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Good News cover
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Can you believe the Bible? What is this book, really? Is it only a collection of ancient legends and literature, as many believe? What about scientific discoveries that "disprove" the Bible? What about historical and archaeological finds—do they contradict the Bible, or confirm it?

These are crucial questions. Humanity faces challenges that threaten our very existence, yet all too often we ignore the one source that actually has the answers. Shouldn't we, then, check to see if this source really is true?

Discover the truth for yourself in Is the Bible True? It explores these vital questions and helps you find the answers.


July/August 2004
Vol. 9, Num. 4

Our Cultural Battlegrounds
A Good News editorial

Cover Story

The Battle Over the Bible
A cultural clash is ripping at the fabric of Western societies. It affects politics, education, entertainment, the courts and many other aspects of life. It's most pronounced in the United States, where history is being rewritten and culture reshaped in a battle that would have been unthinkable in the nation's early years—a battle over the Bible.

Feature Articles

Can You Prove the Bible Is True?
Research shows that belief in the Bible as the inspired Word of God is plummeting. What about you—do you have doubts about it? Consider these intriguing proofs that show that the Bible is indeed what it claims to be.

The Bible Under the Microscope

Could We Lose the War on Terror?
It wasn't that long ago that a nation in some ways not that different from the United States and Britain lost its war on terror. What can the West learn from that conflict so we don't see history repeat itself?

The Horsemen of Revelation: The Pale Horse of Pestilence
In earlier articles we've covered the meaning of the first three of the horsemen of Revelation—religious deception, war and famine. Now we come to the fourth. What does the pale horse and its rider signify?

Ronald Reagan: In His Own Words
In the wake of his recent death, hundreds of articles have been written about former U.S. President Ronald Reagan. How did his religious beliefs shape his character and ultimately influence much of the world?

Has the Bible Been Preserved Accurately?
Some Bible critics argue that we should disregard the Bible, claiming that our modern versions cannot match the original texts from 1,900 or more years ago. But how does this argument stand up to scrutiny?

Why Are There Differences in Ancient New Testament Manuscripts?

William Tyndale: He Gave His Life to Give Us the Bible
Do we understand and appreciate what it took to give us the Bible? The English-speaking world owes much to William Tyndale, who, almost four centuries ago, risked—and gave—his life to give us the Bible.

William Tyndale and the Apostle Paul

Regular Features

World News and Trends
An Overview of Conditions Around the World.

Letters From Our Readers
Readers of The Good News share their thoughts.

Just for Youth...
Christian Values Under Attack: Will Yours Survive the College Challenge?

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