Hymn of Unity

1.   How good and how pleasant when brethren dwell together In unity sharing
     the love of God forever; As oil to flow from head to toe down Aaron's
     beard and robe, And as the dew on holy hills, the Lord's blessing evermore
     shall show.

2.   Though many the members to each the Spirit giveth The gifts for each
     function so that the body liveth, For eye, or ear, or hand, 'tis clearly nothing
     of its own, But with the Lord as head the members do what each cannot do

3.   The Lord shall be seeking His bride when He returneth, His wife in white
     linen, the Church for whom He yearneth; As we await the wedding great so
     let us strive to be Jerusalem bedecked with gems of truth, love and light for
     all to see!

Music: 187_Hymn_of_Unity.mp3
Vocal: 187_Hymn_of_Unity.mp3