Go Into the World
1. Go into the world, and preach to ev'ry nation. Teach all people to obey
what He has commanded. Baptize His disciples; they shall be God's sons,
And so He shall be with us, forever to the end.
2. Go into the world, and live by His example. You shall be a light to all, like
a sparkling city. Grow as His disciples; you shall be God's sons, And so He
shall be with us, forever to the end.
3. Go into the world, and be a faithful witness. Strive to live by ev'ry word 'til
we are perfected. God will give His Spirit; we shall be God's sons, And so
He shall be with us, forever to the end.
Music: 152_Go_Into_the_World.mp3
Vocal: 152_Go_Into_the_World.mp3