Information Related to "Questions and Answers - May/Jun 2005"
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Question: I am a 32-year-old mother of two and have been married for four years. I was raised pagan and have always felt that the path chosen for me was the wrong one. I want to follow the right path but do not know where to start. I am not even sure that God will want me since I have been pagan for so long. I need assistance to get on the right path. It wasn't until I received a card in the mail for The Good News and went to your Web site that I gained the courage to write and ask for help.
—M.O., San Bernardino, California
Answer: We're glad to hear that our publications and Web site have encouraged you to begin asking questions about God and His right way of life.
Rest assured that our Creator is determined to give everyone an opportunity for salvation (1 Timothy 2:3-4; 2 Peter 3:9), regardless of their background. It is definitely not too late for you. God has called and begun working with many people who are far older than you are now, and from far worse backgrounds. Notice Jesus' attitude: "Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom" (Luke 12:32).
To begin to follow the right path in life, often the first step is to firmly prove the existence of God. Two in-depth booklets on this subject, Life's Ultimate Question: Does God Exist? and Creation or Evolution: Does It Really Matter What You Believe?, are available free at our Web site, Another important beginning task is to prove to yourself that the Bible is God's Word. Is the Bible True? (available free at the same Web site) addresses this important issue. These are basic questions that every person needs to address.
Another recommendation is our Bible Study Course. This 12-lesson course takes you systematically through all the major biblical doctrines. Still another valuable tool is our Bible Reading Program, which can be accessed at You will discover that God has a plan and purpose for every human being. That includes you and your family. His awesome purpose for you is described in another free booklet,
Finally, we recommend another free publication that outlines the steps a person must take to develop a personal relationship with God. Request or download Transforming Your Life: The Process of Conversion. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.
Question: Do people really have a choice with salvation? The rewards are great, but the standard to reach is very high and it seems that many will fail (Matthew 7:14).
—Yorkshire, England
Answer: We should first understand that the Bible consistently presents salvation in a very positive manner. God created human beings in His own image (Genesis 1:26-27) and He gives us freedom of choice (Deuteronomy 30:19).
You mentioned that Matthew 7:14 indicates that many will fail in their quest for salvation. It reads: "Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it." Since the Bible interprets the Bible, this passage should be viewed as applying during this age of man to the firstfruits of God, those few who are given an opportunity for salvation now. The "few" are the firstfruits and the "many" are those whom God isn't calling at this time.
Most don't find this narrow gate simply because they can't. Jesus said that no one can come to Him unless "the Father who sent Me draws him [or her]" (John 6:44,65). Matthew 7:14 is simply telling us that only a relative few are being called now. The apostle Peter tells us that it is the Church that is being judged at this time (1 Peter 4:17). The members of the Church—elsewhere called "the firstfruits" of God (1 Corinthians 15:20,23; 16:15)—have real choice during this present age.
The broad majority of human beings do not have that same opportunity or choice at this time. They will have that choice at a later time during the millennial reign of Christ and during the time of the Great White Throne Judgment that follows (Revelation 20:1-5,11-13). Our free booklet God's Holy Day Plan: The Promise of Hope for All Mankind explains the chronology of events in much more detail. Please request or download your free copy.
The plan of salvation revealed through the biblical Holy Days highlights the important time factor. Salvation becomes available to humanity in a specified order (1 Corinthians 15:22-24)—the firstfruits of God now in this age, followed by the vast majority of people during the age to come.
God is very positive about our salvation. The apostle Paul said to the brethren at Philippi: "Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ" (Philippians 1:6, emphasis added). God has all the resources in the universe at His command to help us. Nothing is impossible for Him (Genesis 18:14), but He wants us to choose His way voluntarily. He will not save us against our wills.
But even for the relative few who choose to reject God's offer of salvation, their punishment will not be everlasting life in the fires of hell. The wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). Our free booklet Heaven and Hell: What Does the Bible Really Teach? explains this biblical truth in great detail.
Focusing on the many positive passages of Scripture is essential. For instance, Jesus Christ said that His crucifixion would draw all peoples to Himself (John 12:32-33). And the apostle Paul said, "All Israel will be saved" (Romans 11:26).
Paul also tells us that God "desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth" (1 Timothy 2:4). Peter explains that "the Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9). Of course, in all of these passages we must remember the time factor and that He is not trying to save all men, women and children in this age.
God is the ultimate victor and He will save the vast majority of mankind. For further knowledge about how you can be saved, please request or download our free booklets The Road to Eternal Life and Transforming Your Life: The Process of Conversion.
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Keywords: salvation questions and answers
Salvation, means to: