Information Related to "Who Is My Neighbor?"
Beyond Today subscriptionAudio/Video
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September/October 2002

Vol.5, No. 8


Worldwide Weather Chaos: What Does It Mean?
by John Ross Schroeder

Restoration: Shadows of the World to Come
by Darris McNeely

Palestine/Israel--Whose Land Is It, Really? Part 2
by Cecil E. Maranville

The Citadel and the Caravan
by Melvin Rhodes

The Millennium, an Eternal Idea
by Darris McNeely

This Is the Way...Who Is My Neighbor
by Robin Webber

This Is the Way...
Who Is My Neighbor?

ll of us are challenged by this ever-changing world. For those of us who are middle-aged or older, society is much different from what we knew as children or even as young adults. For those of you who are young adults, the plain reality is that this is not "your grandfather's world." One of the great dynamics of our age is the number of new and different faces that are entering our lives whether through the media, in our schools or right next door in your neighborhood.

In one sense, the growing reality of globalization is pushing us together with people we have never dealt with before. The global neighborhood is getting crowded. Dynamic advances in technology, transportation and communication have brought new faces, accents and traditions into our everyday lives. Our comfortable world of "sameness" is being stretched, if not literally shaken.

This is no longer simply a New York, London or Los Angeles phenomenon, but it's happening everywhere--just look out the door, or pick up your local newspaper, or look at the names in your phone book. How we deal with "others" is going to be one of the great personal challenges of the 21st century. Society today is split on dealing with this issue of "others." In one sense, society has become more tolerant of people from different backgrounds. Today, we see much more interaction between different groups and an appreciation of others. Yet, at the same time, other parts of society are fragmenting into isolation and tribalism.

We find this in all the various racial and ethnic groups. "Balkanization" of nations, states, counties and cities is an ever-present dilemma facing responsible people. These two terms, globalization and balkanization are two very real dynamics that will affect your world, your church and yourself in the 21st century.

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Related Information:

Table of Contents that includes "Who Is My Neighbor?"
Other Articles by Robin Webber
Re-published from an earlier version
Keywords: globalization neighbors impartiality love of neighbor diversity tribalism 


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