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Good News cover


Good News magazine

November/December 2007
Vol. 12, Number 6

Editorial: Addictions and Interventions
A Good News editorial

Cover Story

Breaking Free From Addictions
The curse of addictions takes an enormous toll on people and society as a whole. Addictions take many forms and often are very destructive. How do addictions begin? What thought processes affect an addict and make it so difficult for him or her to kick the addiction? And most important of all, how can a person break free?

Drug Abuse: A Major Health Problem
Student Reports of Availability of Drugs
The 12 Steps of Narcotics Anonymous

An Addict's Story: What's at the Root of Addictions?
What are the factors that can lead a person into addiction? Understanding those factors and how they reinforce each other is a first step to breaking free of many addictions, says one who has been there.

400 Years After Jamestown: Where Did the Bible Go?
Few can even remember when the Word of God was revered in Britain and the United States, but only a century ago it was considered the source of the "ennobling ideals" that united both nations.

Can You Break the Cycle of Generational Dysfunction?
Often some of our deepest personal problems are rooted in something we can't control—dysfunctional family behavioral patterns that came before us. But we can can choose life and good things!

Timothy Was Blessed for His Mother's and Grandmother's Faithfulness

The Greatest Addiction of All
Addictions to drugs and alcohol are difficult enough to face and manage. But the one addiction that is greater than all addictions is unknown to most people. Thankfully, it can be overcome.

What's Behind the Magnetic Pull of the Christmas Season?
Christmas is a feel-good time with holiday music filling the air, brightly decorated trees, Santa Claus and family togetherness. But does the season have a strong, magnetic pull that goes unnoticed by most?

Are We Living in a "9/10" Economy?
Global financial markets were rocked recently following rising defaults affecting mortgage-backed securities. What does this mean? Could the world be on the verge of a major upheaval in the global economy?

... And Children Are From Pluto
If men are from Mars and women are from Venus, sometimes it seems children are from someplace even farther out. What can parents do to improve interplanetary communications and relations?


Regular Features

World News and Trends
An overview of conditions around the world.

Letters From Our Readers
Readers of The Good News share their thoughts.

Questions and Answers
Answers to readers' questions

Youth Focus From Vertical Thought
The God Debate



Where did the Christmas holiday come from? How did it begin, and why? Does it really honor Jesus Christ and celebrate His birth, or is there more to the story that most people don't know?

Did you realize that historians (and the Bible) agree that Jesus Christ wasn't born anywhere near Dec. 25 ?

Did you know that this particular date was well known for its pagan religious celebrations long before Jesus Christ was born?

What does a jolly old man in a fur-trimmed red suit (who supposedly lives at the North Pole and is assisted by elves!) have to do with the birth of the Son of God? And what about reindeer and a flying sleigh?

How much do you know about the origin of the Christmas tree? How did holly come to be connected with the holiday, and why is mistletoe supposedly good for kissing?

Few people know why they believe or do the things they do— especially when it comes to their religious beliefs and practices. If you want to discover the real facts about the strange history of this popular holiday, request your free copy of Holidays or Holy Days: Does It Matter Which Days We Keep? This eye-opening booklet is waiting for you!

In this free booklet you can discover the shocking truths about several of the world's most popular holidays. Perhaps even more surprising is how they came to be connected with Jesus Christ and the Christian religion!



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