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Vertical Thought

January-March 2008

Where Do the Dinosaurs Fit? January - March 2008

IconEditorial: Vive la Différence!
Most of us figure out pretty quickly that guys and girls just aren't wired the same.

IconDid God Intend a Difference?
Opinions abound, but let's see what the Bible has to say about the roles of men and women.

IconThe Honorable Role of Men
Godly husbands will treat their wives and children with affection and provide spiritual leadership.

IconThe Honorable Role of Women
The truth is that the Bible describes the role of women as one of great honor and worth.

IconWhere Have All the Young Men Gone?
What has happened to masculinity? How can a boy become a real man in a hostile world?

IconFeminism's Fatal Flaw
The feminist minority: Why do women reject a movement that claims to advance their rights?

IconCareers and Motherhood: Maximizing Your Options
Choices made earlier in life have a significant impact on the opportunities that will come later.

IconWhat Guys Need to Know Before Marriage
If you don't know what you want in life, how will you know if you have found the person to join you on this journey?

IconWhat Girls Need to Know Before Marriage
How can you learn what it takes to have the kind of happy marriage we all dream of?

IconAre You Up for the Challenge?
Life's greatest challenges are in everyday decisions! Learning to choose wisely can prepare you for a rewarding future.

IconWhere Do the Dinosaurs Fit?
Figuring out when the dinosaurs lived relative to man isn't really so difficult.

IconIn the News...
News of interest to teens and young adults from a biblical perspective.

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