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Vertical Thought

October-December 2007

Good Thoughts and Your Computer October - December 2007

IconEditorial: Self-Esteem or Self-Worth?
In the 1980s the self-esteem movement began sweeping through society. It was assumed that people needed a healthy dose of compliments--regardless of their performance or actions--in order to be happy and successful.

IconSpiritual Quotient: The Type of Smarts We Don't Learn in School
The understanding of life's purpose is an important but often neglected part of intelligence.

IconBuilding a Better Relationship With God
Here are five tools that can help us build a stronger, closer friendship with God.

IconThe God Debate
Can atheists "prove" there is no God? We consider the claims of two atheist writers, Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens.

IconEcclesiastes: The Thinking Young Adult's Guide to Life
The Bible is filled with special treasures. Here is a great book addressing some of the most important issues of life.

IconCollateral Damage: The Darwin Bomb
What seems like a good idea at the moment doesn't always turn out to be a good idea in the long run. So it is with the theory of evolution.

IconAbsolute Truth: A Matter of Opinion?
As a college student my core beliefs were challenged. How would you respond to the question of whether there is absolute truth or not?

IconIntelligent Design's Sherlock Holmes
Here is the amazing story of a professor who did some detective work to determine if the universe was intelligently designed.

IconGood Thoughts and Your Computer
Playing computer games is a common pastime for many young people. Unfortunately, there are pitfalls to some cyber fun.

IconWhen I Rule the World
Not observing popular holidays and keeping the Sabbath were awkward for me. When I was young, I talked big; later, a conversation with my parents helped me understand.

IconIn the News...
News of interest to teens and young adults from a biblical perspective.

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