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Vertical Thought

January-March 2004

A Touchy Subject

Icon: Higher Level Dating: Don't Be an Animal

Higher Level Dating: Don't Be an Animal!
This issue of Vertical Thought focuses on the higher, godly values regarding dating and sex. In the various articles you will find biblical principles and practical suggestions for applying God's instructions.

Icon: How Do You Recover From a Costly Mistake?

How Do You Recover From a Costly Mistake?
Sometimes people make mistakes. If you've already had sexual intercourse prior to marriage, you aren't doomed to failure. Find out how God says you can recover.

Icon: Touchy Subject

A Touchy Subject
Everyone knows that contact with the opposite sex is fun, and young people often ask, "Just how far can a Christian go without sinning?" The time to make decisions about physical contact is before you get in a touchy situation. Making a decision on the fly with no forethought is a recipe for going too far.

Icon: Touchy Subject

What's Going on Under the Skin: What Touch Can Trigger
Is it real love, or are you just feeling powerful brain chemicals stoked by the touch of that special someone? Neurologists have studied the biological and chemical changes that can be brought about by sexual desire, infatuation or love—all of which can be intensified by touch.

Icon: True Dating: What Guys and Girls Want

True Dating: What Guys and Girls Want
From I Kissed Dating Goodbye to I Gave Dating a Chance, the books about dating in the Christian realm run the gamut, with all of them saying they have biblical backing for their approach. Which is truly right in God's eyes?

Icon: The Dating Debate

The Dating Debate
Some experts say, "Don't Date." Others say, "It's no problem. Go ahead." What should a Christian do? Is there any way to harmonize the conflicting advice?

Icon: Q & A

The following questions and answers represent issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.

Icon: In the News...

In the News...
News of interest to teens and young adults from a biblical perspective. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

To Date, or Not to Date?
There was a time in my life when I would have died before admitting that my parents had given me good advice. I can still remember that moment when I...

Dating Outside the Faith
"Why can't I just go out for fun?! Just for a movie? It's not like we're going to get married." I was so frustrated with my parents. This was the first guy...

Letters From Ukraine
There are life-changing opportunities that only come along once. LifeNet's Chernobyl Trip 2003 was one such opportunity...

What is Faith?
What is faith and what do you need to believe? The Bible shows faith comes in different forms... -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Up to You
compiled by Andrea Pacelli

The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. Let us move forward with strong and active faith.
Franklin D. Roosevelt

All things are possible until they are proved impossible—even the impossible may only be so as of now. – Pearl S. Buck

A complete revaluation takes place in your physical and mental being when you’ve laughed and had some fun. – Catherine Ponder

Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance.
Samuel Johnson

To accomplish great things we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe. – Anatole France

There is not enough darkness in the world to extinguish the light of one small candle.
Spanish Proverb

Some people merely dream of success, while others wake up and work hard at it with God. – Anthony Pacelli

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