family and morality underpinning every successful nation?
U.S. decline
  1. World News & Trends January 2010 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. January 2010
  2. The Decline and Fall of Nations: A Prophetic Perspective (l) - Ancient Babylon fell in one night after having been "weighed in the balance and found wanting." Can modern empires fall just as quickly? History and the Bible provide an answer.
  3. Where Is Our World Headed? (l) - It's that time again for an annual analysis and assessment. That's when many observers look back to yesteryear--and also peer into a somewhat clouded future. Secular predictions for 2011 and beyond are multiple and varied. But does the Bible have a far bigger say in our future?
  4. The Life Cycles of Empires: Lessons for America Today? (l) - Perceptive historians recognize that great powers go through a cycle of growth, stability, maturity and decline. Where is America in this cycle? Will we learn from the lessons of history?
  5. Warnings for America (l) - "America must rediscover the qualities that originally made it great. That will not be easy."
  6. The Fading American dream (l) - The United States certainly appears to be undergoing a terminal decline that could possibly lead to the biblically prophesied time of Jacob's (or Israel's) trouble (Jeremiah 30:7).
  7. 70 Years After D-Day: From Power to Impotence (l) - Seventy years ago, an American-led Allied invasion on the beaches of Normandy marked the beginning of the end of the grip of tyranny over Europe. In little more than a year, the United States would emerge as a superpower and world policeman. Contrast that to today, when that superpower is in retreat -- its influence and power rapidly declining.
  8. Will We Die by National Suicide? (l) - "If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen we must live through all time, or die by suicide." -- Abraham Lincoln
U.S. default
  1. Washington's Budget Impasse: the Overlooked Significance (l) - The vast majority of commentators decried the government shutdown and warned of dire consequences.
U.S. defeats
  1. America: Drastic Changes 70 Years After World War II (l) - As America and the world mark the anniversary of the conclusion of World War II, it's important that we consider the great changes in the United States and other Western nations since the Allied victory 70 years ago.
U.S. demographics
  1. Will America Cease to Lead the World? (l) - From the time of its founding, this unique nation sought to base its future success on the efforts of free individuals, not on class distinctions and hereditary status. America became undisputed world leader because it was set apart not only by the Declaration of Independence, but by its destiny set forth in the Bible. Why, then, is America gradually forfeiting world leadership?
  2. Demographic Shifts Changing the Face of America (l) - A recent Pew Research Center report summarizes demographic changes that are reshaping the United States.
  3. (l) - World news - Jan 2000
U.S. division
  1. "A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand" (l) - We hope and pray that you will have ears to hear and, most importantly, a heart to heed and seek God. Take to heart the words of Scripture -- repent, turn to God and pray for mercy for the nation!
  2. The Divided States of America - A Dangerous Crossroads (l) - The nation's division is so obvious that growing numbers of people expect violence, bloodshed and perhaps even another civil war. What's behind this, and what does it mean for you?
  3. Two Nations Under One Flag (l) - Americans are losing cohesion with one another, with politics and societal values becoming more and more polarized. Where is this leading?
U.S. dollar
  1. Could the Dollar Fall? (l) - Could the dollar be challenged and replaced by another world currency? Will something that until recently was "unthinkable" become a reality? The global financial slump is challenging long-held assumptions.
U.S. economy
  1. Gross Domestic Product: Is It the Measuring Stick of Success? (l) - If you look only at GDP, things might seem pretty good for the U.S. economy. But there are other factors to consider.
  2. Are Things Really Better Than We Think? (l) - How are we doing in the Western world? Clearly there is more than one viewpoint: Some scenarios are fairly rosy and others pretty gloomy. Which is the closest to the truth? Moreover, are people overlooking the most important judgment factor?
  3. Is America in Financial Decline? (l) - The turn of the year saw a rapid decline in the value of the American dollar as international confidence in the United States and its currency declined. What is the meaning of this for Americans, and what does it portend for the future?
  4. Are We Living in a "9/10" Economy? (l) - Global financial markets were rocked last month following rising defaults affecting mortgage-backed securities. What does this mean for the world's money supply and confidence in Western financial institutions? Are we on the verge of a major upheaval in the world economy?
  5. (l) - With a barrel of oil near $100 and the dollar falling 16 percent against other currencies, Americans need to understand what's behind the falling dollar and what the consequences will be for them.
  6. World News Review February 2008 (l) - World News review. Feb. 2008
  7. Coping With the Current Housing Crisis (l) - Last year was the worst year for U.S. foreclosures since 1932, at the height of the Great Depression. And 2008 looks set to be even worse. The economy may be in trouble, but there are steps you can take to prepare for the coming downturn.
  8. Coping With a Growing Economic Crisis (l) - Last year was the worst year for U.S. home foreclosures since 1932, at the height of the Great Depression. The economy may be in trouble, but you can take steps to prepare for the growing downturn.
  9. The Wealth of a Nation (l) - The U.S. economy is very large, very deep and very entrenched in the global world. It is not going away overnight, and it will be around for some time yet, even if in a different role in relation to the rest of the world.
  10. World News & Trends - November/December 2008 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Nov/Dec 2008
  11. Farewell to America as a Financial World Power (l) - A major shift in world financial power centers is on the horizon. America is on the decline, while Asia and Europe are on the rise.
  12. (l) - The U.S. economy is very large, very deep and very entrenched in the global world. It is not going away overnight.
  13. Waves of Destruction (l) - Not long ago, a newscaster commented on the financial struggles facing the United States in the wake of yet another venerable financial institution failing. He said, "Just when we think we've recovered from the storm, another wave comes and knocks us off our feet."
  14. Hands of Confusion (l) - Our age is steeped in a postmodern form of idolatry that values the power, status and celebrity that come with money. The developed world is vastly wealthy. But we have seen the fabric of that wealth can come apart with lightning speed.
  15. When Nations Fall (l) - The fall of nations and empires often takes place over several generations. Sometimes, however, it's sudden and takes place virtually overnight, stunning the world. Are we on the verge of witnessing another collapse? Are we paying attention to growing warning signs?
  16. Could the Dollar Fall? (l) - Could the dollar be challenged and replaced by another world currency? Will something that until recently was "unthinkable" become a reality? The global financial slump is challenging long-held assumptions.
  17. America's Economic Meltdown: What Does It Mean? (l) - Unemployment, debt and trade imbalances are soaring while the dollar's value is plummeting. What's behind the shocking economic meltdown in the United States? Does Bible prophecy help us understand?
  18. The Decline and Fall of Nations: A Prophetic Perspective (l) - Ancient Babylon fell in one night after having been "weighed in the balance and found wanting." Can modern empires fall just as quickly? History and the Bible provide an answer.
  19. Has America Lost Its Way? 2010 (l) - Increasingly it seems that the United States cannot solve its problems-whether it be the economy, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, illegal immigration or the Gulf oil spill. Previous generations seemed to know what to do. Has America lost its way?
  20. World News & Trends Nov/Dec 2010 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world, Nov 2010.
  21. Prophetic Trends Observed as 2011 Begins (l) - Economics was the force that determined the course of world history--and continues to be a primary force in the drive toward fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
  22. Debt Troubles Mount for Britain and America (l) - The late French President Charles de Gaulle once dismissed the United States and Britain as "the Anglo-Saxon debtor nations." Four decades later, their enormous debt is forcing the two countries into a period of dramatic change.
  23. America Drowns in a Sea of Debt - What Does It All Mean? (l) - America's debt load is staggering and growing worse by the minute. How did the nation that was the world's biggest lender only a few decades ago become the world's greatest debtor today?
  24. The Brink of Bankruptcy: Unfunded Liabilities Threaten the U.S. Economy (l) - We're used to hearing regular reports of U.S. government debt growing to staggering levels. But recent events are spotlighting another huge problem -- the unfunded liabilities of state and local governments that spell future financial chaos.
  25. America's Famous Optimism Sorely Tested (l) - The May 2011 edition of The American Spectator asked this question of nine insightful observers: "Is America in Decline?" Only two responded with an unqualified yes. The majority felt that the United States would pull through its well-known present difficulties and maintain its standing as the world's preeminent nation.
  26. Laying Up Treasure (l) - With no signs of the economy improving anytime soon, gold prices are soaring"and many are looking to precious metals to save them from ruin. How do we prepare for financial disaster?
  27. Kitchen Table Economics: What Is It That Governments Don't Understand? (l) - There are times when households reach the end of their financial resources and have to declare bankruptcy. Their income cannot meet their debts. Has America come to such a defining moment?
  28. America's National Debt: Growing With No End in Sight (l) - In the last few months and years the United States has racked up some impressive records, but none of them are good. Its debt is exploding at unprecedented rates. What's behind the problem, and where is it leading?
  29. In danger: the Status of the U.S. Dollar (l) - The American dollar has long reigned as easily the largest percentage of the global currency supply.
  30. 2015 - A Year of Triumph or Trial for America? (l) - After years of bad economic news, some think things are looking up for the United States. But are they? What troubling signs are on the horizon?
  31. Trump Takes Over -- Now What? (l) - After eight years of liberal policies and programs dominating the American political and social scene, could a new presidential administration make a difference in America's direction?
  32. America's Economic Transformation (l) - We would do well to learn an economic lesson from 3,000 years ago recorded in the pages of the Bible. It reveals the dangerous path America seems determined to follow.
  33. The Curse of Inflation - A Biblical View (l) - The ramp-up we're seeing in inflation in the United States is the reaping of a bitter harvest sown by wrong policies. It's important to understand.
  34. Mortgage Bubble About to Burst? (l) - Millions of Americans are heavily burdened with first and, in many cases, second mortgages. People reached for "the American dream" of owning their home -- but often a home somewhat beyond the reach of their incomes. Additionally, they pulled needed cash out of home equity through refinancing. Who controls these loans? What do creditors receive in return for their money? Are we about to experience a financial restructuring on a world scale with shocking consequences for the United States?
  35. Hope Beyond the Headlines (l) - Major news stories of the summer of 2002.
  36. World News Review Aug 2001 (l) - World news review. August 2001.
U.S. education
  1. Posting the Ten Commandments - A Law for the Future (l) - New moves to post the Ten Commandments and teach the Bible in schools have met with strong opposition. Will such antipathy continue? Or is a time coming, beyond today's politics, when all people will deeply respect and obey the Ten Commandments and all of Scripture?
U.S. election
  1. What Is Real Leadership? (l) - As a nation and a world cry out in desperation for right leadership, why is real leadership so hard to find? What makes a real leader, and will the world ever see the right kind of leadership?
  2. The Global Impact of the U.S. Election (l) - Nations don't die all at once. Various factors contribute over time -- cultural shifts, economic challenges, political instability, external pressures. We are witnessing the decline of a great pow-er, America, long blessed by God as an exceptional nation and model for others. People around the world are watching this year's election. They know it will impact their future.
U.S. elections
  1. Different Elections -- Same Issues (l) - Outside the United States, the same issues confront candidates in other elections.
  2. The U.S. Election: The Value of Political Stability (l) - Political uncertainty over the presidency is to be expected in some of the poorer,less political stable nations. People do not expect to see the same in the richest nation on the world.
U.S. elections, cost of
  1. World News Review July 2004 (l) - Summary of world news - July 2004.
U.S. energy consumption
  1. When the Gas Pumps in Europe Run Dry (l) - Because of its dependence on imported energy, the EU is an economic giant standing on feet of clay.
U.S. foreign policy
  1. The Coming Clash Between Europe and America (l) - While the United States is focused on its war on terror and conflict with Iraq, new threats continue to emerge of which Americans are largely oblivious.
U.S. founding fathers
  1. One Nation Under God? (l) - The pledge of allegiance, long recited by American schoolchildren, acknowledges that the United States is "one nation under God." But what place does God have in the country today?
U.S. generosity
  1. (l) - Today the world still comes to Joseph. It was American ships, helicopters and troops that were among the first to provide aid and comfort for tsunami victims.
U.S. God
  1. Banning the Mention of God in Public Life (l) - More and more, God is being shunted aside and banned in the public arena -- particularly from schools.
U.S. government
  1. U.S. Election Crisis - End of Political Stability? (l) - Political stability is rare. It's essential that those countries that have found the way to enduring stability hold fast. Has the historical stability of the U.S. form of government begun to wane?
  2. The U.S. Election: The Value of Political Stability (l) - Political uncertainty over the presidency is to be expected in some of the poorer,less political stable nations. People do not expect to see the same in the richest nation on the world.
U.S. greatness
  1. What Makes a Nation Great? (l) - The country I grew up in is getting harder and harder to recognize. More and more I can identify with the biblical prophet Jeremiah, called "the weeping prophet" because he shed tears over the sins and deplorable spiritual condition of his nation and the consequences of rejecting God.
  2. Will America Remain Great? (l) - The campaign slogan "Make America Great Again" catapulted candidate Donald Trump into the world's most powerful office. Yet, though diminished in recent years, America is already great in important respects -- but for how long?
U.S. health
  1. Current Events & Trends - September/October 2023 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the September/October 2023 issue of Beyond Today.
U.S. history
  1. Christopher Columbus and Jesus Christ (l) - Have you ever heard that Christopher Columbus gave God the credit for his journey to the New World?
  2. The Religious Roots of America's Founding Fathers (l) - Were the Founding Fathers of the United States believers in God and the Bible? Were they religious and devout men who believed in and did their best to follow Jesus Christ?
  3. Men of Valor: Gideon The Judge and George Washington (l) - Two great leaders offer many important lessons. Meet a remarkable judge of ancient Israel and a more recent figure called the father of his country, as we reflect on their examples of leadership and life.
  4. History and Prophecy Coincide in Louisiana Purchase (l) - One of history's greatest bargains was a step forward in one of the Bible's most significant physical promises.
  5. A Brief History of America at War (l) - Nothing divides the American people like war. From its inception as a nation, the prospect, and in two or three cases the reality, of war has usually been a source of damaging division in the United States. The period prior to the recent conflict in Iraq was no different. How does this historic theme fit into America's divine destiny?
  6. The Ageless 'Heart Steps' of a Pilgrim's Walk (l) - This coming Thanksgiving in America, the exploits of the Pilgrims and the lessons of pilgrimage can be lost in the holiday shuffle.
U.S. housing
  1. The Meaning of the Mortgage Meltdown (l) - Some of the toxic financial "instruments" are hopelessly complex. But the basis of the financial crisis is terribly simple: greed.
U.S. humiliation
  1. The Humiliation of America and What It Means for You (l) - America is in trouble. For all its vaunted power, it has experienced grave challenges in dealing with a 30-year-old computer consultant who, following his conscience, deliberately leaked critical classified information.
U.S. identity
  1. The Global Reach of America and Britain -- Prophesied in the Bible? (l) - Margeret Thatcher: "The great lesson of the 20th century is that whenever the American and British peoples stand together, they always win."
U.S. image
  1. What's Ahead for America? (l) - Sensing a weakness of will, hostile nations appear to be ganging up on America. Some consider the United States a second-rate power. What are some of the specific problems, internationally and domestically, and how will they affect America's future?
U.S. immigration
  1. Why U.S. Population Growth Has Produced Little Joy (l) - Throughout most of its history, a growing population was considered the United States' most treasured national resource. Yet the news about America's population reaching the 300 million mark has caused almost no celebration among the populace. Why?
  2. The Illegal Immigration Crisis - No End in Sight (l) - As debate between those who want secure borders preventing illegal immigration and those who want open borders rages on, the crisis continues to grow.
U.S. in prophecy
  1. He Set Ephraim Before Manasseh (l) - As memories of the British Empire fade into the distant past, many think the United States is Ephraim and Britain Manasseh. There are sound historical reasons for this not being the case.
  2. Does the United States Appear in Bible Prophecy? (l) - Small nations like Egypt, Jordan and Libya are found in Bible prophecies of the time of the end. But what about the major English-speaking countries like the United States, Britain, Canada and Australia? Are they absent from Bible prophecy, or do we just not know where to look?
  3. Bible Prophecy and You (1/2018) (l) - This lesson will explore some of what the Bible foretold about the rise to prominence of two great nations of modern times.
U.S. inaction
  1. Why the Massive Decline in America's Prestige? (l) - Is America still "the land of the free and the home of the brave"? For a long time the United States was the envy of the world -- even its enemies paying it grudging respect. This divinely blessed nation used to be the standard by which all other countries were compared. What happened to cause the nation's disturbing fall from such soaring heights?
U.S. influence
  1. Pride of America's Power: How Long Will It Last? (l) - A prophecy in Leviticus 26:19 foretells a national decline in power for disobedience to God's law. First Great Britain declined in power. Will America be next?
  2. Imagine a World Without the United States (l) - Sometimes it is necessary to imagine the unimaginable.
U.S. intelligence
  1. Intelligence Failure -- From Listening to the Wrong People? (l) - Sept. 11 and the war in Iraq have both been partially blamed on bad intelligence. It came as no surprise to this World News and Prophecy writer.
  2. What Do You Know -- and What Will You Do? (l) - While America slept, the nation was caught unprepared for the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. Some have questioned how much advance information the government had -- and whether that could have prevented the terrorist attack. But there is a larger question to consider: What does it take for a people to awaken to the urgency of the times?
U.S. intelligence failure
  1. Intelligence Failure -- From Listening to the Wrong People? (l) - Sept. 11 and the war in Iraq have both been partially blamed on bad intelligence. It came as no surprise to this World News and Prophecy writer.
U.S. Islam promotion
  1. One Nation Under Allah? (l) - Rejecting God and the nation's long history rooted in the Bible, American leaders and government increasingly embrace a religious belief system alien to the country's long-held values.
U.S. isolationism
  1. Is American Isolationism on the Rise? (l) - Americans show growing signs of wanting to withdraw from an increasingly complex and frightening world. Is the isolationism of earlier decades about to return? And what would the consequences be?
U.S. justice
  1. Jails Overflow, While Justice Flags (l) - "Do the crime. Do the time." This popular slogan slathered over billboards and bumper stickers reflects a politically popular approach toward crime. The approach is partially effective, but the cost is choking states, counties and municipalities -- and more importantly, it is not rehabilitating criminals.
  2. Ever Increasing Crime -- Will It Ever End? (l) - "Make a chain, for the land is filled with crimes of blood, and the city is full of violence" (Ezekiel 7:23). Must we accept crime as a way of life? Why aren't prisons solving it, and is there anything we can do about it personally?
U.S. law
  1. The Humiliation of America and What It Means for You (l) - America is in trouble. For all its vaunted power, it has experienced grave challenges in dealing with a 30-year-old computer consultant who, following his conscience, deliberately leaked critical classified information.
U.S. leadership
  1. Global Political Trends Threaten America's World Leadership (l) - During the past 100 years, the United States has been accorded a singular opportunity to provide leadership in the world at large. Now, American influence is rapidly beginning to wane in the world. Why?
  2. America's Economic Meltdown: What Does It Mean? (l) - Unemployment, debt and trade imbalances are soaring while the dollar's value is plummeting. What's behind the shocking economic meltdown in the United States? Does Bible prophecy help us understand?
  3. Will America Cease to Lead the World? (l) - From the time of its founding, this unique nation sought to base its future success on the efforts of free individuals, not on class distinctions and hereditary status. America became undisputed world leader because it was set apart not only by the Declaration of Independence, but by its destiny set forth in the Bible. Why, then, is America gradually forfeiting world leadership?
  4. On the Edge of Great Change - Where to Turn? (l) - Is it too late for America? Has it grown too polarized to ever unite again? Has its downward spiral into depravity so corrupted the populace that it cannot return to the basic principles of family and morality underpinning every successful nation?
  5. How Significant Is the Race for the White House? (2000) (l) - Some consider the 2000 contest for top American leadership to be unispired and lackluster. Yet the stakes are high when we consider the domestic and international implications.
  6. Imagine a World Without the United States (l) - Sometimes it is necessary to imagine the unimaginable.
  7. What Lies Ahead for U.S. Leadership? (l) - The nexy four years could bring thorny problems for America's leadership in the world. The next president will face the consequences fo missed oportunities in the 1990's.
U.S. manufacturing
  1. Trade War (l) - What's behind the economic pushing and shoving between the United States and China? What are the stakes? How might this affect the rest of the world -- and you?
U.S. men
  1. The Decline of the American Male (l) - Western society is shifting in major ways. One of the most dramatic changes is the decline and disappearance of needed masculinity.
U.S. middle east policy
  1. Turmoil: What's Behind the Unrest Sweeping the Middle East? (l) - Riots and demonstrations have left governments trembling across North Africa and the Middle East. Is democracy about to triumph in the region, or could we see a very different outcome, one indicated by Bible prophecy?
U.S. military
  1. Trump Takes Over -- Now What? (l) - After eight years of liberal policies and programs dominating the American political and social scene, could a new presidential administration make a difference in America's direction?
  2. Current Events & Trends March/April 2018 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the March/April 2018 issue of Beyond Today.
  3. Current Events & Trends January/February 2019 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the January/February 2019 issue of Beyond Today.
  4. America's Military in Crisis (l) - As the world grows increasingly unstable, America's military appears dangerously misguided.
  5. U.S. Troop Withdrawals -- What Do They Mean? (l) - President George W. Bush has announced significant U.S. troop withdrawals from Germany, Japan and South Korea. What's behind this development and what will it mean a few years from now?
  6. After Kosovo - What Then? (l) - Now that the alliance, while celebrating its 50th anniversary, has used its troops to help resolve another nation's internal problems, which country will be next?
  7. A Reluctant Empire (l) - America has fallen into the position of a world empire. No other nation today can stand on the same pedestal and claim the same status. This role was not consciously sought nor, perhaps, fully realized. How America handles itself on the world stage in coming months will have a lasting impact on world affairs.
U.S. mission
  1. Enduring Words (l) - Lincoln's Gettysburg Address is one of the great speeches of American history. Lincoln's words restored a sense of mission for a profound human effort. God's enduring Word offers the path for restoring lasting freedom for every human.
U.S. morality
  1. Are Things Really Better Than We Think? (l) - How are we doing in the Western world? Clearly there is more than one viewpoint: Some scenarios are fairly rosy and others pretty gloomy. Which is the closest to the truth? Moreover, are people overlooking the most important judgment factor?
  2. In the News Oct/Dec 2006 (l) - In the news. October 2006
  3. America at a Dangerous Crossroads (l) - The mass media's relentless emphasis on bad news from Iraq has led to a major shift in U.S. political fortunes and demands for withdrawal. But this hasn't happened in isolation. Let's review some aspects of 20th-century warfare, diplomacy and current affairs--and most important of all, where the Bible indicates America is headed.
  4. The Role of a Watchman, Part 2: Who Are Today's Watchmen? (l) - In ancient times, watchmen stood guard on a city's walls to see to the welfare of its citizens and to warn of coming trouble. Who is to do that job today in a dangerous world moving closer to the crisis of the close of the age?
  5. Is America Living Up to God's Standards? (l) - The Bible is clear about basic morality. How is the United States doing?
  6. Compromising With Morality (l) - Even more serious and dangerous than our financial shortcomings is the American attitude of compromise toward sexual morality.
  7. "In God We Trust" (l) - The United States has been a "land of milk and honey." But now, why this dramatic turn of events? What is it within the American personality that has brought us to this financial mess?
  8. How Can a Leader Assure Peace, Prosperity and Protection? (l) - What should a good and wise ruler do to guide his people to the right path? Let's learn from the message God sent through one of His prophets.
  9. When Nations Fall (l) - The fall of nations and empires often takes place over several generations. Sometimes, however, it's sudden and takes place virtually overnight, stunning the world. Are we on the verge of witnessing another collapse? Are we paying attention to growing warning signs?
  10. Global Political Trends Threaten America's World Leadership (l) - During the past 100 years, the United States has been accorded a singular opportunity to provide leadership in the world at large. Now, American influence is rapidly beginning to wane in the world. Why?
  11. Morality is the Secret (l) - Many of America's Founding Fathers were inspired by Christian principles. Is there anything we can learn from them?
  12. Christian in Name Only? (l) - Political leaders aren't the only hypocrites when it comes to claiming to be Christian while acting far differently.
  13. Would Americans Choose Jesus Christ as President? (l) - If Jesus Christ were running for president, would the American people elect Him to the highest office in the land? What kind of leader would He be? What platform and constitution would He adopt?
  14. A Crucial Biblical Question for the President (and You) (l) - Given the opportunity, what would you ask your country's leader as he starts a new term in office? How would his answer stack up against the Bible, and does it matter?
  15. When Will America Run Out of Resources? (l) - Even before Hurricane Sandy the United States was already suffering from an enormous national debt crises, measured in the trillions of dollars. Sandy adds another $50 billion to the frightening total.
  16. Where Does America Go From Here? (l) - As the American president takes his oath of office with his hand on the Bible, proclaiming to faithfully fulfill his responsibilities "so help me God," should we not take into consideration how God views the "state of the union" of the United States?
  17. Christianity on the Wane in America (l) - Whatever the direction of the nation as a whole, you individually can live a lawful life filled with hope.
  18. Will We Die by National Suicide? (l) - "If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen we must live through all time, or die by suicide." -- Abraham Lincoln
  19. America: Drastic Changes 70 Years After World War II (l) - As America and the world mark the anniversary of the conclusion of World War II, it's important that we consider the great changes in the United States and other Western nations since the Allied victory 70 years ago.
  20. Can We Read the Handwriting on Our Wall? (l) - We are writing a story on our own wall of life each day -- by our words, thoughts and actions. We must see God's hand in history and in our lives. A day is fast approaching when we will be numbered and weighed.
  21. Demographic Shifts Changing the Face of America (l) - A recent Pew Research Center report summarizes demographic changes that are reshaping the United States.
  22. What Would Charles Lindbergh Think? (l) - It's crucial that you arm yourself with the facts about the key questions of life, including whether God really exists, whether the Bible is His inspired Word, and what His plan and purpose is for you.
  23. Two Marches Underscore America's Culture War over Abortion (l) - Over the course of a week, two significant marches hit the streets of Washington, D.C. -- the Women's March on Jan. 21 and the annual March for Life on Jan. 27. Each march attracted hundreds of thousands of demonstrators, and each attempted to promote public awareness of their cause as each claimed social justice as its main goal.
  24. Will America Remain Great? (l) - The campaign slogan "Make America Great Again" catapulted candidate Donald Trump into the world's most powerful office. Yet, though diminished in recent years, America is already great in important respects -- but for how long?
  25. 20 Years After 9/11 (l) - The devastating attacks on the United States on 9/11 should have led its people to learn critical lessons. But did they?
  26. Afghanistan - Milestone on a Road to Decline (l) - America's retreat from Afghanistan is another milestone on the long road of decline for a great power. Here is what you need to understand about why it happened.
  27. Ronald Reagan: In His Own Words (l) - In the wake of his recent death, hundreds of magazine and newspaper articles have been written about former U.S. President Ronald Reagan. We focus here on the religious beliefs that shaped his character and ultimately influenced the world.
  28. World News and Trends - Jul/Aug 2004 (l) - World news and trends. July/August 2004.
  29. Our Cultural Battlegrounds (l) - In this edition we focus on the unspoken issue at the heart of all these debates -- the battle over the Bible. Is it the holy, truthful and authoritative Word of God, or is it only human tradition and stories? It's crucial that you examine the evidence.
  30. United States Morality - What Lies Ahead? (l) - Does morality matter? What are the long-term consequences to a people and a nation when its moral foundation crumbles?
  31. Could We Lose the War on Terror? (l) - A quarter century ago a nation in some ways not that different from the United States and Britain lost a war on terror. What lessons can we learn from that conflict so history does not repeat itself?
U.S. muslims
  1. Radical Muslim Minorities in America (l) - The vast majority of American Muslims are loyal citizens.
U.S. overreach
  1. Why Europe and Not the United States? (l) - One lesson of world history is that great powers come and go.
U.S. philisophy
  1. Secular Humanism: Between the Ideal and the Lie (l) - Recent U.S. elections showed a nation strongly and sometimes bitterly divided over many issues, not least the basic direction of the country. What's behind the battle? The seeds were sown long ago.
U.S. political stability
  1. The U.S. Election: The Value of Political Stability (l) - Political uncertainty over the presidency is to be expected in some of the poorer,less political stable nations. People do not expect to see the same in the richest nation on the world.
U.S. politics
  1. "Election Armageddon" coming to America? (l) - Will traditional capitalism prevail, or will America choose to go even further down the dangerous road of socialism? Never before has the country faced such a clear-cut choice.
  2. Whom Would Jesus Christ Choose to Be a World Leader? (l) - America faces enormous challenges as it counts down the days to another presidential election. Considering the current national state of affairs, whom would Jesus Christ choose for high office?
  3. Would Americans Choose Jesus Christ as President? (l) - If Jesus Christ were running for president, would the American people elect Him to the highest office in the land? What kind of leader would He be? What platform and constitution would He adopt?
  4. Nation-states Struggle with Immigration (l) - Week-long nighttime rioting in Stockholm, Sweden, and a surrounding suburb plunged Scandinavia into the chaotic social unrest that has already afflicted a number of other European regions, including France and Greece.
  5. Change to Really Believe In (l) - The current U.S. presidential race offers starkly different visions for the future. Which vision more closely aligns with the Bible? And what is God's vision of the ultimate government the world so badly needs?
  6. Why the Growing Popularity of Socialism? (l) - In spite of its failures, socialism has been advancing in the West and is attracting a growing number of admirers in America, the world's bastion of economic freedom. What vital understanding is missing from their thinking?
  7. An Unrecognizable America? (l) - These are dangerous times. The ground is shifting underneath our feet. Prophecies of a very different world -- one in which the United States no longer exists as a viable nation -- are lining up.
  8. Two Nations Under One Flag (l) - Americans are losing cohesion with one another, with politics and societal values becoming more and more polarized. Where is this leading?
U.S. population
  1. Why U.S. Population Growth Has Produced Little Joy (l) - Throughout most of its history, a growing population was considered the United States' most treasured national resource. Yet the news about America's population reaching the 300 million mark has caused almost no celebration among the populace. Why?
  2. World News Review Dec 2000 (l) - World news and trends. December 2000.
U.S. ports
  1. A Small Port in a Larger Storm (l) - Today's global order is only the latest attempt to bring about world peace through human economic systems.
U.S. poverty
  1. Poverty on the Rise in America (l) - A London Times analytical report from the United States revealed that "figures from the US Census Bureau suggest that the economic crisis sparked in 2007 has turned the US into an 'hourglass' society, with a shrinking middle class squeezed between the very affluent and the very poor.
U.S. power
  1. Major International Challenges Confront President Bush's Second Term (l) - The world looks very different four years after President Bush took office. What challenges lie ahead for the second Bush administration?
  2. World News and Trends - July/August 2006 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Jul/Aug 2006
  3. Pride of America's Power: How Long Will It Last? (l) - A prophecy in Leviticus 26:19 foretells a national decline in power for disobedience to God's law. First Great Britain declined in power. Will America be next?
  4. Pride of America's Power: Approaching the Breaking Point? (l) - Last month in part one of this series we showed the vast power currently held by the United States. Could we see a time when this power, in all its forms, will be broken, no longer able to influence world events? The answer is found in Bible prophecy.
  5. Will Iraq Be America's Suez? (l) - Until 1956 Great Britain was the dominant power in the Middle East. The Suez Canal crisis led to British withdrawal from the region. Could Iraq be America's Suez, forcing the United States out of the world's most volatile neighborhood?
  6. Five Significant Trends of 2006 (l) - What are some of last year's really important benchmark events and trends? How does the Bible pass judgment on these happenings today?
  7. America at a Dangerous Crossroads (l) - The mass media's relentless emphasis on bad news from Iraq has led to a major shift in U.S. political fortunes and demands for withdrawal. But this hasn't happened in isolation. Let's review some aspects of 20th-century warfare, diplomacy and current affairs--and most important of all, where the Bible indicates America is headed.
  8. The Rise and Fall of Empires (l) - With the relative stability the Western world has enjoyed over recent decades, it's hard to imagine that we could be on the verge of another earthshaking shift, a transition from one dominant empire to the next.
  9. What's Ahead for America? (l) - Sensing a weakness of will, hostile nations appear to be ganging up on America. Some consider the United States a second-rate power. What are some of the specific problems, internationally and domestically, and how will they affect America's future?
  10. World News and Trends - January/February 2008 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Jan. 2008
  11. Is America Living Up to God's Standards? (l) - The Bible is clear about basic morality. How is the United States doing?
  12. World News & Trends Jan 2009 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Jan. 2009
  13. When Nations Fall (l) - The fall of nations and empires often takes place over several generations. Sometimes, however, it's sudden and takes place virtually overnight, stunning the world. Are we on the verge of witnessing another collapse? Are we paying attention to growing warning signs?
  14. World News & Trends March/April 2009 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. March/April 2009
  15. Could the Dollar Fall? (l) - Could the dollar be challenged and replaced by another world currency? Will something that until recently was "unthinkable" become a reality? The global financial slump is challenging long-held assumptions.
  16. World News & Trends: November/December 2009 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. November 2009
  17. Global Political Trends Threaten America's World Leadership (l) - During the past 100 years, the United States has been accorded a singular opportunity to provide leadership in the world at large. Now, American influence is rapidly beginning to wane in the world. Why?
  18. The Decline and Fall of Nations: A Prophetic Perspective (l) - Ancient Babylon fell in one night after having been "weighed in the balance and found wanting." Can modern empires fall just as quickly? History and the Bible provide an answer.
  19. The "American Century": What Was Really Behind It? (l) - Seldom has a nation dominated an era as the United States dominated much of the 20th century. Its remarkable achievements transformed the world for decades. But what was really behind its amazing accomplishments? Is there more than meets the eye?
  20. Has America Lost Its Way? 2010 (l) - Increasingly it seems that the United States cannot solve its problems-whether it be the economy, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, illegal immigration or the Gulf oil spill. Previous generations seemed to know what to do. Has America lost its way?
  21. World News & Trends Nov/Dec 2010 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world, Nov 2010.
  22. America and Britain Cut Defense: What Does It Mean for the Future? (l) - Faced with exploding government debt, America will likely soon see massive defense cuts. Britain has already made severe cutbacks in military spending. What is the inevitable long-term outcome?
  23. The Life Cycles of Empires: Lessons for America Today? (l) - Perceptive historians recognize that great powers go through a cycle of growth, stability, maturity and decline. Where is America in this cycle? Will we learn from the lessons of history?
  24. Warnings for America (l) - "America must rediscover the qualities that originally made it great. That will not be easy."
  25. A Decade After 9/11: Where Is America Headed? (l) - After years of military engagement abroad and severe economic woes, the United States is preparing to retrench, its power and influence set to diminish.
  26. Is America Sliding Into Permanent National Decline? (l) - Although some observers are still predicting a substantial national recovery, a more sobering factual analysis clearly points in the opposite direction. Did the Bible foresee America's rise to world leadership and its subsequent national decline more than two millennia ago?
  27. "I Will Break the Pride of Your Power" (l) - Has God already begun to break the pride of American power?
  28. A "New World Disorder" Stalks Humanity (l) - During early autumn a Wall Street Journal editorial stated: "The Obama Presidency has been an era of slowly building tension and disorder that seems likely to flare into larger troubles and perhaps even military conflict no matter who wins in November. This is the bigger picture . . ." ("The New World Disorder," Sept. 13, 2012).
  29. India: A Nation on the Rise (l) - The former "jewel in the crown" of the British Empire, India is one of Asia's great economic success stories. With economic might comes military might. What lies ahead for this country of over a billion people, other nations in the region and the larger world scene?
  30. Will America Cease to Lead the World? (l) - From the time of its founding, this unique nation sought to base its future success on the efforts of free individuals, not on class distinctions and hereditary status. America became undisputed world leader because it was set apart not only by the Declaration of Independence, but by its destiny set forth in the Bible. Why, then, is America gradually forfeiting world leadership?
  31. Lines in the Sand: The Middle East 10 Years After Iraq (l) - America considers what it's lost as Iraq struggles to redefine itself within the ever-boiling cauldron of the Middle East.
  32. Increasing Disorder Follows on Heels of U.S. Retreat (l) - A Wall Street Journal article stated at the outset of the new year: "The world is messy, and it is getting more so as the U.S. retreats from its role as the protector of global order. With civil wars, uprisings against governments and other bloody disputes proliferating, it can be hard to tell the good guys from the bad" ("Global Disorder Scorecard," Dec. 30, 2013).
  33. 70 Years After D-Day: From Power to Impotence (l) - Seventy years ago, an American-led Allied invasion on the beaches of Normandy marked the beginning of the end of the grip of tyranny over Europe. In little more than a year, the United States would emerge as a superpower and world policeman. Contrast that to today, when that superpower is in retreat -- its influence and power rapidly declining.
  34. As America Retreats, a Dangerous World Emerges (l) - What happens when the world's policeman hangs up his badge and gun and retires into the sunset? We're beginning to get a sobering firsthand look.
  35. America Losing Credibility as the World's Superpower (l) - Inaction is a sign of weakness on the world scene as in the schoolyard.
  36. America's Precarious Position: Where Can We Look for Answers? (l) - The United States faces growing challenges on many fronts, with no end in sight. How can the nation solve its problems?
  37. An Age of Growing Chaos (l) - Bruised by two long wars, America began a retreat. Not surprisingly, others rushed into the vacuum.
  38. America: Drastic Changes 70 Years After World War II (l) - As America and the world mark the anniversary of the conclusion of World War II, it's important that we consider the great changes in the United States and other Western nations since the Allied victory 70 years ago.
  39. The Handwriting on the Wall (l) - What did that strange message mean for the king of Babylon long ago? What should it mean for you today? You need to understand!
  40. Will America Be Great Again? (l) - We are in a grave moment in the world. Something is happening in America; people are worried the nation is nearing the point of no return. What is happening, and what does it mean? And what can you do?
  41. The Global Power Vacuum (l) - What happens in a power vacuum? We currently see a major power vacuum developing in the world. What does it mean? What is its cause, and where is it leading? Does Bible prophecy give us an indication as to what lies ahead?
  42. America: Attacked Abroad, Divided Within (l) - The United States is bitterly divided both politically and socially. At the same time its role in the world is being undermined in strategic geographic regions. Are we entering a time of escalating danger and trouble like that spoken of in the Bible?
  43. Why Europe and Not the United States? (l) - One lesson of world history is that great powers come and go.
  44. The Quiet Rise of Authoritarianism (l) - "The jungle is growing back," warns a shocking study showing that authoritarianism is creeping into more democracies than ever before. The Bible reveals where this disturbing trend is leading.
  45. America's Uncertain Future (l) - Our world is changing before our eyes, and in ways that are highly dangerous for the current world order and the United States in particular. You need to understand why.
  46. 20 Years After 9/11 (l) - The devastating attacks on the United States on 9/11 should have led its people to learn critical lessons. But did they?
  47. America and Britain's Global Reach -- Prophesied in the Bible? (l) - The United States and Britain combined to defeat European tyranny in two world wars, then Iraqi tyranny twice in the last 12 years. Why has it fallen to them to police the world?
  48. Symbolism Abounds in Transfer of Hong Kong (l) - Now, almost 50 years to the day since divesting itself of its Indian Empire, the British will hand over control of Hong Kong, the last major possession of the British crown. It's not just the end of an era for Hong Kong. It's the end of an era for Asia and Europe.
  49. Panama: Another Major Sea Gate Relinquished (l) - The Panama Canal is an engineering marvel and a symbol of "The American Century." What is the significance of America's decision to turn it over to Panamanian control?
  50. A Reluctant Empire (l) - America has fallen into the position of a world empire. No other nation today can stand on the same pedestal and claim the same status. This role was not consciously sought nor, perhaps, fully realized. How America handles itself on the world stage in coming months will have a lasting impact on world affairs.
  51. The Global Reach of America and Britain -- Prophesied in the Bible? (l) - Margeret Thatcher: "The great lesson of the 20th century is that whenever the American and British peoples stand together, they always win."
  52. Why America? (l) - Why America? "The only answer is because destiny put you in this place in history in this moment in time, and the task is yours to do."
U.S. power and debt
  1. Could America Be Replaced as the Global Superpower? (l) - Great powers come and go. For more than six decades the United States has been the world's dominant power. Seventy years ago, Great Britain—with its vast empire—was the world's greatest power. Could the United States follow Britain into decline and be replaced by another power? Are we seeing the first stages?
U.S. power waning
  1. World News & Trends - January/February 2011 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Jan 2011
U.S. presidency
  1. America's Revolution and the Bible (l) - Prior to the American Revolution, the American colonists were the most enthusiastic royalists in the English-speaking world. Why that changed is a fascinating story and a fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
  2. World Watches U.S. Post-Election Predicament (l) - The United States will continue to dominate the world in the immediate future because of God's will. When God withdraws His sustaining hand - and He surely will - the jealousy and anger of the nations hinted at in the above commentaries will be unleashed with a passion.
  3. How Significant Is the Race for the White House? (l) - The man Americans choose as their president Nov. 2 [204] "will affect the way we live in America for generations to come"
U.S. president
  1. Wrestling With God: A Political and Moral Dilemma (l) - The founding father envisioned a nation rooted in biblical values. What lies ahead if its roots are destroyed?
U.S. prisons
  1. World News and Trends - January/February 2007 (l) - World news. January 2007.
U.S. problems
  1. World News & Trends May 2010 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. May 2010
U.S. recession
  1. World News & Trends March/April 2010 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. March 2010
U.S. religion
  1. God's Mandate to America (l) - In light of President Bush's reelection, what should be the real focus of America's vision? What can we learn from the message God sent to Israel and Judah through the prophets? The message, or mandate, is radically different from what anyone really wants to consider.
  2. Is American Isolationism on the Rise? (l) - Americans show growing signs of wanting to withdraw from an increasingly complex and frightening world. Is the isolationism of earlier decades about to return? And what would the consequences be?
  3. World News Review March/April 2008 (l) - World news review. Feb. 2008
  4. Broken Cisterns (l) - More than 25 percent of American adults have left the faith of their childhood for another religion or no religion at all.
  5. What Will the Next President Face? (Part 3) (l) - The servants God sent to the kings of Israel and Judah had difficult roles. Their message was not popular, and they were often rejected as irrelevant to those who held power. Only a few of the kings of Judah listened to these men of God. But those kings who heeded the warnings--and the nation they led--experienced relative times of peace and prosperity. What did a good and wise ruler need to do to steer his people into a right path? Let's read on and see...
  6. Secular Humanism: Between the Ideal and the Lie (l) - Recent U.S. elections showed a nation strongly and sometimes bitterly divided over many issues, not least the basic direction of the country. What's behind the battle? The seeds were sown long ago.
  7. How Can a Leader Assure Peace, Prosperity and Protection? (l) - What should a good and wise ruler do to guide his people to the right path? Let's learn from the message God sent through one of His prophets.
  8. World News & Trends May 2009 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. May 2009
  9. In the News... July 2009 (l) - In the news - July 2009.
  10. World News & Trends Sept. 2009 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. September 2009.
  11. News and Trends That Affect Your Life (l) - Selected news stories from December 2009
  12. Why Preach the Gospel (When Most People Don't Want to Hear It)? (l) - It's a challenge, but one well worth the effort.
  13. Under God - or Going Under? (l) - Highlighting a growing problem in America today.
  14. Christopher Columbus and Jesus Christ (l) - Have you ever heard that Christopher Columbus gave God the credit for his journey to the New World?
  15. The Religious Roots of America's Founding Fathers (l) - Were the Founding Fathers of the United States believers in God and the Bible? Were they religious and devout men who believed in and did their best to follow Jesus Christ?
  16. Separation of Church and State? (l) - Some people believe that the U.S. Constitution forbids any connection between religion and government - or, as it's popularly known, separation of church and state. American history, however, clearly proves otherwise.
  17. Christianity on the Wane in America (l) - Whatever the direction of the nation as a whole, you individually can live a lawful life filled with hope.
  18. Hobby Lobby Decision Shows Current Conflicts (l) - The American company Hobby Lobby won a Supreme Court decision concerning mandated medical coverage that was included in the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare.
  19. America's War on God (l) - More evident than America's war on terror is a concerted effort to push God and His laws of morality out of the country's civic and personal life. Are you alert to the fight being waged? What side do you come down on?
  20. Government and the Gay Agenda (l) - Make no mistake -- sin is sin, and God's Word condemns all forms of sexual sin, including adultery, fornication and pornography. But what is especially shocking in modern society's war against God is how homosexual activity has gone from something practiced behind closed doors to being advocated by government and flaunted in Main Street parades. Does anyone care how God views this?
  21. Character Lessons From the Greatest Generation (l) - American newsman Tom Brokaw labeled them The Greatest Generation -- those Americans who grew up during the Great Depression and went on to establish American greatness during and just after World War II. But what character traits made them great?
  22. The Bible (l) - The opening of a Bible museum in the U.S. capital is stirring criticism among biblical skeptics. What do rising attacks on the Bible say about the values of modern culture and living a godly life?
  23. Current Events and Trends - May/June 2021 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the May/June 2021 issue of Beyond Today.
  24. God's Urgent Warning Message to You (l) - God sent an urgent warning message through Ezekiel to the nations of present-day Israel. Discover what this prophetic message includes and why it has vital significance for you.
  25. A Turning Point to Ruin or Resurgence? (l) - As 2025 begins, the return of Donald Trump to the U.S. presidency signals significant shifts amid growing global uncertainty and rising populist movements. In this issue of Beyond Today, we explore the current world scene, America's spiritual crossroads, and the urgent need for repentance and reliance on God in shaping our nations' futures.
  26. Election Year Religion (l) - God is "getting a lot of press" lately as the presidential candidates have brought religion into the campaign. Is the U.S. undergoing a significant change? Or are we witnessing politics as usual?
U.S. reputation
  1. The Humiliation of America and What It Means for You (l) - America is in trouble. For all its vaunted power, it has experienced grave challenges in dealing with a 30-year-old computer consultant who, following his conscience, deliberately leaked critical classified information.
U.S. retreat
  1. As America Retreats, a Dangerous World Emerges (l) - What happens when the world's policeman hangs up his badge and gun and retires into the sunset? We're beginning to get a sobering firsthand look.
U.S. revolution
  1. America's Revolution and the Bible (l) - Prior to the American Revolution, the American colonists were the most enthusiastic royalists in the English-speaking world. Why that changed is a fascinating story and a fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
U.S. role
  1. Why America? (l) - Why America? "The only answer is because destiny put you in this place in history in this moment in time, and the task is yours to do."
U.S. role in the world
  1. A Prophet, a President and a People (l) - The leading nations of the Western world stand at a crossroads. Which path will they take? What are the stakes? Could an ancient biblical prophet give us any insight?
U.S. security
  1. America's Military Decline: What Does It Mean? (l) - Ambitious and expensive government programs seriously endanger America's economic stability and add to the nation's already gargantuan national debt. The inevitable downside seems to be massive cuts in military spending. Where is this disturbing trend taking a troubled nation?
U.S. setbacks
  1. A Growing Confederacy Against Modern Israel (l) - Somalia is the latest nation to fall to the forces of radical Islam. Militant Muslims have also made advances elsewhere. Additionally, it's becoming clear that the Russians and the Chinese are acting against U.S. interests, even inviting Iran's leader to the Shanghai Cooperation Council meeting, while denying the United States observer status. Are we seeing a growing confederacy against the United States and Britain?
U.S. spending
  1. Gross Domestic Product: Is It the Measuring Stick of Success? (l) - If you look only at GDP, things might seem pretty good for the U.S. economy. But there are other factors to consider.
U.S. stability
  1. U.S. Election Crisis - End of Political Stability? (l) - Political stability is rare. It's essential that those countries that have found the way to enduring stability hold fast. Has the historical stability of the U.S. form of government begun to wane?
U.S. supremacy
  1. World Watches U.S. Post-Election Predicament (l) - The United States will continue to dominate the world in the immediate future because of God's will. When God withdraws His sustaining hand - and He surely will - the jealousy and anger of the nations hinted at in the above commentaries will be unleashed with a passion.
U.S. supreme court
  1. The U.S. Supreme Court: Presidential Decisions Impact National Morality (l) - The president's appointments to the Supreme Court may prove more important in the long run than trying to root out and find terrorists.
  2. Let Justice Run (l) - Many feel the courts abandoned their role as neutral observers in the culture wars. Major Supreme Court decisions, along with many others made by federal courts, are determining the social behavior and framework of the nation.
U.S. terrorism
  1. What's Behind Islamic Terror? (l) - The world is horrified by regular bloody terrorist attacks in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Such attacks have also been carried out in Western nations such as the United States, Britain and Spain. What's behind this blood-soaked trend, and where is it leading?
U.S. trade
  1. America's Economic Meltdown: What Does It Mean? (l) - Unemployment, debt and trade imbalances are soaring while the dollar's value is plummeting. What's behind the shocking economic meltdown in the United States? Does Bible prophecy help us understand?
  2. U.S. Troop Withdrawals -- What Do They Mean? (l) - President George W. Bush has announced significant U.S. troop withdrawals from Germany, Japan and South Korea. What's behind this development and what will it mean a few years from now?
  3. Deutschland AG Versus Corporate America (l) - No other country but the United States could get away with overspending on such a monumental scale.
  4. The Global Economy's Uncertain Future (l) - What lessons should we learn from Asia's economic difficulties?
  5. A Looming EU-U.S. Trade War? (l) - Recently articles like "Europe Plans Huge Trade War" and "Costs...Will Soar in a Trade War" hit the headlines in Britain again. What is their ultimate significance?
U.S. troop redeployment
  1. U.S. Troop Withdrawals -- What Do They Mean? (l) - President George W. Bush has announced significant U.S. troop withdrawals from Germany, Japan and South Korea. What's behind this development and what will it mean a few years from now?
U.S. values
  1. Trump Takes Over -- Now What? (l) - After eight years of liberal policies and programs dominating the American political and social scene, could a new presidential administration make a difference in America's direction?
U.S. violence
  1. A Dangerous New Trend (l) - Sobering headlines repeat the same sad story: Policemen are shot and killed, many by ambush, while others accuse them of brutality and excessive force. What does this say about American society?
U.S. vulnerability
  1. America's Handwriting of Warning (l) - In fulfilling His overall purpose, God has brought nations to their knees with one quick unexpected strike. He overthrew Babylon in one night through the Persian army. Egypt was crippled when its army went to the bottom of the Red Sea. Could America's global dominance end in similar fashion?
U.S. wealth
  1. (l) - Today the world still comes to Joseph. It was American ships, helicopters and troops that were among the first to provide aid and comfort for tsunami victims.
  2. Farewell to America as a Financial World Power (l) - A major shift in world financial power centers is on the horizon. America is on the decline, while Asia and Europe are on the rise.
  3. (l) - The U.S. economy is very large, very deep and very entrenched in the global world. It is not going away overnight.
U.S. weather
  1. Current Events and Trends - September/October 2021 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the September/October 2021 issue of Beyond Today.
U.S. wheat belt
  1. World News Review July 2004 (l) - Summary of world news - July 2004.
U.S. work hours
  1. When Do I Get a Break? (l) - Are you working more and relaxing less? Doing more but never getting everything done? Running here and there but only running yourself down? Maybe it's time you took a break!
U.S. youth
  1. Current Events & Trends - March/April 2024 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the March/April 2024 issue of Beyond Today.
U.S., blessing in
  1. Dealing With Fear (l) - "Do not be afraid of sudden terror, nor of trouble from the wicked when it comes".
U.S., perceptions of the
  1. 'Mr. Smith' Takes on Washington (l) - Perception is reality. People in the developing world often have an unrealistic view of America. The results can be deadly, as America pursues its foreign policy goals.
  1. The Church Behind This Publication (l) - The New Testament Church belongs to our heavenly Father and to His Son, Jesus Christ. Together they inspired the New Testament writers to refer to the Church with a name most English translations render as the "Church of God," which means it is a spiritual organism that belongs to God.
  1. Is There Life Out There? (l) - Will humanity's salvation come from outer space or does God have other plans?
  1. World News Review Nov 2000 (l) - World news review - Nov. 2000
UK and the European Union
  1. World News and Trends - March/April 2006 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. Mar/Apr 2006
UK religion
  1. World News & Trends Sept. 2009 (l) - An overview of conditions around the world. September 2009.
  1. Ghana's Election Signifies Progress for Africa (l) - In Ukraine and Iraq there are problems with the electoral process. But in Ghana's recent election, the Fourth Republic seems to be working. Why does democracy work in some countries but not in others?
  2. People in the Streets (l) - The quest for freedom; Common people, rising against tyranny and unjust government. It is a picture of people yearning for freedom to live and to love in peace and dignity, without another human depriving them that privilege
  3. Europe's Growing Energy Worries (l) - To what extent should the European Union be dependent on foreign sources of energy? That question is a matter of growing concern for EU leaders. Case in point: Natural gas.
  4. The Russian Bear Has Awakened (l) - While the world was distracted by the Olympic games in Beijing, Russia suddenly invaded Georgia, a staunch Western ally and possible future NATO member. What's behind Russia's muscle-flexing?
  5. Increasing Disorder Follows on Heels of U.S. Retreat (l) - A Wall Street Journal article stated at the outset of the new year: "The world is messy, and it is getting more so as the U.S. retreats from its role as the protector of global order. With civil wars, uprisings against governments and other bloody disputes proliferating, it can be hard to tell the good guys from the bad" ("Global Disorder Scorecard," Dec. 30, 2013).
  6. Feeble U.S. Stand Allows Russian Imperialism (l) - The United States increasingly appears impotent to affect policy and outcomes in other nations, even when national interests are at stake
  7. As America Retreats, a Dangerous World Emerges (l) - What happens when the world's policeman hangs up his badge and gun and retires into the sunset? We're beginning to get a sobering firsthand look.
  8. Are We in a Dangerous Age of Appeasement? (l) - Two significant powers, Russia and Iran, are throwing their weight around and taking over nearby territory. But rather than stand up to them, Western powers -- especially the United States -- meekly acquiesce. The parallels with the preâ€"World War II appeasement of Adolf Hitler are striking.
  9. The Russian Bear Reawakens (l) - Russia's recent actions in Ukraine follow a long history of imperialist oppression. Are these events leading the world back to the brink of nuclear extinction?
  10. Ukraine: A Personal Look at a Country in Crisis (l) - We should give attention to the ongoing crisis in Ukraine -- what's behind it, where it may lead and the terrible human toll being paid. Here is some needed perspective from one with personal ties to the region.
  11. Where Does Russia Fit in End-Time Bible Prophecy? (l) - More than two decades after the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia is very much back in the news -- and not in a good way. Recent aggressive moves are raising fears of a renewed Russian expansionism. How might this play out in Bible prophecy?
  12. Putin and Russia's Push for Power (l) - What's going on in Russia under the leadership of President Vladimir Putin?
  13. Current Events & Trends - March/April 2022 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the March/April 2022 issue of Beyond Today.
  14. Russia's Invasion of Ukraine (l) - Russia's brutal invasion of neighboring Ukraine has stunned the world and shocked Europe out of its long complacency. Does Bible prophecy shed any light on this?
  15. Current Events & Trends - March/April 2023 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the March/April 2023 issue of Beyond Today.
  16. The Global Impact of the U.S. Election (l) - Nations don't die all at once. Various factors contribute over time -- cultural shifts, economic challenges, political instability, external pressures. We are witnessing the decline of a great pow-er, America, long blessed by God as an exceptional nation and model for others. People around the world are watching this year's election. They know it will impact their future.
  17. World News Review August 1999 (l) - World news - August 1999
  18. The Horsemen of Revelation: The Black Horse of Famine (l) - The food-rich countries' potential to feed the entire planet makes it hard to imagine a famine extensive enough to thrust the earth into a global crisis. Yet the third seal of Revelation 6, employing the symbol of a black horse, describes just such a horrifying scene. How could this happen? What would be its consequences?
  19. Letters From Ukraine (l) - Diary of LifeNets' Chernobyl Trip 2003.
Ukraine and EU
  1. Russia Flexes its Muscles (l) - A feature article in the Financial Times quoted Georgian diplomat and foreign policy analyst Alexander Rondeli as joking "that while Russians may not be good at 'soft power' -- the art of attraction -- 'they know how to do soft blackmail'" (Neil Buckley and Roman Olearchyk, "Eastern Europe: Which Way to Turn?" Nov. 11, 2013).
Ukraine war
  1. A World in Transition ... to What? (l) - The world has been teetering on the brink of escalating tyranny, war, social instability and economic calamity. A new U.S. presidential administration and populist calls for change in other Western nations could lead to some pushback for a time. As Christians are to stay alert to what's happening in the world, we survey some major current conditions.
Ukraine, conditions in
  1. The Human Side of the Ukraine Tragedy (l) - Ukraine's current tragedy is one more sad chapter in a long history of invasion and oppression.
Ultimate reality
  1. Do You Know the Real Secret? (l) - Could you be affected by a popular but deceptive New Age teaching? What's at the heart of The Secret and The Law of Attraction? Does the Bible offer any insight and guidance?
  1. World News Review September/October 2000 (l) - World news - Sept 2000
Unanswered prayer
  1. When Things God Does Just Don't Make Sense (l) - Why can it seem that God is ignoring us when we're trapped in the pit of despair? What do we do when God just doesn't seem to make sense?
  2. When God Doesn't Make Sense (l) - Why does God allow children to get cancer? Why does He allow innocent people to be murdered in drive-by shootings? Why are good people sometimes killed in car accidents? Why doesn't God always answer prayers? Why can it seem that God is ignoring us when we're trapped in the pit of despair? What do we do when God just doesn't seem to make sense?
  3. Why Is God So Silent? (l) - We are instructed in the Bible to pray to God in all circumstances, but do we pray with the attitude "Your will be done"? God desires our trust and faith in Him to guide our lives along the path He has chosen.
  4. When God Says No (l) - We aren't always prepared for what life deals us or why God allows it. Here is one family's struggle to cope with loss.
Unbelievers, shunning
  1. Accepting Personal Responsibility (l) - In terms of Christian morality, what are some of our fundamental responsibilities?
  1. Relying on God in an Uncertain World! (l) - The apostle James also reminds us that we "do not know what will happen tomorrow". His sobering declaration underlines the natural state of our material world. It is an uncertain world.
  2. Going Safely Into the Unknown (l) - The year 2001 is now history and the world anxiously awaits the events of 2002.
  3. From the Editor - Good News Magazine Jan/Feb 2003 (l) - Why does God reveal what's going to happen? One reason is so we can be motivated to change. God doesn't want us to be caught on the wrong side of events as they unfold. Some will be, and they will suddenly be trapped like an animal caught in a snare (Luke 21:34-36).
Unchristian influences
  1. It's Only... It's Just... (l) - They are used again and again in our own lives. Our children especially use them, and we only hurt ourselves when we allow them to control us. What are they?
Unclean animals
  1. God's Food Laws (l) - God is concerned for the day-to-day welfare of His people.
  2. Not Only a Matter of Diet (l) - Well into the time of the early Church we find Christ's followers scrupulously avoiding eating animal flesh that God had revealed as being unclean (Acts 10:14; 11:8). Prophecies of the time of the end make the same distinctions (Revelation 18:2; Isaiah 66:15-17).
  3. Which Animals Does the Bible Designate as 'Clean' and 'Unclean'? (l) - God reveals which animals-including fish and birds-are suitable and unsuitable for human consumption in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14. Although the lists aren't exhaustive, He reveals guidelines for recognizing animals that are acceptable for food.
Unclean food
  1. Eating Choices - Does God Care? (l) - Vertical Thought discusses God's involvement in our eating habits with Hope Egan, author of Holy Cow! Does God Care About What We Eat? In her book, Ms. Egan invites readers to look at their eating habits by examining the meat-related biblical food laws and God's overall design for healthy eating.
  2. Oyster Filter (l) - A living purification project is planting new beds of oysters in New York Harbor in order to filter and clean pollution in the busy waters of the city.
  3. What Does the Bible Teach About Clean and Unclean Meats? (l) - Many people have misconceptions about the biblical teaching on clean and unclean meats. What does Scripture really reveal on this subject, and what principles lie behind this teaching?
Unclean meat
  1. In the News Jul/Sep 2006 (l) - World news - July 2006.
  2. Clean and Unclean Meats: Does God's Word Draw a Distinction? (l) - Many people have misconceptions about the biblical teaching on clean and unclean meats. What does Scripture really reveal on this subject?
Unclean meats
  1. Does Romans 14 Abolish Laws on Unclean Meats? (l) - Many believe Romans 14 says that Christians are free from all former restrictions regarding the meats they may eat.
  2. Understanding 'Unclean' in Romans 14 (l) - Understanding 'Unclean' in Romans 14.
  3. What Does the Bible Teach About Clean and Unclean Meats? (l) - Many people have misconceptions about the biblical teaching on clean and unclean meats. What does Scripture really reveal on this subject, and what principles lie behind this teaching?
  4. Does the New Testament Abolish Meat Distinctions? (l) - Some people believe that certain New Testament scriptures remove all distinctions between clean and unclean meats. But what do these passages really say?
  5. Did Jesus Declare All Meats Clean? (l) - Many assume Jesus' statements in Mark 7 did away with the dietary restrictions recorded in the Old Testament. How should we understand Christ's words?
Unconditional love
  1. Is God's Grace an Unconditional Guarantee of Salvation? (l) - How can God love us unconditionally and then require conditions we must meet to have a relationship with Him?
Under God
  1. Under God - or Going Under? (l) - Highlighting a growing problem in America today.
  1. Food Insecurity in a Hungry World (l) - Starvation, malnutrition and consequent diseases are an all-too-familiar fixture in today's world. This article reports on the current situation and looks through the window of prophecy at the future. The present is bleak, but the future is fabulous!
Understand the Bible
  1. Learn, Live and Love the Bible (l) - God's Word discusses several tools we can use to grow spiritually and build our relationship with our Creator. In this second article in a series on tools for spiritual growth, we examine the foundational tool of Bible reading and study.
  2. What Does the Bible Really Say? (l) - Common suppositions about the Bible, versus what it really says.
  3. Keys to Unlocking Understanding of the Bible (l) - Here are some guidelines to serious study of God's word.
  1. Take a Listening Heart to the Feast (l) - When you see or hear the word "feast," what comes to mind? To members of our Church, the word relates to a wonderful yearly festival, the biblical observance of the Feast of Tabernacles.
  2. How Do You Measure Success? (l) - "Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding."
  3. The Danger of Distraction (l) - In spite of all the information inundating society, most lack the knowledge that's most important.
  4. Excuse My Accent - Language Skills (l) - A study by the University of Manchester in England and Radboud University in the Netherlands found that people automatically try to mimic the accent of another person.
  5. Proverbs: Better to Gain Wisdom than Gold (l) - Wisdom that sticks with you - straight from God's Word.
  6. How Do I Truly Know If God Is Calling Me? (l) - Jesus made it clear that no one can come to Him unless God the Father draws him (John 6:44; John 6:65). And the apostle James later told us that as we draw near to God, He will draw near to us (James 4:8). The apostle Paul pointed out that we are called by the gospel -- the good news of the Kingdom of God (2 Thessalonians 2:14).
  7. Our Window of Opportunity (l) - In our information age we sadly lack the most vital information of all, the knowledge of God. He wants to reveal it to us, but we must be willing to accept it and do some digging ourselves.
  8. Knowledge and Understanding - Or Meaningless Information (l) - The inspired Word of God stands as the solid source of all right knowledge. The Bible provides the proper framework of the essential knowledge through which all other useful information is properly understood.
  9. (l) - ABC is a program designed to throughly cover basic biblical doctrines and lead students systematically through the Bible.
  10. Fire, Ready, Aim -- Huh? (l) - It's been said of old that "there are three items that don't come back -- a spent arrow, a spoken word and a lost opportunity." Is this simply a trite phrase of days gone by or is there a powerful lesson for us to consider?
Understanding prophecy
  1. What Manner of Person Should You Be? (l) - Why are you interested in prophecy? Is your goal to decipher all the obscure biblical prophecies that await fulfillment? Be careful. God's purpose for prophecy may be different than yours.
  2. A Prophecy Lesson: What Manner of Person Should You Be? (l) - Why are you interested in prophecy? Is your goal to decipher all the obscure biblical prophecies that await fulfillment? If so, be careful-God's purpose for prophecy may be different from yours.
Understanding scripture
  1. How Should We Understand Scripture? (l) - All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work" (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
Understanding the Bible
  1. Live by Every Word of God (l) - How could people ignore and dismiss what was clearly stated in God's Word and instead choose worship practices and customs that are not approved in the Bible, but are actually repeatedly condemned in it?
Understanding women
  1. What Guys Should Know Before Marriage (l) - If you don't know what you want in life, how will you know if you found the person to join you on this journey?
Understanding world news
  1. How Can You Understand the Rapidly Changing World Scene? (l) - The staff that produces The Good News magazine obviously plays no role in determining either Israeli or American foreign policy. We have no crystal ball to foresee day-to-day or month-to-month occurrences. What we do bring to our readers is basic prophetic insight, based on the Bible, making assessment of significant global events and trends much easier.
Understanding, true
  1. The Holy Spirit in the Church (l) - Only those who have God the Father and Jesus the Son dwelling in them through the power of the Holy Spirit are considered "children of God."
  1. I Am Really Struggling Right Now to Find Work. (l) - I have a severe back problem, which keeps me from doing construction work. I am also unable to collect unemployment, unable to find work and have a mortgage on my house and bills to pay.
  1. Germany's Record Unemployment and Political Change (l) - Reaching the 5 million unemployed mark had an immediate impact on Germany's national confidence. In a poll taken a couple of days after the unemployment figures were released, 85 percent of the Germans surveyed expressed concern for their personal future.
  2. Planning Your Career for Tough Times (l) - Conducting your own informational interviews is a good way to become more knowledgeable and comfortable in meeting with professionals.
  3. Europe's "Lost Generation" (l) - While many economic experts have focused on the Greek debt crisis and the future of the euro, the plight of unemployed youth in Europe has received less attention. Rising numbers may embrace political extremism.
  4. Finding Work In A Tough Economy: Real-Life Examples (l) - The lives of two men provide valuable lessons in getting and keeping a job when times are tough.
  5. VT Interview: Job Search Success (l) - In today's difficult economic times, young adults need outstanding job search skills. We spoke with Brian Krueger, an expert in the field.
  6. Coronavirus Fallout: the Economic Impact (l) - Pandemic-related business shutdowns caused unprecedented damage to the U.S. and world economy. Here's an overview of some of the damage done.
  1. Moving Beyond Our Human Strategies (l) - We have a limited perspective when it comes to setting our own course in life. We must learn to expect by the unexpected from a God who presents us with hard challenges -- and the direction and means to meet them and press on.
  1. What Can You Do When Life Isn't Fair? (l) - Unfairness seems to pervade life. When unfair circumstances affect you, how can you best respond?
  2. God is Always Fair (l) - Recognizing that all is not fair in this life is vastly different from accusing God of being unfair.
Ungodly West
  1. When Terror Strikes (l) - In Paris and San Bernardino, people were going about their everyday lives. Little did they know that within a matter of minutes, dozens would be killed or maimed in vicious terrorist attacks. What do we need to learn from these horrific events?
  1. Appendix 9: The Lion and the Unicorn (l) - Britain's heraldic imagery takes on great significance in light of the true biblical identity of the British people and their royal family.
Unification of Europe
  1. The German Election: the Other Side of the Story (l) - The Jewish Chronicle stated in a front-page article, "Angela Merkel's historic third election victory was warmly greeted by European leaders this week" (Simon Rocker, "Board Welcomes Angela Merkel," Sept. 24, 2013).
  1. Noah's Flood: Did the Noachian Flood Cause Global Catastrophe? (l) - when the geologic strata and the fossil record are interpreted in light of what the Bible reveals, it becomes plain that many of the layered sedimentary rocks were in fact deposited in rapid succession rather than over eons of time (as evolutionists have long claimed).
  1. Do Some Verses Deny a Divine Family? (l) - As this booklet explains, the Bible reveals that the one God is a family, presently consisting of God the Father and God the Son, Jesus Christ. And God is in the process of adding to the divine family multitudes of others - eventually all human beings who are willing and who faithfully choose to follow God's way.
United Arab Emirates
  1. A Small Port in a Larger Storm (l) - Today's global order is only the latest attempt to bring about world peace through human economic systems.
  2. World News Review June 2000 (l) - World news review - June 2000
United Church of God
  1. Questions and Answers - Sep/Oct 2005 (l) - Questions and answers from readers of the Good News magazine; Sept 2005
  2. Preface (l) - We consider the teaching of these beliefs to be critical to building on the right foundation of a proper reverence for God's Word, especially as revealed in Jesus Christ.
  3. The Church Behind This Publication (l) - The New Testament Church belongs to our heavenly Father and to His Son, Jesus Christ. Together they inspired the New Testament writers to refer to the Church with a name most English translations render as the "Church of God," which means it is a spiritual organism that belongs to God.
  4. Responsible Stewardship and Accountability (l) - The Bible repeatedly emphasizes that God's servants are to be wise stewards and managers over the resources He provides.
  5. Introduction: The United Church of God (l) - The mission of the United Church of God is to proclaim to the world the little-understood gospel taught by Jesus Christ-the good news of the coming Kingdom of God-and to prepare a people for that Kingdom. This message not only offers great hope for all of humanity, but encompasses the purpose of human existence-why we are here and where our world is headed.
  6. What Does Our Name Signify? (l) - The name of the United Church of God, an International Association, signifies that we are united in our commitment to faithfully follow the way of life and mission for the Church revealed and established by God and His Son, Jesus Christ, in the Holy Scriptures.
  7. Reader Helps (l) - An offer of personal correspondence to help with Bible study.
  8. What Now? (l) - Is God calling you to His Church? Following up on the Bible Study Course.
  9. What Next? (l) - If you desire personal counseling, you may contact a minister in your area.
  10. Questions and Answers - Jul/Aug 2003 (l) - Here are some comments and letters from readers of the Good News.
United Europe
  1. (l) - "This [E.U.] constitution shall have primacy over the laws of the Member states". If that isn't a formula for ceding of national sovereignty to Brussels, what is?
  2. Berlin - Europe's Future Political Capital? (l) - British correspondent Gerhard Marx visited the German capital in mid-June. Here is his timely historical and prophetic analysis.
  3. Who Will Be the Next Superpower? (2008) (l) - Bible prophecy shows the United States will not be the world's preeminent power indefinitely. A new superpower is rising to challenge the United States and the other English-speaking nations.
  4. An Overview of Conditions Around the World - Nov/Dec 2002 (l) - Here is an overview of conditions around the world.
  5. The Rise and Fall of Empires (5/2004) (l) - Europeans have worked toward a united Europe. Dreams of it go back 2,000 years to the Roman Empire, and regular efforts have been made to revive that empire along with its might and glory.
  6. Who Will Be the Next Superpower? (l) - The rise and fall of empires isn't a dry subject only for acedemics and historians-epsecially when the nexy collapsing empire maybe today's Superpower, the United States.
United Kingdom
  1. Scottish Vote Highlights UK Divisions (l) - On Sept. 18, 2014, Scotland's voters decided to remain a part of the United Kingdom -- at least for now. It was a long and emotional campaign. Deep divisions between Scotland and England were exposed. The union remains, but it has taken a beating.
  2. The Scottish Question (l) - Scotland has voted to establish its own national parliament. What does this mean for the future of the United Kingdom?
United Nations
  1. DisUnited Nations: Why Can't Man's Best Efforts Bring Peace? (l) - British statesman Winston Churchill, soon after its creation, wondered whether the United Nations would be "a true temple of peace" or "a cockpit in a Tower of Babel." Sixty years after its creation we still wonder whether it will fulfill its lofty goals and whether mankind will ever find lasting peace.
  2. UN's Millennium Goals: How Do They Compare to God's? (l) - In 2000 the United Nations established "Millennium Development Goals" to eliminate extreme poverty and hunger; reduce disease, child mortality and malnutrition; and to improve education, personal incomes and opportunities, housing and sanitation worldwide by the year 2015. All 191 UN member states have pledged to meet these goals. While admirable aspirations, how do they compare to what God promises for the future?
  3. World News and Trends - Mar/Apr 2003 (l) - After the devastating terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, homeland security became a top priority for the United States. Yet, at the same time, it seems to be overlooking the most important aspect of its safety, and the risk is incalculable. What is this crucial component of any people's long-term security?
  4. When Is Enough...Enough? (l) - Continuing to ignore the fundamental laws of God creates a state of unrighteousness for which God will demand an accounting. God is a God of judgment. At some point He will say, "Enough is enough!"
  5. Is There "Just Cause" for Nations to Intervene in the Affairs of Other Nations? (l) - Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon considers Iran to be as dangerous as Iraq and a "center of world terror." Why should this be so?
  6. The Coming Clash Between Europe and America (l) - While the United States is focused on its war on terror and conflict with Iraq, new threats continue to emerge of which Americans are largely oblivious.
United States of Europe
  1. The United States of Europe - A Growing Threat to American Interests (l) - Americans remain largely unaware of the European Union, now the world's biggest single economy and most powerful trading system. Bible prophecy shows that a closer union of European nations will soon be upon us.
  2. Where Is the Europe-U.S. Divide Leading? (l) - Much of Europe has long chafed at the United States' global preeminence. In recent decades Europe has dreamed of a European superpower to challenge U.S. dominance--now coming to fruition in the European Union. Three recent books help explain European thinking and resentment toward the United States, and Bible prophecy shows where it will ultimately lead.
  3. An Overview of Conditions Around the World - May/Jun 2001 (l) - A brief synopsis of world events. May/June 2001
United Youth Camps
  1. Take a Vacation from the World - Part 2 (l) - Soaking up the world of summer camp!
  2. Why I Serve at United Youth Camps (l) - Each year around 400 staff positions at United Youth Camps are filled by volunteers, including many young adults. United Youth Camps owe them a debt of gratitude for their willing service. Here are a few responses from young adults to the question of why they take the time off from work or classes and volunteer their time to serve at camp.
United Youth Corps
  1. "Waiting on the World to Change" (l) - "Me and all my friends, we're all misunderstood They say we stand for nothing, there's no way we ever could Now we see everything is going wrong with the world and those who lead it We just feel like we don't have the means to rise above and beat it So we keep waiting, waiting on the world to change . . ."
  2. Serving in the Middle East (l) - God's intent is to have His people live what they believe and not merely preach it.
  3. WIIFM - What's In It For Me? (l) - It sounds like it could be a local radio station, but WIIFM is actually the acronym for a question many people are asking today.
  1. Peace and Unity in Christ (l) - All man-made barriers must be "broken down" before mankind can enjoy the peace and unity for which Christ died.
  2. Held Together by a Spiritual Thread (l) - God has called us to be part of something bigger than ourselves -- family -- a Church family now, then God's family at the return of Jesus Christ. Life in our Church family can prepare us for that millennial family.
Unity of church
  1. How Is God One? (l) - There is only one God, just as there is only one human race -- one extended family descended from Adam of presently about six billion individuals. Just the same, the one divine family -- the family of God -- is open to an unlimited number of members.
Unity of God
  1. "The Lord Our God, the Lord Is One" (l) - "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one!" This simple declaration by Moses in Deuteronomy 6:4, beginning what is now commonly referred to as the Shema (pronounced sh'MAH, Hebrew for "Hear"), has caused considerable consternation to many who try to understand who and what God is.
  2. How Is God One? (l) - There is only one God, just as there is only one human race -- one extended family descended from Adam of presently about six billion individuals. Just the same, the one divine family -- the family of God -- is open to an unlimited number of members.
Universal flood
  1. Was There Enough Water? (l) - Some critics of a universal flood have claimed that sufficient water simply wasn't available to cover the mountains as the Bible describes. "And the waters prevailed exceedingly on the earth, and all the high hills under the whole heaven were covered" (Genesis 7:19).
Universal language
  1. Reengineering Babel (l) - Language is tricky business. Global corporations and the European Union have turned to translation technology to bring breakthroughs in the language barriers laid down at Babel.
Universal peace
  1. Making Sense of a Fragmenting World (l) - Terrorist alerts...war with Iraq...the "axis of evil." How can we make sense of it all?
Universal salvation
  1. Ezekiel's Vision of the Valley of Dry Bones: What Does It Mean? (l) - The prophet Ezekiel saw a vision of vast numbers of people resurrected to live again as physical human beings. What is the meaning of this mystifying vision, and what does it teach us about God's plan?
  2. God's Purpose for Mankind (l) - God's purpose for mankind is to prepare those whom He calls to possess God's Kingdom and become kings and priests reigning with Christ at His return. We believe that the reason for mankind's existence is literally to be born as spirit beings into the family of God
  3. The Last Great Day (l) - The eighth day is the Last Great Day of the fall festival season, and it represents the final, or seventh, step in God's plan of salvation.
  4. God's Promise of a New Era (l) - God has a long-range plan for changing human nature and reopening the door for all of humanity to receive His Spirit.
  5. No Man Left Behind (l) - Billons of men, women and children have lived and died without ever knowing the true God or His way of life. What happens to them? Are they condemned to an eternity of suffering in hellfire? Or does God have a plan in which no one is left behind?
  1. A Long Time From Now in a Galaxy Far, Far Away... (l) - Science fiction movies portray intelligent life already living on other planets and in other galaxies. Could it be true? If not, then why did God create such a vast universe?
  2. Our Privileged Place in the Universe (l) - A Good News Interview With Dr. Jay Richards.
  3. The Story of the Stars and Matter (l) - Scientific studies of the heavens and the world around us reveal fascinating details about the earth's history and destiny.
  4. The Glory of God -- A Brief Moment in Reflection (l) - God's guiding hand can be seen in the smallest (and largest!) things in the universe.
  5. Higgs Boson: Evidence for Universe's Fine-Tuning (l) - It made big news when, on July 4, 2012, scientists of the European nuclear research organization CERN announced with a 99.99 percent certainty that they had found the elusive Higgs boson, the last particle needed to confirm the theory of the Standard Model of particle physics.
  6. The Beginning of the Universe (l) - Has the universe always existed, or at some definite point in time, did it have a beginning?
  7. Evidence All Around Us (l) - The precision of our universe is not the result of an accident. It is the product of a meticulous Creator and Lawgiver, the universe's Master Watchmaker.
  8. Meet God (l) - The Bible claims to be the Word of God Himself. This is where He has revealed Himself as the Creator and shown the purpose for His creation.
  9. The Grandeur of Almighty God (l) - When the prophets of the Old Testament Scriptures and the apostles of the New Testament experienced God, to a man they saw themselves as utterly inadequate in comparison.
  10. Sound Science and the Bible (l) - Do They Conflict? Science has advanced a great deal since the days of Darwin. If we knew then what we know now, would some of today's bad science -- rooted in flawed philosophy rather than firm facts -- have ever been believed and accepted?
  11. Current Events & Trends May/June 2019 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the May/June 2019 issue of Beyond Today.
  12. A God-Centered Universe (l) - Human history is filled with misguided views of the universe. The heart of the problem is man's failure to understand that God is at its center!
  13. Proof of God's Word Through the Universe (l) - The Bible is in the crosshairs at school, in education and in the media. Can you prove whether it is truly the inspired Word of God? Remarkably, the latest discoveries from the James Webb Space Telescope point us back to the revealed Word of the Creator.
  14. Coming: Heaven on Earth (l) - The latest research of science and the Bible shows God has big plans for planet earth.
Universe and evolution
  1. Science and Discomfiting Discoveries (l) - The scientist's pursuit of the past ends in the moment of creation. This is an exceedingly strange development, unexpected by all but the theologians.
Universe, grandeur of
  1. An Incredible Universe (l) - I might only be dust, but I am dust with a purpose. What an incredible opportunity! What an incredible universe -- and what an incredible mind behind it!
Universe, meaning of
  1. Does the Universe Have Meaning and Purpose? (l) - The minds of many of the intelligentsia of this world are blind to the awesome significance of the universe and how it fits into God's great plan and purpose for humanity.
Universe, origin of the
  1. The Bible and Astronomy (l) - The origin of our universe and its role in providing a place for mankind to dwell.
  2. Creation Or Evolution: Does It Really Matter What You Believe? (l) - Why has evolution become so widely accepted, and why has the Bible come to be viewed with such hostility? What has changed?
  3. Asking the Crucial Questions (l) - Evidence of God's existence is available. Let's look at some of the evidence, asking and answering questions so basic to our search for meaning and purpose.
  4. The Giver of Life (l) - When you understand that God is the Lifegiver who created man for His own special purpose, with the potential of immortality, life takes on meaning far greater than the empty purposelessness inherent in a faith in evolution.
  5. Evolution or Creation: Does It Really Matter? (l) - Is Evolution true?
Universe, size of
  1. Grasping the Vastness of Our Universe (l) - Robert Jastrow, a former head of NASA's Goddard Center, once used a clever comparison to help us grasp the immensity of the universe.
University life
  1. Christian Through College (l) - Many young people have successfully retained their Christian beliefs while obtaining a degree. Here's how.
Unknown god
  1. Can You Believe the Bible? (l) - Both God and the Bible have long been under attack. What are some of the motives of critics? And, far more important, what does the evidence dug from the dust of the Middle East reveal?
  2. Unknown God (l) - Study the history of any human society down through the ages and you will find some kind of belief in a supernatural god or a multitude of gods intertwined into the culture.
Unknown soldiers
  1. Known But to God (l) - Until the time of the resurrection God has commissioned us to walk a walk of honor and respect towards Him, who alone knows each of them and each of us.
Unleavened Bread
  1. What Does the Feast of Unleavened Bread Mean for Christians? (l) - Central to our understanding of the biblical Feast of Unleavened Bread is the realization that the resurrected Jesus Christ lives His life in every individual Christian.
  2. What Does the Feast of Unleavened Bread Mean for Christians? (l) - Central to our understanding of the biblical Feast of Unleavened Bread is the realization that the resurrected Jesus Christ lives His life in every individual Christian.
  3. Leaven: Seeing Ourselves in the Story (l) - God can show us the leavening -- the sin -- in our lives. But we must be open and receptive to His correction.
  4. America's Hope for Recovery: Real or Merely an Illusion? (l) - Has America dodged the bullet? Has the economy turned around? Will government intervention save the day? Will the country soon wake up from its financial nightmare and find that everything has returned to normal?
  5. God's Feasts Answer the Big Questions - Part 1 (l) - Just as teachers prepare lesson plans for their students, God, through His feasts, provides a lesson plan for humanity.
  6. How Much Do You Know About the Biblical Feast of Unleavened Bread? (l) - Millions of people celebrate Easter in commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus never observed Easter, but He did celebrate the biblical Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread. What relevance do these days have for Christians today?
  7. Some Suggest that the Apostle Paul Claimed that the Weekly Sabbath and Biblical Holy Days had been Abolished (l) - However, if Christmas and Easter weren't introduced until several centuries after his death, what Holy Days did Paul observe?
  8. Are You Ready to Change? (l) - Would you like to change your life? Your Creator offers the ultimate change for the better - total transformation to the most rewarding life possible.
  9. Symbolism in God's Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread (l) - God has given us two connected annual festivals in early spring (in the northern hemisphere) that we definitely are to observe as Christians, even as Jesus and the apostles did -- Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread.
  10. Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread Point Directly to Jesus Christ as Savior (l) - When studying about the right alternative to the Easter tradition -- the biblical Passover and Festival of Unleavened Bread -- there's a very important question you should ask: What would Jesus do?
  11. TheKeys to Humanity's Future: Feast of Unleavened Bread (l) - The Feast of Unleavened Bread, the second of God's annual festivals, represents the second step in God's plan for our redemption. Its main focus is on Christ as our Deliverer, our Savior. Therefore it is a thoroughly Christian festival.
  12. Lessons of the Passover Bread (l) - On the night before His death, Jesus Christ shared unleavened bread with His disciples, telling them to repeat this every year in remembrance. What did this bread symbolize? What lessons are Christians to learn from it?
  13. Yeast, Unleavened Bread and Pride (l) - The Days of Unleavened Bread are not just about avoiding bread and yeast. They teach us to receive God's nature and resist self-centeredness and spreading sin.
  14. Why Should Christians Celebrate the Feast of Unleavened Bread? (l) - The apostle Paul told Christians to keep this festival. What does the Feast of Unleavened Bread mean for Christians today?
  15. The Lesson of the Feast of Unleavened Bread (l) - The road to true freedom.
  16. Less Than Perfect (l) - Spiritual growth is serious business. Our Christian calling requires striving for perfection.
  17. Unleavened Recipes (l) - Thanks for all the delicious recipes sent in by our readers. Let us know what your favorites are!
  18. Jericho: The Lesson of Not Coming Into Sin (l) - Ancient Israel had to learn a painful tragic lesson at Jericho. What should Christians today learn from their experience?
  19. Trial by Tile (l) - A small cleaning job turned into a big repair job ... and a reminder of something deeper.
  20. The Feast of Unleavened Bread (l) - Millions of people celebrate Easter in commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus never observed Easter, but there are a series of special days He celebrated while on earth. These days included the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. What relevance do these days have for Christians today?
Unleavened Bread, Feast of
  1. The Lesson of the Feast of Unleavened Bread (l) - The road to true freedom.
Unleavened recipes
  1. Unleavened Recipes (l) - Thanks for all the delicious recipes sent in by our readers. Let us know what your favorites are!
Unmarried births
  1. World News and Trends - January/February 2007 (l) - World news. January 2007.
Unmarried rate
  1. Does Marriage Really Matter? (l) - Traditional marriages-those between one man and one woman-are facing increasing pressures from many directions. Does marriage really matter? Just how important is it? What does the Bible say?
Unplanned pregnancy
  1. A Lesson About Life From Mary (l) - We can learn a significant lesson about human life (and its implications for abortion) by examining the most unique pregnancy in all of history -- the birth of Christ to a young woman named Mary. Some of the main elements we see in today's debate about abortion are found here.
  1. Will the Torment of the Wicked Last Forever? (l) - Will the wicked be tormented forever in hell?
  1. The Concepts of Sin in the New Testament (l) - examining the many Greek words defining the concepts of sin expands our understanding of sin and how it affects us
  1. Enough! (l) - Are we grateful for what we have, or are we consumed with desire for what we do not have?
  1. Thankless Self-Absorption: One for Whom the World Was Not Enough (l) - Alexander the Great's life was marked by the constant craving for more. Impossible as it seems, the entire world was not enough for him.
  2. Kindness: From the Heart to the Helping Hand (l) - God's nature is that of incredible loving-kindness toward all people. And He will kindly help His followers cultivate the much-needed fruit of godly kindness.
Unwanted pregnancy
  1. Heartbeats Never Lie (l) - Unwanted pregnancies can be painful on many levels for all involved. What can you do if you find yourself or a loved one in this situation?
Upside down
  1. Don't Stand on Your Head! (l) - A recent cellular phone commercial shows a man hanging upside down. This metaphor of our modern world goes all the way back to the first century, when the apostle Paul showed that the truth could turn things around.
  1. Blessings of Abraham (Part 1 of 4) (l) - Abraham came from "Rrr" of the Chaldees -- this is how my grandson likes to say it, but there is much more to learn about Abraham than from where he came.
Urban war zone
  1. Couldn't Get It Out of My Head (l) - Ezekiel 9:4 speaks of God separating to Himself a people "who sigh and cry over all the abominations that are done within it." Christ picks up this thought during His earthly ministry when He comments in Matthew 5:4, "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted."
  1. World News Review March/April 2008 (l) - World news review. Feb. 2008
  2. The Empty Nest (l) - Society has changed a great deal ever since farming stopped being the norm for families. But how has the family dynamic changed as a result?
  1. The Element of Surprise (l) - Included in the many end-time prophecies is an often-overlooked element that stands as a powerful warning in addition to the events to take place. Why is it people will be absolutely stunned by the suddenness of prophecies being fulfilled, and what can we learn from this lesson?
  2. 'Watch Therefore, and Pray Always' (l) - These words of Jesus Christ underscore the importance of a right understanding of Bible prophecy and show the need for action on our part-beginning with personal repentance.
  3. Why World News and Prophecy? (l) - When the sense of urgency diminishes from the message of the church, the zeal of the people fades accordingly.
US and Britain
  1. 5. The United States and Great Britain will Fall with the State of Israel (l) - "Israel" was the new name God gave the biblical patriarch Jacob in Genesis 32. The 12 tribes of Israel were descended from his 12 sons. These tribes later formed a united kingdom.
US military
  1. Current Events & Trends - September/October 2022 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the September/October 2022 issue of Beyond Today.
Uses of tobacco
  1. Why Did God Create Tobacco? (l) - Is there a positive reason for God to have created a plant that causes so much death?
  1. 100 Years of Communism (l) - A century has passed since the 1917 October Revolution that led to the birth of the Soviet Union and a worldwide communist movement. How did that revolution come about, and what were its fruits? What lessons should mankind learn from this failed attempt to create a utopia?
  2. The Soviet Union - The Dream and the Reality (l) - I grew up in the Soviet Union and experienced it firsthand. The system was founded on the dream of a worker's paradise where all would share and every need would be met. So why did it fail?
  1. Balkan Floods Wash Up Landmines and Memories (l) - Just before the 100th anniversary of World War I, which covered the Balkan Peninsula in violence, the region was covered in floodwaters.
  1. Future Visions: The Wonderful World Beyond Today (l) - Will science create a gleaming utopia of peace and happiness for all? Or does a nightmarish world await us? Futurists offer a variety of conflicting visions. But is there a way to foresee what it will really be like in the world beyond today?
  2. A Return to Eden: An End to Hunger and Disease (l) - The plight of the sick, poor and hungry makes us long for the day when a real utopia will spread around the earth!
  3. (l) - The ideal of a "peaceable kingdom" has held men's imaginations for centuries. Many efforts have been made to create a perfect utopia. How will it come-by human effort or by the power of God?
  4. Not by Might nor by Power (l) - No system created by man has brought about the utopian world promised by God through the prophets of the Bible.
  5. Real Utopia Is Coming to Earth! (l) - Humanity is bringing our planet to the point of destruction, but the Bible shows that Jesus Christ will intervene. How will His government, laws and citizens change the world? What will the wonderful benefits of the Kingdom of God be?
  6. Living the Dream (l) - Over the centuries mankind has tried to build human utopias, but all have failed. One day all of humanity will be living a life that many can only dream about today. How will that come about?
  7. Discovering the Great Unknown: Our Incredible Human Potential (l) - The Bible tells us that the converted servants or "saints" of God will participate in the management of His creation! Restoration and right rulership of this earth are an integral part of God's master plan!
  8. Current Events & Trends - September/October 2024 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the September/October 2024 issue of Beyond Today.
  9. A Day in the Kingdom of God (l) - A personal reflection on a day yet to come -- in a wonderful world tomorrow.
  10. (l) - The changing world order. December 2001.
  11. The Millennium, an Eternal Idea (l) - The teaching of the Millennium, which dates from the earliest statements in the Bible, continues to hold the imagination of many despite the attempts to stamp out and destroy it.
  12. (l) - Bible prophecy is twofold in nature. It promises punishment for transgressions of divine law. But it also encourages mankind by promising a golden age of peace, prosperity and plenty.
  13. (l) - What does the Bible really say about the millennium, the prophisied 1,000-year reign of Jesus Christ? Is it a fantasy or a promise on which you can stake your future?
  14. Why a Human Utopia Won't Happen (l) - Humanity has long dreamed of creating a utopia on earth, but all our efforts have crumbled. But Why? Few understand the reason human attempts to form a lasting utopian society have always failed.
  15. Utopia: Fantasy or Future Reality? (l) - The idea of a perfect human society has intrigued and excited visionaries and philosophers for centuries. Mankind has tried many kinds of governments throughout history, but utopia remains an elusive dream, seemingly forever out of reach. Will a perfect world remain an unattainable fantasy, or is it part of our common human destiny?
Utopia attempts
  1. Not by Might or by Power (l) - The ideal of a "peaceable kingdom" has held men's imaginations for centuries. Many efforts have been made to create this perfect utopia. How will it come - by human effort or by the power of God?

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