"Y" - Subject Index
Y2k bug
- The Millennium Bug - Is the Threat Real? (l) - Concern that critical computer chips will cease to function at the beginning of the year 2000.
- World News Review July 1999 (l) - World news - July 1999
- World News Review May 1999 (l) - World news - May 1999
- The Lesson of Y2K: The 'Millennium Bug' (l) - How will Y2K effect us?
Yad Vashem
- A Stunning Memorial (l) - Hatred still exists in our world, the kind of hatred that could again erupt into another holocaust.
- Facing the Pain and Suffering (l) - The question is one for the ages and for all peoples who have suffered. Why did 6 million Jews die in the Holocaust?
- (l) - The following questions and answers represent issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
- Who Was Jesus? (booklet) (l) - The Logos [Word] was not only with God in the beginning, but was God (John 1:1), and it was this Logos who became flesh and is identified with Christ.
Yasser Arafat
- The 'Road Map' to Peace: Doomed From the Start? (l) - Few observers want peace in the Middle East more than the staff and publishers of The Good News. But we know that there is only one true path to peace -- and the players aren't on it. Yet the Bible does guarantee that peace will finally come to the Middle East.
Yasukuni Shrine
- War's Long Memory (l) - It is easy to suggest that war survivors should forgive their enemies, but it is not easy to do.
Year 1844
- Are You Preparing for Christ's Return? (l) - Jesus Christ's second coming can't be just a notion of a fantasy future. You must prepare spiritually for this real event!
Year 1848
- 1848, 1989, 2009-Could We See Another Year of Revolutions? (l) - For more than a century, 1848 was famously described as the Year of Revolutions, as nations all across Europe were convulsed by demonstrations and civil strife that led to the collapse of the old order. More than a hundred years passed before the same thing happened again at the fall of Russia's communist empire. As people continue to lose everything in the current economic turmoil and anger grows, precipitating massive demonstrations, could this be another year of revolutions?
Year 1918
- Could It Happen Again? (l) - Could a global catastrophe like the 1918 flu outbreak happen again? At the moment, it appears that the COVID-19 pandemic will not prove as deadly as first thought. But it has had a terrible global impact in various other ways. And much remains unknown.
Year 2000
- The Year 2000: Peril or Paradise? (l) - Is the world on a point of crisis as we approach 2000? And will that critical year serve as a stepping-stone to a glorious future?
- Approaching 2000: A Window on Today's World (l) - The end of the Cold War was heralded as a new dawn in history. But a plethora of troubles soon appeared. The new century has not shaken off the problems of the old one.
- Chaotic Start to a New Century: What Does It Mean? (l) - In many ways 2000 was not a good year. What does that tell us about where the world is headed?
Year 2012
- Is 2012 the End of the World? (l) - An ancient Mayan calendar mysteriously ends at the winter solstice in the year 2012. Is this a sign that the Mayans knew that December 2012 is the end of human history? The History Channel, Newsweek magazine, major movie studios, booksellers and dozens of Web sites are fanning the 2012 craze. Should you be building a shelter and stowing away food for the coming disaster?
- Will 2012 Bring the End of the World? (l) - It is claimed that an ancient Mayan calendar mysteriously ends at the winter solstice in the year 2012. Will that mark the end of human history? TV, magazines, major movie studios, booksellers and dozens of Web sites are fanning the 2012 craze. Does Bible prophecy reveal what's really coming?
- 2012 - End of the world? (l) - The end of the world will not come in 2012. The Bible makes this inarguably clear. Yet human beings from time immemorial have set dates for the end.
Year 2013
- Outlook for the Year Ahead (l) - What will the year 2013 bring mankind? Present trends indicate that we may be locked into a period of prolonged uncertainty, along with increasing social unrest and intensified conflicts.
- Yeast, Unleavened Bread and Pride (l) - The Days of Unleavened Bread are not just about avoiding bread and yeast. They teach us to receive God's nature and resist self-centeredness and spreading sin.
- What's Behind the Turmoil in Egypt? (l) - Recent headlines have been filled with accounts of riots, protests and demonstrations in several Middle Eastern countries. What's behind them? What does it all mean? Does Bible prophecy provide any clues?
- Current Events and Trends May/June 2018 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the May/June 2018 issue of Beyond Today.
- YHWH (l) - Studying how God reveals Himself in the Bible can be enlightening.
- Did Jesus Christ Claim to Be God? (l) - In addition to directly claiming in John 8:58 to be the "I AM" and having a Jewish crowd try to stone Him as a result (verse 59), as explained in this chapter, Jesus equated Himself with Yhwh of the Old Testament in other ways as well. Let's notice some of these.
- Jesus Christ: "The Rock" of the Old Testament (l) - The apostle Paul affirms that the God the Israelites of the Old Testament knew - the One they looked to as their "Rock" of strength (see Deuteronomy 32:4; Psalm 18:2) - was the One we know as Jesus Christ.
- Meekness and Gentleness: Strength With a Tender Touch (l) - The biblical qualities of meekness and gentleness are misunderstood and undervalued in today's society of extremes--where all too often people tend to angrily overreact or passively underreact.
- Yoga's a Stretch (l) - A study has found that the physical exercises in the discipline of yoga, an ancient practice of stretching and meditation from India, help to relieve pain in the lower back -- but that there is no evidence that the meditation element of yoga increases relief.
Yom Kippur War
- "Cold" Peace or Real Peace? (l) - A unique prophecy tells how Egypt, and other nations that resist the will of God, will be treated in the age to come.
- Golda Meir and Deborah the Judge (l) - The biographies of Deborah and Golda Meir provide lessons in leadership for all of us.
- Destination: Jerusalem (l) - In my lifelong vocation as a follower of Jesus Christ, I prepare my life and set my sights on a much grander spot that God wants each of us to experience - Jerusalem.
You are gods
- Deification As Children of God (l) - The wonderful truth laid out in this article (read the article "The Mystery of Human Existence: Why Are You Here?") will surely come as quite a shock to those who have heard only the traditional view of mainstream Christianity regarding the ultimate reward of the righteous.
Young adults
- Why I Serve at United Youth Camps (l) - Each year around 400 staff positions at United Youth Camps are filled by volunteers, including many young adults. United Youth Camps owe them a debt of gratitude for their willing service. Here are a few responses from young adults to the question of why they take the time off from work or classes and volunteer their time to serve at camp.
Young adults and church
- Some Young Adults Are Leaving Church (l) - What's their gripe? And what can you learn from this exodus from church?
Young at heart
- Do You Lack Enthusiasm? (l) - The secret of staying young of heart is found in this article. Learn it well.
Young earth
- Questions and Answers - Jul/Aug 2006 (l) - Answers to readers' questions. Jul/Aug 2006
- IR Bequeath Thee--Hopelessness! (l) - The popular teaching of evolution reared its ugly head over a century ago. Of all mankind's efforts to deny the one true God, this was perhaps the most devastating because it robs mankind of a purpose in life and hope for a future.
- Creation Week: Light on Day 1 but the Sun on Day 4? (l) - Genesis 1 makes more sense when we realize that the earth and sun were both created at an earlier time, and that the earth later became a lifeless, ruined wasteland.
- In Defense of an Ancient Universe (l) - Why do we believe, contrary to young-earth creationism, that the heavens and the earth are significantly older than the 6,000-year history of man?
- How Old Is the Earth? (l) - If you've explored this question, you've probably encountered conflicting messages—even among those who believe in the Creator. What does the Bible indicate?
Young leaders
- A New Magazine Is Born (l) - Vertical Thought: a magazine of understanding for tomorrow's leaders makes its debut as a new magazine for young people.
Young men
- Where Have All the Young Men Gone? (l) - What has happened to masculinity? How can a boy grow up and become a real man in a hostile world?
Young minds
- Young and Tender Things (l) - Do adults have a responsibility to guard the minds of the young?
Young people serving
- You're Never Too Young to Serve! (l) - "You're too young..." Most teens hear these words quite often. "You're too young too drive," "You're too young to drink," "You're to young to have a job,"etc. But there is one thing that a young person is never too young to do -- serve!
Your life a decade from now
- 2013: What Will It Be Like? (l) - 2013: What Will It Be Like? Where will you be in your life a decade from now?
Your word
- Promises, Promises! (l) - "No ifs, ands or buts," some will say! "Let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No'" (Matthew 5:37). We demand unconditional love and promise keeping. We consider a person of high value if he or she keeps to their word "come hell or high water."
- Are You Up for the Challenge? (l) - Life's greatest challenges are in every day decisions! Learning to choose wisely and learning from your experiences can prepare you for a rewarding future.
- Intelligence (l) - Is Intelligence the Most Important Factor for Success?
- The World's Most Wanted (l) - If God is our Father, doesn't it seem like a good idea to build an association with Him like our relationship with our physical father?
- Advice From Death Row (l) - The headlines are filled with shocking stories of violent crime. What's behind it? How does it occur? Listen to the words of an expert - written from death row.
- Youth Violence: Who's to Blame? (l) - What's behind the frightening epidemic of youth violence? The prophet Isaiah envisioned a time when children would oppress their elders. Are we living in those days?
- (l) - Why would we care whether our parents trust us or not?
Youth and friends
- Without Friends (l) - We all face times when a friend is hard to find. What can we do to remedy this difficult situation?
Youth and sex
- Sexual Myths, Sexual Reality (l) - Everyone knows that God created us as sexual beings. We also know that young people face tremendous pressures regarding sex. But who explains how and when a young person can best awaken his or her sexuality?
Youth camp
- United Youth Camps in French Speaking Africa (l) - Having previously served on the staff of United Youth Camps in the United States, my husband Daniel and I wondered what camp would be like in Togo and Cameroon.
- My Days at Preteen Camp (l) - Preteen Camp: It's a wonderful experience that shouldn't be missed. Look inside to see pictures and get more information on one of the U.S. preteen camps.
Youth destiny
- Your Destiny -- Teacher, Administrator? (l) - You might be working in a job field you don't expect...
Youth look to the future
- 2013: What Will It Be Like? (l) - 2013: What Will It Be Like? Where will you be in your life a decade from now?
Youth magazine
- (l) - Welcome to all of you to the new YOUTH United e-magazine.
- A New Magazine Is Born (l) - Vertical Thought: a magazine of understanding for tomorrow's leaders makes its debut as a new magazine for young people.
Youth unemployment
- Europe's "Lost Generation" (l) - While many economic experts have focused on the Greek debt crisis and the future of the euro, the plight of unemployed youth in Europe has received less attention. Rising numbers may embrace political extremism.
Youth United magazine
- (l) - Welcome to all of you to the new YOUTH United e-magazine.
- (l) - Youth United becomes new printed magazine: Vertical Thought
Youth violence
- Youth Violence: Where Does the Blame Lie? (l) - Violence has come to roost in the nation's youth. A biblical prophet envisioned a time when children would be our oppressors (Isaiah 3:12). Are we living in those days?
- Youth Violence: Where Does the Blame Really Lie? (l) - Violence has come to roost in the nation's youth. A biblical prophet envisioned a time when children would be our oppressors (Isaiah 3:12). Are we living in those days?
Youth, advice to
- Advice From Death Row (l) - The headlines are filled with shocking stories of violent crime. What's behind it? How does it occur? Listen to the words of an expert - written from death row.
- The Internet: As Heavy as a Strawberry (l) - A YouTube channel, Vsauce, has claimed that the Internet weighs about as much as a rather large strawberry - 50 grams.
- The War to End All Wars (l) - German philosopher Friedrich Hegel perhaps said it best when he noted that "the only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history."
- (l) - Europe is a patchwork quilt of ethnic groups, many demanding their own independence. The European makes their independence possible.
- Crisis In Kosovo - A Mixture of Iron and Clay? (l) - The Balkans has a long and complex history. What is the story behind the headlines?
- A Personal View of the Kosovo Conflict (l) - During the Kosovo war I've seen reports from people close to the conflict. Some of the reports are emotional and present points of view that are not orthodox, conventional, politically correct or even credible.
- "She's Ours" (l) - The example of a WWII Serbian orphan.
Yule feast
- Christmas: The Curious Origins of a Popular Holiday (l) - What do evergreen trees, reindeer, mistletoe and yule logs have to do with the birth of Jesus Christ? And was He really born on Dec. 25? You need to discover the real history of Christmas!
- Christmas Before Christ: The Surprising Truth! (l) - If you discovered that Christmas had nothing to do with Jesus Christ's birth and actually predates that event by centuries, would you still celebrate the holiday? And if you realized that the Bible reveals Holy Days commanded by God, would you celebrate them instead?
Yule log
- Is Christmas a Phony? (l) - Many Christmas customs can be traced back to the ancient worship of false gods.
Yushchenko, Viktor
- Ghana's Election Signifies Progress for Africa (l) - In Ukraine and Iraq there are problems with the electoral process. But in Ghana's recent election, the Fourth Republic seems to be working. Why does democracy work in some countries but not in others?
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