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Vertical Thought

January-March 2011
In this issue of Vertical Thought January - March 2011

Vantage Point: If You Had Only One Book...
If you were stranded on a desert island and could have only one book to read, what would it be? Other than one on how to survive on a desert island or how to get off a desert island, what would you choose?

Your Bible Is 400 Years Old
The groundbreaking King James Version of the Bible was completed in 1611.

How the Bible Was Written

Types of Bible Translations

Is the Bible Still Relevant in the 21st Century?
The Bible is almost 3,500 years old. How can anything so ancient have any relevance today?

Keys to Understanding the Bible
How can one make sense of the Word of God? Here are a few basics.

What's in It for Me?
Many people today ask themselves WIIFM?

Money Management 101
In this tough economy, here are some tips for saving and spending your hard-earned cash.

Porn Causes Brain Damage
In today's culture, porn is not going away. You can avoid the damage this sin causes.

A Life Without Regrets?
Most of us have some regrets that affect us, our family and friends. How can you minimize them in your life?

Life on Campus: Creating Spiritual Routines
With all the demands and expectations placed on a college student today,
how is it possible to fit in time for God?

In the News...
News of interest to teens and young adults from a biblical perspective.

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