Information Related to "Learning About the Opposite Sex"
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our earliest days, most of us have an interesting learning curve when
it comes to understanding the opposite sex. As infants we're clueless.
Then we discover other people in our world—some of whom
are boys and others are girls. At first this knowledge doesn't seem to
be all that important. It's just more information—like learning vocabulary
Soon, however, we discover that the opposite sex really is different.
Boys learn that girls generally don't like all the same kinds of games
as they do and girls conclude that most boys aren't interested in all the
things they are. As elementary school students these differences generally
cause us to go our separate ways. Girls think boys are stupid and boys
think girls have cooties—whatever those are. And the sexes keep their
distance from one another, only meeting and talking when necessary.
Then a remarkable transition occurs. As we begin to enter our teenage years, we become physically capable of reproducing sexually. The time when this first occurs is called puberty. As we mature into this stage of life, the opposite sex suddenly becomes intensely interesting. Our differences intrigue and captivate us. But what do we do with this newfound curiosity? I have heard parents jokingly say the best thing to do with teens is tie them to chairs until they get through puberty. That may seem funny to an adult--but not to a teen!
As teens, we are bursting with energy and can't wait to become adults. We want to know things and experience things. We can't wait until we are old enough to have adult privileges. And along this path of maturity, there always seems to be this opposite sex beckoning our attention.
The attraction that we have for the opposite sex is the way God made us. From the beginning, He noted that making us male and female was "very good" (Genesis 1:27,31). In creating the sexes with an attraction for each other, God insured that the human race would survive and provided the basis for great happiness within marriage if we follow His instructions. Those who violate God's teaching experience heartache and grief.
In this issue of Youth United, we share with you some of the biblical keys for future happiness with a member of the opposite sex. Addressing these principles, we begin with an article titled, "Sex, Dating and You!" After that comes "AIDS Can Be Stopped—Now!" which shows how obeying God can end this dreaded sexual disease. Next, we offer "A Dating Adventure" followed by "When Will God Provide a Mate for You?" The latter article is written by a young couple who have just celebrated their first wedding anniversary.
Rounding out this issue is the concluding article of our series, "Planning for Life," and our usual "Ask Youth Questions and Answers." We hope you enjoy and profit from reading this important material. YU
Related Information:
Table of Contents that includes "Learning About the Opposite Sex"
Other Articles by David Treybig
Keywords: sexual attraction opposite sex
Teens and dating: