Praise the Lord
1. Praise the Lord, our God in heaven, ruling from His throne on high;
Thunders, lightnings, sea of crystal, ever veiled from mortal eye. Angels
praising, voices raising, to the great Eternal One High enthroned in rainbow
splendor, brighter than the noonday sun.
2. Praise the Lord, our great Creator, stretching forth a mighty hand; Fiery
suns and distant planets, moving all at His command. Tempests roaring,
mountains soaring, witness to His pow'r and might; All the pomp and pride
of nations are as nothing in His sight.
3. Praise the Lord, our loving Shepherd, calling to His flock by name;
Guarding from the wolf and stranger, watching o'er the weak and lame.
Gently chiding, firmly guiding, leading thro' the dark and cold; Bringing
sheep of every pasture to the one eternal fold.
Music: 159_Praise_the_Lord.mp3
Vocal: 159_Praise_the_Lord.mp3