Information Related to "Getting off the Sexual Merry-Go-Round"
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Before the 1960s and its sexual revolution that tossed out traditional morality, it was generally believed that the ideal sexual
relationship was a special romantic bond between a husband and a wife. Today, according to television commercials touting male enhancement drugs, it seems that everyone is concerned with sexual performance as if it were a competitive sport.
The sexual revolution was supposed to free us from shame and outdated ideas about human sexuality, and everyone was going to enjoy a kind of sexual Disneyland where we'd go from one thrill to another. But it's time to face the facts: Decades later, the sexual revolution thrill ride has derailed.
The sexual revolution didn't free women to experience more meaningful relationships; it freed men and women to separate sex from commitment. They could now go from partner to partner without personal responsibility or emotional attachment.
Any single mom knows how difficult it is to raise a child without a partner. But there's also the risk of sexually transmitted diseases. An estimated 45 million people in the United States are infected with genital herpes-a number that's growing by a million new cases a year.
It's estimated that this year 25 percent-one in four-of sexually active teens will contract a sexually transmitted disease. These numbers are too large for most of us to wrap our minds around-unless you're one of those suffering from an STD.
How much heartache have you endured because of broken relationships? Have you given up on that deep longing for a committed, lifetime, romantic relationship because meaningless sexual encounters have left you feeling hopeless or bitter?
If you want to get off the sexual merry-go-round, you must take control of your life and set new standards for yourself. It all begins by understanding God's purpose for your life and the beautiful mystery of human sexuality.
God created you because He wants children-sons and daughters. To be His child is your purpose in life. He created you as one of a kind-a person with a unique combination of talents and traits. By accepting your Creator's way and giving up self-destructive lifestyles, you will discover that human sexuality is more than simple recreation or a means for having babies.
Marriage is one of the first divine institutions God gave to humankind, and human sexuality was designed to be a wonderful relationship enjoyed in marriage. If you want to change your life and discover how to have a committed, lifelong, loving marriage, you must first get off the sexual merry-go-round and become committed to renewed virginity -completely avoiding any kind of sex outside of marriage.
So now what? Are you to join a monastery and dedicate your life to a dreary state of abstinence? Think about this: Many of us spend 12 years going to school, and often an additional four to eight years learning a career. What if you dedicated just a fraction of your time preparing for marriage? Most people get married with more knowledge of how to take care of a pet than of how to have a successful marriage!
Successful lifelong marriages don't happen by accident. And a successful marriage not only affects your and your spouse's happiness, but the happiness of your children. The primary cause of poverty in the Western world is single women trying to raise children without the benefit of dad.
You can stay on the sexual merry-go-round if you wish. And maybe you'll avoid getting AIDS or gonorrhea. Maybe you won't get pregnant. But the unseen emotional scars are just as devastating. Too much heartache, too many casual encounters, too many morning-after anxieties, and a person can feel almost emotionally incapable of experiencing a meaningful relationship.
The only safe sex is between a husband and wife committed to each other in a lifelong relationship. In today's society that may sound trite, but remember that you can't solve your problems with the same old solutions or you'll simply arrive at the same old problems.
If you want to experience a lifelong, loving relationship, then you're going to have to do some things differently in your life. Get off the sexual merry-go-round. Discover your Creator's purpose for you. Go to the Bible and learn what marriage is really all about.
If you're struggling with the guilt of abortion, heartache from living a wrong sexual lifestyle or the shame of having an STD, your life can change.
Renewed virginity isn't just a quaint, unrealistic catchphrase. You must accept that your lifestyle has been self-destructive and against the way of life your Creator designed. Ask for His forgiveness, and then you can begin a renewed life-a renewed life as a child of God. You can become a disciple of Jesus Christ. Not just a believer, but a real disciple, a dedicated student who imitates the teachings of the Master.
God designed marriage, and the sexual relationship within marriage, as a gift for you. God didn't intend sex as just a means of procreation. It's meant to be part of the loving, unique relationship between a husband and wife.
Are you ready to commit to what God wants for you and experience real happiness? GN
Marriage and
Family: The Missing Dimension
The joy of a happy marriage blessed with loving, respectful children is a dream
of most men and women. Traditionally, marriage has been an exclusive bond between
a man and a woman. Yet in recent years this pattern has been changing. Looking
at the state of marriage today leaves no doubt that the institution is under
serious attack. A crisis in child rearing has developed in part because of the
crisis in marriages. So what are the keys to a happy, successful marriage and
family? Inside this booklet, you will explore the path God reveals and steps
you can take to enjoy the universal dream of a happy, successful marriage and
Everyone knows about the similarities between animal and human sexuality,
but what about the differences? And what are the implications of those
We live in a world saturated with sex. But are we missing an unrealized
dimension when it comes to sex and marriage? When and how did sex originate—and
Slide Into Sexual Immorality
We are now some 30 years into the sexual revolution that began in the
1960s. What has been the impact on society? What are the implications for
the future?
Seventh Commandment: Protect the Marital Relationship
Unless the natural desires that attract us to members of the opposite
sex are channeled exclusively toward a loving marriage relationship, the
temptation to engage in sexual immorality can easily overpower our self-control.
This weakness is the focus of the Seventh Commandment.
Outside of Marriage: What's the Big Deal?
The sexual revolution of the '60s encouraged us to liberate ourselves
from old sexual taboos. Millions did. What have we learned?
No civilization in history has ever survived the collapse of sexual
morality and the resulting destruction of the family. Once a nation starts
down that path, the result has always been the same. Which is more important
to you—a moral happy meal or a moral, happy family?
Moral Downturn: What Lies Ahead?
Does morality matter? What are the long-term consequences when a nation's
moral foundation crumbles?
Sex: The Silent Epidemic That's Killing Our Kids
Sweeping the world, this silent epidemic is largely ignored by most
Western governments—except for misguided programs that often make
this devastating problem even worse. Most parents have little idea how
bad this epidemic is, much less how to fight it—yet solid biblical
solutions exist.
Is It Worth It?
Many people mistakenly think everyone is having sex before marriage,
but the facts show otherwise—with good cause.
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Related Information:
Table of Contents that includes "Getting off the Sexual Merry-Go-Round"
Other Articles by Gary Petty
Origin of article "Getting off the Sexual Merry-Go-Round"
Keywords: sexual merry-go-round sexual revolution virginity, renewed sex, meaning in