"Z" - Subject Index

Alphabetic Index:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
  1. A Dinner Invitation (l) - What goes through your mind as you prepare for a dinner guest?
  1. (l) - The African nation of Zimbabwe recently celebrated 30 years of independence. The transition from Rhodesia to Zimbabwe was not an easy one. How do those Rhodesians who stayed fare now? Returning to the country after 21 years, I had a very enlightening, thought-provoking and deeply touching visit.
  2. WIIFM - What's In It For Me? (l) - It sounds like it could be a local radio station, but WIIFM is actually the acronym for a question many people are asking today.
  3. The Luangwa Elephants: A Lesson for All (l) - Depredations of the elephant herds of northern Zambia by poaching led to a breakdown of the social structure of these magnificent creatures. Their experience holds sad and sobering lessons for people as well.
  4. Current Events & Trends- July/August 2018 (l) - An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the July/August 2018 issue of Beyond Today.
  5. Ukakachira! A Story of Faith in Our Time (l) - Stories of amazing faith and perseverance are not limited to the Bible and Bible times. Such stories still happen, and in the most amazing places and circumstances!
  1. Zechariah's Tomb? (l) - Israeli archeologists have begun excavations on a 1,300-year-old church in Khirbet Midras (also spelled Hirbet or Horbat Madras), near Beit Shemesh in west central Israel.
Zedekiah's daughters
  1. More Links to David (l) - Besides what we've already seen, there are other corroborating factors connecting the line of David with Ireland.
Zedekiah's seal
  1. God, Science and the Bible 11/2008 (l) - News from the world of science about God and the Bible.
  1. The New World Disorder: Where Is It Taking Us? (l) - Why does the world seem to be crumbling into chaos? Can we restrain the forces of anarchy? Is it possible to right the course of our severely straying civilization and solve our problems? Sadly, we seem to have no comprehension of the unseen spiritual forces arrayed against us, and we either reject or ignore the God who offers the only viable solutions to the enormous problems afflicting our troubled age.
  1. Appendix 9: The Lion and the Unicorn (l) - Britain's heraldic imagery takes on great significance in light of the true biblical identity of the British people and their royal family.
  2. Only One Place to Go (l) - How God would fulfill the specific promises to David, who was descended from Perez?
  3. The Scepter Promise (l) - What is the scepter promise and to whom does it belong?
  1. Fall of Israel and Judah (l) - Because of Solomon's disobedience, God split the nation into two kingdoms following his death in about 930 B.C. (1 Kings 11-12).
Zeus as Judah
  1. Appendix 3: Aegean Royal Lines From Zerah (l) - A brief history of the Aegan Royal lines from Zerah.
  1. Zika virus - the latest health scare (l) - According to the World Health Organization, the mosquito-borne Zika virus is now an international health emergency.
  1. A Study in Contrasts (l) - Over a month after the voting, the results of the Zimbabwe presidential election still have not been officially announced. The autocratic president of Zimbabwe, who has been in power for almost three decades since the fall of Rhodesia, is clearly reluctant to hand over power. The current government has turned the breadbasket of Africa into an economic disaster with the highest inflation rate in the world. It raises the question: Why did Rhodesia work when Zimbabwe doesn't?
  2. Pray for the Peace of Zimbabwe (l) - In Zimbabwe, a once rich and prosperous southern African country, an entire nation is being devoured by its own government.
  3. (l) - The African nation of Zimbabwe recently celebrated 30 years of independence. The transition from Rhodesia to Zimbabwe was not an easy one. How do those Rhodesians who stayed fare now? Returning to the country after 21 years, I had a very enlightening, thought-provoking and deeply touching visit.
  4. Reversal of Fortune for Two African Countries (l) - Once one of the most unstable of African countries, Ghana is now a model of stability and success. What turned Ghana around in the past 20 years? What lessons are there in its success story for the other struggling African nations?
  5. World News Review April/May 2000 (l) - World news - Apr/May 2000
  6. Africa: What's Behind the Zimbabwe Land Crisis? (l) - When we examine the causes of wide-spread tragedies, we shouldn't ignore the impact of peoples decisions and actions.
  7. Could We Lose the War on Terror? (l) - A quarter century ago a nation in some ways not that different from the United States and Britain lost a war on terror. What lessons can we learn from that conflict so history does not repeat itself?
  8. An Overview of Conditions Around the World - May/Jun 2000 (l) - A brief synopsis of world events.
Zimbabwe, agriculture in
  1. Africa: What's Behind the Zimbabwe Land Crisis? (l) - When we examine the causes of wide-spread tragedies, we shouldn't ignore the impact of peoples decisions and actions.
Zimbabwe, farmers in
  1. Africa: What's Behind the Zimbabwe Land Crisis? (l) - When we examine the causes of wide-spread tragedies, we shouldn't ignore the impact of peoples decisions and actions.
  1. What Are Ahmadinejad's Aims? (l) - What's really behind Iran's nuclear program? Is something much bigger at work, something that becomes clear when we look more deeply into the Iranian president's religious beliefs? And does the Bible provide us with understanding regarding the future of the war-torn Middle East?
  2. Israel at 70 (l) - As modern Israel turns 70, we look back at what led up to the amazing reestablishment of a Jewish state in the Holy Land after centuries of exile, and the struggle endured since -- and ahead to promises and yearning yet unfulfilled.
  3. Palestine/Israel -- Whose Land Is It, Really? (l) - Some claim that the Palestinians have been forced off their land and that they have been deprived of what is rightfully theirs. Others maintain that the Israelis have a legitimate entitlement to their nation, including the lands seized in war action. Whose land is it, really? Frankly, the answer may surprise you.
  4. Israel's Amazing Story: Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy (l) - As American writer Saul Bellow asked, "What is it that led the Jews to place themselves, after the greatest disaster in their history [the Holocaust], in a danger zone?" The surprising truth is that Jewish rule over Jerusalem is an essential element of end-time biblical prophecy!
  5. Restoration (9/01) (l) - United Nations Commission on Human Rights held a weeklong conference in Durban, South Africa. Officially, the conference was called, "The World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance." Unfortunately, the conference was marred from the opening day by efforts to label Zionism in general, and Israel in particular, as racist.
Zionist movement
  1. Israel at 50: A Saga of War and Peace (l) - Much of Israel's 50-year history is a chronicle of wars and other conflicts with her Arab neighbors. What does the future hold for this nation?
  1. (l) - Questions and answers represent issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
  1. Take a Vacation from the World - Part 2 (l) - Soaking up the world of summer camp!
  1. Deadly Pandemics Threaten Mankind (l) - Did you know that "sixty per cent of all human infectious diseases are caused by either wild or domestic animals"?

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